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Final Fantasy
Role Playing Game
Third Edition
Table of Contents
0. Introduction 1
1. Playguide 13
Dice 13
Statistics 13
Skills 14
Task Checks 14
Scenes 17
Classes and Jobs 1
Co!bat 1"
#. Character Creation #3
$d%ance!ent 33
&'(erienced Characters 3)
3. *aces 3"
+u!an 3"
,angaa 40
Cre!iere 41
D-ar. 4#
&l. 43
/alka 44
0ithra 41
0oogle 4)
2u 0ou 47
3u 4
*onso 4"
Tarutaru 10
4arg 11
4iera 1#
5eti 13
Di..erentiating *aces 11
4. Jobs 17
6arrior Jobs 17
&'(ert Jobs 74
0age Jobs "
$de(t Jobs 10)
1. Skills 1#4
&'(anded *ules 1#4
/rou(-ork 1#1
$rtistic Skills 1#7
/eneral Skills 1#7
Scholastic Skills 1#
Social Skills 130
Technical Skills 131
Thie%ery Skills 13#
6ea(on Skills 133
6ilderness Skills 134
). &7ui(!ent 137
&7ui(!ent ,asics 137
6ea(on Slot 141
Shield Slot 11
,ody Slot 11"
+ead Slot 1)#
+ands Slot 1)4
$ccessory Slot 1))
In%entory Slot 17#
0aterials 17
7. Co!bat 11
The ,asics o. Co!bat 11
The Initiati%e Phase 1
The $ction Phase 1
The Status Phase 1"3
The S(oils o. ,attle #01
S(ecial Circu!stances #01
. 0agic #01
S(ell Classi.ications #0)
,lack 0agic #07
6hite 0agic #10
Ti!e 0agic #14
*ed 0agic #1
,lue 0agic #1
S(ellblade 0agic ##4
Intuiti%e 0agic ##
". $d%enturing #30
*est and *eco%ery #30
To-ns #3#
8n The *oad #34
10. /a!e!astering #3
/0 ,asics #3
,uilding an $d%enture #43
,uilding a Ca!(aign #11
Creating 2e- *aces #)#
Creating &7ui(!ent #)3
$((endi' I. Skill Su((le!ent #7"
The ,asics o.
Technical Skills #7"
In%ent #0
/adgets #7
*e(air #7
Cra.ting 6ea(ons and
$r!or #
Practical Cra.ting #"0
Cooking #"#
&'(losi%es #"3
$lche!y #"4
0i' #")
$((endi' II. 0onster Creation
Syste! 30"
0onster Pro.ile 30"
$ttributes and Statistics 31#
$ttacks 311
$ction $bilities 3#1
S(ells 3#3
Job $bilities 3#3
0o%e!ent $bilities 3#4
Su((ort $bilities 3#4
*eaction $bilities 3#"
9ield &..ects 330
,oss $bilities 331
*e-ards 33#
Con%erting 0onsters 333
$((endi' III. Su!!oning 331
The ,asics o.
Su!!oning 331
:sing &%ocation 0agic 331
:sing Su!!on 0agic 33)
Su!!on Pro.iles 33
$((endi' I4. Storytelling 3"3
;ey Points 3"3
Traits 3"4
Planning 401
$((endi' 4. /a!e Sheets

"Every story has a beginning.

This is the start of yours."
The .irst 9inal 9antasy title a((eared on $!erican shores in
1""0< long a.ter rescuing its Ja(anese creators .ro!
i!(ending bankru(tcy and %irtual obscurity. Its uni7ue blend o.
traditional 6estern !ythology and science .iction had an
al!ost i!!ediate i!(act on ga!e (layers the -orld o%er<
going on to beco!e one o. the cornerstones o. the .ledgling
console *P/ genre. Since its ince(tion< the 9inal 9antasy
series has beco!e one o. the best=selling > and !ost
in.luential > role=(laying sagas o. all ti!e< s(anning no less
than thirteen o..icial titles on se%en (lat.or!s and countless
s(in=o..s< including t-o ani!ated series and .ull=length C/
!o%ies. The 9inal 9antasy *P/ is both an ho!age to these
titles and an atte!(t to bring their s(irit and .eel to the ga!ing
The Third &dition Core *ulebook is the .oundation o. the
99*P/. +o- you a((roach the in.or!ation -ithin -ill de(end
on both your role(laying e'(erience and your .a!iliarity -ith
the 9inal 9antasy ga!es.
I. you are a 9inal 9antasy .an getting into role(laying
.or the .irst ti!e< you?ll soon be right at ho!e here. Tableto(
role(laying ga!es ha%e entertained (eo(le around the -orld
.or !ore than three decades@ -ith this book< so!e dice<
.riends< (a(er< and a little i!agination< you?ll ha%e e%erything
you need to .ollo- in the .ootste(s o. Aocke< Tidus and Bidane<
tra%eling strange lands< disco%ering legendary -ea(ons and
ancient !agics< and battling against e%il in e%ery sha(e and
6hile (rior role(laying e'(erience is generally a (lus -ith
ga!es like this< the Core *ulebook e'(licitly assu!es that you
are (laying .or the .irst ti!e. ,ecause o. this< you?ll .ind
detailed e'a!(les and e'(lanations throughout. The second
hal. o. this introduction in (articular contains a rundo-n o.
-hat role(laying entails and ho- to go about (laying a tableto(
I. you are ne- to the 9inal 9antasy ga!es< don?t .ret. 2o
?insider? kno-ledge is re7uired to use and enCoy the contents o.
this book. In .act< the .irst (ortion o. this introduction is
s(eci.ically designed as a crash course .or this !uch=lo%ed
series< kee(ing you u( to s(eed -ith the series %eterans. In the
s(ace o. the ne't .e- (ages< you?ll .ind ca(sule su!!aries .or
the .i.teen !ost i!(ortant 9inal 9antasy ga!es as -ell as a
(ri!er on the content and .eel that?s co!!on to the!. This is
su((le!ented by the rest o. the book< -hich o..ers (lenty o.
descri(ti%e detail .or the creatures< (ro.essions< and races o. the
I. you ha%e e'(erience -ith role= (laying ga!es< the
99*P/ should be a relati%ely straight.or-ard read. Aike !any
other rulebooks< the rules o. the 99*P/ -ill be introduced in
s!all seg!ents o%er the course o. this book -ith the ulti!ate
intent o. (re(aring the readers .or their o-n ad%entures in the
9inal 9antasy uni%erse.
9inally< i. you (layed the 9irst or Second &ditions< be
(re(ared to redisco%er the 99*P/ in its entirety. The Third
&dition is a tighter< neater< !ore co!(rehensi%e (iece o. -ork
than its (redecessors< eli!inating unclear rules -hile
dra!atically increasing the range o. o(tions a%ailable to both
/0s and PCs.
In order to hel( your understanding o. the 99*P/Ds ruleset<
all i!(ortant ter!s and .or!ulas in this book are !arked in
bold.ace the .irst ti!e they are used. In addition< key syste!
ter!s > such as Job< S(eed< 6ea(on< $ttack $ction< and Task
Check > -ill be consistently ca(italiEed to head o.. (otential
! Clarifications and Examples
,ecause o. the ga!e?s co!(le'ity< the !ain te't -ill
occasionally be broken u( by clari.ications and e'a!(les<
distinguished by bo'es like this one. &'a!(les -ill ha%e a
7uestion !ark FGH in the u((er le.t corner@ clari.ications an
e'cla!ation !ark FIH.
So!e rules (resented in this rulebook are 8(tional *ules >
these -ill al-ays be clearly denoted as such in the ga!e te't
itsel. -hen they occur. 8(tional *ules are gi%en largely .or the o. /a!e!asters as an alternati%e to e'isting rules@
-hether or not these are i!(le!ented is do-n to indi%idual
,eyond this introduction< the Core *ulebook is di%ided into ten
cha(ters and .i%e a((endices< each co%ering one as(ect o. the
99*P/ in detail.
Cha(ter 1 introduces the !echanics used by the 9inal
9antasy *P/. $l!ost all in.or!ation in here is built u(on in
later cha(ters< and should be considered essential to anyone
interested in (laying the ga!e.
Cha(ter # outlines the character creation (rocess in ste(=by=
ste( .ashion< o..ering a logical starting (oint .or (layers to begin
their e'(loration o. the rest o. the rulebook. It also co%ers
character ad%ance!ent< as -ell as details on ho- to create an
e'(erienced starting character.
Cha(ter 3 gi%es an o%er%ie- o. se%eral 9inal 9antasy races<
discussing (hysiology and culture as -ell as o..ering concrete
role(laying notes and na!ing ad%ice .or those interested in
e'(loring the (ossibilities o..ered by non=hu!an characters.
Cha(ter 4 introduces the (ro.essions o. the 99*P/< their
(o-ers and talents.
Cha(ter 1 describes the Skills o. the 9inal 9antasy *P/<
including their a((lications and li!itations.
Cha(ter ) concerns itsel. -ith e7ui(!ent. It contains .ull
6ea(on< $r!or< $ccessory< and Ite! listings< and del%es into
stores and currency -ithin the 9inal 9antasy uni%erse.
Cha(ter 7 del%es into co!bat and all things associated -ith
it@ include da!age< dying< unusual conditions< and une'(ected
Cha(ter co%ers 0agic in 9inal 9antasy< and holds all
!aCor S(ell lists used by the ,lack< 6hite< *ed< ,lue< and Ti!e
Cha(ter " co%ers the ad%enturing li.e< including rest and
reco%ery< tra%el< na%igating to-ns< and o%erco!ing challenges.
Cha(ter 10 is de%oted solely to the /0. $!ongst other
things< it contains essential ad%ice .or .irst=ti!e /0s< e'(anded
rules .or ca!(aign (lay< and a nu!ber o. hel(.ul tools .or
!aking ne- races< e7ui(!ent< and tra(s.
$((endi' I ser%es as a su((le!ent to the Skill listings .irst
(resented in Cha(ter 1< and co%ers a -ide %ariety o. Technical
Skills and their a((lications.
$((endi' II houses do=it=yoursel. rules .or !onster
creation< guiding /0s through the (rocess o. creating
.earso!e .oes .or their (layers to challenge in !ortal co!bat.
$((endi' III co%ers the %agaries o. Su!!on !agic<
including the (o-er.ul beasts Su!!oners call their allies.
$((endi' I4 o..ers suggestions and !echanics .or
e!(hasiEing the 99*P/Ds storytelling as(ects.
$((endi' 4 is a collection o. sheets designed .or both /0
and (layer usage.
9inally< the last .e- (ages o. the Core *ulebook are de%oted
to an inde'. $ll i!(ortant ter!s< na!es and conce(ts -ithin
the book itsel. are located there .or easy re.erence.
The Core *ulebook contains !aterial con%erted .ro! each o.
the t-el%e ?core? 9inal 9antasy ga!es and their se7uels< (lus
9inal 9antasy Tactics< 9inal 9antasy Tactics $d%ance< and
9inal 9antasy Crystal Chronicles. *ather than e!ulate any
one (articular ga!e in the series< the rules (resented here try
to .ind a co!!on ground bet-een the! by !i'ing and
!atching ele!ents .ro! each !aCor release. The Su!!oning
rules (resented in $((endi' III < .or instance< are directly
based on the ?(ersistent? Su!!oning .irst seen in 9inal
9antasy J< -hile the .ire=and=.orget Su!!oning .ro! earlier
ga!es is (resented as a se(arate ability.
This design (hiloso(hy !eans that so!e ga!es are going to
be !ore di..icult to e!ulate than others. The basic rules don?t
contain any (ro%isions .or changing Jobs in the style o. 9inal
9antasy III and 4< or the o(tion o. o(en=ended character
de%elo(!ent o. the kind o..ered by 9inal 9antasy J?s S(here
/rid or JII ?s Aicense ,oard. /a!e=s(eci.ic con%ersion rules !ay
sur.ace at a .uture date to acco!!odate /0s interested in
recreating one (articular e=ga!e.
The na!es o. the characters< races< e7ui(!ent< ite!s< and s(ells
listed in this rulebook usually .ollo- the ga!es? o..icial 2orth
$!erican translations. ,ecause the 7uality o. these localiEations
has dra!atically i!(ro%ed o%er the t-enty=.i%e years since 9inal
9antasy .irst arri%ed in the :S< na!es used in the 99*P/ tend
to .a%or the ne-est and !ost accurate translations. This
includes the u(dated translations gi%en to recent re!akes o.
older titles like 9inal 9antasy I4 and 9inal 9antasy Tactics@
(layers -ho ha%e only e'(erienced the originals !ay not
i!!ediately recogniEe so!e o. the na!es used here.
The rationale .or this is relati%ely si!(leK once a translation
changes< it generally beco!es the standard .or all .uture ga!es
in the series. 9or e'a!(le< the old L'M 1< #< 3< 4 se7uence o.
S(ells -as dro((ed in .a%or o. =ra< =ga< and =Ca su..i'es back in
?""< ?/il? re(laced ?/old Pieces? as o. 9inal 9antasy 4II < and the
!ost recent translations began (hasing out ?So.t? .or ?/olden
2eedle<? the original Ja(anese na!e. $s a result< kee(ing in the
ga!e in line -ith the !ost current translations hel(s to ?.uture
(roo.? the 99*P/.
WH!T IS FI"!# F!"T!S$%
$s !ight be e'(ected .ro! a series -ith t-enty years o. history<
hundreds o. creati%e (ersonnel< and .e- direct se7uels< 9inal
9antasy is a %aried beast. &ach ga!e is a uni%erse in its o-n
right< introducing ne- (rotagonists< settings and con.licts@ on
the sur.ace< there see!s to be little connection bet-een the
traditional .antasy o. the earlier titles and the out=and=out
science .iction o. the later ones< sa%e .or the na!e itsel.. Aooking
dee(er< ho-e%er< re%eals a nu!ber o. recurring the!es that
bind the ga!es together< creating an i!(ortant co!!on
The 9inal 9antasy uni%erse takes its roots .ro! a rich tradition
o. !ythology and (o(ular storytelling. $nybody .a!iliar -ith the
heroic .antasy genre -ill recogniEe !ost o. the tro(esK legendary
s-ords< !ighty -arriors< shado-y %illains< tales o. !agic and
destiny. This is re.lected in the liberal use o. cultural re.erences
seen throughout the series< ranging .ro! *obin +ood< ;ing
$rthur< &'calibur< and the 0asa!une katana to creatures like
goblins< ka((a< chi!eras< and dragons.
&%ents in 9inal 9antasy ga!es acti%ely re%ol%e around the
(arty. 0aCor e%ents only ha((en -hen they are on the scene< or
because they are@ i. there is change in the -orld< the (layers
either ha%e a direct hand in it or -ill deal -ith the i!(lications
the!sel%es. This e'tends to the larger (lot > e%il (o-ers -ill
o.ten kno- the characters on a .irst=na!e basis< and !ake the
(artyDs eradication a (ersonal (riority.
$s a result< the (layersD deeds should be e(ic enough to
-arrant this kind o. attention. Though it isnDt necessary .or
e%ery ad%enture to ha%e -orld=shaking conse7uences< the
general thrust o. a ca!(aign should see the heroes doing -hat
9inal 9antasy characters do bestK de.eating legendary
!onsters and !ages< obtaining .abled -ea(ons< rescuing
to-ns .ro! the clutches o. e%il< and to((ling corru(t e!(ires.
$d%enturing (arties in 9inal 9antasy tend to be an eclectic
!elange o. ages< backgrounds< and !oti%ations. 6hile thereDs
(lenty o. sco(e .or stout< (ure=hearted heroes and noble
-arriors< not all 9inal 9antasy characters are knights in shining
ar!or@ there?s Cust as !uch sco(e .or shaded (rotagonists like
the antisocial loner S7uall Aeonhart< the thie%ing< sel.=obsessed ;isaragi< or Shado-< a !an -illing to sell his killing
talents to anyone -ith the !oney to !atch his asking (rice.
6hat sets these NdarkerD characters a(art .ro! their ad%ersaries
is their con%iction@ e%en i. they cheat< abuse or betray their
co!rades in the course o. the ad%enture< -hen (ush co!es to
sho%e< they can be counted on to do the right thing. Players<
too< should be -illing to u(hold those ideals.
Des(ite the di%ersity in grou(s< there are also a .e-
constants. The leader o. the grou( tends to be younger and
less -orld=-ise< aged bet-een 1) and #1. 9or !any ga!es<
this is !ainly a narrati%e con%enience@ as the .resh=.aced hero
learns about the -orld around hi! and begins unra%eling
ancient legends< so too -ill the (layer gradually beco!e
ac7uainted -ith the ga!eDs background and storyline. Se%eral
ga!es cou(le the younger (rotagonist -ith an older !entor
character< though the !entors tend to s(end !ore ti!e being
cantankerous to actually teaching their younger counter(arts
anything o. (ractical %alue.
In the earlier ga!es< .e!ale (arty !e!bers tended to use
!agic rather than (hysical -ea(ons in battle< and though the
series has thro-n u( (lenty o. she=-arriors since then<
Su!!oners< Callers< and 6hite 0ages are al!ost uni%ersally
-o!en. In later ga!es< .e!ale characters tend to be di%ided
into Ncute<D Nse'y<D and Nbeauti.ulD ty(es< de(ending on
a((earance and (ersonality@ 9inal 9antasy 4II < 9inal 9antasy
4III < 9inal 9antasy J< and 9inal 9antasy JII are all e'a!(les
o. this kind o. design. I. there are any !e!bers o. ancient
near=hu!an races or lost ci%iliEations in the (arty< chances are
high that are they are .e!ale as -ell.
9inally< non=hu!an characters .or! a distinct !inority in the
grou(. In !ost ga!es< only one !e!ber o. the (arty is
anything other than hu!an< the notable e'ce(tion being 9inal
9antasy IJ.
$nyone co!ing to 9inal 9antasy .ro! traditional .antasy
role(laying ga!es -ill 7uickly notice one thingK the (o-er le%el
is signi.icantly higher. Characters routinely absorb or shrug o..
da!age that -ould .ell an ar!y in real li.e and a!ass entire
arsenals o. ancient arti.acts and legendary -ea(ons o%er the
course o. their careers. 0agic can be (o-er.ul enough to lay
-aste to entire cities at a ti!e@ ancient arti.acts and rituals sink
continents and resha(e the %ery structure o. the (lanet. 9inal
9antasy is all about thinking larger=than=li.e -hile retaining an
inti!ate scale@ great deeds are acco!(lished not by ar!ies< but
by s!all bands o. dedicated -arriors -ith a righteous cause and
the -ill to see it through.
The (lots o. 9inal 9antasy are ulti!ately about disco%ery >
disco%eries about oneDs sel.< about the (ast< about the -orld<
about the (eo(le one tra%els -ith and the reasons .or .ighting
alongside the!. In this sense< a 9inal 9antasy ga!e is like a
!ystery -hose s(eci.ics are disco%ered one (iece at a ti!e.
2e%er gi%e your (layers too !uch in.or!ation about the setting
or its (o-ers ahead o. ti!e > instead< introduce these details
one (iece at a ti!e.
9inal 9antasy ga!es tend to be the (roduct o. !any di..erent
cultural and genre con%entions colliding at once. The .irst ga!e
-as hea%ily in.luenced by %enerable .antasy *P/ Dungeons O
Dragons< but s(iked the (unch -ith the addition o. robots< ti!e
tra%el< and a dungeon set aboard an orbital s(ace station. Since
then< science .iction and .antasy ha%e .reely inter!ingled< albeit
in di..erent -ays.
&arlier ga!es -ere set in traditional .antasy -orlds -here
ancient ci%iliEations had achie%ed tre!endous technological
so(histication be.ore la(sing into obscurity< resulting in settings
sharing 4ikings and cryogenic sus(ension< Paladins and s(ace
tra%el< sub!arines and !agic circles. Aater ga!es ad%anced the
technology le%els to the Industrial $ge< !odern day< and e%en
near .uture -ithout reducing the i!(act o. !agic@ a high=
(o-ered -ea(on in these -orlds could .ire laser bea!s Cust as
easily as highly .ocused arcane energies.
Ja(anese (o(ular culture has also (layed an i!(ortant role in
sha(ing the series. 6ith !ore conte!(orary settings ca!e idol
singers< card ga!es< ho!e (ages< and high .ashion< -hile the
Ja(anese lo%e o. all things cute has resulted in -orlds (o(ulated
-ith cartoonish< o.ten ridiculous !onsters > -inged cats< i!(s
in (ots< blob=!en< kni.e=-ielding .ish in !onkDs robes.
Then there are the !iscellaneous sources and ins(irations
that ha%e been added to the !i' o%er the yearsK the Star 6ars
.il!s< #001K $ S(ace 8dyssey< cult series 2eon /enesis
&%angelion< Studio /hibliDs 2ausicaa > origin o. the iconic
Chocobos > and e%en the classic rock act 3ueen< cited as an
ins(iration by 9inal 9antasy Tactics director 5asu!i 0atsuno.
In short< -hen it co!es to breaking a 9inal 9antasy ga!e do-n
to its co!(onents< it honestly is a case o. ?e%erything but the
kitchen sink.?
There?s a certain kind o. t-isted logic to console *P/s in general
> and 9inal 9antasy s(eci.ically > that is di..icult to adCust to at
.irst. +ere< a.ter all< is a -orld -here heroes can reco%er .ro!
near=.atal beatings -ith Cust eight hours o. slee(< -here gold
coins dro( .ro! dead liEards and ten=year=old girls can .latten a
thirty=year old !an in (late !ail -ithout breaking a s-eat. The
i!(ortant thing is not to -orry -hy it ha((ens and Cust acce(t
it does > 9inal 9antasy ga!es run on their o-n internal logic<
and arenDt !ean to be an accurate si!ulation o. real li.e.
Since 9inal 9antasy III .irst introduced the conce(t o.
?su!!oning<? dra-ing (o-er.ul su(ernatural creatures into a
battle to unleash de%astating !agical attacks has beco!e an
i!(ortant conce(t .or the series. Su!!oned creatures such as
Shi%a< the Ice 3ueen and the 6yr!king ,aha!ut ha%e been
i!(ortant (lot ele!ents in se%eral ga!es< and act as ?recurring
characters? across titles.
$ .e- setting ele!ents are co!!on to e%ery NcoreD 9inal
9antasy< regardless o. ho- .ar into the .uture or (ast it !ay be
set. The .irst is the (resence o. .lying %ehicles< usually the
airshi(s that beco!e the (artyDs (ri!ary !eans o.
trans(ortation later in the ga!e. 9inal 9antasy Tactics is the
only ga!e to break this rule< but e%en it .eatures a .inal battle
in a gra%eyard o. ancient airshi(s< thereby narro-ly s7ueaking
The second is the (resence o. the Chocobo as the (ri!ary
beast o. burden and riding ani!al > horses only !ake rare
a((earances in the ga!es< and are generally used e'clusi%ely
by !onsters and ene!y soldiers.
The third is one character na!ed Cid< -ho usually (lies his
trade as an engineer or scientist. Cid tends to be older< and
acts as a !entor to the (arty@ in so!e cases< he !ay e%en Coin
the! in battle. Cid is also inti!ately tied to airshi(s< and in
!any cases constructs or designs the! hi!sel..
Aess=co!!on but i!(ortant recurring ele!ents include
(o-er.ul< -orld=altering Crystals > usually one .or each o. the
.our &le!ents o. 9ire< &arth< 6ater< and 6ind > and an
inse(arable (air o. characters na!ed ,iggs and 6edge stuck
doing dirty and ungla!orous -ork. These aside< !any o. the
S(ells< races< and !onsters in this book are NiconicD 9inal
9antasy creations at ho!e in any o. the actual ga!es..
$ critical .actor to consider is the o%erall tone o. the ga!e. 6ith
the e'ce(tion o. the gri! Tactics uni%erse< al!ost e%ery 9inal
9antasy ga!e is teen=.riendly in ter!s o. content< though titles
released a.ter the 2intendo era (ushed a little harder on this
.ront than the earlier ga!es. Se' !ay be alluded to > as -ith
9inal 9antasy 4I Ds thinly=%eiled (rostitutes< the ris7uP dancers
o. 9inal 9antasy I4< or the +oneybee Inn in 9inal 9antasy 4II
> but is ne%er actually seen Non=screenD< regardless o. -hether
itDs the actual act or the a.ter!ath. *elationshi(s< -here they
e'ist< tend to be a (latonic ideal o. ro!antic lo%e@ -hether they
are consu!!ated is generally le.t to the (layerDs o-n
Though death occurs on a !assi%e scale< %iolence< too< tends
to be styliEed rather than e'(licit@ no buckets o. blood or
se%ered li!bs .lying through the air e%ery ti!e s-ords cross.
Torture is rarely seen and generally ta!e > electric shocks< a
.e- kicks to the gut< i!(robable and o%erly=elaborate
9inally< language tends to be relati%ely !ild > the only ga!e
-ith notable s-earing is 9inal 9antasy 4II < and the bulk o. it
-as censored out .or co!ic e..ect< resulting in so!e QRSTing
!e!orable dialog. The end result is a kind o. uni%erse
(er!anently stuck in P/=13.
9inal 9antasy %illains can co!e in !any .or!s > the sla%ering
!onster< the bu!bling hench!an< the calculating !ilitary !ind<
the alien intelligence< the sche!ing !egalo!aniac< the last
sur%i%or o. a long=dead ci%iliEation &ach story has a !ultitude o.
.oes< but there is al-ays one ene!y that rules the! all< a .inal
!enace to be slain to set things to rights again. So!eti!es the
last battle -ill be against an o((onent that has dogged the
heroes since their ad%enture began@ so!eti!es< the true
!aster!ind -ill only sho- itsel. at the ele%enth hour. &ither -ay<
the only -ay to sa%e the -orld is to best the! in battle and bring
the story to an end.
/i%en the (roli.ic rate at -hich the .ranchise has !ulti(lied o%er
the years< kee(ing track o. the e%er=increasing nu!bers o.
releases< re!akes< and s(ino..s is o.ten di..icult< i. not outright
o%er-hel!ing. The ne't .e- (ages ha%e been gi%en o%er to a
co!(rehensi%e history o. 9inal 9antasy .ro! its ince(tion
on-ards< co%ering !aCor releases and e%ents.
8n the %erge o. bankru(tcy< S7uare > an obscure de%elo(er -ith
a string o. .lo(s to its na!e > (uts all o. its resources into
de%elo(ing a do=or=die title< 9inal 9antasy< .or 2intendo?s
9a!ico! console. Dra-ing hea%ily on .ello- de%elo(er &ni'?s
Dragon 3uest and TS*?s (o(ular Dungeons O Dragons
role(laying ga!e< the title beco!es an une'(ected success<
gi%ing S7uare a second lease on li.e and lioniEing its creators >
(roducer +ironobu Sakaguchi< co!(oser 2obuo :e!atsu< and
character designer 5oshitaka $!ano< -hose ethereal (astel=
colored art-ork -ill de.ine the UlookU o. the series .or nearly a
9inal 9antasy II is released in Ja(an. $ signi.icant about=.ace
.ro! its (redecessor< II introduces a co!(le' storyline and
better=de%elo(ed characters as -ell as ne- !echanics that
esche- Ae%el=based ad%ance!ent in .a%or o. a !ore .ree=.or!
syste!. Se%eral o. the ga!e?s !ore enduring ele!ents >
including the hearty a%ian steeds kno-n as Chocobos and
:lti!a< the ulti!ate !agic > !ake their debut here.
9inal 9antasy III is released in Ja(an. $ thro-back to the
original 9inal 9antasy< III ?s (lot is secondary to its !echanics@ a
class=change syste! allo-s the ga!e?s .aceless (rotagonists to
sli( into a -ide array o. roles and (ro.essions to o%erco!e
their .oes.
6ith III a hit< -ork begins on t-o ne- 9inal 9antasy titles >
9inal 9antasy I4 .or the 9a!ico! and 9inal 9antasy 4 .or the
Su(er 9a!ico!< 2intendo?s ne- 1)=bit console. &arly on in the
de%elo(!ent (rocess< S7uare !akes the decision to !o%e
9inal 9antasy I4 to the Su(er 9a!ico!< !aking III the last o.
the series to a((ear on the original 9a!ico!.
9inal 9antasy is released in the :nited States< enCoying
resounding success. $s a result< S7uare?s :S subsidiary begins
-ork on an &nglish %ersion o. 9inal 9antasy II . $ (rototy(e
cartridge > subtitled VDark Shado- o. PalakiaW > is (roduced<
but the (roCect is e%entually scra((ed in .a%or o. localiEing the
ne-ly=released 9inal 9antasy I4.
9inal 9antasy Aegend is released in the :S .or 2intendo?s
handheld /a!e ,oy console. In s(ite o. its title > and director
$kitoshi ;a-aEu< a ga!e designer on 9inal 9antasy I and II >
the ga!e is not o..icially (art o. the 9inal 9antasy series@ its
original Ja(anese title< 0akai Toshi Sa/a< is Cettisoned .or the
:S !arket to ca(italiEe on 9inal 9antasy?s na!e=brand
recognition a!ong $!erican ga!ers.
9inal 9antasy I4 is released. Its co!bination o. 9inal 9antasy
II ?s (lot=dri%en ga!e(lay -ith the !ore straight.or-ard class=
based !echanics o. the original ga!e sets the tone .or the rest
o. the series< and -ill lead !any to declare it as one o. the best
titles in the series.
&ager to ca(italiEe on 9inal 9antasy?s :S .anbase< S7uare
rushes a :S %ersion > retitled 9inal 9antasy II to a%oid
con.using consu!ers > into (roduction< releasing it a !ere
.our !onths a.ter its Ja(anese counter(art. 0ore than a
straight (ort< 9inal 9antasy II .eatures se%eral notable
changes< including a toned=do-n di..iculty le%el and the
re!o%al o. a signi.icant a!ount o. content dee!ed unsuitable
.or :S audiences. The ga!e?s translation< though (oor<
(ro%ides a generation o. ga!ers -ith one o. its !ost
resounding catch(hrasesK U58: SP8825 ,$*DIU
Seiken DensetsuK 9inal 9antasy /aiden is released in
Ja(an .or the /a!e ,oy. 8riginally entitled /e!!a ;nights<
the ga!e is !ore action=oriented than its Ubig brothersU@ only a
hand.ul o. ele!ents > including the iconic 0oogles and
Chocobos > and its o%erall gra(hical style identi.y it as (art o.
the series. Des(ite being de%elo(ed by a largely ine'(erienced
tea!< Seiken Densetsu is success.ul enough to s(a-n a
series o. se7uels@ the 9inal 9antasy ele!ents are (hased out
.ro! the second ga!e on-ards. The :S release .ollo-s in
2o%e!ber o. the sa!e year under the title 9inal 9antasy
The /a!e ,oy title Sa/a IIK +ihou Densetsu is released as
9inal 9antasy Aegend II in the :S.
9inal 9antasy 4 is released in Ja(an. $ thro-back to 9inal
9antasy III < its e'(ansi%e class change syste!< high di..iculty
le%el< and lo-=key (lot are dee!ed ?inaccessible? to the a%erage
$!erican ga!er< resulting in it being (assed o%er .or :S release.
The ga!e is the last to be directed by series creator +ironobu
9inal 9antasyK 0ystic 3uest is released in the :S. De%elo(ed
entirely -ith an $!erican audience in !ind< the ga!e is -idely
seen as one o. S7uare?s !ost notorious !is.ires. The ele!entary
ga!e(lay and non=e'istent storyline co!(ares (oorly to the
recently=released 9inal 9antasy II and leads to -ides(read
conte!(t .or the title in later years.
0ystic 3uest is released in Ja(an under the title 9inal 9antasy
:S$K 0ystic 3uest.
The /a!e ,oy title Sa/a IIIK Jikuu no +asha is released as
9inal 9antasy Aegend III in the :S.
9inal 9antasy 4I is released. ,y no-< the debut o. a ne- 9inal
9antasy title has beco!e so!ething o. a cultural e%ent@ in
Ja(an< hordes o. eager ga!ers line u( outside o. stores on
release day< ho(ing to be the .irst to sna( u( a co(y. $ bleak<
e(ic ga!e< 4I ?s gra(hical o(ulence and e'(ansi%e sco(e dri%e it
to critical and co!!ercial success. 6ith +ironobu Sakaguchi
only (eri(herally in%ol%ed in the title?s de%elo(!ent< directorial
duties on 4I are shared by 5oshinori ;itase > -ho had
(re%iously -orked on Seiken Densetsu > and 9inal 9antasy
I4?s battle director< +iroyuki Itou.
$ hea%ily $ngliciEed :S %ersion is released under the title 9inal
9antasy III later the sa!e year< once again toning do-n or
outright re!o%ing UobCectionableU content in the ga!e. In
subse7uent years< these changes -ill co!e under signi.icant .ire
.ro! die=hard series .ans.
9inal 9antasyK Aegend o. the Crystals< an ani!ated se7uel
to 9inal 9antasy 4< is released in Ja(an. Des(ite the (resence
o. acclai!ed director *intaro > -ho had (re%iously -orked on
the ani!ated %ersion o. &ni'?s Dragon 3uest > Aegend o. the
Crystals !eets a !uted rece(tion .ro! series .ans.
S7uare begins de%elo(!ent on 9inal 9antasy Tactics .or the
Su(er 9a!ico!. Ins(ired by tactical role=(laying ga!es like
8gre ,attle and 9ire &!ble!< Tactics (laces the (layer in
charge o. an entire ar!y< de%elo(ing a .ighting .orce o%er the
course o. !any battles. $s the (roCect (rogresses< the
increasingly tangential connections to the 9inal 9antasy series
e%entually lead to the ga!e being re(ositioned as a -holly
original title< ,aha!ut Aagoon.
$ second 9inal 9antasy Tactics -ill later enter de%elo(!ent
under the direction o. 5asu!i 0atsuno< creator o. 8gre ,attle<
a.ter the latter de.ects .ro! de%elo(er 3uest to S7uare.
Plans are dra-n u( to release a :S %ersion o. 9inal 9antasy
4. Pro%isionally entitled 9inal 9antasy &'tre!e< S7uare
intends to (ro!ote the ga!e as intended .or U!ore
e'(erienced ga!ers<W but cancels de%elo(!ent (art-ay
through the (roCect.
S7uare un%eils an interacti%e technical de!o .eaturing 9inal
9antasy 4I characters at the $C0 SI//*$P+ con%ention. $t
the ti!e< the de!o is -idely assu!ed to be a Udry runU .or an
e%entual 9inal 9antasy )4 on 2intendo?s )4=bit Su(er
9a!ico! successor.
&nding nearly a decade o. collaboration -ith 2intendo< S7uare
announces that 9inal 9antasy 4II -ill be released e'clusi%ely
on Sony?s ne't=generation Playstation console a.ter the
a!bitious ga!e (ro%es i!(ossible to realiEe on 2intendo?s
cartridge=based 2intendo )4.
9inal 9antasy 4II is released -ith an e'tensi%e (ro!otional
blitE e!(hasiEing its then=stunning (re=rendered gra(hics. The
ga!bit -orks< enticing e%en ga!ers -ho traditionally shun
role(laying ga!es@ o%er the ne't t-o years< 9inal 9antasy 4II
-ill go on to sell !ore than !illion co(ies< nearly .our ti!es
the nu!ber shi.ted by its (redecessor.
2otable .or a gritty near=.uture scenario and adult the!es<
4II also .eatures a ne- character designer< Tetsuya 2o!ura<
-hose -ork de.ines !uch o. the .uture ?look? o. the series. 8n
the (roduction .ront< 5oshinori ;itase once again acts as
The :S release > later brought to Ja(an under the title 9inal
9antasy 4II International > adds ne- content< including t-o
UchallengeU bosses< *uby 6ea(on and &!erald 6ea(on.
+o-e%er< Sony?s sub=(ar translation reduces the intricate (lot
to nigh=on incoherence. $!ong the !any (ieces o. !angled
dialogue is the -idely=7uoted line< UThis guy are sick.U
The ga!e?s success dri%es a -edge bet-een S7uare and
2intendo< resulting in S7uare abandoning 2intendo?s (lat.or!s
9inal 9antasy Tactics is released .or the Playstation to
-ides(read critical acclai!. $s -ith 9inal 9antasy 4II < 9inal
9antasy Tactics is localiEed by Sony rather than S7uare<
resulting in a (lethora o. gra!!atical< s(elling< and translation
errors. The ga!e?s tutorial section in (articular su..ers .ro!
this@ as a result< the nonsensical ad%ice gi%en by in=ga!e tutor
,orda! Dara%on beco!es the stu.. o. dark legend a!ong
series .ans.
S7uare begins -orking -ith de%elo(ers To( Dog to bring a
:S %ersion o. 9inal 9antasy 4 to 6indo-s PCs. The (roCect
.alls a(art -ell be.ore release as a result o. co!!unication
issues bet-een the t-o (arties.
S7uare Pictures is established in +onolulu< +a-aii. :ST130
!illion is s(ent building the co!(any?s state=o.=the=art studio
and (roduction .acilities -ith the intention o. establishing an
ani!ated .il! di%ision -ithin the co!(any. $n international tea!
begins -ork on -hat -ill e%entually beco!e 9inal 9antasyK The
S(irits 6ithin.
$ 6indo-s PC (ort o. 9inal 9antasy 4II is released.
9inal 9antasy 4III is released on the Playstation. Intended as
an antidote to the dark< gloo!y 4II < 4III ?s stri((ed=do-n
ga!e(lay and (ersonaliEed narrati%e !ake it one o. the !ost
contro%ersial titles in the series< but also one o. the !ost
success.ul@ in the :S< the ga!e clai!s sales o. !ore than :ST10
!illion in the .irst three -eeks o. its release.
S7uare begins releasing Playstation (orts o. the Su(er
9a!ico!=era 9inal 9antasy ga!es. In Ja(an< the 9inal 9antasy
Collection contains 9inal 9antasy I4< 4< and 4I @ the :S release<
the 9antasy $nthology bundles 9inal 9antasy 4 and 4I
together. $ll ga!es are %irtually unchanged .ro! their original
Su(er 9a!ico! outings< but ha%e (re=rendered cine!atics to
bring the! in line -ith the later Playstation releases. 4< seeing
an o..icial Stateside release .or the .irst ti!e< is saddled -ith a
sub=(ar translation@ .an reaction to the UlostU 9inal 9antasy is
!i'ed at best.
9inal 9antasy IJ beco!es the last Uo..icialU 9inal 9antasy to see
a release on the original Playstation. De%elo(ed concurrently
-ith 4III < IJ is a %ery di..erent beast .ro! its (redecessor<
trading hea%ily on .an nostalgia -ith .re7uent re.erences to
(re%ious ga!es in both %isuals and s(irit. Character art once
again co!es courtesy o. 5oshitaka $!ano@ in=ga!e< characters
s(ort a cartoonish< styliEed look deliberately at odds -ith the
!ore realistic design o. 9inal 9antasy 4III .
Des(ite > or (erha(s because o. > the ga!e?s nods to its
roots< IJ is the least success.ul Playstation 9inal 9antasy by .ar.
$ 6indo-s (ort is announced< but ne%er !aterialiEes
$ re!ake o. the original 9inal 9antasy is released .or ,andai?s
6onders-an Color< an obscure Ja(anese handheld -ith !ini!al
share in a !arket do!inated by 2intendo. Though ga!e(lay is
largely unchanged< the re!ake .eatures retooled gra(hics >
bringing it u( to 1)=bit era standards > and a !odestly
i!(ro%ed storyline.
$ 6indo-s PC (ort o. 9inal 9antasy 4III is released.
The release o. 9inal 9antasy J !arks the series?s transition to
Sony?s Playstation # > and the beginning o. a ne- era< as
5oshinori ;itase takes o%er as (roducer and longti!e co!(oser
2obuo :e!atsu shares co!(osing duties -ith ne-co!ers
Junya 2akano and 0asashi +a!auEu. The PS#?s i!(ro%ed
(rocessing (o-er signi.icantly closes the ga( bet-een in=ga!e
%isuals and the (re=rendered cine!atics that are no- a series
sta(le. 0ost notably< the ga!e?s en%iron!ents > static 3D
renders throughout the Playstation years > are .inally
generated entirely in real=ti!e. 8ther inno%ations include a
strea!lined battle syste!< o(en=ended character de%elo(!ent<
and e'tensi%e %oice acting@ critically acclai!ed< the title also
(ro%es to be a co!!ercial s!ash< selling nearly t-o !illion
co(ies -ithin .our days o. its Ja(anese release.
The .ull=length C/ science .iction !o%ie 9inal 9antasyK The
S(irits 6ithin is released in theaters Though o(ulently
ani!ated< S(irits is a critical and co!!ercial dud< (osting a
:ST1#0 !illion loss. The .allout .ro! the !o%ie?s .ailure s(ells
the end .or S7uare Pictures@ the co!(any shuts do-n a.ter
releasing Cust one !ore (roCect< the 0atri' short 9inal 9light
o. the 8siris.
The ani!ated series 9inal 9antasy :nli!ited begins airing
in Ja(an. $ collaboration bet-een S7uare and ani!ation studio
/82B8< :nli!ited tells the story o. t-o young children
brought to a .antastic -orld in search o. their (arents. Crude
ani!ation< si!(listic (lot< and !ini!al connection to the 9inal
9antasy ga!es do little to endear it to %ie-ers@ te(id ratings
.orce the sho-?s cancellation a.ter only #1 e(isodes.
S7uare .ollo-s its 9inal 9antasy I re!ake -ith a
6onders-an Color (ort o. 9inal 9antasy II < .eaturing
enhanced gra(hics and an i!(ro%ed ad%ance!ent syste!.
9inal 9antasy Chronicles is released in the :S< bundling
9inal 9antasy I4 and Chrono Trigger > another classic
S7uare *P/ .ro! the Su(er 9a!ico! era > together in a single
bo'ed set. $s -ith $nthology< both titles are s(ruced u( -ith
ne- cine!atics. 9inal 9antasy I4 is graced -ith a .resh
translation@ !ind.ul o. the ga!e?s historic status< the
translators are nonetheless care.ul to kee( key lines .ro! the
original intact< !ost notably the in.a!ous USP8825 ,$*D.U
9inal 9antasy JI < the .irst !assi%ely !ulti(layer online ga!e
set in the 9inal 9antasy uni%erse< debuts on Playstation # and
PC in Ja(an. The ga!e?s !echanics are ins(ired by the highly
success.ul online ga!e &%er3uest < a ga!e obsessi%ely (layed
by JI ?s de%elo(!ent tea!. Though unit sales (ale in
co!(arison to its traditional counter(arts< it accu!ulates
100<000 (aying subscribers< !aking it a!ong the !ore
success.ul entries in the !assi%ely !ulti(layer genre.
9inal 9antasy 8rigins is released< bundling the 6onders-an
u(grades o. 9inal 9antasy I and II onto a single Playstation
CD. $s -ith Chronicles and $nthology< 8rigins .eatures
additional (re=rendered cine!atics not .ound in (re%ious > or
subse7uent > releases.
$ (ort o. 9inal 9antasy I4 beco!es the third and last 9inal
9antasy release .or the 6onders-an Color.
S7uare !erges -ith .or!er arch=ri%al &ni'< .or!ing a ne-
conglo!erate kno-n as S7uare &ni'.
9inal 9antasy J=#< the .irst direct se7uel to a 9inal 9antasy
ga!e in S7uare &ni'?s history< is released .or the Playstation #.
*eusing the original?s engine and gra(hical assets< J=#?s light=
hearted tone and .e!ale (rotagonists garner !i'ed res(onses
.ro! .ans. 2onetheless< the ga!e goes on to sell # !illion
co(ies in Ja(an and a .urther 1 !illion in the :S.
9inal 9antasyK Crystal Chronicles is released .or the
2intendo /a!eCube< !arking the start o. a reconciliation -ith
2intendo. $ light-eight action *P/ .or u( to .our (layers
incor(orating the /a!e ,oy $d%ance as a ga!e(lay aid< Crystal
Chronicles has !ore in co!!on -ith original 9inal 9antasy
s(in=o.. Seiken Densetsu than the -eighty U!ainU ga!es.
9inal 9antasy Tactics $d%ance is released .or the /a!e ,oy
$d%ance. Though it shares the !echanics o. its (redecessor<
T$?s -hi!sical (lot > hea%ily ins(ired by cult .antasy no%el The
2e%erending Story > is a disa((oint!ent to Tactics de%otees.
The ga!e achie%es res(ectable success< selling !ore than
100<000 co(ies in Ja(an in less than t-o !onths.
9inal 9antasy JI is released in the :S bundled -ith the
ga!e?s .irst e'(ansion (ack< *ise o. the Bilart .
,andai halts !anu.acturing o. its 6onders-an handhelds<
leading S7uare &ni' to cancel its intended re!ake o. 9inal
9antasy III . The (roCect is later re%i%ed .or 2intendo?s DS
9inal 9antasy 4IIK ,e.ore Crisis< a (re7uel to 9inal 9antasy
4II < is released in Ja(an. The ga!e?s (lot > told %ia Ue(isodesU
released to !obile (hones on a !onthly basis > casts (layers as
!e!bers o. the Turks< the elite security .orce o. the %illainous
Shinra Po-er Co!(any. ,e.ore Crisis > .irst in a series o. 9inal
9antasy 4II s(ino..s collecti%ely kno-n as UCo!(ilation o. 9inal
9antasy 4IIU > 7uickly gro-s to beco!e one o. the !ost
success.ul !obile titles e%er.
Chains o. Pro!athia< 9inal 9antasy JI ?s second e'(ansion
(ack< is released< adding se%eral ne- areas to the -orld o.
9inal 9antasyK Da-n o. Souls< a (ort o. 8rigins .or
2intendo?s /a!e ,oy $d%ance< is released. ,oth ga!es are
enhanced to s(ort additional contentK .our UbonusU dungeons in
9inal 9antasy I and an additional !ini=ad%enture in 9inal
9antasy II .
$.ter a success.ul debut at the 4enice 9il! 9esti%al< the .ull=
length C/ .eature 9inal 9antasy 4IIK $d%ent Children sees
li!ited theatrical release in Ja(an. S7uare &ni'?s .irst %enture in
co!(uter ani!ation since the de!ise o. S7uare Pictures<
$d%ent Children is a direct se7uel to 9inal 9antasy 4II
.eaturing !any o. the sa!e key creati%e (ersonnel. The
subse7uent D4DX:0D release o. the !o%ie is a resounding
success< selling 700<000 units in the s(ace o. a single !onth.
The D4D edition includes an additional ani!ated short< UAast
9inal 9antasy I4 $d%ance< a (ort o. 9inal 9antasy I4 .or
the /a!e ,oy $d%ance< is released. $s -ith (re%ious /,$
releases< 99I4$ s(orts bonus content > in this case< t-o ne-
dungeons and the ability to change (arty !e!bers .or the .inal
Dirge o. Cerberus< the third 9inal 9antasy 4II s(ino..< is
released on the PS# to !iddling re%ie-s. $ run=and=gun
shooter starring the !ysterious 4incent 4alentine< Dirge
.ollo-s the e%ents o. $d%ent Children and is the last ga!e in
the 9inal 9antasy 4II ti!eline.
Treasures o. $ht :rhgan< the third 9inal 9antasy JI
e'(ansion< is released. ,eyond adding se%eral ne- areas to the
ga!e -orld< Treasures also introduces three ne- JobsK the
,lue 0age< the Corsair< and the Pu((et 0aster.
$.ter nearly 1 years o. de%elo(!ent and countless delays<
9inal 9antasy JII .inally sees release. 6ith 9inal 9antasy
Tactics director 5asu!i 0atsuno at the hel!< JII takes the
series into ne- -aters on !any .ronts. &'(loration and co!bat
are !erged into a sea!less -hole< -hile the storyDs (olitical
!achinations drastically e'(and the traditionally inti!ate sco(e
o. (re%ious 9inal 9antasy ga!es. The 6eekly 9a!itsu< Ja(anDs
!ost res(ected %ideo ga!e (eriodical< a-ards the ga!e a
land!ark 40 out o. 40< !aking it only the si'th ga!e in
9a!itsuDs history to recei%e this distinction.
$t the #00) &lectronic &ntertain!ent &'(o< S7uare &ni'
announces 9inal 9antasy JIIIK 2o%a 9abula Crystallis as a
!ulti=(ronged (roCect co%ering !ulti(le ga!es united by a
single shared setting. The .irst 2o%a 9abula Crystallis
(roCects announced to the (ublic are t-o Playstation 3 ga!es<
9inal 9antasy JIII and 9inal 9antasy 4ersus JIII < a !obile
ga!e< 9inal 9antasy $gito JIII < and an unna!ed 2intendo DS
The 2intendo DS %ersion o. 9inal 9antasy III is released to
general critical acclai!. In Ja(an< the ga!e sells !ore than
100<000 units in its .irst t-o days o. release. Though largely a
.aith.ul re!ake o. the original< the ne- 9inal 9antasy III is .ully
(olygonal and adds distinct (ersonalities to the ga!e?s
.or!erly=anony!ous heroes.
9inal 9antasy 4 $d%ance< the /a!e ,oy $d%ance re!ake o.
9inal 9antasy 4< is released. In addition to a ne- ?Sealed
Dungeon<? the title .eatures .our additional Jobs.
The 9inal 9antasy .ranchise celebrates its #0
anni%ersary. To
co!!e!orate this !ilestone< S7uare &ni' releases ne- (orts o.
9inal 9antasy I and II on the Playstation Portable handheld<
incor(orating the 904s .ro! the 8rigins release as -ell as
additional content .or both ga!es.
9inal 9antasy 4I $d%ance< the /a!e ,oy $d%ance re!ake o.
9inal 9antasy 4I < is released in the :S. The bonus content this
ti!e includes one ne- dungeon and a nu!ber o. &s(ers taken
.ro! 9inal 9antasy 4III . In addition< the u(dated translation
undoes !uch o. the censorshi( (resent in the original $!erican
release< o..ering (layers a .ar !ore .aith.ul e'(erience.
*e%enant 6ings< a direct se7uel to 9inal 9antasy JII < is
released on the 2intendo DS. Starring a !otley assort!ent o.
!aCor and !inor characters .ro! the original< *e%enant 6ings
uses its (redecessor?s basic ga!e(lay as the .oundation .or a
real=ti!e strategy ga!e.
Crisis Core< the .ourth 9inal 9antasy 4II s(ino..< is released
on the PSP. $ .ast=(aced action *P/ acting as an e..ecti%e
(re7uel to its (arent ga!e< Crisis Core nets both e'cellent
re%ie-s and outstanding sales.
9inal 9antasy TacticsK The Aion 6ar is released on the
Playstation Portable. $n enhanced (ort o. the original
Playstation ga!e< Aion 6ar .eatures t-o ne- Jobs< a !ulti(layer
!ode< and a guest a((earance by 9inal 9antasy JII ?s ,althier.
9inal 9antasy Tactics $# is released on the 2intendo DS. $s
the na!e i!(lies< the ga!e is a se!i=direct se7uel to 9inal
9antasy Tactics $d%ance< .eaturing a ne- cast o. characters
-ho ha%e been brought into I%alice through the (o-er o. the
/ran /ri!oire.
6ings o. the /oddess< the .ourth 9inal 9antasy JI
e'(ansion (ack< is released. 6ings once again increases the
siEe o. 4ana?diel and adds t-o ne- Jobs to the a%ailable rosterK
Dancer and Scholar.
S7uare &ni' releases a .ully (olygonal re!ake o. 9inal
9antasy I4< incor(orating sub(lots and ele!ents cut .ro! the
original Su(er 9a!ico! %ersion as -ell as e'tensi%e %oice acting.
$ se7uel to 9inal 9antasy I4< entitled $nother 0oon< is (ut
into de%elo(!ent .or !obile (lat.or!s. Picking u( al!ost t-o
decades a.ter the original< $nother 0oon .ollo-s the
ad%entures o. Cecil< *osa< and their son.
S7uare &ni' re%isits the Crystal Chronicles series by releasing
*ing o. 9ates .or the 2intendo DS. This ga!e is a (re7uel
taking (lace during the /olden age o. the -orld.
The Crystal Chronicles series continues -ith 0y Ai.e as a
;ing released %ia the 6ii6are ser%ice o. the 2intendo 6ii.
This ga!e is the .irst true se7uel o. Crystal Chronicles< and
in a change o. (ace< .ocuses on creating a ne- kingdo!.
6hile !ost o. the 99*P/?s intended audience is assu!ed to
ha%e (layed at least one or !ore o. the ga!es in the series<
not e%eryone is .a!iliar -ith the older and !ore obscure title.
6hat .ollo-s are s(oiler=.ree su!!aries .or e%ery standalone
ga!e re.erenced in this rulebook.
Final Fantasy
Shrouded in darkness< the -orld begins a slo- and terrible rot
in the dying light o. the .our Crystals > cro(s -ither and die<
.ierce -a%es ra%age the oceans< and !onsters s(read across
the sickening land. 2o-< the only ho(e lies in the ancient
legend o. the Aight 6arriors< (assed do-n o%er !illennia in the
lore o. Dragon< &l. and +u!an alikeK
6hen the -orld is in darkness< .our -arriors -ill co!eY
Final Fantasy II
The gates o. the under-orld ha%e been thro-n o(en and the
ar!ies o. +ell roa! .reely once !ore< unleashed by the
ruthless a!bitions o. &!(eror Pala!ecia. $t his behest<
!onsters s-ee( across the land< indiscri!inately raEing to-ns<
!urdering and ensla%ing their citiEens@ any stirring o.
resistance is crushed -ithout !ercy. ,ut e%en Pala!eciaDs
co!bined ar!ies cannot e'tinguish all ho(e@ bra%ing traitors
and de!ons< a s!all band o. heroes under the leadershi( o.
Princess +ilda o. 9ynn (re(ares to strike back against a
see!ingly=in%incible .oeY
Final Fantasy III
9or !any years< the inhabitants o. :r li%ed in the shelter o. the
6ind CrystalDs light< dra-ing on its blessings to (rotect the!
.ro! the (redations o. roa!ing !onsters. Then the tre!ors
struck and the idyll shattered in an instant as the earth
o(ened< s-allo-ing the Crystal -hole. 9or a young %illager
caught in the cataclys!< that .ate.ul earth7uake is only the
beginning > entrusted -ith the 6ind CrystalDs (o-ers< he !ust
no- (re(are to e!bark on the ad%enture o. a li.eti!e.
Final Fantasy I1
Flight. A distant dream for most; a strategic weapon of
devastating proportions for the ingdom of !aron"
whose elite #ed $ing air force is %nmatched the
world over. &n more peacef%l times" the #ed $ings
were respected and admired in e'%al meas%re; now"
this formerl()honora*le fighting force has *ecome an
aerial plag%e" *om*ing and looting on the orders of an
increasingl()erratic monarch who covets sole
possession of the world+s fo%r ,r(stals. -ist%r*ed *(
ing !aron.s warli/e am*itions" a *and of heroes
ta/es a stand against the /ingdom.s armies 0 onl( to
discover !aron.s motivations r%n deeper than the(
co%ld have ever s%spected.
Final Fantasy 1
Through arcane !achinery de%ised by the reclusi%e genius Cid
Pre%ia< the kingdo!s o. 6alE< ;arnak< and Tycoon enCoy
un(aralleled (eace and (ros(erity. 5et the !ystic Crystals<
source o. their good .ortune< gro- -eaker by the day. 6hen
TycoonDs 6ind Crystal shatters< a young (rincess Coins .orces
-ith a !is!atched grou( o. tra%elers< racing to rescue the
re!aining Crystals be.ore their (o-er is e'tinguished .or good.
Final Fantasy 0ysti2 34est
$cting on orders .ro! the sinister Dark ;ing< .our beasts steal
the Crystals o. the ele!ents< sealing u( the great 9ocus To-er
and (lunging .our great lands into chaos. 2o-< all ho(e no-
rests -ith one young -arrior< chosen by (ro(hecy to reclai! the
Crystals and sa%e the -orld .ro! darkness.
Final Fantasy 1I
The 6ar o. the 0agi dro%e a once=(roud ci%iliEation into
e'tinction@ in the a.ter!ath< !agic see!ingly %anished .ro! the
.ace o. the earth. 8ne thousand years later< hu!anity has nearly
succeeded in rebuilding itsel.@ stea! and the (o-er o. !achinery
once again stand at their co!!and.
,ut !astery o. technology is not enough .or those obsessed
-ith the lure o. .orbidden (o-er. $lready< the &!(ire /estahl has
(er.ected the art o. 0agitek< a .earso!e synthesis o. sorcerous
energy and iron s(earheading an agenda o. subCugation and
con7uest. Countless cities ha%e .allen to the I!(erial ar!ies@
co!!and o. true !agic -ould !ean nothing short o. -orld
do!ination .or the dictator. The chance disco%ery o. an &s(er in
colliery o. 2arshe no- threatens to !ake /estahlDs (lans .or a
re%i%al o. !agic a reality > can another cataclys! be .ar o..G
Final Fantasy 1II
0akoK clean< e..icient and see!ingly li!itless< it is nothing less
than the ulti!ate (o-er source. 6ith its !ako !ono(oly< the
sinister Shinra Po-er Cor(oration is unchallenged !aster o.
the kno-n -orld@ its reactors loo! o%er e%ery city and nation<
su((lying energy to the .arthest reaches o. the globe. ,ut
there is a darker side to the !ako bonanEa< a secret care.ully
co%ered u( by the co!(anyK the so=called N.ree energyD is
nothing less than the PlanetDs li.e .orce< si(honed o.. bit by bit
to !eet the daily needs o. ShinraDs loyal subscribers.
Standing in the (ath o. Shinra is the organiEation
$4$A$2C+&< a s!all but dedicated grou( o. eco=-arriors
deter!ined to shut do-n ShinraDs li.e=draining reactors at any
cost. Aittle do they realiEe that the cor(oration is the least o.
the PlanetDs -orries...
Final Fantasy Ta2ti2s
The 9i.ty 5ear 6ar le.t the once=(roud real! o. I%alice nigh=on
bankru(t< cri((led by .a!ine< (o%erty and (o(ular discontent >
yet her troubles are only beginning. 8%ershado-ed by religious
corru(tion and (o(ular resent!ent to-ards the aristocratic
.a!ilies< !enaced by cri!inals and !ercenaries< the -aning
health o. ;ing 8!dolia lea%es only one 7uestion .or co!!oner
and noble alikeK -ho -ill inherit the throne o. I%aliceG
+istory -ill co!e to call the ensuing struggle .or succession
the Aion 6ar. Those -ho ha%e disco%ered the true e%ents
behind those (itched battles and (alace intrigues< ho-e%er<
kno- it by another na!e entirelyK the Bodiac ,ra%e Story.
Final Fantasy 1III
The sorceresses had been a scourge throughout history@ as
sole -ielders o. the (o-er o. !agic< their reign o. terror -as
une7ualed< their na!es a by-ord .or -anton cruelty and
6ith the last Sorceress 6ar at an end< their once=.eared
(o-er has beco!e co!!on (ro(erty@ (ara=0agic and the
enig!atic /uardian 9orces ha%e brought s(ellcasting to the
!asses. In this ne- -orld order< the young !ercenaries o.
SeeD stand head and shoulders abo%e the rest< !asters o.
both !ystic energies and .ighting arts. 6hen the (o-er=hungry
/albadian dictatorshi( launches a bid .or total do!ination<
ho-e%er< these hired s-ords .ind the!sel%es saddled -ith a
role their training ne%er could ha%e (re(ared the! .or > -orld
Final Fantasy I5
$n e'tended (eace has brought both -ealth and security to the
three great nations o. /aia > a situation ri(e .or the (lucking
by those unscru(ulous enough to e'(loit it. 9or the thie%es o.
the Tantalus Trou(e< kidna((ing the young heir to the
;ingdo! o. $le'andria see!s like the cou( o. a li.eti!e. ,ut
-hen the abduction goes a-ry< an ine'orable chain o. e%ents is
set into !otion@ one that -ill thrust the !e!bers o. Tantalus
into the thick o. a battle to resha(e the -orld as they kno- it.
Final Fantasy 5
8ne thousand years ago< ci%iliEation on S(ira had reached its
undis(uted (innacle. Then ca!e Sin< a !onstrous scourge .ro!
beyond the kno-n -orld< laying all to -aste in its -ake. Today<
the tribes o. S(ira li%e in .ear< besieged by the countless
o..s(ring o. that ancient !enace@ technology< once
co!!on(lace< is the (ro%ince o. the bra%e .e- -ho risk SinDs
-rath to use it. 5et ho(e > and courage > sur%i%e. In the !idst
o. the desolation< se%en tra%elers set o.. on a Courney across the
breadth o. S(ira< searching .or the (o-er -hich !ay yet .ree
their -orldY
Final Fantasy 5I
In the )3
5ear o. the Crystal< darkness ca!e to 4anaDdielY
Su((orted by an ar!y o. inhu!an allies< the Shado- Aord
ra!(aged across the -orld< raEing and (lundering all in his
(ath. :niting in the .ace o. destruction at the ele%enth hour< the
races o. 4anaDdiel -aged a long and bloody ca!(aign against
the .orces o. darkness< e%entually dri%ing the in%aders back into
the -ilderness. T-enty years ha%e (assed since that great
con.lict< and the nations o. San DD8ria< ,astok< 6indurst and
Jeuno enCoy a hard=-on (eace. In the darkness< ho-e%er< e%il
gathers once again@ soon< a ne- generation o. heroes !ust take
u( the s-ord to (rotect e%erything they hold dear.
Final Fantasy Ta2ti2s !d6an2e
Aong ago< be.ore the /reat 9lood< legends told o. a land na!ed
;iltia< a real! -here sorcery reigned su(re!e and legendary
-arriors battled one another .or do!inance in an unending -ar
bet-een good and e%il. 9or the children o. slee(y St. I%alice<
these tales a -elco!e esca(e .ro! the !undanity o.
e%eryday li.e > until a .rag!ent o. that ancient ci%iliEation
suddenly resur.aces< turning idle .antasies into deadly reality.
Tra((ed in a .antastic< troubled real! by the !ysterious /ran
/ri!oire and dogged by the draconian Judges< young 0arche
*adieu no- struggles to .ind his -ay ho!e in a -orld both
utterly alien and strangely .a!iliar.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chroni2les
&n%elo(ed by (oisonous !ias!a and besieged by !onsters< a
-orld huddles in the (rotecti%e light o. the crystals< the thin
cocoons o. !agical energy that se(arate %illages and to-ns .ro!
certain death. ,ut the (rotecti%e (o-er o. the crystals is .ar .ro!
unli!ited@ unless regularly (uri.ied -ith !yrrh< the -ater o. li.e<
they gradually begin to lose their luster< succu!bing to the
deadly !ias!a around the!. &%ery year< settle!ents around the
-orld !ount their des(erate e'(editions into %eno!=choked
-ilderness@ led by the strongest and bra%est they can !uster<
their obCecti%e is as des(erate as it is clearK secure the !yrrh< or
die trying.
Final Fantasy 5II
Though ages !ay (ass on I%alice< one thing re!ains constant
in this -orldK -ar.are. In an age -here airshi(s choke the skies
and !agic stones are the .oundation o. ci%iliEation< Da!alsca is
a kingdo! in tur!oil@ its king dead at a traitorDs hands< its
citiEenry under the rule o. the (o-er=hungry $rchadian
&!(ire and its enig!atic Judges. Into this troubled real! ste(s
a s!all band o. heroes< thro-n together by circu!stance to
challenge the &!(ire > and the!sel%es.
Final Fantasy 5III
9or !any years< the .lying city o. Cocoon has li%ed in isolation<
sheltered by !achine sentinels and an autocratic go%ern!ent
bent on (reser%ing the status 7uo at any cost. ,ut no- outside
.orces ha%e in%aded Cocoon< lea%ing its citiEens .ace to .ace
-ith the thing they ha%e learned to .ear !ostK Pulse< the -orld
$t .irst glance< role(laying can look like a daunting hobby< thick
-ith see!ingly arcane rules and s(ecialiEed %ocabulary that
borders on the i!(enetrable. *educe it to its .oundations<
ho-e%er< and role(laying is nothing !ore than a structured
.or! o. (lay=acting< a collaborati%e storytelling (rocess
in%ol%ing se%eral (artici(ants. 0any (eo(le ha%e su!!ed the
(rocess o. role(laying u( as a slightly !ore elaborate Vlet?s
(retend<W and that descri(tion cuts close to the truth >
role(laying !erely adds the rules and restrictions needed
(re%ent things .ro! getting out o. hand< as -ell as a
designated ?!oderator? to en.orce the!K the /a!e!aster.
Traditionally< your (ass(ort to 9inal 9antasy co!es in the
.or! o. a cartridge< CD=*80< or D4D. In the 99*P/< ho-e%er<
it is the /a!e!aster F/0H -ho uns(ools the e(ic saga<
acting as both re.eree and storyteller. $s a storyteller it is their
res(onsibility to create the 7uests and storylines the (layers
beco!e e!broiled in< take on the roles o. 2on= Player
Characters F2PCsH > the (eo(le and !onsters the
ad%enturers encounter in their tra%els > and act as the (layers?
eyes and ears -ithin the ga!e< describing the scenery and
situations. $s a re.eree< the /0 en.orces the rules< sets out the
challenges< and kee(s the (layers on task to ensure each
session runs as s!oothly as (ossible.
,oth res(onsibilities take (atience and dedication. 9or .irst=
ti!e /0s< the challenges (osed by the Cob can be daunting
e%en at the best o. ti!es. 6ith this in !ind< Cha(ter 10 is
.illed -ith ad%ice and ideas .or /a!e!asters o. all stri(es@
regardless o. actual e'(erience< any /0 can .ro! the
in.or!ation it contains.
Players in the 99*P/ ste( into the shoes o. a character -ith a
uni7ue background< (ersonality< skills and (o-ers. These
(rotagonists are kno-n as the Player Characters FPCH< and
ulti!ately sha(e the story by %irtue o. their actions and
decisions. There are so!e crucial di..erences bet-een %ideo
ga!e and tableto( (lay< ho-e%er@ each (layer generally only
controls one character< rather than an entire (arty. $s a result<
!ost ad%entures -ill see se%eral (layers coo(erating -ith each
other under the /0Ds guidance< trying to attain a co!!on goal
or obCecti%e.
Secondly< though so!e /0s !ay ( to gi%e their (layers
(re=designed characters< the %ast !aCority o. PCs are created by
the (layers the!sel%es@ a((earance< history and (ro.ession are
all le.t to the indi%idual i!agination. Cha(ter # guides (layers
through the (rocess o. asse!bling a character< and o..ers a
starting (lace .ro! -hich to e'(lore the rest o. this book.
The /0 -ill ty(ically begin a session by (lacing the characters in
a situation FV5ou are standing at the gates o. Castle
CorneriaYWH to -hich the (layers then react %ia their characters
FV9ood the 6hite 0age is going to -alk u( to the gates and ask
the guards .or (er!ission to (ass.WH in -hate%er !anner they
dee! a((ro(riate. The /0 then tells the (layers the outco!e o.
their actions FVThey look at you sus(iciously and tell you that
nobody is allo-ed on the castle grounds.WH< allo-ing the (layers
to !ake ne- decisions FV9oodDll dra- his sta.. and glare
threateningly.WH based on the outco!e. Should a situation arise
-here the charactersD (hysical or !ental ca(abilities are
challenged FVThe guards dra- their s-ords and attackIWH< said
challenge uses dice to deter!ine success or .ailure. The dice
add a rando! ele!ent to the ga!e -hich re(resents the
%agaries o. .ate< and o..ers a basis .or task resolution -hich
a%oids the usual (it.alls FV9ood kills the guard -ith his sta...W
V2o< he doesnDt.W V5es< he does.WH .ound in these kinds o.
narrati%e e'ercises.
$s a taster< the e'a!(le belo- gi%es a !ore detailed idea o.
-hat a ty(ical session entails. DonDt -orry i. so!e o. the
(rocedures in%ol%ed see! to be unclear or con.using > Cha(ter
1 introduces the basic rules o. the 99*P/ in detail< inclusi%e o.
e%erything re.erred to in this e'a!(le.
? An FFRPG Session (1)
6e Coin a ga!e already in (rogress@ this (articular grou(
consists o. the /0< *odger@ the &ngineer +iro< (layed by *ob<
the Dark ;night +aEe< (layed by 0< and the Dancer 0int<
(layed by ,lair. 8%er the course o. se%eral ga!es< this !otley
grou( has .ound co!!on ground in battling the !achinations
o. the !ysterious %illain Deathsight< -hose hench!en are in
the (rocess o. raising crystalline !onoliths across the -orld.
Su((orted by a loose alliance o. to-ns and kingdo!s< they
ha%e begun asse!bling the co!(onents needed to reacti%ate
the ancient airshi( &'celsior< and no- need only the Skystone
ca(able o. raising the %essel into the skies.
? An FFRPG Session (2)
The trail leads the! to a !ountain ca%ern kno-n as the 6ind
*odger F/0HK The initial ascent is e%erything Cid (ro!ised<
and -orse@ the !ountainside along the trail is littered -ith
.issures< cracks and o(enings -here the -ind gushes .orth in
regular blasts< shooting a hail o. rocks at anything in the
%icinity. :nsur(risingly< the entire area is craggy and
desolate@ -hate%er %egetation !ight ha%e once gro-n here
has since been stri((ed a-ay by the .re7uent gales. &%en the
(ock=!arked rock looks -ind=blo-n< cur%ing out-ards here
and there as i. -orn a-ay o%er the course o. !any years.
*ob F+iroHK I. you ask !e< our best course o. action is Cust to
a%oid the .issures altogether. I don?t really .eel like getting
s!acked around by rocks be.ore -e e%en get to the ca%e.
,lair F0intHK 9ine by !e. 6e?re a little short on healing<
0 F+aEeHK $ll right< *odger. 6e?re breaking out the cli!bing
gear and scaling our o-n (ath -here the -ind is at its
-eakest > so!e-here nice and .ar a-ay .ro! the -orst o.
those cracks.
*odgerK Aet?s see so!e rolls.
*obK FrollingH #4.
,lairK FrollingH 30.
0K FrollingH 4#.
*odgerK The ro(es creak as you begin to !ake your -ay u(
the rock .ace< taking ad%antage o. the in.re7uent ledges to
duck and a%oid the (eriodic blasts o. rock debris as they
clatter do-n the !ountainside. The ascent takes a little o%er
.i.teen !inutes@ by the ti!e you haul yoursel%es o%er the .inal
cli.. and onto the ca%e entrance< you?re (leasantly -inded but
thank.ully inCury=.ree.
*obK V6ell< that could ha%e been -orse.W
,lairK 0int groans. VToo !uch e'ercise be.ore teati!e...
Shouldn?t ha%e had that e'tra (ar.ait.W
0K 6hat are -e looking at< thenG
*odgerK The o(ening into the 6ind Ca%e is Cust large enough
to ad!it a single hu!an< a narro- (assage that 7uickly
disa((ears into !urk and gloo!. 6orn car%ings along the
rock hint at ancient history -ith Cust the slightest tinge o.
Things ,est Ae.t :ntouched@ a .e- o. the gly(hs look %aguely
.a!iliar< and .ar .ro! -elco!ing.
0K VAast chance to turn back.W
*obK +iro adCusts his a!!o belts. V2ot ha((ening. ;ee( your
-ea(ons -here you can reach ?e! > I?%e got a bad .eeling
about this one.W
There are t-o basic -ays to (lay the 99*P/ > as a one=o..
ad%enture< or as a long=ter! ca!(aign. $d%entures a
7uick and easy starting (oint .or ne-co!ers< generally .ollo-ing
the characters o%er one or !ore (lay sessions as they try to
.ul.ill an obCecti%e set by the /0. De(ending on the
circu!stances< this can range .ro! rescuing a ca(ti%e (rincess
to sabotaging a !onolithic -ar !achine bent on destroying the
heroesD ho!eto-n@ goals the heroes ha%e at least so!e direct
stake in< e%en i. their interests !ay only be .inancial or !oral.
6hen said obCecti%e has been .ul.illed< the ad%enture ends< and
the heroes can clai! their > undoubtedly hard=earned >
$ ca!(aign< on the other hand< is a large=scale narrati%e
tracking the characters o%er an ongoing series o. concurrent
ad%entures. 6here ad%entures are clear=cut< in ca!(aigns the
charactersD long=ter! obCecti%es !ay be nebulous and e%er=
shi.ting as .riends turn to .oes and the hitherto=ulti!ate e%il is
re%ealed as nothing !ore than a ste((ing=stone to an e%en
!ore sinister .oe. $s !ight be e'(ected< the 9inal 9antasy
ga!es are classic e'a!(les o. (lay in ca!(aign !ode< using a
strong storyline to tie together doEens o. s!aller ad%entures
and sub=7uests.
$s -ith !ost /0=related concerns< !ore detailed ad%ice on
running the 99*P/ in both o. these .or!ats can be .ound in
Cha(ter ".
Aike !ost role=(laying syste!s< the 99*P/ has its o-n
ter!inology. To hel( s(eed u( the learning (rocess< e%ery
cha(ter ends -ith a glossary reca((ing the !ost i!(ortant
ter!s and conce(ts introduced o%er the course o. that cha(ter.
$ .ull glossary and inde' -ill be (ro%ided at the end o. the book.

$d%enture. 8ne=o.. 7uests or series o. e%ents -ith a .i'ed
Ca!(aign. $ continuous narrati%e built u( .ro! interlinking
/a!e!aster F/0H. ?AeaderD o. the ga!e. Sets challenges
and details the -orld.
2on= Player Character F2PCH. $ny character -hose actions
are controlled by the /0 rather than the (layers.
8(tional *ule. *ules designed to be used at a /0Ds
Player Character FPCH. $ny character -hose actions are
controlled by one o. the (layers.

Keep your its about you an!

you"## $a%e it.&
'as(h fon )onsenberg
The .ollo-ing section o..ers an o%er%ie- o. the basic !echanics
o. the 99*P/< and includes !any i!(ortant conce(ts and ga!e
ter!s. $lthough so!e o. these e'(lanations !ay be .a!iliar to
e'(erienced role(layers< !uch o. the in.or!ation (resented
here -ill be e'(anded on in the re!ainder o. the Core
*ulebook. $s a result< it is reco!!ended that you .a!iliarise
yoursel. -ith this !aterial be.ore !o%ing on.
Aike !ost (en=and=(a(er *P/s< (olyhedral dice are an
indis(ensable (art o. the 99*P/ e'(erience< deter!ining
e%erything .ro! ho- !uch da!age a 9lare S(ell in.licts to
-hether or not a !erchant ha((ens to ha%e &ye Dro(s in stock.
This rulebook abbre%iates all dice rolls as dLnu!ber o. sidesM@
thus a 10=sided die -ould be called a ?d10?< -hilst a )=sided die
-ould be a ?d)?. $ nu!ber be.ore the ?d? indicates that !ore
than one die is used. ?#d10? si!(ly !eans t-o ten=sided dice
are rolled and their totals are added together. $ nu!ber a.ter
the ty(e o. die< like ?d)Z#?< !eans that that nu!ber is added to
the result o. the roll. I. the d) co!es u( as a 1< .or e'a!(le< the
total score -ould be 7.
Playing the 99*P/ -ill re7uire .i%e d)< .i%e d< .i%e d10 and
.i%e d1#. 0ost in=ga!e situations are generally resol%ed -ith a
(air o. d10@ the others are !ainly used .or deter!ining da!age
in co!bat and calculating character gains as the (layers
Per2entile Rolls
The %ast !aCority o. dice rolls in the 99*P/ -ill be Percentile
*olls. In a Percentile *oll< the (layer generates a nu!ber
bet-een 1 and 100 by rolling t-o di..erent=colored d10<
no!inating one color as a ?called die? be.ore !aking the thro-.
The result o. the ?called die? beco!es the tens digit< the other
die .or!s the ones digit. $ result o. " and 3< .or e'a!(le< -ould
be "3@ 7 and 0< 70@ 0 and 4< 4. 0 and 0 al-ays e7ual 100. This
co!bination o. dice is called (ercentile dice< or dQ .or short.
The (layer?s ai! generally is to roll e7ual to or under a target
nu!ber called the Chance o. Success FCoSH == the harder the
task is< the lo-er the CoS -ill be. I. they !anage to !atch or
beat the CoS< the roll is considered a success@ other-ise< it is a
6hene%er a Percentile *oll is !ade< there is a chance that the
result -ill either co!e u( as "1 to 100 F0 and 0H or as a
nu!ber bet-een 10 F1 and 0H and 1 F0 and 1H. These results
are called ,otches and Critical Successes< res(ecti%ely > in
ga!e ter!s< this !eans that a character not only (asses or
.ails< but does so in an unusually s(ectacular .ashion. 9or
e'a!(le< i. a character attending a noble ball rolls a Critical
Success .or &ti7uette< he !ight i!(ress the attending -orthies
enough to get a .e- use.ul .a%ors on the side@ a ,otch<
ho-e%er< could easily escalate into an honor duel as he
!istakes a -ell=dressed Duke .or a -aiterI The e'act e..ects o. a
,otch or Critical Success rest on both the circu!stances
in%ol%ed and the i!agination o. the /0< but should be ke(t
-ithin reason > one roll shouldn?t !ai! a character .or li.e or
!ake the! heir to the -orld?s largest kingdo!.
! Te !R"le of 1#$
6hile !odi.iers can reduce a CoS to 0 or lo-er< a character
-ill al-ays succeed on a roll o. 10 or less. This is called the
*ule o. 10. $ success.ul roll !ade under the *ule o. 10 is
not treated as a Critical Success > or Critical +it< as described
in Cha(ter 7 > but si!(ly a skin=o.=our=teeth !iracle -here
the character succeeds against all odds. 2ote that the *ule o.
10 -ill not a((ly to situations -here the /0 e'(licitly states
that -hat the character is atte!(ting is i!(ossible > no
a!ount o. good rolling -ill allo- a (layer to< say< (ick u( and
thro- a castle at the nearest !onster.
The 99*P/ uses a nu!ber o. statistics > NstatsD .or short > to
!easure the abilities o. a gi%en character. There are t-o ty(es
o. stats in the 99*P/K $ttributes and Co!bat Statistics. ,oth
are co%ered in !ore detail belo-.
$ttributes re(resent a character?s (hysical and !ental
(ro-ess< and indicate their ca(abilities in and out o. co!bat.
99*P/ characters ha%e a total o. si' $ttributesK
Strength FST*H re.lects o%erall %igor and !uscle !ass< and
is a key .actor in deter!ining ho- !uch da!age !elee -ea(ons
such as S-ords in.lict in the characterDs hands.
4itality F4ITH re(resents endurance and general sta!ina.
Characters -ith higher 4itality are naturally !ore resistant to
(hysical da!age< disease< and .atigue.
$gility F$/IH !easures (hysical de'terity and hand=eye
coordination< as -ell as .actoring into da!age caused by
ballistic -ea(ons such as Crossbo-s. 8%erall -ea(on accuracy
is also deter!ined by $gility.
S(eed FSPDH is a !easure o. a character?s 7uickness in
ter!s o. both (hysical s(eed and (ure reaction ti!e.
0agic F0$/H is an indication o. the characterDs !astery o%er
bodily energy FchiH< !agical energy F!anaH< and the .orces o.
the ele!ents. In ga!e ter!s< it !ainly a..ects the e..ecti%eness
o. S(ells and $bilities.
S(irit FSP*H re(resents a !i'ture o. bloody=!inded
deter!ination and !ental strength. Characters -ith higher
S(irit are naturally !ore resistant to !agical da!age as -ell as
other ad%erse e..ects.
&ach $ttribute has a nu!erical %alue ranging .ro! 1 to 30.
The higher this %alue is< the better the characterDs abilities in
that (articular category -ill be. $n $ttribute?s actual %alue is
!ainly used .or things like da!age calculations. 6hen a
character -ants to Cust e'ercise ra- !uscle< s(eed< or
brain(o-er< they use a second rating called an $ttribute
*ating< -hich ranges .ro! 13 to 100. These -ill be e'(lained
in greater detail later in this cha(ter.
Combat Statisti2s
$s their na!e suggests< Co!bat Statistics gauge a character?s
(er.or!ance in battle< including her ability to deal and recei%e
da!age. De(ending on their (ro.ession< 99*P/ characters -ill
ha%e se%en to ele%en o. the .ollo-ing Co!bat StatisticsK
+it Points F+PHK $ re.lection o. the character?s general
(hysical condition. Da!age done to a character is subtracted
.ro! their +it Points@ i. their +P is e%er reduced to 0< they .all
unconscious on the s(ot.
0agic Points F0PHK 0agic Points re(resent a character?s
reser%oir o. s(ellcasting energy. :se o. S(ells and other !agical
(o-ers reduces a character?s 0P.
&%asion F&4$HK The character?s a..inity .or re.le'i%ely
dodging or (arrying inco!ing (hysical attacks.
$ccuracy F$CCHK The base likelihood o. a character being
able to land a blo- -ith a con%entional -ea(on.
De'terity FD&JHK 0easures the accuracy o. a character?s
$gility=based s(ecial attacks. 2ot e%ery character needs to
calculate this %alue.
$r!or F$*0HK $ su! o. the character?s (rotection against
(hysical attack. The higher the rating< the less da!age they -ill
0agic &%asion F0. &4$HK The character?s natural resistance
to har!.ul !agical energies.
0agic $ccuracy F0. $CCHK The characterDs s(ellcasting
ability. :sed to !easure the e..ecti%eness o. !agic and !agical
0ind F02DHK 0easures the accuracy o. 0agic=based s(ecial
attacks. 2ot e%ery character needs to calculate this %alue.
0agic $r!or F0. $*0HK The characterDs (rotection against
!agical attacks. The higher the rating< the less da!age they -ill
&'(ertise F&JPHK 9or (ro.essions like the Thie. and ,ard<
this Co!bat Statistic !easures character?s (ro.iciency -ith their
(ro.ession?s de.ining Skill.
6hat se(arates Co!bat Statistics .ro! $ttributes is the -ay they
are used during the course o. (lay. 0ost Co!bat Statistics
cannot be directly used to carry out tasks@ they are used
reacti%ely< rather than (roacti%ely.
Skills re(resent a character?s ability to do certain things. In this
case< ?things? range .ro! !undane actions like cooking a !eal
or s-inging a s-ord to !ore co!(le' ones< like bre-ing a
(otion or success.ully hel!ing an airshi(. $ characterDs
(ro.iciency in a Skill is !easured -ith a rating .ro! 1 to 100@
the higher this Skill *ating is< the !ore ade(t the character -ill
be in that (articular Skill. The relationshi( bet-een Skill *ating
and (ro.iciency breaks do-n roughly as .ollo-sK
Skill *ating Character?s Pro.iciency Ae%el
1=1" :ntrained
#0=30 2o%ice
31=10 Inter!ediate
11=70 $d%anced
71="0 &'(ert
"1=100 0aster
De(ending on its a((lications< a Skill -ill belong to one o.
eight grou(sK $rtistic< /eneral< Scholastic< Social< Technical<
Thie%ery< 6ea(ons< or 6ilderness. Technical Skills< .or instance<
.ocus hea%ily on cra.ting and !anu.acturing< -hile Thie%ery
Skills on deceit and subter.uge. Skills and their categories are
discussed in !ore detail in Cha(ter 9i%e.
During the course o. the ga!e< situations !ay arise -here a
character -ants or needs to use an $ttribute or Skill to (er.or!
a task. 6ith Skills< the range o. tasks each Skill is used .or
should be relati%ely sel.=e'(lanatory. 9or $ttributes< sa!(le
tasks includeK
StrengthK Ai.ting hea%y obCects< gra((ling< ar! -restling<
(ushing or (ulling loads.
4italityK *esisting diseases or (oison< .ighting .atigue<
ignoring the e..ects o. serious -ounds or e'haustion.
$gilityK Catching ite!s< dodging tra(s< (er.or!ing sleight=o.=
hand tricks.
S(eedK *unning< Cu!(ing< interce(ting characters or ite!s.
0agicK *e!e!bering in.or!ation< .iguring out a logic (uEEle<
analysing a situation.
S(iritK In.luencing others< resisting !ental torture or insanity.
No I %no hy I have
these stupi! $us(#es*&
Sabin )oni Figaro
To .ind out -hether the character .ails or succeeds< the /0
!ust .irst decide ho- di..icult the task is. In the 99*P/< task
di..iculty is re(resented by a Conditional 0odi.ier ranging
.ro! Z0 to =0. Table 1=1 belo- sho-s ho- task di..iculty
lines u( -ith the Conditional 0odi.iers.
Ta%le 1&1' Conditional (odifiers
E|ererlary 80
Easy 10
Average 20
Proo|eral|c 0
Cra||erg|rg -20
Forr|dao|e -10
lero|c -0
lrposs|o|e -80
6hen the /0 assigns a Conditional 0odi.ier< he should take into
account the basic di..iculty o. the task as -ell as the
circu!stances under -hich it is undertaken. Cli!bing a
!ountain in (leasant su!!er -eather< .or instance< is a lot
easier than atte!(ting to scale the sa!e !ountain in the
(ouring rain -ith no e7ui(!ent.
8nce chosen< the Conditional 0odi.ier is added to the
characterDs rele%ant Skill or $ttribute *ating. I. the total is 100
or higher< the character succeeds auto!atically. I. it is less than
100< a Task Check is re7uired. In a Task Check< a character
rolls a dQ@ the CoS is e7ual to the *ating o. Skill or $ttribute
being assessed (lus the Conditional 0odi.ier. *olling e7ual to or
under this !odi.ied *ating !eans the Task Check is success.ul@
rolling o%er !eans it .ails.
? Tas) Cec)s *n Action (1)
*esol%ed and deter!ined< our s!all band o. heroes (resses
.or-ard into the 6ind Ca%e.
*odger F/0HK The ho-ling (icks u( in intensity as you !ake
your -ay through the ca%e !outh. The little light strea!ing in
through the cracks in the ceiling illu!inates a ya-ning<
see!ingly botto!less cre%ice< s(anned by a narro- -alk-ay
o. -ooden (lanks and ro(e. There?s no telling ho- old the
bridge is@ the ti!bers ha%e s(lintered in (laces< and the -hole
-obbling construction creaks (recariously e%ery ti!e the -ind
gains strength.
*ob F+iroHK /reat. 8ne -rong !o%e< and -e?re goners.
0 F+aEeHK 6e?%e got ro(e. 6e can at least lash oursel%es
? Tas) Cec)s *n Action (2)
*obK I?! going to -ait and see -hat ha((ens. Is there a
s(eci.ic (attern to the -ay the -ind is blo-ingG $ny -ay -e
can (redict -hen the ne't big gust is going to hitG
*ob?s character< +iro< has $-areness at a *ating o. 10.
*odger decides that the steady ebb and .lo- o. -ind in the
ca%e is ele!entary to s(ot< gi%ing the task a Conditional
0odi.ier o. Z0. $s this lea%es +iro -ith a !odi.ied CoS o.
130< a Task Check -ill not be re7uired.
*odgerK 8nce you ti!e it out< it see!s to be about t-o
!inutes in bet-een !aCor gusts.
,lair F0intHK That?s not a lot o. ti!e.
*obK 6e can try running.
0K That kind o. rules out the ro(e.
*obK I. -e get caught u( in a gale< the ro(e -on?t hel( !uch
any-ay. Aet?s do it.
$s the ti!e (ressure is the !ain obstacle< *odger decides
that the !ost a((ro(riate rating .or this task is S(eed. $s
long as the -ind isn?t blo-ing< the rickety nature o. the bridge
isn?t a (roble!@ the t-o=!inute -indo- is enough ti!e to get
across< (roducing a Conditional 0odi.ier o. Z40. +aEe and
0int both ha%e $ttribute *atings o. 34 in S(eed@ +iro?s is #1.
$dding the Conditional 0odi.ier doesn?t lea%e any o. the three
-ith a CoS o. 100 or higher > Task Checks are needed.
*odgerK *olls against S(eed< (lease.
,lairK FrollingH 40.
*obK FrollingH D?oh. )#.
0K FrollingH #".
$ll three rolls are underneath the Task Check?s CoS > the
(arty !akes it across in one (iece.
*odgerK The -alk-ay s-ays and rocks under your .eet as you
rush across< narro-ly a%oiding the ne't blast o. -ind. $head
lies a (air o. hea%y stone doors< lit by .lickering torchlight...
9or co!(le' tasks< a /0 can re7uire a (layer to !ake t-o or
!ore success.ul Task Checks in order to succeed. I. so<
Conditional 0odi.iers should be reduced to co!(ensate .or the
need .or !ulti(le successes.
8ther situations !ay re7uire success.ul Task Checks .ro!
!ulti(le characters. 9or instance< i. a (arty is atte!(ting to
de.end itsel. .ro! tru!(ed=u( cri!inal charges< each !e!ber
!ay be re7uired to !ake a 2egotiation roll to con%ince the Cury
o. the (artyDs innocence during their res(ecti%e testi!onies.
The .inal %erdict then -eighs the su! o. successes and .ailures
a!ong the de.endants. /enerally< i. a single success.ul
character can easily assist or act .or others< only one (erson
needs to roll a Task Check. I. such assistance is i!(ossible<
e%eryone should ha%e to roll.
6hat ha((ens -hen a character .ouls u( a Task CheckG +ere<
/0 discretion a((lies@ ob%iously< not e%ery .ailed Task Check
can be retaken< (articularly i. the original roll -as ,otched. I.
the .ailure (laces the character in a !arkedly -orse situation<
the Conditional 0odi.ier !ay also be increased.
$nother consideration is the a!ount o. ti!e the character
loses through .ailure. :nder so!e circu!stances< the N-astedD
ti!e -ill (reclude another roll@ a Aock(icking roll in%ol%ing ten
!inutesD -orth o. e..ort is !ore easily re=taken than an In7uiry
roll co%ering a dayDs -orth o. in%estigations.
O88osed Tas9 Che29s
8((osed Task Checks co!e into (lay -hen t-o or !ore
characters atte!(t to use Skill or $ttribute *atings against each
other. In so!e circu!stances< the *atings !ay be identical@ .or
instance< a grou( o. card shar(s using their /a!bling Skills to
co!(ete .or a 10<000=/il (ot in a high=stakes ,lackCack ga!e.
In other situations< the o((osed Skills !ay be di..erent ones<
but still -ork against each other. $n e'a!(le o. this -ould be
an unusually (erce(ti%e I!(erial Ca(tainDs $-areness being
(itted against the $cting o. the unlucky resistance !e!bers
trying to con%ince hi! that they?re really e!issaries .ro! the
&!(eror hi!sel..
I gotta at(h to $a%e sure you
!on,t pu## nothin,.&
'arret -a##a(e
The (rocedure used .or 8((osed Task Checks is identical to
that used by regular Task Checks. $ Conditional 0odi.ier is
assigned and added to the rele%ant rating to deter!ine the CoS@
this !ay be uni%ersal or indi%idually deter!ined .or each (arty
in%ol%ed. 8nce all (artici(ants ha%e a CoS< they roll their dQs at
the sa!e ti!e > e%ery (arty in%ol%ed !ust roll< e%en i. their CoS
is 100 or higher. 6hoe%er scores the .arthest belo- the
!odi.ied CoS .or their Task Check -ins > a roll o. #) against a
CoS o. 40 al-ays beats a roll o. ## against a CoS o. 30< des(ite
being the higher roll.
$ ,otch or .ailure -ill auto!atically re!o%e a (artici(ant .ro!
the contest< unless all other (artici(ants ,otch or .ail as -ell@ in
this case< the status 7uo is !aintained and both sides roll again
unless one (arty gi%es u(. Si!ilarly< a Critical Success
auto!atically -ins the contest unless other (artici(ants also
score a Critical Success. In this case< the lo-est roll again
deter!ines the -inner.
? +pposed Tas) Cec)s *n Action (1)
9urther inside the ca%e< our heroes encounter a s!all
*odger F/0HK The (assage slo(es do-n to .or! a gentle
incline thirty !eters ahead< o(ening into another ca%ern.
Sunlight strea!s in through a Cagged hole in the ceiling here@
e'actly enough illu!ination .or you to see e'actly -here the
steady< (ersistent -ind in the ca%es is co!ing .ro!.
*odgerK 0ost o. the o(en s(ace is occu(ied by a strange
toadlike creature crouched in the center o. the ca%ern<
a((arently doEing@ as it snores a-ay< an iridescent sac belo-
its chin in.lates and de.lates< sending (o-er.ul air currents
-hirling through the cha!ber. $t this distance< e'act
di!ensions are hard to co!e by< but the beast !ust be at
least si' or se%en !eters tall@ its golden skin is studded -ith
.rag!ents o. horn and bone< each easily the siEe o. a short
,lair F0intHK 6o-. 0int?s backing a-ay %ery< %ery 7uickly.
V8h< grossnessI 2o -ay a! I getting near that thingIW
0 F+aEeHK +aEe .ro-ns< sliding his s-ord out o. its scabbard.
V2o other -ay to the altar. 6e need to get through here.W
*ob F+iroHK So it?s aslee(G
*odgerK Certainly looks that -ay.
*obK V0aybe -e can sneak (ast -ithout -aking it and
(ro%oking a .ight. $ll -e need to do is kee( 7uiet.W
,lairK VDo -e ha%e toG That !onster gi%es !e the cree(sIW
0K V+e?s right. 6e can?t turn back no-.W I?ll take the lead
here. Stealth< I?! assu!ingG
*odgerK 5e(. /i%e !e so!e rolls.
$s the test acti%ely (its the !onsterDs $-areness against the
(arty?s Stealth< the sneaking atte!(t -ill be resol%ed -ith an
8((osed Task Check. The creature has an $-areness o. 40<
but *odger a((lies a Conditional 0odi.ier o. =#0 .or being
aslee(< gi%ing it a .inal CoS o. #0. +aEe and 0int both ha%e
Stealth at 40< -hile +iro has it at #0. +o-e%er< sneaking by a
slee(ing target is easier than trying to a%oid an a-ake and
alert one< gi%ing the! Conditional 0odi.iers o. Z40.
*obK FrollingH 8;< I got a )1.
0K FrollingH 10 here.
,lairK FrollingH 1#I
*odger rolls in secret< co!ing u( -ith a 3#. 0 and ,lair roll
under their CoSes by 30 and ) res(ecti%ely< -hile *ob .ails
his roll.
*odgerK Taking care not to disturb any loose rocks< you
care.ully edge around the !onster -ith +aEe u( .ront. ,oth
+aEe and 0int !anage to reach the other side o. the ca%ern
-ith little trouble< but +iro is barely hal.-ay ho!e .ree -hen
his boot sli(s on a (ebble< sending it skittering. The -ind
suddenly ceases@ you can hear a !u..led snort .ro! the
!onster as it shakes its body.
*obK D?oh. +iro?s going to stay nice and still and ho(e .or the
? +pposed Tas) Cec)s *n Action (2)
*odgerK 9ortunately< the creature doesn?t see! to ha%e ha%e
noticed you. Seconds later< it?s aslee( again< sending a .resh
gust -histling through the rocks.
The t-o .ailed rolls (roduced a stale!ate > +iro is still not
sa.e< but hasn?t been disco%ered yet. This doesn?t change the
Conditional 0odi.iers< so any rerolls -ill ha%e the sa!e CoS.
*obK *etryG
*obK FrollingH 3.
*odgerK /o .or it.
*odger rolls in secret again< co!ing u( -ith a 40 > another
*obK 8nce you?re sure the beast is -ell and truly out< you
begin cree(ing to sa.ety. 9ortunately< the second atte!(t is
!ore success.ul@ the !onster doesn?t stir again< lea%ing you
.ree to reach the tunnels beyond.
In the 99*P/< !ost in=ga!e action is di%ided into Scenes<
abstract units o. ti!e ca(able o. enco!(assing a -ide range o.
e%ents and de%elo(!ents. $n &ngineer going out on the to-n in
search o. re(lace!ent (arts< a con.rontation bet-een a Paladin
and his Dark ;night ri%al< a terse e'(loration o. a (oorly=lit
dungeon le%el > all o. these are Scenes that can blosso! into
.ull=.ledged ad%entures or ser%e as e%ents in an ongoing one.
&%ery Scene can be .urther broken do-n into three distincti%e
Phases > Initiati%e< $ction and Status > although these Phases
tend to stay Nbehind the curtainD during (lay and are only
brought u( i. s(eci.ically needed. $ Scene ends -ith a change o.
location or a signi.icant (assage o. ti!e > at least .i.teen
!inutes< i. not !ore.
Initiati6e Phase
I. the ti!ing o. actions is i!(ortant in a scene > .or instance< i.
one o. the heroes is rushing to catch a .alling (ortcullis or lea(
on board a de(arting airshi( be.ore it can clear the docks > the
Scene begins -ith an Initiati%e Phase. During the Initiati%e
Phase< anybody in%ol%ed in the scene > PC< 2PC< or other-ise >
rolls a d10 and adds the result to their SPD $ttribute. The total
o. this is called the Initiati%e< and deter!ines ho- .ar into the
Scene they -ill act. ItDs easiest to %isualise the order o. Initiati%e
as a ti!er< starting at the highest Initiati%e and ticking do-n
to-ards 0. 6hen it reaches the lo-est Initiati%e > or 0<
-hiche%er co!es .irst > the Scene is o%er. 8nce all Initiati%es
ha%e been generated< the Initiati%e Phase ends@ the Scene
!o%es into the $ction Phase.
6here the ti!ing o. inani!ate obCects or other e%ents
beco!es i!(ortant > as in the e'a!(les gi%en abo%e > the /0
assigns a .i'ed Initiati%e FVThe .loorboards -ill colla(se on
Initiati%e Count 14.WH to the e%ent in 7uestion.
!2tion Phase
The $ction Phase is di%ided into a nu!ber o. Nturns.? This is the
s(ace o. ti!e during -hich indi%idual (artici(ants carry out
$ctions< usually in the .or! o. Task Checks. I. Initiati%es -ere
generated< turns are conducted in Initiati%e order< -ith the
highest=scoring (artici(ant declaring the .irst action FV+aEe
takes a .lying lea( across the ra%ineIWH and others .ollo-ing.
8ther-ise< (artici(ants decide a!ong the!sel%es -ho takes the
lead and -ho .ollo-s. During their res(ecti%e turns< (artici(ants
!ay !ake one or !ore $ctions< de(ending on the
circu!stances. I. se%eral sets o. $ctions are re7uired .ro! the
(artici(ants< generate Initiati%e again as needed. $.ter all $ction
has been resol%ed< !o%e into the Status Phase.
Stat4s Phase
The Status Phase is the Ncleanu(D (ortion o. the Scene. +ere<
characters can decide their ne't destination and course o.
action< (ro%ided they ha%e a say in the !atter. $s the na!e
i!(lies< this is also the s(ace o. ti!e during -hich Status
Conditions > s(ecial e..ects in.licted on a character as a result
o. s(ells or attacks > co!e into (lay. Status Conditions can be
bene.icial< as is the case -ith +aste< -hich increases a
characterDs reaction s(eed. +o-e%er< !any are har!.ul< like
Poison< -hich decreases a characterDs +it Points o%er ti!e.
,oth categories o. Status Condition are discussed in !ore detail
in Cha(ter 7.
0ost Status Conditions only ha%e a li!ited duration< (articularly
those that in.lict a cri((ling or ad%antageous status on the
target. These durations > called Ti!ers > are al-ays listed in
bolded (arentheses a.ter the e..ect in 7uestion@ the (hrase
Nin.licting the Status Condition Slee( F)HD< .or instance< has a
Ti!er o. ). 0ost Status Conditions ha%e Ti!ers o. #< 4< or ).
$lternately< i. a NF[HD a((ears< the e..ect has an unli!ited
8nce all action has been resol%ed and the Scene ends< the
e..ects o. Status Conditions are resol%ed and their Ti!ers
decreased according to a!ount o. ti!e ela(sed bet-een the
start o. the Scene and the start o. the ne't scene. Cha(ter "
discusses this (rocess in !ore detail. Players also !ay be gi%en
the o((ortunity to treat Status Conditions and other inCuries
during the Status Phase< de(ending on the /0Ds (ersonal
? Scenes in Action
So!e ti!e later< the (arty arri%es at the altar. :n.ortunately<
their troubles are .ar .ro! o%er...
*odger F/0HK $s you reach .or the Skystone< you can .eel a
tre!or shake the ca%e@ dust s(ills do-n .ro! the ceiling and
s!all rocks to((le to the ground as %ibrations begin to s(read
through the cha!ber< gro-ing in intensity.
,lair F0intHK 0int brushes hersel. o... V:h< guysG 0aybe -e
should... (ut the stone backGW
*ob F+iroHK VCan?t. 6ithout that rock< the &'celsior is ne%er
getting o.. the ground.W
*odgerK $t that !o!ent< a large boulder crashes do-n<
narro-ly !issing you as it reduces the altar to a .ine dust. The
shaking?s getting -orse by the second@ cracks are beginning
to .or! in the ceiling.
0K V0ight I ad%ance another suggestionG It?s called run.W
*odgerK /i%e !e Intiati%e rolls.
0K FrollingH 1#.
,lairK FrollingH 11.
*obK FrollingH 7.
*odgerK Ceiling co!es do-n at 10. 0< -hat?s your actionG
0K +aEe is going to grab +iro and (ull hi! out o. the -ay
be.ore the -hole ceiling co!es do-n. Then -e run.
,lairK 0int?s going to hustle on a.ter the!.
*odgerK 5ou get clear o. the cha!ber Cust as a cart=siEed
.rag!ent o. rock breaks loose .ro! the ceiling< blocking the
entrance .or good. ,ut there?s (lenty !ore to -orry about >
.issures are s(reading in the .loor< and .ast...
C#!SSES !"7 :OBS
In the 99*P/< e%ery character belongs to a Class that
deter!ines their basic abilities > 6arriors can !aster a %ariety
o. di..erent .ighting techni7ues< &'(erts use their natural
ingenuity to build stea!=(o-ered ar!or< co!(ose deadly
!elodies or !i' (otions< 0ages harness the natural (o-er o.
!agic< and $de(ts sling s(ells and s-ing s-ords -ith e7ual
&ach o. these .our Classes is .urther s(ecialised by a nu!ber
o. subclasses< or Jobs< -hich branch out .ro! these basic
archety(es into a nu!ber o. uni7ue directions. 0age Jobs< .or
instance< include ,lack 0ages > .earso!e users o. destructi%e
ele!ental energies > as -ell as 6hite 0ages< healers and
(rotectors ca(able o. unleashing di%ine (o-ers u(on their
ene!ies. 6arriors< on the other hand< count a!ong their
nu!ber the resilient bare=knuckle .ighter kno-n as the 0onk as
-ell as the s(ear=-ielding< gra%ity=de.ying Dragoon.
&ach Job is distinguished .ro! others in its res(ecti%e Class by a
uni7ue (ool o. talents< collecti%ely called $bilities. These range
.ro! the ca(acity to cast 6hite or ,lack 0agic to being able to
unleash de%astating attacks like $ura Cannon or ,lack Sky u(on
a ha(less o((onent. $ll Jobs start -ith at least one $bility@ as
they ad%ance in their ad%enturing careers< !ore -ill beco!e
a%ailable. The N(ackageD o. $bilities that each character
accesses through their choice o. Job is kno-n as an $bility Set<
and (lays an i!(ortant role in the characterDs long=ter!
$ll $bilities in the 99*P/ are di%ided into one o. .i%e categories
> 9ast< Slo-< *eaction< Su((ort< and 0agic.
$s their na!e i!(lies< 9ast $bilities take e..ect i!!ediately@
they need no charge=u( ti!e to use< but tend to be less
(o-er.ul as a result. The 2inCaDs Thro- is one such $bility.
Slo- $bilities on the other hand re7uire a certain a!ount o.
(re(aration be.ore they can be used@ this Ncharging u(D is
re(resented by a Charge Ti!e listed in bolded (arentheses.
NSlo- F4HD< .or instance< !eans this Slo- $bility has a Charge
Ti!e o. 4. Though !ore ti!e=consu!ing than 9ast $bilities<
they are generally !ore (o-er.ul@ the 9ighterDs 9inishing Touch
is one good e'a!(le. Charge Ti!es and the e..ects they ha%e
on co!bat are discussed in !ore detail in Cha(ter Se%en.
*eaction $bilities (resent a s(ecial case in that they are not
used %oluntarily by the character< but trigger auto!atically
under certain conditions. $n e'a!(le o. this is the 0onk $bility
Counter< -hich can only be used i. and -hen an $ttack is !ade
against the 0onk. $bilities o. this kind usually ha%e a li!ited
? Reactions ,s- Reactions
:nder certain circu!stances< it is (ossible .or a *eaction
$bility to .ul.ill the conditions needed to trigger another
*eaction. +o-e%er< a *eaction $bility cannot be acti%ated by
another *eaction $bility i. the t-o share the sa!e trigger >
Physical da!age< a success.ul S(ell being cast > e%en i. the
(rere7uisite conditions .or triggering are !et.
Su((ort $bilities are al-ays in e..ect regardless o. -hat the
character is doing< and do not re7uire $ctions to use. $n
e'a!(le o. this is the 2inCa $bility Dual 6ield< -hich allo-s the
2inCa to -ield t-o -ea(ons -ithout (enalty at any ti!e.
9inally< 0agic $bilities in%ol%e !ystical and s(ellcasting
energies. S(ells > -hich consu!e 0agic Points F0PH -ith each
use > are the !ost co!!only=encountered@ other e..ects !ay
not re7uire 0P to use< but still dra- on the .orces o. !agic. The
Di%ine *uination attack utilised by the Paladin is one e'a!(le o.
a 0agic $bility.
$l!ost all $bilities > and S(ells< by e'tension > ha%e a li!ited
area o. e..ect< e'(ressed in ter!s o. a Target . There are .i%e
basic ty(es o. targetK
Sel. < as the na!e i!(lies< !eans the e..ect a((lies only to the
character using it.
Single !eans the character can select one target .ro! all
eligible co!batants to a..ect.
/rou( !eans the character can select a .or!ation o.
o((onents to a..ect > or turn the results onto the!sel%es and
their allies.
Party !eans the e..ect a..ects the character as -ell as all
allies in their i!!ediate %icinity< though in so!e cases the
character using the $bility !ay be e'e!(t. I. this is the case< it
-ill be noted in its descri(tion.
$ll doesnDt lea%e !uch choice > it si!(ly targets e%erybody<
.riend or .oe. 6hether this is an ad%antage or disad%antage
de(ends entirely on the situation.
Targeting is discussed in greater de(th in Cha(ter 7.
? A%ilities in Action
Continuing their .light .ro! the 6ind Ca%e< the (arty runs into
!ore (roble!s.
*odger F/0HK $ large .rag!ent o. rock is blocking the -ay
.or-ard > too large to shi.t by hand. 8%erhead< (ebbles
continue to sho-er do-n. The ceiling?s not going to hold
!uch longer.
0 F+aEeHK +aEe takes a breath< !akes sure his hairDs in
(lace< then dra-s his s-ord. V$llo- !e.W *odger< ID! going to
use Darkside to shatter that boulder. $ny serious (roble!s
-ith thatG
*odgerK DonDt think so. Just a sec.
*odger 7uickly checks the $bilityDs descri(tion. Darkside is
TargetK Single and 9ast< !eaning it takes e..ect instantly. The
$bility itsel. allo-s +aEe to in.lict Z100Q Shado- &le!ental
da!age on his target o. choosing > in this case< the rock > in
e'change .or #1Q o. his +it Points.
*odgerK 5ouDre good.
0K V9orces o. night< lend your strengthY DarksideIW
*odgerK ,lack energy crashes into the rock< neatly breaking
it in t-o. The t-o hal%es roll aside< gi%ing you access to the
(assage beyond...
2ot e%ery $bility and S(ell -ill go o.. auto!atically@ as -ith !any
other things in the 99*P/< certain $bilities !ay also ha%e a
CoS< usually listed in the $bilityDs descri(tion. *eactions are the
!ost co!!on $bilities to carry this li!itation< but CoS is also
.ound on techni7ues that in.lict a Status Condition or instantly
destroy the target. The basic CoS .or!ula usually takes the .or!
o. F,ase CoS Z 0odi.ierH< &%asion or 0. &%asion< -ith the
latter sho-ing -hich Co!bat Statistic guards against the e..ect.
The .or!ula F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asionD< .or instance<
indicates that the .inal CoS is .urther !odi.ied by subtracting
the targetDs 0. &4$ %alue .ro! the dQ roll.
! Flat CoS
So!eti!es< a CoS is not e'(ressed as a .or!ula or Statistic<
but si!(ly as a nu!ber< usually ?30Q? or ?)0Q.? In ga!e
ter!s< this is kno-n as a 9lat CoS. $ 9lat CoS is not !odi.ied
by anything< (ositi%e or negati%e@ an e..ect -ith a 9lat CoS o.
)0Q -ill al-ays -ork on a roll o. )0 or lo-er.
So!e e..ects in the 99*P/ are gi%en in ter!s o. a bolded
(ercentage< such as Nhits .or Z#1Q da!ageD or Nis at =#1Q.D
The $bility itsel. -ill e'(lain -hat is being !odi.ied@ Nda!ageD
alone Cust indicates the da!age done by a basic $ttack $ction
-ith -hate%er 6ea(on the character has e7ui((ed at the ti!e.
Due to large nu!ber o. (ossible !odi.iers< !ulti(le (ercentages
!ay a((ly to the sa!e e..ect. I. so< these (ercentages al-ays
-ill be added together be.ore being a((lied.
? Percenta.e Calc"lations
$ll (ercentages in the 99*P/ are gi%en in incre!ents o. #1Q.
This allo-s .or easier co!(utations< and reduces the a!ount
o. nu!ber=Cuggling re7uired. The .ollo-ing ste(s can deri%e
the !ost co!!only=used (ercentages -ithout calculator
#1Q = +al%e the nu!ber in 7uestion< then hal%e it again.
10Q = +al%e the nu!ber in 7uestion.
71Q = Calculate #1Q and 10Q< then add the! together.
1#1Q = Calculate #1Q< then add it to the nu!ber in
110Q = Calculate 10Q< then add it to the nu!ber in
171Q = Calculate 71Q< then add it to the nu!ber in
#00Q = Double the nu!ber in 7uestion.
300Q = Tri(le the nu!ber in 7uestion.
6hen doing these calculations< re!e!ber to al-ays round
Co!bat is an integral (art o. the 99*P/ and the 9inal 9antasy
uni%erse in general. ,attles are treated as s(ecial Scenes<
di%ided into a s!aller nu!ber o. se7uences called *ounds that
contain their o-n Initiati%e< $ction< and Status Phases. Cha(ter
7 introduces the indi%idual acti%ities o. battle in !ore detail.
7oing 7amage
The ai! o. a battle is to in.lict as !uch hurt on one?s o((onents
as (ossible. ,asic $ttacks and o..ensi%e $bilities generally .ollo-
the sa!e te!(late. 0ost ha%e a li!ited chance o. hitting an
o((onent< re7uiring characters to !ake a Percentile *oll
against their Skills > usually 6ea(on Skills > or a (re=
deter!ined CoS< .urther !odi.ied by subtracting either the
targetDs &%asion or 0. &%asion. Success.ul hits reduce an
o((onentDs +P or 0P< though this da!age -ill usually be
adCusted by $*0 or 0. $*0.
&%ery attack has its o-n distinct Nda!age code<? e'(ressed in
ter!s o. a Da!age Scale FDSH and a Da!age Die. $n attack
-ith a da!age code o. F3 ' ST*H Z d10< .or instance< is said
to ha%e a Da!age Scale o. 3 and a Da!age Die o. d10.
To .ind out ho- !uch da!age the attack in.licts< !ulti(ly the
Da!age Scale by the $ttribute in 7uestion > in this case<
Strength > and then roll the Da!age Die< adding the result to
the total. That .inal nu!ber is the basic da!age in.licted by the
$ttack. 9or a s(eedier resolution< it hel(s to (recalculate the
da!age code (rior to co!bat.
? Com%at in Action
+a%ing e%aded !ore than their .air share o. .alling rocks< the
(arty is al!ost ho!e .ree. +o-e%er...
*odger F/0HK $s you !ake your -ay through the cha!ber< a
titanic -ebbed cla- suddenly s!ashes through the rubble<
sho-ering you -ith (ebbles. The debris shi.ts@ .ro!
so!e-here beneath< you can hear a lo-< dee( croak.
*ob F+iroHK +iro unslings his ri.le< 7uickly getting out o. the
-ay. VDuckIW
*odgerK $nother s-i(e sends !ore rock .lying@ you ha%e Cust
enough ti!e to s(ot a (air o. a!(hibian eyes lighting u( in
the gloo! be.ore the creature is u(on you > battered<
bleeding< but %ery !uch ready to turn this ca%e into your
to!b. Initiati%esG
*obK FrollingH 6ooI 11.
0 F+aEeHK FrollingH 14 o%er here.
,lair F0intHK FrollingH 1#.
*odger rolls in secret< co!ing u( -ith ). The !onster< +eket<
has a SPD o. )< gi%ing it an Intiati%e o. 1#.
*odgerK $ll right. It?s +iro< +aEe< 0int< and then +eket. *ob<
you?re u(.
*obK $ll right. +iroDs locking and loading his ri.le and
shooting that o%ergro-n toad.
*odgerK *oll to hit.
*obK FrollingH #. $ccuracy (lus /uns co!es out to "#.
*odger consults his notes. The +eket?s &%asion is ##@ "#
!inus ## -ould gi%e *ob a CoS o. 70. *obDs roll co!.ortably
beats the adCusted CoS< !eaning he hits his o((onent.
*odgerK ThatDs a hit. *oll .or da!age.
+iroDs 4aliant *i.le has a da!age code o. # ' $/I Z d1#. 6ith
+iroDs $/I o. 10< this translates to da!age o. #0 Z d1#.
*obK FrollingH 10. 30 da!age.
2o- the da!age is !odi.ied by the +eketDs $*0 > in this
case< 10. The .inal da!age done > #0 > is subtracted .ro!
the +eketDs current +it Points.
*odgerK 5our shot !anages to .ind its !ark in the !idst o.
the +eket?s bony s(ines< sending black blood s(lashing. 0<
you?re u(.
$t the !ost basic le%el< attacks in the 99*P/ can be described
as being either Physical or 0agical. Physical attacks usually use
the characterDs ST* or $/I $ttributes to resol%e da!age. $ll
Physical da!age is !odi.ied by the targetDs $*0 rating< and is
guarded against by &4$. 0agical attacks< !ean-hile< generally
use the characterDs 0$/ $ttribute to resol%e da!age. $ll
0agical da!age is !odi.ied by the targetDs 0. $*0 rating< and
guarded against by 0. &4$. To !ake things !ore co!(le'< both
o. these da!age ty(es can also be &le!ental .
&le!ental da!age is tied to one o. the nine Co!bat
&le!ents > &arth< 9ire< $ir< 6ater< Aightning< Ice< ,io< +oly< and
Shado- > and !ay a..ect the target di..erently as a result. +oly
attacks< .or instance< burn (articularly .iercely against de!ons
and creatures o. darkness@ Ice !agic< on the other hand<
deli%ers cri((ling blo-s against !onsters born o. .ire. In ga!e
ter!s< such s(ecial (ro(erties are re(resented by co!batantsD
6eaknesses< *esistances< I!!unities< and $bsorbances.
I. a co!batant (ossesses a 6eakness F6H to-ards a
(articular &le!ent< all attacks doing da!age o. that &le!ent
in.lict Z10Q da!age be.ore !odi.ying .or $*0 or 0. $*0.
8n the other hand< a *esistance F*H to-ards a (articular
&le!ent !eans attacks o. that &le!ent do =10Q da!age
be.ore !odi.ying .or $*0 or 0. $*0.
I!!unity FIH !eans e'actly thatK all da!age o. that &le!ent
is reduced to 0< regardless o. the actual da!age dealt.
9inally< $bsorbance F$H !eans that attacks o. that (articular
&le!ent actually reco%er an a!ount o. +P to the co!batant
e7ui%alent to the da!age that -ould ha%e been in.licted a.ter
!odi.ying .or $*0 or 0. $*0.
Co!batants !ay ha%e !ulti(le 6eaknesses< *esistances<
I!!unities< or $bsorbances. These -ill .re7uently act in a
co!(le!entary .ashion > .or instance< !onsters -eak against
Aightning tend to take only !ini!al da!age .ro! 6ater attacks.
Suggestions on ho- to a((ly these can be .ound in $((endi'
II .
Physical attacks -ithout an &le!ent are si!(ly re.erred to as
doing ?Physical da!age.? 0agical attacks -ithout an &le!ent
are re.erred to as ?0agical.?
9inally< itDs i!(ortant to note that the absolute !a'i!u!
da!age !ost attacks or e..ects !ay cause is li!ited to """ +P<
including !odi.iers .or the target?s $r!or or 0. $r!or rating as
-ell as ,arrier status e..ects such as Protect or Shell. In ga!e
ter!s< this is kno-n as the Da!age Ca(. This is i!(ortant to
re!e!ber -hen dealing -ith e..ects that deal da!age based on
the targetDs +it Points@ an attack -hich causes da!age
e7ui%alent to 10Q o. the targetDs +P -ould still only re!o%e
""" +P e%en i. the target had !ore than 10<000 +P. The sa!e
also a((lies to attacks that da!age the targetDs 0P rather than
+P. So!e attacks !ay ignore the Da!age Ca(@ i. so< this -ill be
e'(licitly stated in their descri(tion.
Con%ersely< !odi.iers !ay ne%er reduce the a!ount o.
da!age done by an attack to less than 1 +it Point. This is
kno-n as the *ule o. 1.
!fter the Battle
6hen all co!batants on one side ha%e been reduced to 0 or
.e-er +it Points< other-ise inca(acitated or .orced to .lee< the
battle is considered o%er@ -hiche%er side is still standing at the
end o. hostilities -ins< and can rea( the re-ards o. the
encounter. These -ill ty(ically include ite!s< !oney and
&'(erience Points FJPH< a nu!erical re(resentation o. the
kno-ledge and training characters ac7uire o%er the course o.
their ad%enturing careers by o%erco!ing obstacles. 8nce a
character has ac7uired enough JP< they -ill ad%ance a Ae%el <
beco!ing stronger< !ore resilient< and !ore (ro.icient in their
chosen Jobs. $ characterDs Ae%el ser%es as a nu!erical indicator
o. their total (o-er@ ne- 99*P/ characters begin the ga!e at
Ae%el 1< and can ad%ance u( to Ae%el "" o%er ti!e > i. they
sur%i%e long enough. The .ull bene.its o. gaining Ae%els are
described in Cha(ter #.
? After te /attle (1)
Se%eral .ierce rounds o. co!bat later< the +eket colla(ses into
a sli!y hea(.
*odger F/0HK Yand that co!es out to 11)0 JP and #0
/il. 5ou each get 1#0 JP< though there?s not !uch ti!e to
celebrate > the ca%e is Cust !inutes a-ay .ro! colla(sing in
its entirety.
,lair F0intHK The good ne-s is -e?re ho!e .ree once -e get
(ast the -alk-ays.
0 F+aEeHK *ight. 6e?re running.
*odgerK ,y the ti!e you get to the -alk-ay< the slo-
destruction o. the ca%e has already taken its toll on the
ancient ti!bers@ .alling rock has torn se%eral holes into the
(lanks< and the ro(es are starting to gi%e -ay. 6ith the +eket
de.eated< there?s no -ind to -orry about. +eed.ul o. the ga(s<
you rush across the bridge< reaching the other side Cust as
the -hole !ess .inally gi%es -ay< (lu!!eting into the de(ths.
*ob F+iroHK VThat -as closeIW
0K +aEe shakes his head rue.ully. again. Co!e on.W
*odgerK 5ou reach daylight !o!ents later< barely getting
enough ti!e to catch your breath be.ore the entrance is
buried by a cascade o. boulders and Cagged stalactites.
2obody?s going back in there anyti!e soon.
*obK VAet?s get back to to-n. The sooner -e can get the
&'celsior going again< the better.W
0K V8ne thing bothers !e.W
,lair F0intHK V+uhG 6hat?s the !atterGW
0K +aEe leans against the re!ains o. the entrance.
VDeathsight. $.ter all the trouble he -ent through to destroy
the &'celsior?s engine< I thought he?d be sending his !inions
a.ter us .or sure.W
? After te /attle (2)
*odgerK That last co!!ent (ro%okes a hollo-< !etallic laugh
.ro! so!e-here belo- > hollo-< !etallic< and un.ortunately
*obK VDeathsightIW
*odgerK 2o- that the last echoes .ro! the ca%e?s colla(se
ha%e subsided< you can hear .ootste(s > and (lenty o. the!.
0K +aEe is going to look o%er the cli...
*odgerK Sure enough< Deathsight?s cera!ic !ask rises into
%ie-< .ollo-ed by the s-irling< all=concealing cloak@ behind
hi!< you can see the !assed ranks o. his !echanical soldiers<
their hollo- eyes glo-ing !ale%olent blue. V;ha ha haI 3uite
rightI I ho(ed that ca%e -ould sa%e !e the trouble o.
dis(osing o. you< but your accursed luck continues to hold.
,ut no-...W
*obK +iro goes .or his ri.le. AetDs see i. -e canDt .ight it out...
The .ollo-ing list reca(s so!e o. the !ost i!(ortant conce(ts
introduced in this cha(ter .or 7uick re.erence.
$bility. $ s(ecial (o-er (ossessed by a Job.
$bility Set. $ll $bilities a%ailable to a gi%en Job or character.
$bsorbance F$H. :sed to designate a co!batantDs ability to
absorb a gi%en category o. &le!ental da!age.
$ction Phase. Phase during -hich the (artici(ants act.
$ttribute. 8ne o. a nu!ber o. stats tracking a characterDs
(hysical and !ental ca(abilities.
$ttribute *ating. 2u!ber !easuring a characterDs ability in
a gi%en $ttribute.
,otch. $ critical .ailure on a Percentile *oll. 8ccurs on
un!odi.ied rolls o. "1 to 100.
Charge Ti!e. The delay bet-een -hen a character decides
to use a Slo- $bility and its acti%ation.
Class. $ generalised (ro.ession.
Co!bat &le!ents. The &le!ents o. 9ire< 6ater< 6ind< &arth<
Ice< Aightning< Poison< +oly and Shado-.
Conditional 0odi.ier. 0odi.ier a((lied to Task Checks based
on ho- easy > or di..icult > the task at hand is.
CoS. Short .or NChance o. SuccessD. $ target nu!ber .or !ost
task resolution rolls in the 99*P/.
Critical Success. $n unusually good result on a Percentile
*oll. 8ccurs on un!odi.ied rolls o. 1 to 10.
dQ. $ die roll using t-o ten=sided dice to generate a total
Da!age Ca(. *estriction li!iting the a!ount o. da!age
done by any one attack to """ +P or 0P.
Da!age Die. Die > or dice > rolled and added to an attackDs
Da!age Scale. 0ulti(lier that gi%es an attackDs basic
&le!ental. $ssociated -ith the Co!bat &le!ents.
9ast $bility. $n $bility that re7uires no (re(aration ti!e.
9lat CoS. $ chance o. success that al-ays re!ains the sa!e.
I!!unity FIH. :sed to designate a co!batantDs i!!unity to a
gi%en category o. &le!ental da!age or Status Condition.
Initiati%e. Score that deter!ines -hen actions are taken.
Initiati%e Phase. Phase during -hich the order o. the
(artici(antsD actions is deter!ined.
Job. $ s(ecialised (ro.ession.
Ae%el. $ re.lection o. a character?s e'(erience le%el. ,ased on
the total nu!ber o. JP that character (ossesses.
0agic $bilities. S(ells and s(ell=like $bilities.
0agical. 0agical da!age not associated -ith a Co!bat
8((osed Task Check. Task Check in -hich t-o or !ore
(artici(ants !ake a dQ roll.
Percentile *oll . $ roll !ade using a dQ.
Phase. Seg!ents o. a *ound. 0ost *ounds ha%e three.
*eaction $bility. $n $bility that only triggers under certain
*esistance F*H. :sed to designate a co!batantDs resistance
to a gi%en category o. &le!ental da!age.
*ound. ,asic unit o. ti!e in 99*P/ co!bat. $ battle -ill
o.ten be !ade u( o. !ulti(le *ounds.
*ule o. 1. *ule stating that the s!allest a!ount o. da!age
any one attack can in.lict is 1 +P.
*ule o. 10. *ule stating that the lo-est a CoS can be
reduced to is 10 > !aking the roll under these circu!stances is
not a Critical Success< but an against=all=odds one.
Scene. ,asic unit o. ti!e in the 99*P/. $ scene ends -ith a
change in location or the (assage o. ti!e.
Skill. $ (articular body o. kno-ledge used by a character<
!easured %ia a nu!erical rating.
Skill *ating. 2u!ber !easuring a characterDs (ro.iciency in a
gi%en Skill.
Slo- $bility. $n $bility that re7uires (re(aration ti!e.
Status Conditions. S(ecial conditions > (ositi%e or negati%e
>that can a..ect a characterDs ca(acities and abilities.
Status Phase. Phase during -hich book=kee(ing .or Status
Conditions takes (lace.
Su((ort $bility. $n $bility that is al-ays acti%e.
Task Check. $ Percentile *oll used to deter!ine the success
or .ailure o. a task using one o. a characterDs Skills or $bilities.
Ti!er. &'(ression used .or the duration o. a Status Condition
or s(ecial e..ect.
6eakness F6H. :sed to designate a co!batantDs -eakness to
a gi%en category o. &le!ental da!age.
JP. $ !easure o. a character?s gro-th in e'(erience and
(ersonal ca(abilities< increased by certain actions and
achie%e!ents -ithin the ga!e.

I"$ on#y here to see ho the

story unfo#!s. Any se#f.respe(ting
#ea!ing $an ou#! !o the sa$e.&
4aliant< cry(tic< insight.ul< %ain > the characters o. the 99*P/
are a di%erse lot< hailing .ro! gilded halls and broken ho!es
alike. $ll ha%e one thing in co!!on< ho-e%erK they began li.e in
this %ery cha(ter. The .ollo-ing (ages co%er the creation and
de%elo(!ent o. 99*P/ characters using the sheets in
$((endi' 4< breaking things do-n into a se7uence o. nine
ste(s .or an easier o%er%ie-. Though the (rocess can see!
daunting at .irst< ti!e and e'(erience should !ake it close to
second nature.
? Generatin. a Caracter (1)
To illustrate the character creation (rocess in a little !ore
detail< these e'a!(le sections .ollo-ing each ste( sho- ho- a
ty(ical character !ight be generated.
Carl has recently been in%ited to *odgerDs ga!e and has to
generate an a((ro(riate character in ti!e .or the ne't session.
6hile heDs (layed in a nu!ber o. 99*P/ ga!es in the (ast< he
still .ollo-s the sa!e basic set o. ste(s he did -hen he started
The easiest -ay to begin creating a character is to start -ith a
broad< .airly basic conce(t > ?neurotic s(ellcaster<? Ncrude
!ercenary<D ?narcissistic -andering thie.? > and then .lesh that
idea out (iece by (iece by adding details. So!eti!es the
conce(t -ill be dictated or li!ited by the ga!eDs setting@ the /0
!ay also ha%e s(eci.ic ideas .or the characters. 9or this reason<
it is best to run your conce(ts by the /0 to ensure they .it > or
get their ad%ice on -here you can take the conce(t once itDs
a((ro%ed. 8nce this is done< the ne't things to consider areK
2a!eK In a uni%erse (o(ulated by heroes -ith !onikers like
Cloud Stri.e< Bidane Tribal or Aaguna Aoire< a good na!e can go
a long -ay to-ards !aking a character see! like a (lausible
addition to S7uare?s established !ythos. Ideally< a good na!e
should be e%ocati%e and a little unusual@ a Dragoon calling
hi!sel. ?,ob S!ith? is clearly neither. S(eci.ic na!ing (ointers
are gi%en -ith the racial descri(tions in Cha(ter 3.
$geK $ge nearly al-ays e7uates to ?e'(erience.? 8lder
characters -ill usually ha%e been around the block a .e- ti!es<
-hile younger characters are !ore i!(etuous and nai%e about
the -orld at large. 9inal 9antasy heroes tend to be younger<
so!eti!es e'cessi%ely so@ .or +u!ans< the late teens are
generally (ri!e -orld=sa%ing years.
Though both are %iable o(tions< e'tre!ely young and old
characters are likely to .ace serious social discri!ination in=
ga!e@ due to their age< .e- -ill be inclined to take the!
seriously< -hile co!!ents like ?old=ti!er? and ?s7uirt? are
al!ost guaranteed to .ollo- the! e%ery-here they go.
$((earanceK $ character?s (hysical .eatures< height< -eight<
build< hair=< eye= and skin color all hel( de.ine the!< but
a((earance is about !ore than (hysical attributes > it?s about
style. Consider clothingK does the character lean to-ards all=
concealing black trenchcoats< or a -ardrobe consisting entirely
o. loud (astelsG 6hat about Ce-elry< or other distinguishing
.eatures such as tattoosG +o- does the character carry
the!sel%es< and -hat i!(ression do the character?s general
(osture and e'(ression gi%e othersG
? Generatin. a Caracter (2)
/i%en that there?s only one ?.ighter=ty(e? in *odgerDs grou(<
CarlDs decides a 0ithra !artial artist -ould be a good addition
to the (arty. 6ith *odger in .a%or< Carl begins building his
heroine in earnest.
2a!eK The 0ithra na!ing notes suggest that 0ithra
characters -ill ha%e na!es -ith a Thai or Indonesian .la%or.
Carl chooses to na!e his character ;u!ani ,ersihdarah.
$geK Carl -ants his character to strike a balance bet-een
youth and e'(erience. Checking the age ranges gi%en .or
0ithra< Carl gi%es her an age o. 1".
$((earanceK Carl en%isions ;u as lithe< !uscular and tanned
.ro! a li.e o. li%ing outdoors@ the constant e'(osure to the sun
has bleached her hair to al!ost=(ure -hite. To a%oid ha%ing
her !o%e!ents i!(eded in co!bat< ;uDs clothing is restricted
to a set o. thick=soled sandals< thigh=length leather shorts<
and a hea%y leather co!bat %est co%ering a s!aller undershirt.
+er hair is tied in a long braid that reaches do-n to her -aist@
the end is -ra((ed around a bright (ink iron ball usable as a
-ea(on in e!ergencies. $ branding o. three crescent !oons
arranged in a circle can be seen on her le.t cheek.
,ackgroundK The (ast hel(s !ake the (resent
understandable. 9or this reason< a character?s history is an
i!(ortant consideration > it de.ines -ho they are and -hy they
act the -ay they do. 8b%iously< the chosen setting -ill de.ine a
lot o. the s!all details< but e%en broad backgrounds should
.urnish biogra(hical detail< listing de.ining !o!ents in the
character?s li.e > the !urder o. a .riend or !entor< the tragic
loss o. a .a!ily !e!ber< achie%ing a knighthood or being
dra.ted into the ser%ice o. a great !age. These NhooksD
/0s a !eans to easily integrate the (layerDs background into
ga!es@ details such as birth(lace< education< and u(bringing
can also hel( to add .urther de.inition.
PersonalityK $ characterDs (ersonality de.ines their reaction
to and interaction -ith the -orld around the! > in short< ho-
the character deals -ith the situations they encounter o%er the
course o. their ad%entures. It !ay be easier to organiEe
(ersonality by e'tre!es > are they hot=headed risk takers< or
cautious and (atientG Does inCustice o..end the! because they
ha%e a strict code o. !orals< or because they -ant a cut o. the
actionG > but (laying things too broadly risks turning the
character into a stereoty(e.
PossessionsK ,eyond their e7ui(!ent< a character !ay ha%e
a .e- ite!s o. (urely senti!ental or (ersonal %alue > a signet
ring (assed do-n .ro! generation to generation< a necklace or
locket gi%en to the! .ro! a lo%ed one< a lucky coin or talis!an.
This section o. the sheet is used to describe these.
/oalsK /oals are the character?s !aCor as(irations in li.e@
-hether it?s so!ething as sel.ish as -anting to clai! the title o.
?-orld?s greatest treasure hunter? or a noble cause like or
bringing (eace to their -ar=torn ho!e country. 6hate%er else
!ay ha((en< the character?s goals -ill ulti!ately guide their
actions and decisions in the -orld.
$ 3uoteK $n e'a!(le saying o. your characterDs. 8(tional<
but Cust as e..ecti%e at establishing the! as any nu!ber o.
descri(ti%e (aragra(hs. This can be anything .ro! an o.ten
o%erused catch(hrase FVY6hate%er.WH to a short and (ithy
co!!ent ty(ical o. the character?s general outlook on li.e FV5ou
thought a little thing like the end o. the -orld -as gonna do !e
? Generatin. a Caracter (0)
,ackgroundK Carl en%isions N;uD as a traditional 0ithra
.ishergirl -ho abandoned the .a!ily trade a.ter a nasty
encounter -ith a sea=snake< tra%eling to a distant hu!an city
in search o. a li%ing. Aike !any -ho do so< she .ound nothing
!uch beyond (o%erty. Des(erate .or !oney< she beca!e a (it
.ighter< 7uickly establishing a re(utation as a .orce to be
reckoned -ith. +er trade!ark beca!e her ?!iracle co!ebacks?
> -atching her o((onent care.ully< she could learn their
!o%es and !irror the!< returning the .a%or in kind. Training in
the -ilds< she learned to !i!ic !onsters as -ell as hu!ans<
s(eeding her ascent in the .ighting circuits > until the day she
lost control o. her (o-er and killed an o((onent. 9orced to
.lee< she began -andering once !ore< searching .or !ore
clues to the !ysterious abilities that had !ade her a cha!(ion
> and a !urderer.
PersonalityK 6hile once gregarious< ;u has !atured through
the ad%ersity she has encountered< though not at the e'(ense
o. her (ositi%e nature. Serenity is also one o. her hall!arks@
years o. care.ul !ental disci(line ha%e hardened ;u to al!ost
ice=cold cal! in the .ace o. danger.
? Generatin. a Caracter (1)
+o-e%er< she is not (er.ect. ;u hides her !agical (o-ers
because she .ears -hat others -ill do in reaction< greatly
e'aggerating her kno-ledge o. the !artial arts to do so.
PossessionsK $side .ro! her e7ui(!ent< ;u carries around
little o. %alue.
/oalsK ;u seeks to distinguish hersel. as a .ighter and .urther
her understanding o. her (o-ers.
$ 3uoteK V+ara( !aa.< but youDrrre going to ha%e to taste no-.U
+u!ans !ake u( the standard (o(ulation o. !ost -orlds< but
not e%ery hero -ill be hu!an > de(ending on the setting and
circu!stances< characters !ay belong to one o. the other races
detailed in Cha(ter Three. Playing a non=hu!an character can
ha%e both ob%ious and less ob%ious re(ercussions@ the !ost
i!!ediate e..ect< ho-e%er< -ill be on the character?s (otential
? Generatin. a Caracter (2)
Carl already decided to (lay a 0ithra character -hen he .irst
dre- u( ;u!ani. $ll that?s le.t .or hi! to do is note ho- this
-ill a..ect her $ttributes.
Class and :ob
$ character?s chosen Job deter!ines his or her basic $bilities<
their starting +it and 0agic Points< and a -hole sle- o. other
.actors. 9or this reason< choosing a Job is (ossibly the !ost
i!(ortant decision a (layer !akes during the character creation
(rocess. Classes and Jobs are (resented in .ull detail in Cha(ter
? Generatin. a Caracter (3)
Carl bro-ses through the a%ailable Jobs< looking .or so!ething
to .it his conce(t. Though the 0onk -ould be the !ost
i!!ediately ob%ious choice .or Carl< ;uDs !ysterious (o-er
strikes hi! as a better .it .or the 0i!ic or ,lue 0age
(ro.essions. Carl settles on ,lue 0age.
2o- -e begin to de.ine a characterDs !echanical as(ects. &%ery
starting character has a total o. 40 $ttribute Points to di%ide
bet-een the si' $ttributes > Strength< 4itality< $gility< S(eed<
0agic< and S(irit > as the (layer chooses< (ro%ided that at least
1 (oint is s(ent on each $ttribute. $ttribute Points are s(ent at
a one=to=one ratio. ,y (lacing ) $ttribute Points in Strength< .or
e'a!(le< a character -ould start -ith a Strength rating o. ).
$ny $ttribute Points not s(ent at character creation do not
carry o%er into the ga!e< and are lost.
Choice o. race can ha%e an i!(act on ho- these Points are
s(ent< as all races ha%e *acial 0a'i!u!s .or each $ttribute.
2o starting character !ay begin the ga!e -ith any $ttributeDs
rating e'ceeding their raceDs allo-ed !a'i!u!. 9or instance<
ordinary +u!an characters can ha%e a !a'i!u! starting
Strength o. 10< no greater. 9or ease o. re.erence< Table #=1
gi%es 0a'i!u!s .or all races.
Ta%le 2&1' Racial (axim"ms
lurar 10 10 10 10 10 10
8argaa 12 12 10 9 9 8
Cre|r|re 8 10 13 11 9 9
0Warl 10 13 10 8 9 10
E|l 13 13 Z 9 Z 11
0a||a 11 15 10 9 8 Z
V|lrra 9 9 12 12 9 9
Voog|e 8 11 12 11 12
Nu Vou 10 9 10 Z 12 12
0u 10 11 Z 13 13
Rorso 12 13 9 Z 12 Z
Tarularu Z 9 11 12 15
varg 11 8 12 13 8 8
v|era 12 12 12 12
Yel| 13 15 9 Z 10
*acial 0a'i!u!s are .urther !odi.ied by the characterDs choice
o. Job< but this bonus is not a((lied during character creation.
In (ractical ter!s< this !eans that *acial 0a'i!u!s !ay only
be e'ceeded i. the character gains !ore $ttribute Points during
the course o. the ga!e.
? Generatin. a Caracter (4)
The .irst thing Carl !akes a note o. is the 0ithra statline< -hich
gi%es hi! the .ollo-ing range o. *acial 0a'i!u!sK
ST* 4IT $/I SPD 0$/ SP*
" " 1# 1# " "
Carl starts de.ining ;uDs $ttributes by assigning 4 Points to
each $ttribute as a NbaseD< lea%ing hi! -ith 1) $ttribute Points
to s(end. $s a .ist=.ighter as -ell as a s(ellcaster< ;u!aniDs
!ost de%elo(ed $ttributes -ill be Strength< 4itality< S(eed< and
0agic@ Carl raises ST* and $/I to ) and 1 and 0$/ and SPD to
" and res(ecti%ely< gi%ing hi! 4 !ore (oints to s(end on
boosting 4IT and SP*. ;u!aniDs .inal $ttribute distribution
runs as .ollo-sK
ST* 4IT $/I SPD 0$/ SP*
) 1 1 " 7
$s e'(lained in Cha(ter 1< $ttribute *atings are e!(loyed
-hene%er an $ttribute is used .or task resolution. 6hile it is
generally not re7uired to calculate an $ttribute *ating ahead o.
ti!e< the .or!ula .or an $ttribute?s $ttribute *ating isK
F$ttribute ' 3H Z 10
$ character -ith ST* 10< .or instance< has a Strength $ttribute
*ating o. 40.
I. the /0 is using the o(tional rules .or ;ey Points and Traits<
Traits should be selected relati%ely early in the character
creation (rocess. 9ull rules .or doing so can be .ound in
$((endi' I4.
!d6antages and 7isad6antages
Characters in !ore than Cust (ro.ession and (ersonality.
Physical edges and ail!ents< uncon%entional training and
innate resistance to attacks can all enhance a characterDs
co!bat ability@ con%ersely< (hysical ail!ents and other
di..iculties di!inish it. In ga!e ter!s< these are e'(ressed
through $d%antages and Disad%antages. Though only
a%ailable at the /0?s discretion< they a nu!ber o. -ays to
.urther (ersonaliEe a character.
&ach o. the $d%antages and Disad%antages (resented o%er
the ne't .e- (ages has a s(eci.ic (oint cost assigned to it@
$d%antages ha%e a (ositi%e cost< -hile Disad%antages ha%e a
negati%e one. I. a /0 allo-s a (layer to buy $d%antages and
Disad%antages during character creation< their co!bined cost o.
!ust be less than or e7ual to 0. 2o !ore than 10 Points o.
$d%antages !ay be taken< and no $d%antage or Disad%antage
!ay be taken !ore than once unless this is e'(licitly (er!itted
in its descri(tion. &%en i. an $d%antage or Disad%antage has
!ulti(le e..ects -ith se(arate (oint costs< only one o. these
e..ects !ay be taken by de.ault.
The .ollo-ing $d%antages are a%ailable to 99*P/ characters.
2ote that so!e $d%antages ha%e a %arying e..ect de(ending on
ho- !any (oints they are bought .or > these are listed belo-
the general e..ect.
Adroit 2 to 5 Points
&..ectK 2ot e%ery character .ights using .orce. So!eti!es<
-here and ho- the -ea(on hits is !ore i!(ortant than the ra-
(o-er behind it. This $d%antage !ay be taken !ulti(le ti!es.
# PointsK Select one 6ea(on category that uses a d) Da!age
Die< such as *ods. 6hen -ielding a 6ea(on o. the chosen
category< all da!age is calculated using $/I< rather than ST*.
3 PointsK Select one 6ea(on category that uses a d Da!age
Die< such as Sta%es. 6hen -ielding a 6ea(on o. the chosen
category< all da!age is calculated using $/I< rather than ST*.
4 PointsK Select one 6ea(on category that uses a d10 Da!age
Die< such as S-ords. 6hen -ielding a 6ea(on o. the chosen
category< all da!age is calculated using $/I< rather than ST*.
1 PointsK Select one 6ea(on category that uses a d1# Da!age
Die< such as /reats-ords. 6hen -ielding a 6ea(on o. the
chosen category< all da!age is calculated using $/I< rather than
Ambidextrous 1 Point
&..ectK The character is e7ually skilled -ith both hands<
.a%oring neither le.t nor right. Characters -ith this $d%antage do
not (enalties .or 8..=+anded attacks as described in
Cha(ter 7. In addition< they !ay (urchase the Skill T-o
6ea(ons at the nor!al rate o. one Skill Point (er one (oint o.
Skill *ating.
Animal Companion 1 to 5 Points
&..ectK The character is acco!(anied in his Courneys by a
.aith.ul ani!al< such as a trained dog or a !ount. The $ni!al
Co!(anion is s!all > or agile > enough to a%oid da!age in
co!bat@ i. the character controlling the $ni!al Co!(anion is
reduced to 0 +P or other-ise inca(acitated< it -ill not act until
its o-ner has been re%i%ed.
The e'act (o-ers o. an $ni!al Co!(anion are deter!ined by
selecting a co!bination o. talents .ro! the list belo-. &ach
Point s(ent on this $d%antage allo-s the (layer to select u( to
10 (oints? -orth o. talents .ro! this list. This $d%antage !ay be
taken !ulti(le ti!es to create !ore than one Co!(anion.
Sentient F#HK The $ni!al Co!(anion has intelligence
co!(arable to a hu!an?s< and is ca(able o. s(eaking and
understanding Co!!on Tongue.
Su!!oned F#HK The $ni!al Co!(anion is o. !agical or
su(ernatural origins< and is su!!oned u( -ith a si!(le ritual.
In co!bat< this can be acco!(lished through a Bero $ction.
Packrat F3HK The $ni!al Co!(anion can carry a .e- o. the
character?s odds and ends< and acts as an e!ergency reser%e.
In ga!e ter!s< this !eans that the character -ill al-ays ha%e
access to their In%entory i. the Co!(anion is (resent. I. the
Carrying $lternati%e rules .ro! Cha(ter ) are used< the
Co!(anion can carry u( to 1 Ite!s.
Senses F3HK The $ni!al Co!(anion has senses good enough
to assist the (arty in ti!es o. need. In ga!e ter!s< the
co!(anion is treated as ha%ing $-areness at a Skill *ating o.
$ttribute F1HK The $ni!al Co!(anion is strong< .ast< or s!art
enough to hel( the (arty out -hen needed. In ga!e ter!s< this
gi%es the Co!(anion an $ttribute *ating o. 10 in one $ttribute
o. the creator?s choice< and allo-s it to !ake Task Checks
against that $ttribute i. it e%er is in a (osition to do so.
9lying F1HK The $ni!al Co!(anion has -ings strong enough to
.ly -ith< gi%ing it greater range and reach. In (ractical ter!s<
this allo-s the Co!(anion to enter the Status Condition 9light at
-ill. I. co!bined -ith the 0ount attribute< the Co!(anion is
treated as a .lying !ount .or (ur(oses o. tra%el ti!es > see
Cha(ter " .or !ore details.
;een Senses F1HK The $ni!al Co!(anion has a keen set o.
senses< allo-ing it to sni.. out danger< disco%er other-ise=
hidden obCects< or track others o%er long distances. In ga!e
ter!s< the Co!(anion is treated as ha%ing the $-areness and
Tracking Skills at a Skill *ating o. )0.
Aarge F1HK The Co!(anion is larger than nor!al. I. used in
conCunction -ith 0ount< u( to t-o characters !ay ride it. Ite!
ca(acity .or 0ount and Packrat is increased to )0.
0ount F1HK The $ni!al Co!(anion can be ridden -ith a
success.ul *iding Skill Test< reducing tra%el ti!es accordingly >
see Cha(ter " .or !ore details. I. using the Carrying $lternati%e
rule .ro! Cha(ter )< the 0ount can carry an additional 30
Search F1HK The $ni!al Co!(anion is constantly
around and digging in the search .or usable ite!s. 8nce (er
session< a character -hose $ni!al Co!(anion has the Search
talent gains one .ree Ite! > ,attle< Su((ort< or *eco%ery > o.
the /0Ds choice< -ith a Tier a((ro(riate to the character?s
current Ae%el. This does not reduce any other ite! re-ards the
character obtains.
Skilled F1HK The $ni!al Co!(anion has a certain talent that
co!es in handy .or its o-ner > a !onkey trained in
Pick(ocketing< .or instance< !akes an ideal acco!(lice -ith a
budding Thie.. S(lit 10 Skill Points bet-een any co!bination o.
Skills to re(resent the co!(anionDs talents@ Skills !ust be
bought at a !ini!u! rating o. #0 as nor!al. Technical Skills
cannot be taken in conCunction -ith Skilled.
+ighly Skilled F10HK $s -ith Skilled< abo%e. +o-e%er< the
$ni!al Co!(anion is cle%er enough to continue learning< and
gains 1 additional Skill Point .or e%ery Ae%el gained by its
o-ner. It can learn ne- Skills at 10Q the /il cost it -ould take a
character to learn a co!(arati%e Skill@ in addition< a character
-ith $ni!al Training !ay atte!(t to teach it ne- Skills in the
sa!e !anner as the Teaching Skill. Technical Skills cannot be
taken in conCunction -ith +ighly Skilled.
8utstanding $ttribute F10HK $s $ttribute< abo%e. The $ni!al
Co!(anion gains an $ttribute *ating o. 0 rather than 10.
4ery Aarge F10HK The Co!(anion is unusually large. I. used in
conCunction -ith 0ount< u( to si' characters !ay ride it. Ite!
ca(acity .or 0ount and Packrat is increased to "".
Counter 9ang F#0HK 6hene%er the character is struck by a
success.ul $ttack $ction< the ani!al co!(anion has a CoS o.
30Q o. launching an i!!ediate counter=attack at the o((onent
-ho struck the character. This is treated as an $ttack $ction
using the characterDs o-n $CC@ da!age is FFCharacterDs
Ae%el X 4H ' CharacterDs ST*H Z FAe%el X 10Hd). Da!age
can be based on $/I or 0$/ instead@ i. so< this !ust be
declared -hen taking the $d%antage and a((lied consistently
.or the re!ainder o. the characterDs ad%enturing career. I. the
Co!(anion has /uardian as -ell< the t-o ha%e a co!bined .lat
CoS o. 30Q@ roll once to deter!ine i. both e..ects trigger.
Counter 9ang is considered a *eaction $bility< and thus can be
disabled by the Status Condition I!!obiliEe.
/uardian F30HK 6hene%er the character is struck by a
success.ul $ttack $ction< the $ni!al Co!(anion has a .lat CoS o.
30Q o. interce(ting the blo-. I. success.ul< the character only
takes 10Q da!age .ro! the attack be.ore !odi.ying .or $*0 or
0. $*0. I. the Co!(anion has Counter 9ang as -ell< the t-o
ha%e a co!bined .lat CoS o. 30Q@ roll once to deter!ine i. both
e..ects trigger. /uardian is considered a *eaction $bility< and
thus can be disabled by the Status Condition I!!obiliEe.
$dditional 8(tionsK Pending /0 a((ro%al< the (layer can use
the $ni!al Co!(anion $d%antage to !ake other allies such as
hirelings< robots< or %ehicles.
Combat Reflexes 2 Points
&..ectK Through intensi%e training > or a healthy dose o.
(aranoia > the character is ade(t at being able to react to
danger at a !o!entDs notice. $s a result< a character -ith
Co!bat *e.le'es can ne%er be sur(rised in battle< and -ill
al-ays act in the Pree!(ti%e *ound i. a!bushed. In addition<
she is i!!une to the Status Condition :na-are.
Full Moon Heart 4 Points
&..ectK The character has a greater sensiti%ity to the .lo- o.
!ana< and is able to re(lenish her s(ellcasting energies .ar
7uicker than !ost. Ite!s and other e..ects that increase a
characterDs 0P restore Z#1Q o. their usual 0agic Points -hen
used on a character -ith 9ull 0oon +eart.
*estrictionsK 9ull 0oon +eart does not a..ect Drain e..ects or
+P reco%ery.
Gillionaire 2 to 5 Points
&..ectK The character has a knack .or .inding !oney in
une'(ected (laces or a secondary source o. inco!e. $s a result<
he gains /il at a .aster rate than his co!(anions. The
character?s share o. /il .or each !onster encounter and
success.ully co!(leted 7uest is adCusted by the listed
(ercentage to re.lect their additional inco!e. This does not
increase or reduce the (ayout to other characters or 2PCs< or
a..ect other sources o. inco!e. The characterDs starting /il is
also accordingly increased to !atch.
# PointsK The characterDs share o. /il is adCusted by Z1Q. The
characterDs starting /il is accordingly increased to 1#1 /.
3 PointsK The characterDs share o. /il is adCusted by Z10Q.
The characterDs starting /il is accordingly increased to 110 /.
4 PointsK The characterDs share o. /il is adCusted by Z11Q.
The characterDs starting /il is accordingly increased to 171 /.
1 PointsK The characterDs share o. /il is adCusted by Z#0Q.
The characterDs starting /il is accordingly increased to )00 /.
*estrictionsK /illionaire does not stack -ith the &7ui(!ent
$bility +eadhunter. During character creation< this $d%antage
does not a..ect the %alue o. +eirloo!s< starting In%entions< or
other Ve'trasW not tied directly to starting /il.
Goddess's Mark 3 Points
&..ectK The character is attuned to the ebb and tide o. Ai.e
0agic< and bene.its signi.icantly .ro! healing e..ects. Ite!s<
S(ells and other e..ects that increase a characterDs +P restore
Z#1Q o. their usual +it Points -hen used on a character -ith
/oddessDs 0ark.
*estrictionsK /oddessDs 0ark does not a..ect Drain e..ects or
0P reco%ery.
Good Fortune 1 to 3 Points
&..ectK So!e .orce .ro! beyond looks out .or the character<
t-eaking .ate to act in their .a%or.
1 PointK 8nce (er session< the character can re=roll any one
die roll once. :nused rolls do not carry o%er to the ne't session.
# PointsK T-ice (er session< the character can re=roll any one
die roll once. :nused rolls do not carry o%er to the ne't session.
3 PointsK Three ti!es (er session< the character can re=roll any
one die roll once. :nused rolls do not carry o%er to the ne't
Hardened 1 to 2 Points
&..ectK The character is tougher and heartier than her .ello-s<
and can absorb .ar !ore da!age in the long ter!.
1 PointK The character gains an additional 1 +it Point (er
# PointsK The character gains an additional # +it Points (er
Heirloom 3 Points
&..ectK $ (recious arti.act has been (assed do-n in the
character?s .a!ily .or generations@ no- the character is able to
use this heirloo! .or her o-n The character !ay take
one $ccessory -orth u( to #100 / at character creation in
addition to any other e7ui(!ent (urchased.
*estrictionsK +eirloo!s !ay not be sold or other-ise dis(osed
o. under any circu!stances< and !ust re!ain e7ui((ed until
the character reaches Ae%el 11.
Monster iller 1 or 3 Points
&..ectK The character has dedicated a signi.icant a!ount o.
training to the eradication o. a (articular ty(e o. !onster< and is
.ar !ore ade(t against it in battle. This $d%antage !ay be taken
!ulti(le ti!es.
1 PointK The character has trained against a s(eci.ic 0onster
9a!ily FBuu< /oblin< 9lanH< and in.licts Z100Q da!age -ith
e%ery $ttack $ction !ade against !onsters o. this ty(e. Declare
-hich 9a!ily 0onster ;iller is tied to -hen (urchasing this
3 PointsK The character has trained against a s(eci.ic 0onster
Category< and in.licts Z100Q da!age -ith e%ery $ttack $ction
!ade against !onsters o. this ty(e. Declare -hich 0onster
Category 0onster ;iller is tied to -hen (urchasing this
*estrictionsK $bnor!al cannot be taken as a 0onster
)ight here it hurts.&
Multitalented 1 to 2 Points
&..ectK The character has a knack .or 7uickly (icking u(
additional kno-ledge. This $d%antage !ay be taken !ulti(le
1 PointK Pick a Skill Category that the characterDs Job does not
grant hi! an $..inity to< 6ea(on Skills e'cluded. The character
gains an additional $..inity .or that Skill Category.
# PointsK The character gains an $..inity to 6ea(on Skills.
Personal !lement 2 to 5 Points
&..ectsK The character has a dee(< (ersonal connection and
.a!iliarity -ith one o. the -orld?s ele!ents< and is ca(able o.
-ielding it -ith .ierce (o-er. This $d%antage !ay be taken
!ulti(le ti!es.
# PointsK Select one o. the Co!bat &le!ents > 9ire< Ice<
Aightning< 6ater< 6ind< &arth< +oly< Shado-< or ,io. The
character in.licts Z10Q da!age -ith all attacks and e..ects
that deal da!age associated -ith the chosen &le!ent.
4 PointsK Select one o. the Co!bat &le!ents > 9ire< Ice<
Aightning< 6ater< 6ind< &arth< +oly< Shado-< or ,io. The
character in.licts Z#1Q da!age -ith all attacks and e..ects
that deal da!age associated -ith the chosen &le!ent.
*estrictionsK Characters -ith the Paladin Job !ust (ay 1
additional Point to take the +oly &le!ent. Characters -ith the
Dark ;night Job !ust (ay 1 additional Point to take the Shado-
&le!ent. Personal &le!ent does not stack -ith the &7ui(!ent
$bility L&le!entM &nhancer > a((ly the best da!age bonus out
o. the t-o.
Pure "oul 1 to 2 Points
&..ectK The character harbors an unusual attune!ent to-ards
the .lo- o. !agic< accu!ulating !ana at a .ar .aster rate than
1 PointK The character gains an additional 1 0agic Point (er
# PointsK The character gains an additional # 0agic Points (er
Resistan#e 2 to 4 Points
&..ectK The character has built u( a resistance to a s(eci.ic set
o. Status Conditions< and is ca(able o. -eathering the! better
than !ost. This $d%antage !ay be taken !ulti(le ti!es.
# PointsK The character has a resistance to To'in=ty(e Status
Conditions. $ll Conditions o. this ty(e that target the character
ha%e their CoS hal%ed a.ter !odi.ying .or &%asion or 0. &%asion.
3 PointsK The character !ay choose one o. the .ollo-ing
categories o. Status Condition to ha%e a resistance toK Seal or
Trans.or!. $ll Conditions o. this ty(e that target the character
ha%e their CoS hal%ed a.ter !odi.ying .or &%asion or 0. &%asion.
4 PointsK The character !ay choose one o. the .ollo-ing
categories o. Status Condition to ha%e a resistance toK 0ysti.y<
Ti!e< or 6eak. $ll Conditions o. this ty(e that target the
character ha%e their CoS hal%ed a.ter !odi.ying .or &%asion or
0. &%asion.
"i$nature %eapon 3 or 5 Points
&..ectK ,y s(ecialiEing in one s(eci.ic ty(e o. 6ea(on< the
character has honed her skills -ith it to a .ine edge. This
$d%antage !ay be taken !ulti(le ti!es.
3 PointsK 6hen (er.or!ing an $ttack $ction -ith a Signature
6ea(on< the character -ill strike a Critical +it on a roll o. 1
through 11.
1 PointsK 6hen (er.or!ing an $ttack $ction -ith a Signature
6ea(on< the character -ill strike a Critical +it on a roll o. 1
through #0.
*estrictionK Signature 6ea(on does not stack -ith the
&7ui(!ent $bilities CriticalZ and CriticalZZ. :se the best
Critical +it range o. the t-o instead.
"pe#ial trainin$ 1& 2& 4& or 5 Points
&..ectK Thanks to training outside the nor!< the character is
ca(able o. e..ecti%ely -ielding e7ui(!ent not ty(ically used by
his Cob. This $d%antage !ay be taken !ulti(le ti!es.
1 PointsK The character gains access to one additional 6ea(on
ty(e his Job -ould nor!ally not ha%e access to< (ro%ided it can
use ST* to calculate da!age and does not ha%e a Da!age Die
higher than that o. those the 6ea(on ty(es the Job can .reely
access. I. a -ea(on has the Double Strike< 0ana Channel< or
3uicksil%er ability< then it -ill cost an additional (oint.
$lternately< the character gains access to one additional $r!or
ty(e his Job -ould nor!ally not ha%e access to< e'cluding
4 PointsK The character gains access to Shields.
1 PointsK The character gains access to one additional 6ea(on
ty(e his Job -ould nor!ally not ha%e access to< regardless o.
Da!age Die the $ttribute used to calculate da!age< or -ea(on
'ena#ious 3 Points
&..ectK The character clings to li.e -ith al!ost su(ernatural
tenacity. Should the character end a battle at 0 +P or belo-<
she -ill re%i%e -ith 1 +P once the battle is o%er.
*estrictionsK Tenacious has no e..ect on a battle in (rogress.
Should the character be .elled during a .ight< only a Phoeni'
Do-n< *aise S(ell< or si!ilar e..ect -ill restore her.
9urther!ore< Tenacious has no e..ect on other inca(acitating
e..ects such as Stone.
The .ollo-ing Disad%antages are a%ailable to 99*P/ characters.
Aike $d%antages< so!e Disad%antages ha%e a %arying e..ect
de(ending on ho- !any (oints they are bought .or.
(lind 1& 4& or 5 Points
&..ectK The character is no longer able to see< usually as a
result o. an accident or co!bat inCury. $s a result< the character
is considered to (er!anently be under the e..ects o. the Status
Condition ,lind.
1 PointK $ character -ith a 0age Job gains ,lind.
4 PointsK $ character -ith an $de(t Job gains ,lind.
1 PointsK $ character -ith an &'(ert or 6arrior Job gains ,lind.
Code of Honor 2 Points
&..ectK $ sense o. honor has its do-nsides at ti!es. ,ecause
she has s-orn to ne%er attack a hel(less o((onent< the
character -ill ne%er take ad%antage o. the ele!ent o. sur(rise. $
character -ith Code o. +onor -ill not attack o((onents su..ering
.ro! the Status Conditions :na-are< Slee(< or Sto(< and ne%er
acts in the Pree!(ti%e *ound i. her o((onents cannot act in
Code of Mer#) 1 to 2 Points
The character has s-orn ne%er to take a li.e. 6hene%er a
character -ith Code o. 0ercy takes an $ction that -ould reduce
a target to 0 +P< they -ill N(ull the blo-D to lea%e the target -ith
1 +it Point. :nder no circu!stances can the character kill
anything -hile they re!ain under their o-n control@ the only
e'ce(tion to this rule are attacks !ade under the in.luence o.
0ysti.y=ty(e Status Conditions.
1 PointK $ character -ith an $de(t< 0age< or &'(ert Job gains
Code o. 0ercy.
# PointsK $ character -ith a 6arrior Job gains Code o. 0ercy.
Co*ard 4 Points
&..ectK So!e (eo(le can?t take the heat. The character .ears
death !ore than anything< and -ill go to great lengths to
esca(e it. I. the character is e%er reduced to #1Q or .e-er o.
their !a'i!u! +it Points in co!bat< their ne't a%ailable $ction
-ill al-ays be an &sca(e $ction. I. the &sca(e $ction .ails< the
character -ill try to &sca(e again on e%ery .ollo-ing action he
has until he either success.ully retreats .ro! battle or is healed
to abo%e #1Q +P.
*estrictionsK Co-ard cannot be taken in conCunction -ith 9ury.
Crippled Arm 3 to 4 Points
&..ectK 8ne o. the characterDs ar!s is !issing or la!e< !aking
it useless in battle. The character loses their Shield slot@ they
!ay only e7ui( one 6ea(on< cannot .ro! the T-o
6ea(ons Skill< or -ield 6ea(ons -hich occu(y both Shield and
6ea(on slots.
3 PointsK $ character -ith an &'(ert or 0age Job gains
Cri((led $r!.
4 PointsK $ character -ith a 6arrior or $de(t Job gains
Cri((led $r!.
+efenseless 1 to 2 Points
&..ectK The character lacks the .ocus or re.le'es needed to
dodge< (arry< or resist inco!ing attacks.
1 PointK The characterDs natural &%asion or 0. &%asion is 0.
These Co!bat Statistics can only be increased by bonuses .ro!
&7ui(!ent or Status Conditions. Decide -hich o. the t-o is
a..ected -hen taking this Disad%antage.
# PointsK The characterDs natural &%asion and 0. &%asion are
both 0. These Co!bat Statistics can only be increased by
bonuses .ro! &7ui(!ent or Status Conditions.
+e,il's (rand 4 Points
&..ectK The character?s s(ark o. li.e glo-s a little di!!er than
!ost. Ite!s< S(ells and other e..ects that increase a characterDs
+P restore =#1Q o. their nor!al +it Points -hen used on a
character -ith De%ilDs ,rand.
*estrictionsK De%ilDs ,rand does not a..ect Drain e..ects or 0P
!lemental +efi#ien#) 3 Points
&..ectK So!ething -ithin the character lea%es hi! %ulnerable to
a (articular &le!ent. Select one o. the Co!bat &le!ent > 9ire<
Ice< Aightning< 6ater< 6ind< &arth< +oly< Shado-< or ,io. $ny
da!age o. that ele!ent done to the character is increased by
10Q. I. the character gains a *esistance to the &le!ent in
7uestion< attacks do nor!al da!age@ I!!unities reduce
da!age to 10Q< and $bsorbance reduces da!age o. that
&le!ent to 0. This Disad%antage !ay be taken !ulti(le ti!es.
Fa,ored Pre) 2 Points
&..ectK The character is (articularly %ulnerable to attack .ro!
certain ty(es o. !onsters. Declare a 0onster Category 9a%ored
Prey is tied to -hen selecting this Disad%antage@ !onsters o.
this ty(e -ill in.lict Z100Q da!age -ith e%ery $ttack $ction
they !ake against that character. This Disad%antage !ay be
taken !ulti(le ti!es.
*estrictionsK $bnor!al cannot be taken as a 0onster
Flat-Footed 2 Points
&..ectK The character does not react to circu!stances as
7uickly as his .ello- ad%enturers. $s a result< he begins e%ery
battle -ith the Status Condition :na-are acti%e.
Frail 1 to 2 Points
&..ectK The character is (hysically -eaker than his .ello-s<
toughening u( at a .ar slo-er (ace.
1 PointK The character gains 1 +it Point .e-er (er Ae%el. This
-ill ne%er reduce +P gains .or ad%ancing a Ae%el belo- 1.
# PointsK The character gains # +it Points .e-er (er Ae%el. This
-ill ne%er reduce +P gains .or ad%ancing a Ae%el belo- 1.
Fur) 1 to 3 Points
&..ectK Dee( inside the character is a ra%ing< rabid beast that?s
Cust -aiting to get out. $ character -ith 9ury is auto!atically
a..licted -ith the Status Condition ,erserk -hene%er her current
+it Points reach #1Q or less o. their !a'i!u! %alue during the
course o. battle. This Condition (ersists .or as long as the
character re!ains at #1Q or less o. her !a'i!u! +it Points<
and cannot be (re%ented or canceled by any !eans.
1 PointK $ character -ith a 6arrior Job gains 9ury.
# PointsK $ character -ith an $de(t Job gains 9ury.
3 PointsK $ character -ith an &'(ert or 0age Job gains 9ury.
*estrictionsK 9ury cannot be taken in conCunction -ith Co-ard.
Gold "ink 1 to 5 Points
&..ectK The character has a hard ti!e hanging on to !oney.
Debts< ga!bling< .a!ily obligations< charitable causes< or
outright -aste 7uickly eat u( -hate%er s(are inco!e he !ay
ha%e as a result o. his ad%entures. The characterDs share o. /il
.or each !onster encounter and success.ully co!(leted 7uest is
adCusted by the (ercentage listed belo- to re.lect -astage and
lost !oney. This does not increase or reduce the (ayout to
other characters or 2PCs. The characterDs starting /il is
accordingly reduced to !atch.
0odi.iers .or /old Sink are al-ays a((lied a.ter any /il
ac7uisition bonuses the character !ay be eligible .or through
&7ui(!ent $bilities like +eadhunter .
1 PointK The characterDs share o. /il is adCusted by =1Q. The
characterDs starting /il is accordingly reduced to 471 /.
# PointsK The characterDs share o. /il is adCusted by =10Q.
The characterDs starting /il is accordingly reduced to 410 /.
3 PointsK The characterDs share o. /il is adCusted by =11Q.
The characterDs starting /il is accordingly reduced to 4#1 /.
4 PointsK The characterDs share o. /il is adCusted by =#0Q.
The characterDs starting /il is accordingly reduced to 400 /.
1 PointsK The characterDs share o. /il is adCusted by =#1Q.
The characterDs starting /il is accordingly reduced to 371 /.
*estrictionsK During character creation< this Disad%antage
does not a..ect the %alue o. +eirloo!s< starting In%entions< or
other Ve'trasW not tied directly to starting /il.
.amed 1 to 2 Points
&..ectK The character is hobbled< and cannot !o%e 7uickly or
run. $s a result< he is considered to be (er!anently under the
e..ects o. the Status Condition I!!obiliEe.
1 PointK $ character -ith a 0age Job > or Job -hose $bility Set
contains no *eaction $bilities > gains Aa!ed.
# PointsK $ character -ith an $de(t< &'(ert or 6arrior Job -ith
*eaction $bilities in its $bility Set gains Aa!ed.
Mute 1 to 2 Points
&..ectK The character cannot s(eak. Though ty(ically the result
o. inCury or (hysical disability< there are !any other (ossible
reasons .or this< ranging .ro! a (ersonal %o- o. silence to
trau!a. :nder nor!al circu!stances< it is assu!ed that they
ha%e so!e alternate !eans o. co!!unicating > sign language<
.acial e'(ression< strategically=de(loyed .lash cards > -hich
allo-s the! to talk to (arty !e!bers. 9or all intents and
(ur(oses< the character is considered to (er!anently be under
the e..ects o. the Status Condition Silence.
1 PointK $ character -ith a 6arrior or &'(ert Job gains 0ute.
# PointsK $ character -ith the /a!bler Job gains 0ute.
*estrictionsK ,ards< 0ediators< and characters -ith 0age or
$de(t Jobs !ay not take this Disad%antage.
"ealed C/i 1 to 2 Points
&..ectK The characterDs chi .lo- is blocked< lea%ing her
inca(able o. channeling it into her (o-ers. $s a result< she is
considered to be (er!anently under the e..ects o. the Status
Condition Curse.
1 PointK $ character -ith a 0ediator or 0age Job gains Sealed
# PointsK $ character -ith a ,ard< Dark ;night< 0agic ;night<
or Paladin Job gains Sealed Chi.
*estrictionsK Characters -ith 6arrior Jobs or &'(ert and $de(t
Jobs not listed abo%e !ay not take this Disad%antage.
"lo* .earner 2 to 0 Points
&..ectK The characterDs training is .ar .ro! co!(lete< and his
(o-ers sho- it. $s a result< the character gains their $bilities
se%eral Ae%els behind -hat is nor!al .or his Cob.
# PointK The character gains the .irst $bility in his $bility Set #
Ae%els later than nor!al@ e%ery subse7uent $bility is also gained
# Ae%els later.
3 PointsK The character gains the .irst $bility in his $bility Set 4
Ae%els later than nor!al@ e%ery subse7uent $bility is also gained
4 Ae%els later.
4 PointsK The character gains the .irst $bility in his $bility Set 7
Ae%els later than nor!al@ e%ery subse7uent $bility is also gained
7 Ae%els later.
1 PointsK The character gains the .irst $bility in his $bility Set
11 Ae%els later than nor!al@ e%ery subse7uent $bility is also
gained 11 Ae%els later.
) PointsK The character gains the .irst $bility in his $bility Set
1) Ae%els later than nor!al@ e%ery subse7uent $bility is also
gained 1) Ae%els later.
"lu$$is/ 2 or 5 Points
&..ectK Slo- to act and slo- to react< the character is a
constant laggard in battle. $s a result< he is considered to be
(er!anently under the e..ects o. the Status Condition Slo-.
# PointK $ character -ith a 0age or $de(t Job gains Sluggish.
1 PointsK $ character -ith an &'(ert or 6arrior Job gains
"oft 'ar$et 4 Points
&..ectK The character is less resilient to da!age than !ost. To
re(resent this< her $*0 and 0. $*0 ratings are reduced by
=10Q a.ter .actoring in all other bonuses .ro! &7ui(!ent and
Status Conditions.
1nskilled 1 Point
&..ectK The character is not nearly as ade(t at learning the
Skills o. his (ro.ession as others. $s a result< he loses one Skill
$..inity con.erred by his Job.
2ulnerabilit) 2 or 4 Points
&..ectK The character is inherently %ulnerable to certain Status
Conditions. I. a Status o. a ty(e or category a character has a
4ulnerability to targets hi!< its CoS is doubled a.ter !odi.ying
.or &%asion or 0. &%asion@ $ll LStatusM Touch e..ects o. the
a((ro(riate ty(e ha%e a )0Q CoS and LStatusM Strike e..ects
ha%e a "0Q CoS . This Disad%antage !ay be taken !ulti(le
ti!es< and is not a..ected by Status *esistances and I!!unities.
# PointsK The character !ay choose one o. the .ollo-ing
categories o. Status Condition to ha%e a %ulnerability toK To'in
or 6eak.
3 PointsK The character !ay choose one o. the .ollo-ing
categories o. Status Condition to ha%e a %ulnerability toK Seal or
4 PointsK The character !ay choose one o. the .ollo-ing
categories o. Status Condition to ha%e a %ulnerability toK 0ysti.y
or Ti!e.
%eapon 3nabilit) 2 to 3 Points
&..ectK The character si!(ly is out=and=out bad -ith -ea(ons.
6ea(on Skills are bought at t-ice the nor!al cost< and any Skill
$..inity the character !ay ha%e .or 6ea(on Skills is lost. In
addition< the character !ay ne%er cause a Critical +it -ith an
$ttack $ction< e%en i. &7ui(!ent $bilities or other e..ects -ould
nor!ally increase the chances o. a Critical +it.
# PointsK $ character using a non=6ea(on Skill .or their
(ri!ary 6ea(on gains 6ea(on Inability.
3 PointsK $ character using a 6ea(on Skill .or their (ri!ary
6ea(on gains 6ea(on Inability.
? Generatin. a Caracter (5)
To round o.. ;u!ani?s (ersonality< Carl gi%es her the
Disad%antages 4ulnerability FTo'inH and &le!ental De.iciency
F,ioH to re(resent the a.ter=e..ects o. the childhood encounter
that s-ore her o.. .ishing .or li.e. This allo-s hi! to buy 1
PointsD -orth o. $d%antages< so he (icks u( the 3=Point
%ersion o. Signature 6ea(on .or ;u!aniDs /lo%es and Co!bat
*e.le'es< gi%ing her a little e'tra edge in battle.
Characters can s(end u( to 100 /il on (urchasing essential
su((lies and e7ui(!ent during character creation. Cha(ter )
has .ull listings .or the %arious ty(es o. 6ea(ons< $r!or< Ite!s<
and $ccessories a%ailable .or (urchase. $ll starting (urchases
!ust ha%e an $%ailability *ating o. "1Q or higher. $ny !oney
not s(ent on starting e7ui(!ent is gi%en to the character as
starting !oney at a ratio o. 1 to 1. $ characterDs Job -ill also
i!(ose restrictions on -hat kinds o. ite!s they can use >
consult the Job?s (ro.ile in Cha(ter 4 .or !ore details.
? Generatin. a Caracter (6)
CarlDs .irst (riority is a -ea(on. $s a ,lue 0age< ;u!ani is
li!ited to a hand.ul o. (otential -ea(ons@ scanning these< Carl
decides the !ost a((ro(riate choice -ould be /lo%es. 71 / is
s(ent on Aeather /lo%es@ a Aeather Plate F110 /H< Aeather
/auntlets F)1 /H and a Ca( F0 /H lea%e her -ith 170 / to
s(end on other Ite!s and $ccessories. Carl buys t-o Tonics
F10 / totalH and a Tincture F71 /H and carries the re!aining
41 / o%er as starting !oney.
Combat Statisti2s
6hile a (layer cannot directly s(end $ttribute Points to !odi.y
Co!bat Statistics< they can indirectly in.luence the! through
their $ttributes. The eight Statistics are generated as .ollo-sK
+it Points F+PHK $ll Jobs ha%e a +it Die gi%en in their
(ro.iles > a ,lack 0age< .or instance< has a +it Die o. d). In
order to generate the characterDs starting +P< Cust roll the
indicated die< add 30 to the result< then add the characterDs 4IT
%alue. The total is the nu!ber o. +it Points the character -ill
ha%e u(on starting the ga!e.
0agic Points F0PHK $ll 0agic=using Jobs -ill ha%e a s(eci.ic
0agic Die listed in their (ro.ile. $s -ith the +it Die< roll this<
add 10 to the result< and then add the characterDs SP* %alue to
get the total nu!ber o. 0agic Points the character starts the
ga!e -ith. I. the characterDs chosen Job does not ha%e a 0agic
Die< ski( this ste(. They -ill al-ays ha%e 0 0P< regardless o.
their SP*.
&%asion F&4$HK $ character?s &%asion rating is calculated by
adding together their $/I and SPD< then adding any bonuses
con.erred by e7ui(!ent.
0agic &%asion F0. &4$HK 0. &%asion is calculated by adding
together a character?s SP* and 0$/< then adding any bonuses
con.erred by e7ui(!ent.
$r!or F$*0HK $ characterDs $r!or rating is calculated by
adding together the $*0 %alues o. e%ery (iece o. ar!or the
character has e7ui((ed< then a((lying the !odi.ier gi%en .or
the character?s 4IT in Table #=# to the total. The result is the
characterDs .inal $*0.
0agic $r!or F0. $*0HK This statistic is calculated by adding
together the 0. $*0 %alues o. e%ery (iece o. ar!or e7ui((ed by
the character< then a((lying the !odi.ier gi%en .or the
character?s SP* in Table #=# to the total to .ind the characterDs
.inal 0. $*0.
Ta%le 2&2' AR( and (- AR( /on"ses
1 - 2 5
3 - 1 10
5 - 15
Z - 8 20
9 - 10 25
11 - 12 30
13 - 11 35
15 - 1 10
1Z - 18 15
19 - 20 50
21 - 22 55
23 - 21 0
25 - 2 5
2Z - 28 Z0
29 - 30 Z5
De'terity FD&JHK D&J is calculated %ia the .or!ulaK
Ae%el Z F$/I ' #H Z 10
0ind F02DHK 0ind is calculated %ia the .or!ulaK
Ae%el Z F0$/ ' #H Z 10
$ccuracy F$CCHK $CC is calculated %ia the .or!ulaK
Ae%el Z F$/I ' #H Z Job?s $ttack ,onus Z 6ea(on Skill
The 6ea(on Skill used in the .or!ula is the one re7uired by the
currently e7ui((ed 6ea(on > S-ords .or /reats-ords< Cudgels
.or *ods< /uns .or *i.les< and so .orth.
0agic $ccuracy F0. $CCHK 0. $CC is calculated %ia the
Ae%el Z F0$/ ' #H Z 100.
&'(ertise F&JPHK :sed only .or &'(ert Jobs. &'(ertise is
calculated %ia the .or!ulaK
F&'(ert Skill X #H Z Ae%el Z FSkill?s De.ault $ttribute ' #H
e'ce(t .or the &ngineer< -hich uses the .ollo-ing .or!ulaK
FIn%ent *ating X #H Z Ae%el Z F$/I ' #H
9or all &'(ert Jobs< the a((licable &'(ert Skill -ill be listed in
the Job?s (ro.ile.
? Generatin. a Caracter (11)
2o- that $ttributes and &7ui(!ent ha%e been deter!ined<
Co!bat Statistics are ne't on the list.
+it PointsK Checking the ,lue 0age (ro.ile< Carl .inds that
;u!ani -ill ha%e a +it Die o. d. *olling this gi%es hi! a )@
added to ;u!aniDs 4IT o. 1 and the base o. 30< this !eans
;u!ani starts the ga!e -ith 41 +P.
0agic PointsK ,lue 0ages also ha%e a 0agic Die o. d. Carl
rolls again and co!es u( -ith a 4. $dded to her SP* o. 7 and
the base o. 10< this gi%es ;u!ani #1 0P to start out -ith.
&%asionK ;u!aniDs &%asion is e7ual to her SPD o. (lus her
$/I o. 1< or 13.
$r!orK The Aeather Plate< Aeather /auntlets and Ca( ha%e
$*0 ratings o. 1< #< and 1 res(ecti%ely< .or a total o. . $s
;u!aniDs 4IT is )< her .inal $*0 -ill be 110Q o. this %alue<
rounding do-n lea%es her -ith an $*0 o. .
0agic $r!orK The Aeather Plate< Aeather /auntlets and Ca(
ha%e 0. $*0 ratings o. 3< 1< and 3 res(ecti%ely< .or a total o.
7. $s ;u!aniDs SP* is )< her .inal 0. $*0 -ill be 110Q o. this
%alue< rounding do-n@ the end result is an 0. $*0 o. 7.
0agic &%asionK ;u!aniDs &%asion is e7ual to her 0$/ o. "
(lus her SP* o. )< or 11.
$ccuracyK The ,lue 0ageDs $ttack ,onus is Z#0@ -ith a
Ae%el o. 1 and an $/I o. 1< ;u!aniDs .inal $CC is 31 (lus the
rele%ant 6ea(on skill.
0agic $ccuracyK 6ith a Ae%el o. 1 and a 0$/ o. "<
;u!aniDs 0. $CC is 11".
0indK 0ind is )"< or 10 (lus ;u!ani?s Ae%el o. 1 (lus F0$/
' #H< -hich co!es out to 1.
De'terityK De'terity is )1< or 10 (lus ;u!ani?s Ae%el o. 1
(lus F$/I ' #H< -hich co!es out to 10.
The character?s Skills are the ne't thing to consider. De(ending
on their Job< characters -ill ha%e a certain nu!ber o. Skill
Points to allocate bet-een Skills chosen .ro! the lists in
Cha(ter 9i%e. In general< 0age Jobs ha%e the highest Skill
Point totals< 6arriors the lo-est. $ll Skills are (urchased at a
rate o. 1 Skill Point (er 1 (oint o. Skill *ating unless a character
has an $(titude to-ards the Skill Category in 7uestion< as
e'(lained belo-. So!e Skills !ay also be double=cost< and
re7uire t-ice as !any Skill Points to raise. $ll Skills (urchased
during character creation !ust ha%e a !ini!u! *ating o. #0<
and cannot e'ceed a *ating o. 10. $ll Jobs !ust ha%e at least
one 6ea(on Skill at the !ini!u! *ating o. #0< and gain
$-areness at a *ating o. 30 at no cost to their Skill Points.
;ee( in !ind that all o. a character?s Skills should be
(lausibly consistent -ith their background > itDd be hard to
belie%e that a blacks!ithDs son -ouldnDt ha%e had the ti!e to
(ick u( at least a .e- (oints in Cra.ting\ or *e(air. 8n the
.li(side< a .oundling ado(ted and raised by roa!ing !onsters
-ould hardly ha%e the o((ortunity or ca(acity to ha%e learned
$ character?s chosen Job -ill ha%e its re(ercussions on their
ability to learn certain ty(es o. Skills > it goes -ithout saying<
.or instance< that a 9ighter is able to (ick u( ne- -ea(ons !ore
easily than a ,lack 0age. In ga!e ter!s< this is e'(ressed
through Skill $(titudes. $ Job?s Skill $(titude re(resents a
grou( o. Skills a characterDs training is likely to (ut a hea%ier
.ocus on. Skill Points (ut into a Skill belonging to a Category the
character has an $(titude to are s(ent at a rate o. 1K#@ that is to
say< .or e%ery one Point s(ent< the Skill?s *ating increases by #.
? Generatin. a Caracter (12)
$s a ,lue 0age< ;u!ani has a Skill $(titude .or 6ilderness
Skills and #)0 Skill Points to s(end. Carl decides ;u!aniDs
Skills should re.lect her !artial arts training as -ell as a
generally !ore rough=and=tu!ble character ca(able o.
sur%i%ing in the -ilds. 9or the .or!er< he (uts 11 Points a(iece
into Sca%enge< Sur%i%al< and S-i!!ing. $s all three are
6ilderness Skills< this raises each SkillDs *ating to 30< lea%ing
Carl -ith another #11 Points to s(end. To re(resent ;u!aniDs
training and a(titudes as a bra-ler< he ne't takes ,ra-l at the
!a'i!u! (ossible *ating at 10< (lus $crobatics at 40<
Cooking at 30< and Inti!idation at 40. This lea%es 11 Points@
to round o.. the selection< Carl takes t-o Skills to re(resent
;u!aniDs in%ol%e!ent -ith less sa%ory ele!entsK &sca(e at #1
and Street-ise at 30.
In addition to the Skill Points allocated by the characterDs Job<
the character recei%es an additional 1)0 Points solely .or
(urchasing the Scholastic Skills Aore\ and Aanguage\. This
re(resents the characterDs Nkno-ledge base.? The character also
gains Co!!on Tongue at a *ating o. 10< regardless o. any
other Aore\ and Aanguage\ Skills (urchased@ this does not
decrease the a%ailable 7uantity o. Skill Points.
? Generatin. a Caracter (10)
2o- Carl selects ;u!aniDs Aore\ and Aanguage\ Skills. 10
Points are s(ent on obtaining a Skill *ating o. 10 in ,ahsa
0ithra > enough to gi%e ;u!ani a co!.ortable le%el o.
(ro.iciency to co!(le!ent her Co!!on Tongue. This lea%es
Carl -ith a .urther 110 Points. 30< 10 and 30 Points are s(ent
on the Aore\s ,lue 0agic< 0artial $rts and 6orld Aore
res(ecti%ely< rounding o.. ;u!aniDs Skill selection in the
:nder nor!al circu!stances< any Skill Points not s(ent during
character creation do not carry o%er into the ga!e (ro(er< and
are lost i. le.t uns(ent by the ti!e the character is .inished.
+o-e%er< i. the (layers .ind the!sel%es struggling to co!e u(
-ith a Skill set that suits their characters< the /0 !ay -ish to
allo- the! to start the ga!e -ith a !ini!al selection and
choose the rest o. their Skills during the course o. the ga!e.
0ake a note o. ho- !any Points the character had .or
con%entional Skills< Aore\< and Aanguage\ -hen the ga!e
started. $t any (oint during the ga!e< the (layer can declare
that they ha%e background in a gi%en Skill< and s(end so!e o.
their NstockD o. Points to obtain the Skill at a *ating o. #0 or
higher. Ideally< this should be done in a .ashion that re%eals a
little !ore about the character > a 7uick aside like VDidnDt you
kno- I -as an e'(ert .isher!an -hen I -as youngerGW These
(oints can also be s(ent on Skills gained through re%elation< as
described .urther on.
2ote that Points gained by de.erring Skill selection cannot be
s(ent on raising Skills u(on gaining a Ae%el > they are
e'clusi%ely to be used on ac7uiring ne- Skills.
Starting 0agi2
2ot e%ery Job can cast S(ells< and not all s(ellcasting Jobs
actually start the ga!e -ith the ability to use !agic. Characters
-ith a Job that has the ability to cast ,lack< 6hite< *ed< or Ti!e
0agic begin -ith three Ae%el 1 S(ells chosen .ro! the
a((ro(riate S(ell lists in Cha(ter .
Due to the non=linear (rogression o. ,lue< S(ellblade<
Su!!on< and Call 0agic< characters -ith access to these
schools o. s(ellcasting generate their starting S(ells in a slightly
di..erent .ashion. *ather than choose a set nu!ber o. S(ells<
,lue 0ages !ay choose any nu!ber o. a((ro(riate S(ells .ro!
the lists gi%en in Cha(ter < (ro%ided that their co!bined 0P
Costs do not e'ceed the character?s starting 0P %alue. It is
additionally reco!!ended that no one S(ell in the starting
selection cost !ore than 11 0P.
0agic ;nights begin -ith one &le!ent Strike s(ell and one
Status &..ect s(ell chosen .ro! the le%el 1 S(ell e..ects.
Su!!oners begin the ga!e -ith one Su!!on > either
4ale.or< Aaksh!i< *e!ora< I.rit< *a!uh< or Shi%a< as (er the
(layerDs choice. Callers !ay choose .ro! only 4ale.or< Aaksh!i<
or *e!ora< and additionally gain t-o Ae%el 1 S(ells chosen .ro!
the a((ro(riate S(ell lists.
? Generatin. a Caracter (11)
$s a ,lue 0age< ;u!ani can select u( to #1 0Ps? -orth o.
S(ells .ro! the ,lue 0agic list. Carl chooses /oblin Punch F1
0PH< Choco ,all F) 0PH< *ed 9east F) 0PH< and Aea( F 0PH
.or a round #1.
Starting In6ention
Characters -ith the &ngineer Job .inish character creation by
asse!bling a single In%ention using the rules in $((endi' I.
The (layer can use u( to 100 /il -orth o. Parts -ithout di((ing
into their o-n (ockets@ i. the .inal In%ention costs !ore than
100 /il< the di..erence is (aid .ro! the character?s starting /il.
Parts used in the starting In%ention are subCect to the sa!e
$%ailability restrictions as any other e7ui(!ent (urchased
during character creation.
Finishing To42hes
To s(eed u( ga!e(lay later on< (layers !ay -ant to go through
their listed Da!age Codes and (recalculate S(ell< $bility and
$ttack da!ages< !aking a note o. the results on their character
? Generatin. a Caracter (12)
;u!ani begins the ga!e -ith three da!age e7uations > that
o. her basic $ttack $ctions -ith Aeather /lo%es< that o.
Chocoball< and that o. Aea(. The Aeather /lo%es ha%e a
Da!age Code o. F# ' ST*H Z d)@ -ith an ST* o. )< the .inal
Da!age Code is 1# Z d). Choco ,all and Aea( both ha%e
Da!age Codes o. F4 ' 0$/H Z d< 0. $r!or @ (lugging in
;u!aniDs 0$/ o. " results in a (recalculated Da!age Code o.
3) Z d< 0. $r!or . /oblin Punch and *ed 9east do not
need se(arate calculations > they are a .unction o. ;u!aniDs
basic $ttack $ction da!age.
$s characters triu!(h against o%er-hel!ing odds and
i!(lacable .oes< they start accu!ulating &'(erience Points. JP
are a-arded as the /0 sees .it< but are ty(ically earned by
killing or inca(acitating o((onents< sol%ing (uEEles< disar!ing
tra(s< and co!(leting 7uests.
8nce a character accu!ulates enough JP< they ad%ance a
Ae%el< increasing in (o-er. /aining a Ae%el re7uires FCurrent
Ae%el ' 100H &'(erience Points@ ;u!ani< the Ae%el 1 character
introduced in this cha(ter< needs F1 ' 100H == or 100 > JP to
get .ro! Ae%el 1 to Ae%el #. 2ote that JP totals are not
cu!ulati%e@ earning 1000 JP to ad%ance to Ae%el # does not
!ean you need only 100 JP to reach Ae%el 3. The .ollo-ing
table gi%es a detailed breakdo-n o. JP re7uire!ents .or each
Ta%le 2&0' 7P Re8"irements
Ae%el JP *e7uired Total JP
1 === 0
# 100 100
3 1<000 1<100
4 1<100 3<000
1 #<000 1<000
) #<100 7<100
7 3<000 10<100
3<100 14<000
" 4<000 1<000
10 4<100 ##<100
11 1<000 #7<100
1# 1<100 33<000
13 )<000 3"<000
14 )<100 41<100
11 7<000 1#<100
1) 7<100 )0<000
17 <000 )<000
1 <100 7)<100
1" "<000 1<100
#0 "<100 "1<000
Ae%el JP *e7uired Total JP
#1 10<000 101<000
## 10<100 111<100
#3 11<000 1#)<100
#4 11<100 13<000
#1 1#<000 110<000
#) 1#<100 1)#<100
#7 13<000 171<100
# 13<100 1"<000
#" 14<000 #03<000
30 14<100 #17<100
31 11<000 #3#<100
3# 11<100 #4<000
33 1)<000 #)4<000
34 1)<100 #0<100
31 17<000 #"7<100
3) 17<100 311<000
37 1<000 333<000
3 1<100 311<100
3" 1"<000 370<100
40 1"<100 3"0<000
41 #0<000 410<000
4# #0<100 430<100
43 #1<000 411<100
44 #1<100 473<000
41 ##<000 4"1<000
4) ##<100 117<100
47 #3<000 140<100
4 #3<100 1)4<000
4" #4<000 1<000
10 #4<100 )1#<100
11 #1<000 )37<100
1# #1<100 ))3<000
13 #)<000 )"<000
14 #)<100 711<100
11 #7<000 74#<100
1) #7<100 770<000
17 #<000 7"<000
1 #<100 #)<100
1" #"<000 11<100
)0 #"<100 1<000
)1 30<000 "11<000
)# 30<100 "41<100
)3 31<000 "7)<100
)4 31<100 1<00<000
)1 3#<000 1<040<000
)) 3#<100 1<07#<100
)7 33<000 1<101<100
) 33<100 1<13"<000
)" 34<000 1<173<000
70 34<100 1<#07<100
71 31<000 1<#4#<100
7# 31<100 1<#7<000
73 3)<000 1<314<000
74 3)<100 1<310<100
71 37<000 1<37<100
7) 37<100 1<4#1<000
77 3<000 1<4)3<000
Ae%el JP *e7uired Total JP
7 3<100 1<101<100
7" 3"<000 1<140<100
0 3"<100 1<10<000
1 40<000 1<)#0<000
# 40<100 1<))0<100
3 41<000 1<701<100
4 41<100 1<743<000
1 4#<000 1<71<000
) 4#<100 1<#7<100
7 43<000 1<70<100
43<100 1<"14<000
" 44<000 1<"1<000
"0 44<100 #<00#<100
"1 41<000 #<047<100
"# 41<100 #<0"3<000
"3 4)<000 #<13"<000
"4 4)<100 #<11<100
"1 47<000 #<#3#<100
") 47<100 #<#0<000
"7 4<000 #<3#<000
" 4<100 #<37)<100
"" 4"<000 #<4#1<100
#earning "e< !bilities
0ost Jobs gain ne- $bilities at certain Ae%els > on a%erage<
e%ery 7 Ae%els u( to Ae%el )4. The Ae%el an $bility is gained is
sho-n in Cha(ter 4 to the right o. the $bility?s na!e. 9or
instance< the Sa!urai gains the $bility 0ineuchi at Ae%el @ the
9ighter the $bility Third &ye.
#earning "e< S8ells
Characters -ith access to 6hite< ,lack< Ti!e< or *ed 0agic -ill
gain ne- S(ells e%ery .e- Ae%els< allo-ing the! to (ick a S(ell
.ro! a gi%en S(ell Ae%el and add it to their re(ertoire. The e'act
Ae%els this occurs at -ill be gi%en in the Job?s (ro.ile in Cha(ter
4. 2ote that in order to be able to select a S(ell< any
(rere7uisites the S(ell has !ust be !et > to choose 9ira< .or
instance< a character !ust also ha%e learned 9ire. Prere7uisites
are laid out in Cha(ter .
2e- ,lue and Su!!on S(ells can only be ac7uired during the
course o. a session< and are gained inde(endently o. the
character?s current Ae%el. To obtain a ne- ,lue S(ell< a
character !ust either be targeted by it or success.ully obser%e
its use -ith the Su((ort $bility $Eure Aore. To obtain a ne- Call
or Su!!on< the character !ust either the Su!!on in
battle or co!(lete a task to earn the Su!!on?s trust. In certain
cases< ,lue S(ells< Calls< and Su!!ons !ay be a-arded
through ite!s .ound during the session or gi%en out as 7uest
In2reasing Hit and 0agi2 Points
&%ery ti!e a character gains a Ae%el< their !a'i!u! +it Points
increase by Job?s +it Die Z F4IT X #H. Jobs -ith a 0agic Die
also increase their !a'i!u! 0agic Points by Job?s 0agic Die
Z FSP* X #H. $ll rolls should be !ade in .ront o. the rest o. the
grou( or /0< and calculated be.ore any other changes are
!ade to the character.
In2reasing !ttrib4tes
Characters recei%e 1 $ttribute Point e%ery ti!e they gain a
Ae%el. This !ay be allocated to any o. the characterDs si'
$ttributes< (ro%ided that $ttribute Points are not s(ent on the
sa!e $ttribute t-o Ae%els in a ro- and that the increase does
not raise the $ttribute abo%e the characterDs $ttribute Ca(. The
$ttribute Ca( is deter!ined by adding the characterDs Job bonus
.or that $ttribute to their *acial 0a'i!u!. $ +u!an 9ighter< .or
instance< -ould ha%e an $ttribute Ca( o. #1 in ST* > his *acial
0a'i!u! o. 10 (lus the 9ighterDs Z11 bonus to ST*. $ttributes
!ay be raised a.ter the character has reached the $ttribute Ca(<
but this re7uires # $ttribute Points rather than 1 and !ay only
be done once all $ttributes are at their res(ecti%e Ca(s.
The only other circu!stance under -hich an $ttribute Ca( can
be ?broken? is -ith &7ui(!ent $bilities. 2ote that the absolute
!a'i!u! %alue (er!itted .or an $ttribute is 30< including
bonuses .ro! e7ui(!ent > a character -ith ST* # e7ui((ing a
+y(er 6rist FZ1 ST*H -ould only raise her Strength to 30< not
8nce an $ttribute has been raised< adCust the characterDs
$ttribute *atings and Co!bat Statistics accordingly. I. the (layer
has been kee(ing track o. it< (recalculated da!age !ay also
need to be adCusted as a result o. this.
In2reasing S9ills
:(on gaining a Ae%el< a character recei%es 10 Skill Points to
s(end on i!(ro%ing Skill *atings and ) (oints .or i!(ro%ing
Aanguage\ and Aore\ ratings@ unused Skill Points are not
carried o%er to the ne't Ae%el< and a lost unless s(ent. *atings
are raised at the sa!e rates as during character creation > 1 to
1 .or !ost Skills< 1 to # .or Skills the character has an $..inity
to< and # to 1 .or Skills e'(licitly listed as costing t-ice the
nor!al rate. The (layer !ay distribute their Skill Points as they
choose< but once a Skill?s *ating has reached 10< it cannot be
increased by !ore than # a.ter a Ae%el has been gained. In
addition< no SkillDs *ating !ay e%er be raised abo%e 100.
#earning S9ills
2e- Skills !ay also be learned u(on gaining a Ae%el using one
o. three !ethodsK re%elation< teaching< or research. &ach o.
these three !ethods has its o-n re7uire!ents.
So!eti!es< characters .ind they ha%e talents and de(ths they
didn?t e%en kno- they (ossessed. $ character that rolls a Critical
Success on a de.aulted Skill *oll !ay i!!ediately gain that Skill
at a *ating o. #0. +o-e%er< not any Skill *oll -ill do > (addling
across a shallo- (ond isn?t enough to learn S-i!!ing< no
!atter ho- 7uickly you reach the other side. 9or re%elations to
strike< the Task Check?s CoS !ust be 40 or lo-er. $s success.ul
rolls !ade under the *ule o. 10 do not count as a Critical
Success< they cannot be used to gain Skills through re%elation.
$ny nu!ber o. Skills !ay be learned at once in this !anner.
$lternately< characters !ay o(t to learn a Skill .ro! another
character > PC or 2PC > -ith the Teaching Skill. I. nobody in
the (arty has this Skill< the character !ust track do-n an
a((ro(riate teacher using either their o-n net-ork o. contacts
or the In7uiry Skill. Teachers -ho aren?t (ersonal .riends or
allies o. the character !ay de!and a .ee .or training@ suggested
costs ha%e been gi%en belo-.
Ta%le 2&0' Teacin. Costs
1 - 20 200 0
21 - 30 500 0
31 - 10 2000 0
11 - 50 5000 0
Learred 3|||| 300 0
8nce all costs ha%e been (aid< the PC > or 2PC > -ith the
Teaching Skill !ust !ake a Task Check against it to see i.
instruction is success.ul. To deter!ine the Conditional 0odi.ier
.or this Task Check< add together all a((licable !odi.iers .ro!
the list belo-.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Teacher?s Skill *ating in Skill being taught less than 10K =#0
Teaching Intuiti%e SkillK Z#0
Teaching Aearned SkillK 0
$!(le ti!e F10 or !ore daysHK Z#0
Su..icient ti!e F1 daysHK 0
Inade7uate ti!e F# to 3 daysHK =#0
&'tre!e ti!e (ressure F1 day or lessHK =)0
I. the Task Check is success.ul< the character gains the Skill at a
*ating o. #0. 8ther-ise< the ti!e and !oney in%ested ha%e
been -asted@ the character can start again< but !ay need to
s(end additional /il to continue learning. $ Critical 9ailure
ty(ically !eans that an accident occurred during the learning
(rocess< -ith results le.t to the /0?s discretion. This !ay lea%e
an 2PC teacher un-illing to deal -ith the character again<
.orcing the character to .ind a ne- instructor. In the e%ent o. a
Critical Success< the character has an une'(ected breakthrough<
hal%ing the ti!e needed to learn the Skill. 8nly one Skill at a
ti!e !ay be learned in this !anner.
Instead o. learning a ne- Skill .ro! another (erson< a character
can also atte!(t to (ick it u( .ro! !agaEines< books< or
co!(uter (rogra!s. I. the character does not ha%e access to
the !aterials they need to do their research< they !ust buy or
obtain the! be.orehand. *esearch !aterials ha%e an $%ailability
*ating o. "0 by de.ault< though this !ay be lo-ered .or unusual
or s(ecialiEed Skills@ suggested costs ha%e been gi%en belo-.
1 - 20 300 0
21 - 30 Z50 0
31 - 10 3000 0
11 - 50 Z500 0
Learred 3|||| 500 0
8nce the !aterials ha%e been obtained< the character !ust
!ake a Task Check against In7uiry. To deter!ine the
Conditional 0odi.ier .or this Task Check< add together all
a((licable !odi.iers .ro! the list belo-.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
*esearching Intuiti%e SkillK Z#0
*esearching Aearned SkillK 0
$!(le ti!e F10 or !ore daysHK Z#0
Su..icient ti!e F1 daysHK 0
Inade7uate ti!e F# to 3 daysHK =#0
&'tre!e ti!e (ressure F1 day or lessHK =)0
I. the Task Check is success.ul< the character gains the Skill at a
*ating o. #0. 8ther-ise< the character?s !aterials are
insu..icient@ the character can start again< but !ay need to
s(end additional /il to ac7uire ne- !aterial. $ Critical 9ailure
ty(ically !eans that an accident occurred during the learning
(rocess< -ith results le.t to the /0?s discretion. In the e%ent o.
a Critical Success< the character has an une'(ected
breakthrough< hal%ing the ti!e needed to learn the Skill. 8nly
one Skill at a ti!e !ay be learned in this !anner.
Though !ost o. the 99*P/ assu!es that a character -ill begin
a ga!e at Ae%el 1 and -ork their -ay u( the ranks< a /0 !ay
-ish to start characters o.. at a higher Ae%el. There are t-o
-ays to do this. The !ost NaccurateD in%ol%es creating a Ae%el 1
character< then !anually le%eling the! u( until they ha%e
reached the a((ro(riate Ae%el< calculating +P and 0P gains as
a((ro(riate. +o-e%er< this !ethod re7uires a considerable
a!ount o. ti!e and e..ort< !aking it i!(ractical .or !ost
(layers. 9or this reason< the .ollo-ing (ages (resent a N.ast=
trackD !ethod .or creating higher=Ae%el characters on the .ly.
9or the !ost (art< the (layer should continue to .ollo- the
ste(s outlined in this cha(ter@ the salient changes run as
&'(erienced characters ha%e 40 Z FA4A= 1H $ttribute Points to
di%ide bet-een the si' $ttributes< .ollo-ing the sa!e one=to=one
ratio as in nor!al character creation. The absolute li!it .or any
$ttributeDs %alue is e7ual to the *acial 0a'i!u! in that $ttribute
(lus their chosen JobDs bonus. 9or instance< a +u!an 0onk
-ould be able to raise their ST* to #1 > 10 .or the *acial
0a'i!u!< (lus 11 .or the Job bonus.
Combat Statisti2s
Co!bat Statistics are generated as nor!al< -ith the e'ce(tion
o. +it Points and 0agic Points. These are generated using the
.ollo-ing .or!ulasK
30 Z 4IT Z FAe%el ' +it DieH Z FF4IT X #H ' FAe%el = 1HH
10 Z SP* Z FAe%el ' 0agic DieH Z FFSP* X #H ' FAe%el = 1HH
,oth .or!ulas use the !edian %alue o. JobDs +it and 0agic Dice
rather than a roll. $ Job -ith a d10 +it Die< .or instance< -ould
ha%e a %alue o. 1< -hile a Job -ith a d) +it Die -ould ha%e a
%alue o. 3. $s at character creation< any Job -ithout a 0agic Die
-ill ha%e 0 0P< regardless o. their S(irit.
$n e'(erienced character recei%es a nu!ber o. Skill Points
e7ual to those recei%ed by a Ae%el 1 character o. their chosen
Job< (lus a bonus o. 10 ' FAe%el = 1H Points. They also recei%e
the standard 1)0 Points .or Aanguage\ and Aore\ Skills > -ith
Co!!on Tongue at a *ating o. 10 and $-areness at 30 .or .ree
> (lus an additional ) ' FAe%el = 1H Points .or Aanguage\ and
Aore\ skills. Skills still ha%e a !ini!u! *ating o. #0< but can
ha%e a !a'i!u! *ating o. u( to 4 Z F# ' Ae%elH < -ith an
absolute !a'i!u! o. 100.
&'(erienced characters recei%e !ore /il .or buying e7ui(!ent
and ite!s@ at higher Ae%els< they -ill also ha%e access to
e7ui(!ent not nor!ally (urchasable by starting characters. The
table belo- gi%es reco!!ended bench!arks .or /il a-ards< as
-ell as suggested $%ailability li!its .or starting e7ui(!ent.
Ta%le 2&2' Startin. Gil and E8"ipment
1 500 91 ---
2 00 90 ---
3 800 89 ---
1 1100 88 ---
5 1500 8Z ---
2000 8 ---
Z 2Z50 85 ---
8 3500 81 ---
9 1250 83 ---
10 5000 82 ---
20 15000 Z0 ---
30 30000 5Z ---
10 10000 15 ---
50 10000 32 1 Arl|lacl
5 10000 13 2 Arl|lacls
1 Legerdary
9or characters -ith Ae%els bet-een these bench!arks< use the
table belo- to deter!ine e'act %alues. *ound do-n .or
(ur(oses o. deter!ining $%ailability *atings.
Ta%le 2&3' 9e,el&Specific Ad:"stments
11 - 20 1000 -1.25
21 - 30 1500 -1.25
31 - 10 1000 -1.25
11 - 50 --- -1.25
51 - 5 --- -1.25
8nce all this has been done< all that re!ains is .or the (layer to
choose their e7ui(!ent. 9or instance< a character created at
Ae%el 14 -ould ha%e "000 /il in s(ending !oney > 1000 .or
the Ae%el 10 de.ault< (lus an additional 1000 .or Ae%els 11
through 14 > and -ould be able to buy e7ui(!ent -ith an
$%ailability *ating o. 77Q or greater.
$t Ae%el 1< &ngineers recei%e a ?sti(end? o. 100 /il -ith -hich to
(ut together a starting In%ention. &ngineers starting at a higher
Ae%el recei%e a larger sti(end@ its e'act %alue is gi%en on the
table belo-. 2ote that a Ae%el )1Z &ngineer also recei%es one
.ree $rti.act Part o. their choice to use in a starting In%ention.
Ta%le 2&4' *n,ention Stipends
1 100 ---
2 120 ---
3 10 ---
1 220 ---
5 300 ---
100 ---
Z 550 ---
8 Z00 ---
9 850 ---
10 1000 ---
20 3000 ---
30 000 ---
10 8000 ---
50 10000 ---
5 10000 1
9or characters -ith Ae%els bet-een these bench!arks< use the
table belo- to deter!ine e'act %alues.
Ta%le 2&5' *n,ention Stipend ;etails
11 - 20 200
21 - 30 300
31 - 10 300
11 - 50 200
51 - 5 ---
Characters ca(able o. using ,lack< 6hite< *ed< or Ti!e 0agic
gain starting S(ells as nor!al< (lus any additional S(ells their
Ae%el -ould 7uali.y the! .or< as listed in their Job (ro.iles. $s
-ith starting characters< characters -ith ,lue< Call< or Su!!on
0agic generate their S(ell lists in a slightly di..erent .ashion.
/enerate starting S(ells as (er standard character creation.
8nce the initial selection has been !ade< the character can take
u( to FAe%el X 3H additional S(ells chosen .ro! the ,lue 0agic
list. 6hile any co!bination o. S(ells can be (icked in this
.ashion< no S(ellDs 0P cost should e'ceed the li!its gi%en
Ta%le 2&6' /l"e (a.ic 9imits
1 - 1 18
1Z - 21 2Z
25 - 32 10
33 - 10 50
11 - 18 119
19 - 5 139
5Z ---
/enerate starting Calls as (er standard character creation. 8nce
the initial selection has been !ade< the character can take u( to
FAe%el X H additional Calls chosen .ro! the Su!!on 0agic
list. 6hile any co!bination o. Calls can be (icked in this .ashion<
no CallDs 0P cost should e'ceed the li!its gi%en belo-.
Ta%le 2&1#' Call (a.ic 9imits
1 - 8 21
9 - 1 52
1Z - 21 ZZ
25 - 32 90
11 - 18 125
19 - 5 1Z
5Z ---
/enerate starting Su!!ons as (er standard character creation.
8nce the initial selection has been !ade< the character can take
u( to FAe%el X 1#H additional Su!!ons chosen according to
the list gi%en belo-.
Ta%le 2&11' S"mmon (a.ic 9imits
1 - 11 va|elor, La|srr|, Rerora, llr|l,
3r|va, Rarur, 3y|pr, 3|rer,
T|lar, K|r|r
12 - 21 Ca|l 3|lr, Fa|ry, Aloros, Ferr|r,
0|aoo|os, 8|srarc|,
Parderor|ur, 3y|dra
25 - 3 Asura, V|sl 0ragor, 0uelza|coal|,
3a|ararder, Caloo|epas,
Jorrurgard, Tr|locr, Prarlor,
ur|corr, Carourc|e, 0o|er
3Z - 18 3erapr|r, Ar|, 0oorlra|r,
lades, Kjala, A|exarder, Ar|ra,
19 - 0 Proer|x, Typror, Lev|alrar, L|cr,
Vadeer, 0d|r
1 8ararul, Crusader, Vagus
3|slers, Yoj|roo
The .ollo-ing list reca(s so!e o. the !ost i!(ortant conce(ts
introduced in this cha(ter .or 7uick re.erence.
$d%antage. $ character 7uirk that a..ects the characterDs
co!bat (er.or!ance in a (ositi%e -ay.
$ttribute Ca(. 0a'i!u! %alue an $ttribute can ha%e.
Deter!ined by Job and *ace.
$ttribute Point. Points that can be s(ent on de.ining and
increasing the characterDs $ttributes.
Disad%antage. $ character 7uirk that a..ects the characterDs
co!bat (er.or!ance in a negati%e -ay.
+it Die. Die rolled to deter!ine a characterDs +it Points.
0agic Die. Die rolled to deter!ine a characterDs 0agic
*acial 0a'i!u!. $ hard li!it on starting $ttributes de.ined
by a characterDs choice o. race.
Skill $(titude. $ category o. Skills a character can learn at a
reduced rate due to their training in that .ield.
Skill Point. Points that can be s(ent on de.ining and
increasing the characterDs Skills.

