Revision Worksheet

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REVISION WORKSHEET- Verb Tenses I. Use present Simple or Continuous: 1. The boys .. to football on every week-end.

a) are going b) go c) gone 2. She .her homework at the moment. a) isnt doing b) dont do c) dont 3) the cinema tonight. a) doesnt go b) arent going c) went !. The teacher "s to st"dy more. a) is wanting b) want c) wants #. $very day we cereals at breakfast. a) eat b) are eating c) eats II. Use present perfect simple of t e !erb in br"c#ets: %ately & . ' reali(e) that friends are very im)ortant in someones life. & ..'*"st+ not come) to this if things werent clear to me. They.. 'be) and . 'stand) ne,t to me since childhood. &.. 'not+ ask) for more. III. $"st simple or continuous% 1) e.'sit). at the breakfast table when the doorbell. .'ring) 2) -e 'meet) a lot of friendly )eo)le while he. 'work) in .alifornia. 3) hen they 'leave) the m"se"m/ the s"n. .'shine) !) The st"dents.')lay) cards when the teacher.'come) in. #) hile the children'slee)) / their )arents..'watch) T0. &0) $ut t e !erbs in br"c#ets bot in t e present continuous form "n& in t e 'oin' to future form 1) 1hili)).1# ne,t ednesday. (to be) 2) Theya new com)"ter.& saw them at the s")ermarket yesterday. (to get) 3) & think my mother..this .2. (to like) !) 1a"l3s sister..a baby. (to have) #) 4 ell/ theyat abo"t ! in the afternoon. (to arrive) &0. rite sentences in 1ast sim)le "sing the following verbs5 be( be'in( come( 'o( &rin#( re"&( )rite( spe"#( #no).

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