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Meghesh Desai. Email id- Career Objective:

ADD-347,Gandhinagar, Ratlam. M.P. M.N.982706496,9826614329

To grow personality and professionally in a reputed organization by achieving greater business responsibilities for the growth of the organization. Personality Traits: Ability to take initiative accept leadership role and provide a spirit of belongingness to tea ! the instinct! to identify analyze and solve the proble s. A icable nature and open to change along with a deep understanding of y sub"ect.

Working Experience:
#ne year e$perience as a %Maintenance supervisor& in %'pca (aboratories (i ited!Ratla &. Educational Qualification: )ear of passing .//0 *a e of E$a ination 1/th University+,oard M.-. ,oard ,hopal -ercentage 21.03

Technical Qualification:

4iplo a in Mechanical. Engg. 5ro Computer kills: ,asic 9nowledge of :o puters. !ocational Training :
1 da!s t"ai#i#g i# $%iesel &hed'

6.T. -olytechnic 7aora! 883

"ro#ects: Ma#or: Ther al -ower -lant.

PERSONAL INFORMATION :Name Fathers Name Address Email ID Pho e No. Age (e) *a g+ages , oMarital (tat+s Natio ality .o11ies DA4E : P*A2E: 6A4*AM : : : : : : : : : : : Meghesh Desai Mr. Vijay Desai. 347,(a#dhi #aga", Ratlam !82"#$%&%!& 22 'rs. Male .i di/ E glish 0 married I dia 2ric3et/. 5E6.ME7.E(. DE(AI8

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