I"$ be(o$ing #ess hu$an1&

+in(ent +a#entine
+eroes in the -orlds o. 9inal 9antasy can be both hu!an and
!ore than hu!an. 8%er the course o. !any ga!es< the !antle
o. -orld=sa%iour has %ariously .allen on the shoulders o. rat=
girls< cat=robots< .eral 5eti< lion=!en< !oon=(eo(le and
creatures too strange to describe in Cust a hand.ul o. -ords.
$ccordingly di%erse are the o(tions a%ailable to 99*P/
characters. 8%er the ne't .e- (ages< (layers -ill .ind a
re(resentati%e< i. by no !eans co!(lete sa!(ling o. the races
and s(ecies -hich (o(ulate the 9inal 9antasy uni%erse. 8thers<
like the a7uatic +y(ello or the enig!atic /urgans< ha%e been
le.t .or .uture -orks to co%er. /0s interested in adding !ore
races to their ga!es can .ind concrete ad%ice .or doing so in
Cha(ter 10.
9or re.erenceDs sake< the .ollo-ing table reca(s the *acial
0a'i!u!s .irst (resented in Cha(ter #. 0ore details on
0a'i!u!s and their e..ect on character creation and
ad%ance!ent can be .ound there.
Ta%le 0&1' Racial (axim"ms
lurar 10 10 10 10 10 10
8argaa 12 12 10 9 9 8
Cre|r|re 8 10 13 11 9 9
0Warl 10 13 10 8 9 10
E|l 13 13 Z 9 Z 11
0a||a 11 15 10 9 8 Z
V|lrra 9 9 12 12 9 9
Voog|e 8 11 12 11 12
Nu Vou 10 9 10 Z 12 12
0u 10 11 Z 13 13
Rorso 12 13 9 Z 12 Z
Tarularu Z 9 11 12 15
varg 11 8 12 13 8 8
v|era 12 12 12 12
Yel| 13 15 9 Z 10
$lso kno-n as +u!es. 8n any gi%en -orld< +u!ans -ill
ine%itably be the do!inant race@ -ildly di%erse and in.initely
tenacious< their ability to !ake a ho!e in e%en the !ost
inhos(itable o. en%iron!ents has !ade the! the standard
against -hich all other races are !easured.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK 9irionel F99IIH< Auneth F99IIIH< ;ain +igh-ind
F99I4H< ,artE ;lauser F994H< SetEer /abbiani F994IH< Ti.a
Aockheart F994IIH< Bell Dincht F994IIIH< ,eatri' F99IJH< $uron
F99JH< ,asch .on *onsenberg F99JIIH
Ty(ical +eightK 1.) > 1.! F0aleH X 1.1 > 1.7! F9e!aleH
Ty(ical 6eightK 0 > "7kg F0aleH X 73 > "4kg F9e!aleH
+air ColorsK ,lond< black< bro-n< red< -hite
&ye ColorsK /reen< bro-n< blue
+abitatsK $ny )0 > 0 years
5oung = ) > 10 years
$%erage = 1 > #1 years
8ld = )0 > 70 years
$s it de%elo(s< +u!an society ine%itably gra%itates to-ards
go%ern!ent o. the !asses headed by a single leader. In
(ri!iti%e societies< this !ay be a %illage head!an< high (riest or
king@ in !ore ad%anced circles< a President or Pri!e 0inister.
$s a result< the character o. a society tends to re.lect in its
leadershi(@ an altruistic king begets a bene%olent (o(ulace<
-hereas (o-er=hungry e!(erors ty(ically breed a harsh and
!ilitaristic one.
Strati.ication is a co!!on .eature o. hu!an ci%iliEation< (itting
rich against (oor< belie%ers against non=belie%ers< aristocracy
against (easantry< education against ignorance. This o.ten
leads to dee( and (o-er.ul ine7ualities@ NclassD can be as !uch
o. a identi.ying and !oti%ating .actor as a s(ark .or con.lict.
+u!an (ersonalities are largely sha(ed by u(bringing and
social backgrounds< and can be as %aried and co!(le' as the
cultures that s(a-ned the!. ,ackground< too< a..ects choice o.
(ro.ession@ characters .ro! rough=and=tu!ble surroundings
!ay turn to the s-ord > or a li.e o. cri!e > to !ake ends !eet<
-hile those -ith -ealth and education seek out lo.tier callings.
Interaction bet-een di..erent social strata can be .raught -ith
tension@ .or rich so(histicates< the lo-er classes are ignorant
boors< -hile the (oor %ie- the -ealthy as arrogant and utterly
detached .ro! reality.
0ost +u!ans s(eak Co!!on Tongue as a .irst language< -ith
regional accents ranging .ro! the !ild to the inco!(rehensible@
a trained ear can o.ten (ick out a s(eakerDs nationality and
education -ith only a hand.ul o. sentences. 2a!e=-ise< +u!ans
are a .antastically %aried lot@ though culture is assu!ed to (lay
a signi.icant role in na!e selection< !ost 9inal 9antasy
characters dra- on a (redictable< relati%ely li!ited set o. real=
-orld cultures. Traditionally< &nglish is the !ost co!!on
choice@ no !atter ho- !undane they !ay look to nati%e
s(eakers< ,ritish= and $!erican=in.luenced na!es like Aocke
Cole< Cecil +ar%ey. or ,arret 6allace hold a certain e'otic a((eal
to the Ja(anese. NAookD and NsoundD o. -ords are both
i!(ortant considerations< as is the ability to re.lect the
characterDs (ersonality. So!eti!es< this results in na!es like
S7uall Aeonhart< Cloud Stri.e< or $shley *iot< co!binations that
nati%e &nglish s(eakers -ould (ercei%e as biEarre< i. not
outright nonsensical.
Classical re.erences > as .ound in na!es like ,eo-ul. ;ad!us
or &dgar 9igaro > are another .ertile source o. !aterial. ,eyond
&nglish< languages such as /er!an< 9rench and to a lesser
e'tent< Italian< are also (o(ular .odder .or heroes. &'a!(les o.
the latter can be .ound in series na!es like $l!asy< ,artE
;lauser< *itE 0alheur< $delbert Steiner< and Ae,lanc. 8riental
na!es > such as 5ang 9ang Aeiden and ;isaragi > are
also a (ossibility .or cultures s(eci.ically !odeled a.ter China or
In%ented or N(ureD .antasy na!es in the series are short and to
the (oint< as is the case -ith 4aan< /alu.< *e.ia< or Sel(hie. The
!ore elaborate na!es generally associated -ith the .antasy
genre in the 6est > such as 0esdora! &l!dor or Draks!ald
/oltana > are e!(loyed s(aringly in 9inal 9antasy ga!es.
$ gru..< athletic liEard.olk reno-ned .or its te!(era!ent.
,angaa are burly< !uscular creatures caught in a (er!anent
stoo(@ hard scales co%er their bodies< -hile their snouts are
Ca!!ed -ith raEor=shar( teeth ca(able o. rending and tearing
-ith terrible ease. Though they !ay see! (onderous< ,angaa
are sur(risingly ni!ble< and can !uster short bursts o. s(eed
-here needed. Des(ite their re(tilian ancestry< ,angaa tend to
gro- ?-hiskers? or .acial hair as they age@ .e!ales ha%e a
(ro!inent ru.. o. do-ny .ur that co%ers their chests< the only
signi.icant di..erence bet-een the t-o genders.
,angaa are e'cellent scouts and trackers< .a%oring s!ell and
hearing o%er sight. $s a result< it is not unco!!on to see
,angaa -earing blind.olds as a .ashion state!ent. Their long<
loose=hanging ears are s(lit in t-o< gi%ing the! su(erior
directional hearing@ the ti(s are o.ten (ierced or encased in
!etal. Tattoos are another co!!on decorati%e de%ice<
(articularly a!ong younger ,angaa@ these are generally dra-n
on the shoulders or under the eyes.
Des(ite their longe%ity< lo- breeding rates !ean that ,angaa
(o(ulation siEe re!ains relati%ely static. 9our distinct sub=
s(ecies o. ,angaa e'istK the shar(=snouted< long=eared Sanga
and ,ista > colored gray=black and ochre res(ecti%ely > and the
blunt=snouted< short=eared 9aas and *uga< colored green and
sand=bro-n. +o-e%er< interbreeding has created a (lethora o.
hybrids o%er the centuries -hose skin colors can range .ro!
-hite to dee( blue.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK ,a?/a!nan F99JIIH
+eightK 1.) > 1."! F0aleX9e!aleH
6eightK "0 > 110kg F0aleX9e!aleH
Skin ColorsK /ray=black< ochre< sand=bro-n< green< blue< -hite
&ye ColorsK ,lack< blue
+abitatsK 0ountains< Deserts< Cities 100 > 1#0 years
5oung = 10 > #0 years
$%erage = 30 > )0 years
8ld = 0 > 100 years
Since ancient ti!es< ,angaa ha%e belie%ed that an indi%idual?s
s(ecies deter!ines te!(era!ent and suitability .or certain
(ro.essions< gi%ing rise to a rigid caste syste!. Traditionally<
the sand=bro-n *uga ha%e acted as hereditary (riests<
la-!akers and leaders -hile the tough=scaled 9aas > -hose
na!e literally translates to N-arriorD in the ,angaa tongue >
ser%ed as their .ighters and en.orcers. The Sangaa occu(ied the
ne't tier@ theirs -ere the !undane occu(ations o. .ar!er<
-orker and cra.ts!an< the glue that ke(t ,angaa society bound
together. The lo-est o. the lo- -ere ,ista !erchant caste<
tolerated .or their i!(ortance in a .unctioning society< but
des(ised .or dra-ing their (ro.its .ro! the -ork o. others -hile
contributing little o. !eaning in return.
$t one (oint in ti!e< these castes -ere absolute@ once born
into a (ro.ession< it -as i!(ossible to lea%e it -ithout
abandoning ,angaa society altogether. +o-e%er< the di..iculty
o. integrating hybrid s(ecies and the in.luence o. other races
ha%e done !uch to break do-n the old caste lines in recent
years. Though !ore conser%ati%e ,angaa< (articularly the
*uga< .ollo- the traditions to the letter< !ost ado(t a !ore
rela'ed attitude@ e%en those -hose (ro.essions .ollo- their
caste generally don?t begrudge their children .or -anting to
6hile the ,angaa associate -ith al!ost all other races< they
tend to be !ost co!.ortable around hu!ans@ the t-o races
share a signi.icant a!ount in ter!s o. te!(era!ents< attitudes<
and cultural de%elo(!ent. PriEed .or their strength and tough=
as=leather constitution< ,angaa li%ing in hu!an circles can
easily .ind e!(loy!ent as soldiers< guards< gladiators< and > in
the case o. the !ore di!=-itted s(eci!ens > brute (hysical
,angaa tend to be arrogant and boast.ul creatures< acting as i.
in the throes o. a (er!anent ill te!(er. Though so!eti!es
characterised as slo-=-itted or (ri!iti%e< their intelligence is on
(ar -ith that o. hu!ans. 9urther!ore< they can be e'tre!ely
s(iritual creatures< -ith a (ious edge that !ay sur(rise those
-ho think o. the! as barely=restrained berserkers.
,angaa in hu!an societies 7uickly (ick u( their hosts?
!anneris!s and gestures< resulting in body language that
occasionally borders on the co!ical. Due to their %ocal
structure< ,angaa tend to s(eak Co!!on Tongue in a slurring
or guttural .ashion< an i!(edi!ent that !akes it di..icult .or
the! to !aster the o.ten co!(le' incantations re7uired .or
higher=le%el !agic. $s a result< the s(ells used by *uga ,isho(s
> the only serious ,angaa s(ellcasters > are uni7ue ones
created s(eci.ically to circu!%ent (ronounciation (roble!s.
Though they are distantly related to the AiEard!an race<
,angaa hold their relati%esD lo- intellect and barbarous li.estyle
in utter conte!(t@ as a result< only those -ith a death -ish
-ould dare to the! as NliEard!anD -ithin earshot.
:nsur(risingly< ?liEard? is an e%en -orse insult to the! > on (ar
-ith calling a hu!an ?!onkey<? though only the .iercest o. !en
could !atch the %iolence o. a ,angaa?s reaction in this regard.
?Co!!on? ,angaa na!es are co!(osed o. t-o syllables< and
tend to ha%e a slightly harsh sound to the!. Sa!(le !onickers
include *inok< ,atahn< &leono< 0ouni< and ,urrogh. In so!e
cases< a t-o=letter honori.ic !ay be added be.ore the na!e<
se(arated by an a(ostro(he@ e'a!(les o. this include
,a?/a!nan and 4a?;ansa. The letter ?s? is al!ost ne%er used in
,angaa na!ing.
S!aller and slighter than hu!ans< Crei!ire trace their ancestry
back to rats and !ice< a .act !ade readily a((arent by their
(hysical a((earance@ at .irst glance< an unkind obser%er -ould
be te!(ted to dis!iss the! as %er!in -hoD%e !astered the art
o. -alking u(right. Closer ins(ection re%eals a .e- key
di..erences< ho-e%er. Crei!ire teeth are shar(< but lack the
elongated incisors so ty(ical o. !ost rodents@ their skin is
s!ooth and al!ost entirely hairless< and tends to be gray or
bro-n in coloration. Though they retain the sensiti%e snounts o.
their ancestors< Crei!ire do not s(ort -hiskers@ their ears are
large and u(raised< gi%ing the! a certain rabbit=like air. In
co!bat< they are !ore likely to rely on their hearing than their
relati%ely -eak eyesight< a .act that gi%es the! an edge in dark
and con.ined 7uarters.
:nusual too are their double=Cointed legs and -ide .eet< both
o. -hich are ca(able o. absorbing tre!endous kinetic energy@
-ith training< Crei!ire can lea( distances nearly three to .our
ti!es higher and -ider than their hu!an counter(arts and
sur%i%e substantial dro(s -ith al!ost no ill e..ects.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK 9reya Crescent F99IJH< Iron=Tail 9ratley
Ty(ical +eightK 1.1 > 1.7! F0aleX9e!aleH
Ty(ical 6eightK 73 > "4kg F0aleH X )" > kg F9e!aleH
+air ColorsK ,londe< bro-n< gray< -hite< black
&ye ColorsK /ray< green< bro-n
+abitatsK 9orests< 0ountains< :nderground 40 > 10 years
5oung = 4 > ) years
$%erage = 14 > ## years
8ld = 31 > 40 years
Crei!ire are a highly co!!unity=oriented race@ to the!< ties o.
.a!ily< neighborhood and settle!ent are stronger than iron.
&%en in larger to-ns and cities< Crei!ire -ill look a.ter a
neighborDs children as i. they -ere their o-n< -ith the .ir!
understanding that said neighbor -ould do the sa!e .or the! i.
the roles -ere re%ersed. 5oung Crei!ire thus gro- u( -ith a
-ide net-ork o. NauntsD and NunclesD< !any o. -ho! -ill
continue to su((ort the child in his later years.
The Crei!ire continue to (ractice the ani!istic nature=
-orshi( o. their ancestors< the adherents o. -hich .all into three
grou(s. Senior!ost are the seers and oracles< -ho are trained
to recogniEe the .lo- o. the .uture in the !o%e!ent o. clouds
and sand< in the cycle o. the !oon and sun< in the health and
sickness o. the land. Aong (eriods o. training are re7uired to
e%en di%ine .ro! one such natural (heno!enon@ as a result<
seershi( tends to be .iercely s(ecialiEed< and oracles stake out
a clai! to a gi%en area o. di%ination relati%ely early in their
careers. ,y tradition< the only ones allo-ed to in.ringe on this
NterritoryD are the oracleDs chosen successors< and then only .or
the duration o. their training@ should the oracle die -ithout
a((ointing so!eone to re(lace the!< the eldest seer assu!es
control o. their duties.
The second< and largest body o. (ractitioners is the Crei!ire
(riesthood. Co!(ared to the seers< the (riest?s lot is .ar !ore
!undane< largely re%ol%ing around !ediating co!!unity
dis(utes and ad%ising kings and leaders in ti!es o. stri.e.
Priests also ser%e as historians and cultural guardians@ Crei!ire
kee( little in the -ay o. -ritten history< but ha%e a long and
(roud oral tradition !aintained (ri!arily by the (riesthood. It is
the (riest?s role to the co!!unity a link to the deeds o. its
ancestors@ .or this reason< they are subCect o. signi.icant
The third grou( is the one encountered !ost .re7uently in
day=to=day Crei!ire li.eK bards and dancers. 0uch o. the
i!(ortance Crei!ire culture (laces on dance and song can be
traced back to ancient religious rituals in (raise o. sun and
nature< !any o. -hich -ere care.ully (reser%ed by the Crei!ire
(riesthood. 8%er the generations< !any ne- dances ha%e been
deri%ed .ro! the old ones< re-orking the !agic that e!(o-ered
circle cere!onies and solstice celebrations into the de!ands
and occasions o. e%eryday li.e. $t births< such rituals ensure the
ne-born a healthy and (ros(erous li.e@ at -akes and .unerals< a
sa.e (assage into the ne't -orld. &%en (urely social dancing >
also deri%ed .ro! these rituals< though lacking their occult
(otency > is an i!(ortant ce!ent .or Crei!ire relationshi(s@
such e%ents< usually undertaken to the acco!(ani!ent o. (i(es
or har(< .or! the highlight o. al!ost any social calendar.
$s !ight be e'(ected< the three=tiered religious syste!
creates a delicate interde(endency that has all (arties -orking
together .or the co!!unityDs The start o. the so-ing
season sees Sky 8racles search the clouds .or .uture signs o.
rain and drought -hilst &arth 8racles !onitor the .ertility o. the
soil. 8nce the days o. (lanting ha%e been established< elaborate
dis(lays o. song and dance ai! to ensure a healthy< rich cro( in
the co!ing !onths. Si!ilar grou( e..orts !ark the har%est
season and onco!ing -inter.
6hile generally .riendly< co!!on Crei!ire tend to be .orthright
and action=oriented< a .act that gi%es the! a re(utation as
i!(ulsi%e< (ugilistic creatures a!ongst other races. They ha%e
little (atience .or subter.uge and double=talk< s(eaking their
!ind -ith scant regard to the conse7uences. 6hat?s !ore< they
rarely back do-n .ro! a challenge e%en i. the odds are stacked
against the! > as a result< co!(etitions and ga!es o. skill are
a (articular dra-. Priests and oracles tend to be !ore aloo.@ in
the case o. (riests< the air o. indi..erence re.lects their role in
the Crei!ire co!!unity@ the trained and absolute neutrality
e'(ected o. a reliable arbiter and la-!aker.
)at.fa(e1 After I finish $y !rin%2
I,$ going to %i(% your butt.&
Freya 3res(ent
Those -ho can a%oid the social (it.alls .ind the Crei!ire to be
an acco!!odating and gregarious race@ hos(itality< (articularly
to-ards strangers< is considered to be o. the ut!ost
i!(ortance. 6hile co!!itted as .ighters< !ore rela'ed ti!es
sho- the Crei!ire as .un=lo%ing< social and -ryly hu!orous
creatures< .itting readily into al!ost any ad%enturing grou(.
S!ell (lays an i!(ortant role in social interaction@ to a
Crei!ire< a (ersonDs odor sends as !any !essages as their
a((earance< i. not !oreso. $lthough no longer ca(able o.
(roducing the (otent and co!(le' che!ical signals o. their
ani!al ancestors< !any Crei!ire use (er.u!es and colognes to
acco!(lish the sa!e (ur(ose. Crei!ire s(eak Co!!on Tongue
-ith a !ild accent@ na!es tend to lean to-ards traditional
&nglish and /aelic > e'a!(les include Shannon< Donnegan and
;ildea .or .e!ales and Dan< /ray and ;al .or !ales.
2o kno-s .or certain ho- long ago the D-ar%es descended to
the underground< but generations bathed in the sickly glo- o.
!ag!a< skir!ishing against tunneling (redators< and bra%ing
the haEards o. gas (ockets< tre!ors< and ca%e=ins ha%e
(roduced a race (er.ectly suited to the challenges o. their
ado(ted ho!e. $ D-ar.Ds body isnDt so !uch s!all as co!(act<
a stout< hairy (ackage o. !uscle -hose siEe belies unusual
strength and toughness. Their eyes are golden and lu!inous
and their skins dark as coal< blending easily -ith the gloo! o. a
ca%e or tunnel.
6hile the !aCority o. the D-ar%en race li%es and -orks
underground< sur.ace=d-elling D-ar%es do e'ist. These rare
tribes o. outcasts and rebels subsist largely on agriculture and
stri(=!ining< grou(ing into s!all %illages run by hu!an=like
councils in direct de.iance o. D-ar%en tradition. Though
(hysically si!ilar to their subterranean brethren< the gradual
readCust!ent to sunlight and o(en areas has gi%en rise to an
ungainly< oli%e=skinned race regarded as NuntouchableD by true
$ third grou( are the ?sub=sur.ace? D-ar%es that li%e in
natural ca%es and ca%erns connected to the sur.ace. *egular
e'(osure to sunlight (re%ents the! .ro! de%elo(ing the dark
skin o. their dee(=d-elling cousins< though their culture is
!uch the sa!e@ (hysically< they rese!ble s!aller< stouter
hu!ans -ith shar(< (ronounced noses.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK 2errick F99IH< ;ing /iott F99I4H
Ty(ical +eightK 1.# > 1.4! F0aleH X 1.1 > 1.3! F9e!aleH
Ty(ical 6eightK 71 > 0kg F0aleH X 11 > )0kg F9e!aleH
Co!!on +air ColorsK ,ro-n< blond< gray< -hite
Co!!on &ye ColorsK /olden
+abitatsK 0ountains< +ills< :nderground 70 > "0 years
5oung = 10 > 11 years
$%erage = #1 > 40 years
8ld = 70 > 0 years
D-ar%es tunnel al!ost co!(ulsi%ely< dri%en by (o(ulation
(ressure< (recious ore< or si!(le curiosity to e'(and their
ca%erns ti!e and again. &%en on his o-n< a single D-ar. can
easily burro- .or !iles at a ti!e@ gi%en enough ti!e< D-ar%en
e'ca%ations -ill honeyco!b entire -orlds. 0any D-ar%en cities
began li.e as out(osts o. a larger kingdo! but s(lintered into
sel.=su..icient settle!ents through ti!e< distance< or natural
disaster@ generations o. isolation turned the! into e'tended
.a!ilies united by blood< a .act that accounts .or the close=knit
nature o. D-ar%en society.
D-ar%en clans can nu!ber any-here bet-een .i%e to se%eral
hundred@ !ost !ake their li%ing through the !ining and
re.ining o. ore< trading -ith other D-ar%es and sur.ace=d-elling
races to obtain needed su((lies. $s a result< !any clans are
de%oted to a single cra.t like !ining< s!elting< tanning< or
engineering. 2early e%ery !e!ber o. the clan has a niche to .ill<
beginning training as early as childhood@ !ost learn their cra.t
.ro! an older< !ore e'(erienced relati%e< and are e'(ected to
.ollo- their (ro.ession .or the re!ainder o. their li%es.
Sur(risingly .e- D-ar%es acti%ely resent this@ the %ast !aCority
desires nothing !ore .ro! li.e than to (ursue their trades<
honing the! -ith the ulti!ate intention o. (assing on their
kno-ledge to the ne't generation o. cra.ts!en.
6ithin each clan=.a!ily< seniority is the (re%ailing la-@ the
eldest D-ar%es deter!ine ho- resources are allocated< -here
tunnels are dug< -hich clan=!e!bers are a((renticed to the
.a!ilyDs cra.ts!en and -arriors. 8nly the largest clans ha%e a
.or!al ;ing< usually chosen .ro! the elder !e!bers o.
in.luential .a!ilies and strengthened in in.luence through
strategic inter!arriage. This rule=by=kinshi( a((roach !ay
e'(lain -hy D-ar%es ha%e no .or!al la- en.orce!ent > to
the!< cri!e and (unish!ent are a .a!ily a..air rather than a
go%ern!ental one. &%en then< D-ar%en cri!inals are rare.
Those -ho co!!it a cri!e are e'(ected to turn the!sel%es or
%oluntarily choose e'ile@ all but the rarest do. In other societies<
this -ould be a sure.ire reci(e .or anarchy< but the D-ar%en
(syche is so stee(ed in the %irtues o. honor and duty that
rebellion is al!ost unheard o..
4arven +i##ager
Seeded as it is -ith su(erior !etal-orkers and .ighters< the
D-ar%en (o(ulation is ca(able o. !ustering (o-er.ul< -ell=
e7ui((ed ar!ies i. the situation de!ands it. In !any -ays< the
ar!y acts as a release %al%e .or the rigid D-ar%en society<
absorbing !alcontents that canDt be (laced -ithin the
traditional cra.t=caste syste!. Though res(ectable in hand=to=
hand co!bat< D-ar%es ( the use o. e'(losi%es and
!achinery< and readily e!(loy both in large=scale con.licts.
D-ar%en culture breeds stoic< reliable indi%iduals -illing and
able to endure any a!ount o. hardshi(. 6hile they are .iercely
loyal to their .a!ilies and elders< D-ar%es generally -elco!e
outsiders and !ake (ersonable co!(anions .or any
ad%enturing grou(.
D-ar%es readily s(eak Co!!on Tongue< though their
isolation .ro! the outside -orld !eans that !any clans are not
7uite u( to s(eed -ith the latest linguistic de%elo(!ents. The
result is a a thickly=accented< highly archaic %ariation o.
Co!!on Tongue called ,rogue. Though anyone %ersed in
Co!!on Tongue is ca(able o. co!!unicating -ith a D-ar.< the
idiosyncratic %ocabulary and (ronunciations o. ,rogue o.ten
thro- a s(anner into the con%ersation.
?True? D-ar%es ha%e e'cellent dark=%ision< resistance to
e'tre!e te!(eratures and a keen a-areness o. (otential
haEards. +o-e%er< they ha%e little e'(erience -ith the sur.ace
-orld< and -ill a (eriod o. disorientation once they
%enture abo%e ground .or the .irst ti!e. In !ost cases< this
!ani.ests itsel. as a !ild agora(hobia and clears -ithin a !atter
o. days. 8nly in rare cases does the shock o. the transition
cause lasting da!age.
The largest handica( .or ?true? D-ar%es is their (oor
tolerance to-ards daylight@ !ost resort to (rotecti%e eye-ear to
o%erco!e the ine%itably blinding e..ects o. the sun. Sur.ace=
and sub=sur.ace d-elling D-ar%es generally ha%e se%eral
generationsD -orth o. e'(osure and no such (roble!s.
6ater< ho-e%er< is a uni%ersal haEard@ due to their (hysiology
and dense bodies< D-ar%es ha%e tre!endous di..iculty
D-ar%en na!es tend to-ards the classical &nglish< -ith clan
na!es re(lacing surna!es. &ach clan=.a!ily ado(ts its na!e
.ro! its (ri!ary area o. trade or .a!ily (ro.ession< gi%ing rise to
!onikers like Da%id +ea%enguard< 0atthe- 6atch!an< Derrick
Stoneha!!er< Darcy Sky-atcher and Jinkus &!(tybottle.
;no-n as the &l%aan in their o-n language< these tough
hu!anoids are an old and dying race@ on !any -orlds< &l%es
are already e'tinct< lea%ing only a legacy o. .inely=cra.ted
arti.acts and .airy tales. 5et it is the &l%es the!sel%es that bear
the ulti!ate res(onsibility .or this tragedy< .or the .ierce
arrogance and natural ennui< the bitter ci%il -ars and (rotracted
con.licts -ith other races that beco!e their do-n.all in due
Though they rese!ble hu!ans< &l%es are taller and !ore
robust< -ith long necks and o%al .aces. Their skins are darker
than the a%erage hu!anDs< ranging .ro! light tan to a bronEe
or co((er color. Their best=kno-n .eatures< ho-e%er< are their
(ointed ears< -hich (rotrude .ro! their heads at lengths
bet-een .i.teen and t-enty centi!eters.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK $stos F99IH< ;ing Destin F99JIH
Ty(ical +eightK 1. > #.1! F0aleH X 1.7 > #.0! F9e!aleH
Ty(ical 6eightK 0 > "7kg F0aleH X 71 > 0kg F9e!aleH
+air ColorsK ,lond< black< gray< red
&ye ColorsK /ray< green< bro-n
+abitatsK $ny 100 > 1#0 years
5oung = 1# > 1 years
$%erage = # > 40 years
8ld = 0 > 100 years
&l%en ci%ilisation is highly de%elo(ed< yet regi!ented to
e'tre!es > a draconian (er.ection achie%ed centuries ago< and
(er(etuated e%er since. 9or its citiEens< la-.ulness< order< and
obedience to the state are the cardinal %irtues@ to this end<
!ost &l%en nations s(ort an e'tensi%e ar!y as -ell as a -ell=
sta..ed ci%il (olice .orce. ,oth o. these de(end hea%ily on le%ies<
-ith all able=bodied &l%en citiEens recei%ing at least so!e le%el
o. training in ar!s@ should the ti!e co!e .or an &l%en nation to
!arch to -ar< the line is held not by the knights o. the royal
.a!ilies< but by the citiEensD !ilitias.
Aeadershi( -ithin &l%en society is shared by aristocracy and
(riesthood in a co!(licated arrange!ent o. !utual bene.its.
Prodigious &l%en !ean that rulersD reigns can stretch
.i.ty years or !ore< lea%ing eligible regents and heirs -ith (lenty
o. ti!e to engage in courtly intrigue o%er the succession. In
!ost cases< these s7uabbles are in%isible to the general
(o(ulation< but -hen the (artici(ants choose to .ight -ith
-ea(ons instead o. -ords< ci%il -ar is al!ost ine%itable. Though
the king theoretically deri%es his di%ine right to rule .ro! his
ancestry< .re7uent in=.ighting a!ong the aristocracy !eans that
rulershi( ty(ically .alls to -hoe%er can get the clergy on their
side a.ter the dust has settled.
This dee(=seated instability > cou(led -ith the dangers o. the
-orld at large > has contributed signi.icantly to the &l%es?
!astery o. -ar.are. It -as the &l%es -ho .irst turned their
attention to the de.ensi%e (ro(erties o. !ythril< -ho realised
the deadly (otential o. a co!(osite bo- in the hands o. a
seasoned archer and !arried these insights -ith (otent !agic
to create a series o. (o-er.ul relics and accessories. $s a result
o. this< &l%es ha%e a legendary re(utation as cra.ts!en@
e7ui(!ent o. &l%en !anu.acture is both (riEed and sought=
a.ter< and > in the right hands > !ay outlast its creators by
centuries. &l%es -ere also a!ong the .irst to do!esticate the
Chocobo riding=bird< and can .ield e'ce(tional ca%alry in ti!es
o. crisis.
S(ecial !ention !ust be !ade o. the so=called ?Dark &l%es<?
tragic indi%iduals -ho turn to black !agic in (ursuit o. longe%ity
and< ulti!ately< the ho(e o. esca(ing e'tinction. $d%enturers
can .ind Dark &l%es lingering in ca%erns and dungeons centuries
a.ter their ?(ure? brethren ha%e .aded into obscurity< stealing
!agical ite!s and draining their (o-er to .urther e'tend
grossly=in.lated +o-e%er< these creatures are nothing
!ore than !ere shado-s o. their .or!er sel%es< bodies bloated
and corru(ted into !onstrous .or!s by the %ery (o-er
sustaining the!. Such creatures are anathe!a to NtrueD &l%es<
-ho -ill s(are no e..ort in eradicating the! i. disco%ered. 9or
this reason< Dark &l%es ha%e beco!e unusually ade(t at
disguising their true identities< o.ten co%ertly o(erating in the
%ery societies seeking to destroy the!.
Pride is at the root o. the &l%en (syche. 9ro! early on< &l%es are
taught to be (roud o. their race?s acco!(lish!ents< the culture
and achie%e!ents in -ar.are that (redate other races? by
centuries at a ti!e. $s a result< they treat other races -ith a
haughty condescension > one that turns to out=and=out .ury
should that ?&l%en su(eriority? e%er be challenged. Tellingly<
&l%es ha%e Cust as little (atience .or their o-n kind@ duels o%er
slights and insults > both real and i!agined > are a co!!on
occurrence in &l%en society< and can set the stage .or .a!ily
.euds destined to last .or a century or !ore. Duellists usually
.a%or the NhonorableD s-ord o%er !ore !odern i!(le!ents o.
-ar@ .or this reason< &l%en s-ord!asters are both nu!erous
and i!(eccably skilled.
$s the siEe o. the &l%en (o(ulation shrinks< the race?s natural
'eno(hobia beco!es e%en !ore (ronounced@ non=&l%es are no
longer beings to be (itied< but an ar!y o. (otential ene!ies
-aiting .or the right !o!ent to strike. :nder these
circu!stances< ad%enturing &l%es beco!e a rarity< sent out into
the !istrusted -orld only on the direst o. !issions.
&l%en na!es tend to ha%e a distincti%ely 9rench .la%our to
the!. 0ale na!es tend to be longer and !ore elegant< -hereas
.e!ale &l%es ha%e shorter< !ore robust na!es. Sa!(le na!es
.or !ales include /uiler!e< &'cen!ille< *oCaireaut< and
9aurbellant@ .e!ale na!es include $shene< Ausiane< and
Ca!ereine. 2a!es o. !ythological signi.icance > ty(ically
heroes o. anti7uity and reno-ned -arriors > are (o(ular .or
both genders@ (arents ho(e the child -ill inherit at least so!e
o. their na!esakeDs strength< courage< and charis!a.
The hea%yset /alka are consu!!ate cra.ts!en@ des(ite a
brutish out-ard a((earance< they are not stu(id by any stretch
o. the i!agination< e'celling in !ining< !etal-ork and other
!atters o. engineering. Their (hysical characteristics are an
odd !i'ture o. ani!al in.luences@ s!ooth< greenish=gray skin
and a rigid< !ediu!=length tail > a counter-eight .or their to(=
hea%y .ra!es > hint at re(tilian ancestry< but their e'(ressi%e
.aces are entirely ursine. :nlike !ost other races< /alka ha%e no
gender< though their out-ard a((earance and !anner is
distincti%ely !ale. 0any culti%ate la%ish .acial hair in their later
years< o.ten styling it in a -ide range o. outlandish sha(es.

2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK *aogri!! F99JIH< In%incible Shield F99JIH
Ty(ical +eightK #.1 > #.!
Ty(ical 6eightK 1)0 > ##0kg
+air ColorsK ,lack< bro-n< gray< red
&ye ColorsK ,lue< green< bro-n
+abitatsK Deserts< Cities< :nderground 100 > 140 years
5oung = 1) > #0 years
$%erage = 30 > )0 years
8ld = "0 > 1#0 years
The /alka !ay ha%e once had a culture to call their o-n@ i. so< it
has been lost to history since the race?s glory days< lea%ing a
no!adic (eo(le that !akes its ho!e in any society -illing to
acce(t the!. 9inding such hosts is rarely di..icult@ as architects<
artisans or si!(le (hysical labor< /alka ha%e the (otential to
easily dri%e an entire econo!y. :n.ortunately< their generally
(assi%e nature has !ade the! a (ri!e target .or e'(loitation by
other races@ it is not unco!!on to see /alka (ushed too hard
.or too little (ay and only the barest regard .or their -ell=being.
Though they ha%e a co!(le' s(oken tongue< no -ritten
/alkan language e'ists@ the (assage o. history and culture is
entrusted to NTalekee(ersD -ho act as a re(ository o. ancestral
!e!ory. 8utsiders see Talekee(ers as sha!anistic .ossils<
s(reading their su(erstitions and .airytales in hushed tones. In
truth< ho-e%er< these -iEened /alka are key to a co!(le'
(rocess that ensures their raceDs continued sur%i%al.
9e- are a-are that the /alka undergo a cycle o. reincarnation@
the details o. this (rocess are nebulous e%en to the /alka
the!sel%es. Though they %isibly age and readily succu!b to
-ar< disease< or star%ation< actual deaths o. old age are al!ost
unheard o.. *ather< u(on reaching a certain age< a /alka si!(ly
bids his .riends and .ello-s .are-ell< gi%ing a-ay -hat
(ossessions and -ealth he ac7uired o%er the course o. his li.e<
and sets out into the -ilderness. The ti!ing o. this Courney is
care.ully calculated through consultation -ith the Talekee(er
o%er a (eriod o. se%eral -eeks< during -hich ti!e the lea%e=
taker is in%ited to s(eak .reely and at length o. his li.e< his
insights and achie%e!ents in the s(irit o. closure. Thus
unburdened< the /alka goes on his -ay< kee(ing only the
clothes on his back and the little he needs to kee( his strength
u( on the !arch.
Though the de(arting adult is ne%er seen again< in ti!e< a
Cu%enile /alka -ill arri%e to seek the Talekee(erDs counsel< still
innocent to the -ays o. the -orld and his (eo(le. It is the
Talekee(erDs res(onsibility to ensure the ne-co!er is suitably
indoctrinated< to dis(ense the kno-ledge he needs to
e%entually .ill his (redecessorDs shoes. $n elder /alka -ill be
assigned to act as the boyDs N.ather<? (ro%iding (ractical
guidance and shelter. $s the Cu%enile gro-s< he !eets -ith the
Talekee(er ti!e and again< gleaning !ore o. his (ur(ose until
he is at last a .ull !e!ber o. /alkan society. 9or their (art<
Talekee(ers see! to be (ossessed o. al!ost unnatural
longe%ity< reliably ser%ing their (ur(ose .or generation a.ter

Though so!eti!es seen as slo-=-itted or a(athetic< /alka are
creatures o. dee( e!otion and rigid sel.=control. 9ro! early on<
they are taught to bottle u( negati%e .eelings such as anger<
.rustration< and hatred< releasing the! only in their .inal
!eeting -ith the Talekee(er. In this !anner< /alkan -isdo!
goes< the race is (rotected .ro! .eelings that could ulti!ately
destroy it. 9ighting is seen as an acce(table< albeit te!(orary
outlet .or (ent=u( anger@ ine%itably< /alka that choose to take
u( ar!s are the !ost troubled o. their kind< (er!anently torn
bet-een reason and rage -ith .ear o. death as the only
!itigating in.luence.
Death itsel. is a (o-er.ul racial terror@ /alka .elled by -ar or
disease are .ore%er gone in both body and !e!ory< -ith no
(ossibility o. re(lace!ent. Con.lict is a%oided rather than
(lunged into head=.irst@ .aced -ith a (otentially in.inite<
/alka try to ado(t a detached -orld=%ie-< out-aiting and
outli%ing hardshi(s instead o. tackling the! head=on. To this
end< !ost grie%ances are si!(ly s-allo-ed and disagree!ents
rarely %oiced > a .act that encourages other races to calluously
e'(loit the unco!(laining /alka.
This e!otional sel.=control can ha%e dangerous results<
ho-e%er< as .eelings can bubble u( in the !ost une'(ected
(laces. So!e /alka e'(erience strong ro!antic stirrings<
leading the! to .or! inti!ate< i. ulti!ately (latonic< bonds -ith
other races@ they !ay e%en !arry< although such arrange!ents
are rare. 6hile not strictly taboo in /alkan ter!s< interracial
relationshi(s rarely end ha((ily .or either (artici(ant< and are
generally discouraged on a social le%el@ N!arriedD /alka are
usually subCect to intense discri!ination and harrass!ent.
6hen li%ing a!ong other races< /alka rarely use their o-n
tongue@ those -ho s(eak it tend to do so in a halting< a-k-ard
!anner. The !aCority ado(t their na!es .ro! the nickna!es
and e(ithets gi%en to the! by other races rather than choosing
their o-n< beco!ing N4icious &ye<? N+ound 2ose<D or N/old SkullD
> o.ten the .irst act o. sub!ission a young /alka undertakes.
8nly a s!all (ortion are na!ed by their ado(ti%e (arents in
accordance -ith the old traditions@ ?true? /alka na!es are
harsh=sounding !onickers bet-een one and t-o syllables in
length< and include ;honEon< ,eliEieg< Bhikko!< and /he!(.
$ hardy race o. .eline $!aEons< natural=born hunters -ith
re.ined senses and grace.ul natures. :nlike the 4arg or *onso<
0ithra rese!ble hu!ans -ith ani!al characteristics rather than
%ice %ersa@ their ears< eyes< noses< and tails are cat=like< but
their bodies are s!ooth=skinned and entirely hu!an in
The 0ithra are distinguished as a race by their dee(ly ske-ed
gender ratio@ out o. e%ery ten births< only one on a%erage -ill
be !ale. Centuries o. i!balanced breeding ha%e le.t the .e!ales
toned and slender< to-ering o%er their !ale counter(arts in
e%ery res(ect@ both genders dress lightly to co!bat the heat<
(re.erring bright< color.ul .abrics. 9ace=(aint and tattoos< !arks
o. status and acco!(lish!ent in 0ithra tribes< are co!!on
a!ong older .e!ales. &%en 0ithra li%ing in !ore Nci%iliEedD
countries use these decorati%e de%ices@ though their society
e%ol%es .ro! day to day< so!e traditions die hard.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK 0ayoh Co!yuCah F99JIH
Ty(ical +eightK 1.4 > 1.)! F0aleH X 1.1 > 1.7! F9e!aleH
Ty(ical 6eightK 10 > )1kg F0aleH X 11 > 71kg F9e!aleH
+air ColorsK 6hite< gray< bro-n< (ur(le
&ye ColorsK /ray< green< bro-n
+abitatsK Jungles< 9orests< Coasts 40 > )0 years
5oung = 1 > 7 years
$%erage = 14 > ## years
8ld = 31 > 40 years
0ithra co!e together in s!all tribes do!inated by a !atriarchal
go%ern!ent< usually in the .or! o. a tribal chie.tainness or
%illage -ise=-o!an. The tribe?s day=to=day a..airs< too< are
entirely in the hands o. its .e!ales@ theirs is the lot o. the
hunter< the .isher< the cra.ter< the bread-inner. This structure is
a (roduct o. si!(le necessity@ due to their scarcity< a tribeDs
!ales are too %aluable to e'(ose to the dangers o. the -orld at
large< and are generally .orbidden .ro! lea%ing the %illage.
Though 0ithra tribes are ty(ically to-ards one
another< con.lict o%er !atters o. resources< land and e%en
.ertile !ales is not unheard o.. 6hile not o%ertly -arlike< 0ithra
are al-ays (re(ared .or a .ight@ to this end< each tribe
.or!ulates< (ractices< and re.ines its o-n style o. !artial arts.
:nlike ty(ical .ighting techni7ues< these (lace less e!(hasis on
i!(ro%ing oneDs body to !eet the re7uire!ents o. the art and
!ore on unlocking the !a'i!u! destructi%e (otential o. oneDs
current state. 6hile unar!ed co!bat is used to so!e degree<
!ost 0ithra .ighting styles are built around -ea(ons like kni%es<
s(ears and sta%es@ this allo-s e%en the sick and elderly to (ut
u( a res(ectable .ight -hen the situation de!ands it. 0ore
i!(ortantly< (racticality out-eighs tradition here > these
techni7ues are subCect to constant re.ine!ent as ne- -ea(ons
are disco%ered and !ore e..ecti%e attacks de%elo(ed.
This single=!inded dri%e .or i!(ro%e!ent is not only reser%ed
.or .ighting< but also ser%es to !ake the 0ithra skilled
cra.ts!en< na%igators and astrono!ers< e%er -illing to seek a
better -ay o. doing things. Des(ite this< 0ithra tend to be
distrust.ul o. ad%anced technology< (articularly anything that
in%ol%es the use o. non=rene-able resources@ to the!<
!aintaining har!ony -ith nature is !ore i!(ortant than
.leeting co!.ort or con%enience.
0ithra are natural ad%enturers< co!bining natural curiosity and
energy -ith a laid=back< easygoing nature that !akes the!
a!enable co!(any on long Courneys< though e%en the !ost
(atient co!(anion -ill e%entually .ind his tolerance tested by
the cat=girlsD .ondness o. (ractical Cokes and !ischie.. They do<
ho-e%er< ha%e their 7uirks< !ost notably in regards to the
o((osite gender@ although ad%enturing 0ithra usually s(end a
.air deal o. ti!e around Nnor!alD gender relationshi(s< they still
tend to be (rotecti%e o. their !ale counter(arts in ti!es o.
0ithra society is lo-=key< but not uncultured by any stretch o.
the i!agination@ they lo%e ga!es and stories< ha%e an a..ection
.or dancing and the theatre< and a dee(=seated res(ect .or
skilled raconteurs and !i!ics. Though their .eline natures leads
so!e to belie%e that 0ithra hate -ater< they are e'cellent<
ni!ble s-i!!ers< and -aste no o((ortunity to de!onstrate it.
Due to the relati%e si!(licity o. their o-n language< 0ithra
tend to need a running start -hen it co!es to learning Co!!on
Tongue. &%en those -ho ha%e !astered it .re7uently end u(
rolling their NrDs -hen s(eaking. 0ithra na!es tend to ha%e a
distincti%ely Indonesian .la%our to the!@ .irst na!es tend to be
ke(t to one or t-o syllables< allo-ing the indi%idualDs na!e to
be called 7uickly in situations -here a ti!ely -arning can !ean
the di..erence bet-een li.e and death. &'a!(les o. Nty(icalD
0ithra no!enclature include ;ocho Phunakcha!< Soun
$bralah< /hosa De!uhEo< and 9yi Chal!-oh. 0ithra society
also sets great stock in titles@ the higher one cli!bs on the
social ladder< the !ore elaborate< lengthy and arcane their
cere!onial address beco!es. Such titles are only used inside
tribal circles > outsiders are rarely subCected to such staggering
dis(lays o. sel.=i!(ortance.
0oogles are .urry little se!i=!agical creatures == one=(art cat<
one (art bear cub< a race .or -hich the -ords Ndisar!ingly cuteD
are all but tailor=!ade. Though they s(ort tiny< bat=like -ings<
only the s!allest and slightest o. 0oogles can use the! .or
.light@ .or !ost< they are nothing !ore than decoration. 6ings
aside< the 0oogles? !ost distinguishing characteristic is the
curious ?(o!=(o!D connected to the to( o. their heads by a
s!all< thin stalk@ its true (ur(ose is unkno-n< though so!e
s(eculate that it !ay ha%e !agical or tele(athic (ro(erties.
0oogle .ur is generally -hite and do-ny< though !any
!utations and %ariations e'ist in the -orld@ stri(ed< bro-n and
(ur(le are a!ong the !ost co!!on< but !any others ha%e
arisen o%er the years. So!e 0oogles also s(ort a thick ?ru..? o.
.ur around their neck@ this .eature tends to e%ol%e in colder
cli!ates< and is usually acco!(anied by a corres(ondingly
denser coat o. .ur.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK 0og F994IH< 0ontblanc F99JIIH< +urdy
+eightK 0." > 1.#! F0ale X 9e!aleH
6eightK #4 > 30kg F0ale X 9e!aleH
9ur ColorsK 6hite< grey< bro-n< (ur(le
Po!=Po! ColorsK 6hite< green< red< yello-< (ur(le
+abitatsK 9orests< 0ountains< :nderground< Cities )0 > 0 years
5oung = ) > 10 years
$%erage = 1 > #1 years
8ld = )0 > 70 years
Traditionally< 0oogle tribes seclude the!sel%es in s!all %illages
hidden a-ay in .orests or ca%erns< subsisting on .oraged nuts
and roots< their locations kno-n only to those select outsiders
-ho ha%e earned the tribe?s trust. Such grou(s nu!ber
any-here bet-een ten and .i.ty@ the oldest 0oogle in the tribe
usually acts as a no!inal leader< though grou( consensus
guides !ost decisions.
This bucolic< care.ree e'istence is balanced by a lo%e o. tra%el
and ad%enture. 8nce they co!e o. age< !any 0oogles lea%e the
sa.ety o. their %illages< e!barking on Courneys that can easily
s(an the breadth o. the globe. 6hat ha((ens ne't de(ends on
the indi%idual. So!e .ind the outside -orld too chaotic< too
con.using .or their liking@ disenchanted< they return to the
stable .a!iliarity o. their %illages. 8thers are ca(ti%ated by the
sights and o((ortunities o. their -anderings< and settle do-n in
the co!(any o. other races.
I,$ %upo for %upo nuts*&
0oogles ha%e an innate genius .or social ada(ability > no
!atter ho- alien the society they .ind the!sel%es in< it is only a
!atter o. ti!e be.ore they learn its ins and outs< (icking u( all
the tra((ings o. ci%ilisation along the -ay. /i%en their (ri!iti%e
backgrounds< the degree to -hich 0oogles e'cel in disci(lines
like engineering and alche!y once e'(osed to the! is nothing
short o. !iraculous@ their latent ability in !echanics is such that
other races use a s(ecial ter! > ?0ooglecra.t? > to describe
their creations. 8ut o. res(ect .or those -ho ha%e turned their
backs on the outside -orld< ho-e%er< ?ci%ilised? 0oogles !ake
no e..ort to bring the !ar%els o. (rogress back to their nati%e
%illages. $s a result< e%ery 0oogle is gi%en the rights to (ursue
its o-n idea o. ha((iness< -hether bliss is .ound in the boughs
o. an ancient tree or the guts o. an airshi(.
,ecause 0oogles settle according to their (ersonal
(ilgri!ages< these s!all beings can be .ound al!ost any-here
in the -orld. In s(ite o. their scattered nature< 0oogles still
!anage to !aintain a close=knit social net-ork by regularly
trading ne-s and gossi( .ro! city to city. This -orld=s(anning
?0ognet? generates an incredible a!ount o. in.or!ation > so
!uch so that entire !ail ser%ices .lourish based solely on the
corres(ondence bet-een %arious 0oogles.
The essence o. the 0oogle race lies in their ada(ability. 6ild=
li%ing 0oogles sur%i%e by -ielding a unconscious cal!ing
in.luence< a kind o. !ild (sychic co!(ulsion that kee(s -ild
beasts at bay. Their natural .oes are those creatures i!!une to
this (o-er< the !ost .earso!e o. -hich is the a(tly=na!ed
0oogle &ater. In ci%ilised surroundings< the 0oogles? talent
!ani.ests itsel. in other -ays@ an intense likeability< an unusual
sense o. e!(athy< and natural a..ability that allo-s the 0oogles
to !ake the!sel%es -elco!e any-here.
Though !ischie%ous< sassy< and occasionally sarcastic<
0oogles are inca(able o. genuine !alice or cruelty > a rarity
a!ong intelligent beings. ,ase e!otions such as hate< greed<
and %iolence are generally unheard o. a!ong the ?(ri!iti%e?
0ogri< and e'tre!ely unco!!on in e'(atriates. ,ecause o. this<
0oogles are (erha(s a little !ore trusting o. others than is
strictly -arranted< though ?trusting? doesn?t translate to ?stu(id?
> they ha%e no (atience .or cheaters and .rauds< and -ill take
ste(s to get e%en -ith anybody -ho tries to take ad%antage o.
their good nature.
Des(ite the .act that their nati%e tongue uses Cust a single
-ord< 0oogles ha%e a su(erb a(titude .or languages< and !any
s(eak Co!!on Tongue. Their only trouble is a tendency to sli(
in the -ord Nku(oD in at rando! inter%als< a linguistic 7uirk that
e%en e'(erienced s(eakers can?t see! to shake. Traditional
0oogle na!es are based on (er!utations o. ?0og? or ?;u(o.?
0oguta< ;u!o(< 0ogryo< ;u(ek< 0ogrika< and Chi!o!o are all
(ri!e e'a!(les o. this con%ention. &'(atriate 0oogles< on the
other hand< ado(t !onickers !ore in line -ith their host
society< such as $rte!icion< /urdy< 2ono< Pilika< or +orne.
"U 0OU
The 2u 0ou are an elusi%e grou( o. hunched< doglike
creatures. They are a!ong the longest=li%ed races< but age
early@ as they a((roach adolesence< 2u 0ou 7uickly lose
su((leness and !uscular .le'ibility< gradually beco!ing
crooked< stoo(ed adults inca(able o. !o%ing .aster than a
shu..le. ,ound by these (hysical li!itations< they ha%e beco!e
.irst=rate sages and intellectuals< channeling the energy other
races (ut into honing their bodies into shar(ening their !inds.
Though they share a single na!e< there is a signi.icant
a!ount o. (hysical %ariety a!ong the 2u 0ou< to such an
e'tent that so!e naturalists belie%e the race enco!(asses t-o
entirely se(arate s(ecies. The !ost co!!only=encountered 2u
0ou are gray= or bro-n=skinned< -ith long< .lo((y ears<
ele(hant=like hides and sunken nostrils on either side o. the
.ace. 8thers are s!aller and lighter=skinned< -ith bro-n<
button=like noses< ears like a beagle?s< and (ro!inent .acial
hair. 8thers still !i' .eatures o. the .irst t-o< though there are
so!e (hysical constants@ beyond the hunched bodies< all sub=
s(ecies share long< hea%y tails to((ed -ith a layer o. coarse .ur<
s!all< .our=.ingered hands and three=toed .eet.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK I%aness F99JIIH< &Eel ,erbier F99T$H
+eightK 0. > 1.1! F0aleX9e!aleH
6eightK 0 > "0kg F0aleX9e!aleH
+air ColorsK 6hite< ,lond
&ye ColorsK ,ro-n
+abitatsK 0ountains< 0arshes< Plains< +ills< Deserts< Cities #00 > #10 years
5oung = > 1 years
$%erage = 10 > 100 years
8ld = 110 > #00 years
2u 0ou ci%iliEation is based u(on education to such an e'tent
that ties o. learning are considered !ore i!(ortant than e%en
ties o. blood. 2u 0ou are e'(ected to lea%e their .a!ilies at an
early age and .ind an older< !ore e'(erienced !entor o. their
o-n accord< training under his tutelage until they are
the!sel%es ca(able o. educating others. These !entors do not
necessarily ha%e to be 2u 0ou the!sel%es@ al!ost any being o.
e'ce(tional -isdo! and learning can ste( into this role<
(ro%ided they are -illing to ado(t the student as one o. their
o-n. 2either -ill e%ery seeker o. kno-ledge be a 2u 0ou< as
other races o.ten re%ere the thick=skinned beings .or their de(th
o. kno-ledge and a(titude as sorcerors.
The relationshi( bet-een instructor and (u(il is e'(ected to
be a .a!ilial one > the student is gi%en a ne- na!e< clothed<
.ed< sheltered< and cared .or as kin< -hile the teacher is
accorded the res(ect and obedience due any ?true? (arent.
:(on death< the instructor?s estate is di%ided u( a!ong all
sur%i%ing a((rentices@ books< scrolls< and other te'ts are
inherited by the senior!ost !e!bers o. the intellectual ?.a!ily<?
-ith the understanding that they -ill carry on the studies begun
by their .or!er teacher. 0ost 2u 0ou -ill only train one or t-o
at a ti!e< though the !ost learned and reno-ned !ay ha%e u(
to a doEen (u(ils li%ing under their roo..
,ecause o. the signi.icant cost o. sustaining an ?e'tended
.a!ily<? it is not unco!!on .or older 2u 0ou to (ractice a cra.t
or trade alongside their intellectual (ursuits< !aking a li%ing
-ith alche!y< the a((raising o. ancient relics< or cra.ting
enchanted ite!s. 8thers !ay beco!e !agical !ercenaries<
hiring their ser%ices out to ad%enturers and !onster hunters
eager .or added sorcerous (unch on their e'(editions.
+o-e%er< the 2u 0ou are care.ul to kee( this kind o. .reelancing
-ithin ethical boundaries > ( is ulti!ately a secondary
Due to their s!all (o(ulation< 2u 0ou society rarely e'tends
beyond indi%idual %illages and to-ns. Settle!ents al!ost al-ays
de%elo( around the d-elling o. a single great teacher<
accu!ulating !ore residents as (u(ils begin taking on
a((rentices o. their o-n until a .ull=.ledged co!!unity
de%elo(s. 2ot e%ery 2u 0ou is sedentary@ sur(risingly !any
adults take u( a -andering li.estyle< e!barking on grand
odysseys across the -orld in search o. kno-ledge and
guidance. $ cynical !ind< ho-e%er< !ight argue that these
no!ads ha%e other !oti%ations > Cust as a rolling stone gathers
no !oss< a roa!ing 2u 0ou rarely has to -orry about -ell=
!eaning a((rentices begging hi! to teach the! the ins and
outs o. sagehood.
$ 2u 0ou?s de!eanour is hea%ily in.luenced by their teachers.
Those taught by other 2u 0ou are gentle< al!ost dis(assionate
creatures@ intellectuals to a .ault< they !ay strike others as
distant or i!(atient. Due to their bodily shortco!ings< they
ha%e a strong distaste .or (hysical %iolence< and al!ost ne%er
engage in !elee co!bat. I. (ressed to de.end the!sel%es< they
( !agic or di(lo!acy< (articularly through intellectual
bribery. Their enor!ous -ealth o. kno-ledge gi%es the!
signi.icant le%erage -ith other races< and they do not shy a-ay
.ro! using it i. the need arises< though they are care.ul ne%er to
re%eal too !uch at once.
$s they gro- older< ?true? 2u 0ou are likely to beco!e !ore
concerned -ith the ?big (icture.? Their longe%ity allo-s the! to
bear .irst=hand -itness to ho- one see!ingly innocuous e%ent
can a..ect the course o. history< establish a great nation or
bring ruin to an entire (eo(les. 9or this reason< they !ay take
on the !antle o. history?s she(herds< sa.eguarding ancient
arti.acts< obser%ing obscure rituals< and inter%ening > albeit
discreetly > in the natural .lo- o. e%ents to ensure that dark
(o-ers are not allo-ed to gain s-ay. ,ecause o. this< their
actions and !oti%es o.ten see! inscrutable to other races -ho
lack the 2u 0ous? long=ter! %ision.
2u 0ou taught by +u!ans or other races< ho-e%er< tend to
ada(t their instructors? de!eanour and outlook. ,ecause they
begin their education at a young age< it is %ery (ossible .or a 2u
0ou to end u( at the !ercies o. a dark -iEard or e%il sa%ant
-ho gradually t-ists the (u(il< e%entually trans.or!ing the!
into a creature o. (ure !ale%olence. $s a result o. their innately
!agical natures< it is not unheard o. .or 2u 0ou to trans.or!
into de!ons< though indi%iduals -ho this .ate are usually
killed by kins!en -ho consider the death an act o. !ercy.
2u 0ou .ro! strongly de%elo(ed !agical senses< and
ha%e the uni7ue ability to clearly see the .lo-ing strea!s o.
ele!ental energy .unda!ental to all s(ellcasting. This !akes
the! (articularly ade(t at recognising areas o. signi.icant
a!bient (o-er and identi.ying !agical ite!s and arti.acts
-hose .unction !ay not be ob%ious at .irst glance.
$ 2u 0ou?s na!e is assigned at an early age by a teacher<
resulting in a certain di%ersity in na!ing. Traditionally< ho-e%er<
2u 0ou na!es are e'actly three syllables in length< -ith an
a(ostro(he a.ter the .irst syllable. $ li!ited range o. sounds are
used in na!ing< creating !onickers that are o.ten
indistinguishable .ro! one another@ e'a!(les include
0a?kenroh< *oh?ken!ou< and 0a?kleou.
,loated< bone=-hite beings -ith clo-nish< button=eyed .aces
and !assi%e< lolling tongues< the ase'ual 3u are (erha(s one o.
the strangest races in e'istence. 8!ni%ores by nature< the 3u
ha%e !anaged to sur%i%e in their nati%e s-a!(s by being able
to eat Cust about anything< no !atter ho- re(ulsi%e@ though
their re(ast o. choice is !arsh .rogs< in a (inch a 3u can
content itsel. -ith trees< rocks< -ild ani!als< !onsters... Des(ite
(o(ular ru!ors to the contrary< they do< ho-e%er< sto( Cust
short o. (utting other sentient beings on the !enu. 0ostly.
$s !ight be e'(ected< their bodies ha%e ada(ted according to
the needs o. their en%iron!ent and li.estyle. Aong< !uscular
tongues ensnare and ca(ture (rey< -hile three se(arate
sto!achs > each ca(able o. te!(orarily e'(anding to .i%e ti!es
its original siEe > and digesti%e Cuices acidic enough to burn a
hole through ada!antine do the rest o. the -ork.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK 3uina 3uen F99IJH< 0aster 3uale F99IJH
+eightK 1.1 > 1.!
6eightK 1)0 > #00kg
+air ColorsK 2one
&ye ColorsK 6hite
+abitatsK 0arshes 40 > )0 years
5oung = 7 > years
$%erage = 11 > #0 years
8ld = 40 > 10 years
3u tribes !ake their ho!es in isolated !arsh encla%es across
the -orld< gathering in nu!bers ranging .ro! a .e- doEen to
se%eral hundred< all de(ending on ho- !any ra%enous 3u the
area is ca(able o. su((orting. 3u society is hedonistic to a .ault<
-ith .e- cares beyond eating and (rocreating > thank.ully< the
intricacies o. 3u re(roduction are a closed book to the outside
-orld. $s a result< their culture has atro(hied to the (oint -here
the guiding 3u (hiloso(hy can be su!!ed u( in one state!entK
U6orld only ha%e t-o thingsK Things you can eat and things you
no can eat.U Social interaction bet-een tribes is li!ited to
!onthly e'changes o. reci(es and ingredients and irregular
cook=o..s@ .or the re!ainder o. the year< each tribe li%es in
isolation< taking care o. its o-n a..airs.
5ounger 3u are a((renticed to a !ore e'(erienced 0aster at
an early age< under -hose tutelage they are e'(ected to learn
the all=i!(ortant ?art o. eating? > the .inding< (re(aring and
consu!ing o. all %arieties o. .oodstu..s. During this ti!e< the
a((rentice is only (er!itted to eat -hat they the!sel%es can
catch and cook@ in this -ay< the youngster is encouraged to be
sel.=su..icient rather than (er(etually s(onge o.. his elders.
8nce their kno-ledge is Cudged to be su..icient< the a((rentices
beco!e .ull=.ledged 0asters< ready to (ass their o-n culinary
skills on to a ne- generation o. 3u. +o-e%er< this (rocess that
can take !any years< i. not decades@ those -ho .ail to (ass
!uster are .re7uently ostraciEed .ro! the s-a!( in the ho(e
that a change o. en%iron!ent > and a little sa!(ling o.
international cuisine > -ill s(ur the errant (u(ils back on to the
right (ath.
5ust try eating before e give
6uina 6uen
0asters< too< !ay lea%e the s-a!( in search o. rare
delicacies or culinary enlighten!ent@ such NodysseysD are
considered (art and (arcel o. a 0asterDs duties to his art< and
ser%e as a tribeDs !ain conduit to the outside -orld. $s a result<
it is not unco!!on to .ind -andering 3u e!(loyed as che.s
and cooks< eagerly learning and eating e%erything a .oreign
kitchen has to
,ecause o. the i!(ortance .ood (lays in 3u culture< the
a%erage 3u is a natural gour!and. 3u that Coin ad%enturing
grou(s are al!ost al-ays searching .or ne- tastes and e'citing
culinary e'(eriences@ !aterial -ealth is o. little i!(ortance to a
3u< e'ce(t -here it hel(s s(eed the -ay to culinary
enlighten!ent. 5ounger 3u -ill ignore al!ost any a!ount o.
danger i. .aced -ith a tasty !orsel< although this tends to be
dru!!ed out as a (u(il ad%ances on the road to !asterhood.
There are e'ce(tionsK those -ho reCect the ?art o. eating? in
search o. a greater truth< choosing e'ile rather than risk being
cast out by their .ello-s .or daring to conte!(late that thereDs
!ore to li.e than si!(ly catching things and de%ouring the!.
+o-e%er< these tend to be a !inority@ the 3u the!sel%es re.use
to ackno-ledge the e'istence o. such ?(er%erts.?
Students and !asters o. the art dress in a che.?s hat and
a(ron to re.lect their status< -ielding -ea(ons ada(ted .ro!
eating utensils such as .orks and kni%es. They ada(t to other
en%iron!ents relati%ely easily i. e%er re7uired to tra%el< though
ho!esickness and longing .or those e%er=tasty !arsh .rogs
does take its toll. ,ecause the conce(t o. gender does not e'ist
in 3u society< they do not identi.y the!sel%es as !ale or .e!ale@
in ad%enturing (arties< a 3u?s co!(anions !ay unconsciously
assign a !ale or .e!ale identity to it.
3u tend to ha%e a (oor gras( o. Co!!on Tongue< (articularly
as .ar as gra!!ar is concerned. This< co!bined -ith their .ood
.i'ation< gi%es the! a re(utation a!ong other races as
so!e-hat di!-itted creatures. 3u ha%e t-o na!es > a .irst
na!e and a tribal one< both o. -hich begin -ith ?3u.?
The *onso are a tall< (roud race rese!bling hu!anoid lions. $s
!agically acti%e as they are (hysically i!(ressi%e< their shar(
cla-s and thick< !uscular bodies lea%e little doubt as to their
(ro-ess in battle. 0ales o. the s(ecies s(ort .lo-ing !anes o.
hair and o.ten !assi%e beards< as -ell as a long horn that
gro-s .ro! the .orehead. The *onso cherish this horn as a
sy!bol o. !anhood< seeing it as the source o. a -arriorDs
(o-ers@ its loss is treated as seriously as that o. an ar! or leg.
Dishonored -arriors ha%e their horns cut as a !atter o. custo!<
though only the !ost serious cri!es (ro%oke such an act.
:nsur(risingly< *onso subCect to this ritual NcastrationD are
al!ost al-ays e'iled. 9e!ales< though s!aller and !ore
co!(act< are no less aggressi%e than their !ale counter(arts in
battle< and shoulder a substantial share o. the .ighting and
,oth genders dress s(aringly< and e%en then only .or the
sake o. !odesty@ Ce-elry< char!s< and bangles< so!e o. -hich
!ay ha%e occult signi.icance< are a co!!on (art o. a *onsoDs
ense!ble. 0ore su(erstitious -arriors also a((ly N!agicalD oils
to their bodies be.ore battle< belie%ing that this (rotects the!
.ro! har!.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK ;i!ahri *onso F99JH
+eightK #.4 > #.)! F0aleH X #.1 > #.3! F9e!aleH
6eightK 1#1 > 110kg F0aleH X "1 > 111kg F9e!aleH
+air ColorsK ,lack< grey< bro-n< red< blond< -hite
9ur ColorsK ,lue< tan< sandy=gold< bro-n
&ye ColorsK 5ello-< blue< green< bro-n
+abitatsK 0ountains< Tundra 10 > 70 years
5oung = 1 > 10 years
$%erage = 11 > 30 years
8ld = 10 > )0 years
*onso li%e in isolated .a!ily=tribes called (rides< sustaining
the!sel%es as hunter=gatherers led by a single elder. They
rarely ac7uire !any (ossessions< kee(ing only -hat they need
and !o%ing -here%er .ood and o((ortunity take the!. Social
standing -ithin the tribe is deri%ed .ro! .ighting (ro-ess and
(hysical a((earance< and deter!ines an indi%idual?s .ood=share
and breeding rights. To the strong and beauti.ul go the s(oils@
a custo! other races !ay .ind distaste.ul< but one the *onso
belie%e is essential to !aintaining a tribe?s strength.
*onso begin their training as hunters at onset o. (uberty. 9or
!ales< this e%ent is kno-n as the horn=!olt< during -hich the
outer layer o. the !ale?s horn is shed in order to gi%e the
larger< harder adult horn roo! to gro- in. 5oung hunters learn
their sur%i%al skills by Nshado-ingD elder !e!bers o. the (ride
o%er a (eriod o. se%eral years. Their rite o. (assage re7uires
the! to !atch their teachers in (ersonal co!bat< or at least (ut
u( a .ight res(ectable enough to assure the elders that they are
ready to take on the rigours o. the hunt. Challenges like these
(unctuate a *onsoDs (rogress -ithin their tribe@ those -ho -ant
leadershi( !ust .ight hard .or it< and .ight e%en harder to retain
*onso too -eak to (ro%e the!sel%es in co!bat are shunned<
and !ay be dri%en out i. other !e!bers o. the (ride .eel that
the ?-eakling? is a liability to the (rideDs sur%i%al. &'ce(tions are
!ade .or the aged< -ho .re7uently beco!e ad%isors and
teachers@ older *onso -ho can no longer de.end their (o-er
o.ten bo- out %oluntarily rather than risking the hu!iliation o.
being de.eated by a younger challenger.
/i(% spot. Shut up. -ait.&
Ki$ahri )onso
I. co!(etition -ithin the (ride is .ierce< co!(etition bet-een
(rides is outright brutal. &ach tribe lays clai! to a tightly=
de.ined territory and de.ends it to the death@ though alliances
bet-een tribes are co!!on< these allegiances are e%er=shi.ting<
so!eti!es lasting a little as a single hunt. 0arriage bet-een
(rides is rare< and in%ol%es signi.icant co!(etition bet-een the
t-o grou(s as both try to gauge the strength o. their
counter(arts. :nless the (rides are e%enly !atched< there is
little chance that the (airing -ill be consented@ no (ride -ill
Ceo(ardise its strength by bringing in blood -eaker than its
o-n. In the sa!e %ein< altruis! is al!ost unheard o. > a tribe
that .inds itsel. in trouble neither asks .or nor e'(ects
assistance .ro! others.
This attitude e'tends to their religion. The *onso (ractice a
(ri!iti%e ani!ist .aith that sees the -orld as one do!inated by
great and in%isible s(irits. Such .orces are ne%er deliberately
courted and .eared .or their .ickle natures@ though great
-arriors ine%itably attract these su(ernatural (o-ers< they rely
on the! at their o-n (eril. Tribal .olklore s(eaks o. days -hen
-arriors (ossessed the ability to co!!unicate -ith nati%e
s(irits through their horns@ e%en i. such tales are true< this
kno-ledge has long since .aded into obscurity.
Due to their harsh u(bringings< *onso (lace great i!(ortance
in dis(lays o. strength and !artial (ro-ess< and go to great
lengths to ensure their bodies are honed to the .ullest.
$d%enturing (arties -ho (ick u( a *onso !e!ber -ill .ind the!
to be dedicated -arriors and honorable > i. aggressi%e >
co!batants< .iercely loyal to their charges and .riends. $t the
sa!e ti!e< they sho- little (atience .or -eakness or indecisi%e
leadershi(< and can cause signi.icant .riction -ithin the grou(.
9ear o. losing .ace !ay s(ur the! into taking on !ore than they
can handle@ .e- *onso -ill -illingly ackno-ledge their li!its< let
alone act u(on the!.
*onso ha%e a high natural body te!(erature< allo-ing the!
to thri%e in colder cli!ates@ other races .ind the! unusually
-ar! to the touch< so!eti!es unco!.ortably so. In -ar!er
cli!ates< their (rodigious s-eat (roduction kee(s the lion=!en
.ro! o%erheating< creating in a (o-er.ul< !usky body=odor
(articularly re(ellant to creatures sensiti%e to s!ell. *onso
horns are innately sensiti%e to-ards !agical energies< and !ay
tre!ble or %ibrate slightly in the (resence o. such .orces.
Though they can learn to s(eak Co!!on Tongue< !ost
*onso -ill do so in a gru..< cli((ed !anner< -asting as .e-
-ords as (ossible. $ccordingly< *onso na!es are short< rarely
e'ceeding t-o syllables in length@ ty(ical !onickers include
,iran< Ba!Ei< /aEna< $rgai and Be%. $ *onsoDs Nlast na!eD is
their tribal na!e< and shared -ith all other !e!bers o. their
res(ecti%e (ride.
$ di!inuti%e race o. !agically acti%e beings. The Tarutaru >
NTaruD .or short > are characteriEed by babyish .aces< large
eyes< (ronounced & ears and bear=like .eatures. Their bodily
(ro(ortions are e7ui%alent to those o. hu!an children< -ith
large heads ato( a (udgy< short=li!bed body< a co!bination
that a((ears utterly har!less u( until the (oint the .ireballs
start .lying. So!e s(eculate the s!all creatures? !astery o.
!agic is a kind o. ac7uired sur%i%al trait@ lacking the endurance
and strength to be serious -arriors< they ha%e little else to
(rotect the!sel%es .ro! the dangers o. the -orld. 9or their
(art< the Tarutaru call it a !ark o. di%ine .a%or< (roo. that so!e
higher (o-er is -atching out .or the!.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK Shantotto F99JIH< Tosuka=Porika F99JIH
Ty(ical +eightK 0. > 1.0! F0ale X 9e!aleH
Ty(ical 6eightK 34 > 3kg F0aleH X 3# > 3)kg F9e!aleH
+air ColorsK ,ro-n< blond< red< blue< grey< green
&ye ColorsK ,ro-n< blue
+abitatsK 9orests #0 > 40 years
5oung = 4 > ) years
$%erage = 10 > 11 years
8ld = 30 > 31 years
The Tarutaru li%e in a geniocracy< a society ruled by scientists<
sages< thinkers< and other e'(erts on -orldy !atters. In the
eyes o. the Taru< -hat one kno-s de.ines e%erything > (restige<
social standing< (ri%ileges. $ccordingly< co!(etition .or -isdo!
is .ierce and those in (ositions o. authority li%e in constant .ear
o. being usur(ed by younger< !ore kno-ledgeable indi%iduals.
This in turn creates enor!ous (ressure to (ursue ne- ideas
and inno%ations< setting u( the intellectual ?engine? that allo-s
Tarutaru society to (rogress. 6hile Taru scholars turn their
attentions to !any subCects< the study o. !agic is by .ar the
!ost (restigious@ s(ellcasters are the geniocracy?s .irst line o.
de.ense< re%ered .or their !artial (ro-ess and res(ected .or
their intellectual acco!(lish!ents.
Taru tra%el !ainly .or social ad%ance!ent< lured by the
(ros(ect o. lost s(ells< rare alche!ical ingredients< or ancient
gri!oires o. legendary (o-er. $s co!(etiti%e as they !ay be<
ho-e%er< Tarutaru are also .ir! belie%ers in the !antra
Nstrength in nu!bers.D Tribes o.ten band together into larger
.ederations .or (rotection< surrendering indi%idual so%ereignty
to a ruling council co!(osed o. the -isest !e!bers o. each
tribe. Aeader o. the council is the !e!ber regarded as the !ost
kno-ledgeable by !utual consensus@ this role is generally
(riEed !ore .or its (restige than its attached (o-ers< -hich are
!ini!al at best. ,ecause o. this< tribes acti%ely Cockey .or the
leadershi( role< recalling and re(lacing their re(resentati%es
-hene%er a !ore suitable candidate e!erges.
$s !ay be e'(ected< !agic is an e%eryday .act o. Taru li.e@ it
(o-ers !echanical constructs< gi%es ne- li.e to -orn=out .ields<
enhances cro(s< and e%en (rotects tools and clothing .ro!
-ear and tear. Though so!e-hat !enial co!(ared to the
gla!or o. hurling o..ensi%e !agics in the na!e o. the Tarutaru
nation< !any able !ages !ake (ro.itable careers out o. these
!undane a((lications. 8nly !etal-orking is generally shunned@
as a rule< Tarutaru .a%or organic !aterials such as -ood and
cloth< .inding such resources .ar easier to alter -ith !agic than
their intractable !etallic counter(arts. $s a result< al!ost e%ery
!etal ite! used by the Taru tends to be the -ork o. outside
Though childlike in body< Tarutaru are highly intelligent beings<
albeit ones (ossessed by an ine'haustible curiosity about
anything and e%erything in li.e. 2o sel.=res(ecting Taru -ill !iss
the chance to obtain ne- kno-ledge > or sho- o.. the .ruits o.
their studies -hene%er o((ortunity allo-s. Though they !ake
little distinction bet-een the tri%ial and the li.e=sa%ing -here
in.or!ation is concerned< the little creatures? intellectual
(osturing generally co!es through -hen it?s !ost needed.
Parties !ay also .ind their (atience stretched to the li!it by
the TarusD (i(ing< !ousy %oices. 6hile .luent in Co!!on
Tongue< Tarutaru ha%e the un.ortunate tendency to re(lace
single ?t?s -ith ?tarus? and sli( into child=like rhy!ing sche!es@
the results arenDtaru (retty=-itty by any stretch o. the
$s !uch as Taru society e!(hasiEes the bene.its o. !utual
coo(eration< itDs no sur(rise that the little creatures go through
great lengths to .ind co!(anions and e%en greater ones to
kee( the!. 6hile not as outright distrust.ul o. ad%anced
technology as the 0ithra< Tarutaru do tend to be -ary in the
(resence o. non=!agical !achinery@ to the!< grinding gears<
stea!< and clock-ork are ruthless< soul=less things< lacking the
innate -ar!th and %itality o. a !agic=dri%en de%ice.
ItDs a testa!ent to the raceDs long=li%ed !ystic traditions that
e%en Taru na!es are stee(ed in occult signi.icance. 0ale
na!ing (airs si!ilar=sounding -ords dra-n .ro! ancient ritual
incantations< gi%ing rise to !onikers like 5ung=5aa!< Jatan=
Paratan< ,aren=0oren and ;yu!e=*o!eh. Such na!es are not
only chosen .or aesthetic %alue@ the Taru belie%e that granting a
boy a (articularly (o-er.ul s(ell=na!e increases his chances o.
beco!ing an acco!(lished s(ellcaster in later years. 9e!ales
ha%e single rather than double na!es< ending in t-o rhy!ing
syllables chosen by (arents according to the childDs ti!e o.
birth. These ending syllables are said to be an indicator o.
.uture (ersonality and career< and girls born during aus(icious
ti!es are groo!ed .ro! early on .or high &'a!(les o.
.e!ale Taru na!es include 9inene< Cho!o!o and ;erutoto.
So!eti!es !istakenly re.erred to as N6ere-ol%es<? the 4arg are
lean and (o-er.ul -ol.!en< a !i'ture o. hu!an and bestial
characteristics. Though they -alk u(right< long tails< lu(ine
heads< and elegant .ur lea%e little doubt as to their origins. In
co!(arison to hu!ans< 4arg enCoy enhanced seeing< s!ell. and
hearing@ they can clearly recognise obCects and !o%e!ent at .ar
greater distances< though their ability to sense color is
signi.icantly -eaker.
Aike hu!ans< 4arg are at ho!e in a -ide range o. habitats.
6hile !ost co!!only encountered in te!(erate cli!ates< sub=
s(ecies o. this race can be .ound roa!ing s-eltering tro(ical
sa%annas< scra(ing out a !ini!al e'istence on !isty !oors< or
bra%ing arctic conditions. 9ur colors and thicknesses %ary
accordingly< si!ultaneously ser%ing as insulation and
ca!ou.lage a((ro(riate to a 4argDs ado(ted surroundings.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK ;elger 4londett F994H< Aone 6ol. F994< 994IH
+eightK 1.7 > #.1! F0aleH X 1.1 > 1."! F9e!aleH
6eightK 1 > 1#0kg F0aleH X )0 = 100kg F9e!aleH
9ur ColorsK /rey< tan< bro-n< -hite< red< black
&ye ColorsK 5ello-< green< bro-n
+abitatsK 9orests< +ills< 0ountains< /rasslands< Tundra<
Deserts< 0arshes 10 > )1 years
5oung = 1 > 10 years
$%erage = 11 > #1 years
8ld = 40 > 10 years
4arg are hunters ta!ed by the slo- encroach!ent o.
ci%ilisation@ -here their ancestors .ought -ith tooth and cla-<
todayDs -ol.!en (lace their trust in a stout shield and -ell=
honed s-ord. The hunting (ack still re!ains the basic building
block o. 4arg society< creating a social unit ranging in siEe .ro!
.i%e to .i.ty< de(ending on the en%iron!ent and a%ailable .ood
sources. Packs that .orsake the no!ad?s li.e tend to be
secreti%e< building as .ar .ro! other races as (ossible@ (otential
ho!es are chosen as !uch .or their natural resources as
de.ensi%e (ro(erties. /i%en the choice< 4arg gra%itate to-ards
geogra(hic .eatures like ra%ines and ca%es@ buildings are o.ten
constructed in suitable cracks and o(enings to take ad%antage
o. the sheltering rock=.ace. 8ther habitats re7uire a little !ore
ingenuity@ in highlands< hillocks are con%erted into d-ellings<
-hile in s-a!(s and .orests large trees ser%e as the basis .or
!ost buildings. 6alls< ho-e%er< are o!ni(resent< erected out o.
-hate%er !aterial !ay co!e to hand.
8n a social le%el< (acks are tightly knit associations -here the
good o. the co!!unity al-ays co!es be.ore that o. the
indi%idual. The entire (ack is e'(ected to -ork together to
ensure that e%ery !e!berDs needs are !et in .ull@ sel.ishness is
treated as a cardinal sin< and N(arasitesD 7uickly e'(elled into
the -ild to .end .or the!sel%es. Con%ersely< those -ho
contribute !ost to the (ack enCoy the highest status< a .act that
allo-s larger< stronger !ales to do!inate co!!unal a..airs.
+o-e%er< their in.luence can be .leeting i. they .ail to kee( u(
their achie%e!ents@ should their contributions sli(< they too risk
being cast out by their .ello-s. 0atters o. i!(ortance to the
(ack as a -hole > such as (unish!ent o. indi%iduals or
!ediation o. dis(utes > are resol%ed on a co!!unal le%el< -ith
e%ery (ack !e!ber o. age casting a %ote to-ards a decision.
4arg as a -hole are rarely -arlike< (re.erring to settle their
dis(utes through !ediation. Direct co!(etition bet-een (acks
is rare@ i. t-o grou(s o. 4arg .ind the!sel%es contesting the
sa!e resources< one o. the t-o -ill cede their clai! in e'change
.or hel( in relocating to a !ore suitable area. Packs -ill<
ho-e%er< take u( ar!s i. the situation de!ands it< using their
hunters as a .irst line o. de.ense.
Though not innately religious< 4arg kee( close ties to the
nature s(irits surrounding their ho!es .or (ersonal security<
calling on s(iritual (rotection through a %ariety o. crude rituals
and dances. These are conducted by (ack !e!bers that are
not yet old or strong enough to hunt< usually under the
tutelage o. an older< !agically gi.ted su(er%isor. 8ther< !ore
ani!alistic cere!onies acco!(any births and deaths@ .unerals
in (articular can be a chilling a..air .or outsiders as the (ack
Coins together in a Ndeath ho-lD audible .or !iles.
Culturally< the 4arg borro- hea%ily .ro! other races. $s
cra.ts!en< the -ol.!en are ca(able< i. ulti!ately !ediocre@
!any o. a %illage?s lu'uries and !anu.actures are likely to
originate .ro! outside the (ack. Tailoring (oses an e'ce(tion<
though other races are unlikely to .ind !uch use .or the 4args?
idiosyncratic sense o. .ashion@ due to their underde%elo(ed
color %ision< the -ol.!en routinely turn out clothing !any
shades brighter than !ost races -ould .ind co!.ortable< let
alone acce(table. $s !ost colors are i!(orted at great
e'(ense< the !ost .la!boyant out.its are reser%ed .or senior
!e!bers o. the (ack@ -hen dealing -ith 4arg< ad%enturer
-isdo! has it< Vlook .or the one -ho lea%es your eyes
$d%enturing 4arg can be neatly di%ided into t-o categoriesK
outcasts and e%eryone else. Those -ho ha%e been reCected by
4arg society at large< usually .or Nanti=(ackD cri!es like idleness<
the.t< or deliberately in.licting bodily har! on another (ack
!e!ber< ha%e little choice but to ado(t a no!adic li.estyle.
8ther (acks tend to be innately distrust.ul o. Nstrays<? and only
take the! into the .old in the rarest o. circu!stances.
So!e outcasts -ear their inde(endence like a badge o. (ride<
.alling in -ith those they regard as .ello- ?.ree s(irits?K brigands<
cri!inals< rebels< and e%erything in bet-een. 8thers .eel
genuine regret .or their e'ile< and atte!(t to re.or! the!sel%es
through deeds o. !erit and %alor. &ither o. these (aths can
bring an outcast 4arg into contact -ith an ad%enturing grou(<
though they can both (ose (roble!s .or the grou(@ .ree s(irits
re.use to do anything that doesn?t ser%e their o-n interests<
-hile re.or!ers Eealously o((ose anything they dee! !orally
dubious or re(rehensible.
Traditional 4arg are reluctant to set .oot outside o. their
%illages< e'ce(t in large nu!bers. Their isolation !akes the!
distrust.ul to-ards outsiders< i. not other races in general@ e%en
.riendly %isitors are treated as (otential ene!ies and subCected
to intense scrutiny until their !oti%es beco!e clear. 8nce
so!eone has earned the (ackDs trust< thereDs little the 4arg
-onDt do to assist the!< though getting there can be an u(hill
battle. Strength and age earn a certain degree o. res(ect in
4arg circles< but sel.lessness is the cardinal %irtue > any
ad%enturer -ith a re(utation .or chi%alry and charity -ill .ind
hersel. -ell=(ositioned to !ake .riends a!ong the -ol.!en.
Canny negotiators can also e'(loit colors to their ad%antage< as
the 4arg instincti%ely regard eye=searing clothing as a !ark o.
4arg s(eak Co!!on Tongue -ith a dee(< guttural e!(hasis on
the NrDs. Their o-n language< a re!nant o. their .eral days<
(redo!inantly uses gro-ls< barks< and ho-ls to co!!unicate.
,y casually sli((ing these into ?nor!al s(eech<? 4arg can
incor(orate coded !essages in al!ost any con%ersation. 4arg
na!es tend to be /er!anic or 2ordic=sounding@ (ossible
e'a!(les include $rnlaug< &riul.< +orst and 4egeir. 9a!ily
na!es are not used in 4arg society< though so!e 4arg are
a-arded a second na!e to co!!e!orate a (articular
acco!(lish!ent. 6here necessary< nickna!es such as N9angD
are used to distinguish bet-een se%eral -ol.!en sharing the
sa!e !oniker
The enig!atic 4iera are slender< sil%er=haired .orest=d-ellers<
al!ost (hysically identical to hu!ans sa%e .or a .e- notable
di..erences. The !ost (ro!inent o. these is also the !ost
%isibleK the large rabbit=like ears that (rotrude .ro! the to( o. a
4iera?s head< granting the! hearing keen enough to hear the
%oices o. s(irits< o. nature itsel.. Co!bined -ith unusually shar(
%ision< this allo-s the 4iera to track !o%e!ent as .ar as a-ay as
ten kilo!eters -ith unerring accuracy > a .eat !ost other races
can only drea! o..
8ther distincti%e .eatures include li!ber legs< long .ingers<
and three=toed< (a-like .eet -ith an arch large enough to !ake
high=heeled shoes an ortho(edic necessity. 4iera skin colors
can range .ro! tan to bro-n< de(ending on s(ecies@ the ?(ure=
blooded? 4eena 4iera ha%e light bro-n skin< -hile the *a%a
4iera are darker in coloration.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK 9ran F99JIIH< Shara F99T$H< 0ydia F99JII*6H
Ty(ical +eightK 1.) > 1.! F0aleX9e!ale< e'cluding earsH
Ty(ical 6eightK 70 > "0kg F0aleX9e!aleH
+air ColorsK :ni%ersally sil%er
&ye ColorsK *ed< green< blue
+abitatsK 9orests ##0 > #40 years
5oung = > 11 years
$%erage = 40 > 130 years
8ld = 10 > #00 years
The 4iera ha%e been .orest=d-ellers .or !any generations<
li%ing in elegant< se'=segregated (lat.or! %illages sus(ended
.ar abo%e the ground. Such settle!ents are designed -ith
de.ense as a .irst (riority< hidden a-ay .ro! (rying eyes by a
thick %eil o. hallucinogenic (o-ders and (rotected against
in%asion by barricades (laced at regular inter%als< allo-ing the
%illage?s archers to !ount a de.ense at al!ost any location.
Though led by a chie.tain< 4iera take their directions .ro! the
Aa-s o. the 6ood< rigid rules and regulations e%ery 4iera is
e'(ected to .ollo-. The Aa-s de!and the .orest be treated -ith
care and res(ect< and .orbid any %illager .ro! e%er lea%ing the
.orest< regardless o. reason@ in return< the .orest -ill shelter and
nuture the 4iera .or as long as they re!ain under its boughs.
$s a result< the !aCority o. 4iera li%e out their entire li%es in the
con.ines o. the -ood< content to re!ain ignorant o. the -orld
beyond. Due to this sel.=i!(osed isolation< 4iera generally do
not associate -ith other races@ %isitors are s(urned and
in%aders annihilated by cla-< bo-< or the !ystic energies o. the
.orest itsel..
$ .e-< ho-e%er< desire !ore .ro! their li%es. Dri%en by
longing or curiosity< they abandon that sheltered e'istence to
(ursue a !ore uncertain< un(redictable one. Such acts carry
se%ere conse7uences@ those -ho %enture into the outside -orld
are no longer considered 4iera by their .ello-s< and are treated
as harshly as any other race< i. not -orse.
Due to their (hysical beauty< outcast 4iera ha%e little trouble
!elting into hu!an societies@ they readily strike u(
relationshi(s -ith hu!ans< and !ay e%en beco!e ro!antically
in%ol%ed -ith the!. Still< e'(atriate 4iera are ulti!ately closest
to one another< thanks to their shared history and long any city -ith signi.icant 4iera (resence -ill see the!
.or! tight< insular co!!unities in a sur(risingly short s(an o.
4iera can be grou(ed into t-o broad categories > those -ho
abide by the /reen 6ord< and those -ho ha%e abandoned it to
e'(lore the -orld and e'(and their horiEons. There is little lo%e
lost bet-een latter and .or!er@ outcasts usually %ie- their
.orest=d-elling counter(arts as blind< hidebound 'eno(hobes<
-hile the traditionalists re.use to ackno-ledge the e'istence o.
their -andering< city=d-elling brethren out o. hand.
$d%enturing 4iera tend to be outcasts< though it is (ossible .or
a (arty to battle alongside traditionalist 4iera under
e'traordinary circu!stances.
$n outside obser%er -ould .ind the 4iera coolly intelligent<
(erha(s e'cessi%ely so. Their long gi%e the! the
ability to (ursue kno-ledge in an orderly< .ocused !anner@ they
ha%e ti!e enough to concentrate on !astering a subCect in its
entirety be.ore !o%ing on to the ne't< gradually building a
-ealth o. abilities o%er the course o. se%eral decades. 4iera age
slo-ly< gi%ing the! a dece(ti%ely youth.ul a((earance@ a 4iera
-ith the .ace > and body > o. a thirty=year=old can easily ha%e
the e'(eriences and !e!ories o. t-o hu!an li.eti!es. $s such<
they can be creatures o. !any secrets and sur(rises< -ith a
de(th and breadth o. kno-ledge that is o.ten be-ildering to
other races una-are o. their longe%ity.
$ll 4iera are born -ith the ability to hear and s(eak the
?language? o. their nati%e .orests through a .or! o. (sychic
co!!unication kno-n as the /reen 6ord. :sing this talent< a
4iera can co!!unicate -ith local (lants and trees< allo-ing
the! to track the (assage o. indi%iduals -ithin the .orest as -ell
as ha((enings at its outskirts. This ability< ho-e%er< begins to
atro(hy once a 4iera lea%es the .orest@ the longer the absence<
the greater the risk that the /reen 6ord -ill be !uted entirely.
4iera are also sensiti%e to the ebb and .lo- o. !agic< and !ay
.ind the!sel%es o%er-hel!ed by strong a!bient energy. In the
(resence o. (articularly (o-er.ul !agic< the resulting assault on
their senses can cause the! to lose control altogether< dri%ing
the! into a berserk .renEy.
4iera s(eak Co!!on Tongue .luently and elo7uently< albeit
-ith a slight accent. Due to the .act that they ha%e little interest
in lineage< 4iera ha%e only a single .our=letter na!e@ the letter
?C? is .re7uently used in (lace o. a %o-el. Sa!(le 4iera na!es
include *ena< ;tCn< Jote< and *ael.
+uge< !uscled< and shaggy< the 5eti is as (o-er.ul and
relentless as an a%alanche. D-elling at the %ery .ringes o.
ci%ilisation< these a(e=like hu!anoids are (er.ectly ada(ted to
li.e in bitter tundra and icy !ountain (eaks@ their li!bs are
strong< their hands (o-er.ul enough to kee( a gri( on sheer
ice< their cla-s ca(able o. digging all but the hardest o. rocks<
their teeth ade(t at tearing .lesh and crushing bone. Aarge .eet
(ro%ide e'tra traction on .roEen ground and (re%ent the! .ro!
sinking into sno- dri.ts@ .or this reason< the 5eti is also kno-n
as ,ig.oot in (laces. 8ther na!es gi%en to 5eti include
Sas7uatch< Sno-!an< and 6endigo.
Though they are insulated by thick< leathery skin and a layer
o. long .ur< a 5eti?s true de.ense against the cold is a lo-
natural body te!(erature@ the colder the en%iron!ent< the
lo-er the te!(erature di(s. 0e!bers o. this s(ecies -ho li%e in
sub=Eero cli!ates are actually ca(able o. breathing ice
(articles< and can e%en e'hale !iniature bliEEards .ro! their
.reeEing lungs.
2itA. +ata
*e(resentati%esK :!aro F994IH
+eightK #.0 > #.#! F0aleH X 1." > #.0! F9e!aleH
6eightK 10 > ##0kg F0aleH X 170 = 1"0kg F9e!aleH
9ur ColorsK 6hite< bro-n< red< gold
&ye ColorsK 5ello-< black< bro-n< red
+abitatsK 0ountains< 9orest< Tundra< :nderground #1 > 30 years
5oung = 1 > # years
$%erage = 4 > 11 years
8ld = #0 > #1 years
5eti society begins -here !ost other races gi%e u( entirely >
treacherous !ountain (eaks and ho-ling< sno-=co%ered -astes
-here only the hardiest o. li.e .or!s sur%i%e. In these
conditions< ci%ilisation is su(er.luous@ .ood is hunted do-n and
killed< shelter co!es in the .or! o. natural ca%erns and burro-s
hastily dug out o. the hea(ed sno-< and (ossessions are li!ited
to -hat can be carried > so!eti!es no !ore than a club or a
necklace o. tro(hies.
+arsh conditions ser%e to kee( nu!bers s!all. 2o!adic
tribes rarely nu!ber !ore than ten to .i.teen at a ti!e< hunting
in grou(s o. t-o or three< though 5eti are .ar !ore co!!on as
indi%iduals than as grou(s. &%en .a!ilies are te!(orary
arrange!ents< lasting only .ro! !ating until such a ti!e as the
cou(le?s o..s(ring are ca(able o. .ending .or the!sel%es >
ty(ically bet-een one and t-o years. $t this (oint< the young
5eti usually strike out on their o-n< and the cou(le se(arates
until the ne't !ating season.
,ecause o. their isolated habitat< 5eti rarely co!e into contact
-ith other races< gi%ing the! so!ething o. a !ythical status
a!ong naturalists. Those li%ing in the coldest< bleakest areas
ty(ically attack other hu!anoids on sight< treating the! no
di..erently .ro! any ani!al or !onster. In !ore hos(itable
en%iron!ents< that aggression is traded .or reclusi%eness< albeit
Custi.iedly so@ because o. their !onstrous natures< it is not
unco!!on .or 5eti to be used as s(ort by unscru(ulous
hunters or .all %icti! to .rightened %illagers. 5eti -ho d-ell
-ithin reach o. a co!!unity tend to be e'cessi%ely cautious
creatures< staying .ar a-ay .ro! (rying eyes and e!erging .ro!
their sa.ety o. their lairs only under co%er o. night or .og.
5eti are straight.or-ard< unco!(licated thinkers. So!e -ould
characterise the! as stu(id< but it is better to think o. the! as
guileless@ the brutal si!(licity o. day=to=day e'istence in 5eti
society does not re-ard any thinking !ore intellectual than
V6here I get .oodGW Their strength and e'ce(tional %igor !akes
.orce a natural and regular (art o. the co!!unications (rocess@
debates are .re7uently resol%ed by -ho can land the heartiest
blo-s. To gain a 5eti?s res(ect re7uires the strength to beat hi!
in a !an=to=!an battle< though bra%ery is an acce(table
substitute > 5eti .igure that anybody -ith enough con.idence to
stare the! do-n -ithout 7uailing is (robably -orth listening to.
In the sa!e %ein< 5eti si!(ly do not ha%e the i!agination or
so(histication .or culture shock. I. dro((ed into high=tech
society< they are !ore likely to shrug at > or s!ash > the
de%ices they encounter rather than stare in ra(t a!aEe!ent.
This attitude can be a great boon to ad%enturing
(arties@ .aced -ith an un.a!iliar situation< 5eti are .ar !ore
likely to kee( their heads on straight than other races.
$s they ha%e little use .or language< their take on the Co!!on
Tongue is so!e-hat crude. 5eti ( to (ut -hat others say
-ith -ords into a !ighty roar or a s-ing o. a club.
Con%ersationally< they are creatures o. little subtlety< al-ays
searching .or the .astest resolution to a situation@ (oor
di(lo!ats< i. e'cellent interrogators. 5eti na!es are short< built
o. one=syllable blocks each ending in a %o-el. This construction
is deliberate< allo-ing those na!es to be bello-ed > one
syllable at a ti!e > across !ountainto(s and gorges to
!a'i!ise the echo e..ect< and -ith it the distance the sound
carries. &'a!(les o. this style o. na!ing include $kuna< ;isatu<
and 2uka.
9or si!(licity?s sake< the 99*P/Ds races only in their
$ttributes< a((earance< and background. This allo-s the races
to be balanced against each other in ca!(aigns -here non=
hu!ans are the nor!< !aking no one race decisi%ely better
than the rest. In ca!(aigns -here non=hu!an characters are a
no%elty rather than a .act o. li.e< ho-e%er< it !ay !ake sense to
di..erentiate the!< gi%ing their (hysiology and abilities actual
ga!e(lay i!(lications. The o(tional rules in this section
so!e suggestions on ho- /0s can acco!(lish this.
,ecause o. .unda!ental di..erences in (hysiology< so!e races
are better > or -orse > at certain acti%ities than others. $ tiny
Tarutaru< .or instance< -ould ha%e !ore trouble li.ting a
boulder than a hulking 5eti< -hile an agile 0ithra has better
hand=eye coordination than a lu!bering 3u. 0ost o. these
di..erences are re.lected by the races? $ttributes< but there are
so!e things that go beyond the sco(e o. a si!(le statline. To
re.lect this< non=hu!an characters can be gi%en a *acial
0odi.ier to certain Task Checks. $ *acial 0odi.ier can be either
a bonus or a (enalty< and stacks -ith Synergy and
&nhance!ent ,onuses. Suggested 0odi.iers .or se%eral races
are listed belo-.
+ouble-6ointed .e$s
Thanks to the structure o. their legs< Crei!ire can Cu!( .urther
and sur%i%e greater .alls than other races. Crei!ire gain a Z#0
*acial 0odi.ier on any $crobatics and Cli!bing rolls -here these
abilities are bene.icial.
+ense (od)
D-ar%es ha%e intense di..iculty s-i!!ing due to the natural
density o. their bodies. D-ar%es a =30 *acial 0odi.ier on
all S-i!!ing rolls< regardless o. the circu!stances.
Heat 'oleran#e
$ D-ar. can endure higher te!(eratures than !ost< .lourishing
e%en in the !idst o. !olten la%a. D-ar%es gain a Z40 *acial
0odi.ier on Sur%i%al rolls !ade in desert and %olcanic
en%iron!ents< though only -hen their (ersonal sur%i%al is
"mall "i7e
Due to their di!inuti%e siEe< 0oogles gain a Z#0 *acial
0odi.ier on Stealth rolls and $ttribute Checks in situations
-here their s!all stature is bene.icial.
!at An)t/in$
$ 3u can .ind nourish!ent in anything< digesting rocks and
sands as readily as a .ine roast. 3u gain a Z40 *acial 0odi.ier
on Sur%i%al rolls !ade .or .oraging .ood< though only .or the 3u
itsel. > other races si!(ly don?t ha%e the sto!ach .or it.
Cold 'oleran#e
Due to their high body te!(eratures< *onso can -eather .ar
colder cli!ates than !ost other races. *onso gain a Z#0 *acial
0odi.ier on Sur%i%al rolls !ade in arctic and cold en%iron!ents<
though only -hen their (ersonal sur%i%al is concerned.
"mall "i7e
Due to their di!inuti%e siEe< Tarutaru gain a Z#0 *acial
0odi.ier on Stealth rolls and $ttribute Checks in situations
-here their s!all stature is bene.icial.
$ 5eti is ca(able o. li%ing co!.ortably in sub=Eero te!(eratures<
and ha%e little to .ear .ro! such en%iron!ents. 5eti gain a Z40
*acial 0odi.ier on Sur%i%al rolls !ade in arctic and cold
en%iron!ents< though only -here their (ersonal sur%i%al is
In situations -here the senses co!e into (lay< 99*P/
characters use their $-areness Skill to deter!ine -hat they (ick
u(. $s this Skill co%ers e%ery sense< a character?s sight< s!ell<
and hearing are all assu!ed to be e7ually good. $s the
descri(tions gi%en o%er the course o. this cha(ter !ake clear<
though< this is not strictly the case .or e%ery race. To re.lect
this< /0s can a((ly *acial 0odi.iers to non=hu!an characters?
$-areness rolls de(ending on the senses being used. $ table o.
suggested !odi.iers has been gi%en belo-< breaking $-areness
do-n into the si' senses used by !onsters in $((endi' II and
o..ering a((ro(riate *acial 0odi.iers .or each. $ny sense -ith a
strikethrough F===H is not naturally a%ailable to the race in
Ta%le 0&2' Racial Senses
RACE ;A< =*S*+> >*G?T =*S*+> S(E99 ?EAR*>G 9*FE SE>SE (AG*C SE>SE
lurar 0 0 0 0 --- ---
8argaa -20 -20 0 20 --- ---
Cre|r|re -10 -10 10 10 --- ---
0Warl -10 10 0 0 --- ---
E|l 0 0 0 0 --- ---
0a||a 0 0 0 0 --- ---
V|lrra 0 10 10 10 --- ---
Voog|e 0 0 0 0 --- 0
Nu Vou 0 0 0 0 --- 20
0u 0 0 0 0 --- ---
Rorso 0 0 0 0 --- 0
Yel| 0 0 0 0 --- ---
Tarularu 0 0 0 0 --- 0
varg -10 10 10 10 --- ---
v|era 10 10 0 20 --- 0
9inally< races !ay be di..erentiated by use o. Traits. 6hile so!e
o. the uni7ue attributes o. certain races can be co%ered by the
$d%anced Traits gi%en in $((endi' I4< others are best
re(resented by the ne- $d%anced Traits (resented belo-.
.imited Fli$/t
&..ectK 0oogles ha%e s!all -ings on their back< though they
cannot .ly< only ho%er > and e%en then only -hen
unencu!bered. Doing so is a tiring (rocess< li!iting the a!ount
o. ti!e a 0oogle can .easibly s(end airborne.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousH K ,y s(ending 1 Point< a 0oogle
character can use her -ings to (ass o%er obstacles< a%oid tra(s<
co%er i!(assable terrain< or esca(e a treacherous situation.
3#e (reat/
&..ectK Though not (otent enough to use as a -ea(on< a 5eti?s
breath is still cold enough to .reeEe obCects< (ro%ided these are
no larger than a tankard o. ale or a (uddle o. -ater.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousH K ,y s(ending 1 Point< a 5eti
character can use his cold breath to aid hi!sel. or the (arty.
C/ild of t/e Forest
&..ectK 4iera ha%e a close relationshi( -ith their nati%e -oods<
and are at a signi.icant ad%antage -hen in their ?ho!e tur..?
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< a 4iera
character can recognise and by(ass the (o-ers used to cloak
4iera %illages .ro! outsiders.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousH K ,y s(ending 1 Point -hile in her
nati%e .orest< a 4iera character can co!!unicate -ith the
-oods to locate any other 4iera nati%e to the .orest< e%en i. they
are not currently in the area. Aocations obtained in this !anner
-ill be %ague rather than direct FV&sle has (assed through the
cold !ountains into the ri.t o. ancient battle.WH and !ay re7uire
inter(retation to be o. any use to the (arty. $lternately< the
4iera can .ind the e'act location o. any and all non=4iera li.e
.or!s currently -ithin the .orest< as -ell as ones that ha%e
recently (assed through the -oods. This e..ect should be
li!ited to 4iera -ho ha%e recently le.t their .orest< and not be
a%ailable to long=ter! e'iles.
The .ollo-ing list reca(s so!e o. the !ost i!(ortant conce(ts
introduced in this cha(ter .or 7uick re.erence.
*acial 0odi.ierK $ !odi.ier i!(osed to a Task Check as a
result o. a race?s uni7ue (hysiology.

)e$e$ber that you a#one (hoose
the path on hi(h you a#%.&
Ei!o#on )a$uh
8ne does not beco!e a !aster s-ords!an or legendary !age
by luck alone@ training and e'(erience both (lay an i!(ortant
(art in the sha(ing o. a hero. &ach o. the .our Classes in the
99*P/ > 6arrior< &'(ert< $de(t and 0age > dra-s its (o-er
.ro! a slightly di..erent source. 9ighters ta( on chi and (hysical
(o-er< 0ages on the natural .orce o. !agic< &'(erts on their
e'(ertise and ingenuity< and $de(ts on a co!bination o. all
three. These .our Classes are di%ided into a nu!ber o. se(arate
(ro.essions based on the heroes and heroines o. the 9inal
9antasy series > cra.ty &ngineers< sneaky Thie%es< deadly
2inCa< noble Dragoons< and !ore are all re(resented here.
The Jobs (resented o%er the course o. this cha(ter .ollo- a
standard .or!at. $.ter a brie. introduction< each has a ?Job
(ro.ile? containing the .ollo-ing in.or!ationK
$ttribute ,onuses are gi%en be.ore the (ro.ile (ro(er.
$dded to a character?s *acial 0a'i!u!s< these deter!ine the
ca(s .or the character?s $ttributes as a -hole as described in
Cha(ter #.
*e(resentati%es lists characters in the 9inal 9antasy series
that are either kno-n !e!bers o. the Job in 7uestion or
e!body !any o. its 7ualities. The ga!e each character .eatured
in is gi%en in F(arenthesesH.
+P Die is used to calculate the Job?s +it Points at character
generation and u(on gaining a Ae%el as described in Cha(ter
0P Die is used to calculate the Job?s 0agic Points at
character generation and u(on gaining a Ae%el as described in
Cha(ter #.
6ea(ons lists the 6ea(on ty(es this Job is (ro.icient -ith.
6ea(on ty(es not listed in a JobDs (ro.ile !ay not be -ielded by
a character unless they ha%e the $d%antage S(ecial Training.
The one e'ce(tion to this are Thro-n 6ea(ons< -hich !ay be
used by all Jobs.
$r!or lists the $r!or ty(es this Job is (ro.icient -ith. $r!or
ty(es not listed in a Job?s (ro.ile !ay not be -orn by a
character unless they ha%e the $d%antage S(ecial Training.
$ccuracy ,onus %aries .ro! Job to Job< and is used to
calculate to the character?s $ccuracy as (er Cha(ter #.
Skill Points gi%e the nu!ber o. Skill Points a character o. this
Job can s(end at character creation.
Skill $(titude lists the Skill Category the character can buy
Skills at hal. cost .ro!.
The Job?s $bility Set is (resented a.ter the (ro.ile< (resenting
each indi%idual $bility in an easy=to=read .or!at. 9or S(ell=
casting Jobs< the $bility Set also contains a table sho-ing -hen
ne- S(ells are gained< i. a((licable.
! A%ilities and T@o Aeapons
:nless its descri(tion says other-ise< all o..ensi%e $bilities are
li!ited to a single 6ea(on at a ti!e. I. the character has !ore
than one 6ea(on e7ui((ed< decide -hich one to use.
6arriors !ake u( the .ront line o. any battle< .earlessly charging
into the thick o. a .ray -ithout any regard to (ersonal sa.ety.
Their ability to deal and recei%e da!age in e7ual !easure
!akes the! essential in (rotecting the (artyDs -eaker !e!bers
and a .or!idable .orce in their o-n right.
$l!ost all 6arriors deri%e their (o-ers .ro! the !ani(ulation
o. chi< the natural energy that .lo-s through all li%ing beings. ,y
si(honing o.. (ortions o. their o-n chi or o(ening their bodies
to its a!bient .lo-< 6arriors can in.use their attacks -ith
additional (o-er or (er.or! su(erhu!an .eats o. athleticis!.
This allo-s the! to use their talents al!ost inde.initely > or at
least until as long as they still dra- breath.
$rchers are !aster bo-!en< ca(able o. channeling i!!ense
(o-ers through the arro-s they .ire. 6here others belie%e in
brute strength< the $rcher?s .orte lies in (recision and
discretion. Schooled as sni(ers< hunters< and rangers< !ost
$rchers learn to -ork inde(endently early on in their careers.
This gi%es the! the .le'ibility needed to set u( targets o.
o((ortunity< .iring .ro! une'(ected 7uarters -ith e%ery
intention o. !aking the .irst shot the .inal one. 6hether the
7uarry in 7uestion is !onster< ani!al< or hu!an is i!!aterial@
once a target has been co!!itted to< the $rcher?s only concern
is its s-i.t and e..icient eli!ination. $ll o. this encourages a
(atient< cool=headed< e%en ruthless breed o. (erson@ only in a
state o. absolute cal! can the $rcher?s true (otential un.old.
Arcrer 15 10 15 10 5 5
*e(resentati%esK $rcher Job F99III< 99T< 99T$H< *anger Job
F99JIH< +unter Job F994< 99JI< 99T$H< Sni(er Job F99T$H<
0ustadio ,unanEa F99TH< ,arret 6allace F994IIH
+P DieK d10
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK ,oo!erangs< ,o-s< Crossbo-s< *i.les
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< Suits< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z30
Skill PointsK #40
Skill $(titudesK 6ilderness
The $rcher?s talent -ith a ranged -ea(on is un(aralleled. 6ith
al!ost !ini!al e..ort< he can .ocus his -ill into an (roCectile<
strike disabling blo-s< or unleash a -ithering barrage o. .ire at
his o((onents.
'ake Aim .e,el 1
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F#H
The $rcher enters a state o. absolute concentration< .ocusing
e%ery .iber o. his being on tracking the targetDs !o%e!ents to
strike -ith absolute accuracy. Take $i! in.licts 100Q< $r!or
Physical da!age on the targeted co!batant< striking
auto!atically. In addition< i. the 6ea(on being used in the
attack has an &7ui(!ent $bility that allo-s it to in.lict Status
Conditions< their CoS is increased by Z30. This does not a..ect
any I!!unities the target (ossesses.
C/ar$e .e,el 8
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction FCT %ariesH
,y storing u( chi energy as he -aits .or the (er.ect shot< an
$rcher can strike -ith greater (o-er and .orce -hen he .inally
!akes his attack.
The (o-er o. Charge de(ends both on the $rcherDs Ae%el and
ho- long he is (re(ared to charge an attack .or. $t Ae%el < the
$rcher can do 1#1Q< $r!or da!age by charging .or 4 ticks<
striking auto!atically@ at higher Ae%els< he gains the ability to
charge longer .or increased da!age< but !ay al-ays choose to
use Charge -ith a shorter CT in e'change .or reduced da!age.
The table belo- gi%es the e'act breakdo-n.
Ta%le 1&1' Car.e ;ama.e
Crarge 1 8 25 1
Crarge 2 29 50 10
Crarge 3 13 Z5 11
Crarge 1 1 100 20
.e$ Aim .e,el 15
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F)H
The $rcher takes ai!< .iring a cri((ling shot intended to cut
short the targetDs !o%e!ent. Aeg $i! has a CoS o. De'terity <
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition I!!obiliEe F4H.
Arm Aim .e,el 22
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction FH
Dra-ing a bead< the $rcher lets loose -ith a -ell=(laced shot<
ai!ing to cri((le the targetDs .ighting ability. $r! $i! has a CoS
o. De'terity< &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Disable

M35+(.4% .e,el 29
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F10H
The $rcher dra-s on his bodyDs chi< creating a glo-ing<
iridescent ball o. %ital energy and .iring it at the ene!y in one
s-i.t !otion. 0indblo- in.licts 100Q Physical da!age<
subtracted .ro! the targetDs 0P rather than +P.

'A(.!'1R5!R .e,el 30
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1#H
$n e'(erienced $rcher can !ake an ene!yDs ar!or -ork
against it< striking blo-s -here theyDre least e'(ected.
Tableturner in.licts 100Q Z Target?s $r!or Physical da!age
on the targeted co!batant< striking auto!atically.
Arro* Guard .e,el 43
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
$n $rcher -ho has !astered the art o. setting u( a shot can
(redict -here > and -hen > his o((onents -ill do the sa!e.
$rro- /uard gi%es the $rcher an &%asion bonus e7ual to his
current Ae%el against *anged attacks targeting hi!. This only
a..ects attacks !odi.ied by &%asion > those targeting the Party
or !odi.ied by 0. &%asion are resol%ed as nor!al.
(ARRAG! .e,el 5:
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1)H
,y entering a state o. heightened a-areness and channeling chi
into his !otions< the $rcher can o(en .ire at an entire .or!ation
o. .oes< creating a de%astating hail o. attacks. ,arrage in.licts
100Q< $r!or Physical da!age on all eligible co!batants in
the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. :nlike other Sni(e
$bilities< ,arrage does not o%erride &7ui(!ent $bilities
besto-ed by a!!unition. The $rcher !ay choose -hat
a!!unition > i. any > to use against each indi%idual target. $ny
a!!unition used during the ,arrage is consu!ed as nor!al.
'ripl! F41. .e,el 5;
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1H
Calling on his chi reser%es< the $rcher looses three 7uick shots
at an o((onent< ho(ing to -eaken and disorient the! -ith one
-ell=(laced sal%o. Tri(le 9oul has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion
o. in.licting the Status Conditions Con.usion F)H< Disable F)H<
and Silence F)H@ roll se(arately .or each Status.
15.3M3'!+ "H4' .e,el 04
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F#0H
$t its (innacle< the $rcherDs art allo-s hi! to channel his energy
into a continuous strea! o. !issile .ire< indiscri!inately
(e((ering his .oes -ith shot a.ter shot. :nli!ited Shot allo-s
the $rcher to !ake a series o. increasingly inaccurate attacks<
each striking a rando! o((onent .or 100Q< $r!or Physical
Da!age. The .irst attack has a CoS o. 100@ this decreases by
10 on each subse7uent attack until the $rcher !isses a target<
ending :nli!ited Shot. $s (er the *ule o. 10< the CoS -ill ne%er
go belo- 10.
The pressure of the $o$ent... An
instant of tension... That"s hat... I
have to fa(e a#one...&
Irvine Kinneas
$lso kno-n as Dragon ;nights< Dragoons trace their lineage
back to an ancient order o. dragon=riders reno-ned .or their
skill in aerial co!bat. Their chosen !ount< the 6ind Drake< -as
a s!all< agile dragon ca(able o. .lying at great s(eeds and
e'ecuting de%astating di%e=bo!b attacks that literally crashed
into o((onents .ro! on high< turning the DragoonsD rein.orced
lances into ar!or=s(litting (roCectiles.
+o-e%er< ti!es ha%e changed< and the DragoonsD !ounts are
only a distant !e!ory. To co!(ensate< Dragoons ha%e learned
to harness the (o-ers o. their (redecessorsD long=dead
co!(anions< channeling the Dragon S(irit through their bodies
to recreate techni7ues and attacks o. old.
0ragoor 15 12 10 10 8 5
*e(resentati%esK Dragoon Job F99III< 994< 99JI< 99T< 99T$H<
:hlan Job F99JIIBJH< ;ain +igh-ind F99I4H< Cid +igh-ind F994IIH<
6ard Babac F994IIIH< 9reya Crescent F99IJH
+P DieK d10
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK $'es< ;ni%es< Polear!s< S-ords
$r!orK /auntlets< +el!ets< 0ail< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z30
Skill PointsK #40
Skill $(titudesK 6ea(on
,y dra-ing on the s(irit o. the ancient 6ind Drakes and the
legendary Si' Dragons< a Dragoon can channel the (o-ers o.
dragonkind into a brutal array o. aerial and ground attacks.
0ost Dragoons .a%or s(ears and Ca%elins in co!bat > (artially
out o. res(ect .or the old -ays< (artially to absorb the incredible
kinetic .orce o. their signature Cu!( attacks.
61MP .e,el 1
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction FS(ecial CTH
Calling on the s(irit o. the 6ind Drake< a Dragoon gains the
ability to break the bonds o. gra%ity and soar into the skies -ith
a single bound. Ju!( can carry the Dragoon as .ar as 30 !eters
> %ertically< horiEontally< or a co!bination o. both. I. used as an
attack< it in.licts #00Q< $r!or Physical da!age on the target<
striking auto!atically.
Ju!( essentially .unctions as a Slo- $ction. 8nce the
Dragoon has Ju!(ed< she -ill land during her ne't turn<
regardless o. -hether it takes (lace later in the sa!e *ound or
in the ne't *ound entirely. 6hile in the air< the Dragoon
generates Initiati%e as nor!al< but !o%es too 7uickly to be
targeted@ she -ill not be a..ected by any /rou( attacks targeting
her allies. Status Conditions continue to a..ect the Dragoon and
count do-n as nor!al Nin .light.?
$s -ith any Slo- $ction< anything that -ould (re%ent the
Dragoon .ro! co!(leting the Ju!( > u( to and including the
Dragoon?s +it Points being reduced to 0 or lo-er > -ill
auto!atically cancel it< returning the Dragoon to the .ield o.
battle. :se o. Ju!( !ay be restricted in areas -ith lo- ceilings<
though this is le.t to the /0Ds discretion.
CH!RR< (.4""4M .e,el 8
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F4H
The Dragoon charges her -ea(on -ith the Dragon S(irit<
building u( a critical 7uantity o. energy be.ore hurling it at the
ene!y. $s the -ea(on strikes the ground< the charge releases
in a series o. .iery e'(losions< the i!!ediate area.
Cherry ,losso! strikes auto!atically< in.licting 71Q< $r!or
Physical da!age on all o((onents in the targeted /rou(.
A5C3!5' C3RC.! .e,el 15
TargetK Party Ty(eK Slo- $ction F)H
&%ery Dragoon kno-s that not e%erything -ith scales is a .riend.
,y creating a circle o. (o-er around the (arty< the Dragoon can
in.use all -ea(ons in the area -ith the Dragon S(irit< allo-ing
the! to strike true against -yr!s and their kin. 6hen used<
$ncient Circle gi%es any 6ea(on currently e7ui((ed by the
Dragoon or her allies the &7ui(!ent $bility Dragon ;iller<
allo-ing her to strike Dragon ene!ies .or Z100Q da!age F4H.
.A5C!R .e,el 22
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction FH
Channeling the (o-er o. the *ed Dragon into her -ea(on< the
Dragoon lunges .or-ard -ith bone=shattering .orce. Aancer
in.licts 1#1Q< $r!or Physical da!age on the target< striking
auto!atically@ in addition< 10Q o. the da!age dealt is
subtracted .ro! the targetDs 0P. 0P da!age dealt by Aancer is
not reduced by $*0 or 0. $*0.
R!3"'" %35+ .e,el 29
TargetK Party Ty(eK Slo- $ction F10H
The Dragoon calls u(on the (o-er o. the +oly Dragon *eis<
en%elo(ing her allies in a strea! o. li.e .orce that besto-s the
Status Condition *egen F4H.
+RAG45/ear' .e,el 30
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK *eaction
The Dragoon shrouds hersel. in the (o-er o. the Dragon S(irit<
entrusting her li.e to its !ercies. 6hen triggered< Dragonheart
has a .lat CoS o. 30Q o. besto-ing the Status Condition
*eraise F[H. This $bility !ay only be used once (er battle or
*eaction TriggerK Physical Da!age< 0agical Da!age
%H3'! +RA% .e,el 43
TargetK SingleXParty Ty(eK Slo- $ction F14H
The Dragoon su!!ons the (o-er o. the 6hite Dragon in a
s-ee(ing -hite !ist that encircles the ene!y< draining their
!agical energies be.ore dissi(ating in a sho-er o. !ana=rich
(articles. 6hite Dra- in.licts 100Q< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age
to the targetDs 0P. 8nce da!age has been calculated< e%ery
acti%e character -ith an 0P Die in the Party gains F0P Drained
X 2u!ber o. $cti%e Characters in Party -ith 0P DiceH 0P.
P4%!R 61MP .e,el 5:
TargetK S(ecial Ty(eK Slo- $ction FS(ecial CTH
Dragoon %eterans Cu!( high and true< !arshaling their training
to launch (o-er.ul attacks in !id=.light. Po-er Ju!( can carry
the Dragoon as .ar as )0 !eters > %ertically< horiEontally< or a
co!bination o. both.
Po-er Ju!( is in essence three Slo- $ctions -ith a Single
target< each -ith a CT o. 1). The .irst $ction sees the Dragoon
Cu!( into the air. The second $ction is undertaken on the
.ollo-ing turn as the Dragoon re!ains in the air< hurling golden
chi (roCectiles at her targetDs /rou(. These in.lict 110Q< 0.
$r!or 0agical da!age to all acti%e co!batants in the /rou(@
use the DragoonDs 0$/< rather than ST*< to calculate the base
6ea(on da!age. The third occurs on the ne't turn< as the
Dragoon .ires another round o. chi (roCectiles< resol%ed in the
sa!e !anner as the .irst round. 8nce da!age calculation is
co!(lete< the Dragoon then lands on her original target<
in.licting #00Q< $r!or Physical da!age. ,eyond this< Po-er
Ju!( is subCect to the sa!e rules and restrictions as Ju!(.
+RAG45 (R!A'H .e,el 5;
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1H
The Dragoon dra-s on the (o-er o. the rarest o. all -yr!kind<
the t-o=headed dragon< su!!oning t-o s(ectral dragonDs
heads to (erch on her shoulders and consu!e the ene!y -ith
-a%es o. !agical .la!e. Dragon ,reath has a CoS o. De'terity<
0. &%asion o. in.licting FTargetDs 0a'i!u! +P = TargetDs
Current +PH Physical da!age. Da!age dealt by Dragon ,reath
is not !odi.ied by $r!or< but cannot e'ceed """ +P.
+RAG45 H4R5 .e,el 04
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction FS(ecial CTH
0astery o. the Dragoon Ju!( gi%es the Dragoon unri%aled
control o%er her landings< turning a single deadly i!(act into a
series o. brutal< un(redictable (ounces. Dragon +orn can carry
the Dragoon as .ar as 40 !eters > %ertically< horiEontally< or a
co!bination o. both.
:nlike Ju!( and Po-er Ju!(< Dragon +orn has an initial
Charge Ti!e o. #0 ticks be.ore the Dragoon Cu!(s@ during this
ti!e< she can be targeted as nor!al< and is still %ulnerable to
attack. $t the end o. this Charge Ti!e< the Dragoon lea(s into
the air. She does not land i!!ediately during her ne't turn< but
#0 ticks a.ter-ards@ in essence< this is a second Slo- $ction
-ith another CT o. #0.
:(on landing< the Dragoon strikes the initial target
auto!atically .or #00Q< $r!or Physical da!age< then uses
the .orce o. the i!(act to (ro(el hersel. back into the air .or
another attack. *oll a d and consult the table belo- to
deter!ine ho- !any ti!es the Dragoon NbouncesD a.ter the
initial landing.
*oll 2u!ber o. Ju!(s
1 1
# = 4 #
1 = 7 3
&%ery subse7uent NbounceD auto!atically strikes a rando!ly
deter!ined co!batant in the initial targetDs /rou(< in.licting
71Q< $r!or Physical da!age -ith e%ery strike. ,eyond this<
Dragon +orn is subCect to the sa!e rules and restrictions as
Ju!( and Po-er Ju!(.
The 9encer is the -ind. 6hile easily !istaken .or any other
.ighter .ro! a distance< the 9encer is a co!(letely di..erent
beast. 6ea%ing and dodging bet-een .oes< theirs is a !obility
that the a%erage -arrior struggles to !atch@ their -ea(ons are
as !uch the style and grace they bring to the battle as the
-ea(ons they carry. To acco!!odate this< 9encers .a%or .ast
ar!s such as ra(iers and .oils and esche- hea%ier< !ore
cu!berso!e ar!or in co!bat< relying on re.le'es and (anache
to see the! through.
Fercer 10 10 15 15 5 5
*e(resentati%esK 9encer Job F99T$H
+P DieK d10
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK ;ni%es< Aight S-ords< S-ords
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< Suits< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z30
Skill PointsK #40
Skill $(titudesK 6ea(on
So!e s-ords!en rely on brute .orce@ others use inner !ight or
!agical (o-er. The 9encer?s tools are s(eed and (ersistence<
turning si!(le attacks into a .lurry o. !o%e!ent ca(able o.
con.ounding and destroying any o((onent.
"%Armstrike .e,el 1
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F#H
The 9encer thrusts his blade .or-ard -ith a .lash o. chi< creating
a buEEing s-ar! o. ethereal insects that bite and sting the
target. S-ar!strike has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition Poison F[H.
R!F.e= .e,el 8
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
9encers -ith a little e'(erience under their belts gain an
uncanny eye .or i!(ending danger< allo-ing the! to react to
attacks -ith al!ost su(ernatural s(eed. *e.le' grants the
9encer a FAe%el X #H bonus to his &%asion.
F!A'H!R(.4% .e,el 15
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F)H
The 9encer brings his blade around in a -ide s-ee(< creating a
trail o. raEor=edged -hite .eathers that cut into the target.
9eatherblo- in.licts F10 ' $/IH Z 3d< 0. $r!or 6ind
&le!ental da!age< striking auto!atically.
GR!A"!+ .3GH'535G .e,el 22
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
$ skilled 9encer learns to strike -ith s-i.tness rather than .orce<
turning his attacks into .ast< un(redictable lunges that kee( his
.oes o..=balance. /reased Aightning allo-s the 9encerDs $ttack
$ctions to ignore any *eactions they -ould nor!ally trigger@ his
attacks are si!(ly too .ast to allo- an o((onent to counter.
"HA+4%"'3C .e,el 29
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F10H
The 9encer -hirls his blade around the target< calling the
o((onentDs o-n shado- to rise u( and entangle the!.
Shado-stick in.licts F14 ' $/IH Z 4d< $r!or Shado-
&le!ental da!age< striking auto!atically@ in addition< it has a
CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition
$gility ,reak F4H.
CH!Cmate .e,el 30
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1#H
:sing only the ti( o. his blade< the 9encer dra-s the outline o. a
deathDs head around his o((onent. $s the last stroke is !ade<
the i!age solidi.ies< turning into a (hantas!al skull that entra(s
the target. Check!ate has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Conditions Conde!ned F4H and Slo- F4H@
roll se(arately .or each Status.
"%A..4%'A3. .e,el 43
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F14H
The 9encer begins to s(in and (irouette< (icking u( s(eed until
he has turned into a -hirling der%ish that cuts and slices its -ay
through the ene!y -ithout !ercy. S-allo-tail in.licts F1) '
$/IH Z 1d< $r!or Physical da!age on all co!bats in the
targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
MAnastrike .e,el 5:
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1)H
The 9encer lunges .or-ard< sto((ing his blade Cust short o.
striking the target@ at that instant< the targetDs !ana reser%es
are dra-n out and solidi.y< shattering as the 9encerDs blade
thrusts through. 0anastrike in.licts F#0 ' $/IH Z 4d1#< 0.
$r!or 0agical da!age< striking auto!atically@ the total is
subtracted .ro! the targetDs 0P< rather than +P.
53GH'HA% .e,el 5;
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1H
The 9encer s-ings his blade and creates a dark ri((le that
instantly solidi.ies into a bolt o. (o-er< striking the target .ro!
on high. 2ightha-k in.licts F#7 ' $/IH Z 1d1#< 0. $r!or
Shado- &le!ental da!age< striking auto!atically.
P3!RC!'HR41GH .e,el 04
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F#0H
/athering chi< the 9encer ste(s .or-ard and strikes< creating a
surging crescent o. energy that tears through the targetDs
de.enses. Piercethrough in.licts F3# ' $/IH Z 1d1# Physical
da!age< striking auto!atically.
The 9ighter is the -arrior in its (urest .or!< e!bodying the
soldiers< !ercenaries< ad%enturers< and -anderers -ho !ake
their li%ing by the s-ord and gather their cra.t .ro! bitter
e'(erience. 8ther -arriors s(end their li%es (er.ecting a single
techni7ue or honing their talents in a (articular ty(e o. -ea(on@
9ighters !erely learn to sur%i%e< (icking u( e%ery trick and
tactic they can. Though their attacks lack the .inesse and .lash
o. the other (ro.essions< the 9ighterDs broad .ocus !akes her a
.or!idable (resence.
F|grler 15 15 10 10 5 5
*e(resentati%esK /ladiator Job F99T$H< 9ighter Job F99I< 99IIIH<
S7uire Job F99TH< 6arrior Job F99JIH
+P DieK d1#
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK $'es< ,oo!erangs< ,o-s< Cla-s< Crossbo-s< 9lails<
/lo%es< /reats-ords< ;ni%es< ;atana< Aight S-ords< 2inCa
,lades< Polear!s< *ods< Sta%es< S-allo-s< S-ords
$r!orK $r!-ear< /auntlets< +el!ets< +ats< 0ail< Suits< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z30
Skill PointsK #40
Skill $(titudesK 6ea(on
The 9ighterDs .orte is %ersatility< not techni7ue. $ good 9ighter
uses e%ery -ea(on at her dis(osal and e%ery edge she can .ind
in the na!e o. ulti!ate %ictory< a .act re.lected in the 9ighter?s
M3GH'< "trike .e,el 1
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F#H
9ocusing on a lone o((onent< the 9ighter gathers her strength
.or an all=or=nothing blo- in the ho(es o. striking so!e -eak
(oint > a rent in the ar!or< a loose scale< a %ulnerable
*oll .or 0ighty Strike as you -ould .or a nor!al $ttack $ction<
hal%ing the 9ighterDs $ccuracy a.ter !odi.ying .or the targetDs
&%asion. I. the attack is success.ul< 0ighty Strike in.licts #00Q<
$r!or Physical da!age on the targeted co!batant. &7ui(!ent
$bilities !ay be used in this attack< and e..ects that increase the
likelihood o. a Critical +it a..ect the CoS o. 0ighty Strike by an
e7ual a!ount > Z1 or Z10 .or Signature 6ea(on@ Z10 or
Z#0 .or CriticalZ and CriticalZZ res(ecti%ely. +o-e%er< 0ighty
Strike itsel. cannot score Critical +its.
'H3R+ !)e .e,el 8
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK 9ast $ction
,y entering a state o. absolute concentration< the 9ighter can
brace .or i!(ending attacks and !ake sure she stays out o.
har!Ds -ay. Third &ye allo-s a 9ighter to auto!atically e%ade
the ne't Physical attack that success.ul hits the!< regardless o.
their current &%asion F#H. This is a .i'ed e..ect< and does not
i!(ro%e -ith consecuti%e uses o. this $bility. 8nce the attack
has been dodged< Third &ye has no .urther e..ect until this
$bility used again.
"#ream .e,el 15
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK 9ast $ction
6ith an ear=shattering battlecry< the 9ighter releases her chi
reser%es in a blood=colored e'(losion o. (o-er< su..using e%ery
.iber o. her being -ith energy. Screa! besto-s the Status
Conditions Po-er :( F4H and $gility :( F4H.
>13C H3' .e,el 22
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
The 9ighter lea(s to the attack in a blur o. !otion< striking and
retreating in a s(lit second. 3uick +it in.licts 71Q< $r!or
Physical da!age on the targeted co!batant< striking
auto!atically. In addition to the da!age dealt< the 9ighter gains
a Z bonus on her ne't Initiati%e roll@ this is a .i'ed e..ect< and
does not i!(ro%e -ith consecuti%e uses o. this $bility.
&7ui(!ent $bilities !ay be used in this attack.
+ouble Cut .e,el 29
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F10H
The 9ighter !o%es -ith .la-less s(eed and accuracy< deli%ering
a de%astating one=t-o strike against a ha(less o((onent.
Double Cut consists o. t-o se(arate attacks< each o. -hich
auto!atically strikes the targeted co!batant .or 100Q< $r!or
Physical da!age. &7ui(!ent $bilities !ay be used in these
F3R"' "tR3! .e,el 30
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
$ trained 9ighter is ready .or co!bat at a !o!ent?s notice. 9irst
Strike allo-s the 9ighter to al-ays act in the Pree!(ti%e *ound<
e%en i. no other co!batant can. 8nce the Pree!(ti%e *ound
ends< generate Initiati%e as nor!al.
(45!CR1"H!R .e,el 43
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eaction
Though slo- to (ro%oke< 9ighters can retaliate against an
incautious o((onent -ith skull=shattering .orce. 6hen triggered<
,onecrusher has a CoS o. FAe%el X 3H Z $/I o. allo-ing the
9ighter to !ake an i!!ediate $ttack $ction targeting the
co!batant that da!aged her. *oll to hit as nor!al@ i.
success.ul< the attack in.licts 110Q< $r!or Physical da!age.
&7ui(!ent $bilities !ay be used in this attack.
TriggerK The 9ighter takes Physical da!age
".A"H-A.. .e,el 5:
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1)H
/athering her chi< the 9ighter dissol%es into a blur o.
!o%e!ent< circling around her o((onents to rain blo-s .ro!
e%ery side and angle. Slash=$ll allo-s the 9ighter to in.lict
100Q< $r!or Physical da!age on e%ery eligible co!batant in
the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. &7ui(!ent $bilities
!ay be used in these attacks.
F35A. A''AC .e,el 5;
TargetK S(ecial Ty(eK *eaction
,y dra-ing on her last reser%es o. energy< the 9ighter can
ignore e%en the !ost grie%ous o. -ounds< striking one .inal
blo- -hen itDs least e'(ected. 6hen triggered< 9inal $ttack
allo-s the 9ighter to !ake one $ction. *esol%e the e..ects o.
this $ction i!!ediately< e%en i. it nor!ally -ould re7uire a
Charge Ti!e. 8nce this is done< the 9ighter is rendered
:nconscious@ the only -ay to (re%ent this .ro! ha((ening is by
using the 9inal $ttack on an e..ect that cancels :nconscious.
TriggerK 9ighterDs +P reduced to 0 or lo-er by Physical or
0agical da!age > cannot be triggered by Status Conditions
It (annot en! thus...&
F353"H35G '41CH .e,el 04
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F#0H
,y bringing her -ea(on around in a -ide s-ee(< the 9ighter
creates a ho-ling %orte' o. chi to engul. the target. 9inishing
Touch has a CoS o. De'terity< 0. &%asion o. instantly reducing
the target to 0 +P< regardless o. their current +P score< $r!or<
or 0. $r!or rating@ treat this as a Death e..ect. I. the target
sur%i%es< 9inishing Touch has an additional CoS o. De'terity<
0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Conditions Stone F[H and
Sto( F4H. *oll se(arately .or each Status.
Stoic and (o-er.ul< the ;night is a !aster o. hea%y ar!s<
trained .ro! early on to !o%e .reely in !ail and (late in (laces
-here battle rages the .iercest. The ar!or< ho-e%er< !asks a
dee(er steeling in the soul > a true ;night is a uni%ersal sy!bol
o. guardianshi(< e!bodying all the i!(enetrability o. a .ortress<
the unbending -ill o. a general< and the destructi%e .orce o. a
!ighty siege engine. 9or those he (rotects< the ;night -ould
!o%e hea%en and earth in the na!e o. duty@ .or those -ho
o((ose hi!< death is !eted out -ith s-i.t and clinical (recision.
2ot e%ery ;night is a shining beacon o. %irtue@ there are those
-ho ha%e lost their .aith and (ur(ose< -ho ha%e strayed .ro!
the (ath and into corru(tion. ,ut at their core< e%en these
-ay-ard s(irits ha%e a .ir!ness o. character that !ost -arriors
could ne%er e7ual.
Kr|grl 15 15 10 10 5 5
*e(resentati%esK $delbert Steiner F99IJH< $uron F99JH< ;night
Job F99III< 994< 99TH< Aeo Cristo(he F994IH< Soldier Job F99T$H
+P DieK d10
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK $'es< 9lails< /lo%es< /reats-ords< ;ni%es< Polear!s<
$r!orK /auntlets< +el!ets< 0ail< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z30
Skill PointsK #40
Skill $(titudesK 6ea(on
;nights are the !asters o. destruction< cracking ar!or<
strength< and s(irit -ith their -ell=(laced blo-s be.ore s-ee(ing
their de!oraliEed o((onents aside -ith a (o-er.ul arsenal o.
.inishing !o%es.
.3fe (Rea .e,el 1
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
$ -ounded ;night can !arshal his .leeting chi into (o-er<
channeling that lost li.e .orce into his -ea(on .or a bone=
rattling attack. Ai.e ,reak in.licts F;nightDs 0a'i!u! +P >
;nightDs Current +PH Physical da!age and strikes
auto!atically. Da!age in.licted by Ai.e ,reak can only be
a..ected by ,arrier e..ects > Conditions like Po-er :( and
Po-er ,reak ha%e ha%e no i!(act on Ai.e ,reak.
ARM4R (R!A .e,el 8
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
The ;nightDs -ea(on is bathed in golden light as he lea(s in to
attack< cracking the targetDs de.enses in an e'(losion o. a!ber
.rag!ents. $r!or ,reak has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition $r!or ,reak F)H.
M!5'A. (R!A .e,el 8
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
The ;nightDs -ea(on is surrounded by a blue=green glo- that
.lares as it !akes contact -ith the target< (iercing its !agical
de.enses in a single stroke. 0ental ,reak has a CoS o.
De'terity< &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition 0ental
,reak F)H.
"peed (R!A .e,el 15
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F)H
The ;nightDs -ea(on shi!!ers sky=blue Cust be.ore striking the
target< destroying its re.le'es and coordination. S(eed ,reak
in.licts 1#1Q< $r!or Physical da!age< striking auto!atically@
in addition< it has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o. in.licting the
Status Condition $gility ,reak F)H.
P4%!R (R!A .e,el 22
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
The ;nightDs -ea(on .lashes a %iolent scarlet as it connects<
sa((ing at the targetDs strength and (o-er. Po-er ,reak has a
CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition
Po-er ,reak F)H.
MAG3C (R!A .e,el 22
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
The ;nightDs -ea(on takes on a dee( %iolet hue< gro-ing in
intensity as it slashes at the target and shatters its built=u(
!ana. 0agic ,reak has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o. in.licting
the Status Condition 0agic ,reak F)H.
You p#a(e too $u(h trust in your
Mind (R!A .e,el 29
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F)H
The ;nightDs glo-s night blue as he strikes< shattering his
targetDs s(irits -ith a single blo-. 0ind ,reak in.licts 1#1Q<
$r!or Physical da!age< striking auto!atically@ in addition< it
has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition S(irit ,reak F)H.
'H15+!R ".A"H .e,el 30
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1#H
The ;night di%es at his o((onent< -ea(on raised to the sky as
dark clouds gather o%erhead. Suddenly lightning arcs< earthing
itsel. in the ;nightDs blade at the e'act !o!ent o. i!(act@ the
result is a siEEling shock o. electricity that courses through the
o((onent. Thunder Slash in.licts 110Q< 0. $r!or Aightning
&le!ental da!age< striking auto!atically.
C.3MHA??AR+ .e,el 43
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F14H
The ;night dri%es his -ea(on dee( into an o((onent be.ore
lea(ing u(< dragging his -ea(on -ith hi! to s(ark his %icti!Ds
li.e .orce into a brilliant .lash o. energy. Cli!haEEard in.licts
1#1Q< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age to all co!batants in the
targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
3ai "'R3! .e,el 5:
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1)H
The ;night lea(s at the target< bringing his -ea(on do-n hard
to s(ark a chaotic e'(losion o. chi energy. Iai Strike has a .lat
30Q CoS o. instantly reducing the target to 0 +P< regardless o.
their current +P score< $r!or< or 0. $r!or rating@ treat this as a
Death e..ect. I. the target sur%i%es< Iai Strike in.licts 100Q<
$r!or Physical da!age< striking auto!atically.
"H4C .e,el 5;
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1H
The ;night holds his -ea(on alo.t< channeling his chi into the
blade until it begins to crackle -ith barely su((ressed (o-er.
8ne s-ing .rees the stored energy< creating a cataclys!ic blast
that engul.s the ene!y in blue=-hite light. Shock in.licts 110Q<
$r!or Physical da!age to all acti%e co!batants in the targeted
/rou(< striking auto!atically.
"'4C (R!A .e,el 04
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F#0H
The ;night lea(s .orth and strikes -ith crushing .inality<
(ushing e%ery s(are !ote o. chi into an e'(losion o. ra-
energy. Stock ,reak has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Conditions $r!or ,reak F)H< 0ental ,reak
F)H< Po-er ,reak F)H< and 0agic ,reak F)H. *oll once .or e%ery
acti%e co!batant in the targeted /rou( > i. success.ul< all listed
Status Conditions -ill be added.
! 0on9
0onks are !asters o. unar!ed co!bat< .ighting -ith skills
.or!ed by years o. hard e'ercise and rigorous training. :nlike
other -arriors< 0onks are as deadly e!(ty=handed as ar!ed<
-reaking ha%oc on their o((onents -ith .eet< .ists and any other
(art o. their body they can thro- into an attack. +o-e%er< these
talents re7uire the 0onk to re!ain unencu!bered< !aking
hea%y ar!or !ore o. a hindrance than a $n e'(erienced
0onk thus learns to rely on their o-n .ortitude !ore than any
(iece o. (rotecti%e gear.
There are other tradeo..s as -ell > the 0onkDs her!etic
li.estyle< -ith its e!(hasis on si!(le li%ing and a regi!en o.
de!anding< re(etiti%e e'ercises< takes its toll on the young and
i!(atient. 8nly one in ten trainees e%er ascends to true
!asterhood -ith it@ the !aCority break o.. their education -ith
only a hand.ul o. kata under their belts< culling the nu!bers o.
-ould=be 0onks !ore e..ecti%ely than any .oe.
Vor| 15 15 Z 8 10 5
*e(resentati%esK $!arant Coral F99IJH< 0onk Job F99I< 99III<
994< 99TH< Sabin *ene 9igaro F994IH< Ti.a Aockheart F994IIH<
5ang 9ang Aeiden F99I4H< Bell Dincht F994IIIH
+P DieK d1#
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK Cla-s< 9lails< /lo%es< Sta%es
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< Suits
$ccuracy ,onusK Z30
Skill PointsK #40
Skill $(titudesK 6ea(on
$s a !aster o. unar!ed co!bat< the 0onkDs body is as
dangerous a -ea(on as any s-ord or s(ell. $ 0onk?s !artial
arts thus co!bine cri((ling bare=handed blo-s< s(ectacular
energy attacks< and s(iritual disci(line to de%astating e..ect.
$bilities in the 0artial $rts Set can only be used in conCunction
-ith 6ea(ons that use a d) or d Da!age Die.
(RA%.!R .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
In any other (ro.ession?s training< hand=to=hand .ighting is a
!atter o. last resort. 0onks< ho-e%er< are taught to rely on
their .ists .ro! day one< honing their (ro.iciency to the (oint
-here e%en a si!(le (unch can beco!e a .orce to be reckoned
,ra-ler allo-s a 0onk to !ake t-o attacks against a target
-ith Cla-s< 9lails< /lo%es< Sta%es< or ,ra-ling attacks at the cost
o. a single $ttack $ction. Calculate da!age as i. the 0onk had
!ade t-o se(arate $ttack $ctions against the target< rolling to
hit as nor!al. ,ra-ler?s e..ects do not stack -ith those o. the
T-o 6ea(ons Skill.
P15CH R1"H .e,el 1
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F#H
The 0onk unleashes a .lurry o. ra(id=.ire (unches< .ists !o%ing
.aster than the eye can .ollo-. Punch *ush in.licts 110Q<
$r!or Physical da!age< striking auto!atically.
M!'!4R "'R3! .e,el 8
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F4H
In an i!(ressi%e dis(lay o. strength< the 0onk .orce.ully li.ts the
target o%er her head be.ore s-i.tly su(le'ing it into the ground<
a strike that rattles the battle.ield to its .oundations. 0eteor
Strike in.licts 110Q< $r!or Physical da!age< striking
auto!atically@ in addition< it has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition Con.use F4H.
!AR'H ".A"H .e,el 15
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F)H
The 0onk sla!s the ground -ith one outstretched (al!<
sending a %iolent tre!or that surges through the earth be.ore
eru(ting in a sho-er o. rocks and debris. &arth Slash in.licts
F10 ' 0$/H Z 3d)< 0. $r!or &arth &le!ental da!age on all
acti%e co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
C415'!R .e,el 22
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eaction
,y kee(ing a close eye on her o((onents< the 0onk is able to
!arshal a counterattack at a !o!entDs notice. 6hen triggered<
Counter has a CoS o. FAe%el X #H Z F$/I ' #H o. allo-ing the
0onk to !ake an i!!ediate $ttack $ction targeting the
co!batant that da!aged her. *oll to hit as nor!al@ i.
success.ul< the attack in.licts 100Q< $r!or Physical da!age.
2ote that Counter -ill only trigger once .or each $ttack or
$bility< e%en i. they consist o. !ulti(le indi%idual attacks.
TriggerK The 0onk takes !elee Physical da!age.
Aura CA5545 .e,el 29
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F10H
/athering her chi< the 0onk .ires a searing bea! o. blue=-hite
energy .ro! her (al!s. $ura Cannon in.licts F1" ' 0$/H Z
1d< 0. $r!or +oly &le!ental da!age< striking auto!atically.
Fire +an#e .e,el 30
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1#H
The 0onk releases her built=u( chi in a -a%e o. heat and .la!e<
sending ghostly< .ire=streaked doubles into the .ray to scour
the battle.ield. 9ire Dance in.licts F17 ' 0$/H Z 4d< 0.
$r!or 9ire &le!ental da!age on all acti%e co!batants in the
targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
"41. "P3RA. .e,el 43
TargetK Party Ty(eK 9ast $ction
The 0onk begins to -hirl on the s(ot< gathering s(eed as she
.ocuses her li.e .orce into -a%es o. soothing green (articles that
-ash o%er the (arty. Soul S(iral restores +it Points to the
0onkDs allies at the e'(ense o. the 0onkDs o-n@ the 0onkDs
(layer !ust declare ho- !any +P they -ish to -hen
the $bility is used. The a!ount restored de(ends on the 0onkDs
4IT@ reduce the 0onkDs +P by the chosen a!ount< then consult
the table belo- to see ho- !any +it Points the rest o. the Party
regain. 9or e'a!(le< a 0onk -ith 4IT ## sacri.icing a total o. 40
+P through Soul S(iral -ould restore #00 +P to all allies.
Ta%le 1&2' So"l Spiral Effects
(+>CDS =*T ?P REST+RE; T+ A99*ES
1 - 1 (lP 3acr|l|ced)
5 - 9 (lP 3acr|l|ced x 2)
10 - 11 (lP 3acr|l|ced x 3)
15 - 19 (lP 3acr|l|ced x 1)
20 - 21 (lP 3acr|l|ced x 5)
25 - 29 (lP 3acr|l|ced x )
30 (lP 3acr|l|ced x Z)
RA?4R GA.! .e,el 5:
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1)H
The 0onk enters a slo- s(in< charging u( her chi to loose a
ra(id series o. crescent=sha(ed air blasts at the ene!y. *aEor
/ale in.licts F#1 ' 0$/H Z 4d10< 0. $r!or 6ind &le!ental
da!age on all acti%e co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
+!M3 "H4C .e,el 5;
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1H
*eaching out -ith one hand< the 0onk sends tendrils o. chi to
co!(ress the air around the target< creating a s(here o.
crushing gra%itational .orce. De!i Shock has a CoS o. 0ind< 0.
&%asion o. causing da!age e7ual to 10Q o. the target?s
!a'i!u! +P< not !odi.ied .or $*0 or 0. $*0. *egardless o.
ho- !any +P the target currently (ossesses< De!i Shock !ay
ne%er in.lict !ore than """ da!age. Treat this as a /ra%ity=ty(e
PHA5'4M R1"H .e,el 04
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F#0H
Dra-ing on dee(=seated chi reser%es< the 0onk attacks the
target at blinding s(eed< shi.ting .ro! angle to angle so 7uickly
that outside obser%ers see a %eritable ar!y o. 0onks
descending on the target to beat it into sub!ission. Phanto!
*ush in.licts 300Q< $r!or Physical da!age< striking
auto!atically@ this attack ignores the Da!age Ca(< and !ay
in.lict !ore than """ da!age.

" Sam4rai
Sa!urai are tradition=bound -arriors -ith a !ystical bent.
Though skilled s-ords!en by training< the true secret o. the
Sa!urai?s success lies in their -ea(on o. choiceK the katana.
The !etal o. the katana entra(s a nature s(irit< or ka!i< bound
to the -ea(on during the .orging (rocess@ by learning ho- to
.ree these i!(risoned s(irits< a Sa!urai also gains the ability to
channel those s(irits into an attack. Those -ho distinguish
the!sel%es through their acco!(lish!ents in battle -ill
e%entually learn to e'(and this talent into harnessing the (o-er
o. .ree=roa!ing ka!i o. earth and the ele!ents into e%er !ore
de%astating e..ects. $ .e- ha%e e%en gone beyond this< !o%ing
bare=.ooted o%er lakes on cushions o. -ater s(irits or tra%eling
through the bitterest cold -ithin the aegis o. a s-ar! o. .ire
ka!i. Such !astery< ho-e%er< is the e'ce(tion rather than the
nor!@ Sa!urai -ith such skills are one in a thousand.
3arura| 13 12 10 10 10 5
*e(resentati%esK $uron F99JH< Sa!urai Job F994< 99J=#< 99JI<
+P DieK d10
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK ;atana< ;ni%es< S-ords
$r!orK /auntlets< +el!ets< 0ail
$ccuracy ,onusK Z30
Skill PointsK #40
Skill $(titudesK 6ea(on
The -ord ?,ushido? literally translates to Nthe (ath o. the bra%e
-arrior.? It enca(sulates the Sa!uraiDs code o. !artial conduct<
one that stresses bra%ery< honor< and sel.=disci(line in as -ell
as out o. battle. $ nu!ber o. ,ushido e..ects to
?e'hausting the blade? > this auto!atically in.licts the Status
Condition Curse on the Sa!urai F4H< e%en i. the Sa!urai -ould
nor!ally be i!!une to this Status. 0ake the roll a.ter the
e..ects o. the ability ha%e been resol%ed@ as (er the *ule o. 10<
the CoS -ill ne%er be lo-er than 10< regardless o. the Sa!uraiDs
3Aido .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK Slo- $ction F4ariesH
$ Sa!urai !ay call on a ;atana?s resident s(irit .or assistance
at any (oint in battle. +o-e%er< this talent is not -ithout its
(rice. &ach use o. Iaido has a CoS o. F30 Z Dra- 8ut *atingH
= Sa!urai?s Ae%el o. e'hausting the blade.
&ach ;atana has a uni7ue Iaido e..ect that can only be
accessed -hile the 6ea(on in 7uestion is e7ui((ed. The table
belo- sho-s each ;atanaDs Iaido e..ect.
Ta%le 1&0' *aido Effects
Asrura 3|oW (2) 0roup 1 lrl||cls (2 MAG) ! 2"#$ M. A%&'% Vag|ca| darage
0oorolsu|| 3|oW (2) 3|rg|e 1 lrl||cls (( MAG) ! 2"#$ M. A%&'% Vag|ca| darage
F|al )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (()
Kolelsu 3|oW (() 0roup 5 lrl||cls (( MAG) ! )"#$ M. A%&'% Vag|ca| darage
Voulsurug| 3|oW (() 3|rg|e 5 M,-"$ M. E./0,'- Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Magic Break (#)
Nara|ura 3|oW (#) 3|rg|e 10 8esloWs Regen (#).
Vu|adereru 3|oW (#) 3|rg|e 10 lrl||cls (1 MAG) ! ("#$ M. A%&'% Vag|ca| darage
F|al )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Poison (2)
Kager|lsu 3|oW (1) 0roup 18 lrl||cls (32 MAG) ! ("#$ M. A%&'% Vag|ca| darage lo Vag|c Po|rls
Ra||ouraru 3|oW (1) 0roup 18 lrl||cls (32 MAG) ! ("#$ M. A%&'% L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage
8|zer's Pr|de 3|oW (3*) 3|rg|e 21 8esloWs Haste (#)
0r|||r| 3|oW (3*) 3|rg|e 21 lrl||cls (34 MAG) ! 4"#$ M. A%&'% Vag|ca| darage
Vurasare 3|oW (32) Parly 35 Reslores (34 MAG) ! 4"# lP lo 3arura| ard a|| a|||es
l|uzalacr| 3|oW (32) 0roup 35 lrl||cls (3# MAG) ! 4"#$ M. A%&'% Vag|ca| darage
K|yoror| 3|oW (3() Parly 11 8esloWs Shell (#) ard Protect (#)
Jyuro|usa|ura 3|oW (3() 3|rg|e 11 lrl||cls (35 MAG) ! ("1$ M. A%&'% Vag|ca| darage
F|al )*+ Co3 ol reduc|rg largel lo 0 lP (0ealr-lype ellecl)
leaver's C|oud 3|oW (3#) 0roup 50 lrl||cls (2( MAG) ! ("1$ M. A%&'% Vag|ca| darage
Kagesr|oar| 3|oW (3#) 3|rg|e 50 lrl||cls (26 MAG) ! ("3*$ M. A%&'% Vag|ca| darage
F|al )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (()
3r|raru| 3|oW (31) 3|rg|e 55 lrl||cls ()* MAG) ! ("3*$ M. A%&'% Vag|ca| darage
Craos 8|ade 3|oW (31) 0roup 55 F|al )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#), Slow (#), Poison (2), Confusion (#)
Ro|| separale|y lor eacr 3lalus Cord|l|or
Vasarure 3|oW (2*) 0roup 0 lrl||cls ()4 MAG) ! ("3*$ M. A%&'% Vag|ca| darage
0erj| 8|ade 3|oW (2*) Parly 0 8esloWs Haste (#), Regen (#)
"o1. (la+! .e,el 1
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F4ariesH
,y te!(ering the (o-er o. the blade?s s(irit< a Sa!urai can
release s!all a!ounts o. its energy to in.lict cala!ity u(on his
.oes. Soul ,lade has a CoS o. 0ind< 0. &%asion o. in.licting a
certain Status Condition listed on Table 4=#. &ach ti!e Soul
,lade is used< there is a CoS o. F#0 Z Dra- 8ut *atingH =
Sa!uraiDs Ae%el o. e'hausting the blade.
Ta%le 1&1' So"l /lade Effects
Asrura 3|oW (2) 1 Berserk (#)
0oorolsu|| 3|oW (2) 1 Blind (#)
Kolelsu 3|oW ()) 5 Confusion (#)
Voulsurug| 3|oW ()) 5 Spirit Down (#)
Nara|ura 3|oW (4) 10 Sleep (#)
Vu|adereru 3|oW (4) 10 Poison (2)
Kager|lsu 3|oW (6) 18 Silence (#)
Ra||ouraru 3|oW (6) 18 Element Weak
(ightning! (#)
8|zer's Pr|de 3|oW (1) 21 Slow (#)
0r|||r| 3|oW (1) 21 Disa"le (#)
Vurasare 3|oW (5) 35 Sap (#)
l|uzalacr| 3|oW (5) 35 #rmor Break (()
K|yoror| 3|oW (3*) 11 As Dispel
Jyuro|usa|ura 3|oW (3*) 11 Condemned (()
leaver's C|oud 3|oW (33) 50 Curse (()
Kagesr|oar| 3|oW (33) 50 Stop (()
3r|raru| 3|oW (32) 55 Meltdown (2)
Craos 8|ade 3|oW (32) 55 Charm (()
Vasarure 3|oW (3() 0 Slow (#)
#gilit$ Break (#)
0erj| 8|ade 3|oW (3() 0 Power Break (#)
Magic Break (#)
MineuCH3 .e,el 8
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F4H
Charging his ;atana -ith chi< the Sa!urai deli%ers a s-i.t<
stinging sla( -ith the .lat o. the blade< lea%ing the target daEed
and be-ildered. 0ineuchi has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o.
.orcing the target to gi%e u( its ne't turn this *ound. I. the
target has no .urther $ctions re!aining in the current *ound<
0ineuchi has no e..ect. 0ineuchi auto!atically .ails i. the target
is IKSeal. +o-e%er< each use o. 0ineuchi has a CoS o. F# =
Sa!urai?s Ae%elH o. e'hausting the blade.
M!A'(45! "la"H .e,el 15
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eaction
$ -ounded Sa!urai is a dangerous creature indeed > close to
death< his aggression and deter!ination double. 6hen
triggered< 0eatbone Slash has a .lat CoS o. 10Q o. allo-ing the
Sa!urai to !ake an i!!ediate $ttack $ction targeting the
co!batant that attacked hi!. *oll to hit as nor!al@ i. success.ul<
the attack in.licts FSa!uraiDs 0a'i!u! +PH Physical da!age.
TriggerK The Sa!urai is targeted by Physical da!age -hen at
#1Q or lo-er o. !a'i!u! +P.
+RAG45 Fa5G .e,el 22
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction FH
The Sa!urai (lunges his blade into the earth< releasing an
angry s-ar! o. .ire s(irits to engul. his o((onents. Dragon
9ang in.licts F14 ' 0$/H Z 1d)< 0. $r!or 9ire &le!ental
da!age on all acti%e co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
auto!atically. In addition< it has a .lat CoS o. 30Q o. reducing
each acti%e co!batantDs Initiati%e by 10Q@ roll se(arately .or
each target in the grou(. $s -ith Iaido< each use o. Dragon
9ang has a CoS o. F)# = Sa!uraiDs Ae%elH o. e'hausting the
+ouble/and .e,el 29
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
,y -ielding a -ea(on in t-o hands< a Sa!urai can (ut
additional (o-er in his blo-s. Doublehand allo-s any !ade
$ttack $ctions -hile the Sa!uraiDs Shield Slot is unoccu(ied to
do 1#1Q< $r!or Physical da!age be.ore &7ui(!ent $bilities
are a((lied.
"/44'35G "'AR .e,el 30
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1#H
The Sa!urai rushes .or-ard< dra-ing on e%ery ounce o. (o-er
in his blade to deli%er a blo- (o-er.ul enough to send a .oe
.lying .or !iles at a ti!e. Shooting Star in.licts F1 ' 0$/H Z
4d< 0. $r!or Aightning &le!ental da!age< striking
auto!atically. In addition< it has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o.
&Cecting the target .ro! the battle.ield. $s -ith Iaido< each use
o. Shooting Star has a CoS o. F7) > Sa!uraiDs Ae%elH o.
e'hausting the blade.
"/ira/adori .e,el 43
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
0astery o. the katana is as !uch about de.ense as o..ense. 6ith
this in !ind< an e'(erienced Sa!urai can turn blo-s aside -ith
the edge and .lat o. his blade< greatly increasing his ability to
a%oid inco!ing attacks. Shirahadori grants the Sa!urai an
&%asion bonus o. FSa!uraiDs Current Ae%elH against $ttack
$ctions targeting the! alone@ /rou( and *anged attacks still hit
as nor!al.
(A53"H35G (.A+! .e,el 5:
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1)H
8!inous gly(hs orbit the Sa!uraiDs blade as he gathers (o-er<
dra-ing s(irits o. shado- and darkness around the -ea(on
be.ore releasing the (ent=u( horde in a -ailing rush o. %iolent<
chaotic (o-er. ,anishing ,lade in.licts F# ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0.
$r!or 0agical da!age< striking auto!atically.
In addition< it has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o. in.licting the
Status Conditions $r!or Do-n F)H< 0ental Do-n F)H< Po-er
Do-n F)H< and 0agic Do-n F)H@ roll se(arately .or each Status.
$s -ith Iaido< each use o. ,anishing ,lade has a CoS o. F"0 =
Sa!uraiDs Ae%elH o. e'hausting the blade.
'4R5A+4 .e,el 5;
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1H
The Sa!urai raises his blade sky-ards< surrounding hi!sel.
-ith a roaring %orte' o. -ind s(irits be.ore sending it to-ards
the ene!y -ith a de.t -hirl o. the blade. $s the resulting
tornado begins to suck u( the Sa!uraiDs .oes< he ra!s his
blade dee( into the earth to send a s-ar! o. .ire ka!i into the
!aelstro!. Tornado in.licts F14 ' 0$/H Z 3d10 9ire da!age
and F14 ' 0$/H Z 3d10 6ind da!age in t-o se(arate hits<
striking auto!atically and ignoring 0$*0. $s -ith Iaido< each
use o. Tornado has a CoS o. F"7 > Sa!uraiDs Ae%elH o.
e'hausting the blade.
Meik)o "/isui .e,el 04
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
Dra-ing out a s-ordDs s(irits can be a slo-< laborious (rocess
> too !uch (o-er at once< and the blade shatters al!ost
instantly. +o-e%er< there are ti!es -hen the Sa!urai doesnDt
ha%e the lu'ury o. -aiting. 0eikyo Shisui allo-s a Sa!urai to
ignore the Charge Ti!e on any $bility in the ,ushido $bility Set<
turning all Slo- $ctions into 9ast $ctions. +o-e%er< doing so -ill
auto!atically e'haust the blade< in.licting the Status Condition
Curse F4H in the (rocess@ this Status cannot be canceled be.ore
it e'(ires.

#$ S<ordmaster
Though !any (ro.essions -ield s-ords< none de%ote
the!sel%es to their study as e'tensi%ely as the S-ord!aster.
Aike $rchers< they deri%e their abilities .ro! single=!inded
.ocus< trading %ersatility .or (o-er in the (rocess. $
S-ord!aster strikes -ith such (recision and strength that so!e
-ill surrender u(on seeing no !ore than an inch o. steel
e!erge .ro! her scabbard.
3Wordrasler 15 15 10 10 5 5
*e(resentati%esK Cyan /ara!onde F994IH< Cloud Stri.e F994IIH<
S7uall Aeonhart F994IIIH< Tidus F99JH
+P DieK d10
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK /reats-ords< ;atana< ;ni%es< Aight S-ords< S-ords
$r!orK /auntlets< +el!ets< 0ail< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z30
Skill PointsK #40
Skill $(titudesK 6ea(on
0astery o. the blade !eans !astery o. oneDs (hysical and
!ental abilities. 8nly -hen disci(line< strength< and s(eed are in
(er.ect har!ony can the S-ord!asterDs true (o-er un.old.
+!.A< A''AC .e,el 1
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F#H
Channeling a surge o. chi into her blade< the S-ord!aster
lashes out -ith a disorienting blo-< ai!ing to knock the target
out o. sync .or a .e- (recious !o!ents. Delay $ttack in.licts
100Q< $r!or Physical da!age on the targeted co!batant<
striking auto!atically. In addition< it -ill reduce the targetDs
Initiati%e .or the current *ound by 10Q. I. used against an
o((onent in the (rocess o. e'ecuting a Slo- $ction > or any
other $ction -ith a Charge Ti!e > Delay $ttack auto!atically
cancels the $ction@ the target is instead considered to be in a
De.ense $ction until it can choose its ne't $ction. 0onster
attacks -ith the Countdo-n attribute are i!!une to Delay
+3"PA'CH .e,el 8
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F4H
,y charging her -ea(on -ith s!all a!ounts o. chi< the
S-ord!aster can deli%er a 7uick< de%astating strike -hen it?s
!ost needed. Dis(atch in.licts 1#1Q< $r!or Physical da!age<
striking auto!atically.
FA'!+ C3RC.! .e,el 15
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F)H
The S-ord!aster gathers energy as she brings her s-ord
around in a -ide s-ee(< .or!ing a (er.ect circle at the e'act
!o!ent her chi eru(ts. The result is a -a%e o. energy surging
out in all directions< detonating -here%er it !akes contact -ith
an o((onent. 9ated Circle in.licts 71Q< $r!or Physical da!age
to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
PR424! .e,el 22
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
6ith targeted taunts< the S-ord!aster can dra- an o((onentDs
-rath< distracting the! .ro! !ore %ulnerable targets. Pro%oke
has a CoS o. 10 Z Ae%el Z FSP* ' #H< 0. &%asion o.
(ro%oking a target@ i. success.ul< all o. its attacks !ust target
the S-ord!aster or > i. they are /rou( e..ects > the
S-ord!asterDs Party until either S-ord!aster or target are
inca(acitated. I. the S-ord!aster is not an eligible target<
Pro%okeDs %icti! !ay choose its targets as nor!al. Treat this as
a 0ysti.y=ty(e e..ect.
'ra7en or!s for a $an about to be
spitte! upon $y b#a!e #i%e a p#u$p
an! 8ui(y pig*&
CR4"" ".A"H .e,el 29
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F10H
The S-ord!aster rushes at her .oe< chi=charged -ea(on held
high@ once -ithin striking distance< she deli%ers three brutal
slashes ca(able o. clea%ing any body in t-ain. Cross Slash
in.licts 110Q< $r!or Physical da!age< striking auto!atically.
In addition< it has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o. in.licting the
Status Condition Disable F4H.
"P3RA. C1' .e,el 30
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1#H
The S-ord!aster ra(idly so!ersaults to-ards the target<
striking out on the .inal .li( to her !o!entu! into an
ar!or=(iercing blo-. S(iral Cut in.licts 110Q Physical da!age<
striking auto!atically.
(.A+! (!AM .e,el 43
TargetK S(ecial Ty(eK Slo- $ction F14H
The S-ord!aster begins building u( chi< charging her body to
the breaking (oint be.ore sla!!ing her blade into the ground
to release the (ent=u( energy< creating a crescent=sha(ed -a%e
o. .orce. ,lade ,ea! in.licts 110Q< $r!or Physical da!age to
a single target< striking auto!atically. In addition< 10Q o. the
da!age in.licted a.ter !odi.ying .or $r!or is auto!atically dealt
to all other eligible targets in the original targetDs /rou(.
"'R3!(AC .e,el 5:
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eaction
$ canny S-ord!aster learns to e'(loit the o(enings le.t by an
unsuccess.ul attack< striking o((onents -hen they least e'(ect
it. 6hen triggered< Strikeback gi%es the S-ord!aster a .lat CoS
o. 30Q o. a%oiding the e..ects o. the triggering attack and
launching an i!!ediate $ttack $ction against the o((onent -ho
deli%ered it. *oll to hit as nor!al@ i. success.ul< the attack in.licts
100Q< $r!or Physical da!age.
TriggerK 0elee $ttack $ctions that deal Physical da!age and
target the S-ord!aster
F.urr) .e,el 5;
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1H
The S-ord!aster charges into the !idst o. the ene!y< s-ord
.lashing as she lea(s .ro! .oe to .oe< striking -here o((ortunity
(er!its. 9lurry allo-s the S-ord!aster to attack .our ti!es<
striking a rando! o((onent in the targeted /rou( .or 100Q<
$r!or Physical da!age each ti!e.
C.ea,e .e,el 04
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Slo- $ction F#0H
The ulti!ate S-ord!aster?s techni7ue is the !ost elusi%e o.
the! allK the (er.ect blo-< an attack o. such (urity and .ocus
that it can tear through any o((onent -ithout slo-ing< turning
a single s-ing o. the s-ord into an unsto((able arc o.
destruction. Clea%e has a CoS o. De'terity< &%asion o. instantly
reducing all o((onents in the targeted /rou( to 0 +P<
regardless o. their current +P scores< $r!or< or 0. $r!or
ratings@ treat this as a Death e..ect.

6here 6arriors deri%e their .ocus .ro! -ea(ons and !artial
traditions< &'(erts re%ol%e around s(eci.ic skills and
occu(ational niches. Che!ists< .or e'a!(le< deri%e their (o-ers
.ro! the study o. alche!y< Thie%es .ro! (ick(ocketing and
stealthy !o%e!ent< and ,ards .ro! their singing and
instru!ental skills. The result is a !ore tightly=de.ined (arty
!e!ber -hose use.ulness (eaks in select situations and -hose
.orte lies in su((ort. 6hile able to hold their o-n in a .ight<
&'(erts are al-ays at their strongest in conCunction -ith a -ell=
rounded grou(.
%&' Bard
There are those -ould say that the ,ard is the %ery root o.
ad%enturing herois!. Certainly< -arriors !ay as(ire to be
re!e!bered in story and song< but it is ,ards -ho -rite the
-ords and (en the tunes< gi%ing great deeds the .inal (olish
they need to enter history in (ro(er.
You spoony bar!*&
Though ty(ically !ore at ho!e in a ro-dy (ub than on a
raging battle.ield< ,ards can be in%aluable assets to any
ad%enturing grou(< daEEling .riend and .oe alike -ith a
re(ertoire that see!s to tug at the %ery base o. one?s e!otions.
Their !agic=in.used songs are the cul!ination o. years o.
(ractice and< o..ering a %ersatility only !atched by the
!ost dedicated o. !ages@ -ith a !ere stru! o. the lute< a ,ard
can .ire u( her co!rades? .ighting s(irits or send -a%es o. sonic
de%astation ri((ing through the nearest ene!y .or!ation.
8ard Z Z 11 11 12 12
*e(resentati%esK &d-ard Chris %an 0uir F99I4H< ,ard Job
F99III< 994< 99JI< 99TH< Songstress Dress S(here F99J=#H
+P DieK d
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK ,o-s< ;ni%es< Instru!ents
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< Suits< *obes
$ccuracy ,onusK Z#0
Skill PointsK #)0
Skill $(titudesK $rtistic
&'(ertise 9or!ulaK FSinging *ating X #H Z Ae%el Z FSP* ' #H
The ,ardDs -ea(on is her !usic@ in her hands< a si!(le chord
beco!es a .orce both grand and terrible.
Hid! .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK 9ast $ction
To chronicle that great last stand in (oe! and song !eans
kno-ing -hen to duck out -hen the battle goes bad. +ide
allo-s a ,ard to gi%e u( all other $ctions .or the *ound and
retreat to sa.ety< rea((earing at the start o. the ne't Status
Phase. :ntil then< the ,ard is not considered an acti%e
co!batant and cannot be targeted.
!le$) .e,el 1
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F#H
The .oreboding !elody o. this song rings hea%y -ith !e!ories
o. senseless slaughter and li%es lost in %ain< in%iting the listener
to d-ell on its !essage .or a .e- (recious !o!ents. &legy has a
CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. reducing the targets? Initiati%e
by #1Q. *oll se(arately .or e%ery eligible co!batant in the
targeted /rou(.
.4G3CA. !'1+! .e,el 1
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F#H
The ,ard strikes u( a song that de!ands attention< dra-ing the
listener?s .ocus to the (recise inter(lay o. !elody and rhyth!.
Aogical &tude besto-s the Status Condition S(irit :( F4H.
Mambo .e,el 1
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F#H
The rousing< energetic rhyth! o. this .la!enco all but de!ands
!o%e!ent< lea%ing listeners s-aying and ta((ing against their
-ill. 0a!bo besto-s the Status Condition $gility :( F4H.
%A'!r Rondo .e,el 1
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F#H
*ising like the tide< cascading notes call .orth reser%oirs o. long=
buried -ater to eru(t beneath the ene!y. 6ater *ondo in.licts
F1 ' 0$/H Z d1#< 0. $r!or 6ater &le!ental da!age to all
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
!soteri# melod) .e,el 1:
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F4H
$ har!onious !elody begins< s-elling u( to a !agni.icent
crescendo > then sto(s< lea%ing a terrible silence that see!s to
sa( the energy .ro! the air itsel.. &soteric 0elody besto-s the
Status Condition 0ental :( F4H.
.1..A(< .e,el 1:
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F4H
In ancient ti!es< this song -as used to lull babies to slee(@
today< its (eace.ul !elody still li%es on< (aci.ying e%en the
.iercest o. .oes. Aullaby has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition Slee( F4H. *oll se(arately .or
e%ery eligible co!batant in the targeted /rou(.
Minne .e,el 1:
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F4H
9rag!ents o. this ancient (iece ha%e .or!ed the basis o. !any
songs o%er the ages< but none ri%al the rush o. !ystic (o-er
conCured u( by the slo-< (ri!al notes o. the original. 0inne
besto-s the Status Condition $r!or :( F4H .
Foe R!>13!M .e,el 1:
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F4H
Dischordant notes ring out see!ingly -ithout rhy!e or reason<
each crash and -ail dra-ing out .resh -a%es o. darkness to
batter the ene!y. 9oe *e7uie! in.licts F4 ' 0$/H Z d1#< 0.
$r!or Shado- &le!ental da!age to all co!batants in the
targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. In addition< 9oe *e7uie!
has a .lat CoS o. 30Q o. in.licting the Status Condition Curse
F4H@ roll se(arately .or e%ery eligible co!batant in the targeted
(attle Cr) .e,el 19
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F)H
The ragged< lusty notes o. this song recall the thunder o. -ar
dru!s and the steady thu!( o. !arching legions. ,attle Cry
besto-s the Status Condition Po-er :( F4H .
+usk Re@uiem .e,el 19
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F)H
The ,ard conCures a bitter< !ocking !elody< lashed -ith a bile
that stabs directly at the heart. Dusk *e7uie! has a CoS o.
&'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Poison
on all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou( F[H.
!tude .e,el 19
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F)H
True to its na!e< this song?s sudden chord shi.ts and strange
(itches de.y all con%ention< building a thick -all o. sound that
see!s to en%elo( its listeners. &tude besto-s the Status
Condition 0agic :( F4H.
"ilen#e "on$ .e,el 19
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F)H
The ,ard !akes the !otion to begin a song< but no !elody
.ollo-s > only a ya-ning silence that gradually s-allo-s u( all
sound on the battle.ield. Silence Song in.licts F7 ' 0$/H Z
#d1#< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age to all co!batants in the
targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. It also has a .lat CoS o.
30Q o. in.licting the Status Condition Silence F4H@ roll
se(arately .or e%ery eligible co!batant in the targeted /rou(.
+esert Aria .e,el 28
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility FH
The s-irling< s-ee(ing sounds o. this song recalls the choking<
o((ressi%e .orce o. a sandstor! in .ull s-ing. Desert $ria in.licts
F10 ' 0$/H Z #d1# 0agical da!age to all co!batants in the
targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. This da!age ignores 0.
$r!or and all other de.ensi%e Status Conditions sa%e Shield.
!lement Carol .e,el 28
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility FH
$ suite o. songs rich -ith the (o-er o. the ele!ents< by turns as
un(redictable as a thunderbolt< as brilliant as (ure light< as cold
and desolate as encroaching ice. &le!ent Carol besto-s the
Status Condition &le!ent *esist F4H .or one &le!ent o. the
,ard?s choice. The &le!ent !ust be declared -hen using this
!lement Minuet .e,el 28
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility FH
$ series o. bell=like notes soars through the air< increasing in
intensity -ith each re(etition until the (arty?s -ea(ons are le.t
%ibrating. 9inally< a sudden chord shi.t brings the song to an
end< sending a rush o. ele!ental (o-er s-ee(ing o%er the
grou(. &le!ent 0inuet allo-s the ,ard to add the &7ui(!ent
$bility L&le!entM Strike F4H .or one &le!ent o. the ,ard?s
choice to all currently e7ui((ed 6ea(ons. The &le!ent !ust be
declared -hen using this $bility.
"#are .e,el 28
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility FH
The ,ard thrashes out a series o. harsh< grating notes<
assailing the ene!y -ith such a din that -eaker=-illed .oes turn
tail on the s(ot. Scare has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o.
&Cecting all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou( -ith #1Q
or .e-er o. their !a'i!u! +it Points re!aining. *oll se(arately
.or each eligible co!batant.
Carna$e !le$) .e,el 3;
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F10H
The sound o. this chaotic< discordant dirge is (o-er.ul enough
to sto( an ar!y in its tracks< conCuring u( i!ages o. brutal
slaughter and utter Carnage &legy has a CoS o.
&'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. reducing the targets? Initiati%e by
10Q. *oll se(arately .or e%ery eligible co!batant in the
targeted /rou(.
Forest 5o#turne .e,el 3;
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F10H
$s dee( and be-ildering as the -orst o. its na!esakes< this
series o. songs conCures u( i!ages o. snaking bra!bles and
beasts crashing through undergro-th. 9orest 2octurne in.licts
F13 ' 0$/H Z 3d1#< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age to all
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. In
addition< 9orest 2octurne has a .lat CoS o. 30Q o. in.licting the
Status Condition Slo- F4H@ roll se(arately .or e%ery eligible
co!batant in the targeted /rou(.
"*ord Madri$al .e,el 3;
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F10H
*e!iniscent o. the sounds o. a .ierce !elee< the s-ee(ing
chords and shar(< sudden breaks establish a rhyth! to guide
the blades and blo-s o. the ,ard?s allies. S-ord 0adrigal
besto-s the Status Conditions $ccuracy :( F4H and Critical :(
F4H on all eligible co!batants in the acti%e Party.
%ardin$ round .e,el 3;
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F10H
$scending and descending in turn< the notes o. this song gro-
in (o-er -ith each re(etition until the sound dro-ns out all
else< lea%ing the (arty in a sudden oasis o. cal! a!id the din o.
battle. 6arding *ound besto-s the Status Conditions Status
I!!une F,erserkH F4H< Status I!!une F,lindH F4H< Status
I!!une FPoisonH F4H< Status I!!une FSlee(H F4H< and Status
I!!une FBo!bieH F4H.
5AMeless "45G .e,el 40
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F1#H
6ith the origins o. this !elody lost to ti!e< generations o. bards
ha%e learned to i!(ro%ise around the ga(s in the original
!usic. 9or this reason< it is said that no t-o (er.or!ances o.
the 2a!eless Song -ill e%er be the sa!e. 2a!eless Song
besto-s one rando!ly=deter!ined Status Condition@ roll a d
.or each acti%e (arty !e!ber and consult the table belo- to see
-hich Status they gain.
*oll Status /ained
1 Shell F4H
# Protect F4H
3 *egen F4H
4 *eraise F[H
1 $ura F4H
) 9loat F4H
7 +aste F4H
4anish F4H
4peretta .e,el 40
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F1#H
$ haunting< al!ost alien !elody s-irls into being< dra-ing
-a%es o. !ana .ro! the ene!y as it s-ells to a cli!a'. 8(eretta
has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. reducing the targets?
0P to 10Q o. its current %alue< regardless o. $*0 or 0. $r!or
%alues. *oll se(arately .or e%ery eligible co!batant in the
targeted /rou(.
Re@uiem .e,el 40
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F1#H
Sad yet (eace.ul< this elegant song is a heart.elt a((eal to the
roa!ing and restless dead -andering the -orld< de(ri%ed o.
their eternal rest. $gainst :ndead targets< *e7uie! has a CoS o.
&'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. reducing the targets? +P to 10Q o.
its current %alue< regardless o. $r!or or 0. $r!or %alues. *oll
se(arately .or e%ery eligible co!batant in the targeted /rou(.
"erap/ "on$ .e,el 40
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F1#H
S-e(t u( in a -a%e o. lush har!onies< the ,ard?s allies .ind
the!sel%es re=energiEed< o%erco!ing -ounds and aches to
battle -ith rene-ed %igor. Sera(h Song besto-s the Status
Condition *egen F4H .
GoddessE H)mnus .e,el 55
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F14H
The odd rhyth!s and cadences o. this song !o%e the %ery
ele!ents o. !agic< coa'ing a!bient (o-er to surround the
,ard?s allies. /oddess? +y!nus besto-s the Status Condition
0P 3uarter F4H.
.3''.e "45G .e,el 55
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F14H
The odd rhyth!s and cadences o. this song !o%e the %ery
ele!ents o. !agic< coa'ing a!bient (o-er to surround the
,ard?s allies. Aittle Song has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition 0ini F4H. *oll se(arately .or e%ery
eligible co!batant in the targeted /rou(.
.42e "erenAde .e,el 55
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F14H
2ot as !uch a !elody as a torrent< this !usical onslaught rings
hea%y -ith buried (assions and e!otional tur!oil. Ao%e
Serenade in.licts F1" ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< 0. $r!or 0agical
da!age to all co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
auto!atically. In addition< Ao%e Serenade has a .lat CoS o. 30Q
o. in.licting the Status Condition Con.usion F4H@ roll se(arately
.or e%ery eligible co!batant in the targeted /rou(.
"/inin$ Fantasia .e,el 55
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F14H
Striking u( a re(etiti%e yet hy(notic hy!n< the ,ard calls
s-ee(ing bea!s o. light do-n .ro! the hea%ens to en%elo( his
allies and shield the! .ro! har!. Shining 9antasia besto-s the
Status Conditions Protect F4H and Shell F4H.
!AR'H (.1!" .e,el 04
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F1)H
The dee(< resonant notes o. this !elody shake the earth to its
%ery core< conCuring (illars o. rock and dust. &arth ,lues in.licts
F## ' 0$/H Z 1d1#< 0. $r!or &arth &le!ental da!age to all
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. In
addition< &arth ,lues has a .lat CoS o. 30Q o. in.licting the
Status Condition Petri.y F4H@ roll se(arately .or e%ery eligible
co!batant in the targeted /rou(.
H!R4's Rime .e,el 04
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F1)H
This s-elling< !aCestic anthe! conCures u( i!ages o. ancient
-arriors and !ighty deeds celebrated through the ages<
s(urring all -ho hear it to greater heights o. deter!ination.
+ero?s *i!e besto-s the Status Conditions $gility :( F4H<
$r!or :( F4H< 0agic :( F4H< 0ental :( F4H< Po-er :( F4H< and
S(irit :( F4H.
.ast "on$ .e,el 04
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F1)H
,eginning -ith a .e- gentle notes< this song 7uickly careens
into a -hirlstor! o. chord and key shi.ts< testing the ,ard?s
ability to its li!it. Aast Song besto-s the Status Condition +aste
'/renod) .e,el 04
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F1)H
Stirred by the ,ard?s !ourn.ul !elody< a ho-ling (ack o.
ele!ental s(irits descends u(on the ene!y< o%er-hel!ing the!
in short order. Threnody has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition &le!ent 6eak F4H< &le!ent
chosen by the ,ard@ roll se(arately .or e%ery eligible co!batant
in the targeted /rou(.

() Chemist
In the Che!ist?s -orld< the .lask is !ightier than the s-ord.
Though rarely unar!ed< a Che!ist (re.ers to let his %ials and
bottles do the talking. 6ith an e'tensi%e kno-ledge o. herbal
and alche!ical lore< these ad%enturing acade!ics can create an
i!(ressi%e %ariety o. (otions< (oultices< and (oisons that ha%e
e..ects ranging .ro! si!(le -ound closure to .ireballs as big
around as houses. 6hile the Che!ist !ay use !agical
ingredients in his concoctions< his !ethods are (urely scienti.ic
== the e7uations and (ro(ortions in%ol%ed in his !i'tures obey
strict (hysical la-s< and this is a !atter o. (ride to the che!ist.
In a -orld -here !agic o.ten takes center stage< it is the
che!ist?s !ission to (ro%e to his co!(anions == and (erha(s
!ore i!(ortantly< his ene!ies == that -hile bending reality is a
(o-er.ul skill< it is no !atch .or !aking reality -ork .or you.
Crer|sl 8 8 12 12 12 8
*e(resentati%esK *ikku F99JH< Che!ist Job F994< 99T< 99T$H
+P DieK d
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK ,o-s< /lo%es< ;ni%es< *i.les< Sta%es
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< Suits< *obes
$ccuracy ,onusK Z#0
Skill PointsK #)0
Skill $(titudesK Technical
&'(ertise 9or!ulaK F$lche!y *ating X #H Z Ae%el Z F0$/ ' #H
The Che!ist?s (ri!ary area o. e'(ertise is (otions and ite!s >
here< long hours s(ent crouched o%er an ale!bic can ha%e
strange and use.ul e..ects.
P/arma#olo$) .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
Che!ists can coa' !a'i!u! (otency out o. al!ost any ite!<
boosting its bene.icial (o-ers .ar beyond the !anu.acturer?s
original intentions. Phar!acology is auto!atically a((lied to
any *eco%ery Ite! used by the Che!ist< re(lacing the e..ect
gi%en in Cha(ter ) -ith the one sho-n in the table belo-.
&..ects (re.aced -ith a NZD add to rather than re(lace the
original e..ect.
Ta%le 1&1' Parmacolo.F Effects
Tor|c Reslores 50 lP
Pol|or Reslores 100 lP
l|-Pol|or Reslores 250 lP
Vega Pol|or Reslores 200 lP
lyper Pol|or Reslores 500 lP
X-Pol|or Reslores lP lo rax|rur
u|lra Pol|or Reslores 100 lP
T|rclure Reslores 30 VP
Elrer Reslores 0 VP
l|-Elrer Reslores 150 VP
lyper Elrer Reslores 300 VP
X-Elrer Reslored 00 VP
E||x|r ---
Vega||x|r ---
Proer|x 0oWr Reslores lP lo 25 ol rax|rur
Proer|x P|r|or ---
Vega Proer|x Reslores lP lo 25 ol rax|rur
Arl|dole Status %mmune (Poison! (()
Status %mmune (&enom! (()
Eye 0rops Status %mmune (Blind! (()
Ecro leros Status %mmune (Silence! (()
Trarqu|||zer Status %mmune (Berserk! (()
8ardage Status %mmune (Disa"le! (()
Status %mmune (%mmo"ili'e! (()
A|arr C|oc| Status %mmune (Sleep! (()
Status %mmune ((naware! (()
Corrucop|a Status %mmune (Mini! (()
Va|der's K|ss Status %mmune ()oad! (()
0o|der Need|e Status %mmune (Petrif$! (()
Status %mmune (Stone! (()
lo|y waler Status %mmune (Curse! (()
Status %mmune (*om"ie! (()
Crroros Tear Status %mmune (Slow! (()
Status %mmune (Stop! (()
Status %mmune (Sap! (()
Reredy Targel ga|rs Status %mmune lo a|| 3lalus
Cord|l|ors cured oy Reredy (()
'reatment .e,el 11
TargetK Party Ty(eK 9ast $ction
The Che!ist directs a -eak strea! o. %ital energy o%er his
co!rades< creating a cloud o. blue !otes to ease their ills and
(ains. Treat!ent su((resses the e..ects o. all negati%e Status
Conditions currently a..ecting the Party until the end o. the ne't
Status Phase. This does not (rotect the Party .ro! Status
Conditions in.licted a.ter Treat!ent has been used< nor can
Status Conditions a..ected by Treat!ent be canceled by other
!eans -hile their e..ects are being su((ressed. Status ti!ers
continue to count do-n as nor!al -ith the e'ce(tion o. those
o. Petri.y and Conde!ned > these Conditions do not count
do-n during the Status Phase i. su((ressed during the course
o. the *ound.
+istribute .e,el 22
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eaction
The Che!ist is a !aster o. Cudging dosage< allo-ing hi! to
-ring the !a'i!u! e..ect out o. al!ost any curati%e. 6hen
triggered< Distribute allo-s the Che!ist to take any ?e'cess? +P
or 0P beyond the targetDs !a'i!u! %alues and di%ide it e%enly
a!ongst the rest o. the Party< Che!ist included. 9or instance< i.
the Che!ist uses a +i=Potion on an ally -ith 340 +P and a
!a'i!u! +P %alue o. 400 +P< only )0 o. the 1#1 +it Points the
+i=Potion restores are needed to heal her u( to !a'i!u! %alue.
The re!aining )1 are rounded do-n to )3< then di%ided e7ually
bet-een the other three !e!bers o. the Party< restoring #1 +P
to all. I. this results in any .urther ?e'cess? +P or 0P< that
e'cess is lost.
6ith an ite! like an &li'ir< -hich restores a character?s +it
Points to their !a'i!u! %alue< the e'cess is e7ual to -hat the
character?s current +P -as be.ore the ite! -as used. 9or
e'a!(le< an &li'ir used on an ally -ith a current +P %alue o.
#40 and a !a'i!u! +P %alue o. )04 gi%es the Che!ist #40 +P
to s(lit e%enly bet-een all Party !e!bers.
I. the ite! that triggered Distribute has TargetK /rou(< select
one o. the allies a..ected -hen deciding ho- !any +P and 0P
to distribute.
TriggerK Che!ist uses a *eco%ery Ite! on a Party !e!ber
-hose healing e..ect restores the target?s +it or 0agic Points
abo%e their !a'i!u! %alues
Mix .e,el 34
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 9ast $ction
,y co!bining t-o one=shot ite!s< the Che!ist can create a
(otent !i'ture !any ti!es !ore (o-er.ul than its ingredients.
0i' allo-s the Che!ist to co!bine t-o ,attle Ite!s .ro! his
In%entory Slot into one (o-er.ul co!bined (roduct > .ull rules
.or doing so are .ound in $((endi' I.
%-item .e,el 4;
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
&nough close calls< and a Che!ist beco!es ade(t at slinging
ite!s .ast enough to see his co!rades out o. any tight s(ot. 6=
Ite! allo-s the Che!ist to !ake t-o consecuti%e Ite! $ctions at
the cost o. a single $ction.
Auto-P4t345 .e,el 01
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK *eaction
$t the (innacle o. his (o-ers< the Che!ist?s !astery o. (otions
and curati%es is -ired to hair=trigger re.le'es@ e%en as inCury
strikes< the Che!ist has Cust the right ite! at hand to ad!inister
blessed relie.. 6hen triggered< $uto=Potion allo-s the Che!ist
to i!!ediately use one *eco%ery Ite! in their In%entory Slot on
the!sel%es. I. a Status triggered $uto=Potion< the Ite! used
!ust be one that cancels the Status@ i. da!age triggered it< the
Ite! !ust restore +it Points. $uto=Potion -ill only trigger once
(er attack< e%en i. the attack in.licts da!age as -ell as a Status
Condition@ in this case< the Che!ist !ust decide -hether to
reco%er the lost +P or cancel the Status.
TriggerK Che!ist takes Physical or 0agical da!age< or is
a..licted -ith a negati%e Status Condition

*+, 7an2er
Though these days their na!e tends to conCure %isions o.
(er.u!ed .o(s and bar=roo! -enches< the Dancer?s (ro.ession
has a long and sacred history. In distant anti7uity< (riestesses
and te!(le dancers su!!oned di%ine (o-er through the
!o%e!ents o. their bodies< yoking sun< tide< li.e< and death in
elaborate and care.ully choreogra(hed cere!onies. The best o.
their nu!ber dedicated their li%es to the art< beginning their
training at an early age and (er.or!ing until age began to dull
their .le'ibility@ at this stage< they -ould retreat behind the
scenes< guiding their successors? careers in turn.
In ti!e the old religions .ell out o. .a%or< but the (o-er -ithin
those cere!onies li%ed on< harnessed by a ne- generation o.
(ractitioners. Though a .e- still (ractice the traditional -ays<
today?s Dancers are by and large re!o%ed .ro! their roots<
using their skills to so- discord rather than call .or di%ine .a%or.
8ne thing< ho-e%er< has not changedK the (ro.ession re!ains
(ri!arily .e!ale=do!inated. The reasons .or this are as !uch
biological as cultural > .e- !ales can !uster the intense agility
and grace re7uired to success.ully e'ecute the !ost co!(le'
dances@ .e-er still ha%e the cool needed to o%erco!e the dee(=
seated ridicule !ale Dancers -ill ine%itably .ace .or their career
0arcer 10 5 11 11 9 8
*e(resentati%esK Penelo F99T$#H< Dancer Job F994< 99T<
99JIH< Songstress Dress(here F99J=#H
+P DieK d
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK Cla-s< 9lails< /lo%es< ;ni%es< *ods< Sta%es
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< Suits< *obes
$ccuracy ,onusK Z#0
Skill PointsK #)0
Skill $(titudesK $rtistic
&'(ertise 9or!ulaK FDancing *ating X #H Z Ae%el Z F$/I ' #H
6ith a Dancer< e%ery !o%e!ent has a (ur(ose. The (osition o.
a .oot< the ti!ing o. a ste(< the t-ist o. a hi( or neck > all o.
these things co!bine to unlock a reser%oir o. !ystical (o-er.
Flirt .e,el
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
$ Dancer is not abo%e e'(loiting her -iles to gain that all=
i!(ortant edge in co!bat. 9lirt has a CoS o. 0ind< 0. &%asion
o. (re%enting the target .ro! directly targeting the Dancer -ith
attacks and e..ects F4H. TargetK /rou( and $ll e..ects .unction
as nor!al< and are not a..ected by 9lirt. Treat this as a 0ysti.y=
ty(e e..ect.
Perform .e,el 1
TargetK $s &..ect Ty(eK 9ast $ction
Traditionally< !ost dance is structured< but the Dancer (re.ers
to (lay things .ast and loose< i!(ro%ising ste(s and !otions as
the s(irit strikes. 6hen a Dancer chooses to Per.or!< her (layer
!ust .irst select the *ank she -ishes to dance at. $t Ae%el 1<
only *ank I -ill be a%ailable< but as the Dancer ad%ances in
Ae%els< additional *anks -ill be unlocked.
$.ter selecting the a((ro(riate *ank< the Dancer?s (layer then
rolls a d). 8n a roll o. 1 to 1< the Dancer e'ecutes the dance
gi%en .or that nu!ber in the *ank@ resol%e the e..ects as listed.
9or instance< i. the Dancer -as (er.or!ing a *ank I dance and
rolled a 4< she -ould (er.or! 6itch +unt. I. the Dancer is
(er.or!ing at a *ank lo-er than the highest a%ailable to her< a
roll o. 1 to 1 !eans that the Dancer can choose -hich one o.
the .i%e dances she (er.or!s.
$ roll o. ) at any *ank !eans the Dancer .ailed to su!!on
any substantial (o-er .ro! her (er.or!ance. She instead !akes
an i!!ediate $ttack $ction against an acti%e co!batant o. her
choice -ithin the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically .or
71Q< $r!or Physical da!age.
,ecause Per.or! re7uires the Dancer to be in !otion< it is
sealed by both Curse and I!!obiliEe. 9urther!ore< because the
targets are deter!ined by the indi%idual dances< the Dancer
does not ha%e to initially declare -hat she is targeting -hen
Per.or! is used.
Rank 3 +an#es .e,el 1
1 > Slee(y Shu..le
The Dancer kicks u( an energetic Cig< but -ith each (assing
!otion the s(eed decreases .urther and .urther< lea%ing
obser%ers straining to stay a-ake. Slee(y Shu..le has a CoS o.
&'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Slee(
TargetK Single
# > 8chu Dance
The Dancer t-ists and turns in a !ad< chaotic dance< li!bs
.lailing -ildly in nausea=inducing arcs as (oisonous !ist stea!s
.ro! e%ery (ore. 8chu Dance has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Poison F[H.
TargetK Single
3 > Te!(tation Tango
This -hirling< t-irling dance i!itates the !ating dance o.
Chocobos == .illed -ith !o%e!ents that are te!(ting< sur(rising
and enig!atic all at the sa!e ti!e< co!bined -ith -ild .lashes
o. color. So utterly disorienting is this dance< those -ho %ie- it
o.ten lose track o. the -orld around the!. Te!(tation Tango
has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition Con.usion F4H.
TargetK Single
4 > 6itch +unt
The Dancer channels !ystical .orces into her ste(s< sending
!agical shock-a%es to-ards the target -ith each sto!(ing
ste(. 6itch +unt in.licts 10Q Physical da!age on the targeted
co!batant< striking auto!atically. $ny da!age dealt by 6itch
+unt is subtracted .ro! the target?s 0P rather than +P@ da!age
calculations use the Dancer?s $/I< regardless o. the 6ea(on
currently e7ui((ed.
TargetK Single
1 > Darkness Dance
6hile !ost o. this dance?s !o%e!ents are dra!atic and .iery<
the true heart o. this dance is in the lo- !o%e!ents > .ro! ti!e
to ti!e< the Dancer -ill s-ing her legs out along the ground<
kicking u( a !ighty cloud o. dust in her target?s .ace. Darkness
Dance has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the
Status Condition ,lind F4H.
TargetK Single
Rank 2 +an#es .e,el 15
1 > Slo- Dance
6hile they start out 7uick< the Dancer?s !o%e!ents gro- slo-er
and slo-er as the dance -ears on< see!ing to drag ti!e itsel.
-ith it. Slo- Dance has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition Slo- F4H.
TargetK Single
# > Jitterbug
6ith a .lurry o. 7uick ste(s< the Dancer sucks the target?s %itality
a-ay< using it to enhance her o-n !otions. Jitterbug in.licts
10Q Physical da!age on the targeted co!batant< striking
auto!atically. The Dancer regains a nu!ber o. +it Points e7ual
to the da!age in.licted@ da!age calculations use the Dancer?s
$/I< regardless o. the 6ea(on currently e7ui((ed.
TargetK Single
3 > 0isdirecting 0as7ue
The Dancer s-ays and dodges through the thick o. the ene!y<
singling out an o((onent to be caught u( in the rhyth!s o. her
dance. 0isdirecting 0as7ue has a CoS o. &'(ertise< &%asion o.
allo-ing the Dancer to share the target?s (hysical s(ace. 9or as
long as this is the case< any Physical 0elee and *anged attacks
that target the Dancer -ill target the 0as7ue?s %icti! instead.
/rou( and $ll e..ects that -ould nor!ally a..ect the Dancer or
target a..ect both@ in the case o. the latter< both the Dancer and
the target -ill be hit once as nor!al.
0as7ue?s e..ect lasts .or the re!ainder o. the current *ound.
$t the beginning o. the ne't *ound< the Dancer can sustain the
0as7ue by !aking another success.ul dQ roll against the sa!e
CoS. This counts as a Bero $ction< and does not (re%ent the
Dancer .ro! taking other $ctions. +o-e%er< the Dancer cannot
use Per.or! .or the re!ainder o. the *ound i. she decides to
TargetK Single
4 > Disar!ing Der%ish
S-irling and s(inning< the Dancer s(irals !adly in a -hirl o.
con.using !otions and -ild gyrations. The utter un(redictability
o. this dance be.uddles the target< causing de.enses to be
!isdirected and lea%ing -eak (oints e'(osed. Disar!ing
Der%ish has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. canceling all
,arrier=ty(e Status Conditions currently acti%e on the target<
sa%e Shield.
TargetK Single
1 > 6icked 6altE
This de%ilish dance sends the Dancer in circles around the
target in three ste( bursts@ e%ery third ste( sends a slash o.
dark energy through the target< blasting a-ay li.e .orce. 6icked
6altE has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. reducing the
targeted co!batant?s current +it Points by 33Q o. their
current %alue. *egardless o. ho- !any +P the target currently
(ossesses< 6icked 6altE !ay ne%er in.lict !ore than """
da!age. Treat this as a /ra%ity=ty(e e..ect.
TargetK Single
Rank 3 +an#es .e,el 3:
1 > ,orro-ed Ti!e
$lternating Cerky !o%e!ents and sudden bursts o. s(eed
inters(ersed -ith no !o%e!ent at all< the Dancer is able to
shake the target?s (erce(tion o. and (osition -ithin ti!e.
,orro-ed Ti!e has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. in.licting
the Status Condition Sa( F)H.
TargetK Single
# > 6iEnaibus
The Dancer thro-s hersel. into a .urious s(in< building u( both
chi and !o!entu! be.ore releasing the accu!ulated (ayload
straight into the !idst o. the ene!y. 6iEnaibus in.licts 100Q<
$r!or Physical da!age on all acti%e co!batants in the
targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. Da!age calculations use
the Dancer?s $/I< regardless o. the 6ea(on currently e7ui((ed.
TargetK /rou(
3 > ,reak Dance
Pounding her .eet on the ground< the Dancer causes a geyser
o. rock and dirt to eru(t .ro! beneath the target. ,reak Dance
has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition Petri.y F4H.
TargetK Single
4 > Polka
The Dancer sho-s o.. her agility< disillusioning the target o. the
notion that !uscle (o-er is truly better. Polka has a CoS o.
&'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Po-er
Do-n F4H on all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(. I.
the dQ roll results in a #0 or lo-er< Polka instead in.licts Po-er
,reak F4H.
TargetK /rou(
1 > +eathen 9rolick
The Dancer dances a light=hearted Cig< the e'uberance o. her
!o%e!ents cutting through her .oes? concentration like a kni.e.
+eathen 9rolick has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition 0agic Do-n F4H. I. the dQ roll
results in a #0 or lo-er< +eathen 9rolick instead in.licts 0agic
,reak F4H. *oll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
TargetK /rou(
Rank 4 +an#es .e,el 45
1 > 9orbidden Dance
This dance has neither na!e nor .or! > not e%en the Dancer
kno-s -hat -ill ha((en as she e!barks on the .irst ste(s<
!o%ing (urely as instinct guides her to rain cala!ity on her
.oes. 9orbidden Dance auto!atically in.licts rando!ly
deter!ined Status Conditions on all eligible co!batants in the
targeted /rou(@ roll a d .or each a..ected co!batant and
consult the table belo- to deter!ine -hich Status Condition
they no- .ro!. Status I!!unities a((ly as nor!al@ a
Status *esistance !eans 9orbidden Dance has a .lat CoS o.
10Q o. in.licting the Condition in 7uestion.
*oll Status Condition
1 Poison F[H
# ,lind F)H
3 Silence F)H
4 Slo- F)H
1 Sto( F4H
) Toad F[H
7 Con.use F)H
Slee( F)H
TargetK /rou(
# > Deadly Duet
The Dancer -hirls about the target -ith her -ea(on
outstretched. 6hen a .ull circle is co!(lete< the Dancer?s
-ea(on takes on an o!inous red glo-@ as she begins her
second round< her %icti!?s li.e .orce strea!s in des(erate<
un-illing (ursuit. 6ith a .inal .lourish< the Dancer co!(letes her
ste(s< clai!ing the target?s li.e .or her o-n. Deadly Duet in.licts
100Q< $r!or Physical da!age on the target< striking
auto!atically. In addition< it in.licts 10Q Physical da!age on
the target< striking auto!atically@ this da!age is subtracted
.ro! its 0P rather than its +P. The Dancer regains a nu!ber o.
+it and 0agic Points e7ual to the da!age in.licted in this
.ashion@ all da!age calculations use the Dancer?s $/I<
regardless o. the 6ea(on currently e7ui((ed.
3 > 0iniature 0inuet
The Dancer stretches out@ her entire body uncoils .urther -ith
each (assing ste(< gro-ing longer and longer until all -ho
-atch her see! to .eel the -orld shrinking around the!.
0iniature 0inuet has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition 0ini F[H.
TargetK Single
4 > Dance o. the Dead
6ith a !ere hand.ul o. ste(s< the Dancer beco!es a conduit .or
dark and unholy energies< sa((ing the li.e .ro! anything
un.ortunate enough to be caught in her (ath. Dance o. the
Dead has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. instantly reducing
the target to 0 +P< regardless o. their current +P scores<
$r!or< or 0. $r!or ratings. Treat this as a Death e..ect.
TargetK Single
1 > Debilitating 9lourish
9lashing !otes o. !ystical energy (e((er the air as the Dancer
s-ays and gyrates< (o((ing in a doEen hues and shades. $
.inal .lourish lea%es the lights surrounding a single .oe< glo-ing
in unison be.ore .ading out. Debilitating 9lourish has a CoS o.
&'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition
&le!ent 6eak on the target .or an &le!ent o. her choice F4H.
TargetK Single
Rank 5 +an#es .e,el 0:
1 > S-ord Dance
The Dancer dra-s her -ea(on< s-ee(ing it around in long and
grace.ul strokes that tail her e%ery !o%e!ent until she has
beco!e a der%ish o. destruction. S-ord Dance in.licts #00Q<
$r!or Physical da!age on the targeted co!batant< striking
auto!atically. Da!age calculations use the Dancer?s $/I<
regardless o. the 6ea(on currently e7ui((ed.
TargetK Single
# > 4iolent 9lourish
Considered by !any to be the ulti!ate dance< this co!(le'
series o. ste(s has the ability to .reeEe an entire ar!y in its
tracks. 4iolent 9lourish has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o.
stunning all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< .orcing
the! to ski( their ne't turn. Treat this as a Seal=ty(e e..ect. *oll
se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
TargetK /rou(
3 > Dirty Dancing
,y guiding an ene!y?s !o%e!ents through her o-n< a trained
Dancer can o(en u( holes in de.ense at -ill< creating -eak
(oints -here none e'isted be.ore. Dirty Dancing has a CoS o.
&'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition
0eltdo-n F#H@ Status I!!unities are ignored -hen resol%ing
Dirty Dancing?s e..ects.
TargetK Single
4 > 9atal 9la!enco
The Dancer a((roaches a single target -ith .ast< aggressi%e
ste(s< (roducing a red rose .ro! the de(ths o. her clothing.
Poison glints on the .lo-er?s thorns as the Dancer -hirls
around< raking her %icti! -ith one s-i.t !o%e!ent be.ore
sli((ing the rose a-ay again. 9atal 9la!enco has a CoS o.
&'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition 4eno!
TargetK Single
1 > 9elicity
The Dancer suddenly accelerates< body t-itching and -rithing
in a .renEy o. !otion that de.ies obser%ation. 9elicity allo-s a
Dancer to i!!ediately (er.or! t-o Dances at no additional
cost. Choose t-o Dance *anks > or the sa!e *ank t-ice > and
roll a d) .or each one to deter!ine -hich Dances are
(er.or!ed. I. 9elicity is rolled again during this (rocess< ignore
the result and reroll.
-. Engineer
Drills< robots< airshi(s > the &ngineer?s !echanical -iEardry
conCures any nu!ber o. !iracles .ro! bolts< oil< and a little
ingenuity. Though their talents e'tend to all !achines great and
s!all< &ngineers channel !ost o. their energy into be-ildering
in%entions they see! to s(end e%ery s(are !o!ent re.ining<
building< and designing. :n(redictable at best< these de%ices
are Cust as likely to s(it out s!oke as searing death< but e%ery
.ailure only see!s to redouble the &ngineerDs deter!ination >
and any success !ore than !akes u( .or the e!barrassing
!al.unctions along the -ay.
Erg|reer 13 10 13 8 10
*e(resentati%esK Cid Pollendina F99I4H< &dgar *oni 9igaro
F994IH< *ikku F99JH< /adgeteer Job F99T$H< 0ustadio ,unanEa
+P DieK d
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK Crossbo-s< Cla-s< /lo%es< Aight S-ords< S-ords<
Polear!s< *i.les
$r!orK /auntlets< +ats< Suits< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z#0
Skill PointsK #)0
Skill $(titudesK Technical
&'(ertise 9or!ulaK FIn%ent *ating X #H Z Ae%el Z F$/I ' #H
&ngineers are .ir! belie%ers in the (o-er o. a good set o. tools
> -ith the right i!(le!ent< anything can ha((en. :nlike other
&'(erts< rolls against the &ngineer?s &'(ertise can botch = any
roll o. "1 to 100 is considered an auto!atic !iss or .ailure<
regardless o. the character?s Skill or other !odi.iers.
3n,ention .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
The &ngineer is ca(able o. creating and -ielding In%entions
using the rules gi%en in $((endi' I . $s described in Cha(ter #<
they begin the ga!e -ith a single de%ice built during the
character creation (rocess< and can asse!ble additional ones
as the ga!e (rogresses.
Initially< &ngineers are li!ited to a single In%ention Ae%el 1
de%ice< but 7uickly learn to build bigger and better In%entions
as they gain e'(erience. &%ery .e- Ae%els< they gain the ability
to build another< higher=le%el In%ention. The e'act (rogression
.or this is gi%en in the table belo-.
Ta%le 1&6' *n,ention 9e,el Pro.ression
*>=E>T*+> 9E=E9 ACCESS*/9E AT 9E=E9
1 1
2 8
3 15
1 22
5 29
Z 13
8 50
9 5Z
10 1
*egardless o. ho- !any In%ention Ae%els the &ngineer can
access< they are restricted to ha%ing one In%ention o. each Ae%el
at one ti!e. $t Ae%el 11< .or instance< the &ngineer could ha%e
one In%ention Ae%el 1 de%ice< one In%ention Ae%el # de%ice< and
one In%ention Ae%el 3 de%ice. I. he -anted to build another
Ae%el # de%ice< he -ould ha%e to discard or dis!antle the
e'isting one. :sing an In%ention in battle is a 9ast $ction by
de.ault< though the Delay De.ect turns this into a Slo- $ction.
Peep .e,el 11
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
$ keen eye is essential to an &ngineerDs success. Pee( has a
CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. allo-ing the &ngineer to see a
targetDs Ae%el< current and !a'i!u! +it and 0agic Points< as
-ell as any &le!ental 6eaknesses the target !ay (ossess.
Re#laim .e,el 22
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
Cle%er &ngineers can sal%age -orkable (arts .ro! al!ost any
source. *eclai! gi%es the &ngineer a CoS o. FIn%ent Skill
*atingH = 40 to reco%er a single Part a.ter any battle in -hich
at least one Construct=ty(e o((onent -as de.eated. The e'act
nature o. the Part is le.t to the /0Ds discretion< but should
generally ha%e an $%ailability o. around 100 = &ngineerDs
Ae%el . :sing *eclai! -ill not a..ect any ite!s or treasure the
o((onent -ould nor!ally dro( u(on
+ismantler .e,el 34
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F10H
,y (il.ering %ital co!(onents .ro! a !echanical o((onent< a
skilled &ngineer can induce an instant > and destructi%e >
!al.unction. Dis!antler has a CoS o. &'(ertise< &%asion o.
reducing a Construct target to 0 +P< regardless o. its current
+P score< $r!or< or 0. $r!or rating@ treat this as a Death
e..ect. This $bility !ay also be used to disar! !echanical tra(s
and security !easures at the /0Ds discretion.
Maintenan#e .e,el 4;
TargetK Party Ty(eK 9ast $ction
4eteran &ngineers kee( a close eye on their co!rades?
e7ui(!ent< ensuring that it is al-ays in to( condition.
0aintenance gi%es the &ngineer and all acti%e allies in the (arty
I!!unity to 6eaken=ty(e Status Conditions F4H.
+ual 3n,ention .e,el 01
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
$ !aster &ngineer al-ays has the right de%ice to hand<
s-a((ing In%entions in the blink o. an eye. Dual In%ention
allo-s the &ngineer to !ake t-o consecuti%e $bility $ctions -ith
In%entions o. Ae%el 1 or lo-er at the cost o. a single $ction.

