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Lesson Plan: Language Arts Lesson Three Day Three Daily topic: Creative Writing Activity: Write a one-page,

, fiction story about a specific species of bird with three interesting facts about the species incorporated into the story. Objectives: Learn about the difference between fiction and non-fiction and learn about the different species of birds. Procedures: Class Period 1: 1. Teach about the differences between fiction and non-fiction using the following YouTube video:

2. Briefly discuss the YouTube video and answer any questions the students may have about the video. 3. Explain the task to the students. Example instructions: You will pick a species of birds. Identify three facts about the bird, and then write a one page, fiction story about the species of birds you picked with your three facts included in the story. 4. Allow students about 20-30 minutes to search for their species and three facts. Give the students the following website to pick their species of bird and their three facts:

5. Students will then use the Internet and search for a picture of a bird. The following are examples of pictures that students could chose:

6. Students pick one picture.

7. Then, the students will create a QR code with picture. They will use the following website: 8. Teacher should create a class folder on the class network for students in which they will save their QR Code. 9. The students will save their QR Code under their individual names. 10. Students will then write a one-page fiction story about their species of birds, including the three facts that they found. Allow enough time for students to complete. About 45 minutes to an hour. Class Period 2 11. Lastly, students will read their story out loud. The teacher, for whichever student is reading, will display the QR code on the class projector. The other students in the class will scan the QR code, using iPads, to see the picture on their individual iPad screens. Materials needed: Portable computer lab (so that each student can have their own laptop) iPads Central computer monitor and projector (in order to be able to project the YouTube video and the students QR codes) Pencil and lined paper (so students can write their stories) How do you accommodate students with: special needs, non-native, and gifted. Special Needs: I will personally work with the student to explain the assignment. I would also assist them in writing their paper. I will give enough time so that the student with special needs will be able to complete the assignment. Non-native: I would pair the student with an American student who could help the student get started on his or her own individual assignment. If necessary, I would use Google translator to explain the direction to the students and clarify any confusion that they may have on fiction and nonfiction. Gifted: A gifted student would be required to write a longer story that could be between 1-2 pages or 2-3 pages.

Rubric: [Used]s Story Writing : Bird Species Teacher Name: Ms. Viator Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORY Creativity 4 The story contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader\'s enjoyment. The author has really used his imagination. There are no spelling or punctuation errors in the final draft. Character and place names that the author invented are spelled consistently throughout. The final draft of the story is readable, clean, neat and attractive. It is free of erasures and crossedout words. It looks like the author took great pride in it. All of the written requirements (1 page, 1 species of bird, 3 facts) were met. Created QR Code linked to correct species of bird. 3 The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader\'s enjoyment. The author has used his imagination. There is one spelling or punctuation error in the final draft. 2 The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions, but they distract from the story. The author has tried to use his imagination. There are 2-3 spelling and punctuation errors in the final draft. 1 There is little evidence of creativity in the story. The author does not seem to have used much imagination. The final draft has more than 3 spelling and punctuation errors.

Spelling and Punctuation



The final draft of the story is readable, neat and attractive. It may have one or two erasures, but they are not distracting. It looks like the author took some pride in it. Almost all (about 90%) the written requirements were met.

The final draft of the story is readable and some of the pages are attractive. It looks like parts of it might have been done in a hurry.

The final draft is not neat or attractive. It looks like the student just wanted to get it done and didn\'t care what it looked like. Many requirements were not met.

Most (about 75%) of the written requirements were met, but several were not.

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