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Sherri Bohne Lesson Plan 3rd Grade

SIMPLE MACHINES OBJECTIVE: 3rd grade Science core !e"ons#ra#e ho$ %orces ca&se changes in #he s'eed or direc#ion o% o()ec#s* INVITATION TO LEA+N: Peace%&l Penn, -Glass c&'. 'enn,. inde/ card0 Place inde/ card on #o' o% glass $i#h 'enn, cen#ered in #he "iddle o% #he card1glass* As2 s#&den#s $ha# #he, 'redic# $ill ha''en $hen #he card is %lic2ed* The 'enn, is a# res# and $an#s #o s#a, a# res# $hile $hen %lic2ing %orce is a''lied #o #he card #he card "o3es and #he 'enn, is dro''ed in#o #he glass* LEA+NING ST4LES: The learning s#,les I $ill &se incl&de: Vis&al -'os#er. coloring. dra$ing $edge0 Social -'redic#ions. $or2ing #oge#her #o 'rod&ce si"'le "achines0 Ph,sical -"a2ing si"'le "achines. la(eling si"'le "achines0 A&ral -singing Si"'le Machine song0 Ver(al -$ri#ing si"'le "achine 'redic#ions and res&l#s. si"'le "achines 5&i60 Logical -$heel and a/le cog. incline 'lane0 P+OCE!7+ES: Tell s#&den#s #ha# o()ec#s $ill onl, "o3e $hen a %orce is a''lied A %orce is ei#her a '&sh or a '&ll* Si"'le "achines are "echanical de3ices #ha# change #he direc#ion or "agni#&de o% a %orce* +ead (oo2. 8Ho$ do ,o& Li%# a Lion9: (, +o(er# E* ;ells* !isc&ss $i#h s#&den#s si"'le "achines $e &se e3er,da,* Sho$ 'os#er o% si"'le "achines and ha3e s#&den#s la(el each i#e" $i#h #he #,'e o% si"'le "achine i# is* Sing #he 8Si"'le Machines: song* !i3ide class in#o gro&'s and hand o&# gro&' ac#i3i#ies<<<7'hill Inclined 'lane. T$irling Helico'#er<<<Scre$. Soa' Car3ing<<<;edge. All Geared 7'<<<;heels and A/les. =lag +aiser<<<P&lle,* A%#er >? "in&#es ha3e s#&den#s go #o di%%eren# ac#i3i#, -ro&nd ro(in0* 7PHILL: I#e"s needed: Plan2 o% $ood. s'ring scale. r&((er (and. s#ring. #&(e soc2. c&' o% rice. %i3e #hic2 (oo2s. 7'hill<Inclined Plane $or2shee#* Po&r #he rice in#o #he soc2* Close #he end o% #he soc2 $i#h a r&((er

(and and #ie s#ring aro&nd i#* A##ach s'ring scale #o #he #ied s#ring and li%# #he rice<%illed soc2 s#raigh# &' #o #he heigh# o% 3 (oo2s* O(ser3e ho$ "&ch %orce is needed and record on #he $or2shee#* Place one end o% #he 'lan2 o% $ood on #o' o% ? (oo2s and #he o#her end on #he #a(le #o %or" a ra"'* Place #he soc2 -$i#h #he s'ring scale a##ached0 on #he (o##o" 'ar# o% #he ra"'* P&ll #he soc2 #o #he #o' o% #he ra"'* O(ser3e and record ho$ "&ch %orce is needed* +e'ea# s#e's @<A &sing 3 (oo2s* +e'ea# s#e's @<A &sing > (oo2* Anal,6e #he res&l#s and disc&ss ho$ #he, rela#e #o = B ; / ! -=orce B ;eigh# / !is#ance0 The ra"' is an inclined 'lane* I# is &sed #o "o3e an o()ec# #o a higher le3el $i#h less %orce #han s#raigh# &'* ;hen &sing an inclined 'lane. ,o& "&s# "o3e #he o()ec# a grea#er dis#ance #han i% ,o& li%#ed i# s#raigh# &'. (&# i# #a2es less %orce* HELICOPTE+: I#e"s needed: To, Helico'#er 'a##ern on (o#h reg&lar 'a'er and cards#oc2. 'a'er cli's (o#h large and s"all. scissors. cra,ons* Gi3e each s#&den# a co', o% helico'#er 'a##ern on (o#h reg&lar 'a'er and cards#oc2. one large 'a'er cli' and one reg&lar 'a'er cli'* Tell #he s#&den#s #ha# #he, $ill (e "a2ing #$o helico'#ers. one o&# o% cards#oc2 and #he o#her o&# o% reg&lar 'a'er* The, need #o %ollo$ direc#ions on #he 'a##ern and onl, c&# $here #he scissors are* =old on do##ed lines and add 'a'er cli' #o (o##o" o% helico'#er* S#&den#s are #o co"e &' $i#h all #he di%%eren# 'ossi(le co"(ina#ions and 'redic# $hich co"(ina#ion $ill 'rod&ce #he gen#les# decen#* Li%# helico'#er high and le# go* +e3ie$ 'redic#ions* The #o, helico'#er #$irls in a s'iral as i# dro's* The #$irling (lades ac# as a scre$ #ha# hel's ,o& lo$er or li%# #hings $i#h less %orce* T&rning in a s'iral allo$s #he helico'#er #o dro' $i#h less %orce* I# lands so%#l, ins#ead o% crashingC SOAP CA+VING: I#e"s needed: I3or, soa' (ars. 'las#ic 2ni3es. 'a'er. 'a'er #o$els. 'encils. scissors* 7n$ra' (ar o% soa' and #race aro&nd #he (ar o% soa' on#o #he 'a'er* !ra$ a si"'le design no larger #han #he soa'* C&# o&# #he design* La, #he c&# o&# design on#o #he (ar o% soa' and #race aro&nd #he design* T&rn #he (ar o% soa' o3er and la, i# on i#Ds side and #race aro&nd #he design again* Place #he (ar o% soa' on#o a 'a'er #o$el* Care%&ll, car3e #he design o&# o% #he soa' (, %irs# c&##ing #he soa' in#o a 8(loc2: and #hen (, ro&nding #he edges and %inall, car3ing #he de#ails -enco&rage s#&den#s #o 2ee' sha3ings on #he 'a'er #o$els* Soa' can (e s"oo#hed (, r&((ing #he s&r%ace $i#h a