/0 Gambler
To the /a!bler< all o. li.e?s a ga!e > and the only -ay to -in is
to ante u(. 0asters o. chance< /a!blers cra%e e'cite!ent on
al!ost (ri!al le%el< chasing risks and (ayo..s through back=
alley dice (ools< high=stakes (oker ga!es< and !onster=
in.ested dungeons -ith scarcely a thought to their o-n sa.ety.
Parties looking .or steady< (redictable co!rades -ill not .ind
!uch to like in the /a!bler?s brash !anner@ i. anything< they
are the archety(ical loose cannon< ready to (lunge into danger
at a !o!ent?s notice or stake an entire kingdo! on the thro-
o. the dice.
9a$b#ing against the E$pire2 ith
nothing to #ose but $y #ife... I haven"t
fe#t so e:(ite! in years*&
Set7er 9abbiani
,ut e'(erienced /a!blers also kno- a thing or t-o about
(laying the odds@ -ith a /a!bler in the (arty< the la-s o.
(robability beco!e sur(risingly !alleable.
0aro|er 8 8 10 12 12 10
*e(resentati%esK SetEer /abbiani F994IH< Cait Sith F994IIH<
Sel(hie Til!itt F994IIIH< 6akka F99JH< Aady Auck Dress(here
F99J=#H< Corsair Job F99JIH
+P DieK d
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK ,oo!erangs< Crossbo-s< /lo%es< ;ni%es< Aight
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< Shields< Suits
$ccuracy ,onusK Z#0
Skill PointsK #)0
Skill $(titudesK Thie%ery
&'(ertise 9or!ulaK F/a!bling *ating X #HZ Ae%el Z F0$/ '
The /a!bler?s techni7ues are as un(redictable as the /a!bler
hi!sel.< as liable to bo-l o%er a legion o. .oes as strike the (arty
dead on the s(ot. ,ut .or e%ery ti!e those (o-ers .iEEle at a
crucial !o!ent< there?s that !o!ent -hen the /a!bler?s luck
(ays o.. big< (ulling the (arty out o. the .ire -hen they need it
!ost. 6hich -ay -ill Aady Auck turn -ith youG *oll the dice< s(in
the reels< and .ind outI
! A Gam%lerEs 9"c)
9ortune s!iles on all /a!blers > any roll o. 1 to #0 on an
&'(ertise check is considered a Critical Success.
+ouble 1p .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
*isk big to -in bigI Double :( is used in conCunction -ith a
Slots $bility< and has an additional /il cost e7ual to 10Q o. the
*eel set?s. ,y announcing that they are using Double :( and
(aying the /il< /a!blers !ay roll an additional d10 .or the *eel
and choose the higher o. the t-o results. 9or *eels that re7uire
!ore than one d10 roll< the (layer !ust s(eci.y -hich o. the
d10 he -ishes to a((ly the second roll to. The Double :( die is
al-ays rolled .irst > i. the second die co!es u( -ith the sa!e
result as the original roll< the *eels? result is a ,ust and the
/a!bler loses 10Q o. his current +it Points< regardless o. the
actual *eel used.
? ;o"%le Gp in Action
Ca(rice the /a!bler decides to Double :( on 0agic *eels.
This costs her an additional #10 /il > hal. o. 0agic *eels?
basic cost o. 100 > but allo-s her to roll another d10 .or one
o. the three d10 rolls. She o(ts to use the e'tra die .or the
right reel and rolls it< getting a 7. Ca(rice then !akes the roll
.or 0agic *eels< getting a 4 .or the le.t reel< a 7 .or the center
reel< and a # .or the right reel. $s she can choose the higher
o. the t-o rolls< she uses the 7 .ro! Double :( instead o. the
#. +o-e%er< i. she?d o(ted to use Double :( .or the center
reel< she -ould ha%e ended u( -ith a ,ust > both the .irst
and second roll ca!e u( -ith a 7.
+i#e .e,el 15
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- F)H
6ith a liberal a((lication o. chi< the /a!bler can enlarge his
trusty dice to !any ti!es their original siEe< sending the! out
to bo-l o%er his .oes -ith a (racticed .lick o. the -rist. Dice
allo-s the /a!bler to i!!ediately roll #d). I. the dice co!e u(
doubles< Dice has no e..ect@ i. the dice co!e u( double 1s< the
/a!bler i!!ediately loses 10Q o. his current +it Points. $ll
other results deal F*oll TotalH ' /a!bler?s Ae%el Physical
da!age to the targeted co!batant< striking auto!atically@ this
da!age is not reduced by any Status Condition sa%e Shield
lu#k) "e,en .e,el 29
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eaction
2o !atter -here your tra%els !ay take you< se%en re!ains the
luckiest o. nu!bers. 6hen triggered< Aucky Se%en allo-s the
/a!bler to !ake an i!!ediate counterattack against the
co!batant -ho da!aged hi!< striking auto!atically. This attack
has a CoS o. &'(ertise< &%asion. +o- !uch da!age it in.licts
de(ends on the result o. this rollK
8utco!e Da!age In.licted
,otch 0
9ailure 7
Success 77
Critical Success 777
Da!age dealt by Aucky Se%en cannot be reduced.
TriggerK $ny attack reduces the /a!bler?s +it Points to a
nu!ber ending in ?7.?
+o 4,er .e,el 30
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
So!eti!es< you Cust ha%e to raise the stakes that little bit
.urther. Do 8%er allo-s the /a!bler to (ay a nu!ber o. /il
e7ual to the .ull cost o. a *eel $bility to roll another d10 in the
sa!e !anner as Double :(. The /a!bler?s (layer !ust choose
-hich d10 -ill be a..ected@ unlike Double :(< ho-e%er< Do 8%er
can be used a.ter the die has been rolled. /oing ,ust -ith Do
8%er caries the sa!e (enalties as Double :(< i!!ediately
ending the *eels and costing the /a!bler 10Q o. his +P.
(ribe .e,el 30
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
The /a!bler isn?t the only one -ho kno- the %alue o. a /il.
,ribe allo-s the /a!bler to !ake an o..ering o. !oney to the
target< ho(ing it is either greedy or unscru(ulous enough to
take the cash and run. The (layer begins by deciding ho-
!uch !oney they -ish to 6hether o. not the ,ribe
succeeds de(ends on ho- !uch !oney the character o..ers >
the higher the su! co!(ared to the target?s /il %alue< the
greater the CoS. +o-e%er< the (layer -ill not kno- the basic CoS
-hen !aking the roll > the only thing they ha%e to run on its
their o-n intuition.
Ta%le 1&2' /asic /ri%e CoS
3*+ or rore ol largel's 0|| va|ue 10
24+ or rore ol largel's 0|| va|ue 20
4*+ or rore ol largel's 0|| va|ue 10
3**+ or rore ol largel's 0|| va|ue 0
2**+ or rore ol largel's 0|| va|ue 100
,ribe atte!(ts belo- 10Q o. the target?s /il %alue
auto!atically .ail. $dditional !odi.iers !ay be i!(osed on the
basic CoS< de(ending on the circu!stances@ so!e e'a!(les are
gi%en in the table belo-.
Ta%le 1&3' /ri%e (odifiers
Targel |s al 24+ or |ess ol rax|rur lP 20
Targel |s oulruroered lWo lo ore or rore 20
Targel |s ol l|gr |rle|||gerce -10
Targel |s ol E|der |rle|||gerce -20
Prev|ous Bri"e allerpl rade aga|rsl largel 10
8nce the /0 has deter!ined the .inal CoS< the (layer !akes the
roll. $ .ailure !eans that the target (ockets the ,ribe< but does
nothing .urther. The !oney is lost< though the /a!bler !ay try
again. I. the roll is success.ul< the target is i!!ediately &Cected
.ro! the battle< dro((ing its 4ery *are ite!. 2otorious< ,oss<
and &nd ,oss !onsters are i!!une to ,ribe?s e..ects.
P/antom +i#e .e,el 43
TargetK Party Ty(eK 9ast $ction
6ith the s-i.tness o. a consu!!ate (ro.essional< the /a!bler
thro-s a hand.ul o. translucent dice into the air< counting under
his breath until (airs begin tu!bling do-n in .ront o. his allies.
6hen e%ery die has .inally rolled to a sto(< their dots glo-
o!inously@ a second later< they si!(ly %anish. Phanto! Dice
allo-s the /a!bler to besto- bene.icial e..ects on hi!sel. and
his i!!ediate allies. *oll #d) .or e%ery acti%e co!batant in the
/a!bler?s (arty< then consult the table belo- to see -hich the Phanto! Dice
*oll &..ect
# Character gains the Status Condition Shell F4H.
3 Character gains the Status Condition Protect F4H.
4 Character gains the Status Condition *use F4H.
1 Character gains Z40 0. &4$ F4H.
) Character gains Z30 $CC F4H.
7 Character gains Z30 0. $CC F4H.
Character gains the Status Condition +aste F4H.
" Character gains the Status Condition *e.lect F4H.
10 6ea(on e7ui((ed in character?s 6ea(on Slot
gains Piercing F4H.
11 Character?s .inal /il share .or this battle increases
by Z#1Q F4H.
1# Character?s .inal JP share .or this battle increases
by Z#1Q F4H.
8nly one Phanto! Dice e..ect !ay be acti%e on each (arty
!e!ber at any one ti!e. I. the $bility is used a second ti!e< the
ne- e..ect i!!ediately re(laces the old one. This a((lies e%en i.
the second Phanto! Dice co!e .ro! a di..erent co!batant than
the .irst. &..ects granted by Phanto! Dice cannot be canceled
by Dis(el or si!ilar e..ects > they are only re!o%ed -hen their
ti!ers reach ?0? or the current battle ends.
"pare C/an$e .e,el 04
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 9ast $ction
So!e !ight accuse /a!blers o. thro-ing their !oney a-ay< but
ne%er 7uite this literally. In.used -ith chi< /a!blers can turn a
hand.ul o. coins into a deadly (roCectile< (iercing e%en the
toughest de.enses -ith ease. S(are Change allo-s the /a!bler
to s(end /il to in.lict FS(ent /il X 10H Physical da!age on all
eligible co!batants in the targeted grou(< striking
auto!atically. +o- !any /il are s(ent is le.t u( to the /a!bler?s
discretion< but !ust be at least 10 or greater in order .or S(are
Change to be used. Da!age in.licted by S(are Change cannot
be reduced< and cannot e'ceed """.
To a /a!bler< a slot !achine is the essence o. li.e distilled into
a single de%ice. So!eti!es you -in big< so!eti!es you lose it
all@ e%erything is al-ays in .lu'< but i. you kno- ho- to -ork
things< you?ll end u( ahead o. the ga!e by the day?s end. The
Slot $bilities (ay tribute to this (hiloso(hy@ each is !odeled
a.ter the deeds o. a .a!ous /a!bler< and has its o-n (articular
e..ects and tricks.
$ll Slot $bilities cost a certain a!ount o. /il to use. The e'act
a!ount %aries .ro! $bility to $bility< and -ill be clearly listed in
the $bility?s descri(tion. 9urther!ore< their e..ects are entirely
rando!< deter!ined by die roll a.ter the initial (ay!ent has
been !ade. De(ending on ho- -ell the /a!bler rolls< the end
result can be either hel(.ul or har!.ul > a.ter all< nothing is e%er
guaranteed -hen thro-ing yoursel. at the !ercies o. .ortune.
! 9inin. Gp te Slots
0any o. the *eels ha%e (layers roll a d10 and then !ake t-o
Skill Checks. This is intended to si!ulate an atte!(t to line u(
three o. a kind on a slot !achine > the .irst roll deter!ines
-hich set they?re trying to !atch< and the other t-o check
-hether the (layer is success.ul in getting the other t-o slots
to line u( -ith the .irst.
!lement Reels .e,el 1
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 9ast $ction
$ /a!bler once re!arked that she belie%ed her .ortune ebbed
and .lo-ed -ith the ele!ents. Places too stee(ed in the .orces
o. Ice< 6ind< or 6ater -ould ?cool? any -inning streak regardless
o. the /a!bler?s skill@ the only -ay out< she reasoned< -as to
arrange the ele!ents in one?s .a%or. 6hile she ne%er 7uite
succeeded in .inding a !ethod that satis.ied her< her belie.s are
ca(tured -ithin these reels.
&le!ent *eels allo-s the /a!bler to !ake &le!ental attacks
against one or se%eral o((onents@ each use o. this $bility costs
10 /il. $.ter the (ay!ent is !ade< the /a!bler rolls a d10< then
consults the table belo- to see -hat the reels ha%e turned u(.
*oll *esult &le!ent
1 ,lack Shado-
# = 3 *ed 9ire
4 = 1 ,lue 6ater
) = 7 /old Aightning
= " Sil%er Ice
10 6hite +oly
The /a!bler then !akes t-o Task Checks against his /a!bling
Skill< each -ith a Conditional 0odi.ier o. =10. I. both Checks are
success.ul< all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(
100Q< $r!or &le!ental da!age< -here the &le!ent in
7uestion is the result (re%iously rolled. I. one check .ails< the
/a!bler !akes an i!!ediate $ttack $ction against a single
rando!ly deter!ined co!batant in the /rou( .or 100Q<
$r!or &le!ental da!age. I. both checks .ail< the /a!bler
!akes a nor!al $ttack $ction against a single rando!ly
deter!ined co!batant in the /rou(. I. !ulti(le 6ea(ons are
e7ui((ed< decide -hich is used to !ake the attack > any
L&le!entM Strike $bilities on the 6ea(on are auto!atically
o%erridden by the e..ects o. &le!ent *eels.
Moo$le Reels .e,el 8
TargetK $s &..ect Ty(eK 9ast $ction
This set co!!e!orates an eccentric .igure (o(ularly kno-n as
VThe 0og /a!bler.W Such -as his .ondness .or 0oogles that
-hen he .inally struck it rich< said /a!bler o(ened a casino
entirely sta..ed by the di!inuti%e creatures< !ingling a!ong his
e!(loyees in a 0oogle suit o. his o-n design. Though the
casino is closed and the 0og /a!bler long gone< a s!all (art o.
hi! still re!ains in these reels.
0oogle *eels allo-s the /a!bler to call u( a nu!ber o.
bene.icial e..ects and attacks@ each use o. this $bility costs #1
/il. $.ter the (ay!ent is !ade< the /a!bler rolls a d10< then
consults the table belo- to see -hat the reels ha%e turned u(.
*oll *esult Conditional 0odi.ier
1 = 3 Star Z10
4 = 1 Cro-n Z10
) = 7 +eart Z0
0oogle Z0
" ,ar =#0
10 Cat 9ace =30
8nce the result has been deter!ined< the /a!bler !akes t-o
Task Checks against his /a!bling Skill -ith the Conditional
0odi.ier listed .or the result. I. both Checks are success.ul< the
/a!bler i!!ediately e'ecutes the e..ect listed .or the gi%en
result belo-. I. one or both Checks are .ailed< the /a!bler
e'ecutes the Toy ,o' result instead. I. the /a!bler rolls the ?Cat
9ace? result and then ,otches either o. the subse7uent rolls<
the /a!bler e'ecutes the Joker Doo! result.
ST$* > 0og Dance
$ !oogle a((ears in .ront o. the (arty and dances a ha((y Cig<
re%italiEing the /a!bler and his allies. 0og Dance restores F4 '
0$/H Z 3d +it Points to all acti%e allies.
TargetK Party
C*862 > Toy Soldiers
$ (latoon o. toy soldiers !arches onto the battle.ield< le%eling
their ri.les and o(ening .ire on the /a!bler?s .oes. Toy Soldiers
in.licts F) ' 0$/H Z 3d< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age on all
acti%e co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
TargetK /rou(
+&$*T > Aucky /al
$ seducti%e -o!an in a bunny suit a((ears< blo-ing a kiss at a
single (arty !e!ber be.ore disa((earing. Aucky /al raises the
target?s $CC to #11 and grands the Critical :( status .or the
re!ainder o. the battle.
TargetK Single
088/A& > Co!bine
$ (ortly 0oogle suit !aterialiEes around the /a!bler and
-astes no ti!e in Ei((ing u(< tra((ing the /a!bler in its
s!othering con.ines. Co!bine increases the /a!bler?s $*0 and
0. $*0 by Z100Q res(ecti%ely and increases his $CC to #11<
as -ell as besto-ing I!!unity to all Status Conditions< (ositi%e
or negati%e.
+o-e%er< as long as Co!bine re!ains in e..ect< the /a!bler
!ay only use his $ctions to thro- a Punch FSingle< 110Q<
$r!or da!ageH or ;u(o 2ut FSingle< 1#1Q $r!or da!age<
*angedH. ,oth are considered standard $ttack $ctions< and are
calculated accordingly. Co!bine lasts until the end o. battle< at
-hich stage the /a!bler is auto!atically reduced to 1 +it Point.
TargetK Sel.
,$* = Su!!on
The /a!bler?s (o-ers bring a -eak Su!!on to the battle.ield.
*oll a d10< then resol%e the Su!!on?s Call e..ect as gi%en in
$((endi' III < using the /a!bler?s 0$/ and 0. $CC -here
*oll Call
1 = # I.rit > In.erno
3 = 4 *a!uh > Thunder S(ark
1 = ) Shi%a > Sno-stor!
7 Syl(h > 6his(ering 6ind
Titan > &arthen 9ury
" ;irin > Ai.e /uard
10 Cait Sith > Cat *ain
C$T 9$C& > $ll 8%er
6hen three (ortions o. the Cat 9ace are lined u(< its eyes glo-
yello- .or a brie. !o!ent@ anything un.ortunate enough to stare
directly into this sudden burst o. li.e dro(s dead on the s(ot. $ll
8%er reduces all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou( to 0
+it Points< regardless o. current +P< $*0< and 0. $*0 %alues.
Treat this as a Death=ty(e e..ect. 2otorious< ,oss and &nd ,oss
ene!ies are i!!une to $ll 8%er?s e..ects.
TargetK /rou(
,8TC+ on C$T 9$C& > Joker Doo!
$ll reels carry so!e !easure o. risk in the!< but the !ost
(o-er.ul can ha%e de%astating conse7uences -hen the
/a!bler?s luck turns. Joker Doo! i!!ediately casts the ,lue
0agic S(ell *oulette on the battle.ield F2u!ber o. $cti%e
Co!batants X #H ti!es. It is (ossible .or a ,lue 0age to learn
*oulette in this .ashion.
TargetK $ll
T85 ,8J > 4aries
So!ething creaks in the hea%ens< and a large obCect rains do-n
on one un.ortunate .oe. Toy ,o' has a rando! e..ect on one
rando!ly deter!ined co!batant in the targeted /rou(< striking
auto!atically. *oll 1d10 and consult the table belo- to .ind Toy
,o'?s e'act e..ects.
*oll *esult
1=# $ one=ton -eight crushes the target< in.licting F# ' ST*H
Z 3d)< $r!or Physical da!age.
3=4 Shar( icicles (ierce the target< in.licting F# ' 0$/H Z
3d)< 0. $r!or Ice &le!ental da!age.
1=) $ s!all house .lattens the target< in.licting F3 ' ST*H Z
3d< 0. $r!or Physical da!age.
7= $ grossly o%er-eight chocobo s(lashes onto the target<
in.licting F3 ' 0$/H Z 3d< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age.
" $ titanic ha!!er cracks do-n on the target< reducing
the target?s 0agic Points by 10Q o. their current %alue.
10 $ co!et roars into the target< in.licting F4 ' 0$/H Z
4d)< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age.
TargetK /rou(
"tatus Reels .e,el 22
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 9ast $ction
The origins o. this reel set are lost in !ystery< but so!e ru!or
that +ades hi!sel. had a hand in their creation. Their role is
(ri!arily a cautionary one< e%er re!inding /a!blers o. the
!isery that ga!es o. chance can bring.
Status *eels allo-s the /a!bler to in.lict Status Conditions on
o((onents@ each use o. this $bility costs 10 /il. $.ter the
(ay!ent is !ade< the /a!bler rolls a d10 to see -hich Status
Condition is in.licted.
*oll Sy!bol Status In.licted
1 Shades ,lind F4H
# Dro(let Poison F4H
3 Stars Con.use F4H
4 ,roken Aeg I!!obiliEe F4H
1 ,roken $r! Disable F4H
) Clock Slo- F4H
7 JJJ Curse F4H
... Silence F4H
" BBB Slee( F4H
10 *ed Cloud ,erserk F4H
8nce this is deter!ined< the /a!bler !akes t-o dQ rolls -ith a
CoS o. &'(ertise< &%asion > one using the highest &4$ in the
targeted /rou( as a !odi.ier< one using the lo-est. I. neither is
success.ul< nothing ha((ens. I. one is success.ul< a rando!ly
deter!ined co!batant in the targeted /rou( -ill be a..licted
-ith the Status rolled earlier. I. both rolls are success.ul< all
acti%e co!batants in the targeted /rou( are a..licted -ith the
Status rolled. I!!unities a((ly as nor!al.
C/o#obo Reels .e,el 43
TargetK $s &..ect Ty(eK 9ast $ction
These reels re!e!ber a success.ul /a!bler -ho belie%ed that
Chocobo birds -ere (articularly lucky< and endea%ored to ha%e
the! around -here%er he ga!bled. +e e%entually %anished<
ha%ing sunk !ost o. his -innings into searching .or the elusi%e
/old Chocobo he -as certain -ould assure his .ortune .or li.e.
Chocobo *eels allo-s the /a!bler to call u( a nu!ber o.
bene.icial e..ects and attacks@ each use o. this $bility costs #00
/il. $.ter the (ay!ent is !ade< the /a!bler rolls a d10< then
consults the table belo- to see -hat the reels ha%e turned u(.
*oll *esult Conditional 0odi.ier
1 = 3 Chocobo Z0
4 = 1 $irshi( =10
) = 7 Dia!ond =10
Dragon =#0
" ,ar =#0
10 7 =30
8nce the result has been deter!ined< the /a!bler !akes t-o
Task Checks against his /a!bling Skill -ith the Conditional
0odi.ier listed .or the result. I. both Checks are success.ul< the
/a!bler i!!ediately e'ecutes the e..ect listed .or the gi%en
result belo-. I. one or both Checks are .ailed< the /a!bler
e'ecutes the Aago!or(h result instead. I. the /a!bler rolls the
?7? result and then ,otches either o. the subse7uent rolls< the
/a!bler e'ecutes the Joker Doo! result.
C+8C8,8 > Chocobo Sta!(ede
$ sudden sta!(ede o. Chocobos shakes the battle.ield<
.lattening the one co!batant un.ortunate enough to be le.t in
their (ath. Chocobo Sta!(ede in.licts F#1 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0.
$r!or 0agical da!age to the targeted co!batant< striking
TargetK Single
$I*S+IP > Di%e ,o!b
The steady thru! o. engines .ills the air< acco!(anied by a
sinister< high=(itched -histling. Suddenly< an airshi( s-oo(s
o%erhead< disgorging a single bo!b be.ore (eeling a-ay again.
Di%e ,o!b in.licts F#1 ' 0$/H Z 1dH< 0. $r!or 9ire
&le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted
/rou(< striking auto!atically.
TargetK /rou(
DI$082D > Pris!atic 9lash
0an=siEed cards o. !ulticolored light rise .ro! the ground<
shearing through anything in their -ay. Pris!atic 9lash in.licts
F#4 ' 0$/H Z 4d10< 0. $r!or +oly &le!ental da!age to the
targeted co!batant< striking auto!atically.
TargetK Single
D*$/82 > 0ega.lare
6yr!king ,aha!ut< lord o. the dragons< descends .ro! abo%e
and bathes the ene!y in searing !agical .ire. 0ega.lare in.licts
F#4 ' 0$/H Z 4d10< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age to all eligible
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
TargetK /rou(
,$* > Su!!on
The /a!bler?s (o-ers bring a !odestly (o-er.ul Su!!on to
the battle.ield. *oll a d10< then resol%e the Su!!on?s Call e..ect
as gi%en in $((endi' III < using the /a!bler?s 0$/ and 0. $CC
-here a((ro(riate. .
*oll Call
1 0idgarsor!r > &arth $ura
# Carbuncle > *uby Aight
3 /ole! > &arth 6all
4 Sera(hi! > *e%i%er
1 $rk > Pro(eller 6ind
) Doo!train > *una-ay Train
7 ;uCata > Tetra=Disaster
$le'ander > Di%ine Judg!ent
" $ni!a > Tor!ent
10 Cerberus > Counter *ockets
7 > $ll 8%er
$ Cack(ot bell rings and the -ords V$AA 84&*W a((ear in
glo-ing< larger=than=li.e letters< hiding the ene!y .ro! sight.
6hen the -ords .inally %anish< the /a!bler?s .oes are no-here
to be .ound. $ll 8%er reduces all eligible co!batants in the
targeted /rou( to 0 +it Points< regardless o. current +P< $*0<
and 0. $*0 %alues. This is not a Death=ty(e e..ect< and -ill not
be a..ected by *esistances or I!!unities. 2otorious< ,oss and
&nd ,oss ene!ies are i!!une to $ll 8%er?s e..ects.
TargetK /rou(
9$IA:*& > Aago!or(h
$ s!all (ink rabbit in a .lo((y stra- hat !aterialiEes in .ront o.
the /a!bler< sho-ering the (arty -ith healing !agic be.ore
%anishing again. Aago!or(h restores F10 ' 0$/H Z 3d +it
Points to all acti%e allies.
TargetK Party
,8TC+ on 7 > Joker Doo!
6ithout the risk o. loss< -inning loses its .unda!ental thrill >
indeed< any good /a!bler kno-s that to -in anything< you !ust
be (re(ared to lose e%erything. Joker Doo! i!!ediately casts
the ,lue 0agic S(ell *oulette on the battle.ield F2u!ber o.
$cti%e Co!batants X #H ti!es. It is (ossible .or a ,lue 0age to
learn *oulette in this .ashion.
TargetK $ll
Atta#k Reels .e,el 5:
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 9ast $ction
This set celebrates a reno-ned tourna!ent .ighter -ith a lo%e
.or ga!es o. chance. +a%ing !e!oriEed the !aCor -eak (oints
o. the hu!an body< this .ighter -ould al-ays begin his battles
by thrusting at one o. these (oints at rando!< lea%ing his
de.enses o(en all in the ho(es o. landing that single lucky
strike. Today< his .earless risk=taking > so .unda!ental to the
%ery nature o. the /a!bler > is celebrated by all -ho use these
$ttack *eels allo-s the /a!bler to !ake !ulti(le< (otentially
enhanced attacks against a single o((onent@ each use o. this
$bility costs 400 /il. $.ter the (ay!ent is !ade< the /a!bler
selects an acti%e co!batant in the targeted /rou( at rando!
and !akes three attacks against this target. &ach attack has a
CoS o. &'(ertise< &%asion. I. the /a!bler is under the e..ects
o. ,lind< this CoS is reduced to F&'(ertise X #H< &%asion.
The attack?s e..ects de(end on -hether the roll -as a .ailure<
success< Critical Success< or ,otchK
9$IA:*& > 0issI
The /a!bler has !issed entirely. 2othing ha((ens.
S:CC&SS > +itI
The /a!bler success.ully hits an o((onent. The targeted
co!batant su..ers 100Q< $r!or Physical da!age.
C*ITIC$A S:CC&SS > 5&$+I
The /a!bler strikes a critical hit. The targeted co!batant
su..ers #00Q< $r!or Physical da!age.
,8TC+ > ,:STI
The /a!bler has only succeeded in hitting hersel.. The /a!bler
su..ers 71Q< $r!or Physical da!age.
$.ter all three attacks ha%e been resol%ed< $ttack *eels has no
.urther e..ect.
Ma$i# Reels .e,el 5;
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
8nce u(on a ti!e< the story goes< an a((rentice !age
struggled to !aster the basics o. s(ellcasting. Indeed< no
!atter ho- hard he tried< his concentration al-ays -a%ered at
the critical !o!ent. Distraught< he abandoned his studies to
s(end his !eager sa%ings at the roulette table. Then< ho-e%er<
so!ething une'(ected ha((ened > as he ner%ously -atched
the roulette ball bouncing along the -heel< he realiEed that he
-as chanting the incantation .or basic 9ire !agic under his
breath. $t the e'act !o!ent the ball sto((ed< a gout o. .la!e
eru(ted across the table< badly scorching the %eneer and nearly
igniting the ste-ard on the s(ot.
&lated< i. rather (oorer .ro! the da!ages< the a((rentice
tried the s(ell once !ore< only to !eet -ith .ailure again > as
long as he concentrated on -hat he -as saying< the s(ell
re.used to co!e. 8nly -hen trans.i'ed by the s(in and bounce
o. the ball did the !agic cast as bidden. Today< /a!blers -ho
use these reels do so as !uch to co!!e!orate the
a((rentice?s li.e as his disco%ery that chance is indeed the !ost
(o-er.ul .orce in the uni%erse.
0agic *eels allo-s the /a!bler to cast certain *ed 0agic
S(ells at no 0P cost@ each use o. this $bility costs 100 /il. $.ter
the (ay!ent is !ade< the /a!bler rolls 3d10. The .irst d10 is
.or the le.t reel< and deter!ines the Ae%el o. the S(ell cast by
the /a!bler. The second d10 is .or the center reel< and
deter!ines ho- !any ti!es the S(ell -ill be cast. The third and
.inal d10 deter!ines the S(ell nu!ber< and decides e'actly
-hich S(ell is cast.
*oll Ae.t *eel Center *eel *ight *eel
1 Ae%el 3 '1 S(ell 2u!ber 1
# Ae%el 3 '1 S(ell 2u!ber #
3 Ae%el 4 '1 S(ell 2u!ber 3
4 Ae%el 4 '1 S(ell 2u!ber 4
1 Ae%el 1 '# S(ell 2u!ber 1
) Ae%el ) '# S(ell 2u!ber )
7 Ae%el ) '# S(ell 2u!ber 7
Ae%el 7 '3 S(ell 2u!ber
" Ae%el $ngel S(ell 2u!ber "
10 T+ && 2D
? (a.ic Reels in Action
Ca(rice (ays the re7uired /il .or 0agic *eels and rolls three
d10. The .irst< .or the S(ell Ae%el< co!es u( a ?)? > a Ae%el )
S(ell. The second< the nu!ber o. ti!es the S(ell -ill be cast<
rolls a ?4? > the S(ell -ill be cast once. That Cust lea%es the
7uestion o. -hich S(ell -ill be actually cast. Ca(rice?s third roll
is a > she -ill cast S(ell 2u!ber .or Ae%el )< or 6aterga<
once on a target o. her choice.
$ roll o. 10 on any o. the three *eels is e..ecti%ely a ?-ild card?
> the (layer can choose -hich o. the nine (receding results to
use. +o-e%er< i. T+< &&< or 2D are used in co!bination -ith
certain other results< no S(ell is cast@ instead< the /a!bler
unleashes a uni7ue e..ect. These co!binations areK
T+ Z && Z 2D > The &nd
The i!!ediate battle.ield suddenly beco!es a serene garden<
its beauti.ul .lo-er .ields only !arred by a cru!bling to!bstone
in the !idst o. the ene!y ranks. &ngra%ed in the -eathered
rock are Cust t-o -ordsK T+& &2D. The &nd reduces all eligible
co!batants in the targeted /rou( to 0 +it Points< regardless o.
current +P< $*0< and 0. $*0 %alues. This is not a Death=ty(e
e..ect< and -ill not be a..ected by *esistances or I!!unities<
e%en those (ossessed by 2otorious< ,oss< and &nd ,oss
TargetK /rou(
T+ Z $ngel Z 2D > *a(ture
&thereal angel -ings shi!!er into li.e behind the co!batants<
threatening to li.t the! into skies at a !o!ent?s notice. 6hen
*a(ture is cast< a si'=*ound ti!er begins. I. the battle has not
.inished be.ore the ti!er reaches ?0<? *a(ture reduces all acti%e
co!batants on the battle.ield to 0 +it Points< regardless o.
current +P< $*0< and 0. $*0 %alues. This is not a Death=ty(e
e..ect< and -ill not be a..ected by *esistances or I!!unities.
2otorious< ,oss and &nd ,oss ene!ies are i!!une to
*a(ture?s e..ects.
TargetK $ll
$ngel Z 2D Z $nything ,ut T+ > 9ull CureI
The entire (arty is .ully healed o. all -ounds. 9ull Cure restores
the /a!bler and all acti%e allies in the i!!ediate Party to
!a'i!u! +it Points.
TargetK Party
T+ Z $ngel Z $nything ,ut 2D > 6allI
,ea!s o. light (ierce the ground< (ulling u( a solid chunk o.
earth to shield the /a!bler?s allies .ro! har!. 6all besto-s the
Status Condition 6all on the /a!bler and all acti%e allies in the
i!!ediate Party F4H.
TargetK Party
$ngel Z $ny 8ther Co!bination > De%il?s Aaugh
The center reel begins to s(in again< .inally sto((ing on a
laughing de%il?s .ace. 2othing ha((ens > the /a!bler has
-asted his $ction and !oney.
TargetK Single
$ssu!ing the /a!bler does not trigger one o. the s(ecial
e..ects< he -ill instead cast the a((ro(riate S(ell gi%en in Table
4=7 belo- as !any ti!es as the Center *eel indicated. $ll S(ells
are treated as TargetK Single< regardless o. their actual Target@
har!.ul S(ells -ill al-ays target an o((onent o. the /a!bler?s
choosing< -hile hel(.ul S(ells a..ect an ally chosen by the
/a!bler > see Cha(ter .or !ore details.
Ta%le 1&4' (a.ic Reel Spell Res"lts
1 Aera 8|o Aeraga Crarr RereW 0|d
2 8||zzara Corluse Proleclga Esura Freeze 8|ac| lo|e
3 Cura 0ra|r 8||zzaga F|are Rel|ecl Ce|esl|a| 3las|s
1 F|ra lasle Curaga 3re||ga Nu|e Vassacre
5 Prolecl Ra|se F|raga 0ua|e 3roc|Wave Pu|sar Ve|ldoWr
Reger Ruse V|r| 3|pror X-Zore 8rea|
Z 3||erce 3re|| 3lore 3lop Toad lo|y
8 Trurdara 8asura Trurdaga walerga veror Reo|rlr
9 Zoro|e walera T|re 3||p var|sr Pa|r 3r|e|d
10 Ary Leve| 3 Ary Leve| 1 Ary Leve| 5 Ary Leve| Ary Leve| Z Ary Leve| 8
12 0ediator
De!agogues< (eacekee(ers< di(lo!ats< con !en > !en and
-o!en -ith the 0ediatorDs talents can be .ound in all -alks o.
li.e< (racticing the arts o. sil%er tongue and care.ul suggestion
as !eticulously as a -arrior -ould his s-ords!anshi(. Though
0ediators can (ut u( a .air .ight in battle< their strength lies not
in ar!s< but in their ability to !ani(ulate others into doing their
bidding@ -ith little !ore than the right -ord at the right ti!e< an
0ediator can acco!(lish al!ost anything.
;eenly intelligent and !eticulously logical< the a%erage
0ediator !ay see! a (oor .it .or a -andering band o. rough=
and=tu!ble ad%enturers. +o-e%er< those honeyed -ords reach
.urther than !ere .ireballs and .lashing blades@ gi%en a chance<
the 0ediator?s talents can o(en doors in !any (laces or so-
the seeds o. con.usion on the battle.ield on an uni!agined
Ved|alor 8 8 12 10 10 12
*e(resentati%esK 8rator Job F99TH< ,east!aster Job F994<
99JI< 99T$H< *eis Duelar F99TH
+P DieK d
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK ;ni%es< 9lails< Instru!ents< *i.les
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< Suits< *obes
$ccuracy ,onusK Z#0
Skill PointsK #)0
Skill $(titudesK Social
&'(ertise 9or!ulaK F2egotiation *ating X #HZ Ae%el Z FSP* '
The 0ediator is !aster o. rhetoric< a consu!!ate (ro.essional
-ho can !ake the cut and thrust o. debate see! as thrilling as
the clash o. steel.
'ame .e,el 1
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility
$ -ise 0ediator kno-s ne%er to underesti!ate the (o-er o.
!ercy o..ered at the right !o!ent. Ta!e allo-s the 0ediator to
Ns(areD a single o((onent reduced to 0 +P (rior to the
0ediatorDs turn in the current *ound< recruiting the! as a
te!(orary ally. Treat this as a 0ysti.y=ty(e e..ect@ /il< JP< and
ite!s are a-arded as i. the o((onent had been de.eated in the
nor!al !anner. 2otorious< ,oss< and &nd ,oss o((onents are
i!!une to Ta!e?s e..ects by de.ault.
In e'change .or being s(ared< the o((onent is -illing to
(er.or! one action on the 0ediator?s behal. be.ore the ?s(ell? is
broken@ to do so< the 0ediator !ust hersel. !ake a 9ast $ction.
8ut o. co!bat< this assistance -ill usually allo- the (arty to
o%erco!e an obstacle they -ould not clear under their o-n
stea!@ in co!bat< the o((onent -ill use one attack or $bility
chosen at the /0?s discretion. 8nce the deed is done< the
0ediator has no .urther hold o%er the o((onent@ in !ost cases<
the Ta!ed o((onent -ill i!!ediately .lee.
Initially< the 0ediator is li!ited to a single ?recruit? at a ti!e<
but !ay add one additional o((onent at Ae%els 1)< 31< 4)< and
)1< .or a grand total o. 1. $ gi%en o((onent !ay not be Ta!ed
!ore than once.
!5trust .e,el 1:
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic$bility
The 0ediator?s knack .or studied negotiation can drastically
alter the .lo- o. battle. &ntrust allo-s the target to i!!ediately
take a turn< e%en i. it has already acted in the current *ound.
6hen targeting hostile co!batants< including allies under the
e..ect o. Char! or Con.use< &ntrust has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0.
&%asion@ against allies< &ntrust is auto!atically success.ul.
I. the target has any $ctions re!aining< the 0ediator !ay take
another turn -hen the target -ould nor!ally act during this
*ound@ the target loses this later turn in e'change .or being
able to act on the 0ediator?s current Initiati%e. I. the target is
currently charging a Slo- $ction< that $ction is i!!ediately
canceled@ i. the target has not acted this *ound< the 0ediator
can take another turn on the tick the Slo- $ction -ould ha%e
nor!ally gone o.. on. I. the Slo- $ction -ould not ha%e .inished
charging during the current *ound< the 0ediator -ill not get
another turn.
? Entr"st in Action
0int FInitiati%e 3)H< +iro FInitiati%e 1#H< +aEe FInitiati%e 1)H<
and Aautrec the 0ediator FInitiati%e 11H are locked in co!bat.
0int and +aEe act< then Aautrec?s turn co!es u(. I. he uses
&ntrust on +iro< +iro can act i!!ediately on Aautrec?s current
Initiati%e o. 11@ Aautrec -ill act again on +iro?s Initiati%e o. 1#.
$lternately< Aautrec can target +aEe< allo-ing hi! to take a
second turn this *ound@ in e'change< he e..ecti%ely gi%es u(
his o-n turn. +e could also target 0int< in -hich case 0int
-ould take an i!!ediate turn and Aautrec can take an $ction
-hen 0int -ould nor!ally act ne't thanks to her &'tre!e
Initiati%eK at 1 tick.
Parle) .e,el 19
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic$bility
6ith a little care.ul negotiation< an 0ediator can con%ince a
critically -ounded .oe that discretion is indeed the better (art o.
%alor. Parley can only target o((onents -hose current +it
Points are #1Q or less o. the !a'i!u! %alue< and has a CoS o.
&'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. con%incing the target to i!!ediately
.lee the battle. Treat this as an &Cect=ty(e e..ect. 8((onents -ho
ha%e been a..ected by Parley can also be auto!atically Ta!ed
as a Bero $ction.
Ad,i#e .e,el 28
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic$bility
Through care.ul direction and ti!ely suggestions< a 0ediator is
ca(able o. guiding her allies to %ictory. $d%ice besto-s the
Status Condition Critical :( F4H.
3ntimidation .e,el 3;
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic$bility
Inti!idation is Cust thatK a ra(id=.ire strea! o. -ithering
in%ecti%e that syste!atically stri(s a-ay the target?s
concentration and con.idence< lea%ing it dra!atically shaken.
Inti!idation has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. increasing
the target?s range .or $uto!atic 0isses and ,otches .ro! "1 to
100 to 71 to 100 F4H@ during this ti!e< any Critical +its or
Critical Successes are treated as nor!al successes.
Manipulate .e,el 40
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility
The 0ediator -ra(s her %icti! in a skein o. ske-ed logic<
dragooning it into obeying her e%ery co!!and .or a .e-
(recious !o!ents. 0ani(ulate has a CoS o. &'(ertise< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Char! on the targeted
co!batant F4H.
3n,ite .e,el 55
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility
6ith s-eet -ords and studied (ersuasion< an 0ediator can
con%ince al!ost anything to .ight on her behal.. In%ite has a CoS
o. &'(ertise< 0. &%asion o. con%erting a single o((onent into
a te!(orary ally. Treat this as a 0ysti.y=ty(e e..ect@ 2otorious<
,oss< and &nd ,oss o((onents are i!!une to In%ite?s e..ects
by de.ault. I. success.ul< the o((onent -ill i!!ediately begin
.ighting .or the 0ediator?s (arty< using -hate%er attacks and
$bilities the /0 dee!s a((ro(riate.
$.ter the battle is o%er< o((onents ?con%erted? in this .ashion
are considered de.eated and -ill yield the nor!al re-ards. They
-ill also .ollo- the 0ediator until called u(on to hel(@ doing so
re7uires the 0ediator s(end a 9ast $ction. I. called u( in
another battle< the In%ited o((onent -ill .ight .or the 0ediator
until the end o. that battle< acting according to /0 discretion@
out o. co!bat< the In%ited o((onent -ill -hate%er
assistance it can .or one Scene. $.ter this< it -ill !ake its
esca(e. The 0ediator !ay ne%er ha%e !ore than one In%ited
o((onent at any one ti!e< though she !ay choose to release a
(re%iously In%ited o((onent at any (oint .or no cost. $ gi%en
o((onent !ay not be In%ited !ore than once.
C/ar$eA .e,el 04
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility
The greatest battles in history began -ith but one -ord.
ChargeI gi%es u( to .our o. the 0ediator?s allies a li!ited CoS o.
!aking an i!!ediate $ttack $ction -ith -hate%er 6ea(on they
currently ha%e e7ui((ed against targets o. their o-n choosing.
These $ctions do not count to-ards the attackersD totals .or
that *ound< and !ay be taken e%en i. the allies in 7uestion ha%e
already acted in the current *ound.
&%ery (arty !e!ber !ust !ake a se(arate dQ roll to see i. they
-ill actually attack@ the CoS .or this is based on the ally?s current
+it Points< as sho-n belo-.
$llyDs +it Points CoS
100 to 7)Q o. !a'i!u! 40Q
71 to 11Q o. !a'i!u! )0Q
10 to #1Q o. !a'i!u! 0Q
#1Q or less o. !a'i!u! 100Q
I. !ore than .our allies succeed< the .our lo-est=rolling allies -ill
!ake $ttack $ctions.

3456 0ime
The 0i!e is the cha!eleon o. the ad%enturing ecosyste!<
training in nothing yet studying e%erything@ -ith no skills o. her
o-n yet e%ery skill around her. 2o one can say -hether a true
!i!ic is born or !ade > those -ith the innate talent tend to be
nondescri(t indi%iduals -ith !alleable (ersonalities and a .ace
al!ost destined to .ade into the cro-d. So!e acce(t this<
subsu!ing that blank (ersona into their abilities@ others rebel<
dressing in outlandish costu!es and !onstrous !asks< gi%ing
the -orld no choice but to recogniEe the!. 6hate%er the case
!ay be< one thing is al-ays certain > to .ace a 0i!e in battle is
to stare into the .ace o. chaos itsel..
V|re 9 9 9 9 9 9
*e(resentati%esK /ogo F994IH< 0i!e Job F994< 99TH
+P DieK d
0P DieK d)
6ea(onsK ,o-s< Crossbo-s< 9lails< /lo%es< ;ni%es< *ods<
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< Suits< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z#0
Skill PointsK #)0
Skill $(titudesK 2one
&'(ertise 9or!ulaK F$cting *ating X #H Z Ae%el Z FSP* ' #H
The 0i!eDs greatest -ea(ons are his .riends and .oes. $r!ed
-ith the uncanny ability to recreate the actions o. those around
hi! in !inute detail< a 0i!e can be as -eak > or as strong > as
anything else on the battle.ield.
Mimi# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 4aries
,y obser%ing a target in battle< the 0i!e can !i!ic its actions.
6hen used< 0i!ic allo-s the 0i!e to re(licate the last $ction
!ade > or $bility used > (rior to his turn. The e..ects and
target -ill be identical to the (re%ious $ctionDs e%en i. they -ere
rando!ly deter!ined< though all da!age codes and CoS
.or!ulas use the 0i!eDs $ttributes and Co!bat Statistics as
their basis. $bilities -hich re7uire the use o. a certain 6ea(on
ha%e this re7uire!ent -ai%ed< using -hate%er 6ea(on the 0i!e
currently has e7ui((ed instead. 9or Iaido and Soul ,lade<
resol%e the e..ects as i. the 0i!e -as e7ui((ed -ith the ;atana
used in the last $ction The only e'ce(tion are $ctions -hich
consu!e an Ite! > the 0i!e !ust ha%e the sa!e Ite! in his
In%entory in order to be able to 0i!ic the $ction< consu!ing
the Ite! in the (rocess.
$ctions -ith an 0P cost re7uire the 0i!ic to s(end an e7ual
a!ount o. 0P > i. not enough 0P is a%ailable< 0i!ic .ails and
the $ction is -asted. $ctions -ith a Charge Ti!e cannot be
0i!iced unless their e..ects -ere resol%ed directly be.ore the
0i!eDs turn@ i. so< the Charge Ti!e (enalty carries o%er to
Mirror Mimi# .e,el 9
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
Sla%ish i!itation alone does not al-ays ensure success. 0irror
0i!ic allo-s a 0i!e to use 0i!ic -ith either its original target
or the co!batant -ho !ade the last $ction as a target.
Command Mimi# .e,el 1;
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
Practice !akes (er.ect. Co!!and 0i!ic re7uires the 0i!e to
select a single ally and allo-s the! to select one 9ast $ction<
Slo- $ction< 0agic $bility< or Ae%el o. S(ells that ally (ossesses
and use it .or the duration o. the current battle or Scene. 8nly
one $bility or S(ell Ae%el !ay be re(licated in this .ashion (er
battle or Scene. $ll da!age codes and CoS .or!ulas use the
0i!eDs $ttributes and Co!bat Statistics as their basis@ Charge
Ti!es and 0P costs carry o%er as nor!al.
$bilities that re7uire the use o. a certain 6ea(on ha%e this
re7uire!ent -ai%ed< using -hate%er 6ea(on the 0i!e currently
has e7ui((ed instead. The only e'ce(tions to this rule are Iaido
and Soul ,lade< -hich !ay not be !i!iced in this .ashion
unless the 0i!e has the rele%ant ;atana e7ui((ed.
I. Co!!and 0i!ic is used to access a Ae%el o. S(ells< only
those S(ells a%ailable to the target can be used by the 0i!e. In
the case o. ,lue and Su!!on 0agic< the 0i!e can take a
nu!ber o. S(ells or Calls -ith a co!bined 0P %alue e7ual to his
o-n !a'i!u! 0P< chosen .ro! those the 0i!eDs target has
access to.
I. Co!!and 0i!ic is used to !i!ic the Dancer?s Per.or! or
the /eo!ancer?s /eo!ancy< the 0i!e uses -hate%er e..ect -as
generated the .irst ti!e around.
Memor) Mimi# .e,el 25
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
$ long !e!ory !akes .or a better (er.or!ance. 0e!ory 0i!ic
allo-s the 0i!e to use 0i!ic on any $ction !ade (rior to his
turn during the course o. the current *ound.
Final Mimi# .e,el 33
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK *eaction
$l-ays bo- out on a high note. 6hen triggered< 9inal 0i!ic has
a CoS o. 10 Z SP* o. allo-ing the 0i!e to i!!ediately 0i!ic
the attack that reduced hi! to 0 +P< targeting the co!batant
that !ade the original $ction. 9inal 0i!ic is subCect to the sa!e
restrictions as 0i!ic< though any Charge Ti!e is -ai%ed.
TriggerK 0i!eDs +P reduced to 0 or lo-er by an attack
Command Mimi#+ .e,el 41
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
The longer you s(end -ith so!ebody< the better you kno-
the!. Co!!and 0i!icZ allo-s the 0i!e to use Co!!and
0i!ic on u( to t-o S(ell Ae%els< 0agic $bilities< 9ast $bilities< or
Slo- $bilities (er battle or Scene.
'ar$et Mimi# .e,el 49
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
The best (er.or!er al-ays (uts his o-n s(in on things. Target
0i!ic allo-s a 0i!e to .reely choose their targets -hen using
Counter Mimi# .e,el 50
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK *eaction
Sooner or later< e%ery (er.or!ance beco!es (redictable. 6hen
triggered< Counter 0i!ic has a .lat CoS o. 30Q o. allo-ing the
0i!e to a%oid the e..ects o. the attack and i!!ediately 0i!ic it<
targeting the co!batant that !ade the original $ction. Counter
0i!ic is subCect to the sa!e restrictions as 0i!ic< though any
Charge Ti!e is -ai%ed.
TriggerK $ttack targeting the 0i!ic alone
6ob Mimi# .e,el 04
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
To !aster a role is to kno- its nuances. Job 0i!ic re7uires the
0i!e to select a single ally< allo-ing the! to use !ost 9ast
$bilities< Slo- $bilities< 0agic $bilities< and S(ell Ae%els a%ailable
to that character F4H. The e'ce(tions are $bilities gained a.ter
Ae%el 10 and Ae%el 7 and S(ells. 9or ,lue 0agic< no S(ell -ith
an 0P cost o. 100 or higher !ay be used -ith Job 0i!ic@
Su!!ons and Calls are li!ited to those -ith an 0P cost o. 110
or lo-er. 8nly one ally !ay be !i!iced in this .ashion at any
one ti!e. I. used out o. co!bat< Job 0i!ic has no ti!e li!it.
The Thie. is so!ething o. an enig!a. 6here !ost heroes
u(hold the la-< the Thie. o(enly .louts it. +er skills are
in%aluable -hen in.iltrating an ene!y .ortress or retrie%ing
(riceless arti.acts .ro! talentless brigands< but .or so!e reason
that argu!ent ne%er holds u( -hen she?s caught U(racticing<U
-hether she?s been (icking (ockets or cli!bing out o. a
second=.loor -indo- -ith a sack .ull o. sil%er. &%en i. she
restricts her kle(to(hilia to ad%enturing (ursuits< the Thie. is
largely disres(ected< but she doesn?t let it get her do-n. &%en
Paladins co!e running to her at the .irst sign o. a tra( or
co!(le' lock. She !ay not ha%e the re.le'es o. the 2inCa or the
!echanical e'(ertise o. the &ngineer< but she?s got -hat she?s
got< and she?s da!n good at using it. 9or !ost ad%enturing
Thie%es< it?s not about the !oney< but the challenge. $nyone
can get rich by staying in the city< but no one today !akes tra(s
like the ones in the ancient ruins< and no one uses (uEEle locks
any!ore. 6ho -ants a sack o. gold -hen she could decorate
her (ad -ith an e!erald the siEe o. her .istG The lack o.
!oti%ation sho-n by her do!estic brethren is enough to !ake
a gro-n Thie. cryI
The Thie.?s best -ea(on is her attitude. 6hen the e'cre!ent
strikes the -ind!ill< no one re!ains as cal! as the thie.. She
!ay let .ly -ith a stor! o. curses< or cry a .e- crocodile tears to
thro- o.. her ene!ies For e%en her alliesH< but dee( do-n inside
the Thie. kno-s she can handle -hate%er li.e thro-s at her.
She?s li%ed through !ost o. it< and -hat she hasn?t seen
doesn?t scare her. 6hen the Thie. does get shaken< it?s a (retty
good sign that things are about to take a turn .or the ugly.
Tr|el 8 8 13 15 8 8
*e(resentati%esK Aocke Cole F994IH< ;isaragi F994IIH<
*ikku F99JH< Thie. Job F99I< 99III< 994< 99JI< 99T< 99T$< 99J=#H<
Bidane Tribal F99IJH
+P DieK d
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK ,oo!erangs< Aight S-ords< ;ni%es< 2inCa ,lades<
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< Suits
$ccuracy ,onusK Z#0
Skill PointsK #)0
Skill $(titudesK Thie%ery
&'(ertise 9or!ulaK FPick(ocket *ating X #H Z Ae%el Z F$/I '
In the Thie.Ds -orld< the hand is al-ays 7uicker than the eye and
anything > anything > is ri(e .or the taking.
"teal .e,el 1
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
Thanks to a little cunning and a set o. -ell=honed re.le'es< a
Thie. can (luck a targetDs %aluables be.ore it e%en has a chance
to react. Steal gi%es a Thie. a CoS o. F$ccuracy Z 6ea(on
SkillH< &%asion o. stealing an ite! .ro! the targeted
co!batant< (ro%ided that the co!batant had a treasure table
set out .or the! using the rules in $((endi' II . The 6ea(on
Skill in 7uestion is that used by -hiche%er 6ea(on the Thie. has
e7ui((ed@ i. !ore than one is e7ui((ed< choose -hich to use.
I. success.ul< !ake a roll against &'(ertise< &%asion to see
e'actly -hat the Thie. has snatchedK
*oll *esult Ite! Stolen
,otch 2one
9ailure Co!!on
,eat CoS by 1 = 30 :nco!!on
,eat CoS by 31 = 10 *are
,eat CoS by 11Z 4ery *are
$ Critical Success increases the rarity o. the ite! stolen by one
> .ro! :nco!!on to *are< or .ro! *are to 4ery *are. Stealing
an ite! re!o%es it .ro! the treasure table@ it -ill not dro( a.ter
battle< and i. subse7uent Steal rolls end u( -ith the sa!e ite!<
nothing is taken and the $ction is -asted.
I. Steal is used against a target -ithout a treasure table< the
Thie. !ust either declare -hat she is taking be.ore !aking the
roll< or ends u( -ith one rando! %aluable at the /0Ds
discretion. 2ote that unlike the Skill Pick(ocket< %icti!s o. Steal
kno- i!!ediately theyD%e been robbed > the Thie. trades
subter.uge .or s(eed in this case.
Gil "napper .e,el 8
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 9ast $ction
Though the Thie.Ds .orte lies in larger ite!s< she is not abo%e
hel(ing hersel. to a strangerDs (ocket change to .atten her o-n
(urse. /il Sna((er has a CoS o. F&'(ertise X #H o. allo-ing the
Thie. to snatch a nu!ber o. /il e7ual to FTotal /il 4alue o. $ll
8((onents X H. /il taken in this .ashion are not deducted
.ro! the encounter re-ards< but !ulti(le success.ul uses o. /il
Sna((er -ill not increase this a!ount > the $bility is only
e..ecti%e once (er battle.
6hen used against other targets< the a!ount o. /il obtained
in this !anner is le.t to the /0Ds discretion. $s -ith Steal<
%icti!s o. /il Sna((er i!!ediately notice their loss > Thie%es
-ho -ant to a%oid rousing alar! -ill ha%e to use Pick(ocket
Cat#/ .e,el 15
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK *eaction
So!e -arriors are s(eedy enough to snatch inco!ing
(roCectiles out o. the air< but only the Thie. has the (resence o.
!ind to (ocket the!. 6hen triggered< Catch gi%es the Thie. a
.lat CoS o. 10Q o. a%oiding the attacks e..ects and i!!ediately
adding any Ite!s or $!!unition used in the attack to her
In%entory Slot.
TriggerK Thie. is targeted by a Thro-ing 6ea(on< ,o-<
Crossbo-< *i.le< or *anged !onster attack that in.licts Physical
+istra#t .e,el 22
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction FH
In tight 7uarters< a Thie. 7uickly learns to use any !eans at her
dis(osal to di%ert attention .ro! hersel. > a cloud o. dust< a bit
o. o%eracting< or a e%en -ell=ai!ed stone can -ork -onders at
the right ti!e. Distract has a CoS o. &'(ertise< &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition :na-are F#H.
Mu$ .e,el 29
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F10H
Though the Thie. (re.ers to ( her %icti!Ds %aluables -ith
skill and subtlety< there are ti!es -hen a little cold steel gets .ar
better results. 0ug allo-s the Thie. to in.lict 100Q< $r!or
Physical da!age on the targeted co!batant< striking
auto!atically. $.ter da!age has been resol%ed< the Thie. has a
CoS o. &'(ertise< &%asion o. stealing an ite! .ro! the target
in the sa!e !anner as i. Steal had been used. This does not
re7uire an additional $ction.
+ete#t .e,el 30
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
Care.ul obser%ation is a cardinal %irtue a!ong Thie%es@
so!eti!es< only a shar( eye and (atience can s(ot the
di..erence bet-een a (rince and a (au(er. Detect allo-s the
Thie. to see the targetDs treasure table or any other ite!s o.
signi.icant %alue the target is carrying. I. used against an
o((onent -ith a treasure table< Detect also increases the
e..ecti%eness o. Steal > .or the re!ainder o. the battle< the Thie.
-ill steal an additional ite! e%ery ti!e a success.ul Steal roll is
!ade. The nature o. this ?bonus? ite! de(ends on the rarity o.
the stolen ite!K
Ite! *olled $dditional Ite! Stolen
4ery *are *are
*are :nco!!on
:nco!!on Co!!on
Co!!on 2one
I. the additional ite! -as already (re%iously stolen< nothing
ha((ens > Steal (roceeds as nor!al.
"teal Heart .e,el 43
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F14H
6ith her roguish air and char!ing !anner< an e'(erienced Thie.
can -or! her -ay into any heart< turning e%en bitter .oes into
s!itten< lo%e=drunk Eo!bies. Steal +eart has a CoS o.
&'(ertise< &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Char!
F)H. $gainst +u!anoid o((onents< Steal +eart -ill only be
e..ecti%e i. the target -ould nor!ally be rece(ti%e to the Thie.?s
ad%ances@ all other !onster ty(es are a..ected as nor!al.
Countert/eft .e,el 5:
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eaction
0any (ro.essions take ad%antage the brie. o(ening a.ter an
o((onentDs attack to launch a counterassault. The Thie.< true to
her nature< uses it to nab %aluables .ro! unsus(ecting .oes.
6hen triggered< Counterthe.t allo-s the Thie. to i!!ediately
use Steal against the o((onent -ho !ade the attack< striking
TriggerK Thie. is targeted by a Single=target 0elee $ttack $ction
that deals Physical da!age
Robber's !,iden#e .e,el 5;
TargetK Single Ty(eK Slo- $ction F1H
$ s!art Thie. recogniEes a tra((ed chest or cursed coin -hen
she sees one@ a s!arter one kee(s these haEards in store to
-reak ha%oc on her o((onents< thro-ing the! out in the !idst
o. battle -here theyDre least e'(ected. *obberDs &%idence
in.licts 100Q Z F&'(ertise ' #H< $r!or Physical da!age<
striking auto!atically.
Foot*ork .e,el 04
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
,y channeling chi into her !o%e!ents< a Thie. can !o%e -ith
blinding s(eed< striking and retreating long be.ore her .oes
ha%e ti!e to act. 9oot-ork allo-s the Thie. to add #0 to her
Initiati%e -hen deter!ining it at the beginning o. the *ound.

0ages are sorcerers and s(ellcasters< creating their attacks by
channeling !ana< the (o-er o. !agic< through their bodies.
This gi%es the! .le'ibility in %ast e'cess o. other (arty !e!bers<
but does de!and sacri.ices > 0ages are (hysically -eaker and
!ore %ulnerable in co!bat than 6arriors or e%en &'(erts.
782 Bla29 Caller
The ability to dra- on the !agical creatures kno-n as
Su!!oned 0onsters is a rare one@ to be able to control and
sustain the! in battle is rarer still. The ,lack Caller is a study in
co!(ro!ises > though their abilities are li!ited and cannot
anchor a Su!!on .or long< they co!(ensate -ith a res(ectable
co!!and o. ,lack 0agic. The result is a !i'ture o. %ersatility
and all=out (o-er ca(able o. shi.ting the tide on any battle.ield.
8|ac| Ca||er 5 5 10 10 15 15
*e(resentati%esK *ydia o. 0ist F99I4H
+P DieK d)
0P DieK d10
6ea(onsK ,o-s< 9lails< ;ni%es< *ods< Sta%es
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< *obes
$ccuracy ,onusK Z10
Skill PointsK #0
Skill $(titudesK Scholastic
Though not as skilled as a (ure ,lack 0age< ,lack Callers are
able to hold their o-n in this (o-er.ul .or! o. -ar !agic.
(la#k ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
,lack Callers ha%e the ability to cast ,lack S(ells .ro! the lists
in Cha(ter in battle. They begin -ith t-o Ae%el 1 S(ells at
Ae%el 1< -ith additional S(ells gained roughly e%ery 3 Ae%els.
SPE99 9E=E9 >EA SPE99 GA*>E; AT 9E=E9S
8|ac| 1 3, , 9
8|ac| 2 11, 13, 1, 19
8|ac| 3 21, 23, 2, 29
8|ac| 1 31, 33, 3, 39
8|ac| 5 11, 13, 1, 19
8|ac| 51, 53, 5, 59
3ntuiti,e ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
Aike a (ure ,lack 0age< the ,lack Caller can turn her li!ited
ele!ental !astery to a %ariety o. uses. 0ore details on Intuiti%e
0agic can be .ound in Cha(ter .
;ey-ordsK Destruction< &arth< &le!ental 0ani(ulation< 9ire<
Ice< Aightning< Poison< Shado-< 6ater
Aike the Su!!oner< the ,lack Caller is able to su!!on (o-er.ul
creatures .ro! other -orlds to ser%e and assist her< i. only .or
short (eriods o. ti!e. Though the (rocess o. .inding and
recruiting such creatures is an arduous one< their (o-er !ore
than co!(ensates .or any hardshi(.
Ar#ane 'on$ue .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
,lack Callers ha%e the ability to co!!unicate -ith Su!!oned
0onsters and other creatures o. !agical origin as i. they had a
rele%ant Aanguage\ Skill at a *ating o. 100< e%en i. the creature
is not nor!ally ca(able o. co!!unicating -ith intelligent
Call .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility F)H
,lack Callers ha%e the ability to call on Su!!oned 0onsters
.ro! the lists in $((endi' III . In this case< the Su!!on in
7uestion !aterialiEes long enough to unleash a single e..ect<
then disa((ears. ,lack Callers gain one Su!!oned 0onster >
Aaksh!i< *e!ora< or 4ale.or > at Ae%el 1< ac7uiring additional
Su!!ons as the ga!e (rogresses at the /0Ds discretion.
(oost .e,el 3:
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility FH
$n e'(erienced ,lack Caller can increase the (o-er o. her
Su!!onDs attacks by s(ending additional ti!e channeling a
(ortion o. her o-n (o-er and !ana into the!. ,oost is used in
the sa!e !anner as Call< but increases the e..ect o. the
Su!!on > da!age or healing > by Z#1Q. $side .ro! the
increased Charge Ti!e< the 0P cost > or /il cost > o. the
Su!!on increases by Z#1Q to co!(ensate.

79: Bla29 0age
8ther schools o. !agic are ca(able o. unleashing (o-er.ul
attack s(ells< cri((ling or inca(acitating o((onents -ith the
-a%e o. a hand. ,lack 0agic< ho-e%er< !akes it the raison
dDetre< e'isting .or destruction and nothing else. Trained in the
de%astating (o-er o. the ele!ents< its (ractitioners are a
.earso!e (resence on any battle.ield. $lone< they can blast any
o((onent -ithin an inch o. its li.e@ together< they can sto(
ar!ies in their tracks.
8|ac| Vage 5 5 10 10 15 15
*e(resentati%esK ,lack 0age Job F99I< 99II< 994< 99J=#< 99JI<
99T<99T$H< Aulu F99JH< Palo! o. 0ysidia F99I4H< 4i%i 8rnitier
+P DieK d)
0P DieK d10
6ea(onsK ,o-s< ;ni%es< *ods
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< *obes
$ccuracy ,onusK Z10
Skill PointsK #0
Skill $(titudesK Scholastic
,lack 0agic .ocuses on the o..ensi%e side o. !agic > ele!ental
!ani(ulation< destructi%e attacks and cri((ling Status
Conditions. $s they gain e'(erience< ,lack 0ages gro- in (o-er
and %ersatility< gaining the ability to clear the battle.ield in one
s-i.t action.
(la#k ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
,lack 0ages ha%e the ability to cast ,lack S(ells .ro! the lists in
Cha(ter in battle. They begin -ith three Ae%el 1 S(ells at
Ae%el 1< -ith additional S(ells gained e%ery # Ae%els.
SPE99 9E=E9 >EA SPE99 GA*>E; AT 9E=E9S
8|ac| 1 3, 5, Z
8|ac| 2 9, 11, 13, 15
8|ac| 3 1Z, 19, 21, 23
8|ac| 1 25, 2Z, 29, 31
8|ac| 5 33, 35, 3Z, 39
8|ac| 11, 13, 15, 1Z
8|ac| Z 19, 51, 53, 55
8|ac| 8 5Z, 59, 1, 3
3ntuiti,e ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
Though his (ri!ary (o-ers are o..ensi%e< the ,lack 0age can
use his co!!and o. the ele!ents in !ore subtle -ays. 0ore
details on Intuiti%e 0agic can be .ound in Cha(ter .
;ey-ordsK Destruction< &arth< &le!ental 0ani(ulation< 9ire<
Ice< Aightning< Poison< Shado-< 6ater

;9: Red 0age
The *ed 0age is the classic Cack o. all trades< a (ro.ession
-hose %ersatility stands in stark contrast to the regi!ented<
o.ten restricti%e training o. other 0age Jobs. Indeed< rather than
kee(ing their studies con.ined to a single school o. !agic< these
%ersatile s(ellcasters satis.y curiosity by dabbling in a little bit o.
e%erythingK 6hite 0agic< ,lack 0agic< Ti!e 0agic<
The 7uintessential .ree s(irits< *ed 0ages tend to dress
elegantly and .la!boyantly< using the ro!antic idealis! o.
!usketeers and s-ashbucklers as a te!(late. This carries o%er
into their choice o. ar!s@ they are (articularly ade(t -ith bladed
-ea(ons< (re.erring to .ight -ith ra(iers< sabres and other
-ea(ons that allo- the! to take .ull ad%antage o. the additional
!obility a..orded by their light ar!or. Though other s(ellcasters
!ay .ind *ed 0ages a little too .lighty .or their liking< there is no
denying that their (alette o. abilities is a (otent one.
Red Vage 10 8 10 10 12 10
*e(resentati%esK *ed 0age Job F99I< 99III< 994< 99JI< 99T$H
+P DieK d
0P DieK d
6ea(onsK ,o-s< 9lails< ;ni%es< Aight S-ords< *ods< Sta%es<
$r!orK $r!-ear< /auntlets< +ats< +el!ets< 0ail< *obes< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z#0
Skill PointsK #)0
Skill $(titudesK Scholastic
*ed 0agic is a synthesis o. ,lack< 6hite< and Ti!e< gi%ing its
(ractitioners access to a signi.icant (art o. the !agical
Red Ma$i# .e,el
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
*ed 0ages ha%e the ability to cast S(ells .ro! the *ed 0agic list
in Cha(ter in battle. They begin -ith three Ae%el 1 S(ells at
Ae%el 1< -ith additional S(ells gained roughly e%ery 3 Ae%els.
+o-e%er< their total S(ell selection is li!ited to the .ollo-ing
SPE99 9E=E9 >EA SPE99 GA*>E; AT 9E=E9S
Red 1 3, , 9
Red 2 11, 13, 1, 19
Red 3 21, 23, 2, 29
Red 1 31, 33, 3, 39
Red 5 11, 13, 1, 19
Red 51, 53, 5, 59
3ntuiti,e ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic$bility
*ed 0ages co!!and a %ast array o. (o-ers@ -ith a little
creati%ity< those!e .orces can be dragooned into a
%ariety o. uses. 0ore details on Intuiti%e 0agic can be .ound in
Cha(ter .
;ey-ordsK ,arrier< Destruction< &arth< &le!ental 0ani(ulation<
9ire< +ealing< Ice< Aightning< Poison< Shado-< 6ater< 6ind
+ual#ast .e,el 5:
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility F)H
9ro! early on< *ed 0ages learn to co!(ensate .or their li!ited
library o. !agic by increasing the s(eed -ith -hich they cast
their S(ells< (u!!eling .oes -ith an unending barrage o.
sorcery. Dualcast allo-s a *ed 0age to cast t-o *ed S(ells at
the cost o. a single $ction. ,oth S(ells !ust be chosen
i!!ediately@ the *ed 0age !ust also ha%e enough 0P to co%er
the cost o. both S(ells. Dualcast cannot circu!%ent any Status
Condition that -ould nor!ally (re%ent a *ed 0age .ro! casting
a S(ell.

<= Sage
The Sage is a .ont o. kno-ledge< the (roduct o. years o. studies
into the %ery essence o. !agic. 6here other 0ages s(ecialiEe in
healing< da!age< or su((ort< Sages are generalists< e7ually at
ho!e -ith the crackle o. lightning bolts or the touch o. a
healing hand. There are< o. course< co!(ro!ises > Cack o. all
trades< !aster o. none< the Sage (ays .or his studious nature
-ith a -eaker constitution< -hile his (o-ers lack the .ocus and
e..icacy o. a N(urerD 0age. 2onetheless< his broad body o.
-isdo! and unri%aled %ersatility !ake hi! a %aluable asset to
any ad%enturing grou(.
3age 5 5 10 10 10 10
*e(resentati%esK 9uSo5a F99I4H< Sage Job F99IIIH< Tellah
+P DieK d)
0P DieK d10
6ea(onsK *ods< Sta%es
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< *obes
$ccuracy ,onusK Z10
Skill PointsK #0
Skill $(titudesK Scholastic
*ed 0agic is a synthesis o. ,lack< 6hite< and Ti!e< gi%ing its
(ractitioners access to a signi.icant (art o. the !agical
Red Ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
Sages ha%e the ability to cast S(ells .ro! the *ed 0agic list in
Cha(ter in battle. They begin -ith three Ae%el 1 S(ells at
Ae%el 1< -ith additional S(ells gained roughly e%ery # Ae%els.
SPE99 9E=E9 >EA SPE99 GA*>E; AT 9E=E9S
Red 1 3, 1, 5, Z
Red 2 9, 11, 12, 13, 15
Red 3 1Z, 19, 20, 21, 23
Red 1 25, 2Z, 28, 29, 31
Red 5 33, 35, 3, 3Z, 39
Red 11, 13, 11, 15, 1Z
Red Z 19, 51, 52, 53, 55
Red 8 5Z, 59, 0, 1, 3
I a$ !oo$ itse#f*&
3ntuiti,e ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
Sages co!!and a %ast array o. (o-ers@ -ith a little creati%ity<
those!e .orces can be dragooned into a %ariety o. uses.
0ore details on Intuiti%e 0agic can be .ound in Cha(ter .
;ey-ordsK ,arrier< Destruction< &arth< &le!ental 0ani(ulation<
9ire< +ealing< Ice< Aightning< Poison< Shado-< 6ater< 6ind

>? S4mmoner
The Su!!oner?s allies ha%e na!es as %aried as their natures.
Su!!oned 0onsters< Phanto! ,easts< &s(ers< /uardian
9orces< &idolons< $eons > all re(resent creatures not nati%e to
this real! o. e'istence< born o. (ure !agic and ca(able o.
!ani.esting (o-ers that o%ershado- e%en the greatest .eats o.
sorcery. So!e Su!!ons reside -ithin the !aterial -orld<
!aking their ho!es on the highest !ountains and dee(est
oceans@ others e'ist solely -ithin the real! o. !agic itsel.< all
but se(arated .ro! reality until a Su!!oner?s call lures the!
out o. their seclusion.
The Su!!oner?s (o-er lies in her ability to co!!unicate -ith
these inscrutable creatures > a gi.t inherited rather than
learned< (assed do-n a!ong .a!ilies and tribes o%er centuries.
Those -ith the Su!!onerDs talent are o.ten !arked by it<
resulting in slight but unusual !utations@ the !ost co!!on o.
these is a distincti%e unicorn=like horn s(routing .ro! the
!iddle o. the Su!!onerDs .orehead< ca(able o. carrying
thoughts and e!otions bet-een her and her charges.
Success.ul Su!!oners are able to alloy these natural abilities
-ith the de!eanor needed to -in a Su!!onDs trust > and the
strength needed to slash the! into sub!ission i. gentle
negotiation .ails.
3urrorer 10 10 Z 12 15
*e(resentati%esK 5una F99JH< Su!!oner Job F99III< 994< 99T<
+P DieK d)
0P DieK d10
6ea(onsK ,o-s< 9lails< ;ni%es< *ods< Sta%es
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< *obes
$ccuracy ,onusK Z10
Skill PointsK #0
Skill $(titudesK Scholastic
Su!!on 0agic dra-s (o-er.ul !agical beings into the (hysical
-orld< anchoring the! Cust long enough to do the Su!!onerDs
Ar#ane 'on$ue .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
Su!!oners ha%e the ability to co!!unicate -ith Su!!oned
0onsters and other creatures o. !agical origin as i. they had a
rele%ant Aanguage\ Skill at a *ating o. 100< e%en i. the creature
is not nor!ally ca(able o. co!!unicating -ith intelligent
"ummon .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
Su!!oners ha%e the ability to call on Su!!oned 0onsters
.ro! the lists in $((endi' III . :nlike the -eaker Callers<
Su!!oners ha%e the ability to kee( a Su!!on in battle o%er
longer (eriods o. ti!e by entering a trance=state< turning a
Su!!oned 0onster into a (otent and acti%e .orce in the .ield.
Su!!oners gain one Su!!oned 0onster > Aaksh!i< *e!ora<
4ale.or< I.rit< *a!uh< or Shi%a > at Ae%el 1< ac7uiring additional
Su!!ons as the ga!e (rogresses at the /0Ds discretion.
Grand "ummon .e,el 33
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility F11H
$n e'(erienced Su!!oner can unlock a Su!!onDs .ull
(otential< bringing the! to the battle.ield at the height o. their
(o-ers. /rand Su!!on .ollo-s the sa!e basic rules as
Su!!on< but brings the Su!!oned 0onster into the battle -ith
all $bilities a%ailable< /rand Su!!on $bilities included.

@9: Time 0age
So!eti!es called NCos!ic 0ages<D Ti!e 0ages ta( on the .orces
o. the ti!e and s(ace the!sel%es. In resha(ing the elusi%e
(o-er o. the cos!os< they can .reeEe an o((onent in their
tracks or rain .la!ing !eteors do-n u(on the!@ o(en gates in
ti!e and s(ace< or banish so!eone into another di!ension
entirely. The !ost (o-er.ul are ca(able o. .olding u( history in
the blink o. an eye or tra%eling across the eons by sheer
-ill(o-er alone > a .act that !akes !ost other s(ellcasters glad
o. the Ti!e 0ages? relati%e scarcity.
T|re Vage 5 5 10 10 15 15
*e(resentati%esK Ti!e 0age Job F994< 99T< 99T$H
+P DieK d)
0P DieK d10
6ea(onsK ,o-s< ;ni%es< *ods< Sta%es
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< *obes
$ccuracy ,onusK Z10
Skill PointsK #0
Skill $(titudesK Scholastic
The (o-er o. Ti!e 0agic is the (o-er o. creation itsel.. Its
(ractitioners harness the -ithering (o-er o. 7uasars and
no%as< stretch seconds into hours< or tear through the .abric o.
reality outright.
'3me ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
Ti!e 0ages ha%e the ability to cast Ti!e S(ells .ro! the lists in
Cha(ter in battle. They begin -ith three Ae%el 1 S(ells at
Ae%el 1< -ith additional S(ells gained e%ery # Ae%els.
SPE99 9E=E9 >EA SPE99 GA*>E; AT 9E=E9S
T|re 1 3, 5, Z
T|re 2 9, 11, 13, 15
T|re 3 1Z, 19, 21, 23
T|re 1 25, 2Z, 29, 31
T|re 5 33, 35, 3Z, 39
T|re 11, 13, 15, 1Z
T|re Z 19, 51, 53, 55
T|re 8 5Z, 59, 1, 3
3ntuiti,e ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
$ Ti!e 0ageDs ability to -ar( ti!e and s(ace can be turned to a
-ide %ariety o. (ur(oses. 0ore details on Intuiti%e 0agic can be
.ound in Cha(ter .
;ey-ordsK $strology< Cos!os< /ra%ity< S(ace< Ti!e

A82 White Caller
Aike the ,lack Caller< the 6hite Caller s(orts only li!ited !astery
o%er Su!!on 0agic< co!(ensating .or this -eakness through
!ore con%entional .or!s o. s(ellcasting. 6here the ,lack Caller
aug!ents her destructi%e (o-er -ith ,lack 0agic< the 6hite
Caller .ocuses on healing and (rotection< using the (o-er o. her
Su!!ons to .urther (rotect those in need.
wr|le Ca||er 5 5 10 10 15 15
*e(resentati%esK /arnet ?Dagger? $le'andros J4II F99IJH< &iko
Carol F99IJH
+P DieK d)
0P DieK d10
6ea(onsK ,o-s< 9lails< ;ni%es< *ods< Sta%es
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< *obes
$ttack ,onusK Z10
Skill PointsK #0
Skill $(titudesK Scholastic
Though lacking the (o-er o. a genuine 6hite 0age< 6hite
Callers are still able to cast a (otent !i'ture o. curati%e and
de.ensi%e !agic.
%/3te ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
6hite Callers ha%e the ability to cast 6hite S(ells .ro! the lists
in Cha(ter in battle. They begin -ith t-o Ae%el 1 S(ells at
Ae%el 1< -ith additional S(ells gained roughly e%ery 3 Ae%els.
SPE99 9E=E9 >EA SPE99 GA*>E; AT 9E=E9S
wr|le 1 3, , 9
wr|le 2 11, 13, 1, 19
wr|le 3 21, 23, 2, 29
wr|le 1 31, 33, 3, 39
wr|le 5 11, 13, 1, 19
wr|le 51, 53, 5, 59
3ntuiti,e ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
Aike a (ure 6hite 0age< the 6hite Caller can use her
s(ellcasting abilities .or other (ur(oses. 0ore details on
Intuiti%e 0agic can be .ound in Cha(ter .
;ey-ordsK +ealing< +oly< 6ind< ,arrier
Aike the Su!!oner< the 6hite Caller is able to su!!on (o-er.ul
creatures .ro! other -orlds to ser%e and assist her< i. only .or
short (eriods o. ti!e. Though the (rocess o. .inding and
recruiting such creatures is an arduous one< their (o-er !ore
than co!(ensates .or any hardshi(.
Ar#ane 'on$ue .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
6hite Callers ha%e the ability to co!!unicate -ith Su!!oned
0onsters and other creatures o. !agical origin as i. they had a
rele%ant Aanguage\ Skill at a *ating o. 100< e%en i. the creature
is not nor!ally ca(able o. co!!unicating -ith intelligent
Call .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility F)H
6hite Callers ha%e the ability to call on Su!!oned 0onsters
.ro! the lists in $((endi' III . In this case< the Su!!on in
7uestion !aterialiEes long enough to unleash a single e..ect<
then disa((ears. 6hite Callers gain one Su!!oned 0onster >
Aaksh!i< *e!ora< or 4ale.or > at Ae%el 1< ac7uiring additional
Su!!ons as the ga!e (rogresses at the /0Ds discretion.
(oost .e,el 3:
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility FH
$n e'(erienced 6hite Caller can increase the (o-er o. her
Su!!onDs attacks by s(ending additional ti!e channeling a
(ortion o. her o-n (o-er and !ana into the!. ,oost is used in
the sa!e !anner as Call< but increases the e..ect o. the
Su!!on > da!age or healing > by Z#1Q. $side .ro! the
increased Charge Ti!e< the 0P cost > or /il cost > o. the
Su!!on increases by Z#1Q to co!(ensate.

A9: White 0age
6hite 0ages are de.enders o. li.e< using their s(ellcra.t to knit
together -ounded .lesh or erect glittering de.ensi%e (alings
around their allies. /i%en ti!e and e'(erience< they can cure
al!ost any ill< raise the .allen back to .ighting strength< or e%en
create barriers utterly i!(er%ious to (hysical da!age. Though
!ore (atient in de!eanor than the headstrong< te!(era!ental
,lack 0age< 6hite 0ages are .ar .ro! (aci.ists@ in a (inch< they
can su!!on !ighty blasts o. -ind or boiling e'(losions o. holy
energy at the sna( o. a .inger.
wr|le Vage 5 5 10 10 15 15
*e(resentati%esK Poro! F99I4H< *osa 9arrell F99I4H< 6hite
0age Job F99I< 99III< 994< 99J=#< 99JI< 99T< 99T$H
+P DieK d)
0P DieK d10
6ea(onsK ,o-s< Sta%es
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< *obes
$ccuracy ,onusK Z10
Skill PointsK #0
Skill $(titudesK Scholastic
6hite 0agic enco!(asses a %ariety o. use.ul and bene.icial
e..ects< te!(ered -ith a dash o. o..ensi%e (o-er .or good
%/3te ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
6hite 0ages ha%e the ability to cast 6hite S(ells .ro! the lists in
Cha(ter in battle. They begin -ith three Ae%el 1 S(ells at
Ae%el 1< -ith additional S(ells gained e%ery # Ae%els.
SPE99 9E=E9 >EA SPE99 GA*>E; AT 9E=E9S
wr|le 1 3, 5, Z
wr|le 2 9, 11, 13, 15
wr|le 3 1Z, 19, 21, 23
wr|le 1 25, 2Z, 29, 31
wr|le 5 33, 35, 3Z, 39
wr|le 11, 13, 15, 1Z
wr|le Z 19, 51, 53, 55
wr|le 8 5Z, 59, 1, 3
3ntuiti,e ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
$ 6hite 0age can use her s(ellcasting abilities .or other
(ur(oses. 0ore details on Intuiti%e 0agic can be .ound in
Cha(ter .
;ey-ordsK +ealing< +oly< 6ind< ,arrier

$de(ts .or! the !iddle ground bet-een 6arriors and 0ages<
enco!(assing those (ro.essions -hose re(ertoire includes
both !ystic and !artial arts.
B9: Bl4e 0age
,lue 0ages are so!ething o. a curiosity a!ong s(ellcasters<
esche-ing to!es and tradition .or do-n=and=dirty battles -ith
so!e o. the .iercest beasts kno-n to !an. 6here other !agic is
de.ined and (ainstakingly docu!ented< ,lue 0agic is -ild and
anarchic< consciously !i!icking the attacks o. -hate%er
!onsters a ,lue 0age runs a.oul o. o%er the course o. her
There is a certain !ethod to the !adnessK ?!onster !agic?
uses !ana .ar !ore e..iciently than its hu!an counter(art<
allo-ing .or !ore (o-er.ul e..ects and destructi%e attacks
signi.icantly less draining than co!(arable battle sorcery. ,ut
,lue 0agic doesn?t co!e -ith a s(ellbook and clearly de.ined
incantations@ to gain access a S(ell< a ,lue 0age !ust .irst
disco%er ho- it is cast< then use this in.or!ation to asse!ble a
.or!ula that -ill recreate the desired e..ects. The (rocess is a
tough< grueling one< and those -ho (ractice ,lue 0agic -ith
!ore than Cust a dabbler?s (ro.iciency ha%e the hereditary
ability to instincti%ely dissect and analyEe a !onster s(ell in a
s(lit second.
&%en then< the risks are tre!endous. To gro- in (o-er< ,lue
0ages !ust seek out e%er !ore threatening and .iendish .oes<
deliberately (lacing the!sel%es in har!?s -ay ti!e and again to
get the .irst=hand e'(erience they need. 6ithout great reser%es
o. endurance and bra%ery< no (rogress is (ossible@ by its %ery
nature< this (ro.ession -eeds out the -eak and re-ards the
suicidally courageous.
8|ue Vage 10 10 8 8 12 12
*e(resentati%esK Strago 0agus F994IH< 3uistis Tre(e F994IIIH<
3uina 3uen F99IJH< ;i!ahri *onso F99JH< ,lue 0age Job F994<
99JI< 99T$H< /un 0age Dress(here F99J=#H
+P DieK d
0P DieK d
6ea(onsK Crossbo-s< 9lails< /lo%es< ;ni%es< Aight S-ords<
Polear!s< *ods< Sta%es< S-ords
$r!orK $r!-ear< /auntlets< +ats< 0ail< *obes< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z#0
Skill PointsK #)0
Skill $(titudesK 6ilderness
8nce the e'clusi%e do!ain o. !onsters and select hu!anoids<
,lue 0agic has been ta!ed and legiti!iEed by ,lue 0ages o%er
countless centuries o. hands=on study.
(.1! MAG3C .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
,lue 0ages can cast S(ells .ro! the ,lue 0agic list in Cha(ter
. :nlike !ost other S(ell ty(es< ,lue 0agic does not .ollo- a
set (rogression@ a ,lue 0age?s arsenal gro-s not -ith her
Ae%el< but as she encounters .oes ca(able o. using e%er !ore
(o-er.ul !agic. This un(redictable de%elo(!ent is so!e-hat
co!(ensated .or by the ,lue 0age?s breadth o. o(tions@ /0 .iat
aside< there is no li!it to ho- !any ,lue S(ells a ,lue 0age can
learn. $ccordingly< ,lue 0ages can begin the ga!e -ith any
nu!ber o. ,lue S(ells< (ro%ided their co!bined 0P cost does
not e'ceed the ,lue 0age?s starting 0P. In addition< it is
strongly reco!!ended that none o. their starting s(ells e'ceed
11 0P in cost.
A?1R! .4R! .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
To use a ,lue S(ell< a ,lue 0age !ust be able to understand it.
6ithout to!es or teachers to .all back on< ?understanding?
!ostly boils do-n to Cust one thingK e'(eriencing the S(ell?s
e..ect .irst=hand. $Eure Aore allo-s a ,lue 0age to ac7uire any
,lue S(ell cast on her during a battle or Scene in -hich the
,lue 0age is an acti%e (artici(ant. This is subCect to t-o
i!(ortant restrictions. 9irstly< -hile the ,lue 0age does not
ha%e to the S(ell?s e..ects in order to learn it< the S(ell
!ust target her or her current Party in order to be eligible .or
ac7uisition. Secondly< the S(ell cannot reduce the ,lue 0age to
0 or .e-er +it Points > :nconscious ,lue 0ages are in no
sha(e to learn anything.
A""3M3.A'345 .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
Durability aside< keen obser%ation and a shar( analytical !ind
are the ,lue 0age?s best .riends. ,y care.ully -atching the
!agic -o%en by an o((onent< they can gather enough
in.or!ation .or a kind o. !ystical re%erse engineering< allo-ing
the! to co(y !onster !agics -ithout (utting the!sel%es in
har!?s -ay. $ssi!ilation has a .lat CoS o. FAe%elHQ o. allo-ing
a ,lue 0age to instantly ac7uire any ,lue S(ell used during a
battle or Scene in -hich the ,lue 0age is an acti%e (artici(ant.
$ssi!ilation has no e..ect i. the ,lue 0age is :nconscious or
a..ected by any o. the .ollo-ing Status ConditionsK ,erserk<
,lind< Char!< Con.use< Curse< 9roEen< +eat< Slee(< Stone< Sto(<
Toad< :na-are< or Bo!bie.
3ntuiti,e ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
The ,lue 0age can use her s(ellcasting abilities .or other
(ur(oses. 0ore details on Intuiti%e 0agic can be .ound in
Cha(ter .
;ey-ordsK 4aries< de(ending on the s(ells kno-n.
C 7ar9 night
Clad in all=concealing ar!or and striding -ith cool sel.=
assurance< Dark ;nights are an i!(osing< e%en sinister
(resence on the battle.ield. 6here other (ro.essions dra- on
chi or !ana to .uel their abilities< these shado-y -arriors use
ra- li.e .orce > by de.ault their o-n< though as their e'(erience
gro-s< they s-i.tly gain the ability to leech the %itality o. others
to re(lenish their o-n.
Though Dark ;nights are not inherently e%il< the al!ost
%a!(iric nature o. their abilities ha%e !ade the! the subCect o.
intense .ear and distrust .or countless years. 0ore ru!ors
surround this Job than al!ost any other@ so!e gossi(s clai!
their (o-ers ste! .ro! a (act -ith a de%il< others that they age
each ti!e they use their abilities< e%entually dying a -iEened
husk once the last dro( o. li.e is s(ent.
:nderstandably< !ost Dark ;nights are ha((y enough to
encourage these tales< e%en (lay the! u( by donning baro7ue<
s(ike=encrusted out.its designed to strike .ear into the hearts o.
-eaker=-illed o((onents. Such ar!or is ty(ically .orged .ro!
darksteel< an alloy o. iron in.used -ith Shado- energy during its
creation in order to (rotect the -earer .ro! the e..ects o. his
o-n attacks. Indeed< darksteel is so .unda!ental to Dark
;nights? ar!s and ar!or that the !aterial has beco!e al!ost
synony!ous -ith the Job@ other (ro.essions generally shy a-ay
.ro! darksteel e7ui(!ent< lest they .all %icti! to the sa!e
stig!a that has bede%iled this (oorly=understood (ro.ession .or
0ar| Kr|grl 12 10 9 8 9 12
*e(resentati%esK Cecil +ar%ey F99I4H< /o..ard /a.garion F99TH<
Dark ;night Job F99J=#< 99JIH< 9ell ;night Job F99TH
+P DieK d10
0P DieK d)
6ea(onsK $'es< /reats-ords< ;ni%es< Aight S-ords< Polear!s<
$r!orK /auntlets< +el!ets< 0ail< *obes< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z30
Skill PointsK #40
Skill $(titudesK 6ea(on
The Dark ;night?s do!ain is one o. darkness< .ire< and !alaise<
a hellish tri.ecta o. attacks designed to o%er-hel! an
un(re(ared o((onent in the s(ace o. an instant.
+Arkside .e,el 1
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ction
The Dark ;night rushes at the target< blade burning -ith black
.ire as his li.e .orce begins to drain into the steel. $s he strikes<
the black .ire gro-s in intensity< coalescing into a (o-er.ul
e'(losion. Darkside in.licts #00Q< $r!or Shado- &le!ental
da!age on the target< striking auto!atically. &ach use o.
Darkside reduces the Dark ;night?s current +P by #1Q o. its
!a'i!u! %alue. This da!age cannot be reduced or (re%ented
by anything e'ce(t the Status Condition Shield.
3ntuiti,e ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
The Dark ;night can use his s(ellcasting abilities .or other
(ur(oses. 0ore details on Intuiti%e 0agic can be .ound in
Cha(ter .
;ey-ordsK Destruction< 9ire< Poison< Shado-
(la#k "k) .e,el 8
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F1" 0PH
+olding his -ea(on at the ready< the Dark ;night unleashes his
li.e .orce in rolling -a%es o. negati%e energy. ,lack Sky in.licts
71Q< $r!or Shado- &le!ental da!age on all acti%e
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. In
addition< it has a .lat 30Q CoS o. in.licting the Status Condition
,lind F[H@ roll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant in the
targeted /rou(.
5i$/t "*ord .e,el 15
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F17 0PH
The Dark ;night lashes out< an attack that see!s to strike at
nothing but thin air. $ second later< a bale.ul red eye o(ens
abo%e the target and begins -ee(ing !agical energy< building
u( a %icious blade o. (o-er that callously tears through the
Dark ;night?s ha(less o((onent. 2ight S-ord in.licts 100Q<
$r!or Physical da!age on the target< striking auto!atically. In
addition< the Dark ;night regains a nu!ber o. +it Points e7ual
to 10Q o. the .inal da!age dealt by the attack.
Corruption .e,el 22
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F40 0PH
2o'ious green gases (our .ro! the Dark ;night?s -ea(on as he
!akes his attack< .or!ing a li.e=sa((ing !ist that ra(idly gro-s
to s-allo- the target -hole. Corru(tion in.licts 100Q< $r!or
Shado- &le!ental da!age on the target< striking auto!atically@
in addition< it has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition Bo!bie on the target F[H.
+usbla+e .e,el 29
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F1# 0PH
Shado- energy -hirls around the target at the Dark ;night?s
behest< gathering s(eed be.ore coalescing into the (itted< !an=
high blade o. an ethereal bastard s-ord. In one s-i.t !otion<
the blade (ierces the target and .ades a-ay again. Duskblade
in.licts 100Q< $r!or Physical da!age subtracted .ro! the
target?s 0P rather than +P< striking auto!atically. In addition<
the Dark ;night regains a nu!ber o. 0agic Points e7ual to
10Q o. the .inal da!age dealt by the attack.
(!A"' F.AR! .e,el 30
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F)1 0PH
S(heres o. .ire rush .orth .ro! the Dark ;night?s -ea(on<
rolling into (osition around the targets be.ore detonating into
blistering balls o. heat and light. ,east 9lare in.licts F17 '
0$/H Z 4d< 0. $r!or 9ire &le!ental da!age on all acti%e
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
Catastrop/e .e,el 43
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F70 0PH
$ s-ing o. the Dark ;night?s blade sends cascades o. dark and
icy (articles roaring to-ards the ene!y< a cloak o. darkness
that tears at the s(irits o. anything it touches. Catastro(he has
a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. canceling all ,arrier=
and &nhance=ty(e Status Conditions currently acti%e on the
targeted /rou(< sa%e .or Shield. *oll se(arately .or each eligible
53GH'MAR! .e,el 5:
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F"0 0PH
The Dark ;night coolly le%els his s-ord at his chosen %icti!<
su!!oning a colu!n o. choking %a(ors .ro! the ground belo-.
2ight!are in.licts 100Q< $r!or Shado- &le!ental da!age on
the target< striking auto!atically. In addition< it has a .lat 30Q
CoS o. in.licting the Status Conditions Curse F4H< 0ini F[H<
Poison F[H< and Slee( F4H@ roll se(arately .or each Status
+!M45 ".3C! .e,el 5;
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F1#1 0PH
&'tending a hand< the Dark ;night sends a single bolt o.
negati%e energy Cetting to-ards the target. 5et this is only
-ar!=u(@ be.ore the s!oke .ro! the strike has e%en had ti!e to
clear< the Dark ;night is in !otion again< -hirling like a der%ish
as he rushes at his disoriented .oe and rains do-n a hurricane
o. attacks. De!on Slice has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting FTarget?s Current +P X #H 0agical
da!age on the target. *egardless o. the targets current +P<
De!on Slice !an ne%er in.lict !ore than """ da!age. In
addition< it has a .lat CoS o. 30Q o. in.licting the Status
Condition Sa( F4H.
"oul !ater .e,el 04
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F171 0PH
9or a s(lit second< the battle.ield is shrouded in i!(enetrable
darkness as the Dark ;night o(ens a ya-ning %oid abo%e his
.oes and !an=siEed .rag!ents o. ony' begin thundering do-n.
Soul &ater has a .lat CoS o. 30Q instantly reducing all
o((onents in the targeted /rou( to 0 +P< regardless o. their
current +P scores< $r!or< or 0. $r!or ratings@ roll se(arately
.or each eligible target. Treat this as a Death e..ect. $ny target
not a..ected in this !anner takes 110Q< $r!or Shado-
&le!ental da!age instead.

DE Geoman2er
In a -orld -here !an has the (o-er to ignore the la-s o.
nature< the /eo!ancer stands as a li%ing re!inder o. -hy
hu!anity discounts nature at its o-n (eril. The /eo!ancer?s
do!ain is the earth itsel.< ta((ing into the tiny .lickers o.
sentience in the slu!bering (o-er o. a great !ountain< the
boiling .ury o. an acti%e %olcano< or the s-i.t and ca(ricious
course o. a .ast=!o%ing ri%er. ,y strategically rea-akening
those dor!ant energies< /eo!ancers can gain control o%er the
entirety o. the natural -orldK ani!als< s(irits< -eather< and e%en
geogra(hy bend to their -ill -ith nary a t-inge o. resistance.
The greater their (ro.iciency< the !ore !iraculous their .eats
beco!eK an e'(erienced /eo!ancer can su!!on a bliEEard in
the !idst o. a sea o. .ire< -alk on 7uicksand< or !ake -ater
.ountain u( .ro! bone=dry desert soil. In ancient ti!es< such
(o-ers could !ean the di..erence bet-een li.e and death .or a
%illage or to-n@ geo!ancy and religion -ere o.ten intert-ined<
and the act o. calling u( nature?s (o-er a thing o. ritual< song<
and dance. Today?s /eo!ancers are .ar less likely to engage in
such acts< though a .e- still ?enhance their .ocus? by (ainting
the!sel%es -ith !ystical (atterns or -ielding ancient
cere!onial bells re(uted to resonate -ith the heartbeat o. the
0eorarcer 10 10 10 10 12 8
*e(resentati%esK /eo!ancer Job F99III< 994< 99T< 99T$#H< 0og
F994IH< &le!entalist Job F99T$< 99T$#H
+P DieK d
0P DieK nXa
6ea(onsK $'es< Instru!ents< ;ni%es< Aight S-ords< Polear!s<
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< +el!ets< *obes< Shields< Suits
$ccuracy ,onusK Z#0
Skill PointsK #)0
Skill $(titudesK 6ilderness
&'(ertise 9or!ulaK FSur%i%al *ating X #H Z Ae%el Z F0$/ ' #H
The (o-er o. nature is the only -ea(on a /eo!ancer e%er truly
Ge4mAn#) .e,el 1
TargetK $s &..ect Ty(eK 9ast $ction
The secrets o. geo!ancy allo- a /eo!ancer to create use.ul
and (o-er.ul e..ects by su!!oning the (o-er o. the land
around hi!. 6hen /eo!ancy is used< roll a d and consult the
table belo-. ,ecause the targets are deter!ined by the
indi%idual e..ect< the /eo!ancer does not ha%e to initially
declare -hat he is targeting -hen /eo!ancy is used.
Ta%le 1&5' GeomancF Res"lts
RANK 3 7 6 1 7 23 22 7 )4 )# 7 (5 4* 7 #( #4!
1 1 - 8 1 - 1 1 - 2 --- --- ---
2 --- 5 - 8 3 - 1 - 2 --- ---
3 --- --- Z - 8 3 - 1 - 2 ---
1 --- --- --- Z - 8 3 - 1 - 1
5 -- --- --- --- Z - 8 5 - 8
In this table< .ind the colu!n -ith the a((ro(riate Ae%el range at
the to(< then see -hich *ank the roll (roduces. 9or instance< i.
the /eo!ancer -as Ae%el #< he -ould .all in the ## > 31
range. $ roll o. 1 or # -ould thus create a *ank 1 e..ect< 3 to )
a *ank # e..ect< and 7 or a *ank 3 e..ect.
6hat said e..ect does de(ends on the /eo!ancer?s current
surroundings. The ne't .e- (ages contain .i%e *anks o. e..ects
.or each the !aCor terrain ty(es encountered in the 99*P/K
Plains< 9orest< 0ountains< Desert< S-a!(< 6ater< :nderground<
To-n< Aa%a< and Sno-. 9ind the terrain ty(e that best re.lects
the /eo!ancer?s current surroundings< then .ind the
a((ro(riate *ank and resol%e the e..ects as -ritten.
? GeomancF in Action (1)
Auka is a Ae%el 1 /eo!ancer and a recent addition to the
(arty. In the !idst o. a (itched battle on an icy !ountainto(<
he decides to use his /eo!ancy $bility to e%en the odds a
little. Ja!es< Auka?s (layer< rolls a 4 on his d< then checks
the /eo!ancy *esults table. $t Ae%el 1< he .alls into the 1 > 7
range< !eaning a roll o. 4 (roduces a *ank 1 result. +is
current en%iron!ent could .all under either the Sno- or the
0ountain terrain sets< but the /0 Cudges that Sno- is the
!ore a((ro(riate o. the t-o. Ja!es checks the Sno- listings
and .inds that *ank 1 .or Sno- is $rctic +are > his (o-ers
ha%e su!!oned a sno- rabbit to heal the (arty.
$ /eo!ancer can %oluntarily ?reduce? his Ae%el -hen
deter!ining results by declaring he is rolling at an e..ecti%e
Ae%el lo-er than his current one. I. so< /eo!ancy?s results are
calculated using the e..ecti%e Ae%el rather than the actual one.
? GeomancF in Action (2)
$ .e- ad%entures later< Auka and co!(any are back in the
!ountains. $ colla(sing cli.. .ace has le.t the! stranded on
the other side o. a cre%asse< and nobody in the current (arty
has the !eans to cross it. The *ank 1 0ountain e..ect<
ho-e%er< gi%es the entire (arty 9loat > Cust the thing to
o%erco!e this obstacle. :n.ortunately< Auka is no- Ae%el #4<
-hich !eans that he -ould nor!ally only ha%e a #1Q chance
o. getting a *ank 1 e..ect. Ja!es declares that he is using
/eo!ancy at an e..ecti%e Ae%el o. )< allo-ing hi! to roll as (er
the 1 > 7 on the /eo!ancy *esults table and gi%ing hi! a
100Q chance o. getting the result he -ants. 9reed .ro! the
bonds o. gra%ity< the (arty gently dri.ts o%er the cre%asse and
(re(ares to continue its Courney...
Ge4a*areness .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
,y ta((ing into the (o-er o. a gi%en terrain< a /eo!ancer can
not only harness use.ul e..ects in battle< but i!(ro%e his
e..ecti%eness in !ore !undane tasks as -ell. /eoa-areness
allo-s the /eo!ancer to gain a ZFSP* ' #H &nhance!ent
,onus on any Task Check -here inti!ate kno-ledge o. the
terrain -ould be bene.icial. So!e e'a!(les !ight includeK
6ater > S-i!!ing
Sno- > Sur%i%al< 2a%igation
0ountains > Cli!bing
To-ns > In7uiry< Tra(s
9orests > 2a%igation< $-areness
6hich Task Checks are eligible .or /eoa-areness is le.t to the
/0?s discretion< though the /eo!ancer should be able to argue
.or -hy a s(eci.ic Task Check -ould be eligible. /eoa-areness
cannot be used to i!(ro%e rolls !ade .or /eotrance.
.i$/t "tep .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
;no-ing a terrain !eans kno-ing -here to tread. Aight Ste(
allo-s the /eo!ancer to ignore the e..ects o. Di..icult terrain
and treat $d%erse terrain as !erely Di..icult.
Ge4tran#e .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
8nce a /eo!ancer gains inti!ate kno-ledge o. a terrain< its
(o-ers re!ain -ith hi! throughout his tra%els. /eotrance is
used in conCunction -ith /eo!ancy< and allo-s the /eo!ancer
to re(lace the terrain he is currently in -ith another one o. his
choosing -hen resol%ing /eo!ancy?s e..ects. $t Ae%el 1<
/eo!ancers can choose .ro! Plains< 9orest< and To-n@ e%ery
Ae%els beyond that< the /eo!ancer !ay add one terrain he has
(re%iously used /eo!ancy in to this list.
! Startin. Geotrances
6ith the /0?s consent< a starting /eo!ancer !ay re(lace the
standard terrains a%ailable at Ae%el 1 -ith a list o. their o-n
choosing. The (layer recei%es three ?(icks? .or terrain
selection@ Plains< 9orest< 0ountains< or To-n take u( one (ick
each< -hile Desert< S-a!(< 6ater< and :nderground take t-o
(icks. Sno- and Aa%a are not a%ailable at character creation.
The /eo!ancer?s (layer !ust declare that he is using
/eotrance as -ell as the terrain being in%oked< then !ake an
un!odi.ied Task Check against his current Sur%i%al Skill *ating.
$ .ailure or ,otch !eans that /eotrance has .ailed@ the
/eo!ancer?s $ction is -asted. I. the roll is success.ul< the
(layer rolls a d) and consults the /eo!ancy *esults table to
see -hich e..ect he has triggered.
? Geotrance in Action
Still later< Auka is .acing a (air o. Ice &le!entals in the !idst
o. a raging bliEEard. 6hile Auka is no- Ae%el 30< !ost o.
Auka?s Sno- e..ects are useless in the .ace o. the &le!entals?
su(erior cold resistance. Ja!es chooses to use /eotrance and
su!!on u( Aa%a instead. +e !akes a Task Check against
Sur%i%al and easily (asses@ he then rolls a 3 on a d) and
checks the ## > 31 colu!n in the /eo!ancy *esults table. $
?3? here !eans Auka has triggered a *ank # e..ect@ nor!ally<
this -ould be Icicle< but as Auka is using the Aa%a terrain set<
the result is Shining $ir .
Ge4a*areness+ .e,el 3:
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
,y .urther re.ining his !astery o%er nature< a /eo!ancer can
besto- its bene.its on others. $t Ae%el 30< a /eo!ancer?s
/eoa-areness can gi%e all allies a ZFSP* ' #H &nhance!ent
,onus .or any Task Check the /eo!ancer is using
/eoa-areness on.
.i$/t "tep+ .e,el 3:
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
6ith i!(ro%ed co!!and o%er the (rinci(les o. geo!ancy< a
/eo!ancer can .ind .ooting on any ground. $t Ae%el 30< Aight
Ste(Z allo-s the /eo!ancer to treat Aa%a as $d%erse terrain<
s-i! in Dee( 6ater -ithout (enalty< and ignore any da!age
that -ould nor!ally be dealt by terrain.

The .ollo-ing section describes the criteria .or each terrain
category< as -ell as the /eo!ancy e..ects they (roduce.
8(en areas o. relati%ely le%el and dry ground -here grass and
scrubland are the do!inant (lant li.e. Te!(eratures in this
terrain can range .ro! te!(erate to sub=tro(ical. Colder
grasslands such as taiga -ill generally use the Sno- terrain set<
-hile hotter< drier grasslands such as ste((e !ay use the
Desert set.
*$2; 1 > Plas!a
Iridescent colu!ns o. (ure energy eru(t .ro! the ground
around the target. Plas!a in.licts F# ' 0$/H Z d< 0. $r!or
Aightning &le!ental da!age on the targeted co!batant<
striking auto!atically.
TargetK Single
*$2; # > /usty 6ind
/ale=.orce -inds assail the target. /usty 6ind in.licts F ' 0$/H
Z #d10< 0. $r!or 6ind &le!ental da!age on the targeted
co!batant< striking auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Slo- F)H.
TargetK Single
*$2; 3 > Pit.all
$ cre%ice (ulls o(en beneath the /eo!ancer?s .oes<
uncere!oniously dro((ing the! into a ga(ing (it. Pit.all in.licts
F1# ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age on all acti%e
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. It also
has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition I!!obiliEe F)H.
TargetK /rou(
*$2; 4 > Sunbath
/olden light shi!!ers and dances o%er the battle.ield. Sunbath
restores F1) ' 0$/H Z 4d10 +it Points to all acti%e allies.
TargetK Party
*$2; 1 > Te!(est
$ roaring< to-ering cyclone bears do-n on the target. Te!(est
has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. instantly reducing
the target to 1 +P< regardless o. their current +P scores<
$r!or< or 0. $r!or ratings. Treat this as a Death e..ect. It also
has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition 0eltdo-n F#H@ roll se(arately .or each Status.
TargetK Single
Terrain !arked by e'tensi%e tree gro-th. 9orests can range in
siEe .ro! a s!all -ood to a s(ra-ling rain.orest< and co%er a
-ide range o. cli!ate ty(es. Colder< sno-=blo-n .orests can use
the 9orest or Sno- terrain sets< -hile !oist< -ater=logged
Cungles 7uali.y as both 9orest and S-a!(< de(ending on the
(arty?s current location.
*$2; 1 > Aea. S-irl
6hi((ed u( by the -ind< a cloud o. raEor=shar( lea%es encircles
a single .oe. Aea. S-irl in.licts F1 ' 0$/H Z d< 0. $r!or
0agical da!age on the targeted co!batant< striking
auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion
o. in.licting the Status Condition Slee( F)H.
TargetK Single
*$2; # > 6ill 8? The 6is(
/lo-ing s(irits con%erge on the /eo!ancer?s ene!ies in a
disorienting dance< burning a single target -ith s(ectral .ire.
6ill 8? The 6is( in.licts F ' 0$/H Z 3d< 0. $r!or 9ire
&le!ental da!age on the targeted co!batant< striking
auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion
o. in.licting the Status Condition Con.use F4H.
TargetK Single
*$2; 3 > 6ild ,ear
$ .eral bear a((ears .ro! the undergro-th< radiating syl%an
energy. 6ild ,ear re!o%es negati%e Status Conditions .ro! one
co!batant as i. they had been targeted by &suna.
TargetK Single
*$2; 4 > Tangle%ine
,ra!bled %ines o. i%y shoot out o. the ground< catching the
/eo!ancer?s ene!ies in a thorny e!brace. Tangle%ine in.licts
F1) ' 0$/H Z 4d10< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age on all acti%e
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. It also
has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition Sto( F4H.
TargetK /rou(
*$2; 1 > ,ranch S(ears
The .orest shakes and shi%ers< see!ing to co!e to li.e as
shar(ened branches begin to rain do-n on the battle.ield.
,ranch S(ears auto!atically strikes 1d) ti!es< each strike
in.licting F10 ' 0$/H Z 1d 0agical da!age on one rando!ly
deter!ined co!batant in the targeted /rou(.
TargetK /rou(
*ocky< ele%ated terrain -ith cooler te!(eratures and s(are< i.
not outright non=e'istent< %egetation. $t the highest ele%ations<
air te!(erature can dro( to .reeEing le%els and shar( -inds
.re7uently blo-@ these conditions !ay 7uali.y .or the Sno-
terrain set.
*$2; 1 > /ust
$ blast o. !ountain air li.ts the (arty o.. its .eet< sus(ending it in
!id=air. /ust besto-s the Status Condition 9loat on all acti%e
co!batants in the current Party F4H.
TargetK Party
*$2; # > Colla(se
Jagged colu!ns o. rock shoot u( around the target< tra((ing it
in a ra(idly=shrinking stone cocoon. Colla(se in.licts F ' 0$/H
Z 3d< 0. $r!or &arth &le!ental da!age on the targeted
co!batant< striking auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Petri.y F4H.
TargetK Single
*$2; 3 > Tre!or
The /eo!ancer calls %iolent tre!ors to shake the battle.ield.
Tre!or in.licts F1# ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or &arth &le!ental
da!age on all acti%e co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion
o. in.licting the Status Condition Con.use F)H@ roll se(arately .or
each eligible co!batant.
TargetK /rou(
*$2; 4 > Sonic ,oo!
$ tre!endous thundercla( echoes across the battle.ield<
distracting and disorienting all o((onents. Sonic ,oo! has a
CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. reducing the current +it
Points o. all acti%e co!batants in the targeted /rou( by 10Q.
Treat this as a /ra%ity=ty(e e..ect. It also has CoS o. F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Silence F)H@
roll se(arately .or each Status and eligible co!batant.
TargetK /rou(
*$2; 1 > Aandslide
Set into !otion by the /eo!ancer?s (o-er< a crushing -a%e o.
dirt and debris s-ee(s o%er the battle.ield. Aandslide in.licts
F#4 ' 0$/H Z 1d10< 0. $r!or &arth &le!ental da!age on
all acti%e co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion
o. reducing all co!batants? current Initiati%e by 10Q@ roll
se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
TargetK /rou(
Dry areas o. o.ten intense heat and relati%ely little (lant gro-th.
Sand and dust are an o!ni(resent .eature o. the landsca(e<
and are easily -hi((ed u( by (assing -inds.
*$2; 1 > 4acuu! ,lade
$ ho-ling crescent o. -ind scythes across the battle.ield<
cutting into a single .oe. 4acuu! ,lade in.licts F3 ' 0$/H Z
d< 0. $r!or 6ind &le!ental da!age on the targeted
co!batant< striking auto!atically.
TargetK Single
*$2; # > 3uicksand
The ground beneath the target gi%es -ay< turning into a sucking
(it o. 7uicksand. 3uicksand has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Conditions I!!obiliEe F)H and
Sa( F)H@ roll se(arately .or each Status.
TargetK Single
*$2; 3 > Sand Stor!
$ ho-ling -ind (icks u( and s-ee(s across the battle.ield<
assailing the /eo!ancer?s .oes -ith a %eil o. sand and s!all
stones. Sand Stor! in.licts F14 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or
0agical da!age on all acti%e co!batants in the targeted /rou(<
striking auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition ,lind F)H@ roll
se(arately .or each eligible co!batant in the targeted /rou(.
TargetK /rou(
*$2; 4 > $ntlion
$ !onstrous antlion sur.aces in the !idst o. the ene!y<
cla!(ing do-n on an un.ortunate target -ith Ca-s tough
enough to crack boulders be.ore digging its -ay back into the
earth. $ntlion has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
instantly reducing the target to 0 +P< regardless o. their current
+P score< $r!or< or 0. $r!or rating@ treat this as a Death
e..ect. I. the target sur%i%es< $ntlion has an additional CoS o.
F0. $CC > 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition
,erserk F)H.
TargetK Single
*$2; 1 > Desert Stor!
Called u( by the /eo!ancer?s (o-ers< a chaotic %orte' o. heat<
-ind< and sand .or!s in the battle.ield< building in (o-er be.ore
roaring to-ards the (arty?s .oes. Desert Stor! in.licts F#) '
0$/H Z 1d10< 0. $r!or 9ire &le!ental da!age on all acti%e
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. It also
has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the
Status Condition Slo- F)H@ roll se(arately .or each eligible
TargetK /rou(
Ao-=lying -etlands -ith relati%ely little solid ground. $ s-a!(
can be co!(osed (ri!arily o. !ud< slo-=!o%ing< or stationary
shallo- -ater< and o.ten .eatures a rich array o. %egetation.
Jungles -ith high le%els o. rain.all or tree gro-th close to a body
o. -ater can also e'hibit s-a!(=like terrain.
*$2; 1 > Poison 0ist
Deadly %a(ors bubble u( .ro! the !ire< dra-ing a choking %eil
o%er a single .oe. Poison 0ist in.licts F3 ' 0$/H Z d< 0.
$r!or ,io &le!ental da!age on the targeted co!batant<
striking auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Poison F[H.
TargetK Single
*$2; # > 0arsh Aights
$n eerie !ystical haEe rises .ro! the .etid -aters to en%elo( the
battle.ield. 0arsh Aights gi%es all acti%e co!batants in the
/eo!ancer?s current (arty a Z30 bonus to their 0. &%asion
TargetK Party
*$2; 3 > ,otto!less ,og
The ground suddenly shi.ts beneath the /eo!ancer?s .oes<
lea%ing the! at the !ercy o. the s-a!(?s sucking -aters.
,otto!less ,og in.licts F14 ' 0$/H Z 4d10< 0. $r!or 6ater
&le!ental da!age on the targeted co!batant< striking
auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion
o. in.licting the Status Condition Conde!ned F4H.
TargetK /rou(
*$2; 4 > Ignus 9atuus
$ ghostly< o!inous sha(e slo-ly !aterialiEes and dri.ts into the
!elee< shining its strange light all the -hile. Ignus 9atuus has a
CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Conditions 4eno! F4H and Bo!bie F4H@ roll se(arately .or each
TargetK Single
*$2; 1 > ,ind-eed
6ith a shudder and a screa!< the s-a!( itsel. see!s to co!e
ali%e< tra((ing the /eo!ancer?s .oes in a tangle o. tree
branches< cra-ling %ines< and slithering .auna. ,ind-eed in.licts
F#) ' 0$/H Z 1d10< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age on all acti%e
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. It also
has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the
Status Condition Disable F)H@ roll se(arately .or each eligible
TargetK /rou(
Aarge bodies o. .resh= or salt-ater< ranging .ro! s!all lakes to
great ri%ers and the !ighty ocean itsel.. S!aller -ater=based
.eatures< such as a (ond .ound in a .orest or a !ountain
strea!< generally do not 7uali.y as 6ater terrain unless they are
(ro!inently in%ol%ed in a battle.
*$2; 1 > Plas!a
Iridescent colu!ns o. (ure energy eru(t .ro! the ground
around the target. Plas!a in.licts F# ' 0$/H Z d< 0. $r!or
Aightning &le!ental da!age on the targeted co!batant<
striking auto!atically.
TargetK Single
*$2; # > 6ater.all
Soothing dro(lets o. -ater cascade do-n on the /eo!ancer?s
co!rades. 6ater.all restores F) ' 0$/H Z 3d +it Points to all
acti%e allies.
TargetK Party
*$2; 3 > Sli(rain
,right light re.racts in a !ysterious (attern through the -ater<
disorienting all -ho behold it. Sli(rain has a CoS o. F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Conditions Con.usion
F4H and ,lind F4H@ roll se(arately .or each Status.
TargetK /rou(
*$2; 4 > Torrent
$ globe o. sludgy< (utrid green detaches .ro! the -ater?s
sur.ace and sails to-ards the ene!y< crashing into the! in an
e'(losion o. .ilth and !ire. Torrent in.licts F14 ' 0$/H Z 1d<
0. $r!or 6ater &le!ental da!age on all acti%e co!batants in
the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. It also has a CoS o.
F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition
Toad F4H@ roll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
TargetK /rou(
*$2; 1 > &l 2i]o
:nleashed by the /eo!ancer?s (o-er< the .ury o. the dee(s
-ashes o%er the battle.ield in an unsto((able tidal -a%e. &l
2i]o in.licts F#) ' 0$/H Z 1d10< 0. $r!or 6ater &le!ental
da!age on all acti%e co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion
o. in.licting the Status Condition Con.use F4H@ roll se(arately .or
each eligible co!batant.
TargetK /rou(
Co%ers subterranean areas both natural and arti.icial< including<
but not li!ited to< ca%erns< tunnels< and ruined underground
co!(le'es. These en%iron!ents tend to see little sunlight<
!aking the! both cool and .re7uently da!(. $bandoned
buildings abo%e ground !ay also 7uali.y .or this terrain set<
(ro%ided they are in an ad%anced state o. disre(air.
*$2; 1 > Phanto!
$ .ear.ul a((arition e!erges .ro! the darkness< its body shining
-ith such intensity that all -ho see it run the risk o. being
struck blind on the s(ot. Phanto! in.licts F3 ' 0$/H Z d< 0.
$r!or Shado- &le!ental da!age on the targeted co!batant<
striking auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition ,lind F)H.
TargetK Single
*$2; # > 6ill 8? The 6is(
/lo-ing s(irits con%erge on the /eo!ancer?s ene!ies in a
disorienting dance< burning a single target -ith s(ectral .ire.
6ill 8? The 6is( in.licts F ' 0$/H Z 3d< 0. $r!or 9ire
&le!ental da!age on the targeted co!batant< striking
auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion
o. in.licting the Status Condition Con.use F4H.
TargetK Single
*$2; 3 > &arth +eal
/reenish=bro-n dust s-irls .orth .ro! no-here< settling onto
the /eo!ancer?s co!rades. &arth +eal restores F14 ' 0$/H Z
1d +it Points to all acti%e allies.
TargetK Party
*$2; 4 > Contortion
/ray dust cree(s u( to co%er the ene!y< 7uickly hardening into
a shell o. solid rock. Contortion in.licts F#0 ' 0$/H Z 4d10<
0. $r!or &arth &le!ental da!age on all acti%e co!batants in
the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. It also has a CoS o.
F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition
Stone F[H@ roll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
TargetK /rou(
*$2; 1 > Ca%e=In
$ dangerous ru!ble tears through the ca%ern@ seconds later<
!an=siEe boulders begin crashing do-n. Ca%e=In auto!atically
strikes 1d) ti!es< each strike in.licting F10 ' 0$/H Z 1d
Physical da!age on one rando!ly deter!ined co!batant in the
targeted /rou(.
TargetK /rou(
,uildings and areas o. habitation constructed by intelligent li.e.
,ecause o. its broad .ocus< this terrain set enco!(asses
e%erything .ro! ancient te!(les to bustling !etro(olitan areas.
$ building or co!(le' does not ha%e to be in acti%e use to
7uali.y .or this terrain ty(e< but !ust be in good re(air@ i. it is
colla(sing or cru!bling< it should be treated as belonging to
the :nderground terrain set.
*$2; 1 > 0india *abbit
$ s!all creature -ith a great cotton tail and large< .eathery ears
(rances u( .ro! behind the (arty. Its eyes glo-< and in an
instant the /eo!ancer has an inti!ate kno-ledge o. a single
.oe. 0india *abbit allo-s the /eo!ancer to see the targeted
co!batant?s Ae%el< 0onster Ty(e Fi. a((licableH< current and
!a'i!u! +P and 0P %alues< $bsorbances< I!!unities<
*esistances< 6eaknesses and Status I!!unities. 8((onents
-ho are i!!une to the e..ects o. Scan -ill also be i!!une to
0india *abbit.
TargetK Single
*$2; # > 6ill 8? The 6is(
/lo-ing s(irits con%erge on the /eo!ancer?s .oes in a
disorienting dance< burning a single target -ith s(ectral .ire.
6ill 8? The 6is( in.licts F ' 0$/H Z 3d< 0. $r!or 9ire
&le!ental da!age on the targeted co!batant< striking
auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion
o. in.licting the Status Condition Con.use F4H.
TargetK Single
*$2; 3 > 6ind Slash
+o-ling stor! s(irits s-irl about the ene!y< calling do-n
crackling bolts o. lightning u(on all and sundry. 6ind Slash
in.licts F1# ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or Aightning &le!ental
da!age on the targeted co!batant< striking auto!atically. It
also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the
Status Condition Disable F)H.
TargetK /rou(
*$2; 4 > Ta(ir
$ snu..ling< (iglike creature shi!!ers into e'istence in .ront o.
the /eo!ancer< siEing u( the (arty be.ore sho-ering the! -ith
bubbles o. %ital o. energy. Ta(ir re!o%es negati%e Status
Conditions .ro! the /eo!ancer and all acti%e allies as i. they
had been targeted by &suna.
TargetK Party
*$2; 1 > Te!(est
$n unsto((able cyclone roars across the battle.ield. Te!(est
has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. reducing the
targeted co!batant to 1 +P< regardless o. their current +P
scores< $r!or< or 0. $r!or ratings@ treat this as a Death e..ect.
It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the
Status Condition 0eltdo-n F#H. *oll se(arately .or each e..ect.
TargetK Single
$reas o. e'tre!e heat. Ty(ically %olcanic terrain< though .ierce
blaEes< industrial structures such as blast .urnaces and !agical
.ire !ay 7uali.y .or this terrain set.
*$2; 1 > 9la!e ,last
9la!es uncere!oniously e'(lode around a single target. 9la!e
,last in.licts F) ' 0$/H Z #d< 0. $r!or 9ire &le!ental
da!age on the targeted co!batant< striking auto!atically.
TargetK Single
*$2; # > Shining $ir
The air around the /eo!ancer?s .oes begins to heat u(< turning
the battle.ield into a shi!!ering array o. !irages. Shining $ir
besto-s the Status Condition *use on all allies in range F4H.
TargetK Party
*$2; 3 > 6hite 9la!e
+oly .ire engul.s the target< searing a-ay sickness and inCury
-ith an intense blaEe o. li.e. 6hite 9la!e besto-s the Status
Condition *eraise F[H< and !ay not target the sa!e co!batant
!ore than one (er battle or Scene.
TargetK Single
*$2; 4 > 0ag!a
Colu!ns o. burning la%a eru(t underneath the /eo!ancer?s
.oes< s(reading .iery destruction throughout the i!!ediate
area. 0ag!a in.licts F#4 ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< 0. $r!or 9ire
&le!ental da!age on all acti%e co!batants in the targeted
/rou(< striking auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition +eat F#H.
TargetK /rou(
*$2; 1 > Pro!inence
$n e'(losion o. -hite=hot .ury engul.s the target< searing it
-ithin an inch o. its li.e. Pro!inence in.licts F# ' 0$/H Z
1d< 0. $r!or 9ire &le!ental da!age on all acti%e co!batants
in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. It also has a CoS
o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition
&le!ental 6eaknessK 9ire F)H.
TargetK /rou(
$reas o. e'tre!e cold< ty(ically at .reeEing (oint or belo-. Includes
en%iron!ents -ith high le%els o. sno-.all< though cold tundra and
terrain such as icebergs and glaciers also 7uali.y .or this set.
*$2; 1 > $rctic +are
$ s!all< -hite=.urred rabbit burro-s out o. the sno-< rubs
noses -ith a single co!batant< and then %anishes. $rctic +are
restores F3 ' 0$/H Z #d) +it Points to the targeted
TargetK Single
*$2; # > Icicle
,lades o. e'tre!e cold stab u( .ro! under the /eo!ancer?s
.oes. Icicle in.licts F10 ' 0$/H Z 4d< 0. $r!or Ice &le!ental
da!age on all acti%e co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
TargetK /rou(
*$2; 3 > Ice Stor!
The air around the /eo!ancer?s o((onents begins to chill to
absolute Eero< assailing all in range -ith bitter< cri((ling cold.
Ice Stor! in.licts F1) ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or Ice &le!ental
da!age on all acti%e co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion
o. in.licting the Status Condition Silence F)H.
TargetK /rou(
*$2; 4 > $%alanche
$ sho-er o. sno-< ice< rocks< and debris descends< burying a
single un.ortunate %icti!. $%alanche has a CoS o. F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Conditions 9roEen F#H
and Curse F)H@ roll se(arately .or each Status Condition.
TargetK Single
*$2; 1 > Ice Pillar
S(ears o. shar(< (olished ice rain do-n on the target<
!ercilessly ske-ering it. Ice Pillar in.licts F# ' 0$/H Z 1d<
0. $r!or Ice &le!ental da!age on the targeted co!batant<
striking auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition &le!ental 6eaknessK
Ice F)H.
TargetK Single
9F# 0agi2 night
$t a distance< they look like any other s-ords!an > only -hen
the ,lack 0agic begins to course through their blades does
their true nature e!erge. 0agic ;nights are initiates in a
!ysterious and secreti%e order o. !agical s-ords!en gi.ted
-ith the ability to store s(ells -ithin their -ea(ons< lea%ing
the! ca(able o. turning a si!(le s-ord=slash into .la!ing
de%astation< clouds o. to'in< or black holes ca(able o. -ar(ing
reality itsel..
,ecause the nature o. their !agic re7uires the! to get u(
close and (ersonal -ith .oes< 0agic ;nights are -arriors .irst
and sorcerers second. 6hile a hand.ul o. 0ages dabble in the
0agic ;nights? signature art< only the ;nights the!sel%es ha%e
the ar!s !astery needed to e'(loit it to its .ullest@ e%en -hen
stri((ed o. her !agical abilities< a 0agic ;night can still hold
her o-n against a S-ord!aster or 9ighter.
Vag|c Kr|grl 12 10 10 10 12
*e(resentati%esK 0ystic ;night Job F994H< $delbert Steiner
F99IJH< 6arrior Dress(here F99J=#H
+P DieK d
0P DieK d
6ea(onsK $'es< ,o-s< 9lails< /lo%es< /reats-ords< ;ni%es<
Aight S-ords< Polear!s< *ods< Sta%es< S-allo-s< S-ords
$r!orK /auntlets< +el!ets< 0ail< *obes< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z30
Skill PointsK #40
Skill $(titudesK 6ea(on
S(ellblade 0agic gi%es the 0agic ;night a %ersatile arsenal o.
enchant!ents< allo-ing the! to tailor their attacks to .oes?
-eaknesses -ith absolute (recision.
"P!..(.A+! .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK 0agic $bility
0agic ;nights can cast S(ells .ro! the S(ellblade 0agic list in
Cha(ter . Aike ,lue and Su!!on 0agic< S(ellblade 0agic has
no discrete Ae%els< but is organiEed into .our tiers according to
e..ectK &le!ental< Status< &..ect< and :lti!ate. $s the 0agic
;night gains Ae%els< she -ill gain the o(tion o. choosing S(ells
.ro! each o. these tiers.
6hile (layers can choose -hich S(ells they gain -hen they
7uali.y .or ne- ones< each S(ell has its o-n Ae%el re7uire!ent.
The Status e..ect Stone Strike< .or instance< can only be
ac7uired i. the 0agic ;night is at Ae%el 43 or higher< e%en
though the 0agic ;night .irst gains access to Status e..ects at
Ae%el 1.
,ecause they si!(ly enhance the 0agic ;night?s basic
attacks< !ost S(ellblade !agics can score Critical +its in the
sa!e !anner as nor!al $ttack $ctions. Their e..ects also stack
-ith a nu!ber o. 6ea(on &7ui(!ent $bilities > $uto=LStatusM<
ZL'M L$ttributeXCo!bat StatisticM< ,reak Da!age Ai!it<
CriticalZ< CriticalZZ< L&le!entM &nhancer< Sensor< and the
s(ecial rules associated -ith :lti!a 6ea(on and the 4aliant
;ni.e. $ll other &7ui(!ent $bilities on the 6ea(on are ignored.
C>*G?TES 9E=E9 >EA SPE99S GA*>E;
1 3lalus x 1, E|ererla| x 1
8 3lalus x 1, E|ererla| x 1
15 3lalus x 2, E|ererla| x 1
22 3lalus x 1, E|ererla| x 1, Ellecl x 1
29 3lalus x 1, E|ererla| x 1, Ellecl x 1
3 3lalus x 2, E|ererla| x 1, Ellecl x 1
13 3lalus x 2, E|ererla| x 1, Ellecl x 2
50 3lalus x 1, E|ererla| x 1, Ellecl x 1,
u|l|rale x 1
5Z 3lalus x 1, E|ererla| x 1, u|l|rale x 1
1 3lalus x 2, u|l|rale x 1
3ntuiti,e ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
The 0agic ;night can use her s(ellcasting abilities .or other
(ur(oses. 0ore details on Intuiti%e 0agic can be .ound in
Cha(ter .
;ey-ordsK ,arrier< Destruction< &arth< &le!ental 0ani(ulation<
9ire< +oly< Ice< Aightning< Poison< Shado-< 6ater< 6ind
6hen danger loo!s< 0agic ;nights can (rotect the!sel%es in
the blink o. an eye.
"4"-"H!.. .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
Due to their hea%y reliance on s(ellcasting< 0agic ;nights are
taught .ro! early on ho- to (re(are anti=!agic barriers at a
!o!ent?s notice > as !uch to (rotect the! .ro! the sorcery o.
an o((onent as the (otentially de%astating conse7uences o. a
!iscast S(ellblade e..ect. S8S=Shell takes e..ect -hen the 0agic
;night?s current +it Points are reduced to #1Q or lo-er o.
their !a'i!u! %alue< besto-ing the Status Condition Shell. The
Status Condition is auto!atically canceled once the 0agic
;night?s current +it Points are !ore than #1Q o. their
!a'i!u! %alue. This $bility stacks -ith S8S=Protect and S8S=
"os-PR4'!C' .e,el 15
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
$s they begin to gain hands=on co!bat e'(erience< 0ystic
;nights 7uickly learn ho- to broaden their re.le'i%e de.enses.
S8S=Protect takes e..ect -hen the 0agic ;night?s current +it
Points are reduced to #1Q or lo-er o. their !a'i!u! %alue<
besto-ing the Status Condition Protect. The Status Condition is
auto!atically canceled once the 0ystic ;night?s current +it
Points are !ore than #1Q o. their !a'i!u! %alue. This $bility
stacks -ith S8S=Shell and S8S=+aste.
"os-Has'! .e,el 4:
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
$ sa%%y 0agic ;night kno-s that s(eed is o. the essence<
(articularly -hen death is near. S8S=+aste takes e..ect -hen
the 0agic ;night?s current +it Points are reduced to #1Q or
lo-er o. their !a'i!u! %alue< besto-ing the Status Condition
+aste. The Status Condition is auto!atically canceled once the
0agic ;night?s current +it Points are !ore than #1Q o. their
!a'i!u! %alue. This $bility stacks -ith S8S=Shell and S8S=

G= "in=a
The 2inCa is a -arrior o. shado-< co!bining the talents o.
in.iltrator< s(y< and assassin in a single .inely=trained body.
*uthlessly inde(endent by nature< 2inCa are schooled .ro! early
on in the %irtues o. silent action and caution< the art o. killing
.ro! a distance as -ell as a hair?s breadth a-ay. To do so< they
!ake use o. a -ide range o. toolsK scrolls and (o-ders i!bued
-ith !agical (ro(erties< co!(act bo!bs .or clearing a-ay
obstacles or stubborn o((onents< deadly thro-ing stars< and
!uch !ore besides.
In the old days< 2inCa ser%ed a .eudal lord< dis(atching
(olitical ene!ies and gathering intelligence at his behest.
Today< they are !ore likely to be !ercenaries< selling their skills
out to the highest bidder. 9e-< i. any< -orry about the ethics o.
their actions > cold=hearted a!orality is the 2inCa?s stock in
trade< a trait that accounts .or !uch o. their (o-er and
!ysti7ue. 2or are they tea! (layers by any stretch o. the
i!agination@ they are trained to -ork alone and rely only on
the!sel%es in battle. ,ut (arties -illing to o%erlook the 2inCa?s
!ore sel.ish edges -ill .ind the! to be su(erbly %ersatile
co!batants ca(able o. !atching > and !astering > the !ost
o%er-hel!ing challenges.
N|rja 10 8 12 12 10 8
*e(resentati%esK &d-ard /eraldine V&dgeW &blan F99I4H< Clyde
VShado-W $rro-ny F994IH< 2inCa Job F99I< 99III< 994< 99JI< 99T<
+P DieK d
0P DieK d)
6ea(onsK ,oo!erangs< Cla-s< 9lails< ;atana< ;ni%es< 2inCa
$r!orK $r!-ear< +ats< Suits
$ccuracy ,onusK Z30
Skill PointsK #40
Skill $(titudesK Thie%ery
2inCutsu is the 2inCa $rt< a blend o. !ysticis! and !artial
techni7ue that e!(hasiEes the destruction o. an o((onent at
any cost.
'HR4% .e,el 1
TargetK Single Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
9ast and discreet< thro-ing -ea(ons are a natural .a%orite
a!ong 2inCa< -ho are trained .ro! early on to -ound and kill
-ith any (roCectile they can lay their hands on. Thro- allo-s the
2inCa to launch a single 6ea(on or Thro-ing 6ea(on at an
o((onent -ith de%astating .orce and accuracy< striking
auto!atically .or #00Q< $r!or da!age. Da!age .or this
attack is al-ays calculated using the 2inCaDs ST* $ttribute< e%en
-ith 6ea(ons -hose da!age code nor!ally de.aults to 0$/ or
$/I< and !ay ignore the Da!age Ca(. &7ui(!ent $bilities are
ignored unless a Thro-ing 6ea(on -as used@ in this case< they
a((ly as nor!al.
This techni7ue does co!es -ith a (rice< ho-e%er. $ny
6ea(on used in conCunction -ith Thro- breaks on i!(act and
cannot be retrie%ed a.ter it has been thro-n. This includes
$rti.act and :ni7ue=ty(e 6ea(ons > e%en these rare relics
cannot stand u( to the 2inCa?s thro-ing ar!.
+1A. %3!.+ .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
,ecause they o(erate alone< !any 2inCa ( to -ield (aired
-ea(ons in order to scra(e u( a .ighting chance against
!ulti(le o((onents. Dual 6ield !ay be used to e7ui( a 6ea(on
in the Shield Slot as (er the T-o 6ea(ons Skill. 6ith t-o
6ea(ons e7ui((ed< the 2inCa -ill strike t-ice -hen !aking an
$ttack $ction against a target@ calculate da!age .or each
6ea(on as i. the 2inCa had !ade t-o se(arate attacks< rolling to
hit .or each as nor!al.
3ntuiti,e ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
The 2inCa can use her s(ellcasting abilities .or other (ur(oses.
0ore details on Intuiti%e 0agic can be .ound in Cha(ter .
;ey-ordsK &arth< &le!ental 0ani(ulation< 9ire< Illusion<
Aightning< 6ater
1'1"!M3 .e,el 8
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Slo- $ction F4H
The 2inCa clas(s his hands together in a !editati%e (ose<
standing utterly still e%en as his outline begins to s-i! and blur.
:tuse!i besto-s the Status Condition $gility :( F)H.
A'45 .e,el 15
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F# 0PH
9ocusing the (o-er o. the ele!ents< the 2inCa calls u( a
sudden< stabbing eru(tion o. .la!e beneath the target. ;aton
in.licts F1# ' 0$/H Z 3d)< 0. $r!or 9ire &le!ental da!age
on the target< striking auto!atically@ in addition< it has a CoS o.
0ind< &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Con.use on the
target F4H.
3MAG! .e,el 22
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Slo- $ction FH
The 2inCaDs body begins to -a%er< beco!ing !ore and !ore
indistinct until one lone .igure has beco!e a host o. dark<
obscure assassins. I!age creates 4 silhouettes around the
2inCa F)H< each o. -hich grants a Z1 bonus to the 2inCa?s
&%asion .or as long as they re!ain in e'istence. 6hene%er the
2inCa takes da!age< reduce the nu!ber o. silhouettes by one@
I!age !ay not be used again until all silhouettes ha%e e'(ired
or been destroyed.
"13'45 .e,el 29
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F4) 0PH
Dra-ing on the (o-er o. the surrounding ele!ents< the 2inCa
unleashes the !ight o. the tide in a torrent o. (o-er.ul ocean
-a%es. Suiton in.licts F1) ' 0$/H Z 1d)< 0. $r!or 6ater
&le!ental 0agical da!age on the target< striking auto!atically.
In addition< it has a CoS o. 0ind< &%asion o. in.licting the
Status Condition Silence on the target F4H.
"/ado* "tit#/ .e,el 30
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F)) 0PH
6ith a single hand=cla(< the 2inCa su!!ons a burst o. tiny
needles to stitch the targetDs shado- to the ground< tra((ing it
in (lace. Shado- Stitch has a CoS o. 0ind< &%asion o. in.licting
the Status Conditions Disable and I!!obiliEe on the target F4H.
*oll .or both Status Conditions at once@ either the target is
a..ected by both or it is a..ected by neither.
Ra3'45 .e,el 43
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F70 0PH
Su!!oning the !ight o. the stor! and skies< the 2inCa calls
do-n an arcing barrage o. lightning to incinerate his .oes.
*aiton in.licts F#0 ' 0$/H Z 4d10< 0. $r!or Aightning
&le!ental da!age on the target< striking auto!atically. In
addition< it has a CoS o. 0ind< &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition ,lind on the target F4H.
"unken "tate .e,el 5:
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK *eaction
,y te!(orarily harnessing the dark energies o. the under-orld<
a skilled 2inCa can sink into the ground to e%ade attacks< lea%ing
only their shado- behind. 6hen triggered< Sunken State has a
.lat CoS o. 30Q o. besto-ing the Status Condition 4anish F#H.
TriggerK Physical da!age targeting the 2inCa.
+4'45 .e,el 5;
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F"0 0PH
The 2inCa sla(s the ground -ith the (al! o. his hand<
unleashing intense tre!ors that toss the target like a ragdoll.
Doton in.licts F#4 ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< 0. $r!or &arth &le!ental
da!age on the target< striking auto!atically. In addition< it has
a CoS o. 0ind< &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Slo-
on the target F4H.
!.A5 .e,el 04
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
The 2inCa sli(s into a trance=like state as he begins to soak in
a!bient chi< building a store o. energy ca(able o.
su(ercharging his already .or!idable techni7ues. 6hen using
;aton< Suiton< *aiton< Doton< or Shado- Stitch< the 2inCa !ay
elect to add a Charge Ti!e o. 10 to the $bilityDs 0P cost in
order to e!(o-er the techni7ue -ith &lan. I. they choose to do
so< the $bilityDs Target is changed .ro! Single to /rou( .or the
duration o. that $ction. 8nce this is done< &lan?s e..ects e'(ire.

HIJ Paladin
The Paladin is a sacred knight< consecrated to the (o-ers o.
light and dedicated to Custice and %irtue in their (urest .or!s.
Purged o. any sel.=doubt and absolute in their de%otion to their
cause< these holy -arriors .or! the unlikely !iddle ground
bet-een the 6hite 0ageDs co!(assion and the ;nightDs .ierce
sense o. honor. 6hile all Paladins .ollo- the sa!e basic !oral
code< each Paladin has their o-n inter(retation o. it@ so!e are
crusaders dedicated to the e'ter!ination o. e%il in all its -orldly
.or!s< others .ocus their e..orts on (rotecting the li%es o. those
-eaker than the!sel%es. The one uni.ying .actor in all is the
strength o. the PaladinDs o-n belie.s@ in sheer !oral con%iction<
.e- (ro.essions can ho(e to ri%al the!.
Pa|ad|r 12 13 9 8 8 10
*e(resentati%esK Cecil +ar%ey F99I4H< /eneral ,eatri' F99IJH<
$grias 8aks F99TH< Paladin Job F99JI< 99T$H
+P DieK d10
0P DieK d)
6ea(onsK $'es< /reats-ords< Aight S-ords< ;ni%es< Sta%es<
$r!orK /auntlets< +el!ets< 0ail< *obes< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z30
Skill PointsK #40
Skill $(titudesK 6ea(on
Protector< healer< .ighterK the Paladin?s talents e'tend in !any
C42!R .e,el 1
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $ctionX*eaction
The Paladin is a (rotector .irst and .ore!ost< thinking nothing
o. (lacing hersel. in har!?s -ay in order to shield a co!rade.
Co%er allo-s the Paladin to select a single target to (rotect@
once a target has been selected< Co%er beco!es a *eaction
$bility. 6hen triggered< Co%er a((lies all da!age that -ould
other-ise be taken by the target to the Paladin instead<
!odi.ying .or the Paladin?s $r!or as nor!al. Co%er !ay only
a..ect one target at any gi%en ti!e@ s-itching targets or
re!o%ing this (rotection is a Bero $ction< but re7uires the
Paladin to be able to use the $bility.
TriggerK The $lly being Co%ered is dealt Physical da!age. 6ill
not trigger i. the Paladin is #1Q o. !a'i!u! +P or lo-er
"entinel .e,el 1
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eaction
6hile Paladins can single out indi%idual allies .or (rotection<
they are also trained to kee( a close eye on the health o. the
(arty as a -hole. 6hen triggered< Sentinel a((lies all da!age
that -ould be taken by the ally to the Paladin instead< !odi.ying
.or $r!or as nor!al. Sentinel does not a..ect use o. Co%er< but
does not enhance its e..ects@ Co%er -ill al-ays be used instead
o. Sentinel -here a((licable. I. !ulti(le co!batants could use
Sentinel on the sa!e target< the one -ith the highest +it Points
-ill take the blo-.
TriggerK $n ally at #1Q or .e-er o. !a'i!u! +P is dealt
Physical da!age. 6ill not trigger i. the Paladin is #1Q o.
!a'i!u! +P or lo-er hersel..
3ntuiti,e ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
The Paladin can use her s(ellcasting abilities .or other
(ur(oses. 0ore details on Intuiti%e 0agic can be .ound in
Cha(ter .
;ey-ordsK ,arrier< +ealing< +oly< Aightning
Hallo*ed (olt .e,el 8
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F## 0PH
The Paladin holds her s-ord to the hea%ens Cust as a lightning
bolt sla!s do-n< guiding that blast o. electrical .ury straight
into the !idst o. the ene!y. +allo-ed ,olt in.licts 71Q< $r!or
Aightning &le!ental da!age on all acti%e co!batants in the
targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. In addition< it has a .lat
CoS o. 30Q o. in.licting the Status Condition Silence F4H@ roll
se(arately .or each eligible target.
H!A.35G %35+ .e,el 15
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F34 0PH
/usts o. healing energy begin to -hirl around the Paladin?s
body< building u( in intensity until the entire (arty is en%elo(ed.
+ealing 6ind restores F" ' 0$/H Z #d) +P to all allies.
Cleansin$ "trike .e,el 22
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F40 0PH
The Paladin thrusts her -ea(on .or-ard< calling a s(ectral
greats-ord to eru(t .ro! the ground and ske-er the target
-here it stands. Cleansing Strike in.licts 1#1Q< $r!or +oly
&le!ental da!age on the target< striking auto!atically. In
addition< it has a .lat CoS o. 30Q o. in.licting the Status
Condition Conde!ned on the target F4H.
A"'RA .e,el 29
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F4) 0PH
The Paladin (ours her ironclad resol%e into a (o-er.ul !agical
barrier ca(able o. shielding an ally .ro! har!.ul in.luences.
$stra besto-s the Status Condition *esist F4H< but this Status is
auto!atically canceled the .irst ti!e it (rotects the target .ro!
being a..licted -ith a Status Condition. I. the target is struck by
an attack that in.licts !ulti(le Status Conditions at once< all
Conditions -ill be blocked be.ore $stra?s e..ects dissi(ate.
"!A. !23. .e,el 30
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F13 0PH
6ith a -a%e o. her -ea(on< the Paladin unleashes a s-ar! o.
holy s(irits< o%er-hel!ing the target -ith a barrage o. (urity
and light. Seal &%il can only be used to target :ndead and
De!ons< and has a .lat CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting the Status
Condition Stone F[H.
H4.< C3RC.! .e,el 43
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F)1 0PH
The Paladin raises her -ea(on to the skies< calling do-n bea!s
o. di%ine light to e!(o-er the (arty. +oly Circle besto-s the
Status Conditions Protect F4H and +oly &nhancer F4H.
6ud$ment (.ade .e,el 5:
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F"0 0PH
The Paladin?s blade cuts through the air< triggering a sho-er o.
ethereal crystals to ento!b the ene!y. Judg!ent ,lade in.licts
1#1Q< $r!or +oly &le!ental da!age on all acti%e co!batants
in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. In addition< it has
a .lat 30Q CoS o. in.licting the Status Condition Sto( F#H@ roll
se(arately .or each eligible co!batant in the targeted /rou(.
+i,ine Ruination .e,el 5;
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F111 0PH
6ith a s-ing o. her blade< the Paladin dra-s .orth the di%ine
energies o. the earth itsel.< so-ing (anic and chaos a!ong her
.oes as searing -hite (illars o. light tear across the battle.ield.
Di%ine *uination in.licts 110Q< $r!or +oly &le!ental da!age
on all acti%e co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
auto!atically. In addition< it has a .lat 30Q CoS o. in.licting the
Status Condition Con.use F4H@ roll se(arately .or each eligible
co!batant in the targeted /rou(.
GR!A' G4"P!. .e,el 04
TargetK Party Ty(eK 0agic $bility F#00 0PH
Sil%er rain begins to .all on the battle.ield< drenching all but the
silently (raying Paladin. Suddenly< the rain ceases@ the Paladin
rises< ar!s held alo.t as daEEling sunlight bursts .orth and
cherubs descend .ro! the hea%ens to besto- their blessings on
the (arty. /reat /os(el restores F17 ' 0$/H Z 4d +P to all
acti%e co!batants in the Party@ in addition< it besto-s the
Status Condition 6all F4H.

K R4ne night
The *une ;night is a curious .igure by anyone?s reckoning< as
!uch a -arrior as a sorcerous lightning rod. Trained to counter
the ar!y=shattering e..ects o. large=scale battle !agic< they
ad%ance ahead o. the !ain .orce< nulli.ying inco!ing s(ells and
draining !ana .ro! o((osing !ages until the ene!y?s !agical
.ire(o-er has been utterly silenced. 8nce the *une ;night?s
-ork is done< all that re!ains is to !o( u(@ .or better or -orse<
the tide o. battle has irre%ocably turned.
$ success.ul *une ;night is the su! o. hereditary (o-er<
care.ul training< and unshakable resol%e. /enetics and training
allo- a *une ;night to interce(t ene!y !agic and reduce it to
ra- !ana and ele!ental (o-er@ resol%e gi%es the! the ability to
-ork those talents in the .ace o. i!(ending .iery doo! > or
-orse. 8nce absorbed< a s(ell can be (ro!(tly .lung back at its
caster or used as grist .or the *une ;night?s e'tensi%e arsenal
o. !ana=(o-ered attacks@ !ost *une ;nights ha%e at least a
little training in traditional s(ellcasting< though their s-ords
re!ain their !ain !eans o. o..ense.
To ordinary soldiers< e'(erienced *une ;nights are an
a-eso!e and ins(iring (resence< a .earless aegis -illing to (ut
e%erything on the line .or the good o. his co!rades. The trust
and loyalty a *une ;night enCoys !akes hi! a natural leader@
those that sur%i%e their o.ten suicidal !issions 7uickly ad%ance
u( the chain o. co!!and< buoyed by tales o. the sel.less
herois! so .unda!ental to the Job?s abilities.
Rure Kr|grl 12 10 10 10 8 10
*e(resentati%esK Celes Chere F994IH Dycedarg ,eoul%e F99TH<
Balbaag ,eoul%e F99TH
+P DieK d10
0P DieK d)
6ea(onsK $'es< 9lails< /reats-ords< ;ni%es< Aight S-ords<
$r!orK /auntlets< +el!ets< 0ail< *obes< Shields
$ccuracy ,onusK Z30
Skill PointsK #40
Skill $(titudesK 6ea(on
The *une ;night?s techni7ues -ere created to -eaken< da!age<
and ulti!ately destroy any s(ellcasting target on the battle.ield.
To this end< the *une ;night !ust con.ront his -ould=be
targets head=on< using e%erything at his dis(osal to -ithstand
the !ystical onslaught.
Runi# .e,el 1
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK 9ast $ction
The *une ;night?s signature ability allo-s hi! to absorb !agic
by ca(turing it -ithin -ea(ons or ar!or inscribed -ith s(ell=
binding runes< his -ea(on and breaking it do-n into ra- !ana
.or his o-n use. *unic a..ects all *ed< ,lack< 6hite< Ti!e< and
,lue S(ells< e'ce(t those -ith TargetK $ll@ !onster $bilities -ith
an 0P cost !ay also be a..ected. 8nce used< *unic absorbs the
.irst eligible S(ell or $bility used in the i!!ediate %icinity<
regardless o. its source@ that S(ell or $bility has no e..ect and
the *une ;night gains 0P e7ual to its original casting cost. I.
*unic has absorbed nothing by the ti!e the *une ;night?s ne't
turn co!es u(< its e..ects are lost@ he !ust decide -hether to
use *unic again or take another $ction.
3ntuiti,e ma$i# .e,el 1
TargetK 4aries Ty(eK 0agic $bility
The *une ;night can use her s(ellcasting abilities .or other
(ur(oses. 0ore details on Intuiti%e 0agic can be .ound in
Cha(ter .
;ey-ordsK ,arrier< Destruction< &le!ental 0ani(ulation
R!'1Rn MAGi# .e,el 30
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eaction
$s the *une ;night gains e'(erience< he learns to do !ore than
si!(ly break do-n !agic to its constituent (arts > -ith
(ractice< he can co(y and return sorcerous attacks in a s(lit=
second< gi%ing ene!y s(ellcasters a taste o. their o-n !edicine.
6hen triggered< *eturn 0agic has a CoS o. FFAe%el X #H Z
FS(irit ' #HH o. allo-ing the *une ;night to i!!ediately cast
the e'act sa!e S(ell< targeting the original caster. $lternately<
he !ay choose to gain a nu!ber o. 0P e7ual to the S(ell?s
original casting cost. 2either o(tion (re%ents the *une ;night
.ro! su..ering the e..ects o. the a..ected S(ell > these are
calculated as nor!al. I. the *une ;night elects to return the
S(ell< the original caster -ill al-ays be the only one a..ected by
it< e%en i. said S(ell -as TargetK /rou(.
*eturn 0agic is subCect to the sa!e restrictions as *unicK it
cannot be used to counter S(ells -ith TargetK $ll< Su!!on
0agic< or S(ellblade 0agic. The *une ;night !ust also be able
to cast S(ells in order to be able to use *eturn 0agic@ Status
Conditions such as Silence -ill seal this $bility until they are
TriggerK $rcane< &le!ental< or Status s(ell or !onster ability
susce(tible to *unic.
>1adRa MAGi# .e,el 04
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Su((ort $bility
9urther re.ine!ent o. *eturn 0agic?s (rinci(les (er!its %eteran
*une ;nights to turn a single hostile s(ell into a blistering
%olley o. sorcery. 3uadra 0agic !ay be used -hene%er *eturn
0agic triggers< and allo-s the *une ;night to i!!ediately cast
the e'act sa!e S(ell .our ti!es< each ti!e targeting a rando!ly
deter!ined co!batant in the original caster?s /rou(. To do so<
the *une ;night !ust ha%e enough 0P to cast the rele%ant
S(ell three ti!es@ other-ise< *eturn 0agic?s de.ault e..ects are
used instead. $s -ith *eturn 0agic< 3uadra 0agic does not
(re%ent the *une ;night .ro! su..ering the e..ects o. the
a..ected S(ell > these are calculated as nor!al.
Po-er.ul and brutal in e7ual !easures< the *une ;night?s battle
techni7ues turn e'cess !ana into bone=crushing blo-s.
FuR) (rand .e,el 8
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F#0 0PH
$ trident o. %iolent red energy thrusts u( .ro! under the target<
e!itting a single intense (ulse as it disa((ears again. 9ury
,rand in.licts 100Q< $r!or Physical da!age on the targeted
co!batant< striking auto!atically. In addition< it has a .lat CoS
o. 30Q o. in.licting the Status Condition ,erserk F4H.
"'ardust RA) .e,el 15
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F#7 0PH
/lo-ing arro-s o. light .or! around the *une ;night< trailing
glitter as brilliant as the night sky as they begin -histling into
the thick o. the ene!y. Stardust *ay in.licts 71Q< $r!or
Physical da!age on all acti%e co!batants in the targeted
/rou(< striking auto!atically. It also has a .lat CoS o. 30Q o.
in.licting the Status Condition S(irit ,reak F4H@ roll se(arately
.or each eligible co!batant.
"H!..(1R"' "'A( .e,el 22
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F31 0PH
The *une ;night e'tends his -ea(on< sha(ing ra- !ana into a
cruel glo-ing sci!itar blade that callously cuts through the
target be.ore .ading out. Shellburst Stab in.licts FTarget?s
Current 0PH Physical da!age on the targeted co!batant<
striking auto!atically. *egardless o. ho- !any 0P the target
currently (ossesses< Shellburst Stab !ay ne%er in.lict !ore than
""" da!age.
(.A"'AR P15CH .e,el 29
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F1) 0PH
$ glo-ing -hite a'eblade descends .ro! the hea%ens< crashing
do-n onto the *une ;night?s .oes -ith brain=shattering .orce.
,lastar Punch in.licts 100Q< $r!or Physical da!age on all
eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
auto!atically. In addition< it has a .lat CoS o. 30Q o. in.licting
the Status Condition 0agic ,reak F4H.
23P!R (ite .e,el 43
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F70 0PH
Sickly green daggers -ar( into being around the *une ;night?s
ene!y< cla!(ing do-n like the .angs o. so!e great< s(ectral
ser(ent. 4i(er ,ite in.licts 1#1Q< $r!or Physical da!age on
the target< striking auto!atically. In addition< it has a .lat CoS o.
30Q o. in.licting the Status Condition 4eno! F4H.
H!ll#r) pun#/ .e,el 5:
TargetK Single Ty(eK 0agic $bility F"1 0PH
The *une ;night unleashes his accu!ulated (o-er and
su!!ons a !onolithic greats-ord .ro! the de(ths o. the earth<
(iercing his .oe -ith an ice=blue edge o. (ure !agic. +ellcry
Punch in.licts 110Q< $r!or Physical da!age on the targeted
co!batant< striking auto!atically. In addition< it has a .lat CoS
o. 30Q o. in.licting the Status Conditions Po-er ,reak F4H and
Silence F4H. *oll se(arately .or each Status Condition.
3C!*olf (3'! .e,el 5;
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $bility F110 0PH
Su!!oned by the *une ;night?s (o-er< a (hanto! longs-ord
tears through the ground< ornately car%ed blade coruscating
blue and red in turn be.ore %anishing. Ice-ol. ,ite in.licts
110Q< $r!or Physical da!age on all eligible co!batants in
the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. In addition< it in.licts
#00Q< $r!or Physical da!age to the co!batants? 0agic
Points. 0P da!age in.licted by Ice-ol. ,ite !ay ignore the
Da!age Ca(.
1you (an !o that;&
2ot e%erything an 99*P/ character can do is de.ined by their
Job. $s i!(ortant as s(ellcasting talents and co!bat abilities
!ay be< they only co%er a s!all subset o. the !any tasks and
challenges that characters -ill .ace during the course o. an
ad%enture > .or e%erything else< there?s Skills.
E5P!"7E7 RU#ES
The .unda!ental rules go%erning Skill usage can be .ound in
Cha(ter 1. The (ur(ose o. this cha(ter is to e'(and on those
rules by introducing additional o(tions< clari.ications and detail
to those basic rules.
S8e2iali>ed S9ills
$ nu!ber o. Skills in this cha(ter ha%e an asterisk F\H a.ter their
na!es@ this indicates that these are s(ecialised Skills. :nlike the
general Skills that !ake u( !ost o. the 99*P/?s a%ailable
selection< characters -ho (urchase a s(ecialised Skill !ust also
select a s(ecialisation .or it at (urchase. The Aore Skill< .or
instance !ust be set to a s(eci.ic ty(e o. kno-ledge< de(ending
on the characterDs (re.erences > rather than ha%ing a general
?Aore<? a character -ill ha%e Aore F0ilitaryH or Aore FAegendary
6ea(onsH. 2ote that S(ecialised Skills are bought !ulti(le ti!es
.or se(arate s(ecialisations > a character -ill ha%e t-o se(arate
Skills .or Aanguage FCo!!on TongueH and Aanguage F$ncientH.
! Expandin. Specialisation
0any o. the Skills gi%en in this cha(ter ha%e been deliberately
ke(t broad to allo- .or a -ider range o. genres and settings. $s
an o(tional rule< /0s can re7uire characters to take a
s(ecialisation .or any Skill that is likely to ha%e a !ore narro-
.ocus in the ca!(aign -orld. 9or instance< a high=tech -orld is
!ore likely to ha%e 4ehicles FCarH and 4ehicles F$ircra.tH than
one -here carts are the bleeding edge o. con%eyance.
7efa4lting on S9ills
Picture the sceneK our heroes ha%e stolen an airshi( .ro! the
&!(ire< and are racing ho!e under the .ire o. the co!bined
I!(erial .leet. Suddenly< the entire shi( rattles > a direct hit
.ro! the ene!y cannons. S!oke begins to (our out o. the
controls as an alar! goes o.. and the shi( enters a -ild s(in<
rocketing ground-ards. $ look (asses around the table. VSo<
uh... anybody ha%e *e(airGW
*egardless o. ho- !uch e'(erience and training they (ossess<
characters -ill still run into situations theyDre not (re(ared .or.
$s a result< there !ay be circu!stances -here (layers -ill ha%e
to i!(ro%ise by !aking a Task Check using an $ttribute *ating
in (lace o. a Skill their character doesnDt (ossess.
&%ery Skill has a single De.ault $ttribut e linked to it< ty(ically
the one !ost likely to a..ect a characterDs a(titude in that Skill.
&ti7uette< .or instance< has S(irit as a De.ault $ttribute. 6hen a
character Nde.aultsD on a Skill they do not ha%e< they roll against
FDe.ault $ttribute *ating X #H instead o. the rele%ant Skill
*ating to deter!ine success. +o-e%er< so!e Skills are naturally
harder to N.eignD than others< (articularly those re7uiring a
signi.icant le%el o. e'(ertise. These are called Aearned Skills <
and cannot be de.aulted on unless the character has an $..inity
to that Skill Category. $ll other Skills are Intuiti%e Skills< and
can be de.aulted on regardless o. -hether or not the character
has an $..inity.
So!eti!es< characters !ay -ish to use !ulti(le Skills in
conCunction -ith one another to acco!(lish so!ething. 9or
e'a!(le< an &ngineer -ith high *atings in In%ent and Syste!s
could !ake use o. this kno-ledge to i!(ro%e an atte!(t to
disar! a !echanical tra(< an acti%ity nor!ally associated -ith
Tra(s alone. $ttributes< too< can interact -ith Skills< as !ore
de'trous or intelligent characters are better=suited to
i!(ro%isation than ones less gi.ted in those areas. Such
NsynergiesD can be handled in one o. t-o -aysK
&nhancing an e'isting Skill. I. ha%ing one Skill see!s to
logically i!(ro%e another Skill?s likelihood o. success and this
Skill is e7ual to or higher in *ating to the Skill it -ould
?su((ort<? a character can gain a Z10 Synergy ,onus to Task
Checks !ade against the ?su((orted? Skill. $lternately< i. a
character has a Skill -hose De.ault $ttribute *atingX# is higher
than the Skill?s actual *ating< she !ay roll against the $ttribute
*ating instead.
*e(lacing a !issing Skill. *ather than si!(ly de.ault on a
!issing Skill< a character can instead roll against another Skill
they (ossess i. there is logical synergy bet-een it and the
!issing Skill. The ?re(lace!ent? Skill?s *ating -ill be hal%ed .or
the resulting Task Check< but the character !ay a((ly any
Synergy bonuses they -ould nor!ally be eligible .or to this roll.
$ (layer trying to .ro! synergies should al-ays be
(re(ared to e'(lain to the /0 -hy she .eels the other Skills in
7uestion are rele%ant to the Task Check at hand.
? ;efa"lts and SFner.F (1)
Surrounded by Deathsight?s .orces< +iro and co!(any ha%e
been carted o.. to a dank dungeon in an undisclosed location.
*odger F/0HK 5ou regain consciousness in a s-inging iron
cage lashed to a %aulted ceiling criss=crossed by hea%y !etal
bea!s. ,elo-< .aint orange light .ro! an unkno-n source
s(ills through a grating that co%ers the entirety o. the .loor.
The !etal has a dull glo- to it@ though you?re sus(ended
!eters abo%e it< you can .eel the heat radiating all the sa!e.
8ther cages hang around yours< chains clanking in ti!e to a
rhyth!ic shudder in the -alls o. the cha!ber@ occasionally<
one bu!(s into your o-n< lea%ing the bars ringing.
*ob F+iroHK +iro lets out a so.t sigh as he looks do-n at the
grating. VSo!ething tells !e -e?d regret Cu!(ing do-n there.W
,lair F0intHK V6e?d ha%e to get out .irst< huhGW I?! checking
the bars. $ny gi%eG $nything looseG
*odgerK 2o dice. 6hoe%er built this thing built it to last.
0 F+aEeHK 6hat else is in the cellG
*odgerK $ (ile o. stra- s(read out in the center o. the cage
ser%es as your bedding. 8ther than that< there?s nothing.
0K +aEe leans back< resting on the stra-. VSettle do-n. 6e?ll
get a chance to break out sooner or later. Aet?s Cust take it
easy until then.W
The ga( in sessions has allo-ed *odger to .ind a natural (lace
to introduce CarlDs (layer to the ga!e > and (arty. $.ter a
7uick discussion< Carl and *odger ha%e decided to i!(rison
;u!ani in the sa!e cell as the other characters< allo-ing the!
to interact .irst thing o.. the bat.
Carl F;u!aniHK V0rrrrI So!e o. us arrre trrrying to get so!e
slee( herrre.W
,lairK 0int is going to back a-ay %ery< %ery 7uickly. V6hoaI
Did our bedding CustY talkGW
0K +aEe gets u(< brushing hi!sel. o... V6ho?s thereGW
CarlK ;u!ani (okes her head out o. the stra-< blinking a .e-
ti!es. V0rr. I should ask the sa!e o. you< yesG I?! ;u!ani.W
0K V+aEe. The other t-o are +iro and 0int. I?! guessing
you?re no .riend o. Deathsight?s.W
CarlK VI got attacked by those tin(ot soldierrrs... 2e't thing I
kno-< I?! stuck in herrre.W
*obK V6ell< I don?t kno- about you< but I?! not (lanning on
sticking around.W *odger< I?! (icking u( the longest< !ost
solid (iece o. stra- and starting to -ork on the lock. I?ll de.ault
on Aock(icking -ith In%ent.
*odger checks the rules. Aock(icking is a Aearned Skill<
!eaning +iro -ouldnDt nor!ally be able to de.ault on it.
+o-e%er< +iro also has In%ent at 1#@ i. taken as a re(lace!ent
.or Aock(icking< it -ould e..ecti%ely .unction at a Skill *ating o.
*odgerK 6hy -ould In%ent hel( hereG
? ;efa"lts and SFner.F (2)
*obK The lockDs got !echanical co!(onents and !o%ing
(arts. +iro should kno- ho- to scre- around -ith those. $lso<
!y $/I ought to be high enough to gi%e !e a hand -ith the
6ith a shrug< *odger acce(ts the e'(lanation. +iroDs $gility
*ating is 40 > higher than the !odi.ied In%ent *ating o. #)<
!eaning he !ay use his $gility *ating instead o. In%ent. The
lock is reasonably -ell=!ade< so *odger sets a Conditional
0odi.ier o. Z#0. *obDs .inal CoS is )0.
*odgerK *oll Ne!.
*obK FrollingH 4.
*odgerK 5ou -riggle the stra- around until you hear the
tu!blers clicking into (lace. $ !o!ent later< the door s-ings
o(en -ith a creak.
Carl F;u!aniHK V2ice -orrrkI 2o- all -e ha%e to do is...W
0 F+aEeHK V....ind a -ay to get do-n .ro! here and across
that stea!ing hot .loor -ithout turning into s(are ribs< then
.ight our -ay through -hate%er guards Deathsight (osted to
kee( us locked u(.W
,lair F0intHK VIs it too late to go -ith the ?let?s Cust take it
easy? o(tionGW
2ot e%ery Task Check -ill be a solo e..ort. 8ccasionally< a
character !ay collaborate -ith .ello- (layers or 2PCs to
acco!(lish a task< thro-ing their collecti%e -eight behind a
Task Check to ensure a greater likelihood o. success. 9or
instance< a (arty !ay (ool its e..orts in searching a %illainDs
study .or hidden (assages< -ith se%eral dedicated NeyesD and
NearsD in%estigating likely hiding=(laces and triggers. :nder such
circu!stances< the grou( !ust designate one character >
usually the one -ith the highest Skill *ating .or the Skill being
used > as the grou( leader. They take the !ost acti%e role in
the co!bined e..ort< and !ake the actual Task Check.
De(ending on ho- !uch the rest o. the grou( o..ers to the
co!bined e..ort< the (layer !aking the Task Check -ill get a
bonus bet-een Z10 and Z40K Z10 .or nor!al assistance<
Z#0 .or signi.icant assistance< and Z40 .or e'traordinary
assistance. The /0 !ay a((ly this bonus auto!atically< or .irst
ha%e the NassistingD (layers roll a Task Check against the !ost
rele%ant Skill .or their indi%idual contributions. The results o. a
,otch on a grou(-ork=enhanced Task Check are le.t to the /0Ds
discretion< but the larger the nu!bers o. (artici(ants< the !ore
likely it -ill be that the results are catastro(hic .or the grou( as
a -hole.
8. course< not e%ery Skill and situation lends itsel. to a
grou(-ork conte't. ,ecause o. this< grou(-ork is only an
o(tion in situations -here the -ould=be assistants are acti%ely
able to hel( out and not (reoccu(ied -ith their o-n Checks. $
(arty trying to stay a.loat and get to sa.ety in a .looding<
tra((ed cha!ber couldnDt try to (ool their e..orts i. each had to
!ake indi%idual S-i!!ing rolls to a%oid being dro-ned by the
inco!ing -ater.
0aster S9ill Table
The .ollo-ing table lists e%ery !aCor Skill used in the 99*P/ in al(habetical order< together -ith its De.ault $ttribute< Skill Category< and
ty(e. Skills -hich !ust be s(ecialised are !arked -ith an asterisk F\H as standard. $ .e- o. these Skills are raised at hal. the nor!al rate >
these are !arked in bold.ace.
Ta%le 2&1' (aster S)ill 9ist
#cro"atics 0erera| A0l lrlu|l|ve anguage+ 3cro|asl|c 3PR Learred
#cting Arl|sl|c 3PR lrlu|l|ve eadership 3oc|a| 3PR lrlu|l|ve
#lchem$ Tecrr|ca| VA0 Learred ockpicking Tr|every A0l Learred
)raining w||derress 3PR Learred
ore+ 3cro|asl|c VA0 Learred
#rt Arl|sl|c 3PR Learred ,a-igation w||derress VA0 lrlu|l|ve
#wareness 0erera| VA0 lrlu|l|ve ,egotiation 3oc|a| 3PR lrlu|l|ve weapor A0l lrlu|l|ve Pickpocket Tr|every A0l lrlu|l|ve
Bows weapor A0l lrlu|l|ve Polearms weapor A0l lrlu|l|ve
Brawl weapor A0l lrlu|l|ve Repair Tecrr|ca| VA0 Learred
Clim"ing w||derress 3TR lrlu|l|ve Riding w||derress A0l lrlu|l|ve
Cooking 0erera| VA0 Learred Sca-enge w||derress VA0 Learred
Crafting+ Tecrr|ca| VA0 Learred Singing Arl|sl|c 3PR lrlu|l|ve
Cudgels weapor A0l lrlu|l|ve Smooth )alk 3oc|a| 3PR lrlu|l|ve
Dancing Arl|sl|c A0l lrlu|l|ve Stealth Tr|every A0l lrlu|l|ve
Disguise Tr|every VA0 lrlu|l|ve Streetwise Tr|every 3PR Learred
Escape Tr|every A0l lrlu|l|ve Sur-i-al w||derress VA0 lrlu|l|ve
Eti/uette 3oc|a| 3PR lrlu|l|ve Swimming w||derress vlT lrlu|l|ve
E.plosi-es Tecrr|ca| VA0 Learred Swords weapor A0l lrlu|l|ve
0lails weapor A0l lrlu|l|ve S$stems Tecrr|ca| VA0 Learred
1am"ling Tr|every VA0 Learred Teaching S89':/0;,8 SPR L</%-<"
1uns weapor A0l lrlu|l|ve )hrown
Weapons weapor A0l lrlu|l|ve
Healing Tecrr|ca| VA0 Learred )racking w||derress VA0 lrlu|l|ve
%n/uir$ 3cro|asl|c VA0 lrlu|l|ve )rade 0erera| VA0 Learred
%nstrument Arl|sl|c 3PR Learred )raps Tr|every VA0 Learred
%ntimidation 3oc|a| 3PR lrlu|l|ve Two Weapons =</>'- AGI L</%-<"
Invent T<89-,8/: MAG L</%-<" Weapon
S$stems weapor A0l lrlu|l|ve
2ni-es weapor A0l lrlu|l|ve &ehicles Tecrr|ca| A0l Learred
$s their na!e i!(lies< $rtistic Skills re(resent a character?s
talents in and a((reciation o. the .iner things in li.e. They .or!
the .oundation .or (ro.essions such as ,ards and Dancers< -ho
turn the! into de%astating -ea(ons on the battle.ield.
De.ault $ttributeK S(irit FSP*H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
$ character -ith this Skill has the training to .ake e!otions and
de%ise ne- (ersonalities .or hi!sel.. 6ith a success.ul Task
Check< the character !ay atte!(t to use $cting to blu..<
i!(ro%ise< i!(ersonate< or con. I. the target has the $-areness
Skill< resol%e the atte!(t through an 8((osed Task Check@ a
,otch -ill al-ays e'(ose the character?s ruse.
I"$ 3aptain 'as(h von )onsenberg of
2ote that -hen i!(ersonating others< a success.ul Task Check
using the Disguise Skill -ill ty(ically ha%e a (ositi%e e..ect on
Conditional 0odi.iers .or $cting Task Checks.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Per.or!ing si!(le scri(tK Z0
I!(ro%ising si!(le (er.or!anceK Z40
Per.or!ing co!(le' scri(tK Z#0
I!(ro%ising co!(le' (er.or!anceK =40
De.aults $ttributeK S(irit FSP*H Ty(eK Aearned
This Skill e!bodies a general a((reciation and kno-ledge o. the
artsK (ainting< sketching< scul(ture< architecture< and all
techni7ues and (ractices associated -ith the like. $ character
-ith this Skill !ay create her o-n art< atte!(t to identi.y the
-orks o. others< or e%en .orge an e'isting (iece to (ass o.. as
the original.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Identi.ying -ell=kno-n !aster(ieceK Z0
Identi.ying -ell=kno-n artistK Z40
Identi.ying obscure artistK 0
9orging obscure artistK =#0
9orging -ell=kno-n artistK =40
9orging kno-n !aster(ieceK =)0
De.aults $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
$ character -ith this skill can tell a -altE .ro! a ga%otte< and
kno-s enough o. the general eti7uette and re7uired ste(s to
a%oid !ashing (eo(leDs toes in the (rocess.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Dance -ith slo-< (redicable rhyth!K Z0
Dance -ith .ast< loose rhyth!K Z40
I!(ro%ising dance -ithout .i'ed rhyth!K Z#0
Co!(le'< intricate danceK 0
De.aults $ttributeK S(irit FSP*H Ty(eK Aearned
This Skill allo-s a character to (lay< tune< and !aintain an
instru!ent< as -ell as gi%ing hi! a re(etoire o. songs .or any
occasion. It is also used as a 6ea(on Skill .or Instru!ents.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Per.or!ing slo-< si!(le !elodyK Z0
Per.or!ing .ast< si!(le !elodyK Z40
Per.or!ing slo-< co!(le' !elodyK 0
Per.or!ing .ast< co!(le' !elodyK =#0
De.ault $ttributeK S(irit FSP*H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
6hile not e%eryone is born -ith the %oice o. an angel< care.ul
training can !ake all the di..erence. Characters -ith this Skill
kno- all about (roCection and range< and ha%e at least a .e-
!elodies !e!oriEed at any gi%en ti!e.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Per.or!ing slo-< si!(le !elodyK Z0
Per.or!ing .ast< si!(le !elodyK Z40
Per.or!ing slo-< co!(le' !elodyK 0
Per.or!ing .ast< co!(le' !elodyK =#0
/eneral Skills are %ersatile talents shared by a broad range o.
character (ro.essions and backgrounds.
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
$ character -ith this Skill is .le'ible and coordinated enough to
e'ecute co!(le' acrobatic !aneu%ers. $ single Task Check is
re7uired .or a set o. !aneu%ers or .eat o. balance. Conditional
0odi.iers de(end on both the co!(le'ity o. the !anue%ers and
the circu!stances. The conse7uences .or .ailure hinge on the
.eat being atte!(ted.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Single so!ersaultK Z0
, Z0
Double so!ersaultK Z40
$erial cart-heelK Z40
Double Z#0
Tri(le so!ersaultK 0
6alking tightro(eK 0
Double aerial cart-heelK 0
Tri(le aerial cart-heelK =#0
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
This Skill !easures a characterDs collecti%e sensory a-areness.
In the .ield< it is !ainly used to s(ot hidden ite!s< secret
(assages< and other incongruities that !ight not be noticeable
at .irst glance. $t higher le%els< Characters -ith this Skill gain a
certain si'th sense -hen it co!es to s(otting (otential dangers
or noticing -hen so!ething isnDt 7uite right > a con=!an
atte!(ting to s-indle the (arty out o. its /il -ith counter.eit
&li'irs is Cust as likely to get the neck=hairs tingling as a doEen
sla%ering beasts -aiting in a!bush around the corner.
I sense !anger.&
$s a result< $-areness !ay also be rolled at a /0Ds behest in
8((osed Task Checks against Skills like S!ooth Talk or Stealth.
This Skill is gi%en to all starting characters< regardless o. Job.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
+ighly ob%ious detailK Z0
Detail not i!!ediately ob%iousK Z#0
Detail s!all< obscure or -ell=secretedK =#0
Detail usually undetectable by nor!al sensesK =0
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Aearned
;no-ing haute cuisine !ay not i!(ro%e one?s re(utation as a
.earso!e -arrior< but -hen the alternati%e is another -eek?s
-orth o. dried !eat< nobody?s liable to co!(lain. $ character
-ith this Skill kno-s ho- to (re(are and identi.y all ty(es o.
dishes -ith a success.ul Task Check< and !ay e%en be able to
aug!ent their co!radesD abilities in battle -ith a((ro(riate
.oods > see $((endi' I .or !ore details. $ !eal -ith !ulti(le
courses !ay re7uire se%eral Task Checks< de(ending on the
co!(le'ity o. the dishes in%ol%ed.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Si!(le or (re=(re(ared dishK Z0
$%erage dishK Z40
Identi.ying indi%idual ingredients in (re(ared dishK 0
Sensiti%e or de!anding dishK 0
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Aearned
$ character -ith this Skill kno-s her -ay around the art o.
buying chea( and selling dear. $ success.ul Task Check can be
used to locate !erchants and sho(s in the i!!ediate area< or
can be used to a((raise the authenticity and %alue o. an ite!.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
$ssessing ite! o. ob%ious -orthK Z0
9inding stores in %illage or ha!letK Z0
$ssessing shoddy or ob%ious .orgeryK Z0
9inding stores in s!all to-nK Z)0
9inding stores in large to-nK Z#0
$ssessing unco!!on or unusual ite!K 0
9inding stores in !aCor cityK 0
$ssessing rare or e'otic ite!K =#0
9inding stores in !egalo(olisK =#0
$ssessing .orgery o. high 7ualityK =40
$ssessing .orgery e7ual to original in 7ualityK =)0
Scholastic Skills are based on the ac7uisition and use o.
in.or!ation< and re(resent the kno-ledge base heroes ha%e
access to during the course o. their tra%els.
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
The location o. an ancient to!b< an obscure local legend< the
address o. the nearest inn in to-n > characters -ith the In7uiry
Skill are ade(t o. digging u( the in.or!ation they need as
7uickly and (ainlessly as (ossible. 8ne Task Check !ust be
!ade .or each (iece o. in.or!ation the character -ishes to
locate@ the a!ount o. ti!e s(ent searching can %ary bet-een
hal. an hour and se%eral days< de(ending on the breadth o.
resources a%ailable to the character. $ .ailure si!(ly !eans the
character isn?t able to locate the in.or!ation and !ay continue
trying< -hile a ,otch !eans the in.or!ation Cust isn?t a%ailable >
or that the search has ended in serious trouble.

