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TRIP ITINERARY Rainy River Wednesday May 7- T !rsday May "

Wednesday# May 7$ 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 12: 0 p.m. 2:00 p.m. ':00 pm. +:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 10: 0 p.m. T !rsday# May "$ +: 0 a.m. 3: 0 a.m. 8: 0 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 a.m. :00 p.m. +:00 p.m. +: 0 p.m. 10: 0 p.m. 11: 0 p.m. -ost o& trip: 0ake up calls 1 2ot )reak&ast availa)le at the hotel 4us leaves "uper 8 Tea%s arrive in Rainy River (L )o*s vs "L )o*s (L girls vs "L girls (L )o*s vs (( )o*s (L girls vs (( girls 5et &ood &rom the store &or the ride home Leave (ain* (iver 6rop o&& Ear Falls students at the Trillium !rrive at the 2igh "chool !ccommodation 7 8.00 9)ased on &our students, Food E#pense780.00 Total 788.00 Leave the high school parking lot Pick up Ear Falls students at the Trillium !rrive in "iou# $arro%s &or lunch Tea%s arrive in Rainy River (L )o*s vs (( )o*s (L girls vs (( girls Teams arrive at the S!&er " ''"(7) *7+-+,+-) 1 rooms )ooked including driver, Teams %ill eat together under the supervision o& a coach -ur&e%.Pla*ers must )e in their rooms at this time $o leaving their rooms &or drinks or &ood. This must )e organi/ed ahead o& time.

Phone -ontact person9s, &or trip: :ark 0ilkins 9323. +2',

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