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Marketing Myopia

Marketing is defined by the CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing) as...

Marketing myopia is?

Production orientation is?

Explain the abo e using trains!railroads to illustrate your ans"er

#hy did $olly"ood decline? (p%)

&Making mo ies' implies?

Explain some of the changes that ha e taken place since ()*+ in the needs $olly"ood satisfied

#hat is the problem of ,e itt-s definition of the business $olly"ood says it is in?

.ales orientation is?

#hat are the problems of trying to compete on price?

#hat more recent problems ha e been faced by /ata in India?

#hat reasons does ,e itt gi e for the success of 0uPont? (p1)

Can you gi e any more recent examples of other companies adopting a similar approach 0uPont? (look on your clothes and bags)

#hat are the 2 conditions that lead to decline (p2)

Explain "here do you think the strengths and "eaknesses of the follo"ing companies lie (3 indicates that "e "ill look at these in more detail in seminars)

Strengths Marks 4 .pencer


))pence shops




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Clintons Cards

Typical exam questions

#hat is marketing?

Explain "hat is meant by marketing orientation and the problems faced in its implementation?

#hat is the difference bet"een sales and marketing orientation?

0escribe the difference bet"een production and marketing orientation illustrating your ans"er

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