s"all a"o&n# o% $a#er* Anal,6e ho$ #he 2ni%e $as (eing &sed as a si"'le "achine #o "a2e #he $or2 easier* The 2ni%e is a $edge* ALL GEA+E! 7P: I#e"s needed: #$o 'las#ic lids. one larger #han #he o#her li2e a ,og&r# lid and a so&r crea" or cool $hi' lid. s#ri's o% corr&ga#ed card(oard ->1E: (, 'eri"e#er o% each lid0. gl&e. scissors. 'a'er. 'encil* Gl&e #he s#ri' o% card(oard aro&nd each edge o% #he lids* Tri" #o correc# leng#h* In#erloc2 #he #$o lid 8gears: and gen#l, ro#a#e each* Mar2 each gear $here #he, originall, #o&ch* Gen#l, ro#a#e each* Co&n# ho$ "an, #i"es #he s"aller 8gear: ro#a#es %or each single ro#a#ion o% #he larger 8gear:* Anal,6e ho$ #he gears are $or2ing li2e a si"'le "achine* Gears are $heels $i#h #ee#h #ha# #&rn and $or2 #oge#her* !i%%eren# si6es and arrange"en#s o% gears do di%%eren# )o(s* A large gear #&rning a s"aller one $ill gi3e ,o& "ore s'eed* A s"all gear #&rning a larger gear $ill gi3e ,o& "ore 'o$er* =LAG +AISE+: I#e"s needed: Thread s'ools. 'encil or do$els si6e o% hole in s'ool. s#ring @D in leng#h. scissors. 'a'er %or %lag -@ F: / ? G:0. cra,ons. #a'e* !ecora#e %lag &sing #he cra,ons and #he 'a'er* Place #he do$el1'encil #hro&gh #he hole in #he #hread s'ool. "a2ing s&re #he s'ool can #&rn easil,* Tie #he ends o% #he s#ring #oge#her* Ta'e one side o% #he %lag -shor# side0 #o #he s#ring* Place #he loo' o% #he s#ring o3er #he s'ool. $i#h #he %lag hanging near #he (o##o" o% #he loo'* Ha3e one s#&den# hold #he ends o% #he 'encil1do$el high o3er #heir head* Ha3e ano#her s#&den# '&ll do$n on #he s#ring o''osi#e #he %lag* O(ser3e #he dis#ance #he s#ring is '&lled and #he dis#ance and direc#ion #he %lag "o3es &'* +ela#e #his #o si"'le "achines* The s'ool is a %i/ed '&lle, #ha# allo$s ,o& #o '&ll do$n on #he s#ring and raise #he %lag &'$ard* Placing a %i/ed '&lle, a# #he #o' o% a #all %lag'ole "a2es #he )o( o% raising #he %lag easier #han i% ,o& had #o carr, #he %lag &' #he 'oleC A %i/ed '&lle, "a2es $or2 easier (, changing #he direc#ion o% #he %orce* P&lling do$n is easier (eca&se ,o& can &se #he $eigh# o% ,o&r (od, and %orce o% #he gra3i#, #o hel' ,o&* ASSESSMENT: I $ill o(ser3e #he s#&den#s in ro&nd ro(in and assess #heir &nders#anding o% $ha# #he, are 'ar#ici'a#ing in (, as2ing 5&es#ions*

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