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Level 2: ART 309 Unit Expansion & edTPA Student Teaching

Challenging Stereotypes
Central Focus Grade Level Class Size Time Class Demographics Stereotypes Late Sr High (11-12) 20 1 hour Various

National Visual Arts Standards VA:Cr1-IIIa VA:Cr1-IIIb VA:Cr2-IIIa VA:Cr2-IIIb VA:Cr2-IIIc VA:Cr3-IIIa VA:Pr4-IIIa VA:Pr6-IIIa VA:Re7-IIIa VA:Re7-IIIb VA:Re8-IIIa VA:Re9-IIIa VA:Cn10-IIIa VA:Cs11-IIIa Common Core State Standards Addressed LA:W 11-12 1, LA: W 11-12 8, LA: W 11-12- 10, LA: W 11-12-9

UNIT OVERVIEW Students will explore stereotypes and discuss their own views and biases. They will examine artists such as Kara Walker and Gregg Deal and examine how their work focuses on stereotypes. Through this exploration students will document how media and society portrays stereotypes and whether or not they are still present in todays society. Students will then create a work using the medium of their choice to demonstrate how stereotypes have impacted their life. Forms Frames Conceptual Framework 2D Cultural Artwork 3D Subjective Artist Structural Audience 4D Postmodern World

Student Prior Knowledge and Conceptions Students must be aware of stereotypes that exist in our world. They will need to understand the impact of these beliefs and how the media influences them. Students need to be self sufficient in planning and coming up with ideas to create their studio project. Awareness of materials and what they can do to enhance a message. Common Errors or Misunderstandings What are common errors or misunderstandings of students related to the central focus of this lesson? How will you address and/or respond to these for this group of students? Interdisciplinary Connections This connects with writing, and reading. This could also translate into performance because many stereotypes are performed. UNIT LEARNING OBJECTIVES As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: Identify at least 3 stereotypes that they have seen in the world. Participate in a discussion that documents at least one way of how stereotypes have evolved over time. Compare and contrast the work of artists such as Kara Walker and Gregg Deal pointing out at least two instances in which their work identifies stereotypes
EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 MS = Middle School grades 6-9 EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 LHS = Late High School grade 12

Level 2: ART 309 Unit Expansion & edTPA Student Teaching

Write at least a one-paragraph response on how media plays a role in enhancing stereotypes Demonstrate an ability to reflect on at least one instance in which they were the subject of a stereotype Students will examine the evolution of stereotypes in society and provide three verbal examples of how stereotypes have changed or been altered. Create a work of art that addresses stereotypes in the present day and how society may view that stereotype. Students will complete a worksheet while viewing the Kara Walker art21 video that documents their ideas regarding topics in her artwork. Create an artist statement after reading Robin Grearsons article. Complete a web search in which they find at least 5 artists who use stereotypes within their work. Why are the learning tasks for this lesson appropriate for your students? (Cite specific, theoretical principles and/or research-based best practices in your answer.) How will you structure opportunities for students to work with partners or in groups? What criteria will you use when forming groups? THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES AND/OR RESEARCH-BASED BEST PRACTICES The tasks I will be employing will engage them in multiple forms of literacy. They will be writing about their ideas, and discussing topics that are relevant to their lives. Students will be able to complete tasks that allow them to engage on multiple levels within a topic before they create a work of art related to it. The students will be working within the zone of proximal development where they will be delving into topics that make them think about society and how it understands stereotypes.

STUDENT INTERACTIONS Students will be working together in small groups and as a class in discussions. This is a time where students can state their ideas and express their opinion on stereotypes and how society may influence it. This will allow students to provide their opinions in small groups in case they do not feel comfortable doing so in front of the entire class. The class will be divided into small tables. Groups will be organized into their daily tables.

