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Y4 Visit to The Centre For Life

Dear Parent/Carer, The children in Y4 will be going on an educational visit to The Centre for Life, Newcastle on Friday 23rd May 2014. The visit is linked to our topic on Ancient Egypt and the children will be taking part in a workshop, as well as visiting other parts of the Centre. We are sure the children will find this an enjoyable experience. The school will cover the transport costs of the visit with the support of our PTA, FIMPS. The cost will be 7.00 per child. This is a voluntary contribution but, if costs are not met by contributions, the visit may have to be cancelled. Cheques can be made payable to Ingleby Mill Private Fund. The children will leave school at 9.00am and return to school in time for the end of the school day, traffic permitting. All children will require a packed lunch that day. If your child usually has a school dinner, a packed lunch will be provided by school. Please sign and return the permission slip below, along with payment, as soon as possible. Your child will be expected to wear school uniform on this visit. As part of the fun of the visit, the children will be allowed to visit the gift shop. We request that your child brings no more than 3.50, which will be enough for them to buy a small souvenir of their visit. The children need to bring their money in a small purse or wallet and will be expected to take responsibility for it. Yours faithfully Y4 staff.

K. Whitney

S. Punch

R. Hamblett

I agree to my child_________________(name) attending the visit to The Centre for Life, Newcastle Friday 23rd May 2014. I enclose a contribution of 7.00 towards the total cost. Signed_____________________ Date____________

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