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Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

Sample Paper MCB

Sample Paper MCB

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

ENGLISH Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate word, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each.
1. Ali always seeks _____ wealth. A. B. C. D. 2. from with to for _____ the _____ of my

I inten to remain tr!e to my prin"iples an "ons"ien"e. A. B. C. D. o#ey $ man ate listen $ %oi"e follow $ i"tates e&plain $ meanin'

Each question below consists of a related pair of words, followed by five lettered pairs of words. elect the lettered pair that best e!presses a relationship similar to that e!pressed in the original pair.
3. ILL(SI)N* +EALI,-** A. B. C. D. 4. fan"y* fa"t sky* earth ethereal* real ream* work

CLASS+))M* ,EACHE+** A. B. C. D. st! ent* e&amination #ishop* io"ese employment* inter%iew #allot* ele"tion

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.
5. Moral* A. B. C. D. ethi"al honest %i"io!s !pri'ht

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

"ead the passage to answer question #$%

In the late se%enteenth "ent!ry. a transformation #e'an that wo!l make "offee one of the most pop!lar rinks in E!rope. ,he "offeeho!se/meetin' pla"e of #ankers. issi ents. artists. mer"hants. poets. wits. an ro'!es was in some ways the "ra le of mo ern E!rope. Coffee wo!l "han'e. in less than a "ent!ry. from the rink of a few prin"es an a few pa!pers to the "hief so"ial #e%era'e of the risin' mi le "lass. 6. A. B. C. D. 7. A. B. C. D. ,he wor 0transformation1 is "losest in meanin' to*

tren e%ent "han'e "!stom ,he wor 0ro'!es1 refers to a type of*

#e%era'e person #ook "offee

Sample Paper MCB

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

8. 4!rin' a "ertain week. a post offi"e sol +s.567 worth of 89/paisas stamps. How many of these stamps i they sell: 57 5.777 ;.<77 57.777 ;<.577

A. B. C. D. E.

5 ;
9. A. B. C. D. E. & 85 e=!als 9 > 6 86 None of the a#o%e pri"e pro !"es a net pri"e whi"h

10. A is"o!nt of 8? per"ent from a marke is what per"ent of the marke pri"e. A. B. C. D. E. 7.8?@ 7.6?@ 8?@ 6?@ 88?@

11. ? is to A as & is to ;?. & B: A. B. C. D. A 85 5? 9< y when & B ;.

12. If ; C& D ?yE B 59. fin A. B. 8 ;

;; ?
C. D. A

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

ANAL-,ICAL +EAS)NING &uestions '($'#

An e itor m!st "hoose fi%e arti"les to #e p!#lishe in the !p"omin' iss!e of an arts re%iew. ,he only arti"les a%aila#le for p!#li"ation are theater arti"les F. G. H an G. an an"e arti"les H. L. M an ). At least three of the fi%e p!#lishe arti"les m!st #e If G is "hosen. then M "annot #e. If F is "hosen. then G m!st also #e "hosen. an"e arti"les.

8; . If M is not "hosen for the iss!e. whi"h of the followin' m!st #e "hosen: A. B. C. D. E. F G H G H

89 . How many a""epta#le 'ro!pin's of arti"les in"l! e G: A. B. C. D. E. )ne ,wo ,hree Fo!r fi%e

8? . ,he "hoi"e of whi"h arti"le makes only one 'ro!p of arti"les a""epta#le: A. B. C. D. E. F G G L M

8> . If G is "hosen for the iss!e. whi"h of the followin' m!st #e tr!e: A. B. C. D. E. G is not "hosen E&a"tly three an"e arti"les are "hosen H is not "hosen All fo!r of the an"e arti"les are "hosen F is not "hosen

Sample Paper MCB

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

8A . If B))H B 9; an A. B. C. D. 96 >7 ?< A< PEN B ;?. C)P- B:

86 . If 9 I ? B 8>57. ; I 6 B <59 then A I > B: A. B. C. D. 8A97 8667 9<9< 9<95

8<. )"to#er is to A!'!st as tomorrow is to ______. A. B. C. D. 4ay after tomorrow -ester ay ,o ay None of the a#o%e

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

20. Jho is the "!rrent Chief G!sti"e of Pakistan:
A. B. C. D. E. Irsha Hasan Hhan NaKim H!ssain Si i=!e Iftikhar Mohamma Cha! hry Sheikh +iaK Ahma None of the a#o%e

21. Jhi"h Missile 5785:

A. B. C. D.

Pakistan s!""essf!lly test/fire on ? G!ne

Hatf/3II CBa#erE Cr!ise Missile A'ni/3I CAir 4oneE Ala"ran Missile 3el%et Glo%e

Sample Paper MCB

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing


22. )he component of a firm*s service quality information system that is used
specifically to assess employee performance is+


olicitation of customer complaints

b) Customer focus group interviews c) Employee surveys d) ,ystery shopping e) )otal mar-et service quality survey

23. .hich of the following is /0) a -ey component that needs to be built into every
service quality system1

a) 2istening b) "eliability c)
ervant leadership

d) 3ndividual play e)
ervice design

24. )o have a comfortable waiting area for customers and clients is+

a. 2east important b.
omewhat important

c. A must d. Costly

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

25. 3t is NOT possible to -eep same level of quality all the year around.


trongly disagree

b. Disagree c. Agree d.
trongly agree

Answer HE-S
& 4. ' 5 ( 6 7 # % 9 : '; '' '5 '( '6 '7 '# '% '9 Sample Paper MCB "ight Choice D A A D C C 8 8 C D C A E C A E C D 9

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing ': 5; 5' 55 5( 56 57 8 C A D D C A


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