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Focus of Study (Desert, Birds, shoes, colors, etc. etc) Air Intended Age Group (Infants, Toddlers, 3 yrs., yrs., !inders) !inders "#$ecti%e (&hat do 'e 'ant children to (no' or #e a#le to do) )ist at least * +. To see if the child can get the #all to float in the air #y sitting on the seat *. To see ho' long it ta(es the child to get the #all to hit the top of the pipe. ,ro%ocation (-hec( ".)/ one and gi%e e0a1ple) -hild2Initiated or -3I)D I.ITIAT4D Teacher2Initated I5,)454.TATI". ,)A. ,rocedure (Identify group si6e, intro of lesson, special set2up if needed) Identify ST4,S7 +.) &al( into the roo1 *.) De1onstrate so1e of the toys so they get a hint that they 'ill need to #e pressing #uttons and such 3.) 3a%e either you or a parent that is along for the field trip count the a1ount of ti1es it ta(es to get the #all all the 'ay to the top. .) 8ecord the infor1ation 9.) 5a(e up a chart 'ith the children:s ti1es. Identify different learning areas (1ath, science, art, etc) Science2 )earning that pro%iding air 'ill 1a(e the #all float in the tu#e 5ath2 adding up ho' 1any ti1es they ha%e to sit on the chair to 1a(e the #all touch the top. 5odifications for children 'ith differing a#ilities (-hec( one and state 'hat 'ill #e done differently) ,hysical )i1itations2 if the child is physically li1ited, he;she 1ay #e helped #y an adult to #e sho'n the proper 'ay to 1o%e up and do'n on the seat to create the air to push the #all to the top. ,ossi#le Artifacts;Docu1entation (Traces of e%idence) If allo'ed fro1 the #eginning of the school year, 1ay#e #e a#le to ha%e %ideo e%idence,< "ther than that, pieces of paper for counting, or you can $ust use and i,hone to count the a1ount of ti1e it ta(es. -olla#oration (Identify colleagues;parents and their role in the lesson #eing successful) -o11unity7 Tucson -hildren:s 5useu1, 'or(ers fro1 the 1useu1 Fa1ily7 any parents that are field trip parents this trip -olleagues7 other teachers fro1 other classes at the school Ti1e .eeded7 A#out an hour for a group of += 5aterials and 8esources Instructional 5ethod;5aterials (The1atic, 8eggio, ,ro$ect Approach, other) The 1achine used for the acti%ity. .otepad and 'riting utensil, children to #e doing the acti%ity, parents or 'or(ers to help you in the process of doing the actual acti%ity 8esources Tucson -hildren:s 5useu1, children:s field trip #oo(s, all acti%ities at the 1useu1 STA.DA8DS > ASS4SS54.T Assess1ents )ist one per o#$ecti%e a#o%e that 'ill 1easure 1astery Objective Assessment Method Documentation To see if the child can get the -hec(list ,iece of paper that can later #all to float in the air #y sitting #e typed out. on the seat To see ho' long it ta(es the 8unning 8ecord ,iece of paper that is later child to get the #all to hit the typed out top of the pipe. A6 4arly )earning Standards ()ist the standard and thread that #est supports your o#$ecti%es) )earning through play

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