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Name __Lalin__________________________ Date ____________ Class ________C

Judeo-Christian History and Literature Workbook

Parable Assignment
(Max Anders)

The Interpretation of Parables:

Choose a parable from Matthew or from Luke, and write down the title and the scripture reference.
Then, describe (1) the audience, (2) their situation, and (3) the question or concern that was being
addressed. Finally, (4) explain what you think Jesus meant by the parable. Use additional
paper if needed.

Title and Scripture Reference

______Friend in Need Luke 11:5-8
What is the situation/context of the parable or question/ concern being addressed? (2-5
____The disciples wanted Jesus to teach them how to pray. Therefore, God told them
that when we ask we shall receive. When we have the audacity to ask, the person that we
ask will have the audacity to give.
Summarize the parable: (1-5 sentences)
____Basically, Jesus told the disciples how to pray and he gave them an example saying
that suppose we ask a friend for 3 loaves of bread, even though that person might have a
child and is already sleeping and doesnt want to get up and get them 3 loaves of bread,

Name __Lalin__________________________ Date ____________ Class ________C

Judeo-Christian History and Literature Workbook

that person would give them anyway because of their audacity to ask for the bread.
Give the interpretation of the parable- Explain what Jesus meant by the parable. (5-10
____Jesus meant that when we pray to him, we can just ask and we shall receive. Whoever
seeks will find, and the one who knocks the door will be opened. He will give us want we
want. Also if someone asks us for stuff we must give them too because sharing is good. We
give them what they asked for, like what Jesus gave us when we asked Him.

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