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Visi Perusahaan Visi yang terdapat pada The Body Shop adalah sebagai berikut:

The Body Shop: A leading global branded retailer of personal care and wellbeing products for the whole body born fro natural ingredients deli!ering functional effecti!eness and personal benefit and pleasure at the asstige le!el arketed creati!ely with an ele ent of surprise and good hu our and always with good ser!ice across se!eral channels by a bussines with a deep focused conscience and co it ent to it"s !alue targeted at custo ers of all ages who seek function and indulgence who self assured who wish to care for the sel!es#
$isi Perusahaan $isi yang terdapat pada The Body Shop adalah sebagai berikut:

%& To energetically grow '& To be up with the best (& Through strong custo er focus )&*o unicated with passion +& Stakeholder co it ent ,& Through great people -& Social responsibilities

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