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Annotated Bibliography

Francis, Theo. "The Affordable Care Act: An Annotated Timeline." Physician Executive 39.6 (2013): 64-67. Business Source Premier. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. Information on the Affordable Care Act, the implementation of health insurance exchanges and how the health care law would affect doctors and medical practices. Some indications of the law include establishing scholarship funds and loan repayment programs and standardized billing. Also, the author refers to some measures that could expand insurance coverage including state health insurance exchanges and individual mandate. I chose this article because it gives a brief overview and timeframe for the mandate.

Ghosh, Chandak. "Affordable Care Act: Strategies To Tame The Future." Physician Executive 39.6 (2013): 68-70. Business Source Premier. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. The author offers guidelines to physician executives on adapting to the impact of the Affordable Care Act. I chose this article because he addresses the areas where most physicians will experience the impact of it including increase in the number of insured patients, patient visit and exposing Medicare fraud and reimbursement recovery.

Custer, William S. "Risk Adjustment And The Affordable Care Act." Journal Of Financial Service Professionals 67.6 (2013): 25-26. Business Source Premier. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. I chose this article because the author addresses how the Affordable Care Act reorganizes the health insurance market in an attempt to

achieve two goals. The first is to create a sustainable insurance market. The second goal is to increase competition among health insurers and to move competition toward basing the cost on the quality of the health services in their plans.

Thorpe, Natalie, et al. "Combating Medicare Fraud: A Struggling Work In Progress." Franklin Business & Law Journal 2012.4 (2012): 95-107. Business Source Premier. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Fraud has been identified as one of the leading causes of the nation's increasing health expense. Medical fraud can be hard to detect and the author here has some good ideas and suggestions

Mader, Lindsay Stafford. "Will 'Obamacare' Affect Natural Healthcare In The United States?." Herbalgram 100 (2013): 86-89. Alt HealthWatch. Web. 22 Apr. 2014. The article discusses the impact that the U.S. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has had on U.S. consumers and discusses efforts which many Republican politicians have made to repeal the law despite support which has been shown by Democratic politicians. This article provides some objective thinking against the ACA and discusses the long-term affect.

Troy, Tevi. "The Obamacare Blame Game." Commentary 135.6 (2013): 2427. Religion and Philosophy Collection. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. The author suggests problems with the U.S. Affordable Care Act health insurance policy. This article helped me because it explains

state health insurance exchanges, employer-sponsored health care, and public opinion on the bill, as well as blame for implementation issues between Republican and Democratic politicians.

Troy, Tevi. "The Three Failed Promises Of Obamacare: Why It's In Trouble Even As It Just Begins." Commentary 5 (2013): 20. Literature Resource Center. Web. 17 Apr. 2014. This article discusses purported problems with the U.S. Affordable Care Act. I was able to gain insight into the law's ability to provide universal health insurance coverage in the U.S., its effectiveness in controlling health insurance premiums and the impact on previous health insurance plans.

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