C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
In.or!ation is co!!on kno-ledgeK Z0
In.or!ation is s(ecialised kno-ledgeK Z#0
In.or!ation is obscure kno-ledgeK =#0
In.or!ation is e'tre!ely obscure kno-ledgeK =40
De.ault $ttributeK S(irit FSP*H Ty(eK Aearned
6ith this Skill< a character can understand and co!!unicate in
a (articular language > at lo-er le%els< .luently enough to
con%erse -ith others< at higher le%els -ith the (ro.iciency o. a
skilled orator and -riter. So!e sa!(le languagesK
$ncient. Ty(ically the s(oken or -ritten tongues o. the
rele%ant -orldDs (recursor race. $ncient languages see little
usage in the !odern -orld@ these are usually the do!ain o.
scholars and ad%enturers canny enough to realise that sooner
or later e%erything co!es do-n to !ysteriously=inscribed slabs
and relics.
,ahsa 0ithra. The 0ithran language is constructed around a
relati%ely li!ited set o. -ords< (lacing hea%y e!(hasis on
(re.i'es and conte't instead. In a tongue -here NID! %ery ha((yD
and NID! dee(ly sorryD are Cust t-o (honetically si!ilar -ords
a(art< the o((ortunities .or e!barrass!ent are nigh=on
,east Tongue. :sed to co!!unicate -ith creatures o.
li!ited sentience< such as Couerls and Cactuars . This does not
include ani!als and !onsters o. $ni!al=le%el intelligence< -hich
use the $ni!al Training Skill instead.
,rogue. The D-ar%en language is an archaic< highly
con%oluted %ariation on Co!!on Tongue< ty(ically s(oken -ith
a thick< throaty accent.
Co!!on Tongue. The standard +u!an tongue< lingua
.ranca on !ost -orlds. 0ost< i. not all< ad%enturers -ill be .luent
in this language to one degree or another. This Skill is gi%en to
all starting characters< regardless o. Job.
&l%aan. Co!(le' and .lorid< &l%aan has its roots in anti7uity.
Aike all other as(ects o. &l%en culture< it is a source o. racial
(ride and Cealously guarded against dilution .ro! outside
/alkan. 9e- /alka are ca(able o. s(eaking their blunt<
unsenti!ental nati%e language< let alone -riting it. $d%enturers
are !ost likely to encounter it in ancient< /alkan=built structures
and on racial arti.acts.
0ogri. The language used by the 0oogle race. Though !ost
non=0oogles !ay -onder ho- !uch co!!unication can be
achie%ed solely using the -ord N;u(oD< 0ogri is sur(risingly
subtle< hea%ily de(endent on the 0oogleDs antenna to con%ey
!eaning. Due to this handica(< .e- non=0oogles are ca(able o.
s(eaking it< though !ost can understand it -ith a little bit o.
training and (ractice.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
:nderstanding basic %ocabularyK Z0
:nderstanding e%eryday %ocabularyK Z)0
:nderstanding ad%anced %ocabulary or slangK Z40
:nderstanding technical language or scienti.ic CargonK 0
:nderstanding archaic %ocabularyK =40
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Aearned
Skills that co%er a character?s understanding o. a (articular
conce(t or area< abstract or not > .acts< .igures< and essential
in.or!ation relating to a subCect the character has studied in at
least so!e detail. The 7uality< 7uantity< and detail o. a
character?s kno-ledge in a (articular Aore -ill increase -ith the
Skill *ating. Though the sa!(le Aores gi%en belo- are broad<
they can be as s(ecialised as the (layer -ants > the ad%antage
in doing so is that in.or!ation considered ?obscure? in a general
Aore can be co!!on kno-ledge in a s(ecialised one. $s a
result< a character -ith Aore FChocoboH -ill kno- !ore about
these riding birds than one -ith Aore F$ni!alH. Sa!(le AoresK
Aore F$reaHK Detailed kno-ledge o. the geogra(hy o. a
(articular area< inclusi%e o. !aCor land!arks< terrain< .lora< and
Aore F9olkloreHK $n understanding o. an area?s (o(ular
!ythology< ranging .ro! ancient sagas to conte!(orary ?urban
legends?. 9urther s(ecialised by country or region.
Aore F+istoryH. /eneral kno-ledge o. key e%ents in an area?s
kno-n history< including dates< (ersonalities< and other
!inutae. 9urther s(ecialised by country or region.
Aore F0agicH. 0agic Aore gi%es the character a .unda!ental
understanding o. the (rinci(les o. sorcery as -ell as the training
to identi.y indi%idual s(ells and enchant!ents. 9urther
s(ecialised by ty(eK ,lack< 6hite< Ti!e< S(ellblade< or ,lue.
Aore F0onstersH. 6hat is a 0alboro?s (re.erred .ood
sourceG +o- !any Sahagin co!(rise a ty(ical raiding (artyG
Just ho- .ast does a Cactuar actually runG $ character -ith
0onster Aore is a treasure tro%e o. .acts and tri%ia on the
(lanet?s inhu!an inhabitants. 9urther s(ecialised by !onster
ty(eK $bnor!al< $erial< $!or(h< $7uatic< $rcana< ,east<
Construct< Dragon< 9iend< +u!anoid< Insect< AiEard< Plant or
:ndead . See $((endi' II .or !ore in.or!ation on !onster
ty(es and their criteria.
Aore FSu!!onsH. ;no-ledge o. the habitats< histories<
strengths< -eaknesses< and (ersonalities o. the !aCor Su!!ons
o. the -orld< .ro! $le'ander to 4ale.or.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
In.or!ation is co!!on kno-ledgeK Z0
In.or!ation is s(ecialised kno-ledgeK Z#0
In.or!ation is obscure kno-ledgeK =#0
In.or!ation is e'tre!ely obscure kno-ledgeK =40
De.ault $ttributeK S(irit FSP*H Ty(eK Aearned
This Skill allo-s the character to i!(art her kno-ledge to
others< gi%ing her the ability to Skills she already kno-s
to another character. Skill Points (laced into Teaching increase
a characterDs *ating at hal. the nor!al rate. $s a result< it -ill
take t-o Skill Points to raise the *ating by 1 unless the
character has an $..inity .or Scholastic Skills. I. so< it takes only
one Skill Point to raise the *ating by 1.
Social Skills .ocus e'clusi%ely on a character?s interactions -ith
others. $ characterDs e'(erience in these Skills -ill be essential
in obtaining in.or!ation< -inning allies< and kee(ing the grou(
o(erating as a cohesi%e unit.
De.ault $ttributeK S(irit FSP*H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
This Skill gi%es a character the ability to act and s(eak
di(lo!atically regardless o. the circu!stances< obser%ing and
res(ecting the sensibilities o. others. $ success.ul Task Check
allo-s a character to discern the !ost a((ro(riate code o.
conduct in a gi%en situation< and act accordingly@ a .ailure
results in the character !isinter(reting the situation< -ith
(otentially disasterous results. ,otches -ill al!ost al-ays result
in a di(lo!atic ga..e o. the .irst order.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
8bser%ing si!(le or co!!on .or!alitiesK Z0
8bser%ing unco!!on or co!(licated .or!alitiesK 0
8bser%ing rare or obscure rituals or .or!alitiesK =40
De.ault $ttributeK S(irit FSP*H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
Inti!idation and bro-beating are (o-er.ul tools i. used
correctly< establishing the character as a .orce to be reckoned
-ith > e%en i. they aren?t. $ success.ul Task Check is re7uired to
inti!idate a target< a.ter -hich the character can !ake her
de!ands@ .ailure !eans the target is uni!(ressed. $ ,otch< on
the other hand< could (otentially result in a nasty turnabout. I.
the target also has Inti!idation< resol%e the atte!(t through an
8((osed Task Check.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Inti!idating signi.icantly -eaker targetK Z0
Inti!idating !oderately -eaker targetK Z40
Inti!idating target o. e7ual (o-erK 0
Inti!idating !oderately stronger targetK =#0
Inti!idating signi.icantly stronger targetK =40
De.ault $ttributeK S(irit FSP*H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
$ character -ith this Skill kno-s ho- to coordinate large grou(s
o. (eo(le e..ecti%ely< be it in engineering< business< or battle. $
success.ul Task Check is re7uired to carry out a gi%en acti%ity<
such as a construction e..ort< battle (lan< or (roCect. 0ulti(le
Task Checks !ay be needed .or long=ter! collaborations. In
addition< a character can use his Aeadershi( Skill to !oti%ate or
encourage others@ this does not necessarily ha%e to be
restricted to those under the character?s direct control.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Coordinating si!(le (lan or taskK Z0
0oti%ating loyal subordinates or co!radesK Z0
Coordinating a%erage (lan or taskK Z#0
0oti%ating unins(ired subordinates or co!radesK Z#0
Coordinating co!(le' (lan or taskK 0
0oti%ating !utinous subordinates or co!radesK =40
De.ault $ttributeK S(irit FSP*H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
The .ine art o. getting your -ay. $ character -ith this Skill can
use their (o-ers o. (ersuasion to do anything .ro! bartering
.or an ite! to con%incing that troubleso!e Ca(tain o. the /uard
that< no< they really arenDt an I!(erial sy!(athiEer< thank you
all the sa!e. 2egotiation is al-ays used in .or! o. an 8((osed
Task Check@ -hen !aking her Task Check< the (layer !ust .irst
declare her ? to the other (arty< -ho in turn roll against
either their o-n 2egotiation Skill or an a((ro(riate Skill De.ault
> the -eight o. the character?s -ill deter!ine the basic
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Desired outco!e bene.icial to targetK Z0
Desired outco!e has no e..ect on targetK Z#0
Desired outco!e troubleso!e .or targetK =40
Desired outco!e disastrous .or targetK =)0
De.ault $ttributeK S(irit FSP*H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
This Skill allo-s a character to use (ure charis!a to (ersuade
an un-itting %icti! to do his bidding. 8ne success.ul Task Check
is re7uired to ensnare the target@ additional Task Checks !ay be
re7uired de(ending on -hat the character re7uests o. his
%icti!. I. the target has the Skill $-areness< resol%e the atte!(t
through an 8((osed Task Check. $ny .ailure breaks the
character?s hold o%er the target< .orcing hi! to start ane-@ a
,otch ruins the atte!(t entirely< and !ay alert the target to the
.act that they are being !ani(ulated.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Seeking .a%or bene.icial to targetK Z0
Seeking co!!only=kno-n in.or!ationK Z0
Seeking .a%or -ith no e..ect on targetK Z#0
Seeking unco!!on or sensiti%e in.or!ationK 0
Seeking .a%or troubleso!e .or targetK =40
Seeking classi.ied or highly secret in.or!ationK =40
Seeking .a%or disasterous .or targetK =)0
Technical Skills allo- a character to !ani.est their creati%e as
-ell as (ractical sides through e%erything .ro! -ood-orking to
e'(losi%e che!istry.
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Aearned
;no-ledge o. co!(ounds and che!ical (rinci(les allo-s a
character -ith this Skill to bre- u( a -ide %ariety o. use.ul
!i'tures< (otions and tinctures. This Skill is discussed in !ore
detail in $((endi' I.
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Aearned
$ character -ith this Skill can create ite!s o. %arying siEe and
co!(le'ity .ro! scratch. Cra.ting is s(eci.ic to a ty(e o.
!anu.acture< the !ost (ro!inent o. -hich are Cra.ting
F$r!ors!ithingH< Cra.ting FCar(entryH< Cra.ting FTailoringH<
Cra.ting FTinkeringH and Cra.ting F6ea(ons!ithingH. The
a((lications and s(eci.ics o. each o. these are discussed in
!ore detail in $((endi' I.
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Aearned
This Skill allo-s a character to (lant and detonate e'(losi%e
de%ices in a (recise .ashion< usually .or targeted de!olition
-ork. 0ore details regarding this (rocess can be .ound in
$((endi' I.
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Aearned
$ character -ith this Skill kno-s enough about the body and its
-orkings to diagnose and treat !ost kinds o. sickness and
inCury. $ success.ul Task Check is re7uired .or a correct
diagnosis@ another .or the treat!ent i. the character has the
!eans to carry it out. 9ailure in either could ha%e drastic
conse7uences .or the (atient. +ealing can also enhance a
(arty?s natural reco%ery > see Cha(ter ".
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Setting broken li!bsK Z0
Treating co!!on or har!less sicknessK Z0
Treating unco!!on or !alignant diseaseK Z#0
:ndertaking co!(le' surgeryK 0
Treating rare or deadly diseaseK =#0
:ndertaking neurosurgeryK =40
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Aearned
6ith a bit o. tinkering and di%ine ins(iration< characters -ith this
Skill can create use.ul !achines and !echanis!s .ro! scratch.
Skill Points (laced into In%ent increase a characterDs *ating
hal. the nor!al rate. $s a result< it -ill take t-o Skill Points to
raise the *ating by 1< unless the character has an $..inity .or
Technical Skills@ i. so< it takes only one Skill Point to raise the
*ating by 1. In%ent is discussed in !ore detail in $((endi' I.
They (a## $e <The 5a(hine, hen
it (o$es to $e(hani(s* Leave it to
$e2 baby*&
=e## 4in(ht
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Aearned
Characters -ith the *e(air Skill ha%e the ability to .i' things<
-hether itDs as si!(le as (ro((ing u( a -obbling table or as
co!(le' as a !al.unctioning engine. 6hat a character can
.easibly re(air is deter!ined by her other Skills > characters
-ith Tailoring< .or instance< can (atch u( clothing< characters
-ith In%ent .i' !echanical de%ices< characters -ith 4ehicles tune
u( cars or !otorbikes. This Skill is discussed in !ore detail in
$((endi' I.
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Aearned
$ !ulti(ur(ose Skill that allo-s a character to -ork -ith
co!(le' !echanis!s< including electrical -iring< robots<
constructs< and co!(uters. $ success.ul Task Check can be
used to either set u(< interru(t< or ta!(er -ith a syste!@ .ailure
-ill da!age the syste! but lea%es the character enough lee-ay
to atte!(t to re(air the (roble!. Predictably< a ,otch -ill
destroy the syste! beyond the (oint o. sal%age. 0ulti(le Task
Checks !ay be re7uired .or (articularly co!(licated syste!s.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
:sing basic syste!K Z0
Circu!%enting basic (rotecti%e !easuresK Z40
:sing co!(le' syste!K Z#0
Circu!%enting hea%y (rotecti%e !easuresK 0
:sing highly co!(le' syste!K =#0
Circu!%enting e'tre!e (rotecti%e !easuresK =40
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Aearned
This Skill enables a character to hel! a %ehicle -ith a
reasonable degree o. reliability< though in ad%erse conditions<
things !ight be a little bit !ore di..icult. S(ecial !anue%ers
naturally re7uire an ad%anced le%el o. ability to (ull o.. -ithout
-recking the %ehicle in 7uestion in the (rocess.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
,asic !anue%er Froll< -heelie< high=s(eed :=turnHK Z40
$d%anced !anue%er Fbootleg turn< dri.ting< ha!!erheadHK 0
*isky !anue%er Fsna( roll< .lat s(inHK =#0
&'tre!ely risky !anue%er Fcobra< ske- .li( turno%erHK =)0
Thie%ery Skills in%ol%e stealth< secrecy< and dishonest action.
Though !ost use.ul in an urban en%iron!ent< they ha%e (lenty
o. a((lications else-here.
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
The ability .or a character to assu!e a ne- a((earance< ranging
.ro! a si!(le change o. clothing to a .ull=blo-n trans.or!ation.
The character !ust state her intended ?target?@ a success.ul
Task Check allo-s the character to take on the target?s
a((earance. 2ote that this only co%ers the ?looks? o. the target
== the actions a character !akes -hile disguised are co%ered by
a se(arate Task Check against $cting< and Cust as i!(ortant in
!aintaining the illusion. $ good Disguise -ill ty(ically ha%e a
(ositi%e e..ect on Conditional 0odi.iers .or $cting Task Checks<
and can also be used to conceal s!all obCects on the
characterDs (erson.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Portraying di..erent genderK Z)0
Portraying target notably taller than characterK Z40
Portraying target o. si!ilar raceK Z40
Portraying target notably shorter than characterK 0
Portraying target o. di..erent raceK 0
Portraying target o. drastically di..erent raceK =40
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
&%eryone gets caught so!eti!es. 9or this reason< the ability to
sli( out o. a tight bind can (ro%e to be a %aluable asset. $
character -ith this Skill can use a success.ul Task Check to
-or! his -ay out o. ro(e< !anacles< or chains.
>h 9A-4* If I %ne this as gonna
happen2 I ou#!,ve ta%en rope #essons
$ore serious#y*&
Yuffie Kisaragi
9ailure si!(ly !eans a character re!ains tra((ed< -hile a
,otch can easily result in inCury< tangled bonds< or sus(icious
ca(tors checking in to see -hat all the racket is aboutY
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
&sca(ing hasty or shoddy bondsK Z0
&sca(ing co!(le' knots or bondsK 0
&sca(ing handcu..s or rein.orced bondsK =#0
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Aearned
$ character -ith this Skill is a storehouse o. kno-ledge -hen it
co!es to ga!es o. chance< (articularly those in%ol%ing !oney.
,asic ga!bling takes the .or! o. an 8((osed Task Check< -ith
a((ro(riate !odi.iers de(ending on the co!(le'ity o. the ga!e
being (layed.
Characters !ay also atte!(t to use /a!bling to ti( the odds
in their .a%or by cheating. In this case< the character !ust
declare that she is doing so@ a success.ul Task Check is re7uired
.or each ?hand? or round (layed< and is substituted .or the
nor!al roll. I. any o. the other (artici(ants ha%e $-areness<
resol%e the cheating atte!(t as an 8((osed Task Check
bet-een the cheaterDs /a!bling and the (layersD $-areness. I.
the other (layers notice nothing a!iss< the character -ins the
round@ other-ise< the character is in a -orld o. trouble.
I. other (artici(ants are cheating > a.ter all< there?s no
guarantee that the character -ill be the only one trying to ?hel(?
their luck along > the /a!bling roll beco!es an 8((osed Task
Check bet-een the cheating (arties? /a!bling. 6hoe%er -ins
!ust then !ake an 8((osed Task Check against the honest
(layersD $-areness to ensure nobody else has s(otted their
actions. I. success.ul< they -in the round. 9ailure !ay result in
the character?s cheating being e'(osed< but a ,otch al-ays -ill
blo- the sca! -ide o(en.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
;no-ing rules to si!(le card ga!eK Z0
;no-ing rules to co!(le' card ga!eK Z40
9i'ing dice ga!e or coin tossK Z#0
9i'ing si!(le card ga!eK =#0
9i'ing co!(le' card ga!eK =40
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Aearned
$ character -ith this Skill can o(en locks on doors< treasure
chests and anything else others consider -orth securing -ith a
.e- tools< a little elbo- grease and a success.ul Task Check. $
,otch results in the lock being broken or other-ise da!aged<
(re%enting .uture atte!(ts at (icking it.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Picking rusty or neglected lockK Z0
Picking basic lockK Z40
Picking co!(le' lockK 0
Picking electronic or !agical lockK =40
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
$ skilled thie. de(ends on her ability to sneak s!all ite!s out o.
their o-ners? (ockets -ithout the! noticing and raising alar!.
6ith this Skill< a character can try to ?(al!? an obCect u(on a
success.ul Task Check@ one Task Check is re7uired .or each
obCect taken. I. the target has the Skill $-areness< resol%e the
atte!(t through an 8((osed Task Check. $ ,otch -ill al-ays
result in the character being caught. Should the need arise< this
Skill can also be used to sneak ite!s onto a (erson .or si!ilar
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Taking obCect less than 1c! in siEeK Z40
Taking obCect 10 to #0c! in siEeK Z#0
Taking obCect 30 to 10c! in siEeK =#0
Taking obCect )0c! to 1! in siEeK =40
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
This Skill gi%es the character a basic understanding o.
subter.uge< allo-ing hi! to secrete hi!sel. in darkened corners
to esca(e detection and sneak around -ithout arousing too
!uch sus(icion. I. another (arty is in the %icinity and has the
Skill $-areness< resol%e the sneaking atte!(t -ith an 8((osed
Task Check. $ character -ill al-ays think a Task Check is
success.ul regardless o. the actual outco!e.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Character totally hidden Fin%isible< !agically silencedHK Z)0
Character (artially hidden Fstealthy< !u..led ste(sHK Z#0
Character highly noticeable Fbright clothing< noisy ar!orHK =40
De.ault $ttributeK S(irit FSP*H Ty(eK Aearned
Street-ise allo-s a character to na%igate a city?s cri!inal
underground. $ success.ul Task Check can allo- a character to
obtain a (iece o. in.or!ation< locate illicit goods and ser%ices<
or .ind a contact. The a!ount o. ti!e taken .or the search can
%ary bet-een hal. an hour and se%eral days. $ 9ailure si!(ly
!eans the character has not been able to locate the obCect o.
her search and !ay continue trying. $ ,otch< ho-e%er< -ill alert
local gangsters and authorities to the character?s search< -ith
(otentially disasterous conse7uences. Street-ise can also be
used as the cri!inal e7ui%alent o. &ti7uette i. the character
does not ha%e that (articular Skill a%ailable to her.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Soliciting !inor .a%or or (iece o. in.or!ationK Z40
Soliciting notable .a%or or (iece o. in.or!ationK 0
Soliciting illegal or restricted goodsK =#0
Soliticing !aCor .a%or or (iece o. in.or!ationK =40
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Aearned
$n essential talent .or any success.ul thie.< this Skill allo-s a
character to disar! > or set > tra(s o. %arying co!(le'ity and
lethality -ith a success.ul Task Check. 9urther in.or!ation on
tra(s can be .ound in Cha(ter 10K /a!e!astering.
&%eryone can -ield a -ea(on< but to do so -ith .inesse takes
ti!e and dedication on the -ielder?s (art. 9or this reason<
6ea(on Skills are the bread and butter o. %irtually all
(ro.essions< go%erning the usage o. e%erything .ro!
,oo!erangs to S-ords. The only ty(e o. -ea(on not co%ered
by 6ea(on Skills is the Instru!ent > a character?s (ro.iciency in
these is !easured by the $rtistic Skill Instru!ent instead.
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
This Skill co%ers the usage o. the hea%y and o.ten cu!berso!e
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
This Skill allo-s a character to dra-< .ire< and reload ,o-s o. all
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
,ra-l is basic unar!ed co!bat. Inelegant but e..ecti%e in a
(inch< it allo-s the character to rely on their bare hands in a
.ight i. no other -ea(ons are a%ailable.
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
This Skill co%ers -ea(ons that in.lict blunt as o((osed to
(iercing or slashing da!age< including *ods and Sta%es.
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
The Skill co%ers the usage o. -hi(s< nunchuka< ribbons< and
other -ea(ons consolidated in the 9lails category.
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
This Skill co%ers technologically so(histicated ballistic -ea(ons
such as Crossbo-s and *i.les.
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
This Skill co%ers s!aller bladed -ea(ons such as ;ni%es and
2inCa ,lades.
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
This Skill concerns itsel. -ith larger bladed !elee -ea(ons
-hose reach is .urther than nor!al. This includes both
Polear!s and S-allo-s.
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
This Skill co%ers larger bladed -ea(ons< including Aight S-ords<
S-ords< /reats-ords< and ;atanas.
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
This Skill allo-s a character to use thro-n -ea(ons o. %arious
sha(es and siEes< ranging .ro! ,oo!erangs to Thro-ing Stars
and Skeans.
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Aearned
This Skill allo-s a character to .ight e..ecti%ely -ith a -ea(on in
each hand. In (ractice< this !eans a character !ay e7ui( a
-ea(on in their Shield Slot as -ell as their 6ea(on Slot<
(ro%ided the Shield Slot is not already occu(ied > see Cha(ter
Si' .or !ore details. In addition to T-o 6ea(ons< the character
!ust ha%e the a((ro(riate Skill .or the 6ea(ons being used. .or
instance< a character -anting to use a ;ni.e and a ,oo!erang
in conCunction -ould need ;ni%es< Thro-ing 6ea(ons< and T-o
6hen !aking an $ttack $ction -ith T-o 6ea(ons< the
character strikes the target t-ice instead o. once< essentially
!aking t-o se(arate $ttack $ctions against the sa!e target at
the cost o. a single $ction. 0ake se(arate rolls to hit using the
lo-est=rated a((licable Skill > T-o 6ea(ons or the rele%ant
6ea(on Skill > -hen deter!ining -hether the $ttack lands.
Da!age is resol%ed indi%idually .or each success.ul $ttack.
Skill Points (laced into T-o 6ea(ons increase a characterDs
*ating at hal. the nor!al rate. $s a result< it -ill take t-o Skill
Points to raise the *ating by 1. :nlike other Skills o. this kind<
ho-e%er< an $..inity .or 6ea(on Skills has no e..ect on the
e'change rate.
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
This Skill go%erns the use o. any -ea(on too large to be .easibly
!an=(ortable. So!e ob%ious e'a!(les o. this -ould be a
cannon !ounted onboard an airshi( or a 0agitek $r!or?s Tek
0issile syste!.
6ilderness Skills are concerned -ith the e'(loration o. the great
outdoors. $n ad%enturer -ho s(ends any a!ount o. ti!e in the
-ild is likely to ac7uire at least a .e- o. these Skills in the
De.ault $ttributeK S(irit FSP*H Ty(eK Aearned
$ character -ith this Skill can !ani(ulate< negotiate -ith< and
inti!idate ani!als. 6ith enough ti!e and (atience< $ni!al
Training can also be used to train an ani!al to understand and
act on basic co!!ands like ?stay<? ?.ollo-<? and ?kill.? 8ne Task
Check and a .e- days o. training are re7uired .or each
co!!and< though !ore co!(le' co!!ands can take se%eral
!onths to i!(art.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
+andling do!estic ani!alK Z#0
Teaching do!estic ani!al basic co!!andK 0
+andling -ild ani!alK =#0
Teaching -ild ani!al basic co!!andK =30
Teaching do!estic ani!al co!(le' or abstract co!!andK =30
Teaching -ild ani!al co!(le' or abstract co!!andK =10
De.ault $ttributeK Strength FST*H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
6hether it?s light .ree=cli!bing or .ull=.ledged !ountaineering< a
character -ith this Skill can scale %ertical sur.aces -ith a
reasonable degree o. success. 8ne or !ore Task Checks !ay be
needed .or a success.ul ascent@ in the e%ent o. a .ailure< no
(rogress is !ade. $ ,otch -ill al-ays result in a .all< -ith
conse7uences de(ending on the se%erity o. the dro(.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Cli!bing gentle incline -ith good e7ui(!entK Z0
9ree=cli!bing gentle inclineK Z40
Cli!bing stee( incline -ith good e7ui(!entK Z40
9ree=cli!bing stee( inclineK 0
Cli!bing sheer sur.ace -ith good e7ui(!entK =#0
9ree=cli!bing sheer sur.aceK =40
Cli!bing cru!bling sur.ace -ith good e7ui(!entK =40
9ree=cli!bing cru!bling sur.aceK =)0
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
,y using land!arks< the stars< and other en%iron!ental
.eatures< a character -ith this Skill can tra%el .ro! location to
location -ithout losing his -ay. In addition< the character?s -ell=
honed sense o. direction can be a %aluable asset in !aEes and
other con.using locales. 8ne Task Check is re7uired .or the
character to .ind his -ay@ subse7uent Task Checks !ay be
re7uired in the case o. (articularly long or co!(le' routes.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
2a%igating highly .a!iliar area or terrainK Z0
2a%igating .a!iliar area or terrainK Z40
2a%igating un.a!iliar area or terrainK 0
2a%igating highly disorienting or alien terrainK =40
2a%igating changing or .eatureless terrainK =)0
De.ault $ttributeK $gility F$/IH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
$ character -ith this Skill kno-s the basics o. staying on and
controlling a !ount like a Chocobo. 8ne Task Check is re7uired
to !ount u( and begin riding@ de(ending on the conditions<
additional Task Checks !ay need to be !ade during the course
o. the ride.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
0ounting u( on (ersonal !ountK Z0
0ounting u( on ta!e !ountK Z)0
$tte!(ting to ride bareback or .ree=handedK Z#0
*iding -hile -ielding -ea(onK Z#0
0ounting u( on -ild or aggressi%e !ountK Z#0
Controlling -ild or aggressi%e !ountK 0
*iding -hile standing on !ountK 0
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Aearned
$ talent essential to any !onster hunter looking to !ake a
( on their acti%ities. This Skill allo-s a character to identi.y
and e'tract ite!s o. %alue .ro! the carcass o. a !onster > hide<
horns< teeth< scales > -ithout da!aging the! in the (rocess. It
can also be used to e'tract things o. %alue .ro! !ineral
de(osits< e'(osed ore sea!s< and other sources o. ra-
!aterial. See Cha(ter " .or !ore details.
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
$ character -ith this Skill is able to locate drinking -ater< .orage
.ood and a%oid natural haEards that could easily take the li.e o.
an ine'(erienced tra%eller. 8ne success.ul Sur%i%al Task Check
is re7uired .or each day a character atte!(ts to sustain hersel.
in the -ilderness@ i. the character is .oraging .or others<
additional Task Checks !ay be needed. Sur%i%al can also be
used to -eather natural haEards.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Searching .or -ater in te!(erate cli!ateK Z#0
Searching .or .ood in te!(erate cli!ateK Z40
Searching .or -ater in desert cli!ateK 0
Searching .or .ood in desert cli!ateK =#0
Searching .or .ood in arctic cli!ateK =#0
Identi.y natural haEards in terrainK Z#0
Predict -eather in terrainK Z#0
De.ault $ttributeK 4itality F4ITH Ty(eK Intuiti%e
$ character -ith this Skill has the training to .loat< s-i!< and
di%e in -ater and other li7uids. 2or!al s-i!!ing re7uires a
success.ul Task Check to stay a.loat and get to a destination<
-hile !ore Task Checks !ay be re7uired .or long or di..icult
stretches o. s-i!!ing. 9ailed S-i!!ing rolls lea%e the
character in danger o. dro-ning > he !ust !ake another Task
Check -ith additional !odi.iers to (ull hi!sel. back u(. I. he .ails
the second Test< outside inter%ention !ay be necessary.
,otches al-ays ha%e disasterous conse7uences.
Di%ing re7uires a Task Check i. a character is atte!(ting to
reach a (articular location under-ater< i. he re!ains sub!erged
.or longer (eriods o. ti!e< and i. he atte!(ts to take an action
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
S-i!!ing through cal! -atersK Z0
S-i!!ing through rough -atersK Z#0
$tte!(ting si!(le action -hile sub!ergedK Z#0
2a%igating thick debris and other obstacles -hile di%ingK 0
$tte!(ting co!(le' or di..icult action -hile sub!ergedK =#0
9ighting strong currentK =#0
Dro-ningK =#0
De.ault $ttributeK 0agic F0$/H Ty(eK Intuiti%e
,y co!bining clues -ith old=.ashioned instinct< a character -ith
this Skill can track a 7uarry > ani!al< hu!an< or other-ise >
o%er a distance. $ character !ust !ake an initial Task Check to
(ick u( a target?s trail@ !ore Task Checks !ay be re7uired to
stay on the trail i. .ollo-ing the target o%er longer distances.
$ny .ailures during the tracking (rocess !ean that the
character has lost the target< though the /0 !ay allo- her to
!ake another Task Check -ith an increased !odi.ier in order to
resu!e (ursuit.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Trail !inutes oldK Z40
Trail hours oldK 0
3uarry s-itching trans(ortationK =#0
Trail days oldK =)0
Trail -eeks oldK =0
The .ollo-ing list reca(s so!e o. the !ost i!(ortant conce(ts
introduced in this cha(ter .or 7uick re.erence.
De.ault $ttribute. The $ttribute that has the strongest e..ect
on a character?s chance o. success -ith a gi%en Skill. The
De.ault $ttribute?s *ating can substitute .or a Skill *ating in
certain cases.
Intuiti%e Skill. $ Skill -hose De.ault $ttribute?s *ating !ay be
used in (lace o. a Skill *ating i. the character does not (ossess
the Skill in 7uestion.
Aearned Skill. $ Skill -hose *ating cannot be re(laced by a
De.ault $ttribute?s *ating i. the character does not (ossess it.
Synergy ,onus. $ bonus to a Task Check granted by
co!(atible Skills and $ttributes.
You (an"t 8ust a#% outta here
ithout buyin" so$ethin,...
5ight be unhea#thy fer ya2 if ya
%no hat I $ean.&
Se(tor ? -eapons Store >ner
The 100 /il characters recei%e during character generation are
only the ti( o. the iceberg@ be.ore long< they?ll ha%e the !oney
to set about seriously ar!ing and ar!oring the!sel%es against
the dangers -hich a-ait the! in their tra%els. This cha(ter
co%ers the !ost essential (ortions o. an ad%enturer?s gear<
.ro! the hu!blest Aongs-ord to the .inest /enCi $r!or and
6hile the !eat o. Cha(ter ) details the %arious tools o. the
-orld=sa%ing trade< there are so!e .unda!ental considerations
.or both (layer and /0 -hen it co!es to ac7uiring< !aintaining
and using e7ui(!ent. The .ollo-ing section ser%es as a (ri!er
to the !ost crucial o. these@ additional e7ui(!ent issues are
co%ered in Cha(ter 10.
The /il F/H is the standard currency o. the 9inal 9antasy
uni%erse. ,arring in.lation< a single gil (iece is (ocket change@
70 gil buys a .ull=.ledged gour!et !eal .or one< 300<000 a
-ell=a((ointed beach.ront house. Prices do< ho-e%er< .luctuate
-ildly .ro! (lace to (lace in accordance to the de!ands o.
scarcity and (ros(erity.
$ctual deno!inations can %ary on a regional basis< but /il are
ty(ically issued in units o. 1< 1< 10< 10< 100< 100< and 1000.
Countries and nations tend to !int their o-n indi%idual gil
currency@ -hile these !ay be kno-n by (articular na!es -ithin
that country< at the end o. the day< a gil is a gil is a gil >
light-eight< easy to s(end< and readily acce(ted the -orld o%er.
The latter is due to the gilDs co!(osition@ traditionally< a gil
(iece is !ade o. (ure gold > indeed< the na!e NgilD itsel. (lays
on this tradition. Changing ti!es and gro-ing (o(ulations !ay
.orce go%ern!ents to N-ater do-nD the currency< ho-e%er<
re(lacing the scarcer !aterial -ith !ore co!!on !etals such
as bronEe and sil%er. Pa(er bills are also increasing in
(o(ularity as an easily concealable alternati%e to the bulky<
o.ten incon%enient coins. 6here such changes take (lace< they
usually do so on a -orld-ide scale< ensuring a continued and
uni%ersal acce(tance .or the currency.
B4ying E;4i8ment
2o !atter -here you are in the -orld< s(ecialised stores e'ist
.or nearly e%ery .or! o. !erchandise i!aginable. &%en in the
re!otest regions< s!all traders and tra%elling !erchants -ill be
!ore than ha((y to do business -ith anyone able to a..ord their
goods. +o-e%er< a (layer cannot Cust -alk into any gi%en
-ea(on store and ring u( a doEen &'caliburs > &7ui(!ent
$%ailability also .actors into (urchases. Si!(ly (ut< certain
ty(es o. e7ui(!ent -ill be !ore or less readily a%ailable than
others< -hether due to rare !aterials< a (articularly co!(le'
!anu.acturing (rocess or si!(le technological li!itations. 9or
e'a!(le< a (lain Aongs-ord could be (urchased at any
re(utable -ea(on store< -hereas the legendary 0asa!une
-ould ob%iously be only .ound in the darkest and dee(est
dungeon o. the land< no !atter ho- !uch !oney a character
-ould be -illing to (ay .or it.
To re(resent this< e%ery (iece o. e7ui(!ent listed o%er the
ne't .e- (ages is denoted -ith an $%ailability *ating ranging
.ro! 1 to 100. 9or (layers< it o..ers an con%enient -ay o.
deter!ining co!(arati%e rarity bet-een ite!s@ -hile it !ay be
ob%ious that a 0ain /auche ;ni.e is harder to .ind than a (lain
Dirk< assessing its a%ailability in co!(arison to a +i=Potion or a
Sur%i%al 4est is so!e-hat -hat !ore di..icult.
9or /0s< $%ailability *atings are intended as a shortcut .or
stocking sho(s and !erchants > Cha(ter 10 discusses this in
!ore detail.
!rtifa2ts and #egendaries
6hile !ost o. a (layerDs early e7ui(!ent -ill co!e .ro! o%er=
the=counter sales< the %ery best ite!s take a little !ore e..ort to
obtain > the kind o. e..ort that ty(ically in%ol%es going toe=to=
toe -ith de!on lords or tra%ersing ancient< !onster=haunted
ruins. &7ui(!ent o. this ty(e is denoted through t-o s(ecial
$%ailability codesK $rti.act and Aegendary. $rti.acts are
e'tre!ely rare ite!s< ty(ically cra.ted through long=lost
techni7ues or .ashioned by e'tinct races@ though they cannot
be readily re(licated< they !ay ha%e been !anu.actured in
so!e nu!bers in the (ast. $s a result< characters can obtain
se%eral o. these< though NcanD does not necessarily translate to
N-ill.? 8ne ste( u( .ro! these are the Aegendary ite!s< truly
one=o.=a=kind relics that enCoy legendary > or notorious >
status. $s the na!e i!(lies< Aegendary ite!s !ay ne%er .ound
!ore than once on any gi%en -orld.
E;4i8ment Tiers
In addition to an $%ailability *ating< each ite! and (iece o.
e7ui(!ent (resented in this cha(ter also has an &7ui(!ent
Tier ranging .ro! 1 to 10. The &7ui(!ent Tier !easures an
ite!?s general rarity > the higher the Tier< the rarer the ite!.
$rti.acts are al-ays Tier " ite!s@ Aegendary al-ays Tier 10.
Tiers are (ri!arily gi%en .or the /0?s in order to !ake
the (layers? ite! and e7ui(!ent re-ards easier to !anage >
see Cha(ter 10 .or !ore details.
Selling E;4i8ment
$s characters u(grade to better e7ui(!ent< they !ay -ish to
sell their older gear to !erchants to .und .uture sho((ing
s(rees. These -ill ty(ically (ay around 10Q o. the listed (rice
.or ite!s< rounding do-n< though this !ay be adCusted .or -ear
any nu!ber o. other .actors at the /0?s discretion. 9or
e'a!(le< a *ondell Dagger (urchased .or 3#00 / -ould only be
-orth a !a'i!u! o. 1)00 / i. sold< (ro%ided it -as still in good
condition at the ti!e. 2ote that the a%erage trader -ill not buy
$rti.act or Aegendary ite!s< as .e- -ill ha%e the resources to
e%en a..ord the (rices such ite!s co!!and@ as a result<
characters !ay not atte!(t to sell these e'ce(t under s(ecial
Carrying E;4i8ment
In order to si!(li.y the (rocess o. carrying e7ui(!ent< all
characters ha%e si' basic &7ui(!ent NslotsD -hich can be .illed
by %arious ite!s o%er the course o. the ga!e. In the 99*P/<
such ite!s are said to be e7ui((ed< and allo- the character to .ro! any and all (ro(erties they 6hich slot a (iece
o. e7ui(!ent occu(ies -hen e7ui((ed is noted -ith the
rele%ant listings .urther on.
6ea(on Slot. The characterDs le.t or right hand< de(ending
on (re.erence. Can be used to hold one ranged or !elee
Shield Slot. The characterDs No..D hand< used by !elee=
oriented (ro.essions to hold one shield. In the case o. t-o=
handed -ea(ons< this slot -ill be taken u( by the -ea(on in
7uestion instead@ characters -ith the T-o 6ea(ons Skill can
also e7ui( a second -ea(on in this slot.
,ody Slot. The bulk o. the characterDs body@ used to e7ui(
one (iece o. 0ail< Suit or *obe.
+ead Slot. 6orn headgear. :sed to e7ui( one +at or +el!et.
+ands Slot. +ands and -rists@ used to e7ui( one (iece o.
$r!-ear or one (air o. /auntlets.
$ccessory Slot. $ catchall category .or the enchanted rings<
(endants< boots and other ite!s that .all under the $ccessory
category. $ character can e7ui( u( to one $ccessory in the
$ccessory Slot.
In%entory Slot. $ll other ite!s -hich a character !ay ha%e in
stock in his or her (ockets< bags and back(ack< inclusi%e o.
s(are ar!or and -ea(ons currently not e7ui((ed. The
In%entory Slot technically has an unli!ited ca(acity< acting
so!ething like a (ocket di!ension .ro! -hich things can be
retrie%ed at any gi%en ti!e< e%en in the !idst o. a raging battle.
! CarrFin. Alternati,es
The 99*P/Ds e7ui(!ent carrying rules are designed to !i!ic
the ga!es< and !ean that characters are able to tote around
as !uch e7ui(!ent as they need to. "" Potions< 31 &thers<
43 +i=Potions and 3 +i=&thers !ay be (ushing things to an
e'tre!e< but are still entirely .easible. I. the /0 (re.ers a !ore
NrealisticD a((roach< a characterDs $!!unition and In%entory
Slots can be li!ited to store a co!bined total o. 11 ite!s.
8nce the li!it has been reached< the character !ust dro( or
sell so!e o. their e7ui(!ent be.ore they are able to take on
!ore. $ co!(ro!ise bet-een the t-o is to allo- characters to
carry a !a'i!u! o. FST* ' 3.3H > in other -ords< bet-een 3
and "".
The e7ui(!ent listings on the ne't .e- (ages are arranged into
co!(rehensi%e tables .ollo-ing a single .or!at designed to
dis(lay all rele%ant data about an ite! in an easy=to=read
!anner. This in.or!ation is arranged as .ollo-sK
Ty(e gi%es the ite!?s na!e.
Tier gi%es the ite!?s &7ui(!ent Tier.
Cost indicates the ite!Ds cost in /il F/H.
$%ailability gi%es the ite!Ds $%ailability *ating.
Da!age gi%es a -ea(onDs Da!age Code< to be used in
calculating da!age in.licted by attacks. See Cha(ter 7 .or !ore
$*0 !easures the nu!ber o. (oints this (articular (iece o.
ar!or contributes to the character?s o%erall $r!or rating.
0. $*0 !easures the nu!ber o. (oints this (articular (iece
o. ar!or contributes to the character?s o%erall 0agic $r!or
&4$ !easures the nu!ber o. (oints this (articular (iece o.
ar!or contributes to the character?s &%asion rating< i.
0. &4$ !easures the nu!ber this (articular (iece o. ar!or
contributes to the character?s 0agic &%asion rating< i.
&7ui(!ent $bilities are s(ecial (ro(erties uni7ue to gi%en
(ieces o. e7ui(!ent. 2ot e%ery ite! !ay ha%e the!< but those
that do their user a signi.icant additional edge abo%e and
beyond the !ore ob%ious bene.its o. the ite!. S(eci.ic
&7ui(!ent $bilities .or -ea(ons are described in !ore detail

E;4i8ment !bilities
The .ollo-ing list describes the !ost co!!on &7ui(!ent
$bilities .ound on -ea(ons and ar!or< along -ith their
li!itations. Particularly s(ecial or uni7ue e7ui(!ent (ro(erties
are not listed here< but -ill be .ound in the a((ro(riate
e7ui(!ent table.
! Aeapon A%ilities
&7ui(!ent $bilities that enhance or (ro%ide additional e..ects
.or a nor!al $ttack $ction cannot be used in conCunction -ith
an $bility unless this is e'(licitly allo-ed in the $bilityDs
descri(tion. This re!ains the case e%en those -hich take an
$ttack $ction as a basis< as is the case -ith 0ug. ?Passi%e?
&7ui(!ent $bilities -hich increase $ttributes or Co!bat
Statistics still a((ly.
HBxC BAttributeC D BCombat "tatisti#C
&..ectK The ite! increases the indicated $ttribute or Co!bat
Statistic by the gi%en a!ount .or as long as it re!ains e7ui((ed
> thus< a character -ith ST* 14 using a Z# ST* -ea(on -ould
ha%e an e..ecti%e ST* o. 1).
Ai!itationsK 2o $ttribute can be raised abo%e 30 in this
HBxC +"
&..ectK The -ea(onDs basic Da!age Scale is increased by the
indicated a!ount .or (ur(oses o. calculating da!age.
Ai!itationsK 8nly .ound on a!!unition.
&..ectK The ite! adds the indicated Status Condition to the
character using it at the beginning o. each battle. Status
Conditions added in this !anner can be re!o%ed through the
use o. S(ells or $bilities such as Dis(el@ but -ill be re=added
during the ne't Status Phase and only .ully cancelled once the
battle ends > see Cha(ter 7 .or !ore details.
Ai!itationsK $uto=*eraise cancels as nor!al i. used to
resurrect the character< and -ill not be re=added .or the
re!ainder o. that battle.
(reak +ama$e .imit
&..ectK $ttacks< S(ells and $bilities used by the character ignore
the Da!age Ca( .or as long as the ite! re!ains e7ui((ed.
Ai!itationsK /ra%ity=ty(e e..ects are not a..ected by ,reak
Da!age Ai!it.
&..ectK The 6ea(onDs keen edge raises the chance o. Critical
+its occuring by 10. $ny dQ roll .ro! 1 to #0 is considered to
be Critical +it -hen using this 6ea(on.
Ai!itationsK This e..ect is not cu!ulati%e -ith CriticalZZ or
Signature 6ea(on. In the e%ent o. !ulti(le !odi.iers< the best is
&..ectK This 6ea(onDs deadly< raEor=shar( edge raises the
chance o. Critical +its occuring by #0. $ny dQ roll .ro! 1 to 30
is considered to be Critical +it -hen using this 6ea(on.
Ai!itationsK This e..ect is not cu!ulati%e -ith CriticalZ or
Signature 6ea(on@ in the e%ent o. !ulti(le !odi.iers< the best is
B!lementC !ater
&..ectK 6earing this (iece o. e7ui(!ent gi%es the character
$bsorbance to the indicated &le!ent. See Cha(ter 7 .or !ore
Ai!itationsK Does not stack -ith L&le!entM Proo. or L&le!entM
! Conflictin. Stat"ses
$s a result o. $ccessories< e7ui((ed $r!or< and S(ells such as
2ull &le!ent< a character can ac7uire !ulti(le statuses
to-ards the sa!e &le!ent. In cases such as these< the best
status .or each &le!ent is a((lied. 9or instance< a character
-ith 4enetian 0ail F9ire 6ardH and a 9la!e *ing F9ire Proo.H
e7ui((ed -ould count as ha%ing IK 9ire@ the 4enetian 0ailDs *K
9ire is ignored in .a%or o. the su(erior status.
$rti.ically in.licted 6eaknesses > readK those in.licted by S(ells
and $bilities > tru!( all NnaturalD statuses< but can be
No%er-rittenD by other arti.icially in.licted &le!ental statuses.
See the section on Status Conditions in Cha(ter 7 .or !ore
B!lementC !n/an#er
&..ectK The ite! is sy!(athetic to a (articular kind o. ele!ental
energy< dra!atically raising the (o-er o. all attacks associated
-ith that ele!ent. $ny $bility or S(ell -hich deals &le!ental
da!age belonging to the ty(e enhanced by the ite! in.licts
Z#1Q da!age .or as long as the ite! re!ains e7ui((ed. In
the case o. *eco%ery &nhancer< *eco%ery e..ects ha%e the
nu!ber o. +it Points restored increased by Z#1Q instead.
Ai!itationsK 0ulti(le L&le!entM &nhancers do not increase this
B!lement D "tatusC Proof
&..ectK 6earing this (iece o. e7ui(!ent con.ers the character
I!!unity to the indicated &le!ent or Status Condition ty(e. See
Cha(ter 7 .or !ore details.
Ai!itationsK Does not stack -ith L&le!entM &ater or L&le!entM
B!lementC "trike
&..ectK The -ea(on has an a..inity to one o. the nine Co!bat
&le!entsK 9ire< &arth< 6ater< 6ind< Aightning< Ice< +oly< Shado-<
or ,io. $s a result< a success.ul $ttack -ith this -ea(on -ill
in.lict Z10Q da!age i. the target has a 6eakness against the
listed ele!ent.
Ai!itationsK 2one.
B!lementC %ard
&..ectK 6earing this (iece o. e7ui(!ent con.ers the character
*esistance to the indicated &le!ent or Status Condition ty(e.
See Cha(ter 7 .or !ore details.
Ai!itationsK Does not stack -ith L&le!entM &ater or L&le!entM
B!nem) ')peC iller
&..ectK The 6ea(on is (articularly suited .or slaying a (articular
ty(e o. !onster. The category o. !onster a..ected by this
6ea(onDs (o-ers is sel.=e'(lanatory< sa%e .or ,ird ;iller
F$erialH< ,ug ;iller FInsectsH< De%il ;iller F9iendsH< 9ish ;iller
F$7uanH< 0an ;iller F+u!ansH and Stone ;iller FConstructsH. $ll
success.ul $ttacks !ade -ith this 6ea(on against a !onster o.
that Category in.lict Z100Q da!age.
Ai!itationsK 2one.
Follo* '/rou$/
&..ectK 8n a success.ul Critical +it< the -ea(on !ay !ake
another i!!ediate attack action on the original target. 9ollo-
Through -ill not acti%ate again i. this second attack is a Critical
Ai!itationsK 2one.
&..ectK :(on de.eating an o((onent< a character e7ui((ed -ith
this ite! earns Z1Q o. the o((onentDs nor!al /il a-ard.
Ai!itationsK This bonus does not stack -ith any others. In the
e%ent that a character has !ulti(le bonuses to their /il
ac7uisition rate< the highest is al-ays used by de.ault.
HP +rain
&..ectK In addition to dealing da!age< e%ery success.ul $ttack
-ith this 6ea(on restores the -ielderDs +it Points by an a!ount
e7ui%alent to 10Q o. the da!age in.licted by the $ttack a.ter
!odi.ying .or $r!or.
Ai!itationsK The Status Condition Bo!bie re%erses this ability
> see Cha(ter 7 .or !ore details.
MP +ama$e
&..ectK *ather than doing nor!al da!age< each success.ul
$ttack !ade -ith this -ea(on in.licts 10Q da!age to the
targetDs +P and 10Q to its 0P a.ter !odi.ying .or $r!or. I. the
target has no 0P< -ea(ons -ith this ability do .ull da!age to
+P instead.
Ai!itationsK 2one.
MP +rain
&..ectK In addition to dealing da!age< e%ery success.ul $ttack
-ith this 6ea(on restores the -ielderDs 0agic Points by an
a!ount e7ui%alent to 10Q o. the da!age in.licted by the $ttack
a.ter !odi.ying .or $r!or.
Ai!itationsK The Status Condition Bo!bie re%erses this ability
> see Cha(ter 7 .or !ore details.
&..ectK This 6ea(on is designed to (ierce de.ences both natural
and !an=!ade. 6hen calculating da!age in.licted by any $ttack
!ade using a 6ea(on -ith Piercing< the target?s $r!or rating is
Ai!itationsK 2one.
&..ectK The 6ea(on is enchanted to dis(lay an o((onentDs
status to the -ielder -hen attacking. The .irst ti!e a success.ul
$ttack -ith a Sensor 6ea(on is !ade against a target< the
(layer is noti.ied o. the targetDs current +P > a.ter the da!age
.ro! the attack is calculated > as -ell as &le!ental 6eaknesses<
*esistances< I!!unities< and $bsorbances. 8n subse7uent
$ttacks< (layers should declare -hether they -ant the
in.or!ation or not@ i. not< the attack continues as nor!al.
Ai!itationsK 2one.
&..ectK The ite! adds the indicated Status Condition to the
character using it i. they are reduced to #1Q o. their !a'i!u!
+it Points during the course o. a battle. Status Conditions
added in this !anner cannot be re!o%ed through the use o.
S(ells or $bilities such as Dis(el@ they -ill only be cancelled i.
the characterDs current +it Points are raised beyond #1Q o.
their !a'i!u! %alue or the battle ends.
Ai!itationsK S8S=*eraise cancels as nor!al i. used to resurrect
the character< and -ill not be re=added .or the re!ainder o. that
B"tatusC "trike
&..ectK The 6ea(on has a .lat )0Q CoS o. adding the na!ed
Status Condition to the target -ith each and e%ery success.ul
$ttack !ade > or< in the case o. Death Strike< instantly reducing
the target to 0 +P each ti!e a success.ul $ttack $ction is !ade<
regardless o. its current +P and $r!or. Status Durations are
F4H .or all Statuses e'ce(t Poison and Stone< -hich are F[H.
Ai!itationsK 2one.
B"tatusC 'ou#/
&..ectK The 6ea(on has a .lat 30Q CoS o. adding the na!ed
Status Condition to the target -ith each and e%ery success.ul
$ttack !ade > or< in the case o. Death Touch< instantly
reducing the target to 0 +P each ti!e a success.ul $ttack $ction
is !ade< regardless o. the targetDs current +P and $r!or.
Status Durations are F4H .or all Statuses e'ce(t Poison and
Stone< -hich are F[H.
Ai!itationsK 2one.
'riple Criti#al
&..ectK Due to its (o-er< any Critical +its caused by this 6ea(on
in.lict Z#00Q da!age< rather than the nor!al Z100Q.
Ai!itationsK 2one.
&%en a (enniless ad%enturer kno-s better to %enture out into the -orld -ithout at least so!e sort o. -ea(on< -hether it be a -ell=.orged
S-ord< stout Sta.. or high=(o-ered *i.le.
6ea(on SkillK $'es
+ea%y< unsubtle and .earso!e in the hands o. a trained -arrior. $'es take u( both 6ea(on and Shield Slots.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
L|grl Axe 1 110 93 (2 x 3TR) d12 ---
Po|sor Axe 1 215 91 (2 x 3TR) d12 Po|sor Toucr
8all|eaxe 2 900 8Z (1 x 3TR) d12 ---
lrlerro Axe 2 120 85 (1 x 3TR) d12 F|re 3lr||e
Vylrr|| Axe 3 2050 81 ( x 3TR) 2d12 ---
Razor Axe 3 2150 Z9 ( x 3TR) 2d12 1 3TR
8ore Axe 1 1000 Z2 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 ---
3|asrer 1 100 Z0 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 3|oW Toucr
Taoar 5 200 3 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 ---
lydro Axe 5 800 1 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 waler 3lr||e
leavy Axe 9500 53 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 ---
veror Axe 10800 51 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 Po|sor 3lr||e
0real Axe Z 12800 15 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 ---
Relr|oulor Z 11200 13 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 Cr|l|ca|
Kreler 8 1800 31 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 ---
Arcaraoare 8 18100 32 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 Arcara K|||er
Juggerraul 9 --- Arl|lacl (19 x 3TR) 5d12 3 3TR
E|serlarzer 9 --- Arl|lacl (19 x 3TR) 5d12 1 3TR
Aulo Ag|||ly up
Execul|orer 10 --- Legerdary (21 x 3TR) 5d12 Curse Prool
Fo||oW Trrougr
Rarpager 10 --- Legerdary (21 x 3TR) 5d12 Aulo Ag|||ly up
Aulo Ruse
6ea(on SkillK Thro-ing 6ea(ons
Chakra!s< boo!erangs and o%ersiEed shuriken all !ake e'cellent thro-ing -ea(ons< -ith good range and a keen edge that al-ays returns
to the thro-er?s hand regardless o. ho- .ar they are thro-n. ,oo!erangs are considered *anged. I. an attack action !ade using a
,oo!erang !isses< the attacker !ay roll a second ti!e to see i. the boo!erang hits the target as it returns to his hand.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
8oorerarg 1 90 91 (2 x 3TR) d ---
F|are 8oorerarg 1 132 92 (2 x 3TR) d F|re 3lr||e
P|aloor Edge 2 510 88 (3 x 3TR) d ---
TW|r v|per 2 Z5 8 (3 x 3TR) d Po|sor Toucr
Cra|rar 3 1200 82 (5 x 3TR) 2d ---
w|rd 3|asr 3 1500 80 (5 x 3TR) 2d w|rd 3lr||e
Fu|| Voor 1 2100 Z3 ( x 3TR) 2d ---
R|s|rg 3ur 1 3000 9 ( x 3TR) 2d urdead K|||er
P|rWree| 5 3Z20 1 (Z x 3TR) 3d ---
R|ol Edge 5 150 0 (Z x 3TR) 3d Corlus|or Toucr
laW|eye 510 51 (9 x 3TR) 3d ---
3r|per 180 52 (9 x 3TR) 3d lrroo|||ze 3lr||e
Crescerl Z Z80 1 (10 x 3TR) 1d ---
w|rg Edge Z 930 10 (10 x 3TR) 1d 0ealr Toucr
3p|ra| 3rur||er 8 10080 35 (11 x 3TR) 1d ---
Razor w|rg 8 11280 32 (11 x 3TR) 1d Tr|p|e Cr|l|ca|
Crysla| Cross 9 --- Arl|lacl (13 x 3TR) 5d 0ealr 3lr||e
0r|lsuru 9 --- Arl|lacl (13 x 3TR) 5d Cr|l|ca|
3rool|rg 3lar 10 --- Legerdary (11 x 3TR) 5d 0|sao|e Prool
Fo||oW Trrougr
Corel Ta|| 10 --- Legerdary (11 x 3TR) 5d 8||rd 3lr||e
3||erce 3lr||e
3lop 3lr||e
6ea(on SkillK ,o-s
Short bo-s and longbo-s both re7uire their share o. strength and (atience to !aster< but once a character has learned the ins and outs
o. !arks!anshi(< their ability to deal da!age .ro! a distance can (ro%e in%aluable in !any situations. ,o-s take u( both 6ea(on and
Shield Slots< and are considered *anged.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
LorgooW 1 132 93 (2 x 3TR) d10 ---
3||ver 8oW 2 825 8Z (1 x 3TR) d10 ---
Trorr 8oW 3 18Z0 81 ( x 3TR) 2d10 ---
Na|| 8oW 1 330 Z2 (9 x 3TR) 2d10 ---
PoWer 8oW 5 5Z20 2 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 ---
Fey 8oW 890 53 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 ---
Crescerl 8oW Z 11ZZ0 11 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 ---
K|||er 8oW 8 15100 31 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 ---
Yo|cr| 8oW 9 --- Arl|lacl (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 Cr|l|ca|
Arler|s 8oW 10 --- Legerdary (19 x 3TR) 5d10 Cr|l|ca|
See notes "elow
"pe#ial Rules
$rte!is ,o-K The $rte!is ,o- !ay use t-o di..erent ty(es o. S(ecial $rro-s si!ultaneously -hen the user !akes an $ttack $ction.
6ea(on SkillK ,ra-l
The logical e%olution o. the age=old s(iked knuckle< Cla-s are .a%ored by 0onks and 2inCa .or the e'(ress (ur(ose o. close=range co!bat.
Consisting o. long rein.orced blades e'truding .ro! the -ielder?s knuckles< !ost Cla-s are either built into a glo%e or knuckle=duster
designed to co!.ortably sli( o%er the character?s hand. Cla-s are sold as (airs< and take u( both 6ea(on and Shield Slots@ i. a character
e7ui((ed -ith Cla-s has the T-o 6ea(ons Skill< they !ay !ake t-o $ttack $ctions -ith the! as i. they had t-o 6ea(ons e7ui((ed.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
lror C|aWs 1 110 91 (2 x 3TR) d8 ---
0aydrearer 1 11 92 (2 x 3TR) d8 3|eep Toucr
Cal's C|aWs 2 0 88 (3 x 3TR) d8 ---
3lorr C|aWs 2 921 8 (3 x 3TR) d8 L|grlr|rg 3lr||e
Vylrr|| C|aWs 3 1185 82 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 ---
Torgue lo|der 3 1815 80 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 3||erce Toucr
le|| C|aWs 1 29Z0 Z1 ( x 3TR) 2d8 ---
lce C|aWs 1 3300 9 ( x 3TR) 2d8 lce 3lr||e
Pr|sr C|aWs 5 120 1 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 ---
3c|ssor Fargs 5 500 2 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 Po|sor Toucr
V|rage C|aWs 930 55 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 ---
8|oody C|aWs 81Z0 50 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 lP 0ra|r
T|ger Fargs Z 910 1 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 ---
8ar|srer Z 10150 11 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 0eror K|||er
Ka|ser C|aWs 8 12320 35 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 ---
Averger 8 11190 31 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 0ealr Toucr
lrors|de 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x 3TR) 5d8 P|erc|rg
2 3TR
Co|ossus 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x 3TR) 5d8 3lore 3lr||e
0ver|oad 10 --- Legerdary (1 x 3TR) 5d8 Cr|l|ca|
Tr|p|e Cr|l|ca|
Terpesl C|aWs 10 --- Legerdary (1 x 3TR) 5d8 8||rd 3lr||e
Corluse 3lr||e
veror 3lr||e
6ea(on SkillK /uns
Crossbo-s trade the !uscle (o-er o. their lo-=tech co!(atriots .or !echanical .orce< launching a single bolt at ar!or=busting s(eed.
6hile co!(act< the ti!e=consu!ing reload (rocedure !akes this a -ea(on best suited .or e'(erts. Crossbo-s are considered *anged.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
8oW 0ur 1 120 93 (2 x A0l) d8 ---
PoWer CrossooW 2 Z20 8Z (3 x A0l) d8 ---
N|grl K|||er 3 120 81 (5 x A0l) 2d8 ---
lurl|rg 8oW 1 3120 Z2 ( x A0l) 2d8 ---
Crarequ|r 5 5010 3 (8 x A0l) 3d8 ---
0a|e 8oW Z50 53 (10 x A0l) 3d8 ---
Zaroura| Z 10320 15 (11 x A0l) 1d8 ---
Vardu| 8oW 8 13110 31 (13 x A0l) 1d8 ---
Aroa|esl 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x A0l) 5d8 Cr|l|ca|
0aslrapreles 10 --- Legerdary (1 x A0l) 5d8 30 ACC
2 Ag|||ly
6ea(on SkillK 9lails
Des(ite di..erences in construction< all 9lails allo- their -ielder to attack .ro! a co!.ortable distance. The !ost basic .or! o. these is the
-hi(< -hich can .all under one o. t-o categories. Aeather -hi(s are constructed by -ra((ing thin strands o. leather into a long ta(ering
lash< -hereas chain -hi(s si!(ly consist o. interconnected iron links. &ither %ersion ty(ically !easures bet-een )0c! and 3!< gi%ing the!
a considerable reach in co!bat@ ad%anced -hi(s add -eight to the end o. the lash to in.lict hea%y bludgeoning da!age. 8ther %ariations
include 2unchuka< 0aces and *ibbons. $ll 9lails in.lict I!!obiliEe F#H -hen a Critical +it is scored< in addition to -hate%er &7ui(!ent
$bilities are listed belo-.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
Lealrer wr|p 1 120 93 (2 x 3TR) d8 ---
3corp|or Ta|| 1 1Z3 91 (2 x 3TR) d8 Po|sor Toucr
Cra|r wr|p 2 Z20 8Z (3 x 3TR) d8 ---
8||lz wr|p 2 1008 85 (3 x 3TR) d8 L|grlr|rg 3lr||e
Vylrr|| wr|p 3 120 81 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 ---
0arc|rg wr|p 3 1980 Z9 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 1 3P0
Vorr|rg 3lar 1 3210 Z2 ( x 3TR) 2d8 ---
F|are Lasr 1 300 Z0 ( x 3TR) 2d8 F|re 3lr||e
Varl|core Ta|| 5 5010 3 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 ---
Tar|rg Lasr 5 000 59 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 8easl K|||er
3|ay|rg Ta|| Z50 53 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 ---
Lar|a Ta|| 810 52 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 VP 0arage
Red 3corp|or Z 10320 15 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 ---
3roc| wr|p Z 11100 13 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 0|sao|e Toucr
Crescerl w|sr 8 13110 31 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 ---
Vardragora 8 11520 32 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 3|oW 3lr||e
Ryozar 3||| 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x 3TR) 5d8 lrroo|||ze 3lr||e
3erperl wr|p 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x 3TR) 5d8 1 3TR
1 A0l
L|zard K|||er
3lrarge v|s|or 10 --- Legerdary (1 x 3TR) 5d8 2 3lrerglr
2 Ag|||ly
See notes "elow
0ragor 8eard 10 --- Legerdary (1 x 3TR) 5d8 Cr|l|ca|
See notes "elow
"pe#ial Rules
Strange 4isionK The Strange 4ision re%eals in.or!ation about the target e7ual to the Scan s(ell -ith each sucess.ul $ttack $ction. Treat
this ability as Sensor .or e..ects such as ,ad Scan and Job $bilities.
Dragon ,eardK The Dragon ,eard in.licts $gility ,reak F#H and Slo- F#H on a Critical +it< in addition to the standard I!!obiliEe F#H.
6ea(on SkillK ,ra-l
$nother characteristic 0onk -ea(on. 6hether a si!(le (added glo%e or a %ariation on the ti!e=honored brass knuckle< /lo%es allo- a
character to (ut !ore -eight into their (unches -hilst !ini!ising da!age to their o-n .ists in the (rocess. /lo%es are sold as (airs< and
take u( both 6ea(on and Shield Slots@ i. a character e7ui((ed -ith /lo%es has the T-o 6ea(ons Skill< they !ay !ake t-o $ttack $ctions
-ith the! as i. they had t-o 6ea(ons e7ui((ed.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
Lealrer 0|ove 1 82 95 (2 x 3TR) d ---
3orar 1 121 93 (2 x 3TR) d 3ersor
Vela| Kruc||e 2 195 89 (3 x 3TR) d ---
0us| Kruc||e 2 93 8Z (3 x 3TR) d Earlr 3lr||e
Vylrr|| 0|ove 3 1100 83 (5 x 3TR) 2d ---
3peed 0|ove 3 13Z5 81 (5 x 3TR) 2d 1 3P0
Volor 0r|ve 1 2200 Z1 ( x 3TR) 2d ---
lol Kruc||es 1 2530 Z2 ( x 3TR) 2d F|re 3lr||e
PoWersou| 5 3110 5 (Z x 3TR) 3d ---
Vag|c 0|ove 5 3Z10 3 (Z x 3TR) 3d 1 VA0
3urv|vor 51Z0 55 (9 x 3TR) 3d ---
L|grls 0ul 5910 53 (9 x 3TR) 3d 3|eep 3lr||e
Vaver|c| Z Z010 1Z (10 x 3TR) 1d ---
8rea| Kruc||e Z 8580 15 (10 x 3TR) 1d 3lore Toucr
Ka|ser Kruc||e 8 9210 3 (11 x 3TR) 1d ---
C|oc|rard 8 10010 33 (11 x 3TR) 1d 3|oW 3lr||e
war Vorger 9 --- Arl|lacl (13 x 3TR) 5d 2 3TR
2 A0l
0evaslalor 9 --- Arl|lacl (13 x 3TR) 5d 0|sao|e 3lr||e
0odrard 10 --- Legerdary (11 x 3TR) 5d Cr|l|ca|
Tr|p|e Cr|l|ca|
lrl|r|ly 10 --- Legerdary (11 x 3TR) 5d 3 3P0
6ea(on SkillK S-ords
$lternati%ely kno-n as ;night S-ords. Aarger and hea%ier than ordinary s-ords< /reats-ords are inelegant but (o-er.ul -ea(ons -hose
-eight re7uires considerable e..ort on the -ielder?s (art to use -ith any degree o. success. $s the na!e i!(lies< /reats-ords take u( both
6ea(on and Shield Slots.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
lror 3Word 1 110 93 (2 x 3TR) d12 ---
Po|sor 3lee| 1 215 91 (2 x 3TR) d12 Po|sor Toucr
8usler 3Word 2 900 8Z (1 x 3TR) d12 ---
Cora| 3Word 2 120 85 (1 x 3TR) d12 L|grlr|rg 3lr||e
Vylrr|| 8|ade 3 2050 81 ( x 3TR) 2d12 ---
Force 3lea|er 3 2150 Z9 ( x 3TR) 2d12 VP 0arage
lard Edge 1 1000 Z2 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 ---
L|qu|d 3lee| 1 100 Z0 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 waler 3lr||e
8ullerl|y Edge 5 200 3 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 ---
Rrorpra|a 5 800 1 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 1 3TR
0gre N|x 9500 53 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 ---
Pur|srrerl 10100 52 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 3radoW 3lr||e
0elerder Z 12800 15 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 ---
N|grlor|rger Z 11200 13 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 8||rd 3lr||e
Crysla| 3Word 8 1800 31 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 ---
verdella 8 18Z00 31 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 0|sao|e 3lr||e
3ave lre 0ueer 9 --- Arl|lacl (19 x 3TR) 5d12 Aulo-Prolecl
L|orrearl 9 --- Arl|lacl (19 x 3TR) 5d12 Cr|l|ca|
Apoca|ypse 10 --- Legerdary (21 x 3TR) 5d12 Aulo PoWer up
See notes "elow
Exca||our 10 --- Legerdary (21 x 3TR) 5d12 Aulo Arror up
Aulo Verla| up
Aulo Reger
"pe#ial Rules
$(ocaly(seK The $(olcaly(se ignores the target?s $*0 -hen calculating da!age.
6ea(on SkillK Instru!ent
Trade!ark -ea(on o. the ,ard. $ll Instru!ents ha%e at least a little !agic in the!@ !ost in.lict da!age by tuning into a certain .re7uency
to (roCect a (o-er.ul blast o. sonic energy. The L'M in the listings should be re(laced by the character?s instru!ent o. (re.erence == the
!ost co!!on ty(es used are Autes< +ar(s< 9lutes and ,ells< but there are !any other (ossibilities. 9or instance< a ?Aa!ia?s L'M? could
beco!e a Aa!ia?s +ar!oniu! or a Aa!ia?s 0ega(hone. Instru!ents take u( both 6ea(on and Shield Slots< and are considered *anged.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
0|d [x| 1 120 93 (2 x VA0) d8 ---
0o|er's [x| 1 1Z3 91 (2 x VA0) d8 Earlr 3lr||e
3||ver [x| 2 0 88 (3 x VA0) d8 ---
0rear [x| 2 1008 85 (3 x VA0) d8 3|eep Toucr
Vylrr|| [x| 3 120 81 (5 x VA0) 2d8 ---
Rure [x| 3 1980 Z9 (5 x VA0) 2d8 1 VA0
8all|e [x| 1 3210 Z2 ( x VA0) 2d8 ---
Lar|a's [x| 1 300 8 ( x VA0) 2d8 Corlus|or Toucr
Fa|ry [x| 5 5010 3 (8 x VA0) 3d8 ---
8|oody [x| 5 180 5Z (8 x VA0) 3d8 lP 0ra|r
0|arord [x| Z510 53 (10 x VA0) 3d8 ---
0ealr [x| 9Z20 1Z (10 x VA0) 3d8 0ealr Toucr
P|al|rur [x| Z 10320 15 (11 x VA0) 1d8 ---
3alyr [x| Z 12180 39 (11 x VA0) 1d8 Crarr Prool
Crysla| [x| 8 13110 31 (13 x VA0) 1d8 ---
0|ass [x| 8 11520 32 (13 x VA0) 1d8 3||erce Prool
lea| [x| 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x VA0) 5d8 0ealr Prool
0ar| [x| 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x VA0) 5d8 3radoW 3lr||e
3||erce Prool
Apo||o's [x| 10 --- Legerdary (1 x VA0) 5d8 lo|y 3lr||e
urdead K|||er
Lo||'s [x| 10 --- Legerdary (1 x VA0) 5d8 Aulo-Arror up
2 VA0
6ea(on SkillK S-ords
;atana are the !ainstay o. the Sa!urai Job. Their blades are .or!ed by re(eatedly .olding a single sheet o. !etal< creating a light-eight
yet durable -ea(on.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
Asrura 1 132 93 (2 x 3TR) d10 ---
0oorolsu|| 1 198 91 (2 x 3TR) d10 8||rd Toucr
Kolelsu 2 825 8Z (1 x 3TR) d10 ---
Voulsurug| 2 1155 85 (1 x 3TR) d10 1 VA0
Nara|ura 3 18Z0 81 ( x 3TR) 2d10 ---
Vu|adereru 3 2255 Z9 ( x 3TR) 2d10 Po|sor Toucr
Kager|lsu 1 330 Z2 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 ---
Ra||ouraru 1 1180 Z0 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 L|grlr|rg 3lr||e
8|zer's Pr|de 5 5Z20 3 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 ---
0r|||r| 5 930 59 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 0ev|| K|||er
Vurasare 890 53 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 ---
l|uzalacr| 9900 51 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 2 3TR
K|yoror| Z 11ZZ0 15 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 ---
Jyuro|usa|ura Z 11300 39 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 0ealr Toucr
leaver's C|oud 8 15100 31 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 ---
Kagesr|oar| 8 110 32 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 3|oW 3lr||e
3r|raru| 9 --- Arl|lacl (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 P|erc|rg
2 3P0
Craos 8|ade 9 --- Arl|lacl (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 Corlus|or 3lr||e
Vasarure 10 --- Legerdary (19 x 3TR) 5d10 Aulo-lasle
0erj| 8|ade 10 --- Legerdary (19 x 3TR) 5d10 2 3TR
2 VA0
6ea(on SkillK ;ni%es
;ni%es !easure bet-een #0 to 3 centi!eters and can be easily secreted u( a slee%e or underneath a cloak to gi%e the -ielder an
une'(ected edge in co!bat. 6hen calculating da!age .or ;ni%es< the highest o. either the character?s ST* or $/I -ill be used.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
0|r| 1 90 91 (2 x ) d ---
8||rd Kr|le 1 132 92 (2 x ) d 8||rd Toucr
8ase|ard 2 510 88 (3 x ) d ---
Po|sor 0agger 2 Z5 8 (3 x ) d Po|sor Toucr
Vylrr|| Kr|le 3 1200 82 (5 x ) 2d ---
Vage Vasrer 3 1500 80 (5 x ) 2d 3||erce Toucr
Va|r 0aucre 1 2100 Z3 ( x ) 2d ---
A|r Larcel 1 2Z0 Z1 ( x ) 2d w|rd 3lr||e
Rorde|| 0agger 5 3Z20 1 (Z x ) 3d ---
Var Ealer 5 150 0 (Z x ) 3d lurar K|||er
Zor||r 3rape 510 51 (9 x ) 3d ---
Asp|r Kr|le 180 52 (9 x ) 3d VP 0ra|r
P|al|ra 0agger Z Z80 1 (10 x ) 1d ---
Toroerr|ar Z 8520 11 (10 x ) 1d 2 3P0
C|rquedea 8 10080 35 (11 x ) 1d ---
0|ad|us 8 10920 33 (11 x ) 1d Cr|l|ca|
3Wordorea|er 9 --- Arl|lacl (13 x ) 5d 0|sao|e 3lr||e
Assass|r 9 --- Arl|lacl (13 x ) 5d 0ealr 3lr||e
va||arl Kr|le 10 --- Legerdary (11 x ) 5d See notes "elow3
0r|cra|cor 10 --- Legerdary (11 x ) 5d Cr|l|ca|
3|eep 3lr||e
"pe#ial Rules
4aliant ;ni.eK The 4aliant ;ni.e reacts to its -ielder?s health@ the closer to death they are< the !ore dangerous the kni.e beco!es. The
4aliant ;ni.e gains a bonus to da!age e7ual to F6ielder?s 0a' +P = 6ielder?s Current +PHX3 on all $ttack $ctions.
6ea(on SkillK S-ords
Slender< elegant -ea(ons .a%ored by the !ore style=conscious s-ords!an. Aacking the cutting edge o. their larger co!(atriots< these
blades rely on their -ielderDs de'terity and accuracy to hit their !ark.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
Epee 1 110 91 (2 x A0l) d8 ---
3l|rger 1 159 92 (2 x A0l) d8 Po|sor Toucr
3||ver Rap|er 2 0 88 (3 x A0l) d8 ---
3car|elle 2 921 8 (3 x A0l) d8 F|re 3lr||e
Vylrr|| Rap|er 3 1185 82 (5 x A0l) 2d8 ---
0j|rr F|yssa 3 1815 80 (5 x A0l) 2d8 1 3P0
F|eurel 1 29Z0 Z1 ( x A0l) 2d8 ---
8|oody Rap|er 1 1180 Z ( x A0l) 2d8 lP 0ra|r
Esloc 5 120 1 (8 x A0l) 3d8 ---
Va||orea|er 5 5500 0 (8 x A0l) 3d8 P|erc|rg
F|aroerge 930 51 (10 x A0l) 3d8 ---
Co||crerarde Z920 52 (10 x A0l) 3d8 2 3P0
Joyeuse Z 910 1 (11 x A0l) 1d8 ---
lo|y 0eger Z 10150 11 (11 x A0l) 1d8 1 A0l
lo|y 3lr||e
0uesp|re 8 12320 35 (13 x A0l) 1d8 ---
Tyrv|rg 8 13310 33 (13 x A0l) 1d8 0ragor K|||er
Epepr|sr 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x A0l) 5d8 Aulo-Rel|ecl
Ferre Fala|e 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x A0l) 5d8 0ealr 3lr||e
Lasl Leller 10 --- Legerdary (1 x A0l) 5d8 2 3P0
2 A0l
0|aoo||que 10 --- Legerdary (1 x A0l) 5d8 3radoW 3lr||e
Curse 3lr||e
lP 0ra|r
6ea(on SkillK ;ni%es
Aonger and lighter than ordinary kni%es< 2inCa ,lades share the unusual construction o. ;atana and are a .ir! .a%orite -ith the (ro.ession
they deri%e their na!e .ro!. 9orged as long as )0c!< they !atch .a%orably in co!bat to the a%erage s-ord.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
Tarlo 1 100 95 (2 x 3TR) d8 ---
Yara|reru 1 115 93 (2 x 3TR) d8 3|eep Toucr
Kura| 2 00 89 (3 x 3TR) d8 ---
Elerraru 2 810 8Z (3 x 3TR) d8 F|re 3lr||e
3rorl Edge 3 1350 83 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 ---
8asara 3 150 81 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 1 VA0
l|oar| 1 2Z00 Z1 ( x 3TR) 2d8 ---
Reppu 1 3000 Z2 ( x 3TR) 2d8 w|rd 3lr||e
Kodacr| 5 1200 5 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 ---
Vu|elsu 5 5100 59 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 lP 0ra|r
Koga Kr|le 300 55 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 ---
0ar| Edge Z200 53 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 8||rd 3lr||e
lga Kr|le Z 800 1Z (11 x 3TR) 1d8 ---
Koror|lo Z 9500 15 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 Po|sor 3lr||e
Pela|craser 8 11200 3 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 ---
Vo|ulo 8 12100 31 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 3||erce 3lr||e
3lr||er 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x 3TR) 5d8 0ealr 3lr||e
Crarl|re 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x 3TR) 5d8 lrroo|||ze 3lr||e
3asu|e 10 --- Legerdary (1 x 3TR) 5d8 20 Experl|se
20 V|rd
Curse 3lr||e
3|||roor 10 --- Legerdary (1 x 3TR) 5d8 2 3P0
20 Evas|or
20 Vag|c Evas|or
6ea(on SkillK Polear!s
Polear!s are built to in.lict da!age at a res(ectable distance in !elee co!bat. To this end< Polear!s consist o. a length o. -ood or !etal
1.1 to #! length< to((ed by a hea%y blade. Polear!s take u( both 6ea(on and Shield Slots.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
lror 3pear 1 110 93 (2 x 3TR) d12 ---
lurler's 3pear 1 215 91 (2 x 3TR) d12 3ersor
3|asr Larce 2 900 8Z (1 x 3TR) d12 ---
3rarar's Larce 2 120 85 (1 x 3TR) d12 1 VA0
Vylrr|| P||e 3 2050 81 ( x 3TR) 2d12 ---
weo Larce 3 2150 Z9 ( x 3TR) 2d12 3|oW Toucr
0o|d Larce 1 1000 Z2 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 ---
lce Larce 1 100 Z0 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 lce 3lr||e
3loul 3pear 5 200 3 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 ---
larpoor 5 Z00 1 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 P|erc|rg
v|per la|oerd 9500 53 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 ---
8erser|er 11500 19 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 8erser| 3lr||e
Jave||r Z 12800 15 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 ---
Co|ossa| Larce Z 11200 13 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 2 3TR
Parl|sar 8 1800 31 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 ---
Traralos Larce 8 18Z00 31 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 lP 0ra|r
Ka|r's Larce 9 --- Arl|lacl (19 x 3TR) 5d12 Cr|l|ca|
0urgr|r 9 --- Arl|lacl (19 x 3TR) 5d12 0ealr 3lr||e
Aura Larce 10 --- Legerdary (21 x 3TR) 5d12 Aulo-Aura
l|grW|rd 10 --- Legerdary (21 x 3TR) 5d12 2 VA0
Aulo-Ag|||ly up
6ea(on SkillK /uns
,ulky but (o-er.ul< *i.les re(resent the ulti!ate in long=range o..ensi%e ca(acity< able to deli%er a single bullet across great distances -ith
(in(oint accuracy %ia a long< ri.led barrel. *i.les take u( both 6ea(on and Shield Slots< and are considered *anged.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
va||arl 1 18 91 (2 x A0l) d12 ---
3||ver R|l|e 2 1080 85 (1 x A0l) d12 ---
u|ysses 3 210 Z9 ( x A0l) 2d12 ---
le||l|re 1 1800 Z0 (9 x A0l) 2d12 ---
8|srarc| 5 Z110 1 (11 x A0l) 3d12 ---
Coll|rra|er 11100 51 (13 x A0l) 3d12 ---
8|rdsr|pe Z 1530 13 (15 x A0l) 1d12 ---
lydra 8 2010 32 (1Z x A0l) 1d12 ---
Exeler 9 --- Arl|lacl (19 x A0l) 5d12 Cr|l|ca|
0ealr Pera|ly 10 --- Legerdary (21 x A0l) 5d12 Cr|l|ca|
6ea(on SkillK Cudgels
6ea(on o. choice .or ,lack 0ages. *ods are shorter than Sta%es< and can be -ielded in one hand !uch like a cudgel or !aul@ the ti( acts
as a solid< crushing -eight. Aike Sta%es< !ost *ods contain innate !agical (ro(erties that can be .ocused and unleashed by a (ro(erly
trained !agic user.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
Cypress Rod 1 Z5 9 (2 x 3TR) d ---
Rod ol 0ar|ress 1 110 91 (2 x 3TR) d 8||rd Toucr
0|oW ward 2 150 90 (3 x 3TR) d ---
Rure Rod 2 30 88 (3 x 3TR) d 1 VA0
Vylrr|| Rod 3 1000 81 (5 x 3TR) 2d ---
Rod ol 3||erce 3 1250 82 (5 x 3TR) 2d 3||erce Toucr
3lr||e Rod 1 2000 Z5 ( x 3TR) 2d ---
F|reWree| Rod 1 2800 9 ( x 3TR) 2d F|re Errarcer
3|y Rod 5 3100 (Z x 3TR) 3d ---
Erlarg||rg Rod 5 3100 1 (Z x 3TR) 3d lrroo|||ze Toucr
Vus| Rod 1Z00 5 (9 x 3TR) 3d ---
Frosl Rod 5800 52 (9 x 3TR) 3d lce Errarcer
Aurora Rod Z 100 18 (10 x 3TR) 1d ---
0ealr ward Z Z800 12 (10 x 3TR) 1d 0ealr Toucr
PoWer Care 8 8100 3Z (11 x 3TR) 1d ---
0rav|ly Rod 8 9100 35 (11 x 3TR) 1d 3|oW 3lr||e
Rod ol Roses 9 --- Arl|lacl (13 x 3TR) 5d 0|sao|e 3lr||e
Fa|lr Rod 9 --- Arl|lacl (13 x 3TR) 5d See notes "elow3
Vace ol Zeus 10 --- Legerdary (11 x 3TR) 5d L|grlr|rg Errarcer
3 VA0
Arc Arcara 10 --- Legerdary (11 x 3TR) 5d F|re Errarcer
lce Errarcer
"pe#ial Rules
9aith *odK The 9aith *odDs (o-er lies in its ability to debilitate o((onents< e'(osing the! to the (o-er o. a (articular &le!ent. The *od
has a .lat CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting &le!ent 6eak e%ery ti!e a success.ul strike is !ade F)H. To deter!ine -hich &le!ent the target is no-
-eak to-ards< roll a d10 and consult the table belo-K
*oll &..ect
1 6eaknessK ,io
# 6eaknessK &arth
3 6eaknessK 9ire
4 6eaknessK +oly
1 6eaknessK Ice
) 6eaknessK Aightning
7 6eaknessK Shado-
6eaknessK 6ind
" 6eaknessK 6ater
10 *oll $gain
Should the result be a 6eakness the target already (ossesses > either naturally or through (re%ious a((lication o. the 9aith *od > the
attack has no additional e..ect.
6ea(on SkillK Cudgels
0ade o. bound -ood or !etal< a Sta.. can in.lict a res(ectable a!ount o. da!age i. -ielded by a skilled user< though !ost contain a s!all
7uantity o. !agic -hich can be ta((ed on -hen -ielded by a !age. 6hen calculating da!age .or Sta%es< the highest o. either the
character?s ST* or 0$/ -ill be used. Sta%es take u( both 6ea(on and Shield Slots.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
0a| 3lall 1 120 93 (2 x ) d8 ---
3||erce 3lall 1 1Z3 91 (2 x ) d8 3||erce Toucr
8all|e 3lall 2 Z20 8Z (3 x ) d8 ---
Vage 3lall 2 1008 85 (3 x ) d8 1 VA0
Vylrr|| 3lall 3 120 81 (5 x ) 2d8 ---
3p|r|lua| 3lall 3 2310 ZZ (5 x ) 2d8 8erser| Toucr
0o|d 3lall 1 3210 Z2 ( x ) 2d8 ---
w|rd 3lall 1 150 ( x ) 2d8 w|rd Errarcer
PoWer 3lall 5 5010 3 (8 x ) 3d8 ---
Ca|c|le 3lall 5 Z080 55 (8 x ) 3d8 3lore Toucr
3lr|||rg 3lall Z50 53 (10 x ) 3d8 ---
lrpasse 810 51 (10 x ) 3d8 0|sao|e Toucr
wr|le 3lall Z 10320 15 (11 x ) 1d8 ---
0rear walcrer Z 11100 13 (11 x ) 1d8 3|eep 3lr||e
Pr|sr 3lall 8 13110 31 (13 x ) 1d8 ---
Judgrerl 8 15000 30 (13 x ) 1d8 lo|y Errarcer
Pr|rcess 0uard 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x ) 5d8 Aulo-3re||
Pur|srer 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x ) 5d8 0ealr 3lr||e
N|rvara 10 --- Legerdary (1 x ) 5d8 lo|y Errarcer
3 VA0
leaver|y Ax|s 10 --- Legerdary (1 x ) 5d8 Recovery Errarcer
6ea(on SkillK Polear!s
So!eti!es re.erred to as ?Thie. S-ords?< S-allo-s are a %ariation o. (olear! looking not unlike t-o s-ords Coined at the (o!!el. Due to
their unusual dual blades< any $ttack $ction !ade -ith a S-allo- !ay roll to hit t-ice< a((lying the better result o. the t-o. S-allo-s take
u( both 6ea(on and Shield Slots.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
lror 3Wa||oW 1 120 93 (2 x 3TR) d8 ---
3p|der's K|ss 1 1Z3 91 (2 x 3TR) d8 Po|sor Toucr
8ullerl|y 3Word 2 Z20 8Z (3 x 3TR) d8 ---
3l|||o|ade 2 1008 85 (3 x 3TR) d8 3|oW Toucr
Tre 0gre 3 120 81 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 ---
0ue| 8|ade 3 2310 ZZ (5 x 3TR) 2d8 8erser| Toucr
Exp|oda 1 3210 Z2 ( x 3TR) 2d8 ---
Trurder 8|ade 1 300 Z0 ( x 3TR) 2d8 L|grlr|rg 3lr||e
Rure Toolr 5 5010 3 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 ---
3ourd|ess 3crear 5 5520 1 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 3||erce Toucr
la|cyor 8|ade Z50 53 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 ---
lurler's 8|ade 810 51 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 8easl K|||er
Vasler 0gre Z 10320 15 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 ---
3or|c 8|ade Z 11100 13 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 2 3P0
Arge| 8|ess 8 13110 31 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 ---
0orgor 0aze 8 15180 30 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 3lore Toucr
3arlagaras 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x 3TR) 5d8 Cr|l|ca|
Assass|r 8|ade 9 --- Arl|lacl (11 x 3TR) 5d8 0ealr 3lr||e
Tre ToWer 10 --- Legerdary (1 x 3TR) 5d8 2 3TR
2 A0l
Tre Nare|ess 10 --- Legerdary (1 x 3TR) 5d8 Cr|l|ca|
6ea(on SkillK S-ords
The -ea(on o. choice .or ad%enturers e%ery-here. The keen edge and %ersatility o. these -ea(ons accounts .or !uch o. their (o(ularity.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
3rorl 3Word 1 120 91 (2 x 3TR) d10 ---
TW|||grl 3lee| 1 180 92 (2 x 3TR) d10 8||rd Toucr
Lorg 3Word 2 Z50 88 (1 x 3TR) d10 ---
F|are 3aore 2 1050 8 (1 x 3TR) d10 F|re 3lr||e
Vylrr|| 3Word 3 1Z00 82 ( x 3TR) 2d10 ---
Arc|erl 3Word 3 2050 80 ( x 3TR) 2d10 lrroo|||ze Toucr
Rega| Cul|ass 1 3300 Z3 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 ---
lce 8rard 1 3800 Z1 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 lce 3lr||e
v|g||arle 5 5200 3 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 ---
8|ood 3Word 5 300 58 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 lP 0ra|r
Fa|cr|or Z900 51 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 ---
3ou| 3aore 9000 52 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 VP 0ra|r
0|arord 3Word Z 10Z00 15 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 ---
3c|r|lar Z 13000 13 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 0ealr Toucr
P|al|rur 3Word 8 11000 35 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 ---
Errarcer 8 1500 32 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 3 VA0
Ragraro| 9 --- Arl|lacl (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 Aulo-3re||
learlorea|er 9 --- Arl|lacl (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 Cr|l|ca|
u|l|ra weapor 10 --- Legerdary (19 x 3TR) 5d10 8rea| 0arage L|r|l
See notes "elow3
Ca|adoo|g 10 --- Legerdary (19 x 3TR) 5d10 Aulo Vag|c up
Aulo PoWer up
"pe#ial Rules
:lti!a 6ea(onK This (o-er.ul -ea(on in.licts an additional F6ielderDs Current +P X 1H in da!age -ith each success.ul $ttack !ade
be.ore !odi.ying .or $*0. $bilities continue to use the -ea(onDs basic da!age code< e%en i. they use $ttacks as a basis.
Co!(osed o. rein.orced -ood< !etal or any si!ilarly durable substance< Shields are !ostly used by the 6arrior Jobs. :nlike other ty(es o.
$r!or< they only boost a character?s &4$ and 0. &4$ rather than their $*0 and 0. $*0.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< E=A (- E=A EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
8uc||er 1 80 91 1 1 ---
Esculcreor 1 120 92 1 1 1 A0l
8rorze 3r|e|d 2 500 88 9 3 ---
A|erl Targe 2 Z00 8 9 3 3|eep Prool
leavy 3r|e|d 3 1150 82 11 5 ---
0pa| 3r|e|d 3 1100 80 11 5 Earlr ward
3||ver 3r|e|d 1 2200 Z3 19 Z ---
Ra|rooW 3r|e|d 1 2800 9 19 Z Zoro|e Prool
Vylrr|| 3r|e|d 5 3500 1 21 9 ---
Force 3r|e|d 5 3800 2 21 19 ---
0o|d 3r|e|d 5300 51 29 11 ---
3re|| Targe 000 52 29 11 303-3re||
0|arord 3r|e|d Z Z100 1 31 11 ---
3ou| 3r|e|d Z Z900 11 31 11 Corderr Prool
P|al|ra 3r|e|d 8 9300 35 39 1 ---
Ka|ser P|ale 8 10000 33 39 1 2 3TR
Crysla| 3r|e|d 9 --- Arl|lacl 1 19 ---
verel|ar 3r|e|d 9 --- Arl|lacl 11 19 F|re ward
lce ward
L|grlr|rg ward
0erj| 3r|e|d 10 --- Legerdary 9 12 ---
Aeg|s 3r|e|d 10 --- Legerdary 19 22 3ea| Prool
Tox|r Prool
$ngry !onsters< unscru(ulous soldiers< bandits< rogues< traitors< or the occasional -eekend bra-l -ith the ulti!ate e%il > an ad%enturer
can .ind the!sel%es in any nu!ber o. scra(es< gi%en enough ti!e and sur(risingly little e..ort. In the heat o. battle< e%en the !ost skilled o.
.ighters -ill .ind the!sel%es taking the odd hit@ -hether or not they sur%i%e the results is entirely do-n to their ar!orY
0ail is the hea%iest ty(e o. body ar!or a%ailable< consisting o. solid< o%erla((ing (lates o. !etal or another e7ually durable !aterial .or
o(ti!al (rotection against (hysical attacks.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< AR( (- AR( E=A (- E=A
Lealrer P|ale 1 110 93 5 3 0 0 ---
F|re Arror 1 15 91 5 3 0 0 F|re ward
Cu|rass 1 225 89 5 3 0 0 3|oW Prool
8rorze Arror 2 80 8Z 11 Z 0 0 ---
8ore P|ale 2 950 85 11 Z 0 0 3radoW ward
lce P|ale 2 950 85 11 Z 0 0 lce ward
P|ale Va|| 3 1500 81 1 11 0 0 ---
v|||rg Arror 3 1800 Z9 1 11 0 0 303-8erser|
Trurder P|ale 3 1800 Z9 1 11 0 0 L|grlr|rg ward
3||ver Va|| 1 3000 Z2 21 15 0 0 ---
3o|d|er's Arror 1 3500 Z0 21 15 0 0 1 3TR
Carapace Va|| 1 3500 Z0 21 15 0 0 8|o ward
Vylrr|| Arror 5 1Z00 3 2 19 0 0 ---
Force Arror 5 5200 1 2 19 0 10 ---
Rel|ecl Va|| 5 5Z00 59 2 19 0 0 Aulo-Rel|ecl
0o|d Arror Z100 53 32 23 5 0 ---
Ruoy P|ale 8100 51 32 23 5 0 F|re Prool
Aurora Va|| 8100 51 32 23 5 0 w|rd Prool
0|arord Arror Z 900 15 38 2Z 5 0 ---
3r|e|d Arror Z 10Z00 13 38 2Z 20 0 ---
Ed|rcoal Z 11200 12 38 2Z 5 0 Aulo-Ag|||ly up
P|al|ra Arror 8 1200 31 11 31 5 5 ---
Carao|r| Va|| 8 1300 32 11 31 5 5 2 3P0
Cr|rsor P|ale 8 11500 30 11 31 5 5 F|re Ealer
Crysla| Arror 9 --- Arl|lacl 51 35 30 5 ---
Aeg|s Arror 9 --- Arl|lacl 51 35 10 5 3lore Prool
Pelr|ly Prool
Earlr Prool
Vax|r||||ar 9 --- Arl|lacl 51 35 10 5 2 3TR
10 lP
0erj| Arror 10 --- Legerdary 58 39 30 20 2 3TR
0ragor Va|| 10 --- Legerdary 58 39 15 5 F|re Ealer
lce Ealer
L|grlr|rg Ealer
Peylra| 10 --- Legerdary 58 39 15 5 2 3P0
Aulo-PoWer up
*obes are the !ainstay o. the 0age Jobs< light enough to be -orn -ithout i!(eding the 0ageDs s(ellcasting ability. *obes su(erior
!agical resistance but only scant (rotection against (hysical attacks.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< AR( (- AR( E=A (- E=A
Collor Rooe 1 95 93 3 5 0 0 ---
3roW Rooe 1 151 91 3 5 0 0 lce ward
V|sl|e Rooe 1 200 89 3 5 0 0 3||erce Prool
Lealrer Rooe 2 00 8Z Z 11 0 0 ---
Terp|e C|olr 2 810 85 Z 11 0 0 lo|y ward
Trurder Rooe 2 810 85 Z 11 0 0 L|grlr|rg ward
L|rer Rooe 3 1100 81 11 1 0 0 ---
V|sl 3||| Rooe 3 150 Z9 11 1 5 0 ---
Red Rooe 3 150 Z9 11 1 0 0 F|re ward
3||| Rooe 1 200 Z2 15 21 0 0 ---
Vag|c|ar Rooe 1 3000 Z0 15 21 0 0 1 VA0
3||ver Coal 1 3000 Z0 15 21 0 10 ---
Poel Rooe 5 1200 3 19 2 0 0 ---
Karale Rooe 5 100 1 19 2 0 0 1 A0l
Peace Cape 5 5000 59 19 2 0 0 8erser| Prool
3cro|ar Rooe 300 53 23 32 0 5 ---
Aqua Rooe ZZ00 51 23 32 0 5 waler Prool
Pr|esl's Rooe Z200 19 23 32 0 5 30 V. ACC
Tao Rooe Z 800 15 2Z 38 0 5 ---
Crare|eor Rooe Z 9500 13 2Z 38 15 5 ---
Arge| Rooe Z 10100 13 2Z 38 0 5 Aulo-Rera|se
L|grl Rooe 8 11200 31 31 11 5 5 ---
wr|le Rooe 8 12900 30 31 11 5 5 lo|y Ealer
8|ac| Rooe 8 12900 30 31 11 5 5 3radoW Ealer
Lur|ra Rooe 9 --- Arl|lacl 35 51 5 30 ---
Farp|are Rooe 9 --- Arl|lacl 35 51 5 10 Aulo-3p|r|l up
Aulo-Verla| up
0|ullor's Rooe 9 --- Arl|lacl 35 51 5 10 8|o Ealer
Tox|r Prool
Rooe ol Lords 10 --- Legerdary 39 58 5 15 Aulo-Vag|c up
2 3P0
E|ererl Rooe 10 --- Legerdary 39 58 5 15 Earlr Prool
F|re Prool
L|grlr|rg Prool
lce Prool
waler Prool
w|rd Prool
Prolecl Cape 10 --- Legerdary 39 58 5 30 Aulo-Ag|||ly up
$ catchall category co%ering a -ide and eclectic range o. body-ear< Suits include ninCa costu!es< o%eralls and dresses.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< AR( (- AR( E=A (- E=A
Lealrer 0ull|l 1 100 91 1 1 0 0 ---
Tra|r|rg 3u|l 1 115 92 1 1 0 0 3|eep Prool
3lorr Jer||r 1 115 92 1 1 0 0 L|grlr|rg ward
8rorze vesl 2 10 88 8 8 0 0 ---
Norad's Tur|c 2 1150 81 8 8 0 0 w|rd ward
Red Jac|el 2 1150 81 8 8 0 0 F|re ward
Cra|r vesl 3 1150 82 13 13 0 0 ---
Frosl 0ull|l 3 2100 Z8 13 13 0 0 lce ward
3urv|va| vesl 3 2100 Z8 13 13 0 0 10 Experl|se
R|rgra|| 1 2800 Z3 18 18 0 0 ---
Crocooo Coslure 1 3300 Z1 18 18 0 0 1 VA0
PoWer 3asr 1 300 Z0 18 18 0 0 PoWer 0oWr Prool
PoWer 8rea| Prool
Vylrr|| vesl 5 1500 1 23 23 0 0 ---
V|rage vesl 5 1900 2 23 23 10 0 ---
3corp|or larress 5 5100 0 23 23 0 0 8|o Prool
8r|gad|re Z00 51 28 28 0 0 ---
Judge Coal ZZ00 52 28 28 0 0 2 VA0
0a|a 0ear ZZ00 52 28 28 0 0 Earlr Prool
0|arord vesl Z 9000 1 33 33 3 3 ---
N|rja 0ear Z 10100 11 33 33 3 3 2 3P0
3ecrel C|olres Z 1000 12 33 33 3 3 303-var|sr
P|al|ra vesl 8 11900 35 38 38 5 5 ---
8ererolr 3u|l 8 12900 33 38 38 5 5 2 3TR
Ruooer Coslure 8 13Z00 31 38 38 5 5 L|grlr|rg Ealer
Adarar vesl 9 --- Arl|lacl 13 13 8 8 Ve|ldoWr Prool
Earlr Prool
0ev|| vesl 9 --- Arl|lacl 13 13 8 8 3radoW Errarcer
3radoW Prool
Reaper C|oa| 9 --- Arl|lacl 13 13 8 8 0ealr Prool
8raver vesl 10 --- Legerdary 18 18 10 10 2 3TR
2 A0l
2 3P0
PoWer 0oWr Prool
PoWer 8rea| Prool
Ag|||ly 0oWr Prool
Ag|||ly 8rea| prool
3roW Vull|er 10 --- Legerdary 18 18 10 10 F|re Ealer
lce Ealer
Frozer Prool
leal Prool
wygar 10 --- Legerdary 18 18 10 10 Fala| Prool
wea| prool
+ead-ear .re7uently su((le!ents body ar!or< (rotecting the -earer .ro! o((ortunistic blo-s during the course o. co!bat.
+ats enco!(ass a broad range o. headgear ty(ically !ade o. non=!etallic !aterials< usually leather and cloth. So!e e'a!(les include
ca(s< hair ribbons< berets and hoods.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< AR( (- AR( E=A (- E=A
Cap 1 80 9 1 3 0 0 ---
Red lal 1 125 91 1 3 0 0 10 V.ACC
3lraW lal 1 1Z5 92 1 3 0 0 3|oW Prool
Lealrer lal 2 530 90 1 0 0 ---
Tr|arg|e lal 2 Z10 88 1 0 0 1 VA0
Trave|er's lal 2 950 8 1 0 0 leadrurler
P|ured lal 3 1200 81 Z 9 0 0 ---
Vagus lal 3 1100 82 Z 9 0 5 ---
Varlra 8ard 3 1100 82 Z 9 0 0 1 3P0
8ardara 1 2300 Z5 10 13 0 0 ---
w|rged Cap 1 2900 Z1 10 13 0 0 Aulo-F|oal
TW|sl leadoard 1 2Z00 Z3 10 13 0 0 1 3TR
3leep|ed lal 5 300 13 1Z 0 0 ---
0reer 8erel 5 1000 1 13 1Z 0 0 10 lP
3cro|ar lal 5 1100 2 13 1Z 0 0 Vag|c 0oWr Prool
Vag|c 8rea| Prool
leadgear 5500 5 1 21 0 0 ---
Tr|el lal 300 51 1 21 0 0 2 A0l
Red lood 300 51 1 21 0 0 10 VP
8|ac| lood Z Z500 18 19 25 0 5 ---
leadoard ol Zea| Z 8300 1 19 25 0 5 303-Vag|c up
w|rdsrear lal Z 8300 1 19 25 0 5 w|rd Prool
F|asr lal 8 9800 3Z 22 29 0 5 ---
Cal lood 8 10900 31 22 29 0 5 30 ACC
T|ger Vas| 8 1000 35 22 29 0 5 2 3P0
Cororel 9 --- Arl|lacl 25 33 0 10 2 A0l
1 3P0
0o|der Yarru||e 9 --- Arl|lacl 25 33 0 10 Aulo-Vag|c up
lo|y V|lre 9 --- Arl|lacl 25 33 0 10 3 VA0
R|lua| lal 10 --- Legerdary 28 3Z 5 10 2 3P0
2 3TR
2 VA0
Rega| CroWr 10 --- Legerdary 28 3Z 5 10 0rav|ly Prool
Acac|a lal 10 --- Legerdary 28 3Z 5 10 lce Ealer
20 VP
+el!ets are hea%y< sturdy !etallic headgear used (ri!arily by the 6arrior Jobs.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< AR( (- AR( E=A (- E=A
Lealrer le|r 1 Z0 95 3 1 0 0 ---
3o|d|er le|rel 1 110 93 3 1 0 0 10 ACC
Parade le|r 1 110 93 3 1 0 0 lrroo|||ze Prool
8rorze le|r 2 150 89 5 1 0 0 ---
0ryx le|rel 2 810 8Z 5 1 5 0 ---
3p|ra| le|r 2 30 85 5 1 0 0 8erser| Prool
8aroul 3 1000 83 9 Z 0 0 ---
v|||rg le|r 3 1250 81 9 Z 0 0 303-3p|r|l up
Cross le|rel 3 1250 81 9 Z 0 0 1 3TR
3||ver le|rel 1 2000 Z1 13 10 0 0 ---
Vage's le|r 1 2300 Z2 13 10 0 0 1 VA0
Ruooer le|r 1 2300 Z2 13 10 0 0 L|grlr|rg ward
Vylrr|| le|r 5 3100 5 1Z 13 0 0 ---
Pa|ad|r le|r 5 1100 3 1Z 13 0 0 Curse Prool
Elerra| le|r 5 3100 3 1Z 13 0 10 ---
0o|d le|r 1800 55 21 1 0 0 ---
Kr|grl le|r 5100 51 21 1 0 0 10 lP
Ara| le|r 5100 53 21 1 0 0 2 3P0
0|arord le|r Z 500 1Z 25 19 5 0 ---
0ragoor's le|rel Z Z500 13 25 19 5 0 30 ACC
3appr|re le|rel Z Z200 15 25 19 5 0 waler Prool
P|al|ra le|rel 8 8100 3 29 22 5 0 ---
0us| Vas| 8 9Z00 32 29 22 5 0 Earlr Ealer
lea| le|r 8 9Z00 32 29 22 5 0 Aulo-Reger
Crysla| le|r 9 --- Arl|lacl 33 25 30 0 ---
Ka|ser le|r 9 --- Arl|lacl 33 25 10 0 2 3TR
1 A0l
larya le|rel 9 --- Arl|lacl 33 25 10 0 wea| Prool
0erj| le|r 10 --- Legerdary 3Z 28 25 20 2 VA0
0rard le|r 10 --- Legerdary 3Z 28 10 5 3 A0l
3 3TR
0ragor le|rel 10 --- Legerdary 3Z 28 10 5 Earlr Ealer
10 lP
H!"7S S#OT
2e't to ade7uate (rotection .or head and body< the ability to shield oneDs s-ord=hand .ro! har! is the o.ten !ost %ital .or long=ter!
sur%i%al on the battle.ield.
$r!-ear is a catchall ter! .or ar! guards< bracelets< bangles< and other ar!or that only co%ers (art o. the -earer?s hand. $s a -hole<
$r!-ear (rotects the -earer .ro! !agical rather than (hysical attacks. Prices gi%en are .or one (air o. $r!-ear.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< AR( (- AR( E=A (- E=A
Lealrer wr|sl 1 0 95 1 2 0 0 ---
3erur wr|sl 1 90 93 1 2 0 0 Po|sor Prool
Crocoorace|el 1 90 93 1 2 5 0 ---
8rorze 8arg|e 2 3Z0 89 3 1 0 0 ---
0uard|ar 8racer 2 520 8Z 3 1 0 0 1 A0l
Rure R|rg 2 520 8Z 3 1 0 5 ---
lror 8arg|e 3 810 83 5 0 0 ---
Locorol|or 8arg|e 3 1050 81 5 0 0 lrroo|||ze Prool
Ecro wr|sl 3 1250 Z9 5 0 0 3||erce Prool
3||ver Arroard 1 1Z00 Z1 8 8 0 5 ---
Ceru|ear 8arg|e 1 1900 Z2 8 8 0 5 waler ward
lo|y Arr|el 1 1900 Z2 8 8 0 5 lo|y ward
Vylrr|| Arr|el 5 200 5 11 10 0 5 ---
3re|| 8arg|e 5 3200 1 11 10 0 5 303-3re||
w|zard 8race|el 5 3200 1 11 10 0 5 20 V.ACC
0o|d Arr|el 1000 55 13 13 0 5 ---
Ego|sl's Arr|el 1800 51 13 13 0 5 Corluse Prool
Tr|el 0|ove 1800 51 13 13 0 5 303-lasle
0|arord Arroard Z 5100 1Z 1 1 5 5 ---
Pear| Arroard Z 000 15 1 1 5 5 lo|y Prool
Va|der's wr|sl Z 000 15 1 1 5 5 Toad Prool
P|al|rur 8arg|e 8 Z000 3 19 19 5 10 ---
0|gas 8arg|e 8 8100 32 19 19 5 10 2 3TR
3erere Arr|el 8 Z00 31 19 19 5 10 Crarr Prool
Crysla| 8arg|e 9 --- Arl|lacl 22 22 10 30 ---
lol Arr|el 9 --- Arl|lacl 22 22 10 10 Frozer Prool
lce Prool
Tougr R|rg 9 --- Arl|lacl 22 22 10 10 20 lP
8|essed wr|sl 10 --- Legerdary 25 25 10 15 Vysl|ly Prool
lo|y Ealer
F|oWer 8racer 10 --- Legerdary 25 25 10 15 Aulo-Reger
Earlr Ealer
waler Ealer
V|rerva 8arg|e 10 --- Legerdary 25 25 10 15 Trarslorr Prool
20 VP
/auntlets are rein.orced to (rotect the -earer?s hands by enclosing the! co!(letely. $r!or o. this kind is usually !ade o. hea%y !etal or
leather and -orn in conCunction -ith !ail. Prices are gi%en (er one (air o. /auntlets.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< AR( (- AR( E=A (- E=A
Lealrer 0aurl|el 1 5 9 2 1 0 0 ---
8r|grl 0aurl|el 1 100 91 2 1 0 0 8||rd Prool
0||l 0|oves 1 115 92 2 1 0 0 leadrurler
8rorze 0|oves 2 120 90 5 2 0 0 ---
N|rja 0|oves 2 580 88 5 2 0 0 1 A0l
3avage 0aurl|el 2 580 88 5 2 0 0 10 ACC
lror 0aurl|el 3 950 81 8 1 0 0 ---
v|||rg 0aurl|el 3 1150 82 8 1 0 0 303-Ag|||ly up
0elerse 0|oves 3 1300 80 8 1 0 0 0|sao|e Prool
3||ver 0aurl|el 1 1800 Z5 11 5 0 ---
Adepl's 0aurl|el 1 2100 Z3 11 5 0 1 3P0
L|grl 0aurl|el 1 2100 Z3 11 5 10 ---
Vylrr|| 0aurl|el 5 2900 11 8 5 0 ---
Prolecl 0|oves 5 3500 2 11 8 5 0 303-Prolecl
Voor 0aurl|el 5 3500 2 11 8 5 0 20 ACC
0o|d 0aurl|el 1300 5 1Z 10 5 0 ---
Carourc|e V|lls 5000 51 1Z 10 5 0 Aulo-Rel|ecl
Ve|ee 0|oves 5300 52 1Z 10 5 0 303-PoWer up
0|arord 0|oves Z 5900 18 20 12 5 5 ---
Aoyss 0aurl|el Z 00 1 20 12 5 5 3radoW Prool
Corrucop|a 0|oves Z 00 1 20 12 5 5 V|r| Prool
P|al|rur 0aurl|el 8 Z800 3Z 23 15 10 5 ---
Luc|d 0|oves 8 8100 35 23 15 10 20 ---
A|erl 0|oves 8 8900 33 23 15 10 5 3lop Prool
Crysla| 0aurl|el 9 --- Arl|lacl 2 18 30 10 ---
Co|d 0|oves 9 --- Arl|lacl 2 18 10 10 F|re Prool
leal Prool
Zeus 0aurl|el 9 --- Arl|lacl 2 18 10 10 L|grlr|rg Errarcer
L|grlr|rg Prool
0erj| 0|oves 10 --- Legerdary 29 21 15 10 3 3TR
3 VA0
Escorl 0uard 10 --- Legerdary 29 21 15 10 T|re Prool
10 lP
0ragor Lord 10 --- Legerdary 29 21 15 10 Aulo-3re||
8|o Ealer
w|rd Ealer
$ccessories are enchanted relics and obCects -ith a s!all 7uantity o. !agic< ranging .ro! !undane and !ass=(roduced to (o-er.ul and
rare. 9or re.erenceDs sake< all $ccessories in the 99*P/ are organised into .i%e categories< each o. -hich is introduced in !ore detail
Status $ccessories (rotect the character .ro! certain ty(es o. negati%e Status Condition > such as ,lind or Poison > and !ay also
reduce the a!ount o. da!age in.licted by ele!ental attacks.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
3||ver 3peclac|es 1 150 90 8||rd Prool
3lar Perdarl 1 00 89 Po|sor Prool
N|sr|j|r 8e|l 1 500 88 3|eep Prool
Jac|oools 2 00 8 lrroo|||ze Prool
3asr 2 00 8 3|oW Prool
Aqua R|rg 2 1250 82 waler ward
0eserl 8ools 2 1000 82 Earlr ward
Fa|ry R|rg 3 1250 81 8||rd Prool
Po|sor Prool
0o|d Cro|er 3 1250 81 w|rd ward
0elerse R|rg 3 1500 Z9 Corderred Prool
3|eep Prool
Ecro 8arg|e 1 100 Z9 3||erce Prool
8|ac| 8e|l 1 100 Z9 0|sao|e Prool
Vag|c Crarr 1 100 Z9 Curse Prool
8oW||re 3asr 1 2000 ZZ Corluse Prool
Cora| R|rg 1 2500 Z5 L|grlr|rg Prool
waler R|rg 1 2500 Z5 waler Prool
8ead 8roocr 1 3250 Z1 8||rd Prool
3||erce Prool
0rav|ly R|rg 5 300 8 0rav|ly Prool
Aru|el 5 1100 5 8||rd Prool
Po|sor Prool
Zoro|e Prool
Vag|c R|rg 5 1100 1 8erser| Prool
3||erce Prool
8||zzard R|rg 5 1000 3 lce ward
Freeze Prool
F|re R|rg 5 1000 3 F|re ward
leal Prool
Prarlor R|rg 5 5200 1 wea| Prool
Ceru|ear R|rg 5100 59 waler Ealer
0crre R|rg 5100 59 L|grlr|rg Ealer
lce R|rg 8000 55 lce Prool
Freeze Prool
F|are R|rg Z00 51 F|re Prool
leal Prool
Jade Arr|el Z00 51 Pelr|ly Prool
3|oW Prool
3lore Prool
3lar Arr|el Z 900 1 3|oW Prool
3lop Prool
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
3carao Z 900 1 0|sao|e Prool
lrroo|||ze Prool
Toad Prool
JeWe|ed R|rg Z 10000 15 8||rd Prool
Pelr|ly Prool
3lore Prool
0|ass 8uc||e Z 12000 13 8|o Prool
Tox|r Prool
Ruooer 8ools Z 10000 12 L|grlr|rg Prool
3lop Prool
Rosella R|rg Z 12000 39 F|re Ealer
leal Prool
3roW R|rg Z 12000 39 lce Ealer
Freeze Prool
Japa Va|a 8 13000 38 Tox|r Prool
Toad Prool
Zoro|e Prool
Nu Kra| Arr|el 8 13000 38 3radoW ward
Crarr Prool
Corlus|or Prool
Po|sor R|rg 8 13000 3Z 8|o Ealer
Tox|r Prool
Peace R|rg 8 15000 35 8erser| Prool
Crarr Prool
Corlus|or Prool
3alely 8|l 8 20000 31 0ealr Prool
8erser|er R|rg 9 --- Arl|lacl F|re Ealer
L|grlr|rg Prool
3 3TR
Aeg|s R|rg 9 --- Arl|lacl 8|o ward
Earlr ward
F|re ward
lo|y ward
lce ward
L|grlr|rg ward
3radoW ward
waler ward
w|rd ward
R|ooor 9 --- Arl|lacl Fala| Prool
Vysl|ly Prool
3ea| Prool
T|re Prool
Tox|r Prool
Trarslorr Prool
wea| Prool
Telra E|ererla| 10 --- Legerdary F|re Prool
Earlr Prool
lce Prool
L|grlr|rg Prool
0agic $ccessories besto- bene.icial Status Conditions such as Shell and *e.lect u(on their -earer > ty(ically either at the start o. a
battle or -hen the -earerDs health is reduced to dangerously lo- le%els.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
3pr|rl 3roes 1 500 90 Aulo-Acce|erale
8arr|er R|rg 2 800 8 303-3re||
0uard R|rg 2 800 8 303-Prolecl
3lee| 0orgel 3 1100 Z9 303-PoWer up
Lealrer 0orgel 3 1100 Z9 303-Vag|c up
Pr|rcess R|rg 3 100 Z8 303-Prolecl
3lar 8arg|e 3 1800 ZZ 303-Reger
Arge| w|rgs 3 1800 Z Aulo-F|oal
Prolecl R|rg 1 3250 Z1 Aulo-Prolecl
3re|| R|rg 1 3250 Z1 Aulo-3re||
Rel|ecl R|rg 1 3500 9 Aulo-Rel|ecl
Reo|rlr R|rg 5 5500 5Z Aulo-Rera|se
R|rg ol RereWa| 8100 52 Aulo-Reger
0uard 8race|el Z 12000 12 Aulo-Prolecl
Arge| R|rg 9 --- Arl|lacl 3radoW Prool
0ealr Prool
lerres 3arda|s 9 --- Arl|lacl Aulo-lasle
lr|v|s|o|||ly C|oa| 10 --- Legerdary Aulo-var|sr
$ttribute ,oosters increase a characterDs basic $ttributes -hile e7ui((ed.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
8all|e 8ools 3 1500 80 1 3P0
8eads 3 1500 80 1 A0l
Tarol Card 3 1500 80 1 VA0
wr|sloard 3 1500 80 1 3TR
Croco Fealrer 5 1800 1 2 A0l
VagepoWer 0|ove 5 1800 1 2 VA0
8racer 5 1800 1 2 3TR
Red 3roes 5 1800 1 1 VA0
1 3P0
0asr 3roes 5 1800 1 2 3P0
Crarp|orsr|p 8e|l 8 1000 33 3 3TR
10 lP
lypro CroWr 8 1000 33 3 VA0
10 VP
Rurr|rg 3roes 8 18000 32 3 A0l
3 3P0
Roya| CroWr 9 --- Arl|lacl 5 VA0
Forl|l|ed Cra|r 9 --- Arl|lacl 5 A0l
0err|ras 8ools 9 --- Arl|lacl 5 3P0
lyper wr|sl 9 --- Arl|lacl 5 3TR
lero R|rg 10 --- Legerdary 5 3TR
5 VA0
Statistic ,oosters (ro%ide bonuses to a character?s Co!bat Statistics.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< E=A (- E=A EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
Collor Cape 1 100 92 3 5 ---
3rou|der Cape 1 100 92 5 3 ---
E|ver C|oa| 2 1200 81 10 ---
Lealrer C|oa| 2 1200 81 10 ---
8|ac| Cape 3 2100 Z 9 15 ---
wo|l Varl|e 3 2100 Z 15 9 ---
0rracrea Arr|el 1 2Z00 Z2 0 0 10 lP
Vag|c 8arg|e 1 2Z00 Z2 0 0 10 VP
Vage's C|oa| 5 300 12 20 ---
T|ger Varl|e 5 300 20 12 ---
FealrerWeave C|oa| 5 000 58 15 25 ---
Zepryr C|oa| 5 000 58 25 15 ---
Pr|sr Cape Z 9000 18 20 30 ---
8ererolr Varl|e Z 9000 18 30 20 ---
Force 8e|l Z 10100 11 0 0 10 lP
10 VP
wr|le Cape 8 13500 3 20 20 V|r| Prool
Toad Prool
PoWer 8e|l 9 --- Arl|lacl 0 0 25 lP
3orcery 8arg|e 9 --- Arl|lacl 0 0 25 VP
V|rdu JeWe| 9 --- Arl|lacl 15 25 L|grlr|rg ward
8||rd Prool
Corluse Prool
Po|sor Prool
3||erce Prool
3lore Prool
Toad Prool
Vusc|e 8e|l 10 --- Legerdary 0 0 50 lP
Crysla| 0ro 10 --- Legerdary 0 0 50 VP
$ction $ccessories directly a..ect a character?s ca(abilities in co!bat< usually by con.erring additional s(ecial abilities and attack
bonuses. $ccessories that add an L&le!entM Strike &7ui(!ent $bility o%erride any other L&le!entM Strikes (resent on that 6ea(on.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
8arg|e 1 800 88 Adds Sensor Equ|prerl Ao|||ly lo a|| equ|pped weapors
0us|y 0|ear 2 800 82 Adds Shadow Strike Equ|prerl Ao|||ly lo a|| equ|pped weapors
Earlry 0|ear 2 800 82 Adds Earth Strike Equ|prerl Ao|||ly lo a|| equ|pped weapors
F|ery 0|ear 2 800 82 Adds 0ire Strike Equ|prerl Ao|||ly lo a|| equ|pped weapors
lo|y 0|ear 2 800 82 Adds Hol$ Strike Equ|prerl Ao|||ly lo a|| equ|pped weapors
lcy 0|ear 2 800 82 Adds %ce Strike Equ|prerl Ao|||ly lo a|| equ|pped weapors
L|grlr|rg 0|ear 2 800 82 Adds ightning Strike Equ|prerl Ao|||ly lo a|| equ|pped weapors
walery 0|ear 2 800 82 Adds Water Strike Equ|prerl Ao|||ly lo a|| equ|pped weapors
0usly 0|ear 2 800 82 Adds Wind Strike Equ|prerl Ao|||ly lo a|| equ|pped weapors
Nox|ous 0|ear 2 800 82 Adds Bio Strike Equ|prerl Ao|||ly lo a|| equ|pped weapors
Arcrer's R|rg 1 300 Z3 Adds Sensor Equ|prerl Ao|||ly lo a|| equ|pped weapors
20 ACC
8arelle 1 3000 Z2 lce Errarcer
Cacrusra 1 3000 Z2 F|re Errarcer
Exlers|or 1 3000 Z2 L|grlr|rg Errarcer
Fa|ry Earr|rgs 1 3000 Z2 w|rd Errarcer
Topaz Arrr|rg 1 3000 Z2 Earlr Errarcer
Turquo|se R|rg 1 3000 Z2 waler Errarcer
Arge| Earr|rgs 5 5000 5 lo|y Errarcer
8|ac| Earr|rgs 5 5000 5 3radoW Errarcer
3r|per Eye 8800 51 Adds Sensor Equ|prerl Ao|||ly lo a|| equ|pped weapors
Adds Critical4 Equ|prerl Ao|||ly lo a|| equ|pped weapors
Ceru|ear Perdarl 9 --- Arl|lacl L|grlr|rg Errarcer
w|rd Errarcer
Cra|r Cro|er 9 --- Arl|lacl L|grlr|rg Errarcer
waler Errarcer
C|ear Earr|rgs 9 --- Arl|lacl lce Errarcer
w|rd Errarcer
0o|d la|rp|r 9 --- Arl|lacl Aulo-VP 0uarler
Lap|s Earr|rgs 9 --- Arl|lacl F|re Errarcer
waler Errarcer
Ved|c|re R|rg 9 --- Arl|lacl Recovery Errarcer
3prere Earr|rgs 9 --- Arl|lacl Earlr Errarcer
L|grlr|rg Errarcer
w|rg Perdarl 9 --- Arl|lacl Earlr Errarcer
w|rd Errarcer
Ce|eslr|ad 10 --- Legerdary Aulo-VP la|l
"pe#ial Rules
/lea!sK The L'M /lea! $ccessories add an L&le!entM Strike $bility to e7ui((ed 6ea(ons. I. the 6ea(on already has this L&le!entM Strike<
the /lea! has no additional e..ect. 9or 6ea(ons that ha%e the ability to use $!!unition< $!!unition that con.ers &7ui(!ent $bilities -ill
o%erride the e..ects o. the /lea!.
6hile it also stores s(are e7ui(!ent< the In%entory Slot is (ri!arily used .or a %ariety o. o..ensi%e< de.ensi%e and curati%e !aterials -hich
can gi%e a (arty a considerable edge in a .ight > or hel( sal%e their -ounds a.ter the last s-ord=blo- has .allen. :nless other-ise noted< all
ite!s belo- are (riced .or one use o. the ite! in 7uestion@ once used< the ite! is destroyed< re!o%ing it .ro! the In%entory Slot.
9ro! a si!(le !edicinal (otion to tail=.eathers o. the legendary Phoeni'< *eco%ery Ite!s a be-ildering array o. cure=alls .or Cust
about any ail!ent under the sun. 0ost stores sell -eaker curati%e (otions< as -ell as re!edies .or s(eci.ic Status Conditions. Sensible
ad%enturers -ill kee( a healthy stock o. both to acco!(any the! in their tra%els.
Tor|c 1 25 99 3|rg|e Reslores 25 lP
Pol|or 1 50 91 3|rg|e Reslores 50 lP
l|-Pol|or 2 150 8 3|rg|e Reslores 125 lP
lyper Pol|or 3 300 Z8 3|rg|e Reslores 250 lP
Vega Pol|or 5 500 1 Parly Reslores 100 lP
X-Pol|or 5 Z50 59 3|rg|e Reslores 500 lP
u|lra Pol|or Z 800 1Z Parly Reslores 200 lP
T|rclure 1 Z5 93 3|rg|e Reslores 15 VP
Elrer 3 150 Z8 3|rg|e Reslores 30 VP
l|-Elrer 1 325 Z 3|rg|e Reslores Z5 VP
lyper Elrer 5 50 59 3|rg|e Reslores 150 VP
X-Elrer Z 1100 10 3|rg|e Reslores 300 VP
E||x|r 8 5000 20 3|rg|e Reslores lP ard VP lo lre|r rax|rur va|ues
Vega||x|r 9 --- Arl|lacl Parly Reslores lP ard VP lo lre|r rax|rur va|ues
Proer|x 0oWr 2 500 88 3|rg|e Reslores (nconscious largel lo 1 lP
Proer|x P|r|or Z 2800 23 3|rg|e Reslores (nconscious largel lo rax|rur lP
Vega Proer|x 8 3500 21 Parly Reslores (nconscious largels lo 1 lP
Proer|x 3p|r|l 9 --- Arl|lacl Parly Reslores (nconscious largels lo rax|rur lP
Arl|dole 1 50 93 3|rg|e Carce|s Poison ard &enom 3lalus Cord|l|ors
Eye 0rops 1 50 92 3|rg|e Carce|s Blind 3lalus Cord|l|or
Ecro 3creer 2 100 81 3|rg|e Carce|s Silence 3lalus Cord|l|or
Trarqu|||zer 3 150 81 3|rg|e Carce|s Berserk 3lalus Cord|l|or
8ardage 1 200 Z 3|rg|e Carce|s Disa"le ard %mmo"ili'e 3lalus Cord|l|ors
A|arr C|oc| 1 200 Z5 3|rg|e Carce|s Sleep ard (naware 3lalus Cord|l|ors
Corrucop|a 1 250 Z5 3|rg|e Carce|s Mini 3lalus Cord|l|or
Va|der's K|ss 1 250 Z5 3|rg|e Carce|s )oad 3lalus Cord|l|or
3oll 1 100 Z1 3|rg|e Carce|s Petrif$ ard Stone 3lalus Cord|l|ors
lo|y waler 1 500 Z3 3|rg|e Carce|s Curse ard *om"ie 3lalus Cord|l|ors
Crroros Tear 1 00 Z2 3|rg|e Carce|s Slow, Stop, ard Sap 3lalus Cord|l|ors
Reredy 5 1500 1 3|rg|e Carce|s Berserk5 Blind5 Confuse5 Curse5 Mini5
Petrif$5 Poison5 Sap5 Silence5 Sleep5 Slow5 Stone5
)oad5 &enom5 ard *om"ie 3lalus Cord|l|ors
:nlike !ost other ar!a!ents< the true (o-er o. ,o-s< Crossbo-s and *i.les co!es as !uch .ro! -hat is .ired as the -ea(on itsel.. $n
e'(erienced !arks!an is one -ho has learned the ad%antage o. carrying a -ide range o. s(ecialised a!!unition into battle > Ice $rro-s
e'tinguish blaEing ,o!bs< $P $!!o cracks tough $da!antoise shells< and +oly ,olts (ut a little bit o. .ear into that $rchaeodae!on.
Characters e7ui((ed -ith a 6ea(on that su((orts a!!unition !ay elect to load the! -ith s(ecial (roCectiles -hen !aking an $ttack
$ction@ these !ust be (urchased be.orehand< and can be used to add additional &7ui(!ent $bilities to the -ea(on being used to !ake the
$ttack. $ll a!!unition is (urchased in units o. ten@ each $ttack< success.ul or other-ise< -ill consu!e one unit o. a!!unition< re!o%ing it
.ro! the In%entory Slot. I. no a!!untion is a%ailable > or the character is un-illing to e'(end it on an attack > the 6ea(on re%erts to its
de.ault &7ui(!ent $bilities.
$!!o is used by *i.les.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
F|re Arro 1 100 88 F|re 3lr||e
3lore Arro 1 100 88 Earlr 3lr||e
0ar| Arro 2 150 85 8||rd Toucr
Pu|se Arro 1 500 Z8 2 03
3radoW Arro 1 150 Z1 3radoW 3lr||e
AP Arro 5 500 8 P|erc|rg
Fasl Arro 5 200 See notes "elow3
Ta|rled Arro 5 100 1 Curse Toucr
3parlar Arro 5 150 3 0|sao|e Toucr
3rolgur Arro 900 55 724+ 0arage
Targel: 0roup
0ero||l|or Arro Z 1200 11 leal Toucr
F|re 3lr||e
"pe#ial Rules
9ast $!!oK I. used in an $ttack $ction< 9ast $!!o gi%es the .irer a Z1 bonus to their Initiati%e in the .ollo-ing *ound. This bonus is only
a((lied once (er *ound.
$rro-s are used by ,o-s.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
F|re ArroWs 1 100 90 F|re 3lr||e
lce ArroWs 1 100 90 lce 3lr||e
L|grlr|rg ArroWs 1 100 90 L|grlr|rg 3lr||e
w|rd ArroWs 1 100 90 w|rd 3lr||e
waler ArroWs 1 100 90 waler 3lr||e
Earlr ArroWs 1 100 90 Earlr 3lr||e
lo|y ArroWs 1 100 90 lo|y 3lr||e
0ar|ress ArroWs 2 125 88 8||rd Toucr
Po|sor ArroWs 2 200 88 Po|sor Toucr
3|eep ArroWs 3 250 82 3|eep Toucr
3||ver ArroWs 3 100 81 urdead K|||er
Arler|s ArroWs 1 100 ZZ 2 03
Yo|cr| ArroWs 5 500 9 P|erc|rg
Vule ArroWs 5 250 5 3||erce Toucr
Arge| ArroWs 5 00 5 Corlus|or Toucr
0eror ArroWs 5 Z50 58 PoWer 0oWr Toucr
Vedusa ArroWs Z 1500 1Z 3lore Toucr
Assass|r's ArroWs Z 1500 1Z 0ealr Toucr
,olts are used by Crossbo-s.
lydro 8o|ls 1 100 90 waler 3lr||e
8|ac| 8o|ls 2 100 89 8||rd Toucr
veror 8o|ls 2 200 88 Po|sor Toucr
Lead 8o|ls 2 200 8Z lrroo|||ze Toucr
0ogoo|ls 2 200 8 1 03
0o|d 8o|ls 2 150 8 10 ACC
3|eep 8o|ls 3 250 82 3|eep Toucr
Lorg 8o|ls 1 300 ZZ 3|oW Toucr
0rard 8o|ls 1 100 Z 2 03
3lore 8o|ls 1 150 Z5 0|sao|e Toucr
3app|rg 8o|ls 1 150 Z1 3ap Toucr
Ac|d 8o|ls 5 500 Arror 8rea| Toucr
8|ood 8o|ls 5 500 5 lP 0ra|r
Cr|l|ca| 8o|ls Z 1200 15 Tr|p|e Cr|l|ca|
Thro<ing Wea8ons
Thro-ing 6ea(ons are dis(osable (roCectiles designed to gi%e characters an additional o..ensi%e edge in co!bat. $n attack -ith a
Thro-ing 6ea(on re7uires an Ite! $ction< and is resol%ed in the sa!e !anner as a standard $ttack $ction -ould be. *egardless o.
-hether the $ttack hits or !isses< the 6ea(on is consu!ed and re!o%ed .ro! the In%entory Slot a.ter the attack resol%es. Prices gi%en in
the listings belo- are (er one 6ea(on.
6ea(on SkillK Thro-ing 6ea(ons
,o!bs are s!all< co!(act e'(losi%es designed to be thro-n and detonate on i!(act. Their (ractical range can be signi.icantly increased
by using a dedicated launcher< though !ost ad%enturing (arties -ill si!(ly rely on their thro-ing ar!s.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
3roWre|l 8oro 1 95 90 (1 x A0l) 2d lce 3lr||e
Treror 8oro 2 150 85 (5 x A0l) 2d Earlr 3lr||e
Po|sor 8oro 2 185 82 (5 x A0l) 2d Po|sor Toucr
Aero 8oro 1 200 Z1 ( x A0l) 3d w|rd 3lr||e
3par| 8oro 5 250 5 (8 x A0l) 3d L|grlr|rg 3lr||e
waler 8oro 300 5 (9 x A0l) 1d waler 3lr||e
F|areoursl 8oro Z 3Z5 1Z (10 x A0l) 1d F|re 3lr||e
3uper 8a|| 8 1000 3Z (12 x A0l) 5d Targel: 0roup
6ea(on SkillK Thro-ing 6ea(ons
$ (o(ular choice in conCunction -ith contact (oisons< Darts re7uire a considerable a!ount o. accuracy to in.lict any signi.icant da!age<
though their relati%ely light -eight and chea(ness does o..set this dra-back.
T<PE T*ER C+ST A=A*9A/*9*T< ;A(AGE EIG*P(E>T A/*9*T*ES
0arls 1 30 9 (2 x 3TR) d ---
Po|sor 0arls 2 95 8Z (1 x 3TR) 2d Po|sor Toucr
0rear 0arls 3 150 81 (5 x 3TR) 2d 3|eep Toucr
3lur 0arls 1 210 Z0 ( x 3TR) 3d 3lop Toucr
veror 0arls 5 25 1 (8 x 3TR) 3d veror Toucr
0oor 0arls 315 52 (9 x 3TR) 1d 0ealr Toucr
6ea(on SkillK Thro-ing 6ea(ons
0agic scrolls are enchanted (ieces o. (a(er scribed to trigger a !agical e..ect u(on co!ing into contact -ith an o((onent. 2inCa !ake
e'tensi%e use o. tools like these to con.ound o((onents.
F|re 3cro|| 1 95 90 (1 x VA0) 2d F|re 3lr||e
L|grlr|rg 3cro|| 2 150 81 (5 x VA0) 2d L|grlr|rg 3lr||e
waler 3cro|| 1 200 Z1 ( x VA0) 3d waler 3lr||e
Earlr 3cro|| 5 250 (8 x VA0) 3d Earlr 3lr||e
lce 3cro|| 300 5 (9 x VA0) 1d lce 3lr||e
w|rd 3cro|| Z 3Z5 1Z (10 x VA0) 1d w|rd 3lr||e
3radoW 3cro|| 8 1Z5 3 (12 x VA0) 5d 8||rd 3lr||e
3||erce 3lr||e
6ea(on SkillK Thro-ing 6ea(ons
The shuriken is a s!all< shar( !etal disc -ith !ulti(le cutting edges that can be thro-n at a target in ra(id succession. 6hile the da!age
in.licted is nor!ally .ar .ro! gre%ious< a trained hand can turn the! into an accurate and deadly -ea(on.
3rur||er 1 50 92 (3 x 3TR) d ---
Juj| 3rur||er 2 110 85 (5 x 3TR) 2d ---
Varj| 3rur||er 1 185 Z5 ( x 3TR) 3d ---
Fura 3rur||er 5 235 Z (8 x 3TR) 3d ---
No||zaru 3rur||er 350 52 (10 x 3TR) 1d ---
Koga 3rur||er Z 525 1 (12 x 3TR) 5d ---
Yagyu 0ar|rood 8 Z00 10 (11 x 3TR) 5d P|erc|rg
Characters !ay occasionally co!e across -eak !agical arti.acts i!bibed -ith enough (o-er to create a (articular s(ell e..ect -hen used.
$.ter that< they cru!ble to dust< re!o%ing the! .ro! the In%entory Slot. 6hile so!e !ay be bought in stores< the !ost (o-er.ul only
sur.ace in the hands o. !onsters and treasure chests encountered during the course o. an ad%enture. Su((ort Ite!s a..ect battles
indirectly rather than directly< and are as ca(able o. besto-ing bene.icial and (rotecti%e !agics as they are o. stri((ing the! a-ay. :se the
user?s 0$/ $ttribute and 0. $CC .or the (ur(oses o. calculating the e..ects o. the S(ell !i!icked by the ite!.
8esl|ary 2 Z5 88 3|rg|e As Scan
warp 3lore 3 250 80 3e|l As )eleport
lea||rg 3pr|rg 1 100 Z0 3|rg|e As Regen
L|grl Curla|r 5 300 1 3|rg|e As Protect
Lurar Curla|r 5 500 Z 3|rg|e As Shell
3ro|e 8oro 5 500 Parly See notes "elow
varp|re Farg 5 180 3|rg|e As Drain
0rosl lard 5 150 3|rg|e As 6smose
3peed 0r|r| 5 500 0 3|rg|e As Haste
L|grl ve|| 1200 51 Parly As Protectga
Lurar ve|| 1500 51 Parly As Shellga
Pur|ly|rg 3a|l 1150 50 3|rg|e As Dispel
3ou| 3pr|rg Z 180 12 3|rg|e As S$phon
3lar Curla|r Z 1000 10 3|rg|e As Reflect
Adararl 3rard 9 --- Arl|lacl 3|rg|e As Wall
lero 0r|r| 9 --- Arl|lacl 3|rg|e See notes "elow
"pe#ial Rules
S!oke ,o!bK The no'ious s!oke released by this ite! allo-s the entire (arty to !ake an instantly success.ul &sca(e $ction.
+ero DrinkK This (otent bre- adds the Status Conditions Po-er :(< 0agic :(< $gility :( and S(irit :( to the target F)H.
,attle Ite!s ca(ture o..ensi%e !agics .or .uture use< unleashing a %ariety o. de%astating and debilitating e..ects on an o((onent. 6here
a((licable< use the user?s 0$/ $ttribute > and< in the case o. Status Conditions< 0. $CC > to calculate the e..ects o. the S(ell the ,attle
Ite! !i!ics.
Arcl|c w|rd 1 100 98 3|rg|e As Bli''ard
8oro Fragrerl 1 100 98 3|rg|e As 0ire
E|eclro Varo|e 1 100 98 3|rg|e As )hunder
8|rd Fealrer 1 100 9Z 3|rg|e As #ero
F|sr 3ca|e 1 20 92 3|rg|e As Water
0rav|oa|| 2 350 88 3|rg|e As 1ra-it$
Arlarcl|c w|rd 2 300 8 3|rg|e As Bli''ara
8oro Core 2 300 8 3|rg|e As 0ira
L|grlr|rg Varo|e 2 300 8 3|rg|e As )hundara
3rear Fealrer 2 300 85 3|rg|e As #era
F|sr F|r 3 510 ZZ 3|rg|e As Watera
Zoro|e PoWder 1 810 9 3|rg|e As *om"ie
T/3 8oro 1 Z00 8 3|rg|e As Demi
3lardusl 1 20 Z 0roup As Comet
0ead|y wasle 5 20 3|rg|e As Bio
F|re 0er 5 850 5 3|rg|e As 0iraga
lce 0er 5 850 5 3|rg|e As Bli''aga
L|grlr|rg 0er 5 850 5 3|rg|e As )hundaga
w|rdr||| 5 850 1 3|rg|e As #eraga
3rr|ve| 1180 58 3|rg|e As Mini
8as|||s| C|aW 1350 5Z 3|rg|e As Stone
waler 0er 980 5Z 3|rg|e As Waterga
Card|e ol L|le 1120 51 3|rg|e As Death
3radoW 0er 1500 51 3|rg|e As 7uarter
lrpa|er Z 1520 19 3|rg|e As )oad
Earlr 0rur Z 1180 18 0roup As 7uake
3r|r|rg 0er Z 1320 11 3|rg|e As 0lare
0rear PoWder Z 1200 11 0roup As Sleep
lr| Z 1200 11 0roup As Blind
Vule Vas| Z 1200 11 0roup As Silence
3||ver lourg|ass Z 1200 11 0roup As Slow
war 0org Z 1200 11 0roup As Berserk
Loco weed Z 1500 10 0roup As Confuse
Va|ooro Terlac|es 8 1Z50 38 3|rg|e As &enom
8|ac| 3lore 8 2000 35 3|rg|e As 0ree'e
Aoaddor 3lore 8 2000 35 3|rg|e As ,uke
8|essed 0er 8 2500 25 3|rg|e As Hol$
0ar| Valler 8 3000 25 0roup As Scathe
Earlr larrer 8 3000 25 3|rg|e As Break
Cau|dror 9 --- Arl|lacl 0roup As Bad Breath
0o|der lourg|ass 9 --- Arl|lacl 0roup As Stop
Veleor 3lore 9 --- Arl|lacl 3|rg|e As Meteor
3uprere 0er 9 --- Arl|lacl 3|rg|e As (ltima
,eyond their i!!ediate e7ui(!ent< !ost characters -ill tote
around s!aller odds and ends not -orth noting in detail in their
In%entory Slot > lucky knotted string< a book o. !atches<
e!ergency ru!< a no%ella .or the long e%enings on the road<
and so .orth.
+o-e%er< rather than kee( long and e'hausti%e lists o. e%ery
(iece o. lint the (arty carries< it is ulti!ately !ore con%enient
.or all sides to deal -ith s!all ite!s on a case=by=case basis. $s
a general rule o. thu!b< characters should al-ays ha%e access
to !inor ite!s unless there are co!(elling (lot=related reasons
.or the! to be co!ing u( short.
I. an ite! needs to be introduced into a scene .or role(laying
(ur(oses< (lot ad%ance!ent< or establishing the conditions
under -hich a Skill Test is !ade< the /0 can either rule on the
s(ot -hether it is a%ailable< or ha%e the character !ake a
se(arate Task Check against the Skill Category the ite! is !ost
a((ro(riate to.
In both cases< the characterDs Skills ser%e as a general
indicator o. -hat they -ould nor!ally carry -ith the!. It can be
assu!ed< .or instance< that a character -ith (oints in $ni!al
+andling -ould ha%e a dog biscuit or t-o to s(are should the
situation de!and it. Si!ilarly< a character -ith Cli!bing -ill
ty(ically ha%e ro(e< (icka'e and cra!(ons in reser%e< -hilst
&ngineers kee( an all=(ur(ose toolkit at hand and Sur%i%al
e'(erts al-ays ha%e access to at least a .irebo- and .ishing
I. the character doesnDt ha%e a Skill a((ro(riate to the ite!<
itDs highly likely that they -ould not be carrying the
corres(onding ite!< either > de.aulting on these rolls as
described in Cha(ter 1 is not an o(tion.
Ta%le 3&1' E8"ipment Tas) Ratin.s
ller corror 10
ller urcorror 20
ller re|al|ve|y rare or exol|c -20
ller very rare -10
The /0< o. course< re!ains at liberty to disallo- any re7uests
that -ould derail or other-ise ad%ersely a..ect the current
ga!e. FVSo< youD%e been carrying a re(lica key .or your Cail cell
-ith you this -hole ti!eG +o- %ery con%enient.WH
0aterials are used to !ake things > s(eci.ically< things like
s-ords< ar!or< .ine clothing< .urniture< or Ce-elry. 9or
characters -ith a Cra.t\ Skill< !aterials are li.eblood< as al!ost
all Cra.t\ (roCects re7uire at least a certain a!ount o. !aterials
to co!(lete. See $((endi' I .or .ull rules.
Craft Points
Though there are !any di..erent ty(es o. !aterials a%ailable to
characters< the total a!ount o. cra.table !aterial a character
has access to is re(resented by an abstract !easure called
Cra.t Points FCPH. 6hat Cra.t Points re(resent de(ends on the
kind o. (roCect being undertaken@ .or a character .orging a
s-ord< a Cra.t Point could re(resent a nugget o. ore< -hile in
cooking a Cra.t Point !ight stand .or a (acket o. .lour or a .resh
egg. Cra.t Points are s!all and ine'(ensi%e indi%idually< but
-hen co!bined they can create great things. $ gauntlet can be
!ade -ith less than a doEen Cra.t PointsK the ty(ical
ad%enturer can be ar!ed .ro! head to toe -ith si'ty CP. 0ost
cra.ting (roCects consu!e a certain nu!ber o. Cra.t Points< so
ha%ing an steady su((ly o. the! is essential.
0aterial Tiers
The ne't .e- (ages introduce a broad selection o. !aterials .or
!any di..erent ty(es o. cra.ting. 6hile each !aterial described
has its o-n distinct .la%or< as .ar as the actual cra.ting is
concerned< the only thing that actually has a bearing on the
cra.ting (rocess is a !aterial?s ty(e and Tier. 9or instance< the
!etals Pure Sil%er< *elic Iron< and Platina each ha%e their o-n
distincti%e 7uirks@ .or cra.ting (ur(oses< ho-e%er< all three are
si!(ly treated as Tier ) !etals. This hel(s kee( things si!(le
.or both (layers and the /0.
Ty8es of 0aterials
0aterials can be categoriEed in t-o -aysK by the Skills used to
-ork the!< or by the kinds o. (roCects they can be used in. $s
.ar as Skills are concerned< there are .i%e kinds o. !aterialsK
0etalK $r!ors!ithing< Tinkering< 6ea(ons!ithing
6oodK $r!ors!ithing< Car(entry< 6ea(ons!ithing
ClothK Tailoring
/e!sK $r!ors!ithing< Tinkering< 6ea(ons!ithing
S(oilsK $lche!y< $r!ors!ithing< Car(entry< Tailoring<
Tinkering< 6ea(ons!ithing
$ll e'ce(t S(oils are sel.=e'(lanatory@ S(oils are a catch=all
category .or odds and ends har%ested .ro! !onsters and the
like. $s .ar as !echanical e..ect is concerned< all cra.ting
!aterial in the 99*P/ is di%ided into three generic categoriesK
,asic 0aterials< S(ecial 0aterials< and $lche!ical 0aterials.
,asic 0aterials are used to cra.t no=.rills ite!s and e7ui(!ent.
They are generally easier to .ind than S(ecial 0aterials< though
beco!e signi.icantly !ore e'(ensi%e at higher le%els.
Ta%le 3&2' /asic (aterial Costs
1 92 5 per CP
2 8 30 per CP
3 80 Z0 per CP
1 9 135 per CP
5 1 210 per CP
53 325 per CP
Z 15 110 per CP
8 33 5Z5 per CP
9 Arl|lacl ---
10 Arl|lacl ---
S(ecial 0aterials are -hat gi%e -ea(ons and ar!or their uni7ue
(ro(erties. Due to their unusual nature< they are naturally rarer<
though S(ecial 0aterials are not re7uired .or basic cra.ting.
S(ecial 0aterials tend to be /e!s and S(oils.
Ta%le 3&0' Special (aterial Costs
1 90 5 per CP
2 81 30 per CP
3 ZZ 10 per CP
1 Z 15 per CP
5 59 50 per CP
51 55 per CP
Z 11 0 per CP
8 30 5 per CP
9 Arl|lacl ---
10 Arl|lacl ---
The $lche!y Skill re7uires its o-n range o. !aterials. These are
less e'(ensi%e than ,asic 0aterials< but harder to source< as
!any o. the rare ingredients are S(oils har%ested .ro! hard=to=
.ind herbs or elusi%e !onsters.
Ta%le 3&1' Alcemical (aterial Costs
1 9 5 per CP
2 81 15 per CP
3 Z9 30 per CP
1 Z3 Z5 per CP
5 2 100 per CP
59 130 per CP
Z 30 150 per CP
8 20 300 per CP
B4ying 0aterials
,uying !aterials is no di..erent than buying any other ite! or
(iece o. e7ui(!ent< and is subCect to the sa!e restrictions. 6ith
the e'ce(tion o. S(oils< ho-e%er< !aterials o..ered on the o(en
!arket tend to co!e in .i'ed 7uantities rather than the e'act
a!ounts (layers -ant. The !ost co!!on ?deno!inations? o.
!aterials areK
0etalK 2ugget F# CPH< 8re F1 CPH< Ingot F10 CPH
6oodK Chi(s F# CPH< Stick F1 CPH< Aog F10 CPH
ClothK S7uare F# CPH< Aength F1 CPH< *oll F10 CPH
/e!sK 9rag!ent F1 CPH< Crystal F# CPH< Cluster F1 CPH
9or e'a!(le< rather than (ay .or the e'act 1 CP o. Tier 1 !etal
needed to .orge a high=(o-ered 9lail< (layers !ay instead end
u( (urchasing t-o Ingots o. 10 CP each and kee(ing the
re!aining # CP in reser%e .or .uture (roCects. 0aterials ac7uired
o%er the course o. an ad%enture can also be sold like any other
Cloth is used to !ake /lo%es< +ats *obes< Suits< and so!eti!es
/rass ClothK $ (ri!iti%e .abric !ade .ro! long< sun=dried grass
Drab 6oolK Chea( -ool cloth< generally only good enough to
rein.orce other clothing.
CottonK +ar%ested .ro! the cotton (lant< these do-ny .ibers
are a sta(le in e%ery tailorDs .abric selection.
6ool ClothK Cloth -o%en .ro! the so.t .ibers o. the shee( and
other ani!als. 2e't to cotton< this is the tailorDs other !ainstay.
0agic CottonK Cotton gro-n in !agic=rich areas or i!bued
-ith !agic during the tailoring (rocess. $ (o(ular choice .or
!age robes.
AinenK $ light=colored .abric -o%en .ro! the threads o. the .la'
Che%iot ClothK $ -oolen cloth notable .or its thicker< rougher
.ibers. Pri!arily used .or -ar!=-eather clothing< (articularly
0agic AinenK 0agic=enriched linen cloth used in cra.ting
,raid 6oolK This thick -ool is ca(able o. absorbing a
signi.icant a!ount o. !oisture< !aking it an e'cellent choice .or
-orking clothes and other e%eryday -ear.
SilkK 9ine .ibers deri%ed .ro! the threads used to -ea%e insect
cocoons. So!e cultures are also able to -ea%e s(ider silk and
si!ilar secretions into .abrics o. co!(arable 7uality.
4el%etK In its N(ureD .or!< %el%et is a silk .abric -ith a notable
s!ooth sur.ace and (lain underside. Ao-er 7uality grades
co!bine the silk -ith cotton or linen< or substitute it .or
arti.icially=created .ibers.
SarcenetK $ so.t silk .abric ty(ically used .or lining e'(ensi%e
9ine 6oolK So.t< highly absorbent -ool ideal .or tailoring high=
7uality gar!ents.
Ta..etaK $ s!ooth< .ine silk .abric distinguished by its N-ateryD
luster. :sed in ballgo-ns and -edding dresses.
Sil%er ThreadK $ thread used .or light-eight ar!or< consisting
o. a thin sil%er -ire -ra((ed in silk thread.
,lood 6oolK This naturally blood=red -ool is both rare and
(riEed@ clothing !ade .ro! it is (articularly e'(ensi%e< and
usually reser%ed .or the nobility.
0agic SilkK So!eti!es called ?!ist silk<? this !agic=enriched
silk is .re7uently tailored into .ine !age-ear.
/old ThreadK $ thread used .or light-eight ar!or< consisting
o. a thin gold -ire -ra((ed in silk thread.
*ainbo- ClothK S(un .ro! the silk o. s(iders !utated by
e'(osure to !agic< the shi.ting colors o. rainbo- cloth !akes
(articularly e'7uisite robes and hats.
&ther CottonK $lche!ically treated cotton i!bued -ith curati%e
(o-ers. $!(li.ies Ai.e !agic as -ell as the -earer?s o-n %itality.
,lack ClothK Co!!on na!e .or cloth i!bued -ith !ulti(le
ele!ental !agics. :sed .or high=7uality ,lack 0age robes.
6hite ClothK Co!!on na!e .or cloth i!bued -ith +oly and Ai.e
!agics. :sed .or high=7uality 6hite 0age robes.
Au!iniclothK 6o%en .ro! astral .abric< lu!iniclothDs .aint glo-
is !ost %isible in darkness. Its .ragile nature !eans that it
re7uires a skilled tailor to (rocess.
/e!s can be a decorati%e de%ice on !any kinds o. -ea(ons and
9luoriteK 0ineral -hich occurs in !any di..erent colors@ so!e
%arieties are used .or orna!ental %essels. It sy!boliEes s(iritual
a-areness< and is associated -ith the ele!ents o. 6ater and
0agic StoneK 8rdinary stones that ha%e absorbed a !inute
charge o. !agical energy are collecti%ely kno-n as N!agic
stones.? 0agic stones are ty(ically na!ed .or the ele!ental
energy inhabiting the!< and can only be recogniEed u(on
closer glance > 9ire Stones are unusually -ar! to the touch<
6ater Stones contain a s!all a!ount o. !oisture< Dark Stones
cast a strange shado-< and so .orth.
BirconK $ co!!on !ineral< trans(arent %arieties o. -hich are
cut into ge!stones. Colorless Eircon is the !ost co!!on kind
.ound< but yello-ish< bro-nish< and red %arieties also e'ist.
Bircon is associated -ith the ele!ents o. Ice and 6ind.
0oonstoneK Trans(arent or translucent ge!stone -ith a (earl=
like luster. So!eti!es kno-n as the N-ishing stone<? it
sy!boliEes cal! and a-areness.
*hodoniteK $ (inkish=red stone shot through -ith black
streaks. Traditionally belie%ed to act as a cal!ing in.luence and
a source o. balance .or its -earer.
Sardony'K $ !ulticolored ge! used (ri!arily .or .acets and
ca!eos. Its bands o. black< red and -hite -ere belie%ed to
re(resent chastity< hu!ility and !odesty and ancient ti!es.
Sardony' is associated -ith the ele!ents o. Ice and 9ire.
SunstoneK $ lustrous orange=red stone traditionally linked to
!oonstone. /enerally belie%ed to ha%e (rotecti%e and healing
Tiger &yeK These yello-= to red=bro-n stones ha%e an
unusually silky luster. /enerally seen as an energiEing stone<
Tiger &ye is also -orn by -arriors -ho belie%e that the ge!?s
(o-ers -ill hel( strengthen their bones and heal .ractures.
Tur7uoiseK 8ne o. the oldest kno-n ge!s< Tur7uoise ranges in
color .ro! sky blue to green. $ sy!bol o. balance< it is use.ul to
ha%e around in ti!es o. e!otional tur!oil. Tur7uoise is
associated -ith the ele!ents o. 9ire and 6ater.
$!berK 9ossiliEed resin ranging in color .ro! rich yello- to
dee( bro-n. $ssociated -ith the ele!ents o. &arth and
$!ethystK 4ariety o. 7uartE ranging .ro! dee( (ur(le to (ale
lilac in color< (riEed by royalty. ,elie%ed to besto- clear=
headedness u(on its -earer@ generally associated -ith the
ele!ents o. Aightning and 6ater.
$!etrineK *are bicolor %ariety o. 7uartE< incor(orating gold
citrine and (ur(le a!ethyst. $ssociated -ith the ele!ents o.
Aightning and 6ater@ understood to be an aid in .inding s(iritual
IoliteK $ clear ge!stone -hose color can .luctuate bet-een
sa((hire blue and %iolet blue< de(ending on the light angle. $n
i!(ortant har!oniEing stone< iolite is belie%ed to aid in casting
out old senti!ents and bonds.
Aa(is AaEuliK Se!i(recious stone o. aEure=blue coloration
used .or orna!ental -ork@ generally considered to re(resent
success and di%ine .a%or In so!e cultures< it is also belie%ed
that -earing la(is laEuli to bed -ards o.. ill drea!s. $ssociated
-ith the ele!ents o. 9ire and 6ater@ so!eti!es also -ith
0agiciteK 2a!e .or any non=crystalline stone that has
absorbed a signi.icant 7uantity o. !agic. So!eti!es also kno-n
as ?sha!an stones<? !ost !agicite is na!ed .or the ele!ental
energy -ithin. 0agicite has a -ide %ariety o. uses@ 6ater
0agicite< .or instance< is used to !ake -ater drinkable< -hile
&arth 0agicite is (lanted to encourage a .ruit.ul har%est.
PeridotK $lso kno-n as oli%ine< (eridot co!es in a %ariety o.
shades o. green and yello- and is (riEed .or its su((osedly
reCu%enating (ro(erties. Peridot is associated -ith &arth and
6ind< though the yello- %arieties ha%e also been linked to the
ele!ent o. Aightning.
/arnetK $lthough (o(ularly kno-n as a red ge!stone< garnet
e'ists in e%ery color e'ce(t blue. Its association -ith (ro(erties
o. %ision and illu!ination !akes it a (o(ular re!edy .or (oor
eyesight@ it is also incor(orated into char!s to (rotect against
darkness< illusion< and !is.ortune. *ed garnet is associated -ith
the ele!ent o. 9ire.
,erylK 0ore (ro(erly kno-n as ?golden beryl<? this radiant
yello- ge! has been (riEed .or its beauty since anti7uity.
$ssociated -ith the ele!ent o. &arth.
Clear StoneK $ collecti%e ter! .or ge!stones drained o. color
through !agical (rocesses. Such translucent Ce-els are ty(ically
.ound in larger ?(ockets? o. clear< though %alueless !inerals@ the
(rocess re7uired to e'tract the! is long and arduous< and
accounts .or !uch o. their %alue.
8ny'K $ black 7uartE so!eti!es dis(laying alternating bands o.
black and -hite< belie%ed to be an aid in decision=!aking and
.inding oneDs o-n destiny. 8ny' is associated -ith the ele!ent
o. Shado-.
8(alK /e!stone -ith a -ide s(ectru! o. colors< the !ost
(recious o. -hich incor(orate !any N.lashesD o. color. It
associated -ith the ele!ents o. Ice or Aightning< de(ending on
its coloration. Thin sheets o. o(al -ere used in ar!orcra.ting in
the (ast< (laying into an ancient su(erstition that o(als could
hide a -earer .ro! sight in ti!es o. great danger.
S(heneK *anges in color .ro! yello- or green to black. Too
brittle .or use as a ring stone< S(hene is generally incor(orated
into (endants and brooches. S(hene is associated -ith the
ele!ents o. &arth and Aightning.
Tour!alineK 0ost co!!only black in color< though !any other
%arieties e'ist@ red and green tour!aline are %alued as
decorati%e ge!stones. $ssociated -ith the ele!ents o. 6ind
and &arth.
$7ua!arineK Trans(arent ge! that ranges .ro! sea=green to
(ale blue in color@ traditionally seen as a sy!bol o. youth< ho(e
and health. :sually associated -ith the ele!ent o. 6ater.
$rcanaK $ Ce-el that i!(risons the soul o. a li%ing creature.
8nly once the stone is s!ashed can a creature ca(tured thus
ho(e to .ind its eternal rest.
ChrysoberylK $ rare yello- ge!stone@ also .ound in bro-n and
green %arieties. $ssociated -ith the ele!ents o. Aightning and
/osheniteK $ colorless %ariety o. beryl< the sa!e ge!stone
grou( incor(orating a7ua!arine and e!erald. /oshenite is
associated -ith the ele!ents o. Ice and 6ind.
AeestoneK $n goldish=bro-n crystalline ore generally reser%ed
.or use in alche!ical e'(eri!ents. Des(ite its rarity< leestoneDs
tendency to so.ten o%er ti!e and brittle nature !akes it o. little
%alue as a cra.ting !aterial unless (ro(erly treated be.orehand.
0alachiteK 4ibrant bands o. green co%er the sur.ace o. this
!ineral. Particularly (riEed by healers< -ho belie%e it contains
li.e?s essence -ithin its core.
PearlK 6hile not a genuine ge!stone< (earls are .re7uently
used as a decorati%e !aterial in the sa!e !anner as ?true?
ge!s. 0agically enhanced (earls can be used to create
co!!unication de%ices< ty(ically in the .or! o. an earring.
S(inelK $ trans(arent ge!stone -ith a -ide %ariety o. colors<
including yello-< green< and %iolet. *ed s(inels are kno-n as
s(inel=rubies< and can look al!ost identical to actual rubies i. o.
su..iciently high 7uality. $ssociated -ith the ele!ents o. 6ater
and Aightning@ belie%ed to enhance the bearer?s strength.
9eystoneK *ich -ith natural !agic< these stones are o.ten
.or!ed by the o. an ele!ental.
JadeK Stronger than steel< Cade -as used by !any early
ci%iliEations to (roduce tools and -ea(ons. $lthough Cade
co!es in !any %arieties< the e!erald green o. Cadeite is by .ar
the !ost (o(ular. Jade is associated -ith the ele!ents o. &arth
and 6ind.
PainiteK ,elie%ed to be a!ong the rarest !inerals< -ith only a
hand.ul o. s(eci!ens in e'istence@ .aceted (ainite crystals are
e%en rarer. Color ranges .ro! orange=red to reddish bro-n.
*ainbo-iteK $ rare se%en=hued Ce-el -hose color changes
-hen in contact -ith certain ty(es o. !agic. :sed (ri!arily .or
decorati%e (ur(oses.
To(aEK ,est kno-n as a golden=bro-n ge!< though it is also
.ound in rich red %arieties in rare cases. $ %ariety o. legends
surround to(aE@ it has been (rescribed curati%e (ro(erties
-hich are said to -a' and -ane -ith the !oon< but also
denounced .or shar(ening the aggressi%e tendencies o. its
holders. $ssociated -ith the ele!ent o. 9ire.
CrystalK Crystals are .or!ed by the natural condensation o.
(ure ele!ental energy< and also called N-iEard stones.D Crystals
are categoriEed according to the energy that .or!ed the!< and
can range in siEe .ro! s!all .rag!ents to natural clusters !any
!en high. Crystals can both a!(li.y and absorb !agic< and are
a %ital (art o. the natural ebb and .lo- o. !ana in the -orld.
Dia!ondK Ty(ically colorless ge! reno-ned .or its hardness.
2oted in (o(ular lore as an e!bodi!ent o. strength and
courage< large dia!onds ha%e been used in the (ast to cra.t
e'ce(tional -ea(ons and ar!or. :sually associated -ith the
ele!ent o. Aightning.
&!eraldK Called the ?healer?s stone<? e!erald is a ge!stone
.ound in green and blue=green hues. So!e besto- the stone
-ith oracular (ro(erties@ licking it< it is said< !ay allo- a !an to
see into the .uture. $ssociated -ith the ele!ent o. 6ind and the
.orce o. Ai.e.
*ubyK *ubies co!e in a %ariety o. translucent red hues< and
-ere belie%ed to besto- health< -isdo! and luck in lo%e u(on
their -earers. *ubies are traditionally associated -ith the
ele!ent o. 9ire.
Sa((hireK $ dee( blue ge!stone historically -orn by royalty as
a (rotection against both (oison and en%y. Sa((hire is
associated -ith the ele!ent o. 6ind.
$ngelstoneK $ rare %ariety o. o(al distinguished by its striated
i%ory=-hite coloration. $ssociated -ith the +oly ele!ent.
DeathstoneK $ rare %ariety o. ony' distinguished by its striated
black coloration. $ssociated -ith the Shado- ele!ent.
+alcyonK $ stone created u(on the death o. the (o-er.ul
ele!entals kno-n as entites. The color o. a halcyon can %ary
greatly de(ending on the &le!ent o. !agic that birthed it.
+igh $rcanaK 6ithin the de(ths o. this lu!inous stone are
contained the souls o. a !ultitude o. creatures< i!(risoned by
(o-er.ul !agic. +igh $rcana are used in a -ide %ariety o. areas<
and can !ake (o-er.ul curati%e draughts such as 0egali'irs.
8rdryniteK $ golden=bro-n !ineral that shines brightly -hen
e'(osed to light. 4alued .or its rarity as -ell as its un(aralleled
energy=generating (otential@ a single .rag!ent o. ordrynite can
(o-er e%en co!(le' !achinery such as airshi(s .or !any
Sky Je-elK These translucent beads glo- -ith di%ine (o-er.
Po(ular legend has it that these unusual ge!s are the bodies o.
the bra%e and %irtuous< trans.or!ed u(on the release o. their
soul to the hea%ens.
0etal is used in !aking !ost ty(es o. -ea(ons as -ell as hea%y
ar!or and Ce-elry such as rings.
,rassK $n yello-ish alloy co!(osed o. t-o (arts co((er to one
(art Einc. :sed (ri!arily .or utensils and orna!ents.
,ronEeK $n allo- o. co((er and tin< so!eti!es rein.orced -ith
trace a!ounts o. other !etals.
Co((erK $ highly abundant reddish=bro-n !etal !ined and
s!ithed .or !any centuries@ a %ital co!(onent o. the alloys
bronEe and brass.
IronK 8ne o. the co!!onest !etals. Color ranges .ro! dee(
bro-n to gray< -hite and sil%er< de(ending on (urity.
TinK ,rittle -hen heated< tin is generally alloyed -ith other
!etals > iron > in order to i!(ro%e their ability to resist
$lu!iniu!K $ so.t< ductile !etal -ith a signi.icant resistance to
Sil%erK Co!!only used in decorati%e Ce-elry< orna!ental
-ea(onry and cutlery@ a durable !etal -ith a (leasant lustre.
6hile not as sought=a.ter as gold< it nonetheless holds a certain
aesthetic %alue.
SteelK Iron alloy rein.orced -ith carbon and > in rarer cases >
!anganese. SteelDs .ir!< strong nature !akes it an ideal
!aterial .or cra.ting ar!s and ar!or.
/oldK $ so.t yello- !etal highly (riEed .or generations< its
sheen has taken hold on e%erything .ro! cro-ns to colu!ns.
:ni%ersally a((reciated and al!ost e7ually acce(table.
+aganeK $n alloy o. bronEe and iron used to .orge -ea(ons like
0ythrilK 8nly .ound dee( underground< this !agic=laced sil%er
is (riEed .or its durability and lightness. /ra%ely to'ic in its
unre.ined .or!< its tendency to gi%e o.. (oison .u!es during the
re.ine!ent (rocess has s(elled the end o. !ore than one
a!ateur !ythril=s!ith.
Pink Sil%erK 0inute in.usions o. !agic gi%e certain sil%er ores a
so.t and rosy glo-.
DarksteelK $ !agically=enriched alloy hardened -ith the
e'(enditure o. Shado- ele!ental energy during the .orging
(rocess. Ty(ically used in the creation o. Dark ;night
Aight SteelK Puri.ied steel care.ully in.used -ith both Aight and
Aightning energy during the .orging (rocess can be sha(ed into
light steel by a skilled s!ith. Its (ro(erties !ake it a natural
choice .or cra.ting Paladin gear.
Pink /oldK Indistinguishable .ro! ordinary gold at .irst glance<
(ink gold -ill gi%e o.. a red glo- -hen e'(osed to light o%er
longer (eriods o. ti!e.
6hite Sil%erK Sil%er ore in.used -ith Ice energy. This !etal is
cold to the touch< and turns colder the longer it is held@ an
incautious s!ith can easily .rostbite -hen -orking -ith
this !aterial.
,o!b SteelK Steel treated -ith ,o!b .rag!ents< in.using it
-ith 9ire ele!ental energy.
0oonsil%erK $ sil%er=-hite !etal that see!s to glo- -ith a light
o. its o-n. Scarcity and so.tness !eans it is used (ri!arily .or
cra.ting !e!entos.
Pure Sil%erK Sil%er ore turned utterly translucent by long=ter!
e'(osure to !agic. ,ecause it retains the strength and
!alleability o. traditional sil%er< (ure sil%er is highly (riEed as a
substitute .or glass in large=scale construction e..orts and
6hite /oldK *are< !agically acti%e kind o. gold ore. S!aller
.rag!ents 7uickly lose their golden color< (aling to i%ory in a
!atter o. !inutes.
6ootE SteelK $ hard steel alloy used in s-ord and katana
construction< (roduced by !i'ing iron ore< charcoal and glass
in a crucible. 6ea(ons !ade o. this alloy are reno-ned .or their
toughness and cutting (o-er.
Pure /oldK /old ore o. (ri!al (urity. Aegend says that the %ery
.irst /il -as !inted o. this !etal.
PlatinaK $n alloy o. !ythril and (latinu!< ty(ically used -here
(latinu! is in short su((ly. :sed in both -ea(ons and ar!or.
*elic IronK Iron ore .or!ed by !elting do-n ancient -ea(onry.
Ty(ically rich -ith residual !agic le.t behind by (re%ious
Cer!etK $n alche!ical .usion o. cera!ic and !etallic (articles@
both hard and e'tre!ely heat=resistant.
0ateriteK $ crystalline !etal .or!ed by (etri.ying -ood in
(laces o. high !agical acti%ity. 0aterite co!es in a -ide %ariety
o. colors and shades< but the !ost co!!on are red< blue and
Platinu!K Sil%ery=-hite in color< this hea%y !etal has an
unusual resistance to corrosion. Though ty(ically used in
Ce-elry< so!e ar!s and ar!or !ay also be .orged .ro!
$da!antiteK $ tough< greenish=hued !etal .or!ed in
deco!(osing $da!antoise shells. $da!antite is generally
re.ined into ada!an alloys and used .or a -ide range o. high=
7uality e7ui(!ent< although so!e unscru(ulous dealers !ay
atte!(t to (ass it o.. as genuine ada!ant > buyer be-are.
&%erburnK $ crystalline ore rich -ith 9ire energy< .or!ed in
(laces o. high !agic concentrations o%er countless eons.
0ysidia $lloyK 0agically (otent alloy o. ada!antite and sil%er<
ty(ically used as a chea(er substitute .or orichalcu!.
CrusiteK $ lu!inous sil%er alloy .or!ed .ro! Eodiac ore.
Though less (o-er.ul than the (ure ore< it is signi.icantly !ore
&lectru!K $ -hitish< naturally occurring alloy o. gold and sil%er<
so!eti!es also re.erred to as aurargentiu!.
&inherCariu!K 0etal containing %eins o. (ure cloudstone<
!aking it al!ost -eightless. :sed in the (roduction o. ar!or.
8richalcu!K So!eti!es called ?-hite gold.? $n unusually
radiant !etal rich in !agical (o-er< a natural a..inity that !akes
it ideal .or sta%es and s(ell=resistant ar!or. In its (urest .or!< it
gi%es o.. a distincti%e indigo glo-.
ScarletiteK $ dee( red crystalline !etal belie%ed to besto-
di%ine (rotection. In its (urest .or!< scarletite is co!(letely
resistant to te!(ering@ only ores o. lesser (urity can be -orked<
and e%en then -ith great di..iculty.
$da!antK The -orld?s rarest !etal > and so!e s(eculate it
isn?t e%en o. this -orld to begin -ith< as the .e- scant sea!s o.
the electric=blue !aterial that e'ist today see! to ha%e been le.t
by !eteorites -hich i!(acted !illennia ago. &%en .lakes o.
ada!ant !i'ed in -ith a con%entional alloy can drastically
i!(ro%e the (o-er and keenness o. a -ea(on.
0ystletainnK $ !etal su..used -ith 7uantities o. Ai.e energy so
large that the !etal itsel. gro-s and !o%es. 8nly by te!(ering
it in holy -ater can a s!ith !ake this intractable !etal
Bodiac 8reK 2a!ed .or their a((earance > a dee(< glassy black
shot through -ith golden s(ecks > these clu!(s o. !agically=
enriched !ineral ore occasionally .or! in larger !etal de(osits.
Due to the di..iculty in%ol%ed in re.ining Eodiac orestones< !any
are si!(ly used as lucky char!s by !iners. 6ea(ons created
.ro! (ure Eodiac ore< ho-e%er< are (eerless by !ost
6ood is used to !ake se%eral kinds o. Sta%es< *ods< and Shields
in addition to ,o-s and Crossbo-s.
$rro--oodK Au!ber har%ested .ro! s!all< slender< tough
trees. $s the na!e i!(lies< arro--ood is generally used in
!aking arro-s< yielding too little usable !aterial to be o. !uch
use other-ise.
,a!booK The hollo-< Cointed ste!s o. the ba!boo (lant can be
used to construct e%erything .ro! .ishing (oles to buildings.
8akK $ rough< hard -ood -idely synony!ous -ith strength and
endurance. 2o%ice !ages are usually gi%en sta%es o. this
!aterial to co!!e!orate their achie%e!ents.
*attanK $ tough -ood har%ested .ro! long (al!=ste!s. *attan
is used (ri!arily in .urniture construction and -icker-ork<
although it can also be !ade into canes and .ishing rods.
6isteriaK Thick< -oody cli!bing %ines. 6isteria does not yield
enough -ood to be use.ul on its o-n< and is usually !ade into
s!all trinkets or used in conCunction -ith other -ood ty(es.
CherryK 9ine=grained -ood ideal .or the construction o. sta%es.
ChestnutK $ light< coarse -ood used .or orna!ental -ork and
.urniture. 6eaker -ands and sta%es !ay be constructed o.
chestnut@ it is also a (o(ular choice .or !ythril -ea(onsD
handles and gri(s.
&l!K $ hard< tough -ood used .or i!(le!ents and .urniture.
0ay also be used in the construction o. katana and ninCa kni%es.
+ollyK $ hea%y< .ine=grained -hite lu!ber -ith a !ultitude o.
uses< including shields< .urniture and -ea(on handles.
6illo-K $ strong< light-eight -ood (ri!arily used in the
construction o. bo-s.
$shK Strong< elastic -ood used in .urniture construction< as -ell
as handles .or a -ide %ariety o. tools and -ea(ons. Particularly
use.ul in the cra.ting o. high=7uality crossbo- bolts.
0a(leK +ard and close=grained< !a(le -ood is used .or
.looring< .urniture and tools. It is also a (o(ular choice .or a'e=
6alnutK $ hard -ood< dark bro-n in color. :sed .or .urniture >
in (articular cabinets == as -ell as gunstocks.
5e-K $ co!(act< .ine=grained red -ood used in the
cra.ting o. bo-s< -hi(stocks and scythe handles.
CedarK S!ooth< barkless -ood.
0oon-oodK $ so.t< sil%er=tinged -ood. $lthough easily car%ed<
its .ragility !eans !oon-ood use is generally con.ined to
decorati%e -ork.
*ose-oodK +ard -ood< reddish to dark in coloration. $lthough
!ainly used in cabinet-ork< so!e %arieties o. instru!ent !ay
be also cra.ted .ro! rose-ood.
&bonyK $ tough< dark -ood (ri!arily used in the construction
o. high=7uality sta%es and orna!ental .urniture.
0ahoganyK This e'tre!ely hard -ood is ty(ically reddish=
bro-n in color and e'tensi%ely %eined. Its (olished sheen has
!ade it a (o(ular choice .or decorati%e .urniture< crossbo-s
and guns.
*o-anK This dense -ood is ca(able o. storing !agical energy
in unusually large 7uantities. $s a result< it is a (re.erred
!aterial .or sta%es< -ands and rods.
Stradi-oodK Dark< dense -ood (o(ular -ith instru!ent=!akers
due to its uni7ue acoustic 7ualities.
4ari-oodK This -ood ranges in color .ro! -hite to light
cara!el. Co!bined -ith stradi-ood< it creates instru!ents o.
inco!(arable 7uality.
Danbuk-oodK This dark< iron=hard -ood is di..icult to -ork< but
can be used to !ake e..ecti%e blades and ar!or.
Di%ine 6oodK Au!ber har%ested .ro! .orests rich in natural
+oly energies. 6hite 0ages .a%or di%ine -ood .or sta%es -ith
curati%e (ro(erties.
$ncient 6oodK $lso kno-n as eldest -ood< ancient -ood is
(etri.ied lu!ber har%ested .ro! the re!ains o. trees -hose age
stretches into the centuries. $side .ro! its -eathered
toughness< ancient -ood is also hea%ily !agical in nature<
re.lecting the ele!ental energies accu!ulated o%er the treeDs
S(oils are the useable by=(roducts o. ani!als and !onsters<
running the ga!ut .ro! bones to hides and digesti%e li7uids.
Si!ilarly di%erse are the (otential a((licationsK 0alboro
tentacles can be turned into -hi(s and harnesses< sli!e oil is a
%aluable alche!ical ingredient< dragon scales are use.ul .or
creating s(ell=resistant ar!or< and so .orth. $l!ost all
!onsters can (roduce at least so!e kind o. s(oils< though
these !ust .irst be e'tracted -ith the Sca%enge Skill and then
.urther (rocessed be.ore they can be used .or cra.ting and
re.ining (ur(oses. 8n a%erage< the Tier o. a !onster?s s(oils
-ill be e7ual to F0onster?s Ae%el X 10H< though the /0 !ay
raise or lo-er this as they see .it.
The .ollo-ing list reca(s so!e o. the !ost i!(ortant conce(ts
introduced in this cha(ter .or 7uick re.erence.
$ccessory. &nchanted relics used to boost a characterDs
$ccessory Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used to e7ui( $ccessories.
$rti.act. $ (iece o. e7ui(!ent -hich !ay not be bought in
stores< but can be .ound !ulti(le ti!es.
$%ailability *ating. $ nu!erical re(resentation o. an ite!Ds
general rarity.
$%ailability *oll. $ dQ roll !ade to see -hether an ite! is in
stock. The target nu!ber is the ite!Ds $%ailability *ating.
,ody Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used to e7ui( 0ail< Suits and
Cra.t Point. 0easure o. ra- !aterials. Consu!ed to create
&7ui(!ent $bility. S(ecial (ro(erties tied to a gi%en (iece o.
&7ui(!ent Tier. $ nu!ber .ro! 1 to 10< !easuring an
ite!?s general rarity.
&7ui((ed. Ter! used .or e7ui(!ent the character -ears or
kee(s to hand.
+ands Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used to e7ui( $r!-ear and
+ead Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used to e7ui( +ats and +el!ets.
In%entory Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used .or (otions< thro-ing
-ea(ons< a!!unition and other NlooseD ite!s.
Aegendary. $ (iece o. e7ui(!ent that only e'ists once on
any gi%en -orld.
Shield Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used to e7ui( a Shield< second
6ea(on or t-o=handed 6ea(on.
6ea(on Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used to e7ui( a 6ea(on.
Enough e:pository banter. It"s
ti$e e fight as $en. An! #a!ies.
An! #a!ies ho !ress #i%e $en.&
/i%en the sheer nu!ber o. .iendish !onsters and e%il e!(ires
-aiting to be %an7uished in the na!e o. Custice< it shouldn?t be
sur(rising that co!bat is an una%oidable (art o. day=to=day li.e
in the -orld o. 9inal 9antasy. This section co%ers these
encounters > and !ore i!(ortantly< ho- to e!erge .ro! the!
ali%e. The cha(ter itsel. is di%ided into an o%er%ie- o. so!e
.unda!ental (rinci(les not co%ered in Cha(ter 1< .ollo-ed by
an e'a!ination o. ho- the three Phases -ork in co!bat.
9ollo-ing this is an o%er%ie- o. so!e s(ecial situations in
99*P/ co!bat.
,attles -ithin the 99*P/ are structured in a relati%ely
straight.or-ard !anner. The .ollo-ing rules are co!!on to
e%ery .ight< regardless o. scale.
Ro4nds and T4rns
To !ake the .lo- o. co!bat !ore !anageable< all battles are
di%ided u( into a nu!ber o. *ounds< -ith e%ery *ound .urther
broken do-n into Initiati%e< $ction< and Status Phases. The
$ction Phase is di%ided into a nu!ber o. turns@ this is the s(ace
o. ti!e during -hich indi%idual co!batants act. During their
turns< co!batants !ay !ake one or !ore $ctions< de(ending
on their Job< e7ui(!ent and other circu!stances.
Criti2al Hits and !4tomati2 0isses
In co!bat< ,otches and Critical Successes o(erate a little
di..erently than they -ould under nor!al circu!stances. 6hen
rolling to hit during an $ttack $ction< a result o. 1 to 10 on a d
Q is considered to be a Critical +it < doing Z100Q da!age
and striking -ith an unusually .la!boyant %isual e..ect in the
$ roll o. "1 to 100< on the other hand< is al-ays an
$uto!atic 0iss< regardless o. the characterDs 6ea(on Skill
*ating and the targetDs &%asion. $dditional (enalties .or
$uto!atic 0isses !ay be a((lied at the /a!e!aster?s
discretion. 2ote that this a((lies to $ttacks only@ $uto!atic
0isses and Critical Successes ha%e no e..ects on S(ells or
$s e'(lained in Cha(ter 1< !ost $bilities and other attacks
ha%e a li!ited range o. e..ect< de.ined by its NTargetD ty(e. 8. the
.i%e (ossible Targets< t-o > Sel. and $ll > are sel.=e'(lanatory.
The re!aining three< ho-e%er< re7uire a little !ore de.inition.
$ Single target is > as the na!e i!(lies > a single co!batant<
.riendly or ene!y. Such targets !ay be (icked out o. a larger
.or!ation< or e'ist si!(ly because the PCs are .ighting against
one (o-er.ul .oe.
The Party si!(ly consists o. a co!batant and their i!!ediate
allies in the area. /enerally< this target ty(e is used .or
bene.icial e..ects -hich auto!atically a..ect allied co!batants<
such as the 6hite 0agic S(ell 4accine. 9or balance reasons<
Parties are li!ited to nine co!batants at a ti!e@ i. there are
!ore allies on the battle.ield than this< the co!batant !ust
decide -hich o. their co!rades are co%ered by the e..ect in
/rou(s are .or!ations o. co!batants u( to nine strong<
.riend or .oe. This target ty(e is used .or e..ects that can be
turned on allies as -ell as ene!ies< inclusi%e o. !ost o..ensi%e
$bilities. I. !ore than nine %alid o((onents > or allies > e'ist<
the co!batant using the $bility decides -hich nine are targeted.
,oth Parties and /rou(s ha%e a NcoherencyD -hich assu!es
that all !e!bers o. that res(ecti%e .or!ation kee( roughly
-ithin three or .our !eters o. one another< but this does not
need to be strictly en.orced unless large distances are in%ol%ed
> t-o !onsters se(arated by nearly 40 !eters< .or instance<
clearly should not count as a single /rou( .or (ur(oses o.
calculating targets %is=^=%is a -ell=ai!ed Thundaga S(ell.
! ;ealin. Ait ("ltiple Gro"ps
The ?/rou(? designation is (ur(osely li!ited in nu!bers to
a%oid o%erkill -ith area e..ects. ,ecause o. this< it is not
reco!!ended that these li!its be ignored. 9or larger
co!bats< encounters can be s(lit into !ulti(le /rou(s< but
the a!ount o. book=kee(ing in%ol%ed in !ay bog do-n the
.lo- o. the ga!e. $s an alternati%e< attacks by larger grou(s
o. o((onents can be (layed out as V-a%esW > the .irst /rou(
o. !onsters attacks the (layers@ once they ha%e been
de.eated< the second /rou( enters co!bat< and so .orth.
This kee(s the nu!ber o. co!batants to a !anageable range
-hile still si!ulating the e..ects o. attrition -ith a large
nu!ber o. o((onents.
:nless they are TargetK $ll or Sel.< $ttacks and $bilities re7uire
the co!batant to declare a %alid target -hen using the!. In
!ost cases< a %alid target is both acti%e > in other -ords< hasn?t
been reduced to 0 +P or re!o%ed .ro! the battle > and %isible.
Co!batants a..ected by the 4anish Status Condition or hiding
out o. sight or behind co%er are not %alid targets under nor!al
circu!stances. +o-e%er< they -ill be a..ected as nor!al i. the
/rou( or Party they currently belong to is targeted by an e..ect.
Si!ilarly< inca(acitated o((onents are not considered %alid
targets .or !ost $ctions@ the only e'ce(tions are e..ects that
e'(licitly a..ect :nconscious co!batants< such as Ai.e or an Ite!
$ction using a Phoeni' Do-n.
Choice o. target is .urther restricted by the target ty(e o. the
e..ect being used. In case o. Single targets< this -ill be relati%ely
straight.or-ard@ the co!batant selects one o((onent or ally FVI
thro- an &li'ir at 9ood the 0age.WH and then resol%es the
e..ects o. the action. /rou(s are !ore co!(le'< but only
!arginally so. I. there bet-een one and nine o((onents on the
battle.ield< a TargetK /rou( e..ect -ill hit all o. the!< or can be
turned on a Party o. u( to nine PCs or 2PCs. I. there are !ore
than nine o((onents on the battle.ield< the co!batant !ust
select -hich nine they -ish to target< (ro%ided they close
enough to .or! a %alid /rou(.
Single and /rou( e..ects can be turned on allies and oneDs o-n
Party res(ecti%ely< although under !ost circu!stances< (layers
-ill re.rain .ro! baking their tea!=!ates -ith a 9iraga. There
are e'ce(tions< though. 8ne (o(ular tactic in%ol%es casting a
S(ell on an ally under the *e.lect Status< resulting in an
unblockable attack that can e%en by(ass an o((onentDs o-n
8ther situations arise as a result o. certain Status Conditions.
Slee(< Con.use< +eat< and 9roEen can all be canceled by
in.licting a certain ty(e o. da!age on the target@ rather than
-ait .or the Condition to -ear o..< the %icti!Ds allies !ay .ind it
!ore e'(edient to si!(ly attack the! and .orcibly cancel it.
Co!batants a..ected by the Status Condition Char! or the
$bility Control !ay -ell end u( attacking their o-n allies or
healing their s-orn o((onents. 9or (ur(oses o. targeting<
ho-e%er< the NtraitorD is (art o. their original /rou( or Party. 9or
e'a!(le< i. a !onster ai!s a Thundara at a (arty that includes
an o((onent itDs success.ully Char!ed< that o((onent -ould
still be hit > attacks that a..ect an entire .or!ation al-ays a..ect
e%eryone -ithin that .or!ation< regardless o. -hich NsideD they
are currently .ighting .or.
Certain e..ects like Con.use call .or a Nrando!ly deter!inedD
target. In such cases< si!(ly roll a dQ .or e%ery eligible
co!batant > the one -ith the highest roll is the one a..ected.
The de.inition o. NeligibleD -ill usually be gi%en -ith the e..ect in
7uestionK a Nrando!ly deter!ined o((onentD !eans rolling .or
all o((onents on the battle.ield@ a Nrando!ly deter!ined allyD
!eans rolling .or all allies. I. neither is e'(licitly stated< !ake a
roll .or all acti%e co!batants.
*ange is not intended to be a !aCor .actor in !ost 99*P/
battles. In the e=ga!es< co!bat tended to be restricted to areas
s!all enough that characters and !onster could stare each
other straight in the .ace< reducing the a!ount o. !o%e!ent to
a bare !ini!u!. 99*P/ battles !ay be !ore e'(ansi%e than
this< but .or the !ost (art< it?s easiest to assu!e that e%erybody
re!ains -ithin easy !o%e!ent distance o. each other and the
only (ractical di..erence bet-een *anged and 0elee attacks is
the *eactions they trigger.
I. range e%er beco!es an actual .actor in or out o. co!bat<
use the .ollo-ing guidelinesK
U0eleeU !eans u( close and (ersonal@ accordingly< 0elee
e..ects can only be used -ithin 1 to 3 !eters o. a target. I.
Status Conditions< terrain< or other circu!stances !ake it
i!(ossible to close to this range< no 0elee e..ects !ay be used.
*anged e..ects can hit .ro! a distance< !aking the! !ore
con%enient in situations -here 0elee e..ects cannot be used. ,y
de.ault< *anged e..ects can a..ect targets u( to 11 !eters a-ay@
e'ce(tions to the rule -ill ha%e their !a'i!u! e..ecti%e range
gi%en in (arentheses. *anged F30H< .or e'a!(le< !eans that the
e..ect can reach u( to 30 !eters.
,oth /rou( and Party e..ects radiate out o%er a circular area
roughly 10 !eters in dia!eter< a..ecting any eligible target e%en
(artially -ithin its reach. In=ga!e< the siEe o. the area -ill be a
!oot (oint !ost o. the ti!e > because co!batants ha%e to be
in close (ro'i!ity to 7uali.y as a /rou( or Party under the
99*P/ rules and the siEe o. either .or!ation is e'(licitly li!ited<
(layers should ne%er -orry about -hether or not they can
s7ueeEe e%erything in the /rou( into the range o. a 9iraga.
&..ects -ith TargetK $ll radiate out to co%er a circular area
roughly 10 !eters in dia!eter. 0ost 99*P/ battles are s!all
enough in scale to ensure that they -ill utterly consu!ed by an
$ll e..ect@ in larger con.licts< an $ll e..ect -ill still be cataclys!ic<
albeit only to a s!aller (ortion o. the o%erall engage!ent.
,ecause the Nty(icalD 9inal 9antasy battle takes (lace in a
relati%ely con.ined s(ace< !ost !o%e!ent in co!bat is assu!ed
to be too tri%ial to kee( track o.. +o-e%er< on larger battle.ields<
ho- .ast characters can !o%e .ro! Point $ to Point , can start
being an issue. In this case< use the .ollo-ing guidelinesK
During their turns< co!batants can !o%e a distance in !eters
e7ual to their SPD $ttributes -ithout (enalty. This distance
does not ha%e to be co%ered all at once< and !ay be s(lit into
se(arate !o%e!ents be.ore as -ell as a.ter an $ction has been
S(ending an $ction e'clusi%ely on !o%e!ent allo-s a
co!batant to !o%e a distance in !eters e7ual to FCo!batant?s
SPD ' #H. $ character -ith an SPD o. #0< .or instance< could
!o%e 40 !eters -ith each $ction s(ent on !o%e!ent.
The kind o. terrain a co!batant !o%es o%er -ill a..ect ho- .ar
they can !o%e > logically< dashing across .lat and solid ground
-ill get you .urther than trying to do the sa!e in a dense Cungle
rich -ith cree(ers and %ines. To !ake it easier .or /0s to
decide ho- terrain a..ects !o%e!ent< all battle.ield terrain can
be broken into one o. .i%e categories.
Standard Terrain is e'actly that > areas that are assu!ed to
be the nor! .or co!bat !o%e!ent. Standard Terrain has no
e..ect on !o%e!ent > co!batants !o%e across it at the nor!al
Di..icult Terrain slo-s co!batants? !o%e!ent by s!aller but
still noticeable a!ounts. 6hen tra%ersing Di..icult Terrain< the
total distance a co!batant can !o%e is reduced by #1Q.
&'a!(les o. Di..icult Terrain include light sno-< shallo- -ater<
and unsteady ground.
$d%erse Terrain has a signi.icant e..ect on co!batants?
!o%e!ent. 6hen tra%ersing $d%erse Terrain< the total distance
a co!batant can !o%e is reduced by 10Q. Dee( sno- and ice
are both e'a!(les o. $d%erse Terrain.
I!(assable Terrain is e'actly -hat the na!e i!(lies > areas
o. the battle.ield that cannot be crossed under nor!al
circu!stances< !aking the! e..ecti%ely o..=li!its to co!batants
-ithout 9loat or 9ly. In the unlikely e%ent that a co!batant ends
u( thro-n into I!(assable Terrain< the result is usually &Cection
or instant death. ,otto!less (its< ra%ines< and la%a .ields are all
e'a!(les o. I!(assable Terrain.
6ater (resents a case uni7ue enough to -arrant a terrain
category o. its %ery o-n. I. the -ater !erely reaches to the
co!batant?s -aist< it is considered $d%erse Terrain. I. the
co!batant has to actually s-i! or di%e through it< ho-e%er< it is
not only counted as $d%erse Terrain< but re7uires the! to
de%ote all o. their actions to !o%e!ent and !o%e!ent alone .or
as long as they re!ain in the -ater.
Co!batants -ith 0o%e=6ater or S-i!!ing at a rating o. 0 or
higher !ay !ake $ctions as nor!al -hilst in -ater. The sa!e
a((lies to any co!batants -ith technological or !agical
,eing able to de.y the clutches o. gra%ity naturally !akes one
!ore !obile in battle. Co!batants under the e..ects o. 9loat
ignore all !o%e!ent !odi.iers .or terrain< but cannot cannot
!ake 9ull=0o%e $ctions@ Co!batants -ith 9light ignore all
!o%e!ent !odi.iers -hile .lying< and no (enalties .or
doing so.
7oing 7amage
The ulti!ate goal o. co!bat is to in.lict enough da!age on
oneDs o((onents to (er!anently (ut the! out o. co!!ission<
or subdue the! long enough to !ake a clean geta-ay. 6hile
si!(le in (rinci(le< the s(eci.ics are a little !ore in%ol%ed than
i!!ediately a((arent.
:nless other-ise noted< da!age done by attacks is a((lied to
all co!batants targeted by the!< then !odi.ied by each
indi%idual co!batantDs $*0 or 0. $*0 to deter!ine the actual
da!age in.licted. I. a 9ira S(ell in.licting )0 da!age hit three
!onsters -ith 0. $*0 10< #0 and 30 res(ecti%ely< .or instance<
they -ould lose 10< 40 and 30 +P.
! Sin.leJGro"p
S(ells -ith the SingleX/rou( designation allo- the caster to
s(lit the e..ects o%er a larger grou( .or reduced e..ecti%eness.
Such S(ells do 100Q o. the listed da!age to Single
co!batants and 71Q da!age to /rou(s.
In as -ell as out o. battle< a distinction is !ade bet-een a
co!batantDs NcurrentD +it and 0agic Points and their N!a'i!u!D
%alues. The !a'i!u! %alue is e7ual to the +it and 0agic Points
generated at character creation< (lus any bonuses gained .ro!
Ae%els and e7ui(!ent. The current %alue is the !a'i!u! %alue<
!odi.ied by any gains or losses o. +it and 0agic Points o%er the
course o. the battle. 9or instance< an uninCured co!batant -ith
a !a'i!u! +P %alue o. 40 begins the battle -ith a current +P
%alue o. 40. I. he loses 10 +it Points to an attack in the .irst
*ound< his current +P %alue dro(s to 30< though his !a'i!u!
%alue re!ains una..ected. The current %alue can ne%er e'ceed
the !a'i!u! %alue@ i. a co!batant regains !ore +it or 0agic
Points than their !a'i!u! %alue< the e'cess is lost.
6hat ha((ens -hen a co!batant is reduced to 0 or .e-er +it
Points de(ends on -ho they are. In case o. !ost !onsters and
other 2PCs< it -ill !ean they are dis(osed o. and take no
.urther (art in the battle. 9or !ore (o-er.ul o((onents< the
results !ay %ary@ they !ay shi.t to another incarnation< die
s(ectacularly< or !erely tele(ort to sa.ety< %o-ing to return and
take their re%enge another day.
6hen a PC reaches 0 or .e-er +P< they are rendered
:nconscious > not in any i!!ediate danger o. death< but in
no (osition to continue .ighting. :nconscious characters
generate no Initiati%e< and there.ore neither !o%e nor act
during the course o. a *ound. $ll Status Conditions a..ecting the
character > e'ce(ting the Condition Stone and any Trans.or!=
ty(e Conditions > are auto!atically canceled< regardless o. their
re!aining ti!ers. $uto=Status Conditions resu!e e..ect only
once the PC is back on his or her .eet.
:nconscious PCs cannot regain +it Points .ro! !ost
*eco%ery e..ects. The only things ca(able o. restoring the! are
Ite!s and S(ells that s(eci.ically a..ect an :nconscious
co!batant. 8nce their +it Points ha%e been restored to 1 or
greater< they are no longer considered :nconscious< and !ay
once again generate Initiati%e. $lternately< PCs !ay also be
re%i%ed through recu(eration at a /0Ds discretion > see
Cha(ter " .or !ore details on this.
Initiati%e in co!bat is generated as outlined in Cha(ter 1<
though certain Status Conditions and $bilities !ay a..ect the
outco!e o. the Initiati%e rolls. 8nce all Initiati%es ha%e been
generated< the Initiati%e Phase ends@ the *ound !o%es into the
$ction Phase.
? *nitiati,e in Action (1)
+a%ing esca(ed their cell< our heroes no- !ake a des(erate
break .or .reedo!Y and encounter trouble along the -ay.
*odger F/0HK Deathsight?s dungeon see!s to stretch on
into an in.inity o. dank !etallic staircases. 8ccasionally<
stea!ing %ents and rattling chains break u( the !onotony@
strange lights .lash in the gloo!< indicators .or so!e
!ysterious de%ice buried dee( in the -alls. 5ouDre Cust
starting at catch your breath at the to( o. the third set o.
ste(s -hen a blue light illu!inates the gloo!y stair-ell. Then
another == .ootste(s gro- louder< underscored by so.t< tinny
clinks. 5ou ste( back instincti%ely as t-o o. Deathsight?s
!echanical guards round the corner@ tailing the! is a
grotes7ue asse!blage o. gears and stea! (i(es bent into a
%aguely hound=like sha(e< oil dri((ing .ro! the crushed !etal
o. its head. The .irst guard buEEes -ith sur(rise as he notices
you< then reaches .or his s-ord.
*ob F+iroHK +iro shakes his head as he unholsters his gun.
V2o turning back no-. AetDs get Ne!IW
*odgerK &%erybody else is .ollo-ingG
Carl F;u!aniHK The only -ay backDs do-n to the dungeons
again. 6eD%e got to kee( going.
0 F+aEeHK Sure thing.
*odgerK *oll initiati%es.
*obK FrollingH DDoh. #. Plus S(eed 1 e7uals 7.
0K FrollingH ) (lus S(eed e7uals 14.
,lairK FrollingH +ey< a 10I Y(lus S(eed e7uals 1.
CarlK FrollingH ). Plus S(eed e7ualsY 14.
*odger rolls in secret< co!ing u( -ith a 1< 1 and 3. The t-o
/uards ha%e SPD 1< so their Initiati%es are ) and 10@ the 8ily
9ang has SPD 7< co!ing u( -ith an Initiati%e o. 10.
? *nitiati,e in Action (2)
*odgerK *ight. 8rder o. initiati%e is 0int -ith 1< ;u!ani -ith
14< +aEe -ith 13< 8ily 9ang -ith 10< /uard , -ith 10< /uard
$ -ith ...
9or re.erenceDs sake< *odger distinguishes bet-een the
/uards by assigning the! letter codes. This -ill hel( kee(
do-n con.usion bet-een (layers in a .ight -here t-o o. their
o((onents are o. the sa!e ene!y ty(e.
*odgerK Yand +iro -ith 7.
The *ound?s ti!er begins at 1 ticks > 0int?s Initiati%e > -ith
0int taking the .irst turn.
Confli2ting Initiati6es
The abo%e e'a!(le (oses an interesting 7uestion > -hat
ha((ens -hen !ulti(le co!batants generate the sa!e Initiati%e
scoreG 6hile the co!batants in 7uestion still take their turns on
the sa!e tick< the co!batant -ith the highest SPD auto!atically
has the .irst turn< the co!batant -ith the ne't=highest SPD the
second< and so .orth. In the e'a!(le< both /uard , and the 8ily
9ang started -ith an Initiati%e o. 10< yet the 9ang acted .irst< as
it had the higher SPD %alue o. the t-o. I. the 9ang and the
/uard had had identical SPD $ttributes< ho-e%er< they -ould
ha%e been deadlocked. In this case< *odger -ould ha%e had to
roll a d10 .or both to resol%e the situation@ -hoe%er rolled
highest -ould then act .irst.
The $ction Phase !akes u( the bulk o. each *ound. During this
(eriod o. ti!e< co!batants can cast s(ells< use s(ecial (o-ers<
!ake attacks< and re(osition the!sel%es. 8nce all !o%e!ent
and $ctions ha%e been dealt -ith< the *ound !o%es into the
Status Phase.
Co!bat is a co!(le' s-irl o. acti%ities and !anue%ers< ranging
.ro! si!(ly striking a (ose to clea%ing de!ons in t-ain -ith a
-ell=(laced s-ord=stroke. 9or the sake o. kee(ing things si!(le<
the 99*P/ grou(s these acti%ities into t-o broad headings.
Bero $ctions are tri%ial $ctions< and consu!e less ti!e and
e..ort than a .ull=blo-n $ction. $ character !ay !ake u( to t-o
Bero $ctions each turn. So!e e'a!(les o. Bero $ctions includeK
Co!bat 0o%e!ent. ,ecause co!batants can .reely attack
each other by de.ault< al!ost all attacks are assu!ed to include
a certain a!ount o. !o%e!ent. $ character !aking a standard
!elee attack< .or instance< -ould .irst need to run u( to her
target to deli%er the blo-< then retreat to sa.ety be.ore said
target could strike back. This kind o. !o%e!ent is called
Co!bat 0o%e!ent< and treated as a Bero $ction. 0ore
e'tensi%e !o%e!ent re7uires an $ction as nor!al.
Co!!unication. Co!!unication is an i!(ortant (art o.
battle< e%en i. it is used .or nothing !ore than idle boasting and
taunts. Procla!ations FV6atch out .or its lightning attackIWH and
ten= to thirty=second con%ersations are both treated as Bero
Style 0o%es. S!all actions (ri!arily !eant to sho- a
character?s (ersonality in co!bat > (ausing to adCust one?s
slee%es< .le'ing a.ter a success.ul strike< .li((ing aside an
i!!aculately=styled length o. hair be.ore deli%ering a .inishing
*eactions. The .inal< and arguably !ost i!(ortant< e'a!(le
o. a Bero $ction. ,ecause a co!batant?s *eactions rarely occur
to their o-n turn< they don?t count to-ards the li!it o. t-o Bero
$ctions (er turn.
0ore intensi%e acti%ities > !aking attacks< casting s(ells<
.iddling -ith a (otion bag in search o. a curati%e > are treated
as ?standard? $ctions. :nlike Bero $ctions< co!batants are only
allo-ed one standard $ction (er turn< though it is (ossible to
gain additional $ctions through $bilities like 9ast Pockets or
S(ells like 3uick. Standard $ctions are .urther di%ided into nine
categories< collecti%ely co%ering the !aCority o. (ossible
battle.ield acti%itiesK 9ull= 0o%e< $ttack< $bility < Trigger < Ite!<
De.ense< 6ait and &sca(e. &ach o. these is co%ered in detail in
subse7uent sections.
$s e'(lained in Cha(ter 1< Slo- $ctions re7uire a certain
a!ount o. (re(aration be.ore they can be used. This NchargingD
is re(resented through a Charge Ti!e FCTH listed in
(arentheses -ith the $bility ty(e. &ach (oint o. Charge Ti!e is
roughly e7ui%alent to one second or tick o. charging@ an $bility
-ith a Charge Ti!e o. 1 -ould re7uire 1 ticks o.
uninterru(ted concentration be.ore its e..ects take hold.
6hen a Slo- $ction is declared in battle< the Charge Ti!e is
subtracted .ro! the co!batant?s basic Initiati%e .or the *ound.
The ne-< adCusted Initiati%e is -hen the $ction is resol%ed. 9or
instance< i. a co!batant -ith an Initiati%e o. 1 declares they
are using an $ction -ith a CT o. 1#< the actual $ction is resol%ed
at ) ticks. The character s(ends the inter%ening 1# ticks
! *nterr"ptin. Slo@ Actions
,ecause Slo- $ctions are not resol%ed i!!ediately< it is
(ossible that a character !ay be struck -ith a Status
Condition -hich (re%ents the! .ro! carrying out the $ction >
,erserk< Con.use< Slee(< and Curse are all ob%ious e'a!(les >
or reduced to 0 or .e-er +P be.ore the $ction is resol%ed. I.
either o. these occurs< the $ction is auto!atically canceled. $
character !ay also %oluntarily abort a Slo- $ction< nulli.ying
that action.
I. CT reduces a characterDs Initiati%e to less than 0< the
re!aining CT Ncarries o%erD and is subtracted .ro! their
Initiati%e in the subse7uent *ound. The Slo- $ction is then
resol%ed at the ne-< !odi.ied Initiati%e in that *ound. I. a
co!batant o(ted to use a Slo- $ction -ith a CT o. 1# on an
Initiati%e o. < .or instance< the CT -ould reduce their Initiati%e
to =4. $s this is lo-er than 0< nothing -ould ha((en in the
*ound the $ction -as declared. In the .ollo-ing *ound< the
co!batant generates Initiati%e as nor!al< then subtracts the
re!aining CT o. 4 ticks@ the Slo- $ction is resol%ed at this
reduced Initiati%e count. 2ote that any CT that ends u( delaying
an $ction .or one or !ore *ounds results in the co!batantDs
nor!al turn being Nski((ed o%er@? any $ctions they could ha%e
!ade during that ti!e are auto!atically .or.eited.
! Retar.etin. Slo@ Actions
I. the target o. a Slo- $ction is inca(acitated or re!o%ed .ro!
the battle be.ore the $ctionDs e..ect takes (lace< the $ction is
retargeted< striking a rando! o((onent instead.
:nder !ost circu!stances< co!batants only ha%e one turn (er
*ound. +o-e%er< there are ti!es in -hich a co!batant can
sur(ass the one=turn li!itation through sheer s(eed alone.
Co!batants -ith an Initiati%e %alue higher than 31 at the end
o. the Initiati%e Phase ha%e &'tre!e Initiati%e. In ga!e ter!s<
they are eligible .or additional turns during the course o. the
*ound. 6hen the co!batantDs turn co!es u(< (er.or! an $ction
as usual@ a.ter the $ction has been carried out< reduce the
co!batant?s re!aining Initiati%e by 31. I. this lea%es the! -ith
an Initiati%e greater than 0< they !ay take another turn at the
ne- Initiati%e count< subtracting a .urther 31 .ro! their
Initiati%e a.ter the co!(letion o. e%ery subse7uent turn until
their Initiati%e is less than or e7ual to 0. 2ote that $ctions -ith a
Charge Ti!e add their gi%en CT to this 31=tick (enalty@ the
$ction is (er.or!ed on the adCusted Initiati%e count as nor!al.
9or instance< i. a Thie. -ith an Initiati%e o. 10 decided to use
0ug FSlo-< CT 10H on an o((onent< its e..ects -ould go o.. at
40 ticks< a.ter -hich the Thie.Ds Initiati%e count -ould be
reduced by 31 to 1. $s this is greater than 0< the Thie. takes
another turn at 1 ticks.
6hile there is no (enalty .or reducing Initiati%e to a negati%e
%alue through 9ast $ctions< a Slo- $ction that reduces the
co!batantDs Initiati%e count to less than Eero -ill carry o%er into
the ne't *ound as nor!al.
!tta29 !2tions
$n $ttack $ction is a co!batant?s standard !eans o. o..ense<
and in%ol%es striking targets -ith -hate%er 6ea(on is currently
e7ui((ed. $ctions o. this ty(e are resol%ed through the .i%e
.ollo-ing ste(sK
1. Select a Target. 6ith a .e- notable e'ce(tions< all $ttack
$ctions are Single=target. This !eans the attacker selects one
eligible co!batant .ro! all acti%e co!batants on the battle.ield
and declares the! as the target.
#. *oll to +it. The success o. an $ttack $ction is deter!ined
in the sa!e !anner as a Skill Test > the attacker !akes a
Percentile *oll to beat a gi%en CoS. In this case< the CoS is e7ual
to F$ttackerDs $CC< using the rele%ant -ea(on skillH<
Target?s &%asion< -here the 6ea(on Skill in 7uestion is the
one re7uired by the e7ui((ed 6ea(on used in the attackK
Sta%es .or a Sta..< S-ords .or a /reats-ord or ;atana< and so
on. I. the attacker !anages to roll e7ual to or under the CoS<
they succeed in hitting their target and (roceed to the ne't
ste(. 8ther-ise< they !iss and ha%e -asted their $ction.
2ot e%ery attack needs to be this straight.or-ard > /0s can
easily a((ly Conditional 0odi.iers to si!ulate the e..ects o.
e'tre!e glare< encu!brance< or nightti!e conditions. +o-e%er<
such !odi.iers should generally only be used in e'traordinary
circu!stances to a%oid bogging battles do-n -ith s!all details.
? Sample Attac) (1)
6ith all Initiati%es generated< the battle begins in earnest.
*odger F/0HK 0intDs turn.
,lair F0intHK 0int dra-s her *od o. Darkness as the /uards
close in< s!ashing /uard $ straight in the .ace -ith as !uch
.orce as she can !uster.
*odgerK *oll to hit.
,lairK FrollingH 4. $ccuracy -ith Cudgels co!es out to "7.
+ere *odger consults his notes. The /uardsD &%asion is only
##@ ,lairDs roll co!.ortably beats the adCusted CoS o. 71.
*odgerK 0intDs attack connects< sla!!ing into the guardDs
hel!et -ith a shar( clang. *oll .or da!age.
3. /enerate Da!age. &ach 6ea(on has its o-n Nda!age
code<D e'(ressed in ter!s o. a Da!age Scale and a Da!age
Die. $ 6ea(on -ith a da!age code o. F3 ' ST*H Z d10< .or
instance< is said to ha%e a Da!age Scale o. 3 and a Da!age Die
o. d10.
To deter!ine ho- !uch da!age the attack in.licts< !ulti(ly
the Da!age Scale by the $ttribute in 7uestion > in this case<
Strength > and then roll the Da!age Die< adding the result to
the total. The .inal nu!ber is the basic da!age in.licted by the
$ttack. 9or a s(eedier resolution< it hel(s to ha%e the da!age
code (recalculated be.ore the battle begins.
&..ects such as L&le!entM Strike or the Status Condition
Po-er :( change this ra- da!age out(ut by a certain
(ercentage. The sa!e a((lies to Critical +its< -hich increase
basic da!age dealt by a success.ul $ttack $ction by Z100Q.
Such bonuses should be a((lied -hen basic da!age is
? Sample Attac) (2)
0intDs *od o. Darkness has a da!age code o. F# ' ST* Z
d)H< $*0. To sa%e ti!e< 0int?s (layer< ,lair< has already
!ulti(lied her Strength< < by the Da!age Scale o. # .or a
total o. 1).
,lair F0intHK FrollingH 1. Plus 1) is #1.
*odger F/0HK $ll right. 2o- $r!orY
4. $dCust Da!age. 8nce the basic da!age has been
calculated< subtract either the targetDs $*0 rating i. it is
Physical da!age< or 0. $*0 i. it is 0agical da!age. The end
result is the total da!age in.licted on the target > reduce the
targetDs current +P by that a!ount. Should this take the target
to 0 or .e-er +P< it -ill be inca(acitated and takes no .urther
(art in the battle.
? Sample Attac) (0)
$s 0intDs *od o. Darkness in.licts Physical da!age< the attack
-ill be reduced by the /uardDs $*0. *odger consults his
notes again< .inding the /uard has an $*0 o. ). Subtracted
.ro! 0int?s basic da!age o. #1< this !eans the attack in.licts
a total 11 +P da!age to the ha(less !echanoid. 2ot enough
to (ut hi! out o. co!!ission< but there?s al-ays ne't
*odger F/0HK 11 da!age. *oll .or ,lindY
1. *esol%e 8ther &..ects. I. the 6ea(on has any &7ui(!ent
$bilities that ha%e not already been a((lied to the attack< they
are brought into (lay a.ter the targetDs +it Points ha%e been
adCusted. The (layer rolls a dQ against -hate%er CoS !ay
? Sample Attac) (1)
The *od o. Darkness has the &7ui(!ent $bility ,lind Touch<
gi%ing 0int a .lat CoS o. 30 .or in.licting ,lind on the /uard in
addition to the da!age sheDs already done.
,lair F0intHK FrollingH 6oo. 14.
*odger F/0HK The /uard staggers back as the light in his
%isor di!s< .rantically .lailing his s-ord about. /uard $Ds got
Status Condition ,lind -ith a ti!er o. 4.
$ .e- other details regarding $ttack $ctions also -orth notingK
Characters attacking -ith a 6ea(on that su((orts the use o.
a!!unition !ay choose to use one unit o. it in the $ttack
$ction. This !ust be declared -hen .irst announcing the
attackDs target@ the e..ects o. the selected a!!unition are then
a((lied accordingly. 2ote that the unit o. a!!unition is used u(
regardless o. -hether the $ttack $ction is success.ul or not.
I. a character does not ha%e a 6ea(on e7ui((ed< they !ay still
attack bare=handed. This .or! o. attack is kno-n as ,ra-ling.
$ttack $ctions !ade in this .ashion are handled as nor!al<
using the characterDs ,ra-l rating in (lace o. the usual 6ea(on
Skill. Such attacks ha%e a da!age code o. F1 ' ST*H Z d).
0ost characters -ield 6ea(ons e'clusi%ely in one hand or the
other< a habit .urther rein.orced by their training. I. they are
e%er .orced to e7ui( a 6ea(on in a hand other than their
custo!ary one< they a .lat =10 (enalty to $CC unless they
ha%e the T-o 6ea(ons Skill@ i. so< they no (enalty< but
use T-o 6ea(ons instead o. the nor!al 6ea(on Skill -hen
rolling to hit.
Characters -ith t-o 6ea(ons e7ui((ed strike t-o blo-s -ith
each $ttack $ction< one (er 6ea(on. 9or (ur(oses o. rolling to
hit< da!age< and the like< each attack is treated as a se(arate
$ttack $ction. $ character e7ui((ed -ith a 0ythril ;ni.e and a
0ythril *od< .or instance< -ould resol%e the attack as i. they had
!ade one $ttack $ction -ith the 0ythril ;ni.e and one -ith the
0ythril *od< rolling to hit .or each. I. one attack !isses< the
other still (roceeds as nor!al@ i. both !iss< the $ction is
2ot e%ery attack needs to hit ho!e -ith li.e=threatening .orce. $
co!batant can declare that they are (ulling a blo- at the
beginning o. an $ttack $ction. In doing so< da!age .or the
subse7uent attack is reduced by =10Q.
$n $ttack $ction can also be used to (ick u( odds and ends
ca(able o. being used as o..ensi%e ite!s and !ake an
i!!ediate attack -ith the!. Such i!(ro%ised -ea(ons can take
!any .or!sK chairs< (a(er-eights< orna!ental s-ords< and
.rying (ans are all %alid .odder .or heroes short on ar!a!ents
but big on i!agination.
$ttack $ctions !ade -ith such obCects are resol%ed as nor!al<
using the !ost a((ro(riate 6ea(on Skill to calculate rolls to hit.
Da!age is calculated using the da!age code o. a standard d)<
d< d10< or d1# -ea(on -ith an &7ui(!ent Tier hal. that o. the
characterDs nor!ally e7ui((ed 6ea(on. The die ty(e used is le.t
to the /0Ds discretion< but should take into account the siEe
and Nhe.tD o. the obCect@ the larger the obCect< the higher the die.
9or instance< a character -ho had (re%iously -ielded a Tier 4
6ea(on and (icks u( a laundry (ole in a tense bra-l -ould treat
it as a Tier # 6ea(on. In this case< the laundry (ole?s siEe and
length !eans it -ould be closest to a Sta..< !aking it a d
6ea(on. 9or (ur(oses o. calculating da!age< it -ould thus be
treated as as a Tier # Sta..< doing da!age e7ual to a Crescent
Pole< or F3 ' ST*H Z d.
:nlike nor!al 6ea(ons< i!(ro%ised 6ea(ons arenDt !ade to
last@ !ost -ill be destroyed a.ter the .irst $ttack $ction< -hile
!ore durable ones last until end o. the battle at best. They also
usually lack &7ui(!ent $bilities< though so!e i!(ro%ised
6ea(ons !ay in.lict Status Conditions F#H in addition to or
instead o. da!age< de(ending on their nature. 9or e'a!(le<
thro-ing a hand.ul o. chili (o-der at an o((onent -ould do no
da!age< but instead ha%e a chance o. in.licting ,lind. Such
Status Conditions al-ays ha%e a .lat CoS o. 30Q@ the Status
Condition in.licted is chosen by the /0.
!bility !2tions
$bility $ctions allo- co!batants to take acti%e ad%antage o. the
(o-ers and talents in their $bility Sets. 6hile $ttack $ctions are
relati%ely straight.or-ard< the -ide range o. e..ects .ound in a
characterDs $bility Set !eans %ery .e- o(erate in e'actly the
sa!e !anner. $ general set o. ste(s .or resol%ing $bility $ctions
is gi%en belo-< though not e%ery ste( -ill a((ly to e%ery $bility.
1. Select a Target. $bilities can ha%e a -ide %ariety o.
Target ty(es< ranging .ro! Sel. to $ll. TargetK Sel.< TargetK Party
and TargetK $ll do not gi%e the co!batant !uch choice in -hat
to target< but TargetK Single and TargetK /rou( do > in this
case< the co!batant !ust declare an eligible target or grou( o.
targets .or the $bility to a..ect.
#. $dCust 0P. Certain $bilities re7uire a nu!ber o. 0agic
Points to use. I. the $bility has an 0P cost associated -ith it<
begin by subtracting the e..ectDs 0P cost .ro! the co!batantDs
current 0P score. The desired e..ect !ay only be used i. this
lea%es the character -ith 0 or !ore 0P@ other-ise< the
co!batant -ill ha%e to choose another course o. action. I. no
0P cost is gi%en .or the e..ect< (roceed to the ne't ste(.
3. $dCust Initiati%e. Slo- $bilities deduct a Charge Ti!e .ro!
the co!batantDs Initiati%e. I. the co!batant is using a Slo-
$bility< adCust their Initiati%e accordingly and continue on to the
ne't a((licable ste( once the e..ect goes o...
? Sample A%ilitF (1)
0int has Cust co!(leted her turn. 2o- itDs CarlDs character<
;u!ani< -ho acts.
*odger F/0HK ;u!aniDs u(.
Carl -ants to use a 0agic $bility< all o. -hich re7uire 0P. $
7uick glance at his character sheet .or ;u!aniDs 0P > #1 >!s heDs got enough to use e%ery ,lue 0agic S(ell
currently in her arsenal.
Carl F;u!aniHK ;u!ani -ill .ocus on the 8ily 9ang< going
through the .luid kata .or Aea( be.ore Cu!(ing into the air<
cla-s outstretched. 0P@ lea%es her -ith 13.
Carl !akes a note on his character sheet< subtracting the
0P .ro! his current score. 6ith no Charge Ti!e< he (roceeds
straight to the ne't ste(.
*odgerK $ll right. *oll .or 0. $CC.
4. *oll To +it. 0ost $bilities take e..ect auto!atically< but
so!e !ay re7uire a dQ roll. I. so< the rele%ant CoS -ill be noted
in its descri(tion. S(ells used against an o((onent al-ays
re7uire a success.ul Percentile *oll to use@ in this case< the CoS
-ill be e7ual to FCasterDs 0. $CC Z $dditional 0odi.iersH<
Target?s 0. &%asion< -here the ?$dditional 0odi.iers? are
those listed in the S(ellDs descri(tion. I. no !odi.iers are gi%en<
si!(ly subtract the targetDs 0. &4$.
I. the attacker !anages to roll e7ual to or under the CoS< they
succeed in hitting their target and (roceed to the ne't ste(.
8ther-ise< they !iss and ha%e -asted their $ction< (lus any 0P
and Initiati%e s(ent on it.
? Sample A%ilitF (2)
Checking Aea(Ds S(ell descri(tion< Carl .inds no !odi.iers .or
basic accuracy. $s a result< his base 0. $CC o. 111 stands.
Carl F;u!aniHK FrollingH 7)< against 0. $CC o. 111.
*odger checks his notes .or the 8ily 9angDs 0. &4$ > #4. 111
!inus #4 is "1@ CarlDs roll o. 7) is -ell under.
*odger F/0HK ThatDs a hit > ;u!ani lands s7uarely on the
!echanical hound -ith a hollo- thud< knocking se%eral (i(es
out o. align!ent. Ti!e to roll .or da!ageY
1. /enerate Da!age. I. the $bility in.licts da!age< the
da!age code -ill be .ound in its descri(tion. Da!age
adCust!ents caused by e..ects like L&le!entM &nhancer< Status
Conditions like 0agic :(< or &le!ental 6eaknesses< *esistances<
and I!!unities -ill be .actored in at this (oint. ,egin by adding
together all (ercentage !odi.iers -ith a Z or = in .ront o. the!<
then adding these to 100Q. $((ly the .inal (ercentage to the
da!age generated. I. no da!age code is gi%en in the
descri(tion< ski( ahead to the se%enth ste(.
). $dCust Da!age. 8nce the basic da!age has been
calculated< subtract either the targetDs $*0 or 0. $*0 rating<
de(ending on -hich o. the t-o is gi%en in the da!age code. I.
neither is gi%en< the da!age is not reduced. The end result is
the total da!age in.licted on the target > reduce the targetDs
current +P by that a!ount. Should this reduce the target to 0
or .e-er +P< it -ill be inca(acitated and takes no .urther (art in
the battle.
? Sample A%ilitF (0)
Aike ,lair< Carl has (recalculated da!age. ;u!aniDs 0$/ is 7@
.actored into Aea(Ds da!age code o. F4 ' 0$/H Z d< this
!eans the S(ell does # Z d da!age.
Carl F;u!aniHK FrollingH ). 34 da!age.
*odger consults his notes > the 9angDs 0. $*0 is < !eaning
the attack does #) da!age.

