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Tim lurchh

Period 7

The basics
Who- Chadwick Boseman, and Brian Hedgeland What- 42 Where- in Brooklyn When- 1946 Why- Its to teach you about the life African American's lived back then.

Yes I liked the movie because it made me think of how hard stuff was back then for black people Jackie Robinson faced horrible racism from his fans, team mates, clubs, and coaches because he was the first African American major league baseball player. He let his athletic talent speak for itself.

The Acting
Yes they acted well, and performed good Jackie Robinson was my favorite character because he went through all that racism just to chase his dreams. My least favorite character was the coach because he was a bad actor The speech and the dialogue was excellent

The setting was in Brooklyn in the early 1960s High energy, it was very suspenseful some times because it was on a baseball field

Yes it caught every ones attention Yes it was a very catching movie and it had a good ending

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