2010: New Year With Heavenly Happy Moments?: Madhav Kavrani Retd. D.E. Pune Telecom (BSNL)

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2010: New Year with Heavenly Happy Moments?

Oh Almighty God! Enlighten our planet earth, with Thy grace and blessings. The New Year !"!, may pro#e to be happy indeed $or all human beings. The %&orst', o$ten seen earlier, may cease to appear. The %(est', ne#er seen be$ore, may )noc) the New Year. The %&ounds' to man)ind, may ne#er repeat. The *ea#enly *appy moments $or humans may touch the new height. Each o$ Thy creation may ha#e bread, butter and shelter. The poor not the po#erty may e#er prosper Each one may possess a sound health, with no any disease. No A+,- or cancer, swine $lu o$ bird $lu, (... or diabetes. No pollution, global warming, climate change or green house emission. No more wars, no more nuclear e/plosions. .eople o$ 0umbai or ,ubai, 1hennai or -hanghai, may li#e li)e brothers. 2ac)sons, 2ai3)ishans, 2aheer 4hans 5 2intaos may be li)e brothers. 6egion, 6eligion or 6ace, cast or color, do not matter. Episodes li)e 789"": or 7 ;9"": may no more add to the history. The words li)e 7Terrorism: or 70ilitancy: be absent $rom dictionary. <eT, <TTE, Al3=aida, Taliban wor) $or international harmony. *a$i> -ayeed, A>mal 4asab construct temple o$ <ord 6ama. (abri mos?ue reconstructed by 0r. 6ama 5 0r. -hyama. @or &orld .eace 7Osama: helps 7Obama:. The 1hristians elsewhere may greet each other with 7*appy ,iwali:. 0ohamdans around the world may wish 70arry 1hristmas:. The *indus in millions wish 7*appy Guru .urnima: and 7*appy +d:. The poetic heart then shall cry with a great AoyB *ello @riends! around the globe, )nowns 5 un)nowns, near 5 dearsC 7*appy !"!:C 7A Dery *appy New Year:

0adha# 4a#rani 6etd. ,.E. .une Telecom E(-N<F To 0r90rs90sBBBBBBBBBB.. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.

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