*odger F/0HK /ood hitI #) da!age. *oll .or $r!or Do-n.
7. *esol%e 8ther &..ects. Certain $bilities and S(ells !ay
in.lict one or !ore Status Condition instead o. or in addition to
da!age. The durations .or these -ill al-ays be gi%en in the
$bilityDs or S(ellDs descri(tion. Status Conditions in.licted by
da!aging attacks ha%e an additional CoS se(arate .ro! the
!ain attack< and -ill re7uire a dQ to deter!ine -hether these
take e..ect.
? Sample A%ilitF (1)
Aea( also has a F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion chance o. in.licting
the Status Condition $r!or Do-n. This reduces ;u!aniDs 0.
$CC to )1.
Carl F;u!aniHK FrollingH 14< against a !odi.ied 0. $CC o. )1.
Subtracting the 9angDs 0. &4$ o. #4 .ro! the !odi.ied 0.
$CC< *odger .inds $r!or Do-nDs CoS is 41. 8nce again< CarlDs
roll is co!.ortably under.
*odger F/0HK The 9angDs no- su..ering .ro! $r!or Do-n<
duration o. .our *ounds. +aEe< youDre u(Y
Trigger !2tions
Trigger $ctions co%er in=co!bat acti%ities that re7uire a Task
Checks to carry out. &'a!(les o. Trigger $ctions include li.ting
u( a table and thro-ing it at a charging o((onent -ith ST*<
using Syste!s to disable an out=o.=control !echanoid< catching
a .alling s-ord through $/I< or or using $crobatics to e'ecute a
tri(le cart-heel through a grou( o. I!(erial soldiers onto an
o%erhanging balcony. $ Conditional 0odi.ier is a((lied by the
/0 as nor!al< and should take the co!batantDs sha(e and
circu!stances into account > so!ebody -hoDs Cust s(ent the
last si' *ounds bashing Stro(ers is not going to be in !uch
.or! to li.t a one=ton boulder in the se%enth. De(ending on the
co!(le'ity o. the Trigger $ction< the /0 !ay also choose to
i!(ose a Charge Ti!e.
$ success.ul Task Check is re7uired be.ore the $ction can be
carried out. 9ailure !eans a co!batant has -asted their $ction<
-hile conse7uences .or a ,otch or Critical Success are le.t to
/0 discretion. Trigger $ctions can also be used .or $ctions that
do not re7uire a roll or directly target an co!batant< but are too
N!aCorD to be treated as Bero $ctions > (ushing a button<
kicking o%er a torch< or !aneu%ering a crane into (osition.
? Sample Action
+aEeDs (layer -eighs his ne't course o. action. $t this (oint<
the (artyDs sur%i%al de(ends on their ability to sto( the
guards .ro! alerting their .ello-s > i. either one esca(es< the
conse7uences could be dire.
0 F+aEeHK *odger< I -ant to !ake a lea( u( the stairs<
shutting the door and sealing it. Do I ha%e enough clearance
on the stair-ell to get behind the guardsG
*odger sees this as an $%erage task@ no Conditional 0odi.iers
a((lied< !aking the CoS e7ual to +aEeDs $/I $ttribute *ating<
*odger F/0HK Sure. /i%e !e a roll against your $/I.
0K FrollingH #1< $ttribute *ating o. 31.
*odgerK S!ooth. +aEe !anages to %ault onto the rail and
di%e behind the second guard be.ore either o. the t-o realiEes
-hatDs ha((ening< sliding the bolts into (lace. ThereDs an
angry snarl as one guard trains the 9ang on you as the
second slo-ly ste(s do-n the stairs to-ards the rest o. the
Item !2tions
Ite! $ctions in%ol%e a character?s e7ui(!ent or In%entory. $n
Ite! $ction !ay be used to do any o. the .ollo-ingK
:se an Ite!. $ny character -ith a Thro-ing 6ea(on< ,attle
Ite!< Su((ort Ite!< or *eco%ery Ite! in their In%entory Slot !ay
e'(end an Ite! $ction to retrie%e it and use it on a %alid target.
Standard targeting rules and restrictions a((ly.
&7ui( a 6ea(on or Shield. I. a character does not ha%e a
6ea(on or Shield e7ui((ed but has one in their In%entory Slot
or -ithin easy reach< they !ay e'(end an Ite! $ction to e7ui(
it. This assu!es they ha%e the a((ro(riate Slot .ree.
*e(lace< *eturn or Dro( a 6ea(on or Shield. $n Ite!
$ction !ay be used to re(lace a currently=e7ui((ed 6ea(on or
Shield -ith one in the characterDs In%entory or the general
%icinity< or return a 6ea(on or Shield to the in%entory< thereby
de=e7ui((ing it. The (iece o. e7ui(!ent in 7uestion !ay be
dro((ed or discarded instead.
Dro( or Discard an Ite!K 8ne Ite! $ction !ay be used to
dro( or (er!anently re!o%e an Ite! .ro! a characterDs
In%entory Slot.
? Sample *tem Action
+iroDs turn co!es last in the *ound. /uards $ and , ha%e
both attacked 0int< and the 8ily 9angDs taken a healthy chunk
out o. +iro. *ob considers his o(tionsY
*odger F/0HK *obG ItDs +iroDs turn.
*ob F+iroHK +!!. ,lair< ho-Ds 0int doingG
,lair F0intHK 17 +P le.t. 8ne hit .ro! that 9ang< and sheDs a
goner. +o- about a healG
*ob checks his character sheet > sure enough< heDs got t-o
Potions in his In%entory Slot< each ca(able o. restoring 10 +P
to a Single co!batant.
*obK Can do. *odger< ID! chucking a Potion in 0intDs
*odgerK 0int reco%ers 10 +it PointsY and thatDs the end o.
the $ction Phase. Ti!e to !o%e on to the Status Phase.
F4ll?0o6e !2tions
$s described earlier in the cha(ter< co!batants can de%ote an
$ction to nothing but !o%e!ent in order to co%er greater
distances. Such $ctions are called 9ull=0o%e $ctions.
7efense !2tions
In a De.ense $ction< a co!batant braces .or the -orst the
ene!y can thro- at the!. De.ense $ctions !ust be declared at
the beginning o. the co!batantDs turn< be.ore any other $ctions
are !ade. In doing so< the character auto!atically .or.eits their
.irst $ction .or that *ound. In e'change< all da!age they recei%e
until they take their ne't $ction is reduced by =10Q a.ter
adCusting .or $*0 and 0. $*0.
I. e%erything else .ails< a co!batant !ay choose to si!(ly -ait.
The (layer declares ho- !any ticks they s(end -aiting< and
adCusts Initiati%e accordingly. 9or e'a!(le< a co!batant -ith an
initial Initiati%e o. #4 !ay decide to -ait 1 ticks and take their
turn at an Initiati%e o. 1" instead. I. the co!batant does not
-ish to act at their ne-< reduced Initiati%e count< they !ay
continue to -ait instead o. taking an $ction. Should this
e%entually reduce their Initiati%e count to 0 or lo-er< they
auto!atically .or.eit all re!aining $ctions .or the *ound. 2ote
that any e..ects -ith a Charge Ti!e use the co!batantDs
reduced Initiati%e as a basis.
Es2a8e !2tions
So!eti!es< it?s better to run and .ight another day than stand
and be slaughtered. I. a co!batant -ishes to atte!(t to esca(e
the battle< they !ust declare an &sca(e $ction during the
Initiati%e Phase. 6hen their turn co!es u( in the $ction Phase<
they !ust !ake an o((osed Task Check (itting their SPD
against that o. all o((onents still acti%ely engaged in the battle.
8((onents -ho ha%e been inca(acitated do not (artici(ate in
this Check. I. an o((onent has no interest in (re%enting the
esca(e< they like-ise -ai%e the roll. The esca(ee rolls only once<
co!(aring the result to all other rolls. I. it is the highest roll< the
esca(e is success.ul and the co!batant is re!o%ed .ro! the
battle. I. not< the $ction has been -asted.
$s al-ays< Conditional 0odi.iers can be a((lied .or situations
such as atte!(ting to run through di..icult or haEardous
terrain< or esca(ing .ro! a !onster -hose attention is
other-ise engaged.
In co!bat< the Status Phase is used to do three thingsK
1. $dCusting Ti!ers. 0ost Status Conditions only ha%e a
li!ited duration in co!bat< indicated by a ?ti!er? o. #< 4< or )
*ounds. During the Status Phase< reduce the %alue o. each
acti%e ?ti!er? by one. Should this gi%e the ti!er a %alue to 0< the
Status Condition is canceled
! Trac)in. ;"ration
6hen !ulti(le Status Conditions enter the (icture< it !ay be
!ore con%enient to track ti!ers %isually. The best -ay to do
so is -ith a colored d) dis(laying the re!aining duration. $t
the end o. each Status Phase< adCust the die accordingly so
the side .acing u( sho-s the current ti!er. 6hen the ti!er
reaches 0 or the Status Condition is cancelled< si!(ly re!o%e
the die.
#. *esol%ing &..ects. Certain Status Conditions such as
Poison and *egen a..ect their targets on a *ound=to=*ound
basis. 9or instance< Poison reduces a %icti!Ds +P by 10Q o. its
current %alue .or each Status Phase it re!ains in e..ect. These
e..ects are all calculated and a((lied during the Status Phase.
3. *e.reshing $uto= Status Conditions. In addition to the
Status Conditions in.licted during the course o. the *ound<
co!batants !ay also be a..ected by $uto=Status Conditions o.
one sort or another. I. the Status Condition in 7uestion has
been canceled during the *ound< it is auto!atically re=a((lied
to the co!batant during the Status Phase.
8nce all acti%e Status Conditions ha%e been addressed< the
*ound ends< and a ne- *ound begins at the Initiati%e Phase.
? Sample Stat"s Pase
2o- the $ction Phase is o%er. There are t-o Status
Conditions in (lay as the *ound enters the Status Phase@ the
*oEelle 9angDs $r!or Do-n and /uard $Ds ,lind. $r!or Do-n
and ,lind both ha%e a ti!er o. 4@ this is reduced to 3<
!eaning the Status Conditions -ill -ear o.. in another three
*oundsD ti!e.
*odgerK $ll right. Initiati%esY
Stat4s Condition 7es2ri8tions
Co!bat in the 99*P/ isn?t li!ited to da!age and healing@
Status Conditions (lay Cust as great a role in the outco!e o. a
battle. 0any are conse7uences o. indirect o..ensi%e strategies<
but so!e are designed to de.end and enhance co!batantsD
abilities< gi%ing the! an i!(ortant edge in tough battles.
The considerable i!(act Status Conditions can ha%e on the
battle.ield !akes their re!o%al a (ri!e tactical consideration.
Though !ost e'(ire a.ter a certain (eriod o. ti!e< it !ay be in a
co!batantDs best interests to get rid o. the! as soon as they
arise. &ach Condition there.ore has its o-n set o. NcuresD< any o.
-hich -ill ser%e to re!o%e > or NcancelD > it be.ore the ti!er
hits 0. The alternati%e is to .inish the battle as 7uickly as
(ossible@ .or Status Conditions -ith a li!ited duration< the
Condition is auto!atically cancelled once the battle concludes<
regardless o. ho- !any *ounds are le.t on the ti!er. Conditions
-ith an unli!ited duration< ho-e%er< -ill endure a.ter battle<
and last until healed by ite!s< !agic< or recu(eration.
The .ollo-ing section deals -ith both (ositi%e and negati%e
Status Conditions< detailing their e..ects as -ell as their
re!edies. The negati%e Conditions are di%ided into se%en
categories based on si!ilarity o. e..ect@ (ositi%e Conditions are
grou(ed into t-o.
So!e co!batants !ay ha%e an I!!unity FIH to a gi%en Status
Condition or category o. Status Conditions. 6hen any said
Condition > or a Condition belonging to the Status category in
7uestion > is used against the co!batant< their I!!unity
auto!atically reduces its CoS to 0.
$ny Status Condition -ith the (otential to instantly re!o%e its
%icti! .ro! the .ight. 9or (ur(oses o. calculating i!!unities to
e..ects< the 9atal category also includes se%eral related
NconditionsD -hich are not Status Conditions in their o-n right<
but still are considered 9atal=ty(e e..ects.
&..ectK $ sinister s(ectre a((ears o%er the co!batant< (lacing a
.atal curse u(on the! be.ore %anishing into thin air. 6hen the
co!batant is .irst a..licted -ith Conde!ned< a .our=*ound ti!er
starts. Should the ti!er reach 0 be.ore the battle ends< the
co!batantDs li.e essences are torn .ro! their body< instantly
reducing the! to 0 +P< regardless o. their current +P< $*0<
and 0. $*0 ratings.
Canceled byK 2one

The catchall category .or any $bility that reduces a target to 0
+P< regardless o. current +it Points< $*0 or 0. $*0 ratings.
This includes the &7ui(!ent $bilities Death Touch and Death
The catchall category .or any $bility that (hysically re!o%es the
target .ro! the battle.ield. $s they are not actually Nde.eatedD by
doing so< &Cected o((onents a-ard no Ite!s. /il and JP gained
.ro! an &Cected o((onent are reduced by 10Q.
&..ectK The co!batant is .roEen solid< caked -ith a layer o. ice
thick enough to (re%ent the! .ro! (er.or!ing any $ctions or
Bero $ctions until 9roEen e'(ires. I. struck by Physical da!age
-hilst in this state< the resulting shock -ill reduce the 9roEen
co!batant to 0 +P< regardless o. current +it Points< $*0< or 0.
$*0 ratings. I. necessary< the co!batantDs body can be carried
around by allies until 9roEen -ears o...
Canceled byK 9ire &le!ental Da!age< &suna
The catchall category .or any $bility that does da!age based on
a (ercentage o. the targetDs +P or 0P< rather than a .i'ed
&..ectK $ crackling shroud o. intense heat surrounds the
co!batant< lea%ing the! on the %erge o. colla(se. Should the
co!batant !ake any $ctions or Bero $ctions -hile +eat is in
e..ect< the resulting .lare=u( -ill reduce the co!batant to 0 +P<
regardless o. current +it Points< $*0< or 0. $*0 ratings. The
e..ects o. +eat are al-ays a((lied be.ore the results o. the Bero
$ction or $ction that triggered it.
Canceled byK Ice &le!ental Da!age< &suna
The catchall category .or any $bility that reduces a target to 1
+P< regardless o. current +it Points< $*0< or 0. $*0 ratings.
Status Conditions that a..ect a co!batantDs !ental .aculties.
&..ectK The co!batant is consu!ed -ith indescribable .ury<
abandoning tactics .or an outright .ighting .renEy. /enerate
Initiati%e as nor!al@ -hene%er the co!batant is eligible to !ake
an $ction< they !ake an i!!ediate $ttack $ction against the
nearest o((onent or inani!ate obCect< striking .or Z10Q
da!age. Should !ulti(le eligible targets e'ist< rando!ly
deter!ine -hich one is attacked.
Canceled byK Tran7uiliEer< *e!edy< 6ash< &suna
&..ectK The co!batant beco!es besotted -ith an o((onent<
obeying their e%ery co!!and. /enerate Initiati%e as nor!al@
-hene%er the co!batant is eligible to !ake an $ction< the
co!batant -ho originally in.licted Char! !ay choose -hat
$ction their %icti! takes< i. any. Should the co!batant -ho
in.licted Char! be killed or other-ise inca(acitated be.ore the
Status is canceled< their %icti! -ill instead !ake an $ttack
$ction against a rando! ally e%ery ti!e they are eligible to act.
The sa!e a((lies .or situations -here an ally > or the
co!batant the!sel%es > in.licted this Status Condition.
Canceled byK Physical Da!age< &suna
&..ectK The co!batant?s !ind beco!es clouded< distorting their
(erce(tion o. reality. /enerate Initiati%e as nor!al@ -hene%er
the character is eligible to !ake an $ction< roll a d and consult
the table belo- to deter!ine -hat the character does. 6ith only
one e'ce(tion< all o. the e..ects listed are TargetK *ando!.

d CharacterDs $ction
1. :se S(ellX$bility against ally. The co!batant
uses their -eakest $bility or one rando!ly=
deter!ined S(ell o. the lo-est a%ailable Ae%el<
targeting one ally. I. neither is an o(tion< re=roll and
a((ly the ne- result instead.
2. *eco%er ally. The co!batant uses a *eco%ery Ite!
or S(ell on one rando!ly=deter!ined ally@ this -ill
al-ays be the !ost e'(ensi%e Ite! or 0P=intensi%e
S(ell at their dis(osal. I. neither is an o(tion< re=roll
and a((ly the ne- result instead.
3. $ttack rando! ally. The co!batant !akes an
i!!ediate $ttack $ction against a rando!ly=
deter!ined ally< using -hate%er 6ea(on they
currently ha%e e7ui((ed. *oll to hit and calculate
da!age as nor!al.
4. $ttack sel.. The co!batant !akes an i!!ediate
$ttack $ction against the!sel%es< using -hate%er
6ea(on they currently ha%e e7ui((ed. *oll to hit
and calculate da!age as nor!al.
5. $ttack rando! o((onent. The co!batant !akes
an i!!ediate $ttack $ction against a rando!
o((onent< using -hate%er 6ea(on they currently
ha%e e7ui((ed. *oll to hit and calculate da!age as
6. $ttack rando! ally. The co!batant !akes an
i!!ediate $ttack $ction against a rando!ly=
deter!ined ally< using -hate%er 6ea(on they
currently ha%e e7ui((ed. *oll to hit and calculate
da!age as nor!al.
7. *eco%er o((onent. The %icti! uses a *eco%ery
Ite! or S(ell on one rando!ly=deter!ined
o((onent@ this -ill al-ays be the -eakest Ite! or
least 0P=intensi%e S(ell at their dis(osal. I. neither
is an o(tion< re=roll and a((ly the ne- result
8. :se S(ellX$bility against o((onent. The %icti!
uses either their strongest $bility or one rando!ly=
deter!ined S(ell .ro! the highest a%ailable Ae%el<
targeting one rando! o((onent. I. neither is an
o(tion< re=roll and a((ly the ne- result instead.
Canceled byK Physical Da!age< *e!edy< &suna
&..ectK The co!batant is distracted< lea%ing the!sel%es o(en to
attack. :ntil they recei%e a turn< the ne't attack that deals
Physical da!age against the! in.licts Z100Q da!age. In
addition< co!batants under the e..ects o. :na-are cannot roll
to (re%ent an o((onent .ro! !aking a success.ul &sca(e
$ction. I. a co!batant is under the e..ects o. :na-are -hen
their turn arri%es< they take no action. Instead< :na-are is
Canceled byK Physical Da!age< $ction< $lar! Clock
Status Conditions o. a to'ic nature.
&..ectK The co!batant is a..licted -ith a %irulent (oison< turning
the! a sickly shade o. (ur(le. 9or e%ery Status Phase that
Poison re!ains untreated .or< the co!batant loses a nu!ber o.
+it Points e7ual to 10Q o. their current +P. $ co!batant -ith a
total o. 100 +P -ould lose 10 +P the .irst *ound< 41 the ne't<
40 the *ound a.ter that< and so on.
Canceled byK $ntidote< *e!edy< Poisona< 6ash< &suna
&..ectK $ .ast=acting< lethal (oison has entered the co!batant?s
body. 9or e%ery Status Phase that a co!batant a..licted -ith
4eno! re!ains untreated .or< they lose a nu!ber o. +it and
0agic Points e7ual to 10Q o. their res(ecti%e !a'i!u! %alues.
$ co!batant -ith a total o. 100 +P and #10 0P< .or instance<
-ould lose 10 +P and #1 0P .or each Status Phase 4eno!
stays in e..ect.
Canceled byK $ntidote< *e!edy< Poisona< &suna

Status Conditions that (re%ent a co!batant .ro! !aking actions
in co!bat< or other-ise i!(air their ability to use their .ull
arsenal o. o..ensi%e (o-ers.
&..ectK $ dark haEe settles o%er the co!batant< se%erely
i!(airing their ability to locate o((onents. 6hilst a..licted -ith
,lind< the co!batantDs $CC is reduced by 10Q. In addition< any
Critical +its scored -hen !aking the to=hit roll are ignored.
$bilities that take an $ttack $ction as a basis > or do da!age
based on the currently e7ui((ed 6ea(on > ha%e a .lat CoS o.
71Q .or as long as ,lind re!ains in e..ect. Si!ilarly< Skill and
$ttribute *atings .or Task Checks that re7uire use o. sight are
reduced by 10Q.
Canceled byK &ye Dro(s< *e!edy< 6ash< &suna
&..ectK $ sinister black aura .or!s around the co!batant<
sealing a-ay their chi. $ co!batant a..licted by Curse !ay !ake
no Slo- or 9ast $bility $ctions until cured o. the Status
Condition. 0agic< *eaction and Su((ort $bilities are una..ected.
4IT< SP*< and 0$/ $ttribute *atings are reduced by 10Q .or
(ur(oses o. !aking Task Checks .or as long as Curse is acti%e.
Canceled byK +oly 6ater< *e!edy< &suna< $ura
&..ectK The co!batantDs body begins to harden< .lesh slo-ly
turning to stone. 6hen the co!batant is .irst a..licted -ith
Petri.y< a .our=*ound ti!er starts. Should the ti!er reach 0
be.ore the battle ends< the (etri.ication is co!(lete@ the
co!batant is turned to stone on the s(ot -ith the sa!e e..ects
as the Stone Status Condition.
Canceled byK So.t< *e!edy< Stona< &suna
&..ectK $ Eone o. absolute silence .or!s around the co!batant@
-hile sound (enetrates in a nor!al .ashion< they the!sel%es
can?t e%en hear the!sel%es breathe< let alone s(eak. :ntil
cured< a character a..licted by Silence !ay not use 0agic
$bilities. $ll Skill and $ttribute *atings .or Task Checks re7uiring
use o. s(eech are reduced by 10Q.
Canceled byK &cho Screen< *e!edy< &suna
&..ectK The co!batant .alls aslee( on the s(ot< co!(letely
obli%ious to the dangers around the!. :ntil this Status
Condition is cured< the co!batant !ay !ake no $ctions or Bero
$ctions during the course o. the *ound< though they continue
to generate Initiati%e as nor!al and !ay take their turn i. the
Condition is canceled be.ore it co!es u(. The co!batantDs &4$
is also reduced to 0 .or as long as Slee( re!ains in e..ect. I.
necessary< the co!batantDs body can be carried by an ally until
Slee( -ears o...
Canceled byK Physical Da!age< $lar! Clock< *e!edy< 6ash<
&..ectK The co!batant is turned into solid stoneK i!(er%ious to
all da!age and Status Conditions< but unable to !ake any
$ctions or Bero $ctions until Stone has been cured. I.
necessary< the co!batantDs body can be carried by an ally until
Stone -ears o...
Canceled byK So.t< *e!edy< Stona< &suna
Status Conditions that a..ect a co!batantDs (lace in the .lo- o.
&..ectK The co!batant is a..licted -ith a sluggish nu!bness<
greatly restricting their ability to act. :ntil cured< a co!batant
a..licted -ith Disable !ay not !ake any $ttack< Ite! or De.end
$ctions. ST*< $/I< and SPD $ttribute *atings are reduced by
10Q .or (ur(oses o. !aking Task Checks .or as long as Disable
is acti%e.
Canceled byK ,andage< *e!edy< &suna
&..ectK The co!batant is rooted to the s(ot< unable to ad%ance
or retreat in any .ashion. :ntil cured< a co!batant a..licted -ith
I!!obiliEe !ay not !ake any 9ull=0o%e $ctions during the
course o. the *ound< and cannot atte!(t or (re%ent &sca(e
$ctions. 9urther!ore< their &4$ is reduced by 10Q. Task
Checks re7uiring the use o. !o%e!ent auto!atically .ail .or as
long as I!!obiliEe re!ains acti%e.
Canceled byK ,andage< *e!edy< &suna
&..ectK The co!batant bleeds li.e .orce< gradually !o%ing closer
to death. $t the beginning o. e%ery Status Phase that Sa(
re!ains untreated .or< the co!batant loses 1 +P .or e%ery 1
(oint o. Initiati%e they generated in the (re%ious Initiati%e
Canceled byK Chronos Tear< *e!edy< &suna
&..ectK The co!batant is tra((ed in a (ocket o. localiEed ti!e@
reactions are !ore sluggish than usual< !aking it %irtually
i!(ossible .or the! to gain the initiati%e o%er their o((onents.
Targets a..ected by Slo- hal%e their Initiati%e scores during the
Initiati%e Phase -hen deter!ining the order o. co!bat< and
ha%e their Skill and $ttribute *atings reduced by 10Q .or
(ur(oses o. Task Checks re7uiring .ast action or !o%e!ent.
Canceled byK Chronos Tear< *e!edy< &suna< +aste< Sto(
&..ectK The co!batant beco!es .roEen in stasis. 2o ti!e
(asses .or the co!batant@ they do not generate Initiati%e< and
!ay !ake no $ctions or Bero $ction .or as long as Sto( re!ains
acti%e. /ains or losses .or Status Conditions like Poison< *egen
and 4eno! are not calculated -hile Sto( re!ains in e..ect@
Status Condition ti!ers > -ith the e'ce(tion o. that o. Sto(
itsel. > -ill not decrease until Sto( has been re!o%ed. This
includes the s(ecialiEed ti!ers used by Petri.y and Conde!ned.
I. necessary< the co!batantDs body can be carried by an ally
until Sto( -ears o...
Canceled byK Chronos Tear< &suna
Status Conditions that a..ect a co!batantDs (hysical sha(e.
&..ectK The co!batant shrinks to a !ere .raction o. their .or!er
siEe. 6hile in this state< the co!batantDs $*0 and 0. $*0 are
both reduced by 10Q@ all Physical da!age dealt by the
co!batant is reduced to 1 da!age< regardless o. Strength<
e7ui((ed 6ea(on or the targetDs $*0 rating. 8ther $bilities
continue to .unction as nor!al< and are not a..ected by this
Status. $ll Task Checks using the co!batantDs ST* and 4IT
$ttribute *atings -ill auto!atically .ail as long as 0ini is acti%e.
Stealth and &sca(e rolls< ho-e%er< gain a 10Q bonus.
Canceled byK Cornuco(ia< *e!edy< &suna< 0ini
&..ectK The co!batant is turned into a sli!y< croaking toad.
6hile in this state< the co!batantDs $*0 and 0. $*0 are both
reduced by 10Q@ all success.ul $ttack $ctions !ade by the
co!batant in.lict 1 da!age< regardless o. Strength< e7ui((ed
-ea(on or the targetDs $*0 rating. The co!batant cannot !ake
any $bility $ctions -hile in this .or!@ should they (ossess the
,lack 0agic S(ell Toad< ho-e%er< it !ay be cast as nor!al. $ll
Task Checks taken -hile in Toad .or! > other than those
in%ol%ing Stealth< S-i!!ing< &sca(e< or related acti%ities > -ill
auto!atically .ail. *olls against the latter Skills gain a 10Q
Canceled byK 0aiden?s ;iss< *e!edy< &suna< Toad
&..ectK The co!batant is drained o. their li.e .orce<
trans.or!ing the! into a green=skinned Eo!bie. $s they are
e..ecti%ely undead< *eco%ery e..ects that -ould nor!ally restore
+P instead in.lict an e7ui%alent a!ount o. da!age< not !odi.ied
.or $*0 or 0. $*0. $ +i=Potion< .or instance< causes #10 +P
da!age to a co!batant -ith Bo!bie. $ny e..ect that re%i%es an
unconscious co!batant or restores +it Points to !a'i!u!
instead has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. instantly
reducing a Bo!bied co!batant to 0 +P< regardless o. current
+it Points< $*0< or 0. $*0.
Drain attacks are also re%ersed@ all da!age in.licted by such
an attack on a target a..ected by Bo!bie is subtracted .ro! the
attackerDs +P instead< -ith the co!batant regaining an a!ount
o. +P e7ui%alent to that lost by its attacker. In addition to this<
the co!batant gains I!!unity to Death=ty(e Status Conditions
and Conde!ned .or as long as Bo!bie re!ains in e..ect.
9or (ur(oses o. resol%ing Task Checks -hich use Social Skills<
the characterDs Skill *atings are decreased by 10Q .or as long
as Bo!bie re!ains in e..ect.
Canceled byK +oly 6ater< *e!edy< 6ash< &suna
Status Conditions -hich di!inish a co!batantDs general .ighting
A$ilit) (reak
&..ectK The co!batant .eels sluggish and hea%y@ all sense o.
coordination see!s to lea%e the!. 9or as long as $gility ,reak
re!ains in e..ect< the co!batantDs &4$ and $CC are both
decreased by 10Q@ The characters initiati%e score is decreased
by 4 -hen calculated at the start o. the round. 9or (ur(oses o.
Task Checks< the characterDs $/I *ating is also decreased by
Canceled byK &suna< $gility :(< $gility Do-n
A$ilit) +o*n
&..ectK The co!batantDs !o%e!ents beco!e a-k-ard and
uncoordinated. 9or as long as $gility Do-n re!ains in e..ect<
the co!batantDs &4$ and $CC are both decreased by #1Q@ The
characters initiati%e score is decreased by # -hen calculated at
the start o. the round. 9or (ur(oses o. Task Checks< the
characterDs $/I *ating is also decreased by #1Q.
Canceled byK &suna< $gility :(< $gility ,reak
Armor (reak
&..ectK The co!batant .eels .ragile and %ulnerable at once@
.or!erly=i!(er%ious de.enses suddenly see! inade7uate at
best. The co!batantDs $*0 is reduced by 10Q .or as long as
$r!or ,reak re!ains in e..ect.
Canceled byK &suna< $r!or :(< $r!or Do-n
Armor +o*n
&..ectK The co!batantDs de.enses are -eakened< !aking the!
!ore %ulnerable to inco!ing attacks. The co!batantDs $*0 is
decreased by #1Q .or as long as $r!or Do-n re!ains in e..ect.
Canceled byK &suna< $r!or :(< $r!or ,reak
!lement %eak
&..ectK The co!batant is te!(orarily le.t %ulnerable to a s(eci.ic
Co!bat &le!ent. Treat this as i. the co!batant had a 6eakness
F6H to the &le!ent in 7uestion.
Canceled byK &suna< &le!ent *esist< &le!ent I!!une< &le!ent
&..ectK $ glo-ing set o. crosshairs encloses the co!batant<
!agically guiding inco!ing attackers. &4$ and 0. &4$ are both
reduced by #0 .or as long as Aock re!ains in e..ect.
Canceled byK &suna
Ma$i# (reak
&..ectK The co!batantDs s(ellcasting (o-ers -eaken@ .ireballs
suddenly siEEle rather than scorch and other ele!ental
destruction is a !ere shado- o. its .or!er sel.. 9or as long as
0agic ,reak re!ains in e..ect< all !agical da!age in.licted by
the co!batant is reduced by =10Q.
Canceled byK *e!edy< 0agic :(< 0agic Do-n< &suna
Ma$i# +o*n
&..ectK The co!batant .eels their innate !ystical energies
dulling< co!(ro!ising their ability to channel !agic. 9or as long
as 0agic Do-n re!ains in e..ect< all !agical da!age in.licted by
the co!batant is reduced by =#1Q.
Canceled byK *e!edy< 0agic :(< 0agic ,reak< &suna
&..ectK $ haEy< dee(=red aura .or!s around the co!batant<
rendering all ar!or useless. The co!batantDs $*0 and 0. $*0
are both reduced to 0 .or as long as 0eltdo-n re!ains in e..ect.
9or (ur(oses o. Task Checks< the characterDs 4IT *ating is also
decreased by #1Q.
Canceled byK *e!edy< &suna
Mental (reak
&..ectK The co!batantDs !ental de.enses .ade< lea%ing the!
highly %ulnerable to hostile !agic. The co!batantDs 0. $*0 is
decreased by 10Q .or as long as 0ental ,reak re!ains in
e..ect. 9or (ur(oses o. Task Checks< the characterDs 0$/ *ating
is also decreased by 10Q.
Canceled byK *e!edy< 0ental :(< 0ental Do-n< &suna
Mental +o*n
&..ectK The co!batantDs innate !agical de.enses suddenly
-eaken< di!inishing their ability to -eather inco!ing s(ells. The
co!batantDs 0. $*0 is decreased by #1Q .or as long as 0ental
Do-n re!ains in e..ect. 9or (ur(oses o. Task Checks< the
characterDs 0$/ *ating is also decreased by #1Q.
Canceled byK *e!edy< 0ental :(< 0ental ,reak< &suna
Po*er (reak
&..ectK The co!batant .eels all strength deserting the!<
robbing their blo-s o. any i!(act they !ight ha%e once
(ossessed. 9or as long as Po-er ,reak re!ains in e..ect< all
(hysical da!age in.licted by the co!batant is reduced by
=10Q@ .or (ur(oses o. Task Checks< the characterDs ST* *ating
is also decreased by 10Q.
Canceled byK *e!edy< Po-er :(< Po-er Do-n< &suna
Po*er +o*n
&..ectK The co!batant .eels strangely -eak@ -here they strike<
their attacks cannot !uster as !uch .orce as usual. 9or as long
as Po-er Do-n re!ains in e..ect< all (hysical da!age in.licted
by the co!batant is reduced by =#1Q@ .or (ur(oses o. Task
Checks< the characterDs ST* *ating is also decreased by #1Q.
Canceled byK *e!edy< Po-er :(< Po-er ,reak< &suna
"pirit (reak
&..ectK The co!batant .eels dull=-itted and scatter=brained<
utterly unable to concentrate .or any length o. ti!e. 9or as long
as S(irit ,reak re!ains in e..ect< the co!batantDs 0. &4$ and 0.
$CC are both reduced by 10Q. 9or (ur(oses o. Task Checks<
the characterDs SP* *ating is also decreased by 10Q.
Canceled byK *e!edy< S(irit :(< S(irit Do-n< &suna
"pirit +o*n
&..ectK The co!batant loses concentration< .inding it di..icult to
.ocus intensi%ely on any one thing. 9or as long as S(irit Do-n
re!ains in e..ect< the co!batantDs 0. &4$ and 0. $CC are both
reduced by #1Q@ .or (ur(oses o. Task Checks< the characterDs
SP* *ating is also decreased by #1Q.
Canceled byK *e!edy< S(irit :(< S(irit Do-n< &suna
Status Conditions that create distincti%e energy .ields around
co!batants< increasing their de.ense against certain ty(es o.
!lement Absorb
&..ectK The co!batant is te!(orarily stee(ed in a s(eci.ic
Co!bat &le!ent< allo-ing the! to absorb all da!age associated
-ith it. Treat this as i. the co!batant had an $bsorbance F$H to
the &le!ent in 7uestion.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Debarrier< &le!ent 6eak
!lement 3mmune
&..ectK The co!batant is te!(orarily i!!une to the e..ects o. a
s(eci.ic Co!bat &le!ent< allo-ing the! to negate all da!age
associated -ith it. Treat this as i. the co!batant had an
I!!unity FIH to the &le!ent in 7uestion.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Debarrier< &le!ent 6eak< &le!ent $bsorb
!lement Resist
&..ectK The co!batant is te!(orarily .orti.ied against a s(eci.ic
Co!bat &le!ent. Treat this as i. the co!batant had a
*esistance F*H to the &le!ent in 7uestion.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Debarrier< &le!ent 6eak< &le!ent
I!!une< &le!ent $bsorb
!lement "pikes
&..ectK The co!batant is surrounded by a haEy< colored energy
.ield@ as o((onents dra- near< the energy solidi.ies< turning into
-icked s(ikes o. .ire< ice or surging thunder. $ny success.ul
non=*anged $ttack !ade against the co!batant triggers the
&le!ent S(ikes< in.licting F# ' 0$/H &le!ental da!age on the
attacker. The &le!ent in 7uestion is deter!ined -hen &le!ent
S(ikes is .irst a((lied. Da!age in.licted by &le!ent S(ikes is not
reduced by 0. $*0< but !ay be adCusted .or &le!ental
6eaknesses< I!!unities and the like.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Debarrier
&..ectK The co!batant is encased in a cocoon o. (o-er -hich
absorbs the kinetic energy o. inco!ing attacks. 6hene%er a
co!batant under the e..ects o. Protect is struck by Physical
da!age or &le!ental da!age reduced by $r!or< that da!age is
reduced by 10Q a.ter it has been !odi.ied .or $*0.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Debarrier
&..ectK The co!batant is surrounded by a blue aura ca(able o.
de.lecting !agical energies back at their res(ecti%e sources.
6hene%er a S(ell hits a co!batant a..ected by *e.lect< there is a
chance that the !agic -ill instead bounce o.. to strike a rando!
o((onent. 6hether or not this de(ends on the S(ell< and -ill be
gi%en in the S(ellDs indi%idual descri(tion.
S(ells that target !ulti(le co!batants -ill re.lect once .or
each co!batant -ith *e.lect struck. 9or instance< a 9ira S(ell
in.licting )0 9ire &le!ental da!age be.ore $*0< striking t-o
co!batants -ith *e.lect< -ould result in t-o )0=da!age 9ira
S(ells bouncing back at rando! o((onents. $ny gi%en S(ell can
only be re.lected once< ho-e%er@ *e.lect has no e..ect on !agic
already re.lected o.. another target.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Debarrier
&..ectK The co!batant is inoculated against all har!.ul and
abnor!al conditions. 9or as long as *esist re!ains in e..ect< the
co!batant is considered to ha%e I!!unity to all 9atal=ty(e<
0ysti.y=ty(e< Seal=ty(e< Ti!e=ty(e To'in=ty(e< Trans.or!=ty(e
and 6eaken=ty(e Status Conditions.
Canceled byK Dis(el
&..ectK The co!batant is encased in a cocoon o. (o-er that
sa(s the energy o. inco!ing s(ells< substantially reducing their
e..ecti%eness in the (rocess. 6hene%er a co!batant under the
e..ects o. Shell is struck by 0agical da!age or &le!ental
da!age reduced by 0. $r!or< that da!age is reduced by 10Q
a.ter it has been !odi.ied .or 0. $*0.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Debarrier
&..ectK The co!batant is .ully enclosed by a glittering do!e o.
!agical energy< essentially cutting the! o.. .ro! the general
!elee. 9or as long as the Shield re!ains acti%e< all da!age
done to the co!batant is auto!atically reduced to 0. $ll Status
Conditions > (ositi%e or negati%e > and *eco%ery e..ects< Ite!s
included< are si!ilarly nulli.ied. $ny (ree'isting Status
Conditions are also nulli.ied.
Canceled byK nXa
"tatus 3mmune
&..ectK The co!batant is te!(orarily i!!une to the e..ects o. a
s(eci.ic Status Condition or grou( o. Status Conditions. Treat
this as i. the co!batant had an I!!unity FIH to the Condition >
or Conditions > in 7uestion.
Canceled byK Dis(el
&..ectK $n in%isible barrier o. i!(enetrable .orce surrounds the
co!batant< nulli.ying (hysical attacks. 6hene%er a co!batant
under the e..ects o. 6all is struck by Physical da!age or
&le!ental da!age reduced by $r!or< that da!age is reduced
to 0.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Debarrier
Status Conditions that increase a co!batantDs .ighting (otential
and e7ui(!ent (o-er.
&..ectK The co!batant !o%es -ith greater s(eed< co%ering
ground at a .ar !ore ra(id (ace. 6hile under the e..ects o.
$ccelerate< a co!batantDs SPD is doubled .or (ur(oses o.
calculating !o%e!ent rates@ .or (ur(oses o. Task Checks< the
characterDs S(eed *ating is increased by #1Q.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Slo-
A##ura#) up
&..ectK The co!batant?s blo-s land .ast and true< by(assing
shields< dodges< and (arrying atte!(ts -ith e7ual ease. 9or as
long as $ccuracy :( re!ains in e..ect< the co!batantDs $CC is
increased to #11.
Canceled byK Dis(el
A$ilit) up
&..ectK The co!batant beco!es !ore ni!ble< allo-ing the! to
strike and dodge -ith greater ease. 9or as long as $gility :(
re!ains in e..ect< the co!batantDs &4$ and $CC are both
increased by #1Q. The characters initiati%e score is increased
by # -hen calculated at the start o. the round. 9or (ur(oses o.
Task Checks< the characterDs $/I *ating is also increased by
Canceled byK Dis(el< $gility Do-n< $gility ,reak
Armor up
&..ectK The co!batant .eels skin and ar!or harden< enhancing
their de.ensi%e ca(abilities. 9or as long as $r!or :( re!ains in
e..ect< the co!batantDs $*0 rating is increased by #1Q.
Canceled byK Dis(el< $r!or Do-n< $r!or ,reak
&..ectK The co!batant is surrounded by an in%igorating golden
glo-. 9or as long as $ura re!ains in e..ect< all Charge Ti!es .or
$bility $ctions taken by the co!batant are hal%ed.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Curse
&..ectK The co!batant (hases bet-een solid and i!!aterial
states at rando! inter%als< increasing their ability to esca(e
attack. The co!batantDs &4$ is increased by #0 .or as long as
,link re!ains in e..ect.
Canceled byK Dis(el
Criti#al up
&..ectK The co!batant?s blo-s are dra-n to-ards o((onents?
-eak s(ots< increasing the likelihood o. a lucky hit in the right
(lace. 9or as long as Critical :( re!ains in e..ect< the
co!batant?s CoS .or landing Critical +its is at Z100Q. ,y
de.ault< this !ean that Critical +its -ill occur on a 1 to #0 rather
than a 1 to 10< though this e..ect also stacks -ith CriticalZ<
CriticalZZ< and Signature 6ea(on.
Canceled byK Dis(el
&..ectK The co!batant gains the ability to !o%e through air<
tra%eling o%er hindering en%iron!ental .eatures al!ost
e..ortlessly. 6hile in this state< the co!batant can !o%e o%er
haEardous terrain > such as la%a .lo-s and s(iked .loors > -ith
no ill e..ects< and su..ers no !o%e!ent !odi.iers .or terrain.
Co!batants under the e..ects o. 9light cannot be reached by
0elee e..ects@ this Status Condition also (rotects against certain
other attacks< such as 3uake.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Drag
&..ectK The co!batant ho%ers a hal.=!eter o.. the ground<
see!ingly sus(ended on thin air. 6hile in this state< the
co!batant can !o%e o%er haEardous terrain > such as la%a
.lo-s and s(iked .loors > -ith no ill e..ects< and su..ers no
!o%e!ent !odi.iers .or terrain. +o-e%er< !o%e!ents beco!e
!ore di..icult to control< !aking it i!(ossible to take 9ull=0o%e
$ctions. 9loat !ay also (rotect against certain attacks and
$bilities@ i. so< this -ill be noted in the rele%ant descri(tion.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Drag
&..ectK The co!batant is surrounded by a red aura@ -hen they
!o%e< it is -ith such s(eed that they a((ear like a blur to the
untrained eye. Co!batants a..ected by +aste double their
Initiati%e scores during the Initiati%e Phase -hen deter!ining
the order o. co!bat< and !ay gain additional $ctions as a result
o. this > see the rules on &'tre!e Initiati%e on (age 4 .or !ore
details. I. in a Scene -here no Initiati%e is generated< +aste
besto-s t-o $ctions by de.ault. 9or (ur(oses o. Task Checks<
the characterDs SPD *ating is also increased by 10Q.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Slo-
Ma$i# up
&..ectK The co!batant is i!bued -ith a sudden surge o.
!agical energy< greatly increasing their s(ellcasting (otential.
$ll !agical attacks in.lict Z#1Q da!age .or as long as 0agic
:( re!ains in e..ect.
Canceled byK Dis(el< 0agic Do-n< 0agic ,reak
Mental up
&..ectK The co!batant beco!es e'ce(tionally strong=-illed<
granting the! su(erior (rotection against !agic. 9or as long as
0ental :( re!ains in e..ect< the co!batantDs 0. $*0 rating is
increased by #1Q. 9or (ur(oses o. Task Checks< the
characterDs 0$/ *ating is also increased by #1Q.
Canceled byK Dis(el< 0ental Do-n< 0ental ,reak
MP Half
&..ectK The co!batant is .orti.ied -ith a!bient !agic< greatly
increasing their o-n !ana reser%es. 9or as long as 0P +al.
re!ains in e..ect< all 0agic e..ects -ith an 0P cost ha%e their
costs lo-ered by 10Q. 9ira< .or instance< -ould only cost 11<
rather than ## 0P to cast .or a co!batant under the e..ects o.
0P +al..
Cancelled byK Dis(el
MP >uarter
&..ectK The co!batant?s ability to channel !agic is
strengthened< signi.icantly reducing the a!ount o. !ana they
!ust to cast !agic. 9or as long as 0P 3uarter re!ains
in e..ect< all 0agic e..ects -ith an 0P cost ha%e their costs
lo-ered by #1Q. 9ira< .or instance< -ould only cost 17< rather
than ## 0P to cast .or a co!batant under the e..ects o. 0P
Canceled byK Dis(el
Po*er 1p
&..ectK The co!batant is i!bibed -ith a sudden surge o.
(hysical strength< allo-ing the! to attack -ith greater .orce.
9or as long as Po-er :( re!ains in e..ect< the co!batantDs
(hysical attacks in.lict Z#1Q da!age. 9or (ur(oses o. Task
Checks< the characterDs ST* *ating is also increased by #1Q.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Po-er Do-n< Po-er ,reak
&..ectK The co!batant is surrounded by a green aura that
slo-ly begins to heal their inCuries< regenerating accu!ulated
da!age o%er ti!e. 6hilst under the e..ects o. *egen< a
co!batant reco%ers an a!ount o. +P e7ui%alent to 10Q o.
their !a'i!u! +P score at the beginning o. each Status Phase.
Canceled byK Dis(el
&..ectK $ golden halo o. %ital energy ho%ers o%er the target. I.
any attack or other e%ent should e%er reduce a co!batant
under the e..ects o. *eraise to 0 or .e-er +P< *eraise -ill
i!!ediately cast the S(ell *aise on the!. The Status Condition
auto!atically e'(ires once the target has been resurrected.
Canceled byK :nconscious< Dis(el
&..ectK The co!batant is surrounded by !irror i!ages<
con.ounding and con.using .oes in e7ual !easure. The
co!batantDs &4$ is increased by 40 .or as long as *use
re!ains in e..ect.
Canceled byK Dis(el
"pirit 1p
&..ectK The co!batant is gi.ted -ith a burst o. s(iritual energy<
in.using their incantations and .orti.ying their !ind against
har!.ul !agics. 9or as long as S(irit :( re!ains in e..ect< the
co!batantDs 0. &4$ and 0. $CC ratings are both increased by
#1Q. 9or (ur(oses o. Task Checks< the characterDs SP* *ating
is also increased by #1Q.
Canceled byK Dis(el< S(irit Do-n< S(irit ,reak
&..ectK The co!batant is turned co!(letely trans(arent<
rendering the! in%isible .or all intents and (ur(oses.
Co!batants a..ected by 4anish !ay not be targeted by nor!al
$ttacks< S(ells or $bilities< though they -ill still take da!age i.
the /rou( or Party they belong to is targeted@ attacks -ith the
N$llD designation -ill also a..ect the!. Stealth rolls !ade -hile
under the e..ects o. 4anish gain a 10Q bonus@ !onsters using
the Day 4ision sense to detecting a target under the e..ect o.
4anish do so -ith a Conditional 0odi.ier o. =70.
Canceled byK Dis(el< Da!age
I. the PCs (re%ail o%er their o((onents< they -ill be re-arded .or
their troubles. This (ayo.. can co!e in the .ollo-ing three
/il and JP. &%ery de.eated o((onent has a %alue in /il and
JP. 9or si!(licityDs sake< these %alues are tallied u( .or all
o((onents de.eated in the course o. the battle< taking into
account any .oes that -ere &Cected .ro! the .ight or ran a-ay
on their o-n accord. The total is then di%ided e%enly a!ong all
The ay I see it2 every batt#e brings
you one step (#oser to your !rea$.&
Seifer A#$asy
+o- the re-ard is clai!ed is another !atter entirely@ though
.inding 300 gold (ieces on a dead shark is -ell and acce(table
.or a 9inal 9antasy ga!e< so!e /0s !ay ( to ado(t a
!ore realistic a((roach. 9or this reason< it !ay be con%enient
to think o. the /il %alue as re(resenting the econo!ic %alue o.
hides< bones< .angs and other by=(roducts deri%ed .ro! the
!onsterDs cor(se. Stri((ing these re7uires a success.ul roll
against Sca%enge< -ith the /il e7ui%alent being a-arded once
the (arty drags their har%ested odds and ends to the nearest
Ite!s. Pro%ided they ha%enDt been &Cected< so!e o((onents
!ay also dro( !ore concrete re-ardsK *eco%ery< ,attle or
Su((ort Ite!s< (ieces o. $r!or or 6ea(ons< 0aterials< or other
odds and ends -hose uses !ay not be i!!ediately ob%ious.
$gain< ho- the /0 chooses to a-ard such e7ui(!ent is a
!atter o. indi%idual discretion@ the re-ards can either dro(
directly .ro! the !onster > cheer.ully ignoring the logical
(roble!s inherent in< say< a high=class suit o. !ail being (ulled
o.. the cor(se o. a dinosaur > or be N(rocessedD .ro! the
!onsterDs re!ains< re7uiring a success.ul Sca%enge roll and tri(
into to-n to redee!.
:nlike /il and JP< ite! re-ards -ill rarely co!e in 7uantities
large enough to !ake a totally e%en s(lit (ossible< !eaning PCs
!ust decide a!ongst the!sel%es -ho -alks a-ay -ith the loot.
0ore detailed notes on deter!ining re-ards and dro(s .or
!onsters can be .ound in Cha(ter 10 and $((endi' II .
? ;i,idin. te Spoils (1)
$ .e- short rounds later< the /uards and their charge ha%e
been -i(ed out. *odger consults his notesY
*odger F/0HK 6ith a .eeble croak< the second /uard
colla(ses< ar!or rattling. 5ou gain 1#0 JP and "0 /il a(iece
.ro! the encounter. In additionY FrollingH 5ou .ind a Potion
and t-o Tinctures.
? ;i,idin. te Spoils (2)
*ob F+iroHK IDll take the Potion. I used one u( healing 0int
earlier< so itDs only .air.
0 F+aEeHK 6hat about the TincturesG
,lair F0intHK CarlDs character is the only one -ho can really
use the! at the !o!ent. IDd say let hi! ha%e the!.
*obK 9ine by !e.
Carl F;u!aniHK $ll right. IDll take Ne!. 2o-< the ne't big
7uestion is > ho- do you -ant to take it .ro! here onG
,lairK 6e canDt be sure that .ight didnDt attract !ore trouble
Cust yet. I. -e Cust charge ahead< -e could get oursel%es in
so!e serious hot sou(.
CarlK Playing it cautiously !ight be s!arter. 6e should send
our stealthiest (arty !e!bers u( through the door to scout
out the situation@ the rest -ill .ollo- at a sa.e distance and be
ready to back the! u( i. they run into any trouble.
*obK Sounds good to !e. ThatDd beY 0int and +aEeG
,lairK 5e(.
0K Sure. I. -e can (ick o.. the guards in s!all nu!bers and
a%oid tri((ing any alar!sY
2ot e%ery battle is a straight.or-ard .ace=o... So!eti!es<
characters -ill .ind the!sel%es .ighting under unusual
circu!stances that re7uire the! to e'ercise additional strategy
and care.
!mb4sh and S4r8rise
The ele!ent o. sur(rise has al-ays had its (lace in 9inal
9antasy battles. In earlier ga!es in the series< co!bat occurred
rando!ly< !eaning that !onsters see!ed to literally (ounce on
the heroes .ro! out o. no-here. In the 99*P/< ho-e%er<
characters can (ick their battles > i. they s(ot a !onster be.ore
it s(ots the!< they can al-ays elect to turn around< sneak by< or
(re(are .or the .ight be.ore it ha((ens. 6ith enough .oresight< a
(arty !ay e%en turn the tables on its o((onents and sur(rise
the!< thro-ing the odds in their .a%or.
$n a!bush can only take (lace i. the a!bushing (arty is
a-are o. their %icti!sD (resence and has !anaged to conceal
their o-n. :nder !ost circu!stances< this re7uires an 8((osed
Task Check (itting the a!bushersD Stealth against their targetsD
$-areness. &ach (artici(ant rolls se(arately. Though there are
no Conditional 0odi.iers by de.ault< they can be assigned as
needed i. circu!stances or the di..erence in a%erage Ae%el
bet-een the t-o grou(s see! like they -ould a..ect the
I. the a!bushers !anaged to beat their %icti!s? rolls across
the board< the a!bush is success.ul< and the .irst *ound in the
ensuing battle -ill be a Pree!(ti%e *ound. During this *ound<
only the a!bushing (arty is allo-ed to !ake $ctions@ roll .or
Initiati%e as nor!al a!ongst the !e!bers o. the attacking
(arty< then assign $ctions. The %icti!s o. the a!bush generate
no Initiati%e during this *ound< and are a..licted -ith the Status
Condition :na-are. $.ter all $ctions ha%e been resol%ed< the
battle carries on as usual< -ith both sides !aking $ctions and
rolling .or Initiati%e.
I. so!e !e!bers o. the a!bushed (arty !anaged to beat the
a!bushersD Stealth rolls but the !aCority re!ained unalerted<
run a Pree!(ti%e *ound as nor!al. In this instance< any
o((onent -hose $-areness beat their a!bushersD Stealth rolls
is e'e!(t .ro! being :na-are during the Pree!(ti%e *ound.
I. the !aCority o. the a!bushed (arty !anaged to beat the
a!bushersD Stealth rolls but the a!bushers still had enough
ti!e to s(ring a sur(rise attack be.ore their 7uarry could react<
run a Pree!(ti%e *ound. $ll %icti!s o. the a!bush are e'e!(t
.ro! the :na-are Condition.
I. the a!bushing (arty -as co!(letely unable to beat their
targets? rolls< battle (roceeds as nor!al. 2o Pree!(ti%e *ound
is run.
? Am%"s in Action (1)
6ith +iro and ;u!ani at their backs< +aEe and 0int cree(
through the dungeon co!(le'< kee(ing a close ear o(en .or
(assing (atrols.
*odger F/0HK This .ar u(< you?re beginning to gli!(se the
scarcest gli!!ers o. natural light .iltering in .ro! grilles in the
.loor abo%e< thro-ing little !osaics and (atterns on the !etal
under.oot. 5ou can hear .aint %oices@ the sound o. -ea(ons
rattling< o. .ootste(s suggesting (assing (atrols.
0 F+aEeHK $s long as they stay abo%e groundY
*odgerK /i%e !e a roll .or $-areness< both o. you.
,lair F0intHK FrollingH )0.
0K FrollingH 4#.
*odgerK ThereDs a dull rattle@ chains being lo-ered< hidden
!achinery in the -all ticking o%er Cust u( ahead. Sounds like
thereDs an ele%ator co!ing do-n .urther along the corridor.
,lairK $ny chance -e can get into (osition to attack be.ore
they kno- -eDre co!ingG
*odger checks his notes. The ele%ator to the dungeon le%el is
closed@ realistically s(eaking< the guards -ouldnDt kno- they
-ere -alking into an a!bush until the doors o(ened. In this
case< the Stealth check can be -ai%ed in .a%or o. a si!(le
8((osed $ttribute Check.
*odgerK 5ouDll ha%e to !o%e .ast. $ttribute Checks against
S(eed< (lease.
0K FrollingH 31.
,lairK FrollingH 1.
*odger !akes se(arate rolls .or the three /uards co!ing
do-n the li.t@ 0int and +aEeDs rolls beat all o. the!.
*odgerK 5ou !anage to reach the ele%ator cage a hal.=!inute
be.ore the hea%y brass car sla!s into (osition. $ !ailed hand
closes around the -ire !esh< (ushing it back@ the .irst guard
ste(s out< adCusting his %isor_
,lairK 6e attackI
? Am%"s in Action (2)
*odgerK The !echanoid barely has ti!e to react be.ore you
close in< -ea(ons dra-n. Pree!(ti%e *ound > roll .or
0K FrollingH 3 (lus S(eed e7uals 11.
,lairK FrollingH 7. Yco!es out to 11.
*odgerK 0int acts .irst< .ollo-ed by +aEe. /uards $< , and C
arenDt :na-are< but youD%e got sur(rise on your side. ,lair<
-hatDs your actionG
,lairK 0intDll Cu!( .or-ard< trying to s!ack /uard $ across
the .ace -ith her rod be.ore he has a chance to go .or his
*odgerK $ll right. *oll to hitY
,attles arenDt an in%ite=only a..air@ additional co!batants !ay
co!e in on either side o. the engage!ent during either the
Initiati%e or $ction Phases< auto!atically Coining a Party or
/rou( in the (rocess i. a((licable. *ein.orce!ents that enter
during the $ction Phase do not generate Initiati%e< and cannot
act until the .ollo-ing *ound.
De(ending on the circu!stances< ne- arri%als !ay trans.or!
an ongoing battle into a Pincer $ttack > see belo- .or !ore
? Reinforcements in Action
T-o *ounds later< one /uard is do-n and another is on his
last legs. Suddenly< the ele%ator car begins to ascendY
*odger F/0HK Yand thatDs 14 da!age to /uard C.
Deathsight?s crony staggers back< the light in his %isor
.lickering erratically as he tries to steady hi!sel.. 0intDs about
to act -hen the loud rattle o. chains being (ulled taut
interru(ts the (roceedings@ .or a second ti!e< the ele%ator car
has arri%ed at the dungeon le%el< searchlights .lickering as the
cage slides o(en< re%ealing .our !ore /uards.
,lair F0intHK They?re co!ing in during the $ction PhaseG $re
they going to act this *oundG
*odgerK 2o.
,lairK In that case< 0intDs going to bash the nearest ne-
arri%al. AetDs see i. -e canDt e%en those odds a little bitY
$ Pincer $ttack occurs -hen one side co!(letely encircles the
other. $s a result< the encircled co!batants !ust s(lit their
attention bet-een !ulti(le grou(s o. o((onents< (otentially
lea%ing the! o(en to an attack .ro! behind. In=ga!e< this is
re(resented by di%iding the battle into t-o N.acesD > a Ae.t 9ace
and a *ight 9ace< roughly re(resenting the t-o !aCor .lanks o.
the attack. The e'a!(le belo- sho-s a (arty he!!ed in by










$ny co!batant in%ol%ed in a Pincer $ttack !ust decide -hich
.acing > Ae.t or *ight > they ha%e. S-itching .acing .ro! Ae.t or
*ight > or %ice %ersa > is a Bero $ction< but !ust be declared at
the beginning o. a co!batant?s turn. Co!batants in the
encircled (arty !ay only attack o((onents -ho share their
.acing< -hile the encircling side can attack either .acing at -ill.
9urther!ore< -hene%er a co!batant in the encircling (arty
attacks an o((onent -ho does not share his .acing< that
o((onent is considered to be :na-are. To co!(ensate< the
o((onent !ay s-itch .acing as a *eaction i. they take da!age
.ro! a .oe they are :na-are to.
Pincer $ttacks last .or as long as the encircling side kee(s
co!batants on both the Ae.t and *ight 9aces. $s soon as this
sto(s being the case< the Pincer $ttack breaks u(@ co!bat
(roceeds as nor!al.
? Pincer Attac)s in Action
The Initiati%e Phase o. *ound 3 sees +aEe and 0int tra((ed by
ene!y rein.orce!ents. The t-o (re(are .or a bitter struggle.
*odger F/0HK 6ith si' /uards and Cust t-o o. you< youDre
co!(letely surrounded. /i%e !e .acings@ the si' /uards > $< ,<
C< D< & and 9 > are s(lit e%enly bet-een the t-o.
0 F+aEeHK IDll .ace le.t< 0int -ill .ace right. ThatDll at least gi%e
us e%en odds.
,lair F0intHK 9ine.
*odgerK $ll right. *oll .or Initiati%es.
0K FrollingH 4 (lus S(eed e7uals 1#.
,lairK FrollingH #. Y(lus S(eed e7uals 10.
*odger rolls Initiati%e .or the /uards in secret< co!ing u( -ith
Initiati%es o. 13< 7< )< 14< and ".
*odgerK $ll right. Initiati%e order is as .ollo-sK /uard D< /uard
$< +aEe< 0int< /uard 9< /uard &< /uard , and /uard C.
,lairK Yyeah< this is gonna hurt. $ lot.
*odgerK FrollingH $nd theyDre o..I /uard D?s %isor .lashes
bright as he slashes at +aEeDs back@ our .a%orite Dark ;nightDs
not .acing hi!< so heDs considered :na-are and takes double
0K 6onder.ul. +o- bad is itG
*odgerK FrollingH +aEe takes " da!age< doubled to 1 .or
being :na-are > do you -ant to change .acingG
0K ID! staying the course here.
? Pincer Attac)s in Action (2)
*odgerK FrollingH /ood call > the -ounded /uard $ thro-s
hi!sel. at +aEe be.ore his co!rade has e%en begun to ste(
back. The i!(actDs as !uch kinetic energy as sur(rise< da!n
near knocking the air out o. your lungs. FrollingH 7 da!age<
but youDre sharing his .acing< so no !ods this ti!e. +aEe<
youDre u(.
,lairK 0ay as -ell .inish o.. /uard $ -hile -eD%e still got the
0K +ealing !ight be a better ideaY ID! getting beat u(
so!ething .ierce out here. ;u!ani and +iroDd better get a
!o%e on.
$dding a ti!e li!it to a battle is a great -ay to ratchet u( the
tension. 0ore i!(ortantly< reasons .or doing can %ary
dra!atically > the heroes !ay be trying to esca(e a colla(sing
(alace< engaged in a contest to subdue and as !any
8chus as they can in the s(ace o. 10 !inutes< or only ha%e a
scant hal.=hour be.ore the &!(ireDs Justice To-er takes out
rebel head7uarters.
6hen setting u( a ti!ed battle< the /0 begins by establishing
the ti!e li!it. This -ill usually be in !inutes< and ideally in
incre!ents o. 1. 2e't< that li!it is con%erted into ?ticks? by
!ulti(lying it by )0. 6hen a battle takes (lace< e%ery *ound that
ela(ses in co!bat reduces the total ti!er by a nu!ber o. ticks
e7ual to the *oundDs highest non=&'tre!e Initiati%e !inus the
lo-est Initiati%e .or that *ound. Inter%ening ti!e< including
tra%el and other acti%ities bet-een battles< reduce the ti!er at
the /0Ds discretion. Should the ti!er hit 0 be.ore the heroes
ha%e acco!(lished their obCecti%e< itDs ga!e o%er.
$nother -ay to run ti!ed battles is to gi%e the (arty a certain
a!ount o. ti!e during -hich they !ust hold out against attack.
9or instance< the (arty !ay be de.ending a critical location
against o((osing .orces< and !ust hold their ground .or at least
10 !inutes to gi%e rein.orce!ents ti!e to arri%e.
The .ollo-ing list reca(s so!e o. the !ost i!(ortant conce(ts
introduced in this cha(ter .or 7uick re.erence.
$bility $ction. $ny $ction using Slo-< 9ast< or 0agic $bilities<
including S(ells.
$d%erse Terrain. Terrain that reduces !o%e!ent by 10Q.
$ttack $ction. $ttacking an o((onent -ith an e7ui((ed
$uto!atic 0iss. $ ,otch in an $ttack $ction.
,ra-ling. $ttack $ctions -ithout a 6ea(on e7ui((ed.
Critical +it. $ Critical Success in an $ttack $ction.
Co!bat 0o%e!ent. 0o%e!ent undertaken as (art o. an
Di..icult Terrain. Terrain that reduces !o%e!ent by #1Q.
De.ense $ction. /i%ing u( all $ctions and bracing .or
&sca(e $ction. $ction resulting .ro! a co!batantDs atte!(ts
to -ithdra- to a (osition.
&'tre!e Initiati%e. $n Initiati%e o. 31 or higher. &ntitles a
co!batant to additional $ctions.
9ull= 0o%e $ction. $n $ction s(ent entirely on !o%e!ent.
Ite! $ction. $ction in%ol%ing using ite!s or changing
e7ui(!ent in=battle.
Pincer $ttack. ,attle in -hich one side co!(lete encircles
the other.
Pree!(ti%e *ound. S(ecialiEed *ound resulting .ro!
Trigger $ction. $n $ction in%ol%ing a Task Check.
:nconscious. Condition in -hich a PC or 2PC has been
reduced to 0 or .e-er +P.
6ait. Delay acting .or a certain nu!ber o. ticks.
"No2 for $y ne:t tri(%2 I i##
$a%e you a##... !isappear*"
Kef%a /a##a7o
0agic is a .unda!ental and natural (art o. the -orld< !ani.est
in all things ani!ate and inani!ate. The .lo- o. !agical energy<
or !ana< in the -orld as a -hole is essential to its -ell=being@
only so long as the (o-er o. the ele!ents is unchecked can the
-ind continue to blo-< the earth continue to be .ertile< the cycle
o. li.e and death go on. $ll o. the -orld?s inhabitants< -hether
conscious o. it or not< ha%e so!e s!all (art o. this .orce inside
the!@ -ith training< it can be turned into a -ea(on !ore
(o-er.ul than !ere blade or bra-n< !ore de%astating than all
but the .arthest=reaching technologies.
0ost -orlds contain at least so!e degree o. Nbackground
!agicD > enough !ana to sustain li.e on the -orld itsel.< but a
.ar cry .ro! the sheer a!ount o. .ree energy needed to .uel true
s(ellcasting. The e'istence o. 0ages de(ends hea%ily on the
(resence o. obCects that rein.orce and a!(li.y this -eak le%el o.
natural !agic to the (oint -here it can be acti%ely sha(ed.
Certain kinds o. naturally=occurring crystals ha%e been .ound to
be curiously sy!(athetic to the .lo- o. !ana< able to .ocus<
store and e%en a!(li.y natural ele!ental .orces. Such crystals
are kno-n as !agicite< and can %ary -idely in both siEe and
(o-er. $t its s!allest< !agicite can be little !ore than a
!icrosco(ic (o-der tra((ed -ithin larger rock .or!ations<
creating unusual (heno!ena through (ent=u( !ana. $ stone
charged -ith a !odest a!ount o. 9ire energy< .or instance<
-ould .eel unusually -ar! to the touch< though its sorcerous
uses are ne't to nil. Con%ersely< genuinely titanic !agicite
.or!ations such as the legendary 9our Crystals are !agical
reser%oirs -ithout (eer< ca(able o. raising and destroying
nations -ith e7ual ease.
0agicite can be used .or any nu!ber o. (ur(oses< ranging
.ro! (o-ering !achinery to enriching soil. 0ost !agically=
e!(o-ered e7ui(!ent is constructed by binding the rush o.
energy .reed by the destruction o. !agicite .rag!ents into the
ite! during the creation (rocess@ !ore (o-er.ul ar!s and
ar!or !ay be !ade o. (ure !agicite crystals< and are ca(able
o. absorbing and channeling signi.icant a!ounts o. !agical
$l!ost all creatures ha%e so!e a!ount o. !agicite in their
bodies< allo-ing the! to channel !ana .or their o-n uses. :(on
death< (art o. the !agical energy that has (assed through the
creature !ay linger in its !agicite@ (arts o. the creature that
ha%e (articularly high concentrations o. !agicite can e%en be
har%ested to !ake a ,attle Ite!. Such N.roEenD !agic is ty(ically
!ore co!!on in the re!ains o. creatures o. arcane origin< such
as ,o!bs@ %irtually any .rag!ent o. their bodies can be used to
unleash a s!all s(ark o. o..ensi%e s(ellcasting in the right
&%en as it sustains li.e< !agic in turn creates its o-n ecology<
ranging in scale .ro! ani!al=like nature s(irits to the (ri!iti%e
ele!entals< creatures ?birthed? by large !asses o. ele!ental
energy con%erging on a single location. $t the ti( o. the
(ro%erbial tote! (ole are the Su!!ons< kno-n by a !illion and
one na!es throughout the uni%erse@ such creatures ty(ically
d-ell on (lanes o. (ure (o-er connected to a -orld by only the
!ost tenuous o. links< dra-n into !aterial e'istence by the
(ersuasi%e talents o. Caller and Su!!oner alike.
The en%iron!ent< too< interacts -ith ra- .lo-s o. !agic<
resonating -here the ele!ents are !ost sy!(athetic. The heat
o. a %olcano< .or instance< can tie together !any strea!s o. 9ire
&le!ental energy< creating a reser%oir o. !ana .a%orable to
arcane creatures and s(ellcasters alike. Si!ilarly< a lightning
strike during a .erocious thunderstor! attracts Aightning
&le!ental energy@ a torrential rain.all leads to the accu!ulation
o. 6ater &le!ental (o-er. 9or those -ho rely on the !ight o.
the ele!ents< care.ul consideration o. oneDs surroundings is an
i!(ortant .actor in e..ecti%ely sha(ing these energies.
$cti%e -ielders o. !agical (o-er %ary -ildly in sha(e and sco(e.
6ith su..icient training and (hysical disci(line< -arriors can
channel ele!ental .lo-s into their techni7ues@ to the!< this
.orce is kno-n as chi and accounts .or !uch o. their (o-er in
battle. +o-e%er< such a((lications are rigid< de(ending as !uch
on the -arriorDs (hysical (ro-ess as on their a-areness o. the
!agical basis underlying the!. $ true 0age can acti%ely t-ist
and .ocus ra- .lo-s o. !agic into (hysical< %isible .or!s@ dark
!ists< .reeEing gales< ho-ling stor!s< and scorching -a%es o.
The s(ellcasting (rocedure itsel. de(ends on the (o-er and
e'(erience o. the !age in 7uestion. ,eginners rely hea%ily on
sub=%ocaliEed incantations to .ocus the (o-er necessary to
unleash their S(ell o. choice@ !ore ad%anced (ractitioners can
in%oke !agic -ith nothing !ore than a si!(le hand=gesture.
8nce (re(ared< all S(ells can be acti%ated by a s(oken -ord >
usually the s(ell?s na!e < such as ?CuraI? > or a !ore grandiose
co!!and< such as UStar .ire< a-aken and deli%er your
Cudg!entI 9iragaIW +o-e%er< it should be noted that such
(ronounce!ents are usually deli%ered !ore .or inti!idation
%alue than actual (racticality@ in both cases< the results are the
Fao#os (heos !e van!a* =or!a ra$u!
feo#io... =o$a#2 )eeve of Ti$e2 by oath
unto you a$ I boun!. Ti$e#ess2 (ross you
no the vastness of Ti$e"s gu#f. Thro
i!e @er gates that e $ay pass*&
Loffrey -o!ring
Casting !agic also has a %isual as(ect< as !ana dra-n by
casters .ro! the i!!ediate en%iron!ent solidi.ies into !otes o.
light Cust be.ore entering the caster?s body. +o- noticeable this
is de(ends on both the (o-er o. the caster and the a!ount o.
!ana re7uired by the S(ell@ (articularly ade(t !agicians can
disguise these ?!ana signatures? to !ake e%en high=intensity
s(ellcasting e..ecti%ely in%isible.
The classi.ication o. !agic has occu(ied scholars .or centuries.
&%en to this day< the .iner details o. !agical ta'ono!y can be
.uel .or considerable debate. Certain as(ects< ho-e%er< are
considered to be uni%ersally agreed on. $!ong the! is the .act
that !ana is the basic building=block o. !agic@ though .urther
di%ersi.ied and re.ined< ra- !ana can be used to dri%e a -ide
%ariety o. hel(.ul and har!.ul e..ects. 9ro! here< all !agic can
be broadly broken u( into three !aCor grou(s o. .orces >
&le!ental< Cos!ic and Ai.e.
The &le!ental .orces are so!eti!es also called Nnatural
.orcesD< deri%ing that designation .ro! the .act that they are
ine'tricably tied to natural (heno!ena. The !ost co!!on o.
these in%ol%e the .our basic ele!ents > &arth< 9ire< 6ind and
6ater > -hich in turn co!bine to .or! the distincti%e N(ara=
ele!entsD o. Aightning and Ice. To these are added ,io< +oly
and Shado-. The inclusion o. the latter t-o is (roble!atic .or
those -ho see the! as su(ernatural rather than !undane
.orces. $s a result< in so!e 7uarters the latter three are not
considered ele!ents at all< and si!(ly e'cised .ro! the
reckoning. The collecti%e grou(ing o. these nine > &arth< 9ire<
$ir< 6ater< Aightning< Ice< ,io< +oly and Shado- > is re.erred to
as the Co!bat &le!ents@ s(ells .ocusing their (o-er are
intended .or har! and destruction !ore o.ten than not.
8utside the do!ain o. the ele!ents is the .orce o. Cos!os@ its
co!(onents are Ti!e and /ra%ity< the distortion o. -hich .or!s
the basis o. the Ti!e 0ageDs curious (o-ers. In !any cases<
the end result is a roundabout -ay o. acco!(lishing -hat
ele!ental !agic -ill easily do in skilled hands@ rather than
launch a .ireball< a Ti!e 0age -ill t-ist the .orces o. Ti!e and
(luck a co!et sho-er .ro! distant anti7uity Cust long enough to
bo!bard their o((onents into sub!ission.
The .inal co!(onent o. the !agical s(ectru! is another
o%erarching .orce< Ai.e< gi%en (o-er by the cycle o. birth and
death and the !igration o. souls. Though not inherently a
!agical thing< its interactions -ith ra- !agic ha%e allo-ed
6hite 0ages and other (ractitioners o. healing to use it in the
sa!e .ashion as its -ilder ele!ental counter(arts. $s a result<
its inclusion re!ains a (oint o. contention.
9or the sake o. clari.ying e..ects and o..ering an organiEational
thread to tie %arious S(ells together< each S(ell belongs to a
distincti%e category.
&le!ental 0agic is a ter! used to describe any S(ell that
deals da!age associated -ith one o. the nine Co!bat &le!ents.
$ny S(ell that directly deals da!age to an o((onent but is not
a..iliated -ith a Co!bat &le!ents belongs to the category o.
$rcane 0agic. $rcane 0agic can deal either Physical or 0agical
da!age@ -hich o. the t-o is noted in the ?Ty(e? .ield.
*eco%ery 0agic describes any S(ell that reco%ers +P or 0P to
a target > usually the caster< or one o. the caster?s allies > or
re!o%es negati%e Status Conditions. *eco%ery 0agic can ha%e
une'(ected e..ects on :ndead !onsters > and co!batants
a..licted -ith the Status Condition Bo!bie.
$ny S(ell that in.licts one or !ore Status Conditions as a result
o. its casting< bene.icial or other-ise< is kno-n as Status
0agic. 9or the sake o. calculating I!!unities< these S(ells are
di%ided into se%en categories > 0ysti.y< To'in< Seal< Ti!e<
Trans.or!< 9atal< and 6eak > based on the Status Conditions
they in.lict. There are also t-o (ositi%e Status Categories<
,arrier and Strengthen.
Su((ort 0agic co%ers S(ells that do not ha%e a direct e..ect on
either the caster< the casterDs allies< or their o((onents. The
S(ell Sight< -hich allo-s a 6hite 0age to get an o%er%ie- o. an
area< is a (ri!e e'a!(le o. this kind o. !agic.
S(ellblade 0agic is the s(ecialiEed category o. !agic used by
0agic ;nights and their ilk. *ather than directly a..ecting
o((onents< such S(ells instead use the casterDs -ea(on as a
The S(ell listings o%er the re!ainder o. the Cha(ter are set out
as .ollo-sK
The .irst thing listed is the S(ell?s casting na!e. Due to
di..erences in translation bet-een 9inal 9antasy ga!es<
(layers !ay kno- so!e o. these by alternate na!es > ,liEEara<
.or instance< is occasionally called Ice #. To a%oid creating
con.usion< only one na!e is gi%en .or each S(ell.
The 0P Cost is gi%en to the right o. the s(ellDs na!e< and
lists the nu!ber o. 0agic Points re7uired to cast the S(ell.
Casting cost is subtracted .ro! the 0age?s current 0P -hen the
S(ell is cast.
Target sho-s -hich co!batants the S(ell a..ects.
Ty(e indicates -hich S(ell Category that (articular S(ell .alls
under< used .or the (ur(oses o. calculating I!!unities.
The * or 2* indicate -hether a S(ell is a..ected by the Status
Condition *e.lect F*H or not F2*H.
Prere7uisite lists -hich other S(ells the 0age !ust ha%e
learned in order to be able to obtain this (articular S(ell< -here
B#!C 0!GIC
,lack is the color o. destruction. Practitioners o. ,lack 0agic
ha%e !astered control o. the ele!ents< sha(ing these into any
nu!ber o. o..ensi%e de%ices.
#e6el &
(.35+ 5 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FSealH *
$ blinding cloud o. thick black .og surrounds the target< robbing
it o. all senses. ,lind has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion
o. in.licting the Status Condition ,lind on the target F)H.
(.3??AR+ ; MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FIceH *
$ .lurry o. high=s(eed ice (articles is launched at the target<
in.licting F4 ' 0$/H Z d< 0. $r!or Ice &le!ental da!age.
F3Re ; MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH *
$ burning s(here o. .ire rushes to-ards the target< e'(loding
on i!(act. 9ire in.licts F4 ' 0$/H Z d< 0. $r!or 9ire
&le!ental da!age.
P43"45 9 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F,ioH *
Status FTo'inH
$ .rothing cloud o. sickly %iolet bubbles s-ar!s o%er the target
-ith su..ocating .orce. Poison in.licts F4 ' 0$/H Z d< 0.
$r!or ,io &le!ental da!age@ in addition< Poison has a CoS o.
F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition
Poison F[H.
".!!P 5 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FSealH *
Clouds o. light !ist (lay around the target as the a((arition o. a
!oon a((ears o%erhead to sho-er so.t starlight u(on it. Slee(
has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition Slee( F)H.
'H15+!R ; MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FAightningH *
$ brilliant bolt o. lightning tears do-n .ro! the sky< striking the
target -ith barely=contained energy. Thunder in.licts F4 ' 0$/H
Z d< 0. $r!or Aightning &le!ental da!age.
#e6el +
+ARk 18 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FShado-H *
$ s(here o. utter blackness launches at the target< dissi(ating
into a dark !ist as it strikes. Dark in.licts F ' 0$/H Z #d< 0.
$r!or Shado- &le!ental da!age.
!.!M!5' "P3!" 10 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
The target is surrounded by a shi!!ering barrier o. ele!ental
energy ca(able o. solidi.ying into cruel s(ikes at the touch o. a
-ea(on. &le!ent S(ikes in.licts the Status Condition &le!ent
S(ikes F)H@ declare -hich ele!ent the S(ikes -ill be tied to >
9ire< Ice or Aightning > -hen casting this S(ell.
.4C 1: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F6eakH *
$t the caster?s co!!and< a set o. crosshairs begin to glo-
around the target?s body< illu!inating -eak (oints and tracking
!o%e!ents. Aock has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition Aock on the target F)H.
RA"P 15 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH *
Ine'orably dra-n by the lure o. !agical (o-er< translucent
s(heres o. %iolet energy s(iral in to-ards the target< sa((ing all
!ana out o. the surrounding area be.ore rushing a-ay. *as(
reduces the targetDs current 0P by F ' 0$/H Z #d< 0.
%A'!R 18 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F6aterH *
6ater begins to .ilter out o. the air< .or!ing a solid ball around
the target that li.ts it o.. the ground be.ore bursting in a sho-er
o. li7uid. 6ater in.licts F ' 0$/H Z #d< 0. $r!or 6ater
&le!ental da!age.
#e6el ,
(.3??ARA 22 MP
TargetK SingleX/rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FIceH *
The air around the target condenses to .reeEing (oint in an
instant< encasing it in a to-ering s(ire o. ice. ,liEEara in.licts
F1# ' 0$/H Z 3d< 0. $r!or Ice &le!ental da!age.
Prere7uisiteK ,liEEard
F!AR 3: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F6eakH *
$ sinister< screa!ing %isage -a%ers into li.e abo%e the target<
letting loose a bone=chilling ho-l be.ore .ading a-ay. 9ear has a
CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition Po-er Do-n F)H.
F3ra 22 MP
TargetK SingleX/rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH *
$ .urious e'(losion tears through the air as a colu!n o.
incandescent .ire eru(ts under the target. 9ira in.licts F1# '
0$/H Z 3d< 0. $r!or 9ire &le!ental da!age.
Prere7uisiteK 9ire
'H15+Ara 22 MP
TargetK SingleX/rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FAightningH *
&lectric=blue thunderbolts crash into the ground< creating a
deadly array o. ball lightning to encircle all targets. Thundara
in.licts F1# ' 0$/H Z 3d< 0. $r!or Aightning &le!ental
Prere7uisiteK Thunder
?4M(3! 3: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FTrans.or!H
The target disa((ears< s-allo-ed by a -a%e o. !ias!ic green
s!oke seeking to steal a-ay its li.e .orce. Bo!bie has a CoS o.
F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition
Bo!bie F)H.
#e6el -
(3o 44 MP
TargetK SingleX/rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F,ioH *
Status FTo'inH
4irulent green orbs begin to bubble out o. the ground< 7uickly
o%er-hel!ing the target -ith a deadly sho-er o. to'ins. ,io
in.licts F11 ' 0$/H Z 4d< 0. $r!or ,io &le!ental da!age@
in addition< ,io has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition Poison F[H > roll se(arately .or
each eligible co!batant.
Prere7uisiteK Poison
+!(ARR3!R 3: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Su((ort 2*
$ bea! o. daEEling blue light strikes the target< blasting a-ay
all (rotecti%e !agics in the blink o. an eye. Debarrier has a CoS
o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. canceling all ,arrier=ty(e
Status Conditions e'ce(t Shield currently acti%e on the target.
+!"PA3R 35 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F6eakH *
Colu!ns o. red and black s!oke dance around the target<
-ra((ing it in choking< .u!ing s(irals. Des(air has a CoS o. F0.
$CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Conditions $r!or
Do-n F4H and 0ental Do-n F4H.
Prere7uisiteK 9ear
+RA35 34 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery 2*
,lood=red orbs circle the target< gro-ing larger and !ore li%id
as they dra- out the %ery essence o. the target?s li.e@ once .ull<
the orbs return to the caster< releasing their (ayload o. stolen
%itality on contact. Drain in.licts F11 ' 0$/H Z 4d< 0. $r!or
0agical da!age@ the caster regains a nu!ber o. +it Points
e7ual to the a!ount lost by the target.
4"M4"! 1 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery 2*
8rbs o. blinding (ink energy .or! around the target< gro-ing
larger and !ore lu!inous as they dra- !ana .ro! the target@
once .ull< the orbs return to the caster< trans.erring the stolen
energy u(on contact. The targetDs current 0P is reduced by
F11 ' 0$/H Z 4d< 0. $r!or 0P@ the caster regains a
nu!ber o. 0P e7ual to the a!ount lost by the target.
%A'!RA 38 MP
TargetK SingleX/rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6aterH *
The ground buckles and cracks as a colu!n o. -ater eru(ts<
%iolently i!!ersing all targets be.ore dis(ersing again. 6atera
in.licts F11 ' 0$/H Z 4d< 0. $r!or 6ater &le!ental
Prere7uisiteK 6ater
#e6el .
(.3??AGA 0: MP
TargetK SingleX/rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FIceH *
Particles o. .rost and sno- accelerate to-ards the target<
ra(idly sealing it in layer a.ter layer o. solid ice be.ore the entire shatters. ,liEEaga in.licts F1 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0.
$r!or Ice &le!ental da!age.
Prere7uisiteK ,liEEara
C1R"! 55 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FSealH *
$ sinister black circle !aterialiEes under the target< strea!ing
!ulti=colored lights and gases be.ore -inking shut. Curse has a
CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition Curse F4H.
Prere7uisiteK Des(air
TargetK SingleX/rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH *
$ colossal s(here o. -hite=hot .ire crashes onto the target<
s(arking a .urious e'(losion that engul.s it in a cloud o. ash and
cinders. 9iraga in.licts F1 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or 9ire
&le!ental da!age.
Prere7uisiteK 9ira
"C41RG! 05 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FShado-H *
$ long shado- cree(s o%er the ground< darkening the area as
-icked s(ikes o. unholy energy burst through to ske-er all
targets. Scourge in.licts F1 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or
Shado- &le!ental da!age.
Prere7uisiteK Dark
"'45! 05 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FSealH *
9ingers o. stone burst .orth .ro! the ground< snatching shut
around the target in a sho-er o. .lying stones and dirt be.ore
shattering. Stone has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition Stone F[H.
'H15+AGA 0: MP
TargetK SingleX/rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FAightningH *
$ dea.ening (eal o. thunder rolls across the battle.ield as
lightning bolt a.ter lightning bolt crashes to earth< tra((ing all
targets in a siEEling s(here o. electrical energy be.ore
dissi(ating again. Thundaga in.licts F1 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0.
$r!or Aightning &le!ental da!age.
Prere7uisiteK Thundara
#e6el /
+!A'H 8: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F9atalH *
$ decaying< hooded .igure e!erges .ro! the ground in a cloud
o. dark s!oke< raising a !assi%e scythe to clea%e the targetDs
li.e .orce in t-ain be.ore .ading a-ay -ith a blood=curdling
laugh. Death has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
reducing the target to 0 +P< regardless o. current +P< $*0 or
0. $*0 %alues< or the Da!age Ca(.
Prere7uisiteK Debarrier
F.AR! 80 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH *
/lobes o. (ure !agical energy blast into the target in a
relentless strea!< setting o.. one chaotic e'(losion a.ter
another be.ore rushing out again. 9lare in.licts F#4 ' 0$/H Z
4d10< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age.
>1A! ;: MP
TargetK $ll Ty(eK &le!ental F&arthH 2*
$ %iolent tre!or tears through the length o. the battle.ield<
breaking u( the ground into shuddering< cru!bling .rag!ents
and ya-ning cre%asses. 3uake in.licts F#1 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0.
$r!or &arth &le!ental da!age@ 9loating and 9lying targets are
i!!une to its e..ects.
")PH45 ;: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery 2*
8rbs o. golden energy surround the target< gro-ing larger and
!ore brilliant as they sa( at its %ital and !agical .orces@ once
large enough< they return to the caster< dissol%ing in a sho-er
o. (ale light. The target su..ers F#1 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or
da!age< s(lit e%enly bet-een +P and 0P@ the caster regains an
a!ount o. +P and 0P e7ual to that lost by the target. I. the
target has no 0P< all da!age de.aults to the targetDs +P
%A'!RGA ;8 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6aterH *
6inding strea!s o. airborne -ater race to-ards all targets<
7uickly enclosing the! in an i!!ense li7uid do!e be.ore
dissol%ing into a .oa!ing tidal -a%e. 6aterga in.licts F#1 '
0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or 6ater &le!ental da!age.
Prere7uisiteK 6atera
#e6el )
FR!!?! 115 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FIceH *
Status F9atalH
Chilly %a(ors .loat o%er the battle.ield as .rag!ents o. blue ice
cascade do-n on the target< i!(risoning it in a Cagged< glacial
(rison. 9reeEe in.licts F#7 ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< 0. $r!or Ice
&le!ental da!age@ in addition< it has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H<
0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition 9roEen F#H.
Prere7uisiteK ,liEEaga
51! 115 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH *
Status F9atalH
S(heres o. orange .la!e rush to-ards the target< it in
an e%er=gro-ing e'(losion -ith the heat and .ury o. a ne-born
star. 2uke in.licts F#7 ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< 0. $r!or 9ire
&le!ental da!age@ in addition< it has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H<
0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition +eat F#H.
Prere7uisiteK 9iraga
PA35 85 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FS(ecialH *
8ily clouds o. black and %iolet s!oke engul. the target<
obscuring it .ro! %ie- entirely. Pain has a CoS o. F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Conditions ,lind F4H<
Poison FH< and Silence F4H@ roll se(arately .or each Status
'4A+ ;5 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FTrans.or!H
9our colu!ns o. orange s!oke eru(t around the target<
s(e-ing .orth until the %icti! is nothing but an indistinct
shado- in the %a(ors. Toad has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Toad F4H. I. the target
is already under the e..ects o. Toad< a second casting o. Toad
cancels the Status Condition.
2!54M 1:: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F,ioH *
Status FTo'inH
$ (ool o. %ile ooEe begins to .or!< stea!ing to'ic gases as
bubbles o. li7uid %eno! rise u( to sho-er all targets. 4eno!
in.licts F#4 ' 0$/H Z 4d10< 0. $r!or ,io &le!ental da!age.
In addition< it has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition 4eno! F4H > roll se(arately .or
each eligible co!batant.
Prere7uisiteK ,io
#e6el (
(R!A 15: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F&arthH *
Status FS(ecialH
The ground beneath the target e'(lodes in a seis!ic night!are
o. dust< soil and rocky s(ires. ,reak in.licts F30 ' 0$/H Z
4d1#< 0. $r!or &arth &le!ental da!age@ in addition< it has a
CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition Stone F[H. I. success.ul< !ake an additional dQ roll@
there is a F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion chance that the %iolent
shaking -ill ha%e shattered the (etri.ied co!batant< reducing
the target to 0 +P< regardless o. current +it Points< $*0 or 0.
$*0 %alues.
Prere7uisiteK 3uake< Stone
"#At/e 1;5 MP
TargetK $ll Ty(eK &le!ental FShado-H 2*
$ .iery agglo!eration o. rock .lashes into e'istence abo%e the
battle.ield< gathering .rag!ents o. ony' and dark energy to it
be.ore beginning its descent to earth< crackling -ith !ale%olent
energy as it crashes do-n. Scathe in.licts F3) ' 0$/H Z
1d1#< 0. $r!or Shado- &le!ental da!age.
Prere7uisiteK Scourge
+oomsda) 1;5 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F9atalH *
$ -all o. dark s!oke s-ee(s across the battle.ield< cloaked
shado-s and glo-ing eyes %isible through the oily tendrils
be.ore the dark scene .ades a-ay. Doo!sday has a CoS o. F0.
$CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. reducing all a..ected targets to 0 +P<
regardless o. current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0 %alues. *oll se(arately
.or each eligible target.
Prere7uisiteK Death
M!.'+4%5 15: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
Status F6eakH
$ high=s(eed strea! o. heat and energy assails the target<
i!!ersing it in .urious< bone=searing te!(eratures. 0eltdo-n
in.licts F33 ' 0$/H Z 1d10< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age@ in
addition< it has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. adding
the Status Condition 0eltdo-n F4H.
Prere7uisiteK 9lare
1.'3MA 25: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
$n eerie cal! .alls o%er the battle.ield as the sky gro-s dark<
shading the co!batants in blue and black. 8nly one sound
breaks the silence@ a single note< gaining in (itch as a do!e o.
(urest blue energy .or!s underneath the targets< gro-ing
out-ards in an unsto((able< destructi%e rush that engul.s the
area -hole. $s the sound reaches ear=s(litting .re7uencies< the
do!e .lashes out o. e'istence< and all beco!es still once !ore.
:lti!a in.licts F4# ' 0$/H Z 1d1# 0agical da!age@ unlike
other ,lack S(ells< :lti!a is not a..ected by the Da!age Ca(
and !ay e'ceed """ da!age.
Prere7uisiteK 0eltdo-n
The (o-er o. 6hite is that o. li.e itsel.. $s a .oil to the
destructi%e e'cesses o. ,lack 0agic< 6hite 0agic heals -here
,lack inCures< (rotects -here ,lack -eakens. 6hite 0ages are
restricted in ter!s o. direct o..ense< but their su((ort ability is
second to none.
#e6el &
A!R4 ; MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F6indH *
$ %icious gust o. -ind assails the target< tearing into it -ith
raEor=shar( debris. $ero in.licts F4 ' 0$/H Z d< 0. $r!or
6ind &le!ental da!age.
C1R! 5 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery *
$n iridescent s(ark o. blue light s(irals around the target<
trailing glo-ing s(ecks in its -ake. Cure restores F4 ' 0$/H Z
d +P.
!.!M!5' G1AR+ 1: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
Strings o. lu!inous %iolet light encircle the target< trailing long
streaks o. !ystical energy as they orbit be.ore %anishing.
&le!ent /uard besto-s the status Condition &le!ent *esist
F)H@ the caster !ust s(eci.y -hich &le!ent is a..ected -hen
casting the S(ell. $dditional castings o. &le!ent /uard !ay add
additional &le!ents@ casting &le!ent /uard .or an &le!ent the
target already has a *esistance to-ards< ho-e%er< -ill not
(roduce any additional e..ect.
P43"45A 3 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery *
$ slurry o. dull (ur(le s(heres -ashes o%er and through the
length o. the target< canceling all To'in=ty(e Status Conditions
currently a..licting it.
"CA5 3 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Su((ort *
/hostly crosshairs settle u(on the target< surrounding it in a
dance o. arcane letters and nu!bers s(elling out its e%ery
secret. Scan re%eals the target?s Ae%el< 0onster Ty(e Fi.
a((licableH current and !a'i!u! +P and 0P %alues<
$bsorbances< I!!unities< *esistances< 6eaknesses and Status
I!!unities. $t the /0Ds discretion< it !ay also gi%e additional
in.or!ation on the targetDs background< tactics< and beha%iors.
"3GH' 3 MP
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort 2*
The casterDs surroundings see! to !elt a-ay< shrinking in a
rush o. !agical energy until the entire area is %isible at birdDs
eye %ie-. :(on casting Sight< the caster ?sees? e%ery detail o.
the landsca(e .or an area o. F1000 ' 0$/H s7uare !eters<
centered u(on the caster< as i. %ie-ing it .ro! the air. This
%ision o%errides the casterDs nor!al senses@ they -ill not be
able to see .ro! their No-nD eyes until they %oluntarily elect to
dis(el Sight.
#e6el +
(!R"!R 12 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F0ysti.yH *
6a%ering strea!s o. red energy assail the target< dri%ing its
(ri!al .ighting instincts to critical le%els. ,erserk has a CoS o.
F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition
,erserk F)H.
(.35 1: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
9luorescent rays o. !agical energy t-ist in co!(licated s(irals
around the target< distorting %ision and light to besto- the
Status Condition ,link F)H.

FA+! 18 MP
Target K Single Ty(eK &le!ental F+olyH *
$ blaEing (illar o. light issues .orth .ro! the ground beneath
the target< gro-ing sky-ards until the %icti! is -holly consu!ed
by its sacred (o-er. 9ade in.licts F ' 0$/H Z #d< 0. $r!or
+oly &le!ental da!age.
FA3'H 15 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
$ translucent shield o. gold encloses the target< slo-ly rotating
as golden !otes dance around it in grace.ul circles to besto-
the Status Conditions $r!or :( F4H and 0ental :( F4H.
"'45A 1: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery *
2eedles o. rainbo- light stab into the target< sho-ering dust as
stone cracks and s(linters under the onslaught. Stona cancels
the Status Conditions Stone and Petri.y.
#e6el ,
A!Ra 22 MP
TargetK SingleX/rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F$irH *
+o-ling green -inds encircle the target< dra-ing together in an
e%er=tightening .unnel o. air be.ore disa((earing. $era in.licts
F1# ' 0$/H Z 3d< 0. $r!or 6ind &le!ental da!age.
Prere7uisiteK $ero
C1Ra 2: MP
TargetK SingleX/rou( Ty(eK *eco%ery *
T-in s(ecks o. glo-ing green light t-ine around the target<
trailing a dusting o. soothing !agical energy to restore F1# '
0$/H Z 3d +it Points.
Prere7uisiteK Cure
(Ra2!R< 3: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
Shining globes o. golden=blue light streak to-ards the target<
creating a strengthening barrier that su..uses it -ith .ighting
s(irit< granting the Status Condition Po-er :( F4H.
Prere7uisiteK 9aith
51.. !.!M!5' 3: MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
$ shi!!ering barrier o. !agical energy rises u( to co%er the
(arty< glo-ing in a %ariety o. hues as streaks o. ele!ental
energy run o%er its sur.ace. 2ull &le!ent besto-s the status
Condition &le!ent I!!une F)H@ the caster !ust s(eci.y -hich
&le!ent is a..ected -hen casting the S(ell. $dditional castings
o. 2ull &le!ent !ay add additional &le!ents@ casting 2ull
&le!ent .or an &le!ent the target already has an I!!unity
to-ards< ho-e%er< -ill not (roduce any additional e..ect.
Prere7uisiteK &le!ent /uard
PR4'!C' 2: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F,arrierH *
9our dull=blue crystalline sha(es -ink into e'istence around the
target in (er.ect sy!!etry< glo-ing as they radiate a barrier o.
!agical energy to besto- the Status Condition Protect F)H.
"3.!5C! 22 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FSealH *
$ shining sigil a((ears under the target a!idst a .lurry o. yello-
lights< .lashing -hite be.ore .ading a-ay again. Silence has a
CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition Silence F)H.
#e6el -
(A"15A 30 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery *
$ gentle !ist o. green and gold blo-s o%er the target< canceling
the Status Conditions ,erserk< ,lind< Poison< Slee(< and
C45F1"! 32 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F0ysti.yH *
Strea!s o. !ulticolored notes and -ild .lashes o. (ris!atic
energy assault the target< o%er-hel!ing all senses in a thrice.
Con.use has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting
the Status Condition Con.use F)H.
+3"P!. 43 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Su((ort 2*
$ shi!!ering blue !ist engul.s the target< its (o-er tearing
a-ay bene.icial enchant!ents in an instant. Dis(el has a CoS o.
F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. canceling all Strengthen= and
,arrier=ty(e Status Conditions< sa%e Shield.
Raise 38 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery 2*
S(irals o. t-inkling red light encircle the target< sho-ering it
-ith a gentle dri.t o. ghostly< radiant .eathers. *aise restores
any target -hose current +P is 0 or lo-er to 10Q o. their
!a'i!u! +P. :ndead !onsters targeted by *aise > as -ell as
co!batants a..ected by the Status Condition Bo!bie > -ill not
be re%i%ed@ i. their current +it Points are greater than 0< they
ha%e a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. being instantly
reduced to 0 +P< regardless o. current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0
%alues< or the Da!age Ca(.
R1"! 35 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
$ si'=.aceted crystal o. (ure energy a((ears around the target<
shattering in a brilliant con.usion o. !irror i!ages to besto-
the Status Condition *use F)H.
Prere7uisiteK ,link
"H!.. 35 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F,arrierH *
T-el%e (earls o. so.tly=glo-ing light enclose the target in
t-inned he'agons< adding the Status Condition Shell F)H.
#e6el .
A!RaGA 0: MP
TargetK SingleX/rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6indH *
Aashing tendrils o. -ind -ra( around the targets< .or!ing a
ho-ling %orte' that !ercilessly s(ins and tu!bles its ca(ti%es
about be.ore .inally relin7uishing its gras(. $eraga in.licts F1 '
0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or 6ind &le!ental da!age.
Prere7uisiteK $era
(a53"/ 05 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F+olyH *
,ea!s o. blaEing -hite light saturate the area< touching o.. a
chain o. searing e'(losions -hich tears through all targets in
short succession. ,anish in.licts F1 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0.
$r!or +oly &le!ental da!age.
Prere7uisiteK 9ade
PRote#t$a 5: MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status F,arrierH *
/ray=blue crystals o. !agical energy .or! around the (arty<
raising a (rotecti%e barrier to grant the! the Status Condition
Protect F)H.
Prere7uisiteK Protect
TargetK SingleX/rou( Ty(eK *eco%ery *
$ brilliant constellation o. blue and %iolet light encircles the
targetDs body< restoring F1 ' 0$/H Z 1d +P be.ore .ading
Prere7uisiteK Cura
M353 55 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FTrans.or!H
Circles o. -hite=blue energy !ushroo! out o. the ground<
7uickly saturating the area@ -hen they .inally !ake contact -ith
the target< a blinding .lash obscures the area< the
target in the (rocess. 0ini has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition 0ini F4H. I. the target
is already under the e..ects o. 0ini< a success.ul second casting
o. 0ini -ill cancel the Condition.
R!RA3"! 05 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
,orne by !iniature cherubs< a single s(ark o. golden light dri.ts
do-n to-ards the target< glo-ing so.tly as it settles on its
destination. In a radiant burst o. light< s(ark and cherubi! .ade
a-ay< granting the Status Condition *eraise F[H.
#e6el /
A("4R( 8: MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
Thick< !uddy bubbles o. s(ell energy s(lash o%er the (arty<
glo-ing in rainbo- hues as they s-allo- a sudden' o.
ele!ental energy. $bsorb con.ers the Status Condition &le!ent
$bsorb F4H@ the caster !ust s(eci.y -hich &le!ent is a..ected
-hen casting the S(ell. $dditional castings o. $bsorb !ay add
additional &le!ents@ casting $bsorb .or an &le!ent the target
already has an $bsorbance to-ards< ho-e%er< -ill not (roduce
any additional e..ect.
Prere7uisiteK 2ull &le!ent
A1RA ;5 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
The target glo-s -ith a !agni.icent golden light as it is blessed
-ith the Status Condition $ura F4H.
Prere7uisiteK ,ra%ery
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F0ysti.yH *
$ cluster o. shocking (ink hearts surrounds the target< circling
in a slo-< hy(notic orbit as an alluring !elody -a.ts through the
air. Char! has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting
the Status Condition Char! F4H.
Prere7uisiteK Con.use
!"15A 0; MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery *
,ea!s o. -ar! %iolet light e!erge .ro! the ground around the
target< cleansing a-ay all debilitating !agics and !alicious
enchant!ents. &suna cures any negati%e Status Conditions<
e'ce(t those e'(licitly stated to be i!!une to its e..ects.
"Hell$a 05 MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status F,arrierH *
$ chain o. ghostly (earls t-ines around the (arty@ a !o!ent
later< thin links o. !agical energy Coin the! together in a series
o. elaborate he'agons< granting the Status Condition Shell F)H.
Prere7uisiteK Shell
2A53"H ;; MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
9our ghostly !irrors -ith sur.aces like !ercury .lash into
e'istence around the target< ra(idly s(inning until they > and
the target > disa((ear< granting the Status Condition 4anish
Prere7uisiteK *use
#e6el )
AR3"! 1:: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery 2*
/lo-ing (articles o. light sho-er do-n on the target< raising u(
a bea! o. golden=red li.e .orce to re%i%e it in a sho-er o.
.athers. $rise restores any target -hose current +P is 0 or
lo-er to 100Q o. their !a'i!u! +P. :ndead !onsters
targeted by $rise and co!batants a..ected by the Status
Condition Bo!bie -ill not be re%i%ed@ i. their current +it Points
are greater than 0< they ha%e a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. being instantly reduced to 0 +P< regardless o.
$r!or or 0. $r!or.
Prere7uisiteK *aise
R!F.!C' 85 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F,arrierH *
$ sho-er o. green light s(lashes o%er the target< solidi.ying into
layer a.ter layer o. shi!!ering !agical (rotection to grant the
Status Condition *e.lect F4H.
Prere7uisiteK Shellga
R!5!% 11: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery *
,rilliant blue lights descend onto the target< releasing a burst o.
radiant golden energy u(on contact to restore the targetDs +P
to its !a'i!u! %alue. :ndead !onsters targeted by *ene- and
co!batants a..ected by the Status Condition Bo!bie -ill not
regain +P@ i. their current +it Points are greater than 0< they
ha%e a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. being instantly
reduced to 0 +P< regardless o. current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0
%alues< or the Da!age Ca(.
Prere7uisiteK Curaga
R!"3"' 85 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
0ulti=colored bubbles o. !agical energy surround the target<
granting it the Status Condition *esist F#H.
%A.. 85 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F,arrierH *
Colu!ns o. radiant red light e!erge .ro! the ground around
the target< rotating slo-ly as they -ra( it in a shell o. (rotecti%e
!agic be.ore disa((earing< granting the Status Condition 6all
Prere7uisiteK Protectga
%!A!5 12: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F6eakH *
$ -a%ering bea! o. color.ul ele!ental energy sla!s into the
target< broadening as !ore (o-er (ours into it until all
de.enses ha%e been o%er-hel!ed. 6eaken in.licts the Status
Condition &le!ent 6eak F4H@ the caster !ust s(eci.y -hich
&le!ent is a..ected -hen casting the S(ell. $dditional castings
o. 6eaken !ay add additional &le!ents@ casting 6eaken .or an
&le!ent the target already has a 6eakness to-ards< ho-e%er<
-ill not (roduce any additional e..ect.
Prere7uisiteK 2ull &le!ent
#e6el (
H4.< 15: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F+olyH *
0otes o. brilliant blue light begin to circle the target< !o%ing in
a dece(ti%ely laEy .ashion as they gain in intensity@ as the light
reaches blinding le%els< bea!s o. holy energy eru(t .ro! the
ground< blasting the target in a series o. (o-er.ul e'(losions.
+oly in.licts F3) ' 0$/H Z 1d1#< 0. $r!or +oly &le!ental
Prere7uisiteK ,anish
R!(3R'H 1;5 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK *eco%ery 2*
$ golden< cloudy sunset ho%ers o%er the battle.ield as rays o.
light strike the dead and -ounded< gentle dri.ts o. .eathers
.alling in each bea!Ds -ake. *ebirth restores all eligible targets
-hose current +P is 0 or lo-er to 10Q o. their !a'i!u! +P.
:ndead !onsters targeted by *ebirth > as -ell as co!batants
a..ected by the Status Condition Bo!bie > -ill not be re%i%ed@ i.
their current +it Points are greater than 0< they ha%e a CoS o.
F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. being instantly reduced to 0 +P<
regardless o. current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0 %alues< or the Da!age
Prere7uisiteK $rise
"H3!.+ 2:: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F,arrierH 2*
/lo-ing .rag!ents o. golden energy con%erge on the target<
.or!ing the outlines o. a shield o%er its body be.ore
disa((earing in a .lash o. light to grant it the Status Condition
Shield F#H.
Prere7uisiteK *e.lect< 6all
%H3R.%35+ 15: MP
TargetK $ll Ty(eK &le!ental F6indH 2*
$ distant ru!ble is heard as the sky darkens and .ierce -inds
begin to -hi( around the caster. $s the gale (icks u( strength<
a %iolent t-ister eru(ts .ro! the sky< tearing through the
i!!ediate area -ithout !ercy. 6hirl-ind in.licts F33 ' 0$/H Z
1d10< 0. $r!or 6ind &le!ental da!age on all eligible targets.
Prere7uisiteK $eraga
2ACC35! 115 MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
$ %aricolored %eil o. !agical bubbles s-irls around the caster
and their allies< granting the Status Condition *esist F#H.
Prere7uisiteK *esist
So!eti!es re.erred to as ?Cos!ic 0agic? or ?&..ect 0agic?< Ti!e
0agic deri%es its (o-er .ro! the !ani(ulation and distortion o.
both s(ace and ti!e.
#e6el &
(urn Ra) ; MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH *
The air around the target condenses< co!(ressing into a tight
ball until it e'(lodes. ,urn *ay in.licts F4 ' 0$/H Z d< 0.
$r!or 0agical da!age.
Hold ; MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FTi!eH *
$t the casterDs co!!and< a globe o. dull gray energy encloses
the target< .reeEing it in ti!e .or a s(lit=second. +old has a F0.
$CC = 10H< 0. &%asion chance o. reducing the targetDs
Initiati%e by 10Q.
"print 5 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH 2*
$ series o. red rings !aterialiEe around the targetDs legs or
e7ui%alent anato!y< glo-ing -ith su..used (o-er be.ore .ading
a-ay again< besto-ing the Status Condition $ccelerate F)H.
!s#ape 8 MP
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort 2*
The caster -inks out o. e'istence< re!aterialiEing a short
distance a-ay a s(lit=second later. &sca(e allo-s the caster to
i!!ediately !o%e F0$/ ' #H !eters in any direction o. their
choosing< (assing through any solid obCects > such as -alls >
-ithout ill e..ects. +o-e%er< the &sca(e -ill .ail i. the casterDs
destination is inside a solid structure or occu(ied by another
(erson or obCect@ in this case< 0P and ti!e are still s(ent as
nor!al. I. used in co!bat< a success.ul casting o. &sca(e has
e..ects e7ual to a success.ul &sca(e $ction.
'ra#tor 1: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Su((ort 2*
*uby rings o. gra%itational .orce sho-er do-n on the target<
dragging it back do-n to earth. Tractor cancels the Status
Conditions 9loat and 9light -here a((licable@ they also cancel
out natural 9loat and 9light .or a li!ited (eriod o. ti!e F)H.
<a*n 0 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F6eakH *
$ series o. gray circles s(iral around the targetDs legs or
e7ui%alent anato!y< .laring u( be.ore disa((earing once
again. 5a-n has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition $gility Do-n F)H.
#e6el +
F.4A' 15 MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
Shining !otes s(arkle around the caster?s allies as they are
buoyed into the air on golden rings o. anti=gra%itational energy<
besto-ing the Status Condition 9loat F)H.
GRA23'< 25 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F9atalH 2*
The caster launches a dark bubble o. energy< -holly enclosing
the target be.ore subCecting it to a brie. burst o. crushing
gra%itational .orce. /ra%ity has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. reducing the target to 71Q o. its current +P. This
da!age is not !odi.ied .or $*0 or 0. $*0< but is still subCect to
the Da!age Ca(.
M!'!4R3'! 18 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
The caster tears a s!all !eteorite .ree .ro! the cos!os to
crash into the target. 0eteorite in.licts F ' 0$/H Z #d
0agical da!age.
".4* 12 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FTi!eH *
$ ghostly clock a((ears behind the target< hands counting ti!e
as nor!al be.ore suddenly slo-ing do-n. Slo- has a CoS o. F0.
$CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Slo-
"P!!+ 13 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
&'(anding circles o. glo-ing red energy surround the target<
s(eeding reaction ti!e and i!(ulses to grant the Status
Condition $gility :( F)H.
#e6el ,
3MM4(3.3?! 2: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FTi!eH *
The target is encased in a bubble o. reddish=orange light<
.reeEing ti!e .or the targetDs legs or e7ui%alent anato!y.
I!!obiliEe has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting
the Status Condition I!!obiliEe F)H.
Ra) (4M( 22 MP
TargetK SingleX/rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH *
,rilliant s(heres o. energy a((ear be.ore the caster< Coining
together into a single searing burst o. destruction. *ay ,o!b
in.licts F1# ' 0$/H Z 3d< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age.
Prere7uisiteK ,urn *ay
R!G!5 25 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
/reen !otes sho-er do-n on the target< s(eeding u( its
natural healing (rocesses to grant the Status Condition *egen
R!"!' 3: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Su((ort 2*
$ glittering globe o. barely=su((ressed te!(oral energy
a((ears o%er the target< ca(turing a .e- (recious seconds o.
ti!e ready to be released at the casterDs beckoning. :ntil the
end o. the battle< the targetDs (layer !ay re=roll any one die roll
once< kee(ing the !ore .a%orable result o. the t-o rolls. $.ter
this has been done< *esetDs e..ects e'(ire. The e..ects also
e'(ire i. no reroll is !ade be.ore the end o. co!bat< or i. the
co!batant is targeted by Dis(el or Te!(oral Shirt. I. cast on an
o((onent< the caster !ay choose -hich roll to NresetD. 0ulti(le
castings o. *eset do not increase the nu!ber o. rerolls
a%ailable@ the S(ell -ill only ha%e an e..ect i. the target is not
already eligible .or a reroll.
'eleport 1: MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Su((ort 2*
The air ri((les< beginning to glo- as the (arty de!aterialiEes<
rea((earing a distance a-ay Cust seconds later. Targets a..ected
by Tele(ort i!!ediately !o%e F0$/ ' 1H !eters in a direction
o. the casterDs choosing< (assing through any solid obCects >
such as -alls > -ithout ill e..ects. +o-e%er< the Tele(ort -ill .ail
i. the casterDs destination is inside a solid structure or occu(ied
by another (erson or obCect@ in this case< 0P and ti!e are still
s(ent as nor!al. I. cast in a !ulti=le%el or =story structure<
Tele(ort -ill auto!atically !o%e the Party one le%el u( or do-n@
i. used in co!bat< a success.ul casting o. Tele(ort has e..ects
e7ual to a success.ul &sca(e $ction .or all Party !e!bers.
Prere7uisiteK &sca(e
#e6el -
C4M!' 44 MP
TargetK S(ecial Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH *
The caster reaches to-ards the hea%ens< (ulling a co!et out o.
ti!e to crash do-n in a sho-er o. .ire and !olten rock. 6hen
casting Co!et< roll a dQ .or each o((onent on the battle.ield
t-ice@ the co!batants -ith the highest rolls in each instance -ill
be targeted by the S(ell. 0ake standard 0. $CC rolls against
both o((onentsD 0. &4$ scores to deter!ine -hether the S(ell
hits@ each success.ul strike in.licts F ' 0$/H Z #d 0agical
da!age. I. there is only one eligible target< it -ill be struck t-ice
.or the listed da!age.
Prere7uisiteK 0eteorite
+!M3 5: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F9atalH 2*
$n o(a7ue gray s(here encloses the target@ seconds later<
crushing gra%itational .orces co!(ress< releasing the target
only once the s(here has shrunk to a s(eck o. its .or!er sel..
De!i has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. reducing the
target to 10Q o. its current +P. This da!age is not !odi.ied
.or $*0 or 0. $*0< but is still subCect to the Da!age Ca(.
Prere7uisiteK /ra%ity
F.3GH' 4: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH 2*
$ sho-er o. a!ber lights s(arkles around the target< re%ealing
the .aint outline o. an angelic (air o. -ings be.ore disa((earing
again< besto-ing the Status Condition 9light F)H.
Prere7uisiteK 9loat
HA"'! 35 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
The ground beneath the target glo-s -ith brilliant light as the
outline o. a ghostly red clock !aterialiEes around the!< hands
accelerating be.ore the !agic .ades a-ay< besto-ing the Status
Condition +aste F4H.
Prere7uisiteK S(eed
".4%GA 5: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status FTi!eH *
$ giant< haEy sil%er clock a((ears o%er the battle.ield< s(inning
laEily as it slo-s do-n by the second. Slo-ga has a CoS o. F0.
$CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. a..licting all eligible targets -ith the
Status Condition Slo- F)H.
Prere7uisiteK Slo-
#e6el .
+3"A(.! 5: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FTi!eH *
The target is encased in a bubble o. tur7uoise light< .reeEing
ti!e .or the targetDs ar!s or e7ui%alent anato!y. Disable has a
CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition Disable F)H.
!=3' 55 MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Su((ort 2*
$ -a%e o. yello- light engul.s the (arty< de!aterialiEing the! to
rea((ear a distance a-ay Cust seconds later. Targets a..ected by
&'it i!!ediately !o%e F0$/ ' #0H !eters in a direction o. the
casterDs choosing< (assing through any solid obCects > such as
-alls > -ithout ill e..ects. +o-e%er< the &'it -ill .ail i. the
casterDs destination is inside a solid structure or occu(ied by
another (erson or obCect@ in this case< 0P and ti!e are still
s(ent as nor!al. I. cast in a dungeon or other large enclosed
structure< &'it -ill auto!atically !o%e the Party to its entrance@
i. used in co!bat< a success.ul casting o. &'it has e..ects e7ual
to a success.ul &sca(e $ction .or all Party !e!bers.
Prere7uisiteK Tele(ort
FlAre "tar 05 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH *
Dra-ing on the .orces o. the cos!os< the caster bathes the
battle.ield in the light o. a dying star< searing all o((onents -ith
(ure stellar energy. 9lare Star in.licts F1 ' 0$/ Z 1dH< 0.
$r!or 0agical da!age on all targets.
Prere7uisiteK *ay ,o!b
R!M42! 5: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F9atalH 2*
The .abric o. reality ri((les and t-ists around the target< trying
to tear the! .ree o. ti!e and s(ace entirely. *e!o%e has a CoS
o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. instantly &Cecting the target
.ro! the battle.
'3M! ".3P 45 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FTi!eH *
+aEy lights encircle the target as -a%ers and .ades< body
suddenly out o. synch -ith ti!e around it. Ti!e Sli( has a CoS
o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition
Sa( F)H.
#e6el /
HA"'!GA 8: MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH *
$ glo-ing red clock !aterialiEes belo- the casterDs allies< hands
s(inning at nor!al s(eed but increasing by the second be.ore it
.ades in a .lash< besto-ing the Status Condition +aste on all
targets F4H.
Prere7uisiteK +aste
>1AR'!R ;5 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F9atalH 2*
S(heres o. black and %iolet surge out to enclose all o((onents<
crackling -ith audible .orce as the gra%ity inside the bubbles
increases a hundred.old. 3uarter has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H<
0. &%asion o. reducing the target to #1Q o. its current +P.
This da!age is not !odi.ied .or $*0 or 0. $*0< but is still
subCect to the Da!age Ca(.
Prere7uisiteK De!i
>1A"AR 82 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
The skies (art< dra-ing do-n a searing sho-er o. celestial
debris and radiation to bo!bard the battle.ield. 6hen casting
3uasar< roll a dQ .or each o((onent on the battle.ield .our
ti!es@ the co!batants -ith the highest rolls in each instance -ill
be targeted by the S(ell. 0ake standard 0. $CC rolls against all
a..ected o((onentsD 0. &4$ scores to deter!ine -hether the
S(ell hits@ each success.ul strike in.licts F ' 0$/H Z #d
0agical da!age. I. there is only one eligible target< it -ill be
struck .our ti!es .or the listed da!age.
Prere7uisiteK Co!et
"'4P 0; MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FTi!eH *
$ ghostly !etallic clock shi!!ers into e'istence o%er the target<
en%elo(ing it in a dull (ink glo- as its hands slo-< then sto(
co!(letely< shattering the clock. Sto( has a CoS o. F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Sto( F4H.
Prere7uisiteK Slo-ga
'emporal "/ift ;5 MP
TargetK $ll Ty(eK Su((ort 2*
In an instant< the caster is surrounded by ring a.ter ring o.
translucent clocks< circling in a slo- (attern be.ore s(eeding u(
and shattering. The glittering debris ho%ers in !id=air .or a
!o!ent< dra-ing the lines o. an ethereal clock .ace be.ore
-inking out o. e'istence. Te!(oral Shi.t cancels all Ti!e=ty(e
Status Conditions currently acti%e on the battle.ield< negati%e or
#e6el )
%arP 1:: MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Su((ort 2*
&nergy ri((les around the caster and their allies as they -ink
out o. e'istence< rea((earing an instant later !any !iles a-ay.
6ar( !ust be cast t-ice in order to be e..ecti%e@ the .irst ti!e it
is cast< an arcane circle o. energy .or!s around the caster<
!arking the i!!ediate area be.ore .ading a-ay > this is the
Ti!e 0ageDs +o!e Point< -hose location should be noted at
the ti!e the S(ell is cast. The second ti!e 6ar( is cast< the
caster > and all allies in the i!!ediate area > are tele(orted
back to the +o!e Point< regardless o. ho- !uch distance
se(arates their current location -ith the +o!e Point. I. this
e..ect is used in co!bat< it has e..ects e7ual to a success.ul
&sca(e $ction .or all Party !e!bers. 8nce the Party arri%es
back at the +o!e Point< the arcane circle -inks out o.
e'istence@ to set a ne- +o!e Point< 6ar( !ust be cast again.
Prere7uisiteK &'it
>13C!5 1:3 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Su((ort 2*
The target blurs as it slides side-ays in ti!e< seeing the
battle.ield .roEen in its tracks .or a brie. !o!ent. 3uickenDs
target !ay !ake an $ction as soon as the S(ell is cast< e%en i.
they ha%e already used their allot!ent o. $ctions .or the *ound
or are currently resol%ing an $ction -ith a Charge Ti!e. Taking
this $ction -ill not count to-ards their li!it o. $ctions .or the
*ound@ i. the chosen $ction has a Charge Ti!e< resol%e it
i!!ediately and subtract the Charge Ti!e .ro! the co!batantDs
current Initiati%e count.
R!'1R5 85 MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Su((ort 2*
The battle.ield see!s to .old u( as ti!e is co!(ressed and
enclosed in a glo-ing globe that continually re(lays ca(tured
!o!ents on its ri((ling sur.ace. :ntil the end o. co!bat< the
caster and all allies on the battle.ield !ay each re=roll any one
die roll they !ake< kee(ing the !ore .a%orable o. the t-o@ a.ter
this has been done< *eturnDs e..ects e'(ire .or the!. The e..ects
also e'(ire i. no reroll is !ade be.ore end o. the battle< or i. a
co!batant under the e..ects o. *eturn is targeted by Te!(oral
Shi.t or Dis(el.
Prere7uisiteK *eset
"H4C%A2! P1."AR 1:: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agical *
/ra%ity suddenly ceases to .unction as a glo-ing s(here o.
stellar energy and gases !aterialiEes abo%e the battle.ield<
dra-ing the targets into its e!brace be.ore e'(loding in a
%iolent burst o. light and heat. Shock-a%e Pulsar in.licts F#7 '
0$/H Z 4d1#< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age on all targets.
Prere7uisiteK 9lare Star
=-?45! 125 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F9atalH 2*
The .abric o. reality s(lits o(en in a .lash o. -hite light<
re%ealing the alien stars beyond .or brie. instant. J=Bone has a
CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. &Cecting all eligible
targets into the Cle.t o. Di!ensions< a s(ace outside the real!
o. hu!an co!(rehension@ roll se(arately .or each target.
$nything targeted by the S(ell !ay %oluntarily choose to tra%el
to the Cle.t@ i. so< no roll is necessary.
Prere7uisiteK *e!o%e
#e6el (
(.AC H4.! 15: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F9atalH 2*
$ s(inning %orte' o. gra%itational energy .or!s abo%e the
battle.ield< crackling as it begins to direct crushing (ressure on
the target. ,lack +ole has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion
o. reducing the target to 10Q o. its current +P. This da!age is
not !odi.ied .or $*0 or 0. $*0< and !ay e'ceed the Da!age
Prere7uisiteK 3uarter
Ce.estial "'asis 125 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status FTi!eH *
$ haEy clock .ace shi!!ers into e'istence across the battle.ield<
hands shuddering as they begin to slo-< e%entually sto((ing
dead. 9or a !o!ent< the second hand -a%ers< al!ost see!ing
to !o%e back-ards be.ore the clock e'(lodes in a sho-er o.
.rag!ents. Celestial Stasis has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Sto( u(on all targets
Prere7uisiteK Sto(
M!'!4R 2:: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
6ith a single !otion< the caster s(lits the skies abo%e the
battle.ield to re%eal the stars and (lanets beyond > and a single
.iery !eteor hurtling to-ards the battle.ield belo-< crashing
do-n in a sho-er o. rock and .la!e. 6hen casting 0eteor< roll a
dQ .or each o((onent on the battle.ield si' ti!es@ the
co!batants -ith the highest rolls in each instance -ill be
targeted by the S(ell. 0ake standard 0. $CC rolls against all
a..ected o((onentsD 0. &4$ scores to deter!ine -hether the
S(ell hits@ each success.ul strike in.licts F ' 0$/H Z #d
0agical da!age. I. there is only one eligible target< it -ill be
struck si' ti!es .or the listed da!age.
Prere7uisiteK 3uasar
4.+ 1:: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F6eakH *
$ current o. ti!e s-irls around the target< stirring u( dust and
decay as it (ushes the un.ortunate .or-ard into old age and
disability. 8ld has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the conditions $gility ,reak F4H< $r!or ,reak F4H<
0agic ,reak F4H< 0ental ,reak F4H< Po-er ,reak F4H and S(irit
,reak F4H.
Prere7uisiteK Ti!e Sli(
>13C 2:: MP
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK Su((ort 2*
$ translucent clock encases the caster< creating a (ocket o.
localiEed ti!e .or a .e- (recious seconds be.ore shattering.
3uick allo-s the caster to !ake t-o $ctions as soon as the S(ell
is cast@ i. the $ctions ha%e a Charge Ti!e< it is ignored. In
addition< casting 3uick a second ti!e -hile under the in.luence
o. 3uick brings the caster back into nor!al ti!e< canceling the
e..ects o. both S(ells. $.ter the second $ction has been taken<
the casterDs Initiati%e dro(s to 0< regardless o. -hether or not
the caster -ould nor!ally be eligible to !ake additional $ctions.
Prere7uisiteK +astega
$ utilitarian blending o. %arious schools o. !agic< *ed 0agic
(icks a -ide %ariety o. s(ells .ro! ,lack< 6hite< and Ti!e 0agic
.or un(aralleled .le'ability on the battle.ield.
Ta%le 5&1' Red (a.ic
R<" M/?,8 S><::0 @A L<.<:
L<.<: 3B #ero5 Blind5 Bli''ard5 Cure5 0ire5 Poison5
Poisona5 Scan5 Sleep5 )hunder
L<.<: 2B Berserk5 Blink5 Element Spikes5 0loat5 ock5
Rasp5 Slow5 Stona5 Water
L<.<: )B #era5 Bli''ara5 Cura5 0ira5 %mmo"ili'e5 Protect5
Regen5 Silence5 )hundara5 *om"ie
L<.<: (B Basuna5 Bio5 Confuse5 Dispel5 Drain5 Haste5
6smose5 Raise5 Ruse5 Shell5 Slowga5 Watera
L<.<: 4B #eraga5 Bli''aga5 Curaga5 Disa"le5 0iraga5 Mini5
Protectga5 Stone5 )hundaga5 )ime Slip
L<.<: #B Charm5 Esuna5 0lare5 Hastega5 7uake5 S$phon5
Shellga5 Stop5 Waterga5 &anish
L<.<: 6B #rise5 0ree'e5 ,uke5 Pain5 Reflect5 Renew5 )oad5
Wall5 &enom
L<.<: 1B Break5 Meltdown5 Meteor5 6ld5 Shield5 Whirlwind
2ote that the *ed 0agic %ersion o. 0eteor does not ha%e
3uasar as a (rere7uisite< as 3uasar is not on the *ed 0agic list.
$ll other s(ell (rere7uisites !ust be !et as nor!al -hen
(icking *ed 0agic s(ells.
2ot all !agic in the -orld originates .ro! hu!an hands.
0onsters and other creatures o. !agical origin (ractice their
o-n uni7ue brand o. innate s(ellcra.t< unleashing de%astating
!agical energies al!ost as a re.le'.
G4(.35 P15CH 1 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH 2*
The caster launches the!sel%es at an o((onent -ith unusual
s(eed and suddenness< -ea(on at the ready. 0ake a standard
$ttack $ction -ith -hate%er 6ea(on the caster has e7ui((ed
-hen /oblin Punch is cast@ calculate da!age as nor!al unless
the caster and the target are o. e7ual Ae%el@ in this case< the
attack in.licts 400Q Physical da!age. &7ui(!ent $bilities are
not .actored into this attack. I. the caster has t-o 6ea(ons
e7ui((ed< choose -hich o. the t-o to attack -ith.
'RA5"F1"345 1 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery *
The caster trans.ers their li.e .orce into the target in the .or! o.
a glorious golden bea!. Trans.usion restores a single target to
its !a'i!u! +P %alue@ a.ter the e..ects o. Trans.usion ha%e
been resol%ed< the caster is auto!atically reduced to 0 +P<
regardless o. their current +P score< $*0< or 0. $*0.
R!F.!#'-51.. 1 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FS(ecialH 2*
$n iridescent ball o. orange light s(eeds to-ards the target<
knocking do-n all barriers and (rotecti%e .ields as it ho!es in.
6hen used against a target -ith the *e.lect Status Condition<
*e.lect=2ull has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting a rando! Status Condition on the target@ roll #d) and
consult the table belo- to deter!ine the nature o. the in.licted
*oll Status Condition
# Petri.y F4H
3 I!!obiliEe F)H
4 Toad F)H
1 ,lind F)H
) Silence F)H
7 Poison F[H
8 Slee( F)H
" Slo- F)H
10 0ini F)H
11 Disable F)H
1# Sto( F)H
"!.F-+!"'R1C' 1 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH 2*
The caster instantly con%erts their li.e .orce into e'(losi%e
energy< creating a cataclys!ic blast that reduces the target?s
current +it Points by FCasterDs Current +it PointsH . Sel.=
Destruct cannot e'ceed """ da!age< regardless o. the casters
current +P. $.ter da!age has been resol%ed< the caster is
auto!atically reduced to 0 +P< regardless o. the caster?s
current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0 %alues< or the Da!age Ca(.
.A"!R !<!" 4 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH *
,rilliant bea!s o. energy (ulse .ro! the caster?s eyes< slashing
into the target .or F3 ' 0$/H Z d< 0. $r!or 0agical
CH4C4 (A.. 0 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH *
$ crackling s(here o. yello- energy .or!s around the caster<
gro-ing in siEe until it is launched at the target< in.licting F4 '
0$/H Z d< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age. $erial=ty(e !onsters
take 110Q da!age .ro! Choco ,all.
Red Feast 0 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery 2*
$ series o. blood=colored orbs shoot out .ro! the ti( o. the
casterDs -ea(on< latching onto the target to drain its %ital
essences. 0ake a standard $ttack $ction -ith -hate%er 6ea(on
the caster has e7ui((ed -hen *ed 9east is cast< calculating
da!age as nor!al but ignoring the 6ea(onDs &7ui(!ent
$bilities@ all da!age in.licted a.ter !odi.ying .or $r!or also
restores the casterDs +P< u( to its !a'i!u! %alue. $ny
additional +P reco%ered beyond that is lost. I. the caster has
t-o 6ea(ons e7ui((ed< choose -hich o. the t-o to attack -ith.
.!AP 8 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH *
Status F6eakH
The caster !akes a (o-er.ul Cu!(< disa((earing into the clouds
be.ore screa!ing do-n-ards a s(lit=second later. The resulting
i!(act in.licts F4 ' 0$/H Z d< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age<
and has an additional F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion CoS .or
in.licting the Status Condition $r!or Do-n F4H.
HA"'!(R!A 1: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FTi!eH *
$ -hite glo- surrounds the target< .laring u( -ith enough .orce
to ri( a hole into s(ace and ti!e .or one instant. +astebreak
has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion@ its actual e..ects
de(end on the status o. the target. I. it (ossesses the Status
Conditions +aste or $gility :(< they -ill be canceled by
+astebreak. I. it has the Status Condition Slo-< but not the
Status Conditions $gility Do-n or $gility ,reak< it -ill be a..licted
-ith $gility Do-n F4H. I. it has $gility Do-n or $gility ,reak it -ill
be a..licted -ith Slo- F4H@ the sa!e a((lies i. it does not
(ossess any Ti!e=ty(e Status Conditions< +aste or $gility :(.
53GH' 13 MP
TargetK $ll Ty(eK Status FSealH *
The caster su!!ons u( a tiny (atch o. night sky to ho%er abo%e
the area as soothing sounds lull the targets into a (eace.ul
slu!ber. 2ight has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition Slee( F)H@ roll se(arately .or each
target a..ected.
F.AM! 'HR4%!R 15 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH *
The caster releases a blistering strea! o. .ire .ro! their .ingers<
scorching their intended target .or F ' 0$/H Z #d< 0.
$r!or 9ire &le!ental da!age.
F.A"H 15 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
Status FSealH
The caster directs a searing (ulse o. (hos(horescent light at
their o((onents< in.licting F4 ' 0$/H Z d< 0. $r!or 0agical
da!age. In addition< 9lash has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition ,lind F4H@ roll
se(arately .or each target a..ected.
P43"45 GA" 10 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status FTo'inH *
$ !orass o. !ulticolored to'ins e'(lodes .ro! the casterDs
body. Poison /as has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition Poison F[H@ roll se(arately .or
each target a..ected.
(.As'!R 1; MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
Status FTi!eH
$ s(inning circle o. s!all %ortices surrounds the casterDs head<
turning into globes o. .orce as they accelerate< then release<
sla!!ing into all targets .or F4 ' 0$/H Z d< 0. $r!or
0agical Da!age. In addition< ,laster has a F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion CoS o. in.licting the Status Condition I!!obiliEe F4H@
roll se(arately .or each target a..ected.
1.'RA %A2!" 19 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
Status F0ysti.yH
Pur(le -a%es o. ultrasonic energy ri((le .ro! the casterDs body<
in.licting F ' 0$/H Z #d< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age on all
targets. In addition< :ltra 6a%es has a CoS F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition ,erserk F)H@ roll
se(arately .or each target a..ected.
+!A'H F4RC! 2: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F,arrierH *
$ daEEling crystalline globe inscribed -ith the outlines o. a
screa!ing skull !aterialiEes around the target< besto-ing the
Status Condition Status I!!une F9atalH F)H.
+RAG45 F4RC! 2: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F,arrierH *
$ shi!!ering crystalline globe etched -ith intert-ining dragons
a((ears around the target< besto-ing the Status Conditions
&le!ent I!!une F9ireH F)H< &le!ent I!!une FIceH F)H and
&le!ent I!!une FAightningH F)H.
1::: 5!!+.!" 24 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH 2*
8ne thousand stinging cactus thorns are shot .ro! the casterDs
body at the target in ra(id succession. 1000 2eedles
auto!atically in.licts 100 Physical da!age on the target@ 0.
$*0 and $*0 ha%e no e..ect on this da!age.
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH *
$ solid=looking iron !allet !aterialiEes into e'istence abo%e the
ene!y< dro((ing onto the selected targetDs head -ith a brain=
s(litting crack and re!o%ing FTargetDs Current 0P X 10H 0P
.ro! each in the (rogress. *egardless o. ho- !uch 0P the
target currently (ossesses< 0agic +a!!er -ill ne%er take a-ay
!ore than """. The caster regains a nu!ber o. 0agic Points
e7ual to the da!age in.licted by 0agic +a!!er a.ter !odi.ying
.or 0. $*0.
+R3.. "H4' 2; MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH 2*
The caster Cabs at the target< creating a strea! o. !ulti=colored
s(heres that rush out to-ards it and e'(lode on i!(act. 0ake a
standard $ttack $ction -ith -hate%er 6ea(on the caster has
e7ui((ed -hen Drill Shot is cast< ignoring the 6ea(onDs
&7ui(!ent $bilities@ -hen calculating da!age< ignore the
targetDs $*0 and > -here a((licable > the Status Condition
Protect. I. the caster has t-o 6ea(ons e7ui((ed< choose -hich
o. the t-o to attack -ith.
F4RC! F3!.+ 2; MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status F,arrierH 2*
The caster is en%elo(ed by a (ris!atic glo-< creating a ra(idly=
e'(anding .ield -hich su!!ons a sudden .lash o. -hite light to
engul. the!< gradually s(reading out to co%er their allies be.ore
.ading. 9orce 9ield besto-s the Status Condition &le!ent
I!!une to all allies F)H@ i!!ediately roll a d and consult the
table belo- to .ind out -hich &le!ent is a..ected.
*oll I!!unity
1 &arth
# 9ire
3 6ater
4 6ind
1 Aightning
) Ice
7 +oly
R!2!5G! (last 3: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
$ -a%e o. in%isible .orce crashes into the target< in.licting
FCaster?s 0a'i!u! +P = Caster?s Current +PH 0agical
Da!age in the (rocess.
R41.!''! 3: MP
TargetK $ll Ty(eK Status F9atalH 2*
$ll natural light suddenly ceases as a single s(otlight begins to
s(in across the battle.ield< dra-ing in tighter and tighter circles
around the co!batants until it sto(s on a single target< killing it
stone dead. In order to deter!ine the ?lucky -inner? o. this
grisly .ate< all co!batants< acti%e or other-ise< should !ake an
i!!ediate Percentile *oll once *oulette is cast. The highest=
rolling co!batant is i!!ediately reduced to 0 +P< regardless o.
current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0 %alues< or the Da!age Ca(.
.3M3' Gl4(! 32 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH 2*
$ sinister globe o. !agical energy e!erges .ro! the casterDs
body< dri.ting to-ards the target at a leisurely (ace be.ore
disa((earing into its body -ith a !uted sucking sound. 0ake a
standard $ttack $ction -ith -hate%er 6ea(on the caster has
e7ui((ed -hen Ai!it /lobe is cast@ calculate da!age as nor!al
unless the caster is currently at #1Q or .e-er o. their !a'i!u!
+P@ in this case< the attack in.licts 400Q Physical da!age.
&7ui(!ent $bilities are not .actored into this attack. I. the
caster has t-o 6ea(ons e7ui((ed< choose -hich o. the t-o to
attack -ith.
H4M35G .A"!R 33 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
$ sal%o o. searing laser bea!s arcs out o. the casterDs body and
blasts the target in a s(ectacular series o. e'(losions. +o!ing
Aaser has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting
FTarget?s Current +P X #H 0agical da!age@ regardless o. ho-
!uch +P the target currently (ossesses< +o!ing Aaser -ill
ne%er take a-ay !ore than """ +P.
"!!+ CA5545 34 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH 2*
The caster tenses u( be.ore .iring a hea%y seed (od< (u!!eling
the target. Seed Cannon in.licts F11 ' ST*H Z 4d< $r!or
Physical da!age.
C45+!M5!+ 35 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F9atalH *
$ cackling red skull a((ears o%er the target be.ore slo-ly .ading
a-ay. Conde!ned has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition Conde!ned on the target F4H.
FR4"' 30 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F9atalH *
The caster ai!s a strea! o. cold air at the target< dro((ing the
te!(erature surrounding the target close to .reeEing (oint.
9rost has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the
Status Condition 9roEen on the target F#H.
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH *
$ %olley o. tiny guided !issiles burst .ro! the casterDs body<
seeking out the ene!y be.ore consu!ing the! in a (o-er.ul
e'(losion. 0atra 0agic in.licts F11 ' 0$/H Z 4d< 0. $r!or
0agical da!age.
"'are 30 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
Status F0ysti.yH
The casterDs eyes .lare red< -ea%ing hy(notic suggestions at all
unlucky enough to be caught u( in the gaEe. Stare in.licts F '
0$/H Z #d< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age@ in addition< it has a
CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition Con.use F)H. *oll se(arately .or each target.
'HR1"' 3C 3; MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH 2*
Status F9atalH
The caster launches into an athletic .lying kick< surrounded by a
.aint ni!bus o. energy as they sla! into their target -ith a
sound barrier=breaking crash. Thrust ;ick has a CoS o. F0. $CC
= 10H< 0. &%asion to instantly &Cect the target .ro! the
battle.ield@ should the target not be dis(laced< they are instead
struck by the .ull .orce o. the ,lue 0ageDs blo-< taking F1 '
0$/H Z 1d< $r!or Physical da!age in the (rocess.
AC3+ 38 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
Status F6eakH
$ s(ray o. corrosi%e sli!e s(lashes o%er the target< eating a-ay
at its &%asions and in.licting F11 ' 0$/H Z 4d< 0. $r!or
0agical Da!age. In addition< $cid has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H<
0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition 0eltdo-n F#H.
M1"'AR+ (4M( 39 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F9atalH 2*
The caster creates an e'(losi%e blast o. .ire and hot gases<
igniting the area around the target to in.ernal te!(eratures.
0ustard ,o!b has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition +eat on the target F#H.
.3..3P1'3A5 .<R3C 4: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FS(ecialH *
The caster e!its a blast o. discordant notes< their
intended %icti! in a (u.. o. s-eet=s!elling orange s!oke.
Ailli(utian Ayric has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
a..licting the target -ith the Status Conditions 0ini F)H and
Slee( F)H@ !ake a se(arate Percentile *oll .or each Condition.
.!2!. 4 Hol) 41 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F+olyH 2*
S(ectacular blasts o. -hite energy assault the targets<
encircling the! -ith (earl=like starbursts. Ae%el 4 +oly only
a..ects targets -hose Ae%el is a !ulti(le o. 4< and in.licts F#1 '
0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or +oly &le!ental da!age.
A>1A (R!A'H 42 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6aterH 2*
Torrential -inds assault the ene!y< bu..eting the! about as
e'(loding -ater bubbles sho-er the area< hitting all targets .or
F1 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or 6ater &le!ental Da!age.
!.!C'R4C1'! 42 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FAightningH 2*
The caster ho%ers in !id=air< conducting s(arks o. energy as
green bolts o. electrical energy blast through the air at rando!
inter%als to de%astating e..ect. $ll targets caught in the blast are
struck .or F1 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or Aightning &le!ental
F3R! (R!A'H 42 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH 2*
The caster begins to glo- in a distressing shade o. orange as
they o(en their !outh to release a single solid ball o. .ire -hich
bursts into a s-irling cloud o. .la!es a!idst the targets<
burning the! .or F1 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or 9ire
&le!ental da!age.
.!2!. 3 Co5F1"! 43 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F0ysti.yH 2*
S!all !eteorites a((ear abo%e each targetDs head< dro((ing
do-n -ith a co!ical N(lunkD to release a riot o. colored stars.
Ae%el 3 Con.use only a..ects targets -hose Ae%el is a !ulti(le o.
3< and has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. adding the
Status Condition Con.use F)H. *oll se(arately .or each eligible
%H3'! %35+ 45 MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery 2*
$ daEEling constellation o. (earls ho%ers around the caster<
radiating -a%es o. bright light to restore FCasterDs Current
+PH +P to all allies.
.!2!. 3 +!F-.ess 48 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F6eakH 2*
The caster sends out a s-ar! o. (ale (ink globes to-ards the
ene!y< encasing the! in a .ield o. rosy energy. Ae%el 3
De.=Aess only a..ects targets -hose Ae%el is a !ulti(le o. 3< and
has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. adding the Status
Conditions $r!or ,reak F)H and 0ental ,reak F)H.
+3"CH4R+ 5: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F6eakH *
The target is surrounded by a coruscating aura o. rainbo-=
colored light< ri((ling along the length o. its body se%eral ti!es
be.ore .ading. Dischord has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. se%erely -eakening the target< adding the Status
Conditions $gility Do-n F4H< $r!or Do-n F4H< 0agic Do-n F4H<
0ental Do-n F4H< Po-er Do-n F4H and S(irit Do-n F4H.
P45+'" CH4R1" 5: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FS(ecialH *
The caster e!its a blast o. discordant notes< obscuring the
target in sickly green %a(ors. Pond?s Chorus has a CoS o. F0.
$CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. a..licting the target -ith the Status
Conditions Toad F4H and Slee( F)H@ !ake a se(arate Percentile
*oll .or each Condition.
.!2!. 4 F.AR! 5: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
$ series o. %olatile (articles Eero in on the ene!y< acco!(anied
by a high=(itched -hine. Ae%el 4 9lare only a..ects targets
-hose Ae%el is a !ulti(le o. 4< and in.licts F#4 ' 0$/H Z
4d10< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age.
+!G!5!RA'4R 5; MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F9atalH 2*
The caster e!its a single burst o. black energy that all but ri(s
the li.e energy o. out its target. Degenerator has a CoS o. F0.
$CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. instantly reducing the target to 0
+P< regardless o. current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0 %alues< or the
Da!age Ca(.
!AR'H "HA! 59 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F&arthH 2*
+ea%y tre!ors burst through the area< .lying rocks and hot
gases blasting the (aralyEed targets .or F#1 ' 0$/H Z 4d1#<
0. $r!or &arth &le!ental da!age. &arth Shake -ill not a..ect
9loating or 9lying co!batants.
A5G!.'" "5AC 0: MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery 2*
$ cascade o. s(arkling blue stars sho-ers do-n on the caster
and their allies< negating all !agic in the area. $ngelDs Snack
cancels out all Status Conditions > bene.icial or other-ise >
currently a..licting all a..ected targets.
'%3"'!R 02 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6indH 2*
The caster su!!ons a roaring tornado to s-ee( through the
area< taking e%erything in its (ath .or a s(in. $ll targets in the
a..ected area are hit .or F#1 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or 6ind
&le!ental da!age.
(A+ (R!A'H 03 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status FS(ecialH 2*
The !age e'hales a strea! o. dark< billo-ing to'ic s!oke o%er
his ene!ies< .u!es 7uickly !o%ing out to engul. the entire area.
,ad ,reath has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting !ulti(le Status Conditions on all acti%e co!batants in
the targeted /rou(. *oll once .or each eligible target to
deter!ine -hether Status Conditions are in.licted@ i. success.ul<
roll a d) and consult the table belo- to deter!ine -hich Status
Conditions are added to the target.
*oll Status &..ects
1 Curse F)H< I!!obiliEe F)H< Poison FH< Silence F)H
# ,lind F)H< Disable F)H< Poison FH< Slo- F)H
3 ,erserk F)H< Conde!ned F4H< 0ini F4H< Slee( F)H
4 Con.use F)H< Slo- F)H< Sa( F)H< Toad F4H
1 Con.use F)H< Petri.y F4H< Slo- F)H< 4eno! F4H
) ,erserk F)H< ,lind F)H< Poison FH< Bo!bie F)H
R3PP.!R 05 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FS(ecialH 2*
+aEy s(heres o. blue energy surround the caster and their
target< gently rotating as the ground bet-een the t-o begins to
take on the a((earance o. a !ercury lake. $t once the orbs
s-a(< in the (rocess e'changing all Status Conditions
(ossessed by the caster and target< bene.icial or other-ise. 9or
e'a!(le< a ,lind caster using *i((ler on a target -ith +aste and
Silence -ould end u( -ith Silence and +aste -hile the target
the!sel%es -ould be rendered ,lind. Status ti!ers -ill
along -ith their Status. 2ote that ?(er!anent? Statuses such as
those granted by the &7ui(!ent $bility $uto=LStatusM or Job
$bilities cannot be trans.erred in this .ashion.
CR< in t/e 53GH' 0; MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
Status FS(ecialH
$ dark shado- cree(s across the battle.ield< e!itting tendrils o.
glo-ing (ink energy that dri.t a!ong the co!batants. $ ball o.
blood red energy rises .ro! the !idst o. the targets< dra-ing in
the (ink tendrils and absorbing their energy. The ball gro-s .or
a .e- !o!ents< beco!ing surrounded by a haEe o. red energy<
and then e'(lodes. 6a%e a.ter -a%e o. e'(losi%e energy sla!
the targets .or F#1 ' 0$/H Z 1d< 0. $r!or 0agical
da!age. The e'(losion is acco!(anied by a strange ho-ling
noise< a chilling sound -ith a F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion CoS
o. in.licting the Status Conditions Curse F)H and Silence F)H.
*oll se(arately .or each Condition.
GA'.35G G15 08 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH 2*
The caster sends a ra(id barrage o. e'(losi%e shells at one
target< (e((ering it re(eatedly .or grie%ous da!age. /atling
/un in.licts F#4 ' ST*H Z 4d10< $r!or Physical da!age.
%A.. CHA5G! ;5 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FS(ecialH 2*
$ shi!!ering globe o. energy encloses the target< cycling
through a series o. colors and hues be.ore %anishing. 6all
Change adds the Status Condition &le!ent *esist .or all
&le!ents sa%e one@ roll a d and consult the table belo- to
deter!ine -hich one. The co!batant -ill be a..licted -ith the
Status Condition &le!ent 6eak .or the rolled ele!ent@ roll again
during e%ery subse7uent Status Phase< rearranging the Status
Conditions accordingly F)H.
*oll &le!ent
1 &arth
# 9ire
3 6ater
4 6ind
1 Ice
) Aightning
7 +oly
.!2!. 5 +44M 8: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F9atalH *
/hostly< .og=colored skulls !aterialiEe abo%e the ene!y< letting
out a haunting laugh be.ore .ading out. Ae%el 1 Doo! only
a..ects targets -hose Ae%el is a !ulti(le o. 1< and has a F0. $CC
= 10H< 0. &%asion CoS o. instantly reducing any eligible target
to 0 +P< regardless o. current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0 %alues< or the
Da!age Ca(.
.!2!. 2 4.+ 84 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F6eakH 2*
/rey clocks .ade into e'istence o%er the battle.ield< chi!ing
t-el%e ti!es be.ore disa((earing again. Ae%el # 8ld only a..ects
targets -hose Ae%el is a !ulti(le o. #< and has a F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion CoS o. in.licting the Status Conditions $gility
,reak F4H< $r!or ,reak F4H< 0agic ,reak F4H< 0ental ,reak
F4H< Po-er ,reak F4H< and S(irit ,reak F4H. *oll se(arately .or
each target a..ected.
A5G!. %H3"P!R 9: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery 2*
$ beauti.ul angelic s(irit descends .ro! the hea%ens< ho%ering
abo%e the target to sho-er it -ith glo-ing (articles o. !agical
energy be.ore .ading a-ay. $ngel 6his(er restores a single
target to its !a'i!u! +P %alue< as -ell as canceling all Status
Conditions > sa%e Bo!bie > currently a..ecting that target. I.
used against :ndead !onsters or co!batants a..licted -ith the
Status Condition Bo!bie< $ngel 6his(er has a F0. $CC = 10H<
0. &%asion CoS o. instantly reducing the target to 0 +P<
regardless o. current +it Points< $*0< 0. $*0 or the Da!age
MAG3C (R!A'H 9: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FS(ecialH 2*
$ e'(anding cloud o. iridescent bubbles s-a!(s the area<
bursting into hissing s(heres o. .ire< ice and electricity as it
!akes contact -ith the ene!y. $ll a..ected targets are hit three
ti!es@ once .or F ' 0$/H Z #d 9ire &le!ental da!age< once
.or F ' 0$/H Z #d Ice &le!ental da!age< and once .or F '
0$/H Z #d Aightning &le!ental da!age.
.!2!. 4 "13C3+! 91 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status FS(ecialH 2*
*ibbons o. red energy surround the targets< -ra((ing around
the! tightly be.ore .ading a-ay. Ae%el 4 Suicide only a..ects
targets -hose Ae%el is a !ulti(le o. 4. It has a F0. $CC = 10H<
0. &%asion CoS o. instantly reducing any eligible targetDs +P to
1< regardless o. current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0 %alues< or the
Da!age Ca(. In addition< Ae%el 4 Suicide also has a F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion CoS o. adding the Status Condition 0ini F4H@
roll se(arately .or each a..ected target and e..ect.
/!A2!5'" CA'ARAC' 94 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
Status F6eakH
$ -atery< translucent blue aura gathers around the caster<
ho%ering in (lace .or a !o!ent be.ore being thro-n into the
ene!y< ra(idly e'(anding as it a((roaches in an all=
enco!(assing -a%e o. dark s!oke. +ea%enDs Cataract in.licts
F#4 ' 0$/H Z 4d10< 0. $r!or 0agical da!age@ in addition<
it has a F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion CoS o. in.licting the Status
Conditions $r!or ,reak F)H and 0ental ,reak F)H@ roll
se(arately .or each a..ected target.
"'45! (R!A'H 90 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status FSealH 2*
The caster e'hales a cloud o. cree(ing gray %a(ors that slo-ly
dri.t to settle o%er the target. Stone ,reath has a F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion CoS o. in.licting the Status Condition Stone
FH@ roll se(arately .or each target.
"HA+4% FlAR! 1:: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FShado-H *
Pure -hite light .loods the area< turning all co!batants into
stark black shado-s@ a second later< a s-ar! o. dark (articles
ho!es in on the target< blasting it .or F#7 ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< 0.
$r!or Shado- &le!ental da!age.
M3GH'< G1AR+ 12: MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status F,arrierH 2*
,rilliant green globes o. energy .or! around the caster and
their allies< .ading into thin air a second later. 0ighty /uard
adds the Status Conditions +aste F4H< Protect F4H< and Shell
F4H to all allies.
A553H3.A'4R 125 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
The caster raises their hand< building u( a globe o. dark energy
be.ore casually thro-ing it into the !idst o. the ene!y. The
globe ho%ers silently .or a brie. second be.ore e'(loding in a
cataclys! o. (ink energy< in.licting F30 ' 0$/H Z 4d1#
0agical da!age.
M4R'AR 125 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH 2*
*aising their ar!s to the sky< the caster launches a series o.
ruby=red (roCectiles at the ene!y< the! in bursts o.
.la!e and s!oke. 0ortar in.licts F30 ' ST*H Z 4d1# Physical
+!A'H C.A% 14: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F9atalH *
$ s(iral o. !alignant energy -inds around the target in e%er=
tightening circles< dra-ing into a constricting bind be.ore
disa((earing. Death Cla- has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. instantly reducing the target to 1 +it Point<
regardless o. current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0 %alues< or the Da!age
GRA5+ 'RA35 1;5 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
$ black -a%e o. celestial energy assaults the targets as the
battle.ield e'(lodes in rushing starbursts< in.licting F3) ' 0$/H
Z 1d1# 0agical da!age on all o((onents. /rand Train is not
subCect to the Da!age Ca(< and can in.lict da!age in e'cess o.
"'4RM CA5545 2:: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH 2*
The caster (oints sky-ards< .iring a blinding bea! into the
hea%ens. The sky shi!!ers .or a !o!ent be.ore -a%es o. -hite
light co!e crashing do-n u(on the targets< the! in a
haEe o. thick -hite s!oke that in.licts F11 ' Caster?s Ae%elH
0agical da!age. Stor! Cannon is not subCect to the Da!age
Ca(< and can in.lict da!age in e'cess o. """.
SPE##B#!7E 0!GIC
S(ellblade 0agic is a close cousin to ,lack 0agic< storing
,lackDs destructi%e (o-ers in a -ea(on -ielded by the caster< to
be released u(on contact -ith an o((onent. 6hile the use o.
the -ea(on as a conduit allo-s such s(ells to be cast -ith
relati%e ease -hen co!(ared to their N(ureD counter(arts< a
considerable a!ount o. -ea(ons skill is re7uired to !a'i!iEe
this ad%antage.
Elemental Tier
The basic e..ects o. S(ellblade are also -idely seen as the !ost
%ersatile< channeling basic ele!ental attack s(ells into a -ea(on
to syste!atically e'(loit o((onentsD -eaknesses.
!5bli77ard 5 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 1 2*
Cold air s-irls around the casterDs 6ea(on as it absorbs the
(o-er o. Ice. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be
a..ected by &nbliEEard< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith
that 6ea(on -hen &nbliEEard is cast. The 6ea(on is treated as
in.licting Ice &le!ental da!age .or that attack and that attack
!5F3R! 5 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 1 2*
9la!es crackle along the edge o. the casterDs 6ea(on as it
absorbs the (o-er o. 9ire. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the
caster to be a..ected by &n.ire< !aking a standard $ttack $ction
-ith that 6ea(on -hen &n.ire is cast. The 6ea(on is treated as
in.licting 9ire &le!ental da!age .or that attack and that attack
!5H4.< 5 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 1 2*
$ lu!inous glo- surrounds the casterDs 6ea(on as it absorbs
the (o-er o. +oly. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to
be a..ected by &nholy< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that
6ea(on -hen &nholy is cast. The 6ea(on is treated as in.licting
+oly &le!ental da!age .or that attack and that attack alone.
!5"'45! 5 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 1 2*
The casterDs 6ea(on gains a dusty bro-nish hue as it absorbs
the (o-er o. &arth. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to
be a..ected by &nstone< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith
that 6ea(on -hen &nstone is cast. The 6ea(on is treated as
in.licting &arth &le!ental da!age .or that attack and that
attack alone.
!5"HA+4% 5 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 1 2*
$ dark haEe surrounds the casterDs 6ea(on as it absorbs the
(o-er o. Shado-. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be
a..ected by &nshado-< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith
that 6ea(on -hen &nshado- is cast. The 6ea(on is treated as
in.licting Shado- &le!ental da!age .or that attack and that
attack alone.
!5'H15+!R 5 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 1 2*
&lectricity crackles through the casterDs 6ea(on as it absorbs
the (o-er o. Aightning. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster
to be a..ected by &nthunder< !aking a standard $ttack $ction
-ith that 6ea(on -hen &nthunder is cast. The 6ea(on is
treated as in.licting Aightning &le!ental da!age .or that attack
and that attack alone@ ignore all other &7ui(!ent $bilities.
!52!54M 5 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 1 2*
$ no'ious green cloud condenses around the casterDs 6ea(on
as it absorbs the (o-er o. ,io. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by
the caster to be a..ected by &n%eno!< !aking a standard $ttack
$ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen &n%eno! is cast. The 6ea(on is
treated as in.licting ,io &le!ental da!age .or that attack and
that attack alone.
!5%A'!R 5 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 1 2*
The casterDs 6ea(on turns to .oa!ing li7uid as it absorbs the
(o-er o. 6ater. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be
a..ected by &n-ater< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that
6ea(on -hen &n-ater is cast. The 6ea(on is treated as
in.licting 6ater &le!ental da!age .or that attack and that
attack alone.
!5%35+ 5 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 1 2*
The casterDs -ea(on gains a gusty greenish hue. Select a
6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by &n-ind<
!aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen &n-ind
is cast. The 6ea(on is treated as in.licting 6ind &le!ental
da!age .or that attack and that attack alone.
Stat4s Tier
$nother sta(le o. the 0agic ;night?s re(ertoire< Status Strikes
add a chance to in.lict a Status Condition on an unlucky
o((onent. 9or co!bat situations -here a 7uick .inish isn?t
(ossible< a (ro(erly (laced Status Condition can turn the tide in
the 0agic ;night?s .a%or.
(.35+ "'R3! 1: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 1 2*
Dark !ists s-irl around the casterDs 6ea(on. Select a 6ea(on
e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by ,lind Strike< !aking a
standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen ,lind Strike is
cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting the Status
Condition ,lind F)H.
P43"45 "'R3! 1: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 1 2*
Pur(le %eno! bubbles around the casterDs 6ea(on. Select a
6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by Poison Strike<
!aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen Poison
Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting the
Status Condition Poison FH.
".!!P "'R3! 1: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 1 2*
So.t golden !otes (lay o%er the casterDs 6ea(on. Select a
6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by Slee( Strike<
!aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen Slee(
Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting the
Status Condition Slee( F)H.
(!R"!R "'R3! 15 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 2*
The casterDs -ea(on is charged -ith a cherry=red glo-. Select a
6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by ,erserk Strike<
!aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen
,erserk Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting
the Status Condition ,erserk F)H.
".4% "'R3! 15 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 2*
The casterDs -ea(on gains a !uddy gray shine. Select a
6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by Slo- Strike<
!aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen Slo-
Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting the
Status Condition Slo- F)H.
"3.!5C! "'R3! 15 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 2*
The casterDs -ea(on !akes no sound as it s-i(es at the target.
Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by
Silence Strike< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that
6ea(on -hen Silence Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o.
)0Q o. in.licting the Status Condition Silence F)H.
?4M(3! "'R3! 3: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 11 2*
$ !ouldering green glo- surrounds the casterDs -ea(on. Select
a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by Bo!bie
Strike< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen
Bo!bie Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting
the Status Condition Bo!bie F)H.
C45F1"! "'R3! 3: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 11 2*
$ riot o. colored stars eru(ts .ro! the casterDs -ea(on. Select a
6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by Con.use Strike<
!aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen
Con.use Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting
the Status Condition Con.use F)H.
C1R"! "'R3! 3: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el #" 2*
The casterDs -ea(on turns as black as the night. Select a
6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by Curse Strike<
!aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen Curse
Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting the
Status Condition Curse F)H.
M353 "'R3! 45 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el #" 2*
Strange orange s!oke begins to billo- .ro! the casterDs
-ea(on. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected
by 0ini Strike< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that
6ea(on -hen 0ini Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q
o. in.licting the Status Condition 0ini F)H.
"'45! "'R3! 0: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 43 2*
S!all .rag!ents o. rock cascade .ro! the casterDs -ea(on as it
takes on a bro-n glo-. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster
to be a..ected by Stone Strike< !aking a standard $ttack $ction
-ith that 6ea(on -hen Stone Strike is cast. The $ttack has a
CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting the Status Condition Stone FH.
"'4p "'R3! 5: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 43 2*
The caster and their -ea(on a((ears to be .roEen in ti!e@ -hen
the strike .inally ha((ens< it is al!ost instantaneous. Select a
6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by Sto( Strike<
!aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen Sto(
Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting the
Status Condition Sto( F)H.
'4A+ "'R3! ;: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 43 2*
$ no'ious green s!oke (lays o%er the casterDs -ea(on. Select a
6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by Toad Strike<
!aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen Toad
Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting the
Status Condition Toad F)H.
FR4?!5 "'R3! 8: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 10 2*
Ice crystals begin to .or! on the casterDs -ea(on. Select a
6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by 9roEen Strike<
!aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen 9roEen
Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting the
Status Condition 9roEen F#H.
H!A' "'R3! 8: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 10 2*
$ !uggy glo- surrounds the casterDs -ea(on< raising a!bient
air te!(eratures to an al!ost unbearable le%el. Select a 6ea(on
e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by +eat Strike< !aking a
standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen +eat Strike is
cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting the Status
Condition +eat F#H.
PAin "'R3! ;: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 10 2*
Three strea!s o. !ulti=colored energy s-irl around the casterDs
-ea(on. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected
by Pain Strike< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that
6ea(on -hen Pain Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q
o. in.licting the Status Conditions ,lind F)H< Silence F)H and
Poison FH.
2!nom "'R3! ;: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 10 2*
*ed (oison bubbles around the casterDs -ea(on. Select a
6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by 4eno! Strike<
!aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen 4eno!
Strike is cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting the
Status Condition 4eno! F4H.
Effe2t Tier
$s the 0agic ;night hones his skills< he realiEes that so!e
situations cannot be handled -ith a basic &le!ental or Status
Strike. &..ect Strikes -ere de%elo(ed to .ill these strategic ga(s.

+RA35 "'R3! 1: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el ## 2*
$ trio o. blood=red s(heres begins to rotate around the casterDs
-ea(on. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected
by Drain Strike< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that
6ea(on -hen Drain Strike is cast. The $ttack in.licts 100Q
da!age@ restore the casterDs +P by an e7ui%alent a!ount a.ter
!odi.ying .or $*0.
meltdo*n "'R3! 3: mp
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el ## 2*
$n orange=red glo- en%elo(s the casterDs -ea(on. Select a
6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by 0eltdo-n
Strike< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen
0eltdo-n Strike is cast. The $ttack ignores the targetDs $*0
and the Protect Status< -here a((licable.
4"M4"! "'R3! 1 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el ## 2*
$ trio o. sky=blue s(heres begins to rotate around the casterDs
-ea(on. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected
by 8s!ose Strike< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that
6ea(on -hen 8s!ose Strike is cast. The $ttack in.licts 10Q
da!age to the targetDs 0P a.ter adCusting .or $*0< but does not
reduce the targetDs +P@ restore the casterDs 0P by an e7ui%alent
+3"P!. "'R3! 4: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el #" 2*
The casterDs -ea(on glo-s cobalt=blue .or a s(lit second as
tendrils o. ethereal !ist curl around it. Select a 6ea(on
e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by Dis(el Strike< !aking a
standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen Dis(el Strike is
cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. canceling all Strengthen=
and ,arrier=ty(e Status Conditions sa%e Shield currently acti%e
on the target.
GRA23'< "'R3! 5: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el #" 2*
The casterDs -ea(on !o%es in an unusually sluggish .ashion< as
i. t-ice its nor!al -eight. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the
caster to be a..ected by /ra%ity Strike< !aking a standard $ttack
$ction -ith that 6ea(on .or 0Q da!age -hen /ra%ity Strike is
cast. The $ttack has a CoS o. )0Q o. reducing the targetDs +P
by 10Q o. its current %alue< regardless o. current +P< $*0 or
0. $*0 %alues< or the Da!age Ca(.
RA"P "'R3! 3: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el #" 2*
$ trio o. (ink s(heres begins to rotate around the casterDs
-ea(on. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected
by *as( Strike< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that
6ea(on -hen *as( Strike is cast. The $ttack in.licts 100Q
da!age to the targetDs 0P< but does not reduce the targetDs
s)P/on "'R3! 55 mp
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 3) 2*
The casterDs -ea(on beco!es re.lecti%e< see!ing to dra- in
e%erything in its %icinity. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the
caster to be a..ected by Sy(hon Strike< !aking a standard
$ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on -hen Sy(hon Strike is cast.
Calculate da!age as nor!al@ the $ttack -ill in.lict 10Q da!age
to the targetDs +P and 10Q da!age to the targetDs 0P a.ter
!odi.ying .or $*0. I. the target has no 0P< Sy(hon Strike -ill
instead in.lict 100Q da!age to the targetDs +P. *estore the
casterDs +P and 0P by an e7ui%alent a!ount.
s3$n!t ;5 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 43 2*
$ nearly=translucent crest !aterialiEes around the casterDs
-ea(on be.ore disa((earing. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the
caster to be a..ected by Signet< !aking a standard $ttack $ction
-ith that 6ea(on -hen Signet is cast. Calculate da!age as
nor!al< ignoring all other &7ui(!ent $bilities (ossessed by the
6ea(on@ should this reduce the target to 0 or .e-er +P< the
target is turned into a crystal. *oll a d10 and consult the table
belo- to deter!ine the ty(e o. crystal created and its e..ects@
the crystal is treated as an ite! usable by either the caster or
their allies< but !ust be used i!!ediately a.ter the battle ends.
*oll Crystal Ty(e
1=3 *ed Crystal. The character regains a nu!ber o. +P e7ual
to 10Q o. their !a'i!u! %alue.
4=1 /old Crystal. The character?s +P and 0P are restored to
their !a'i!u! %alues.
)= /reen Crystal. The character regains a nu!ber o. 0P
e7ual to #1Q o. their !a'i!u! %alue.
"=10 ,lue Crystal. The nu!ber o. JP gained by the character
during the battle are increased by #1Q.
deat/ "'R3! 95 mp
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 10 2*
$ ghostly< al!ost translucent gray skull !aterialiEes around the
casterDs -ea(on. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be
a..ected by Death Strike< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith
that 6ea(on -hen Death Strike is cast. The 6ea(on is treated
as ha%ing the &7ui(!ent $bility Death Strike .or that attack and
that attack alone.
Ultimate Tier
$t the highest le%el o. (ro.iciency< 0agic ;nights can channel
the !ost destructi%e (o-ers o. ,lack 0agic into the con.ines o.
their -ea(ons. These ulti!ate enchant!ents .ocus on
unleashing such de%astating (o-er that none but the toughest
o((onents could stand against the!. 2ote that attacks !ade
-ith :lti!ate Tier cannot score Critical +its or ,otches.
@uake "'R3! ;5 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 10 2*
Channeling &arth energy into their -ea(on< the caster strikes
the ground< sending a ri((ling -a%e o. rocks and soil surging in
all directions. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be
a..ected by 3uake Strike< !aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith
that 6ea(on -hen 3uake Strike is cast. The 6ea(on is treated
as ha%ing TargetK $ll and in.licting &arth ele!ental da!age .or
that attack and that attack alone. The $ttack -ill not a..ect
9loating or 9lying co!batants.
*/irl*ind "'R3! 85 MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 10 2*
Channeling 6ind energy into their -ea(on< the caster s-ings
around< -hi((ing u( a .urious gale that surges to-ards the
o((osition. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster to be
a..ected by 6hirl-ind Strike< !aking a standard $ttack $ction
-ith that 6ea(on -hen 6hirl-ind Strike is cast. The 6ea(on is
treated as being *anged and ha%ing TargetK /rou( as -ell as
in.licting 6ind ele!ental da!age .or that attack and that attack
bla#k /ole "'R3! 15: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 17 2*
Channeling /ra%ity energy into their -ea(on< the caster clea%es
the air o(en< creating a ri((ling black hole. Select a 6ea(on
e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by ,lack +ole Strike<
!aking a standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on .or 0Q
da!age -hen ,lack +ole Strike is cast. The 6ea(on is treated
as ha%ing the &7ui(!ent $bility Death Strike .or that attack and
that attack alone. Should Death Strike .ail to a..ect the target<
the ,lack +ole Strike has a CoS o. )0Q o. reducing the targetDs
+P to 1< regardless o. current +P< $*0< 0. $*0 or the Da!age
flare "'R3! 1:: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el 17 2*
Channeling orbs o. (ure !agical energy into their -ea(on< the
caster lunges at the target< creating a .erocious series o.
e'(losion as their -ea(on !akes contact. Select a 6ea(on
e7ui((ed by the caster to be a..ected by 9lare Strike< !aking a
standard $ttack $ction -ith that 6ea(on .or #00Q da!age
-hen 9lare Strike is cast. The $ttack is not subCect to the
Da!age Ca(.
ultima "'R3! 25: MP
TargetK Sel. $%ailableK Ae%el )4 2*
Channeling (ure !agical energy into their -ea(on< the caster
s-i(es at the air< sending out a -ay o. destructi%e .orce to
s-ee( into the ene!y. Select a 6ea(on e7ui((ed by the caster
to be a..ected by :lti!a Strike< !aking a standard $ttack $ction
-ith that 6ea(on .or #00Q da!age -hen :lti!a Strike is cast.
The 6ea(on is considered to ha%e TargetK /rou( .or that attack.
In addition< the $ttack is not subCect to the Da!age Ca( and
ignores as the targetDs $*0 and the Protect Status< -here
In 9inal 9antasy< !ost !agic is hea%ily regi!ented< di%ided
into set grou(s o. S(ells -ith e'(licit e..ects that ne%er change.
This does not !ean that there is no roo! .or creati%ity< ho-e%er
> on the contrary< by dra-ing on their e'(erience< %eteran
casters can create all !anner o. cantri(s< illusions< and other
sorcerous !iscellanea. In the 99*P/< such !agic is kno-n as
Intuiti%e 0agic.
Basi2 R4les
Intuiti%e 0agic is subCect to se%eral i!(ortant restrictions.
These areK
2o Intuiti%e e..ect can directly in.lict or reco%er da!age
and Status Conditions< or !i!ic the !echanical e..ects o.
an e'isting S(ell. This does not !ean the e..ect?s ulti!ate
outco!e !ust al-ays be har!less@ using Intuiti%e !agic to
startle a soldier and send hi! .alling o%er a (ara(et -ill still
result in da!age< albeit indirectly.
$ s(ellcaster can only create Intuiti%e !agic in line -ith
the S(ells he or she -ould nor!ally be able to cast. $
,lack 0age< .or instance< -ould not be able to create a blast o.
air to knock a treasure chest .ro! a high (edestal< nor -ould a
6hite 0age be able to create a .iery e'(losion in !id=air. To
!ake this si!(ler .or both the (layers and the /0< all Jobs -ith
the ability to use Intuiti%e 0agic or co!(arati%e (o-ers ha%e a
list o. key-ords in Cha(ter 4. In order to be cast< the desired
e..ect !ust be in line -ith one or !ore o. these key-ords.
S(ells cast through Intuiti%e !agic are still S(ells. I. the
character is unable to cast S(ells as a result o. Status
Conditions or other e'traordinary circu!stances< Intuiti%e !agic
is si!ilarly o..=li!its.
Intuiti%e 0agic cannot be used !ore than once (er Scene.
Creating a ne- !agic e..ect is o.ten an in%ol%ed (rocess< and
re7uires a brie. ?cooldo-n? (eriod bet-een S(ells.
Creating an Int4iti6e Effe2t
,ecause Intuiti%e e..ects are o(en=ended in nature< the rules to
create the! are relati%ely si!(le > !ost o. the ?hea%y li.ting?
in%ol%ed in their creation relies on /0 and (layer Cudg!ent.
6hene%er a (layer -ishes to create an Intuiti%e e..ect< they !ust
begin by e'(laining -hat e'actly they -ant to achie%e.
Aegiti!ate e'a!(les !ight include things like V*esha(e the
colu!ns into a stair-ay leading to the ne't le%el<W VCreate a
bridge .ro! the surrounding (lants and cree(ers that -ill carry
the (arty across the chas!<W enough !ana to the
Skystone to get the airshi( o.. the ground<W or VCreate a
s(ectacular bangIW ,e.ore a((ro%ing the e..ect< the /0 should
!ake sure that -hat the (layer is trying to achie%e can?t be
readily done -ith an e'isting S(ell and that the e..ect is in line
-ith the key-ords gi%en .or the (layer?s Job. &..ects that do not
.all into any (articular !agical do!ain > as -ith the last t-o
e'a!(les gi%en abo%e > do not ha%e to con.or! to a s(eci.ic
The ne't ste( is to assign an 0P cost to the e..ect. This -ill be
deter!ined by ho- large an obCect or area it a..ects -hen cast >
the larger the scale< the higher the 0P cost. 6hile an e..ect?s
0P cost is entirely le.t to the /0?s discretion< the table belo-
gi%es a((ro(riate ball(ark .igures .or %arious siEe grades.
Ta%le 5&2' Sample *nt"iti,e (P Costs
3ra|| roc| 2
Average-s|zed roc| 8
Cr||d, Voog|e, Tarularu 15
lurar 30
0gre, 0|gas 50
3ra|| rouse 80
Large rouse 100
3|yscraper 200
C|ly o|oc| 100
8nce the e..ect?s cost has been established< the ne't thing on
the list is its di..iculty > or to be (recise< the Conditional
i!(osed on the (layer?s 0. $ccuracy -hen rolling to see
-hether the e..ect succeeds. This is deter!ined by its
co!(le'ity< or o%erall so(histication. The !ore elaborate the
intended e..ect< the lo-er the ulti!ate CoS -ill be. $gain< -hile
this is le.t to the /0?s discretion< a nu!ber o. sa!(le !odi.iers
ha%e been gi%en belo-.
Ta%le 5&0' Sample *nt"iti,e (odifiers
Creal|rg a or|grl l|asr -20
Creal|rg a crude |||us|or -20
us|rg le|e||res|s lo rove ar oojecl -10
Creal|rg a rodesl |||us|or -0
Creal|rg a sopr|sl|caled |||us|or -100
Resrap|rg lre |rred|ale erv|rorrerl -10
To co!(lete the e..ect< the caster !ust !ake a Task Check
against their 0agic $ccuracy< subtracting the !odi.ier assigned
.or the e..ect?s co!(le'ity. De(ending on the circu!stances< the
/0 !ay also assign additional !odi.iers@ so!e e'a!(les are
gi%en belo-. I. the roll succeeds< the (layer achie%es the desired
e..ect@ i. the roll .ails< the 0agic Points ha%e been -asted.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
&..ect?s scale larger than a hu!anK =#0
&..ect?s scale larger than s!all houseK =40
&laborate< hour=long rituals (er.or!ed be.orehandK Z#0
6orking against -eak enchant!entsK 0
6orking against co!(etent enchant!entsK =#0
6orking against elaborate enchant!entsK =40
6orking against !aster.ul enchant!entsK =0
In !agic< as in all other things< t-o heads are o.ten better than
one. Intuiti%e 0agic can .ro! the /rou(-ork rules .ro!
Cha(ter 1< (ro%ided that all other (artici(ants ha%e the
a((ro(riate Intuiti%e 0agic ability.
Sam8le Int4iti6e Effe2ts
Medeo 15 mp
&..ectK $ classic e'a!(le o. stage !agic. 0edeo !i!ics the
e..ects o. the Ti!e S(ell 0eteor< su!!oning an asteroid
.rag!ent to crash into the target -ith a de%astating e'(losion.
:nlike its ?genuine? counter(art< 0edeo is all sound and .ury<
doing no da!age@ the (yrotechnics (roduced< ho-e%er< are
indistinguishable .ro! the real thing. 0edeo is cast at a CoS o.
F0. $CC = )0H.
The .ollo-ing list reca(s so!e o. the !ost i!(ortant conce(ts
introduced in this cha(ter .or 7uick re.erence.
$rcane 0agic. $ny S(ell that deals da!age< but is not
directly associated -ith one o. the Co!bat &le!ents.
&le!ental 0agic. $ny S(ell that deals da!age associated
-ith one o. the Co!bat &le!ents.
Intuiti%e 0agic. ?0inor? S(ells created on the .ly by casters.
2*. Shorthand .or Nnot re.lectableD.
*. Shorthand .or Nre.lectableD.
*eco%ery 0agic. S(ells that restore +P or 0P< or re!o%e
har!.ul Status Conditions.
S(ellblade 0agic. S(ells that (ri!arily a..ect a 6ea(on
rather than a target.
Status 0agic. $ny S(ell -hich adds har!.ul or gain.ul Status
Conditions to one or !ore targets.
Su((ort 0agic. S(ells -hich do not directly a..ect
co!batants or their o((onents< or -hich by(ass !agical
&%asions by de.ault.
No $atter ho !ar% the night2
$orning a#ays (o$es. An! our
8ourney begins ane.&
2obody said -andering the -orld in search o. e%il -as going to
be easy. This cha(ter (resents so!e o. the challenges and
issues characters encounter in the .ield as they rise to
&%en the !ost cautious heroes -ill take a .e- lu!(s on the road
to glory< and as the battles start co!ing in thick and .ast< the
inCury tally -ill rise in turn. This section looks at the a.ter!athK
healing< resting< recu(erating< and getting back to .ighting
0agic and ite!s can (atch u( inCuries on the go< but can drain
the (arty?s resources i. there?s a lot o. hurt to go around. The
alternati%e is to let inCuries heal u( the natural -ay > -ith rest.
To rest< characters need Cust t-o thingsK ti!e and s(ace.
Ti!e is sel.=e'(lanatory > the longer the (arty has to kick back
and rela'< the !ore bene.icial the rest -ill be. In order to .ro! a rest (eriod< a character cannot undertake any
co!(le' or (hysically e'erting acti%ities during that ti!e (eriod
unless they are directly related to the reco%ery (rocess. In other
-ords< taking the ti!e to !ake s(lints and se-ing -ounds is
.ine@ .orging a s-ord or clearing boulders is not.
S(ace is a little trickier. The de.ault s(ace re7uire!ent .or
rest is an area -here the (arty can stretch out -ithout .ear o.
being attacked by !arauding !onsters and the like. In (ractical
ter!s< this !eans that long stretches o. rest are i!(ossible in
the !iddle o. a dungeon thick -ith ene!ies unless the (arty
can .ind so!e -ay to kee( itsel. (rotected during that ti!e.
+igher grades o. rest de!and additional a!enities on to( o.
this s(ace< na!ely shelter< .ood< and bedding. These
?re7uire!ents? are listed -ith the res(ecti%e rest grades.
$ .ull day s(ent doing nothing but reco%ering .ro! inCuries
7uali.ies as Intensi%e *est. $t the end o. the rest (eriod< all
characters > including :nconscious ones > -ill be restored to
!a'i!u! +P and 0P. In addition< Intensi%e *est cancels all
Status Conditions currently a..ecting the Party. :nless there is
a signi.icant reason not to< characters auto!atically undergo
Intensi%e *est bet-een ad%entures.
Ti!e TakenK 1 .ull day
*e7uire!entsK Cabin or $%erage 7uality roo!
$n uninterru(ted nightDs slee( in co!.ortable surroundings
allo-s characters to reco%er all +P and 0P and cancels all
Status Conditions a..licting the (arty e'ce(t Bo!bie and Stone.
:nconscious characters -ill re%i%e at the end o. the rest (eriod
-ith their +P and 0P restored to 10Q o. their !a'i!u! %alues.
9ull *est in a Au'urious roo! gi%es the sa!e bene.its as
Intensi%e *est.
Ti!e TakenK 7 to hours
*e7uire!entsK Cabin or $%erage 7uality roo!
Tra%el *est is ty(ical o. the kind o. night?s slee( a (arty -ill get
on the road. $ssu!ing the (arty can rest .or a .ull night -ithout
interru(tions< they reco%er 71Q o. their !a'i!u! +P and 0P.
$ll Status Conditions a..licting the (arty are canceled during this
ti!e< -ith the e'ce(tions o. :nconscious< Bo!bie< and Stone.
Ti!e TakenK 7 to hours
*e7uire!entsK Tent or Poor 7uality roo!
9it.ul *est can be de.ined as either slee(ing .e-er than the
usual se%en or eight hours or being interru(ted in the night by
a !onster attack. $t the end o. a 9it.ul *est (eriod< all (arty
!e!bers regain 10Q o. their !a'i!u! +P and 0P %alues. $ll
Status Conditions a..licting the (arty are also canceled at the
end o. this ti!e (eriod< -ith the e'ce(tions o. :nconscious<
Bo!bie< and Stone.
Ti!e TakenK 3 to 4 hours
*e7uire!entsK Slee(ing ,ag or S7ualid 7uality roo!
Taking a ,reak !eans taking an hour o.. to eat< na(< e'a!ine
inCuries< shar(en -ea(ons< and generally i!(ro%e the (artyDs
-ell=being. $t the end o. the ,reak< characters reco%er 10Q o.
their !a'i!u! +P and 0P< -hile Status Condition ti!ers are
reduced by ).
Ti!e TakenK 1 hour
*e7uire!entsK 2one
&%en taking the ti!e to catch oneDs breath can !ake all the
di..erence in a long and brutal dungeon. $ ,reather is de.ined
as the ti!e taken by the (arty to bandage -ounds and -i(e
s-ords > enough ti!e< in short< to reco%er a little bit o. lost li.e
and re(lenish !agical resources. Characters reco%er 1Q o.
their !a'i!u! +P and 0P at the end o. a ,reather< -hile
Status Condition ti!ers are reduced by #.
Ti!e TakenK 10 to 11 !inutes
*e7uire!entsK 2one
The Healing S9ill
Characters -ith the +ealing Skill can use their talents to assist
the natural healing (rocess< increasing reco%ery gains in both
the short and long ter!. During rest (eriods< characters !ay
!ake a Task Check against their +ealing to s(eed u( the
healing (rocess. I. the Task Check is success.ul< the (arty?s
reco%ery gains at the end o. the rest (eriod -ill be e7ual to the
ne't=highest grade o. rest > i. the characters took a ,reak<
they?ll get the bene.its o. 9it.ul *est< i. they took Tra%el *est<
they?ll get the bene.its o. 9ull *est< and so .orth. The only thing
that changes in this case is the actual reco%ery no
additional ti!e or resources are consu!ed.
9ailure has no conse7uences< but a ,otch !eans the
characterDs !inistrations actually ha%e the o((osite e..ect<
bu!(ing the e..ects o. resting do-n to the ne't=lo-est grade.
This !eans that ,reathers actually ha%e no i!(act on the (arty
i. a +ealing roll is ,otched.
Conditional 0odi.iers de(end on ho- !uch ti!e the character
!aking the roll has to -ork -ith > the !ore drastic the
i!(ro%e!ent< the harder it -ill be to s7ueeEe into the resting
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
9ull *est to Intensi%e *estK Z40
,reather to ,reakK Z#0
9it.ul *est to Tra%el *estK 0
Tra%el *est to 9ull *estK =#0
,reak to 9it.ul *estK =40
Healing Fi@t4res
Players !ay also be able to sal%e their inCuries through healing
.i'tures< things in the en%iron!ent that (ro%ide ?.ree healing? to
characters -ho use the!.
*eco%ery s(rings are (ools o. -ater su..used -ith 7uantities o.
Ai.e !agic large enough to restore anybody -ho drinks .ro!
the!. *eco%ery s(rings can ha%e one o. se%eral e..ectsK
Cure Status Conditions. $ s(ring that cures Status
Conditions -ill re!o%e all non=,arrier and &nhance=ty(e Status
Conditions .ro! a character (artaking o. its (o-er. :nconscious
characters cannot .ro! this kind o. s(ring.
*estore +P and 0P. $ s(ring that restores +P and 0P -ill
restore the! to their !a'i!u! %alues. :nconscious characters
cannot .ro! this kind o. s(ring.
*e%i%i.y. $ s(ring that re%i%i.ies characters -ill restore an
:nconscious character to !a'i!u! +P and 0P. 8ther
characters gain no bene.its .ro! drinking .ro! it.
9ull *eco%ery. So!e rare s(rings co!bine all three o. the
abo%e e..ects.
It should be noted that reco%ery s(rings are only e..ecti%e
because o. the Ai.e !agic concentrated in the surrounding area.
,ottling a s(ring?s -aters .or .uture use -ill !erely lea%e a
character -ith a bottle o. cris(< re.reshing< but other-ise utterly
ordinary s(ring -ater.
Sa%e crystals are large< .ree=standing crystals that collect and
.ocus surrounding !agic. 0erely touching a sa%e crystal is
enough to restore +it Points and 0agic Points to .ull and cancel
all non=,arrier and &nhance Status Conditions. :nconscious
characters -ill also be re%i%ed -ith !a'i!u! +P and 0P.
De(ending on the nature o. the setting< characters !ay also
encounter other .i'tures -ith si!ilar (o-ers o%er the course o.
their tra%els. Practical e'a!(les include auto!ated healing
stations< !agical s(heres< and enchanted gates.
Conse2rated !reas
8rdinarily< resting in the !iddle o. a dangerous dungeon is out
o. the 7uestion. ,ut in so!e cases< the PCs !ay disco%er s!all
(atches o. consecrated ground in other-ise dangerous
territory< usually !arked by unusual .eatures or si!(ly a
noticeable aura o. !agic energy. Such areas naturally re(el
!onsters and other e%il creatures< !aking it (ossible to rest
there .or at least short (eriods o. ti!e.
Re2o6ering Stat4s Conditions
&%en i. characters aren?t taking the ti!e to rest< any Status
Conditions still in e..ect a.ter a battle or Scene ends -ill
naturally tick do-n bet-een Scenes< e%entually e'(iring i. their
ti!er isn?t unli!ited. 8ut o. co!bat< a Status Condition?s ti!er
-ill generally decrease by 1 e%ery ten !inutes until the
Condition e'(ires< although the /0 !ay be !ore generous -ith
,arrier and &nhance=ty(e Conditions. I. the Condition is still
acti%e -hen the character enters co!bat< reduce the ti!er by 1
at the start o. the battle. I. that does not cancel the Status
outright< it -ill tick do-n at the nor!al rate o. 1 (er *ound.
Criti2al In=4ries
$ll characters a .e- scratches and scra(es during the
course o. their career< but so!e inCuries canDt Cust be shrugged
o.. -ith a Potion and a good nightDs slee(. Things like broken
ar!s< trau!a< and se%ered %ocal cords are all e'a!(les o. these
kinds o. Critical InCuries.
In ga!e ter!s< characters su..ering .ro! a Critical InCury
te!(orarily or (er!anently ac7uire Disad%antages to re(resent
the!K So.t Target .or broken ribs or %irulent sickness< Aa!ed .or
da!age to the legs< and so .orth. $ssu!ing the inCuries can be
cured< characters -ho intend to reco%er .ro! such setbacks
!ust .irst be diagnosed and treated -ith a +ealing roll. Sa!(le
Conditional 0odi.iers .or doing so are gi%en in Cha(ter 1@
others can be set by e%aluating the di..iculty o. the task based
on the nature and e'tent o. the characterDs inCuries. I.
success.ul< the character -ill reco%er .ro! the inCury in about
one to si' -eeks o. ga!e ti!e< de(ending on ho- long the /0
.eels like !ilking the (layer?s (light.
InCuries that cannot be cured beco!e (er!anent
Disad%antages instead. Changing a character in this -ay does
not yield (oints to s(end on $d%antages< and !ust be
discussed bet-een /0 and (layer be.ore being (ut into e..ect. I.
using the Traits and ;ey Points o(tions (resented in $((endi'
I4< Disad%antages ac7uired in this .ashion earn the character a
nu!ber o. ;P e7ual to the Disad%antageDs nor!al (oint cost.
To-ns are an i!(ortant .eature o. the ad%enturing li.e > here<
ad%enturers rest< gather in.or!ation .ro! locals< ac7uire
e7ui(!ent< and restock su((lies. Though the ter! ?to-n? is
used as a blanket ter! .or any large settle!ent in the ga!e
-orld< there are (lenty o. other (ossibilities > (assing cara%ans<
roadside inns< sales ter!inals< and -andering !erchants can all
(otentially .ul.ill the sa!e basic range o. .unctions.
9inal 9antasy ga!es encourage the (layers to chat u( rando!
strangers< saunter into buildings< and (oke their noses into
%ases< -ood(iles< and anything else that !ight hide %aluables. I.
characters ha%e nothing else to do -ith their ti!e< they can
si!(ly e'(lore the area .or a .e- hours to see -hat they can
turn u(.
I. the (arty is in search o. a (iece o. in.or!ation or a s(eci.ic
(erson or location< they !ay send !e!bers out to co!b the
to-n .or clues. Doing so re7uires ti!e > a cou(le o. !inutes to
a cou(le o. hours< de(ending on the a!ount o. ground that
needs to be co%ered > and a success.ul Skill Test against
In7uiry or Street-ise .ro! the ?search (arty.? De(ending on the
area and the %alue o. the in.or!ation sought< characters !ay
ha%e to loosen their (ursestrings to get the in.or!ation they
Sho((ing is an essential (art o. the ad%enturing li.estyle<
regardless o. -hether it?s si!(ly to to( u( the (arty?s Potion
reser%es or a .ull=.ledged u(grade o. -ea(ons and ar!or.
Players begin their sho((ing e'cursions by telling the /0 -hat
kind o. store they are looking .or< lea%ing the /0 to decide
-hether such a store e'ists and ho- long it -ill take to track it
do-n > a (rocess that can take any-here .ro! a .e- !inutes to
se%eral hours< de(ending on the siEe o. the to-n and the
nu!ber o. a%ailable sho(s. I. the layout o. the to-n is
(articularly con.using< a Trade or In7uiry roll !ay also be
To-ns a diEEying array o. (laces -here ad%enturers can
s(end their hard=earned !oney. Store ty(es characters !ay
run into o%er the course o. their ad%entures includeK

%eapon "tores
6ea(on Stores stock -ea(ons o. all ty(es. $ good (ortion o.
these stores !anu.acture their in%entory in=house<
incor(orating se(arate .orges and -orksho(s beneath the
Armor "tores
$r!or Stores co%er $r!or o. e%ery ty(e< .ro! 0ail to $r!-ear.
$s -ith 6ea(on Stores< it is not unco!!on to .ind skilled
!etal-orkers attached to the store?s (re!ises< (roducing
goods .or sale.
$rsenals are large< -ell=stocked e!(oriu!s ty(ically .ound in
!aCor cities< selling 6ea(ons as -ell as $r!or. $side .ro!
stocking locally !anu.actured -ea(ons< these stores also carry
i!(orted ite!s and other e'otic e7ui(!ent.
General "tores
/eneral Stores ser%ice the (o(ulation at large< selling *eco%ery<
Su((ort< and ,attle Ite!s as -ell as !iscellaneous e7ui(!ent.
$ /eneral Store !ay also stock a li!ited selection o. basic
6ea(ons and $r!or i. no other stores in the area sell the!.
Reli# "tores
*elic Stores tend to be rarer .i'tures in settle!ents< as !ost o.
their stock co!es .ro! ite!s reco%ered by ad%enturers and
e'(lorers. $s the na!e i!(lies< they deal in curios and unusual
ite!s< including $ccessories o. all sha(es and siEes.
Poa#/er's +ens
Poachers? Dens s(ecialise in the (rocessing o. !onster re!ains
into usable ite!s< a gri! and onerous trade ri.e -ith skinning<
tanning hides and boiling %eno!s and acids. 2onetheless<
stores o. this kind do a steady business< and -ill be the .irst
(ort o. call .or any serious !onster hunter. $side .ro! taking in
!onster re!ains< they !ay also sell the *eco%ery< Su((ort and
,attle Ite!s (rocessed .ro! the!.
Au#tion Houses
The (re.erred haunts o. the noble and -ell=to=do< auction
houses allo- selected !e!bers o. the (ublic to bid on a %ariety
o. rarities and anti7uities. /enerally s(eaking< ordinary
e7ui(!ent and ite!s are unlikely to end u( on the auction
block > -hat?s u( .or grabs tends to run the ga!ut .ro!
useless bric=a=brac like !odel airshi(s and collectible (orcelain
to dungeon keys and arti.acts o. !ystic signi.icance.
$uction houses are rarely .ound outside o. !aCor cities. &%en
then< access isn?t a gi%en > so!e houses !ay only cater to the
u((er classes< !aking it di..icult .or rough=and=tu!ble
ad%enturers to get in -ithout the right connections.
,aEaars are stores -ith a t-ist > you ne%er kno- 7uite -hat
you?re going to get. /enerally only .ound in larger cities<
baEaars a -ide range o. strange and unusual goods<
ranging .ro! genuine rarities and (o-er.ul arti.acts to the
bu..ed=u( Cunk sold by unscru(ulous con !en looking to !ake a
7uick /il. $s -ith all sho((ing< .inding a baEaar takes ti!e<
though they usually tend to be easier to locate than indi%idual
:nlike nor!al sho(s< (layers don?t co!e to a baEaar -ith a
sho((ing list > rather< they -ill get a nu!ber o. (urchase
o(tions< each gi%en a descri(tion rather than a .ir! na!e. $
0arduk ,o- .ound in a to-n baEaar !ight be described as ?a
-ell=(olished ancient crossbo- engra%ed -ith a stor! god?s
i!age<? -hile a 8ak Sta.. !ay be called ?an iron=shod sta.. !ade
o. durable -ood.? There are only t-o -ays to (ositi%ely identi.y
a goodK buy it< or !ake a success.ul Trade roll -ith the
a((ro(riate !odi.iers.
So -hy bother -ith baEaarsG In (laces -here the store
selection is li!ited< baEaars can (ro%ide access to higher le%els
o. e7ui(!ent. $lternati%ely< baEaar goods can sa%e (layers
so!e coin< assu!ing they?re care.ul enough to a%oid the sca!s
> that ?bag o. ten dusty bottles -ith illegible labels? retailing .or
1000 / could be a budget=(riced (ack o. ten +i=Potions... or
si!(le colored -ater.
9or (urchases beyond the sco(e o. Cha(ter )< the /0 can rule
.or cost and $%ailability *ating on the s(ot< de(ending on the
%alue and rarity o. the (urchase. To !ake co!(arati%e (ricing a
little easier< a scale o. se%eral sa!(le goods and ser%ices and
their relati%e (rice is gi%en belo-.
Ta%le 6&1' (iscellaneo"s Costs
Vea|, creap 10
3a|||rg sr|p passage, srorl d|slarce 30
Vap, We||-exp|ored |ocal|or 30
Vap, Wor|d 50
Vea|, spec|a|ly Z0
l|gr-poWered oallery, e|eclr|ca| 100
Ye||oW crocooo, rerla|, da||y 125
8|ac| crocooo, rerla|, da||y 200
A|rsr|p passage, srorl d|slarce 200
A|rsr|p passage, red|ur d|slarce 100
Vap, ooscure or dargerous |ocal|or 500
Car, rerla|, da||y 500
3ra|| pac|age, |org-d|slarce v|a a|rra|| 500
A|rsr|p passage, |org d|slarce 800
Vap, oll-||r|ls or r|gr|y dargerous |ocal|or 1,500
ver|c|e lue|, ore Wee|'s supp|y 3,000
Cas|ro, day pass 3,000
Crocooo per, rerla| 10,000
Cas|ro, ||lel|re pass 30,000
3eas|de v|||a, purcrase 300,000
2ote that these %alues are only intended as a starting (oint<
rather than as absolute gos(el. $ny nu!ber o. .actors can
a..ect the .inal asking (rice< u( to and including si!(le narrati%e
con%enience. I. needed< an $%ailability *ating i. needed can be
generated %ia the .ollo-ing tableK
Ta%le 6&2' A,aila%ilitF
Corror|y ard oper|y ava||ao|e 99 - 85
Re|al|ve|y corror 81 - Z0
3oreWral urcorror 9 - 50
urcorror or d|ll|cu|l lo source 19 - 30
Rare or exol|c 29 - 20
very rare 19 - 10
Exlrere|y rare 9 - 0
P4bs and Cafes
Pubs > or< .or the teetotaling ad%enturers out there >
gi%e the (arty access to the local ru!or !ill. In !ost situations<
an hourDs ti!e and a Task Check against In7uiry at Z#0 -ill
turn u( hal. a doEen ru!ors< stories< or current e%ents o.
%arying degrees o. accuracy. So!e o. these !ay Cust be things
the (layers already kno- FVThey say the &!(ireDs ne- Doo!
S(here is close to co!(letion.WH -hile others (otential
Cu!(ing (oints .or side=7uests FVID%e heard thereDs a ghost u(
at the clockto-er that a((ears on nights -hen the !oon is
hidden by the clouds.WH and ne- ad%entures. ,artenders > -ho
listen into e%ery con%ersation day=in< day=out > also tend to be
.onts o. in.or!ation< and can the (arty odd Cobs and leads
a.ter a .e- drinks.
So!e (ubs ha%e notice boards .or Cob o..ers and -anted
(osters. I. the (arty is looking .or a .e- s(are /il< a .ast=(aced
chase a.ter a .ugiti%e cri!inal or a hunting e'(edition seeking a
(articularly in.a!ous local !onster !ay be Cust the ticket.
Characters -ith s(are !aterials and ti!e on their hands !ay
-ant to take ad%antage o. local -orksho(s to cra.t ite!s and
e7ui(!ent. 9ull rules .or this are .ound in $((endi' I.
Inns and Hotels
$.ter a long dayDs sho((ing< (layers are likely to -ant to bed
do-n at an inn or hotel. +o- rest.ul the resulting nightDs slee(
is de(ends on the 7uality o. the lodgings. $ll inn roo!s .all into
one o. .ollo-ing .our 7uality ratingsK
S7ualid roo!s are the (its > noisy< dirty< %er!in=ridden and
(rone to belongings disa((earing in the night.
Poor roo!s are a ste( u( .ro! s7ualid. Though unlikely to
-in any !aCor a-ards .or a!enities< they are clean enough to
assure !ostly uninterru(ted slee(ing.
$%erage roo!s re(resent the baseline .or !ost inns the
(arty -ill encounter > -ell=!aintained and co!.ortable< i. not
Au'urious roo!s are truly a .i%e=star a..air< and ha%e a
nu!ber o. other (erks included in the (rice > .or e'a!(le< en
suite ser%ice and a !ini=bar.