Smartboard Worksheets Discussion questions Video response sheet Worksheets Art materials Vocabulary terms

TEACHER MATERIALS Artist Images from Kara Walker and Gregg Deal. Art 21 Video on Kara Walker

Vocabulary terms

STUDENT MATERIALS Pencils Computers Web search worksheet


Key Artists Key Artworks

ARTISTS IN CONTEXT Kara Walker, Gregg Deal, Barbara Kruger, Jacob Holdt, Nod Young, Banksy, Jonathan Icher and Anastasia Parquet Kara Walker, Bankss Army Leaving Simmsport from Harpers Pictorial History of the Civil War, 2005. Kara Walker, Art 21 Video. Gregg Deal, The Last American Indian On Earth . Gregg Deal, Untitled (Headdress) 2013. Barbara Kruger, I shop, therefore, I am. 1987 Jacob Holdt, Cross burning, 2004 Nod Young, Journey to the West, 2005 Banksy, Exit Through the Gift Shop, 2010 Jonathan Icher and Anastasia Parquet 1. How does Kara Walkers work using cut paper characterize her beliefs or views regarding her subject? Does this technique enhance or diminish the message? 2. Do you believe that stereotypes are particular to one culture or does each culture stemming across all countries and continents have their own stereotypes? Why do you think this? 3. How do street artists or graffiti artists become victims of stereotyping in Exit Through the Gift Shop?

Key Critical Questions

EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 MS = Middle School grades 6-9 EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 LHS = Late High School grade 12

Level 2: ART 309 Unit Expansion & edTPA Student Teaching

1. How do Jacob Holdts photographs influence people from different cultures? Do they value the pictures or do they not understand what is happening? 2. How does the media influence our ideas of stereotypes? 3. How does symbolize help identify stereotypes? 4. Is an artist statement important? 5. Vocabulary VOCABULARY AND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Stereotypes - a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Diversity - the state of having people who are different races or who have different cultures in a group or organization Culture - the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time Religion - an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods Race - a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock Gender - the state of being male or female Sexuality - expression of sexual receptivity or interest especially when excessive Socioeconomic status - is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family's economic and social position in relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation analyze, compare/contrast, critique, describe, interpret, question Reading Writing Listening Syntax 1. Discussion on stereotypes and how theyve been influenced by society. 2. What are the effects of stereotypes on society? 3. Have you ever been stereotyped? 4. Art 21 video and response discussion 5. Hyper Allergic article on artist statements 6. Stereotype article 1. Critique 2. Artist statement 3. Worksheets on vocabulary Speaking Discourse

Language Functions Language Modes Language Demands Language Tasks and Activities

Language Supports

SPECIAL PRE-INSTRUCTION PREPARATIONS Print out handouts and prep videos before class. Have discussion questions prepared. Have students take a seat when they arrive and start looking over handouts. ACCOMODATIONS FOR SPECIFIC DIVERSE LEARNERS I will place the student near the front of class. I will also place them next to someone who would be able to model behavior if necessary. I will look at the student when I speak to them and also make sure that I engage them on multiple levels using visuals. Students will be working in small groups to discuss ideas so that the students can speak in a quieter setting. Adaptations and Accommodations o In my instruction I will provide directions written on the worksheets as well as verbally explain what the students need to do. I will also write the instructions on the board so that students have multiple ways of seeing what they need to do next. Another way that I will accommodate students is by providing them with different forms of literacy. The video will show students an artist that deals with stereotypes in an interview via art 21. Another way that I will accommodate students is through allowing students time to work individually on the web search and the artist statement. This will help them internalize their thoughts and give them time to work individually with the concept of stereotypes. ! How you will provide students access to learning based on individual and group needs? The students in my class will be having discussions as a class and within small groups. This will allow them to work cooperatively. Students will perform tasks such as the web search by themselves. This way they can work individually with the material and expand upon their ideas by performing writing tasks. ! How you will support students with gaps in prior knowledge to be successful in this unit? Students will be shown stereotypes within the media and show how stereotypes can be effective in movies and advertising. This way students will have visual representations of what a stereotype really is Students with IEPs or 504s Enrichment and Extensions Have student create a manifesto. This is an advanced type of artist statement which will help student think conceptually. This is a way for students to engage upon their own studio work. It is about what they want the body of their work to be and not about a single piece. This will
EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 MS = Middle School grades 6-9 EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 LHS = Late High School grade 12

