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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Unit Plan Template

Unit Author First and Last Name School Name Grade level/Subject Unit Overview Unit Title (he evolution of oil )ainting* Unit Summary +il )aint changed the face of art since its creation* &n this unit students ,ill recogni-e the media and techni.ues used in oil )ainting* Secondl/ students ,ill e0)lore the histor/ of oil )ainting" identif/ing artists and describing the evolution of the media* Finall/ students ,ill em)lo/ their kno,ledge in a ste) b/ ste) demonstration* Approximate Time Nee e (he time needed is three da/s/1! min* Unit !oun ation Targete Content Stan ar s an Kirk Collins Buffalo High School !th"

" # $th/Studio %rt &/'ainting

"enchmar#s Stu io Art $evel %

&A'S'SAI'% (e ia) Techni*ues) an


&A'O'SAI'%'%*2emonsrate kno,ledge of the terminolog/ related to the media" )rocesses" and techni.ues* &A'O'SAI'%'+*2emonstrate an understanding of techni.ues" and )rocesses related to the media* &A'S'SAI', Art -istory an .iversity &A'O'SAI','%*&dentif/ the meanings" functions" and uses of s)ecific art in the media from a variet/ of )ast and )resent cultures* Stu ent O/0ectives1$earning Outcomes Students ,ill identif/ the media re.uired for oil )ainting* Students ,ill define the techni.ue used in oil )ainting* Students ,ill give e0am)les of the media used in )revious cultures* Students ,ill indicate the im)ortance of the media in the )ast and )resent* Students ,ill discover ho, the media is mani)ulated in creating a com)osition* Students ,ill inter)ret their kno,ledge of the media* Three lessons

3 $!!4 &ntel Cor)oration* %ll 5ights 5eserved*


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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

$esson One

(he rise of oil )ainting* Consisting of a histor/ of oil )ainting students ,ill e0)lore northern 6uro)ean artists and 5enaissance artists* Learners ,ill inter)ret ho, oils ,ere used in such cultures and ho, the/ are relevant toda/*

$esson Two

7edia and techni.ue ,here students ,ill e0)lore the mediums and techni.ues of oil )ainting and ho, it relates to culture )ast and )resent

$esson Three

(he benefits of oils com)ared to other mediums in ,hich the learner ,ill )ractice the techni.ue and discover ho, the medium varies from those )reviousl/ learned*

Assessment Plan Assessment Timeline "e2ore pro0ect wor# /egins Stu ents wor# on pro0ects an complete tas#s A2ter pro0ect wor# is complete

KWL Quizlet quiz to gauge student needs Introdu ce key vocabulary

Quizlet game to gain knowledge on terms Video on the History of oil ainting !ower! oint


KWL Quizlet

Assessment Summary Gauging student needs ,ill occur at the beginning of this unit using formal diagnostic assessment* Some strategies ,ill be a K8L chart as ,ell as the use of a .ui-* 9uestions" discussion" and journal res)onses are used to increase higher order thinking skills and engagement* Students ,ill have the o))ortunit/ to e0amine the ke/ vocabular/ during the course of the unit* (he learner ,ill have a formative .ui- ,ith each lesson and a formal summative .ui- at the end of the unit*

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Unit .etails Prere*uisite S#ills (o be determined ,hen lesson )lanning Instructional Proce ures (o be determined ,hen lesson )lanning Accommo ations 2or .i22erentiate
Special Nee s Stu ents


(o be determined ,hen lesson )lanning


(o be determined ,hen lesson )lanning

3i2te 1Talente Stu ents

(o be determined ,hen lesson )lanning

(aterials an Camera Com)uter:s;

4esources 4e*uire

!or Unit <C5 <ideo Camera <ideo Conferencing 6.ui)* +ther

Technology 5 -ar ware :Click bo0es of all e.ui)ment needed; Laser 2isk 'rinter 'rojection S/stem Scanner (elevision &mage 'rocessing &nternet 8eb Bro,ser 7ultimedia 8eb 'age 2evelo)ment 8ord 'rocessing +ther

2igital Camera 2<2 'la/er &nternet Connection 2atabase/S)readsheet 2eskto) 'ublishing 6=mail Soft,are 6nc/clo)edia on C2=5+7

Technology 5 So2tware :Click bo0es of all soft,are needed*;



Handouts containing information for each lesson* % handout on media and techni.ues* Secondl/" a handout containing details of the histor/ of oil )ainting*

3 $!!4 &ntel Cor)oration* %ll 5ights 5eserved*


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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course


Su))lies needed" ,ill consist of oil )aints and mineral s)irits" linseed oil" and tur)entine* %lso included are brushes" a )alette knife" canvas" and )alette*

Internet 4esources

Other 4esources

Co)/right 3 $!!4 &ntel Cor)oration* %ll rights reserved* &ntel" the &ntel logo" &ntel 6ducation &nitiative" and &ntel (each 'rogram are trademarks of &ntel Cor)oration in the >*S* and other countries* ?+ther names and brands ma/ be claimed as the )ro)ert/ of others*

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