The 7uality o. a roo! a..ects t-o thingsK the kind o. rest the
(arty -ill get there< and the (rice o. the roo! itsel.. The table
belo- gi%es suggested (rices (er head .or roo! 7uality< though
like all other (rices< these can be adCusted as the /0 sees .it.
Ta%le 6&0' Accommodation Costs
3qua||d 10 F|llu|
Poor 25 Trave|
Average 100 Fu||
Luxur|ous 500 lrlers|ve
6hile the (artyDs a%ailable .unds and condition can a..ect -hat
kind o. lodgings they ulti!ately stu!( .or< location also (lays a
role. Aarger cities o.ten s(ort a nu!ber o. inns and hotels o.
%arying 7uality -hereas s!aller %illages ha%e a take=it=or=lea%e=
it a((roach to acco!!odations.
$lternately< the (arty !ay -ind u( recei%ing roo! and board
.ro! allies< s(onsors< or a PC -ith a house in the area. I. so< the
costs are -ai%ed. In the interests o. kee(ing things si!(le< daily
e'(enses > !edical cost< .ood and drink< other sundries > are
si!(ly .actored into the (rice o. the nightDs acco!!odation.
8nce the (arty clears out o. to-n< they ha%e the great outdoors
to contend -ith. This section co%ers so!e o. the challenges and
acti%ities to be .ound on the road.
I. the (arty shelled out .or a !a( be.ore setting out< they -ill
.ind that .inding their -ay beco!es that !uch easier. $ssu!ing
the !a( is reliable and o. e'cellent 7uality< characters -ith the
2a%igation Skill !ake Task Checks -ith a Conditional 0odi.ier o.
Z0. 9or !a(s o. !erely good 7uality< the 0odi.ier dro(s to
Z40@ reasonable !a(s -ith so!e degree o. accuracy reduce
this to Z#0. Poor or inaccurate !a(s are o. no hel(
Players -ith the 2a%igation Skill can also declare that they are
kee(ing their o-n !a(s as they tra%el through a gi%en area.
These start o.. as (oor< but -ill auto!atically i!(ro%e in 7uality
as the (arty s(ends !ore and !ore hours in a gi%en location.
De(ending on the siEe o. an area< a reasonable !a( alone can
take bet-een # and #0 hours@ truly e'cellent !a(s o. an area
re7uire signi.icantly !ore ti!e in%est!ent.
Players can use the Sca%enge Skill to obtain !aterials .ro!
!onster carcasses< e'(osed ore< crystal< and the like. 6hile
these !aterials %ary -ildly in use.ulness and are not as
acce(ted as ite!s or e7ui(!ent in sho(s< they are still use.ul in
cra.ting and !anu.acturing. These things begin -ith a certain
nu!ber o. Cra.t Points? -orth o. !aterial > nor!ally ranging
.ro! 0 to 10 CP > that can be e'tracted in s!aller batches -ith
success.ul Sca%enge rolls. To begin< the (layer !ust declare an
intent to use Sca%enge be.ore ite! dro(s are rolledK any
!aterials gained .ro! Sca%enge -ill re(lace any ite!s that
!ight ha%e dro((ed .ro! the ene!y. The (layers !ust then
decide ho- !any CP they are atte!(ting to sca%enge< .ro! 1 to
10@ this nu!ber is i!!ediately subtracted .ro! the ite!?s total
CP. The (layer !ust then !ake a Task Check -ith Conditional
0odi.iers a((lied de(ending on the Tier o. the !aterial. The
(layer?s character should also ha%e the tools to e'tract the
desired !aterial< though in a (inch< they can al-ays use their
6ea(on. 8n a%erage< the Tier o. CP har%ested in this .ashion -ill
be e7ual to FParties $%erage Ae%el X 7H< though the /0 !ay
raise or lo-er this as they see .it.
Conditional M4+3F3!R"
Sca%enging Tier 1 !aterialK Z40
Sca%enging Tier # !aterialK Z30
Sca%enging Tier 3 !aterialK Z#0
Sca%enging Tier 4 !aterialK Z10
Sca%enging Tier 1 !aterialK 0
Sca%enging Tier ) !aterialK =10
Sca%enging Tier 7 !aterialK =#0
Sca%enging Tier !aterialK =30
$ success !eans that the declared nu!ber o. CP are
i!!ediately added to the character?s In%entory. $ .ailure !eans
that so!e o. the !aterial -as da!aged during the sca%enging
(rocess > 10Q o. the declared nu!ber o. CP are added to the
character?s In%entory. $ ,otch !eans that the character gains
no CP at all< -hile a Critical Success adds Z#1Q o. the
declared nu!ber o. CP to the character?s In%entory.
The a!ount o. ti!e needed to sca%enge !aterial can %ary
.ro! .i.teen !inutes to se%eral hours< de(ending on ho-
di..icult it is to reach and e'tract the essentials. $s al-ays< /0
discretion a((lies.
? Sca, in Action
+a%ing .inally esca(ed .ro! Deathsight?s (rison shi( a.ter a
s(ectacular battle< the (arty .inds itsel. -andering through the
desert. &n route to ci%ilisation< they disco%er the sun=bleached
skeleton o. a ,ehe!oth.
*ob F+iroHK 6e should try sca%enging so!e o. those bones.
There?s bound to be so!e good !aterial in there. *odger< I?!
going to go ahead and atte!(t to sca%enge 10 CP.
*odger F/0HK /etting a good=siEed chunk broken o.. the
skeleton -ill take a bit o. elbo- grease > about thirty !inutes
or so.
*obK 6e can s(are an hour or t-o< rightG I?! good.
*odgerK Then go ahead and roll.
*odger< has already decided that the skeleton has 40 CP o.
Tier 7 !aterial< and subtracts 10 .or *ob?s atte!(t. *ob?s
Sca%enge *ating is 40< but due to the !aterial?s toughness<
he -ill be !aking his Task Check at =#0. +is .inal CoS is #0.
*obK FrollingH 1I
*odgerK That?s a success. 5ou gain 10 CP o. Tier 7 bone.
*obK 6oot. I?! .eeling lucky > I?ll go in .or another 10.
*odger subtracts another 10< lea%ing the skeleton -ith #0 CP.
*obK FrollingH 10. 2o good.
*odgerK $.ter a bit o. struggling< you le%erage .ree 1 CP.
*obK 0ight as -ell kee( going. $nother 10.
*odger subtracts another 10< lea%ing the skeleton -ith 10 CP.
*obK FrollingH $h< da!n. ,otch. I?ll try one last ti!e. 10 again.
*odger subtracts another 10. The skeleton has no CP le.t
*obK FrollingH 10I
*odgerK 5ou har%est another 1# CP o. bone .ro! the
skeleton. That see!s to be the last o. the use.ul !aterial here.
,lair F0intHK 0int hu..s. VCo!e onI 6e?re going to !iss
teati!e i. you kee( !ucking around -ith those dirty bonesIW
9ro! ho-ling sno- to blistering heat< the cli!ates ad%enturers
are likely to .ind the!sel%es battling are literally endless. ,ut
.ighting in less=than=(er.ect -eather !eans !ore than Cust
running the risk o. de%elo(ing a case o. heatstroke or the
sni..les. Strong -eather conditions -ar( and accu!ulate large
concentrations o. &le!ental energy around the!< reducing the
e..ecti%eness o. a..iliated &le!ental attacks. $nd e%en that !ay
not be the end o. the (arty?s (roble!s< as these surges in !ana
can attract and birth .earso!e &le!entals.
In addition to altering the (o-er o. certain &le!ental attacks<
so!e -eather conditions !ay ha%e additional e..ects. These are
described belo-@ the &le!ental e..ects are listed in Table "=4
at the end o. this section.
&..ectK Strong -inds s-ee( the area. 9lying and 9loating
characters and creatures !o%e at 10Q nor!al s(eed > in
e..ect< as i. they -ere !o%ing through $d%erse Terrain. *anged
$ttacks !ade -ith Thro-ing 6ea(ons and 6ea(ons such as
,o-s< ,oo!erangs< and *i.les a =40 Conditional
&..ectK *ising te!(eratures lea%e a shi!!ering haEe o. heat
dra(ed o%er the area. Characters !ay e'haust 7uicker and .ind
actions !ore strenuous than nor!al< i!(osing a =#0
Conditional 0odi.ier on all (hysical acti%ities.
Hea,) Rain
&..ectK $ cloudburst sho-ers the battle.ield. +ea%y rain i!(oses
a =40 Conditional 0odi.ier to %isibility as -ell as *anged attacks.
&..ectK In desert areas< strong -inds can -hi( u( %iolent
sandstor!s< cloaking an entire battle.ield in grit and dust.
Po-er.ul sandstor!s can reduce %isibility close to Eero<
i!(osing a =)0 Conditional 0odi.ier to %isibility and *anged
Hea,) "no*
&..ectK Torrential sno-.all. Drastically a..ects %isibility<
i!(osing a =)0 Conditional 0odi.ier to %isibility and *anged
attacks !ade at !ediu! range or greater. Characters -ho are
not (ro(erly insulated against the ele!ents also risk su..ering
.ro! hy(other!ia< .rostbite< or -orse > e'tended e'(osure
o%er a (eriod o. se%eral hours !ay in.lict the Status Condition
&..ectK 6here skies gro- o%ercast< rando! lightning can !ake
tra%el a risky (ro(osition. The /0 should roll a dQ e%ery .i.teen
to thirty !inutes the (arty s(ends in a thunderstor!. 8n a roll
o. 11 or lo-er< a lightning bolt strikes@ i. the (arty is not near or
under shelter< lightning -ill strike a rando! (arty !e!ber $t
the beginning o. each *ound .ought in a stor!< roll a dQ@ on a
roll o. 11 or lo-er< a rando! target has been struck by a
lightning bolt. The e..ects o. this de(end on the siEe o. the
thunderstor!@ assign a Scale o. 1 through 30 as you -ould
-ith an &n%iron!ental 9eature< then use the a((ro(riate S(ell
to calculate da!age.
Ta%le 6&1' Aeater Effects
Fog --- 10 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
0a|e --- --- 25 -25 --- --- --- --- ---
lealWave 25 --- --- --- -25 --- --- --- ---
leavy Fog --- 10 -10 --- --- --- --- --- ---
leavy Ra|r -25 25 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
0vercasl --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Ra|ry --- 10 --- -10 --- --- --- --- ---
Ra|ry ard w|rdy -10 10 10 -10 --- --- --- --- ---
3ardslorr --- -25 --- 25 --- --- --- --- ---
3roW --- -25 --- --- 25 --- --- --- ---
leavy 3roW -10 -25 10 --- 25 --- --- --- ---
3urry --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Trurderslorr --- --- --- -25 --- 25 --- --- ---
En6ironmental Feat4res
$n ?en%iron!ental .eature? is a cons(icuous (iece o. scenery
that a..ects the (arty?s (rogress. &'a!(les o. en%iron!ental
.eatures !ight include a .allen colu!n barring a (assage< a set
o. locked double doors< an unstable bridge< or a !ysterious
!achine connected to an ancient ele%ator. I. necessary<
characters can attack en%iron!ental .eatures both in and out o.
co!bat@ they do not generate Initiati%e< their &4$ and 0. &4$
-ill al-ays be 0< and .or ob%ious reasons< they are i!!une to
all Status Conditions.
&n%iron!ental 9eatures are !easured by t-o Co!bat
Statistics > Durability and Scale. Durability is an abbre%iated
co!bination o. +it Points and $r!or< and si!(ly !easures ho-
!any hits it takes to destroy the 9eature. :sually< this has a
%alue ranging .ro! 1!sy -oodH to 10 Fsteel=rein.orced
Scale !easures the o%erall siEe and da!age (otential o. the
&n%iron!ent 9eature .or situations -here it in.licts da!age on
others. This is a %alue ranging .ro! 1 Ftrashcans< cratesH to 30
Flarge buildingsH< and is treated as an $ttribute. In situations
-hich call .or the 9eature to do da!age< (ick an a((ro(riate
S(ell .ro! the lists in Cha(ter and insert the 9eatureDs Scale
into into the Da!age Code. 9or instance< attacking a .uel tank
-ould e%entually !ake it e'(lode< creating a s(ectacular .ireball
that burns e%erything in the i!!ediate %icinity. $ssu!ing a
!ediu!=siEed .uel tank< the /0 assigns it a Scale o. 10< and
uses the Da!age Code .or 9ira to .igure out ho- !uch 9ire
&le!ental da!age is dealt to e%erything around it.
$side .ro! attacking and destroying en%iron!ental .eatures<
characters !ay also use the (o-er o. the ele!ents to
!ani(ulate the!. Possible e..ects includeK
&arth. &arth attacks ty(ically cause tre!ors that can 7uickly
da!age and destroy s!aller en%iron!ental .eatures< o(ening
u( (re%iously inaccessible sections.
9ire. Setting things on .ire -ith a -ell=ai!ed 9ira is the
easiest -ay to !ake a battle a little !ore interesting. Structures
and %egetation burn u( slo-ly enough that theyDll !ost
(robably be ablaEe .or the rest o. the battle@ co!batants<
ho-e%er< are .ar less durable. $nyone caught in the !iddle o. a
.ire -ill 9ire &le!ental da!age e7ual to 10Q o. their
!a'i!u! +it Points .or each *ound s(ent in the .ire@ calculate
this da!age during the Status Phase. &n%iron!ental .eatures
set on .ire and then rigged to .all on o((onents do 9ire
&le!ental rather than Physical da!age. 9inally< a large enough
blaEe > or co!bination o. s!aller blaEes > -ill !ake the
i!!ediate area subCect to +eat-a%e conditions until
Ice. Ice &le!ental attacks ha%e the ability to .reeEe bodies o.
-ater or ice o%er soggy ground< turning (re%iously tra%ersable
areas into $d%erse Terrain. Should the (layers tire o. their giant
skating rink< a -ell=(laced 9ire &le!ental $ttack is ca(able o.
!elting through !ost ice .or!ations.
Aightning. $ttacks that cause Aightning &le!ental da!age
are ca(able o. (o-ering > or o%erloading > hea%y !achinery
and electronic de%ices. The e'act results o. such actions
de(end on the de%ice in 7uestion< but could easily range .ro!
destroying a shield generator (rotecting a !aCor %illain to
acti%ating an ele%ator to high ground.
6ater. 6ater can s-ee( s!aller en%iron!ental .eatures out
o. the -ay and soak into solid ground< turning it into !uddy
and Di..icult Terrain.
6ind. 6ind can knock things o%er or blo- s!aller obCects
a-ay > a good -ay .or retrie%ing things that -ould nor!ally be
beyond the (arty?s reach. It !ay also dis(erse .og.
6hen (layers -ant to rest in a to-n< they seek out the nearest
inn or hotel roo!. 8n the road< characters carry their o-n
acco!!odations in the .or! o. one=shot ?shelter? ite!s stored
in the In%entory Slot and consu!ed -hen the (arty rests .or the
day. There are three o. these in totalK
Slee(ing ,ags re(resent the basic co!.orts .or the
ad%enturer on the !o%e< o..ering a -elco!e layer o. (adding
bet-een -eary bones and hard ground .or one (erson.
$ (ro(er Tent (rotects its occu(ants .ro! -ind and -eather<
!aking .or considerably !ore rest.ul nights in less=.riendly
en%irons .or a grou( o. ad%enturers.
Aarger and sturdier than Tents< Cabins are rein.orced to
-ithstand al!ost anything short o. a hurricane. The increased
s(ace translates to an increase in creature co!.orts .or the
(arty< including a (ro(er cooker .or (re(aring !eals.
Des(ite the na!e< these ite!s si!(ly re(resent things like .ood<
bedding< and su((lies > a Tent isn?t literally a tent< but Cust the
!aterial needed to s(end a co!.ortable night in a tent. :nlike
other e7ui(!ent (urchases< these NIte!sD -ill al-ays be
a%ailable. Players should note ho- !uch o. each they are
buying > 3 Slee(ing ,ags< # Tents< 1 Cabins > -hen
(urchasing su((lies.
Ta%le 6&2' Selter Costs
3|eep|rg 8ag 10 F|llu|
Terl 25 Trave|
Cao|r 100 Fu||
The .ollo-ing list reca(s so!e o. the !ost i!(ortant conce(ts
introduced in this cha(ter .or 7uick re.erence.
Critical InCuries. InCuries se%ere enough to gi%e characters
te!(orary or (er!anent Status Conditions.
Durability. $ !easure o. ho- !any hits it takes to destroy an
en%iron!ental .eature.
Scale. $ !easure o. large an en%iron!ental .eature. This
%alue is used to calculate da!age in.licted by the .eature.
ALea!er; I never as%e! to be the
SCua## Leonhart
Storyteller< re.eree< organiEer > a good /0 is all three< and
!ore besides. It goes -ithout saying that the /a!e!aster?s
role is the !ost challenging and re-arding one in the entire
99*P/. 6here (layers take on the role o. a single heroic
character and e'(lore that character in de(th< the /0 is
res(onsible .or literally e%erything else > allies< %illains<
su((orting cast< !onsters< and -orld design. This cha(ter
co%ers the ga!e as seen .ro! the other side o. the table< .ro!
the .irst ad%enture to the .inal battle. 8..ered along the -ay are
ti(s< tools< rules< and ad%ice > in short< so!ething .or e%ery
/a!e!aster< regardless o. e'(erience.
8. course< this section is not !eant to be the al(ha and
o!ega o. ga!e!astering ad%ice. Aiterally hundreds o. guides
ha%e been -ritten on the subCect o%er the years< and !any
!ore are likely to .ollo- in the years to co!e. 0ore i!(ortantly<
there is no such thing as a .ail=sa.e guide. &ach /0 and e%ery
grou( ha%e their o-n indi%idual needs@ ine%itably< so!e are
going to sli( through the cracks. 0any o. the suggestions and
ideas in this cha(ter are thus !ore ad%ice than gos(el > in the
end< your o-n e'(eriences -ill be -hat guides in you in running
the ga!e.
6hile the %arious as(ects o. running a ga!e see! ob%ious to
%eterans< itDs a di..erent !atter .or ne-co!ers. ,eing a /0 is a
daunting task< and the (it.alls on the road to a good ga!e or
session are !any. 9or this reason< the .ollo-ing section co%ers
res(onsibilities< habits< and considerations ne- /0s can
.ro! kno-ing.
The GamemasterAs Role
The /0?s res(onsibilities can be broken do-n as .ollo-sK
Present the -orld to the (layers. The /0 tells > or sho- >
the PCs -hat their characters e'(erience and see in the -orld
around the!. In an e=ga!e< this is handled by so(histicated
%ideo (rocessors and soundtracks@ the /0?s challenge is to
achie%e the sa!e e..ect -ith %oice and (ro(s alone. 8n the
other hand< the /0 isn?t li!ited to a !ere t-enty tracks o.
!usic or a single T4 screen< and can (aint rather !ore
e'(ansi%e %istas as a result.
Deter!ine the .easibility o. actions. :sing co!!on sense
as -ell as the rules in this book< the /0 decides -hat the
heroes can and can?t do > and i. they can< ho- easy or
challenging those actions are. $ hu!an in .ull ar!or can?t Cu!(
a .orty=!eter=-ide ra%ine in a single lea(@ a .our=!eter Cu!(
!ight be (ossible under the circu!stances< but re7uires the /0
to decide Cust ho- di..icult the resulting roll -ill be.
Ine%itably< there -ill be situations -here the -ritten rules
don?t clearly e'(lain -hat to do< or -hen a PC decides to try
so!ething not co%ered in the rules. In this case< it is le.t to the
/0 to decide -hat ha((ens< and -hether a (ro(osed action is
(ossible at all.
Create and role(lay non= (layer characters. The /0
role(lays the %illains o((osing the PCs< the sidekicks and allies
assisting the heroes? e..orts< their ri%als and co!ic relie.< and
the ?bit (art? characters > sho(kee(ers< bartenders< .ar!ers<
.isher!en< guards< and e%erything in bet-een. This can be both
easy and di..icult@ -hile !any o. the !inor 2PCs need only a
bare !ini!u! o. descri(tion< Cuggling a large nu!ber o.
characters > let alone !aking the! !e!orable > re7uires a .air
a!ount o. e..ort.
Design encounters and ad%entures. The /0 deter!ines
-hat challenges the PCs .ace during each session< and creates
a narrati%e to string these challenges together into an
ad%enture. 6hile it is (ossible to de%elo( encounters and e%ents
on the .ly< !ost /0s (lan the! be.orehand< !aking notes as to
ho- !onsters and 2PCs are likely to act and thinking o. -ays
the PCs can o%erco!e the obstacles in their (ath. Pitching the
di..iculty at Cust the right le%el is an i!(ortant (art o. this@ a
good ad%enture -ill be challenging enough to !ake the PCs
-ork to sur%i%e< but not so dangerous that they?ll be .layed
-ithin an inch o. their li%es t-o ste(s in.
Create and (lay !onsters. $rguably the !ost
straight.or-ard o. all /0 tasks. Co!ing u( -ith .oes .or the
grou( is as si!(le as (icking one o. the sa!(le !onsters in
$((endi' II or creating a ne- one using the guidelines in that
sa!e $((endi'. *unning the! is essentially no di..erent than
(laying an 2PC< and is ulti!ately a !atter o. using the
o((onent?s intelligence and background as a yardstick .or their
actions. /0s should also be .a!iliar -ith a !onster?s strength
and abilities< and kno- ho- they -ill a..ect the (arty be.ore
thro-ing the! into battle.
*e-ard the grou(. 0uch o. ad%enturing is about the
re-ards the (layers recei%e along the -ay > !oney< e7ui(!ent<
e'(erience< and intangibles. +o- !uch the characters recei%e
.or their trouble is u( to the /0. The i!(ortant trick here is to
strike a balance bet-een o%er=co!(ensating and short=
changing the (layers@ guidelines .or handling re-ards are
(resented later in this cha(ter.
Tell a story. The (layers are heroes o. their o-n story< but
its ebb and .lo- is the (ro%ince o. the /0. De%elo(ing a
coherent narrati%e -ith enough t-ists to kee( the (layers
interested is key to a success.ul long=ter! ga!e.
0ost o. these res(onsibilities -ill be looked at in greater
detail as this cha(ter goes on.
The Se6en Habits
&%ery grou( has its o-n -ay o. doing things< but there are a
.e- -ays to !ake a session better regardless o. -ho?s (laying
or running. The se%en !ost (ro!inent o. these are gi%en belo-.
,e.ore you begin a ga!e< ensure youD%e got at least a .ir!
gras( on the ruleset. $s /0< your res(onsibilities -ill not only
include adCudicating the rules< but also e'(laining the! to your
(layers. The better you kno- the ra- !aterial youDre -orking
-ith< the !ore s!oothly the ga!e -ill run -hen itDs .inally ti!e
to (ut it into action.
,eing able to run a re-arding and interesting role(laying ga!e
is contingent on kno-ing -hat your (layers consider
?re-arding? and ?interesting.? &ach (layer has his or her o-n
!oti%ators< and role(lays .or di..erent reasons@ to create a
satis.ying e'(erience< it is essential to .ind out -hat they are
and (lan your ga!es accordingly.
So!e (layers !ay -ant a straight.or-ard hack=and=slash
ga!e@ others like to .le' their dra!a !uscles and are dra-n to
dee(< co!(le' (lots. In general< your grou(s -ill ha%e
re(resentati%es o. one or !ore o. these se%en (layer ty(esK
/a!ists are at the table to N(lay the ga!e.D They are rarely
concerned about .actors like character de%elo(!ent< and tend
to care !ore about being able to s(end ti!e -ith other (eo(le
at the table. This lack o. engage!ent can be .rustrating i. you
are trying to build a narrati%e< but /a!ists are easier to kee(
(leased. /i%e their characters enough Ncool stu..D to do and
ensure the ga!e !o%es at a .air cli(< and youDre unlikely to
ha%e too !any (roble!s -ith the!.
$chie%ers (lay ga!es to ad%ance their characters< ac7uire
!ore (o-er.ul ite!s< and see their alter egos gro- in (o-er
and reno-n. The easiest -ay to !oti%ate an $chie%er is to kee(
JP and treasure .lo-ing at a steady rate< though itDs i!(ortant
to be care.ul -hen rationing out re-ards@ too !uch generosity
can destroy ca!(aign balance and ad%ersely a..ect the rest o.
the (arty. $ good substitute is gi%ing the character a little bit o.
.a!e > or in.a!y > in the ga!e -orld@ so!eti!es< these
intangible re-ards carry !ore -eight than yet another s-ord or
high=(o-ered ite!.
;illers take their satis.action .ro! de.eating (o-er.ul .oes
and the %isceral thrills o. co!bat. Aike $chie%ers< ;illers are
relati%ely easy to !oti%ate > ha%e enough challenging
o((onents on ta( to ensure they ha%e to use their .ull range o.
$bilities and !ake battles a regular .i'ture in your sessions.
*egular< ho-e%er< shouldnDt translate to NunrelentingD unless
the rest o. your grou( enCoys co!bat as -ell. Storytellers in
(articular !ay resent ha%ing to reach .or a s-ord e%ery other
hour o. (lay.
&'(lorers -ant to see the -orld< e'(lore (laces and !eet
(eo(le. I. you are running -ith an established setting< (layers
o. this ty(e are likely to deri%e (articular enCoy!ent .ro! seeing
.a!iliar .aces@ strategic encounters -ith !aCor and !inor e=
ga!e characters or good use o. 9inal 9antasy tro(es like
airshi(s and Chocobos. The secret lies in s(acing out these
ele!ents so that they donDt co!e across as o%er=used. 8nce
you?%e run into Cloud Stri.e in a bar .or the .ourteenth ti!e< it
Cust sto(s being s(ecial.
Storytellers are in it .or the role(lay as(ects. They gain the
!ost satis.action .ro! being able to (lay their charactersD
7uirks and .oibles and interact -ith others< and -ill 7uiE your
2PCs at greater de(th and length than the a%erage (layer. This
!eans ha%ing at least a stock background .or all notable
characters and the ability to i!(ro%ise i. the (layers go o..
scri(t. $t the sa!e ti!e< be on the lookout .or Nscene diggersD >
Storytellers -ho insist on acting out e%ery little 2PC
con%ersation and encounter in .ull< dra-n=out detail. Cut o..
grandstanding like this at the roots > buying a s-ord shouldn?t
in%ol%e a .i%e=!inute con%ersation about the current -eather
and ho- the sho(kee(er?s grand!other is doing< es(ecially i.
the rest o. the (arty is !ore interested in action than acting.
Party $ni!als get !ost o. their kicks out o. the grou(
dyna!ic< and enCoy (lanning and strategiEing -ith others to
reach a co!!on goal. 6hen (roble!s loo!< the Party $ni!al is
ine%itably the .irst to act< assu!ing control o. the situation and
!arshaling the rest o. the grou( into de%elo(ing an elaborate
!aster (lan Thro- in a -hole=tea! acti%ity e%ery no- and then
or encourage situations -here strategiEing has a notable
i!(act< but kee( an eye on Cust ho- (lay ti!e these grand
sche!es eat u(. $s !uch .un as (lanning is< ulti!ately the
sho- !ust go on.
$rchety(es enCoy (laying one (articular character ty(e >
young children< Paladins< 0ithra > and (lay it to the hilt< e%en in
situations -here that character -ould nor!ally take a back seat.
6ith $rchety(es -hose s(ecialiEed skills see little use in Nregular
(layD > Thie%es designed .or breaking and entering< 0ediators
geared to-ard in.or!ation=gathering and (ersuasion > you can
engineer situations -here the character can take center stage
-ithout a..ecting the rest o. the grou(. This !ay in%ol%e
s(litting the! o.. and sending the! on a solo e'cursion >
e..ecti%e in !oderation< but best not done too o.ten unless you
enCoy being accused o. .a%oritis!.
8. course< not e%erybody .alls into a single neat category.
0ost (layers lean to-ards t-o or !ore archety(es< gi%ing you
co!binations like /a!ist=$chie%ers< $chie%er=;illers<
Storyteller=Party $ni!als< or &'(lorer=/a!ists. ;ee( running
notes on your (layers and -hat or doesnDt ca(ture their
attention o%er the course o. a session > youDll e%entually be in a
better (osition to Cudge their tastes and (re.erences and adCust
your o-n ad%entures accordingly.
In !ost cases< you?ll only ha%e a li!ited a!ount o. ti!e in -hich
to run your session< so it?s i!(ortant to !a'i!iEe -hat ti!e
you ha%e. 9actors to bear in !ind includeK
8..=To(ic Chatter. *ole(laying is about socialiEing !ore
than anything. $s a result< you ha%e to be (re(ared .or a certain
le%el o. chit=chat during the course o. a session as (layers catch
u( -ith each other on last -eekDs T4< the latest do-nloads< and
current e%ents in general. 6hile it !ay be te!(ting to ride
roughshod o%er the chatter< letting the (layers get it out o.
their syste! be.ore the session starts !eans theyDre !ore
.ocused on the ga!e itsel. once things kick o...
5ou can take ad%antage o. this by budgeting a little Nsocial
ti!eD at the beginning and then setting a cut=o.. (oint.
De(ending on the circu!stances< you !ay also -ant to allot a
little (eriod .or cooling do-n at the end o. the session and a
break near the !iddle. 8. course< ha%ing that kind o.
co!(ro!ise on the table !eans the (layers !ust res(ect it<
too. I. t-o o. your grou( !e!bers suddenly start going o.. on a
tangent about last nightDs A$2 (arty in the !iddle o. a !aCor
.ight< (olitely butt in -ith a VCould you guys -ait until the
Dead $ir. 8. course< ensuring the (layers donDt get
sidetracked !eans ensuring that thereDs no reason .or their
attention to start -andering. In tableto( grou(s< the !ain cause
o. this is Ndead air<D a stretch o. ti!e in -hich the (layer or
grou( has nothing to do. Dead air arises .or a nu!ber o.
reasons< but lack o. (re(aration is usually a !aCor contributor@
the one thing guaranteed to kill !o!entu! is the /0 .li((ing
(ages in search o. an obscure table or struggling to think u( a
2PC res(onse -hile the (layers sit around ta((ing their (encils.
In an ideal situation< the truly crucial in.or!ation needed to
run the ga!e -ill be at your .ingerti(s at any gi%en ti!e. The
ti!e it takes to (rint out cheat sheets o. %ital .or!ulas or record
your !onster stats on note cards be.orehand -ill (ay o.. ten.old
once youDre actually sitting at the table. ,y the sa!e token<
encourage your (layers to kee( all rele%ant in.or!ation
(ertaining to their characters > e7ui(!ent< $bilities< S(ells<
stats< and (ersonal details > close to hand .or easy re.erence
.or -hen they need to start looking things u(. 0ake co(ies o.
your charactersD sheets i. you get the chance@ in !any
situations< ha%ing the in.or!ation to hand yoursel. can be
7uicker than asking a (layer to relay it.
Selecti%e &diting. ;ee(ing a ga!e .lo-ing also !eans
ste((ing in -hen the (ace starts .lagging and getting things
!o%ing. DonDt -aste too !uch ti!e on scenes that donDt
ad%ance the (lot > role(laying an In7uiry check that takes a
character all o%er to-n in search o. an 2PC !ay yield so!e
interesting !o!ents< but can easily eat u( an hour o. (lay -ith
no real gain.
NSelecti%e editingD !eans deciding -hat and -hat not to sho-@
!undane acti%ities like sho((ing can easily be resol%ed in the
s(ace o. a .e- die rolls< -hile con%ersations -ith i!(ortant
2PCs are best restricted to the in.or!ation that directly a..ect
the (layersD choices. 8n the other hand< i. the PCs ha((en to
get in%ol%ed in a .unny or striking con%ersation< let it (lay out@
as long as the (layers are ha%ing .un and stay in%ested in
action< thereDs no real rush.
Player Dithering. 6hile dead air tends to be the /0?s .ault<
the (layers the!sel%es can bring the action to a screeching halt
Cust as easily -hen theyDre debating their ne't course o. action.
6hile you do -ant the (arty to strategiEe< an hour=long
argu!ent on e7ui(!ent (urchases or allocation o. healing
ite!s doesn?t !ake .or a better session. Put a little ti!e li!it on
(layer discussion and be ready to N.orce their handD i. they
dither .or too long@ .orty=.i%e !inutes o. arguing -hat to do
about that 3uada% scout the (artyDs $rcher s(otted o%er the
ne't ridge can be easily > i. !essily > resol%ed by ha%ing a .ull
attack .orce charge the laggards.
*ule Debates. 2othing brings sessions to a screeching halt
.aster than those dreaded !o!ents -hen one o. your (layers
looks u( and says VI donDt think thatDs ho- that rule -orks.W I.
youD%e taken the ti!e to get to gri(s -ith the contents o. the
Core *ulebook< youD%e already got a leg u( in this regard@ .ind
the rele%ant section< re=read the dis(uted rule< and !ake a
Cudg!ent. I. itDs not i!!ediately clear ho- the rule in 7uestion
should be inter(reted< suggest a co!(ro!ise that tries to
acco!!odate both sides. I. thereDs a genuine deadlock< to
settle the !atter by ha%ing both sides roll a dice or .li((ing a
coin. The ulti!ate goal o. any rules=related debate is to get it
resol%ed and the ga!e going as 7uickly as (ossible@ i. the
discussion drags on (ast the .i%e=!inute !ark< youDre already in
danger o. co!(ro!ising the rest o. the session.
:n.ortunately< you !ay .ind that so!e (layers -ill go out o.
their -ay to kee( a debate going< es(ecially -hen a certain
inter(retation o. the rules -orks hea%ily in their .a%or. Pro%ided
the issue isnDt too critical< to continue the discussion in
one o. your scheduled breaks or a.ter the ga!e< then
retroacti%ely a((ly -hate%er consensus you establish to the
ga!e once (lay resu!es.
&nding -ith a ,ang. It?s al-ays s!arter to end your
sessions on a high note than let the action (eter out > it kee(s
(layers interested< and lea%es e%erybody itching .or the ne't
install!ent. The easiest -ay to do this is to ca( the (roceedings
-ith a high=energy .ight or a co!(elling cli..hanger< then end
the session -hile the (layers are still enthusiastic. The !ain
(roble! in (ulling this o.. lies in ti!ing. Due to the co!(le'ity
o. the 99*P/ co!bat< itDs all too easy .or e%ents to turn against
you< trans.or!ing -hat -as su((osed to be a 7uick 30=!inute
skir!ish into a #=hour behe!oth that lea%es e%erybody drained
by the end.
Cli..hangers are .ar easier to de(loy< since al!ost any !o!ent
o. (lay can turn dra!atic -ith %ery little e..ort. Players e'(loring
the I!(erial PalaceG Aet the! barge into the &!(erorDs throne
roo! to .ind his cooling body on the throne. Party .lying to a
!eeting -ith resistance leaders to trade a %ital arti.actG
6arshi(s suddenly a((ear on the horiEon< intent on blo-ing
the! out o. the skies. /rou( doing a !eet=and=greet -ith a
local contactG +a%e a .lunky co!e rushing in< crying that
soldiers are on the -ay and ar!ed to the teeth. 6hile it?s best
to ha%e an ending -orked in ad%ance< you can Cust kee( an eye
on ho- the ga!e is running and calculate the !ost dra!atic
(ossible -ay to ca( o.. -hiche%er Scene ha((ens to be in
(rogress at the ti!e once the energy starts sagging. In a -orst=
case scenario< -ait until the ga!eDs narrati%e .lo- o..ers a
con%enient sto((ing=(lace. ItDs o.ten better to end a little early
than a little late.
$s /0< you inter(ret the rules to ser%e the needs o. your ga!e
and ensure the ga!e runs under a consistent .ra!e-ork. 9ro!
character creation to task resolution< your decisions and
o(inions gi%e you a signi.icant degree o. authority at the
ga!ing table. +o- !uch authority< thoughG ,e too lenient< and
(layers end u( -alking all o%er your care.ully=(re(ared
ad%entures< batting through (o-er.ul !onsters -ith barely a
shrug. Indulge in your .antasies o. godhood and !ake (layers?
li%es !iserable< and you could .ind yoursel. -ith an e!(ty table
ne't -eek.
,eing an e..ecti%e /0 !eans balancing the t-o e'tre!es< and
kee(ing an o(en !ind -hile doing it. 6hile your decision is
al-ays .inal<you can still !ake a bad call or !isread a rule on
occasion. Don?t be to o-n u( to to your !istakes< and do
try to co!(ensate (layers i. theyDre seriously a..ected by the!.
$t the sa!e ti!e< be ready to (ut your .oot do-n i. your (layers
edge your ca!(aign o.. the rails. I. the ho!ebre- Job you
a((ro%ed at the outset is turning into an unending night!are<
take ste(s to tone it do-n. I. one (layerDs N-ackyD antics are
thro-ing a disru(ting (lay< !ake your disa((ro%al kno-n. 6hen
it co!es to running the ga!e< a little sternness can go a
sur(risingly long -ay to-ard !aking a better e'(erience .or all
$ /0 is a storyteller .irst and .ore!ost. &%en i. your grou(
treats your (lots as a dis(osable e'cuse to slaughter as !any
!onsters as (ossible< your descri(tions should be detailed
enough that your (layers arenDt .orced to ask basic 7uestions
like V+o- large is the roo!GW or V6hat does he look likeGW
Co!bat in (articular is one area -here de(loying descri(ti%e
detail can !ake all the di..erence@ e%en -ith the !ost
enthusiastic grou( o. (layers< se%en or eight *oundsD -orth o.
V5ou hit hi! -ith your s-ord. +e takes da!age. +e hits you
back. 5ou take # da!ageW can really be a drain on the tableDs
energy le%el. Take the ti!e to e!bellish s(ecial attacks< critical
hits< s(ells and the like@ describe the !onsters staggering<
roaring< bleeding< and shouting curses like their li%es de(end
on it.
The (layers< too< should be encouraged to get creati%e -ith
their actions and (lay o.. each other. V0int attacksIW is short
and to the (oint< but so!eti!es itDs !ore .un to see actions
likeV0int t-ines the -hi( around the Soldier< sending hi!
s(inning like a to( be.ore deli%ering a shar( sna( as a .ollo-=u(
blo-.W ,y setting a (ositi%e e'a!(le< the /0 can greatly
increase the a!ount o. creati%e in%est!ent and descri(tion the
(layers are -illing to (ut .orth.
9inal 9antasy is a ga!e o. grand %istas and intriguing
characters< -orld=threatening (lots and larger=than=li.e %illains.
;ee( a steady su((ly o. interesting geogra(hical .eatures<
e'otic !onsters and recogniEable characters on hand and
design your ad%entures to sho-case the! to !a'i!u! e..ect.
0ost i!(ortantly< al-ays kee( an eye on -hat youDre doing and
get into the habit o. asking yoursel.< V+o- could I !ake this
!ore interestingGW Staging a (rison break a.ter one o. your
(layers has been kidna((ed by the &!(ireG 0ake the (rison a
crystalline to-er or (lace it on gigantic tank treads ca(able o.
crushing the heroes under.oot. PCs .acing an I!(erial general
in said (rison breakG Sur(rise the! -ith a disgraced noble!an
-hose right ar! has been re(laced by a s-ord< or a burly
albino -ith a (enchant .or chainguns. Aet your creati%ity shine<
and donDt be to sur(rise (layers once in a -hile. $t the
end o. the day< those e..orts are -hat -ill kee( the grou(
buEEing about your sessions !onths a.ter the .act.
This is< -hen all is said and done< the !ost i!(ortant thing a
/0 can do. *ole(laying is a hobby< not a Cob or co!(etiti%e
s(ort@ the ai! o. each session is .or all (artici(ants to ha%e as
!uch .un as (ossible. ;ee( an eye on the energy le%el at the
table and donDt be to solicit .eedback .ro! (layers a.ter a
session -ra(s u(@ the things they tell you -ill ulti!ately hel(
you build a better ga!e. $nd i. certain rules bother you or are
(ro%ing to be a drag in actual (lay< change the!. $nything
(resented in this book can be !odi.ied or ignored as necessary<
including this cha(ter. $t the end o. the day< itDs i!(ortant that
you deri%e as !uch enCoy!ent .ro! running your ga!es as
your (layers deri%e .ro! (laying the!.
Ho4se R4les
+ouse rules are t-eaks and changes !ade to the basic 99*P/
ruleset .or ad%entures and ca!(aigns. 2ot e%ery /0 uses
house rules< but there are ti!es -hen you?ll -ant to !ake
adCust!ents or additions to suit your o-n needs. In !ost cases<
these -ill (robably be dictated by the needs o. your setting. I.
you?re creating a uni7ue ca!(aign -orld< the races gi%en in the
Core *ulebook (robably -on?t co%er all o. your needs< or you
!ay -ant to aug!ent the e7ui(!ent tables. I. you -ant to
increase (layer sur%i%ability< you !ay rule that instead o. rolling
.or +P< characters auto!atically get the highest (ossible
nu!ber o. +it Points .or their Job. I. you -ant to increase the
di..iculty o. co!bat< characters can be a..licted -ith %arious
6eaken=ty(e Status Conditions u(on being reduced to 10Q o.
their !a'i!u! +P. The (ossibilities are endless.
Players !ay also to co!e to you -ith ho!ebre- !aterial to
a((ro%e< or ideas .or Jobs and races they -ant to (lay. The
latter are easiest to deal -ith > included in this cha(ter are a
nu!ber o. rules and syste!s to hel( you get started on
e'(anding the core !aterial. 9or anything beyond the sco(e o.
this book< it hel(s to kee( t-o 7uestions in !indK
Is it already co%ered in the rulesG In !any cases< it !ay
be easier to ada(t or adCust so!ething thatDs already in (lace
than -riting so!ething ne-. 9or instance< an I!(ersonation
Skill !ight see! like a good idea at .irst< but -ith a bit o.
t-eaking< the sa!e ground could easily be co%ered by $cting or
Disguise. Si!ilarly< that $ssassin Job one o. your (layers is
cla!oring .or !ight be Cust as -ell doable by thro-ing together
e'isting $bilities .ro! the Sneak and 2inCutsu sets.
Is it balancedG :nless e%erything else is being boosted u(
to !atch< any ne- addition should be on (ar -ith the S(ells<
$bilities< $d%antages and Jobs in this rulebook. they (ro%ide a
use.ul yardstick .or -hat is and isnDt NbalancedD. 6hen co!(ared
to other 6arrior Jobs< .or instance< an $bility that deli%ers F1# '
SPDH Z 11d1# da!age to a single target .or no Initiati%e
Penalty is clearly o%er(o-ered< e%en at Ae%el )4.
8ther additions !ay be harder to !ake a sna( Cudg!ent on.
5ou !ay .ind yoursel. a((ro%ing so!ething that only re%eals
the true e'tent o. its (o-er a.ter !any -eeks o. (lay. I. there is
no -ay to co!(ensate .or this by nor!al !eans > tougher
!onsters< hea%ier (enalties< out=o.=character restrictions on
usage > the best -ay to resol%e it is to si!(ly sit do-n and
ha%e a talk -ith the (layer about adCusting it retroacti%ely.
Gaming 6sB 0etagaming
Players al-ays kno- !ore than their characters should<
es(ecially -hen you are running in a setting the (layers are
already .a!iliar -ith. So!ebody -ho has beaten 9inal 9antasy
4II .our ti!es kno-s all the ins and outs o. the setting<
including background< characters< history< (olitics< and secrets
> .ine and -ell until you start a 9inal 9antasy 4II ca!(aign
and they declare that the (arty is chartering an airshi( to the
island -here the legendary ;nights o. the *ound !ateria is
$s te!(ted as the (layers !ay be to e'(loit outside
kno-ledge to hel( their characters< it is essential to kee( a tight
leash on N!etaga!ing.? :nless the character actually has an
e'cuse .or kno-ing a (articular (iece o. in.or!ation > Traits<
Aores< background > the res(onse to e'a!(les like the abo%e
should al-ays be< V5our character has no -ay o. kno-ing that.
Gaming S488lies
/0s also ha%e to shoulder the burden o. (ro%iding the
!aterials needed to run a session > the bare essentials are at
least one co(y o. the Core *ulebook< enough dice .or all
(layers< (encils and erasers< and character sheets. 6hile !any
(layers bring their o-n su((lies< it is con%enient to ha%e s(ares
along in case so!ebody ha((ens to .orget so!ething. 8ther
things -orth ha%ing at the ga!ing table !ight includeK

/0 aids. 9or those -ith (rinter ink to s(are< the 99*P/ has
a nu!ber o. 7uick re.erence sheets and tables that condense
the !ost %ital in.or!ation in the rulebook. De(ending on the
circu!stances< you !ay also -ant to su((le!ent these -ith
notes o. your o-n.
$ binder. ,inders can be con%enient .or organiEing loose
lea. (a(ers in an orderly .ashion< and are an e'cellent -ay to
store (rintouts< sheets< and ca!(aign notes.
Scra( (a(er. /et in the habit o. ha%ing at least one or t-o
sheets o. (a(er .or e%ery (erson (resent. 9or (layers< it allo-s
the! to !ake notes about +P loss and gain< Status Conditions
and the like -ithout ha%ing to constantly erase and re=-rite
their character sheets. 9or a /0< itDs a good -ay to kee( track
o. the doEens o. s!all details needed to run the ga!e. In
battles in (articular< -riting out Co!bat Statistics be.orehand
!eans less ti!e s(ent sorting through sheets and !ore ti!e
.ocused on the action.
*e.resh!ents. $s a ga!ing session can run .or se%eral
hours< the /0 > or -hoe%er else ha((ens to be hosting > !ay
-ant to (ro%ide drinks and .inger .ood .or the (artici(ants.
Chi(s< (retEels and anything else easily (oured into a
con%enient bo-l in the !iddle o. the ga!ing table is ideal .or
this (ur(ose.
0usic. 0usic is one o. those like=it=or=lea%e=it as(ects o.
role(laying@ so!e /0s s-ear by it< others .ind it too !uch o. a
hassle to deal -ith. Picking the right soundtrack (resents
so!ething o. a challenge@ ideally< you?ll -ant !usic thatDs
unobtrusi%e enough .or (layers to talk o%er it< but at!os(heric
enough to add so!ething to (lay.
*a- !aterial .or a soundtrack can co!e .ro! a .e- (laces.
The !ost ob%ious is to go straight to the source. 9inal 9antasy
soundtracks are routinely released on CD in Ja(an@ de(ending
on its (o(ularity< a ga!e !ay also s(a-n orchestral or re!i'
albu!s< gi%ing the original !usic a signi.icantly !ore la%ish
treat!ent. Se%eral o. the !ore (ro!inent 8STs ha%e seen
li!ited release in the :nited States@ a greater selection is
a%ailable through i!(ort channels< though i!(orting Ja(anese
CDs can o.ten be an e'(ensi%e (ro(osition .or the casual
9or the !ost cost=conscious /0< !o%ie soundtracks are .ar
easier to obtain< though it is i!(ortant not to (ick anything too
recogniEable to your (layers > a blast o. Indiana Jones or Star
6ars is !ore likely to ins(ire chea( Cokes than i!(ro%e
i!!ersion at the table.
9inally< e%er since 9inal 9antasy 4III ro(ed in chanteuse 9aye
6ong to (er.or! N&yes on 0eD< itDs also beco!e .ashionable .or
Ja(anese *P/s to include at least one saccharine< cloudbusting
orchestral ballad. I. your tastes in !usic ha((en to run into J=
(o( or soundtrack=.riendly .e!ale artists< you !ay -ant to
round o.. your ca!(aign soundtrack by selecting one or t-o
%ocal tracks to act as your No..icial the!e songD.
8nce youD%e settled on a .inal track selection and sorted the!
into a((ro(riate categories > battle tracks< sus(ense !usic<
to-n the!es > the ne't thing to consider is ho- to bring the!
to your (layers. De(ending on your a%ailable resources< you
ha%e three o(tionsK take CDs and s-itch !anually bet-een the!
as needed< set the! u( in a CD changer< or si!(ly burn your
o-n CD=*80s -ith a tracklist you can run !ore or less
continuously as the ga!e goes on. 8. course< CDs arenDt the
only %iable !ediu! > con%erting the !usic to 0P3 .or!at
increases the ease -ith -hich you can access your soundtrack<
but usually re7uires you to bring additional e7ui(!ent to the
ga!ing table.
Portable Sound 9or!at FPS9H and Sound Processing
Chi( FSPCH .iles another interesting alternati%e .or
increasing your sessionsD !ulti!edia 7uotient. In essence< they
use the ra- instru!ental data used by ga!ing consoles > in
this case< the Playstation and the Su(er 2intendo< res(ecti%ely
> to re(licate in=ga!e !usic. :nlike 0P3s and CDs< these -ill
only run through (rogra!s ca(able o. e!ulating the sound
core o. the console in 7uestion@ to co!(ensate< they three
key ad%antages o%er !ore traditional !usic !edia.
9irstly< the length o. a .ile can be set by the user< allo-ing you
to loo( a (iece o. !usic .or ten or .i.teen !inutes. This is both
!ore con%enient and i!!ersi%e than constantly ski((ing .ro!
track to track. Secondly< PS9 and SPCs are s!all in siEe< and
can be .ound .or a -ide %ariety o. ga!es@ thanks to a %ibrant
ri((ing scene< it is no- (ossible to obtain soundtracks .or titles
that ne%er s(a-ned an 8ST albu!. Thirdly< !any PS9 and SPC
co!(ilations also include a!bient sounds > cricket noises< the
gushing o. a -ater.all< or the sound o. a cro-d can (ro%ide a
sur(risingly e..ecti%e backdro( .or charactersD con%ersations in=
ga!e. Ainks to !aCor PS9 and SPC archi%es can be .ound on the
*/i -ebsite.
IllustrationsK $s the old cliche goes< a (icture can be -orth a
thousand -ords. &=ga!e %eterans !ay be inti!ately .a!iliar
-ith the en%iron!ents< creatures< and characters o. a gi%en
setting< but .or a ne-co!er< ha%ing a little %isual re.erence
!aterial at hand ne%er hurts. 6hile a nu!ber o. 9inal 9antasy
artbooks ha%e seen release in Ja(an< 6estern ga!ers -ill ha%e
better luck turning to the Internet .or their needs.
Pro(sK 9or those -ho like to add a !ore hands=on ele!ent to
their ga!es< there are (lenty o. (ossibilities. Those -ith dee(
(ockets and good connections in the Aand o. the *ising Sun
can .ind Cust about anything< .ro! Ce-elry and re(lica -ea(ons
to the o..icial /albadia ,ears Cersey. The !ost use.ul (lay aids
are (robably the %arious 9inal 9antasy .igures and .igurines
released o%er the years< though there is a signi.icant di..erence
in scale bet-een the %arious ranges. 6hen cou(led -ith the
di..iculty and e'(ense in%ol%ed in getting hold o. !erchandise
.or older ga!es< this rather li!its their use.ulness.
BUI#7I"G !" !71E"TURE
The ad%enture is the basic building block o. the 99*P/ > a
starting (oint .or /0s and (layers in getting to gri(s -ith the
syste!< and a gate-ay to running a success.ul long=ter!
ca!(aign. 9or this reason< kno-ing ho- to structure
ad%entures is an essential skill .or any /0. The .ollo-ing section
co%ers ho- best to tackle ad%enture design and de%elo( the
challenges the (layers .ace during the course o. their 7uests.
The Ob=e2ti6e
$ll ad%entures ha%e one or !ore obCecti%es .or the (arty to
.ul.ill< though these !ay not be kno-n at the outset. The .irst
ste( in ad%enture design is deciding -hat these obCecti%es are
and ho- the (arty can .ul.ill the!< considerations that -ill
sha(e ho- the rest o. the ad%enture (lays out. The !ost
co!!on ty(es areK
9etch 3uest. 8%erco!e the obstacles to .ind a s(eci.ic
ite! or (iece o. in.or!ation and bring it back .or a re-ard. The
9etch 3uest is the !ost co!!only=encountered ad%enture in
9inal 9antasy ga!es< and generally is used to NgateD (rogress
> ite!s or re-ards gained in one ad%enture are re7uired to get
to the ne't< !eaning the story -ill not (rogress until the 7uest
has been co!(leted.
0ark +unt. 9ind and a !onster or o((onent in battle
to clai! a re-ard. 0issions like these tend to -ork best as
N.illerD bet-een !ore in%ol%ed sessions.
Sabotage. Put so!ething out o. co!!ission > a -ea(on< a
building< an arti.act< a %ehicle< a (lan. 0issions o. this ty(e
usually in%ol%e a signi.icant a!ount o. subter.uge and stealth >
as good a ti!e as any to break out those Disguise rolls and
!ake sure your (layers (ut a .e- (oints into De!olitions.
If there,s a !oor2 e go in. If
there,s anything e (an brea%2
e brea% it* An! in the en!2 e
b#o this p#a(e to s$ithereens*&
Se#phie Ti#$itt
&scort. /et so!ebody .ro! Point $ to Point , in one (iece<
.ending o.. -ould=be assassins or kidna((ers along the -ay.
Danger can co!e .ro! !any angles during !issions like these
> the (layers -ill ha%e to think on their .eet and learn to trust
*escue. So!ebody i!(ortant to the (arty has been
ca(tured< and no- itDs ti!e to bust the! out. Aike sabotage
atte!(ts< rescue bids ine%itably in%ol%e bo!bs or disguises<
so!eti!es e%en at the e'act sa!e ti!e.
;idna((ing. The e'act re%erse o. the rescue !ission sees
the (arty tasked -ith abducting so!eone< a%oiding any and all
security along the -ay.
&sca(e. ,reak through ene!y lines< .ind a -ay out o. a
!onster=in.ested .orest< or chart a route back to the land o. the
li%ing > esca(es !ay sound si!(le on (a(er< but tend to be
anything but in (ractice.
,reaking and &ntering. The re%erse o. the esca(e !ission
re7uires the (arty to .ind a -ay into an other-ise i!(regnable
location. This .re7uently -ill be co!bined -ith another
The Com8li2ations
8nce the obCecti%e has been set< the ne't thing to think about is
-hat the (layers ha%e to do to acco!(lish it. 8bstacles can take
the .or! o. co!bat< (hysical challenges< interactions -ith 2PCs<
tra(s< haEards< and (uEEles< each o. -hich is discussed in !ore
detail in the .ollo-ing sections.
Treat e%ery !aCor co!(lication (laced in the (artyDs (ath as
its o-n Scene< regardless o. ty(e > the easiest -ay to (o(ulate
an ad%enture is to de%elo( se%eral o. these Scenes< then string
the! together to .or! a narrati%e. 8n a%erage< the cru' o. a
good ad%enture -ill re%ol%e around three !e!orable set=
(ieces< but due to the un(redictable nature o. tableto( (lay<
(layers !ay by(ass e%ents you originally intended to (a%e the
-ay to the obCecti%e. 9or this reason< it tends to be better to
!a( out your Scenes as a loose -eb rather than a linear (ath.
That -ay< i. the (layers !iss one connection< you can !o%e
the! to the ne't logical e%ent instead.
In the e'a!(les gi%en o%er the course o. the rulebook<
*odger led the (arty through a nu!ber o. Scenes designed to
test their skills > a colla(sing ca%e< a (rison break< and a high=
stakes air battle. +o-e%er< these -ere only a .e- o. the
(otential turns the ad%enture could ha%e taken. *odger had
also sketched out a raid on the resistance?s head7uarters< an
ea%esdro((ing atte!(t on co%ert !eeting bet-een the Dark
Aord?s agents< and a chase scene in%ol%ing stolen Chocobos
racing through the streets o. a !aCor !etro(olis.
The ad%antage o. de%elo(ing co!(lications in chunks is that
anything your (layers donDt get to can be 7uietly shu..led into
the ne't ad%enture. Don?t be o. recycling unused content
> i. the idea -as -orth using once< it?s de.initely -orth using
$s (re%alent as co!bat is in the 9inal 9antasy series< it?s a
seriously ti!e=consu!ing (ro(osition on the tableto(. *unning
battles -ith the sa!e .re7uency (layers o. the e=ga!es are
used to lea%es roo! .or little else< !eaning you?ll ine%itably
ha%e to choose 7uality o%er 7uantity -hen (lanning your
+o- !any battles should your ad%enture ha%eG The
deter!ining .actor is ho- your grou( .eels about gi%ing their
s-ord=ar!s a -orkout > so!e relish the challenges and .eel
ha((ier sticking a s-ord in a !onster than engaging in long=
-inded con%ersations< -hilst others ( to lea%e their s-ords
sheathed and talk things out. Co!bat=hea%y ga!es can get
a-ay -ith about t-o encounters (er session< -hile !ore sedate
ad%entures -ith one encounter e%ery other session.
&%en then< you ha%e to (lan to sustain your (layers? interest.
The .irst .actor in this is duration > the longer co!bat drags on<
the higher the risk that (eo(le -ill start getting bored -ith the
(roceedings. This is doubly true in situations -here the heroes
are reduced to si!(ly trotting out the sa!e $ttacks and $bilities
*ound a.ter *ound. 6ith this in !ind< the ?a%erage? battle
should last bet-een three and .our *ounds< a nu!ber you can
en.orce by kee(ing an eye on ho- !uch da!age the heroes are
ca(able o. in.licting and tailoring !onster strength and
co!(osition to .it. Too< not e%ery o((onent .ights to the death.
I. the odds are against the! and the battle drags on< the
!onsters could Cust as easily atte!(t to .lee as carry on.
The second .actor is tactics. $%oid staging all=out slug.ests >
(layers should be .orced to think be.ore they act< rather than
Cust blindly slashing a-ay -ith their !ost (o-er.ul attacks
*ound a.ter *ound. $ .e- -ays to shake things u( includeK
0i' and 0atch. /rou(ing together !onsters -ith drastically
di..erent attack .or!s< -eaknesses< and strategies is an easy
-ay to kee( the (arty on its toes > cou(le (hysically (o-er.ul
!onsters -ith s(ellcasting ones< direct da!age dealers -ith
Status=causers< Ice 6or!s -ith 9ire 9lans.
6hat?s 0y 6eaknessG Intelligent use o. &le!ental
6eaknesses and I!!unities can turn other-ise straight.or-ard
co!bat into a (otentially dangerous guessing ga!e .or the
(arty > es(ecially i. the (arty relies on &le!ental attacks .or
!ost o. its da!age out(ut. $%oid !aking a !onsterDs &le!ental
(ro(erties too ob%ious< ho-e%er > 6ater /iants< 9ire AiEards<
and other creatures !ay ha%e their counter(arts in the ga!es<
but donDt re7uire a lot o. gray !atter to %an7uish. ;ee( your
(layers guessing and teach the! the i!(ortance o. Scan and
Sensor in the (rocess.
Counter Tactics. *eactions are a (o-er.ul tool .or /0s<
es(ecially -hen triggered by a (artyDs !ore co!!on attacks.
S!art use o. *eactions not only (unishes (layers -ho take the
ob%ious a((roach< but .orces the (arty to .igure out -hat
triggers a counterattack > and -hat they can use to a%oid or
circu!%ent it.
The /uardians. The (layers arenDt the only ones ca(able o.
(rotecting -eaker allies. 6hen battling a !i'ture o. !onsters >
or a ,oss !onster -ith Sla%e Parts > !ake your (layers cut
through a nu!ber o. N(rotectorsD to get to the o((onents they
-ant to target.
The *ight Tools .or the *ight Job. $s the ga!e
(rogresses< your (layers -ill a!ass a signi.icant nu!ber o.
-ays to hurt s(eci.ic o((onents. &%ery once in a -hile< (lan an
encounter that -ill let the! do e'actly that > a .e- Bo!bies to
shar(en those :ndead ;iller 6ea(ons on< or an Ice Dragon .or
that ne- 9iraga. /i%ing (layers the chance to !ake e..ecti%e use
o. s(ecialiEed e7ui(!ent can hel( -all(a(er o%er less ins(ired
,u.. %s. Debu... :sed at the right !o!ent< ,arrier and
&nhance=ty(e Status Conditions can ha%e a signi.icant i!(act
on the .lo- o. battle. 9or this reason< their !anage!ent can
!ake .or a .e- interesting situations in co!bat. ,eginning a
.ight by ha%ing the o((onent cast (ositi%e Status Conditions
.orces the (arty to s(end $ctions and resources to counter
their e..ects@ con%ersely< a situation -here the (artyDs Protects<
+astes< and *egens are constantly being nulli.ied by !onster
inter%ention encourages strategic thinking rather than blind
:nusual Situations. In Cha(ter 7< you?ll .ind a nu!ber o.
-ays to s(ice u( any encounters< including terrain e..ects<
-eather conditions< and ti!ed battles. DonDt be to dro( a
.e- o. these additional co!(lications into your co!bats e%ery
no- and then< es(ecially i. there is nothing else distincti%e
about the!.
&%en the best=(lanned battles can .all do-n in actual (lay<
ho-e%er. Co!bat !ay be the !ost straight.or-ard task a-aiting
a /0< but that does not !ake it si!(le by a long shot. *unning
a battle !eans !aking !any decisions< and kee(ing track o. a
signi.icant a!ount o. in.or!ation on both sides o. the table. 9or
this reason< $((endi' 4 has se%eral -orksheets designed to
!ake the co!bat (rocess run that !uch !ore s!oothly. The
!ost notableK
4itals Sheet. This -orksheet collects the !ost i!(ortant
in.or!ation needed during co!bat in one (lace. $CC< 0. $CC<
&4$< and 0. &4$ can be 7uickly re.erenced to deter!ine the
success and .ailure o. s(eci.ic attacks< -hile ha%ing +P< 0P<
$*0< and 0. $*0 at the ready allo-s .or .aster da!age
calculations. ,y the sa!e token< the s(aces gi%en .or recording
SPD decrease the a!ount o. ti!e taken to resol%e Initiati%e and
Initiati%e con.licts. 9inally< s(ace is (ro%ided .or listing character
$bilities as -ell as e..ects (ro%ided by Su((ort $bilities or
+o- this sheet is used is a !anner o. (ersonal (re.erence.
8ne /0 !ight decide to list $bility na!es and costs only< letting
the (layers tell hi! -hat e..ects the $bilities ha%e. $nother /0
!ight choose to -rite do-n all o. the salient details. $ third
/0< !ean-hile< !ight Cust use the $bilities s(ace to list Su((ort
$bilities that -ould a..ect !onsters? attacks< and rely entirely on
the (layers to re(ort the costs o. their actions.
*ound Tracker. This -orksheet allo-s the /0 to kee( track
o. Initiati%e order in the *ound< as -ell as any Statuses in.licted
u(on characters and !onsters< Ite! use and other use.ul
details. Changes in Initiati%e as a result o. CT and other .actors
can also be noted on this sheet.
These t-o sheets can be su((le!ented or re(laced by
(ersonal notes as needed. $s .ar as co!bat is concerned< the
!ore in.or!ation a /0 has at their .ingerti(s< the better.
Physi2al Challenges
$nything that re7uires the (layers to use Skills and $ttributes
through Task Checks against inani!ate obCects can be de.ined
as a N(hysical challenge.D &'a!(les include success.ully scaling
a .ortress -all< running across a cru!bling bridge be.ore it
colla(ses< or holding onto :lti!a 6ea(on .or dear li.e as it roars
through the skies.
$s Task Checks are relati%ely .ast and easy to resol%e< (hysical
challenges can be introduced -ithout too !any (roble!s > a
descri(tion and a Conditional 0odi.ier< and things are good to
go. ,ecause o. this< !oderation is i!(ortant > too !any rolls
.or too !any tri%ial tasks< and the (layers -ill start .eeling (ut
u(on. Consolidate Task Checks -here (ossible< and sa%e the
rolls .or -hen the results are dra!atically interesting or
i!(ortant. It is also essential to !ake challenges a((ro(riate to
the (artyDs co!(osition and strengths. It should be ob%ious
.ro! the get=go that challenging an all=0age grou( to clear a
landslide o. ada!antiu! ore by hand is only going to result in
!iserable .ailure.
Due to the s(eed -ith -hich they are resol%ed and the large
nu!ber o. (otential Nsa.ety netsD (layers ha%e at their dis(osal
in the e%ent o. .ailure< (hysical challenges should not yield JP
or /il. *ather< they are best treated as obstacles to be
o%erco!e on the -ay to a greater re-ard.
So2ial Challenges
$ s!art grou( o. ad%enturers doesn?t get in a .ight -ith e%ery
li%ing thing they !eet. :n.ortunately< there are ti!es -hen
others block the -ay .or-ard > uncoo(erati%e guards<
recalcitrant in.or!ants< ene!y s(ies< and (ro-ling !onsters -ill
test the charactersD bartering< sneaking< and role(laying skills
to the li!it. :nlike (hysical challenges< social challenges should
hinge on -hat a character says as !uch as lo- they can roll. I.
a PC atte!(ts to use a (ersuasi%e Skill like Seduction or
2egotiation< !ake the (layer act out the atte!(t rather than
si!(ly ha%e the! roll .or it > the end results are .ar !ore
dra!atically interesting< and .orce the (layer to think about
their characterDs a((roach. /ood (er.or!ances should net the
(layer a bonus or -ai%e the roll entirely< assu!ing this is in
character@ no a!ount o. s!ooth talking on the (layer?s (art can
co!(ensate .or a #0 in 2egotiation.
,ecause !any social challenges take the .or! o. 8((osed
Task Checks< the PCs? o((onents !ust ha%e Skill *atings o.
their o-n. I. there is no ti!e to dra- u( detailed *atings< decide
ho- (ro.icient the o((onent is in the Skill being rolled .or< then
use the table belo- to deter!ine -hat Skill *ating they -ill be
rolling at.
Pro.iciency Ae%el Skill *ating
:ntrained 10
2o%ice #0
Inter!ediate 40
$d%anced )0
&'(ert 0
0aster 100
$gainst !onsters< the !onsterDs Intelligence is the !ost
i!(ortant .actor. Creatures -ith an Intelligence rating o. N2oneD
cannot be bargained or argued -ith unless the (arty ha((ens
to be dealing -ith the creatureDs controller. 8ther-ise< any rolls
.or 2egotiation< &ti7uette< Seduction< or the like -ill .ail
auto!atically. Creatures o. $ni!al Intelligence cannot be
bargained -ith through nor!al Skills< but can be !ani(ulated
-ith $ni!al Training. In this case< the o((osing Skill *ating is
e7ual to the !onsterDs Ae%el. 9or all other Intelligence grades<
use the table belo- to .ind the !ost a((ro(riate Skill *ating.
Pro.iciency Ae%el Skill *ating
2one nXa
$ni!al 0onsterDs Ae%el
Pri!iti%e = $s $ni!al
Pri!iti%e #0
Pri!iti%e Z 30
$%erage = 40
$%erage 10
$%erage Z )0
+igh = 70
+igh 0
+igh Z "0
&lder 100
$s -ith (hysical challenges< o%erco!ing a social challenge
rarely yields /il or JP. The re-ards .or success here tend to be
!ore intangible< usually taking the .or! o. in.or!ation or
assistance .ro! 2PCs. The e..ects o. .ailure de(end on the
stakes@ atte!(ting > and .ailing > to inti!idate a (o-er.ul
(olitical .igure< .or instance< could -ell land the entire (arty in
Cail inde.initely.
In so!e cases< characters !ay decide to (art -ith a .e- /il or
an ite! to s-ay an 2PCDs o(inion in their .a%or. I. so< !ake a
Cudg!ent as to -hether the bribe is ade7uate< generous< or
insulting. $n ade7uate bribe o..ers a Z10 bonus to the ne't
rele%ant Skill roll !ade against its target@ a generous one a
Z#0 bonus. Insulting bribes i!(ose a =10 (enalty on to( o.
any Conditional 0odi.iers already in (lace. Particularly !oral or
u(standing characters -ill be o..ended at the %ery idea o.
bribery< regardless o. the a!ount o..ered.
I. you are e'(ecting your (layers to act out their bargaining<
7uestioning< and threatening< you -ill naturally be e'(ected to
(ro%ide res(onses in kind. The !ain obCecti%e in doing so is to
coa' better (er.or!ances out o. the (layers > this !eans
creating characters both interesting and !e!orable .or the
(arty to interact -ith.
,ut ho- do you !ake an 2PC !e!orableG :nless youDre
shooting .or a character you kno- -ill be a((earing on a
regular basis< donDt try .or subtlety@ the !ost success.ul
a((roach is to go o%er the to( and (lay the character as
broadly as (ossible. 9ocus on a .e- !e!orable %ocal tics and
s(eaking habits > one character !ight ha%e a tendency to clear
her throat at dra!atically i!(ortant !o!ents< another the
un.ortunate habit o. .orgetting the to(ic o. con%ersation a.ter
about three sentences. 8utrageous laughter > (articularly -hen
using outlandish syllables like Vkyu kyu kyuW and V!u !u !uW >
is another use.ul shorthand .or identi.ying characters< es(ecially
e%il ones. ,y assigning e%ery !aCor %illain a distincti%e Nsinister
laughD< you can !ake antagonists al!ost instantly recogniEable
The sa!e (rinci(le a((lies -hen gi%ing descri(tions o. 2PCs.
*ather than try and shoot .or a lot o. detail your (layers -onDt
re!e!ber an hour later< boil the 2PCDs Ni!ageD do-n to a .e-
key attributes > a strange hair color< a certain dress sense< a
(ro!inent (iece o. Ce-elry or tattoo< scars< or (hysical
de.or!ities. $s -ith %ocal !anneris!s< going a little o%er the
to( is al!ost reco!!ended< i. not essential. The !ore
outrageous the characterDs a((earance< the !ore likely it is that
he or she -ill stick in the (layersD !inds.
Tra8s and Ha>ards
Tra(s< terrain haEards< and other dangers o. the -ilderness can
gi%e a (arty (lenty o. headaches -ithout e%er straining their
s-ord ar!s. 9or this reason< the ne't .e- (ages are de%oted to
a si!(le but .le'ible Nconstruction syste!D ca(able o.
generating all three -ith a !ini!u! o. .uss. I. o%erco!e< tra(s
and haEards re-ard the (arty -ith &'(erience Points@ .or this
reason it is essential to kee( track o. the JP !odi.iers gi%en .or
%arious o(tions during the creation (rocess.
There are a .e- things to kee( in !ind -hen adding tra(s and
haEards to an ad%enture. 9irst o..< challenges like these should
be used s(aringly during the course o. an ad%enture. 6ith !ost
o. a JobDs $bility Set geared to-ards co!bat< .a%oring tra(s
o%er co!bat encounters re!o%es !ost o. the o((ortunity to
use !any Job=de.ining .eatures. Tra(s should also be balanced
as care.ully as any other encounter in ter!s o. da!age out(ut
> -hile the (arty should i. they .ail to deal -ith a tra(< the
entire grou( shouldn?t die .ro! one .lubbed dQ roll. 9inally<
characters should generally ha%e so!e chance to react to or
deal -ith a tra( be.ore its e..ects take (lace > ha%ing .iery death
rain on the (arty .ro! out o. no-here isnDt challenging< Cust
outright sadistic.
6hile !onsters roa! .reely< tra(s are restricted to a s(eci.ic
location. 9or this reason< conce(t is (articularly i!(ortant in
the creation (rocess. ,egin by considering the ty(e and
location o. tra( > is it a lock designed to shoot (oisoned dartsG
$ s(iked roller that s-ee(s along a narro- corridor to crush
e%erything in its (athG $ hidden s(out in a rock .ace ca(able o.
s(e-ing deadly .ireG Deter!ining the o%erall siEe and general
danger le%el not only hel(s narro- do-n -here the tra( can be
(laced< but also (ro%ides a use.ul .ra!e-ork .or its in=ga!e
2e't< decide on a the tra(Ds Ae%el. $s -ith PCs and !onsters<
Ae%el is an o%erall !easure o. (o-er and lethality ranging .ro!
1 to ""@ the higher the Ae%el< the !ost o. a challenge the tra(
-ill be to o%erco!e. Ideally< the tra(Ds Ae%el should be
reasonably close to the (artyDs a%erage< though higher= and
lo-er=Ae%el tra(s can be used as serious challenges and !inor
$ll tra(s ha%e one thing in co!!on > they are designed to
har! or incon%enience those -ho trigger it. 8nce conce(t and
Ae%el ha%e been settled< the ne't ste( is to deter!ine -hat the
tra( actually does. &%ery tra( !ust ha%e at least one o. the
e..ects listed belo-@ so!e ty(es !ay co!bine !ulti(le e..ects<
though these are rarer.
&..ectK $ tra( o. this ty(e sounds an alar! that alerts ene!ies
or releases creatures .or the PCs to .ight< essentially resulting in
an encounter -hich the PCs !ight ha%e rather a%oided.
So!eti!es the PCs -ill be able to hear the alar! the!sel%es<
realiEe -hat they?%e done< and ha%e ti!e to (re(are .or the
ine%itable. In other situations< the PCs re!ain una-are until
they?re a!bushed > so!eti!es< o. course< the .ight -ill start
i!!ediately a.ter the tra( is s(rung< rendering the issue !oot.
2ote that an $lar! e..ect is not the sa!e thing as a tra(
guarded by !onsters. I. disar!ing the tra( be.ore it is triggered
a%oids a .ight< the tra( has an $lar! e..ect. 8ther-ise< the
situation is treated as t-o se(arate threats rolled u( into a
single encounter.
3|rg|e rorsler surrored Z
TWo rorslers surrored 9
ller re|al|ve|y rare or exol|c -20
Vorsler ruroers equa| parly's 12
Vorsler ruroers lW|ce parly's 1
Vorsler Leve| |oWer lrar lrap 10
Vorsler Leve| equa| lo lrap's 18
Vorsler Leve| r|grer lrar lrap 2Z
Vorslers arr|ve |rred|ale|y 10
Vorslers arr|ve |r 1 Rourd Z
Vorslers arr|ve |r 2 - 1 Rourds 3
Vorslers arr|ve |r 5 Rourds 0
3||erl A|arr
&..ectK The tra( deals Physical< 0agical< or &le!ental da!age
to the (arty -hen triggered. $s tra(s lack ST* or 0$/ scores<
da!age done in this .ashion is deter!ined entirely by the tra(Ds
(Trap Leve| x 1) [x|d 15
(Trap Leve| x 5) [x|d 18
(Trap Leve| x ) [x|d8 21
(Trap Leve| x 8) [x|d8 28
(Trap Leve| x 9) [x|d10 35
(Trap Leve| x 10) [x|d10 39
(Trap Leve| x 11) [x|d10 15
(Trap Leve| x 12) [x|d12 50
(Trap Leve| x 15) [x|d12 0
The nu!ber o. da!age dice rolled .or a tra( e..ect is
deter!ined by the base da!age in.licted by the tra( .
1 - 10 1
11 - 90 2
91 - 180 3
181 - 320 1
321 5
8. course< da!age=dealing attacks do not al-ays land
auto!atically. Auck and re.le'es can still sa%e characters .ro!
har! e%en i. the tra( is triggered. Select a CoS .ro! the o(tions
belo- and note do-n the rele%ant JP !odi.ier be.ore
(30 Trap Leve| x 2), EvA -10
(50 Trap Leve| x 2), EvA 0
(Z0 Trap Leve| x 2), EvA 12
(90 Trap Leve| x 2), EvA 20
F|al 30 -5
F|al 0 15
Auloral|c l|l 28
,y de.ault< Tra( da!age is Physical< and !odi.ied by $r!or. $
tra( -hose da!age ignores $r!or should co!bine a da!age
e..ect -ith a 0eltdo-n status e..ect. Tra(s can also do 0agical
da!age at no additional JP cost@ the only change is that the
resulting da!age -ill be reduced by 0. $*0 and !odi.ied by 0.
&4$. &le!ental da!age can also be added at no additional cost.
&..ectK The tra( in.licts a Status Condition i. triggered. 9or
(ur(oses o. calculating JP !odi.iers< Status Conditions are
organiEed into one o. .i%e NclassesDK
Class IK ,lind F4H< I!!obiliEe F4H< Silence F4H< Slee( F4H< Slo-
Class IIK ,erserk F4H< Con.use F4H< Curse F4H< Disable F4H< L'M
Do-n F)H
Class IIIK 0ini F4H< Poison FH< Toad F4H< L'M ,reak F)H<
Bo!bie FH
Class I4K Conde!ned F4H< 9roEen F4H< +eat F4H< 0eltdo-n
F#H< Petri.y F4H< Sto( F4H
Class 4K &Cect< Death< Stone FH
0ore (o-er.ul Status Conditions !ay only be (laced on higher=
Ae%el tra(s@ the !ini!u! tra( Ae%el needed to su((ort a gi%en
class o. Status Condition is sho-n belo-.
C|ass l 1 5
C|ass ll 10 8
C|ass lll 25 11
C|ass lv 15 18
C|ass v 50 35
! ;eattraps
$ tra( that in.licts Conde!ned or Petri.y -ill kill or Stone the
a..ected characters -ithin the listed nu!ber o. *ounds unless
the PCs can either esca(e the tra(?s area o. e..ect or .ind a -ay
to counteract it > a great -ay to si!ulate those crushing stone
-alls< .looding cha!bers< and other nasty dungeon deathtra(s.
$s -ith da!age=dealing tra(s< Status=causing tra(s !ay be
a%oided e%en i. triggered. Select a CoS .ro! the o(tions belo-
and note do-n the rele%ant JP !odi.ier be.ore (roceeding.
(30 Trap Leve| x 2), EvA 0
(50 Trap Leve| x 2), EvA Z
(Z0 Trap Leve| x 2), EvA 18
(90 Trap Leve| x 2), EvA 25
F|al 30 3
F|al 0 21
Auloral|c l|l 3
Duration deter!ines ho- long a tra(Ds e..ects last. The si!(lest
tra(s .ire a single shot< and then are har!less until rear!ed or
reset. 0ore co!(le' ones act !ulti(le ti!es< or e%en
continuously until the PCs are out o. reach.
"in$le "/ot
&..ectK The tra(Ds e..ect only triggers once > a.ter this< the tra(
is har!less. The JP %alue o. the resulting e..ect de(ends on
ho- !any targets are a..ected by it.
1 0
2 10
3 20
Erl|re Parly 32
Multiple "/ot
&..ectK 8nce triggered< the tra(Ds e..ects are a((lied once (er
*ound > or roughly once e%ery 30 seconds > until it e'(ires.
The JP %alue o. this de(ends on both the nu!ber o. targets
a..ected and the nu!ber o. NshotsD the tra( can unleash be.ore
1 5 per 'srol'
2 9 per 'srol'
3 1Z per 'srol'
Parly 2Z per 'srol'
Continuous Fire
&..ectK 8nce triggered< the tra(Ds e..ects are a((lied once (er
*ound > or once e%ery 30 seconds > until the (layers lea%e the
tra(Ds area o. e..ect. Short o. deacti%ating the tra(< this is the
only -ay to sto( it .ro! -orking.
1 1
2 25
3 19
Parly Z5
"lo* A#tin$
&..ectK So!e tra(s don?t take e..ect until the PCs s(end a
(rolonged length o. ti!e in the area. This can so!eti!es be
used .or elaborate deathtra(s FU0y laser -ill ;IAA you in
(recisely one hour unless you esca(e your bondsIWH but is !ore
at ho!e -ith en%iron!ental haEards that a..ect the PCs a.ter a
long (eriod o. tra%el. I. co!bined -ith 0ulti(le Shots or
Continuous 9ire< the ti!e it nor!ally takes .or the tra(Ds e..ects
to take hold beco!es the delay bet-een shots.
10 r|rules -15
1 rour -25
3 rours -10
12 rours -0
2e't< deter!ine ho- easy it is .or PCs to detect the tra(. So!e
tra(s are ob%ious< others take a bit !ore e..ort< and a rare .e-
can?t be seen at all. Select an o(tion .ro! the .ollo-ing list and
note do-n the rele%ant JP !odi.iers be.ore !o%ing on to the
ne't ste(.
&..ectK The tra( is clearly %isible< and cannot be !issed.
Auloral|c -12
&..ectK So!e atte!(ts ha%e been !ade to conceal the tra(<
though a su..iciently obser%ant (erson -ill notice it i. they scan
the area. 0ake a Task Check using $-areness -hen the PCs
enter the %icinity o. the tra( to see i. they notice it. The
Conditional 0odi.ier .or this Task Check -ill be deter!ined by
ho- -ell the tra( has been concealed.
80 -1
0 -12
10 -8
20 -1
0 0
-20 1
-10 8
-0 12
-80 1
&..ectK The tra( is -ell=hidden enough to be all but in%isible
unless acti%ely searched .or. In order to .ind the tra(< PCs !ust
declare they are searching .or tra(s and !ake a success.ul Task
Check using $-areness > as abo%e< the Conditional 0odi.ier -ill
be deter!ined by ho- -ell the tra( has been concealed.
80 -38
0 -2
10 -1
20 -8
0 0
-10 12
-0 20
-80 30
&..ectK The tra( cannot be detected by nor!al !eans. The only
-ay the PCs -ill kno- about the tra( is through !agic< (rior
kno-ledge< or triggering it.
urdeleclao|e 35
8nce the PCs kno- a tra( is in (lace< they !ay ha%e a chance to
a%oid it or disar! it. &'actly ho- di..icult this is to acco!(lish is
deter!ined in this ste(. Select one o. the o(tions belo- and
note do-n the rele%ant JP !odi.iers gi%en .or that o(tion
be.ore (roceeding to the ne't ste(.
&..ectK I. the (arty detects the tra(< it can easily be
sideste((ed< re7uiring no additional e..ort to disar!.
Auloral|c 0
&..ectK The tra( can be destroyed i. the PCs do a certain
a!ount o. da!age to it based on the tra(Ds Ae%el. 2ote that
de(ending on the nature o. the tra( and its triggers< attacking it
!ay be enough to set it o.. i. the PCs donDt do enough da!age
to destroy it in one blo-.
Trap Leve| x 20 0
Trap Leve| x 30 3
Trap Leve| x 50 Z
Trap Leve| x Z5 10
Trap Leve| x 100 11
Trap Leve| x 150 20
Trap Leve| x 250 32
Trap or|y daraged oy Ranged allac|s 8
&..ectK The tra( can be disar!ed -ith a success.ul roll against
the Tra(s Skill or an e7ui%alent substitute. $s stated in the
SkillDs descri(tion< a ,otch on the Task Check -ill al-ays cause
the tra( to trigger.
80 -12
0 -8
10 -1
20 0
0 1
-20 8
-10 12
-0 1
-80 20
Fa||ed Tas| Crec| lr|ggers lrap 11
6ob Abilit)
&..ectK $ s(eci.ic Job $bility or set o. $bilities can deacti%ate or
by(ass the tra(. Decide -hich $bilities a((ly -hen (icking this
Joo Ao|||ly 15
&..ectK $ s(eci.ic Status Condition or set o. Status Conditions
can deacti%ate or by(ass the tra(. Decide -hich Conditions
a((ly -hen (icking this o(tion.
3lalus 12
Multiple Met/ods
&..ectK The tra( can be disar!ed by se%eral di..erent !eans.
Select t-o or three o(tions .ro! the .ollo-ing list >
Destructible< Disar!able< Job $bility > and a%erage their JP
!odi.iers< then note the result do-n and (roceed to the ne't
Vu|l|p|e As per opl|or
&..ectK The tra( cannot be disar!ed. The only -ay to a%oid its
e..ects is not to trigger it.
uravo|dao|e 11
$ll that re!ains no- is to calculate the .inal JP %alue o. the
tra(. $dd together all JP !odi.iers accu!ulated through the
%arious o(tions selected o%er the course o. creation< then
!ulti(ly the resulting nu!ber by the tra(Ds Ae%el. The resulting
nu!ber is the nu!ber o. JP a-arded .or o%erco!ing the tra(<
and is di%ided e%enly a!ong all (arty !e!bers. :nlike
!onsters< tra(s do not a-ard treasure -hen destroyed or
circu!%ented< though they !ay be guarding it. I. this is the
case< the /il %alue o. -hate%er treasure is beyond the tra(
should be no higher than #1Q o. the tra(Ds JP %alue.
The syste! used to construct tra(s can also be used to create
natural haEards > sandstor!s< rockslides< .looding > .or the
(layers to tackle. Though the conce(ts in%ol%ed !ay restrict
use o. certain o(tions< the (rocess is identical< JP costs
included. 2ote that detecting and disar!ing a tra( usually
in%ol%es the $-areness and Tra(s\ Skills< but natural haEards
!ay in%ol%e Skills like Sur%i%al< Cli!b< and S-i! in their (lace.
To better illustrate ho- tra( creation -orks< a nu!ber o.
sa!(le tra(s and haEards are gi%en belo-.
Pit 'rap le,el 2
$ thin layer o. .alse .loor o%er a relati%ely stee( .our=!eter dro(.
Ste((ing on the .loor causes it to colla(se< sending anyone and
=thing standing on it tu!bling do-n the hole. The (it is large
enough to catch u( to t-o characters.
&..ectsK 1) Z d< $*0 Physical Da!age X CoS 14< &4$
DurationK Single Shot F# targetsH
DetectionK Cursory F=10H
$%oidanceK $uto!atic
&'(erience 4alueK 10# JP
Fire %all le,el 1:
$ solid barrier o. unending .la!e s(e-ed .ro! a !agical
!echanis! buried dee( in a rock .ace. The heat is intense
enough to cause serious da!age to anything atte!(ting to
(ass the barrier< though only one (erson can atte!(t to (ass at
any one ti!e. 6ater and Ice &le!ental S(ells and e..ects can be
used to te!(orarily ste! the .lo- o. .ire.
&..ectsK )0 Z #d< 0. $*0 9ire &le!ental Da!age X $uto!atic
DurationK Continuous F1 targetH
DetectionK $uto!atic
$%oidanceK Job $bility F6ater< Ice &le!entalH
&'(erience 4alueK 30 JP
"ten 5eedle le,el 15
$ -ickedly shar( !an=siEed s(ike hidden in the ground. $
!agical -ard directly abo%e the s(ot -here the sten needle is
buried is res(onsible .or triggering it< sending the needle
shooting out to brutally i!(ale -hoe%er ste(s on the -ard.
&..ectsK 131 Z 3d10< $*0 Physical Da!age X $uto!atic
DurationK Single Shot F1 targetH
DetectionK :ndetectable
$%oidanceK Status F9loat< 9lightH< Job $bility FAight Ste(H
&'(erience 4alueK 1)10 JP
Poison "*amp le,el 25
This diseased< brackish !ire lea%es those -ho %enture into its
!urky -aters in danger o. being subCected to deadly (oison.
&..ectsK Poison F[H X CoS 1#0< &4$
DurationK Continuous FPartyH
DetectionK $uto!atic
$%oidanceK Status F9loat< 9lightH< Job $bility FAight Ste(H
&'(erience 4alueK #""0 JP
.a,a Floor le,el 4:
$n area o. hot !olten la%a ca(able o. scorching anything that
sets .oot on it.
&..ectsK #00 Z 4d)< 0. $*0 9ire &le!ental Da!age X
DurationK Continuous FPartyH
DetectionK $uto!atic
$%oidanceK Status F9loat< 9lightH < Job $bility FAight Ste(H
&'(erience 4alueK 14)0 JP
Riddles and P4>>les
6hether it?s an unsol%ed enig!a .ro! the da-n o. ti!e or a
ga!e o. -its do-n at the local (ub< riddles and (uEEles can a -elco!e change .ro! brutal !elee -ith !onsters or
hair=raising deathtra(s. These challenges can take !any .or!sK
trick 7uestions< nu!erical (uEEles< anagra!s or cy(hers< or
obCect=based conundru!s. Just as di%erse are the (ossible
(ayo..s .or a success.ul solution > treasure< in.or!ation< access
to hidden locations< and &'(erience Points are all %iable
re-ards .or 7uick=-itted (layers.
There are !any (ossible -ays to test your charactersD
intelligence< but the !ediu! you use to run your ga!es -ill
i!(ose hard li!its on -hat you can and can?t thro- out.
2u!erical codes< cy(hers< or anagra!s can be .un and
i!!ersi%e -hen (layers are clustered around a tableto(
e'changing notes< but .all .lat in online chat@ %isual (uEEles
-ork better -hen you?re looking at a screen than -hen you?%e
got (a(ers< books< dice< and other (layers co!(eting .or your
attention. Then there are the (layers the!sel%es to consider.
2ot e%erybody has the skill or (atience .or (uEEles (urely built
on guess-ork and reasoning > e%en a -ell=designed brain
teaser can create a situation -here a .e- !e!bers o. the grou(
thro- the!sel%es into the (roble! and the rest t-iddle their
thu!bs on the sidelines.
The easiest > and !ost series=a((ro(riate > co!(ro!ise is
the N(ass-ord (uEEle.D +ere< the (layers ha%e to (iece together
a code or (ass-ord to gain access to an area .ro! clues
scattered around the en%iron!ent. +o-e%er< not e%ery clue
they .ind relates to the .inal (ass-ord@ by using trial and error<
eli!ination< and a bit o. old=.ashioned logic< they !ust -eed out
the bogus leads to sol%e the (uEEle in earnest. $n e'tre!e
e'a!(le o. this kind o. challenge -as seen in 9inal 9antasy 4I <
-here the (layer atte!(ted to gain access to a clock to-er in
the to-n o. BoEo by setting the to-erDs clock .ace to the correct
ti!e. Interrogating the to-ns(eo(le yielded doEens o. ans-ers
as to -hat the e'act ti!e actually -as > until it beca!e
a((arent that e%eryone in the to-n -as lying< cutting do-n the
nu!ber o. o(tions by a substantial a!ount.
The ad%antage o. the (ass-ord (uEEle is that it kee(s the
characters acti%e tra%eling .ro! (lace to (lace in search o. hints
and .rag!ents. $s the (layers (rogress and gather !ore
in.or!ation< other challenges and (roble!s can be dro((ed
into the (roceedings to s(ice things u( > a good o((ortunity
.or the (layers to .le' !uscle and gray !atter at once.
$nother (ossible o(tion is the Ns-itch (uEEle<D used to
signi.icant e..ect in se%eral e=ga!es. Pressure=sensiti%e
s-itches are dotted around a dungeon< each ca(able o.
o(ening a door or disar!ing a tra( > but need to ha%e -eight
e7ui%alent to a (ersonDs on the! in order to be o(erated. $s a
result< the (arty is .orced to s(lit u(< kee(ing one (erson
behind to trigger the s-itch -hile the rest o. the (arty heads
.or-ard< looking .or another -ay .or their co!rade to get in. $s
-ith the (ass-ord (uEEle< the s-itch (uEEle kee(s the (arty
acti%e< and allo-s .or so!e hairy situations i. a lone (arty
!e!ber ends u( stranded in a dangerous (lace -hile the rest
o. the grou( hunt around .or the ne't s-itch.
$ third o(tion is to lea%e (layers -ith a locked door or barred
(assage and a roo!.ul o. obCects. 8ne or !ore o. the obCects
-ill unlock the (assage< but the (layers !ust .irst e'(eri!ent
-ith the roo!?s contents to .ind the -ay out. 6hile this lea%es
the door o(en .or !ore creati%e a((roaches< it is i!(ortant not
to !ake the solution too obtuse< or re7uire the (layers to (rod
e%ery inch o. the roo! in search o. the one true ans-er. Job
$bilities and other e..ects !ay also be used in this (rocess > .or
instance< casting Ice !agic on a discarded key can create
so!ething ca(able o. unlocking that .rost=bound door to the
I. you?re .ortunate enough to ha%e a grou( that collecti%ely
enCoys sol%ing (uEEles< your choices are so!e-hat broader.
Take the ti!e to .igure out -here your (layers? indi%idual
strengths lie > nu!bercrunching< -ord(lay< si!(le logic > and
create the (uEEles to allo- e%erybody a chance to contribute.
There are .our i!(ortant things to re!e!ber -hen (utting
together a (uEEle. The .irst is that it should be sol%able by the
(layers< not ans-ered by a /0=run ally or oracle. In order .or
this to ha((en< e%ery (iece o. kno-ledge needed .or a solution
should be at their .ingerti(s > i. they ha((ened to !iss a %ital
clue earlier< .igure out a -ay to get that in.or!ation to the!
another -ay. In the sa!e %ein< a /0 should be (re(ared to !ore clues i. the (arty a((ears to be genuinely struggling.
The second is that e%ery (uEEle should ha%e a clear (enalty
.or .ailure< e%en i. you belie%e that the (arty can sol%e it. ,y
-orking -ith a (enalty in !ind< you -ill be less likely to create a
(uEEle that can derail the ad%enture i. the (arty ha((ens to be
stu!(ed. ?$cce(table? (enalties can range .ro! si!(ly !issing
out on a (iece o. treasure to acti%ely being (laced in the (ath o.
danger or triggering an encounter > !ore dangerous outco!es
should be on (ar -ith all other haEards< tra(s< and !onsters in
the ad%enture.
The third is that you should consider the a!ount o. ti!e it
takes to sol%e a (uEEle< es(ecially in the conte't o. a session as
a -hole. :nless you are genuinely stalling .or ti!e because you
are running under(re(ared< you (robably don?t -ant to ha%e
the grou( s(ending t-o hours analyEing nu!bers and thro-ing
theories around the table. 9i.teen !inutes to hal. an hour is
generally the !a'i!u! (layti!e a brain teaser should consu!e
unless the (arty has to acti%ely engage in other acti%ities >
e'(loring an area< collecting ite!s .or a key > to sol%e it.
9inally< re!e!ber to be .le'ible and acce(t creati%e solutions<
e%en i. they aren?t e'actly -hat you had in !ind. The (ur(ose o.
a (uEEle is to encourage your (layers to think > i. they co!e u(
-ith an ans-er that?s as good or better than the ?right? solution
you ca!e u( -ith be.ore the session kicked o..< let the! get
a-ay -ith it.
0any ad%entures re7uire at least so!e degree o. tra%el< -hile
ca!(aigns !ake it al!ost a necessity. $t the sa!e ti!e<
sessions can only run .or so long and an entire day s(ent
trudging u( a dirt road isn?t going to !ake .or co!(elling (lay
unless your (arty are really< really into PC=to=PC con%ersations.
+o- !uch do you sho-< thenG
$ si!(le rule o. thu!bK I. the !ost challenging dile!!a you
can your (layers en route is the 7uestion o. -hether to go
le.t or right at that .ork in the road< kee( the entire Courney ?o..
ca!era? and start your ne't Scene -ith the heroes arri%ing at
their destination a.ter a Vlong and tiring tri(.W I. there are
genuine challenges to be o%erco!e > colla(sed bridges< s!all
.ar!s in dire need o. heroic assistance< !ysterious cairns and
ca%erns begging .or .urther e'(loration > start a Scene -ith
your heroes encountering the situation in 7uestion and kee( on
rolling until e%erything has been resol%ed< then .ollo- u( -ith a
ne- Scene at the ne't (oint o. interest or > i. e%erything
note-orthy about the Courney has already been e'hausted >
the end o. the road.
+o- long it takes to get to a destination should not be a
(ri!ary concern@ in general< ti!e re%ol%es around the heroes<
not %ice %ersa. Should you need to esti!ate tra%el ti!e< the
table belo- gi%es an idea o. ho- !any kilo!eters a (arty can
co%er in a day %ia a gi%en !eans o. tra%el. 2ote that these are
only rough esti!ates< and can %ary de(ending on a nu!ber o.
.actors > reliability o. trans(ortation< (roble!s encountered on
the road< -eather< terrain. 9or instance< (ouring rain could
easily hal%e the a!ount o. ground the (arty nor!ally co%ers in
a day?s ti!e.
Ta%le 1#&1' Tra,el Time
wa|||rg - Norra| 25
wa|||rg - lard Varcr 10
Vourl - Norra| 280
Vourl - Rac|rg or war 320
wree|ed ver|c|e - Pr|r|l|ve 300
wree|ed ver|c|e - Voderr 800
3r|p - 3a|| 1Z0
3r|p - 3lear 90
A|rsr|p - Pr|r|l|ve 1200
A|rsr|p - Voderr 9000
,ecause to-ns enco!(ass such a broad range o. (ossible
acti%ities< a .e- bear e'(loring in !ore detail.
! Soppin. in All te Aron. Places
Players are e'(ected to buy ne- e7ui(!ent and ite!s on a
.airly .re7uent basis > o.ten enough to !ake it essential that
they ha%e access to a to-n at least once (er ad%enture. I.
there is no reasonable -ay .or the! to reach a to-n during
the course o. an ad%enture< consider bringing in a tra%elling
!erchant. In 9inal 9antasy ga!es< unscru(ulous traders
could be .ound any-here .ro! baking deserts to !onster=
in.ested dungeons > as odd as it !ay sound< ha%ing a
!erchant (o( u( Cust be.ore the (arty kicks do-n the doors
to the boss?s lair is (er.ectly in kee(ing -ith the genre.
I. a (layer chooses to e'ercise this o(tion< gi%e the! a rundo-n
o. the ru!ors< stories< and other-ise inconse7uential
in.or!ation FV$urora Castle has !any guardsIWH they?%e (icked
u( along the -ay. $t your discretion< you can also ha%e
-andering (layers roll against their $-areness -ith an
a((ro(riate Conditional 0odi.ier > i. success.ul< the (layer?s
character has .ound a .e- /il or a *eco%ery Ite! hidden
so!e-here in the to-n. $(art .ro! being genre=a((ro(riate<
this also allo-s /0s to boost (layers? stocks i. the ad%enture
ahead is (articularly tough or de!anding.
I. (layers -ant to sho( .or e7ui(!ent at a to-n or !erchant?s<
the /0 !ust deter!ine e'actly -hat the (layer can buy there.
The easiest -ay o. handling this is to !ake use o. the
$%ailability *atings gi%en in Cha(ter ) by assigning the store a
3uality *ating ranging .ro! 100 to #0. This 3uality *ating is
e7ual to the $%ailability *ating o. the rarest ite! sold by the
store. $ store -ith a 3uality *ating o. 40 -ould there.ore
e%ery (iece o. e7ui(!ent -ith an $%ailability *ating bet-een
100 and 40< assu!ing the e7ui(!ent .its into the store?s range
o. o..ering > 6ea(on Stores generally don?t carry +i=Potions.
3uality *atings range .ro! to-n to to-n > your a%erage
%illage or lonely roadside sou%enir stand -ill ha%e a !uch lo-er
3uality *ating than a !aCor !etro(olis. Si!ilarly< a location?s
3uality *ating can change o%er ti!e as su((ly shi.ts and ne-
ite!s beco!e a%ailable. +o-e%er< a store?s 3uality *ating
should be no lo-er than "# = FParty?s $%erage Ae%el '
1.#1H. This ensures e7ui(!ent (urchases stay in line -ith the
intended rate o. (rogression .or (layers.
2ote also that the (rices gi%en in Cha(ter ) are only
?reco!!ended? %alues. Aess scru(ulous !erchants !ay
increase the (rice o. an ite! to u( to double its %alue<
de(ending on rarity< de!and or old=.ashioned greed.
,aEaars are a good (lace .or characters -ith high Trade ratings
to get so!e use out o. their Skills< and !ay !ake .or so!e
(otentially a!using encounters > Cust don?t !ake the !istake
o. s(ending an hour -alking the (arty through e%ery last ite!
on $ baEaar can also be used to !ake s(eci.ic (ieces o.
e7ui(!ent a%ailable to the (layers -ithout ?unlocking? a -hole
Tier or $%ailability *ating?s -orth o. e7ui(!ent to (urchase.
To kee( (layers on their toes< a baEaar?s stock should be a
!i'ture o. !oney=-asting red herrings and genuinely good
buys > in general< legiti!ate ite!s sold at a baEaar are 10Q to
#1Q chea(er than their list (rice in Cha(ter ).
$n ite! bought .ro! an auction house can easily be the start o.
a great ad%enture or change the course o. the current one >
Cust !ake sure the (layers aren?t tossing /il a.ter stu.. that
doesn?t the! in the long run. I. they?re on the %erge o.
burning #1<000 /il on a !aster=cra.ted dollhouse< ha%e other
bidders s-oo( in and (ush the (rice u( to le%els they si!(ly
can?t a..ord.
Aike stores< inns take ti!e to locate< though (layers should
al-ays ha%e access to the!. &%en tiny %illages -ill ha%e
so!e-here the (layers can take a load o.. at the end o. the day
and regain those lost +P. I. the (layers are going o.. on
indi%idual Caunts around to-n< inns are an e'cellent (lace to
recon%ene the (arty a.ter e%erybody has had their .ill. They also a nice %enue .or (layer interaction i. the ad%enture could
use a little !ore character de%elo(!ent< so don?t hesitate to
gi%e the grou( so!e roo! to chat and strategiEe in their
+a%ing the (arty search .or in.or!ation has t-o !aCor uses.
9irstly< it?s a -ay to gently nudge (layers back on track i.
they?%e lost sight o. the !ain storyline or started dri.ting o..=
track o%er the course o. their current 7uest. I. your (arty has
been racking u( !ore /il than you?d originally intended< ha%ing
(layers (ay .or in.or!ation is also a good and subtle -ay to
reduce their bankroll.
$s an alternati%e to ai!less -andering< (layers can head .or the
local (ub or ca.e to soak u( stories and gossi(. 6hile they -on?t
stu!ble across any Potions< they can .ind barkee(ers and
notice boards -ith Cobs and side 7uests that -ill earn the! a
.e- /il on the side.
*e-ards are arguably the !ost essential (art o. the
ad%enturing e'(erience > -ithout the!< (arties ha%e no chance
o. ad%ancing< let alone .acing do-n the .earso!e o((onents
a-aiting the! at the higher Ae%els. +o-e%er< .iguring out ho-
to co!(ensate the PCs .or their troubles can be a tricky< i. not
outright counterintuiti%e. 9or this reason< the .ollo-ing section
co%ers the !any .or!s o. (layer re-ard and ho- to best
!anage the!.
&'(erience Points are the !ost co!!on re-ard characters -ill
recei%e. 2early e%ery encounter and ad%enture -ill net the
heroes at least so!e JP< ad%ancing the! in le%els and granting
the! increased (o-er and ne- abilities. $ ty(ical 99*P/
ad%enture -ill (ro%ide each (artici(ant -ith enough e'(erience
to gain at least one le%el > a bit less i. things go (oorly< and
slightly !ore i. (lay goes -ell.
In battles< the nu!ber o. JP a-arded is deter!ined by the
strength o. the !onsters the PCs .ace. $dd u( the JP %alues o.
all !onsters de.eated at the end o. co!bat< di%ide this total by
the nu!ber o. PCs acti%e in the co!bat > e'cluding anybody
-ho .inished the battle -ith :nconscious or Stone or -as
&Cected be.ore the .ight -ra((ed u( > and a-ard the heroes
that a!ount. 9or e'a!(le< i. a (arty o. .our characters de.eats
three Aea. ,unnies -orth "0 JP a(iece and t-o 6ol%es -orth
330 JP a(iece< the total (arty JP a-ard -ould be "30 JP< and
each character -ould earn #3# JP. $s -ith all other
calculations in the syste!< JP re-ards are al-ays rounded
&'(erience Points can also be used to Cudge -hat constitutes
a N.air .ightD .or the (arty. /enerally< a single co!bat encounter
should grant each PC 100 to 1#1 JP (er character Ae%el. I. .our
Ae%el 1 PCs .ace o.. against a grou( o. Aea. ,unnies -orth "0
JP a(iece< .or instance< a grou( o. .i%e Aea. ,unnies -ould
!ake .or a .air .ight. Since the .i%e Aea. ,unnies together are
-orth 410 JP< each o. the PCs -ould earn 11# JP in the e%ent
o. a %ictory. $ battle against .our Aea. ,unnies -ould only grant
"0 JP > a bit lo- > -hile si' Aea. ,unnies -ould net the PCs
131 JP each< -hich is a bit !uch and indicates an encounter
that?s (ossibly too challenging. I. the PCs ad%ance to Ae%el 3
and are attacked by 6ol%es each -orth 330 JP< .our 6ol%es
-ould be a .air .ight. Since the PCs are Ae%el 3< an encounter
should net each character bet-een 300 and 371 JP.
+aEards< tra(s< nonco!bat encounters< and (uEEles can also JP re-ards. 9or haEards and tra(s< the JP %alue -ill be
dra-n u( during the creation (rocess< and is di%ided by the
nu!ber o. PCs in the sa!e !anner as JP gained .ro!
!onsters. 9or nonco!bat encounters and (uEEles< an
e'(erience a-ard !ay not be a((ro(riate > only a-ard JP i. the
characters? actions kee( the! out o. danger. &ncounters -here
the PCs success.ul e%ade a .ight -ith a !onster through stealth
should net the! an JP re-ard e7ual to 10Q o. -hat they
-ould ha%e earned through co!bat< though this shouldnDt
e'ceed 100 JP (er character Ae%el. This !eans that a grou( o.
Ae%el 10 PCs -ho success.ully sneak (ast a (ack o. ,ehe!oths
shouldn?t recei%e an JP a-ard based on the ,ehe!oths?
co!bat JP total > 1000 JP a(iece is !ore than enough. In
cases -here the PCs are dealing -ith an ally or (uEEle< a .lat JP
a-ard o. 10 to 100 JP (er character Ae%el is a good guideline.
/il is used to buy Ite!s< 6ea(ons< $r!or< and e'(endables< and
(ay .or other e'(enses encountered along the -ay > bribes<
.ines< ticket costs< .ees. &'cluding e7ui(!ent sales< a (artyDs
!ain source o. /il is .ro! one o. three sourcesK !oney earned
as a result o. success.ully de.eating !onsters< treasure
obtained during the course o. an ad%enture< and !oney gi%en
to the (arty by 2PCs and other allies in e'change .or ser%ices
and other tasks. The inco!e .ro! these three co!bined should
ha%e the characters !aking around FCurrent Ae%el ' 110H /
a(iece (er ad%enture< e'cluding any additional inco!e .ro!
sources like the /illionaire $d%antage.
/enerally< a ty(ical co!bat encounter -ill a-ard about one=
third as !any /il as JP. The 0CS -as designed -ith this le%el o.
re-ard in !ind. 2onco!bat encounters should a-ard /il at the
sa!e o%erall rate as co!bat encounters. I. !ore /il are !ade
a%ailable< bear in !ind that this !eans that characters -ill ha%e
access to better e7ui(!ent and !ore healing< decreasing the
challenge le%el o. .uture encounters. In ga!es -here /il is
scarcer< on the other hand< the dearth o. !oney !eans the
(arty -ill be less (re(ared to .ace battles. $s a result< the
di..iculty le%el o. the ga!e rises accordingly.
The suggested JP and /il a-ards gi%en in this book are
designed so that each character gains a Ae%el a.ter .our or .i%e
encounters< or about one Ae%el (er session. This is a good rate
o. gro-th .or a ty(ical ca!(aign > assu!ing one ga!e session
a -eek< the characters -ill go .ro! Ae%el 1 no%ices to Ae%el
)1Z cha!(ions in a little !ore than one year.
De(ending on ga!e setu( and (acing< though< /0s !ay -ant
character ad%ance!ent to !o%e .aster or slo-er. The easiest
-ay to do this is to %ary the JP a-ards .or encounters. $ .ast=
(aced ga!e !ay a-ard 110Q to #00Q o. nor!al JP< -hile a
!ore dra-n=out ca!(aign !ay hand out only 71Q to 10Q o.
the usual a-ards. Slo-ing the rate o. ad%ance!ent is also
use.ul .or ga!es starting at higher Ae%els< (re%enting the
(layers .ro! getting too (o-er.ul too soon.
The one thing to note -hen adCusting a-ards is that /il
a-ards can?t be changed by the sa!e ratio as JP. 99*P/
(rices are designed around the assu!(tion that characters -ill
s(end bet-een one=third to one=.ourth o. their /il on Ite!s<
$!!unition< and other Ne'(endables.? Double JP and /il
a-ards< and suddenly PCs ha%e t-ice as !uch !oney at their
dis(osal -hile .acing the sa!e nu!ber o. encounters. To !ake
sure /il and JP are in relati%e sync< use the table belo- to
balance the t-o.
Ta%le 1#&2' Gil and 7P Ad:"stments
250 210 1 - 2
200 1Z5 2 - 3
150 135 3 - 1
100 100 1 - 5
Z5 80 5 - Z
50 5 - 9
Ite!s and &7ui(!ent can be a-arded to PCs in addition to or
instead o. /il. This is a good o(tion .or (resenting hel( .ro!
sy!(athetic 2PCs or (lacing treasure chests in a dungeon >
recei%ing a ne- *une ,lade or .inding a set o. Potions is .ar
!ore !e!orable than ending u( -ith a (lain lu!( o. cash.
S(eci.ic ite!s such as 6ea(ons and $ccessories !ay also be
obtained as a result o. slaying tough o((onents and ,oss
! Teft and Re@ards
So!e $d%antages and $bilities< !ost notably the Thie.Ds Steal<
allo- characters to gain Ite!s and /il beyond those nor!ally
a-arded to the (arty. This is co!(ensated .or by reducing the
JobDs co!bat (otential< or > in the case o. $d%antages like
/illionaire > e7ui%alent Disad%antages. I. you .eel these e'tra
sources o. inco!e are in danger o. unbalancing the ga!e<
ho-e%er< you can adCust !onsters? treasure tables to contain
.e-er %aluable ite!s.
$ny ite!s or e7ui(!ent gi%en out during the course o. an
ad%enture should reduce its /il a-ard accordingly > 71Q o.
the (rice gi%en .or the ite! in 7uestion in Cha(ter ) is usually a
good .igure. 9or e'a!(le< a ty(ical ad%enture .or a Ae%el 3
grou( -ith .our !e!bers -ould nor!ally (ay out 100 /< or
410 / a(iece. I. the ad%enture also a-ards si' Potions<
ho-e%er< the total (ayout decreases by ##1 / > 71Q o. the
%alue o. those si' Potions.
8ne note on (lacing ite!s and e7ui(!entK due to the .act
that a characterDs e7ui(!ent is a signi.icant .actor in their
o%erall (o-er< it is essential not to gi%e the (arty too !uch too
soon. The .ollo-ing table sho-s -hen ne- e7ui(!ent should
generally beco!e a%ailableK
Ta%le 1#&0' E8"ipment A,aila%ilitF
T|er 1 Leve| 1
T|er 2 Leve| 1 -
T|er 3 Leve| 12 - 15
T|er 1 Leve| 18 - 20
T|er 5 Leve| 25 - 2Z
T|er Leve| 33 - 3
T|er Z Leve| 12 - 11
T|er 8 Leve| 50
T|er 9 1 al Leve| 18 - 50
1 every 5 Leve|s allerWards
T|er 10 1 al Leve| 0
1 every 5 - 10 Leve|s allerWards
! Artifact *tems
The e7ui(!ent a%ailability suggested in the table abo%e are
best used .or 6ea(ons< $r!or< and the like. 6hen a-arding
Varti.act ite!sW > one=shot Tier " and 10 ite!s > /0s can use
one o. t-o !ethods. The .irst is to a-ard one (iece o.
e7ui(!ent and 4 or 1 arti.act ite!s e%ery ti!e a character is
eligible to recei%e ne- Tier " or 10 e7ui(!ent. The other is to
a-ard an arti.act ite! as nor!al -hen the character is eligible
to recei%e Tier " or 10 e7ui(!ent< but a-ard another ite! i.
the original ite! is used u( during the course o. a session. This
continues until the character beco!es eligible .or ne-
e7ui(!ent or .our or .i%e arti.act ite!s ha%e been used u(.
:nlike other 0age (ro.essions< ,lue 0ages< Callers< and
Su!!oners earn their !agic by 7uesting< !aking ,lue S(ells
and Su!!ons a re-ard in their o-n right. ,lue 0ages gain
their S(ells .ro! !onsters< !eaning the introduction o. ne-
,lue S(ells is entirely le.t to the /0?s discretion. 9or best
results< ,lue 0ages should ha%e the o((ortunity to learn one
ne- ,lue S(ell e%ery t-o Ae%els. $ suggested S(ell (rogression
has been laid out belo-.
Ta%le 1#&1' /l"e (a.ic A,aila%ilitF
3, 5, Z 10
9, 11, 13, 15 18
1Z, 19, 21, 23 2Z
25, 2Z, 29, 31 10
33, 35, 3Z, 39 50
11, 13, 15, 1Z 119
19, 51, 53, 55 139
5Z, 59, 1, 3 No L|r|l
Su!!oners and Callers e'(and their (o-ers by earning the
trust o. Su!!ons< either by (er.or!ing tasks .or the! or
de.eating the! in co!bat. Su!!oners are e'(ected to
e%entually ac7uire an ?arsenal? o. ) Su!!ons< though -hich
Su!!ons they gain and -hen they get the! is u( to the /0. $
(otential (rogression > -ith a choice o. Su!!on .or each ?slot?
> is sho-n in the table belo-.
Ta%le 1#&2' S"mmon A,aila%ilitF
10 va|elor, La|srr|, Rerora, llr|l,
3r|va, Rarur, 3y|pr, 3|rer, T|lar,
22 Ca|l 3|lr, Fa|ry, Aloros, Ferr|r,
0|aoo|os, 8|srarc|, Parderor|ur,
3 Asura, V|sl 0ragor, 0uelza|coal|,
3a|ararder, Caloo|epas,
Jorrurgard, Tr|locr, Prarlor,
ur|corr, Carourc|e, 0o|er
50 3erapr|r, Ar|, 0oorlra|r, lades,
Kjala, A|exarder, Ar|ra, Ceroerus,
Proer|x, Typror, Lev|alrar, L|cr,
Vadeer, 0d|r
5 8ararul, Crusader, Vagus 3|slers,
$longside their 6hite and ,lack S(ells< Callers are e'(ected to
ac7uire Calls o%er the course o. their ad%enturing careers. $s
-ith Su!!ons< the e'act Calls gained and the Ae%el at -hich
they are ac7uired are le.t u( to the /0 to decide. $ suggested
Call (rogression has been laid out belo-.
Ta%le 1#&3' Call A,aila%ilitF
Z 21
13 52
21 ZZ
29 90
35 125
15 139
53 1Z
5Z No L|r|l
! 9earnin. Alternati,es
,ecause ,lue 0agic< Calls< and Su!!ons are so!e-hat
a-k-ard to ac7uire< /0s !ay -ish to look into other -ays .or
PCs to learn the!. The easiest -ay to do so is to re(lace the
traditional learning !ethods -ith one=shot ite!s a-arded as
treasure or dro(s .ro! !onsters. I. used< these ite!s
auto!atically teach a character a single ,lue S(ell< Su!!on< or
Call be.ore cru!bling to dust. $n $7ua!arine< .or instance<
could be used to learn the Ae%iathan Call@ a ,o!b Shell the ,lue
S(ell Sel. Destruct.
8ccasionally< characters run across ite!s that turn out to be o.
(i%otal i!(ortance in the ad%enture ahead > treasures the (arty
-as sent to retrie%e and return< -ays to unlock barred (assages
or doors< keys to acti%ating ancient !achinery or !echanical
de%ices. In 9inal 9antasy< ite!s like these are called ;ey
Ite!s< and are ke(t se(arate .ro! the day=to=day consu!ables.
:ntil they are used< they re!ain in the (artyDs In%entory< and
cannot be dro((ed or destroyed.
I. the (arty e%er co!es across a ;ey Ite! o%er the course o.
(lay< designate it as such. This ensures the grou( kno-s it -ill
be used .urther do-n the line and donDt accidentally end u(
thro-ing it out.
The re-ards a (arty gets .or co!(leting a 7uest or ad%enture
!ay not al-ays ha%e a !aterial %alue. In so!e cases< their
re-ards could include in.or!ation< assistance< (restige< or
leads to other 7uests and (lot threads. The %alue o. these tends
to be !ore di..icult to assess than -ith other re-ards as they
are usually a -ay to !o%e the ca!(aign along< rather than
outright increase the PCsD (o-er le%el.
BUI#7I"G ! C!0P!IG"
9or a /0< a ca!(aign is the ne't big ste( .or-ard once they
ha%e a .e- success.ul ad%entures under their belt< a chance to
stretch the skills and e'(erience (icked u( .ro! running 7uests
and gi%e their (layers a stab at so!ething greater than Cust the
dungeon o. the -eek. So!e ca!(aigns e%ol%e naturally out o.
long=running ga!es > one ad%enture beco!es se%eral< and
be.ore long a (lot has .or!ed bet-een the!< turning a one=o..
into a long=running chronicle. In other cases< the grou( decides
ahead o. ti!e that theyDre co!!itting to a ca!(aign .or the
long run< !aking their (lans accordingly.
,ut as the stakes and challenges rise< the a!ount o. (lanning
and .oresight needed increases in turn. This section atte!(ts to
take so!e o. the sting out o. that (rocess by o..ering concrete
ad%ice on structure and (roble!=sol%ing during ca!(aign (lay.
Getting Started
The le%el o. (lanning re7uired !ay see! daunting at .irst< but
can be broken do-n to .i%e si!(le N6DsK -ho< -hat< -here<
-hen< and -hy.
6ho are the heroesG The beginning stages o. the ca!(aign -ill
in%ol%e 7uiEEing (layers as to -hat characters theyDd like to
bring to the table< then using this in.or!ation to gauge ho-
your grou( -ill -ork as a unit and ad%ise (layers on Job
selection. The ulti!ate goal in doing so is to kee( the .inal
(arty?s co!(osition balanced. 6hile the 99*P/ su((orts a -ide
%ariety o. (ro.essions< there are certain co!binations that Cust
don?t -ork together > three /a!blers and a /eo!ancer< or a
grou( co!(osed entirely o. 0i!ics are al!ost guaranteed to
cause headaches. 9or best results< an 99*P/ (arty should ha%e
characters -ho can .ill o..ensi%e< de.ensi%e< and su((ort roles.
6ho .ills -hich slot should be le.t .or the (layers to decide.
The character conce(ts the!sel%es also need to be care.ully
looked at be.ore they can be a((ro%ed. In (articular< the /0
should ask these 7uestions o. any and all characters sub!itted
to the ca!(aignK
Is the character a((ro(riate to the setting and
ca!(aignG Probably the .irst thing you -ant to check -hen
re%ie-ing background. 6hile originality is all nice and -ell< a
character should .it into the ca!(aign -orld< not be at odds
-ith it. This includes the -orld?s background as -ell as its .eel >
i. you are clea%ing to-ards the P/=13 s(irit o. the original
ga!es< the last thing the (arty needs is a .oul=!outhed sadist
-ith a (enchant .or torturing and killing anybody -ho looks at
hi! the -rong -ay.
Does the character bring so!ething .resh to the castG $
grou( should also try to achie%e a good !i' o. (ersonality and
character ty(es< -ith each !e!ber bringing so!ething
distincti%e to the ense!ble. *unning a session starring si'
brooding antiheroes -ith a grudge against the -orld at large
!ight score (oints .or no%elty< but doesn?t !uch
o((ortunity .or con.lict< character de%elo(!ent< or (lain old=
.ashioned .un. ,y ensuring that PCs aren?t straight=u( clones o.
one another< you o(en the door to !ore interesting
interactions bet-een the!.
Can the character -ork -ith the rest o. the grou(G
,ecause the grou( is e'(ected to -ork together as a tea!< it is
i!(ortant that the characters > and (layers > get along. That
!eans no characters -hose backgrounds utterly clash -ith the
rest o. the grou( > (lacing a straight=edged la- en.orcer in the
!iddle o. a gang o. gentle!an thie%es is Cust asking .or trouble.
This also rules out characters -ho are so antagonistic that they
-ill s(end !ore ti!e .ighting their co!rades than hel(ing the!.
6hat is the (arty .ighting .orG In the 9inal 9antasy uni%erse< an
ad%enturing (arty tends to be an alliance o. con%enience
bet-een -ildly di%erse characters< brought together by accident
and united by a co!!on goal. De.ining that goal early on hel(s
sha(e -here the ca!(aign goes and -hat kind o. ad%entures
the (layers can look .or-ard to. $re they %aliant eco=-arriors
battling a (olluting !ega=cor(orationG 4aliant thie%es striking a
blo- .or Custice against an e%il e!(ireG $ secret rebel
organiEation .ighting to restore libertyG 5oung !ilitary cadets
e!broiled in a brutal con.lictG $ s!all band o. -arriors on a
religious (ilgri!ageG
9ro! a /0 (ers(ecti%e< this ?hook? can de%elo( in a nu!ber
o. -ays. So!eti!es< it arises naturally out o. the !i' o. Jobs
and characters (layers bring to the table. In !ost cases<
ho-e%er< the /0 decides ahead o. ti!e -hat kind o. ga!e she
is interested in running and (asses that in.or!ation on to the
(layers< both as a N(re%ie-D to -het their a((etites and as a
guide to ensure the characters they create -ill .it into the
o%erall conce(t.
6here do the ad%entures take (laceG The o%erall setting .or a
ca!(aign is kno-n as a Nca!(aign -orld<D and in.luences !any
things > the charactersD backgrounds< races< and (ro.essions<
the (lots in%ol%ed< the (olitical and social bonds< the kinds o.
technology (layers are likely to ha%e access toY I. the
ca!(aign -orld is based on an e'isting 9inal 9antasy or other
ga!e< the /0 !erely has to !ake sure that e%erybody in the
grou( has (layed the ga!e in 7uestion. I. the -orld is original<
on the other hand< the /0 has to decide ho- to .a!iliariEe the
(layers -ith it.
De%elo(ing the history< culture< society< religion< and con.licts
o. an entirely .ictitious -orld can be an o%er-hel!ing task< but
e..ecti%ely relaying that in.or!ation can be t-ice as hard. The
(layers in (articular need to be eased in gradually rather than
bludgeoned -ith detail > restrict setting in.or!ation to a short
(aragra(h or t-o at the outset< gi%ing Cust enough !aterial to
attract the (layers? attention. The ga!e su!!aries gi%en in the
Introduction se%eral good !odels .or ho- to a((roach
this< -ea%ing the NhookD in -ith i!(ortant details regarding the
ga!eDs setting and at!os(here.
8nce the (layers ha%e digested this in.or!ation< the ne't ste(
is to (re(are a !ore detailed su!!ary > a NgaEetteerD > gi%ing
a short su!!ary o. the -orldDs history and a rundo-n o. !aCor
nations and (o-ers. $ gaEetteer should run bet-een one and
.our (ages< lea%ing enough s(ace .or details to be de.ined as
the ga!e (rogresses. The !ore N-iggle roo!D the /0 lea%es .or
.uture e'(ansion< the less likely it is that the setting -ill ha%e to
be re-orked as a result o. e%ents in the ca!(aign.
Players can use the gaEetteer to de%elo( their characters< but
!ay need additional hel( during the (rocess. The /0 should
al-ays be at hand to ans-er background 7uestions< e%en i. they
!ay see! tri%ial > V6hat kind o. Cobs -ould a ,lack 0age be
able to ha%eGW V$re Paladins associated -ith any (articular
religionGW V6hich city has the biggest cri!inal undergroundGW
This e'tends to (layers -ho -ish to adCust the o.
s(eci.ic Jobs or *aces to better suit their character conce(ts >
any such changes should be closely !onitored to ensure that
they stay consistent -ith the setting.
6hen do the ad%entures take (laceG 8nce you?%e created a
rough history .or the ca!(aign -orld< itDs ti!e to .igure out
-here the (layers are in relation to it. $re they co!ing out o. a
(eriod o. stri.e and instability and into a tenuous (eace that
could be shattered at any !o!entG Is the -orld in the throes o.
a grand era o. e'(loration and ad%enture -here undisco%ered
continents beckonG +as a !agical catastro(he recently -i(ed
out ci%iliEation< lea%ing the (layers as hard=bitten sur%i%ors in a
ruined -astelandG Settling on a ti!e.ra!e -ill hel( de%elo(
(otential (lots< as -ell as deter!ine issues like technological
6hy are the characters togetherG In a one=o.. ad%enture< things
like background and relationshi(s are an o(tional e'tra. In a
ca!(aign< they?re a near necessity. /i%en the %ast dis(arity in
!oti%ations characters can bring to the table< it is i!(ortant
that each (layer be able to co!e u( .or a reason as to -hy their
PC bothers to stick -ith the (arty once theyD%e Coined u(.
Though not e%eryone is e7ually in%ested in the (arty?s goals<
the heroes should -ork together .or logical reasons< not (lot
0oreo%er< e%en i. the (arty .ights .or a co!!on cause< their
reasons .or buying into it can -ildly< and !ay lead to
con.lict. +o- does the young noble!an -hose .a!ily -as killed
by the &!(ire .eel about Coining .orces -ith a !ercenary
(re%iously in I!(erial (ayG 8ne PC !ay ha%e kno-n or -orked
-ith another years (rior< others !ay be in lo%e -ith or bear a
grudge against one o. their co!rades > let the (layers thro-
out their o-n ideas and suggestions and run -ith -hat -orks.
$s -ith all things< !oderation is the key here. 2ot e%ery PC
needs to be connected to another (layerDs character< though a
good degree o. interconnection lea%es the door o(en .or !any
di..erent kinds o. role(laying.
$t this (oint< (layers can also discuss using the Traits listed
in $((endi' I4. In *odger?s grou(< 0intDs (layer !ay ha%e
decided that the chir(y Dancer is in .act a dedicated > i.
thoroughly inco!(etent > I!(erial s(y tasked -ith kee(ing tabs
on her co!(anionsD acti%ities@ i. so< *odger can use this
(articular tidbit o. background to -ea%e at least one ad%enture<
i. not an entire sub=(lot.
During the character creation (rocess< so!e (layers !ay ha%e
s(ecial re7uire!ents or re7uests > you !ay .ind yoursel.
dealing -ith PCs built using o(tional rules< s(ecialiEed in
uno..icial Jobs< or e7ui((ed -ith Skills o. the (layer?s o-n
de%ising. $s a /0< it is i!(ortant to resist the te!(tation to
gloss o%er these issues. Double=checking !aterial like this .or
balance ahead o. ti!e > and being able to say NnoD to anything
grossly unbalanced > can sa%e a great deal o. trouble .urther
do-n the line.
Telling the Story
6ith the basics in (lace< the ne't ste( is to look at the story the
ca!(aign tells. Aike all narrati%es< the success o. a ca!(aign on
a storytelling le%el de(ends on (lanning< structure< .oresight<
and kno-ing -hat to do -ith the (artici(ants. In so!e res(ects<
de%elo(ing a ca!(aign is no di..erent than -riting a no%el@ in
others< itDs a i!(ro%isational .ree=.or=all being tugged in hal. a
doEen directions at once. ;no-ing -hich techni7ues to a((ly to
each situation can -ell !ake the di..erence bet-een success
and .ailure.
0ost ad%entures ha%e their o-n (lot and .ollo- a rough
narrati%e arc .ro! the ti!e the (layers are gi%en their obCecti%e
to the .inal battle or challenge se(arating the! .ro! success.
6hat !akes a ca!(aign di..erent .ro! a disconnected series o.
ad%entures is the .act that another< larger (lot can be laid on
to( o. these indi%idual ?stories? to create a !uch grander
e'(erience. This second (lot is best described a !eta(lot > a
story !ore s-ee(ing than the su! o. its (arts. The ty(ical 9inal
9antasy ga!e is a (er.ect e'a!(le o. this< .illed -ith side
7uests< di%ersions< and indi%idual (lot threads that achie%e
coherence through the ?big? storyline that o%ershado-s and
dri%es the (layer?s actions.
Creating a !eta(lot in a tableto( setting re7uires the /0 to
create an ulti!ate outco!e to the PCsD ad%entures and then
decide ho- the (layers -ill get there. The o. an e%il
e!(ire !ight be achie%ed by leading the (arty along the (ath to
destroy the e!(ireDs (o-er base one city at a ti!e@ the
re%ealing o. an e'tra=di!ensional !enace su!!oned by a
craEed Sage by getting the (layers in%ol%ed in the SageDs
search .or an ancient gri!oire@ the disco%ery o. a re%olutionary
ancient energy source ca(able o. dri%ing the -orld into the ne't
stage o. technological de%elo(!ent by ha%ing the grou( battle
ri%al .orces .or control o. a thousand=year=old city at the edge
o. the -orld.
The e%ents that -ill e%entually result in the cli!a' are then
s(aced out o%er the course o. the ca!(aign< allo-ing .or a
satis.ying conclusion -hile gi%ing the /0 an o((ortunity to
e'(and on the s!aller details > ho- did the e!(ire !anage to
con7uer the -orldG 6ho is the Sage< and -hat dro%e hi! !adG
6here are the ruins located< and -hat is needed to .ind the
The i!(ortant thing to re!e!ber is to a%oid hitting the
(layers -ith too !uch too soon. 0eta(lots are de%elo(ed o%er
ti!e< and !ay not enter (lay until relati%ely late in the ga!e<
allo-ing the le%el o. !enace to scale -ith the (layers. $t Ae%el
1< they -ill be .ighting on a local le%el< (rotecting s!all %illages
.ro! e%il .orces and battling against rank=and=.ile soldiers and
-eak !onsters@ at Ae%el )1< they deter!ine the .ate o. entire
nations< i. not the -orld itsel..
$lso< -hile the !eta=(lot deter!ines the ga!eDs ending and
key sections o. the narrati%e< it doesnDt ha%e to a..ect e%ery
as(ect o. the ga!e. I. the (artyDs ulti!ate destiny is to battle
Dark Aord and his !inion< the Shado- ;night< there -ill still be
ti!es during the ca!(aign -hen the (layers dabble in s!all=
to-n (olitics< rescue a sickly grand!otherDs cat .ro! Death
Ca%e< shore u( a .lagging !erchant co!(any< or beco!e
in%ol%ed in an underground Chocobo racing syndicate. I.
anything< this %ariety is key to !aking the !eta=(lot -ork@
other-ise< ha%ing to deal -ith the Dark Aord and his hench!an
in to-n a.ter to-n 7uickly gets tireso!e.
$d%entures can also be interconnected -ithout being related
to the !eta(lot. The s!aller (lot NthreadsD created by
interlinked ad%entures can be re.erred to as arc (lots. 9or
instance< the cat rescue !ay cli!a' in the re%elation that
/rannyDs little kitty is actually a .erocious .eline de!on
su!!oned by a !ysterious sorcerer@ the Chocobo racing
syndicate could be run by a larger cri!inal organiEation that
the (layers e%entually !ust e'(ose and bring crashing do-n. In
both cases< the ?conclusion? lea%es (lenty o. roo! .or .urther
e'(loration and action. I. necessary< you can e%en use the end
o. the arc (lot to (ush (layers back into the !ain !eta(lot > in
the abo%e e'a!(le< the cat de!on?s !aster could easily turn
out to be a sorcerer in the Dark Aord?s e!(loy.
Console *P/s > and 9inal 9antasy ga!es in (articular > tend
to stick to a .e- tried=and=true (lots in their narrati%es< !i'ing
and !atching ele!ents as needed. /0s can .ro! this by
using the genre?s cliches and con%entions as a starting (oint
.or their o-n stories. ,elo- are a nu!ber o. ?stock (lots? used
by 9inal 9antasy titles in the (ast > use the ones that strike
your .ancy< and your !eta(lot is one ste( closer to being done.
The 0egalo!aniac. $ll things told< the -orld -as doing -ell
until no- > things -ere stable< relations bet-een (o-ers -ere
cordial. Then a ne- .igure rose to (ro!inence< bringing along
!inions< resources< and a desire to to((le the status 7uo.
Perha(s they ha%e their o-n agenda@ (erha(s they are nothing
!ore than (a-ns in so!ebody elseDs (lan.
The 0ystery. Strange things are ha((ening. 2atural order
see!s out o. balance. So!ething > or so!eone > is seeking to
change the -orld< and it !ay not be .or the better. :nless the
-arnings are heeded and the !ystery is unra%eled in ti!e< the
conse7uences could be dire indeed.
The *esistance. &%il has already -on< and holds the -orld in
its s-ay. 0ost ha%e already acce(ted subCugation< sa%e .or the
.e- and (roud -ho re.use to buckle under and -ill .ight to end
the tyranny at any (rice. Can Custice (re%ail -hen e%ery odd
.a%ors the ene!yG
The 6ar Story. Con.licts bet-een nations !ake .or strange
bed.ello-s > and des(eration .or dalliances -ith (o-ers and
-ea(ons best not tri.led -ith. +o- .ar -ill a leader go to -in a
-arG +o- !uch are they -illing to to get their -ayG
$nd on -hat side -ill the (layers stand on -hen the .irst shots
are .iredG
The $ncient &%il. In a distant land< so!ething ancient
slu!bers. I. a-akened< it could %ery -ell tear the -orld a(art >
and no- there are .orces seeking its re%i%al at any cost. Can
they be sto((ed be.ore disaster strikesG
The Cons(iracy. +o- do you .ight an ene!y you ne%er seeG In
a -orld in tur!oil< deceit lurks around e%ery corner and .e-
things are as they see!. $t the center o. it all lies a cons(iracy
o. incredible siEe< controlling the ebb and .lo- o. e%ents and
trying its best to !ake sure nobody e%er (uts together enough
(ieces to learn the truth > -hate%er it !ay be.
The Perils o. Science. The !arch o. scienti.ic (rogress has
brought !any -onder.ul things to the -orld< but there?s a dark
side as -ellK deadly -ea(ons< strange e'(eri!ents< (er%ersions
o. li.e and nature itsel.. 6hen bad science gets out o. the lab<
-ho -ill ha%e the strength to (ut a sto( to itG
2o- -e are ready to look at the ?o(ening scene? > that .irst
session -here your (layers enter the -orld and begin their
ad%enture. &%er since 9inal 9antasy II o(ened -ith a
des(erate battle< !ost 9inal 9antasy ga!es ha%e started in the
thick o. the action > good e'a!(les o. this include the raid on
0ysidia in 9inal 9antasy I4< $4$A$2C+&?s atte!(t to sabotage
the Sector 1 *eactor in 9inal 9antasy 4II < the kidna((ing
(lanning session in 9inal 9antasy IJ < SinDs attack on
Banarkand in 9inal 9antasy J< and the in.iltration o. 2albina
9ortress in 9inal 9antasy JII . In storytelling ter!s< this
narrati%e de%ice is called in !edia res > ?into the !iddle o.
,eginning the ca!(aign on a dra!atic< s(lashy note like this
is a good -ay to get the (layersD attention > and al!ost
instantly cuts through the tedious se7uence o. Vso you all !eet
in a barYW=style introductions usually needed to get
characters u( to s(eed -ith each other. The big ad%antage o.
setting u( character relationshi(s and co!!on causes during
the ca!(aign creation (hase is that there is no need to s(end
ti!e e'(laining these -hen the ga!e kicks o.. in (ro(er > the
characters already kno- -here they stand in relation to each
other and -hy they .ight together. 6ith this burden re!o%ed< all
thatDs le.t .or the /0 to do is co!e u( -ith a big< s(ectacular
action scene or battle to kick things o... I. the (layers -ant to
s(end ti!e getting to kno- each other< they can do it a.ter the
rubble has settled.
8nly under the rarest o. circu!stances does a 9inal 9antasy
ga!e begin -ith e%ery character already in the (arty. In !ost
cases< the (arty is asse!bled gradually o%er the course o. !any
hours and e%ents as the (rotagonists slo-ly dri.t together
through a co!bination o. .ate and (ur(ose. This de%ice gi%es
/0s a .air bit o. lee-ay in enlarging the (arty as needed<
allo-ing the! to start -ith as .e- as one or t-o (layers and
gradually building u( to a .ull grou( o. si' or eight. The
challenge lies in !aking sure that ne- additions are ke(t u( to
s(eed on ca!(aign e%ents (rior to entering the ga!e and that
their entrances are handled -ith a !odicu! o. grace.
Ideally< ne- arri%als should be (lanned .or at least one
session in ad%ance. This allo-s the session (rior to ne-
character?s debut to acco!!odate an ending that sets u( the
characterDs arri%al. In the ne't session< the (layer then o..icially
Coins the grou(< and the ad%enture !o%es on -ithout a break
in the action.
6ith your ca!(aign (lot established and the (arty asse!bled
and in the ga!e< so!ething > an e%ent< an ite!< a character >
!ust dra- your (layers into that !eta(lot. This so!ething is
the catalyst. $s long as it is strong enough to hook the (layers<
it isn?t necessary .or the catalyst to be directly related to the
!eta(lot@ the ga!es the!sel%es ha%e taken both routes o%er
the years< to %arying e..ect. So!e e'a!(les o. catalysts -ith a
direct bearing on the (lot include the !eteorite strikes in 9inal
9antasy 4< Sin?s attack in 9inal 9antasy J< or the kidna((ing
in 9inal 9antasy IJ > each o. these introduces characters and
e%ents that re!ain rele%ant later in the ga!e. ,y contrast< the
catalyst o. the original 9inal 9antasy > the kidna((ing o.
Princess Sara > is !erely an e'cuse to bring the (layers into
contact -ith the .allen knight /arland. 8nce the (layers ha%e
con.ronted /arland and .ree the (rincess< she disa((ears .ro!
the story. In narrati%e ter!s< her kidna((ing is -hat the great
director $ +itchcock called a ?0ac/ > the actual e%ent
is irrele%ant to the (lot< as its !ain i!(ortance lies in
introducing the (layer to the ga!e?s antagonist and
o%erarching threat to the -orld.
6hen (lanning a ca!(aign< the catalyst should be an integral
(art o. the (rocess. $sk yoursel.K 6hat .or! -ill the catalyst
takeG $t -hat (oint do you introduce itG +o- -ill the (layers be
e'(osed to itG Is it strong enough .or the (layers res(ond to itG
It?s the last (oint that?s the arguably the !ost i!(ortant > the
last thing you -ant is your grou( -altEing (ast the catalyst and
ignoring the (lot you?%e s(ent -eeks de%elo(ing.
The best -ay to !ake the catalyst -ork is to entice the
(layers -ith so!ething that -ill directly interest or the!.
Tangible re-ards are the easiest -ay to get attention > the
classic e'a!(le in .antasy role=(laying ga!es is the bartender
-ho accosts the (arty< telling the! that he kno-s o. a (lace
-here hidden treasure can be .ound. The second=easiest is the
?background hook<? -here the catalyst is based directly on a
character?s background > say< a .a!ily !e!ber begging .or
hel( or an old ne!esis eager to e%en the score. In this case< the
(arty > or (layer > .ollo-s because they ha%e a chance to take
center stage in the e%ents that .ollo-. 8. course< there are other
(ossibilities< and kno-ing -hat !oti%ates your (layers -ill take
a lot o. the guess-ork out o. this ste(.
$n i!(ortant (art o. !aking a !eta(lot -ork is .iguring out ho-
e'actly to deli%er it to the (layers. +o- !uch should they kno-
about the o%erarching (lot .ro! the outsetG +o- !uch -ill they
stu!ble u(on as ti!e (assesG 0any 9inal 9antasy ga!es
de%ote their (lots to the gradual unra%eling o. !ysteries as the
characters .ind out ho- the -orld really -orks > and -ho (ulls
the strings. 9or this reason< a lot o. -eight hinges on that initial
Nre%ealD -hen the characters realiEe theyDre (art o. so!ething
bigger than they e%er could ha%e drea!ed o.. $s characters
(rogress .ro! Ae%el to Ae%el< their kno-ledge and
understanding increases@ they beco!e (ri%y to dark (lots and
hidden secrets< and !ay .ind things they once held true are .ar
.ro! it.
9or the sake o. con%enience< itDs easiest to en%ision the
%arious Nre%ealsD as (eeling back the layers o. the onion until
you reach the center > at this (oint< the PCs kno- the -hole
truth and are ready to act on it. 5ou can use this analogy to
de%elo( your re%eals by assigning one !aCor re%elation to each
layer o. NskinD@ once one layer is re!o%ed< the ne't co!es to
In the (lay e'a!(les gi%en throughout the book< *odgerDs
grou( is .ighting to accu!ulate the !aterials to re(air the
airshi( &'celsior to allo- it to be used against the %ile
Deathsight. $t this (oint< they ha%e already been del%ing into
the !eta(lot .or so!e ti!e< and ha%e (eeled back se%eral layers
in the (rocess. The .irst ?layer? o. the !eta(lot sees the (layers
reaching the 6ind ;ingdo! o. Cassia< only to disco%er that
there are double agents sche!ing to under!ine the !onarchy.
The second ?layer? occurs once the (layers .ind that the ;ing?s
senior!ost Dragoon< assigned to assist the (layers -ith their
in%estigation< is actually the (lot?s ringleader.
The third layer re%eals that he hi!sel. is taking his orders
.ro! another > a shado-y .igure see!ingly bent on sub%erting
the -orld?s nations by re(lacing their nobility -ith (u((ets
under his control. The .ourth layer re%eals the !aster!ind?s
identity as Deathsight< and lays out his (lan to the (layers >
using relics di%ided bet-een the !e!bers o. the -orld?s noble
.a!ilies< he intends to re%i%e the 8!ega Series< t-el%e (o-er.ul
ancient !echanoids. In ti!e< the grou( -ill reach the ?core<?
disco%ering Deathsight?s ulti!ate intentions .or the 8!ega
Series. :ntil then< ho-e%er< !any !ore ad%entures re!ain...
Continuity > the idea that changes in one session carry o%er
into the ne't< a..ecting e%erything else do-n the line > is crucial
in di..erentiating a ca!(aign .ro! a si!(le series o. one=o..
ad%entures. ,ut continuity !eans !ore than Cust !aking sure
the *ed ;ee( stays destroyed a.ter the (arty nearly !et their
deaths shutting do-n that +ell.ire *eactor. It also !eans
re%isiting characters< locations< and (lot threads on a
consistent basis< es(ecially i. they are i!(ortant to the (arty.
6hile !ost ca!(aigns go through a steady su((ly o. one=o..
2PCs< key allies and ene!ies shouldnDt Cust (o( u( .or one
session and then disa((ear inde.initely. Si!ilarly< any i!(ortant
(lot issues raised in one session should continue to be
de%elo(ed and addressed until they are resol%ed.
*unning a (lot=intensi%e ca!(aign also !eans kee(ing your
.acts straight. The best -ay to do this is to get into the habit o.
kee(ing a running track o. location and character na!es< o.
e%ents and key setting details. &'(ecting your (layers to take
the story and -orld seriously !eans (utting the sa!e e..ort into
it that you -ould e'(ect .ro! the rest o. the grou(.
0ost tableto( role(laying ga!es treat the grou( as a single
entity. 9inal 9antasy ga!es< ho-e%er< .re7uently (ull the .ocus
onto a single character .or (ortions o. the narrati%e< shi.ting the
s(otlight .ro! the grou( to the indi%idual. These Ncharacter
!o!entsD are an integral (art o. the 9inal 9antasy e'(erience<
and /0s a -ay o. bringing characters and story closer
together -ithout shutting any one (layer out.
$ character !o!ent is essentially a re%ol%ing li!elight that
!o%es .ro! character to character o%er the course o. se%eral
sessions. Character !o!ents -ill tend to take u( (art o. or the
bulk o. a session< and take the .or! o. e%ents< (lot t-ists< and
side=7uests directly in%ol%ing one or t-o related characters.
8((onents< locations< and co!(lications .or these should be
dra-n directly .ro! the characterDs background or Traits< and their (layer a chance to .le' their role(laying !uscle and
.urther de.ine -ho they are (laying.
The !ain trick to (ulling this o.. is to restrict character
!o!ents to a single session at !ost be.ore !o%ing on to the
ne't (erson< ensuring e%ery character has his or her o-n day in
the sun. 9ocus too !uch on a single (layer?s e'(loits and you
alienate the rest o. the grou(< no !atter ho- .ascinating their
character?s backstory !ay be. 8n the other hand< ha%ing the
s(otlight rotate on a regular basis can create (ositi%e
antici(ation as (layers kno- that it?s only a !atter o. ti!e
be.ore they get a chance to ste( in that li!elight again.
$n entertaining and re-arding ca!(aign re7uires good
(er.or!ances .ro! the (layers to -ork. This !ay be easier i.
the /0 takes an acti%e interest in re-arding good role(laying in
the grou(. 6hile each /0 -ill ha%e their o-n ideas o. -hat
!akes a (er.or!ance NgoodD enough to !erit a re-ard< it is
(ossible to establish so!e basic criteria by -hich to Cudge your
(layersD (er.or!ances. 9actors to consider includeK
CharacteriEation CharacteriEation begins -ith establishing
an actual characterK a thought=out backstory and rounded
(ersonality< su((orted by an a((ro(riate choice o. $d%antages<
Disad%antages< Skills< and Traits. It should be noted that a
character doesn?t necessarily ha%e to be dee(ly .la-ed or
riddled -ith (sychological trau!a to be interesting. &%en stock
characters can be distinguished by s!all< subtle 7uirks > an
irrational .ear o. insects< a collection o. old -ar inCuries< or an
encyclo(edic kno-ledge o. ancient languages.
The true challenge lies in bringing these ideas to li.e in a
con%incing !anner. In !any -ays< 7uality role(laying is nothing
so !uch as the (rocess o. turning that conce(t .ro! NtellingD
into Nsho-ing.? The easiest -ay to assess a (layerDs
(er.or!ance is to co!(are -hatDs on the character sheet to
ho- that character acts during the course o. each session. $
sel.=described gallant knight in ar!or -hose only de%otion is to
the code o. chi%alry shouldnDt be indulging in (etty the.t or
bullying bla!eless (easants into surrendering in.or!ation.
-hile educated scholars -ith a Aanguage\ rating in the high
"0s -ould be e'(ected to talk > and act > the (art.
$ /0 should also be !ind.ul o. e'cessi%e !etaga!ing.
N,reaking characterD is not Cust li!ited to (ersonality and
background< but also a((lies to using out=o.=ga!e kno-ledge
and re(eated %iolations o. the .ourth -all.
Character de%elo(!ent. $t the sa!e ti!e< no character
should re!ain co!(letely static. $ttitudes and (ersonalities that
change con%incingly o%er ti!e are as !uch (art o. the
role(laying e'(erience as establishing the! in the .irst (lace. $
Thie. -ho robbed rich and (oor -ithout 7ual!s !ay realiEe
thereDs !ore to li.e than Cust lining your o-n (ockets. $ once=
(roud Paladin !ay .ind his de%otion -a%ering< gradually
beco!ing consu!ed by sel.=doubt. The taciturn 9ighter -hose
heart closed o.. the day his lo%er died !ay yet let do-n his
barriers again. The (ossibilities are nigh=on endless.
Interaction -ith other characters. 2o grou( e'ists in a
%acuu!@ (art o. the role(laying e'(erience !eans characters
interacting -ith one another< building u( strong relationshi(s
-ith both PCs and 2PCs > ro!ances< .riendshi(s< .euds< and
e%erything in bet-een. Take note o. -here (layers -ork acti%ely
to create che!istry bet-een characters@ this goes doubly .or
ro!antic relationshi(s< -hich re7uire a great deal o. courage
and co!!it!ent .ro! all (arties in%ol%ed. Players -illing to take
the (lunge and act these out in=ga!e should de.initely be
eligible .or /0 recognition.
0e!orable lines. 6here -ould the 9inal 9antasy ga!es be
-ithout their dialogueG Se%eral o. the seriesD !ore !e!orable
bon !ots are s(rinkled throughout this rulebook< but there are
!any others< ranging .ro! the outright banal to the strangely
(ro.ound. 6ith this in !ind< re-ard those (layers -hose
characters can crack ins(ired one=liners or deli%er !e!orable
s(eeches o.. the cu.. to encourage others to do the sa!e.
7eath and Sa2rifi2e
$s a narrati%e ele!ent< death can be great > a.ter all< nothing
underlines the threat a %illain (oses 7uite like an entire %illage
-i(ed o.. the !a( in a single !agical cataclys!. ,ut -hen
death strikes the (arty< the .un 7uickly e%a(orates.
In 9inal 9antasy ga!es< (rotagonists tend to be al!ost
in%incible< underlined by the .act that only t-o !ain characters
ha%e died o%er the course o. the .irst t-el%e ga!es. 9ro! a
storytelling (ers(ecti%e< this !akes good sense > a.ter all< itDs
hard to kee( a coherent narrati%e going i. your heroes die an
hour into the (lot. ,ut /0s cannot control e%erything their
(layers do< and -hen the rolls go bad or your 9ighter suddenly
gets it into his head to charge the I!(erial $r!y single=
handedly< you !ay .ind yoursel. -ith a casualty on your hands.
9ortunately< there are se%eral -ays .or you to -ork -ith this.
$s /0< you ha%e the (o-er to (re%ent any death that !ight
disru(t your stories > other-ise !urderous rolls can be
ignored< bad Cudg!ent countered< certain=death e'(eriences
can beco!e near=.atal ones instead. In ga!ing ter!s< this is
kno-n as .udging. 9udging can be a good -ay to (re%ent
?chea(? deaths< but carries its o-n risks@ use it too o.ten< and
you end u( taking the sting out o. dangerous situations<
es(ecially i. (layers beco!e a-are that you?re going out o. your
-ay to (re%ent .atalities. 8nce they realiEe that they?re -orking
-ith a /0=i!(osed ?sa.ety net<? they !ay take your challenges
less seriously > or deliberately take ludicrous risks to see ho-
.ar you?ll go to sa%e their hides.
,ecause there are e'tensi%e rules .or generating e'(erienced
PCs in Cha(ter #< co!ing u( -ith an e7ui%alently (o-er.ul
re(lace!ent .or a .allen hero isnDt i!(ossible< though it !ay be
necessary to t-eak /il< $rti.acts< and Aegendary e7ui(!ent to
bring hi! or her u( to an e7ual .ooting -ith the rest o. the
The bigger (roble! is -hat to do the -eb o. relationshi(s and
contacts the characterDs (redecessor brought to the table<
es(ecially i. they -ere hea%ily in%ol%ed -ith the !eta(lot. The
chea( and easy -ay out is to connect the characterDs
re(lace!ent to the original PC in so!e -ay. Perha(s sheDs a
.a!ily !e!ber out to a%enge the death o. her sibling or .ather@
(erha(s sheDs a .or!er arch=ne!esis -ho .eels robbed by the
.act that she -asnDt the one to kill hi!< and has decided to Coin
the PCs to !ake his killer (ay .or that slight. &ither -ay< this
leads to a situation -here !any o. the (lot threads and
contacts can be (icked u( -ith only !ini!al adCust!ent.
The alternati%e is to si!(ly ride -ith it and let those
relationshi(s be se%ered. ,eyond lending the ca!(aign a bit o.
dra!atic (unch< a death in the (arty also o(ens the door .or
e'tensi%e character de%elo(!ent as the sur%i%ors co(e and
!o%e on. 0oreo%er< death doesn?t need to be the end .or a
character > in a 9inal 9antasy ga!e< it?s not unheard o. .or the
s(irit o. a .allen hero to (o( u( at (i%otal !o!ents to
encourage .or!er co!rades or -ords o. -isdo!.
6hile !ost PC deaths are un(lanned< (layers !ay occasionally
-ant to their characters .or the good o. the (arty. This
sort o. dra!atic herois! is in the best traditions o. 9inal
9antasy herois!< and should be re-arded in kind. 9or the
duration o. their .inal Scene or battle< ?sacri.ices? enCoy in.inite
+it and 0agic Points< and ignore any detri!ental Status
Conditions that -ould nor!ally a..ect the!. 8nce that ti!e
(eriod is o%er< ho-e%er< they are dead. This death is .inal< and
!ay not be re%ersed through the use o. S(ells< Ite!s or ;ey
In rarer cases< characters !ay also their li%es in an
atte!(t to return another character to li.e. It should be noted
that Nacting as a substituteD has a signi.icant ground in
Ja(anese .olklore< but rarely has any success in 9inal 9antasy
ga!es. 6hether such atte!(ts succeed or not is ulti!ately u(
to the /0.
Cam8aigning Pitfalls
&%ery /0 can !ake !istakes< but so!e can easily kill a
ca!(aign o.. in a !atter o. sessions i. not re!edied. This
section e'a!ines so!e o. the !ost co!!on (roble!s and
errors associated -ith ca!(aign (lay< and ho- to circu!%ent
TheyDre stylish. TheyDre skilled. TheyDre charis!atic. They lea%e
ene!ies broken at their .eet and ad!irers standing in line
e%ery-here they go. TheyDre the toast o. royalty and the
scourge o. e%il. $nd theyDre not the (layers.
$ N(et characterD can be de.ined as any ally that steals the
s(otlight .ro! the (arty< taking center stage in role(laying<
co!bat< or storyline. Ae.t unchecked< they turn the (layers into
glori.ied cats(a-s< good only .or holding the (etDs coat .or hi!
-hile he goes bare=knuckle bo'ing -ith Dark Aord or laughing
obligingly at his -itty hu!or. This is outright (oison to a
ca!(aign< and -ill turn your grou( against you in record ti!e.
This doesn?t !ean that the (layers can?t ha%e (o-er.ul allies
> indeed< the narrati%e !ay de!and it in (laces > but they
should be there to su((ort the (arty< not %ice %ersa. $%oid
!aking the! a crucial (art o. the (lot and li!it their
a((earances@ i. the (layers need the aid o. an all=(o-er.ul 2PC
to o%erco!e the !onsters and challenges thro-n at the! on a
regular basis< you !ay need to rethink your challenge le%el< not
ste( u( the le%el o. su((ort you gi%e the!.
N*ailroadingD occurs -hen the (arty?s o(tions are deliberately
restricted by the /0< usually to ensure that the (lot (roceeds
as the /0 has (lanned it. +o- this is -orks %aries .ro! one
ga!e to another< but it ulti!ately boils do-n to the /0 striking
do-n alternate (aths -ith an elaborate %ariation o. V5ou canDt
do that.W The second the (lot de!ands that the (arty e'(lore
the nearby ca%e< the !ain bridge out o. to-n suddenly
colla(ses< the road-ays are (o(ulated by high=Ae%el 2otorious
0onsters< and the to-ns.olk canDt sto( talking about the 0$*S+
C$4& to the 28*T+. The result is a ga!e on rails > all the
(layers can do .ollo- the (ath the /0 has set out .or the!.
This is .ine in !oderation > a.ter all< 9inal 9antasy ga!es
are (icturebook e'a!(les o. railroading > but can .rustrate
(layers i. it beco!es too .re7uent or ob%ious. 9or this reason< it
is i!(ortant to kee( your o(tions o(en@ instead o. de%elo(ing
rigid story structure< use the N-eb o. e%entsD !odel set out
earlier in the cha(ter to lay out (otential ca!(aign (aths and
be (re(ared to i!(ro%ise i. needed.
ThereDs a .ine line bet-een kee(ing the (layers on their toes
and destroying the (arty so co!(rehensi%ely that their toes are
about all thatDs le.t a.ter the dust settles. ;ee( current co(ies o.
your (layersD character sheets -hen designing encounters so
you ha%e a reasonable idea o. -hat challenges are suitable .or
their o%erall ability le%el< and (ay attention ho- the grou( deals
-ith the obstacles you (ut in their -ay. I. you notice that they
are ha%ing !ore (roble!s than e'(ected on a regular basis<
donDt dis!iss it as bad (laying and (lo- .or-ard > adCust the
di..iculty do-n to co!(ensate and gi%e the! a chance to get
their bearings. $nd i. the -orst should co!e to (ass and the
entire (arty is -i(ed out as a result o. a badly=designed
encounter< a(ologiEe and re-rite the .ight so the (layers ha%e a
.air shake > other-ise< you !ay be looking .or a ne- grou( the
-eek a.ter.
$t the sa!e ti!e< it?s (er.ectly (ossible to be too generous
-ith the di..iculty le%el< sho-ering the (arty -ith high=le%el
e7ui(!ent .or de.eating crea!(u.. !onsters that cru!(le a.ter
Cust t-o hits. Though so!e !ay enCoy this kind o. ca!(aign< in
general it?s !ore satis.ying .or all in%ol%ed i. they ha%e to s-eat
a little to gain so!ething in=ga!e. *e!e!berK di..iculty
adCust!ents go both -ays. There?s no sha!e in 7uietly raising
a !onster?s +P i. it?s dying .aster than e'(ected< or adding ne-
challenges i. e'isting ones don?t see! to be ta'ing your grou(.
Players select $bilities< Skills< Traits< and s(ecial e7ui(!ent
because they belie%e they -ill get a chance to use the!. $s a
result< the easiest -ay to .rustrate your (layers is to either
ignore their characters? ca(abilities or shut the! do-n entirely.
I. the (arty has in%ested hea%ily in Social Skills< the last thing
you -ant to do is kee( the! on the road or cra-ling through
!onster=in.ested dungeons .or the bulk o. the ca!(aign. I. your
(arty?s resident ,lack 0age signed on -ith the e'(ectation o.
thro-ing so!e lightning bolts around< don?t ha%e !onsters sla(
Silence on hi! at the start o. e%ery battle. I. the grou( is
ca(able o. using a lot o. Status Conditions< try to a%oid gi%ing
their o((onent blanket i!!unity to e%erything the grou( can
thro- at the!. 5our (layers -ant to use their toys > let the!. I.
things get too out o. hand< there are still (lenty o. -ays you can
cut the! do-n to siEe.
&%en the best=run ca!(aigns .ro! attrition. Scheduling
con.licts< loss o. interest< (ersonal (roble!s< or !o%es can all
-hittle do-n your (layer nu!bers. 8%erlooking the need to .ind
re(lace!ents< the de(arture o. any (layer lea%es you -ith a
hole in your cast< story=-ise > and three -ays to deal -ith it.
I. the (layer !ay co!e back at a later date< contri%e a reason
.or the (layerDs character to te!(orarily lea%e the (arty.
Perha(s their kingdo! is in trouble< or theyD%e been called back
by their old gang .or one last heist > -hate%er the situation !ay
be< this a((roach lea%es the door o(en .or an e%entual
co!eback. I. the (layer decides to return to the grou(< you can
arrange .or a sur(rise rea((earance during the ne't session@ i.
not< the character has already been relegated to the
background< !aking their (er!anent de(arture less Carring.
I. the (layer is gone .or good< one o(tion is to bring in
so!eone else to take o%er the character< or turn said character
into an 2PC. This kind o. ?recasting? should only be done -ith
the original (layerDs consent< and !ay yield !i'ed results > .or
better or -orse< characters are al!ost inse(arable .ro! the
(erson (laying hi! or her.
I. the (layer is gone and ha%ing the character continue under
so!ebody else?s direction isn?t .easible< the .inal o(tion is to
si!(ly kill the! o.. in a s(ectacular .ashion. This can you
so!e nice dra!atic (ossibilities< but should be reser%ed .or
(layers -ho de.initely arenDt returning > the last thing the
grou( needs is .or said (layer to sho- u( out o. the blue a .e-
-eeks do-n the line< de!anding to kno- -hat ha((ened to his
6hile Cha(ter 3 tries to a di%erse selection o. races .or
(layers to choose .ro!< /0s !ay .ind the!sel%es in a (osition
-here the NstockD races donDt !eet their ca!(aign?s needs<
es(ecially i. the ca!(aign -orld s(orts an unusual setting or
In situations like these< there are t-o (ossible o(tions. The
.irst is to an e'isting race by changing the na!e and
(articulars but retaining the *acial 0a'i!u!s. $s the 99*P/
races are intended to co%er a broad range o. strength< s(eed<
durability< and !agical a(titude< chances are one o. the! -ill .it
your needs.
The second< but !ore in%ol%ed< alternati%e is to create a ne-
race .ro! scratch using the e'isting lineu( as a !odel .or your
o-n ideas and conce(ts. ,e.ore beginning the (rocess<
ho-e%er< consider the .ollo-ing 7uestionsK
Does the race .ill a nicheG &%ery race should ha%e a (lace
in the ca!(aignDs uni%erse as -ell as a clearly=de.ined role
-ithin the syste!. +u!ans are great e%ery!en< /alka !ake
su(erb -arriors but !ediocre !ages< and Tarutaru are
!agically un(aralleled but (hysically hel(less. Think about
-here your race it .its into this s(ectru! > is it strong and .ast<
but (hysically .ragileG Does it co!bine durability and !agical
(o-er at the e'(ense o. (hysical da!ageG
Is the niche not .illed by an e'isting raceG 8nce you?%e
.igured out the race?s niche< see -here it stands in relation to
the e'isting races. I. that niche o%erla(s -ith one or !ore o. the
races described in Cha(ter 3< it !ay be easier and !ore
sensible to si!(ly the races in 7uestion.
Is the conce(t distincti%e enough to -arrant a race o.
its o-nG Sub=races are a co!!on (heno!enon in classic
.antasy< and e%en seen in later 9inal 9antasy ga!es. The
re(tilian ,angaa -ith their .our sub=grou(s are an e'cellent
e'a!(le o. this (heno!enon. ,ut is it -orth dra.ting se(arate
0a'i!u!s and backgrounds .or all .our -hen one -riteu( -ill
doG Is a uni7ue $ncient race needed -hen the sa!e could end
result be acco!(lished by !aking a +u!an character -ith
s(eci.ic TraitsG I. the ne- race is nothing !ore than a !inor
%ariation on an e'isting race< you should consider using this
NbaseD race instead.
6ill anyone be -illing to use or talk to the race you
!akeG 6hile an ani!ated stu..ed ani!al !ight be interesting
as a conce(t< your (layers !ay balk at bringing that conce(t to
the character stage. Think about the (layer a((eal .irst and
.ore!ost -hen de%elo(ing the race > nothing is -orse than
-asting e..ort on so!ething nobody -ants.
I. the ans-ers to those .our 7uestions are Nyes<D itDs ti!e to
begin racial creation in earnest.
9ro! a !echanical stand(oint< creating a ne- race is relati%ely
easy > the only thing needed a *acial 0a'i!u! .or each o. the
si' $ttributes. 10 is the Na%erageD %alue .or each $ttribute< and
is e7ui%alent to the ca(abilities o. a healthy adult +u!an. :sing
this as a baseline< you can .igure out -hich %alue is a((ro(riate
.or the ne- race in 7uestion. 9or instance< i. a race is slightly
stronger than +u!ans< their *acial 0a'i!u! .or ST* should be
11 or 1#@ i. they are signi.icantly -eaker< ) or 7 -ould be !ore
,ear in !ind that the co!bined *acial 0a'i!u!s .or all
$ttributes !ust e7ual )0< -ith no 0a'i!u! higher than 11 or
lo-er than 1.
8nce the ra- nu!bers are .inaliEed< itDs ti!e to consider -hat
the race looks like. $ little i!agination goes a long -ay here >
a.ter all< the races o. 9inal 9antasy run the ga!ut .ro! the
al!ost=hu!an Aunarians to the brutish< (iglike See7 and 8rcs.
It?s best to stick -ith a generally hu!anoid sha(e< ho-e%er< as
hu!anoids can use all o. the e7ui(!ent< Skills< and $bilities
gi%en in this book -ith no di..iculties or signi.icant lea(s o.
logic. Introducing a race -ith a !ore unusual con.iguration
!eans a nu!ber o. (otential headaches > ho- -ill they hold a
s-ord or (ick a lock i. they -alk on all .oursG I. they ha%e .our
ar!s< ho- do you Custi.y the character only being able to -ield
t-o s-ords at any one ti!eG
$ race?s a%erage height and -eight can say a .air bit about their
(hysiology at a glance. 6hile height can be easy to calculate<
ho-e%er< -eight is so!e-hat trickier. To get a ?realistic?
a%erage -eight .or a hu!anoid race o. !ediu! built< use the
.ollo-ing .or!ulaK
6eight Fin kgH ` ##.1 ' +eight F!etersH ' +eight
The results o. this .or!ula !ay need to be adCusted de(ending
on your conce(t@ a stockier race -ould ha%e notably higher
-eight -here a sli!!er race -ould be lighter.
Society looks at a raceDs ci%iliEation< .ro! social organiEation
and .a!ilial structures to !ilitary and religion. +o- a race
structures itsel. re.lects on its (ersonality< and %ice %ersa@ rigid<
highly organiEed races are likely to be sober and serious -hen
co!(ared to ones -ith laid=back and loose=knit societies.
The best (lace to get ideas .or a racial culture is our o-n
-orld. 0any o. the societies e'(lored in Cha(ter 3 are based
on real=-orld cultures< and ser%e as a good e'a!(le o. -hat
you can do -ith this kind o. a((roach. 8. course< not e%ery race
has to be a sla%ish co(y o. a hu!an counter(art > !i' and
!atch custo!s< belie.s< structures< and ideas as needed to
create so!ething ne- and uni7ue. The i!(ortant thing to -atch
out .or is that the .inal co!bination o. traits still !akes sense >
don?t create a technologically ad%anced society o. scientists and
thinkers< then -rite that their culture is re(ressi%ely
conser%ati%e and o((osed to any and all change.
The ?*ole(laying? section o. a racial -riteu( looks at as(ects
and 7uirks that are likely to ha%e an i!(act on ho- an
ad%enturing character o. that race gets along -ith .ello- (arty
!e!bers and e'istence in general. Personality traits tend to
e!erge naturally .ro! a race?s social structure > !e!bers o.
isolated societies -ill be either highly sus(icious or dee(ly
enthralled by the outside -orld< -hereas -anderers and
no!ads are !ore at ho!e -ith the sights and e'(eriences o.
the 7uesting li.estyle.
$d%enturing characters in (articular !ay deser%e s(ecial
!ention. Those -ho are -illing to lea%e behind the co!.orts o.
ho!e and .a!ily .or the uncertainties o. li.e on the road can do
so either because o. or in s(ite o. their social backgrounds@ i.
anything< re(ressi%e< conser%ati%e societies are Cust as likely to
s(a-n rebels and -anderers as (er!issi%e< o(en=!inded ones.
I. the kind o. characters that -ould nor!ally be .ound in an
99*P/ (arty .ly in the .ace o. social nor!s .or their res(ecti%e
races< e'(lain -hy< and ho- their (ersonalities as a
Though the lists gi%en in Cha(ter ) are !eant to be
co!(rehensi%e< /0s !ay .ind the!sel%es needing hard
nu!bers .or e7ui(!ent ty(es and o(tions that Cust arenDt
co%ered in this book. $s -ith races< the easiest -ay to do this is
to use the nearest co!(arable (iece o. ?o..icial? e7ui(!ent as a
starting (oint and run -ith the nu!bers. $ 3u ,attle 9ork can
treated as roughly e7ui%alent to a Polear!@ a 6ar 9an to a 2inCa
;ni.e. 6ith $r!or< only the na!es change@ -ith 6ea(ons< you
Cust need to adCust the 6ea(on ty(e< the indi%idual na!es< and
the Skill needed to -ield it.
9or /0s interested in creating co!(letely ne- e7ui(!ent<
this section contain the rules needed to -hi( u( an original list
or aug!ent an e'isting one. 2ote that the syste! (resented
here is not the sa!e as the one described in $((endi' I >
these ste(s here are !eant e'clusi%ely .or Nbehind the scenesD
-ork< and (roduce slightly di..erent nu!bers than (layer=
cra.ted ite!s.
Creating Wea8ons
To create a 6ea(on< you !ust decide .our thingsK the 6ea(on?s
da!age die< the $ttribute used in the 6ea(on?s da!age code<
the Skill used to -ield it< and -hether or not the 6ea(on takes
u( the Shield Slot. In general< d1# 6ea(ons take u( both Slots
.or balance reasons > it is better to carry this rule o. thu!b
o%er to any Nho!e!adeD 6ea(ons created -ith this syste!.
The 6ea(onDs da!age die > d)< d< d10< d1# > deter!ines
ho- !uch da!age the -ea(on -ill do as -ell as ho- !uch it
costs. The siEe o. the 6ea(on tends to be re.lected in the
choice o. da!age die > s!aller 6ea(ons like ;ni%es use d)s<
-hile larger -ea(ons like Polear!s use d1#s.
The $ttribute used in da!age calculations are also de.ined by
the 6ea(onDs ty(e. ST* is used .or cutting or slashing 6ea(ons<
as -ell as !issile 6ea(ons that de(end on !uscle (o-er to do
da!age< like ,o-s. $/I is used .or (iercing 6ea(ons -here
de'terity has !ore e..ect than brute .orce< as -ell as ballistic
6ea(ons that do not de(end on strength< like *i.les and
Crossbo-s. 9inally< 0$/ is used .or 6ea(ons that .ocus the
-ielderDs o-n !agical (o-er to do da!age. Choosing an
$ttribute other than ST* -ill reduce the 6ea(on?s $%ailability by
1 and increase its base cost by ' 1.1 on to( o. any other (rice
!odi.iers the 6ea(on is subCect to. *egardless o. -hich
$ttribute is chosen< the 6ea(on continues to deal Physical
da!age unless it is gi%en the 0agical $ttack (ro(erty.
8nce the basic details o. the 6ea(on ha%e been settled on< the
ne't thing to .igure out is -hat Tier the 6ea(on is. 9or co!(lete
e7ui(!ent tables< you -ill -ant to create t-o 6ea(ons .or each
Tier .ro! 1 through 10 > one -ith &7ui(!ent $bilities< one
-ithout. It is also (ossible to create indi%idual 6ea(ons -ithin
those Tiers.
In order to deter!ine the cost o. &7ui(!ent $bilities as -ell as
!ake sure that a 6ea(on?s $bilities re!ain a((ro(riate to its
Tier< adding s(ecial (ro(erties to a 6ea(on is handled -ith a
si!(le syste! based on Slots. &%ery &7ui(!ent $bility takes u(
a certain nu!ber o. Slots on a 6ea(on< and each Tier only has
roo! .or a certain nu!ber o. Slots. I. an &7ui(!ent $bility takes
u( !ore Slots than a 6ea(on o. that Tier can su((ort< it cannot
be added. The e'act breakdo-n o. Slots (er Tier can be seen
Ta%le 1#&4' E8"ipment Slots per Tier
1 2
2 2
3 3
1 3
5 1
Z 5
8 10
To .ind out a ne- 6ea(on?s cost and $%ailability< deter!ine ho-
!any Slots its $bility occu(ies > checking en route -hether the
$bility can actually be su((orted by a 6ea(on o. that Tier > and
check the result against Tables 10= to 10=11.
2ote that the tables belo- only go u( to Tier > as $rti.act
and Aegendary 6ea(ons ha%e no (rice attached to the!<
creating 6ea(ons like these is Cust a !atter o. assigning
a((ro(riate &7ui(!ent $bilities and tracking do-n the
corres(onding da!age code on the tables.
Z' L$ttributeMK Z' Slots
Z10 $CCK Z1 Slot
Z10 D&JK Z# Slots
Z10 &4$K Z1 Slot
Z10 &JPK Z1 Slot
Z10 0. $CCK Z1 Slot
Z10 0. &4$K Z1 Slot
Z10 02DK Z# Slots
Z#0 $CCK Z# Slots
Z#0 D&JK Z3 Slots
Z#0 &4$K Z# Slots
Z#0 &JPK Z# Slots
Z#0 0. $CCK Z# Slots
Z#0 0. &4$K Z# Slots
Z#0 02DK Z3 Slots
Z30 $CCK Z3 Slots
Z30 0.$CCK Z3 Slots
Z30 &JPK Z3 Slots
Z10Q +PK Z1 Slot
Z10Q 0PK Z# Slots
$uto= $gility :(K Z3 Slots
$uto= 9loatK Z1 Slot
$uto= 0agic :(K Z) Slots
$uto= Po-er :(K Z) Slots
$uto= *eraiseK Z1 Slots
$uto= *egenK Z4 Slots
$uto= +asteK Z) Slots
$uto= ProtectK Z3 Slots
$uto= ShellK Z3 Slots
$uto= S(irit :(K Z3 Slots
$uto= *e.lectK Z# Slots
,erserk Proo.K Z# Slots
,erserk StrikeK Z3 Slots
,erserk TouchK Z# Slots
,lind Proo.K Z1 Slot
,lind StrikeK Z# Slots
,lind TouchK Z1 Slots
Char! Proo.K Z4 Slots
Conde!ned Proo.K Z# Slots
Conde!ned StrikeK Z4 Slots
Conde!ned TouchK Z# Slots
Con.usion Proo.K Z3 Slots
Con.usion StrikeK Z3 Slots
Con.usion TouchK Z# Slots
CriticalZK Z# Slots
CriticalZZK Z4 Slots
Curse Proo.K Z3 Slots
Curse StrikeK Z# Slots
Curse TouchK Z1 Slots
Death Proo.K Z4 Slots
Death StrikeK Z) Slots
Death TouchK Z4 Slots
Disable Proo.K Z# Slots
Disable StrikeK Z3 Slots
Disable TouchK Z# Slots
L&le!entM 6ardK Z1 Slot
L&le!entM Proo.K Z# Slots
L&le!entM &aterK Z4 Slots
L&le!entM StrikeK Z1 Slot
L&ne!y Ty(eM ;illerK Z# Slots
L&le!entM &nhancerK Z3 Slots
+eadhunterK Z# Slots
+P DrainK Z3 Slots
I!!obiliEe Proo.K Z1 Slot
I!!obiliEe StrikeK Z# Slot
I!!obiliEe TouchK Z1 Slot
0ini Proo.K Z# Slots
0ini StrikeK Z3 Slots
0ini TouchK Z# Slots
0P Da!ageK Z1 Slot
0P DrainK Z# Slots
Petri.y Proo.K Z# Slots
Petri.y StrikeK Z4 Slots
Petri.y TouchK Z# Slots
PiercingK Z# Slots
Poison Proo.K Z1 Slot
Poison StrikeK Z# Slot
Poison TouchK Z1 Slot
SensorK Z1 Slot
Silence Proo.K Z# Slots
Silence StrikeK Z# Slot
Silence TouchK Z1 Slot
Slee( Proo.K Z1 Slot
Slee( StrikeK Z# Slot
Slee( TouchK Z1 Slot
Slo- Proo.K Z# Slots
Slo- StrikeK Z# Slots
Slo- TouchK Z1 Slot
S8S=$gility :(K Z1 Slot
S8S=$uraK Z3 Slots
S8S=,erserkK Z1 Slots
S8S=&sunaK Z3 Slots
S8S=9loatK Z# Slots
S8S=+asteK Z3 Slots
S8S=0agic :(K Z3 Slots
S8S=Po-er :(K Z3 Slots
S8S=ProtectK Z# Slots
S8S=*e.lectK Z1 Slots
S8S=*egenK Z# Slots
S8S=*eraiseK Z4 Slots
S8S=ShellK Z# Slots
S8S=S(irit :(K Z1 Slot
S8S=4anishK Z3 Slots
Stone Proo.K Z4 Slots
Stone StrikeK Z) Slots
Stone TouchK Z4 Slots
Toad Proo.K Z# Slots
Toad StrikeK Z3 Slots
Toad TouchK Z# Slots
Tri(le CriticalK Z3 Slots
L'M ,reak Proo.K Z# Slots
4eno! Proo.K Z# Slots
4eno! StrikeK Z3 Slots
4eno! TouchK Z# Slots
Bo!bie Proo.K Z# Slots
Bo!bie StrikeK Z3 Slots
Bo!bie TouchK Z# Slots
These o(tions and Slot costs are also used in creating $r!or<
though not e%ery o(tion -ill a((ly in that case.
So!e 6ea(ons ha%e innate (ro(erties that a((ly to all 6ea(ons
o. a gi%en class. These (ro(erties !ay also be gi%en to other
6ea(ons< though this -ill usually change the (rice listed in
Tables 10= to 10=11 by a certain a!ount. $ 6ea(on?s
(ro(erties !ay ne%er reduce its $%ailability by !ore than 3.
&..ectK Characters e7ui((ed -ith this 6ea(on !ay elect to use
s(ecialiEed a!!unition instead o. the basic a!!unition used
by de.ault. $!!unition !ust be (urchased be.orehand< and can
be used to add additional &7ui(!ent $bilities to the 6ea(on
being used to !ake the $ttack@ the 6ea(on itsel. -ill ha%e no
&7ui(!ent $bilities. $!!unition can only be used -ith *anged
6ea(ons. This innate (ro(erty is .ound on ,o-s< Crossbo-s<
and *i.les.
Cost 0odi.ierK ' 1.0 $%ailability 0odi.ierK 0
+ouble Cut
&..ectK 6hen e7ui((ed -ith this 6ea(on< the character !ay use
the T-o 6ea(ons Skill to !ake t-o $ttack $ctions as i. he had
e7ui((ed t-o se(arate 6ea(ons. This innate (ro(erty is .ound
on /lo%es and Cla-s< and !ust be co!bined -ith the T-o=
+anded (ro(erty.
Cost 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 $%ailability 0odi.ierK =1
+ouble "trike
&..ectK $ny $ttack $ction !ade -ith this 6ea(on !ay roll to hit
t-ice< a((lying the better result o. the t-o. This innate (ro(erty
is .ound on S-allo-s
Cost 0odi.ierK ' 1.# $%ailability 0odi.ierK =#
&..ectK $ny $ttack $ction !ade -ith this 6ea(on -ill in.lict the
Status Condition I!!obiliEe F#H on a success.ul Critical +it.
This innate (ro(erty is .ound on 9lails.
Cost 0odi.ierK ' 1.# $%ailability 0odi.ierK =#
.oopin$ "trike
&..ectK $ny $ttack $ction !ade -ith this 6ea(on !ay roll to hit
a second ti!e i. the .irst attack !isses. This innate (ro(erty is
.ound on ,oo!erangs
Cost 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 $%ailability 0odi.ierK =1
Ma$i#al Atta#k
&..ectK Da!age in.licted by this 6ea(onDs attacks is treated as
0agical rather than Physical< and -ill be reduced by 0. $*0
rather than $*0.
Cost 0odi.ierK ' 1.0 $%ailability 0odi.ierK 0
Mana C/annel
&..ectK 6hen calculating da!age in.licted by this 6ea(on< the
-ielder?s ST* or 0$/ score can be used to deter!ine the .inal
da!age. This innate (ro(erty is .ound on Sta%es.
Cost 0odi.ierK ' 1.# $%ailability 0odi.ierK =#
&..ectK 6hen calculating da!age in.licted by this 6ea(on< the
-ielder?s ST* or $/I score can be used to deter!ine the .inal
da!age. This innate (ro(erty is .ound on ;ni%es.
Cost 0odi.ierK ' 1.# $%ailability 0odi.ierK =#
&..ectK The 6ea(onDs attacks are treated as being *anged. This
innate (ro(erty is .ound on ,oo!erangs< ,o-s< Crossbo-s<
Instru!ents< and *i.les.
Cost 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 $%ailability 0odi.ierK =1
&..ectK The 6ea(on takes u( both Shield and 6ea(on Slots.
0ust be taken by all d1# 6ea(ons. This innate (ro(erty is
.ound on $'es< Cla-s< /lo%es< Polear!s< /reats-ords< and
Cost 0odi.ierK ' 1.0 $%ailability 0odi.ierK 0
Ta%le 1#&5' d3 Aeapons
1 0 Z5 9 2 x Allr|oule d
1 1 180 91 2 x Allr|oule d
1 2 300 92 2 x Allr|oule d
2 0 150 90 3 x Allr|oule d
2 1 30 88 3 x Allr|oule d
2 2 810 8 3 x Allr|oule d
3 0 1000 81 5 x Allr|oule 2d
3 1 1250 82 5 x Allr|oule 2d
3 2 1500 80 5 x Allr|oule 2d
3 3 1Z50 Z8 5 x Allr|oule 2d
1 0 2000 Z5 x Allr|oule 2d
1 1 2300 Z3 x Allr|oule 2d
1 2 2500 Z1 x Allr|oule 2d
1 3 2800 9 x Allr|oule 2d
5 0 3100 Z x Allr|oule 3d
5 1 3100 1 Z x Allr|oule 3d
5 2 3800 2 Z x Allr|oule 3d
5 3 1100 0 Z x Allr|oule 3d
5 1 1100 58 Z x Allr|oule 3d
0 1Z00 5 9 x Allr|oule 3d
1 5100 55 9 x Allr|oule 3d
2 5100 51 9 x Allr|oule 3d
3 5800 52 9 x Allr|oule 3d
1 100 50 9 x Allr|oule 3d
Z 0 100 18 10 x Allr|oule 1d
Z 1 800 1Z 10 x Allr|oule 1d
Z 2 Z100 1 10 x Allr|oule 1d
Z 3 Z100 11 10 x Allr|oule 1d
Z 1 Z800 12 10 x Allr|oule 1d
Z 5 8100 10 10 x Allr|oule 1d
8 0 8100 3Z 11 x Allr|oule 1d
8 1 8800 3 11 x Allr|oule 1d
8 2 9100 35 11 x Allr|oule 1d
8 3 9100 31 11 x Allr|oule 1d
8 1 9Z00 33 11 x Allr|oule 1d
8 5 10000 32 11 x Allr|oule 1d
8 10200 31 11 x Allr|oule 1d
8 Z 10500 30 11 x Allr|oule 1d
8 8 10800 28 11 x Allr|oule 1d
8 9 11000 2 11 x Allr|oule 1d
8 10 11300 21 11 x Allr|oule 1d
Ta%le 1#&6' d5 Aeapons
1 0 100 95 2 x Allr|oule d8
1 1 210 93 2 x Allr|oule d8
1 2 100 91 2 x Allr|oule d8
2 0 00 89 3 x Allr|oule d8
2 1 810 8Z 3 x Allr|oule d8
2 2 1080 85 3 x Allr|oule d8
3 0 1350 83 5 x Allr|oule 2d8
3 1 150 81 5 x Allr|oule 2d8
3 2 1950 Z9 5 x Allr|oule 2d8
3 3 2300 ZZ 5 x Allr|oule 2d8
1 0 2Z00 Z1 x Allr|oule 2d8
1 1 3000 Z2 x Allr|oule 2d8
1 2 3100 Z0 x Allr|oule 2d8
1 3 3800 8 x Allr|oule 2d8
5 0 1200 5 8 x Allr|oule 3d8
5 1 100 3 8 x Allr|oule 3d8
5 2 5000 1 8 x Allr|oule 3d8
5 3 5100 59 8 x Allr|oule 3d8
5 1 5900 5Z 8 x Allr|oule 3d8
0 300 55 10 x Allr|oule 3d8
1 800 51 10 x Allr|oule 3d8
2 Z200 53 10 x Allr|oule 3d8
3 ZZ00 51 10 x Allr|oule 3d8
1 8100 19 10 x Allr|oule 3d8
Z 0 800 1Z 11 x Allr|oule 1d8
Z 1 9000 1 11 x Allr|oule 1d8
Z 2 9500 15 11 x Allr|oule 1d8
Z 3 9900 13 11 x Allr|oule 1d8
Z 1 10100 11 11 x Allr|oule 1d8
Z 5 10800 39 11 x Allr|oule 1d8
8 0 11200 3 13 x Allr|oule 1d8
8 1 11Z00 35 13 x Allr|oule 1d8
8 2 12100 31 13 x Allr|oule 1d8
8 3 12500 33 13 x Allr|oule 1d8
8 1 12900 32 13 x Allr|oule 1d8
8 5 13300 31 13 x Allr|oule 1d8
8 1300 30 13 x Allr|oule 1d8
8 Z 11000 29 13 x Allr|oule 1d8
8 8 11300 2Z 13 x Allr|oule 1d8
8 9 1100 25 13 x Allr|oule 1d8
8 10 11900 23 13 x Allr|oule 1d8
Ta%le 1#&1#' d1# Aeapons
1 0 120 91 2 x Allr|oule d10
1 1 290 92 2 x Allr|oule d10
1 2 500 90 2 x Allr|oule d10
2 0 Z50 88 1 x Allr|oule d10
2 1 1050 8 1 x Allr|oule d10
2 2 1350 81 1 x Allr|oule d10
3 0 1Z00 82 x Allr|oule 2d10
3 1 2050 80 x Allr|oule 2d10
3 2 2150 Z8 x Allr|oule 2d10
3 3 2900 Z x Allr|oule 2d10
1 0 3300 Z3 8 x Allr|oule 2d10
1 1 3800 Z1 8 x Allr|oule 2d10
1 2 1200 9 8 x Allr|oule 2d10
1 3 1Z00 Z 8 x Allr|oule 2d10
5 0 5200 1 10 x Allr|oule 3d10
5 1 5Z00 2 10 x Allr|oule 3d10
5 2 300 0 10 x Allr|oule 3d10
5 3 800 58 10 x Allr|oule 3d10
5 1 Z100 5 10 x Allr|oule 3d10
0 Z900 51 11 x Allr|oule 3d10
1 8500 53 11 x Allr|oule 3d10
2 9000 52 11 x Allr|oule 3d10
3 900 50 11 x Allr|oule 3d10
1 10200 18 11 x Allr|oule 3d10
Z 0 10Z00 1 13 x Allr|oule 1d10
Z 1 11300 15 13 x Allr|oule 1d10
Z 2 11900 11 13 x Allr|oule 1d10
Z 3 12100 12 13 x Allr|oule 1d10
Z 1 13000 10 13 x Allr|oule 1d10
Z 5 13500 38 13 x Allr|oule 1d10
8 0 11000 35 15 x Allr|oule 1d10
8 1 1100 31 15 x Allr|oule 1d10
8 2 15100 33 15 x Allr|oule 1d10
8 3 1500 32 15 x Allr|oule 1d10
8 1 1100 31 15 x Allr|oule 1d10
8 5 100 30 15 x Allr|oule 1d10
8 1Z000 29 15 x Allr|oule 1d10
8 Z 1Z500 28 15 x Allr|oule 1d10
8 8 1Z900 2 15 x Allr|oule 1d10
8 9 18300 21 15 x Allr|oule 1d10
8 10 18Z00 22 15 x Allr|oule 1d10
Ta%le 1#&11' d12 Aeapons
1 0 110 93 2 x Allr|oule d12
1 1 350 91 2 x Allr|oule d12
1 2 00 89 2 x Allr|oule d12
2 0 900 8Z 1 x Allr|oule d12
2 1 120 85 1 x Allr|oule d12
2 2 120 83 1 x Allr|oule d12
3 0 2050 81 x Allr|oule 2d12
3 1 2150 Z9 x Allr|oule 2d12
3 2 2950 ZZ x Allr|oule 2d12
3 3 3500 Z5 x Allr|oule 2d12
1 0 1000 Z2 9 x Allr|oule 2d12
1 1 100 Z0 9 x Allr|oule 2d12
1 2 5000 8 9 x Allr|oule 2d12
1 3 500 9 x Allr|oule 2d12
5 0 200 3 11 x Allr|oule 3d12
5 1 800 1 11 x Allr|oule 3d12
5 2 Z00 59 11 x Allr|oule 3d12
5 3 8200 5Z 11 x Allr|oule 3d12
5 1 8800 55 11 x Allr|oule 3d12
0 9500 53 13 x Allr|oule 3d12
1 10100 52 13 x Allr|oule 3d12
2 10800 51 13 x Allr|oule 3d12
3 11500 19 13 x Allr|oule 3d12
1 12200 1Z 13 x Allr|oule 3d12
Z 0 12800 15 15 x Allr|oule 1d12
Z 1 1300 11 15 x Allr|oule 1d12
Z 2 11200 13 15 x Allr|oule 1d12
Z 3 11900 11 15 x Allr|oule 1d12
Z 1 1500 39 15 x Allr|oule 1d12
Z 5 1200 3Z 15 x Allr|oule 1d12
8 0 1800 31 1Z x Allr|oule 1d12
8 1 1Z500 33 1Z x Allr|oule 1d12
8 2 18100 32 1Z x Allr|oule 1d12
8 3 18Z00 31 1Z x Allr|oule 1d12
8 1 19300 30 1Z x Allr|oule 1d12
8 5 19900 29 1Z x Allr|oule 1d12
8 20100 28 1Z x Allr|oule 1d12
8 Z 21000 2Z 1Z x Allr|oule 1d12
8 8 21500 25 1Z x Allr|oule 1d12
8 9 22000 23 1Z x Allr|oule 1d12
8 10 22500 21 1Z x Allr|oule 1d12
Creating !rmor
Creating a (iece o. $r!or .ollo-s the sa!e ste(s as creating 6ea(ons< using the Slots syste! to deter!ine the (rice and $%ailability *ating
o. the .inal ite!. The nu!ber o. Slots consu!ed by &7ui(!ent $bilities re!ain the sa!e as those gi%en .or 6ea(ons earlier. The one key
di..erence is the breakdo-n in categories > rather than deter!ine (ricing and $%ailability by the da!age die< the actual ty(e o. $r!or is
used. This so!e-hat li!its the syste!Ds ability to create entirely ne- kinds o. $r!or< though the e'isting categories are %ague enough to
allo- !ost (ossibilities.
Ta%le 1#&12' Arm@ear
1 0 0 95 1 2 0 0
1 1 115 93 1 2 0 0
1 2 250 91 1 2 0 0
2 0 3Z0 89 3 1 0 0
2 1 520 8Z 3 1 0 0
2 2 Z0 85 3 1 0 0
3 0 850 83 5 0 0
3 1 1050 81 5 0 0
3 2 1250 Z9 5 0 0
3 3 1150 ZZ 5 0 0
1 0 1Z00 Z1 8 8 0 5
1 1 1900 Z2 8 8 0 5
1 2 2100 Z0 8 8 0 5
1 3 2100 8 8 8 0 5
5 0 200 5 11 10 0 5
5 1 2900 3 11 10 0 5
5 2 3200 1 11 10 0 5
5 3 3100 59 11 10 0 5
5 1 3Z00 5Z 11 10 0 5
0 1000 55 13 13 0 5
1 1300 51 13 13 0 5
2 1500 53 13 13 0 5
3 1800 51 13 13 0 5
1 5100 19 13 13 0 5
Z 0 5100 1Z 1 1 5 5
Z 1 5Z00 1 1 1 5 5
Z 2 000 15 1 1 5 5
Z 3 200 13 1 1 5 5
Z 1 500 11 1 1 5 5
Z 5 800 39 1 1 5 5
8 0 Z000 3 19 19 5 10
8 1 Z300 35 19 19 5 10
8 2 Z00 31 19 19 5 10
8 3 Z800 33 19 19 5 10
8 1 8100 32 19 19 5 10
8 5 8300 31 19 19 5 10
8 8500 30 19 19 5 10
8 Z 8800 29 19 19 5 10
8 8 9000 2Z 19 19 5 10
8 9 9200 25 19 19 5 10
8 10 9100 23 19 19 5 10
Ta%le 1#&10' Ga"ntlets
1 0 5 9 2 1 0 0
1 1 10 91 2 1 0 0
1 2 2Z5 92 2 1 0 0
2 0 120 90 5 2 0 0
2 1 580 88 5 2 0 0
2 2 Z50 8 5 2 0 0
3 0 950 81 8 1 0 0
3 1 1150 82 8 1 0 0
3 2 1300 80 8 1 0 0
3 3 100 Z8 8 1 0 0
1 0 1800 Z5 11 5 0
1 1 2100 Z3 11 5 0
1 2 2300 Z1 11 5 0
1 3 200 9 11 5 0
5 0 2900 11 8 5 0
5 1 3200 1 11 8 5 0
5 2 3500 2 11 8 5 0
5 3 3800 0 11 8 5 0
5 1 1100 58 11 8 5 0
0 1300 5 1Z 10 5 0
1 1Z00 55 1Z 10 5 0
2 5000 51 1Z 10 5 0
3 5300 52 1Z 10 5 0
1 500 50 1Z 10 5 0
Z 0 5900 18 20 12 5 5
Z 1 200 1Z 20 12 5 5
Z 2 00 1 20 12 5 5
Z 3 900 11 20 12 5 5
Z 1 Z200 12 20 12 5 5
Z 5 Z500 10 20 12 5 5
8 0 Z800 3Z 23 15 10 5
8 1 8100 3 23 15 10 5
8 2 8100 35 23 15 10 5
8 3 800 31 23 15 10 5
8 1 8900 33 23 15 10 5
8 5 9200 32 23 15 10 5
8 9100 31 23 15 10 5
8 Z 9Z00 30 23 15 10 5
8 8 9900 28 23 15 10 5
8 9 10100 2 23 15 10 5
8 10 10300 21 23 15 10 5
Ta%le 1#&11' ?ats
1 0 80 9 1 3 0 0
1 1 200 91 1 3 0 0
1 2 350 92 1 3 0 0
2 0 530 90 1 0 0
2 1 Z10 88 1 0 0
2 2 950 8 1 0 0
3 0 1200 81 Z 9 0 0
3 1 1100 82 Z 9 0 0
3 2 1Z00 80 Z 9 0 0
3 3 2000 Z8 Z 9 0 0
1 0 2300 Z5 10 13 0 0
1 1 2Z00 Z3 10 13 0 0
1 2 2900 Z1 10 13 0 0
1 3 3300 9 10 13 0 0
5 0 300 13 1Z 0 0
5 1 1000 1 13 1Z 0 0
5 2 1100 2 13 1Z 0 0
5 3 1800 0 13 1Z 0 0
5 1 5100 58 13 1Z 0 0
0 5500 5 1 21 0 0
1 5900 55 1 21 0 0
2 300 51 1 21 0 0
3 Z00 52 1 21 0 0
1 Z100 50 1 21 0 0
Z 0 Z500 18 19 25 0 5
Z 1 Z900 1Z 19 25 0 5
Z 2 8300 1 19 25 0 5
Z 3 8Z00 11 19 25 0 5
Z 1 9100 12 19 25 0 5
Z 5 9500 10 19 25 0 5
8 0 9800 3Z 22 29 0 5
8 1 10200 3 22 29 0 5
8 2 1000 35 22 29 0 5
8 3 10900 31 22 29 0 5
8 1 11300 33 22 29 0 5
8 5 1100 32 22 29 0 5
8 11900 31 23 15 10 5
8 Z 12300 30 23 15 10 5
8 8 12500 28 23 15 10 5
8 9 12800 2 23 15 10 5
8 10 13100 21 23 15 10 5
Ta%le 1#&12' ?elmets
1 0 Z0 95 3 1 0 0
1 1 1Z0 93 3 1 0 0
1 2 300 91 3 1 0 0
2 0 150 89 5 1 0 0
2 1 30 8Z 5 1 0 0
2 2 810 85 5 1 0 0
3 0 1000 83 9 Z 0 0
3 1 1250 81 9 Z 0 0
3 2 1500 Z9 9 Z 0 0
3 3 1Z50 ZZ 9 Z 0 0
1 0 2000 Z1 13 10 0 0
1 1 2300 Z2 13 10 0 0
1 2 2500 Z0 13 10 0 0
1 3 2800 8 13 10 0 0
5 0 3100 5 1Z 13 0 0
5 1 3100 3 1Z 13 0 0
5 2 3800 1 1Z 13 0 0
5 3 1100 59 1Z 13 0 0
5 1 1500 5Z 1Z 13 0 0
0 1800 55 21 1 0 0
1 5100 51 21 1 0 0
2 5100 53 21 1 0 0
3 5800 51 21 1 0 0
1 100 19 21 1 0 0
Z 0 500 1Z 25 19 5 0
Z 1 800 1 25 19 5 0
Z 2 Z200 15 25 19 5 0
Z 3 Z500 13 25 19 5 0
Z 1 Z800 11 25 19 5 0
Z 5 8100 39 25 19 5 0
8 0 8100 3 29 22 5 0
8 1 8800 35 29 22 5 0
8 2 9100 31 29 22 5 0
8 3 9100 33 29 22 5 0
8 1 9Z00 32 29 22 5 0
8 5 10000 31 29 22 5 0
8 10200 30 29 22 5 0
8 Z 10500 29 29 22 5 0
8 8 10Z00 2Z 29 22 5 0
8 9 11000 25 29 22 5 0
8 10 11300 23 29 22 5 0
Ta%le 1#&13' (ail
1 0 110 93 5 3 0 0
1 1 20 91 5 3 0 0
1 2 150 89 5 3 0 0
2 0 80 8Z 11 Z 0 0
2 1 950 85 11 Z 0 0
2 2 1220 83 11 Z 0 0
3 0 1500 81 1 11 0 0
3 1 1800 Z9 1 11 0 0
3 2 2200 ZZ 1 11 0 0
3 3 200 Z5 1 11 0 0
1 0 3000 Z2 21 15 0 0
1 1 3500 Z0 21 15 0 0
1 2 3800 8 21 15 0 0
1 3 1300 21 15 0 0
5 0 1Z00 3 2 19 0 0
5 1 5200 1 2 19 0 0
5 2 5Z00 59 2 19 0 0
5 3 200 5Z 2 19 0 0
5 1 00 55 2 19 0 0
0 Z100 53 32 23 5 0
1 Z00 52 32 23 5 0
2 8100 51 32 23 5 0
3 800 19 32 23 5 0
1 9200 1Z 32 23 5 0
Z 0 900 15 38 2Z 5 0
Z 1 10200 11 38 2Z 5 0
Z 2 10Z00 13 38 2Z 5 0
Z 3 11200 11 38 2Z 5 0
Z 1 11Z00 39 38 2Z 5 0
Z 5 12200 3Z 38 2Z 5 0
8 0 1200 31 11 31 5 5
8 1 13200 33 11 31 5 5
8 2 1300 32 11 31 5 5
8 3 11100 31 11 31 5 5
8 1 11500 30 11 31 5 5
8 5 15000 29 11 31 5 5
8 15300 28 11 31 5 5
8 Z 15800 2Z 11 31 5 5
8 8 1100 25 11 31 5 5
8 9 1500 23 11 31 5 5
8 10 1900 21 11 31 5 5
Ta%le 1#&14' Ro%es
1 0 95 93 3 5 0 0
1 1 230 91 3 5 0 0
1 2 100 89 3 5 0 0
2 0 00 8Z Z 11 0 0
2 1 810 85 Z 11 0 0
2 2 1080 83 Z 11 0 0
3 0 1100 81 11 1 0 0
3 1 150 Z9 11 1 0 0
3 2 1950 ZZ 11 1 0 0
3 3 2300 Z5 11 1 0 0
1 0 200 Z2 15 21 0 0
1 1 3000 Z0 15 21 0 0
1 2 3100 8 15 21 0 0
1 3 3800 15 21 0 0
5 0 1200 3 19 2 0 0
5 1 100 1 19 2 0 0
5 2 5000 59 19 2 0 0
5 3 5100 5Z 19 2 0 0
5 1 5900 55 19 2 0 0
0 300 53 23 32 0 5
1 800 52 23 32 0 5
2 Z200 51 23 32 0 5
3 ZZ00 19 23 32 0 5
1 8100 1Z 23 32 0 5
Z 0 800 15 2Z 38 0 5
Z 1 9000 11 2Z 38 0 5
Z 2 9500 13 2Z 38 0 5
Z 3 9900 11 2Z 38 0 5
Z 1 10100 39 2Z 38 0 5
Z 5 10800 3Z 2Z 38 0 5
8 0 11200 31 31 38 0 5
8 1 11Z00 33 31 11 5 5
8 2 12100 32 31 11 5 5
8 3 12500 31 31 11 5 5
8 1 12900 30 31 11 5 5
8 5 13300 29 31 11 5 5
8 1300 28 31 11 5 5
8 Z 11000 2Z 31 11 5 5
8 8 11300 25 31 11 5 5
8 9 11Z00 23 31 11 5 5
8 10 15100 21 31 11 5 5
Ta%le 1#&15' Sields
1 0 80 91 1 1
1 1 195 92 1 1
1 2 330 90 1 1
2 0 500 88 9 3
2 1 Z00 8 9 3
2 2 900 81 9 3
3 0 1150 82 11 5
3 1 1100 80 11 5
3 2 150 Z8 11 5
3 3 2000 Z 11 5
1 0 2200 Z3 19 Z
1 1 2500 Z1 19 Z
1 2 2800 9 19 Z
1 3 3100 Z 19 Z
5 0 3500 1 21 9
5 1 3800 2 21 9
5 2 1200 0 21 9
5 3 1500 58 21 9
5 1 1900 5 21 9
0 5300 51 29 11
1 500 53 29 11
2 000 52 29 11
3 100 50 29 11
1 Z00 18 29 11
Z 0 Z100 1 31 11
Z 1 Z500 15 31 11
Z 2 Z900 11 31 11
Z 3 8200 12 31 11
Z 1 800 10 31 11
Z 5 8900 38 31 11
8 0 9300 35 39 1
8 1 9Z00 31 39 1
8 2 10000 33 39 1
8 3 10300 32 39 1
8 1 10Z00 31 39 1
8 5 11000 30 39 1
8 11200 29 39 1
8 Z 1100 28 39 1
8 8 11900 2 39 1
8 9 12100 21 39 1
8 10 12300 22 39 1
Ta%le 1#&16' S"its
1 0 100 91 1 1 0 0
1 1 210 92 1 1 0 0
1 2 125 90 1 1 0 0
2 0 10 88 8 8 0 0
2 1 900 8 8 8 0 0
2 2 1150 81 8 8 0 0
3 0 1150 82 13 13 0 0
3 1 1Z50 80 13 13 0 0
3 2 2100 Z8 13 13 0 0
3 3 2150 Z 13 13 0 0
1 0 2800 Z3 18 18 0 0
1 1 3300 Z1 18 18 0 0
1 2 300 9 18 18 0 0
1 3 1000 Z 18 18 0 0
5 0 1500 1 23 23 0 0
5 1 1900 2 23 23 0 0
5 2 5100 0 23 23 0 0
5 3 5800 58 23 23 0 0
5 1 300 5 23 23 0 0
0 Z00 51 28 28 0 0
1 Z200 53 28 28 0 0
2 ZZ00 52 28 28 0 0
3 8200 50 28 28 0 0
1 8Z00 18 28 28 0 0
Z 0 9000 1 33 33 3 3
Z 1 900 15 33 33 3 3
Z 2 10100 11 33 33 3 3
Z 3 1000 12 33 33 3 3
Z 1 11000 10 33 33 3 3
Z 5 11500 38 33 33 3 3
8 0 11900 35 38 38 5 5
8 1 12100 31 38 38 5 5
8 2 12900 33 38 38 5 5
8 3 13300 32 38 38 5 5
8 1 13Z00 31 38 38 5 5
8 5 11100 30 38 38 5 5
8 11500 29 38 38 5 5
8 Z 11900 28 38 38 5 5
8 8 15300 2 38 38 5 5
8 9 1500 21 38 38 5 5
8 10 15900 22 38 38 5 5
Pre%ious cha(ter glossaries reca((ed the !ost i!(ortant
conce(ts introduced in that cha(ter .or 7uick re.erence. $s a
change o. (ace< this glossary also includes a nu!ber o.
co!!on ga!ing ter!s that you !ay encounter in your
sessions. So!e o. these ter!s originated -ith (en=and=(a(er
role(layers< -hile others are a (roduct o. online ga!ing culture
and ha%e .iltered back into the role(layer %ocabulary o%er ti!e.
,u... $ny e..ect that i!(ro%es a characterDs abilities or (o-er<
as -ith Status Conditions like Po-er :(.
,uild. $ (re!editated design or te!(late .or a character<
usually de%elo(ed around a s(eci.ic set o. $d%antages<
$ttributes< and 6ea(on.
Debu... $ny e..ect that reduces a characterDs abilities or
(o-er. The 6eaken Status Conditions are one e'a!(le o. this.
Dot. Deri%ed .ro! the acrony! D8T > NDa!age 8%er Ti!eD.
&..ects such as Poison and Sa( .all into this category.
9udging. Ignoring the result o. a roll and deciding -hat the
outco!e should be< e%en i. it is di..erent .ro! -hat the roll
-ould ha%e nor!ally (roduced. /enerally done by the /0 i. the
roll -ould cause serious (roble!s .or the ga!e at hand< though
so!e -ill use it to ?cheat? the (layers.
/rognard. 2ickna!e .or older< !ore conser%ati%e ga!ers
-ho tend to be dee(ly in%ol%ed in their hobby.
+ouse *ules. T-eaks and changes !ade to a basic *P/
;ey Ite!. Ite! signi.icant to the (lot or ad%enture.
0in=0a'ing. The (ractice o. Cuggling character $ttributes<
Skills and e7ui(!ent .or !a'i!u! e..ecti%eness in co!bat.
0onty +aul. Derisi%e nickna!e .or ad%entures that e'ist
allo- characters to ac7uire increasingly ludicrous le%els o.
!oney and o%er(o-ered e7ui(!ent .or relati%ely little e..ort.
0unchkin. 2ickna!e .or (layers (reoccu(ied -ith .inding
e%er !ore elaborate !eans o. boosting their charactersD (o-er
to obscene le%els. 0unchkins !ay o.ten take ad%antage o.
loo(holes in the rules to do this@ .or this reason< the !ost
e..ecti%e !unchkins -ill also be relentless *ules Aa-yers.
2uke. To deal a large a!ount o. da!age in a single attack.
?2ukers? usually tend to be 0age Jobs.
*ules Aa-yer. 2ickna!e .or (layers -ith an encyclo(edic
kno-ledge o. the rules and habit o. arguing their !inutiae at
e%ery (ossible turn.
S(a!. *e(etiti%e use o. a single attack o%er and o%er.
Tank. Job or character -hose (ri!ary role in a battle is to
.ight on the .rontline and absorb the bulk o. the da!age dealt.
This role is usually .illed by 6arrior Jobs.
TP;. $crony! .or NTotal Party ;illD > a disastrous e%ent in
-hich e%ery PC dies.
6ainscotting. 8%er=describing tri%ial en%iron!ental details
like -all(a(er.
K\X4eb !2B
I !on"t give a rat"s ass hether it"s
s(ien(e or $agi(a# poer. No2 I
guess if I ha! to (hoose2 I"! rather
put $y $oney on the poer of
3i! @ighin!
This $((endi' acts as an e'tension to Cha(ter 1< e'(laining
the uses and utilities o. %arious Technical Skills. +o-e%er< the
bulk o. the !aterial (resented here discusses ho- characters
can !ake thingsK de%ices< -ea(ons< (otions< .urniture< clothing<
and e%erything in bet-een.
Though each kind o. cra.ting has its o-n (eculiarities< all
cra.ted ite!s .ollo- the sa!e .unda!ental set o. rules. These
rules areK
0any kinds o. cra.ting re7uire a certain ti!e in%est!ent >
characters aren?t going to be .orging s-ords and ar!or in a
.i.teen=!inute break. To re.lect this< !aCor (roCects re7uire
(layers to s(end a certain nu!ber o. 6orksho( +ours into
co!(leting the!. $ 6orksho( +our re(resents one hour o.
uninterru(ted -ork in a s(ace that has all the !aterials and
e7ui(!ent needed .or the cra.ter to do his -ork. 9or an artist<
this -ould be an atelier< -hile an alche!ist -ould need a
cauldron and associated glass-ares and !etal-orkers a .orge
or .ully=e7ui((ed s!ithy.
$ -hole day de%oted to nothing but cra.ting -ill net a
character bet-een to 10 6orksho( +ours< de(ending on ho-
long the s(ace takes to set u( and clean u( be.ore and a.ter
-ork. I. the character cannot get access to the s(ace and
e7ui(!ent they need< they -ill recei%e no 6orksho( +ours<
e%en i. they ha%e the .ree ti!e to cra.t. In general< this !eans
that characters can only cra.t in %illages or to-ns< though they
!ay encounter abandoned -orksho(s on their tra%els that can
be con%erted to .it their needs.
6orksho( +ours in a s(ace can be di%ided bet-een se%eral
(roCects i. the (layer chooses. $ !etal-orker !ay< .or instance<
(ut 1 o. the 7 6orksho( +ours they ha%e in a gi%en day to-ards
.orging a S-ord and the re!aining # into !aking a +el!et.
+o-e%er< this is only (ossible i. all (roCects .all under the sa!e
Skill S(ecialiEation > other-ise< the a%ailable 6+s are reduced
according to the a!ount o. ti!e it takes to clean u( one s(ace
and !o%e on to the ne't. De(ending on the circu!stances< a
character -ho -anted to (ut so!e o. his ti!e into !aking a
*obe or +at in addition to the S-ord !ight see the nu!ber o.
a%ailable 6+s !ight dro( .ro! 7 to 1< -ith # 6+s lost to
cleanu(< (re(aration< and transit ti!e.
2ote that characters are not re7uired to (ut in all o. the
6orksho( +ours re7uired to .inish a (roCect in Cust one sitting. It
is (er.ectly .easible to s(lit those +ours o%er ho-e%er !any
sessions the character needs to -ra( u( their -ork. +o-e%er<
each ti!e they begin a ne- session< they !ust (re(are the
s(ace ane-< eating into their a%ailable +ours accordingly.
Players can also reduce the a!ount o. ti!e needed to .inish a
(roCect by gi%ing so!e o. the -ork to a((rentices or
assistants. I. they ha%e the rele%ant Cra.ting\ Skill< assistants
can contribute 6orksho( +ours to-ards the (roCect?s
re7uire!ents as nor!al. +o-e%er< doing so re7uires the! to
!ake a success.ul Task Check be.orehand. In this case< the
Conditional 0odi.ier de(ends on ho- !uch o. the actual
-orkload the assistants are shoulderingK
Conditional M4+3F3!R"
$ssistants contributing less than 10Q o. total 6+K Z)0
$ssistants contributing u( to #1Q o. total 6+K Z40
$ssistants contributing u( to 10Q o. total 6+K 0
$ssistants contributing u( to 71Q o. total 6+K =40
I. the Task Check succeeds< all o. the assistants? 6orksho(
+ours count to-ard the (roCect?s total re7uire!ent. I. the Check
.ails< only 10Q o. those 6orksho( +ours count to-ards the
total. $ ,otch !eans that none o. the assistants? 6orksho(
+ours count to-ards the total. Critical Successes ha%e no
additional e..ect. 2ote that regardless o. the outco!e<
assistants cannot contribute !ore than 71Q o. the total
6orksho( +ours needed to co!(lete a (roCect.
The !aCority o. cra.ting (roCects also re7uire ra- !aterials to
carry out. Cra.t Points track ho- !any resources the (roCect
consu!es > the larger the nu!ber< the !ore resource=intensi%e
the (roCect. I. characters do not ha%e enough ,asic< S(ecial< or
$lche!ical 0aterials in their In%entories to co%er the (roCect?s
needs< they need to obtain the! be.ore they can start -orking.
These ra- !aterials< called VCra.t PointsW< are described in
Cha(ter ).
$n alternati%e to buying< 7uesting< or sca%enging !aterials is to
obtain the! .ro! breaking do-n e'isting ite!s. Dissol%ing
allo-s a character to reduce 6ea(ons and $r!or in their
In%entory to their co!(onents< !aking it (ossible to create
another (iece o. e7ui(!ent -ith the ra- !aterials reclai!ed.
+o-e%er< this can only be atte!(ted once > once the (layer has
o(ted to Dissol%e a (iece o. e7ui(!ent< it -ill auto!atically be
re!o%ed .ro! his or her In%entory.
Dissol%ing re7uires a nu!ber o. 6orksho( +ours e7ual to
10Q o. the total Cra.t Points in the (iece< as -ell as a
success.ul Task Check against the rele%ant Cra.ting\ Skill -ith
the !odi.ier gi%en belo-.
Conditional M4+3F3!R"
Dissol%ing Tier 1 ite!K Z40
Dissol%ing Tier # ite!K Z30
Dissol%ing Tier 3 ite!K Z#0
Dissol%ing Tier 4 ite!K Z10
Dissol%ing Tier 1 ite!K 0
Dissol%ing Tier ) ite!K =10
Dissol%ing Tier 7 ite!K =#0
Dissol%ing Tier ite!K =30
,y de.ault< success.ully dissol%ing a (iece o. e7ui(!ent allo-s
the (layer to add 71Q o. the Cra.t Points s(ent on the basic
(iece o. e7ui(!ent and 10Q o. the Cra.t Points s(ent on its
$bilities to his In%entory. I. the Task Check .ails< only #1Q o.
the Cra.t Points s(ent on the basic (iece o. e7ui(!ent are
reco%ered@ any Cra.t Points used to add $bilities are lost. $
,otch destroys all Cra.t Points contained in the ite!. Critical
Successes ha%e no additional e..ect.
S9ill Test
$l!ost e%ery !aCor .or! o. cra.ting re7uires a success.ul Task
Check to co!(lete. 6hile certain ty(es o. cra.ting bring their
o-n Conditional 0odi.iers to the table< there are certain
conditions -hich -ill a..ect all cra.ting atte!(ts e7ually.
Suggested !odi.iers .or these areK
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
Inade7uate toolsK =#0
Inade7uate -orks(aceK =10
$tte!(ting to .inish in #1Q o. gi%en ti!eK =)0
$tte!(ting to .inish in 10Q o. re7uired ti!eK =40
$tte!(ting to .inish in 110Q o. gi%en ti!eK Z10
$tte!(ting to .inish in #00Q o. gi%en ti!eK Z#0
I. the Task Check is (assed< the ite! is cra.ted -ithout a
(roble!. I. it .ails< so!ething has gone -rong. $t this stage< the
(layer !ust decide -hether to abandon the (roCect or atte!(t
to sal%age it.
Sal%aging a (roCect is treated as a cra.ting (roCect in its o-n
right< -ith the sa!e !odi.iers and ti!e re7uire!ents as the
.ailed (roCect but only 10Q o. the Cra.t Points originally
re7uired. The character !ay continue retrying i. the second
atte!(t .ails< but !ust e'(end ti!e and !aterials .or each
subse7uent atte!(t. $ ,otch destroys the (roCect co!(letely@ i.
the character -ishes to try again< they -ill ha%e to start .ro!
the beginning.
In%entions are 7uirky de%ices custo!=built to .ul.ill a %ery
(articular .unction. &%en i. t-o &ngineers create In%entions .or
the %ery sa!e (ur(ose< chances are that the resulting de%ices
are radically di..erent in .or! and e'ecution. In the 99*P/<
In%entions are e..ecti%ely an $bility Set that &ngineers can
design on the .ly< creating ne- (o-ers as situations de!and.
,ecause In%entions are uni7uely attuned to their creators<
they !ay only be used by the &ngineer -ho originally created
the!. +o-e%er< an &ngineer does ha%e the o(tion o. breaking
do-n another &ngineerDs In%ention into its co!(onent Parts
and reusing these in an In%ention o. his o-n de%ising.
Though e'(erienced &ngineers usually !aintain a -orksho(<
!any In%entions are built and re.ined on the .ly. $s long as an
&ngineer has access to his tools and !aterials relati%ely
uninterru(ted< he can create In%entions -ithout the need to
in%est 6orksho( +ours@ instead< the ne- In%ention -ill be ready
.or use at the beginning o. the .ollo-ing Scene.
Instead o. using ,asic and S(ecial 0aterials< In%entions are
created by (utting together a series o. Parts< each -ith its o-n
distincti%e e..ect. $ basic In%ention has a set o. &..ect Parts >
di%ided into Da!age Parts and Status Parts< de(ending on
-hat the In%ention does > a Targeting Part that deter!ines
-hat the In%ention a..ects< and a Trigger Part that deter!ines
the e..ectDs chance o. success. 0ore co!(le' In%entions !ay
also add S(ecial Parts that adCust or enhance the basic e..ects
o. an In%ention in a signi.icant !anner.
The Parts gi%en in this $((endi' are le.t %ague in ter!s o.
.or!< but ha%e clearly=de.ined .unctions. This is intentional< and
allo-s (layers and /0s a .ree hand in deciding Cust -hat Parts
and In%entions look like in their ga!es. The con%entional %ie-
o. Parts as gears and !echanical bits asse!bled by a scienti.ic
genius -orks 7uite -ell< but an oddball ?&ngineer? character
!ight use a so!e-hat !ore unusual ty(e o. Part< such as s!all
bioengineered li.e.or!s.
+o-e%er< !ost In%entions can only !ount a li!ited nu!ber o.
Parts< based on the o%erall so(histication o. the de%ice. In
99*P/ ter!s< this is e'(ressed by letting the &ngineerDs (layer
(ick an In%ention Ae%el .or the de%ice at the ti!e o. creation<
ranging .ro! 1 to 10. $n In%ention acco!!odates 10 Z F1 '
In%ention Ae%elH ?slots? -orth o. Parts@ ho- !any slots a Part
takes u( de(ends on its o%erall (o-er and so(histication. &%ery
In%ention !ust ha%e one Targeting and Trigger Part@ any Slots
le.t o%er a.ter these t-o ha%e been installed can be used on
other Parts o. the &ngineerDs choosing.
$l!ost all Parts listed belo- ha%e a (rice and $%ailability
*ating< and !ust be bought or ac7uired through ad%enturing
be.ore they can be incor(orated into an In%ention.
Targeting Parts
&%ery In%ention has one Targeting Part > no !ore< no less.
3e|l 1 0 --- 100 lrverl|or oecores Targel: 3e|l
3|rg|e 1 1 10 95 lrverl|or oecores Targel: 3|rg|e
Rardor 1 1 10 95 lrverl|or largels rardor opporerl;
rardor a||y lor Pos|l|ve 3lalus ellecls
0roup 1 100 95 lrverl|or oecores Targel: 0roup
urlocused 3 1 200 80 lrverl|or oecores Targel: A||
Trigger Parts
Aike Target Parts< each In%ention only e%er !ounts a single Trigger Part.
Too| ACC 1 3 50 95 lrverl|or Co3 |s E><%;,0<$ E./0,'-
Car or|y oe used W|lr Negal|ve 3lalus Parls
ACC 1 1 100 95 lrverl|or Co3 |s A88D%/8A$ E./0,'-
Car or|y oe used W|lr 0arage Parls
Toucr 1 1 25 95 lrverl|or Co3 |s l|al )*+
Car or|y oe used W|lr Negal|ve 3lalus Parls
3lr||e Z 1250 50 lrverl|or Co3 |s l|al #*+
Car or|y oe used W|lr Negal|ve 3lalus Parls
3|ar 9 13 --- Arl|lacl lrverl|or Co3 |s l|al 5*+
Car or|y oe used W|lr Negal|ve 3lalus Parls
Aulo-l|l 1 1 50 95 w||| a|Ways succeed
Car or|y oe used W|lr Pos|l|ve 3lalus Parls
7amage Parts
9or In%entions ca(able o. dealing da!age< Da!age Parts deter!ine ho- both -hat kind o. da!age they in.lict< and ho- !uch o. it. $
Da!age e..ect is created by co!bining one or !ore Da!age Scale Parts together -ith an $ttribute ,ase Part and< i. desired< $dded &..ect
Parts. The resulting In%ention deals da!age like an attack< but cannot land Critical +its unless s(eci.ically enabled to do so by the
Da!age Scale Parts deter!ine an In%entionDs Da!age Scale. Da!age Scale (arts !ay be taken !ulti(le ti!es to enhance an In%ention?s
o%erall e..ecti%eness.
0arage 1 3 100 95 1 03
0arage 2 1 300 85 2 03
0arage 5 5 Z50 0 3 03
Vax 0arage 9 --- Arl|lacl 5 03
$ttribute ,ase Parts deter!ine -hat $ttribute is used to do da!age< and in turn hel( deter!ine the actual .or! o. the In%ention.
8ase: A0l 1 1 50 95 lrverl|or darage |s (DS AGI) ard res|sled oy ARM
8ase: VA0 1 1 100 95 lrverl|or darage |s (DS MAG) ard res|sled oy MARM
8ase: 3TR 1 0 10 95 lrverl|or darage |s (DS STR) ard res|sled oy ARM
$dded &..ect Parts are e..ecti%ely &7ui(!ent $bilities .or In%entions< gi%ing the! additional ca(abilities.
Rarged 1 1 50 95 lrverl|or's allac| |s Rarged
Cr|l|ca| 3lr||e 5 1 1000 5 lrverl|or car |ard Cr|l|ca| l|ls
Cr|l|ca| Z 2 3000 10 As per Equ|prerl Ao|||ly ol lre sare rare
Cr|l|ca| 9 3 --- Arl|lacl As per Equ|prerl Ao|||ly ol lre sare rare
E|ererla| All|r|ly 1 1 50 95 lrverl|or dea|s E|ererla| darage
Vusl oe coro|red W|lr E|ererl Parl
lP 0ra|r Z 13 3000 15 As per Equ|prerl Ao|||ly ol lre sare rare
lP 3|pror 3 5 1000 80 Allac|s reslore l|l Po|rls oy 24+ ol darage dea|l
VP 0arage 2 5 500 85 As per Equ|prerl Ao|||ly ol lre sare rare
P|erc|rg 5 3 2000 0 As per Equ|prerl Ao|||ly ol lre sare rare
Ve|l|rg 9 5 --- Arl|lacl Allac|s W|lr lrverl|or |grore a|| ARV or V. ARV
PoWer 3lr||e 10 10 --- ur|que 0arage |rcreased oy !4*+.
Stat4s Parts
Status Parts add both (ositi%e and negati%e Status Conditions to targets. $l!ost all Status Parts !ust be co!bined -ith Duration Parts to
.unction< though so!e Conditions ha%e .i'ed durations@ i. so< this -ill be noted in the PartDs descri(tion. $ll Status Parts CoS is deter!ined
by the Trigger Part they are attached to.
Positi%e Status Parts besto- %arious bene.icial Status Conditions< and !ust be (aired -ith an $uto=+it Trigger Part to .unction.
Aura 9 20 --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
F|oal 1 50 95 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
lasle 10 30 --- ur|que Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Prolecl 3 13 1000 80 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Rel|ecl 8 19 5000 35 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3re|| 3 13 1000 80 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
var|sr 9 25 --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
wa|| 10 29 --- ur|que Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
E|ererl Res|sl 2 11 500 90 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Vusl oe coro|red W|lr E|ererl Parl
E|ererl lrrure 5 21 2000 0 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Vusl oe coro|red W|lr E|ererl Parl
E|ererl Aosoro 9 31 --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Vusl oe coro|red W|lr E|ererl Parl
E|ererl Errarcer Z 19 3000 15 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Vusl oe coro|red W|lr E|ererl Parl
3lalus lrrure: Fala| 9 2 --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3lalus lrrure: Vysl|ly 9 22 --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3lalus lrrure: 3ea| 9 21 --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3lalus lrrure: T|re 9 21 --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3lalus lrrure: Tox|r 9 21 --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3lalus lrrure: Trarslorr 9 23 --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3lalus lrrure: wea| 9 25 --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Ag|||ly up 1 50 95 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Arror up 2 13 Z50 85 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Vag|c up 5 19 3000 0 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Verla| up 2 13 Z50 85 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
PoWer up 5 19 3000 0 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3p|r|l up 1 50 95 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
2egati%e Status Parts in.lict negati%e Status Conditions on a target< and !ust be (aired -ith a Touch< Strike< ;nock< or Tool $CC Trigger
Part to .unction.
Zoro|e 5 21 1250 0 0ural|or (2)
Corderred Z 23 3000 15 0ural|or (()
0ealr 10 3 --- ur|que ----
Ejecl 20 1Z50 50 ----
Frozer 9 2Z --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
leal 9 2Z --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
8erser| 2 13 1000 85 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Crarr 9 25 --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Corluse 1 13 1000 Z5 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Po|sor 5 9 100 0 0ural|or (2)
veror Z 21 1000 10 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
8||rd 1 50 95 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Curse 3 13 1000 80 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Pelr|ly 21 3000 50 0ural|or (()
3||erce 2 13 1000 85 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3|eep 1 200 95 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3lore 5 33 2000 0 0ural|or (2)
0|sao|e 2 13 1000 85 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
lrroo|||ze 2 200 90 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3|oW 2 50 90 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3lop 8 19 5000 30 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3ap 21 3000 50 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
V|r| 8 19 5000 30 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Toad 8 19 5000 30 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Ag|||ly 0oWr 1 50 95 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Ag|||ly 8rea| 5 13 2000 0 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Arror 0oWr 3 13 1000 80 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Arror 8rea| Z 19 2500 15 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
E|ererl wea|ress 15 1500 50 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Vusl oe coro|red W|lr E|ererl Parl
Vag|c 0oWr 1 13 1000 Z5 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Vag|c 8rea| Z 19 5000 10 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Ve|ldoWr 9 25 --- Arl|lacl Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Verla| 0oWr 3 13 1000 80 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Verla| 8rea| Z 19 2500 15 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
PoWer 0oWr 1 13 1000 Z5 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
PoWer 8rea| Z 19 5000 10 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3p|r|l 0oWr 1 50 95 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
3p|r|l 8rea| 5 13 2000 0 Vusl oe coro|red W|lr 0ural|or Parl
Duration Parts !ust be taken in conCunction -ith a Positi%e or 2egati%e Status Part< and deter!ine ho- long Status Conditions added by
the In%ention last.
0ural|or (2) 1 0 10 95 ---
0ural|or (() 2 3 100 85 ---
0ural|or (#) 5 Z 1000 0 ---
0ural|or (2) 9 12 --- Arl|lacl ---
S8e2ial Parts
S(ecial Parts are ?-ild cards? that increase the .le'ibility and utility o. In%entions. These are ty(ically rare< and generally only a%ailable to
higher=le%el &ngineers. So!e S(ecial (arts allo- .or additional &..ect Parts to be added to an In%ention@ any Parts added in this !anner
are subCect to the nor!al Slot restrictions.
Vysl|ca| 3 0 50 80 Rep|ace EvA W|lr V. EvA |r ore Tr|gger Parl
0ua| Ellecl 2 0 250 85 See notes "elow
Tr|p|e Ellecl Z 0 1500 10 See notes "elow
TW|r Ellecl 1 0 1000 Z5 See notes "elow
Tr|ure Ellecl 9 0 --- Arl|lacl See notes "elow
0ua| 0elecl 1 1 250 Z0 See notes "elow
Tr|p|e 0elecl 8 2 Z50 30 See notes "elow
"pe#ia. Rul!"
Dual &..ectK The In%ention can !ount u( to t-o ty(es o. &..ect Part< or t-o se(arate Da!age or Status e..ects. The &ngineer !ust choose
-hich o. the t-o e..ects he uses e%ery ti!e the In%ention is used during the course o. (lay.
Tri(le &..ectK The In%ention can !ount u( to three ty(es o. &..ect Part< or three se(arate Da!age or Status e..ects. The &ngineer !ust
choose -hich o. the three e..ects he uses e%ery ti!e the In%ention is used during the course o. (lay.
T-in &..ectK The In%ention can !ount t-o se(arate Status or Da!age e..ects. ,oth e..ects are a((lied e%ery ti!e the In%ention is used.
+o-e%er< each e..ect re7uires its o-n Triggering Part to .unction.
Triune &..ectK The In%ention can !ount three se(arate Status or Da!age e..ects. $ll e..ects are a((lied e%ery ti!e the In%ention is used.
+o-e%er< each e..ect re7uires its o-n Triggering Part to .unction.
Dual De.ectK The In%ention can ha%e u( to t-o De.ects. The &ngineer !ust choose -hich o. the De.ects a((lies e%ery ti!e the In%ention
is used during the course o. (lay.
Tri(le De.ectK The In%ention can ha%e u( to three De.ects. The &ngineer !ust choose -hich o. the De.ects a((lies e%ery ti!e the
In%ention is used during the course o. (lay.
Element Parts
&le!ent Parts are (aired -ith Parts -hose e..ects are s(eci.ic to one or !ore &le!ents. $n In%ention e..ect !ay only e%er ha%e one
&le!ent Part assigned to it.
Ary E|ererl 9 10 --- Arl|lacl See notes "elow3
8|o 1 1 10 95 Ellecl |s 8|o E|ererla|
Earlr 1 1 10 95 Ellecl |s Earlr E|ererla|
F|re 1 1 10 95 Ellecl |s F|re E|ererla|
lo|y 1 1 10 95 Ellecl |s lo|y E|ererla|
lce 1 1 10 95 Ellecl |s lce E|ererla|
L|grlr|rg 1 1 10 95 Ellecl |s L|grlr|rg E|ererla|
Rardor E|ererl 2 1 50 80 See notes "elow
3radoW 1 1 10 95 Ellecl |s 3radoW E|ererla|
Tr|p|e E|ererl 5 1 150 0 See notes "elow
waler 1 1 10 95 Ellecl |s waler E|ererla|
w|rd 1 1 10 95 Ellecl |s w|rd E|ererla|
"pe#ia. Rul!"
$ny &le!entK The &ngineer decides -hich &le!ent to a((ly to the In%entionDs e..ects e%ery ti!e the In%ention is used.
Tri(le &le!entK This Part allo-s the &ngineer to add three se(arate &le!ents to an In%ention. Decide -hat three &le!ents the Tri(le
&le!ent Part NcontainsD -hen .irst installing it in the In%ention. The &ngineer then decides -hich o. the three &le!ents to a((ly to the
In%entionDs e..ects e%ery ti!e the In%ention is used.
*ando! &le!entK The In%entionDs e..ects a((ly to a rando! &le!ent e%ery ti!e it is used. *oll a d10 and consult the table belo- to .ind
out -hat &le!ent is in e..ect .or this (articular useK
*oll &le!ent
1 +oly
# Aightning
3 &arth
4 9ire
1 Ice
) 6ind
7 6ater
" ,io
10 *e=roll
In%entions are ty(ically one=o.=a=kind e'a!(les o. bleeding=
edge science< and are ne%er entirely .ree o. (roble!s. To
co!(lete the In%ention< choose one De.ect .ro! the .ollo-ing
&..ectK *oll a dQ e%ery ti!e the In%ention is used. 8n a roll o.
10 or lo-er< the In%ention has back.ired. Da!age and 2egati%e
Status Parts target the &ngineer > in the case o. a TargetK
Single e..ect > or the Party i. the e..ect is TargetK /rou(. 9or
Positi%e Status &..ects< the re%erse a((lies@ TargetK Sel. -ill
si!(ly a((ly the In%entionDs e..ects to one rando! o((onent.
Cannot be taken in conCunction -ith an :n.ocused Part.
&..ectK The syste! is sluggish< and takes a bit o. ti!e to -ar!
u( -hen used. The In%ention gains a CT o. # (er In%ention
Ae%el@ a Ae%el 1 In%ention -ith this De.ect -ould ha%e CT o. 10.
&..ectK The syste! is (rone to o%erloading in co!bat<
da!aging other de%ices on the &ngineerDs (erson. &%ery ti!e
the In%ention is used< roll a dQ and consult the table belo-. I.
the roll is less than or e7ual to the CoS gi%en .or the In%entionDs
Ae%el< the In%ention has surged< in.licting Curse F4H on the
&ngineer@ resol%e the e..ects o. the In%ention be.ore a((lying
Curse. This Status cannot be blocked by e..ects that -ould
nor!ally (ro%ide I!!unity to Seal=ty(e Status Conditions or
Curse< but can be cured in the usual .ashion.
In%ention Ae%el Chance o. Surge
1 = # #0Q
3 = 4 #1Q
1 = ) 30Q
7 = 31Q
" = 10 40Q
&..ectK The In%ention re7uires a delicate hand to o(erate< and
has a tendency to !al.unction or .ail at ino((ortune !o!ents.
&%ery ti!e the In%ention is used< roll a dQ and consult the table
belo-. I. the roll is less than or e7ual to the CoS gi%en .or the
In%entionDs Ae%el< the In%ention has !al.unctioned< and the
$ction is -asted.
In%ention Ae%el Chance o. 9ailure
1 = # 30Q
3 = 4 31Q
1 = ) 40Q
7 = 41Q
" = 10 10Q
&..ectK The In%ention needs a regular su((ly o. a!!unition or
re(lace!ent (arts in order to re!ain usable. In ga!e ter!s< the
&ngineer !ust s(end a certain a!ount o. /il .or each use o. the
In%ention< de(ending on its Ae%el.
In%ention Ae%el :(kee( Cost
1 1 /
# #0 /
3 40 /
4 71 /
1 110 /
) #10 /
7 400 /
)00 /
" 00 /
10 1000 /
Characters -ho ha%e !astered the art o. in%ention don?t -aste
their ti!e ac7uiring other skills > they si!(ly build de%ices to
do the tasks they can?t. In the 99*P/< such de%ices are kno-n
as /adgets< and act as ?skills in a can? > in other -ords< they
gi%e their creators a Skill *ating in a Skill they -ould not
nor!ally ha%e< including 6ea(on Skills. This arti.icial Skill *ating
is used in Task Checks in the sa!e !anner as a nor!al Skill
-ould be. In the e%ent that the character (ossesses both the
Skill and a /adget .or said skill< they -ill use -hiche%er rating is
$ /adget can be used by any (layer< no !atter -ho originally
created it. I!(ro(er use o. a /adget can also be dangerousK a
,otch -ill lea%e a /adget Da!aged< and only -orking at FSkill
*atingX#H . $ second ,otch -ill lea%e a /adget ,roken and
unusable until .i'ed -ith the *e(air Skill.
To create a /adget< the (layer !ust decide -hich Skill the
/adget si!ulates< and at -hat le%el. /adgets can Skill
*atings o. #0< 40< )0< and 0< -ith each subse7uent increase
in Skill *ating beco!ing !ore e'(ensi%e and di..icult to build.
8nce this has been decided< the /adget is asse!bled as a
standard cra.ting (roCect using ,asic 0aterials.
Ta%le A*&1' Gad.ets
20 2 12 -10
10 1 28 12 -20
0 5 10 18 -30
80 Z 22 28 -10
The .ollo-ing are e'a!(les o. /adgets characters !ight create
-ith the In%ent Skill.
$n electronic !a( ca(able o. being continuously u(dated -ith
ne- geogra(hical in.or!ation as its bearer !o%es around the
i!!ediate area. The $uto!a( gi%es the &ngineer 2a%igation at
a *ating o. 40.
Grapple Gun
$ (istol=style de%ice containing an ar!or=(iercing (roCectile
attached to high=tension steel cable and a (o-er.ul -inch. The
user si!(ly .ires the gun at a .lat sur.ace to anchor the cable<
then engages the -inch to ascend. This e..ecti%ely gi%es the
&ngineer Cli!bing at a *ating o. )0.
This so(histicated electronic recording de%ice ca(tures a
subCect?s %oice< then stores it .or .uture re.erence. 6hen
another (erson uses the %oicebo'< they can recall the stored
in.or!ation< allo-ing the de%ice to to change their %oice into an
e'act re(lica o. the recorded (erson?s. The 4oicebo' gi%es the
&ngineer $cting at a *ating o. 0.
&7ui(!ent can a great deal o. -ear and tear during the
course o. an ad%enture. 9or this reason< characters -ith the
*e(air Skill !ay need use their talents to .i' ite!s -hich ha%e
been da!aged or broken in the line o. duty.
To (ro(erly re(air an ite!< a character !ust de%ote both
!oney and 6orksho( +ours to it. The !oney (ays .or the
!aterials and tools needed to do the Cob< and %aries de(ending
on both the se%erity o. the da!age and the so(histication o.
the ite! under consideration. $.ter the !oney has been (aid<
the character !akes a Task Check against their *e(air Skill -ith
a((ro(riate !odi.iers to see i. the ite! is sal%aged.
De(ending on ho- bad the da!age is< success and .ailure
can ha%e di..erent conse7uences. $ssu!ing the ite! isn?t
utterly destroyed< the character can try again as !any ti!es as
they?d like< though each subse7uent re(air atte!(t re7uires a
.resh in%est!ent o. ti!e and !oney. 2ote that characters -ith
an a((ro(riate Cra.ting\ Skill can substitute it .or *e(air -hen
!aking Task Checks.
7amaged Items
&7ui(!ent that is subCected to great stress in or out o. co!bat
!ay beco!e Da!aged. :ntil it is re(aired< Da!aged e7ui(!ent
loses any &7ui(!ent $bilities it -ould other-ise &ach
atte!(t to re(air Da!aged e7ui(!ent has a /il cost e7ual to
10Q o. the original cost o. the (iece being re(aired. $ success
or Critical Success !eans the ite! has been re(aired< canceling
out Da!aged. $ .ailure !eans the ite! re!ains Da!aged< -hile
a ,otch !eans that the ite! has been ,roken during the re(air
Ta%le A*&2' ;ama.ed *tems
1 80 1
2 0 2
3 10 1
1 20 1
5 0
Z -10 8
8 -0 8
Bro9en Items
In so!e cases< e7ui(!ent !ay be broken in the line o. duty.
,roken ite!s are e..ecti%ely useless< and cannot be e7ui((ed
until they ha%e been re(aired. &ach atte!(t to re(air ,roken
e7ui(!ent has a /il cost e7ual to #1Q o. the original cost o.
the (iece being re(aired. $ success or Critical Success !eans
the ite! has been re(aired< canceling out ,roken. $ .ailure
!eans the ite! re!ains ,roken< -hile a ,otch !eans that the
ne't re(air atte!(t -ill cost 10Q rather than #1Q o. the
ite!?s original cost.
Ta%le A*&0' /ro)en *tems
1 0 2
2 10 1
3 20
1 0
5 -20 8
-10 8
Z -0 12
8 -80 11
E6eryday Re8airs
*e(airing things other than e7ui(!ent nor!ally does not
re7uire a /il in%est!ent< but does take ti!e and a success.ul
Task Check -ith a((ro(riate Conditional 0odi.iers. So!e
suggested !odi.iers ha%e been gi%en belo-.
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
*e(airing !inor da!age to si!(le obCectK Z0
*e(airing a%erage da!age to si!(le obCectK Z40
*e(airing !inor da!age to co!(le' obCectK Z#0
*e(airing serious da!age to si!(le obCectK 0
*e(airing a%erage da!age to co!(le' obCectK 0
*e(airing catastro(hic da!age to si!(le obCectK =#0
*e(airing serious da!age to co!(le' obCectK =#0
*e(airing catastro(hic da!age to co!(le' obCectK =40
Characters -ith the Cra.ting\ Skill ha%e the ability to .ashion
battle=ready 6ea(ons and $r!or .ro! a -ide %ariety o. ra-
Pro=e2t Basi2s
The .irst ste( in cra.ting a 6ea(on or (iece o. $r!or is to
decide -hat is being cra.ted > in other -ords< the 6ea(on or
$r!or ty(e and Tier. Characters can cra.t e7ui(!ent o. u( to
Tier @ Tier " and 10 are reser%ed .or treasures encountered
during the course o. (lay< re(resenting a le%el o. cra.ts!anshi(
ordinary characters cannot !atch. $s ty(e and Tier a..ect both
the (rice and the co!(le'ity o. the (roCect< higher=Tier
e7ui(!ent is best tackled by !ore e'(erienced characters.
Cost and 0aterials
The ne't ste( is to deter!ine ho- !uch it costs and ho- rare
the !aterials in%ol%ed -ill be. Prices and $%ailability .or Cra.t
Points can be .ound in Cha(ter ). The nu!ber o. Cra.t Points
re7uired -ill be deter!ined by the e'act nature o. the ite!<
-hile the Tier o. the !aterial re7uired is e7ual to the Tier o. the
.inal 6ea(on or $r!or.
Ta%le A*&1' *tem S)ills and Craft Points
ArrWear )inkering 9
Axe Weaponsmithing 21
8oorerarg Carpentr$ 11
8oW Carpentr$ 19
C|aWs )inkering 1
CrossooW )inkering 1
F|a|| )inkering 18
0aurl|els #rmorsmithing 9
0erer|c d weapor Weaponsmithing 11
0erer|c d8 weapor Weaponsmithing 15
0erer|c d10 weapor Weaponsmithing 18
0erer|c d12 weapor Weaponsmithing 21
0|oves )ailoring 11
0realsWord Weaponsmithing 21
lal )ailoring 12
le|rel #rmorsmithing 11
lrslrurerl var|es 1
Kalara Weaponsmithing 18
Kr|le Weaponsmithing 11
L|grl 3Word Weaponsmithing 1
Va|| #rmorsmithing 1Z
N|rja 8|ade Weaponsmithing 15
Po|earr Weaponsmithing 21
R|l|e )inkering 23
Rooe )ailoring 15
Rod Carpentr$ 11
3r|e|d #rmorsmithing 12
3lall Carpentr$ 15
3u|l )ailoring 15
3Wa||oW Weaponsmithing 18
Cra.ting an ite! takes 6orksho( +ours o. (lanning and
(re(aration (lus F0.#1 ' TierH 6orksho( +ours .or each Cra.t
Point o. 0aterial in%ol%ed in the (roCect. $ Tier 1 Shield< .or
e'a!(le< -ould take F0.#1 ' 1 ' 1#H Z < or #3 6orksho(
+ours to .ully co!(lete.
!dding E;4i8ment !bilities
$dding &7ui(!ent $bilities to a (iece o. e7ui(!ent re7uires a
certain Tier o. S(ecial 0aterials< as -ell as # 6orksho( +ours o.
(re(aration ti!e< (lus F0.10 ' TierH 6orksho( +ours .or each
Cra.t Point o. 0aterial in%ol%ed in the (roCect. The (re(aration
re7uire!ent can be -ai%ed i. the character has already !ade
(re(arations .or a 6ea(ons!ithing or $r!ors!ithing (roCect.
So!e &7ui(!ent $bilities !ay only be added to 6ea(ons or
$r!or@ so!e !ay be added to both. The .inal colu!n in the
table sho-s -hich $bilities can be added to -hich e7ui(!ent.
2o (iece o. e7ui(!ent !ay ha%e !ore than one ability.
Ta%le A*&2' E8"ipment A%ilities
[E|ererl| Ealer 8 10 Arror
[E|ererl| Errarcer 1 30 E|lrer
[E|ererl| Prool 5 20 Arror
[E|ererl| 3lr||e 1 10 weapor
[E|ererl| ward 1 10 Arror
[Erery Type| K|||er 1 20 weapor
10 lP 5 10 Arror
10 VP 20 Arror
1 [Allr|oule| 1 10 E|lrer
2 [Allr|oule| 20 E|lrer
5 Evade 1 10 E|lrer
5 V. Evade 1 10 E|lrer
10 Accuracy 1 10 E|lrer
10 0exler|ly 2 20 E|lrer
10 Evade 1 10 E|lrer
10 Experl|se 1 10 E|lrer
10 V. Accuracy 1 10 E|lrer
10 V. Evade 1 10 E|lrer
10 V|rd 2 20 E|lrer
15 Evade Z 20 E|lrer
15 V. Evade Z 20 E|lrer
20 Accuracy 5 10 E|lrer
20 0exler|ly 30 E|lrer
20 Experl|se 5 10 E|lrer
20 V. Accuracy 5 10 E|lrer
20 V|rd 30 E|lrer
30 Accuracy Z 20 E|lrer
30 Experl|se Z 20 E|lrer
30 V. Accuracy 20 E|lrer
Aulo-F|oal 1 20 Arror
Aulo-Rel|ecl 5 20 E|lrer
Aulo-Reger 8 10 Arror
8erser| Prool 2 20 Arror
8erser| 3lr||e 30 weapor
8erser| Toucr 3 20 weapor
8||rd Prool 1 10 Arror
8||rd 3lr||e 20 weapor
8||rd Toucr 1 10 weapor
Crarr Prool 8 10 Arror
Corlus|or Prool 30 Arror
Corlus|or Toucr 5 20 weapor
Cr|l|ca| Z 20 weapor
Curse Prool 5 30 Arror
0ealr Toucr Z 10 weapor
0|sao|e Prool 3 20 Arror
0|sao|e 3lr||e 8 30 weapor
0|sao|e Toucr 20 weapor
leadrurler 1 20 E|lrer
lP 0ra|r 1 30 weapor
lrroo|||ze Prool 1 10 Arror
lrroo|||ze 3lr||e 20 weapor
lrroo|||ze Toucr 3 10 weapor
V|r| Prool Z 20 Arror
VP 0arage 3 10 weapor
Ta%le A*&2' E8"ipment A%ilities
VP 0ra|r 20 weapor
P|erc|rg 5 20 weapor
Po|sor Prool 1 10 Arror
Po|sor 3lr||e 20 weapor
Po|sor Toucr 1 10 weapor
3ersor 1 10 weapor
3||erce Prool 1 20 Arror
3||erce 3lr||e 20 weapor
3||erce Toucr 1 10 weapor
3|eep Prool 2 10 Arror
3|eep 3lr||e 20 weapor
3|eep Toucr 1 10 weapor
3|oW Prool 1 20 Arror
3|oW 3lr||e 8 20 weapor
3|oW Toucr 2 10 weapor
303-Ag|||ly up 3 20 Arror
303-Arror up 5 20 Arror
303-8erser| 3 10 Arror
303-lasle 30 Arror
303-Vag|c up Z 20 Arror
303-Verla| up 5 20 Arror
303-PoWer up Z 20 Arror
303-Prolecl 5 20 Arror
303-Rel|ecl 2 10 Arror
303-Rera|se 5 10 Arror
303-3re|| 5 20 Arror
303-3p|r|l up 3 20 Arror
3lore Toucr 5 10 weapor
3lop Prool 8 30 Arror
Toad Prool Z 20 Arror
Zoro|e Prool 1 20 Arror
Zoro|e Toucr 1 20 weapor
S9ill Test
To co!(lete the cra.ting (rocess< the character !ust !ake a
success.ul Task Check against their rele%ant Skill< gi%en in Table
$I=1 abo%e. The basic !odi.iers .or this roll are deter!ined by
the (roCect?s Tier< though the /0 !ay add .urther !odi.iers
.ro! the list (resented at the beginning o. this $((endi' i. the
situation -arrants it.
Conditional M4+3F3!R"
Cra.ting Tier 1 ite!K Z40
Cra.ting Tier # ite!K Z30
Cra.ting Tier 3 ite!K Z#0
Cra.ting Tier 4 ite!K Z10
Cra.ting Tier 1 ite!K 0
Cra.ting Tier ) ite!K =10
Cra.ting Tier 7 ite!K =#0
Cra.ting Tier ite!K =30
Should the cra.ter (ass the Task Check< the ite! has been
cra.ted -ithout a (roble!. I. they .ail< ho-e%er< so!ething has
gone -rong< re7uiring the! to in%est !ore ti!e and e..ort into
the cra.ting (rocess. i. they -ant to Nsal%ageD the (roCect< they
!ust (ass another Task Check -ith the sa!e !odi.iers. Doing
so re7uires additional ti!e and e'(ense > 10Q o. the total
cost and ti!e initially e'(ended on the (roCect. The character
!ay continue retrying i. the second atte!(t .ails< but !ust
e'(end the sa!e a!ount o. ti!e and !oney .or each
subse7uent atte!(t. $ ,otch destroys the (roCect co!(letely@ i.
the character -ishes to try again< they -ill ha%e to start .ro!
the beginning.
S8litting E;4i8ment !bilities
&7ui(!ent $bilities can also be re!o%ed .ro! an ite!< allo-ing
(layers to the! to other e7ui(!ent or re(lace the!
-ith ne- &7ui(!ent $bilities. +o-e%er< this can only be
atte!(ted once > once the (layer has o(ted to S(lit an
&7ui(!ent $bility< it -ill be (er!anently re!o%ed .ro! the ite!
in 7uestion.
S(litting re7uires # 6orksho( +ours o. (re(aration ti!e< (lus
F0.10 ' TierH 6orksho( +ours .or each Cra.t Point o. 0aterial
in%ol%ed in the (roCect. The (re(aration re7uire!ent can be
-ai%ed i. the character has already !ade (re(arations .or a
6ea(ons!ithing or $r!ors!ithing (roCect.
It also re7uires a success.ul Task Check against the rele%ant
Cra.ting\ Skill -ith the !odi.ier gi%en belo-.
Conditional M4+3F3!R"
S(litting Tier 1 $bilityK Z40
S(litting Tier # $bilityK Z30
S(litting Tier 3 $bilityK Z#0
S(litting Tier 4 $bilityK Z10
S(litting Tier 1 $bilityK 0
S(litting Tier ) $bilityK =10
S(litting Tier 7 $bilityK =#0
S(litting Tier $bilityK =30
,y de.ault< success.ully s(litting an &7ui(!ent $bility allo-s the
(layer to add 71Q o. the Cra.t Points s(ent on the $bility in
7uestion to his In%entory. I. the Task Check .ails< only #1Q o.
the Cra.t Points s(ent on the $bility are reco%ered. $ ,otch
si!(ly destroys the $bility > no Cra.t Points are reco%ered.
Critical Successes ha%e no additional e..ect.
Cra.ting is not necessarily restricted to grinding out -ea(ons
and ar!or. I. they -ish< characters -ith a Cra.t Skill can also use
their talents to !ake a range o. s!aller< !ore !undane ite!s@
these cannot ha%e co!bat a((lications< but can be used .or any
nu!ber o. other (ur(oses. *egardless o. the Cra.ting
s(ecialiEation being used< the (rocess al-ays .ollo-s these
sa!e three ste(sK
To deter!ine the (roCect?s basic cost< the (layer and /0 begin
by choosing the Tier that best re.lects the !aterial the bulk o.
the (roCect -ill be !ade o.. $ brass (ot or a .rying (an o. iron<
.or instance< -ill be !ade al!ost entirely o. Tier 1 !aterial<
-hile a gold (endant inlaid -ith (recious Ce-els is co!(osed o.
!aterials a%eraging Tier ). 9or (ur(oses o. calculating costs< all
(ractical cra.ting is assu!ed to use only ,asic 0aterials.
2e't< the /0 assigns a SiEe /rade o. 1 to 10 to the (roCect.
This is an abstract nu!ber designed to !easure its rough
(hysical scale< and deter!ines the nu!ber o. Cra.t Points and
6orksho( +ours -ill be re7uired to .inish it. :se the table belo-
to .ind the !ost a((ro(riate SiEe /rade.
Ta%le A*&3' Pro:ect SiKe
3 7 1 lo 5cr 1 3
2 7 10 lo 20cr 2
) 7 25 lo 10cr 5 10
( 7 50 lo Z0cr 10 20
4 7 80cr lo 1r 20 10
# 7 1.2 lo 2r 10 80
6 7 2.5 lo 1r 80 130
1 7 lo 8r 10 210
5 7 10 lo 12r 300 180
3* 7 up lo 15r 50 1000
ProCects o. a SiEe /rade larger than 10 are beyond the abilities
o. a single artisan. In the unlikely e%ent that (layers -ill -ant to
tackle -ork on this scale< they -ill be o%erseeing a larger
construction tea! that -ill take care o. the actual handi-ork.
9inally< the /0 assigns a Co!(le'ity /rade .ro! 1 to 10. This
abstract nu!ber !easures the intricacy o. the (roCect< and
deter!ines ho- !uch additional ti!e and skill is re7uired to
.inish the (roCect. This is (articularly i!(ortant .or !ore
co!(le' undertakingsK a crude -ooden container and a !usic
bo'< des(ite being on the sa!e scale and re7uiring nearly the
sa!e 7uantities o. -ood< are nonetheless -orlds a(art in ter!s
o. the cra.ts!anshi( in%ol%ed.
:se the table belo- to deter!ine the !ost a((ro(riate
Co!(le'ity /rade .or the (roCectK
Ta%le A*&4' Pro:ect ComplexitF
3 7 Fealure|ess 0.25 0
2 7 Crude 0ecoral|ors 0.5 10
) 7 8as|c Vov|rg Parls 1 30
( 7 Vodesl 0ecoral|ors 1.25 20
4 7 Vodesl Vecrar|sr 1.50 10
# 7 lrlr|cale 0ecoral|ors 2 0
6 7 lrlr|cale Vecrar|sr 2.50 -10
1 7 Vaslerlu| 0ecoral|ors 3 -20
5 7 Vaslerlu| Vecrar|sr 1 -30
3* 7 urpara||e|ed 5 -10
8nce SiEe and Co!(le'ity are set< .ind the (roCect?s total ti!e
re7uire!ent in 6orksho( +ours by !ulti(lying the 6orksho(
+ours gi%en .or the (roCect?s SiEe /rade by the ti!e !odi.ier .or
its Co!(le'ity /rade. 9or instance< a SiEe 1< Co!(le'ity 4
(roCect -ould re7uire F40 ' 1. #1H< or 10 6orksho( +ours.
S9ill Test
$s al-ays< the .inal ste( is to !ake the Task Check .or the
cra.ting (rocess. The basic Conditional 0odi.ier .or this roll is
based on the (roCect?s Co!(le'ity< but additional !odi.iers can
be le%ied i. the /0 .eels it necessary. The conse7uences .or
.ailing and ,otching the Cra.ting\ roll are as standard.
Selling Crafted Items
,ecause it has no direct !echanical bene.its< characters are
!ost likely to engage in (ractical cra.ting in order to create
sellable ite!s. ,y de.ault< ite!s sell .or 1#0Q o. the /il
originally s(ent cra.ting the!. $dditional /il sunk into the
(roCect as a result o. .ailed Cra.ting\ rolls does not increase an
ite!?s %alue.
During (ractical cra.ting< a Critical Success on a Cra.ting\ roll
creates an ite! o. unusual !erit< called a N!aster(ieceD .or
short. ,y de.ault< !aster(ieces sell .or 110Q o. an ite!Ds
original %alue.
Characters -ith the $rt Skill can increase the sellable %alue o. an
obCect by gi%ing it artistic !erit. Doing so re7uires the character
to (ass a Task Check -ith a Conditional 0odi.ier deter!ined by
ho- !uch the character -ants to increase the %alue o. the
obCect byK
4alue Increase Conditional 0odi.ier
Z10Q Z#0
Z#1Q 0
Z10Q =#0
In the e%ent o. a .ailure< the ite!Ds %alue is decreased rather
than increased by the gi%en (ercentage. $ ,otch destroys the
obCect as usual. 4alue !odi.iers .or artistic !erit stack -ith the
%alue increase .or !aster(ieces< .or better or .or -orse.
Characters -ith a Cra.ting\ Skill can also use those talents to
create i!(le!ents .or certain Skills< such as cli!bing hooks<
skinning kni%es< !attocks< lock(icks< cooking (ots< or s(lints.
Such ite!s are collecti%ely kno-n as Tools< and co!e in t-o
Standard Tools are si!(ly basic tools o. the trade > enough
to get the Cob done< but nothing s(ectacular. +a%ing Standard
Tools .or a Skill negates any (enalties that a character !ight
.ace .or lacking (ro(er e7ui(!ent.
&'ce(tional Tools are o. a high enough 7uality that they
actually increase the user?s (ro.iciency. 6hen using &'ce(tional
Tools< a character gains a Z10 &nhance!ent ,onus to
-hate%er Skill those Tools a((ly to.
In either case< a ,otch -ill destroy a Tool.
6hen a character -ants to create Tools< the (layer !ust .irst
decide -hether they are cra.ting Standard or &'ce(tional Tools<
then declare -hat kind o. Tool they are creating and -hich Skill
these Tools are intended to aid. 2ot e%ery Skill lends itsel. to a
Tool > talents like $cting and Street-ise< .or instance< run o..
natural charis!a< not i!(le!ents. +o-e%er< i. the (layer can
Custi.y their rationale in a con%incing !anner< the /0 should
a((ro%e the Tool.
2e't< the /0 chooses -hich Cra.ting\ Skill is !ost
a((ro(riate to the tool?s nature. 0ost tools are created using
the Cra.ting FTinkeringH Skill< though there are e'ce(tions.
$ssu!ing that the (layer?s character has the re7uired Skill< the
standard cra.ting rules a((ly@ Tier< Cra.t Points< 6orksho(
+ours< and Conditional 0odi.iers .or the Cra.ting\ Skill are
.ound in the table belo-.
Ta%le A*&5' Tools
3lardard 1 30 0
Excepl|ora| 2 20 1 -20
8rdinary .ood ite!s are !undane stu..< good .or .illing e!(ty
sto!achs< but not !uch !ore. ,ut truly skilled che.s can (ut a
little so!ething e'tra into their creations< turning ordinary
dishes into a re(ast ca(able o. s(urring their co!rades on to
e%er greater achie%e!ents.
Pro=e2t Basi2s
Cooking can be used to (re(are .ood ite!s that besto-
bene.icial Status Conditions. ,egin by selecting -hich one o.
the .ollo-ing si' Status Conditions the .ood besto-sK $gility :(<
$r!or :(< 0agic :(< 0ental :(< Po-er :( or S(irit :(. 8nce
this is done< the ne't ste( is to choose the .ood?s category.
There are se%eral di..erent categories o. .oodstu..s< each -ith
their o-n duration and area o. a((lication. These areK
Drinks can be consu!ed at any ti!e< and besto- a (ositi%e
Status Condition F#H.
*ations can only be consu!ed outside o. battle< and besto- a
(ositi%e Status Condition F4H.
Aibations can only be consu!ed during battle< and besto- a
(ositi%e Status Condition F4H.
Snacks can consu!ed at any ti!e< and besto- a (ositi%e
Status Condition F4H.
0eals can only be consu!ed outside o. battle< and besto- a
(ositi%e Status Condition F)H.
,an7uets are 0eals that can .eed an entire Party. 8ther than
this< their e..ects are the sa!e.
9ood ty(e deter!ines ho- di..icult the .ood -ill be to (re(are<
as -ell as the !aterial cost.
Cooking (roCects use S(ecial 0aterials. The Tier and 7uantity o.
0aterial used de(ends on the kind o. re(ast being (re(ared >
see belo- .or !ore details.
Ta%le A*&6' Special (aterial Costs
0r|r| 1 0 0.5
Ral|or 3 15 1
L|oal|or 1 15 1
3rac| 5 18 1
Vea| 1 2
8arquel Z 50 1
Cost is .urther !odi.ied by the choice o. Status Condition< as
sho-n belo-.
$s sho-n abo%e< the base nu!ber o. 6orksho( +ours re7uired
to cook a (articular .ood de(ends on the .ood?s ty(e. In
addition< the Status Condition the cook -ishes to instill in the
.ood !ay also ha%e a .urther e..ectK
Ta%le A*&1#' Stat"s Condition (odifers
Ag|||ly up --- --- 0
Arror up 25 --- -10
Vag|c up 50 25 -10
Verla| up 25 --- -10
PoWer up 50 25 -10
3p|r|l up --- --- 0
6hile (re(aring a !eal re7uires .e-er .acilities than .orging a
s-ord< the cook !ust still ha%e the !eans to -hi( u( their
creations be.ore they can 7uali.y .or 6orksho( +ours. In !ost
cases< this !eans heat< utensils< and a sanitary area .or
cho((ing and other (re(aration.
S9ill Test
9inally< the cook !akes a Task Check against his Cooking Skill<
adding any !odi.iers le%ied .or his choice o. Status Condition.
9urther !odi.iers are a((lied de(ending on the ty(e o. .ood
being (re(aredK
Conditional M4+3F3!R"
Pre(aring DrinkK 0
Pre(aring *ationK =10
Pre(aring AibationK =11
Pre(aring SnackK =#0
Pre(aring 0ealK =30
Pre(aring ,an7uetK =40
The /0 !ay also add .urther !odi.iers .ro! the list (resented
at the beginning o. this $((endi' i. the situation -arrants it.
The conse7uences .or success and .ailure are the sa!e as -ith
all standard cra.ting (roCects.
Sam8le Foodst4ffs
The .ollo-ing are e'a!(les o. so!e .oods that !ight be created
using the Cooking SkillK
(ubble C/o#olate
This Snack consists o. air (ockets encased in a thin shell o.
chocolate. I. (re(ared correctly< bubble chocolate -ill actually
be lighter than air@ a careless eater !ay .ind their chocolate
esca(ing .ro! the! i. they donDt (ay close enough attention.
,esto-s the Status Condition 0agic :( F4H.
Couerl "autee
+oney=basted couerl!eat Aibation sautPed in a !i'ture o.
(e((er and oli%e oil. ,esto-s the Status Condition Po-er :(
/eneric na!e .or the roasted (oultry and .ish!eat kabob
*ations enCoyed by the 0ithra race. ,esto-s the Status
Condition Po-er :( F4H.
This round< yello- .ruit is (rotected by a tough rind< and soaks
u( residual electric energy like a s(onge. $s a result< eating
thunder!elon *ations can be a !outh=nu!bing > i. s-eet >
e'(erience. ,esto-s the Status Condition $gility :( F4H.
2ampire 6ui#e
This bracing red Drink is !ade .ro! a blend o. a((le< to!ato<
and berry Cuices .la%ored -ith ani!al blood. ,esto-s the Status
Condition $r!or :( F#H.
%it#/ "te*
$ 0eal o. thick< (e((ery ste- .la%ored -ith ty(ically (oisonous
!ushroo!s. The re!o%al o. said (oisons alone re7uires
considerable skill on the che.Ds (art. ,esto-s the Status
Condition 0agic :( F)H.
Characters -ith the &'(losi%es Skill ha%e the ability to de!olish
obstacles and structures using e'(losi%e de%ices. Ty(ically< this
-ill in%ol%e Ndaisy=chainingD s!aller bo!bs to destroy key
(oints< causing a controlled colla(se. 0ore e'(erienced
bo!bers can use sha(ed charges and strategic (ositioning to
achie%e si!ilar e..ects -ith larger< !ore (o-er.ul e'(losi%es.
T-o things are re7uired to success.ully destroy an
en%iron!ental .eature or obstruction. The .irst is a su..icient
7uantity o. e'(losi%es to do the Cob > these !ust be bought
be.orehand< and are stored in the characterDs In%entory as
nor!al ite!s. Due to the di..erences in technology .ro! -orld
to -orld< e'(losi%e na!es -ill not be constant. 9or this reason<
e'(losi%es are si!(ly rated by their e'(losi%e (o-er< gi%en in
ter!s o. a Ae%el .ro! 1 to 10 > the higher the Ae%el< the !ore
(o-er.ul the e'(losi%es -ill be. The table belo- sho-s the costs
and $%ailability *atings o. each ty(e o. e'(losi%e. In a (inch< the
,attle Ite!s ,o!b 9rag!ent< ,o!b Core< 9ire /e!< and
Shining /e! can be used as Ae%el 1< 3< 7< and " e'(losi%es<
Ta%le A*&11' Explosi,es
0rade 1 100 95
0rade 2 200 90
0rade 3 300 85
0rade 1 100 80
0rade 5 500 Z5
0rade 50 Z0
0rade Z 850 5
0rade 8 1100 0
0rade 9 1300 50
0rade 10 1500 10
$ success.ul Task Check against the characterDs &'(losi%es Skill
is re7uired to set u( the e'(losi%es@ in this case< the Conditional
0odi.ier -ill be deter!ined by ho- di..icult it is to achie%e the
kind o. detonation the character is a.ter. ,lo-ing a hole in a
solid obstruction generally has a Z10 !odi.ier@ engineering the
clean colla(se o. a rein.orced !ulti=story structure a =10. I. the
roll is success.ul< each e'(losi%e destroys a nu!ber o. (oints o.
Durability e7ual to its Ae%el -hen detonated by the character. I.
!ulti(le e'(losi%es are detonated at the sa!e ti!e< Durability
da!age is e7ual to that o. the su! o. all e'(losi%es. $ .ailed roll
-ill reduce the a!ount o. Durability destroyed by 10Q@ a ,otch
-ill detonate the e'(losi%es (re!aturely< causing unchecked
destruction and da!age to e%erything in the area.
Characters -ith the $lche!y Skill ha%e the ability to bre- a -ide
%ariety o. co!(ounds< (otions< and curati%es .ro! ingredients
ac7uired o%er the course o. their tra%els.
Pro=e2t Basi2s
*egardless o. -hether they?re cooked u( in a .actory %at or a
!eager cast=iron cauldron that doubles as a ste- (ot during
the -eek< all alche!ical co!(ounds begin li.e as a !urky bre-
o. herbs and other ra- !aterials. To create ite!s< characters
-ith the $lche!y Skill !ust .irst create a !i'ture .ro! -hich to
re.ine the!< then decide ho- they -ish to use this !i'ture.
Cost and 0aterials
To begin the bre-ing (rocess< the (layer decides the Tier o. the
!i'ture and ho- !any Cra.t Points? -orth o. $lche!ical
0aterials they are sinking into it. There is no li!it to the nu!ber
o. Cra.t Points that can be s(ent in this !anner< though only
ten ite!s can be re.ined .ro! a !i'ture at any one ti!e. The
Tier -ill be deter!ined both by -hat the (layer -ishes to re.ine
as -ell as the kinds o. $lche!ical 0aterials a%ailable to the
Ta%le A*&12' Reco,erF *tem Craftin.
Tor|c 1 3
Pol|or 1 Z
l|-Pol|or 2 Z
lyper Pol|or 3 Z
Vega Pol|or 5 3
X-Pol|or 5 1
u|lra Pol|or Z 1
T|rclure 1 11
Elrer 3 3
l|-Elrer 1 3
lyper Elrer 3
X-Elrer Z Z
E||x|r 8 12
Proer|x 0oWr 2 25
Proer|x P|r|or Z 11
Vega Proer|x 8 8
Arl|dole 1 Z
Eye 0rops 1 Z
Ecro 3creer 2 3
Trarqu|||zer 3 3
8ardage 1 2
A|arr C|oc| 1 2
Corrucop|a 1 2
Va|der's K|ss 1 5
3oll 1 1
lo|y waler 1 2
Crroros Tear 1 2
Reredy 5 11
S9ill Test
8nce the (layer has gathered the necessary !aterials needed
.or bre-ing to begin< they !ust then !ake one Task Check
against their $lche!y to see i. they are success.ul in creating a
!i'ture that ite!s can be re.ined .ro!. The Conditional
0odi.iers .or this roll are based on the Tier o. the bre- being
C45+3'345A. M4+3F3!R"
,re-ing Tier 1 !i'tureK Z40
,re-ing Tier # !i'tureK Z30
,re-ing Tier 3 !i'tureK Z#0
,re-ing Tier 4 !i'tureK Z10
,re-ing Tier 1 !i'tureK 0
,re-ing Tier ) !i'tureK =10
,re-ing Tier 7 !i'tureK =#0
,re-ing Tier !i'tureK =30
I. the Check is success.ul< the !i' is good to go@ the character
can no- s(end the a%ailable Cra.t Points to re.ine her desired
ite!s< adding the! to her in%entory. I. the success is a .ailure<
10Q o. the Cra.t Points in the !i'ture ha%e been lost< but the
re!ainder can be used to create ite!s as nor!al. $ ,otch -ill
destroy the entirety o. the !i'< .orcing the character to start
.ro! the to(. $ Critical Success increases the a%ailable Cra.t
Points by #1Q@ ite!s created using these additional Points do
not count to-ards the ten=ite! li!it< nor do they re7uire
additional 6orksho( +ours to !ake. ,ecause o. the short=li%ed
nature o. alche!ical bre-s< any Cra.t Points not s(ent by the
end o. the bre-ing session are lost.
In order to bre- any alche!ical ite!< the (layer !ust .irst
s(end # 6orksho( +ours to (re(are the actual !i'ture .or
re.ine!ent< (lus an additional Tier ' FCra.t Points X 10H
6orksho( +ours .or each ite! bre-ed once the basic !i'ture
has been success.ully created.
8nce (re(ared< !i'tures can also be used to re.ine ite!s that
besto- &nhance!ent ,onuses to Skill and $ttribute *atings< as
-ell as (ractical ?e%eryday? ite!s that ha%e no direct !echanical
bene.its but can nonetheless a..ect the course o. an ad%enture.
Collecti%ely< these ite!s are kno-n as Draughts. The ti!e
re7uire!ents .or Draughts are the sa!e as those gi%en .or
nor!al *eco%ery Ite! abo%e< -hile the Tier and Cra.t Points
re7uired de(end on -hether the Draught has a !echanical
e..ect or not< and i. so< ho- !uch o. an e..ect.
Ta%le A*&10' Practical Alcemist Costs
10 lo ore 3|||| Ral|rg (() 1 1
10 lo ore Allr|oule Ral|rg (() 2 3
20 lo ore 3|||| Ral|rg (() 2 1
10 lo ore 3|||| Ral|rg (#) 3 3
20 lo ore Allr|oule Ral|rg (() 3 3
10 lo ore Allr|oule Ral|rg (#) 3 1
V|ror rarral|ve ellecl 3 5
20 lo ore 3|||| Ral|rg (#) 1 2
20 lo ore Allr|oule Ral|rg (#) 5 2
Vodesl rarral|ve ellecl 5
Vajor rarral|ve ellecl Z 10
I. the Draught a..ects a Skill or $ttribute *ating< the (layer !ust
decide -hich one and -hy the Draught -ould ha%e the desired
e..ect. I. the Draught?s e..ect is narrati%e< the (layer !ust
describe the desired e..ect. The /0 -ill then deter!ine -hether
it 7uali.ies as a !inor< !odest< or !aCor narrati%e e..ect .or
(ricing (ur(oses. $s a rough guidelineK Draughts -ith !inor
narrati%e e..ects tend to ha%e a barely a((reciable i!(act on
the current story< -hile Draughts -ith !aCor narrati%e e..ects
can change the entire course o. the (lot i. used at the right
ti!e. The e'a!(les belo- gi%e a better idea o. ho- this breaks
do-n in (ractice.
The .ollo-ing are e'a!(les o. the kinds o. ite!s characters can
create -ith ?(ractical? $lche!y.
C/arisma Potion
&..ectK This herbal distillation !akes its drinker !ore rela'ed
and con.ident< enhancing their natural charis!a. $ Charis!a
Potion grants a Z10 &nhance!ent ,onus to Task Checks
de.aulting to the SP* $ttribute F)H.
+eat/ Potion
&..ectK This oily< e%il=looking substance su((resses chi
e!anations< di!!ing li.e .orce. $ Death Potion grants a
Z#0 &nhance!ent ,onus to Stealth Checks !ade against
anything or >oneDs li.e sense F4H.
&..ectK DeodoriEers are (o-er.ul oils -ith the ability to
neutraliEe s!ells. $ DeodoriEer grants a Z#0 &nhance!ent
,onus to Stealth Checks !ade against anything or >oneDs
sense o. s!ell F4H.
+exterit) Potion
&..ectK This herbal distillation i!(ro%es its drinkerDs hand=eye
coordination and steadiness. $ De'terity Potion grants a Z10
&nhance!ent ,onus to Task Checks de.aulting to the $/I
$ttribute F)H.
&..ectK This concoction is intended to cure sto!ach u(sets<
cra!(s< and bo-el (roble!s. Digesti%e is considered to ha%e a
!inor narrati%e e..ect.
Hermes >uen#/er
&..ectK $ color.ul< energy=rich drink designed to assist running
and ra(id !o%e!ent. $ +er!es 3uencher grants a Z10
&nhance!ent ,onus to Task Checks de.aulting to the SPD
$ttribute F4H.
3ntelli$en#e Potion
&..ectK This herbal distillation i!(ro%es a drinkerDs recall and
!ental clarity. $n Intelligence Potion grants a Z10
&nhance!ent ,onus to Task Checks de.aulting to the 0$/
$ttribute F4H.
Mutin$ Potion
&..ectK This dull green (otion creates a !agic=da!(ening .ield
on anything it co!es into contact -ith. $ 0uting Potion grants
a Z#0 &nhance!ent ,onus to Stealth Checks !ade against
anything or >oneDs !agic senses F4H.
&..ectK $ sensual .ragrance designed to increase its -earer?s
allure. $ Per.u!e grants a Z10 &nhance!ent ,onus to S!ooth
Talk Checks F4H.
Prism Po*der
&..ectK This s(arkling (o-der re.racts lights< rendering obCects
dusted -ith it se!i=translucent. $ Pris! Po-der grants a Z#0
&nhance!ent ,onus to Stealth Checks !ade against anything
or >oneDs sense o. sight F4H.
"ilent 4il
&..ectK Dark and dece(ti%ely %iscous .or its relati%ely thin
a((earance. $((lying Silent 8il on the soles o. your .eet or
shoes silences your .ootste(s< granting the user a Z#0
&nhance!ent ,onus to Stealth rolls !ade against anything or >
oneDs sense o. hearing F4H.
"tren$t/ Potion
&..ectK This herbal distillation increases endurance and
i!(ro%es the drinkerDs control o%er their o-n !uscles. $
Strength Potion grants a Z10 &nhance!ent ,onus to Task
Checks de.aulting to the ST* $ttribute F)H.
&..ectK The ?uni%ersal lubricant? can reduce .riction bet-een
obCects to Eero. Su(erslick is considered to ha%e a !odest
narrati%e e..ect.
&..ectK $ high=(o-ered re!edy .or (etri.ication< designed to
cure stoning induced by (o-er.ul curses or e'ce(tionally
!ale%olent !agic. Su(erso.t is considered to ha%e a !aCor
narrati%e e..ect.
2italit) Potion
&..ectK This herbal distillation i!(ro%es its drinkerDs sta!ina
and general constitution. $ 4itality Potion grants a Z10
&nhance!ent ,onus to Task Checks de.aulting to the 4IT
$ttribute F)H.
&..ectK 9or as long as !ankind has created tools< they ha%e
occasionally .ound need .or -ays in -hich to 7uickly and utterly
destroy the!. 4itriol is the Nuni%ersal sol%entD > a .ast and
e..icient -ay to !elt o.. locks< eat through chains and generally
!ake a !ess o. sturdy ite!s that other (eo(le -ould ( you
lea%e alone. 4itriol is considered to ha%e a !aCor narrati%e
0i' gi%es an e'(erienced Che!ist the o((ortunity to co!bine
,attle Ite!s to create a !ore (o-er.ul o..ensi%e e..ect. 6hen
the Che!ist elects to 0i'< she selects t-o ,attle Ite!s .ro! her
In%entory and co!bines the!< consu!ing both ite!s. To see
-hat the resulting !i'ture brings< the Che!istDs (layer > or the
/0 > then consults the tables belo-. &ach (ossible NingredientD
is listed in the tables %ia a t-o=letter code > the ,attle Ite!
Deadly 6aste< .or instance< is abbre%iated as ND6D. 9inding the
resulting (roduct is then Cust a !atter o. tracking do-n the .irst
ingredientDs colu!n on the table and then seeing -here it
intersects -ith the ro- .or the second ingredient. The nu!ber
gi%en at the intersection is the 0i'ture 2u!ber< and can be
cross=re.erenced -ith the &..ects table to deter!ine the e'act
e..ects o. the 0i'. 8nce a !i'ture has been created< its e..ects
!ust be a((lied i!!ediately or discarded@ the !i'ture is too
short=li%ed to be stored as an Ite!.
'able e)
$baddon Stone ` $S $ntarctic 6ind ` $t $rctic 6ind ` $6 ,asilisk Cla- ` ,a ,lack Stone ` ,S ,lessed /e! ` ,/ ,o!b Core ` ,C
,o!b 9rag!ent ` ,9 ,ird 9eather ` ,i Candle o. Ai.e ` CA Cauldron ` Ca Dark 0atter ` D0 Deadly 6aste ` D6 Drea! Po-der ` DP
&arth Dru! ` &a &arth +a!!er ` &+ &lectro 0arble ` &0 9ish 9in ` 99 9ish Scale ` 9S 9ire /e! ` 9/ /olden +ourglass ` /+
/ra%iball ` /r Ice /e! ` I/ I!(aler ` I! Ink ` In Aightning /e! ` A/ Aightning 0arble ` A0 Aoco 6eed ` A6 0alboro Tentacles `
0T 0eteor Stone ` 0S 0ute 0ask ` 00 Shado- /e! ` Sh Shear 9eather ` S9 Shining /e! ` S/ Shri%el ` S% Sil%er +ourglass ` S+
Stardust ` St Su(re!e /e! ` Su TXS ,o!b ` TS 6ar /ong ` 6r 6ater /e! ` 6/ 6ind!ill ` 60 Bo!bie Po-der ` BP
Ta%le A*&11' /attle (ix Res"lts L1M
AS 301 20Z 20Z 28Z 289 20Z 050 050 050 019 301 20Z 1ZZ 213 050 20Z 050 20Z 20Z 050 2Z8 193
A; 20Z 002 001 023 025 180 1Z9 1Z9 001 021 301 180 1Z9 00 1Z9 123 001 1Z9 001 180 019 002
A= 20Z 001 001 023 025 180 1Z9 1Z9 1Z9 021 301 180 13 00 123 123 1Z9 099 1Z9 180 019 001
B/ 28Z 023 023 300 288 11 018 018 09Z 303 301 118 1Z5 212 135 135 0Z3 121 121 018 2ZZ 191
BS 289 025 025 288 302 208 208 208 025 021 301 208 1Z8 211 025 208 025 025 025 208 2Z9 191
BG 20Z 180 180 11 208 150 180 180 180 12 301 180 180 153 180 150 180 180 180 150 15Z 150
BC 050 1Z9 1Z9 018 208 180 02Z 02 02 019 301 180 1Z9 031 1Z9 123 02 1Z9 02 02Z 011 02Z
BF 050 1Z9 1Z9 018 208 180 02 02 1Z9 019 301 180 13 031 123 123 1Z9 099 1Z9 02Z 011 02
B, 050 001 1Z9 09Z 025 180 02 1Z9 0Z5 098 301 180 13 080 1Z9 180 1Z9 099 1Z9 02Z 093 0Z5
CL 019 021 021 303 021 12 019 019 098 303 303 119 1Z 303 13 13 0Z1 122 122 019 303 192
C/ 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 303 209 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301
DM 20Z 180 180 118 208 180 180 180 180 119 301 13Z 180 110 180 13Z 180 180 180 13Z 111 13Z
D= 1ZZ 1Z9 13 1Z5 1Z8 180 1Z9 13 13 1Z 301 180 13 1Z 1Z9 123 13 1Z9 13 02Z 1Z1 13
DP 213 00 00 212 211 153 031 031 080 303 301 110 1Z 292 12Z 12Z 05 101 101 010 238 183
E/ 050 1Z9 123 135 025 180 1Z9 123 1Z9 13 301 180 1Z9 12Z 123 123 123 1Z9 123 02Z 131 123
EH 20Z 123 123 135 208 150 123 123 180 13 301 13Z 123 12Z 123 121 123 123 123 180 131 123
EM 050 001 1Z9 0Z3 025 180 02 1Z9 1Z9 0Z1 301 180 13 05 123 123 051 1Z9 1Z9 02Z 09 051
FF 20Z 1Z9 099 121 025 180 1Z9 099 099 122 301 180 1Z9 101 1Z9 123 1Z9 100 099 02 11Z 100
FS 20Z 001 1Z9 121 025 180 02 1Z9 1Z9 122 301 180 13 101 123 123 1Z9 099 099 02Z 11Z 099
FG 050 180 180 018 208 150 02Z 02Z 02Z 019 301 13Z 02Z 010 02Z 180 02Z 02 02Z 028 011 02Z
GH 2Z8 019 019 2ZZ 2Z9 15Z 011 011 093 303 301 111 1Z1 238 131 131 09 11Z 11Z 011 29 18Z
G% 193 002 001 191 191 150 02Z 02 0Z5 192 301 13Z 13 183 123 123 051 100 099 02Z 18Z 210
IG 20Z 002 002 023 025 150 180 180 002 021 301 13Z 002 015 002 180 002 001 002 180 019 002
I& 282 011 011 281 283 159 03 03 085 303 301 11 1Z3 210 133 133 01 109 109 01 2Z5 189
I- 233 005 005 232 231 152 030 030 0Z9 303 301 139 1 221 12 12 055 103 103 039 228 182
LG 050 051 051 0Z3 025 150 051 051 052 0Z1 301 13Z 052 05 052 180 052 1Z9 1Z9 180 09 052
LM 050 1Z9 051 0Z3 025 180 1Z9 001 051 0Z1 301 180 1Z9 05 1Z9 123 051 1Z9 1Z9 02 09 052
L= 20 008 008 259 21 155 033 033 082 303 301 112 19 23 129 129 058 10 10 012 255 185
MT 1ZZ 13 13 1Z5 1Z8 150 13 13 13 98 301 13Z 13 1Z 13 180 13 13 13 180 1Z1 13
MS 050 003 002 205 302 150 028 02Z 0Z 303 209 13Z 11 19Z 121 121 052 101 100 028 201 210
MM 222 001 001 221 221 151 029 029 0Z8 303 301 138 13 213 125 125 051 102 102 038 21Z 181
S9 002 002 002 205 208 150 1Z9 02Z 0Z 303 303 13Z 11 210 123 121 052 100 100 028 201 210
SF 050 1Z9 0Z5 09Z 025 180 1Z9 0Z5 0Z5 098 301 180 1Z9 080 1Z9 180 0Z5 1Z9 0Z5 02 093 0Z
SG 193 002 001 191 191 150 02Z 02 0Z5 192 301 13Z 13 183 123 123 051 100 099 02Z 18Z 210
S. 2Z2 010 010 2Z1 2Z3 158 035 035 081 303 301 115 1Z2 239 132 132 00 108 108 015 2Z1 188
SH 2Z 009 009 2 28 15 031 031 083 303 301 113 1Z0 23Z 130 130 059 10Z 10Z 013 22 18
S; 193 002 001 191 191 150 02Z 02 0Z5 192 301 13Z 13 183 123 123 051 100 099 02Z 18Z 210
SD 301 003 002 205 302 150 028 02Z 0Z 303 209 13Z 11 19Z 121 121 052 101 100 028 201 210
TS 20Z 002 001 205 208 150 02Z 02 0Z5 303 301 13Z 13 183 123 123 051 100 099 02Z 201 210
=% 252 00Z 00Z 251 253 151 032 032 081 303 301 111 18 235 128 128 05Z 105 105 011 21Z 181
=G 20Z 099 099 121 025 150 099 099 099 122 301 13Z 100 113 100 180 180 100 100 180 11Z 100
=M 050 0Z5 0Z5 09Z 025 150 0Z5 0Z5 0Z 098 301 13Z 0Z 089 180 180 0Z5 0Z5 0Z 180 093 0Z
CP 285 012 012 281 28 10 03Z 03Z 08 303 301 11Z 1Z1 211 131 131 02 110 110 01Z 2Z 190
'able e)
$baddon Stone ` $S $ntarctic 6ind ` $t $rctic 6ind ` $6 ,asilisk Cla- ` ,a ,lack Stone ` ,S ,lessed /e! ` ,/ ,o!b Core ` ,C
,o!b 9rag!ent ` ,9 ,ird 9eather ` ,i Candle o. Ai.e ` CA Cauldron ` Ca Dark 0atter ` D0 Deadly 6aste ` D6 Drea! Po-der ` DP
&arth Dru! ` &a &arth +a!!er ` &+ &lectro 0arble ` &0 9ish 9in ` 99 9ish Scale ` 9S 9ire /e! ` 9/ /olden +ourglass ` /+
/ra%iball ` /r Ice /e! ` I/ I!(aler ` I! Ink ` In Aightning /e! ` A/ Aightning 0arble ` A0 Aoco 6eed ` A6 0alboro Tentacles `
0T 0eteor Stone ` 0S 0ute 0ask ` 00 Shado- /e! ` Sh Shear 9eather ` S9 Shining /e! ` S/ Shri%el ` S% Sil%er +ourglass ` S+
Stardust ` St Su(re!e /e! ` Su TXS ,o!b ` TS 6ar /ong ` 6r 6ater /e! ` 6/ 6ind!ill ` 60 Bo!bie Po-der ` BP
Ta%le A*&11' /attle (ix Res"lts (2M
AS 20Z 282 233 050 050 20 1ZZ 050 222 002 050 193 2Z2 2Z 193 301 20Z 252 20Z 050 285
A; 002 011 005 051 1Z9 008 13 003 001 002 1Z9 002 010 009 002 003 002 00Z 099 0Z5 012
A= 002 011 005 051 051 008 13 002 001 002 0Z5 001 010 009 001 002 001 00Z 099 0Z5 012
B/ 023 281 232 0Z3 0Z3 259 1Z5 205 221 205 09Z 191 2Z1 2 191 205 205 251 121 09Z 281
BS 025 283 231 025 025 21 1Z8 302 221 208 025 191 2Z3 28 191 302 208 253 025 025 28
BG 150 159 152 150 180 155 150 150 151 150 180 150 158 15 150 150 150 151 150 150 10
BC 180 03 030 051 1Z9 033 13 028 029 02Z 1Z9 02Z 035 013 02Z 028 02Z 032 099 0Z5 03Z
BF 180 03 030 051 001 033 13 02Z 029 02Z 0Z5 02 035 031 02 02Z 02 032 099 0Z5 03Z
B, 002 085 0Z9 052 051 082 13 0Z 0Z8 0Z 0Z5 0Z5 081 083 0Z5 0Z 0Z5 081 099 0Z 08
CL 021 303 303 0Z1 0Z1 303 098 303 303 303 098 192 303 303 192 303 303 303 122 098 303
C/ 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 209 301 303 301 301 301 301 301 209 301 301 301 301 301
DM 13Z 11 139 13Z 180 112 13Z 13Z 138 13Z 180 13Z 115 113 13Z 13Z 13Z 111 13Z 13Z 11Z
D= 002 1Z3 1 052 1Z9 19 13 11 13 11 1Z9 13 1Z2 1Z0 13 11 13 18 100 0Z 1Z1
DP 015 210 221 05 05 23 1Z 19Z 213 210 080 183 239 23Z 183 19Z 183 235 113 089 211
E/ 002 133 12 052 1Z9 129 13 121 125 123 1Z9 123 132 130 123 121 123 128 100 180 131
EH 180 133 12 180 123 129 180 121 125 121 180 123 132 130 123 121 123 128 180 180 131
EM 002 01 055 052 051 058 13 052 051 052 0Z5 051 00 059 051 052 051 05Z 180 0Z5 02
FF 001 109 103 1Z9 1Z9 10 13 101 102 100 1Z9 100 108 10Z 100 101 100 105 100 0Z5 110
FS 002 109 103 1Z9 1Z9 10 13 100 102 100 0Z5 099 108 10Z 099 100 099 10 100 0Z 110
FG 180 01 039 180 02 012 180 028 038 028 02 02Z 015 013 02Z 028 02Z 011 180 180 01Z
GH 019 2Z5 228 09 09 255 1Z1 201 21Z 201 093 18Z 2Z1 22 18Z 201 201 21Z 11Z 093 2Z
G% 002 189 182 052 052 185 13 210 181 210 0Z 210 188 18 210 210 210 181 100 0Z 190
IG 003 021 011 180 001 01Z 180 003 013 003 001 002 020 018 002 003 002 01 180 180 022
I& 021 298 230 0Z1 01 25Z 1Z3 203 219 210 085 189 29 21 189 203 189 219 119 095 280
I- 011 230 291 01 055 22 1 19 212 210 0Z9 182 229 22Z 182 19 182 225 112 088 231
LG 180 0Z1 01 053 0Z 0Z 180 053 03 053 051 053 0Z0 08 052 053 052 0 180 180 0Z2
LM 001 01 055 053 052 058 13 053 051 052 1Z9 053 00 059 052 053 052 05Z 180 0Z5 02
L= 01Z 25Z 22 0Z 058 291 19 199 215 210 082 185 25 251 185 199 185 215 115 091 258
MT 180 1Z3 1 180 13 19 11 11 15 1Z0 13 11 1Z2 1Z0 13 11 13 18 180 180 1Z1
MS 003 203 19 053 053 199 11 209 195 211 0ZZ 180 202 200 180 209 210 198 101 0ZZ 201
MM 013 219 212 03 051 215 15 195 290 210 0Z8 181 218 21 188 195 181 211 111 08Z 220
S9 003 210 210 053 052 210 1Z0 211 210 211 0Z 210 210 210 210 303 210 210 101 0ZZ 210
SF 001 085 0Z9 051 1Z9 082 13 0ZZ 0Z8 0Z 0Z 0Z 081 083 0Z 0ZZ 0Z 081 099 0Z 08
SG 002 189 182 053 053 185 11 180 181 210 0Z 180 188 18 180 180 210 181 100 0Z 190
S. 020 29 229 0Z0 00 25 1Z2 202 218 210 081 188 29Z 23 188 202 188 218 118 091 2Z0
SH 018 21 22Z 08 059 251 1Z0 200 21 210 083 18 23 295 18 200 18 21 11 092 25
S; 002 189 182 052 052 185 13 180 188 210 0Z 180 188 18 180 180 210 181 100 0Z 190
SD 003 203 19 053 053 199 11 209 195 303 0ZZ 180 202 200 180 209 210 198 101 0ZZ 201
TS 002 189 182 052 052 185 13 210 181 210 0Z 210 188 18 210 210 210 181 100 0Z 190
=% 01 219 225 0 05Z 215 18 198 211 210 081 181 218 21 181 198 181 293 111 090 250
=G 180 119 112 180 180 115 180 101 111 101 099 100 118 11 100 101 100 111 101 180 120
=M 180 095 088 180 0Z5 091 180 0ZZ 08Z 0ZZ 0Z 0Z 091 092 0Z 0ZZ 0Z 090 180 0ZZ 09
CP 022 280 231 0Z2 02 258 1Z1 201 220 210 08 190 2Z0 25 190 201 190 250 120 09 299
Ta%le A*&12' /attle (ix Effects
001 3roW F|urry 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 lce E|ererla| darage.
002 lcela|| 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (4 MAG) ! "1 lce E|ererla| darage.
003 w|rler 3lorr 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
001 8|ac| lce (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#).
005 8|ac| lce (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#).
00 8|ac| lce (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#).
00Z 8|ac| lce (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#).
008 8|ac| lce (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#).
009 8|ac| lce (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (#).
010 8|ac| lce (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (#).
011 8|ac| lce (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (#).
012 8|ac| lce (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (#).
013 Krysla (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (().
011 Krysla (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (().
015 Krysla (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (().
01 Krysla (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (().
01Z Krysla (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (().
018 Krysla (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (().
019 Krysla (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (().
020 Krysla (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (().
021 Krysla (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (().
022 Krysla (J) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (().
023 Krysla (K) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2).
021 Krysla (L) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol reduc|rg coroalarl lo 0 lP (0ealr-lype ellecl).
025 Krysla (V) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lce E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg 0ro'en (2).
02 leal 8|asler 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
02Z F|re 3lorr 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (4 MAG) ! "1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
028 8urr|rg 3ou| 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
029 8r|rslore (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#).
030 8r|rslore (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#).
031 8r|rslore (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#).
032 8r|rslore (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#).
033 8r|rslore (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#).
031 8r|rslore (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (#).
035 8r|rslore (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (#).
03 8r|rslore (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (#).
03Z 8r|rslore (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (#).
038 Aoaddor F|are (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (().
039 Aoaddor F|are (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (().
010 Aoaddor F|are (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (().
011 Aoaddor F|are (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (().
012 Aoaddor F|are (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (().
013 Aoaddor F|are (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (().
011 Aoaddor F|are (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (().
015 Aoaddor F|are (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (().
01 Aoaddor F|are (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (().
01Z Aoaddor F|are (J) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (().
018 Aoaddor F|are (K) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2).
019 Aoaddor F|are (L) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol reduc|rg coroalarl lo 0 lP (0ealr-lype ellecl).
050 Aoaddor F|are (V) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 F|re E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Heat (2).
051 Trurderoo|l 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
052 Ro|||rg Trurder 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (4 MAG) ! "1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
053 L|grlr|rg 8o|l 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
051 E|eclrosroc| (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#).
055 E|eclrosroc| (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#).
05 E|eclrosroc| (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a 30 Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#).
05Z E|eclrosroc| (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#).
058 E|eclrosroc| (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#).
059 E|eclrosroc| (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (#).
00 E|eclrosroc| (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (#).
01 E|eclrosroc| (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (#).
02 E|eclrosroc| (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (#).
03 Trurdero|asl (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (().
01 Trurdero|asl (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (().
05 Trurdero|asl (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (().
0 Trurdero|asl (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (().
0Z Trurdero|asl (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (().
08 Trurdero|asl (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (().
09 Trurdero|asl (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (().
0Z0 Trurdero|asl (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (().
0Z1 Trurdero|asl (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (().
0Z2 Trurdero|asl (J) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (().
0Z3 Trurdero|asl (K) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2).
0Z1 Trurdero|asl (L) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 L|grlr|rg E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol reduc|rg coroalarl lo 0 lP (0ealr-lype ellecl).
0Z5 0a|e Cul 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
0Z 0ar| Torrado 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (4 MAG) ! "1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
0ZZ w||d Torrado 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
0Z8 0|oor 3|gr (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#).
0Z9 0|oor 3|gr (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#).
080 0|oor 3|gr (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#).
081 0|oor 3|gr (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#).
082 0|oor 3|gr (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#).
083 0|oor 3|gr (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (#).
081 0|oor 3|gr (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (#).
085 0|oor 3|gr (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (#).
08 0|oor 3|gr (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (#).
08Z 0|oor 0as (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (().
088 0|oor 0as (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (().
089 0|oor 0as (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (().
090 0|oor 0as (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (().
091 0|oor 0as (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (().
092 0|oor 0as (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (().
093 0|oor 0as (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a 0 Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (().
091 0|oor 0as (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (().
095 0|oor 0as (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (().
09 0|oor 0as (J) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (().
09Z 0|oor 0as (K) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2).
098 0|oor 0as (L) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 w|rd E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol reduc|rg coroalarl lo 0 lP (0ealr-lype ellecl).
099 0oWrpour 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 waler E|ererla| darage.
100 F|asr F|ood 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (4 MAG) ! "1 waler E|ererla| darage.
101 0e|uge 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
102 Aqua Tox|r (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#).
103 Aqua Tox|r (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#).
101 Aqua Tox|r (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#).
105 Aqua Tox|r (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#).
10 Aqua Tox|r (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#).
10Z Aqua Tox|r (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (#).
108 Aqua Tox|r (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (#).
109 Aqua Tox|r (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (#).
110 Aqua Tox|r (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (#).
111 0ar| Ra|r (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (().
112 0ar| Ra|r (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (().
113 0ar| Ra|r (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (().
111 0ar| Ra|r (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (().
115 0ar| Ra|r (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (().
11 0ar| Ra|r (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (().
11Z 0ar| Ra|r (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a 0 Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (().
118 0ar| Ra|r (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (().
119 0ar| Ra|r (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (().
120 0ar| Ra|r (J) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (().
121 0ar| Ra|r (K) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2).
122 0ar| Ra|r (L) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol reduc|rg coroalarl lo 0 lP (0ealr-lype ellecl).
123 3o|| Ev|derce 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (4 MAG) ! "1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
121 Lardscraper 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
125 leavy 0usl (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (().
12 leavy 0usl (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (().
12Z leavy 0usl (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (().
128 leavy 0usl (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (().
129 leavy 0usl (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (().
130 leavy 0usl (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (().
131 leavy 0usl (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a 0 Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (().
132 leavy 0usl (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (().
133 leavy 0usl (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (().
131 leavy 0usl (J) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (().
135 leavy 0usl (K) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2).
13 leavy 0usl (L) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Earlr E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a 0 Co3 ol reduc|rg coroalarl lo 0 lP (0ealr-lype ellecl).
13Z 0ar| 8realr 0roup l|ls Z rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 3radoW E|ererla| darage.
138 0ar| 3|gr (A) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 3radoW E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (().
139 0ar| 3|gr (8) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 3radoW E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (().
110 0ar| 3|gr (C) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 3radoW E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (().
111 0ar| 3|gr (0) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 3radoW E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (().
112 0ar| 3|gr (E) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 3radoW E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (().
113 0ar| 3|gr (F) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 3radoW E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (().
111 0ar| 3|gr (0) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a 0 Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (().
115 0ar| 3|gr (l) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 3radoW E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (().
11 0ar| 3|gr (l) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 3radoW E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (().
11Z 0ar| 3|gr (J) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 3radoW E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (().
118 0ar| 3|gr (K) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 3radoW E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2).
119 0ar| 3|gr (L) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol reduc|rg coroalarl lo 0 lP (0ealr-lype ellecl).
150 lo|y 8realr 0roup l|ls Z rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lo|y E|ererla| darage.
151 3lar Cross (A) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lo|y E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (().
152 3lar Cross (8) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lo|y E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (().
153 3lar Cross (C) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lo|y E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (().
151 3lar Cross (0) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lo|y E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (().
155 3lar Cross (E) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lo|y E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (().
15 3lar Cross (F) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lo|y E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (().
15Z 3lar Cross (0) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lo|y E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a 0 Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (().
158 3lar Cross (l) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lo|y E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (().
159 3lar Cross (l) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lo|y E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (().
10 3lar Cross (J) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lo|y E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (().
11 3lar Cross (K) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lo|y E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2).
12 3lar Cross (L) 0roup l|ls 1 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 lo|y E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol reduc|rg coroalarl lo 0 lP (0ealr-lype ellecl).
13 Po|sor 3|gr 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (4 MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Poison (2).
11 Po|sor 8realr 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Poison (2).
15 Po|sor 0as (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (() ard Poison (2)3
1 Po|sor 0as (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (() ard Poison (2)3
1Z Po|sor 0as (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (() ard Poison (2)3
18 Po|sor 0as (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (() ard Poison (2)3
19 Po|sor 0as (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (() ard Poison (2)3
1Z0 Po|sor 0as (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (() ard Poison (2)3
1Z1 Po|sor 0as (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (() ard Poison (2)3
1Z2 Po|sor 0as (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (() ard Poison (2)3
1Z3 Po|sor 0as (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (() ard Poison (2)3
1Z1 Po|sor 0as (J) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (() ard Poison (2)3
1Z5 Po|sor 0as (K) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2) ard Poison (2)3
1Z Po|sor 0as (L) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol reduc|rg coroalarl lo 0 lP (0ealr-lype ellecl) ard
|rl||cl|rg Poison (2)3
1ZZ Po|sor 0as (V) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Heat (2) ard Poison (2)3
1Z8 Po|sor 0as (N) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 8|o E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg 0ro'en (2) ard Poison (2)3
1Z9 8|asler V|re 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "# Prys|ca| darage.
180 lazardous 3re|| 0roup l|ls rardor coroalarls lor (4 MAG) ! "# Prys|ca| darage.
181 Ca|ar|ly 8oro (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#).
182 Ca|ar|ly 8oro (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#).
183 Ca|ar|ly 8oro (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#).
181 Ca|ar|ly 8oro (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#).
185 Ca|ar|ly 8oro (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#).
18 Ca|ar|ly 8oro (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (#).
18Z Ca|ar|ly 8oro (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (#).
188 Ca|ar|ly 8oro (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (#).
189 Ca|ar|ly 8oro (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (#).
190 Ca|ar|ly 8oro (J) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (#).
191 Ca|ar|ly 8oro (K) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2).
192 Ca|ar|ly 8oro (L) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol reduc|rg coroalarl lo 0 lP (0ealr-lype ellecl)
193 Ca|ar|ly 8oro (V) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Heat (2).
191 Ca|ar|ly 8oro (N) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg 0ro'en (2).
195 Craos 0rerade (A) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (().
19 Craos 0rerade (8) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (().
19Z Craos 0rerade (C) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (().
198 Craos 0rerade (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (().
199 Craos 0rerade (E) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (().
200 Craos 0rerade (F) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (().
201 Craos 0rerade (0) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a 0 Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (().
202 Craos 0rerade (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (().
203 Craos 0rerade (l) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (().
201 Craos 0rerade (J) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (().
205 Craos 0rerade (K) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2).
20 Craos 0rerade (L) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 waler E|ererla| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol reduc|rg coroalarl lo 0 lP (0ealr-lype ellecl).
20Z Craos 0rerade (V) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (# MAG) ! 2"1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a #*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Heat (2).
208 Craos 0rerade (N) 0roup l|ls 3 rardor coroalarls lor (( MAG) ! "1 Prys|ca| darage.
Eacr r|l a|so ras a )*+ Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg 0ro'en (2).
209 3uperrova 0roup lrl||cls 3551 Vag|ca| darage or a|| coroalarls |r largeled 0roup.
210 Nega 8ursl 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol reduc|rg acl|ve coroalarl's currerl lP oy 4*+.
211 E||x|r ol 0ar|ress 3|rg|e E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol reduc|rg largel lo 1 lP ard 0 VP.
212 0ar| Tor|c (A) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#), Blind (#) or eacr coroalarl.
213 0ar| Tor|c (8) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#), Sleep (#) or eacr coroalarl.
211 0ar| Tor|c (C) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#), Berserk (#) or eacr coroalarl.
215 0ar| Tor|c (0) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#), Confuse (#) or eacr coroalarl.
21 0ar| Tor|c (E) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#), Slow (#) or coroalarl.
21Z 0ar| Tor|c (F) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#), Stop (#) or coroalarl.
218 0ar| Tor|c (0) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#), Mini (#) or coroalarl.
219 0ar| Tor|c (l) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#), )oad (#) or coroalarl.
220 0ar| Tor|c (l) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#), *om"ie (#) or coroalarl.
221 0ar| Tor|c (J) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#), Stone (2) or coroalarl.
222 0ar| Tor|c (K) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#), Heat (2) or coroalarl.
223 0ar| Tor|c (L) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (#), 0ro'en (2) or eacr coroalarl.
221 0ar| Tor|c (V) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#), Sleep (#) or eacr coroalarl.
22 0ar| Tor|c (0) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#), Confuse (#) or eacr coroalarl.
22Z 0ar| Tor|c (P) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#), Slow (#) or eacr coroalarl.
228 0ar| Tor|c (0) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#), Stop (#) or eacr coroalarl.
229 0ar| Tor|c (R) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#), Mini (#) or eacr coroalarl.
230 0ar| Tor|c (3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#), )oad (#) or eacr coroalarl.
231 0ar| Tor|c (T) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#), *om"ie (#) or eacr coroalarl.
232 0ar| Tor|c (u) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#), Stone (2) or eacr coroalarl.
233 0ar| Tor|c (v) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#), Heat (2) or eacr coroalarl.
231 0ar| Tor|c (w) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#), 0ro'en (2) or eacr coroalarl.
235 0ar| Tor|c (X) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#), Berserk (#) or eacr coroalarl.
23 0ar| Tor|c (Y) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#), Confuse (#) or eacr coroalarl.
23Z 0ar| Tor|c (Z) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#), Slow (#) or eacr coroalarl.
238 0ar| Tor|c (A2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#), Stop (#) or eacr coroalarl.
239 0ar| Tor|c (82) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#), Mini (#) or eacr coroalarl.
210 0ar| Tor|c (C2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#), )oad (#) or eacr coroalarl.
211 0ar| Tor|c (02) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#), *om"ie (#) or eacr coroalarl.
212 0ar| Tor|c (E2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#), Stone (2) or eacr coroalarl.
213 0ar| Tor|c (F2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#), Heat (2) or eacr coroalarl.
211 0ar| Tor|c (02) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (#), 0ro'en (2) or eacr coroalarl.
215 0ar| Tor|c (l2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#), Confuse (#) or eacr coroalarl.
21 0ar| Tor|c (l2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#), Slow (#) or eacr coroalarl.
21Z 0ar| Tor|c (J2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#), Stop (#) or eacr coroalarl.
218 0ar| Tor|c (K2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#), Mini (#) or eacr coroalarl.
219 0ar| Tor|c (L2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#), )oad (#) or eacr coroalarl.
250 0ar| Tor|c (V2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#), *om"ie (#) or eacr coroalarl.
252 0ar| Tor|c (02) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#), Heat (2) or eacr coroalarl.
253 0ar| Tor|c (P2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (#), 0ro'en (2) or eacr coroalarl.
251 0ar| Tor|c (02) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#), Slow (#) or eacr coroalarl.
255 0ar| Tor|c (R2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#), Stop (#) or eacr coroalarl.
25 0ar| Tor|c (32) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#), Mini (#) or eacr coroalarl.
25Z 0ar| Tor|c (T2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#), )oad (#) or eacr coroalarl.
258 0ar| Tor|c (u2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#), *om"ie (#) or eacr coroalarl.
259 0ar| Tor|c (v2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#), Stone (2) or eacr coroalarl.
20 0ar| Tor|c (w2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#), Heat (2) or eacr coroalarl.
21 0ar| Tor|c (X2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (#), 0ro'en (2) or eacr coroalarl.
22 0ar| Tor|c (Y2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (#), Stop (#) or eacr coroalarl.
23 0ar| Tor|c (Z2) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (#), Mini (#) or eacr coroalarl.
21 0ar| Tor|c (A3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (#), )oad (#) or eacr coroalarl.
25 0ar| Tor|c (83) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (#), *om"ie (#) or eacr coroalarl.
2 0ar| Tor|c (C3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (#), Stone (2) or eacr coroalarl.
2Z 0ar| Tor|c (03) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (#), Heat (2) or eacr coroalarl.
28 0ar| Tor|c (E3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (#), 0ro'en (2) or eacr coroalarl.
29 0ar| Tor|c (F3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (#), )oad (#) or eacr coroalarl.
2Z0 0ar| Tor|c (03) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (#), *om"ie (#) or eacr coroalarl.
2Z1 0ar| Tor|c (l3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (#), Stone (2) or eacr coroalarl.
2Z2 0ar| Tor|c (l3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (#), Heat (2) or eacr coroalarl.
2Z3 0ar| Tor|c (J3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (#), 0ro'en (2) or eacr coroalarl.
2Z1 0ar| Tor|c (K3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (#), Mini (#) or eacr coroalarl.
2Z5 0ar| Tor|c (L3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (#), )oad (#) or eacr coroalarl.
2Z 0ar| Tor|c (V3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (#), *om"ie (#) or eacr coroalarl.
2ZZ 0ar| Tor|c (N3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (#), Stone (2) or eacr coroalarl.
2Z8 0ar| Tor|c (03) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (#), Heat (2) or eacr coroalarl.
2Z9 0ar| Tor|c (P3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (#), 0ro'en (2) or eacr coroalarl.
280 0ar| Tor|c (03) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (#), *om"ie (#) or eacr coroalarl.
281 0ar| Tor|c (R3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (#), Stone (2) or eacr coroalarl.
282 0ar| Tor|c (33) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (#), Heat (2) or eacr coroalarl.
283 0ar| Tor|c (T3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (#), 0ro'en (2) or eacr coroalarl.
281 0ar| Tor|c (u3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (#), Stone (2) or eacr coroalarl.
285 0ar| Tor|c (v3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (#), Heat (2) or eacr coroalarl.
28 0ar| Tor|c (w3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (#), 0ro'en (2) or eacr coroalarl.
28Z 0ar| Tor|c (X3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2), Heat (2) or eacr coroalarl.
288 0ar| Tor|c (Y3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2), 0ro'en (2) or eacr coroalarl.
289 0ar| Tor|c (Z3) 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Heat (2), 0ro'en (2) or eacr coroalarl.
290 0ar| Pol|or (A) 3|rg|e 5*+ l|al Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Silence (2)
291 0ar| Pol|or (8) 3|rg|e 5*+ l|al Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (2)
292 0ar| Pol|or (C) 3|rg|e 5*+ l|al Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Sleep (2)
293 0ar| Pol|or (0) 3|rg|e 5*+ l|al Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Berserk (2)
291 0ar| Pol|or (E) 3|rg|e 5*+ l|al Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Confuse (2)
295 0ar| Pol|or (F) 3|rg|e 5*+ l|al Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Slow (2)
29 0ar| Pol|or (0) 3|rg|e 5*+ l|al Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stop (2)
29Z 0ar| Pol|or (l) 3|rg|e 5*+ l|al Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Mini (2)
298 0ar| Pol|or (l) 3|rg|e 5*+ l|al Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg )oad (2)
299 0ar| Pol|or (J) 3|rg|e 5*+ l|al Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg *om"ie (2)
300 0ar| Pol|or (K) 3|rg|e 5*+ l|al Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Stone (2)
301 0ar| Pol|or (L) 3|rg|e 5*+ l|al Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Heat (2)
302 0ar| Pol|or (V) 3|rg|e 5*+ l|al Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Frozer (2)
303 E||x|r ol 0ealr 0roup E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol reduc|rg eacr coroalarl's lP lo 0 (0ealr-lype ellecl).
301 Ev|| 0aze 3|rg|e E><%;,0<$ M. EVA Co3 ol |rl||cl|rg Blind (#), Condemned ((), Confuse (#),
Disa"le (#), %mmo"ili'e (#), Meltdown ((), Silence (#), Sleep (#), &enom ((),
*om"ie (#) or largel.
The .ollo-ing list reca(s so!e o. the !ost i!(ortant conce(ts
introduced in this cha(ter .or 7uick re.erence.
Co!(le'ity /rade. 0easure o. a cra.ting (roCectDs
In%ention Ae%el. 0easure o. an In%entionDs o%erall (o-er.
SiEe /rade. 0easure o. a cra.ting (roCectDs siEe.
6orksho( +our. 8ne hour o. uninterru(ted -ork in a s(ace
that has all the !aterials and e7ui(!ent needed .or the cra.ter
to do his -ork.

