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EDU234 Lesson Plan Template Explicit Model 2013-2014 Date: April 23, 2014 Name: Breanne Davis Class

Period: N/A Grade Level: Third Grade Lesson: Day 8 & 9 Subject: Endangerment Unit Big Idea/Lesson Focus: Our actions have consequences seen and unseen, good and bad. Essential Question: What is sustainability and how does it relate to animal endangerment?

Context for Learning: 24 students, 10 boys, 14 girls, four on IEPs, 3 SLD and 1 ADHD. Function of the Lesson (check all that apply): X Introduce New Skill or Content X Practice Content Standards: ODE2SS 6. Evidence of human modification of the environment can be observed in the local community. 10. Individuals make the community a better place by solving problems in a way that promotes the common good. Learning Objectives: 1. After learning about sustainability, the students will be able to cooperatively brainstorm ways to help prevent littering, forming at least 5 effective ideas as a class. 2. Using their previous research on endangered animals, the students will be able to create a model of an endangered animal out of recyclable materials that is recognizable as that animal by the teacher. Academic Language (Academic Language Demands and/or Academic Language Objectives): Sustainability Environment Recycling Litter Instructional Materials and Support: X Review __X_ Remediation / Re-teaching

SmartBoard or Dry Erase Board with corresponding markers Markers for drawing Colored pencils Crayons Construction Paper Scissors Glue Tape Recyclables Newspaper

Prior Knowledge: Students have already learned about endangered animals and recycling as well as conducted research on a specific endangered animal. Students have also written about and prepared speeches about their endangered animals.

Pre-Assessment for the unit:

An informal oral pre-test; simply asking students what they already know about sustainability and littering. Assessment(s) during the lesson: Throughout the lesson the teacher will be asking questions and conducting a brainstorming activity in which the teacher will observe the students and their responses and provide feedback to the students. Assessment(s) at the end of the lesson: Towards the end of the lesson the teacher will be observing the students finished endangered animals which they have constructed out of recyclable materials and be assessing the students on whether or not it does indeed look like the endangered animal it is supposed to portray. This is merely just making sure the students creations are recognizable as the animals they are meant to portray. Post-Assessment for the unit: Zoo Night via a rubric Strategies & Learning Tasks

Day 8:
Introduction/Opening: 1. Say, to your students, Today we will be learning about how our actions as humans affect the environment around us. It is our responsibility as humans to make sure we are making good choices and making efforts to keep the environment safe and healthy. Presentation/Explicit Instruction: 2. Say to your students, The main idea of our lesson today is the topic of sustainability. Sustainability can be most easily defined as taking care of the planet and the creatures living on it. Sustainability is when there is harmony and balance between all of the creatures, plants, and resources on the Earth. All week we have been learning and researching about endangered animals. We have learned that for endangered animals this harmony and balance has become out of whack and endangered animals are in danger of going extinct. Like endangered animals there are other things on this planet that are not in

harmony and balance. One of these things is littering. Today we will learn what littering is and how it affects all parts of the environment. Structured Practice/Exploration: 3. Ask the class, Does anyone know what litter/littering is?, and allow for students to raise their hands to answer. Select one student to answer if any hands are raised. Give a response signaling if the answer the student gave was correct or not and add or take away anything from their answer that is needed. 4. Give the following definition of litter and explain that it is the definition we will be using as a class. Say, As a class we will define litter as any trash or waste that is not thrown away the correct way. 5. Ask the class if they have ever thrown trash away in a place it didnt belong. Say, We learned earlier this week that recycling is when you are able to reuse old materials and make them into something new to be used again. Before you ever throw anything away you should check to see if it is recyclable, and, if it is not, it should be thrown away in a trash can or trash bag. Has anybody ever purposely or accidently thrown trash or recyclables away in a place it did not belong? Or has anyone ever seen someone else throw trash or recyclables away where it didnt belong? Allow students to raise their hands and answer your questions and share their experiences with littering to the class. Guided Practice/Specific Feedback: 6. Say, Today as a class we will be brainstorming ideas of how we can help with littering. 7. Draw a web diagram on the dry erase board or SmartBoard. In the middle circle of the web diagram write, How can we help with littering?. Create arms extending away from the middle circle with a circle on each end of each arm. 8. Ask students to provide ideas on how they can either help stop littering, clean up litter, or raise awareness about littering. Say, How could we as a class help prevent littering, raise awareness on littering, or clean up litter? Have them raise their hands and give their answers one at a time. Write each childs idea in a circle at the end of an arm on the web diagram. The diagram should look something like this:

Pick up trash off the side of the road.

How can we help with littering?

Make posters to raise awareness

9. After the class has finished brainstorming ideas of how to help littering explain that recycling is a way to help reduce litter and tell them that the recyclable materials they have been collecting all week will be reused in a way that can both reduce litter and raise awareness on the endangerment of their selected animals. Say, As a class we have been

collecting recyclable materials all week. Now we know that recycling materials is good for the environment and is a way to reuse materials. We also know that just by recycling materials we can reduce litter. Today you will be using the recyclable materials we have been collecting to create miniature models of the endangered animals you have each selected to research about. This will help show how recycling, littering, and endangered animals are all connected topics. We know now that helping endangered animals and helping prevent littering are both ways to help sustain the Earth we live on.

Day 9:
Independent Practice/Application: 10. Instruct each student to bring out the recyclable materials they have been collecting all week. Show them an example of an animal you constructed out of recyclable materials so they can see what they are supposed to be doing. You may even quickly create the animal again out of the same exact materials so that you can model to them exactly what they will be doing. This will show them an example of the procedures they should use as well as the finished product. Say to the class, Remember, we are using our recyclables to create the endangered animals we have been researching. Make sure to make the exact animal you chose to research. Try to make it look as much like a real animal as you can. We will be showing your created animals at Zoo Day to go along with your posters, writings, and speeches. 11. Instruct students to come up to your desk to get the supplies they wish to use to create their animals. Say to the class, Think about what you wish to use to create your animal with. You can choose to use crayons, markers, colored pencils, paint, paintbrushes, glue, tape, construction paper, and scissors. Once you have decided what you want raise your hand and I will call you up one at a time so I can give each of you the materials you need. If you choose to use paint make sure to grab newspaper off of my desk and lay the newspaper out so it is covering your entire desk. This is so you do not get paint on the desks. Once you have your materials return to your seats and begin working on your creations. Closure: 12. After students are done creating their animals have the students set their creations in an area where they are safe and able to dry if needed. Have students clean up their areas and return their materials to you. Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment: Students with an IEP will always be provided with extra help or assistance if need be and the requirements of their IEPs will always be fulfilled. During the Explicit Instruction, Structured Practice, and Guided Practice portions of this lesson students will interact with the teacher and with each other in a brainstorming activity which will help students keep focused and piggyback off of each others ideas. During the Independent Practice portion of this lesson creativity is essential which means every students finished products will be different from everyone elses. But to ensure students understand what will be expected of them the teacher will model how to use recyclables to create a model of an endangered animal.

Research and Theory: This lesson is based off of Banduras Social Learning Theory which states that children learn from others by observation, imitation, and modeling. The brainstorming activity in the beginning of the lesson will allow students to observe the teachers and the other students ideas so that they may adapt the ideas or create their own new ideas. Also, during the Independent Practice portion of the lesson when students are creating a model of their individual endangered animal the teacher will first model to them how to use recyclable materials to create their endangered animal models. This will allow students to imitate the teachers procedures in the creating process but will still give them room for individual creativity.

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