Level 2: ART 309 Unit Expansion & edTPA Student Teaching

help students engage with their art in a new way and really examine what they want to do. Activity for Early Finishers Draw a sketch that relates to stereotypes within their sketchbooks. OBJECTIVE-DRIVEN ASSESSMENTS Describe the tools/procedures that will be used in this unit to monitor students learning of the lesson objectives. Attach/paste a copy of the assessment and evaluation criteria/rubric at the end of the lesson where the assessment will take place. Lesson Objective Informal Description of Modifications to Accommodate Evaluation Criteria: What evidence of # (s) # (s) or Assessment All Students student learning related to the learning Formal? objectives and central focus does this assessment provide? 1 1,2,3,5,6 Informal Discussion Small group, and whole class They will discuss their ideas verbally. discussion 1 8 Formal Worksheet Art21 video to go with. Two Students will document how artwork can different forms of literacy. symbolize certain stereotypes. This will be useful for them when they create their studio project. 2 4,9, Formal Written Students will be writing a Students will be writing an artist reflection to recall the previous statement after reading an article lesson. explaining how to complete the task. They will use information found inside to help them in their own practice. 3 10 Informal Web Search Given specific places to find one or two of the artists. Students will be able to recognize symbols that identify with stereotypes and how it plays a role in artwork.

REFERENCES Grearson, R. (2013, May 3). In Defense of the Artist Statement. Hyperallergic RSS. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from Kara Walker. (n.d.). PBS. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from Deal, G. (n.d.). Gregg Deal. Gregg Deal. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from Walker, K. (n.d.). The Art of Kara Walker. Kara Walker. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from

* Developed and written by Alex McKenna, Art Education, Illinois State University, 2014 *


Launch Instruction Methods Discussion on stereotypes and how they are influenced by society and the impact they have Questions on todays culture. Instruction Instruction Methods Art 21 video on Kara Walker Worksheet Structured Practice and Application How will you give students the Through discussion and through the worksheet on Kara Walker. Students will discuss their ideas with me opportunity to practice so you verbally. Students will complete a worksheet, which will show they understood the content of the video. can provide feedback? How will students apply what Through discussion and communication with their peers. they have learned? Worksheets documenting Kara Walkers work. They will reflect upon this information in the following class with a writing activity. How will you determine if By answering the discussion questions and by checking for completion of a worksheet during the art 21 video.
EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 MS = Middle School grades 6-9 EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 LHS = Late High School grade 12

Level 2: ART 309 Unit Expansion & edTPA Student Teaching

students are meeting your intended learning objectives? Closure Have students tell me what they learned or talked about today

Instruction Methods Discussion


Launch Instruction Methods Discuss previous class and write a one paragraph response Think pair share Instruction Instruction Methods Read In Defense of the Artist Statement by Robin Grearson. Reading assignment and response Structured Practice and Application How will you give students the Students will use the one paragraph response they wrote to influence an artist statement. They will use the opportunity to practice so you reading by Robin Grearson to influence this statement. This will allow me to read the responses and provide can provide feedback? students with assistance if they are struggling. How will students apply what Through practice writing their own artist statements. This will allow them to practice writing and help them to they have learned? think conceptually about their work. It will also teach them how to document their ideas. How will you determine if They will complete the writing assignment. This will show me if the students have applied the information read students are meeting your within the article. The students will also submit a finished artist statement at the end of class. intended learning objectives? Closure Instruction Methods Are artist statements important? Why or why not? Discussion


Launch Instruction Methods Discuss artist statement assignment and answer any questions regarding the process Questions Introduce artists that deal with stereotypes Photos and explanation Instruction Instruction Methods Artist search worksheet. Students will be given a worksheet and they will have to find 5 Web Search and worksheet artists that deal with stereotypes in their work. Structured Practice and Application How will you give students the Students will conduct an artist search during class and complete a worksheet documenting their findings. This opportunity to practice so you worksheet will be submitted at the end of class. can provide feedback? How will students apply what They will be searching for symbols and ideals that promote stereotypes within works of art. This will allow they have learned? students to recognize imagery that can be associated with specific topics. How will you determine if Students will submit a finished web search worksheet. They will demonstrate an ability to use the internet as a students are meeting your tool for research. intended learning objectives? Closure Instruction Methods Who are some artists that you found deal with stereotypes? Discussion

EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 MS = Middle School grades 6-9 EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 LHS = Late High School grade 12

Level 2: ART 309 Unit Expansion & edTPA Student Teaching

EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 MS = Middle School grades 6-9 EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 LHS = Late High School grade 12

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