@$ph. I"ve fought orse*&
The old adage !aintains that good cannot e'ist -ithout e%il.
2o-here is this !ore true than in the -orlds o. 9inal 9antasy<
-here the road to oneDs destiny is (a%ed -ith the bones o. e%il<
ra%ening< and outright biEarre .oes.
$((endi' II is ho!e to the 0onster Creation Syste! F0CSH<
an in=de(th toolkit .or asse!bling !onsters o. all stri(es.
6hether great< s!all< annoying< or outright -orld=threatening<
the guides in this $((endi' allo- you to create all o. the! -ith
ease. Designing a !onster is not signi.icantly di..erent .ro!
designing a character@ both use a syste!atic ste(=by=ste(
(rocess -hich !ay see! o%er-hel!ing at .irst< but -ill beco!e
increasingly .a!iliar o%er ti!e. $s -ith character creation< it
!ay take a .e- atte!(ts be.ore the (rocess Nclicks.? ,ecause o.
this< you should take the ti!e to thro- together a .e- (ractice
!onsters be.ore creating o((onents .or your (layers in
0onster designs begin -ith a basic outline o. the creature<
called its N(ro.ile.? Aike a characterDs background< the (ro.ile
hel(s to establish the !onsterDs N(ersonalityD and basic
characteristics through ten se(arate headingsK Category<
0onster 9a!ily< Aocation< $((earance< SiEe< Intelligence<
,eha%ior< 9re7uency< &ncounter SiEe< *eaction< and Senses.
&ach o. these ten -ill be e'(lained in detail o%er the ne't .e-
,egin by selecting one or !ore o. the .ourteen 0onster
Categories belo-. $side .ro! establishing -hat L&ne!y Ty(eM
;iller 6ea(ons and $d%antages har! your creature< the
Category also o..ers a broad te!(late .ro! -hich the .iner
details o. the !onster can be -orked out. Categories are not
!utually e'clusi%e@ dual=category !onsters such as
De!onX,east< 0achinaX$erial and DragonX:ndead are all
(er.ectly (lausible. I. the Category is not i!!ediately ob%ious<
ski( this ste( and co!e back once the !onsterDs other
characteristics ha%e been deter!ined.
N/enericD !onsters that .it in no other category< including
uni7ue or one=o.=a=kind creatures.
&'a!(lesK Chi!era< Presenter< Turta(od
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK $ny
0onsters -ith the (o-er to de.y gra%ity< usually through -ings<
but occasionally through !ore e'otic !eans< such as in.lated
bladders< gas sacs< or !agic.
&'a!(lesK ,ats< +ell Di%ers< Buus
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK &le!ental 6eakness F6indH< 0o%e=
Sha(eless !onsters -ith no discernible anato!y that are all
but i!(er%ious against con%entional -ea(ons. So!e $!or(hs
!ay be ca(able o. shi.ting .ro! one .or! to another.
&'a!(lesK ,lobras< 9lans
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK +ea%y $r!or
6ater=d-elling !onsters. Though usually only encountered in
their nati%e ele!ent< they !ay occasionally %enture onto dry
land to terroriEe its deniEens.
&'a!(lesK Caribes< Sahagins< Sharks
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK &le!ental 6eakness FAightningH<
&le!ental *esistance F6aterH< 0o%e=6ater
0onsters created o. ra- !agic< ty(ically as a result o. a S(ell.
&'a!(lesK ,o!bs< &le!entals< Su!!ons
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK $ny
The NnaturalD inhabitants o. the -orld. Includes !onstrous
ani!als and other .auna t-isted by !agic.
&'a!(lesK 9angs< 0u< Sno- Aions
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK $ny
Ai.eless constructs o. stone< -ood< or other !aterial< ani!ated
by !agic or technology.
&'a!(lesK /ole!s< Sol Cannons< 6ar!echs
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK &le!ental I!!unity F,ioH< Drain
Proo.< Status I!!unity F0ysti.yH< Status I!!unity FTo'inH<
Status I!!unity FTrans.or!H.
0onstrous re(tiles -ith a ser(entine bent. Co%ers the classic
-inged dragons as -ell as their groundbound relati%es.
&'a!(lesK Dragons< +ydras< 6y%erns
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK $ny
Su(ernatural o((onents ser%ing the cause o. e%il. 9iends are
generally highly ade(t -ith the use o. !agic.
&'a!(lesK $hri!ans< ,uers< I!(s
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK &le!ental 6eakness F+olyH<
&le!ental *esistance FShado-H
Creatures o. hu!anoid (ro(ortions and !odest intelligence.
&'a!(lesK +u!ans< &l%es< /igases< /nolls< /oblins< 8rcs<
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK &le!ental 6eakness F,ioH
Insects co!e in countless sha(es and siEes< and are ty(ically
(rotected by tough< chitinous shells.
&'a!(lesK $ntlions< /rand 0antises< Sand Scor(ions
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK &le!ental 6eakness FIceH
*e(tiles -ho donDt readily .all into the NDragonD category. They
ty(ically rely !ore on natural !eans o. o..ense than !agical
&'a!(lesK $nacondaurs< ,asilisks
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK &le!ental 6eakness FIceH
$ni!ated and !utated (lant !atter as -ell as natural haEards
such as carni%orous (lants.
&'a!(lesK Cactuars< 0alboros< 8chu
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK &le!ental 6eakness F9ireH
The li%ing dead are creatures reani!ated by .oul sorcery or
su(ernatural circu!stance.
&'a!(lesK /hosts< Skeletons< Bo!bies
*eco!!ended $bilitiesK $uto=Bo!bie< &le!ental 6eakness
F9ireH< &le!ental 6eakness F+olyH
! AF Recommended?
$nybody -hoDs had so!e .a!iliarity -ith the 9inal 9antasy
ga!es !ay -onder -hy Categories donDt ha%e .ir!ly de.ined
$bilities attached to the!. In !any o. the e=ga!es< certain
!onster categories do ha%e standardiEed -eaknesses and
(ro(erties< but these are not consistent throughout the series.
9inal 9antasy J< .or instance< introduced :ndead o((onents
resistant to 9ire< in stark contrast to (re%ious ga!es. 9or this
reason< idiosyncrasies ty(ically .ound in gi%en 0onster
Categories are reco!!ended rather than re7uired.
$ creatureDs 0onster 9a!ily acts as sub=category .or the
0onster Category< and ser%es as a con%enient -ay to grou(
together !onsters -ith si!ilar characteristics. I. your !onster
is an entirely ne- creation< the 0onster 9a!ily -ill usually be
na!ed a.ter it@ i. you are Cust adding a !onster to an e'isting
0onster 9a!ily< use the na!e already in (lace.
6here the !onster is !ost likely to be encountered@ usually its
(re.erred habitat< or range o. habitats. ,asic conce(t and
Category -ill take !ost o. the guess-ork out o. this > $7uan
!onsters -ill be .ound in *i%ers< Aakes< and 8ceans< -hile
Plants are !ore at ho!e in (laces like Jungles and 9orests.
The en%iron!ent a !onster li%es in also (ro%ides a starting
(oint .or assigning things like &le!ental *esistances and
I!!unities later on > ob%iously< a glacier=d-elling !onster is
!ore likely to be able to bra%e ,liEEard S(ells than one
inhabiting a %olcano. The thirteen ty(es o. Aocation areK
Desert. +ot< arid< sandy regions.
Dungeons. $ catchall ter! .or the to-ers and .ortresses
inhabited by e%il !aster!inds. :nlike ruins< dungeons are still
in acti%e use< and are signi.icantly nastier as a result.
9orests. Dense te!(erate .orests and -oodlands !ade u(
o. ti!ber trees. 2ot to be con.used -ith Cungles.
+ills. /rassy or -ooded highlands.
Jungles. +ot and hu!id areas o. tro(ical rain.orest< -ith
hea%y rain.all and e%en hea%ier %egetation.
0arshes. $lternately kno-n as s-a!(s. 9etid -etlands
notorious .or their !uddy< unstable ground.
0ountains. *ocky highlands characteriEed by s(arser<
tougher %egetation and colder te!(eratures.
Plains. $lso called ste((e or %eldt. Ty(ically large< unbroken
stretches o. rolling grassland.
8ceans. The o(en sea.
*i%ersXAakes. Aarge< natural bodies o. .lo-ing or standing
.resh-ater located inland.
*uins. Disused and abandoned buildings or areas o.
habitation. :nlike dungeons< ruins are clai!ed by nobody< and
ha%e .allen into an ad%anced state o. disre(air as a result.
To-ns. $reas o. ci%iliEation Though the ter! Nto-nD is used<
this category a((lies to settle!ents o. any siEe< .ro! tiny
ha!lets to large cities.
Tundra. NCold deserts? !arked by s(arse %egetation<
(eriodic sno-.all and e'tre!e te!(eratures.
:nderground. Ca%es< ca%erns< tunnels< !ines< and any
other areas characteriEed by (ersistent lack o. sunlight and
cool< da!( en%irons.
Aike Categories< Aocations are not !utually e'clusi%e > a
!onster can be .ound in t-o or !ore Aocations i. their
(hysiology su((orts it. I. you are creating a !onster .or a
ca!(aign -orld< generic Aocation ty(es can be re(laced -ith
s(eci.ic locations in that -orld.
In short< -hat the !onster looks like. $gain< the Category -ill
take !ost o. the guess-ork out o. this > Dragons -ill be
%aguely re(tilian in a((earance< $!or(hs blobs and ooEes<
0achina tough and co!(osed o. inorganic !aterials. &%en
-ithin a ty(e< ho-e%er< thereDs tre!endous (otential .or
di%ersity. $ dragon can Cust as easily be a nine=headed
!onstrosity co%ered -ith golden scales or a (olychro!atic
ser(ent< ha%e si' -ings< chitinous ar!or< or shining .eathers.
DonDt be to take a .e- risks and !i' things u(@ !any o.
the !ost !e!orable creatures inhabiting the 9inal 9antasy
uni%erse are ones that stray !ore than Cust a little .ro! the
+abitat< too< (lays a role in sha(ing a((earance. Creatures
li%ing in e'tre!e heat or cold -ill ty(ically ha%e bodies ada(ted
to these conditions > shaggy .ur and other natural insulation
in the case o. cold=d-ellers< heat=resistant and -ater=retaining
.eatures .or those !aking their ho!es in deserts. *e!e!ber
that a((earance is (ri!arily a %isual calling card. $ short< %i%id
set o. details that stick in your (layersD !inds long a.ter the
encounter ulti!ately -ill (ay greater di%idends than a long=
-inded descri(tion cataloging the siEe o. e%ery cla- and talon.
The !onsterDs o%erall siEe !easured in !eters. 0ore o. a
cos!etic consideration than a (ractical one@ -hilst siEe does
gi%e so!e indication as to the !onsterDs o%erall resilience and
(o-er< s!all !onsters are Cust as ca(able o. dealing out
grie%ous da!age as large ones< i. not !oreso.
In the 99*P/< a character?s intelligence is !easured by their
0$/ $ttribute as -ell as their Aore\ and Aanguage\ Skills.
,ecause !onsters do not ha%e Skills to .all back on< a
!onster?s intellect is instead su!!ed u( by an Intelligence
rating. Pick one o. the si' ratings belo-K

2one si!(ly !eans the !onster is not ca(able o.
inde(endent action or thought@ !onsters o. this ty(e rely
entirely on another !onster or 2PC .or guidance. This kind o.
intelligence tends to be characteristic o. !ore (ri!iti%e
0achina and so!e ty(es o. :ndead.
$ni!al intelligence indicates a creature dri%en al!ost
e'clusi%ely by its instincts@ their actions and aggressions are
!oti%ated !ore by -here their ne't !eal is co!ing .ro! than
any kind o. higher (ur(ose.
Pri!iti%e creatures dis(lay a s(ark o. sentience< and !ay
e%en be ca(able o. s(eaking an actual language< albeit
reluctantly > a club is al-ays .ar !ore e..icient at getting the
!essage across.
$%erage intelligence (uts a !onster at roughly hu!an le%el
in ter!s o. reasoning ca(acity. De!i=hu!an races such as
/oblins and 8rcs .all under this category.
+igh intelligence usually designates !ages and other
scholars o. a (articular s(ecies. They can !atch -its -ith
al!ost any !e!ber o. the (arty< and ha%e a !ore=than=.air
chance o. -inning the resulting battle o. !inds.
0onsters -ith &lder intelligence are rare indeed< dis(laying
the kind o. .ierce intellect nor!ally reser%ed .or the -isest o.
Sages. Such creatures usually ha%e the o. centuries o.
learning behind the!< and !ay e%en be i!!ortal.
I. it necessary to re.lect !onsters -ho are slightly abo%e or
belo- a%erage .or their Intelligence rating > say< the di..erence
bet-een a /oblin 0ugger and a /oblin 0age > add a (lus FZH
or !inus F=H a.ter the Intelligence rating. 8b%iously< a
!onsterDs Intelligence -ill also ha%e a bearing on its strategy
as -ell as its interactions -ith the Party > see *eaction and
,eha%ior belo-.
The !onsterDs *eaction gauges ho- the !onster -ill react to
the (layers -hen the ine%itable encounter takes (lace< and
o..ers a use.ul yardstick .or ho- the encounter de%elo(s .ro!
4a$ne! i$be(i#es. -hy !o you
ish to fight;&
9or 99*P/ (ur(oses< *eactions are broken u( into categories.
Pick one o. the .our categories belo-K
9riendly !onsters ad%ice< directions< ite!s< or healing<
de(ending on the circu!stances. So!e !ay e'(ect
co!(ensation .or their troubles< -hile others hel( the (arty .or
2eutral !onsters are (assi%e< and -ill retaliate only i.
threatened the!sel%es. 6hile they -onDt go out o. their -ay to
hel( the (layers< they -onDt atte!(t to hinder the! either. I.
not attacked or other-ise inti!idated and intelligent enough<
they !ay be -illing to barter or their assistance in
e'change .or (ay!ent or so!e other s!all .a%or.
6ary !onsters -onDt (ounce on the (layers outright< but it
-onDt take !uch to (ro%oke their ill=-ill. I. they .eel threatened
by the Party< they -ill al!ost certainly be the .irst to attack.
+ostile !onsters -ill attack PCs on sight< regardless o. the
circu!stances and odds. This !ay be .or a -ide %ariety o.
reasons< ranging .ro! territorial considerations to si!(le
2o- -e add a touch o. color. $ !onsterDs beha%ior can
(otentially enco!(ass e%erything .ro! .eeding and !ating
habits to social !ores > +o- do they react to (otential
threatsG 6hat do they .eed onG Do they tra%el in (acks or
aloneG Do they attack .erociously or strategically< letting the
battle co!e to the!G
This section should also co%er the !onsterDs strategies in
co!bat< i. any. 0agic=using !onsters !ay ( to cast
debilitating S(ells like Poison or Slee(< or syste!atically target
.ront=line -arriors -ith o..ensi%e !agics< -hile their (hysical
counter(arts !ight be !ore interested in going a.ter that
un(rotected 0age or bulking u( their de.enses %ia 0ighty
/uard. 8thers< such as the Cactuar< !ay be in%eterate co-ards
-ho run a-ay at the .irst sign o. trouble > usually a.ter !aking
sure any (ossible (ursuers are thoroughly inca(acitated.
9or the (ur(ose o. arranging rando! encounters and
encounter tables< the !onster should be gi%en a 9re7uency
rating. This rating si!(ly deter!ines ho- co!!on the !onster
is in its nati%e habitat. There are .i%e (ossible 9re7uency
ratingsK Co!!on< :nco!!on< *are< 4ery *are and :ni7ue.
This last grade is usually reser%ed .or ,oss !onsters and their
ilk< and !eans the !onster -ill ne%er be encountered unless
the encounter is (re!editated by the /0.
In order to !ake it easier .or /0s to (lan encounters< !onster
entries should ha%e a reco!!ended &ncounter SiEe to sho-
ho- !any !onsters are needed to (ro%ide a reasonably
challenging encounter .or a (arty o. e7ui%alent Ae%el.
&ncounter SiEe is e'(ressed in ter!s o. %alues like N1X1D > the
.irst nu!ber is the reco!!ended nu!ber o. !onsters and the
second the nu!ber o. PCs needed to .ight it. 1X)< .or instance<
!eans None !onster (er si' characters i. o. e7ui%alent Ae%el.D
#X1< on the other hand< reads Nt-o !onsters .or e%ery one
character.? 8n a%erage< a (arty -ill go through .our
encounters be.ore gaining a le%el< so encounter siEe should be
adCusted -ith that in !ind.
2ote that these nu!bers are likely to be rough at best@ e%en
-ith trial and error< the /0Ds !ileage !ay %ary. 9or (arties -ith
e'cessi%ely (o-er.ul e7ui(!ent and a healthy stock o. reco%ery
ite!s< e%en higher=le%el !onsters -onDt be as !uch o. a
challenge as they should be< -hile cash=stra((ed grou(s -ill
.ind the in%erse to be true. Job choice also a..ects encounter
e..ecti%eness. I. a !onster is (ri!ary -eak against (hysical
attacks and the (arty co!(osed (ri!arily o. 0ages< the
resulting challenge -ill increase e'(onentially. $i! .or the
!iddle ground and assu!e a !i'ed (arty o. (hysical and
!agical attackers@ this gi%es a better !argin o. error than
ske-ing the nu!bers to-ards either e'tre!e.
! (ixin. and (atcin.
&ncounter SiEe can be used to (ut together !i'ed encounters
co!(osed o. se%eral di..erent !onster ty(es. $ssu!e that a
/0 is setting u( a battle .or their .our=strong (arty. The .irst
!onster they (ick< the *ock +ound< has an &ncounter SiEe
rating o. #X1< !eaning that the NbalancedD /rou( -ould
co!(rise eight *ock +ounds. +o-e%er< .or %arietyDs sake< the
/0 also -ants to include at least one additional !onster ty(e.
Aooking through their notes< they .ind another #X1 !onster<
the ,lade /uard. They could no- o(t to use any !i' o. *ock
+ounds and ,lade /uards< u( to a total o. eight > .our
+ounds and .our /uards< si' /uards and t-o +ounds< one
/uard and se%en +oundsY
,ut the /0 also has a 1X# !onster< the Bo!bie ,asilisk. I.
they -anted to add a third !onster to the !i'< they could
build a /rou( out o. one Bo!bie ,asilisk< t-o *ock +ounds
and t-o ,lade /uards. $lternati%ely< they could substitute
another 1X# !onster in > the (ossibilities are literally endless.
,ecause 99*P/ !onsters ha%e no Skills< they cannot use
$-areness to s(ot or track a (arty. Instead< they use Senses as
a substitute. 0onsters ha%e si' total Senses at their dis(osalK
Day 4ision is the de.ault Sense .or !ost !onsters. I. it is
their (ri!ary !eans o. locating an o((onent< they !ay ha%e
unusually keen eyesight and the ca(acity to s(ot targets o%er
long distances.
2ight 4ision allo-s !onsters to see o((onents in dark or
di! lighting conditions -ith increased clarity.
0onsters that detect based on Sound can either hear
nor!al sounds or > in the case o. burro-ing !onsters >
detect %ibrations created by !o%e!ent.
S!ell is generally used by ,easts to track their (rey.
,ecause scents le.t by a target usually last longer than other
sensory cues< !onsters that rely hea%ily on this sense can be
highly (ersistent o((onents.
:ndead !onsters and so!e ty(es o. 9iend and Construct
use a Ai.e Sense to Ns!ellD out li%ing creatures. ,ecause o.
this< they usually ha%e trouble locating arti.icial constructs.
0agic sense is co!!on a!ongst $rcana. In this case< the
!onster can NseeD the aura gi%en o.. by natural !agic=users >
readK all Jobs -ith an 0P die > as -ell as ite!s i!bued -ith
!agic< including $ccessories< 6ea(ons and $r!or -ith
&7ui(!ent $bilities< ,attle Ite!s< and Su((ort Ite!s.
6hen creating the !onster< gi%e each o. these Senses a
*ating .ro! 0 to 100. I. a situation arises -here one or !ore
(arty !e!bers are using Stealth to sneak by the !onster< use
the highest=rated Sense in (lace o. an $-areness *ating .or
the 8((osed Skill Test to see -hether the !onster notices.
Conditional 0odi.iers i!(osed on the characters sneaking by
should be a((ro(riate to the !onster?s (ri!ary sense. 6earing
ca!ou.lage -ill do nothing to .ool a creature using Ai.e sense<
.or instance > the only -ay to co!(letely disguise yoursel. is
to cast Bo!bie.
2o- that the background !aterial is co!(lete< the nu!ber=
crunching begins in earnest. &%ery o(tion gi%en o%er the ne't
.e- (ages has s(eci.ic /il and JP %alues attached to it. $s you
create your !onster< kee( track o. the !odi.iers listed .or
e%ery choice you !ake > these -ill be (articularly i!(ortant at
the end o. the design (rocess.
! ("ltiple Forms (1)
0onsters -ith !ulti(le incarnations are a ti!e=honored 9inal
9antasy traditions< (articularly .or .inal battles@ one
.or!< and your o((onent (ro!(tly shi.ts to another< e%en
!ore (o-er.ul one. There are t-o -ays o. re(resenting this in
the 99P*/K
I. a !onster can change .or!s at -ill< assu!e that doing so
re7uires a standard $bility $ction to carry out. Create each
NalternateD .or! as a se(arate !onster< but do not generate
+it Points and 0agic Points .or the alternate .or!s@ they -ill
use the current and !a'i!u! +P and 0P %alues o. the NbaseD
.or! e%en a.ter they change o%er.
Calculate the /il and JP %alues .or the NbaseD .or!< then add
the /il and JP %alues .or e%ery $bility and $ttack used by an
alternate .or! but not (resent on the NbaseD .or!. 8nce this
has been calculated< !ulti(ly both by 1.1@ this is the .inal /il
and JP %alue o. the !onster.
! ("ltiple Forms (2)
9or !onsters that shi.t .or!s only a.ter the (re%ious .or!
has been de.eated in co!bat< treat each .or! as a co!(letely
inde(endent !onster. The total /il and JP %alue .or the
!onster -ill be e7ual to the su! o. all o. its incarnationsD
,egin by selecting a Ty(e .or the !onster .ro! the list belo-.
This -ill deter!ine its o%erall (o-er le%el as -ell as its .ull
*egular !onsters are cannon .odder< and should !ake u(
around 71Q o. the o((onents the Party runs into during the
course o. their ad%entures. +o-e%er< this does necessarily not
!ean that the (layers -ill ha%e an easy ti!e -ith the!.
2otorious !onsters are a ste( u(< re(resenting griEEled
%eterans< .a%ored !inions< and one=o.=a=kind creatures.
2otorious !onsters are usually encountered at the end o.
e%ery other session@ the a%erage ad%enture -ill usually ha%e
se%eral o. these to gi%e the (layers grie.. :nlike nor!al
!onsters< 2otorious !onsters and their su(eriors can ha%e
7uite de%elo(ed (ersonalities< and should !ake .or a
!e!orable encounter i. handled correctly.
,osses usually a((ear during an ad%enture?s cli!a'< and
should be constructed as a ty(ically e(ic sho-do-n re7uiring a
good deal o. the PartyDs resources and -it to o%erco!e.
&nd ,osses are the (layersD !ost (o-er.ul archene!ies.
These are ty(ically only encountered a.ter a series o.
ad%entures< i. not the end o. a .ull=.ledged ca!(aign< and tend
to be an integral (art o. the ga!eDs ongoing storyline.
In ga!e ter!s< 2otorious< ,oss< and &nd ,oss !onsters -ill
ha%e signi.icantly higher +it Points and (ossess certain
$bilities at no additional cost. Se%eral restrictions on attacks
and attack !odi.iers are also -ai%ed .or !onsters o. this kind<
allo-ing the! to deal signi.icantly !ore da!age to o((onents.
These are discussed in !ore detail in the rele%ant sections
.urther along. 8nce you ha%e chosen a Ty(e< note do-n the
,ase JP and /il 4alue gi%en .or it belo- and continue.
Regu|ar 10 15
Nolor|ous 100 25
8oss 225 55
Erd 8oss 350 90
8nce a Ty(e has been chosen< the ne't consideration is the
!onsterDs Ae%el. $s -ith PCs< !onsters ha%e a Ae%el .ro! 1 to
""< re.lecting their o%erall e'(erience and toughness. $ higher
Ae%el a..ects all o. the !onsterDs abilities > it increases the
nu!ber o. $ttribute Points a%ailable to it< increases its Co!bat
Statistics< and i!(ro%es the da!age it can cause -ith each
attack. It also increases the nu!ber o. &'(erience Points and
/il the !onster is -orth i. de.eated in battle. $s a rough rule o.
thu!b< the higher the Ae%el< the harder > and !ore re-arding
> the !onster -ill be to
:nder !ost circu!stances< the !onsterDs Ae%el -ill be e7ual
to the a%erage Ae%el o. the Party it is intended .or@ a Ae%el #
Party< .or instance< -ill generally be best o.. .acing !onsters
ranging .ro! Ae%el #) to Ae%el 30. 9or an additional challenge<
set the !onsterDs Ae%el 1 to 10 Ae%els abo%e the PartyDs
Aike characters< !onsters ha%e a total o. si' $ttributesK
Strength< 4itality< S(eed< $gility< 0agic< and S(irit. &%ery
!onster has a total o. F31 Z Ae%elH $ttribute Points to s(lit
bet-een these si'< raising $ttribute ratings at a rate o. 1 Point
(er 1 (oint in the rele%ant $ttribute. The !onsterDs basic
conce(t -ill ha%e so!e bearing on ho- these are allocated >
s!all< .ast !onsters -ill ha%e high SPD and $/I< but lo- 4IT
and ST*< -hile large< lu!bering ones -ill be Cust the o((osite.
$ll $ttributes !ust ha%e a !ini!u! %alue o. 1@ other than that<
there are no restrictions on allocation.
,arring one e'ce(tion< !onsters ha%e the e'act sa!e Co!bat
Statistics PCs do. 6here they is in the .ashion in -hich
they are generated.
Hit Points
$ !onsterDs +it Points deter!ine ho- !uch da!age it can
soak u( be.ore being de.eated. $s a general rule o. thu!b< the
larger and tougher a !onster is< the !ore +P it -ill ha%e at its
dis(osal. :nlike Jobs< !onsters ha%e no +it Die< but a .i'ed
%alue called a +it ,ase@ the higher the +it ,ase< the higher the
!onsterDs .inal +P %alue. Select a +it ,ase .ro! the table
belo- and note do-n the rele%ant !odi.iers.
1 Leal 8urry -1 -
1.5 0oo||r -8 -3
2 3ergearl 0 0
1 0cru 18 8
8ererolr 10 19
8 Toroerry 0 30
8nce the !onsterDs +it ,ase has been decided on< use the
a((ro(riate .or!ula .ro! the .ollo-ing list to calculate the
!onsterDs total +PK
Ty(e +P 9or!ula
*egular F+it ,ase ' 4IT ' Ae%elH
2otorious F+it ,ase ' 4IT ' Ae%elH ' #
,oss F+it ,ase ' 4IT ' Ae%elH ' 4
&nd ,oss F+it ,ase ' 4IT ' Ae%elH ' )
Ma$i# Points
S(ellcasting 0onsters -ill need at least so!e a!ount o. 0P to
(o-er their !agic@ the !ore 0P they ha%e at their dis(osal<
the greater the (o-er and e'tent o. their s(ellcasting ability.
:nlike the +it ,ase< a 0agic ,ase is (urely o(tional@ i. the
!onster has no S(ells to s(eak o.< this ste( !ay be ski((ed
entirely. 8ther-ise< select a 0agic ,ase .ro! the table belo-
and note do-n the rele%ant !odi.iers.
--- Leal 8urry 0 0
0.5 0oo||r 8 3
1 8|ac| Vage 15 Z
1.5 0ar| Force 22 10
2 8|ac| wa|lz 35 1
1 Vag|c Vasler 50 28
Pro%ided the !onster has been gi%en a 0agic ,ase< use the
a((ro(riate .or!ula .ro! the .ollo-ing list to calculate the
!onsterDs total 0PK
Ty(e +P 9or!ula
*egular F0agic ,ase ' SP* ' Ae%elH
2otorious F0agic ,ase ' SP* ' Ae%elH ' 1.1
,oss F0agic ,ase ' SP* ' Ae%elH ' #
&nd ,oss F0agic ,ase ' SP* ' Ae%elH ' 3
$ccuracy ser%es the sa!e (ur(ose in !onsters as it does in a
(layer character< deter!ining ho- accurate the !onster?s
$ttacks are. +o-e%er< as the !onster does not ha%e a 6ea(on
Skill< $CC is the sole deciding .actor in -hether or not its
attacks hit. :se the .ollo-ing .or!ula to calculate the
!onsterDs $CCK
F0 Z Ae%el Z F$/I ' #HH
Ma$i# A##ura#)
The 0agic $ccuracy Co!bat Statistic -orks .or !onsters as it
does .or (layers< deter!ining the likelihood o. the !onsterDs
S(ells a..ecting their intended target. :se the .ollo-ing .or!ula
to calculate the !onsterDs 0. $CCK
F100 Z Ae%el Z F0$/ ' #HH
De'terity is used to deter!ine the accuracy o. certain attacks<
ty(ically used in cases -here the !onster is in.licting a
negati%e status. :se the .ollo-ing .or!ula to calculate the
!onster?s D&JK
F10 Z Ae%el Z F$/I ' #HH
0ind is used to deter!ine the accuracy o. certain attacks<
ty(ically used in cases -here the !onster is in.licting a
negati%e status. :se the .ollo-ing .or!ula to calculate the
!onster?s 02DK
F10 Z Ae%el Z F0$/ ' #HH
:nlike the (layers< !onsters donDt -ear indi%idual (ieces o.
(rotecti%e gear. 9or this reason< their $r!or rating is
!easured by a single o%erall %alue called the $r!or ,ase.
0onsters -ith a high $r!or ,ase are ty(ically (rotected by
shells< thickened hides or outright sheets o. !etal< but !ay
also s(ort a larger $r!or ,ase si!(ly because they are di..icult
to da!age -ith con%entional attacks > $!or(hs are one
e'a!(le o. this. Select an $*0 ,ase .ro! the table belo- and
note do-n the !odi.iers.
0.5 Lealer -5 -2
1 0oo||r 0 0
2 0ar| Kr|grl 10 5
1 0o|er 19 9
lror 0|arl 2 18
8nce the !onsterDs $r!or ,ase has been decided on< use
the .ollo-ing .or!ula to calculate the !onsterDs $*0K
F$r!or ,ase ' Ae%el Z F4IT X #HH
/enerally s(eaking< !onsters -ith a high $*0 %alue -ill ha%e
a co!(arati%ely lo- 0. $*0< and %ice %ersa.
Ma$i# Armor
$s -ith $r!or< 0agic $r!or in !onsters is based on a single
%alue > the !onsterDs 0agic $r!or ,ase > rather than !any
se(arate (ieces o. ar!or. Select an 0agic $r!or ,ase .ro! the
table belo- and note do-n the !odi.iers.
0.5 0oo||r -5 -2
1 0rosl 0 0
2 8|ac| Vage 10 5
1 0ar| Force 19 9
Vag|c Vasler 2 18
8nce the !onsterDs 0agic $r!or ,ase has been decided on<
use the .ollo-ing .or!ula to calculate the !onsterDs 0. $*0K
F0agic $r!or ,ase ' Ae%el Z FSP*X#HH
/enerally s(eaking< !onsters -ith a high 0. $*0 %alue -ill
ha%e a co!(arati%ely lo- $*0< and %ice %ersa. S(ellcasting
!onsters -ill ty(ically ha%e a higher 0agic $r!or ,ase than
those -ho rely (ri!arily on (hysical attacks.
$s -ith PCs< a !onsterDs &%asion %alue re(resents its ability to
dodge or interce(t (hysical attacks. :se the .ollo-ing .or!ula
to calculate the !onsterDs &4$K
FAe%el Z SPD Z $/IH
Ma$i# !,asion
0agic &%asion re(resents the !onsterDs resistance to the
(layersD S(ells and Status Conditions. :se the .ollo-ing
.or!ula to calculate 0. &4$K
FAe%el Z 0$/ Z SP*H
6ith the basic (ro(erties o. the !onster settled< itDs ti!e to
!o%e onto its o..ensi%e ca(abilities. $ttacks are the .irst and
si!(lest o. these@ o..ensi%e< da!age=dealing !aneu%ers
carried out as $ttack $ctions in co!bat< and are sealed by the
Status Condition Disable. *egardless o. its range o. abilities<
e%ery !onster -ill ha%e at least one or t-o ?natural? !elee
attacks to .all back on< ty(ically in the .or! o. a bite< (unch<
cla- or horn. The e'act .or! o. the attack is largely de(endent
on the !onsterDs ty(e. $ +u!an=ty(e !onster< .or instance<
!ight ha%e a s-ord or s(ear< -hilst a Plant=ty(e !onster
-ould attack -ith thorns or %ines.
&ach attack has its o-n na!e .or (ur(oses o. identi.ication<
usually de(ending on -hat the !onster does. $ si!(le (hysical
attack could be called S-i(e or ,eak< .or instance< -hile a
!ore elaborate one !ight ha%e a na!e like Paean o. the
+ea%ens or 0egiddo?s 9la!e. To hel( .urther establish a
!onster?s (ersonality< the attackDs entry can include a short
descri(tion o. its %isual e..ects< such as Nthe !onster lunges at
the target< raking it -ith its talons.?
2o- decide -hat kind o. $ction the attack isK $ttack< $bility < or
0agic. This -ill deter!ine -hich Status Condition seals the
attack > Disable -ill seal an $ttack $ction< Curse an $bility
$ction< and Silence a 0agic $ction. In addition< only $ttack
$ctions can score Critical +its< though this re7uires the
!onster to ha%e the Critical $ttack Su((ort $bility.
8nce the attack has been na!ed and described< you !ust
decide -hat kind o. attack it is. Select one o. the o(tions belo-
and !ake a note o. the JP and /il !odi.iers .or your choice
be.ore (roceeding< kee(ing the! se(arate .ro! any other
!odi.iers you ha%e been kee(ing track o..
"tandard Atta#k
&..ectK Standard attacks do da!age and re7uire you to select
a Da!age Die > d)< d< d10 or d1#. The higher the Da!age
Die< the !ore (o-er.ul the !onsterDs attack -ill be. 6hen
choosing -hich Die to use< it !ay hel( to consider the siEe and
(ur(ose o. the !onster. $ large< (hysically oriented !onster
like an Iron /iant is !ore likely to be a d10 or d1# than a 9lan
that only attacks -ith its tendrils -hen its s(ellcasting abilities
aren?t doing the trick.
d 8 3
d8 20 8
d10 30 10
d12 0 20
5o +ama$e
&..ectK $ttacks that deal no da!age are usually used .or
Charge ,reakers< Dis(el $ttacks< 2ear=9atal $ttacks< or Status
$ttacks > see belo- .or !ore details.
--- ---
2o- deter!ine the attack?s target by selecting the a((ro(riate
o(tions .ro! the list belo-. 2ote do-n the rele%ant !odi.iers
-ith the attack?s basic JP and /il costs.
&..ectK The attack can only target a single co!batant.
--- ---
&..ectK The attack can target a /rou( o. co!batants.
x 2 x 2
Random 'ar$et
&..ectK *ando! Target is not a standalone choice< but !ust be
co!bined -ith one o. the other o(tions listed here. I. used in
conCunction -ith Single< the attack targets a rando! o((onent
by de.ault. I. used in conCunction -ith /rou(< the attack strikes
the targeted /rou( a nu!ber o. ti!es e7ual to the nu!ber o.
acti%e co!batants in that /rou(< targeting a rando! !e!ber
e%ery ti!e. I. co!bined -ith :n.ocused< an attack -ith
*ando! Target hits one rando!ly=deter!ined co!batant on
the battle.ield.
x 0.Z5 x 0.Z5
&..ectK The !onsterDs $ttack da!ages e%erything on the
battle.ield< changing its Target .ro! Single to $ll. Pricing .or an
:n.ocused $ttack de(ends on -hether or not a !onster is
i!!une to its e..ects. 9or instance< an :n.ocused attack
in.licting Slee( -ould incur the ' #X' # !odi.ier i. the !onster
had Status I!!unity FSealH or Status I!!unity FSlee(H.
vu|rerao|e lo allac| x1 x1
lrrure lo allac| x2 x2
$ 0odi.ier is a s(ecial (ro(erty attached to a basic attack to
enhance its e..ects. $ny nu!ber o. 0odi.iers can be added to
an attack@ a hand.ul ha%e been gi%en belo-< though the /0 is
at liberty to add and (rice their o-n i. needed. 2ot e%ery
0odi.ier -ill a((ly to e%ery attack ty(e > attacks that do no
da!age cannot .ro! 0odi.iers that in%ol%e da!age in
their e..ects. ,e sure and note do-n the JP and /il !odi.iers
o. any (ro(erties added to the $ttack be.ore (roceeding to the
ne't ste(.
&..ectK The attack is (recise enough that no $CC or 0. $CC roll
is needed to see i. it hits< though it !ay still be a..ected by
*eaction $bilities such as &%ade O Counter. $ny 0odi.iers
attached to the attack !ust still be rolled .or as nor!al.
x 2 x 2
C/ar$e (reaker
&..ectK The !onster has the ability to interru(t its o((onentsD
attacks -ith its o-n. I. used against an o((onent in the
(rocess o. e'ecuting a Slo- $ction > or any other $ction -ith a
Charge Ti!e > an attack -ith the Charge ,reaker 0odi.ier
auto!atically cancels the $ction@ the target is instead
considered to be in a De.ense $ction once the attackDs e..ects
ha%e been resol%ed< and -ill re!ain in a De.ense $ction until it
can choose its ne't $ction.
18 10
&..ectK The !onsterDs attack takes a nu!ber o. *ounds > 1 to
) > to e'ecute< usually as a result o. re7uiring a signi.icant
a!ount o. (o-er to be built u( and released. 9or all intents
and (ur(oses< treat this as a s(ecialiEed Charge Ti!e > the
sa!e considerations gi%en to interru(ting Slo- $ctions in
Cha(ter 7 also a((ly here. $n $ttack -ith Countdo-n usually
gi%es its %icti!s so!e kind o. %isual signi.ier at the start o.
each *ound to let the! kno- -here the countdo-n is currently
at. JP and /il %alues are static regardless o. ho- long the
Countdo-n takes< though e%ery *ound s(ent charging the
attack increases its .inal da!age by #1Q.
x 0.8 x 0.8
+elta Atta#k
&..ectK The attack re7uires se%eral sources o. (o-er to
e'ecute. Designate Sla%e Parts or any nu!ber o. other
!onsters -hen selecting this 0odi.ier > all o. these !ust be
acti%e co!batants on the battle.ield in order .or the Delta
$ttack to be used. 8nly the !onster initiating the Delta $ttack
needs to ha%e the attack and 0odi.ier< and re7uires Cust one
$ction to carry it out@ anybody else (artici(ating in it is Cust
(ouring additional energy into it< and does not ha%e to s(end
any $ctions to do so. Delta $ttack?s JP and /il !odi.iers
de(end on -hether one or se%eral additional co!batants
needed to e'ecute the $ttack.
0re Parl/Vorsler x 0.Z5 x 0.Z5
Vu|l|p|e Parls/Vorslers x 0.5 x 0.5
+ela) Atta#k
&..ectK The attack has a li!ited CoS o. reducing the target?s
Initiati%e by a certain a!ount. This CoS -ill be deter!ined later
in the attack?s creation (rocess. JP and /il %alues are
deter!ined by ho- !uch the target?s Initiati%e is reduced by i.
Delay $ttack is success.ul.
25 5 2
50 10 3
Z5 20
+ela) "trike
&..ectK The attack has a CoS o. )0Q o. reducing the target?s
Initiati%e by a certain a!ount. JP and /il %alues are deter!ined
by ho- !uch the target?s Initiati%e is reduced by i. Delay Strike
is success.ul.
25 2
50 11 3
Z5 21
+ela) 'ou#/
&..ectK The attack has a CoS o. 30Q o. reducing the target?s
Initiati%e by a certain a!ount. JP and /il %alues are deter!ined
by ho- !uch the target?s Initiati%e is reduced by i. Delay
Touch is success.ul.
25 3 2
50 8 2
Z5 1 5
+ispel Atta#k
&..ectK The attack has a li!ited CoS o. re!o%ing all &nhance
and ,arrier=ty(e Status Conditions sa%e Shield .ro! the target.
This CoS -ill be deter!ined later in the attack?s creation
18 1
+ispel "trike
&..ectK The attack has a )0Q CoS o. re!o%ing all &nhance
and ,arrier=ty(e Status Conditions sa%e Shield .ro! the target.
51 18
+ispel 'ou#/
&..ectK The attack has a 30Q CoS o. re!o%ing all &nhance
and ,arrier=ty(e Status Conditions sa%e Shield .ro! the target.
25 8
!lemental Affinit)
&..ectK The attack has an a..inity to-ards one o. the nine
Co!bat &le!ents< and counts as in.licting da!age o. that
&le!ent .or (ur(oses o. 6eaknesses< *esistances< I!!unities<
$bsorbances< and any other situation -here the $ttackDs
&le!ent -ould ha%e an i!(act.
x 1 x 1
Ground (ased
&..ectK The $ttack tra%els along > or through > the ground<
li!iting its e..ecti%eness against .lying o((onents. $s a result<
co!batants under the e..ects o. the Status Conditions 9loat
and 9light are i!!une to its e..ects.
x 0.8 x 0.8
HP +rain
&..ectK In addition to in.licting da!age< the !onsterDs attack
restores the !onsterDs +it Points by an a!ount e7ual to 10Q
o. the da!age done a.ter !odi.ying .or $*0 or 0. $*0. Thus<
an +P Drain attack that in.licts 110 da!age -ill restore 71 +P
to the !onster. +P Drain cannot be co!bined -ith +P Si(hon.
x 1.25 x 1.25
HP "ip/on
&..ectK In addition to in.licting da!age< the !onsterDs attack
restores the !onsterDs +it Points by an a!ount e7ual to the
da!age done a.ter !odi.ying .or $*0 or 0. $*0. Thus< an +P
Si(hon attack that in.licts 110 da!age -ill restore 110 +P to
the !onster. +P Si(hon cannot be co!bined -ith +P Drain<
and should not be co!bined -ith Po-er Strike unless the
!onster is o. ,oss le%el or higher.
x 1.5 x 1.5
&..ectK The !onsterDs attack ignores e%en the toughest ar!or.
2either $*0 nor 0. $*0 are a((lied -hen calculating da!age
.or a 0elting attack.
x 1.Z5 x 1.Z5
MP Cost
&..ectK The !onster !ust s(end 0agic Points to use this
attack. The attack?s 0P cost is e7ual toK
F$ttack?s JP 4alue be.ore 0P Cost X #H Z 0onster Ae%el
x 0.Z5 x 0.Z5
MP +ama$e
&..ectK *ather than in.lict (hysical da!age< the attack a..ects
its targetDs !ana reser%es instead. :(on a success.ul strike<
the target loses a nu!ber o. 0agic Points e7ual to the da!age
in.licted by the attack@ no other da!age is done.
x 1.25 x 1.25
MP +rain
&..ectK The !onsterDs attack da!ages the targetDs !ana. $ll
da!age dealt by an 0P Drain attack > a.ter !odi.ying .or $*0
or 0. $*0 as nor!al > is subtracted .ro! the targetDs 0agic
Points rather than +it Points< restoring 10Q o. that 0P to the
!onster. Thus< an 0P Drain attack that in.licts 110 da!age to
the target?s 0P -ould restore the !onster?s 0P by 71 (oints.
This 0odi.ier cannot be co!bined -ith the 0P Si(hon.
x 1.5 x 1.1
MP "ip/on
&..ectK The !onsterDs attack da!ages the targetDs !ana. $ll
da!age dealt by an 0P Si(hon attack > a.ter !odi.ying .or
$*0 or 0. $*0 as nor!al > is subtracted .ro! the targetDs
0agic Points rather than +it Points< restoring an e7ual
7uantity o. 0P to the !onster. Thus< an 0P Si(hon attack that
in.licts 110 da!age to the target?s 0P -ould restore the
!onster?s 0P by 110 (oints. This 0odi.ier cannot be
co!bined -ith 0P Drain< and should not be used in
conCunction -ith the Po-er Strike or /rou( 0odi.iers unless
the !onster is a ,oss or &nd ,oss.
x 1.Z5 x 1.
5ear-Fatal Atta#k
&..ectK 2ear=9atal $ttack has a li!ited CoS o. reducing a target
to 1 +P regardless o. its current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0 %alues< or
the Da!age Ca(. This CoS -ill be deter!ined later in the
attack?s creation (rocess. It is generally reco!!ended that
2ear=9atal 0odi.iers be reser%ed .or ,oss !onsters and abo%e<
and co!bined -ith as .e- other 0odi.iers as (ossible.
1 22

5ear-Fatal "trike
&..ectK 2ear=9atal Touch has a CoS o. )0Q o. reducing a
target to 1 +P regardless o. its current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0
%alues< or the Da!age Ca(. It is generally reco!!ended that
2ear=9atal 0odi.iers be reser%ed .or ,oss !onsters and abo%e<
and co!bined -ith as .e- other 0odi.iers as (ossible.
19 25
5ear-Fatal 'ou#/
&..ectK 2ear=9atal Touch has a CoS o. 30Q o. reducing a
target to 1 +P regardless o. its current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0
%alues< or the Da!age Ca(. It is generally reco!!ended that
2ear=9atal 0odi.iers be reser%ed .or ,oss !onsters and abo%e<
and co!bined -ith as .e- other 0odi.iers as (ossible.
21 11
&..ectK The !onsterDs attack is ca(able o. (iercing rein.orced
ar!or. 8nly 10Q o. the targetDs $*0 and 0. $*0 is a((lied
-hen calculating da!age .or a Piercing attack.
x 1.25 x 1.25
Po*er "trike
&..ectK The !onsterDs attack strikes -ith unusual (o-er. 6hen
calculating the da!age in.licted by a Po-er Strike attack<
increase the Da!age Scale by F# Z F0onsterDs Ae%el X 10HH.
9or balance reasons< Po-er Strike should not be co!bined
-ith /rou( or :n.ocused unless the !onster is o. ,oss le%el or
x 2 x 2
&..ectK 2ot all !onsters con.ine the!sel%es to !elee. 6ith
(roCectiles like rocks< arro-s< energy balls or e%en sali%a< a
!onster -ith a *anged attack can hit o((onents e%en at a
x 1.1 x 1.1
&..ectK The attack re7uires additional ti!e to (re(are<
resulting in a Charge Ti!e. Charge Ti!e is e7ual to
F0onsterDs Ae%el X 4H@ a Ae%el 40 !onster -ith a Slo- attack
-ould thus ha%e a CT o. 10. The lo-est CT a Slo- attack can
ha%e is #@ round u( to co!(ensate i. necessary.
x 0.Z5 x 0.Z5
&..ectK The attack this 0odi.ier is tied to cannot be used until
the !onster reaches #1Q or .e-er o. its !a'i!u! +it Points.
Cannot be used in conCunction -ith S8S=Aose.
x 0.Z5 x 0.Z5
&..ectK The attack this 0odi.ier is tied to is no longer usable
-hen the !onster reaches #1Q or .e-er o. its !a'i!u! +it
Points. Cannot be used in conCunction -ith S8S=/ain.
x 0.Z5 x 0.Z5
"plit +ama$e
&..ectK The !onsterDs attack s(lits da!age e%enly bet-een
(hysical and !agical. 10Q o. the da!age in.licted by a
success.ul $ttack > a.ter !odi.ying .or $*0 > is subtracted
.ro! the targetDs +P@ the re!aining 10Q is subtracted .ro! its
x 1.25 x 1.25
"tatus Atta#k
&..ectK The !onsterDs attack has a li!ited CoS o. in.licting a
har!.ul Status Condition on the target. This CoS -ill be
deter!ined later in the attack?s creation (rocess. JP and /il
!odi.iers de(end on the actual Condition in.licted@ .or
(ur(oses o. calculating these %alues< Status Conditions are
organiEed into one o. .our Nclasses.?
Class IK ,erserk F4H< ,lind F4H< Curse F4H< Disable F4H<
I!!obiliEe F4H< Poison FH< Silence F4H< Slee( F4H< Slo- F4H
Class IIK Conde!ned F4H< Con.use F4H< Petri.y F4H< L'M Do-n
F)H< Sa( F4H< :na-are F1H
Class IIIK &Cect< 0ini F4H< Toad F4H< L'M ,reak F)H< Sto( F4H<
4eno! F4H< Bo!bie FH
Class I4K Char! F4H< Death< 9roEen F#H< +eat F#H< 0eltdo-n
F#H< Stone FH
C|ass l 18
C|ass ll 33 11
C|ass lll 18 1
C|ass lv 1 21
"tatus "trike
&..ectK The !onsterDs attack has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting a
har!.ul Status Condition on the target. JP and /il !odi.iers
de(end on the actual Condition in.licted@ .or (ur(oses o.
calculating JP and /il %alues< Status Conditions are organiEed
into one o. .our Nclasses.? /enerally best used on !onsters o.
Ae%el 30 and u(.
Class IK ,erserk F4H< ,lind F4H< Curse F4H< Disable F4H<
I!!obiliEe F4H< Poison FH< Silence F4H< Slee( F4H< Slo- F4H
Class IIK Conde!ned F4H< Con.use F4H< Petri.y F4H< L'M Do-n
F)H< Sa( F4H< :na-are F1H
Class IIIK &Cect< 0ini F4H< Toad F4H< L'M ,reak F)H< Sto( F4H<
4eno! F4H< Bo!bie FH
Class I4K Char! F4H< Death< 9roEen F#H< +eat F#H< 0eltdo-n
F#H< Stone FH
C|ass l 21 Z
C|ass ll 35 13
C|ass lll 51 18
C|ass lv Z 22
"tatus 'ou#/
&..ectK The !onsterDs attack has a CoS o. 30Q o. in.licting a
har!.ul Status Condition on the target. JP and /il !odi.iers
de(end on the actual Condition in.licted@ .or (ur(oses o.
calculating JP and /il %alues< Status Conditions are organiEed
into one o. .our Nclasses.?
Class IK ,erserk F4H< ,lind F4H< Curse F4H< Disable F4H<
I!!obiliEe F4H< Poison FH< Silence F4H< Slee( F4H< Slo- F4H
Class IIK Conde!ned F4H< Con.use F4H< Petri.y F4H< L'M Do-n
F)H< Sa( F4H< :na-are F1H
Class IIIK &Cect< 0ini F4H< Toad F4H< L'M ,reak F)H< Sto( F4H<
4eno! F4H< Bo!bie FH
Class I4K Char! F4H< Death< 9roEen F#H< +eat F#H< 0eltdo-n
F#H< Stone FH
C|ass l 10 3
C|ass ll 1Z
C|ass lll 25 8
C|ass lv 31 12
&..ectK The attack cannot be sealed by Curse< Disable<
I!!obiliEe< or Silence. 9or balance reasons< it is reco!!ended
this 0odi.ier be used relati%ely rarely.
x 3 x 3
8nce all 0odi.iers ha%e been added< decide -hich $ttribute the
attack uses .or da!age codes > ST*< $/I < or 0$/. ST* is
ty(ically used by Physical !elee attacks< $/I by Physical
ranged attacks< and 0$/ .or 0agical ones. $ttacks that deal no
da!age can ski( this ste(.
Decide -hether the attack deals Physical or 0agical da!age.
This deter!ines -hether the attack is reduced by $*0 or 0.
$*0. $ttacks that deal no da!age can ski( this ste(.
The ne't ste( is to start (inning do-n the hard nu!bers. I. the
attack deals da!age< consult Table $II= 1 and note do-n the
a((ro(riate Da!age Code .or the !onster?s Ae%el and Da!age
Die. 8nce this is done< (recalculate the da!age by .actoring in
the $ttribute you chose .or the attack at the beginning o. the
design (rocess. $ssu!ing the attack doesn?t ha%e the 0elting
0odi.ier< .inish your calculations by -riting out the .ull Da!age
Code< noting -hether the attack is !odi.ied by $*0 or 0. $*0.
$ Ae%el 1# !onster?s 0$/=based d attack -ould thus has a
.inal Da!age Code o. F3 ' 0$/H Z d< 0. $r!or.
Ta%le A**&1' Attac) ;ama.e
1 - 1 2 x [Allr|oule| d 2 x [Allr|oule| d8 2 x [Allr|oule| d10 2 x [Allr|oule| d12
5 - 9 2 x [Allr|oule| d 3 x [Allr|oule| d8 3 x [Allr|oule| d10 3 x [Allr|oule| d12
10 - 11 3 x [Allr|oule| d 3 x [Allr|oule| d8 1 x [Allr|oule| d10 1 x [Allr|oule| d12
15 - 19 1 x [Allr|oule| 2d 1 x [Allr|oule| 2d8 5 x [Allr|oule| d10 x [Allr|oule| d12
20 - 21 5 x [Allr|oule| 3d 5 x [Allr|oule| 2d8 x [Allr|oule| d10 Z x [Allr|oule| d12
25 - 29 5 x [Allr|oule| 3d x [Allr|oule| 2d8 Z x [Allr|oule| 2d10 8 x [Allr|oule| d12
30 - 31 x [Allr|oule| 3d Z x [Allr|oule| 2d8 8 x [Allr|oule| 2d10 9 x [Allr|oule| d12
35 - 39 Z x [Allr|oule| 3d 8 x [Allr|oule| 3d8 9 x [Allr|oule| 2d10 10 x [Allr|oule| 2d12
10 - 11 8 x [Allr|oule| 3d 9 x [Allr|oule| 3d8 10 x [Allr|oule| 2d10 11 x [Allr|oule| 2d12
15 - 19 9 x [Allr|oule| 1d 10 x [Allr|oule| 3d8 11 x [Allr|oule| 3d10 12 x [Allr|oule| 2d12
50 - 51 10 x [Allr|oule| 1d 11 x [Allr|oule| 1d8 13 x [Allr|oule| 3d10 15 x [Allr|oule| 3d12
55 - 59 11 x [Allr|oule| 1d 12 x [Allr|oule| 1d8 15 x [Allr|oule| 3d10 1Z x [Allr|oule| 3d12
0 - 1 12 x [Allr|oule| 5d 13 x [Allr|oule| 1d8 1 x [Allr|oule| 1d10 18 x [Allr|oule| 3d12
5 - 9 13 x [Allr|oule| 5d 11 x [Allr|oule| 5d8 1Z x [Allr|oule| 1d10 19 x [Allr|oule| 1d12
Z0 - Z1 11 x [Allr|oule| 5d 15 x [Allr|oule| 5d8 20 x [Allr|oule| 1d10 21 x [Allr|oule| 1d12
Z5 - Z9 15 x [Allr|oule| 5d 1 x [Allr|oule| 5d8 21 x [Allr|oule| 5d10 23 x [Allr|oule| 1d12
80 - 81 1 x [Allr|oule| 5d 18 x [Allr|oule| 5d8 22 x [Allr|oule| 5d10 21 x [Allr|oule| 5d12
85 - 89 1Z x [Allr|oule| 5d 19 x [Allr|oule| 5d8 23 x [Allr|oule| 5d10 25 x [Allr|oule| 5d12
90 - 91 18 x [Allr|oule| 5d 21 x [Allr|oule| 5d8 21 x [Allr|oule| 5d10 2 x [Allr|oule| 5d12
95 - 98 19 x [Allr|oule| 5d 22 x [Allr|oule| 5d8 25 x [Allr|oule| 5d10 2Z x [Allr|oule| 5d12
99 20 x [Allr|oule| 5d 23 x [Allr|oule| 5d8 2 x [Allr|oule| 5d10 29 x [Allr|oule| 5d12
6ith da!age settled< the last bit o. nu!bercrunching in%ol%es
creating the attack?s Chance o. Success. Start by choosing
-hich Co!bat Statistic deter!ines the basic CoSK $ccuracy< 0.
$ccuracy< 0ind< or De'terity. Then decide -hat !odi.ies the
CoSK &%asion or 0. &%asion. In general< $ccuracy and
De'terity are !odi.ied by &%asion and 0. $ccuracy and 0ind by
0. &%asion< though there are e'ce(tions.
2ear=9atal $ttacks< Dis(el $ttacks< and Status $ttacks also
re7uire you to create a Chance o. Success .or!ula. In this
case< the basic CoS -ill be either F0. $CC = 10H< 0ind< or
De'terity< and can be !odi.ied by &%asion or 0. &%asion.
8nce you ha%e chosen the a((ro(riate Co!bat Statistics< -rite
out the Chance o. Success .or!ula in the attack?s descri(tion.
I. the attack is 0agical< you should also deter!ine -hether it is
a..ected by *e.lect or the $bility *unic. $n attack -ill only be
%ulnerable to *unic i. it has an 0P Cost@ the sa!e criterion is
reco!!ended .or deciding -hether or not *e.lect -orks on the
8nce the $ttack has been .inished< you !ust .igure out ho-
!uch it -ill adCust the !onster?s .inal /il and JP %alues by.
Check the JP !odi.iers you -rote do-n< then add all nu!bers
that aren?t (re.aced by an ?'? together. Then !ulti(ly this total
by e%ery !odi.ier (re.aced by an ?'<? one at a ti!e. 9or
e'a!(le< i. a /oblin has a /round=,ased d) attack -ith /rou(
and Status Touch F,lindH< the attack?s JP !odi.ier is F Z
10H ' # ' 0.< or #. *e(eat this (rocess .or the /il
!odi.iers< and you -ill ha%e the .inal /il and JP !odi.iers .or
the attack.
+ere are a .e- sa!(le attacks (ut together -ith this syste!.
The !onster?s Ae%el is gi%en to the right o. the attack na!e.
Ma$nitude 8 le,el 35
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK 0agic $ction F"1 0PH
The ground begins to shudder as a %iolent 7uake tears
through the i!!ediate area< sho-ering the battle.ield -ith
.rag!ents o. rock and earth. 0agnitude has a CoS o. 0.
$ccuracy< 0. &%asion o. in.licting F10 ' 0$/H Z d1#< 0.
$*0 &arth &le!ental da!age.
JP 0odi.ierK "0 /il 0odi.ierK 30
0odi.iersK &le!ental $..inity< /rou(< 0P Cost
"ali,a le,el 4:
TargetK Single Ty(eK 9ast $bility
The !onster s(its a -ad o. !agically charged sali%a at an
o((onent< !iring the! in gunk. Sali%a in.licts F ' 0$/H Z
3d)< 0. $*0 0agical da!age< striking auto!atically. In
addition< Sali%a has a CoS o. )0Q o. in.licting the Status
Condition Curse F4H. This attack is only gained once the
!onster is reduced to #1Q o. its !a'i!u! +it Points.
JP 0odi.ierK 1"4 /il 0odi.ierK )4
0odi.iersK S8S=/ain< Status Strike FClass IH< $uto=+it
"oni# Fan$s le,el 2:
TargetK Single Ty(eK $ttack $ction
The !onster deli%ers a high=s(eed bite attack< re(eatedly
gnashing at the target .or !assi%e da!age. Sonic 9angs has a
CoS o. $ccuracy< &%asion o. in.licting F11 ' ST*H Z d10<
F$*0 X #H Physical da!age.
JP 0odi.ierK "7 /il 0odi.ierK 3#
0odi.iersK Piercing< Po-er Strike
$ction $bilities .ill in the cracks bet-een attacks< S(ells< and
Job $bilities< co%ering s(ecial techni7ues and ca(abilities that
don?t ha%e counter(arts any-here else. :nless other-ise
s(eci.ied< all $bilities are Single target< re7uire an $bility $ction
to use< and are sealed by the Status Condition Curse.
Aike $ttacks< $bilities are gi%en descri(ti%e na!es .or
identi.ication (ur(oses. :nlike $ttacks< ho-e%er< !any o. the
$ction $bility e..ects gi%en here > such as Clone< $lar!< and
*estore > are Nco!(lete (ackages? rather than indi%idual
co!(onents. 9or this reason< it !ay be easier to Cust kee( the
de.ault na!e.
Aisted belo- are a nu!ber o. basic te!(lates .or $ction
$bilities. Select one to set the $bilityDs !echanical e..ects.
Add "tatus
&..ectK The !onster can use an $bility $ction to auto!atically
add a (ositi%e Status Condition F4H to a Single target. JP and
/il %alues are gi%en (er Status added< and de(end on the e'act
Status takenK
Class IK 9loat< $gility :(< S(irit :(< L&le!entM S(ikes
Class IIK Protect< Shell< $r!or :(< 0ental :(
Class IIIK +aste< *e.lect< Po-er :(< 0agic :(
Class I4K *egen< $ura< 4anish
$dd Status can be used to add !ore than one Status
Condition at a ti!e< though it is reco!!ended that this o(tion
be reser%ed .or ,oss !onsters and creatures o. Ae%el 30 or
C|ass l 11 1
C|ass ll 18
C|ass lll 2 9
C|ass lv 38 12
&..ectK The !onster can use an $bility $ction to su!!on an
additional !onster into battle. The ne- !onster arri%es on the
battle.ield at the beginning o. the .ollo-ing *ound< .or!ing a
/rou( -ith the original !onster< and generates Initiati%e as
nor!al. 8nce used< $lar! cannot be used again until the
su!!oned !onster has been de.eated or inca(acitated.
The ty(e o. !onster su!!oned by $lar! should be noted in
the $bilityDs descri(tion. 0ulti(le !onsters can be su!!oned
through a single $lar!@ in this case< !ulti(ly the JP and /il
0odi.iers gi%en belo- by the nu!ber o. !onsters su!!oned.
It is generally reco!!ended that any !onsters su!!oned
through $lar! be o. e7ual or lo-er Ae%el to the !onster doing
the su!!oning.
32 18
&..ectK The !onster can consu!e other !onsters to increase
its o-n strength. $ !onster can CannibaliEe a Single ally o. a
Ae%el no higher than F0onster?s Ae%el X #H at the cost o. one
$bility $ction. This auto!atically reduces the target?s +P to 0 >
treat this as an &Cect=ty(e e..ect.
JP and /il %alues .or CannibaliEe de(end on -hat e..ects it
has. ,y de.ault< the !onster regains FTarget?s Current +PH
+it Points< but CannibaliEe can instead besto- one (ositi%e
Status Condition F4H on the !onster. JP and /il %alues are
gi%en (er Status added< and de(end on the e'act Status takenK
Class IK 9loat< $gility :(< S(irit :(< L&le!entM S(ikes
Class IIK Protect< Shell< $r!or :(< 0ental :(
Class IIIK +aste< *e.lect< Po-er :(< 0agic :(
Class I4K *egen< $ura< 4anish
0onsters destroyed by CannibaliEe re-ard JP and /il as i.
they had targeted by an &Cect e..ect< though they only -ill do
so once the !onster that CannibaliEed the! is de.eated.
Rega|r lP 3 12
Add C|ass l 3lalus 10 3
Add C|ass ll 3lalus 15 5
Add C|ass lll 3lalus 22 8
Add C|ass lv 3lalus 32 11
&..ectK The !onster can use an $bility $ction to create a co(y
o. one o. its o((onents to act as an acti%e co!batant in the
current battle. The clone has all the $ttributes< Co!bat
Statistics< &7ui(!ent< and $bilities o. the original character<
and generates Initiati%e as nor!al< .ighting on the !onsterDs
behal. until killed or inca(acitated. 2o JP or /il is a-arded .or
de.eating o((onents created by Clone.
1 32
&..ectK The !onster has the ability to !ake &sca(e $ctions<
allo-ing it to .lee .ro! battle. 0onsters that success.ully
esca(e are not counted as de.eated< and a-ard no JP< /il< or
Ite!s to the (layers. &sca(e is sealed by the Status Condition
5 2
&..ectK The !onster is ca(able o. seiEing and i!(risoning
o((onents in battle. Doing so re7uires the !onster to use an
$bility $ction. 6hilst i!(risoned< the (risoner is a..licted -ith
the Status Condition I!!obiliEe > e%en i. he -ould nor!ally be
I!!une to it > and su..ers 10Q o. any da!age done to the
!onster a.ter it has been !odi.ied .or $*0 or 0. $*0. The
(risoner?s $*0 and 0. $*0 can be used to .urther reduce this
,y de.ault< the (risoner is only released i. the !onster
decides to let hi! go > this is done during the Status Phase<
and costs no $ctions to do > or i. the !onster is inca(acitated.
+o-e%er< I!(rison has a nu!ber o. s(ecial 0odi.iers that can
be added to gi%e it !ore strategic de(th.
$ ,inding Prison (re%ents the ca(tured target .ro! !aking
$ctions or generating Initiati%e .or as long as he re!ains in the
!onsterDs clutches.
$n Insecure Prison gi%es the target the o((ortunity to
!ake an &sca(e $ction. The o((osed roll .or the &sca(e $ction
uses F0onster?s $/I Z 0onster?s Ae%elH instead o. the
!onster?s SPD *ating.
$ Sheltered Prison (re%ents the ca(tured target .ro!
taking da!age -hen the !onster is da!aged in battle.
$ target in a Da!aging Prison loses 10Q o. his !a'i!u!
+it Points at the end o. e%ery Status Phase he still re!ains
i!(risoned .or.
$ 4ulnerable Prison releases the target released .ro! the
!onsterDs clutches once the !onster su..ers da!age e7ual to
10Q o. the !onsterDs !a'i!u! +it Points. This da!age is
cu!ulati%e< and does not ha%e to be done in one attack.
These 0odi.iers !ay be co!bined as the /0 chooses. The
JP and /il !odi.iers gi%en .or each o(tion co!e on to( o. the
basic cost .or I!(rison.
lrpr|sor 3 12
8|rd|rg Pr|sor 12 1
lrsecure Pr|sor -9 -3
3re|lered Pr|sor -9 -3
0arag|rg Pr|sor 9 3
vu|rerao|e Pr|sor -12 -1
3tem 1se
&..ectK The !onster can !ake Ite! $ctions< and has an
In%entory o. its o-n. Ite!s !ade a%ailable to a !onster %ia its
In%entory are se(arate .ro! the !onsterDs Treasure Tables@
anything still le.t in the !onsterDs In%entory -hen it is de.eated
is a-arded to the (layers alongside the usual treasure.
Success.ul use o. Steal liberates a rando! ite! .ro! the
!onsterDs In%entory until there is nothing le.t to steal@ at this
(oint< subse7uent uses o. Steal take ite!s .ro! the Treasure
Table as nor!al. Ite! :se is sealed by the Status Condition
15 0
&..ectK The !onster has the ability to regenerate e%en
grie%ous da!age. Through the use o. an $bility $ction< a
!onster -ith *estore can regenerate #1Q< 10Q< or 71Q o.
its !a'i!u! +it Points. Creatures under the Status Condition
Bo!bie the a((ro(riate a!ount o. da!age instead.
25 20 13
50 0 10
Z5 100 Z5
"teal "tatus
&..ectK The !onster is ca(able o. stealing Status Conditions
.ro! another co!batant. Steal Status re7uires an $bility $ction
to carry out< and trans.ers the ne-est Status Condition added
to the target to the !onster< duration included< canceling it on
the target in the (rocess. JP and /il %alues de(end on -hether
the !onster -ill steal any Status Condition< or only the ne-est
(ositi%e Status Condition added to the target. Steal Status !ay
take !ulti(le Status Conditions -ith Cust one $ction@ in this
case< !ulti(ly the %alues gi%en belo- by the !a'i!u! nu!ber
o. Status Conditions Steal Status can take.
6hen dealing -ith $uto= or S8S= Status Conditions< Steal
Status -ill add the Status Condition in 7uestion to the !onster
-ithout canceling the original@ Status Conditions stolen in this
!anner auto!atically ha%e a Ti!er o. F4H.
Pos|l|ve 0r|y 12 1
Pos|l|ve or Negal|ve 9 3
Se%eral o. the $ction $bilities abo%e can be co!bined in -ith
the 0odi.iers gi%en earlier on. These areK Delta $ttack<
Countdo-n< 0P Cost< Slo-< S8S=/ain< S8S=Aose< and
:nsealable. I. you add a 0odi.ier< !ake a note o. the JP and /il
!odi.iers listed.
8nce any and all 0odi.iers ha%e been assigned< total u( all o.
the /il and JP !odi.iers incurred during the (rocess o.
asse!bling the $bility< then a((ly the! to the $bilityDs basic JP
and /il costs. $l-ays add all the %alues be.ore !ulti(lying the
re!ainder. 9or e'a!(le< i. a Controller has a Clone $bility -ith
the Countdo-n and 0P Cost !odi.iers< its JP %alue is F)4 '
0.71H ' 0.71< or 3). 8nce this is done< note do-n the .inal
%alue o. the $bility.
! >e@ A%ilities
6hile the 0CS ai!s to be co!(rehensi%e< there is still (lenty o.
roo! to add !ore o(tions. I. you -ant to create a ne- $bility<
look at the cost o. co!(arable e..ects to de%elo( a rough
baseline .or (ricing it@ i. it is !ore (o-er.ul than one $bility but
less (o-er.ul than another< the best (lace to (itch the (rice is
so!e-here in bet-een the t-o NyardsticksD.
The PCs arenDt the only ones ca(able o. -ielding !agic.
Indeed< s(ellcasting !onsters are co!!on(lace in !any
-orlds< though attack !agic a!ong !onsters is !ore akin to
an unconscious re.le' than studied !agery.
In the 99*P/< a !onster -ith !agical ca(abilities can cast
S(ells .ro! the ,lack< ,lue< *ed< Ti!e< 6hite< and Call lists. $
!onsterDs s(ellcasting ability is considered a 0agic $bility< and
can be sealed through use o. the Status Condition Silence as
nor!al. &ach S(ell has its o-n JP and /il !odi.iers based on
S(ell Ae%el or 0P cost@ the !odi.iers .or a !onster?s
s(ellcasting ability are e7ual to the su! o. all S(ells it can cast.
Leve| 1 8 5
Leve| 2 15 9
Leve| 3 25 11
Leve| 1 33 21
Leve| 5 15 30
Leve| 55 3Z
Leve| Z 1 11
Leve| 8 80 55
8|ue (1 - 9 VP) 8 5
8|ue (10 - 18 VP) 15 9
8|ue (19 - 2Z VP) 25 11
8|ue (28 - 10 VP) 33 21
8|ue (11 - 51 VP) 15 30
8|ue (55 - Z VP) 55 3Z
8|ue (8 - 81 VP) 1 11
8|ue (85 VP) 80 55
Ca|| (1 - 25 VP) 2Z 11
Ca|| (2 - 0 VP) 12 29
Ca|| (1 - 100 VP) 1 11
Ca|| (101 VP) 88 59
/i%ing a !onster the ability to cast +oly< 9lare and 0eteor >
three Ae%el S(ells > -ould thus incur JP and /il !odi.iers
Z#40 and Z1)1 res(ecti%ely. 2ote that unlike 0ages<
!onsters are not re7uired to (urchase a S(ellDs (rere7uisites
in order to obtain the S(ell itsel.< nor are they bound by any
other restrictions@ ,lack< 6hite and Ti!e S(ells !ay be .reely
!i'ed -ith one another. S(ells< ho-e%er< are bought as=is< and
cannot be co!bined -ith 0odi.iers.
8ne thing to kee( in !ind -hen (urchasing !agic is the .act
that !onsters ha%e signi.icantly higher +it Point %alues than a
co!(arati%e PC. ,ecause o. this< a S(ell that causes a
res(ectable a!ount o. da!age against a !onster -ill usually
annihilate a PC in one shot. 8ne -ay to regulate this is to slo-
!onstersD S(ell (rogression< gi%ing the! higher=le%el !agic
like ,liEEaga 7 to 10 Ae%els a.ter the PCs ha%e obtained it@ the
other is to kee( !onstersD 0$/ scores lo-.
0onsters can also be gi%en Job $bilities .ro! the $bility Sets in
Cha(ter 4< though such additions need to be care.ully
-eighed > da!age=dealing $bilities in (articular can deci!ate
a Party i. carelessly chosen. To kee( these (roble!s in
bounds< !onsters should obtain $bilities 10 to #0 Ae%els a.ter
the PCs -ould nor!ally ha%e access to the!. In addition< it
!ay hel( to kee( !onsters? da!age=deter!ining $ttributes
relati%ely lo-.
Job $bilities are bought Nas=is<? and cannot be co!bined -ith
0odi.iers. $ny $bility based on an $ttack $ction uses the
!onsterDs -eakest $ttack $ction as a basis .or da!age@ .or
$bilities that use &'(ertise< use the !onster?s 0. $CC = 10
&ach $bility added has its o-n JP and /il !odi.iers based on
the Ae%el at -hich the $bility -ould nor!ally be ac7uired by a
PC. $bilities !ay be .reely !i'ed and !atched .ro! se%eral
$bility Sets< though this !ay result in co!binations !any ti!es
!ore (o-er.ul than their basic Ae%el -ould indicated. Pricing in
this case can be adCusted as needed< as Ae%el alone is not
al-ays a reliable indicator o. o%erall (o-er.
Leve| 1 - 5 10 3
Leve| - 12 18 Z
Leve| 13 - 19 2 9
Leve| 20 - 2 32 12
Leve| 2Z - 33 11 1
Leve| 31 - 10 53 19
Leve| 11 - 1Z 1 22
Leve| 18 - 51 Z0 25
Leve| 55 - 1 Z8 28
Leve| 2 8 31
0o%e!ent $bilities go%ern ho- a !onster !o%es in co!bat.
0ost !onsters -ill only ha%e one 0o%e!ent $bility< usually
0o%e=/round@ so!e !ay co!bine !ulti(le .or!s o. !o%e!ent<
gi%ing the! greater %ersatility > and nuisance %alue.
0onsters -ith !ulti(le !o%e!ent ty(es can s-itch bet-een
the! at the cost o. an $ction in co!bat< a .act that !eans they
can be co!bined -ith the S8S=Aose< S8S=/ain< and 0P Cost
0odi.iers (resented earlier. I. 0odi.iers are a((lied< change the
0o%e!ent $bility?s JP and /il !odi.iers accordingly.
&..ectK The !onster tunnels through the earth< although it
!ay not be ca(able o. attacking until it sur.aces. ,urro-ing
!onsters ignore all terrain !odi.iers unless atte!(ting to
tunnel through -ater@ in this case< nor!al !odi.iers are
a((lied. 6hile burro-ing< a !onsterDs &4$< $*0< and 0. $*0
%alues are at Z100Q.
0 20
The !onster is ca(able o. .lying< and is treated as i. a..licted
-ith a (er!anent 9light e..ect. :nlike the Status Condition o.
the sa!e na!e< this 9light !ay not be dis(elled or other-ise
re!o%ed during the course o. the battle< e'ce(t through the
use o. e..ects like the Ti!e 0agic S(ell Drag.
&..ectK The !onster le%itates< ho%ering u( to one !eter o.. the
ground as i. a..licted -ith a (er!anent 9loat e..ect. :nlike the
Status Condition o. the sa!e na!e< this 9loat !ay not be
dis(elled or other-ise re!o%ed during the course o. the battle<
e'ce(t through the use o. e..ects like the Ti!e 0agic S(ell
&..ectK The !onster has the ability to !o%e on land. Standard
0o%e!ent $bility .or !ost !onsters.
--- ---
&..ectK The !onster is ca(able o. dis(lacing itsel. through
s(ace< !o%ing .ro! one location to the ne't in the blink o. an
eye. 6hile this has no e..ect on a !onster?s !o%e!ent range< it
does t-o i!(ortant ad%antages. 9irstly< i. the !onster is
targeted by a Single=target Slo- $ction and tele(orts be.ore it
goes o..< the $ction has no e..ect > the !onster is assu!ed to
ha%e relocated .ar enough a-ay to a%oid any ill e..ects.
Secondly< the !onster?s SPD *ating is doubled -hen the
(layers roll to &sca(e< !aking it signi.icantly harder to run
.ro!. $s it is a natural ability rather than a S(ell< 0o%e=
Tele(ort cannot be sealed through the use o. Status
0 10
&..ectK $ !onster -ith 0o%e=6ater is be able to e..ecti%ely
dri.t< .loat< and s-i! in a sub!arine en%iron!ent< ignoring all
(enalties .or !o%ing through Shallo- and Dee( 6ater as -ell
as being able to act :nder-ater -ithout (enalties. +o-e%er<
-ithout the 0o%e=/round 0o%e!ent $bility< they cannot
%enture onto dry land.
--- ---
$ !onsterDs Su((ort $bilities s(eci.ic bene.its and
(ro(erties -ithout the need to s(end an $ction to acti%ate
the!. 2otorious !onsters gain the Su((ort $bilities Status
I!!unity FDeathH and Status I!!unity FConde!nH at no
additional JP or /il cost@ ,oss and &nd ,oss !onsters the
Su((ort $bility Status I!!unity F9atalH. Su((ort $bilities
cannot be sealed and can only be co!bined -ith the S8S=/ain
and S8S=Aose 0odi.iers.
&..ectK The !onster is (er!anently under the e..ects o. a
certain Status Condition< and begins the battle -ith that
Condition acti%e. This Condition can be re!o%ed through the
use o. S(ells or $bilities such as Dis(el@ but -ill be re=added
during the ne't Status Phase and only .ully cancelled once the
!onster is de.eated. $uto=Status can be taken in conCunction
-ith both (ositi%e and negati%e Status Conditions. JP and /il
%alues de(end on the e'act Status being takenK
Class I Positi%eK 9loat< $gility :(< S(irit :(< L&le!entM
Class II Positi%eK Protect< Shell< $r!or :(< 0ental :(
Class III Positi%eK +aste< *e.lect< Po-er :(< 0agic :(
Class I4 Positi%eK *egen< $ura< 4anish
Class I 2egati%eK ,erserk< ,lind< Poison< Slee(< Slo-<
Class II 2egati%eK Con.use< Sa(< :na-are
Class III 2egati%eK 0ini< Toad< 4eno!
Class I4 2egati%eK Conde!n< Petri.y
C|ass l Pos|l|ve 19
C|ass ll Pos|l|ve 30 10
C|ass lll Pos|l|ve 11 15
C|ass lv Pos|l|ve 1 21
C|ass l Negal|ve -19 -
C|ass ll Negal|ve -30 -10
C|ass lll Negal|ve -11 -15
C|ass lv Negal|ve -1 -21
(ad "#an
&..ectK I. analyEed %ia the Scan S(ell< the &7ui(!ent $bility
Sensor< or any si!ilar e..ect< the !onster -ill return incorrect
in.or!ation intended to !islead the Party. +o- the Scan is
Nta!(eredD -ith is le.t to the designer to decide< but should be
noted in the !onsterDs -riteu( > one o. the !ore ob%ious uses
-ould ha%e the !onster register as ha%ing a 6eakness to an
&le!ent they in .act $bsorb< or %ice %ersa< though there are
other (ossibilities. :seless or not< scanning the !onster still
costs 0P or $ctions as usual.
11 Z
Can't "#an
&..ectK The !onster cannot be analyEed by !eans o. the Scan
S(ell< the &7ui(!ent $bility Sensor< or any si!ilar e..ect. $ny
atte!(ts to do so cost $ctions and 0P as usual< but return no
use.ul in.or!ation.
10 1
&..ectK The !onster cannot be killed by nor!al !eans. $ttacks
can da!age and e%en inca(acitate it< but it is only a !atter o.
ti!e be.ore the .ell beast is back on its .eet and ready .or !ore
action. I. reduced to 0 or .e-er +P in battle< a !onster -ith
Co!eback is inca(acitated as nor!al< but begins regenerating
da!age i!!ediately. $.ter a certain nu!ber o. *ounds<
regeneration is co!(lete< and the !onster co!es back into the
battle -ith 100Q o. its +it Points and 0agic Points restored.
Co!ebackDs JP and /il %alues de(end on the nu!ber o.
*ounds the !onster needs to regenerate.
2 Rourds 50 18
1 Rourds 3Z 11
Rourds 25 9
Criti#al Atta#k
&..ectK ,y de.ault< !onsters? $ttack $ctions cannot land
Critical +its in co!bat. $ !onster -ith Critical $ttack< ho-e%er<
is no longer subCect to his restriction. Critical $ttackDs JP and
/il %alues de(end on the likelihood o. a Critical +it being
3lardard (1 - 10) 8 3
Cr|l|ca| (1 - 20) 13 5
Cr|l|ca| (1 - 30) 18 Z
!lemental Absorban#e
&..ectK The !onster has an e'tre!ely strong a..inity to-ards
one or !ore o. the nine Co!bat &le!ents< and is considered to
ha%e an $bsorbance to it. Select -hich &le!ent &le!ental
$bsorbance a((lies to -hen taking this $bility. &le!ental
$bsorbance cannot be taken in conCunction -ith a 6eakness<
*esistance< or I!!unity .or the sa!e &le!ent. JP and /il
!odi.iers are gi%en (er &le!ent > ha%ing $bsorbance to-ards
6ind and &arth -ould carry a co!bined !odi.ier o. Z))XZ30.
33 15
!lemental 3mmunit)
&..ectK The !onster has a strong a..inity to-ards one or !ore
o. the nine Co!bat &le!ents< and is considered to ha%e an
I!!unity to it. Select -hich &le!ent &le!ental I!!unity
a((lies to -hen taking this $bility. &le!ental I!!unity cannot
be taken in conCunction -ith a 6eakness< *esistance< or
$bsorbance .or the sa!e &le!ent. JP and /il !odi.iers are
gi%en (er &le!ent > ha%ing I!!unity to-ards 6ind and &arth
-ould carry a co!bined !odi.ier o. Z30XZ14.
15 Z
!lemental Poten#)
&..ectK The !onster?s ele!ental attacks are !ore (otent than
usual< circu!%enting natural and !agical de.enses -ith ease.
Select an &le!ent -hen taking this $bility@ any ti!e the
!onster deals da!age associated -ith that &le!ent< it -ill deal
1#1Q da!age unless the target has a 6eakness to it< -here it
deals 110Q as nor!al. Co!batants -ith a *esistance to the
&le!ent in 7uestion take 100Q da!age@ a I!!unity reduces
da!age to 10Q< -hile $bsorbance reduces it to 0. JP and /il
!odi.iers are gi%en (er &le!ent > ha%ing Potency to-ards
6ind and &arth -ould carry a co!bined !odi.ier o.
0 11
!lemental Resistan#e
&..ectK The !onster has an a..inity to-ards one or !ore o. the
nine Co!bat &le!ents< and is considered to ha%e a *esistance
to it. Select -hich &le!ent &le!ental *esistance a((lies to
-hen taking this $bility. &le!ental *esistance cannot be taken
in conCunction -ith a 6eakness< *esistance< or $bsorbance .or
the sa!e &le!ent. JP and /il !odi.iers are gi%en (er &le!ent
> ha%ing *esistance to-ards 6ind and &arth -ould carry a
co!bined !odi.ier o. Z14XZ).
Z 3
!lemental %eakness
&..ectK The !onster is %ulnerable to-ards one or !ore o. the
nine Co!bat &le!ents< and is considered to ha%e a 6eakness
to it. Select -hich &le!ent &le!ental 6eakness a((lies to -hen
taking this $bility. &le!ental 6eakness cannot be taken in
conCunction -ith a *esistance< I!!unity< or $bsorbance .or the
sa!e &le!ent. JP and /il !odi.iers are gi%en (er &le!ent >
ha%ing 6eaknesses to-ards 6ind and &arth -ould carry a
co!bined !odi.ier o. =1X=.
-9 -1
&..ectK $ !onster -ith this ability is e'tre!ely ade(t at e%ading
har!. $ttacks and $bilities that target the !onster ha%e their
CoS hal%ed< although Critical +its !ay still be scored. $bilities
that hit a target auto!atically only ha%e a CoS o. $ccuracy<
&%asion o. a..ecting a !onster -ith &%ader. 6ith 0agic
$bilities< this CoS is 0. $ccuracy< 0. &%asion. Ite! accuracy
re!ains una..ected.
35 25
&..ectK I!(ro%es the !onsterDs ability to dodge (hysical
attacks by increasing its base &%asion rating. The a!ount by
-hich the !onsterDs &4$ increases deter!ines the JP and /il
Evas|or 10 10 3
Evas|or 25 19
Evas|or 50 35 25
Evas|or Z5 0 25
Hea,) Armor
&..ectK The !onster s(orts ar!or hea%ier than the nor!<
gi%ing it better resistance against ar!or=(iercing attacks. 6hen
a !onster -ith +ea%y $r!or is struck by any attack or $bility
-hich -ould nor!ally ignore or reduce $*0< $*0 is .actored
into the attack as nor!al. 2ote that this does not a..ect Status
Conditions such as $r!or ,reak and 0eltdo-n< -hich continue
to -ork as nor!al.
10 3
.o* !,asion
&..ectK The !onster is es(ecially sluggish -hen it co!es to
dodging. $s a result< the .ollo-ing .or!ula is used to calculate
the !onsterDs &%asionK
FLAe%el X #M Z SPD Z $/IH
,ecause o. the strong i!(act this can ha%e on a !onster?s /il
and JP %alues< this o(tion should not be used on lo-=Ae%el
-33 -11
.o* Ma$i# !,asion
&..ectK The !onster is highly %ulnerable to the e..ects o.
s(ellcasting. $s a result< the .ollo-ing .or!ula is used to
calculate the !onsterDs 0. &%asionK
FLAe%el X #M Z 0$/ Z SP*H
,ecause o. the strong i!(act this can ha%e on a !onster?s /il
and JP %alues< this o(tion should not be used on lo-=Ae%el
-33 -11
Ma$i# !,asionH
&..ectK The !onster is !ore ade(t than usual at resisting
inco!ing !agical attacks< increasing its base 0. &4$ rating.
The a!ount by -hich the !onsterDs 0. &4$ increases
deter!ines ho- !uch the !onsterDs %alue is increased by.
V. Evas|or 10 10 3
V. Evas|or 25 19
V. Evas|or 50 35 25
V. Evas|or Z5 0 25
&..ectK $s a creature o. (ure !agic< the !onster?s !ana is its
li.eblood. $ 0anabound !onster -hose 0agic Points reach 0 is
treated as i. its +it Points had been reduced to 0.
-30 -10
&..ectK The !onsterDs e'istence is tied to another !onsterDs<
usually a controlling or su!!oning in.luence. Select a s(eci.ic
!onster as the designated N!asterD -hen taking 0inion@ i. that
!onster is reduced to 0 or .e-er +P during the course o.
battle< all 0inions attached to it are i!!ediately reduced to 0
+P as -ell.
-20 -Z
M)sti# Resistan#e
&..ectK The !onster is ca(able o. -eathering signi.icantly !ore
!agical da!age than the nor!< allo-ing it to resist e%en
ar!or=(iercing s(ells. 6hen a !onster -ith 0ystic *esistance
is struck by any attack or $bility -hich -ould nor!ally ignore
or reduce 0. $*0< 0. $*0 is .actored into the attack as
nor!al. 2ote that this does not a..ect Status Conditions such
as S(irit ,reak< -hich continue to -ork as nor!al.
10 3
5ull +rain
&..ectK The !onster is i!!une to attacks -hich dra- on its
%ital or !agical essences. $ttacks or $bilities that drain +P or
0P .ro! a !onster -ith 2ull Drain do da!age as nor!al< but
do not restore the attackerDs +it Points or 0agic Points.
15 Z
Resist +rain
&..ectK The !onster has i!(ro%ed resistance against attacks
-hich dra- on its %ital or !agical essences. $ttacks or $bilities
that drain +P or 0P .ro! a !onster -ith *esist Drain do
da!age as nor!al< but only restore 10Q o. the +it Points or
0agic Points the attacker -ould nor!ally regain .ro! such an
Z 3
&..ectK The !onster is subCect to a certain Status Condition<
acti%ated -hen its current +it Points reach #1Q o. their
!a'i!u! %alue. $s -ith $uto=Status< a Status Condition
in.licted by S8S=Status can be re!o%ed through the use o.
S(ells or $bilities such as Dis(el@ but -ill be re=added during
the ne't Status Phase and only .ully cancelled once the
!onster is de.eated. Should the !onster be healed to abo%e
#1Q o. its !a'i!u! +it Points< the Condition -ill cancel
auto!atically. S8S=Status can be taken in conCunction -ith
both (ositi%e and negati%e Status Conditions. JP and /il %alues
de(end on the e'act Status being takenK
Class I Positi%eK 9loat< $gility :(< S(irit :(< L&le!entM S(ikes
Class II Positi%eK Protect< Shell< $r!or :(< 0ental :(
Class III Positi%eK +aste< *e.lect< Po-er :(< 0agic :(
Class I4 Positi%eK *egen< $ura< 4anish
Class I 2egati%eK ,erserk< ,lind< Poison< Slee(< Slo-< Bo!bie
Class II 2egati%eK Con.use< Sa(< :na-are
Class III 2egati%eK 0ini< Toad< 4eno!
Class I4 2egati%eK Conde!n< Petri.y
C|ass l Pos|l|ve Z 2
C|ass ll Pos|l|ve 12 1
C|ass lll Pos|l|ve 20 8
C|ass lv Pos|l|ve 3 12
C|ass l Negal|ve -Z -2
C|ass ll Negal|ve -12 -1
C|ass lll Negal|ve -20 -8
C|ass lv Negal|ve -3 -12
"tatus Resistan#e FCate$or)G
&..ectK The !onster is (artially i!!une to the e..ects o. one o.
the Status Condition categories outlined in Cha(ter 7. $ny
rolls to in.lict a Status Condition belonging to this category
ha%e their CoS hal%ed. /il and JP !odi.iers de(end on the
e'act category the !onster resists.
lrrur|ly: Fala| 13 5
lrrur|ly: Vysl|ly 9 1
lrrur|ly: 3ea| 11 1
lrrur|ly: T|re 2
lrrur|ly: Tox|r 2
lrrur|ly: Trarslorr 9 3
lrrur|ly: wea|er 9 1
"tatus Resistan#e Fsin$leG
&..ectK The !onster is (artially i!!une to the e..ects o. a
(articular Status Condition. $ny rolls to in.lict this Status
Condition ha%e their CoS reduced by =10Q. /il and JP
!odi.iers de(end on the Class o. Status Condition the !onster
is I!!une toK
Class IK ,erserk< ,lind< I!!obiliEe< Poison< Slee(< Slo-<
Bo!bie< Aock
Class IIK Conde!n< Con.use< Curse< Disable< Petri.y< Silence<
Sa(< :na-are
Class IIIK &Cect< 0ini< L$ttributeM Do-n< L$ttributeM ,reak<
Sto(< Toad< 4eno!< &le!ent 6eak
Class I4K Char!< Death< 9roEen< /ra%ity< +eat< 0eltdo-n<
C|ass l 2 1
C|ass ll 1 1
C|ass lll 2
C|ass lv 8 3
"tatus 3mmunit) FCate$or)G
&..ectK The !onster is -holly i!!une to the e..ects o. one o.
the Status Condition categories outlined in Cha(ter 7. $ny
rolls to in.lict a Status Condition belonging to this category
ha%e a CoS o. 0. /il and JP !odi.iers de(end on the e'act
category the !onster is I!!une to.
lrrur|ly: Fala| 25 10
lrrur|ly: Vysl|ly 18 8
lrrur|ly: 3ea| 22 9
lrrur|ly: T|re 12 5
lrrur|ly: Tox|r 13 5
lrrur|ly: Trarslorr 18 Z
lrrur|ly: wea|er 19 8
"tatus 3mmunit) Fsin$leG
&..ectK The !onster is -holly i!!une to the e..ects o. a
(articular Status Condition. $ny rolls to in.lict this Status
Condition ha%e a CoS o. 0. /il and JP !odi.iers de(end on the
Class o. Status Condition the !onster is I!!une toK
Class IK ,erserk< ,lind< I!!obiliEe< Poison< Slee(< Slo-<
Bo!bie< Aock
Class IIK Conde!n< Con.use< Curse< Disable< Petri.y< Silence<
Sa(< :na-are
Class IIIK &Cect< 0ini< L$ttributeM Do-n< L$ttributeM ,reak<
Sto(< Toad< 4eno!< &le!ent 6eak
Class I4K Char!< Death< 9roEen< /ra%ity< +eat< 0eltdo-n<
C|ass l 5 2
C|ass ll 9 3
C|ass lll 12 5
C|ass lv 1
%eak "pot
&..ectK The !onster is %ulnerable to a certain kind o. attack or
e..ect. Select a single $bility< Ite!< or da!age ty(e as a
%ulnerability -hen adding 6eak S(ot to a !onster< as -ell as
one or !ore negati%e Status Conditions. I. an attack or e..ect
the !onster is %ulnerable to is used on it< the selected Status
Condition > or Conditions > -ill auto!atically be added to the
!onster. JP and /il !odi.iers .or 6eak S(ot de(end on the
actual Condition in.licted< and are gi%en (er Status > to ha%e a
!onster .ro! Con.use and Slo- i. struck by Aightning
&le!ental da!age< .or instance< incurs a !odi.ier o. =#"X".
Class IK ,erserk F4H< ,lind F4H< Curse F4H< Disable F4H<
I!!obiliEe F4H< Poison FH< Silence F4H< Slee( F4H< Slo- F4H
Class IIK Conde!ned F4H< Con.use F4H< Petri.y F4H< L'M Do-n
F)H< Sa( F4H< :na-are F1H
Class IIIK &Cect< 0ini F4H< Toad F4H< L'M ,reak F)H< Sto( F4H<
4eno! F4H< Bo!bie FH
Class I4K Char! F4H< Death< 9roEen F4H< +eat F4H< 0eltdo-n
F#H< Stone FH
C|ass l -10 -3
C|ass ll -19 -
C|ass lll -30 -10
C|ass lv -11 -15
&..ectK The !onster can take t-o $ttack $ctions at the cost o.
Cust one $ction in battle. Targets !ust be declared se(arately
.or each attack< though both !ay target the sa!e co!batant.
50 18
0onster *eaction $bilities -ork like those used by the PCs< and
are triggered by s(eci.ic circu!stances in co!bat. They are
sealed by the Status Condition I!!obiliEe< and !ay be
co!bined -ith the S8S=/ain< S8S=Aose< and :nsealable
Counter Atta#k
&..ectK The !onster is ca(able o. res(onding to ene!y attacks
-ith a (otent counter=assault. Counter $ttack triggers -hen
the !onster takes Physical da!age .ro! an ene!y $ction< and
allo-s the !onster to i!!ediately use a s(eci.ic $ttack< S(ell<
or $ction $bility against that o((onent at no $ction cost. Select
one $ttack< S(ell< or $ction $bility to use in conCunction -ith
Counter $ttack -hen taking this *eaction $bility< or create a
ne- one@ the JP and /il costs .or Counter $ttack de(end on its
CoS< and are added to the attackDs .inal %alue.
50 11 Z
Z5 22 11
Auloral|c 11 22
Counter Ma$i#
&..ectK The !onster is ca(able o. res(onding to ene!y !agic
-ith a (otent counter=assault. Counter 0agic has a CoS o.
either 30Q or )0Q o. triggering -hen the !onster takes
0agical da!age .ro! an ene!y $ction< allo-ing the !onster to
i!!ediately use a s(eci.ic $ttack< S(ell< or $ction $bility
against that o((onent at no $ction cost. Select one $ttack<
S(ell< or $ction $bility to use in conCunction -ith Counter 0agic
-hen taking this *eaction $bility< or create a ne- one@ the JP
and /il costs .or Counter 0agic are added to the attackDs .inal
30 15 Z
0 21 12
Auloral|c 18 21
Counter "tan#e
&..ectK ,y entering into a s(ecial de.ensi%e (osture at the cost
o. an $ction< the !onster can interce(t o((onentsD attacks.
Select an $ttack< $ction $bility< or S(ell .or Counter Stance to
be attached to< as -ell as a da!age ty(e > Physical or 0agical
> to res(ond to. 9or as long as the Counter Stance re!ains in
e..ect< the !onster -ill counter -ith the chosen attack -hen it
takes da!age o. the selected ty(e .ro! an o((onentDs $ction.
The !onster cannot !ake any other $ctions -hile in a Counter
Stance< but can co!e out o. it at the cost o. another $bility
Prys|ca| 15 Z
Vag|ca| 15 Z
Counter status
&..ectK The !onsterDs (o-er increases in res(onse to the
attacks o. its o((onents. Po-er :( auto!atically adds a
(ositi%e Status Condition F4H to the !onster -hen it takes a
s(eci.ic kind o. da!age > Physical< 0agical< or one o. the nine
kinds o. &le!ental > .ro! an ene!y $ction. S(eci.y -hich o.
the three triggers Counter Status< and select a corres(onding
Status Condition@ JP and /il %alues are gi%en (er Status added<
and de(end on the e'act Status takenK
Class IK 9loat< $gility :(< S(irit :(< L&le!entM S(ikes
Class IIK Protect< Shell< $r!or :(< 0ental :(
Class IIIK +aste< *e.lect< Po-er :(< 0agic :(
Class I4K *egen< $ura< 4anish
Though Counter Status can add !ulti(le Status Conditions<
adding this .eature to a !onster belo- ,oss le%el is not
C|ass l 30 11
C|ass ll 35 1
C|ass lll 13 20
C|ass lv 59 21
Final Atta#k
&..ectK ,e.ore dying< the !onster can unleash one last attack
on its o((onents. Select an $ttack< $ction $bility< or S(ell .or
9inal $ttack to be attached to@ the !onster -ill auto!atically
use it u(on being reduced to 0 or .e-er +P< selecting targets
as nor!al.
20 10
&..ectK The !onster is ca(able o. s(litting into identical co(ies
o. itsel.. Select a da!age ty(e > Physical< one o. the nine kinds
o. &le!ental< or 0agical > -hen adding 9ission to a !onster. I.
reduced to 0 or .e-er +P by the selected da!age ty(e during
the course o. a *ound< the !onster -ill s(lit into t-o co(ies
during the Status Phase. &ach co(y is treated as i. it -ere the
!onster re%i%ed -ith .ull +P and 0P< and generates Initiati%e
as nor!al. I. de.eated< the co(ies a-ard JP and /il e7ual to
that o. the original !onster.
10 3
Return +ama$e
&..ectK $ certain (ercentage o. all da!age in.licted on the
!onster a.ter !odi.ying .or $*0 and 0. $*0 is auto!atically
returned to the co!batant that originally dealt it. The
co!batant?s $*0 and 0. $*0 can be used to .urther reduce
this da!age. JP and /il !odi.iers de(end on the e'act
(ercentage o. da!age returned.
5 25 Z
10 30 10
25 50 1Z
Rotatin$ %eakness
&..ectK The !onsterDs %ulnerabilities are al-ays in .lu'. In
order to take *otating 6eakness< the !onster !ust ha%e at
least one &le!ental 6eakness already in (lace. I. the !onster
takes da!age .ro! an &le!ent it currently has a 6eakness
against during the course o. a *ound< the 6eakness
i!!ediately changes@ roll a d and consult the table belo- to
deter!ine -hich &le!ent the !onster no- has a 6eakness
to-ards. I. the &le!ent rolled is the sa!e as the one the
!onster currently has a 6eakness to-ards< the !onster?s ne-
6eakness -ill be ,io.
*oll 6eakness
1 &arth
# 9ire
3 6ater
4 6ind
1 Ice
) Aightning
7 +oly
$ 6eakness in.licted by *otating 6eakness takes (recedence
o%er &le!ental *esistance< &le!ental I!!unity< and &le!ental
$bsorbance< though Status Conditions still o%erride it as
21 Z
+ere are a .e- sa!(le *eactions (ut together -ith this syste!.
The !onster?s Ae%el is gi%en to the right o. the attack na!e.
C/ar$e 1p .e,el 3:
TargetK Sel. Ty(eK *eaction
The !onster thri%es on electrical energy< and is in%igorated by
surges o. electricity. 6hen triggered< Charge :( besto-s the
Status Conditions Po-er :( F4H and 0agic :( F4H.
TriggerK Aightning &le!ental da!age success.ully targeting
the !onster
$ttached $ttackK ==
JP 0odi.ierK ) /il 0odi.ierK 40
Counter .aser !)e .e,el 8
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eaction
6hen triggered< Counter Aaser &ye allo-s the !onster to
i!!ediately cast the ,lue 0agic S(ell Aaser &ye on the
co!batant that targeted the !onster. I. the !onster is
Silenced or does not ha%e enough 0P .or the S(ell< nothing
TriggerK 0agical da!age success.ully targeting the !onster
$ttached $ttackK ,lue 0agic F1 = " 0PH
JP 0odi.ierK 1) /il 0odi.ierK #"
9ield &..ects are s(ecial $bilities that allo- a !onster to change
the nature o. the i!!ediate battle.ield to seal a (arty?s (o-ers
or other-ise incon%enience the!. $ 9ield &..ect takes a single
$ction to de(loy. Its e..ects only har! the PCs and their allies@
the only -ay to sto( an &..ect is by de.eating the !onster that
de(loyed it. ,ecause 9ield &..ects can ha%e a drastic i!(act on
co!bat di..iculty< it is reco!!ended that they be restricted to
,oss !onsters and creatures su!!oned through $lar! or
Sla%e Parts.
8nly one 9ield &..ect !ay be acti%e at any one ti!e e%en i.
!ulti(le !onsters can use the!< though the current 9ield
&..ect can be changed by e'(ending an $ction to de(loy a ne-
Atta#k .o#k
&..ectK ,asic attacks are locked do-n. 2o $ttack $ctions !ay
be used .or as long as $ttack Aock re!ains acti%e< though
$bilities that take an $ttack $ction as a basis re!ain
22 Z
HP "ap
&..ectK The surrounding area continuously drains the (arty?s
health< reducing their +P by 1Q o. its !a'i!u! %alue at the
end o. e%ery *ound. This &..ect is cu!ulati%e -ith anything
else that deals da!age o%er ti!e< such as the Status Condition
Poison< and re!ains in e..ect as long as +P Sa( is acti%e.
18 1
3tem .o#k
&..ectK Ite! use is locked do-n. 2o Ite! $ctions !ay be taken
.or as long as Ite! Aock re!ains acti%e. This includes $bilities
that use an Ite! $ction as their basis< such as $uto=Potion.
33 11
Ma$i# .o#k
&..ectK $ll !agical energy on the battle.ield is sealed. 2o 0agic
$bilities !ay be used .or as long as 0agic Aock re!ains acti%e.
18 1
Ma$neti# Field
&..ectK $ (o-er.ul !agnetic .ield do!inates the area< -eighing
do-n any co!batant -ith !etallic e7ui(!ent. Characters
-earing 0ail< +el!ets< Shields< or /auntlets are a..licted -ith
the Status Condition Slo-< e%en i. they -ould nor!ally be
i!!une to it@ the sa!e a((lies to characters -ielding any
6ea(on other than ,oo!erangs< ,o-s< 9lails< /lo%es< *ods or
Sta%es. Slo- cannot be canceled .or as long as 0agnetic 9ield
re!ains acti%e.
18 1
MP "ap
&..ectK The surrounding area continuously drains the (arty?s
!ana< reducing their 0P by 1Q o. its !a'i!u! %alue at the
end o. e%ery *ound. This &..ect is cu!ulati%e -ith anything
else that deals da!age o%er ti!e< such as the Status Condition
4eno!< and re!ains in e..ect as long as 0P Sa( is acti%e.
18 1
"pell .o#k
&..ectK $ (o-er.ul anti=!agic .ield disru(ts all s(ellcasting in
the area. 2o S(ells !ay be used .or as long as S(ell Aock
re!ains acti%e.
33 11
'e#/ni@ue .o#k
&..ectK 2on=!agical techni7ues are locked do-n. 2o Slo- or
9ast $bilities !ay be used .or as long as Techni7ue Aock
re!ains acti%e< though 0agic $bilities continue to .unction as
18 1
The .ollo-ing Su((ort $bilities are (o-ers only a%ailable to
,oss and &nd ,oss !onsters.
&..ectK 9or (rotectionDs sake< the !onster surrounds itsel. -ith
do((elgangers< taking sa.ety in nu!bers. $ Decoy is entirely
identical in a((earance to the !onster it re(licates@ not e%en a
Scan S(ell -ould be able to .ind a di..erence bet-een the t-o.
9or this reason< Decoys are treated as a se(arate targets in
co!bat< though they ha%e no +P o. their o-n and !ay !ake
no $ctions@ the only -ay to destroy the! is to eli!inate their
The Decoy?s e..ects de(end on ho- the Party direct its
attacks. I. the original !onster is hit< it -ill take da!age as
nor!al< but striking a Decoy -ill result in an i!!ediate
counterattack@ the !onster itsel. su..ers no ill e..ects. This
attack takes the .or! o. a *eaction $bility that !ust be
asse!bled and (aid .or se(arately .ro! the Decoy. JP and /il
%alues are gi%en (er Decoy assigned@ a !onster -ith three
Decoys -ould incur JP and /il !odi.iers o. Z)0 and Z71
20 25
&..ectK The !onster has I!!unity to all negati%e Status
Conditions > 9atal=ty(e< 0ysti.y=ty(e< Seal=ty(e< Ti!e=ty(e<
To'in=ty(e< Trans.or!=ty(e< and 6eaken=ty(e. $ny rolls to
in.lict a Status Condition ha%e a CoS o. 0.
80 30
"la,e Part
&..ectK So!e bosses in the 9inal 9antasy ga!es are so large
that they are actually co!(osed o. !ulti(le (arts. In the
99*P/< this is si!ulated by gi%ing a ,oss Sla%e Parts. $ Sla%e
Part is created as i. it -ere an indi%idual !onster -ith the
Sla%e Part $bility< and is treated as an indi%idual co!batant
-ith its o-n Initiati%e in co!bat. +o-e%er< it cannot !o%e
under its o-n (o-er > it !o%es -here the ,oss !o%es.
Sla%e Parts are inca(acitated as nor!al -hen they are
reduced to 0 +P< though they a-ard no /il or &'(erience -hen
de.eated@ instead< the JP and /il %alues o. a ,oss?s Sla%e Parts
are added to the ,oss?s o-n. 6hen the ,oss is reduced to 0
+P< all o. its Sla%e Parts are also reduced to 0 +it Points<
regardless o. current +P< $*0< or 0. $*0. Sla%e Parts co!e in
three ty(esK
2or!al Parts begin the battle -ith the ,oss< and are
(er!anently inca(acitated -hen reduced to 0 +P in co!bat.
Su!!oned Parts !ust be brought into battle by the ,oss
at the cost o. an $bility $ction. I. reduced to 0 or .e-er +it
Points in co!bat< the controlling !onster !ay re%i%e the! -ith
.ull +P and 0P at the cost o. a second $ction.
$uto= *e%i%ing Parts re%i%e -ith .ull +it Points and 0agic
Points t-o *ounds a.ter being inca(acitated.
5ou can !i' and !atch ty(es as needed > a ,oss could
easily be co!(osed o. t-o 2or!al Parts and a Su!!oned
Norra| -30 -10
3urrored -10 -5
Aulo-Rev|v|rg 0 0
&..ectK The !onster can take t-o $ctions .or the cost o. Cust
one< (ro%ided neither o. the t-o is Slo- or on a Countdo-n.
The $ctions take e..ect one a.ter the other@ a.ter the resolution
o. the second< the !onsterDs turn ends. In the interests o.
.airness< it is not reco!!ended that J=$ction be used .or t-o
consecuti%e $ctions -ith TargetK /rou( or t-o $ctions
targeting the sa!e co!batant.
80 30
8nce a !onsterDs details< $ttributes< Co!bat Statistics< and
$bilities ha%e been de.ined< the creation (rocess is essentially
co!(lete. $ll thatDs le.t to do is to .igure out ho- !uch the
resulting beast is -orth.
$dd u( all the JP 0odi.ier %alues tallied u( during the creation
(rocess< then !ulti(ly the total by the !onster?s Ae%el. The
end result is the !onster?s JP 4alue. $s should be a((arent
at this (oint< the JP %alue o. a !onster is directly de(endent
on ho- !uch o. a challenge it (oses to your (layers.
$side .ro! the &'(erience Points it grants u(on being
de.eated< e%ery !onster has also a /il 4alue. This is
calculated by adding together all o. the /il 0odi.iers tallied
during the creation (rocess and !ulti(lying the total by the
!onsterDs Ae%el. 6hat this re(resents is u( to the /0@ !ost e=
ga!es ha%e !onsters Cust dro( /il -hen they are de.eated<
regardless o. .easibility.
In a !ore ?realistic? ga!e< the !onsterDs /il 4alue re(resents
the !onetary -orth o. co!(onents and !aterials e'tracted %ia
a success.ul Sca%enging Skill Test. This Aoot is carried in the
(arty?s In%entory< and can then be sold in the ne't to-n .or a
nu!ber o. /il e7ual to the !onster?s /il %alue. Aoot can be
.airly di%erse< as al!ost any (art o. a !onster has so!e use >
leather< .ur< oils< (er.u!es< !eat< i%ory< or si!(le tro(hies are
all acce(table Aoot ite!s.
I. the (arty needs !oney !ore than e'(erience< /0s should
.eel at liberty to s-a( a !onster?s JP and /il %alues.
In addition to the !ore ob%ious /il and JP a-ards< !onsters
!ay dro( ite!s and other (ieces o. e7ui(!ent on occasion.
These can also be stolen by Thie%es by !eans o. the Steal and
0ug $bilities. To track these< .ill out a Treasure Table .or the
!onster. $ Treasure Table has .our entries< and is set out as
*oll Ite!
11=100 Co!!on Ite!
#1=10 :nco!!on Ite!
0=#4 *are Ite!
01=07 4ery *are Ite!
The classi.ications used here are relati%ely sel.=e'(lanatory.
Co!!on ite!s -ill be those !ost .re7uently dro((ed by the
!onster< -ith each subse7uent slot re(resenting ite!s o.
increasing rarity and %alue. $ .illed=out table thus !ight look
so!ething like thisK
*oll Ite!
11=100 Potion
#1=10 +i=Potion
0=#4 +i=&ther
01=07 Phoeni' Do-n
To deter!ine -hich ite!s and e7ui(!ent a !onster
relin7uishes< the /0 rolls a dQ a.ter the battle is o%er and
si!(ly checks the Table .or the corres(onding entry. 2ote that
not e%ery creature !ust ha%e all .our slots .illed< nor does each
slot ha%e to be uni7ue. So!e !onsters !ay only dro( a single
kind o. ite!< and in.re7uently at that.
*eco%ery Ite!s< ,attle Ite!s< and 8ne=Shot Ite!s -ill !ake
u( the %ast !aCority o. !onster dro(s@ in !ost cases< these
should be tailored to coincide -ith the !onsterDs origins<
(ro(erties and attacks. Creatures that use Poison and 4eno!
should dro( the occasional $ntidote as a !atter o. co!!on
courtesy@ aerial creatures like the Thrustae%is< on the other
hand< -ould be good candidates .or ite!s like Shear 9eathers
and 6ind!ills. $ Treasure Table can also contain 6ea(ons<
$r!or< $ccessories< and ;ey Ite!s. /uidelines .or a-arding all
o. these can be .ound in Cha(ter ".
@o $any stea%s !o you thin%
e (an get out of these;&
9or /0s -ondering ho- to reconcile ite! dro(s -ith
creatures -ho -ould ha%e no reason to carry ite!s in the .irst
(lace< ite! re-ards can be synthesiEed .ro! Aoot once the
(layers sell it.
? Treas"re Ta%les in Action
+a%ing dis(atched the last o. Deathsight?s .orces< the (layers
no- take a !inute to catch their breath and count the s(oils.
*odger F/0HK ThatDs the end o. the soldiers. Searching the
bodies< you .indY
Checking his notes< *odger .inds the SoldiersD ite! table to be
set out as .ollo-sK
*oll Ite!
11=100 Potion
#1=10 &cho Screen
0=#4 &cho Screen
01=07 Phoeni' Do-n
+e rolls a dQ three ti!es< once .or each de.eated !onster<
co!ing u( -ith a 7"< a 31 and a 4 > a Potion< an &cho
Screen and another Potion.
*odgerK T-o Potions and an &cho Screen.
*ob F+iroHK I?! taking the Potions< then. $nybody -ant the
&cho ScreenG
,lair F0intHK IDll take it. ID%e been doing a lot o. Ite!=slinging
o. late.
*obK Sure.
*odgerK $s you (re(are to ste( o%er the (rone bodies< a dee(
ru!ble shakes the length o. the airshi(. 9ro! abo%e< you can
hear (anicked shouting.
0 F+aEeHK VThis doesn?t bode -ell<W +aEe re!arks< (ushing
the door o(en. VAet?s hurry u( and .ind a -ay to get o.. this
6ith hundreds o. .ierce and .earso!e o((onents on<
!any /0s -ill -ant to turn to the 9inal 9antasy ga!es .or
creatures to thro- at their (layers. Con%erting an e=ga!e
!onster to the 99*P/ ruleset re7uires so!e care.ul decision=
!aking< but beco!es a relati%ely straight.or-ard (rocess -ith
The .irst thing to do is .ill out the !onsterDs (ro.ile. Ty(e<
SiEe< Intelligence< *eaction and +abitat -ill be either based
directly on the in.or!ation gi%en in the ga!e< or on a .e-
educated guesses .ro! the a%ailable data. +ere< real=li.e
sources !ay hel( to .lesh out details glossed o%er by the ga!e
itsel.< (articularly -hen dealing -ith !onsters based on actual
.lora or .auna.
6hile it?s easy to disco%er a !onster?s Ae%el in a gi%en ga!e<
bear in !ind that each ga!e has its o-n de.inition o. Nhigh=
end.? In the 99*P/< PCs (eak at or around Ae%el )1< -hereas
the e=ga!es !ay see characters tackling their .inal challenges
at any-here bet-een Ae%el 10 and 0. 0ake an a((ro'i!ation
by considering ho- .ar into the e=ga!e a !onster is
encountered< and ho- di..icult the encounter -as .or the (arty
at the ti!e. 0onsters encountered near the beginning o. the
ga!e generally translate to Ae%els 1 through 10 in the 99*P/
syste!< -hilst those near the end=ga!e -ill be at Ae%els 70
and abo%e. The Ae%els "0 to 100 should be reser%ed solely .or
end=o.=ga!e o((onents and high=(o-ered Nchallenge bossesD
such as Shinryuu< *uby 6ea(on< 8!ega 6ea(on< and 5iaE!at.
Due to the di..erences in $ttributes .ro! ga!e to ga!e< any
nu!bers a%ailable should be used as a rough guideline rather
than as gos(el. Instead< obser%e ho- the creature (er.or!s in
battle and note do-n the !onsterDs do!inant characteristics
as they beco!e a((arent. $ttribute Points can then be
assigned according to your obser%ationsK Ntough and strong<D
.or instance< !eans (u!(ing u( 4IT and ST*@ N.ast< (o-er.ul
!agic<? on the other hand< -ould indicate that !ost o. the
!onsterDs $ttribute Points go to SPD and 0$/. The sa!e
reasoning e'tends to the !onsterDs Co!bat Statistics.
$ttacks are< again< a !atter o. obser%ing and !aking a
Cudg!ent call based on the result. $s a rule o. thu!b< an
e%enly=!atched !onster should take o.. roughly 10Q o. a
characterDs !a'i!u! +P -ith a nor!al attack@ adCust ST*
accordingly< adding Status Conditions< s(ecial (ro(erties and
&le!ental a..inities as needed.
I. a !onsters a((ears in se%eral e=ga!es< things beco!e
either si!(ler or !ore co!(le'< de(ending on ho- .leshed=out
each e'tant %ersion is. The .irst rule o. thu!b is to al-ays
res(ect uni7ueness@ i. a gi%en !onster is a (alette=s-a((ed
%ariation on another creature in one ga!e and a distincti%ely
indi%idual creation in another< al-ays go .or the latter. ,ecause
the 99*P/ is a ?!iddle ground? bet-een se%eral di..erent e=
ga!es< it is (er.ectly acce(table to (ick and !i' abilities and
(ro(erties .ro! se%eral di..erent ga!es rather than atte!(ting
to use Cust one (articular %ersion as a bench!ark.
&le!ental *esistances< I!!unities< $bsorbances and
6eaknesses can be (orted o%er directly@ the sa!e goes .or
I!!unities in regard to Status Conditions. So!e allo-ances
-ill ine%itably ha%e to be !ade .or Status Conditions and
&le!ents -hich do not a((ear in the 99*P/ or in the e=ga!e
in 7uestion. 9or instance< the ele!ents 6ater and Shado- are
not strongly de.ined until later in the series< and a distinct
Shado-=ty(e S(ell did not a((ear until 9inal 9antasy IJ. In
cases such as this< you !ay need to go back and retroacti%ely
assign &le!ent I!!unities and 6eaknesses as a((ro(riate<
e%en i. the original creature did not ha%e the!.
8ther Status Conditions Cust don?t ha%e an e7ui%alent in the
99*P/. &'a!(les o. this include 9inal 9antasy TacticsD
Chicken and 8il and 9inal 9antasy IJDs Trouble and 4irus.
6hile it !ay be te!(ting to include rules .or such Statuses on
grounds o. co!(leteness< it should be (ointed out that !any
o. these -ere deliberately e'cluded .ro! the 99*P/ core rules
due to balance and (layability concerns. The best e'a!(les o.
this are the %arious Trans.or!=ty(e Status Conditions .loating
around the series. 6hile !ost ga!es > and by e'tension< the
99*P/ > use Toad< 9inal 9antasy I4 and 4I re(laced it -ith
Pig and I!(< res(ecti%ely. 6hile the three are di..erent .ro! a
cos!etic stand(oint< there is no !echanical di..erence
bet-een turning a character into a toad and turning the! into
a (ig. 9or this reason< the 99*P/ only uses Toad > there is no
need .or three se(arate Status Conditions -hen Cust one -ill
The .ollo-ing list reca(s so!e o. the !ost i!(ortant conce(ts
introduced in this cha(ter .or 7uick re.erence.
$r!or ,ase. ,ase %alue deter!ining a !onsterDs o%erall
+it ,ase. ,ase %alue deter!ining a !onsterDs o%erall +P.
0agic ,ase. ,ase %alue deter!ining the !onsterDs o%erall
0agic $r!or ,ase. ,ase %alue deter!ining a !onsterDs 0.
0odi.ier. $ny additional (ro(erty attached to a basic $ttack
to enhance its e..ects. Can also be used in conCunction -ith
$bilities in so!e cases.
0onster 9a!ily. $ grou(ing o. !onsters -ho share si!ilar
Are you our ene$y;&
That is up to you...&
=i!ane Triba# an! )a$uh

This $((endi' introduces the -orld o. Su!!on 0agic< one o.
the !ost (o-er.ul and challenging schools o. !agic in the
9inal 9antasy uni%erse.
9unda!entally s(eaking< Su!!on 0agic is the ability to
co!!and a host o. (o-er.ul arcane beings collecti%ely kno-n
as the Su!!ons. 6hat its (ractitioners bring into the (hysical
-orld is not the Su!!on itsel.< but an a%atar< an e'tension or
?echo? o. a !ore (o-er.ul !agical entity kno-n as the Pri!e
Su!!on. The Pri!e Su!!on d-ells on a (lane o. e'istence
se(arate .ro! the (hysical real! at large< interacting -ith
!aterial beings by (roCecting i!ages o. itsel. across the ga(.
,ecause o. the enor!ous 7uantities o. !agical energy
re7uired to sustain these i!ages< an a%atar can only e'ist in
the (hysical real! .or a li!ited ti!e be.ore disa((earing once
again. Ty(ically< this energy is su((lied by the su!!oner< and
is dra-n .ro! the su!!oner?s o-n !ana reser%es. $s a result<
the a%atar?s ? hinges hea%ily on the su!!oner?s
training and natural (o-er. Callers< -ho learn su!!oning
alongside other schools o. !agic< cannot kee( a%atars
?grounded? .or !ore than a hand.ul o. seconds@ .ull=.ledged
Su!!oners can dra- this out as long as .i.teen or t-enty
!inutes< albeit only a.ter !any years o. training.
$n alternati%e is to bind the a%atar to a locus in the (hysical
-orld. /enerally< this is a (articular location -here the le%els o.
a!bient !agic are high enough to .eed the a%atar?s needs< or
a !agically charged arti.act such as a crystal in -hich the
a%atar can hibernate. In e'tre!e cases< the a%atar can e%en
take residence in the body or !ind o. a li%ing creature< though
such a .usion has serious conse7uences .or the ?host.?
$%atars can %ary greatly in a((earance and (o-er<
de(ending on their (ro'i!ity to the Pri!e Su!!on they are
deri%ed .ro!. So!e basic .eatures are uni%ersal@ the .ire
Su!!on I.rit has %aried .ro! green=skinned giant to .urred
beast=!an< but each incarnation retains the sa!e (air o. great
horns that ha%e beco!e his trade!ark. +is icy counter(art<
Shi%a< ty(ically a((ears as a (ale=skinned -o!an< though her
.or! %eers bet-een recogniEably hu!an and distinctly alien.
8thers are !ore (redictableK ,aha!ut al-ays a((ears as a
great dragon< -hile Ae%iathan takes the .or! o. a !ighty sea
6hile a Su!!on?s (hysical a((earance can be sha(ed
radically by belie.s and i!agination< !ost su!!oners ha%e a
(articular i!age o. each Su!!on drilled into the! o%er the
course o. their training. This leads to a certain ho!ogeneity
a!ong a%atars in a gi%en -orld.
,ecause Su!!on 0agic is not like other kinds o. !agic< there
are t-o i!(ortant restrictions on ho- it can be used in the
99*P/. These areK
$ Su!!oner !ay only ha%e one acti%e Su!!on at any
one ti!e. In order to change Su!!ons< the acti%e Su!!on
!ust be dis!issed and a ne- Su!!on brought into battle.
$ Su!!on cannot be Su!!oned or Called by anybody
else as long as it re!ains an acti%e co!batant. In
essence< this !eans that i. I.rit is Su!!oned< nobody else !ay
Su!!on or Call I.rit until he is dis!issed. Calls ha%e no such
li!it because they do not ?anchor? a Su!!on< but !erely bring
it into the battle .or a .e- seconds.
$lso kno-n as Calling< &%ocation 0agic is the si!(lest .or! o.
Su!!oning kno-n to s(ellcasters. ,y sacri.icing duration .or
ease o. conCuration< &%ocation allo-s e%en !ages -ho do not
s(ecialiEe in Su!!on 0agic to access the (o-er o. a Su!!on
in co!bat.
&%ocation 0agic -orks like any other S(ell in the 99*P/K a
target is selected< the a((ro(riate nu!ber o. 0agic Points are
subtracted .ro! the caster?s total< and the e..ects are a((lied.
The e'act e..ects o. Calling a Su!!on are listed at the end o.
its (ro.ile.
,ecause o. its .ire=and=.orget nature< &%ocation 0agic
cannot be used to !ake a Su!!on carry out co!(le' tasks<
though the o..ensi%e and curati%e e..ects o. a Call can be used
both in and out o. co!bat in the sa!e !anner as any other
,ecause it !akes an acti%e co!batant out o. the Su!!ons it
calls on< true Su!!on 0agic is rather !ore co!(licated than
its little brother< but enCoys signi.icantly greater .le'ibility and
(o-er in e'change.
$ Su!!on acts as an inde(endent co!batant on the
battle.ield< and !ay be targeted accordingly. $s long as the
Su!!on is acti%e< ho-e%er< its Su!!oner cannot be targeted
either directly or indirectly. During this ti!e (eriod< any
da!age that the Su!!oner -ould nor!ally is taken by
the Su!!on instead. The only e'ce(tion to this is da!age
in.licted by Death< 2ear=9atal< and /ra%ity=ty(e e..ects > see
the section on Status Conditions belo- .or !ore details.
$ Su!!on?s $ttributes are e7ual to those o. its Su!!oner<
including any bonuses .ro! &7ui(!ent $bilities. In (ractice<
this !eans that the Su!!oner?s $ttributes are used in all
da!age calculations. I. a Su!!on is called u( to (er.or! a
s(eci.ic task that -ould nor!ally re7uire a Task Check against
an $ttribute > say< Su!!oning Titan to su((ort a colla(sing
house > the /0 !ay -ai%e the Task Check i. the Su!!on?s
(hysi7ue or sha(e see!s (articularly suited to the task.
Combat Statisti2s
+it PointsK $ Su!!on?s !a'i!u! +it Points are e7ual to its
Su!!oner?s !a'i!u! +it Points > &7ui(!ent $bility bonuses
included > !ulti(lied by the Su!!on?s +it Point !odi.ier. 9or
instance< a Su!!oner -ith 300 +it Points su!!oning Aaksh!i
F' 1.1H -ould result in a Aaksh!i -ith a !a'i!u! +P %alue o.
410 +P.
$ Su!!on -ho has 1 or !ore +P re!aining is a %alid target
.or *eco%ery Ite!s and e..ects< and !ay use the! to regain +it
Points. 8ut o. battle< Su!!ons also restore +it Points i. the
Su!!oner rests or uses a healing .i'ture. In this case< the
Su!!on regains +it Points at the sa!e rate as the Su!!oner
-ould > 100Q .or 9ull or Intensi%e *est< 71Q .or Tra%el *est<
10Q .or 9it.ul *est< and so .orth.
,ecause o. this< a Su!!on?s current +P %alue carries o%er
bet-een su!!onings< !aking it (ossible .or a Su!!on to
enter battle -ith .e-er than its !a'i!u! +it Points. 9or
instance< i. Aaksh!i had su..ered #00 +P -orth o. da!age
be.ore being dis!issed and had not been healed bet-een
su!!onings< she -ould be su!!oned the second ti!e -ith
Cust #10 out o. 410 +it Points re!aining.
Su!!ons -hose current +it Points are 0 cannot be
su!!oned again until they ha%e been restored by rest< as
e'(lained belo-.
! 9a)smi AN (eet 9a)smi /
6hile a Su!!on cannot be brought into battle as an acti%e
co!batant by t-o di..erent (arties at once< it is (ossible .or
!ulti(le co!batants to dra- on the sa!e Su!!on o%er the
course o. a battle. ,ecause each Su!!oner calls u( his or
her o-n ?%ersion? o. a Su!!on< da!age does not carry o%er
.ro! Su!!oner to Su!!oner< but only a..ects the
Su!!oner?s o-n ?%ersion.? I. one Su!!oner calls u( I.rit
and dis!isses hi! -ith #00 +it Points re!aining and a
second Su!!oner calls I.rit u( later in the sa!e battle< the
second Su!!oner?s %ersion o. I.rit -ill not be a..ected by the
.irst %ersion?s +it Point loss. Si!ilarly< i. the .irst Su!!oner?s
I.rit is reduced to 0< this -ill not (re%ent the second
Su!!oner .ro! calling u(on his ser%ices.
0agic PointsK Su!!ons ha%e no 0agic Points o. their o-n.
$ny $ction that has an 0P cost associated -ith it instead dra-s
these 0P .ro! the Su!!oner?s o-n reser%es.
0. $CC< D&J< and 02D are all e7ual to the Su!!oner?s
o-n< &7ui(!ent $bility !odi.iers included.
$CC is e7ual to the Su!!oner?s o-n< using the Su!!oner?s
highest a%ailable 6ea(on Skill.
$*0 and 0. $*0 are both 0.
S488ort and E;4i8ment !bilities
$ll Su!!ons co!e -ith their o-n distincti%e Su((ort $bilities.
These $bilities a((ly to the Su!!on and the Su!!on alone@
the Su!!oner gains no .ro! the! Cust as the Su!!on
gains no .ro! the Su!!oner?s Su((ort $bilities.
Si!ilarly< the Su!!on does not directly .ro! the
Su!!oner?s &7ui(!ent $bilities< though there are .our
&7ui(!ent $bilities that can indirectly a..ect the Su!!on?s
actionsK +eadhunter< Sensor< $uto=0P 3uarter< and $uto=0P
$ Su!!on !ay act i!!ediately u(on being Su!!oned< and
-ill generate Initiati%e as nor!al in subse7uent *ounds. The
.ollo-ing $ctions are a%ailable to Su!!onsK
$ttack. $ Su!!on can !ake $ttack $ctions in the sa!e
!anner as a PC. The Da!age Code .or the $ttack can be .ound
in the Su!!on?s (ro.ile.
De.end. The Su!!on can !ake De.ense $ctions as nor!al.
6ait. The Su!!on can !ake 6ait $ctions as nor!al.
$bility. The Su!!on can use an $bility $ction to use its
Su!!on $bility or cast a S(ell .ro! the list gi%en in the
Su!!on?s (ro.ile. De(ending on the circu!stances< they !ay
also be able to use a /rand Su!!on $bility. /rand Su!!on
$bilities are designated -ith an asterisk F\H in the Su!!on?s
$ny $bility that costs 0P -ill dra- that 0P .ro! the
Su!!oner?s (ool. I. the Su!!oner does not ha%e enough
0agic Points le.t .or the $bility< it !ay not be used.
Stat4s Conditions
,arrier and &nhance=ty(e Status Conditions are the only ones
ca(able o. a..ecting a Su!!on. $ll others > including Death<
2ear=9atal< and /ra%ity=ty(e e..ects > -ill a..ect its Su!!oner<
though the Su!!on?s Co!bat Statistics are used to resist
such attacks -here a((ro(riate. I. the Su!!on is struck by an
attack that in.licts da!age as -ell as a Status Condition< the
Su!!on su..ers da!age as nor!al< trans.erring only the
Status Condition to its Su!!oner.
$s long as the Su!!on re!ains in co!bat< the e..ects o. all
Status Conditions acti%e on its Su!!oner< (ositi%e or
other-ise< are sus(ended. +o-e%er< certain Status Conditions
!ay result in a Su!!on?s instant dis!issal > see the section
on Dis!issal belo- .or !ore details.
8nce called u(< a Su!!on can stay on the battle.ield .or u( to
si' F)H rounds be.ore auto!atically being dis!issed. $
Su!!on -ill be dis!issed sooner than this i.K
The battle ends. $n acti%e Su!!on is auto!atically
dis!issed once the last o((onent on the battle.ield is
The Su!!on loses all +it Points. $n acti%e Su!!on is
auto!atically dis!issed i. its current +it Points are reduced to
0 or .e-er.
The Su!!oner is unable to direct the Su!!on?s
actions. This occurs -hen the Su!!oner .alls :nconscious or
is a..licted -ith the Status Conditions Stone< Sto(< or Toad.
$ /rand Su!!on $bility is used. I. a /rand Su!!on
$bility is used< the Su!!on is auto!atically dis!issed a.ter the
$bility?s e..ects ha%e been resol%ed. This does not include
S(ells that are only a%ailable i. the Su!!on is brought into
battle -ith /rand Su!!on > these can be cast -ithout (enalty.
8nce the Su!!on is dis!issed< the Su!!oner beco!es an
acti%e target once again and is subCect to the e..ects o. any
re!aining acti%e Status Conditions.
Healing S4mmons
8nce su!!oned< a Su!!on?s +it Points can be restored by
reco%ery e..ects and ite!s in the sa!e !anner as any other
(arty !e!ber?s. They also .ro! the e..ects o. resting as
described in Cha(ter "< and regain +it Points at the
a((ro(riate rate. +o-e%er< Su!!ons reduced to 0 or .e-er +it
Points cannot be re%i%ed by nor!al !eans > the only -ay to
bring the! back to .ighting .itness is through 9ull or Intensi%e
Su!!ons gro- in (o-er -ith the Su!!oner< gaining ne- and
stronger (o-ers as the Su!!oner ad%ances in Ae%els. To
re.lect this< e%ery Su!!on has an ad%ance!ent chart included
in its (ro.ile< listing the attacks and S(ells it gains as the
Su!!oner ad%ances< as -ell as the da!age done by its
$bilities at its current Ae%el. These %alues are absolute > a
Su!!oner cannot choose to ?roll back? these ad%ance!ents
and do less da!age in e'change .or a lo-er 0P cost.
The (ro.iles that !ake u( the rest o. this $((endi' contain all in.or!ation needed .or Callers and Su!!oners to -ork their cra.t. &ach
Su!!on is introduced -ith a ?su!!on ani!ation<? .ollo-ed by its a%ailable $bilities< S(ells< and Call e..ect. $ny $bility !arked -ith an
asterisk F\H cannot be used unless the Su!!oned ,east -as brought into battle by /rand Su!!on. $ll da!age=dealing e..ects are
!odi.ied .or the targets? $*0 Fi. ST* or $/I basedH or 0. $*0 Fi. 0$/ basedH unless other-ise noted.
Ta%le A***&1' (aster S"mmon 9ist
A:</-"<% E|ererla| (lo|y) G':<& 3upporl
3lalus (8arr|er)
QD<;F/:8'/;: E|ererla| (L|grlr|rg)
A-,&/ E|ererla| (3radoW)
3lalus (Fala|)
H/"<0 E|ererla| (8|o)
3lalus (3pec|a|)
R/&D9 E|ererla| (L|grlr|rg)
A%G Vu|l|p|e IH%,; E|ererla| (F|re) R<&'%/ Arcare (Prys|ca|)
3lalus (T|re)
A0D%/ Recovery
3lalus (8arr|er)
K,%,- Recovery
3lalus (3lrerglrer)
S/:/&/-"<% E|ererla| (F|re)
A;'&'0 3lalus (Fala|) KDI/;/ E|ererla| (3pec|a|) S<%/>9,& Recovery
B/9/&D; Arcare (Vag|ca|) L/G09&, Recovery S9,./ E|ererla| (lce)
B,0&/%8G E|ererla| (waler) L<.,/;9/- E|ererla| (waler) S,%<- 3lalus (Vysl|ly)
Arcare (Vag|ca|)
C/,; S,;9 Arcare (Vag|ca|)
3lalus (T|re)
L,89 E|ererla| (3radoW)
3lalus (var|ous)
SA:"%/ E|ererla| (3pec|a|)
C/%@D-8:< 3lalus (8arr|er)
3lalus (3lrerglrer)
J'%&D-?/-" E|ererla| (Earlr) SA:>9 Recovery
C/;'@:<>/0 Arcare (Vag|ca|)
3lalus (3ea|)
M/"<<- E|ererla| (lo|y) T,;/- E|ererla| (Earlr)
C<%@<%D0 Arcare (Vag|ca|)
3lalus (T|re)
3lalus (3lrerglrer)
M/?D0 S,0;<%0 Arcare (Vag|ca|) TA>9'- E|ererla| (w|rd)
3lalus (Fala|)
C%D0/"<% Arcare (Prys|ca|) M,0; D%/?'- E|ererla| (lce) U-,8'%- Recovery
D,/@':'0 3lalus (Fala|) O",- Arcare (Prys|ca|)
3lalus (0ealr)
V/:<H'% Arcare (Vag|ca|)
3lalus (T|re)
D''&;%/,- E|ererla| (8|o)
3lalus (3pec|a|)
P/-"<&'-,D& E|ererla| (w|rd) V/:,?/%&/-"/ E|ererla| (3pec|a|)
F/,%A Recovery P9/-;'& Arcare (Vag|ca|)
3lalus (3pec|a|)
Y'I,&@' Arcare (Prys|ca|)
3lalus (0ealr)
F<-%,% Arcare (Vag|ca|)
3lalus (3pec|a|)
P9'<-, E|ererla| (F|re)
$ sha.t o. so.t light shines do-n .ro! abo%e< gradually solidi.ying into the sha(e o. a beauti.ul dark=skinned young -o!an. Dra(ed -ith a
loose=.itting blue robe and cro-ned -ith a sunburst o. (urest gold< she takes her (lace on the battle.ield -ith all the grace and dignity o.
a 7ueen.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK S8S=*egen
%ARM !M(RAC! 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery
Aaksh!i .loats behind the target and encircles it -ithin her ar!s< creating a burst o. a!ber energy that re.reshes the target to the core.
6ar! &!brace restores a certain nu!ber o. +it Points to the target > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details.
.4235G !M(RAC!H 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery
Aaksh!i dri.ts to the center o. the battle.ield< tantaliEingly raising her hands abo%e her head. 8n cue< her cro-n begins to glo-< .or!ing
a ball o. light that radiates out o%er the Su!!oner?s allies to restore and re%italiEe all. Ao%ing &!brace restores a certain nu!ber o. +it
Points to all eligible co!batants > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details.
Ta%le A***&2' 9a)smiEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (2 x 3TR) d8 (1 x VA0) d10 (5 VP) --- Poisona
9 - 1 (3 x 3TR) d8 ( x VA0) 2d10 (10 VP) --- Stona
1Z - 21 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (13 VP) --- Regen
25 - 32 ( x 3TR) 2d8 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (1Z VP) --- Basuna
33 - 10 (8 x 3TR) 1d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (21 VP) (15 x VA0) 1d10 (12 VP) ---
11 - 18 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (29 VP) (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (51 VP) Esuna+
19 - 5 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (3Z VP) (18 x VA0) 1d12 (0 VP) ---
5Z - 1 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (19 VP) (20 x VA0) 1d12 (9 VP) ---
5 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (55 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z8 VP) ---
A..1R35G !M(RAC! 14 MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery
Aaksh!i s(reads her ar!s< creating a daEEling dis(lay o. golden light to re%italiEe the (arty. $lluring &!brace restores F3 ' 0$/H Z
d10 +P to all eligible co!batants.
The clouds (art as 4ale.or s-oo(s do-n .ro! the hea%ens< great leathery -ings cracking like distant thunder. Aike !any o. her ilk<
4ale.or de.ies easy descri(tionK her tail< hind legs< and -ings are o. a dee( (ur(le hue< rese!bling those o. a drake or great dragon@ her
u((er body al!ost hu!anoid in s(ite o. the rust=red .eathers and a beaked head -hite as bone. /reat curled cla-s s(ring .ro! her
shoulders< their a-k-ard look and (lace!ent re!iniscent o. a second (air o. -ings@ a golden chain hangs .ro! one< s-inging e%er so
slo-ly as 4ale.or !o%es in to land be.ore the Su!!oner and a-aits her .irst co!!and.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=9loat
"453C %35G" 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
Status FTi!eH
4ale.or takes to the air< -ings beating slo-er and slo-er until ti!e itsel. see!s to lag behind the Su!!on@ at this (oint< a .inal sna( o.
the -ings sends a destructi%e gust o. air soaring to-ards the target< all but bo-ling it o%er. Sonic 6ings in.licts a certain a!ount o.
0agical da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as
nor!al. Sonic 6ings also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. reducing the target?s current Initiati%e by #1Q. This has no e..ect
i. the target has no .urther $ctions in the current *ound.
!5!RG< (.A"'H 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
In one acrobatic s-oo(< 4ale.or ascends to ho%er high abo%e the battle.ield< beak glo-ing golden as !agical energy begins to (our into
her body. $s the accu!ulated energy reaches its a(e'< an arcane array shi!!ers to li.e in the air in .ront o. the Su!!on@ in an instant<
(o-er (ours into the array< sending -ild blasts o. !agic roaring into ene!y lines. &nergy ,last in.licts a certain a!ount o. 0agical
da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This
da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&0' =aleforEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (2 x 3TR) d8 (1 x VA0) d10 (10 VP) --- Bli''ard5 0ire5 )hunder
9 - 1 (3 x 3TR) d8 ( x VA0) 2d10 (15 VP) --- Water
1Z - 21 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (18 VP) --- Bli''ara5 0ira5 )hundara
25 - 32 ( x 3TR) 2d8 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (22 VP) --- Watera
33 - 10 (8 x 3TR) 1d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (29 VP) (15 x VA0) 1d10 (1Z VP) ---
11 - 18 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (31 VP) (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (59 VP) 888
19 - 5 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (12 VP) (18 x VA0) 1d12 (5 VP) ---
5Z - 1 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (51 VP) (20 x VA0) 1d12 (Z1 VP) ---
5 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (0 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) ---
!5!RG< RA< 15 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
6ith a (iercing cry< 4ale.or .lies u(< blue=-hite (o-er gathering in her o(en !outh@ u(on reaching an ideal altitude< she sends a ray o.
intense energy directly into the ene!y grou(< clea%ing the %ery ground itsel. in t-o. &nergy *ay in.licts F3 ' 0$/H Z d10< 0. $*0
0agical da!age to all eligible co!batants< striking auto!atically.
The air o. battle see!s to thicken< beco!ing %iscous< al!ost li7uid. $s other co!batants struggle to regain their bearings< a s-ar! o.
s!all< golden=scaled .ish circle u( around the Su!!oner< baring a .earso!e array o. raEor=shar( teeth as they (re(are to !o%e in .or
the kill...
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK S8S=$gility :(
C45"'R3C' 18 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FS(ecialH
6ithout -arning< a (ortion o. the *e!ora s-ar! surges .orth. In a !atter o. seconds< a doEen Ca-s ha%e grabbed hold o. the target< all
but s!othering it in a blanket o. thrashing< biting .ish. Constrict has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Conditions $gility Do-n F)H and Slo- F)H. *oll se(arately .or each status condition.
F.<35G P3RA5HAH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
Status FTi!eH
$ large grou( o. *e!oras detach .ro! the s-ar!< gnashing at the target in a .renEy o. %icious acti%ity until blood and ichor .lo- .reely.
9lying Piranha in.licts a certain a!ount o. Physical da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore
details. This da!age is reduced by $*0 as nor!al. 9lying Piranha also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition Sa( F)H.
Ta%le A***&1' RemoraEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (2 x A0l) d8 --- --- Burn Ra$5 9awn
9 - 1 (3 x A0l) d8 --- --- Speed
1Z - 21 (5 x A0l) 2d8 --- --- Slow5 Ra$ Bom"
25 - 32 ( x A0l) 2d8 --- --- %mmo"ili'e
33 - 10 (8 x A0l) 1d8 --- (15 x A0l) 1d10 (52 VP) Slowga
11 - 18 (10 x A0l) 3d8 --- (1Z x A0l) 1d10 (1 VP) Disa"le+
19 - 5 (11 x A0l) 1d8 --- (18 x A0l) 1d12 (Z0 VP) ---
5Z - 1 (13 x A0l) 1d8 --- (20 x A0l) 1d12 (Z9 VP) ---
5 (11 x A0l) 5d8 --- (22 x A0l) 1d12 (88 VP) ---
.A'C/-4n 10 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FTi!eH
The su!!oned *e!oras strike as one< o%er-hel!ing the target in short order by sheer -eight o. nu!bers. Aatch=8n has a CoS o. F0.
$CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Conditions I!!obiliEe F)H and Slo- F)H. *oll se(arately .or each status condition.
The ground ru!bles and shakes as a .ountain o. !ag!a eru(ts .ro! the earth< carrying a great and .iendish .igure -ith it. *e.lected
.la!e glints .ro! its !assi%e horns< highlighting sine-ed< ruddy skin and ri((ling !uscles@ the .igure o. a god in a body hal. !an< hal.
beast. 6ith a thud< I.rit lands s7uarely on the cooling la%a< hell.ire eru(ting .ro! his canine !a- as he thro-s back his head and bello-s
his de.iance to the skies.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK 9ire &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK 9ire< &le!ental 6eaknessK 6aterXIce
(uR535G "'R3! 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH
I.rit lets out a chilling roar as .la!es begin to dance across his cla-s. Aunging .or-ard< he s!ashes his .ist into the ground@ belo- the
target< the earth cracks and breaks o(en< releasing gouts o. .la!e and .ountains o. la%a. ,urning Strike in.licts a certain a!ount o. 9ire
&le!ental da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0
as nor!al.
H!..F3R!H 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH
Aea(ing into the air< I.rit creates t-o s(heres o. .ire in his hands< -aiting Cust a s(lit=second be.ore hurling the! to-ards the ene!y.
&%en as .la!es engul. e%erything in sight< I.rit s(its another roaring blast o. .la!e@ the resulting e'(losion creates a coruscating s(here
o. .ire !agic that en%elo(s the ene!y< lea%ing the! sus(ended in !id=air. 9oes no- i!!obiliEed< I.rit deli%ers the cou( de graceK tearing
u( a great .rag!ent o. earth to hurl at the ho%ering con.lagration< shattering the s(ell and sending e%erything (lu!!eting back do-n to
earth. +ell.ire in.licts a certain a!ount o. 9ire &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically >
see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&2' *fritEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (2 x 3TR) d8 (1 x VA0) d10 (Z VP) --- 0ire
9 - 1 (3 x 3TR) d8 ( x VA0) 2d10 (12 VP) --- Element Spikes (0ire!
1Z - 21 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (15 VP) --- 0ira
25 - 32 ( x 3TR) 2d8 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (19 VP) --- Drain
33 - 10 (8 x 3TR) 1d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (2 VP) (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (59 VP) 0iraga, ,ull Element (%ce!+
11 - 18 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (31 VP) (18 x VA0) 1d10 (5 VP) ,ull Element (Water!+
19 - 5 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (39 VP) (20 x VA0) 1d12 (Z1 VP) ---
5Z - 1 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (51 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) ---
5 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (5Z VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (91 VP) ---
35F!R5al (la7e 21 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH
The ground shudders as a s(here o. !olten rock and .ire bursts .orth beneath I.rit?s .eet< carrying I.rit !any .eet into the air. $s the ball
co!es into (osition abo%e the (arty< the Su!!on lea(s .ro! it< bringing both .ists do-n hard on the rock. The .orce o. the blo- sends
the .iery !ass hurtling to-ards the ene!y until it lands< obliterating all in a !ass o. .la!es and su(erheated rock. In.ernal ,laEe in.licts
F) ' 0$/H Z #d10< 0. $*0 9ire &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants< striking auto!atically.
Thunder ru!bles in the distance as dark< .oreboding clouds gather o%er the battle.ield< casting the (roceedings in an eerie hal.=light.
6ithout -arning< bolts o. lightning burst .orth .ro! the clouds and strike the ground in .ront o. the Su!!oner< obscuring e%erything in a
single blinding .lash. 6hen the glare has .aded and the last (eal o. thunder rung out< the Su!!oner has been Coined by a -iEened !an
-ith a long grey beard< dressed in loose gray robes and carrying a gnarled sta... Des(ite his age< not a .licker o. -eakness or!ity
(asses o%er *a!uh?s .ace@ his e'(ression is hard< eyes shining -ith a terrible !aCesty.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK Aightning &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK Aightning< &le!ental 6eaknessK
"H4C "'R3! 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FAightningH
*a!uh li.ts his sta.. high< allo-ing it to be struck by an errant bolt o. lightning .ro! the clouds. 6hirling his sta.. once o%er his head< he
(oints it at the target and the accu!ulated electrical charge lea(s out< sending countless thousand %olts into the target?s body. Shock
Strike in.licts a certain a!ount o. Aightning &le!ental da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore
details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al. Shock Strike also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion to cancel all &nhance=
and ,arrier=ty(e Status Conditions on the target< sa%e Shield.
61+G!M!5' (4.'H 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FAightningH
The -ind begins to ho-l as *a!uh chants in an arcane language< dra-ing a s-irling< t-isting !ass o. stor!clouds to hi!. +e stands
un.linching as lightning begins to .lash and crackle< letting the bolts strike hi! again and again until his sta.. siEEles -ith barely
contained (o-er be.ore hoisting it alo.t. In an instant< electricity s(rings .orth in all directions< a rolling -heel o. !illion=%olt de%astation
that s(ins and scorches -ith erratic but deadly .orce. Judg!ent ,olt in.licts a certain a!ount o. Aightning &le!ental da!age to all
eligible co!batants in the /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0
as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&3' Ram"Es Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (2 x 3TR) d8 (1 x VA0) d10 (10 VP) --- Poison5 )hunder
9 - 1 (3 x 3TR) d8 ( x VA0) 2d10 (15 VP) --- Element Spikes (ightning!
1Z - 21 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (18 VP) --- )hundara
25 - 32 ( x 3TR) 2d8 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (22 VP) --- Bio
33 - 10 (8 x 3TR) 1d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (29 VP) (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (59 VP) ,ull Element (Earth!+5
11 - 18 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (31 VP) (18 x VA0) 1d10 (5 VP) ,ull Element (Water!+
19 - 5 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (12 VP) (20 x VA0) 1d12 (Z1 VP) ---
5Z - 1 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (51 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) ---
5 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (0 VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (91 VP) ---
6ud$ment "taff 21 Mp
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FAightningH
Tiny arcs o. blue=-hite electricity surge o%er *a!uh?s body as he charges his sta.. -ith the -rath o. the hea%ens the!sel%es< -aiting
until the %ery ti( o. it glo-s golden be.ore hurling it into the !idst o. the ene!y -ith une'(ected .orce. The gathered (o-er bursts .orth
on i!(act< creating an e%er=e'(anding circle o. (ure lightning that shocks e%erything in its %icinity -ith a !erciless barrage o. bolts.
Judg!ent Sta.. in.licts F) ' 0$/H Z #d10< 0. $*0 Aightning &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants< striking auto!atically.
$s the Su!!oner co!(letes the .inal !otions o. the su!!oning ritual< !an=siEed .rag!ents o. ice co!e crashing do-n on the
battle.ield< creating a Cagged to-er o. (olished< glistening cold. 5et this s(ectacular structure is only the beginning@ instantly< a so.t sha.t
o. light .alls do-n u(on it< illu!inating the gentle .all o. sno-.lakes as a lithe .e!ale .igure descends .ro! abo%e< landing in the !idst o.
the ice. 9or a !o!ent< only her re.lection is %isibleK the delicate blue skin co%ered in strange< inhu!an !arkings< the scant scra(s o.
clothing (rotecting only her !odesty .ro! the ele!ents< !ulti(lied into in.inity by countless .acets o. ice. Then her eyes sna( o(en<
shattering the .roEen cara(ace. Shi%a< 7ueen o. ice< stands ready .or battle.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK Ice &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK Ice< &le!ental 6eaknessK 9ireXAightning
H!A2!5.< "'R3! 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FIceH
Status FTi!eH
Shi%a regards her target -ith a cool< disdain.ul gaEe. Judging the .oe un-orthy o. e..ort< she -a%es her hand and .reeEes the air abo%e
the target into an enor!ous block o. ice that i!!ediately dro(s do-n< deli%ering a crushing blo-. +ea%enly Strike in.licts a certain
a!ount o. Ice &le!ental da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is
reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al. +ea%enly Strike also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. reducing the target?s current Initiati%e by
#1Q. This has no e..ect i. the target has no .urther $ctions in the current *ound.
+3AM45+ +1"'H 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FIceH
Shi.ting her stance .or stability< Shi%a gathers a charge o. !agic in her hands< barely (ausing be.ore unleashing a blast o. (ure .rigid
!ight against the Su!!oner?s ene!ies. &%en the !ightiest .oe is 7uickly ento!bed as relentless strea!s o. su(ercool air build layer
a.ter layer o. shar(< glea!ing ice< tra((ing e%erything in range beneath a .roEen -all. $ sna( o. Shi%a?s .ingers (ro!(tly shatters the ice
(rison< sho-ering its %icti!s -ith a cascade o. tiny .rag!ents > a biting assault to balance the sudden shock as te!(eratures abru(tly
return to nor!al. Dia!ond Dust in.licts a certain a!ount o. Ice &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(<
striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&4' Si,aEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (2 x 3TR) d8 (1 x VA0) d10 (10 VP) --- Bli''ard
9 - 1 (3 x 3TR) d8 ( x VA0) 2d10 (15 VP) --- Element Spikes (%ce!5 Rasp
1Z - 21 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (18 VP) --- Bli''ara
25 - 32 ( x 3TR) 2d8 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (22 VP) --- 6smose
33 - 10 (8 x 3TR) 1d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (29 VP) (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (59 VP) ,ull Element (0ire!+5
11 - 18 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (31 VP) (18 x VA0) 1d12 (5 VP) ,ull Element (ightning!+
19 - 5 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (12 VP) (20 x VA0) 1d12 (Z1 VP) ---
5Z - 1 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (51 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) ---
5 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (0 VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (91 VP) ---
"54%"'4RM 21 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FIceH
Shi%a -hirls on the s(ot< sending !otes o. blue sno- scattering across the battle.ield. 6here they land< the sno-.lakes instantly gro- a
hundred.old< hardening into cruel s(ikes o. ice that .reeEe and (ierce -ith i!(unity. Sno-stor! in.licts F) ' 0$/H Z #d10< 0. $*0 Ice
&le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
The instant the Su!!oner begins the su!!oning ritual< a light breeEe gusts through the battle.ield< carrying -ith it the sound o. girlish
giggles. 6hile the ritual continues< s(arkling (ink energy roa!s across the Su!!oner?s body< -hirling about in loose s(irals that
beco!e .ull=.ledged orbits as each s(arkle gro-s into a .ist=siEed globule o. !agic. 6ith a series o. so.t (o(s< the globules ?hatch<?
resol%ing into slender .e!ale .igures Cust large enough to .it in the (al! o. a hu!an hand. Dressed in scant tunics -hose dark< natural
colors a shar( contrast to their (orcelain skin< the Syl(hs are as alluring as they are !ischie%ous< darting to and .ro in a s-ar!
-hose true nu!bers de.y the casual obser%er.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=9loat
"<.2A5 '41CH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery
$ single Syl(h se(arates .ro! the grou(< trailing rose=hued (i'ie dust as it .lits to-ard the target. 6ith a !ischie%ous giggle< she ta(s it<
a .eather=light touch that coa'es chi and !ana .ro! the target?s body and trans.ers it to the Syl(h?s o-n. Thus loaded do-n -ith stolen
li.e .orce< the Syl(h .lies back to the (arty and s-oo(s around the!< distributing its (lunder in a sho-er o. s(arkling !otes. Syl%an
Touch in.licts a certain a!ount o. 0agical da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details.
This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al< and 10Q o. this da!age is subtracted .ro! the target?s +it Points and 0agic Points<
res(ecti%ely. $ll acti%e Party !e!bers then regain a nu!ber o. +it and 0agic Points e7ual to F+it Points Aost by Target X 2u!ber o.
Party 0e!bersH and F0agic Points Aost by Target X 2u!ber o. Party 0e!bersH < res(ecti%ely. I. the attack in.licts 100 da!age< .or
instance< the target -ould lose 10 +it and 0agic Points< -hich -ould then be e%enly di%ided bet-een the co!batants in the Party.
"<.2A5 +A5C!H 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK *eco%ery
$ cloud o. Syl(hs s-ar!s the battle.ield< -hirling through ene!y lines in a -ild dance that snatches chi and !ana a-ay .ro! the
Su!!oner?s .oes. $.ter co!(leting their t-irl -ith the targets< the Syl(hs s-oo( back to the (arty to dis(erse their ill=gotten gains in a
series o. .luttering (irouettes. Syl%an Dance in.licts a certain a!ount o. 0agical da!age to the targets< striking auto!atically > see the
$d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al< and 10Q o. this da!age is subtracted .ro! the
target?s +it Points and 0agic Points< res(ecti%ely. $ll acti%e Party !e!bers then regain a nu!ber o. +it and 0agic Points e7ual to F+it
Points Aost by Target X 2u!ber o. Party 0e!bersH and F0agic Points Aost by Target X 2u!ber o. Party 0e!bersH <
res(ecti%ely. I. the attack in.licts 100 da!age< .or instance< the target -ould lose 10 +it and 0agic Points< -hich -ould then be e%enly
di%ided bet-een the co!batants in the Party.
Ta%le A***&5' SFlpEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (2 x A0l) d8 ( x VA0) 2d10 (18 VP) --- Burn Ra$
9 - 1 (3 x A0l) d8 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (21 VP) --- 0loat
1Z - 21 (5 x A0l) 2d8 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (25 VP) --- Ra$ Bom"
25 - 32 ( x A0l) 2d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (32 VP) --- Drain5 6smose
33 - 10 (8 x A0l) 1d8 (13 x VA0) 3d10 (3Z VP) (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (2 VP) 0lare Star+
11 - 18 (10 x A0l) 3d8 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (15 VP) (18 x VA0) 1d12 (8 VP) ---
19 - 5 (11 x A0l) 1d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (5Z VP) (20 x VA0) 1d12 (ZZ VP) S$phon+
5Z - 1 (13 x A0l) 1d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (3 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (8 VP) ---
5 (11 x A0l) 5d8 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (Z2 VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (91 VP) ---
%/isperin$ %35+ 20 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery
$ so.t breeEe can be .elt as t-o Syl(hs .lutter to-ards the target and begin circling it in tight< coordinated s(irals< coa'ing .orth its chi.
The target is en%elo(ed in a so.t blue glo- as its li.e .orce is drained a-ay< a glo- that 7uickly blosso!s into an intense s(here o. energy
as the Syl(hs co!(lete their .light and (itch the stolen %itality back to the Su!!oner?s allies. 6his(ering 6ind in.licts F10 ' 0$/H Z
3d10< 0. $*0 0agical da!age to the target< striking auto!atically. $ll acti%e Party !e!bers then regain a nu!ber o. +it Points e7ual
to F+it Points Aost by Target X 2u!ber o. Party 0e!bersH.
So.t har( !usic resounds in the air as a -a%e o. .oa!ing sur. -ashes across the battle.ield< trans.or!ing it into a hallucinatory ocean
landsca(e illu!inated by golden light. $s the -ater s(lashes and la(s around the co!batants< a -o!an o. uni!aginable beauty e!erges
.ro! the ocean de(ths< (each=skinned body barely concealed by .eathers o. scarlet and a!ber. +er blonde hair .lo-s .reely< -a.ting in
e%en the slightest breeEe@ the .ace it .ra!es a %ision o. .eral beauty. $n ornate har( is slung under one ar!< re%ealed only as Siren takes
her (lace be.ore the Su!!oner< -ings un.urled@ her long< cruel nails (ick the strings -ith inhu!an de'terity< coa'ing sounds to be-itch
and addle her ene!ies.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK S8S=S(irit :(
.15A'3C 243C! 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
Status F0ysti.yH
Siren locks her eyes on a single target< stru!!ing the beginnings o. a -ordless song that lea(s straight into the %icti!?s heart<!ing
its ardor until e%ery shred o. control has been stri((ed a-ay. Aunatic 4oice in.licts a certain a!ount o. 0agical da!age to the target<
striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al. Aunatic 4oice also
has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition ,erserk F)H.
.42!.< 243C!H 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
Status F0ysti.yH
6ith a coy s!ile< Siren begins coa'ing strea!s o. !usic .ro! her har(< creating a soundsca(e thick -ith uns(oken in%itations and
unre7uited lo%e > a sonic cocktail designed to -ra( the Su!!oner?s ene!ies around her little .inger. Instantly s!itten< the song?s
%icti!s begin .ighting .riend and .oe alike .or the Siren?s a..ections< dissol%ing into a chaotic< lust=craEed !elee. Ao%ely 4oice in.licts a
certain a!ount o. 0agical da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table
.or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al. Ao%ely 4oice also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting
the Status Condition Con.usion F)H > roll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
Ta%le A***&6' SirenEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (2 x A0l) d8 ( x VA0) 2d10 (15 VP) --- Blind5 Sleep
9 - 1 (3 x A0l) d8 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (18 VP) --- Berserk
1Z - 21 (5 x A0l) 2d8 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (22 VP) --- Silence
25 - 32 ( x A0l) 2d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (29 VP) --- Confuse
33 - 10 (8 x A0l) 1d8 (13 x VA0) 3d10 (31 VP) (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (9 VP) Curse+
11 - 18 (10 x A0l) 3d8 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (12 VP) (18 x VA0) 1d12 (Z5 VP) Charm+
19 - 5 (11 x A0l) 1d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (51 VP) (20 x VA0) 1d12 (81 VP) 888
5Z - 1 (13 x A0l) 1d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (0 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (93 VP) ---
5 (11 x A0l) 5d8 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (9 VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (101 VP) ---
"3.!5' 243C! 32 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
Status FSealH
/hostly -a%es s(lash into ene!y lines as Siren (lays her har(< -ea%ing glo-ing ribbons o. sound that ensnare and enra(ture the
Su!!oner?s .oes< striking the! du!b on the s(ot. Silent 4oice in.licts F) ' 0$/H Z #d10< 0. $*0 0agical da!age to all eligible
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. Silent 4oice also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the
Status Condition Silence F)H > roll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
$ dee( ru!bling is .elt in the earth as the battleground beco!es a -eb o. cracks and .issures< .inally eru(ting to disgorge an e'7uisitely
!uscled !an clad in little !ore than a loincloth. Perha(s his skin is the color o. earth@ (erha(s it is the earth< rock and soil co!e
together to !old a (hysi7ue as !ighty as a !ountain. $s dust and grit cascade o.. his body< Titan bello-s -ith rage< glo-ering at those
-ho -ould dare be.oul the sanctity o. the land.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK &arth &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK &arth<
&le!ental 6eaknessK 6aterX6ind
R4C 'HR4% 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F&arthH
Titan sla!s his .ist into the ground< tearing a-ay a gigantic .rag!ent o. bedrock and hurling it into the ene!y -ith a -ordless snarl. The
!ulti=ton (roCectile crashes ho!e -ith bone=shattering (o-er< all but crushing the luckless target. *ock Thro- in.licts a certain a!ount
o. &arth &le!ental da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by
0. $*0 as nor!al.
An$er 4F 'H! .A5+H 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F&arthH
Titan (lunges his (o-er.ul .ists dee( into the ground and< -ith a dee( snarling grunt< ri(s loose a large slab .ro! beneath the ene!y.
/ro-ling and bello-ing< he u(ends the slab< sla!!ing se%eral tons o. solid rock on the Su!!oner?s .oes -ith enough .orce to shatter it
into a thousand .rag!ents. $nger o. the Aand in.licts a certain a!ount o. &arth &le!ental da!age to to all eligible co!batants in the
targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&1#' TitanEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (2 x 3TR) d10 ( x VA0) 2d10 (12 VP) --- 888
9 - 1 (1 x 3TR) d10 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (15 VP) --- 888
1Z - 21 ( x 3TR) 2d10 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (19 VP) --- 888
25 - 32 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (2 VP) --- 888
33 - 10 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (13 x VA0) 3d10 (31 VP) (18 x VA0) 1d10 (5 VP) ,ull Element (Wind!+
11 - 18 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (39 VP) (20 x VA0) 1d12 (Z1 VP) ,ull Element (Water!+
19 - 5 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (51 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) 7uake+
5Z - 1 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (5Z VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (91 VP) ---
5 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 ( VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (102 VP) ---
!AR'H!5 FuR< 4: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F&arthH
Titan lea(s into the thick o. the ene!y< sla!!ing his incredible .ists as he lands. The resulting i!(act buckles the earth and creates a
shock-a%e that ri((les through the Su!!oner?s .oes< sending the! to((ling e%ery -hich -ay. &arthen 9ury in.licts F10 ' 0$/H Z
3d10< 0. $*0 &arth &le!ental da!age to to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
$ circle o. -hite energy hangs sus(ended in !id=air< (ulsing and glo-ing until a single sha.t o. light breaks through. 6hat .ollo-s is a
unlikely a!alga!ation e%en by Su!!on standardsK a gray=skinned creature s(orting the body o. a horse< the tail o. an o'< the antlers o.
a deer< and the horned head o. a noble dragon. Aong e!erald=colored .ur !arks the back o. each leg< shoulders and neck< .lo-ing into a
continuous !ane at the na(e that .lutters in the -ind as ;irin trots to take its (lace at the Su!!oner?s side.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK S8S=*egen
H4.< AuRA 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery
Status FStrengthenH
;irin cranes his neck to .ace the target as his antlers begin to glo-< e!itting a soothing light that restores and in%igorates in e7ual
!easure. +oly $ura restores a certain nu!ber o. +it Points to the target > see the $d%ance!ent Table .or !ore details. In addition< it
besto-s the Status Condition *egen on the target F)H.
24R'!=H 1:: MP
TargetK $ll Ty(eK *eco%ery
Ao-ering his head to-ard the ground< ;irin lets out a throaty ru!ble and begins to radiate t-isted (atterns o. light .ro! his antlers<
catching .riend and .oe alike -ithin an array o. loo(s and circles that see! to sa( the %ery !agic .ro! the air. 4orte' cancels all acti%e
Status Conditions on the battle.ield e'ce(t those o. the Strengthen= and ,arrier=ty(e@ it has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &4$ o.
canceling the latter. *oll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
Ta%le A***&11' CirinEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (2 x 3TR) d8 ( x VA0) 2d10 (30 VP) --- Poisona
9 - 1 (3 x 3TR) d8 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (32 VP) --- Stona
1Z - 21 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (3Z VP) --- Regen
25 - 32 ( x 3TR) 2d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (11 VP) --- Basuna5 De"arrier
33 - 10 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 (13 x VA0) 3d10 (19 VP) --- Dispel+
11 - 18 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (5Z VP) --- Esuna+
19 - 5 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (9 VP) --- Resist+
5Z - 1 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (Z5 VP) --- ---
5 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (81 VP) --- ---
.3F! GuAR+ 40 MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH
;irin?s entire body glo-s< turning a ghostly blue as holy energy s(ills .orth and engul.s the Su!!oner?s allies. 6here it touches li%ing
.lesh< this di%ine aura slo-ly begins !ending cuts and -ounds< su..using its targets -ith rene-ed %igor. Ai.e /uard besto-s the Status
Condition *egen on the Caller and all eligible allies in the i!!ediate Party F)H.
Cait Sith
6ithout cere!ony< a black cat dro(s onto the Su!!oner?s head< !aking a great sho- o. dusting itsel. o.. be.ore lea(ing .or solid
ground. Though no larger than a housecat< e%en the !ost casual o. obser%ers can see that Cait Sith is no ordinary .eline. 9or one< he
stands on t-o legs< sauntering about as easily as any hu!an -ould. Then there is the !atter o. his attireK -ith his -ell=-orn boots<
ragged red ca(e< and a tiny toy cro-n (erched securely on his head< Cait Sith looks like a re.ugee .ro! a co!ic (anto!i!e gone horribly
a-ry< ha((y s!ile radiating al!ost indescribable 7uantities o. s!ugness. 6ith a !ocking bo-< the little cat=!an assu!es (osition< ready
to in.lict his o-n brand o. ha%oc on the battle.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK S8S=S(irit :(
(attle 'rumpet 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
Clearing his throat< Cait Sith raises a battered !ega(hone to his !outh and issues a screeching< high=(itched yo-l a!(li.ied to terri.ying
(ro(ortions. ,ra%er .oes si!(ly endure the sonic assault@ lesser ene!ies 7uail and shudder< des(erately looking .or so!e !eans to
!ake it all end. ,attle Tru!(et in.licts a certain a!ount o. Physical da!age on the targeted o((onent< striking auto!atically > see the
$d%ance!ent Table belo- .or details. This attack ignores $*0.
Mar,elous C/eerH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
Status FTi!eH
8nce again< Cait Sith reaches .or his !ega(hone and lets out a !ighty -ail. This ti!e< ho-e%er< he lea(s straight into the .ray< bringing
his insu..erable cater-auling directly to the ene!y. 2o !atter ho- !uch they !ay cla- and s-i(e< the little cat=!an is unsto((able<
dancing his !erry -ay through the ene!y ranks -ithout a (ause .or breath or one !erci.ul dro( in %olu!e. 0ar%elous Cheer in.licts a
certain a!ount o. Physical da!age on all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent Table
belo- .or details. This da!age is reduced by $*0 as nor!al. In addition< 0ar%elous Cheer has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
in.licting the Status Condition Disable F)H > roll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
Ta%le A***&12' Cait SitEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (2 x A0l) d8 ( x A0l) 2d10 (25 VP) --- Blind
9 - 1 (3 x A0l) d8 (8 x A0l) 2d10 (28 VP) --- 0loat
1Z - 21 (5 x A0l) 2d8 (10 x A0l) 3d10 (32 VP) --- %mmo"ili'e
25 - 32 ( x A0l) 2d8 (11 x A0l) 3d10 (39 VP) --- Confuse
33 - 10 (8 x A0l) 3d8 (13 x A0l) 3d10 (11 VP) (18 x A0l) 1d12 (Z5 VP) Disa"le+
11 - 18 (10 x A0l) 3d8 (15 x A0l) 1d10 (52 VP) (20 x A0l) 1d12 (81 VP) Mini+
19 - 5 (11 x A0l) 1d8 (1Z x A0l) 1d10 (1 VP) (22 x A0l) 1d12 (93 VP) )oad
5Z - 1 (13 x A0l) 1d8 (18 x A0l) 1d12 (Z0 VP) (21 x A0l) 1d12 (101 VP) ---
5 (11 x A0l) 5d8 (20 x A0l) 1d12 (Z9 VP) (2 x A0l) 5d10 (112 VP) ---
Cat Rain 52 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F0ysti.yH
Cait Sith bounds onto the battle.ield< !errily bouncing .ro! one !onster to another as he tosses (a-.uls o. s(arkling (o-der into the
air. Cat *ain has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Con.use F)H on all eligible co!batants in the
targeted /rou( > roll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
$ -ar! golden light surrounds the Su!!oner< gro-ing in intensity until it .or!s the outlines o. a -inged -o!an ho%ering o%er the
Su!!oner?s shoulder. $s the glo- di..uses< it re%eals a delicate< dark=haired -o!an ke(t alo.t by !ulti(le .eathered -ings< long silk
dress .luttering in the -ind. 6ith !o%e!ents lighter than air itsel.< 9airy .lutters into (osition o%er the (arty< serenely a-aiting her orders.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=9loat< S8S=*egen
%in$ed .i$/t 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery
9airy beats her -ings< scattering .eathers o%er the target. $s they dri.t and s(in through the air< they begin to light u(< turning into
blaEing s(ecks that rein%igorate e%erything they co!e into contact -ith. 6inged Aight restores a certain nu!ber o. +it Points to the
target > see the $d%ance!ent Table .or !ore details.
Fe) .i$/tH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery
9airy soars o%er the (arty< e%ery !o%e!ent dislodging a .resh sho-er o. sunlit .eathers until the Su!!oner?s allies ha%e been blanketed
entirely. 9ey Aight restores a certain nu!ber o. +it Points to the Su!!oner and all eligible allies in the i!!ediate Party > see the
$d%ance!ent Table .or !ore details.
Ta%le A***&10' FairFEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (3 x A0l) d8 (8x VA0) 2d10 (13 VP) --- #ero
9 - 1 (5 x A0l) d8 (10 x VA0) 2d10 (1Z VP) --- 0loat
1Z - 21 ( x A0l) 2d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (21 VP) --- #era5 Regen
25 - 32 (8 x A0l) 2d8 (13 x VA0) 3d10 (29 VP) --- 888
33 - 10 (10 x A0l) 3d8 (15 x VA0) 3d10 (3Z VP) (20 x VA0) 1d12 (9 VP) #eraga+
11 - 18 (11 x A0l) 3d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (19 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z8 VP) 0light+
19 - 5 (13 x A0l) 1d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (55 VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (8 VP) 888
5Z - 1 (11 x A0l) 1d8 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (1 VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (9Z VP) ---
5 (1 x A0l) 5d8 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z3 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (100 VP) ---
Cr)stal .i$/t 0: mp
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery
9airy e!erges .ro! the Su!!oner?s shado- clas(ing a delicate rosy crystal -ithin her hands. $s she hoists it alo.t< (ale (ink light begins
to (ulse at its core< bathing the (arty in %ital energy. Crystal Aight restores F14 ' 0$/H Z 4d10 +it Points to the Su!!oner and all
eligible allies in the i!!ediate Party.
$ dark shado- en%elo(s the battle.ield as $to!os a((ears< its titanic body barely !ore than a giant !outh .ringed by (ulsating< .or!less
(ink .lesh. Dee( -ithin that ga(ing !a-< a singular light glo-s@ a cold< endless blue that see!s to dra- the %ery -ar!th and li.e .ro! its
surroundings. To stare too long into that strange %oid is to in%ite !adness > -hat horrors -ait on the other side is best le.t to the
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK S8S=S(irit :(
!n$ulf 5: mp
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F9atalH
$to!os .i'es a single o((onent -ith tiny< !indless eyes< !outh glo-ing a threatening %iolet as an irresistible .orce seiEes the %icti!.
Slo-ly< inch by agoniEing inch< the un.ortunate .oe is dragged to-ards that terrible %oid< .ighting e%ery ste( o. the -ay. &ngul. has a CoS
o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. &Cecting the target.
G-For#e 3nfinit)H 125 Mp
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F9atalH
The blue de(ths o. $to!os suddenly turn dark@ the already .oreboding %oid in the Su!!on?s innards gro-s dee(er and blacker< turning
into an irresistible .orce that dra-s in the Su!!oner?s .oes -ithout !ercy. /=9orce In.inity has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
&Cecting all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(@ roll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
Ta%le A***&11' AtomosEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (3 x 3TR) d8 --- --- 888
9 - 1 (5 x 3TR) d8 --- --- Meteorite
1Z - 21 ( x 3TR) 2d8 --- --- 1ra-it$
25 - 32 (8 x 3TR) 2d8 --- --- Comet
33 - 10 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 --- --- Demi+
11 - 18 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 --- --- 7uasar+
19 - 5 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 --- --- 7uarter+
5Z - 1 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 --- --- ---
5 (1 x 3TR) 5d8 --- --- ---
G-For#e 199 0; Mp
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F9atalH
$to!os loo!s o%er the battle.ield< %o!iting .orth a crushing singularity -ithout cere!ony. This dark s(here ho%ers o!inously o%er the
ene!y< by and by dra-ing in and crushing all surrounding !atter until the Caller?s .oes too are caught in its ine'orable (ull. /=9orce 1""
has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting a certain a!ount o. 0agical da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted
/rou(. This a!ount is deter!ined by the Caller?s current +it Points< and is e7ual to a certain (ercentage o. the co!batants? !a'i!u!
+P. Treat this as a /ra%ity=ty(e e..ect.
Caller?s Current +P Da!age In.licted
100 = 7)Q o. !a'i!u! 10Q o. !a'i!u!
71 = 11Q o. !a'i!u! 30Q o. !a'i!u!
10 = #)Q o. !a'i!u! #1Q o. !a'i!u!
#1 = 1Q o. !a'i!u! 10Q o. !a'i!u!
Though this da!age is not !odi.ied .or $*0 or 0. $*0< /=9orce 1"" !ay ne%er in.lict !ore than """ da!age regardless o. ho- !any
+P the target currently (ossesses. *oll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
Dark clouds gather o%er the battle.ield< turning day to night as a to-ering colu!n o. rock bursts .orth .ro! the ground. Suddenly< a ho-l
rings out .ro! on high. There ato( the great rock.ace stands a !aCestic horned -ol.< %iolet .ur broken u( by -horled tu.ts o. -hite and
gold that al!ost look like -ings in -hat little light re!ains. *earing his head back< 9enrir gi%es another ho-l and (re(ares to enter the
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK S8S=$gility :(
M445 "45G 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FS(ecialH
The dark clouds (art< allo-ing a (ale !oon to shi!!er into e'istence o%er the battle.ield. $s 9enrir snarls< bea!s o. light begin (ouring
do-n< en%elo(ing a single ally in their u(li.ting glo-. 0oon Song adds $gility :( and se%eral other Status Conditions to the target F)H >
see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. In addition< 0oon Song has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Condition ,erserk F)H.
M3..!553A. +!CA<H 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
6ith a .ierce gro-l< 9enrir lea(s .ro! his (erch< rocketing to-ards the Su!!oner?s .oes at such s(eeds that his %ery .or! begins to blur
into a co!et o. green energy. Seconds be.ore striking< the -ol.?s body se(arates into .i%e ghostly i!ages that -hirl around the
battle.ield< creating a %orte' to engul. the ene!y. 0illennial Decay in.licts a certain a!ount o. 0agical da!age to all eligible co!batants
in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as
Ta%le A***&12' FenrirEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (1 x 3TR) d10 #gilit$ (p (13 VP) --- Burn Ra$5 9awn
9 - 1 ( x 3TR) 2d10 #gilit$ (p (13 VP) --- Blink5 Speed
1Z - 21 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 Protect (33 VP) --- %mmo"ili'e5 Slow
25 - 32 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 Protect (33 VP) --- Ra$ Bom"5 Ruse
33 - 10 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 Shell (53 VP) (20 x VA0) 1d12 (Z1 VP) Disa"le+5 Slowga+
11 - 18 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 Shell (53 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) 0lare Star+
19 - 5 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 Regen (Z3 VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (91 VP) Stop+5 &anish+
5Z - 1 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 Regen (Z3 VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (102 VP) 888
5 (19 x 3TR) 5d10 Haste (103 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (105 VP) ---
!C.3P'3C H4%. ;3 MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH
$ shado- .alls across the !oon as 9enrir ho-ls .ro! his rocky (erch< gro-ing larger and larger until only a .aint halo o. light re!ains.
Suddenly< the light .lares u( to an une'(ected intensity< bathing the (arty in a so.t< lu!inous glo-. &cli(tic +o-l besto-s the Status
Conditions $gility :( F)H and S(irit :( F)H on the Caller and all eligible allies in the i!!ediate Party.
$ dry< dusty .luttering .ills the air as a s-ar! o. ethereal bats gathers abo%e the Su!!oner< !erging together to .or! an i!!ense globe
o. (ure darkness. ,lack li7uid begins to dri(@ silently< a bat=-inged hu!anoid descends .ro! the globe. The .ire=red o. Diabolos?s
!uscular body .or!s a stark contrast to the dark (lates edging it@ his horned head s(arkles -ith ani!al !ale%olence< a hu!orless<
shar(=toothed grin touching his li(less !outh as he conte!(lates his latest batch o. %icti!s.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK S8S=S(irit :(
Gra,iEa 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F9atalH
Diabolos cu(s his taloned hands< .ashioning a (ulsating s(here o. gray and %iolet energy that 7uickly gro-s into a !an=siEe ano!aly.
6ith a casual toss< the ne-ly=created !ass is sent .loating to-ards the %icti!@ once (ositioned o%erhead< it ri((les and crackles<
increasingly local gra%ity a thousand.old. /ra%iCa has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. reducing the target?s current +it Points by
F'HQ and its 0agic Points by F' X #HQ > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. Treat this as a /ra%ity=ty(e e..ect e'ce(t -hen
resol%ing /ra%iCa at Ae%el )1Z< at -hich (oint it beco!es a 2ear=9atal e..ect instead. *egardless o. ho- !uch da!age is rolled< the
target?s current +it Points cannot be reduced belo- 1.
Ruinous 4me5H 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F9atalH
$ hellish=looking gly(h glo-s as the globe o. blackness .ro! -hich Diablos e!erged i!(lodes back into a shrieking cloud o. bats< turning
the battle.ield into a night!are o. .luttering -ings and ultrasonic -ails that see! to sa( the %ery essence o. the Su!!oner?s .oes.
*uinous 8!en has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. reducing the target?s current +it Points by F'HQ and its 0agic Points by F' X
#HQ > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. Treat this as a /ra%ity=ty(e e..ect e'ce(t -hen resol%ing *uinous 8!en at Ae%el
)1Z< at -hich (oint it beco!es a 2ear=9atal e..ect instead. *egardless o. ho- !uch da!age is rolled< the target?s current +it Points
cannot be reduced belo- 1.
Ta%le A***&13' ;ia%losEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (3 x A0l) d8 x = 10 d10 (25 VP) --- Cure
9 - 1 (5 x A0l) 2d8 x = 20 d10 (3Z VP) --- 1ra-it$
1Z - 21 ( x A0l) 2d8 x = 30 d10 (50 VP) --- Cura
25 - 32 (8 x A0l) 3d8 x = 10 d10 (2 VP) --- Demi
33 - 10 (10 x A0l) 3d8 x = 50 d10 (Z5 VP) x = 10 2d10 (90 VP) Curaga+
11 - 18 (11 x A0l) 1d8 x = 0 d10 (8Z VP) x = 50 2d10 (105 VP) 888
19 - 5 (13 x A0l) 1d8 x = Z0 d10 (100 VP) x = 0 2d10 (120 VP) 888
5Z - 1 (11 x A0l) 5d8 x = 80 d10 (112 VP) x = Z0 2d10 (135 VP) ---
5 (1 x A0l) 5d8 x = 90 d10 (125 VP) x = 80 2d10 (150 VP) ---
+ark Messen$er ;5 mp
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F9atalH
Diabolos li.ts one ar! to cu( the s(here that birthed hi!< charging it -ith crackling energy be.ore hurling it into the !idst o. the ene!y.
The black !ass see!s al!ost elastic as it descends -ith crushing .orce@ at i!(act< sinister su!!oning circles !aterialiEe in a ring
around the s(here< adding an a((ro(riately in.ernal edge to the attack. Dark 0essenger has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o.
reducing the targeted co!batants? current +it Points by FCaller?s Current Ae%elHQ. Treat this as a /ra%ity=ty(e e..ect. Though this
da!age is not !odi.ied .or $*0 or 0. $*0< Dark 0essenger !ay ne%er in.lict !ore than """ da!age regardless o. ho- !any +P the
target currently (ossesses. *oll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
The haunting !elody o. -halesong .ills the area as the air gro-s thicker and !urkier< see!ing al!ost li7uid in (laces. 9ro! the !idst o.
this !orass e!erges a great hu!(back -hale< -hite skin shining like a beacon as it glides and s(lashes its -ay through the (hantas!al
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK 6ater &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK 6ater<
&le!ental 6eaknessK IceXAightning
Ge)ser 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F6aterH
,is!arck di%es at a single ha(less o((onent< s-allo-ing the un.ortunate .oe -hole be.ore once again eCecting it .ro! his blo-hole in a
!ighty s(ray o. -ater. &ngul. in.licts a certain a!ount o. 6ater &le!ental da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the
$d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
(rea#/ (lastH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6aterH
,is!arck?s -hale song .ills the area as the entire battle.ield is .looded -ith -ater. 6ithout -arning< the -hite -hale sets o.. through this
ne-ly=created ocean< (ulling great -a%es behind hi!@ in !ere !o!ents< -hale and -ater collide -ith the hel(less ene!y< thoroughly
crushing e%erything e%erything in the %icinity. ,reach ,last in.licts a certain a!ount o. 6ater &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants
in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as
Ta%le A***&14' /ismarc)Es Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (1 x 3TR) d10 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (15 VP) --- 888
9 - 1 ( x 3TR) 2d10 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (19 VP) --- Water
1Z - 21 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (2 VP) --- 888
25 - 32 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (31 VP) --- Watera
33 - 10 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (39 VP) (20 x VA0) 1d12 (Z1 VP) ,ull Element (ightning!+
11 - 18 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (51 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) ,ull Element (%ce!+5 Waterga+
19 - 5 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (5Z VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (91 VP) 888
5Z - 1 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 ( VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (102 VP) 888
5 (19 x 3TR) 5d10 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z5 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (105 VP) ---
"ea "on$H ;; mp
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6aterH
$ great -a%e o. !agical -ater -ashes o%er the Caller?s .oes< te!(orarily sub!erging the!. &%en as they struggle to break to the sur.ace<
a -hale the siEe o. a battleshi( rushes to-ards the!< singing !ourn.ully as the -a%es kicked u( by its bulk brush a-ay -hat little
resistance is le.t. Sea Song in.licts F14 ' 0$/H Z 4d10< 0. $*0 6ater &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted
/rou(< striking auto!atically.
6inds begin to -hi( u( the battle.ield< 7uickly condensing into a ho-ling tornado. 6hat loo!s o%er the ene!y -hen all has dis(ersed
looks like so!ething out o. a .e%er drea!K a .aceless giant< (ur(le skin da((led and !ottled -ith s(lashes o. (ink and -hite< siEing the
.ield u( -ith an eyeless gaEe. $s three long tubes slung o%er one shoulder start dra-ing in the surrounding air< -hat at .irst a((eared to
be a tail begins to gro- in siEe< s-elling until it is al!ost al!ost s(herical and creaking -ith tension. Pande!oniu!< lord o. the .our
-inds< is ready to strike.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK 6ind &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK 6ind< &le!ental 6eaknessK &arthX,io
Aerial (last 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F6indH
Pande!oniu! releases the accu!ulated contents o. his -ind=bag in a single %iolent torrent that all but blasts the target out o. the
battle. $erial ,last in.licts a certain a!ount o. 6ind &le!ental da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table
.or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
%ind (ladeH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6indH
The ?!ouths? o. Pande!oniu!?s air=tubes .lare -ide< unleashing three screa!ing torrents o. -ind that t-ist and intert-ine as they surge
to-ards the ene!y. 6ind ,lade in.licts a certain a!ount o. 6ind &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(<
striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&15' Pandemoni"mEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (1 x 3TR) d10 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (15 VP) --- #ero
9 - 1 ( x 3TR) 2d10 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (19 VP) --- 888
1Z - 21 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (2 VP) --- #era
25 - 32 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (31 VP) --- 888
33 - 10 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (39 VP) (20 x VA0) 1d12 (Z1 VP) #eraga+
11 - 18 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (51 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) ,ull Element (Earth!+
19 - 5 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (5Z VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (91 VP) ,ull Element (Bio!+
5Z - 1 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 ( VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (102 VP) 888
5 (19 x 3TR) 5d10 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z5 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (105 VP) ---
'ornado ?one ;; mp
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6indH
Pande!oniu! rises tall abo%e the ene!y< air=tubes o(en and at the ready. $t once< he begins to dra- in air< ruthlessly sucking in
e%erything in his sight. *ocks< trees< loose .lagstones< clouds< la%a< !assed ene!y ranks > all disa((ear into his e%er=s-elling bag until it
has .inally reached ca(acity< bulging and creaking. +is -ork done< Pande!oniu! re%erses the .lo-< s(e-ing out his ?collection? in a
single torrent o. destruction. Tornado Bone in.licts F14 ' 0$/H Z 4d10< 0. $*0 6ind &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in
the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
The ground ri((les@ in an instant< solid ground has turned to churning sur.< and the great sea ser(ent Syldra rises .ro! the de(ths. $
long< ser(entine neck breaks through the -ater as .our thrashing .li((ers (ro(el the la%ender ser(ent through the illusory -a%es as
e..ortlessly as any ocean@ at its ti(< a crested dragon?s head< eyes s(arkling -ith -ar!th and intelligence.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK &le!ental I!!unityK AightningX6ater< &le!ental 6eaknessK IceX&arth
%a,e "trike 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FS(ecialH
Aisting to one side< Syldra -a%es a !ighty .li((er< sending a torrent o. -ater s(lashing do-n onto her target. 8nce the .oe has been
thoroughly soaked< she o(ens her !outh< s(e-ing arcs o. deadly electricity o%er the no-=su(erconducti%e target. 6a%e Strike counts as
t-o se(arate attacks< both o. -hich strike the targeted co!batant auto!atically .or a certain a!ount o. da!age > see the $d%ance!ent
table .or !ore details. The .irst attack in.licts 6ater &le!ental da!age< the second in.licts Aightning &le!ental da!age. ,oth attacks
ignore 0. $*0.
Rollin$ '/underH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FS(ecialH
Syldra ducks her head beneath the -a%es and di%es .or-ard< disa((earing .ro! sight only to resur.ace again !o!ents later in a great
lea(. In a single bound< she has cleared the ene!y ranks< landing back in the -ater -ith a s(lash that drenches the Su!!oner?s .oes to
the bone. ,e.ore they e%en ha%e ti!e to reco%er .ro! the shock< ho-e%er< the cou( de grace .ollo-s@ Syldra?s head e!erges .ro! the
-ater< %o!iting .orth crackling bolts o. lightning in all directions. *olling Thunder counts as t-o se(arate attacks< both o. -hich strike
e%ery eligible co!batant in the targeted /rou( .or a certain a!ount o. da!age > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. The .irst
attack deals 6ater &le!ental da!age< the second Aightning &le!ental da!age. ,oth attacks ignore 0. $*0.
Ta%le A***&16' SFldraEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (1 x 3TR) d10 (2x VA0) d10 (13 VP) --- )hunder
9 - 1 ( x 3TR) 2d10 (3 x VA0) d10 (18 VP) --- Water
1Z - 21 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (1 x VA0) d10 (21 VP) --- )hundara
25 - 32 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (5 x VA0) 2d10 (25 VP) --- Watera
33 - 10 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 ( x VA0) 2d10 (31 VP) (9 x VA0) 3d10 (8 VP) ,ull Element (%ce!+
11 - 18 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (Z x VA0) 2d10 (13 VP) (10 x VA0) 3d10 (ZZ VP) ,ull Element (Earth!+
19 - 5 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (51 VP) (11 x VA0) 3d10 (8 VP)
5Z - 1 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 (9 x VA0) 3d10 (3 VP) (12 x VA0) 3d10 (91 VP) 888
5 (19 x 3TR) 5d10 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (Z2 VP) (13 x VA0) 1d10 (105 VP) ---
'/understorm ;; mp
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FS(ecialH
The sea ser(ent Syldra a((ears in .ront o. the Caller?s (arty at the crest o. a .or!idable -a%e. $ .lick o. the tail sends the roaring -aters
racing to-ards the Caller?s .oes@ as the -a%e crashes ho!e< Syldra unleashes an electrical burst .ro! the de(ths o. her !a-< creating a
de%astating double shock. Thunderstor! counts as t-o se(arate attacks< both in.licting F) ' 0$/H Z #d10 da!age on all eligible
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. The .irst attack does 6ater &le!ental da!age< the second Aightning &le!ental.
$ beauti.ul -o!an .loats do-n serenely .ro! the hea%ens< bringing -ith her a sense o. (eace and balance. $s she co!es to ho%er in
.ront o. the su!!oner< it beco!es a((arent that $sura is actually three bodies and three .aces Coined together -ithin a single head<
collecti%ely reclining back=to=back in a lotus (osition. The .irst body is that o. a lo%ely blonde -o!an< hands .olded in her la(. The
second is a -o!an -ith red skin and hair and a dark sco-l on her .ace< threateningly brandishing a s-ord. The .inal body is that o. a
-o!an -ith blue skin and light yello- hair< a %acant s!ile on her .ace as she (lay.ully tosses a dagger .ro! one hand to the other. 6hen
$sura acts< she s(ins slo-ly in .ront o. the (arty< each .ace besto-ing a di..erent gi.t.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=$gility :(< $uto=9loat
$sura?s e..ect is rando!< deter!ined by -hich head is .acing the battle.ield at the ti!e she is called. 6hen $sura is brought into battle<
roll a dQ and consult the a((ro(riate table to .ind out -hich e..ect is used. 9or Calls< use the .i'ed %alues gi%en here rather than
consulting the $d%ance!ent table.
C$AA F0 0PH S:0082 F) 0PH /*$2D S:0082\ F10) 0PH
*oll &..ect *oll &..ect *oll &..ect
1 = 10 9ace o. 5ang 1 = 40 9ace o. 5ang 1 = #1 9ace o. 5ang
11 = 1 9ace o. 5in F1 ' 0$/H Z 4d1#H 41 = 71 9ace o. 5in #) = 10 9ace o. 5in
) = 100 9ace o. $sura F10 ' 0$/H Z 3d10H 7) = 100 9ace o. $sura 11 = 100 9ace o. $sura
Fa#e of <an$
TargetK Party Ty(eK ,arrier
$sura s(ins< and the red=skinned -o!an sco-ls at the (arty. $ -arrior by nature< she (oints her s-ord at the!< urging the! to
their ene!ies. 9ace o. 5ang besto-s the Status Conditions Protect F)H and Shell F)H on all i!!ediate allies.
Fa#e of <in
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery
$sura s(ins< and the blue=skinned -o!an -ith the %acant s!ile .aces the (arty. She gestures to-ard the! -ith her dagger< granting a
.eeling o. (eace and ha((iness. 9ace o. 5in restores a certain a!ount o. +it Points to all i!!ediate allies > see the $d%ance!ent table
.or !ore details.
Fa#e of Asura
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery
$sura s(ins< and the blonde -o!an casts her bene%olent gaEe u(on the (arty. 6ith a %ague nod o. her head< their -ounds disa((ear
and .allen co!rades .ind ne- ho(e. 9ace o. $sura restores a certain a!ount o. +it Points to all i!!ediate allies > see the $d%ance!ent
table .or !ore details. In addition< all :nconscious allies are re%i%ed as i. they had been targeted by the S(ell *aise.
Ta%le A***&2#' As"raEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (1 x 3TR) d10 --- (10 x VA0) 3d10 (1 x VA0) d10 0loat
9 - 1 ( x 3TR) 2d10 --- (11 x VA0) 3d10 ( x VA0) 2d10 Speed
1Z - 21 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 --- (13 x VA0) 1d10 (8 x VA0) 2d10 Protect
25 - 32 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 --- (15 x VA0) 1d10 (10 x VA0) 3d10 Shell
33 - 10 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 --- (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (11 x VA0) 3d10 Raise+
11 - 18 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 --- (18 x VA0) 1d12 (13 x VA0) 1d10 Protectga+
19 - 5 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 --- (20 x VA0) 1d12 (15 x VA0) 1d10 Shellga+
5Z - 1 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 --- (22 x VA0) 1d12 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 888
5 (19 x 3TR) 5d10 --- (21 x VA0) 1d12 (18 X VA0) 1d12 ---
0ist 7ragon
The Su!!oner closes her eyes as cold -is(s o. .og (our .ro! her !outh< ra(idly e'(anding and shrouding her in a billo-ing -all o.
chilly %a(or. 6ithin the billo-s and gusts o. the .og< a shado-y re(tilian .or! is coalescing. The Su!!oner has in%oked the (o-er o. the
0ist Dragon< and none are sa.e .ro! its icy rage.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK Potent Ice< &le!ental $bsorbanceK Ice< &le!ental I!!unityK 6ater<
&le!ental 6eaknessK 9ireXAightning
$ll o. 0ist Dragon?s attacks in.lict da!age based on her current +P. I. 0ist Dragon?s current +P is 100 to 7)Q o. its !a'i!u! %alue<
her attacks in.lict 100Q da!age@ 71Q da!age i. current +P is 71Q to 11Q o. !a'i!u!< 10Q i. current +P is 10Q to #)Q o.
!a'i!u!< and #1Q i. current +P is #1Q or less o. 0ist Dragon?s !a'i!u! +P.
Frost (reat/ 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FIceH
The 0ist Dragon e'hales a stea! o. chilly %a(or at an ene!y< bathing it in .lesh=nu!bing cold that sucks the %ery heat .ro! its bones.
9rost ,reath in.licts a certain a!ount o. Ice &le!ental da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore
details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
(illo*in$ MistH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FIceH
The 0ist Dragon con%erts its re!aining essence into (o-er and unleashes a !assi%e blast o. ice and .roEen air. $s the targets are
reco%ering .ro! the sub=Eero onslaught the 0ist Dragon slo-ly .ades a-ay< along -ith the .og that acted as its shelter. ,illo-ing 0ist
in.licts a certain a!ount o. Ice &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the
$d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&21' (ist ;ra.onEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (3 x 3TR) d8 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (1 VP) --- Bli''ard
9 - 1 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (23 VP) --- 888
1Z - 21 ( x 3TR) 2d8 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (28 VP) --- Bli''ara
25 - 32 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (3 VP) --- 888
33 - 10 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (18 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (ZZ VP) Bli''aga+5 ,ull Element (0ire!+
11 - 18 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (51 VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (85 VP) ,ull Element (ightning!+
19 - 5 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (3 VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (9 VP) 888
5Z - 1 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z2 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (99 VP) ---
5 (1 x 3TR) 5d8 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (80 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (12 VP) 0ree'e+
Mist (reat/ 82 mp
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FIceH
$n icy -ind blo-s in< carrying a cold !ist that co%ers the battle.ield. The !ist resol%es into the .or! o. a (o-er.ul dragon that s(rays its
chilling breath at the targets in s-irling sheets. 0ist ,reath in.licts a certain a!ount o. Ice &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in
the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > this da!age is deter!ined by the Caller?s current +it Points< as sho-n belo-.
Caller?s Current +it Points Da!age Done
100 = 7)Q o. !a'i!u! F1 ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< 0. $*0
71 = 11Q o. !a'i!u! F14 ' 0$/H Z 4d10< 0. $*0
10 = #)Q o. !a'i!u! F10 ' 0$/H Z 3d10< 0. $*0
#1 = 1Q o. !a'i!u! F) ' 0$/H Z #d10< 0. $*0
$ eye=-idening e'(losion o. thunder and lightning rocks the battle.ield< re%ealing a strange beast ho%ering abo%e the Su!!oner?s head.
Its body is entirely s!ooth and al!ost .eatureless@ the rudi!entary sha(e o. a bird -ith great .la((ing -ings and long trailing tendrils
hinting at a !aCestic tail< (ale green skin .lashing golden here and there. Its entire body see!s to glitter as it re.racts the light .ro! the
constant electrical arcs ri((ling u( and do-n its ser(entine body@ its head< eyeless and !outhless< nonetheless see!s to regard the
Su!!oner?s .oes -ith an ancient and terrible -isdo!.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK Potent Aightning< &le!ental $bsorbanceK Aightning< &le!ental I!!unityK 6ind<
&le!ental 6eaknessK &arthX6ater
$ll o. 3uetEalcoatl?s attacks in.lict da!age based on its current +P. I. 3uetEalcoatl?s current +P is 100 to 7)Q o. its !a'i!u! %alue< its
attacks in.lict 100Q da!age@ 71Q da!age i. current +P is 71Q to 11Q o. !a'i!u!< 10Q i. current +P is 10Q to #)Q o. !a'i!u!<
and #1Q i. current +P is #1Q or less o. 3uetEalcoatl?s !a'i!u! +P.
'/under#loud 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FAightningH
3uetEalcoatl raises its snout to the skies and calls do-n a bolt o. crackling electrical energy to s!ite one o((onent -ith high=%oltage
de%astation. Thundercloud in.licts a certain a!ount o. Aightning &le!ental da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the
$d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
'Hunder "parkH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FAightningH
6ith an earth=shattering roar< 3uetEalcoatl engul.s its ene!ies in a thundering holocaust o. electrical energy< stri(ing .lesh and boiling
blood -ith its ancient (o-er. Thunder S(ark in.licts a certain a!ount o. Aightning &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the
targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&22' I"etKalcoatlEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (3 x 3TR) d8 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (1 VP) --- )hunder
9 - 1 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (23 VP) --- 888
1Z - 21 ( x 3TR) 2d8 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (28 VP) --- )hundara
25 - 32 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (3 VP) --- 888
33 - 10 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (18 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (ZZ VP) )hundaga+
11 - 18 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (51 VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (85 VP) ,ull Element (Earth!+
19 - 5 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (3 VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (9 VP) ,ull Element (Water!+
5Z - 1 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z2 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (99 VP) ---
5 (1 x 3TR) 5d8 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (80 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (12 VP) 888
Flas/ Ar# 82 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FAightningH
3uetEalcoatl gathers electrical energy .ro! the entirety o. its body< skin dulling as crackling bolts o. blue=-hite lightning con%erge at the
ti( o. its .eatureless head. 6hen the charge has built critical !ass< the thunderbolts .lare out in !erciless arcs< striking the Caller?s .oes
again and again. 9lash $rc in.licts a certain a!ount o. Aightning &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(<
striking auto!atically > this da!age is deter!ined by the Caller?s current +it Points< as sho-n belo-.
Caller?s Current +it Points Da!age Done
100 = 7)Q o. !a'i!u! F1 ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< 0. $*0
71 = 11Q o. !a'i!u! F14 ' 0$/H Z 4d10< 0. $*0
10 = #)Q o. !a'i!u! F10 ' 0$/H Z 3d10< 0. $*0
#1 = 1Q o. !a'i!u! F) ' 0$/H Z #d10< 0. $*0
9issures s(read under the su!!oner?s .eet< turning the ground into a s(ider-eb o. red and gold. The earth %ibrates o!inously<
ru!bling and rocking be.ore it breaks a(art under the (ress o. a solid colu!n o. la%a< bathing the entire battle.ield in sickly< .oreboding
red. $ care.ul obser%er -ill notice the .lash o. scale in the !idst o. the eru(tion< the !o%e!ent o. giant .li((ers and the ser(entine head
casually turning in the !idst o. the li7uid .ire be.ore the la%a .inally cools into a (illar o. black< stea!ing rock. 9or a !o!ent< all is silent
> then the colu!n shatters< sending .rag!ents o. obsidian .lying across the battle.ield. In its (lace is a cri!son=scaled ser(ent as large
as a house< burning -ith a .la!e hot enough to -ar( the air around it into shi!!ering !irages. This is Sala!ander.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK Potent 9ire< &le!ental $bsorbanceK 9ire< &le!ental I!!unityK &arth<
&le!ental 6eaknessK IceX6ater
$ll o. Sala!ander?s attacks in.lict da!age based on his current +P. I. Sala!ander?s current +P is 100 to 7)Q o. its !a'i!u! %alue< his
attacks in.lict 100Q da!age@ 71Q da!age i. current +P is 71Q to 11Q o. !a'i!u!< 10Q i. current +P is 10Q to #)Q o. !a'i!u!<
and #1Q i. current +P is #1Q or less o. Sala!ander?s !a'i!u! +P.
Fireblast 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH
Sala!ander dra-s in a dee( breath be.ore unleashing a !assi%e torrent o. (ure .la!e< s!othering the target in a sea o. burning agony.
9ireblast in.licts a certain a!ount o. 9ire &le!ental da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore
details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
"C4RCH!+ !AR'HH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH
Sala!ander ho%ers in !id=air< body going .ro! red to orange to brilliant yello- as it accu!ulates heat and (o-er. 9inally< the -hite=hot
ser(ent di%es back into the earth< e..ortlessly !elting through until it has disa((eared .ro! sight. Aines o. .ire trace the Su!!on?s
(rogress< snaking beneath the ene!y@ the earth ru!bles< the .issures gro- -ider< and Sala!ander e!erges in an e'(losion o. .la!e and
stea!< sho-ering the Su!!oner?s .oes -ith !ag!a. Scorched &arth in.licts a certain a!ount o. 9ire &le!ental da!age to all eligible
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0.
$*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&20' SalamanderEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (3 x 3TR) d8 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (1 VP) --- 0ire
9 - 1 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (23 VP) --- 888
1Z - 21 ( x 3TR) 2d8 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (28 VP) --- 0ira
25 - 32 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (3 VP) --- 888
33 - 10 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (18 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (ZZ VP) 0iraga+5 ,ull Element (%ce!+
11 - 18 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (51 VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (85 VP) ,ull Element (Water!+
19 - 5 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (3 VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (9 VP) 888
5Z - 1 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z2 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (99 VP) ---
5 (1 x 3TR) 5d8 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (80 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (12 VP) ,uke+
%)rmf3R! 82 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH
In the blink o. an eye< Sala!ander?s body is co%ered in crackling .la!e< an aura o. (ure ele!ental .ire that .ades .ro! cherry red to laEy
orange as it e'(ands across the battle.ield in a -ithering shock-a%e o. heat< bo-ling through the ene!y. 6yr!.ire in.licts a certain
a!ount o. 9ire &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > this da!age is deter!ined by
the Caller?s current +it Points< as sho-n belo-.
Caller?s Current +it Points Da!age Done
100 = 7)Q o. !a'i!u! F1 ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< 0. $*0
71 = 11Q o. !a'i!u! F14 ' 0$/H Z 4d10< 0. $*0
10 = #)Q o. !a'i!u! F10 ' 0$/H Z 3d10< 0. $*0
#1 = 1Q o. !a'i!u! F) ' 0$/H Z #d10< 0. $*0
The .ell Catoble(as charges onto the battle.ield in a great thundering o. hoo%es< .lailing legs casting great clouds o. earth u( in his -ake.
The large green=.urred beast that skids to a halt in .ront o. the Su!!oner is al!ost (athetically ugly< bearing the body o. an o' -ith a
ser(entine neck barely strong enough to hold its great< (ig=like head at ground le%el. See!ingly a-are o. the silent scorn o. his
obser%ers< Catoble(as snorts de.iantly< single eye aglo- -ith the (ro!ise o. bale.ul (o-er.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=S(irit :(
Medusa's !)e 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
Status FSealH
Catoble(as li.ts his (onderous head and stares intently at the target< his eye glo-ing a dull orange. The target?s eyes are dra-n to the
gaEe and .i'ed -ith terror... then the beast blinks< lo-ering his head once !ore. 0edusa?s &ye in.licts a certain a!ount o. 0agical
da!age to the targeted co!batant< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0.
$*0 as nor!al. In addition< 0edusa?s &ye has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Stone F[H.
+e,il's !)eH 90 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status FSealH
Catoble(as cranes his head u(-ard and stares across the battle.ield< his single eye glo-ing a bright red. 4isions o. li.eless stones and
statues .loat around the hideous beast as the Su!!oner?s .oes .rantically atte!(t to break a-ay .ro! the intent stare be.ore they< too<
are added to the ranks o. the statuary. De%il?s &ye has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Stone F[H
on all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou( > roll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
Ta%le A***&21' Cato%lepasEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (1 x 3TR) d12 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (52 VP) --- 888
9 - 1 ( x 3TR) 2d12 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (59 VP) --- 888
1Z - 21 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (1 VP) --- 888
25 - 32 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (Z2 VP) --- 888
33 - 10 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (81 VP) --- Stone+
11 - 18 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (90 VP) --- 7uake+
19 - 5 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (99 VP) --- 888
5Z - 1 (19 x 3TR) 5d12 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (108 VP) --- ---
5 (21 x 3TR) 5d12 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (11 VP) --- Break+
+emon's !)e 84 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status FSealH
The cyclo(tic bull=de!on Catoble(as ste(s onto the battle.ield< letting its .earso!e gaEe -ander o%er each o. the Caller?s .oes in turn
be.ore retreating once !ore. De!on?s &ye has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Petri.y F4H on all
eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou( > roll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
The Su!!oner .alls to her knees and (laces her (al!s to the ground in su((lication. 6ith a dea.ening ru!ble< the ground around the
Su!!oner shatters and .alls a-ay< lea%ing her standing on a (atch o. scarred scaly .lesh that slo-ly %anishes back into the ground. The
Su!!oner has a-oken the 6orld Ser(ent< and her .oes -ill (ay the dearest (rice .or its disturbance.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK &arth &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK &arth< &le!ental 6eaknessK 6aterX6ind
!art/ Aura 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F&arthH
The Su!!oner (oints a .inger at her .oe and< -ith the -renching sna( o. shattered stone< the 6orld Ser(ent thrusts a gigantic s(ike o.
rock .ro! the ground< i!(aling the target instantly. Seconds later< the stone colla(ses back into the ground as Jor!ungand?s -rithing
destroys its .oundations< lea%ing nothing but dust to !ark its (assing. &arth $ura in.licts a certain a!ount o. &arth &le!ental da!age to
the targeted co!batant< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as
Ab)ssal Ma*H 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F&arthH
*eleasing a bello- o. -orld=shaking (ro(ortions< Jor!ungand strikes do-n the Su!!oner?s ene!ies in a terri.ying eru(tion o. colla(sing
stone and !assi%e scaly .lesh. The a.ter=i!age o. !assi%e< glo-ing ser(ent=eyes lingers as the 6orld Ser(ent returns to its rest... .or
no-. $byssal 0a- in.licts a certain a!ount o. &arth &le!ental da!age to to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&22' Borm"n.andEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 ( x 3TR) 2d10 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (19 VP) --- 888
9 - 1 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (2 VP) --- 888
1Z - 21 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (31 VP) --- 888
25 - 32 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (39 VP) --- 888
33 - 10 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (51 VP) (22 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) ,ull Element (Wind!+
11 - 18 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (5Z VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (91 VP) ,ull Element (Water!+5 7uake+
19 - 5 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 ( VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (102 VP) 888
5Z - 1 (19 x 3TR) 5d10 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z5 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (105 VP) ---
5 (21 x 3TR) 5d10 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (132 VP) 888
Ma$nitude 8 8; MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F&arthH
The -orld=s(anning ser(ent crashes u( through the ground beneath the targets and begins .lailing its bulk< crushing and s!ashing the
earth around itsel.. The targets are shaken and battered .or F1 ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< 0. $r!or &arth da!age.
6ith the beating o. .eathery -ings< the rainbo- dragon 4aligar!anda s-oo(s do-n .ro! the skies. 9eathers and scales shi!!er red<
blue< gold and green in the light as he gently sets do-n on .our short legs. $ tu.t o. iridescent .ur ti(s the end o. his t-itching ser(entine
tail< a long tongue .licks .ro! a beak=like !outh and battle=hardened eyes (eer .ro! beneath an ancient bronEe hel!et.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK &le!ental I!!unityK 9ireXIceXAightning
Antipode 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FS(ecialH
*earing back his head< 4aligar!anda li.ts his -ings and lets out a roar. ,lue and red (articles .lo- .ro! his !outh< encircling the target
in a -hirl-ind o. .ire and ice. The (articles con%erge< causing a !assi%e e'(losion as raging heat !eets .reeEing cold. $nti(ode counts as
t-o se(arate attacks< both o. -hich strike the targeted co!batant auto!atically .or a certain a!ount o. da!age > see the $d%ance!ent
table .or !ore details. The .irst attack in.licts 9ire &le!ental da!age< the second in.licts Ice &le!ental da!age. ,oth attacks ignore 0.
'ri-+isasterH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FS(ecialH
Taking to the air once !ore< 4aligar!anda s(reads -ide his -ings and -hi(s his tail do-n-ard. Sho-ers o. energy rain .ro! hi! onto
the battle.ield< the ene!ies .irst in searing .la!es< then .reeEing the! in ice and .inally unleashing a blast o. thunder to shock
the targets. Tri=Disaster counts as three se(arate attacks< all o. -hich strike e%ery eligible co!batant in the targeted /rou( .or a certain
a!ount o. da!age > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. The .irst attack deals 9ire &le!ental da!age< the second Ice &le!ental<
and the last Aightning &le!ental. $ll three attacks ignore 0. $*0.
Ta%le A***&23' =ali.armandaEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 ( x A0l) 2d10 (1 x VA0) d10 (21 VP) --- Bli''ard5 0ire5 )hunder
9 - 1 (8 x A0l) 2d10 (5 x VA0) 2d10 (25 VP) --- 888
1Z - 21 (10 x A0l) 3d10 ( x VA0) 2d10 (31 VP) --- Bli''ara5 0ira5 )hundara
25 - 32 (11 x A0l) 3d10 (Z x VA0) 2d10 (13 VP) --- 888
33 - 10 (13 x A0l) 1d10 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (51 VP) ( x VA0) 2d12 (Z1 VP) Bli''aga+5 0iraga+5 )hundaga+
11 - 18 (15 x A0l) 1d10 (9 x VA0) 3d12 (3 VP) (Z x VA0) 3d12 (8 VP) 888
19 - 5 (1Z x A0l) 5d10 (10 x VA0) 3d12 (Z2 VP) (8 x VA0) 3d10 (9Z VP) 888
5Z - 1 (19 x A0l) 5d10 (11 x VA0) 3d12 (81 VP) (9 x VA0) 3d10 (110 VP) ---
5 (21 x A0l) 5d10 (12 x VA0) 3d12 (89 VP) (10 x VA0) 3d10 (138 VP) 888
'ri-+a7er 9: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FS(ecialH
The dragon snake 4aligar!anda descends .ro! the clouds and releases a burst o. electrical .ury .ro! the ti(s o. his -ings< 7uickly
.ollo-ed by a gust o. .roEen air and a blast o. .iery breath so .ierce that 4aligar!anda si!(ly dissol%es into burning e!bers. Tri=DaEer
counts as three se(arate attacks< each in.licting F) ' 0$/H Z #d10 da!age on all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
auto!atically. The .irst attack does Aightning &le!ental da!age< the second Ice &le!ental< and the third 9ire &le!ental.
$n eerie stillness .ills the air. See!ingly .ro! nothing< a .igure engul.ed in dark !ist a((ears and then disa((ears< .ading in and out o.
e'istence. This ghostly Phanto! is ne%er easy to see< but its (resence can be .elt by all@ a chance gli!(se re%eals a creature little !ore
than a translucent cloak and t-o glo-ing eyes. :nlike !ost s(irits< ho-e%er< this is no e%il a((arition@ its eyes hide a bene%olent s(ark<
although only .or the Su!!oner.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=4anish
"pirit .i$/t 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
Status F6eakenH
Phanto!?s cloak unco%ers its .ace@ searing< other-orldly light (ours .ro! its eyes< burning the resol%e o. anything unlucky enough
to !eet Phanto!?s gaEe. S(irit Aight in.licts a certain a!ount o. 0agical da!age on the targeted o((onent< striking auto!atically > see
the $d%ance!ent Table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al. In addition< S(irit Aight has a CoS o. F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition $gility ,reak F)H.
G/ostl) 2eilH 113 mp
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH
Phanto!?s ghostly cloak s(reads out to co%er the entire (arty< hiding the! a-ay .ro! the -orld o. the li%ing .or a .e- (recious !o!ents.
/hostly 4eil besto-s the Status Conditions 4anish F)H< 9loat F)H< and $gility :( F)H to the Su!!oner and all i!!ediate allies.
Ta%le A***&24' PantomEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (5 x A0l) 2d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (39 VP) --- Burn Ra$5 0loat5 9awn
9 - 1 ( x A0l) 2d8 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (11 VP) --- Blink5 1ra-it$5 Speed
1Z - 21 (8 x A0l) 3d8 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (52 VP) --- Ra$ Bom"5 Berserk
25 - 32 (10 x A0l) 3d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (1 VP) --- Ruse
33 - 10 (11 x A0l) 1d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (Z0 VP) --- Demi+
11 - 18 (13 x A0l) 1d8 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (Z9 VP) --- 0lare Star+
19 - 5 (11 x A0l) 5d8 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (88 VP) --- &anish+
5Z - 1 (1 x A0l) 5d8 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (9 VP) --- 7uarter+
5 (28 x A0l) 5d8 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (10Z VP) --- 888
Fader 93 MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery
The .aint outline o. a hu!anoid .or! shi!!ers into e'istence around the Caller< its eerie gaEe taking stock o. its surroundings. 6ithout
!aking a sound< it .ades a-ay again< lea%ing naught but a (hantas!al residue in its -ake. 9ader besto-s the Status Condition 4anish on
the Caller and all i!!ediate allies F)H.
The Su!!oner raises her hand high< a s(arkle o. light shining .ro! her .ingers. $s the light gro-s in intensity< it sli(s .ree o. the
Su!!oner?s gras(< shooting o.. into the distance be.ore e'(loding in a sho-er o. brilliant s(arks. The sudden burst o. light outlines a
shining -hite beast< indistinguishable .ro! a horse until it begins to gallo( to-ards the battle. 8nly as it dra-s closer does it beco!e
ob%ious that this is :nicornK a daEEling creature -ith (ure -hite hide< golden !ane and tail< long s(iraled horn glo-ing -ith an aura o.
health and good .ortune.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=*egen
Purif)in$ Horn 5: mp
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery
:nicorn?s horn glo- sil%er as it sends a -a%e o. curati%e energy rushing through the (arty. Puri.ying +orn cancels the Status Conditions
,erserk< ,lind< Poison< Slee(< and Bo!bie on all i!!ediate allies.
Fountain/eadH 15: MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery
Status FStrengthenH
:nicornDs horn literally eru(ts -ith light< sending torrents o. %ital energy crashing do-n on the (arty until the :nicorn itsel. has -inked
out o. e'istence. 9ountainhead cancels all negati%e Status Conditions on all i!!ediate allies< as -ell as besto-ing the Status Condition
*esist F#H.
Ta%le A***&25' GnicornEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 --- --- Poisona
9 - 1 ( x 3TR) 2d8 --- --- Stona
1Z - 21 ( 8 x 3TR) 3d8 --- --- Regen
25 - 32 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 --- --- Basuna
33 - 10 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 --- --- Dispel+
11 - 18 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 --- --- Esuna+
19 - 5 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 --- --- Resist+
5Z - 1 (1 x 3TR) 5d8 --- --- )emporal Shift+
5 (18 x 3TR) 5d8 --- --- &accine+
Healin$ Horn 1:: MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery
The !agni.icent :nicorn casually trots to-ards the Caller< horn aglo- -ith a brilliant -hite light that li.ts ail!ents .ro! all -ho behold it.
+ealing +orn cancels all negati%e Status Conditions a..licting the Caller and all i!!ediate allies.
$ glo-ing (ortal o(ens in the ground in .ront o. the Su!!oner< creating a (er.ectly round o(ening !ere inches .ro! her .eet. 6hat
e!erges could al!ost be a child?s (laythingK a s!all< !ousy creature -ith neat tur7uoise .ur< long ears< and large< curious eyes
(ossessed o. an une'(ected intelligence. Its !ost notable .eature< ho-e%er< is the (olished Ce-el nestled in its .orehead< glo-ing -ith a
-ar! inner light. That Ce-el no- s(arkles as Carbuncle does a little so!ersault in !id=air be.ore landing< eager to be o. ser%ice to its ne-
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=*e.lect
6e*el .i$/t 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH
Status F,arrierH
Carbuncle raises its head< causing the light o. the sun to re.lect o.. o. its ruby brightly. The re.lected light see!s to coat one o. the
Su!!oner?s (arty !e!bers. $s the light dies< the a..ected (arty !e!ber .eels lighter in s(irit< as though the light is (rotecting hi!.
Je-el Aight besto-s a nu!ber o. Status Conditions on the target de(endent on the Su!!oner?s current Ae%el. Initially< this -ill be
*e.lect F)H< but additional Conditions F)H are added onto the base e..ect as the Su!!oner gains e'(erience > see the $d%ance!ent
table .or !ore details.
Hol) GuardH 105 mp
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH
Status F,arrierH
Carbuncle rears u( onto its hind legs< li.ting its head to-ards the sun. $s light strikes the Ce-el< it begins to .lare u(@ an ethereal cone o.
energy shoots .orth< di..using into !ana=rich (articles at its a(e'. These !otes 7uickly descend on the (arty< -ra((ing the! in a blanket
o. di%ine (o-er. +oly /uard besto-s the Status Conditions *e.lect F)H< Shell F)H< and S(irit :( F)H on all i!!ediate allies
Ta%le A***&26' Car%"ncleEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 3p|r|l up (85 VP) --- 888
9 - 1 ( x 3TR) 2d8 --- --- 0aith
1Z - 21 ( 8 x 3TR) 3d8 Reger (105 VP) --- 888
25 - 32 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 --- --- Shell
33 - 10 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 3re|| (115 VP) --- 888
11 - 18 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 --- --- Shellga+
19 - 5 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 Vag|c up (135 VP) --- Reflect+
5Z - 1 (1 x 3TR) 5d8 --- --- 888
5 (18 x 3TR) 5d8 lasle (15 VP) --- 888
Rub) .i$/t 1:; MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status F,arrierH
$ hole o(ens in the ground in .ront o. the Caller and a s!all green liEard -ith a ruby in its .orehead (eeks out. The creature .urti%ely
looks around< -ithdra-s .or a !o!ent and then lea(s into the air< its ruby scattering the a!bient light across the (arty. *uby Aight
besto-s the Status Condition *e.lect F)H on the Caller and all eligible allies in the i!!ediate Party.
The earth ru!bles but does not .issure. $ ri((le a((ears be.ore the Su!!oner< and a hand !ade o. stone slo-ly e!erges as i. being
.or!ed .ro! the ground itsel.. $nother hand .ollo-s< and the rest o. the stone body hoists itsel. u( onto the sur.ace to re%eal /ole!< the
great earth (rotector.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=Protect
!art/en +efender 1:: mp
TargetK Single Ty(eK Su((ort
/ole! leans o%er and thrusts a hand into the ground. Should an ene!y !ake a success.ul Physical attack against any ally< the hand -ill
rise .ro! the earth and block the attack@ /ole! takes the da!age instead. 8nce the attack has been blocked< /ole! (ulls its hand back
and counterattacks< !aking an i!!ediate $ttack $ction against the o((onent -ho !ade the original attack. $.ter this< &arthen De.ender
has no .urther e..ect > it !ust be used again.
!art/en GuardianH 125 mp
TargetK Party Ty(eK Su((ort
/ole! stands .ir! as large boulders !aterialiEe o%er its head and a !assi%e rockslide tu!bles do-n onto it. *ather than burying it<
ho-e%er< the rocks si!(ly add to /ole!?s !ass< !aking a !uch larger (resence on the .ield. 8nce &arthen /uardian is engaged< all
Physical da!age dealt to allies is dealt to /ole! instead. :nlike other /rand Su!!on $bilities< using &arthen /uardian does not result in
/ole!?s dis!issal@ instead< it re!ains in e..ect until the Su!!oner is inca(acitated< /ole! is reduced to 0 or .e-er +it Points< or the
battle ends.
Ta%le A***&0#' GolemEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 ( x 3TR) 2d12 --- --- 888
9 - 1 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 --- --- 0aith
1Z - 21 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 --- --- Protect
25 - 32 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 --- --- 888
33 - 10 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 --- --- Protectga+
11 - 18 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 --- --- 888+
19 - 5 (19 x 3TR) 5d12 --- --- Wall+
5Z - 1 (21 x 3TR) 5d12 --- --- 888
5 (23 x 3TR) 5d12 --- --- 888
!art/en %all 1:; MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status F,arrierH
The Caller dra-s a gigantic !an !ade o. clay and stone .ro! the ground and inscribes a !agic -ord on its .orehead. The /ole!?s eyes
light u( -hen the .inal letter is recorded and it assu!es its !ission = to de.end its !asters. The /ole! s(reads its enor!ous ar!s out in
.ront o. the (arty< (re(aring to shield the! .ro! all da!age. &arthen 6all besto-s the Status Condition 6all on the Caller and all
i!!ediate allies F)H.
The Su!!oner bo-s her head and closes her eyes< i!(arting a (rayer .or assistance to her chosen deity. $s she does so< a golden
bea! o. light shines do-n .ro! abo%e< and a -inged -o!an -earing a si!(le -hite robe descends .ro! the sky to gently touch do-n
be.ore the (arty.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=9loat< S8S=*egen
Healin$ Rain 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK *eco%ery
Sera(hi! gaEes ho(e.ully u(-ards and sings a single note. Aight shines .ro! the hea%ens and bathes a single (arty !e!ber in -ar!th<
healing the! o. -ounds. +ealing *ain restores a certain a!ount o. +it Points to the targeted co!batant > see the $d%ance!ent table .or
!ore details.
An$el Feat/ersH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery
Sera(hi! s(reads her -ings and .lies high into the air as an angelic chorus is heard .ro! abo%e. $s her -ings .la(< .eathers begin to
slo-ly .all< sho-ering the (arty. The .eathers disa((ear as soon as they touch each (arty !e!ber< (ro%iding healing .or the entire
grou(. $ngel 9eathers restores a certain a!ount o. +it Points to all eligible allies in the i!!ediate Party > see the $d%ance!ent table .or
!ore details.
Ta%le A***&01' SerapimEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (5 x 3TR) 2d8 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (21 VP) --- Cure5 Poisona
9 - 1 ( x 3TR) 2d8 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (29 VP) --- 0loat5 Stona
1Z - 21 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (3Z VP) --- Cura5 Regen
25 - 32 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (19 VP) --- Basuna
33 - 10 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (55 VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (8 VP) Curaga+5 Raise+
11 - 18 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (1 VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (9Z VP) Esuna+5 0light+
19 - 5 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z3 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (100 VP) 888
5Z - 1 (1 x 3TR) 5d8 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (81 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (12Z VP) 888
5 (18 x 3TR) 5d8 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (92 VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (119 VP) 888
Re,i,er 111 MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK *eco%ery
$n angel descends .ro! the hea%ens< acco!(anied by beauti.ul light and a di%ine chorus. She turns to-ards the (arty and s(reads her
si' sets o. -ings< re.racting the light across the (arty< instilling the! -ith ne-.ound health and courage. *e%i%er restores F## ' 0$/H Z
4d1# +it Points to the Caller and all allies in the i!!ediate area.
The skies darken as a blood=red !oon loo!s o%er the battle.ield. $ t-inkle o. light in the !idst o. that o!inous s(here 7uickly gro-s into
the battle=scarred sha(e o. an ancient< dragon=headed airshi( studded -ith .earso!e !etal blades< ho%ering abo%e the battle.ield on a
single !ighty (ro(eller Suddenly< so!ething inside the airshi( shudders into li.e@ the rotor .olds u(< the (ro- s(lits in t-o< and the entire
hull begins to .old and t-ist< by and by trans.or!ing the %ehicle into an elegant !echanical knight.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilities F$irshi(HK &le!ental I!!unityK &arth< &le!ental 6eaknessK 6ind< $uto=9light
Su((ort $bilities F;nightHK &le!ental I!!unityK Shado-< &le!ental 6eaknessK +oly< $uto=9loat
*oll a dQ -hen $rk is su!!oned. 8n a roll o. 71 or higher< $rk a((ears in ;night .or!@ other-ise< $rk -ill a((ear in $irshi( .or!. I.
brought into battle through /rand Su!!on< $rk auto!atically a((ears in ;night .or!. $rk can trans.or! .ro! $irshi( to ;night and back
again at the cost o. an $ction. The .or! $rk takes deter!ines -hich attacks and Su((ort $bilities are a%ailable to it. In $irshi( .or!< it can
use ,oo!erang< -hile in ;night .or!< it can use Photon and &ternal Darkness. $ttack da!age re!ains constant across both .or!s.
(oomeran$ 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
$ncient !echanis!s creak as t-o ornate blades s-ing out .ro! the airshi(?s back and -hirl to-ards the target< cutting straight through
it be.ore returning to their starting (ositions. ,oo!erang in.licts a certain a!ount o. Physical da!age on the targeted o((onent< striking
auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent Table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by $*0 as nor!al.
P/oton 14: MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK Status F9atalH
6ea(on tubes .lick o(en along the airshi(?s battle=scarred cara(ace. The glo- o. energy .ills each o(ening and bea!s arc out< t-isting
to-ards the target to sear its li.e a-ay in a single intense barrage. Photon has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. instantly reducing
the target to 1 +P< regardless o. its current +P score< $r!or< or 0. $r!or rating. Treat this as a 2ear=9atal e..ect.
!ternal +arknessH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FShado-H
$ bea! o. red light shoots out .ro! $rk?s .orehead< tracing a co!(le' sy!bol on the ground belo-. $s the sy!bol is co!(leted< its
(atterns light u(@ target thus ac7uired< $rk s-ings his -ings back-ards and lets loose -ith hundreds o. golden=-hite energy blasts that
turn the battle.ield into a glo-ing in.erno. $s the .la!es rage and s!oke rises< the !echanoid Su!!on ad!inisters the cou( de grace >
a siEEling lance o. energy (roCected .ro! -hat -as once the ra! o. his airshi( .or!< striking and re=igniting the residual energy around
the ene!y in a colu!n o. destruction that s(ills out into dee(est s(ace. &ternal Darkness in.licts a certain a!ount o. Shado- &le!ental
da!age on all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This
da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&02' Ar)Es Ad,ancement
1 - 8 ( x 3TR) d10 (11 x A0l) 3d10 (2 VP) --- --- #ero
9 - 1 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (13 x A0l) 1d10 (31 VP) --- --- Dark5 0loat
1Z - 21 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (15 x A0l) 1d10 (39 VP) --- --- #era
25 - 32 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (1Z x A0l) 1d10 (51 VP) --- --- Confuse
33 - 10 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (18 x A0l) 1d12 (5Z VP) --- (21 x VA0) 1d12 (91 VP) #eraga+5 Scourge+
11 - 18 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (20 x A0l) 1d12 ( VP) --- (2 x VA0) 5d10 (102 VP) 0light+
19 - 5 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 (22 x A0l) 1d12 (Z5 VP) --- (28 x VA0) 5d10 (105 VP) 888
5Z - 1 (19 x 3TR) 5d10 (21 x A0l) 1d12 (83 VP) --- (30 x VA0) 5d10 (132 VP) 888
5 (21 x 3TR) 5d10 (2 x A0l) 5d10 (91 VP) --- (33 x VA0) 5d10 (151 VP) ---
6hen Called< $rk -ill a((ear in one o. t-o .or!s. *oll a dQ to deter!ine -hich .or! > and e..ect > is brought into battle.
*oll &..ect
1 = )0 $irshi( FPro(eller 6indH
)1 = 100 ;night FJet ,reeEeH
Propeller %ind 119 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6indH
Status F0ysti.yH
The airshi( $rk screa!s across the battle.ield< lea%ing a %acuu! in the -ake o. its (ro(eller. In an instant< the surrounding air rushes in
to .ill the %acuu!< creating a s-irling %orte' that bu..ets the Caller?s .oes. Pro(eller 6ind in.licts F## ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< 0. $r!or 6ind
&le!ental da!age on all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. In addition< it has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Con.use F)H > roll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
6et (ree7e 119 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6indH
The knight $rk ski!s o%er the battle.ield on Cets o. .la!e< thrusters kicking into o%erdri%e as it s-ee(s o%er the thick o. the ene!y. The
resulting backdra.t is de%astating< nearly blo-ing the Caller?s .oes o.. the battle.ield entirely e%en as the (arty is (lucked u( and
sus(ended on cushions o. air. Jet ,reeEe in.licts F#) ' 0$/H Z 1d10< 0. $r!or 6ind &le!ental da!age on all eligible co!batants in
the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. In addition< it besto-s the Status Condition 9loat F)H on the Caller and all i!!ediate allies.
8ut o. no-here< train tracks rise .ro! the ground@ in the distance< a stea! -histle sounds< .aint and !ourn.ul. ,e.ore the astonished
co!batants can react< an ancient loco!oti%e ru!bles into sight< trailing behind it a long string o. darkened< battered cars. $s the -histle
sounds again< ho-e%er< the (itted iron shell !elts a-ay< re%ealing the horror underneathK a hal.=!echanical creature bedecked in red<
gold< and brass@ its .ra!e a skeletal ser(ent encasing a heart o. stea! and (istons< its .ace a hollo-=eyed (hanto! .roEen in a rictus o.
(er!anent des(air. This is the Doo!train< trans(ort o. the dead and the da!ned< dra-n .ro! its course by the Su!!oner?s behest.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK ,io &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK ,io< &le!ental 6eaknessK &arthX6indX6ater
+iaboli# %/istle 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F,ioH
Status FS(ecialH
2o'ious stea! eru(ts .ro! the Doo!train?s s!okestack as its -histle rings out< a sound shrill and loud enough to break through the
-orld o. the li%ing and into the real!s o. the dead. $s i. on co!!and< a host o. e%il s(irits e!erge .ro! the .oul %a(ors< chittering and
cackling as they s-ar! the target. Diabolic 6histle in.licts a certain a!ount o. ,io &le!ental da!age to the target< striking auto!atically
> see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al. Diabolic 6histle also has a CoS o. F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Conditions ,lind F)H< Con.use F)H< I!!obiliEe F)H< and Poison F[H. *oll once .or all Conditions.
Midni$/t !xpressH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F,ioH
Status FS(ecialH
The battle.ield see!s to gro- darker@ o%erhead< stars a((ear in strange constellations< t-isting disconcertingly. $s i. on cue< the great
la!( ato( the Doo!train?s head -inks to li.e< bathing the Su!!oner?s .oes in (ale< bone=-hite light. Suddenly< a great -his(ering cuts
into the air@ initially lo- and sibilant< it dra-s closer and closer until shado-s begin a((ear at the edges o. light. $s they (ass into the
glare o. the Doo!train?s la!(< the shado-s resol%e into (ale< shrouded (hanto!s@ in short order< the souls o. the ne-ly de(arted si!(ly
-ash o%er the ene!y ranks< barely caring .or the da!age they in.lict as they (re(are to board the train to their .inal re-ard. 0idnight
&'(ress in.licts a certain a!ount o. ,io &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see
the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al. 0idnight &'(ress also has a CoS o. F0. $CC =
10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Conditions Conde!ned F4H< 0eltdo-n F4H< Toad F)H< and 4eno! F4H > roll se(arately .or each
eligible co!batant< but only once .or all Conditions.
Ta%le A***&00' ;oomtrainEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 ( x 3TR) 2d10 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (59 VP) --- Blind5 Poison5 Sleep
9 - 1 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (1 VP) --- Berserk5 Slow
1Z - 21 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (Z1 VP) --- %mmo"ili'e5 Silence5 *om"ie
25 - 32 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (81 VP) --- Bio5 Confuse5 Slowga
33 - 10 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (90 VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (13 VP) Curse+5 Disa"le+5 Mini+
11 - 18 (11 x 3TR) 1d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (99 VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (11Z VP) Stone+5 Sap+
19 - 5 (1 x 3TR) 5d10 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (108 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (150 VP) Pain+5 Stop+5 &enom+
5Z - 1 (18 x 3TR) 5d10 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (11 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (1ZZ VP) )oad+
5 (21 x 3TR) 5d10 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (12Z VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (199 VP) 888
Runa*a) 'rain 124 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F,ioH
Status FS(ecialH
In the blink o. an eye< the battle.ield is sucked a-ay into the Di!ensional *i.t. 6arning bells ring as rail-ay gates co!e crashing do-n<
.encing the Su!!oner?s .oes in@ .la!es s(ring u( in the !idst o. the %oid< .or!ing the shado- o. a ghostly e'(ress line. $ single light
shines in the darkness< and -ith a !ighty thunder o. (istons< Doo!train co!es chasing do-n the track to-ards the tra((ed .oes< rolling
through their ranks -ithout e%en slo-ing. *una-ay Train in.licts F## ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< 0. $r!or ,io &le!ental da!age on all eligible
co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. It also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status
Conditions ,lind F)H< 0eltdo-n F#H< and Poison F[H. *oll se(arately .or each Status Condition and each eligible co!batant.
$ dee(< !ourn.ul bell is heard as a thick !ist rolls o%er the Su!!oner?s (arty. $s the !ist clears< it re%eals the .igure o. a skeleton clad
in a dee( (ur(le robe hunched o%er a large cauldron. +ades looks glee.ully u( at the ene!y (arty as i. to let the! kno- their ti!e has
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK ,io &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbance ,io< &le!ental 6eaknessK 9ireXIceXAightning
+e,il's (ell 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F,ioH
Status FS(ecialH
+ades reaches slo-ly into one o. the slee%es o. his robe< (ulling out a dull iron bell. $s he (oints at one !e!ber o. the ene!y (arty< he
rings the bell< causing the sa!e !ourn.ul tone heard during his su!!oning. The a..ected !onster slu!(s o%er< .illed -ith des(air o%er
the kno-ledge o. its i!!inent de!ise. De%il?s ,ell in.licts a certain a!ount o. ,io &le!ental da!age to the target< striking auto!atically
> see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al. In addition< De%il?s ,ell has a CoS o. F0.
$CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Conditions ,erserk F)H< 0ini F)H< Poison F[H< and Silence F)H. *oll once .or all
Cursed MistH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F,ioH
Status FS(ecialH
+ades straightens u( and begins a hideous chant. $s he chants< a (ale .la!e a((ears under the cauldron< causing -hate%er is -ithin to
begin bubbling. $s the chanting reaches its cli!a'< +ades scatters an unkno-n substance into the cauldron. $l!ost i!!ediately< a thick
gray .og begins (ouring out o. the cauldron< -ashing o%er the ene!y (arty and co%ering the! -ith hideous to'ins. Cursed 0ist in.licts a
certain a!ount o. ,io &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent
table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al. In addition< Cursed 0ist has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion
o. in.licting the Status Conditions Curse F)H< Petri.y F4H< 4eno! F4H< and Bo!bie F)H on all eligible co!batants in the /rou(. *oll
se(arately .or each eligible co!batant< but only once .or all Conditions.
Ta%le A***&01' ?adesEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 ( x 3TR) 2d10 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (59 VP) --- Blind5 Poison5 Sleep
9 - 1 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (1 VP) --- Berserk5 Slow
1Z - 21 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (Z2 VP) --- %mmo"ili'e5 Silence5 *om"ie
25 - 32 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (81 VP) --- Bio5 Confuse5 Slowga
33 - 10 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (90 VP) (21 x VA0) 1d12 (13 VP) Curse+5 Disa"le+5 Mini+
11 - 18 (11 x 3TR) 1d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (99 VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (11Z VP) Stone+5 )ime Slip+
19 - 5 (1 x 3TR) 5d10 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (108 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (150 VP) Pain+5 Stop+5 &enom+
5Z - 1 (18 x 3TR) 5d10 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (11 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (1ZZ VP) )oad+
5 (21 x 3TR) 5d10 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (12Z VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (199 VP) 888
(la#k Cauldron 124 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F,ioH
Status FS(ecialH
The sky .ades to black@ in the ne-ly=birthed shado-s< a !enacing .igure co!es into .ocus< blood=red robes .luttering in the cold -ind. $
!etallic creak rents the air as +ades stirs his (itch=black cauldron< .illing the air around the Caller?s .oes -ith a dri.t o. no'ious .u!es.
,lack Cauldron in.licts F## ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< 0. $*0 ,io &le!ental da!age on all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
auto!atically. In addition< ,lack Cauldron also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Conditions Curse F)H<
0ini F)H< and Silence F)H. *oll se(arately .or each Status Condition.
$s the su!!oner chants the -ords o. her incantation< the earth begins to ru!ble< and a loud roar is heard in the distance. The horned
boar god ;uCata charges to the aid o. the su!!oner and her allies< hot s(arks .lying as his hoo%es strike rock. 6ith a snort< the huge
boar inter(oses hi!sel. bet-een the su!!oner and her ene!ies< letting out another titanic bello-.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK &le!ental I!!unityK &arthX9ireXIceXAightning< &le!ental 6eaknessK 6aterX6ind
!ruption 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FS(ecialH
;uCata raises its hoo%es and dri%es the! into the earth. $ huge s(ike o. rock s!ashes into one o. the Su!!oner?s ene!ies< then
e'(lodes< raining .iery la%a do-n on the target. &ru(tion counts as t-o se(arate attacks< both o. -hich strike the targeted co!batant
auto!atically .or a certain a!ount o. da!age > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. The .irst attack in.licts &arth &le!ental
da!age< the second in.licts 9ire &le!ental da!age. ,oth attacks ignore 0. $*0.
Hea,en's Ra$eH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FS(ecialH
;uCata lets out a terrible roar and the earth itsel. ri(s a(art under the .eet o. the su!!oner?s ene!ies. $s the su!!oner?s .oes .all into
the chas!< they are .irst bathed in boiling la%a< then .roEen in crystalliEed ice< then struck by other-orldly bolts o. lightning. 9inally< the
chas! itsel. sla!s closed< crushing the ene!ies be.ore thro-ing the! back onto the sur.ace. +ea%en?s *age counts as .our se(arate
attacks< all o. -hich strike e%ery eligible co!batant in the targeted /rou( .or a certain a!ount o. da!age > see the $d%ance!ent table
.or !ore details. The .irst attack deals 9ire &le!ental da!age< the second Ice &le!ental< the third Aightning &le!ental< and the last &arth
&le!ental. $ll .our attacks ignore 0. $*0.
Ta%le A***&02' C":ataEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 ( x 3TR) 2d12 ( x VA0) 2d10 (31 VP) --- Bli''ard5 0ire5 )hunder
9 - 1 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 (Z x VA0) 2d10 (13 VP) --- 888
1Z - 21 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (51 VP) --- Bli''ara5 0ira5 )hundara
25 - 32 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 (9 x VA0) 3d10 (3 VP) --- 888
33 - 10 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 (10 x VA0) 3d10 (Z2 VP) (5 x VA0) 2d10 (Z8 VP) Bli''aga+5 0iraga+5 )hundaga+
11 - 18 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 (11 x VA0) 3d10 (81 VP) ( x VA0) 2d10 (95 VP) ,ull Element (Water!+
19 - 5 (19 x 3TR) 5d12 (12 x VA0) 3d10 (89 VP) (Z x VA0) 2d10 (109 VP) ,ull Element (Wind!+5 7uake+
5Z - 1 (21 x 3TR) 5d12 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (100 VP) (8 x VA0) 2d10 (151 VP)
5 (23 x 3TR) 5d12 (11 x VA0) 1d10 (103 VP) (9 x VA0) 3d10 (1ZZ VP) 888
'etra-+isaster 125 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FS(ecialH
$ burst o. .la!es eru(ts .ro! the ground< burning the Caller?s .oes. $ cold air begins to s-ee( in that (ro!ises 7uick relie.< but turns to
a (ain.ul sting as it coalesces into a block o. ice that chills the targets .or .urther da!age be.ore being shattered by a %olley o. lightning
bolts that re%eals the source o. this !isery = the !assi%e ele!ental beast ;uCata. 6ith a sto!( o. its !ighty hoo%es< ;uCata sends a .inal
ri((le through the ground< shaking all o((onents in range be.ore %anishing again. Tetra=Disaster counts as .our se(arate attacks< each
in.licting F) ' 0$/H Z #d10 da!age on all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. The .irst attack does 9ire
&le!ental da!age< the second Ice &le!ental< the third Aightning &le!ental< and the .ourth &arth &le!ental.
The su!!oner closes her eyes and gi%es a s!all (rayer< -hich is ans-ered as a !assi%e !echanical creature rises u( behind her.
$le'ander< the holy guardian< to-ers o%er the battle.ield< res(lendent in brightly=orna!ented sil%er ar!or. It !ay be hu!anoid< but
nothing belo- the -aist can be seen abo%e the ground. The ar!s are !assi%e (illars< leaning against the ground< though no hands are
%isible. Perha(s the strangest thing about $le'ander is -hat a((ears to be a (alace on its -ide shoulders< -ith to-ers s(routing high u(
o%er its head.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK +oly &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK +oly< &le!ental 6eaknessK Shado-
Ra) of .i$/t 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F+olyH
$ thin bea! o. light shines .ro! $le'ander?s %isor< .laring .ro! -hite to red as it begins to trace a gly(h around the target -ith .ast<
darting !otions. $s the .inal stroke is !ade< the intricate lines glo- red@ the t-o light sources unite as one< the target in
searing .ire. *ay o. Aight in.licts a certain a!ount o. +oly da!age to the targeted co!batant< striking auto!atically > see the
$d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Hol) 6ud$mentH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F+olyH
$le'ander shudders and clanks< as a (air o. i!!ense .eathered -ings e!erge .ro! his back< shattering !etal and stone. The -ings beat
slo-ly in the air as a ball o. +oly energy is .or!ed in .ront o. $le'ander?s body. Suddenly the -ings sto(< and the ball s(lits into
thousands o. thin strea!s o. energy< s(iraling around the battle.ield until< one by one< each (lunges into a di..erent ene!y. +oly
Judg!ent in.licts a certain a!ount o. +oly &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically >
see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&03' AlexanderEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 ( x 3TR) 2d10 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (31 VP) --- 888
9 - 1 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (15 x VA0) 1d12 (39 VP) --- 0ade
1Z - 21 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d12 (51 VP) --- Protect
25 - 32 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (5Z VP) --- Shell
33 - 10 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 ( VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (102 VP) Banish+5 Raise+
11 - 18 (15 x 3TR) 3d10 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z5 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (105 VP) Dispel+
19 - 5 (1 x 3TR) 5d10 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (81 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (132 VP) 888
5Z - 1 (18 x 3TR) 5d10 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (91 VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (151 VP) 888
5 (21 x 3TR) 5d10 (28 x VA0) 5d10 (9Z VP) (3 x VA0) 5d12 (1Z3 VP) Hol$+
+i,ine 6ud$ment 13: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F+olyH
,ehind the Caller< the ground suddenly sags and cru!bles a-ay< lea%ing a ga(ing hole in the battle.ield through -hich $le'ander
ascends to Coin the .ray. 8nce abo%e ground< the sentient -ar !achine anchors itsel. -ith a hiss o. stea!@ t-o great -ea(on batteries
o(en ato( the -ar !achine?s to-ering shoulders< s(itting lances o. holy destruction into the air. 9or se%eral seconds< nothing ha((ens >
then $le'ander?s deadly (ayload co!es raining do-n again< all but %a(orising the ene!y on i!(act. Di%ine Judg!ent in.licts F#) ' 0$/H
Z 1d10< 0. $r!or +oly &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
$ blackened !etal chain (lu!!ets out o. the sky< (lunging into the ground -ith a thundering Colt. The chain retracts as it slo-ly (ulls
so!ething out o. the shado-ed de(ths o. the earth. 0ore chains s(ring out o. the earth< (ulling the!sel%es taut around the e!erging
.igure< a strangely .ish=like creature -ho roars in i!(otent .ury as she -ee(s boiling blood. This is the dark s(irit $ni!a.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK Shado- &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK Shado-< &le!ental 6eaknessK +oly
%ra#k 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FShado-H
Status F9atalH
$ni!a cries out to the battle.ield as a dro( o. !olten blood is .lung .ro! her eye u(on the target. $s the dark essence sears a-ay at the
target< the (ure rage o. $ni!a attacks their %ery s(irit. 6rack has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. instantly reducing the target to
0 +it Points< regardless o. current +P< $*0< or 0. $*0 %alues. Treat this as a Death=ty(e e..ect. Should the target sur%i%e< 6rack does a
certain a!ount o. Shado- &le!ental da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This
da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
4bli,ionH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FShado-H
The chain binding $ni!a to the sur.ace sna(s .ree< sending $ni!a (lunging back into the earth. The chains the!sel%es drag the ene!y
(arty do-n -ith her< allo-ing the! to !eet $ni!a?s other .ace< a !onstrous cro-ned skeleton< -hose chains are near breaking (oint. $s
the co!batants sink dee(er into the darkness< the bindings sna(< and $ni!a?s other hal. is .reed. 6ith t-o gaunt ar!s she begins to
%ent all the (ain and su..ering o. her e'istence into the Su!!oner?s .oes< all but destroying the! on the s(ot. 8bli%ion does a certain
a!ount o. Shado- &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent
table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&04' AnimaEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 ( x 3TR) 2d10 (13 x VA0) 1d10 (1 VP) --- 888
9 - 1 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (15 x VA0) 1d12 (Z2 VP) --- Dark
1Z - 21 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d12 (81 VP) --- 888
25 - 32 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (90 VP) --- De"arrier
33 - 10 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (99 VP) (2 x VA0) 5d10 (102 VP) Scourge+
11 - 18 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (108 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (105 VP) 888
19 - 5 (1 x 3TR) 5d10 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (11 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (132 VP) Death+
5Z - 1 (18 x 3TR) 5d10 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (12Z VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (151 VP) 888
5 (21 x 3TR) 5d10 (28 x VA0) 5d10 (130 VP) (3 x VA0) 5d12 (1Z3 VP) Scathe+
'orment 13: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FShado-H
$ni!a?s tor!ented .or! eru(ts in the !idst o. the Caller?s .oes< e%er struggling -ith her eternal chains. +er .utile struggling -hi(s the
chains to and .ro< tangling all nearby targets as her (iercing ho-ls dri%e .ear into e%en the boldest o. hearts. Tor!ent in.licts F#) '
0$/H Z 1d10< 0. $*0 Shado- &le!ental da!age on all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
Thick !ists begin to surround the Su!!oner?s body< rolling out to .ill the i!!ediate area until the entire battle.ield is shrouded in !urky
.og. Just as con.usion and (anic begin to s(read in the co!batants< the %eil begins to li.t< re%ealing a (air o. stone ce!etery gates rising
u( behind the Su!!oner@ the iron=-rought (ortal bet-een the! is blackened and age=(itted< scored -ith rust that see!s as old as
creation itsel.. Suddenly< a distant ho-l cuts through the gloo!@ the steady (atter o. running< thundering .eet dra-s closer as glo-ing
eyes cut through the !ists and the gates o. the under-orld slo-ly creak o(en< ackno-ledging the return o. their !aster.
In the .lesh< Cerberus is a terrible thing indeed. $ bony cara(ace the color o. gra%estone barely co%ers a three=headed de!on=hound
great enough to to-er o%er !ere !ortals@ bet-een the ga(s< blood=red !uscles and sine-s glisten as i. .reshly skinned< tensing -ith
barely restrained (o-er.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=+aste
"oni# +ri,e 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
Status FTi!eH
Cerberus .i'es a single .oe -ith three sets o. eyes as cold and (itiless as the heart o. a dying star< sa((ing the %ery li.e .ro! the ha(less
%icti!?s body. Sonic Dri%e in.licts a certain a!ount o. Physical da!age to the targeted co!batant< striking auto!atically > see the
$d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by $*0 as nor!al. Sonic Dri%e also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0.
&%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Sto( F)H.
42erdri,eH 183 MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH
Cerberus raises all three heads to the sky and unleashes a ho-l< de.ying death?s ine%itability .or one brie. !o!ent. $l!ost i!!ediately<
energy su..uses the Su!!oner and her co!rades as the -eight o. the ages begins to !elt a-ay. 8%erdri%e besto-s the Status Condition
+aste on all eligible co!batants F)H< as -ell as i!!ediately casting the Ti!e 0agic S(ell 3uicken on the!.
Ta%le A***&05' Cer%er"sEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (5 x A0l) 2d8 (13 x A0l) 1d10 (51 VP) --- Burn Ra$5 Hold5 9awn
9 - 1 ( x A0l) 2d8 (15 x A0l) 1d12 (2 VP) --- Slow5 Speed
1Z - 21 (8 x A0l) 3d8 (1Z x A0l) 1d12 (Z1 VP) --- Ra$ Bom"5 Reset
25 - 32 (10 x A0l) 3d8 (18 x A0l) 1d12 (80 VP) --- Haste5 Slowga
33 - 10 (11 x A0l) 1d8 (20 x A0l) 1d12 (89 VP) --- 0lare Star+5 )ime Slip+
11 - 18 (13 x A0l) 1d8 (22 x A0l) 1d12 (98 VP) --- Stop+
19 - 5 (11 x A0l) 5d8 (21 x A0l) 1d12 (10 VP) --- Hastega+5 Return+
5Z - 1 (1 x A0l) 5d8 (2 x A0l) 5d10 (11Z VP) --- 6ld+
5 (18 x A0l) 5d8 (28 x A0l) 5d10 (120 VP) --- Shockwa-e Pulsar+5 7uicken+
Counter Ro#kets 139 MP
TargetK Party Ty(eK Status FStrengthenH
In.ernal (o-er glo-s in the de(ths o. Cerberus?s !a-s< gro-ing in intensity until the .ell hound at last li.ts its three heads to the hea%ens
and shoots the (ent=u( energy into the sky. 9or one brie. !o!ent< a ne- constellation -inks do-n on the (arty@ then it too is gone.
Counter *ockets besto-s the Status Conditions Po-er :( F)H and 0agic :( F)H on the Caller and all eligible allies in the i!!ediate
$n egg the color o. a!ber sunlight .alls .ro! the hea%ens< !elting into the ground -ithout e%en slo-ing. Trails o. .la!e blaEe .orth<
tracing the outline o. a !aCestic bird around the (arty be.ore eru(ting into an utter in.erno. 8ut o. the con.lagration soars a giant bird
co%ered in gloriously %ibrant (lu!age< trailing a rainbo- in its -ake as it s(reads its -ings and soars into the sky.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=*eraise
(la7e of .ife 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK $ll Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH
Phoeni' ho%ers abo%e the battle.ield< a cascade o. .eathers sho-ering do-n -ith e%ery beat o. its !ighty -ings. 6here the .eathers
touch allies< they radiate -ar!th and light@ -here they strike the ene!y< they burst into hot and -icked .la!es< scorching -ithout !ercy.
,laEe o. Ai.e in.licts a certain a!ount o. 9ire &le!ental da!age on all eligible ene!y co!batants on the battle.ield< striking auto!atically
> see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al. :nconscious allies are re%i%ed as i. they
had been targeted by the S(ell *aise.
Rebirt/ FlameH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK $ll Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH
Phoeni' circles abo%e the battle.ield again< singing its (o-er.ul song. 9inally< it di%es again< -reathing its entire body in .la!e. To the
(arty< the .la!e (ulses -ith the heat o. li.e@ to the Su!!oner?s .oes< it burns -ith the intensity o. a raging sun. *ebirth 9la!e in.licts a
certain a!ount o. 9ire &le!ental da!age on all eligible ene!y co!batants on the battle.ield< striking auto!atically > see the
$d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al. :nconscious allies are re%i%ed as i. they had been
targeted by the S(ell $rise.
Ta%le A***&06' PoenixEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (2 VP) --- Cure5 0ire
9 - 1 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (Z1 VP) --- 888
1Z - 21 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (80 VP) --- Cura5 0ira
25 - 32 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (89 VP) --- Raise
33 - 10 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (98 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (135 VP) Curaga+5 0iraga+
11 - 18 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (10 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (12 VP) Reraise+
19 - 5 (19 x 3TR) 5d10 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (11Z VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (181 VP) ,uke+
5Z - 1 (21 x 3TR) 5d10 (28 x VA0) 5d10 (120 VP) (3 x VA0) 5d12 (203 VP) #rise+
5 (22 x 3TR) 5d10 (30 x VA0) 5d10 (11Z VP) (39 x VA0) 5d12 (223 VP) Re"irth+
1nd)in$ "pirit 14; MP
TargetK $ll Ty(eK &le!ental F9ireH
9eathers< ashes and dro(s o. oil .all .ro! the sky to .or! a s!all (ile in the center o. the battle.ield. $.ter a !o!ent< a s!all red bird
e!erges .ro! the (ile and shakes o.. so!e debris< then s(reads its -ings and takes to the sky. Circling once o%er the battle be.ore
de(arting< it trails ribbons o. .la!e e%ery-here that scorch the Caller?s o((onents. :ndying S(irit in.licts F#) ' 0$/H Z 1d10< 0. $*0
9ire &le!ental da!age on all acti%e ene!ies on the battle.ield. In addition< all :nconscious allies are re%i%ed -ith #1Q o. their !a'i!u!
+it Points.
$ truly grotes7ue creature descends .ro! the hea%ens< .at %iolet body undulating and -obbling as its brings itsel. into (osition and
sur%eys the battle -ith greedy eyes. 8ne grinning< de!onic .ace to(s that sluglike !ass< s(orting a !outh.ul o. .angs -ide enough to
s-allo- cattle -hole@ another head< s!aller but no less uglier .or it< leers in the !onster?s ru!(< blo-ing an obscene ras(berry at the
Su!!oner. 9le'ing his stubby ar!s< Ty(hon (re(ares to unleash his %ulgar (o-ers.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK 6ind &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK 6ind< &le!ental 6eaknessK &arthX,io<
"nee7e 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F6indH
Status F9atalH
Ty(hon?s hideous .ace -rinkles@ his !a- t-itches< and -ithout -arning< the su!!on sneeEes -ith tree=.elling .orce< creating a burst o.
uni!aginably (o-er.ul air currents. SneeEe has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion to &Cect the targeted co!batant .ro! the
battle.ield. Should the target sur%i%e< SneeEe in.licts a certain a!ount o. 6ind &le!ental da!age to the targeted co!batant< striking
auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
+isinte$rationH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6indH
Ty(hon blo-s a ho-ling gust o. air into the ranks o. the ene!y< -hi((ing u( a !ale%olent -hirl-ind that -ra(s itsel. around the
Su!!oner?s .oes and s-ee(s the! u(. $s the ene!y tu!bles about hel(lessly< the hideous su!!on turns around to re%eal his second
head< -hich unleashes a .urious sneeEe@ in an instant< hea%en and earth are re%ersed< and .rag!ents o. -hat -as once the ground begin
to tu!ble do-n< battering the tra((ed o((onents until the tornado .inally (eters out. Disintegration in.licts a certain a!ount o. 6ind
&le!ental da!age to to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore
details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&1#' TFponEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (2 VP) --- #ero
9 - 1 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (Z1 VP) --- 0loat
1Z - 21 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (80 VP) --- #era
25 - 32 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (89 VP) --- 0light
33 - 10 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (98 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (105 VP) #eraga+
11 - 18 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (10 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (132 VP) ,ull Element (Earth!+
19 - 5 (19 x 3TR) 5d10 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (11Z VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (151 VP) ,ull Element (Bio!+
5Z - 1 (21 x 3TR) 5d10 (28 x VA0) 5d10 (120 VP) (3 x VA0) 5d12 (1Z3 VP) Weaken (Wind!+
5 (22 x 3TR) 5d10 (30 x VA0) 5d10 (11Z VP) (39 x VA0) 5d12 (193 VP) Whirlwind
C/o* 'ime 155 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6indH
Ty(hon s-oo(s do-n< !ouths aga(e and drooling in antici(ation o. a .resh !eal. +e inhales greedily< dra-ing all o((onents in the
%icinity u( into the terrible< ca%ernous de(ths o. his gullet@ then< Cust as suddenly< he s(its the! out again< as i. dis(leased -ith the
7uality o. his i!(ro!(tu snack. Cho- Ti!e in.licts F30 ' 0$/H Z 1d10< 0. $*0 6ind &le!ental da!age to to all eligible co!batants in
the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
$ ri( o(ens in the .abric o. reality< birthing a long< sinuous colu!n o. sea-ater that t-ists and turns this -ay and that< gaining de.inition
as it begins to solidi.y. ,y and by< s(ines e!erge .ro! the snaking colu!n@ the brine hardens into shi!!ering scales< stretches out into
.ins and long< trailing -hiskers< gi%es .or! to a shar(ly beaked head. $s the great sea ser(ent Ae%iathan co!(letes his !eta!or(hosis<
the tang o. salt .ills the air@ shar(< clear< and .oreboding.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK 6ater &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK 6ater< &le!ental 6eaknessK
'idal %a,e 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6aterH
Ae%iathan coils u( in a glistening ball o. scales@ -ater begins to bead on the sur.ace o. his body< 7uickly .or!ing a solid cocoon o. li7uid.
8nce the great sea ser(ent is co!(letely surrounded< the brine e'(lodes out-ards< sending .urious -a%es gushing in all directions. Tidal
6a%e in.licts a certain a!ount o. 6ater &le!ental da!age to to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see
the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Grand FallH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6aterH
The earth ru!bles and shakes< thrusting u( larger and larger .rag!ents o. stone until a to-ering slo(e has been erected o%er the
battle.ield. 6ith a .lick o. his tail< Ae%iathan soars to the su!!it o. the ne-ly=.or!ed (eak@ in an instant< he trans.or!s his body to -ater
once again< creating a !ighty -ater.all that (ours and tu!bles do-n the dry rock. This li7uid a%alanche 7uickly gathers !o!entu! until
it reaches the botto! and .ans out in a crushing -all o. oceanic de%astation< s-ee(ing u( e%erything in its (ath. /rand 9all in.licts a
certain a!ount o. 6ater &le!ental da!age to to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the
$d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&11' 9e,iatanEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (1Z VP) --- 888
9 - 1 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (59 VP) --- Water
1Z - 21 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (5 VP) --- 888
25 - 32 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (Z1 VP) --- Watera
33 - 10 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (105 VP) ,ull Element (ightning!+
11 - 18 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (91 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (132 VP) ,ull Element (%ce!+5 Waterga+
19 - 5 (19 x 3TR) 5d10 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (102 VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (151 VP) 888
5Z - 1 (21 x 3TR) 5d10 (28 x VA0) 5d10 (105 VP) (3 x VA0) 5d12 (1Z3 VP) Weaken (Water!+
5 (22 x 3TR) 5d10 (30 x VA0) 5d10 (132 VP) (39 x VA0) 5d12 (193 VP) 888
'sunami 155 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F6aterH
Ae%iathan thrashes and s-ee(s across the battle.ield< budding tiny bubbles o. -ater .ro! the length o. his body. $s he (asses o%er the
ene!y ranks< these !inute dro(lets begin to !ulti(ly@ behind hi!< a great -all o. -ater begins to .or!< gro-ing in scale and intensity as
he dra-s closer and closer. 6hen the tsuna!i .inally hits< it is -ith the .orce o. nature?s -rath in its (urest .or! > a blo- .e- .oes can
-eather. Tsuna!i in.licts F30 ' 0$/H Z 1d10< 0. $*0 6ater &le!ental da!age to to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(<
striking auto!atically.
$ dark .og snakes around the Su!!oner< slo-ly solidi.ying into a creature see!ingly born o. night!aresK a cruel=.aced skeleton clad in
the decaying re!ains o. -iEard?s robes< gaunt .or! held alo.t by t-o skeletal -ings. 6ith a hideous< cackling laugh< the Aich s-oo(s
.or-ard< ready to unleash the (o-er o. darkness against the Su!!oner?s .oes.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK Shado- &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK Shado-< &le!ental 6eaknessK +oly
+eat/ Cutter 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental FShado-H
Status F9atalH
$ sneer see!s to t-ist Aich?s skull=like .eatures as he charges to-ards the chosen .oe< skeletal ar!s resha(ing !id=rush into cur%ed<
cruel scythes that i!(ale the target -ithout a !o!ent?s (ity. Death Cutter in.licts a certain a!ount o. Shado- &le!ental da!age to the
targeted co!batant< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Death Cutter also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. instantly reducing the target to 0 +it Points< regardless o. current +P<
$*0 or 0. $*0 %alues< or the Da!age Ca(@ treat this as a Death=ty(e e..ect.
+oom MirrorH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FShado-H
Status FTrans.or!H
6ith a cackle< the Aich calls an age=scored and rune=encrusted sil%er !irror into e'istence be.ore each .oe still standing@ e%en as they
behold their re.lections< those !irror i!ages begin to -ither and -aste< lea%ing nothing sa%e bones. That gri! dis(lay done< the !irrors
e'(lode into s-ee(ing Cets o. black gas< a rotting !alaise that seeks to !ake the illusion into reality. Doo! 0irror in.licts a certain
a!ount o. Shado- &le!ental da!age to the target< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is
reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al. Doo! 0irror also has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. in.licting the Status Condition Bo!bie F)H
> roll se(arately .or each eligible co!batant.
Ta%le A***&12' 9icEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (Z2 VP) --- 888
9 - 1 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (81 VP) --- Dark
1Z - 21 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (90 VP) --- *om"ie
25 - 32 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (99 VP) --- 888
33 - 10 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (108 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (115 VP) Scourge+
11 - 18 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (11 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (112 VP) Death+
19 - 5 (19 x 3TR) 5d10 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (12Z VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (11 VP) ,ull Element (Hol$!+
5Z - 1 (21 x 3TR) 5d10 (28 x VA0) 5d10 (130 VP) (3 x VA0) 5d12 (183 VP) Weaken (Shadow!+
5 (22 x 3TR) 5d10 (30 x VA0) 5d10 (15Z VP) (39 x VA0) 5d12 (203 VP) Scathe+
+es#endin$ +arkness 108 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental FShado-H
6ind -hi(s at the tatters o. his robes as Aich soars o%er the battle.ield< laughing !aniacally as the -hile. 9ro! his .ingerti(s lea(s
lightning as black as a !oonless night< bolts o. unadulterated e%il that dra- the li.e .ro! anything unlucky enough to .ind itsel. in their
(ath. Descending Darkness in.licts F3) ' 0$/H Z 1d1#< 0. $*0 Shado- &le!ental da!age on all eligible co!batants in the targeted
/rou(< striking auto!atically.
Cracks begin to .or! in the ground underneath the Su!!oner< gro-ing -ider and -ider as bea!s o. light (our through the ne-ly=
created o(enings. In the !idst o. this de%astation< .rag!ents o. earth start rising u(< .or!ing !iniature .loating islands that surround
the Su!!oner in a loose< gra%ity=de.ying archi(elago. 9inally< the last o. the bea!s shoots .orth< tearing the %ery sky in t-ain. 9ro! this
.issure e!erges a !aCestic .igure indeedK a golden=skinned lion=!an o. i!(eccable (hysi7ue carried on the beats o. dragon?s -ings<
landing -ith see!ingly e..ortless grace ato( the largest o. the .rag!ents to roar his arri%al to all belo-.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK +oly &nhancer< &le!ental $bsorbanceK +oly< &le!ental 6eaknessK Shado-
Hea,en's Rei$n 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK &le!ental F+olyH
0adeen raises one cla-ed hand< dra-ing a hand.ul o. the debris called by his su!!oning to surround hi!. Tightening his hand into a
.ist< he turns each (article into a !iniature starburst o. (urest light< then sends the .reshly=created s-ar! ho-ling to-ards the target in
an eye=searing streak o. destruction. +ea%en?s *eign in.licts a certain a!ount o. +oly &le!ental da!age to the target< striking
auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details.
'erra Homin$H 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F+olyH
$ -eb o. light .or!s around 0adeen< gradually e'(anding until it has enco!(assed the Su!!oner?s .oes in their entirety. $t this (oint<
the -eb unra%els into a s(ray o. bea!s< bo!barding the targets -ith bolt a.ter bolt o. di%ine (o-er. Terra +o!ing in.licts a certain
a!ount o. +oly &le!ental da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table
.or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&10' (adeenEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (15 x VA0) 1d10 (39 VP) --- 888
9 - 1 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (51 VP) --- 0ade
1Z - 21 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (5Z VP) --- Protect
25 - 32 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 ( VP) --- Shell
33 - 10 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z5 VP) (28 x VA0) 5d10 (105 VP) Banish+5 ife+
11 - 18 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (132 VP) Protectga+5 Shellga+
19 - 5 (19 x 3TR) 5d10 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (91 VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (151 VP) ,ull Element (Shadow!+
5Z - 1 (21 x 3TR) 5d10 (28 x VA0) 5d10 (9Z VP) (3 x VA0) 5d12 (1Z3 VP) Weaken (Hol$!+
5 (22 x 3TR) 5d10 (30 x VA0) 5d10 (121 VP) (39 x VA0) 5d12 (193 VP) Hol$+
"/inin$ "tar 108 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK &le!ental F+olyH
$ star glints in the distance > but as the light dra-s closer< it 7uickly beco!es ob%ious that this is no !ere astrono!ical (heno!enon<
but an e%er=gro-ing ball o. holy (o-er surrounding the ra(idly a((roaching 0adeen like a deadly ni!bus. The air itsel. see!s to burn as
the lion=!an si!(ly roars through the ranks o. the ene!y and the .alse star .lares one last ti!e< disa((earing in a blast o. (ure light.
Shining Star in.licts F3) ' 0$/H Z 1d1#< 0. $*0 +oly &le!ental da!age on all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
$ black %orte' o(ens in .ront o. the Su!!oner< s(e-ing thick strea!s o. s!oke .ro! its ya-ning de(ths. $s cree(ing %a(ors curl around
the Su!!oner?s .eet< !etal suddenly .lashes dee( in the darkness@ hoo.ste(s beco!e audible< gro-ing louder and louder as a great si'=
legged -ar charger strides into %ie-. 8n its back is a true giant o. a -arrior< co%ered .ro! head to toe in ancient and ornate ar!or@ his
le.t hand clutches a long=ha.ted s(ear< the right a s-ord easily as long as a !an is tall. 8nly a golden=skinned .ace is le.t %isible<
handso!e and cruel< .ra!ed by a great horned hel! o. al!ost (rehistoric (ro%enance. 8din has arri%ed< and -oe betide any creature
that dares to stand in his (ath.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=Po-er :(< $uto=*egen
"/in-?antetsuken 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
Status F9atalH
8din holds his blade at the ready< but those -ho kno- o. this -arrior?s e'(loits kno- that they -itness no ordinary -ea(onK this is the
legendary blade Bantetsuken< the Iron=Cutting S-ord -hose i!(ossibly keen edge res(ects not e%en dia!ond. The cur%ed !etal glints
-ickedly as the -arrior su!!on s(urs Slei(nir into a charge@ the s-ord=stroke .alls so 7uickly that the !otion is al!ost in%isible. 8nly
-hen the ene!y begins to slide a(art does it beco!e ob%ious that they ha%e been clea%ed cleanly in t-ain. Shin=Bantetsuken has a CoS
o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. instantly reducing the target to 0 +it Points< regardless o. current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0 %alues< or the
Da!age Ca(. Treat this as a Death=ty(e e..ect. Should the target sur%i%e< Shin=Bantetsuken does a certain a!ount o. Physical da!age to
the target< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by $*0 as nor!al.
4bliterationH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
Status F9atalH
Thunder (eals and rolls as 8din siEes u( the ranks o. the ene!y@ beneath hi!< Slei(nir kicks the earth i!(atiently< -aiting only .or his
!aster?s co!!and. 9inally< the -arrior su!!on !akes his !o%e< riding at the ene!y in .ull charge -ith Bantetsuken le%eled dangerously
lo- to the ground. The %ery air itsel. is s(lit by the blade?s (assing< creating a rising %a(or trail that gro-s in intensity as 8din clea%es
through one .oe a.ter another like a dark co!et o. %engeance. 8bliteration has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. instantly
reducing all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou( to 0 +it Points< regardless o. their current +P< $*0< or 0. $*0 %alues@ roll
se(arately .or each eligible co!batant. Treat this as a Death=ty(e e..ect. Should the target sur%i%e< 8bliteration does a certain a!ount o.
Physical da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details.
This da!age is reduced by $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&11' +dinEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (Z2 VP) --- 888
9 - 1 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 (1Z x 3TR) 1d10 (81 VP) --- 0aith5 Slow
1Z - 21 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 (18 x 3TR) 1d12 (90 VP) --- Might5 0ear
25 - 32 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 (20 x 3TR) 1d12 (99 VP) --- Despair5 Dispel
33 - 10 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 (22 x 3TR) 1d12 (108 VP) (28 x 3TR) 5d10 (135 VP) Haste+5 Slowga+
11 - 18 (19 x 3TR) 5d12 (21 x 3TR) 1d12 (11 VP) (30 x 3TR) 5d10 (12 VP) 888
19 - 5 (21 x 3TR) 5d12 (2 x 3TR) 5d10 (12Z VP) (33 x 3TR) 5d10 (181 VP) Hastega+5 Stop+
5Z - 1 (23 x 3TR) 5d12 (28 x 3TR) 5d10 (130 VP) (3 x 3TR) 5d12 (203 VP) 888
5 (25 x 3TR) 5d12 (30 x 3TR) 5d10 (151 VP) (39 x 3TR) 5d12 (223 VP) 888
,y de.ault< 8din -ill use Bantetsuken -hen brought into battle by an Caller. +o-e%er< i. su!!oned against a ,oss< &nd ,oss< or creature
-ith Death or 9atal I!!unity< 8din -ill use /ungnir instead. The cost is the sa!e regardless o. -hich e..ect is used.
?antetsuken 1;0 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F9atalH
8din dra-s his blade and !akes three econo!ical cuts through the thick o. the ene!y< bloodlessly (arting li!bs .ro! bodies< heads
.ro! shoulders in a ra- dis(lay o. (hysical !ight. Bantetsuken has a CoS o. F0. $CC = 10H< 0. &%asion o. instantly reducing all eligible
co!batants in the targeted /rou( to 0 +it Points< regardless o. their current +P< $*0 or 0. $*0 %alues< or the Da!age Ca(@ roll
se(arately .or each eligible co!batant. Treat this as a Death=ty(e e..ect.
Gun$nir 1;0 MP
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
8din dra-s the !ighty lance /ungnir< the great crystal=ti((ed s(ear -hose .earso!e re(utation is al!ost e7ual to Bantetsuken?s o-n.
6ith one s-i.t !otion< he li.ts and hurls the lance into the skies@ seconds later< it co!es -histling do-n again< neatly ske-ering the
target on the s(ot. /ungnir in.licts F33 ' 0$/H Z 1d10< $*0 Physical da!age on the target< striking auto!atically.
$ sonic boo! shakes the battle.ield as ,aha!ut descends .ro! the hea%ens -ith the s(eed o. a .alling !eteor< -ings un.urling to brake
his .all !ere inches .ro! the ground. &%ery inch o. the 6yr!king e'udes (hysical (o-er@ his dark scales shine like dia!ond< his talons
glint -ith (oints shar( enough to (ut the .inest s-ords to sha!e. ,ut it is the cold< ruthless intelligence that s(arkles in his eyes that
gi%es the Su!!oner?s .oes !ost (ause .or thought@ as ,aha!ut lands and beholds the battle un.urling be.ore hi!< he does so -ith the
conte!(t a !an !ight !uster sur%eying a s-ar! o. ants (oised on the cus( o. biting.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=0agic :(< $uto=Protect< $uto=Shell
3mpulse 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
,aha!ut raises his scaled hands< gathering !agical energy .ro! dee( -ithin until his talons burn and ri((le -ith the surge o. (o-er.
6ith a !ighty roar< he brings his hands together in a !o!entous thundercla(< unleashing a -a%e o. e'(losi%e energy to shatter the
Su!!oner?s .oes. I!(ulse in.licts a certain a!ount o. 0agical da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking
auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Gi$aflareH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
Calling on the inner!ost reser%es o. his (o-er< ,aha!ut o(ens his Ca-s and begins to gather ra- !agical energy< creating a ra(idly=
s-elling ball that e'(ands to !an=siEed (ro(ortions in a !atter o. seconds. $ dea.ening roar rocks the battle.ield as the accu!ulated
(o-er is .inally released< the i!!ediate area in a de%astating arcane shock-a%e that sends greater .oes .lying and sears a-ay
lesser o((onents on the s(ot. /iga.lare in.licts a certain a!ount o. 0agical da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(<
striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al< but ignores the
Da!age Ca(< and !ay in.lict !ore than """ da!age.
Ta%le A***&12' /aam"tEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (59 VP) --- Bli''ard5 0ire5 Scan5 )hunder
9 - 1 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (5 VP) --- #ero5 Poison5 Water
1Z - 21 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 (20 x VA0) 1d12 (Z1 VP) --- Bli''ara5 0ira5 )hundara
25 - 32 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) --- #era5 Bio5 Watera
33 - 10 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (91 VP) (30 x VA0) 5d10 (152 VP) Bli''aga+5 0iraga+5 )hundaga+
11 - 18 (19 x 3TR) 5d12 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (102 VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (1Z1 VP) #eraga+5 7uake+5 Waterga+
19 - 5 (21 x 3TR) 5d12 (28 x VA0) 5d10 (105 VP) (3 x VA0) 5d12 (193 VP) 0lare+5 0ree'e+5 ,uke+5 &enom+
5Z - 1 (23 x 3TR) 5d12 (30 x VA0) 5d10 (132 VP) (39 x VA0) 5d12 (213 VP) #"sor"+5 Weaken+
5 (25 x 3TR) 5d12 (33 x VA0) 5d10 (151 VP) (12 x VA0) 5d12 (215 VP) Break+5 Meltdown+5 Whirlwind+
Me$aflare 225 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
Thunder crackles across the battle.ield< !arking the 6yr!king?s descent .ro! the skies. Soaring abo%e the general !elee< ,aha!ut
o(ens his !a-< sho-ering the ene!y -ith a ra(id barrage o. glo-ing energy be.ore charging a .ar !ightier (roCectile > the legendary
0ega.lare< a solid bea! o. destruction that all but blots out the (arty?s .oes as it sears the! to the core. 0ega.lare in.licts F3" ' 0$/H
Z 1d1# 0agical da!age on eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. This da!age ignores the Da!age Ca(<
and !ay in.lict !ore than """ da!age.
Throughout history< great -arriors ha%e been the .oundation o. countless legends< ins(iring generations -ith their courage and .ighting
s(irit. 2one< ho-e%er< are as storied as the Crusaders. :ndis(uted (aragons o. the .ighting arts< so great -as the (ro-ess and (urity o.
these thirteen -arriors that not e%en !ortality could stand in their -ay@ ha%ing shed their bodies< the Crusaders beca!e beings o. (ure
(o-er< roa!ing the uni%erse in search o. causes Cust and true. Their na!es !ay ha%e long been lost to history< but such is their
re(utation that .riend and .oe alike cannot hel( but su((ress a shi%er -hen these ar!ored titans shi!!er into e'istence around the
Su!!oner< ready to once again (ut ti!e=honed skills to the test.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=Po-er :(< $uto=Protect< $uto=Shell
Cleansin$ 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
The Crusaders !o%e to encircle their .oes< -ea(ons at the ready. &ach to-ering -arrior all but glo-s -ith energy as he begins to channel
his !ighty chi into his ar!s< linking -ith his .ello-s to .or! an e%er=gro-ing %orte' o. boiling red destruction that s-ee(s o%er the ene!y
ranks like a %enge.ul -ild.ire. Cleansing in.licts a certain a!ount o. Physical da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(<
striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by $*0 as nor!al.
1ltimate endH 2AR3A(.! C4"'
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
$cting as one< the Crusaders lea( into the .ray< bringing their strength to bear on the Su!!oner?s .oes. &ach -arrior strikes but once<
but once is enough@ e%ery stroke is in.used -ith the (o-er to .ell a cohort. :lti!ate &nd strikes all eligible co!batants in the targeted
/rou( three ti!es< doing a certain a!ount o. Physical da!age each ti!e and ignoring the ene!ies $r!or > see the $d%ance!ent table
.or !ore details.
Ta%le A***&13' Cr"saderEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 (1Z x 3TR) 1d10 (59 VP) --- 888
9 - 1 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 (18 x 3TR) 1d12 (5 VP) --- 9awn
1Z - 21 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 (20 x 3TR) 1d12 (Z1 VP) --- 888
25 - 32 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 (22 x 3TR) 1d12 (83 VP) --- 0ear
33 - 10 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 (21 x 3TR) 1d12 (91 VP) (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (153 VP) Despair
11 - 18 (19 x 3TR) 5d12 (2 x 3TR) 5d10 (102 VP) (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (1Z5 VP) 888
19 - 5 (21 x 3TR) 5d12 (28 x 3TR) 5d10 (105 VP) (12 x 3TR) 3d10 (191 VP) 888
5Z - 1 (23 x 3TR) 5d12 (30 x 3TR) 5d10 (132 VP) (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (211 VP) #ge+
5 (25 x 3TR) 5d12 (33 x 3TR) 5d10 (151 VP) (11 x 3TR) 1d10 (215 VP) Meltdown+
Purifier 225 MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
*eality itsel. see!s to -ar( and break as an ar!ored -arrior in battle=(itted !ail !aterialiEes in the !idst o. the battle holding a
(onderous greats-ord alo.t o%er his head. Crusader barely e%en considers the carnage surrounding hi!@ he re!ains .roEen< still as a
statue -hilst his s-ord begins to glo- e%er and e%er brighter. 9inally< the harsh glare beco!es too !uch .or e%en the toughest
co!batant to bear@ at that e'act !o!ent< Crusader strikes< s-ee(ing his blade through the ranks o. the Caller?s ene!ies be.ore
%anishing in the resulting cataclys! o. light and heat. Puri.ier in.licts F3" ' 0$/H Z 1d1# Physical da!age on eligible co!batants in
the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. This da!age ignores the Da!age Ca(< and !ay in.lict !ore than """ da!age.
The 0ag4s Sisters
$ .ield o. .lo-ers s(rings u( around the su!!oner?s .eet< -ith three o. the .lo-ers gro-ing to i!!ense siEe. The .lo-ers o(en< and an
insect .lies out o. each one< 7uickly gro-ing to hu!an siEe. Sandy< Cindy< and 0indy< the 0agus Sisters< stand be.ore the su!!oner<
chatting and bickering good=naturedly -hile -aiting .or their co!!ands.
:nlike other Su!!ons< the 0agus Sisters .ight as three inde(endent co!batants< al-ays acting in the .ollo-ing orderK Sandy< Cindy<
0indy. The Sisters are o.ten too busy con%ersing a!ong the!sel%es to (ay .ull attention to the Su!!oner< and there.ore can only be
gi%en a .e- general co!!ands< -hich they take as suggestions. These co!!ands areK
+o As <ou %illI
The Sisters are .ree to .ight as they choose. They -ill undertake the .ollo-ing $ctionsK
I. Cindy does not ha%e the *e.lect Status< Sandy -ill cast *e.lect on her. I. she does or Sandy is unable to cast *e.lect< roll a d10 to
deter!ine -hich $ction Sandy takesK
*oll $ction
1 = *aEEia
" = 10 Sandy does nothing.
I. any allies are currently :nconscious< she -ill cast $rise on the!. I. $rise is not an o(tion< she -ill cast *aise. I. there are no
:nconscious allies or casting either S(ell is not an o(tion< roll a d10 to deter!ine -hich $ction Cindy takesK
*oll $ction
1 = 3 *eraise
4 = ) 9lare
7 = " $ttack $ction
10 Cindy does nothing.
I. Cindy has the *e.lect Status< 0indy -ill cast a S(ell on Cindy that re.lects to-ards the ene!ies. *oll a d10 to see -hich S(ell is cast@ i.
9lare or Death are not an o(tion< add 1 to this roll.
*oll $ction
1 = 3 9lare
4 = 1 Death
) $eraga
7 ,liEEaga
" Thundaga
10 ,io
I. Cindy does not ha%e *e.lect allies or casting S(ells is not an o(tion< roll a d10 to deter!ine the $ction 0indy takesK
*oll $ction
1 = ) Passado
7 = " $ttack $ction
10 0indy does nothing.
4ne More 'imeA
The Sisters -ill re(eat their (re%ious $ctions... !ost o. the ti!e. *oll a d10 .or each Sister to see -hat ha((ensK
*oll $ction
1 = ) *e(eats last $ction !ade.
7 = " Su!!on $bility F*aEEia< Ca!isade< or PassadoH
10 Does nothing.
The Sisters !ake (hysical attacks or use their Su!!on $bilities. *oll a d10 .or each Sister to see -hat ha((ensK
*oll $ction
1 = 4 $ttack $ction
1 = Su!!on $bility F*aEEia< Ca!isade< or PassadoH
" = 10 Does nothing.
Help !a#/ 4t/erA
The Sisters use -hate%er *eco%ery or Su((ort S(ells are currently a((ro(riate. They -ill undertake the .ollo-ing $ctionsK
Sandy -ill cast a S(ell on all allies< or one rando!ly deter!ined ally i. the S(ell is TargetK Single. *oll a d10 to deter!ine -hich S(ell is
*oll $ction
1 = # 6all
3 = 4 Shellga
1 = ) Protectga
7 = +astega
" = 10 *ene-
I. any S(ells are una%ailable< use a -eaker %ersion instead > Shell instead o. Shellga< Protect instead o. Protectga< +aste instead o.
+astega< Curaga instead o. *ene-.
I. any allies are currently :nconscious< she -ill cast $rise on the!. I. $rise is not an o(tion< she -ill cast *aise. I. there are no
:nconscious allies< but any o. the Sisters are at less than !a'i!u! +it Points< she -ill cast *ene- on the!. I. *ene- is not an o(tion<
she -ill cast Curaga or a -eaker alternati%e. I. all Sisters are at !a'i!u! +it Points< she -ill cast *eraise on one Sister at rando!. I. all
Sisters are under the e..ects o. *eraise< she -ill use Ca!isade on a rando!ly deter!ined o((onent.
I. 0indy?s +P is belo- its !a'i!u! %alue< she -ill cast Sy(hon on a rando!ly deter!ined o((onent. I. Sy(hon is not an o(tion< she -ill
cast Drain instead. I. +P is at !a'i!u! but her 0P is belo- its !a'i!u! %alue< she -ill cast 8s!ose on a rando!ly deter!ined
o((onent. I. both 0P and +P are at !a'i!u!< roll a d10 to deter!ine the $ction 0indy takesK
*oll $ction
1 = ) Passado
7 = " $ttack $ction
10 0indy does nothing.
Go& GoA
The Sisters -ill use o..ensi%e !agic or their Su!!on $bilities.
*oll a d10 to deter!ine the $ction Sandy takesK
*oll $ction
1 = 4 $ttack $ction
1 = *aEEia
" = 10 Sandy does nothing.
I. her +it Points are not at !a'i!u!< she -ill cast Drain on a rando!ly deter!ined o((onent. I. her +it Points are at !a'i!u!< but her
0agic Points are not< she -ill cast 8s!ose on a rando!ly deter!ined o((onent. I. both are at !a'i!u!< roll a d10 to deter!ine the
$ction Cindy takesK
*oll $ction
1 :lti!a
# = 4 0eltdo-n
1 = 7 9lare
= " Ca!isade
10 Cindy does nothing.
0indy -ill cast a S(ell< targeting a rando!ly deter!ined o((onent or the ene!y /rou(. *oll a d10 to deter!ine -hich S(ell is castK
*oll $ction
1 = # 0eltdo-n
3 = 4 9lare
1 = ) Death
7 = 3uake
" = 10 6atergaX6ateraX6ater Fde(ending on a%ailable 0PH
Combine <our Po*ersAH
This co!!and is only an o(tion i. the Sisters -ere brought into battle -ith /rand Su!!on< and allo-s the! to use their /rand Su!!on
$bility< Delta $ttack. *oll a d10 to deter!ine -hat ha((ens.
*oll $ction
1 = " Delta $ttack
10 The Sisters do nothing.
$ tall< cur%aceous -o!an in red and green ar!or< Sandy rese!bles a !antis. $ntennae and large red co!(ound eyes lie ato( her head<
and long -ings rest at her back. +er .ace is so!e-hat aloo.< that o. a -o!an -ho !ight rather be else-here.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' # Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=0agic :(< $uto=S(irit :(
Ra77ia 2ariable #ost
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
$ (air o. Cagged blades e'tend .ro! beneath SandyDs .orear!s< sheathed in .la!es. She charges to-ard the target< cutting dee( -ith t-o
searing strikes. *aEEia in.licts a certain a!ount o. Physical da!age to the targeted co!batant< striking auto!atically > see the
$d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&14' SandFEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (51 VP) --- Cure
9 - 1 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (5Z VP) --- 888
1Z - 21 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (20 x VA0) 1d12 ( VP) --- Cura5 Protect
25 - 32 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z5 VP) --- Haste5 Shell
33 - 10 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (1Z1 VP) Protectga+5 Curaga+
11 - 18 (1Z x 3TR) 5d10 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (91 VP) (3 x VA0) 5d12 (193 VP) Hastega+5 Shellga+
19 - 5 (19 x 3TR) 5d10 (28 x VA0) 5d10 (9Z VP) (39 x VA0) 5d12 (213 VP) Reflect+5 Wall+
5Z - 1 (21 x 3TR) 5d10 (30 x VA0) 5d10 (121 VP) (12 x VA0) 5d12 (211 VP) Renew+
5 (22 x 3TR) 5d10 (33 x VA0) 5d10 (11 VP) (15 x VA0) 5d12 (2Z5 VP) ---
$ rotund .igure in ar!or< Cindy rese!bles a ladybug. Aayers o. ar!or (lating co%er her body and li!bs< -hile a red shell -ith black s(ots
is set on her back. $s -ith her sisters< she has co!(ound eyes and antennae ato( her head. +er (lu!( .ace is s!ugly a!used< as i. she
-ere trying not to laugh at so!e secret Coke.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=0agic :(< $uto=S(irit :(
Camisade 2ariable #ost
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
Cindy .lo(s into a sitting (osition as i. to rest< but doesnDt stay there long. The ground begins to ru!ble< and a geyser eru(ts beneath
her< sending her .lying high into the air. She lands hea%ily on the target< s7uashing the! .lat -ith her bulk .or !odest da!age. Ca!isade
in.licts a certain a!ount o. Physical da!age to the targeted co!batant< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore
details. This da!age is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al.
Ta%le A***&15' CindFEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 (1Z x VA0) 1d10 (51 VP) --- Cure
9 - 1 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 (18 x VA0) 1d12 (5Z VP) --- 888
1Z - 21 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 (20 x VA0) 1d12 ( VP) --- Cura
25 - 32 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 (22 x VA0) 1d12 (Z5 VP) --- Drain5 Raise5 6smose
33 - 10 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 (21 x VA0) 1d12 (83 VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (1Z1 VP) Curaga+5 Reraise+
11 - 18 (19 x 3TR) 5d12 (2 x VA0) 5d10 (91 VP) (3 x VA0) 5d12 (193 VP) 0lare+
19 - 5 (21 x 3TR) 5d12 (28 x VA0) 5d10 (9Z VP) (39 x VA0) 5d12 (213 VP) Renew+5 #rise+
5Z - 1 (23 x 3TR) 5d12 (30 x VA0) 5d10 (121 VP) (12 x VA0) 5d12 (211 VP) Meltdown+
5 (25 x 3TR) 5d12 (33 x VA0) 5d10 (11 VP) (15 x VA0) 5d12 (2Z5 VP) (ltima+
$ sli! .igure< 0indy looks like a child dressed as a hornet. She -ears a red and gold leotard< -ith a large abdo!en hanging .ro! the
rear. $n o%ersiEed hel!et bears blue co!(ound eyes and dangling antennae< along -ith a (air o. stri(ed (igtails. $l!ost ne%er on the
ground< she ho%ers a .e- .eet in the air by -ay o. .our -ings. +er .ace bears a (out< like a (etulant child -ho is stuck -here she doesnDt
-ant to be.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' 1.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=0agic :(< $uto=S(irit :(
Passado 2ariable #ost
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
Turning to .ace a-ay .ro! the target< Cindy leans o%er and (oints her stinger at the!. 9our barbs shoot out< one a.ter the other< to
i!(ale the target. Passado hits the targeted co!batant .our ti!es< -ith each strike in.licting a certain a!ount o. Physical da!age > see
the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details.
Ta%le A***&16' (indFEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 ( x 3TR) 2d8 (1 x VA0) d10 (19 VP) --- #ero5 Bli''ard5 0ire5 )hunder
9 - 1 (8 x 3TR) 3d8 (2 x VA0) d10 (2Z VP) --- Poison5 Water
1Z - 21 (10 x 3TR) 3d8 (3 x VA0) d10 (10 VP) --- #era5 Bli''ara5 0ira5 )hundara
25 - 32 (11 x 3TR) 1d8 (1 x VA0) d10 (5Z VP) --- Bio5 Drain5 6smose5 Watera
33 - 10 (13 x 3TR) 1d8 (5 x VA0) 2d10 (Z8 VP) (33 x VA0) 5d10 (1Z1 VP) #eraga+5 Bli''aga+5 0iraga+5 )hundaga+
11 - 18 (11 x 3TR) 5d8 ( x VA0) 2d10 (95 VP) (3 x VA0) 5d12 (193 VP) Death+5 0lare+5 7uake+5 Waterga+
19 - 5 (1 x 3TR) 5d8 (Z x VA0) 2d10 (109 VP) (39 x VA0) 5d12 (213 VP) S$phon+
5Z - 1 (18 x 3TR) 5d8 (8 x VA0) 2d10 (153 VP) (12 x VA0) 5d12 (211 VP) Meltdown+
5 (19 x 3TR) d8 (9 x VA0) 3d10 (1ZZ VP) (15 x VA0) 5d12 (2Z5 VP) ---
+elta Atta#kH 2ariable #ost
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
The three sisters !o%e to surround the ene!y in a triangle .or!ation and begin an incantation. /lo-ing lines .or! bet-een the! along
the ground< then raise u(-ard to .or! a !assi%e tetrahedron around the ene!y grou(. The .ield glo-s brighter and brighter be.ore
.inally i!(loding. Delta $ttack in.licts a certain a!ount o. 0agical da!age to all co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically
> see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. Da!age dealt by Delta $ttack is reduced by 0. $*0 as nor!al< but ignores the Da!age
Ca(< and !ay in.lict !ore than """ da!age.
"iblin$ Eusti#e 25: MP
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane F0agicalH
Three lights a((ear on the horiEon = one red< one blue< and one yello-. $s they gro- brighter and closer< they begin to resol%e into
three -o!en garbed in strange insectoid costu!es. The three -o!en circle the targets be.ore attacking = the tall one in red assaulting
-ith s(ells< the large one in blue=grey steel sto!(ing and s!ashing and the s!all one in yello- launching stingers at the targets. The
Sisters co!(lete their assault -ith a burst o. !agical .orce and -hen the dust settles no .oe has been le.t unscathed. Sibling Justice
in.licts F4# ' 0$/H Z 1d1#< 0. $*0 0agical da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. Da!age
dealt by Sibling Justice ignores the Da!age Ca(< and !ay in.lict !ore than """ da!age.
Au!inous blue cherry blosso!s .all .ro! the sky@ the hea%ens turn to night and a .ull !oon a((ears o%erhead. $ dee(< guttural bark
issues .ro! the distance as a strange hound co!es bounding to-ard the Su!!oner< blood=red .ur broken u( by -here the dog?s .lesh
has hardened into bronEe=colored s(irals. ,ehind hi! -alks a tall s-ords!an dressed in ornate robes< !asked .ace .urther concealed
underneath a -ide=bri!!ed hat. 5oCi!bo< !ercenary Su!!on< strides -ith (ur(ose< one hand resting on the scabbard o. his katana as
he coolly a((roaches the Su!!oner and a-aits his .irst (ay!ent > and another o((ortunity to dis(lay his !astery o. the blade.
+it Point 0odi.ierK ' #.1 Su((ort $bilitiesK $uto=Protect< $uto=*egen< $uto=Shell
:nlike other Su!!ons< 5oCi!bo is a hired s-ord .irst and .ore!ost. In order to call u(on 5oCi!bo?s $bilities< the Su!!oner !ust a
su! o. /il to contract his ser%ices. $ Su!!oner !ust (ay at least F#1 ' Ae%elH /il e%ery ti!e he -ishes 5oCi!bo to use an $bility<
although 5oCi!bo -ill (er.or! better ser%ices .or !ore generous bene.actors< as sho-n in the .ollo-ing chartK
Pay!ent $bility :sed
0ini!u! = 3<""" /il Daigoro
4<000 = 1<""" /il ;oEuka
)<000 = "<""" /il 6akiEashi
10<000Z /il Ban!ato
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
:ni!(ressed by the su!< 5oCi!bo dis(atches his dog to do the Cob instead. $t his !aster?s co!!and< Daigoro lea(s into the .ray<
sa%aging the .irst o((onent he .inds -ith cla-s and .angs be.ore slinking back to his !aster. Daigoro in.licts a certain a!ount o. Physical
da!age to one rando!ly deter!ined co!batant in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore
details. This da!age is reduced by $*0 as nor!al.
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
5oCi!bo is satis.ied -ith the (ay!ent o..ered and acce(ts the Cob. +e sur%eys the battle.ield .or a brie. !o!ent< then dra-s a set o.
e'(ertly cra.ted kunai .ro! the de(ths o. his robe< sending the! -hirling at the ene!y -ith a single .lick o. the -rist. ;oEuka in.licts a
certain a!ount o. Physical da!age to three rando!ly deter!ined co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the
$d%ance!ent table .or !ore details. This da!age is not reduced by $*0.
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
5oCi!bo is (leased by the (ay!ent and agrees to the task. In one .luid !otion he dra-s his katana and strikes a blo- so (o-er.ul it rents
the air itsel. in t-o< creating a shock-a%e that crashes into the ene!y -ith de%astating .orce. 6akiEashi in.licts a certain a!ount o.
Physical da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically > see the $d%ance!ent table .or !ore details.
This da!age is reduced by $*0 as nor!al< but ignores the Da!age Ca(< and !ay in.lict !ore than """ da!age.
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK Status F9atalH
5oCi!bo is silently elated -ith the su! o..ered< and decides to (er.or! his !ost i!(ressi%e techni7ue. &'tending a .inger< he releases a
s!all (ortion o. his o-n li.e .orce to su!!on a blade o. (ure darkness .ro! the de(ths o. the earth. 4enge.ul s(irits ho-l as 5oCi!bo
(ulls the blade .ro! its hilt and charges the ene!y line< cherry (etals .lying in his -ake. The blade .lashes -hite< and .or one !o!ent the
ene!ies are absolutely still > then they slo-ly .all a(art< cut in t-o so cleanly that they die -ithout a sound. Ban!ato -ill auto!atically
reduce all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou( to 0 +P< regardless o. their current +it Points< $*0< or 0. $*0 ratings > treat this
as a Death=ty(e e..ect. I. any co!batant in the targeted /rou( has Status I!!unity to Death or 9atal=Ty(e e..ects< 5oCi!bo re.uses to
(er.or! Ban!ato< s-itching instead to 6akiEashi. In either e%ent< the !oney gi%en to 5oCi!bo is gone > the Su!!oner -ill not recei%e a
Ta%le A***&2#' <o:im%oEs Ad,ancement
1 - 8 (9 x 3TR) 2d12 (Z x 3TR) 2d10 (22 x 3TR) 1d12 888
9 - 1 (11 x 3TR) 3d12 (8 x 3TR) 2d10 (21 x 3TR) 1d12 888
1Z - 21 (13 x 3TR) 3d12 (9 x 3TR) 3d10 (2 x 3TR) 5d10 888
25 - 32 (15 x 3TR) 1d12 (10 x 3TR) 3d10 (28 x 3TR) 5d10 888
33 - 10 (1Z x 3TR) 1d12 (11 x 3TR) 3d10 (30 x 3TR) 5d10 888
11 - 18 (19 x 3TR) 5d12 (12 x 3TR) 3d10 (33 x 3TR) 5d10 888
19 - 5 (21 x 3TR) 5d12 (13 x 3TR) 1d10 (3 x 3TR) 5d12 888
5Z - 1 (23 x 3TR) 5d12 (11 x 3TR) 1d10 (39 x 3TR) 5d12 ---
5 (25 x 3TR) 5d12 (15 x 3TR) 1d10 (12 x 3TR) 5d12 ---
Aike Su!!oners< Callers ha%e to (ay /il to su!!on 5oCi!bo. The e..ects o. the Call de(end on the a!ount o. !oney o..ered by the
Pay!ent $bility :sed
0ini!u! = #<""" /il Daigoro
3<000 = 4<""" /il 6akiEashi
1<000Z /il ;oEuka
The s!allest (ay!ent an Caller can gi%e 5oCi!bo is FAe%el ' 10H /il.
TargetK Single Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
$s a Call< Daigoro in.licts FF/il Paid X 110H ' 0$/H Z 4d1#< $*0 Physical da!age to one rando!ly deter!ined co!batant in the
targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically.
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
$s a Call< 6akiEashi in.licts FF/il Paid X 110H ' 0$/H Z 1d1#< $*0 Physical da!age to all eligible co!batants in the targeted /rou(<
striking auto!atically.
TargetK /rou( Ty(eK $rcane FPhysicalH
$s a Call< ;oEuka in.licts FF/il Paid X #10H ' 0$/H Z 1d10< $*0 Physical da!age to three rando!ly deter!ined co!batants in the
targeted /rou(< striking auto!atically. 9or e%ery 3<000 /il (aid abo%e the !ini!u! o. 1<000< the attack -ill strike one additional
rando!ly deter!ined co!batant.
Your fate is in your han!s.&
Pre%ious cha(ters and a((endices ha%e looked at the
!echanical as(ects o. (laying the 99*P/ > the hard nu!bers
-hich set out the ca(abilities o. characters and their o((onents
in a concrete and de.inite !anner. This $((endi' tackles the
o((osite end o. the s(ectru!< one -here charactersD actions
are not deter!ined by statistics< but by narrati%e con%enience.
The !aterial (resented here !ay not be suited to e%ery
grou(< and de(ends on the -illingness o. both /0 and (layers
to create a !utually engaging e'(erience@ in grou(s -ith
(roble!atic (layers or a generally con.rontational (laystyle<
o(ening the narrati%e u( to (layer inter%ention can cause !ore
trouble than itDs -orth.
The 99*P/ is ulti!ately a ga!e o. coo(erati%e storytelling@
bet-een the descri(tions o. the /0 and the actions o. the PC< a
(lot is created and e%ents un.old. +o-e%er< the /0 still directs
the !aCority o. the action@ the (layersD (o-ers in sha(ing the
story tend to be li!ited to the ca(abilities o. their characters.
;ey Points a !eans o. le%eling the (laying .ield< gi%ing
(layers the ability to Ndra!atically editD a story in (rogress by
introducing ele!ents and a..ecting the outco!e o. e%ents.
Earning ey Points
Players earn ;ey Points through (lay@ a certain nu!ber o. the!
are NguaranteedD< but the !aCority -ill de(end on ho- -illing a
(layer is to (artici(ate in and sha(e the ga!eDs (lot. Potential
sources o. ;ey Points includeK
Character Creation. :nder ordinary circu!stances< all
ne-ly=generated characters begin the ga!e -ith no ;ey Points<
and !ust earn these through (lay. The /0 !ay< ho-e%er<
choose to a-ard u( to # Points to ne- characters > one .or
detailed< .leshed=out and interesting character -riteu(s -hich
e%idence (articular care and creati%ity@ t-o .or (layers -ho (ull
out all the sto(s by including art-ork< .iction and other
su((le!entary !aterial -ith their .inal sub!ission.
Traits. Traits > described later in this section > allo- (layers
to de.ine the 7uirks< allegiances< edges< and hall!arks o. their
characters. &ach character has a de.ault N(ackageD o. Traits
based on their (ersonality@ (laying the character in accordance
-ith these -ill earn a (layer 1 ;ey Point at the end o. a session.
0any Traits allo- (layers to earn additional ;ey Points in
e'change .or (er!itting certain co!(lications to enter their
charactersD li%es@ .or instance< a character -ith the Trait ,eauty
can gain a dangerous ad!irer in e'change .or 4 ;ey Points.
/ains like these can !any o((ortunities .or good
role(laying and long=ter! (lotlines< but should be agreed on by
both (layer and /0 be.ore entering (lay. 0ore details on ho-
such situations are negotiated can be .ound .urther on.
/oals. 0ost (layers -ill outline one or !ore goals .or their
characters during creation. I. a character is able to !ake
head-ay to-ards .ul.illing their goal during the course o. a
session< they gain a ;ey Point at the end.
3uest *e-ards. In addition to the /il< JP and e7ui(!ent
re-ards gi%en .or co!(leting a 7uest or ad%enture< /0s !ay
also a-ard one ;ey Point to all (artici(ating (layers.
S8ending ey Points
;ey Points are used to in.luence the course o. e%ents during a
ga!e. This is acco!(lished by gi%ing the! a -ide %ariety o.
(otential a((lications< includingK
Traits. 0ost Traits allo- (layers to s(end ;ey Points in
e'change .or bene.icial e..ects. 9or instance< a (layer -ith the
Trait $ 9ace in the Cro-d can a%oid detection in e'change .or 1
;ey Point. :nlike the negati%e as(ects o. Traits< their bene.its
can be used -hene%er the (layer desires< (ro%ided their use is
a((ro(riate at the ti!e.
Per.or!ing .eats o. herois!. ,reaking (hysical and !ental
li!its to acco!(lish tasks they -ould ne%er be able to !aster
under nor!al circu!stances is bread and butter .or 9inal
9antasy heroes. ,y s(ending 3 ;ey Points during a session< a
(layer can allo- one o. their characters to (ass any one
$ttribute Check or Skill Test o. their choice -ith a Critical
Success > (ro%ided that success is a((lied to a suitably
dra!atic outco!e. The -atch=-ord here is Nheroic e..ortD >
NheroicD !eans disar!ing a city=le%eling bo!b at the .our=
second !ark< su((orting an entire t-o=story house -ith
nothing but !uscle (o-er< or lea(ing a t-enty=.oot dro( to
catch a ro(e dangling .ro! the side o. a geta-ay %ehicle.
Success.ully haggling do-n the (rice o. a Aongs-ord< on the
other hand< lacks in the all=i!(ortant dra!a de(art!ent.
In%oking di%ine inter%ention. There are ti!es in a story
-hen a (arty is sa%ed not by skill< but (ure< blind luck. $
(ursuing car blo-s a tire or su..ers an engine !al.unction<
letting the heroes !ake their geta-ay in the nick o. ti!e. $
stee(< .eatureless cli.. suddenly s(orts a branch large enough
.or a .alling character to snag< allo-ing the! to esca(e certain
death. Colla(sing !asonry re%eals an ancient tele(orter
seconds be.ore the entire structure colla(ses. ,y s(ending a
total o. 1 ;ey Points as a grou(< the (layers can end a Scene
-ith an outco!e o. their choosing. This< ho-e%er< this has t-o
i!(ortant restrictions. 9irstly< the characters !ust be in actual
and i!!ediate li.e=threatening danger in order to in%oke this
o(tion@ secondly< it can only hel( characters esca(e the current
circu!stances. Dragging out di%ine inter%ention to gi%e the
Dark Aord a heart attack in the !idst o. a cli!atic con.rontation
is straight out o. the 7uestion.
8btaining clues. Should the PCs .ind the!sel%es stranded in
the !iddle o. a session -ith no idea -hat to do< s(ending 1 ;ey
Point as a grou( allo-s the! to e'(licitly re7uest a clue or
(ointer telling the! -here to (roceed ne't. The easiest -ay .or
a /0 to do so is to ha%e a nondescri(t to-ns(erson -ander u(
to dis(erse terse=but=use.ul one=liners as VDon Tonberry
dislikes s!okeIW or V5ou need a ra.t to cross the *i%er Aethe.W
This ser%ice co!(leted< the clue=gi%er returns .ro! -hence they
Cheating death. Death is a .act o. li.e in the -orlds o. 9inal
9antasy > a.ter all< no saga is truly co!(lete -ithout at least
one tragic de!ise or ins(iring +o-e%er< the death o. a
leading character in a storyline can ha%e !aCor re(ercussions
on the story as a -hole< (articularly .or the un.ortunate (layer
no- le.t scra!bling .or a re(lace!ent. ,y s(ending 1# ;ey
Points< a (layer can restore their dead character to li.e or
esca(e a situation -hich -ould other-ise kill the character
outright. This NresurrectionD -ill ne%er be an i!!ediate one@ i.
engaged in a battle< the character -ill not re%i%e until a.ter the
battle is o%er and -on. I. caught in a certain=death situation<
their sur%i%al -ill not be a((arent until so!e ti!e has (assed >
and the rest o. the (arty has already gi%en the! u( .or dead.
+o- the character !anages to esca(e the *ea(er is le.t to
the (layer to e'(lain. ItDs i!(ortant to note< ho-e%er< that
cheating death doesnDt !ean the -ould=be %icti! gets a-ay
scot=.ree. ,roken bones and lingering -ounds !ay lea%e the
character bed=ridden or te!(orarily inca(acitated > the narro-
!iss can e%en translate to (er!anent (hysical inCuries and
Disad%antages like ,lind or Cri((led $r!.
0aking a co!eback. 9e-er actions are !ore dra!atic than
returning .ro! the brink o. death to turn sure.ire rout into
%ictory. ,y e'(ending 7 ;ey Points< a (layer !ay restore their
characterDs +P and 0P to their !a'i!u! %alues and re!o%e all
Status Conditions< negati%e or other-ise. This is only an o(tion
i. the character in 7uestion currently has 1 or !ore +it Points
re!aining. *egardless o. ho- !any ;ey Points the character
(ossesses< this o(tion !ay not be used !ore than once in any
gi%en battle.
,uying o.. Disad%antages. ;ey Points can be used by
(layers to circu!%ent Disad%antages (ossessed by their
characters on a case=by=case basis. ,y (aying a ;ey Point< a
(layer can ignore one o. their characterDs Disad%antages .or the
duration o. one ,attle or Scene.
9e- characters are identical. Though t-o +u!an ;nights !ay
share identical races and Jobs< one could be a noble and loyal
ser%ant o. his liege@ the other< a disgraced e'=soldier !aking his
-ay as a cut=throat !ercenary. In the 99*P/< !any o. these
di..erences are de.ined through the use o. Dra!atic Traits< or
NTraitsD .or short.
Traits e!body certain 7ualities o. a character that canDt be
re(resented through Skills< $ttributes< or $bilities@ ones -hich
a..ect a characterDs social interactions and ad%enturing li.e in
both (ositi%e and negati%e -ays. Though !ost are clear=cut
NgoodD or NbadD< so!e can -ork in both directions. $ character
-ith ,eauty can easily turn heads > but also attract the
un-elco!e attentions o. a lecherous local !onarch. $ !e!ber
-ith Status in the (restigious 6hite Cro- ;nights !ight
co!!and considerable res(ect in his nati%e kingdo! > but be a
(ro!inent target in others. The list goes on.
Though a (layer !ay take any nu!ber o. Traits to round their
characters o..< it is best to li!it the! to .i%e or si' traits (er
character. In addition< the /0 should .eel at liberty to %eto any
Trait inconsistent -ith the characterDs background and conce(t.
Basi2 Traits
The use o. Traits allo-s 99*P/ characters to de%elo( co!(le'<
challenging 7uirks and hooks to .urther .lesh out the (artyDs
ad%entures. +o-e%er< as -ith all things< itDs best to start s!all
> .or this reason< the .irst Trait e%ery character takes is the one
de.ining their basic (ersonality. This is called their Trait
Package< and bundles together ten one=-ord attributes > such
as N2ai%eD< N$rgu!entati%eD< N4alorousD< or NIn7uisiti%eD > that
describe the characterDs general attitudes and res(onses. >
These ten >ideally< .i%e (ositi%e and .i%e negati%e > attributes
are called the ;ey Traits< and can be generated either by
brainstor!ing or by de.ining the! using the characterDs
birthdate and blood ty(e as a shortcut.
0any cultures belie%e the stars a character is born under
deter!ines their (ersonality > and destiny. Decide the day and
!onth the character -as born< then consult the list belo- to
.ind -hat star sign the character .alls under< noting do-n one
or !ore o. the ;ey Traits gi%en .or that signDs (ro.ile to add to
your characterDs Trait Package.
L_M Capri#orn Fde# 22 J 6an 19G
;ey TraitsK $!bitious< conser%ati%e< hard=-orking< scru(ulous<
o%erbearing< egotistical< .atalistic< sulky.
*e(resentati%esK Aaguna Aoire< Cyan /ara!onde< Strago
0agus< $l!asy
LM A@uarius FEan 2: J feb 18G
;ey TraitsK In%enti%e< inde(endent< logical< understanding<
aloo.< un(redictable< eccentric.
*e(resentati%esK $erith /ainsborough< SetEer /abbiani
L)M Pis#es Ffe( 19 J mar 2:G
;ey TraitsK Intuiti%e< co!(assionate< e!otional< sacri.icing<
(essi!istic< o%erly chatty< e!otionally constrained< i!(ractical.
*e(resentati%esK Celes Chere< *inoa +eartilly< Bell Dincht< Cid
+igh-ind< 6ard Babac
L[M Aries Fmar 21 J apr 19G
;ey TraitsK &ager< courageous< inde(endent< 7uick to anger<
i!(atient< i!(ulsi%e< %iolent.
*e(resentati%esK /au
L_M 'aurus Fapr 2: J ma) 2:G
;ey TraitsK Stable< (ractical< thorough< short=te!(ered< bull=
headed< sel.ish< !aterialistic.
*e(resentati%esK Ti.a Aockheart< 0og
L}M Gemini Fma) 21 J Eun 21G
;ey TraitsK 4ersatile< sociable< in7uisiti%e< in%enti%e< absent=
!inded< conni%ing< .idgety< short attention s(an.
*e(resentati%esK 0arach /althena< Construct .
LCM Can#er FEun 22 J Eul 22G
;ey TraitsK Su((orti%e< sensiti%e< e!otional< sel.ish< !oody<
*e(resentati%esK ;iros Seagull< Sel(hie Til!itt
LpM .eo FEul 23 J au$ 22G
;ey TraitsK Proud< ro!antic< charis!atic< a!bitious< sel.=
assured< idealistic< cruel< conceited< childish.
*e(resentati%esK S7uall Aeonhart< Cloud Stri.e< &dgar *oni
9igaro< Sabin *ene 9igaro
L]M 2ir$o Fau$ 23 J sep 22G
;ey TraitsK Practical< analytical< e'acting< diligent< (icky<
cynical< snobbish< sel.=centered.
*e(resentati%esK /o..ard /a..garion< *el! $rro-ny
L-M .ibra Fsep 23 J o#t 23G
;ey TraitsK Sociable< tact.ul< (ersuasi%e< (eace=lo%ing< .air<
indecisi%e< inconsistent< easily=deterred.
*e(resentati%esK Aocke Cole< 3uistis Tre(e< Terra ,ran.ord
L]M "#orpio Fo#t 24 J no, 21G
;ey TraitsK Intense< !oti%ated< resource.ul< te!(era!ental<
intolerant< do!ineering< distrust.ul< secreti%e.
*e(resentati%esK ;isaragi
LM "a$ittarius Fno, 22 J de# 21G
;ey TraitsK 9reedo!=lo%ing< straight.or-ard< o(en=!inded<
(hiloso(hical< ethical< o(ti!istic< enthusiastic< blunt< i!(atient<
hot=headed< sel.=indulgent.
*e(resentati%esK ,arret 6allace< Ir%ine ;inneas
$ character?s ,lood Ty(e !ay see! like a tri%ial detail< but in
Ja(anese (o(ular culture< it is considered an i!(ortant .actor in
deter!ining a (ersonDs (ersonality and te!(era!ent. 9or this
reason< characters in ga!es< tele%ision series< and co!ics -ill
in%ariably ha%e ,lood Ty(e listed along -ith their other N%ital
statisticsD. Select one o. the ,lood Ty(es belo- and note do-n
one or !ore o. the ;ey Traits gi%en .or that ,lood Ty(eDs (ro.ile
to add to your characterDs Trait Package.
')pe A
;ey TraitsK Conser%ati%e< reser%ed< (atient< con.or!ist<
(unctual< intro%erted< obsessi%e< stubborn< sel.=conscious<
*e(resentati%esK ;isaragi< 4incent 4alentine< 3uistis
Tre(e< Ir%ine ;inneas< 6ard Babac
')pe (
;ey TraitsK Creati%e< (assionate< o(ti!istic< .le'ible< .orget.ul<
irres(onsible< indi%idualistic.
*e(resentati%esK Ti.a Aockheart< Cid +igh-ind< Bell Dincht<
Sel(hie Til!itt< Aaguna Aoire
')pe A(
;ey TraitsK Cool< controlled< rational< outgoing< (o(ular<
e!(hatic< aloo.< critical< un.orgi%ing< indecisi%e.
*e(resentati%esK Cloud Stri.e< S7uall Aeonhart
')pe 4
;ey TraitsK $!bitious< robust< sel.=con.ident< %ain< insensiti%e<
ruthless< arrogant.
*e(resentati%esK $erith /ainsborough< ,arret 6allace< ;iros
Seagull< $l!asy
Take the co!bined set o. attributes you ha%e generated and >
i. needed > add enough additional (ositi%e or negati%e traits to
ensure the character has .i%e o. each. This is your characterDs
.inal Trait Package.
!d6an2ed Traits
8nce the characterDs Trait Package has been (ut together< they
can be assigned additional Traits to .urther .lesh out
(ersonality< 7uirks< and (lot hooks. These Nad%ancedD Traits are
a little !ore co!(le'< as !ost o. the! are bundles o. (ossible
e..ects and uses o-nershi( o. that Trait o(ens u(.
9or clarityDs sake< these e..ects are di%ided into t-o
categoriesK Tied e..ects< -hose use needs to be (lanned out in
ad%ance< and S(ontaneous e..ects that can be used at any
ti!e > (ro%ided the circu!stances are a((ro(riate. Tied e..ects
are discussed in !ore detail later in this a((endi'@ .or no-< Cust
note the e..ects the!sel%es.
8rigin Traits look at a characterDs origins and the (otential
i!(act these ha%e on a storyline.
An#ient Histor)
&..ectK The character has a dee(< abiding connection to an
ancient ci%iliEation or %anished race. In !any cases< such a
heritage -ill not be ob%ious until later in the ga!e@ only -hen
the (arty disco%ers .rag!ents o. said ci%iliEation -ill her
kno-ledge and (o-ers .ully !ani.est the!sel%es. 6hile such
ties -ill be use.ul to the (arty< they -ill also dra- the attention
o. o((onents sche!ing to use the! .or their o-n ends.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can acti%ate a (iece o. ancient !achinery< deduce the .unction
o. a !ysterious !echanis!< or deci(her an i!(ortant (iece o.
te't connected to her heritage.
=# Points FTiedHK ,y s(ending # Points< the character re%eals
or ac7uires a s!all relic or (hysical .eature -hich ties to her
heritage during the course o. the session.
=1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< a (re%iously established relic or
.eature hel(s the character > or (arty > o%erco!e an obstacle
encountered during the course o. the session.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the characterDs heritage (laces
her in serious danger during the course o. the session.
Famil) 'ies
&..ectK The character has a clai! to greatness or notoriety
through ancestors< (arents< children< siblings< or e'tended
relati%es -hose na!es and deeds are -idely kno-n.
=# Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending # Points< the character
can Ncash inD on the .a!ily na!e< turning a .ailed &ti7uette<
2egotiation< or Aeadershi( roll into a success against anybody
-ho is .a!iliar -ith the characterDs .a!ily.
=# Points FTiedHK ,y s(ending # Points< the characterDs .a!ily
connections hel( the character > or (arty > o%erco!e an
obstacle during the course o. the session.
Z4 Points FTiedHK 4 Points are earned i. e%ents end u( (itting
the character against their .a!ily< cutting the! o.. .ro! the
.a!ilyDs resources and good-ill. This e..ect cancels out this
&..ectK 2oble blood runs through the characterDs %eins< (lacing
the! a .e- notches abo%e the a%erage ad%enturer. Characters
-ith this kind o. background !ay not al-ays ha%e kingdo!s and
other holdings to call their o-n@ in so!e cases< they !ay be
illegiti!ate heirs or outcasts .ro! their o-n do!ain.
=# Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending # Points< the character
can le%erage .a%ors .ro! a loyal subCect@ a shelter .or the night<
trans(ortation< ite!s< or !oney.
=3 Points FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 3 Points< a character
-ith 2obility can establish a (re%ious history bet-een hi!sel.
and any other !onarch or !e!ber o. a noble .a!ily u(on .irst
!eeting the!< turning the! into old ac7uaintances.
Social Traits look at a characterDs social as(ects > their loyalties
to grou(s as -ell as the -ay society as a -hole treats the!.
&..ectK The character belongs to a grou( or organiEation that
!ay be ca(able o. hel(ing her out during the course o. her
tra%els > a !ercenary grou(< a band o. thie%es< loyal %assals o.
a king or kingdo!.
=# Points FTiedHK ,y s(ending # Points< a !e!ber o. a grou(
the character has !e!bershi( -ith -ill a((ear during the
course o. the session to ad%ice< s!all ser%ices< or ite!s.
=3 Points FTiedHK ,y s(ending 3 Points< !e!bers o. a grou(
the character has !e!bershi( -ith -ill a((ear during the
course o. the session< hel(ing her > or her (arty > o%erco!e a
Z1 Points FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the character -ill be called on
to assist or (er.or! ser%ices .or their grou( during the course
o. the session.
Z1 Points FTiedHK 9or 1 Points< the characterDs organiEation
turns against the!< canceling out this Trait.
&..ectK The character has an ally > a (artner< a !entor< a loyal
ser%ant< or si!(ly a good .riend > they can lean on in ti!es o.
trouble. S(eci.y -ho the ally is and -hat their relationshi( is
based on -hen choosing this Trait.
=1 Point FTiedHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the characterDs ally
sur.aces during the course o. the session< and is -illing to do a
s!all .a%or or basic ite!s to hel( the! out.
=# Point FTiedHK ,y s(ending # Points< the characterDs ally
sur.aces during the course o. the session< and is -illing to do a
signi.icant .a%or or an i!(ortant ite! to hel( the! out.
Z4 Points FTiedHK 9or 4 Points< the characterDs ally betrays
hi! > and by e'tension< the rest o. the (arty > during the
course o. the session< canceling out this Trait.
&..ectK The character has been knocking around long enough
to (ick u( .riends< ac7uaintances and contacts al!ost
e%ery-here in the -orld@ not al-ays in the highest or !ost
e'alted o. (ositions< but al!ost al-ays use.ul in the right sort o.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can track do-n a contact in the current location. The /0 should
.eel at liberty to %eto this i. there is no .easible -ay .or the
character to ha%e a contact in that location. 2ote that kno-ing
so!ebody doesnDt auto!atically guarantee any s(ecial breaks
or .a%ors@ Cust because the chie. engineer o. the &!(ireDs ne-
Doo! S(here ha((ens to be your old drinking buddy doesnDt
!ean heDll hand o%er the security card to the construction site
-ithout -rangling.
=# Points FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending # Points< the
character can u(grade a (re%iously=established contact in the
current location to a close ac7uaintance > one -hoDs either
-ell=dis(osed enough to hel( the (arty out or o-es the
character a .e- .a%ors.
Z1 Point FS(ontaneousHK 1 Point is earned i. a (re%iously
established contact is a traitor or other-ise dangerous to the
characterDs -ell=being.
+i,ided .o)alties
&..ectK 2ot e%eryone is as they see!. Though su(er.icially loyal
to the (arty< a character -ith this Trait is either a double agent
or unsure o. -here her true allegiance lies > a .act the (artyDs
ene!ies can e'(loit -hen (ush co!es to sho%e. Deter!ine
-hich grou( or cause the character has an additional allegiance
to -hen taking Di%ided Aoyalties.
=# Points FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending # Points< the
character can gain access to a use.ul (iece o. in.or!ation or
obtain a .a%or .ro! -hiche%er grou( she is secretly ser%ing.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 1 Point is earned e%ery ti!e a character -ith
Di%ided Aoyalties (asses on sensiti%e in.or!ation about the
(artyDs acti%ities to the ene!y or other-ise co%ertly endangers
the (arty.
Z) Points FTiedHK 9or ) Points< the character o(enly betrays
her co!rades during the course o. the session< canceling out
this Trait.
&..ectK 2o !atter -here you go< it see!s like e%erybody kno-s
-ho you are > and -hat youD%e done. 6hile the baying throngs
a-aiting you at each and e%ery to-n !ay be good .or the ego<
the -ell=-ishers arenDt the only ones taking an interest.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the character encounters
serious (roble!s as a result o. being Cust a little too
recogniEable in (ublic during the course o. the session.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can use her celebrity to le%erage a !inor .a%or@ directions< a
(iece o. in.or!ation< a lo-=key ite! such as a Potion.
=3 Points FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 3 Points< the
character can use her celebrity to le%erage a signi.icant .a%or@
trans(ortation< an honor guard< !id=to=high le%el ite!s< !oney.
&..ectK So!ebody is a.ter the character. Perha(s itDs a cri!e
lord looking to collect on a debt< or an e%il sorcerer on the
search .or suitable a regardless o. the reasons< the
character -ill s(end an inordinate a!ount o. ti!e dodging a
see!ingly endless strea! o. thugs< hench!en< and
trouble!akers. Player and /0 should decide -hy the character
is -anted in the .irst (lace< and -hether the ter!s s(eci.y
NdeadD or Nali%eD.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< a -eaker (arty or o((onent -ill
co!e a.ter the character during the course o. the session.
Z# Points FTiedHK 9or # Points< a stronger (arty or o((onent
-ill co!e a.ter the character during the course o. the session.
Z3 Points FTiedHK 9or 3 Points< e%ents o%er the course o. the
session lea%e the character -anted !ore than e%er@ .ro! then
on< only stronger o((onents and (arties -ill co!e a.ter hi!.
=1 Points FTiedHK ,y s(ending 1 Points< the character can do
so!ething during the course o. the session to ensure they -ill
ne%er be (ursued again< canceling out this Trait.
Hi$/er Callin$
&..ectK +ard as it !ay be to belie%e< sa%ing the -orld .ro! e%il
isnDt e%erybodyDs to( (riority. $ character -ith +igher Calling
has (ledged his loyalty .irst and .ore!ost to a religion<
organiEation< or other cause like (!@ s(eci.y -hich -hen
choosing this Trait.
Z1 Point FS(ontaneousHK 1 Point is earned e%ery ti!e the
characterDs cause N.orcesD her to act in a !anner that goes
against the rest o. the (artyDs -ill > .or instance< barring the
characters .ro! entering sacred ground< re.using to .ight in a
li.e=threatening situation< or acting o(enly hostile to Nin.idelsD
ca(able o. hel(ing the (arty out.
Z# Points FTiedHK 9or # Points< the characterDs cause results
in a serious con.lict bet-een her and the other (arty !e!bers
during the course o. the session.
=4 Points FTiedHK ,y s(ending 4 Points< the character
beco!es disillusioned -ith her cause during the course o. the
session< resulting in her breaking a-ay .ro! it and canceling
out this Trait.
Mistaken 3dentit)
&..ectK 9or so!e reason< the character has been !istaken .or
so!eone else > a .a!ous o(era singer< a notorious cri!inal<
so!ebodyDs dead brother > and is no- (ro.iting .ro! the
ensuing con.usion.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the characterDs !istaken
identity results in the! encountering trouble during the course
o. the session.
Z4 Points FTiedHK 9or 4 Points< the (erson the character is
being !istaken .or sur.aces during the course o. the session<
blo-ing their Nco%erD and canceling out this Trait.
=1 Point FTiedHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the characterDs
!istaken identity une'(ectedly earns the character assistance
during the course o. the session.
&..ectK 8%erEealous stalkers< hard=headed !ilitary !en -ith a
grudge< (ur(le octo(i -ith attitude > -hate%er their identity<
the characterDs 2e!esis Cust kee(s (o((ing u( to cause
trouble. Decide -ho the ne!esis is > and -hy they are a.ter the
character > -hen choosing this Trait.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the characterDs ne!esis
sur.aces during the course o. the session< leading to a .ight or
other con.rontation.
=3 Points FTiedHK ,y s(ending 3 Points< the ne!esis .inally
decides theyD%e had enough and lea%e the character alone<
canceling this Trait.
=1 Points FTiedHK ,y s(ending 1 Points< e%ents during the
course o. the session result in a change o. heart .or the
ne!esis< turning the! into an $lly instead. This e..ect cancels
this Trait.
&..ectK The character has an out=and=out bad re(utation > as a
!urderer< as a traitor< as a cri!inal o. the highest caliber
6hether Custi.ied or Cust the result o. hearsay< this 2otoriety
!akes his li.e that !uch !ore interesting.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can reroll any Skill Tests in%ol%ing Inti!idation once.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the characterDs 2otoriety causes
serious (roble!s during the course o. the session > innkee(ers
re.using ser%ice< local authorities taking a close interest in the
characterDs actions< or ho-ling !obs hounding hi! out o. to-n
are all .air ga!e.
=1 Point FTiedHK ,y s(ending 1 Points< the character can do
so!ething during the course o. the session to redee! hi!sel.<
canceling out this Trait.
&..ectK The character has to s(lit her -orld=sa%ing acti%ities
-ith another obligation > a sickly sister< the security o. a s!all
%illage< (ersonal .a%ors o-ed to a !onarch. Decide the nature
o. the characterDs obligation -hen choosing this Trait.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the character !ust attend to
her obligation during the course o. the session< distracting her
.ro! other acti%ities.
&..ectK The character has !anaged to !ake hi!sel. highly
un-elco!e so!e-here > to such an e'tent that he is banned
outright .ro! entering< or -ould risk li.e and li!b in doing so.
Decide -here and -hy the character has earned this dubious
distinction -hen choosing this Trait.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the characterDs inability to enter
a location creates co!(lications .or hi!sel. or the rest o. his
(arty during the course o. the session.
=3 Point FTiedHK ,y s(ending 3 Points< the character can do
so!ething during the course o. the session to redee! hi!sel.<
canceling out this Trait.
&..ectK The character belongs to a grou( that .aces acti%e
discri!ination in society at large. 6hether .or racial< religious<
or class reasons< the reality is that thereDs (lenty o. (eo(le
-illing to !ake the characterDs li.e un(leasant.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the character encounters
serious (roble!s as a result o. acti%e discri!ination during the
course o. the session.
Personal Traits co%er all the territories the other categories
donDt > 7uirks< skills< habits and oddities that set the character
a(art .ro! the !asses.
&..ectK Through trau!a or !agic< the character has little > i.
any > !e!ory o. his o-n (ast. Peo(le and (laces o. his (ast
-ill go unrecogniEed< and so!eti!es he -on?t e%en kno- his
o-n na!e.
Z11 Points FS(ecialHK ,uild a character -ith the $!nesia
Trait as nor!al. $t the beginning o. the ga!e< a character -ith
$!nesia -ill only ha%e access to the basic Skills all Jobs begin
the ga!e -ith< a 6ea(on Skill< an &'(ert Skill > i. a((licable ==
and one additional Skill o. the (layerDs choice. 8rigin and Social
Traits cannot be used< nor can the character gain ;ey Points .or
his /oal.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can (er!anently regain use o. one additional Skill bought at
character creation.
=# Points FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending # Points< a character
-ith $!nesia can recall his /oal. 8nce this has been done< he
earns ;ey Points .or ste(s taken to-ards it as nor!al.
=# Points FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending # Points< the
character can (er!anently regain use o. one other 8rigin or
Social Trait bought at character creation.
&..ectK *egardless o. his true se'< the character blurs the
gender lines Cust enough to lea%e e%erybody guessing > at
ti!es to his o-n ad%antage.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can success.ully disguise hi!sel. as a !e!ber o. the o((osite
gender or use S!ooth Talk -ithout gender (enalties. They !ay
also ignore any (enalties to Skill Tests nor!ally incurred by
their gender.
@$ph. I %ne you ere too
beautifu# to be a $an.&
9a#uf 'a#!eison
&..ectK 6hile the de.inition o. ?attracti%e? continues to be hotly
debated in (ubs the -orld o%er< a character -ith this $d%antage
ta(s into so!e ti!eless< uni%ersal standard o. beauty that ne%er
7uite goes out o. .ashion.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can use her beauty to obtain a s!all .a%or or a gi.t o. a lo-=le%el
ite! .ro! an ad!irer.
=# Points FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending # Points< the
character can auto!atically succeed at a S!ooth Talk Skill Test
ai!ed at any -illing or (lausibly -illing target.
=) Points FTiedHK ,y s(ending ) Points< the character
ac7uires a sy!(athetic ad!irer -ith a signi.icant le%el o.
in.luence or -ealth during the course o. the session. De(ending
on the circu!stances > and the characterDs actions > such
ad!irers !ay be able to grant signi.icant .a%ors to the
character and her co!rades.
=1 Point FTiedHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< a (re%iously=established
ad!irer -ill resur.ace during the course o. a session.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the characterDs ,eauty attracts
un-anted attention or lea%es her in a dangerous situation
during the course o. the session.
Z4 Points FTiedHK 9or 4 Points< the character ac7uires a
dangerous > and (ersistent > ad!irer -ho -ill sto( at nothing
to -oo > or subCugate > her during the course o. the session.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< a (re%iously=established
dangerous ad!irer -ill resur.ace during the course o. the
(ottomless Po#kets
&..ectK 5ou ne%er realiEe ho- %aluable a strategically=bent (iece
o. -ire is until youDre staring at the inside o. a locked (rison
door. In kee(ing -ith this (hiloso(hy< the character has an odd
or end .or e%ery situation.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can NconCure u(D a !undane ite!< no 7uestions asked >
(ro%ided itDs s!all enough .or the! to be carrying around. &%en
i. they ha%e no logical reason to be hauling around a li.eti!eDs
su((ly o. ar!or (olish< t-enty !eters o. ro(e< an A&D=e7ui((ed
Chocobo lure and in%isible ink< the rest o. the (arty can rest
assured itDll be there -hen they need it the !ost.
&..ectK 6hether itDs through good looks< ri%eting oratory< or
blind ani!al !agnetis! > a Charis!atic character has the
uncanny ability to -ra( (eo(le around her little .inger in no
ti!e .lat.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can reroll any Task Check in%ol%ing one o. the .ollo-ing Skills
onceK $cting< Co!!and< &ti7uette< In7uiry< 2egotiation< S!ooth
Talk< Street-ise< Teaching.
=# Points FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending # Points< the
character can auto!atically succeed at any one Task Check
in%ol%ing one o. the .ollo-ing SkillsK $cting< Co!!and<
&ti7uette< In7uiry< 2egotiation< S!ooth Talk.
&..ectK The character has a co!(ulsi%e need .or a certain
so!ething< -hether a (hysical substance > herbal tea<<
chea( cigarettes > or a (articular acti%ity< such as high=stakes
ga!bling or airshi( racing. $s a result< they -ill be through hell
and high -ater to get their N.i'D.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the characterDs (ursuit o. his
indulgence causes (roble!s .or hi!sel. > or the rest o. the
grou( > during the course o. the session.
=4 Points FTiedHK ,y s(ending 4 Points< the character Nkicks
the habitD during the course o. the session< canceling out this
&..ectK 6ho is that !ysterious !asked !anG $ Cry(tic character
see!s to o(erate on a di..erent le%el o. reality than the -orld
around hi!< kno-ing things nobody else is (ri%y to.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can re7uest a use.ul .act or (iece o. in.or!ation regarding the
(artyDs current situation .ro! the /0 in (ri%ate. This
in.or!ation should be so!ething none o. the other characters
could kno-< e%en -ith success.ul Aore\ Task Checks.
&..ectK The character can .oresee tiny .rag!ents o. the .uture
or inklings o. a destiny yet to co!e. +o- the character deri%es
this kno-ledge %aries .ro! (erson to (erson@ so!e !ay use
Tarot cards or (al!istry< others s-ear by s!oke and tea lea%es<
and others still see the .uture through natural talents alone.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can obtain a %ague %ision o. the not=too=distant .uture > either
(ertaining to the!sel%es< another character< or the (arty as a
-hole. 6hile accurate< this %ision is o(en=ended enough to
allo- a nu!ber o. inter(retations.
=3 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 3 Points< the character
can obtain a clear and un!istakable %ision o. the not=too=
distant .uture > either (ertaining to the!sel%es< another
character< or the (arty as a -hole. This %ision is lucid enough
that there is no doubt as to -hat is ha((ening< but still gi%en
-ithout conte't.
'e (arefu# of forgetfu#ness. Your
#u(%y (o#or is1 b#ue; 1Forget
3#ou! Strife
!ideti# Memor)
The character is blessed -ith an unusually shar( !e!ory< being
able to recall al!ost anything read< seen or heard during the
course o. their li.e > e%en !inute details are retained (recisely
and co!(letely.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the
characterDs (layer can ask the /0 to re(eat any one (iece o.
in.or!ation the character has (re%iously learned.
Fa#e in t/e Cro*d
&..ectK The character has the kind o. .eatures that Cust doesn?t
stay in the !e!ory@ those -ho see hi! once -ill rarely
re!e!ber hi! e%en .i%e !inutes later.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the characterDs anony!ity
results in allies being unable to recogniEe hi! during the
course o. the session.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can auto!atically esca(e recognition and detection in a
situation in -hich he is under scrutiny.
=1 Points FTiedHK ,y s(ending 1 Points< the character can
ensure that no reliable (er!anent records are ke(t on hi!@
(hotogra(hs and (hysical descri(tions are %ague enough to
al!ost guarantee nobody -ill e%er recogniEe hi! on the street.
&..ectK The character is (lagued by %i%id .lashbacks to a (ast
she canDt entirely re!e!ber. So (o-er.ul are these .lashbacks
that she essentially Nreli%esD the e'(erience< losing all
connection to the outside -orld.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
undergoes a .lashback i!(arting so!e (iece o. in.or!ation
use.ul to the character or (arty< either i!!ediately or in the
near .uture.
Z1 Point FS(ontaneousHK 9or 1 Point< the character
undergoes a .lashback at a critical Cuncture< lea%ing the!
obli%ious to the outside -orld .or the rest o. the Scene. During
this ti!e< they !ay not act< and auto!atically .ail any Task
Checks they are re7uired to !ake.
Geta*a) in$
&..ectK Cars< trains< (lanes< and airshi(s > -hen thereDs a need
to get so!e-here .ast< the character kno-s e'actly -here to
rustle u( trans(ortation.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can .ind an a((ro(riate %ehicle or !ount to co!!andeer during
a chase or geta-ay scene. 2ote that this does nothing .or their
actual ability to (ilot or ride their Ndisco%eryD.
=# Points FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending # Points< a %ehicle the
character a((ro(riated -ill !anage to !iraculously hold
together .or the duration o. a chase or esca(e atte!(t<
regardless o. ho- !uch da!age it sustains in the (rocess.
+o-e%er< the %ehicle -ill i!!ediately break do-n a.ter the
action is o%er< and -ill need to be re(aired > or re(laced >
be.ore it can be used again.
Grand !ntran#e
&..ectK So!e characters ha%e a knack o. arri%ing at Cust the
right !o!ent.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can instantly Coin > or reCoin > a grou( at any (oint during a
session@ in the !iddle o. a desert< on a battle.ield< ato( a
deserted !ountain (eak. +o- and -hy the character ha((ens
to be sho- u( there is le.t u( to the grou(Ds i!agination.
Hei$/tened "enses
&..ectK The character has enhanced hearing< s!ell< or sight<
allo-ing her to s(ot things that -ould nor!ally not be ob%ious.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can reroll any $-areness or Perce(tion Skill Test.
=1 Point FTiedHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the characterDs senses
unco%er a secret or hel( the (arty o%erco!e an obstacle during
the course o. a session.
3nno#ent Abroad
&..ectK So!e characters are so hard=bitten and -orld=-eary
that nothing can sur(rise the! any !ore. 8thers ste( into
ad%enturing li.e -ith a certain !easure o. innocence > and
natural gullibility.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the character -ill .all .or a
dangerous ruse or sca! during the course o. the session > .ake
charities< NlegendaryD ite!s o. dubious authenticity< or robed
strangers asking the! to retrie%e the Doo! ,ook they need to
cure their (oor< sick grand!other.
.one %olf
&..ectK The character is ill at ease around the co!(any o.
others@ her (oor ability to Cudge res(onses and gru.. de!eanor
tend to cause o..ense !ore o.ten than not.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< all .ailed Task Checks in%ol%ing
Social Skills during the course o. the session beco!e Critical
9ailures. $ny Critical Successes on these Task Checks are
&..ectK So!e characters are naturally ill at ease around
technology< (re.erring not to get in%ol%ed -ith it unless no
other alternati%e (resents itsel.@ e%en then< their gras( o.
co!(le' de%ices is likely to be sli((ery at best.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< all .ailed Task Checks in%ol%ing
!achinery and co!(le' e7ui(!ent during the course o. the
session beco!e Critical 9ailures. $ny Critical Successes on these
Task Checks are ignored.
&..ectK The character has a !inor ail!ent > shooting cra!(s<
slee(ing sickness< or generally (oor health > that tends to
inca(acitate the! at ino((ortune !o!ents.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the charactersDs !alady
!ani.ests itsel. during the course o. the session< (utting the!
out o. co!!ission .or the duration o. a Scene.
Z3 Points FTiedHK 9or 3 Points< the characterDs !alady -ill
lea%e the! inca(acitated .or the !aCority o. the session.
&..ectK The character su..ers .ro! a dee(=seated< (athological
.ear o. so!ething > heights< insects< .ire< darkness< root
%egetables< 0alborosY Decide the obCect o. .ear in 7uestion
-hen .irst choosing this Trait@ the character -ill not -illingly
e'(ose the!sel%es to it unless circu!stances lea%e the! -ith
no other alternati%e.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the charactersDs (hobia
(re%ents the! .ro! carrying out an $ttribute Check< Skill Test or
other action o. i!(ort during the course o. the session.
=3 Points FTiedHK ,y s(ending 3 Points< the character
!anages to circu!%ent their (hobia during the course o. the
session< canceling out this Trait.
"e#r!t Pla#!
&..ectK The character kno-s the location o. a (lace -hose
-hereabouts are not kno-n to !ost o. the -orld > a hidden
treasure cache< a secreti%e %illage< an ancient shrine or te!(le.
This (lace !ay ha%e signi.icance to the story as a -hole< or
si!(ly hold i!(ortant treasure@ de.ine -hat the (lace is -hen
taking this Trait.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can learn one i!(ortant thing about a tra(< (uEEle< de%ice<
treasure< or !onster in the (lace in 7uestion.
=# Point FTiedHK ,y s(ending # Points< the character can
guide other characters to the (lace in 7uestion during the
course o. the session. 2o 2a%igation rolls are needed.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 1 Point is earned i. an o((onent or hostile
(o-er begins acti%ely seeking out the (lace in 7uestion during
the course o. the session.
"plit Personalit)
&..ectK The characterDs (ersonality is .ractured< s(lit into a
nu!ber o. distincti%e NidentitiesD -hich .ight .or control o. the
character. Deter!ine the nu!ber and ty(e o. (ersonalities the
character has -hen choosing this Trait.
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
is taken o%er by another (ersonality ca(able o. hel(ing the
(arty sur!ount a challenge or obstacle they are currently
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< one o. the characterDs
(ersonalities takes o%er No..=ca!eraD during the course o. the
session< causing (roble!s .or the NrealD character .urther do-n
the line. The (ersonality in 7uestion could end u( (icking a
.ight -ith the local constabulary< shake do-n local sho(kee(ers<
or e%en betray the (artyDs -hereabouts to ene!y hench!en.
"trai$/t Arro*
&..ectK The character has unusually u(standing !oral %alues
and disar!ing honesty > the kind o. !an -ho (rides hi!sel. on
being able to read anotherDs character o.. the basis o. a
=1 Point FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending 1 Point< the character
can instantly deter!ine the truth.ulness o. any one state!ent
or (erson.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the characterDs o%er-hel!ing
honesty causes trouble .or the (arty during the course o. the
'ra,elin$ "i#kness
&..ectK Sailboats. Trains. Cars. $irshi(s. Put a character -ith
Tra%eling Sickness on a !o%ing %ehicle< and -hat ha((ens ne't
is .ar .ro! (retty.
Z1 Point FS(ontaneousHK 1 Point is earned e%ery ti!e the
character su..ers se%ere< inca(acitating nausea .ro! being
onboard a !o%ing %ehicle< unless !edicated be.orehand > the
Ite! Tran7uiliEer -orks -onders in this regard.
&..ectK The character has s-orn re%enge on so!eone > or
so!ething > and -ill not rest until she gets it. Deter!ine -hat
the character has s-orn 4engeance against and -hy -hen
choosing this Trait.
Z1 Point FTiedHK 9or 1 Point< the characterDs irrational (ursuit
o. re%enge lea%es her in a dangerous or li.e=threatening
situation during the course o. the session.
%alkin$ +isaster
&..ectK V6alking disasterW is as a(t a descri(tion o. the
characterDs acti%ities as any@ he see!s literally inca(able o.
.ouling anything u( -ithout turning it into a s(ectacular
Z# Points FTiedHK 9or # Points< e%ery .ailed Task Check during
the course o. the session is counted as a ,otch.
&..ectK Through training or natural selection< the character is
ca(able o. s(ending e'tended (eriods o. ti!e under-ater
-ithout any serious ill e..ects< e%en -ithout a (ro(er breathing
=# Points FS(ontaneousHK ,y s(ending # Points< the
character can s(end a scene< $bility Check< or Skill Test
sub!erged under-ater -ith no ill e..ects.
Changing Traits
Traits arenDt necessarily (er!anent@ a character !ay lose or
ac7uire any nu!ber during the course o. their ad%entures< e%en
i. they only started -ith a basic Trait Package. *e!o%ing and
adding Traits should be only done i. both (layer and /0 agree
the changes are a((ro(riate@ so!e Traits also allo- (layers to
Ncash outD o. their o-n %olition. The one e'ce(tion to this is the
characterDs Trait Package@ changes in a characterDs (ersonality
can result in so!e o. the attributes listed in the (ackage no
longer a((lying. 9or this reason< a (layer is at liberty to change
their Trait Package at the beginning or end o. a session<
(ro%ided they in.or! e%eryone else o. any changes !ade.
0any o. the !ore co!(le' Trait e..ects introduced in the
(re%ious section are Tied rather than S(ontaneous. Due to their
(otential i!(acts on the (lot< it is i!(ortant to allo- a /0 ti!e
to (re(are .or their use and s!ooth out (otential con.licts. 9or
this reason< the use o. Tied e..ects should be (lanned out
be.ore the session begins@ take .i.teen or t-enty !inutes as a
grou( and re%ie- a((licable Traits< con.erring -ith each other
regarding the sha(e o. the session and the course it?s going to
,y NtyingD Trait e..ects into a session< the (layer can clai! ;ey
Points u( .ront in e'change .or a co!(lication during the
course o. a session. $ (layer -hose character su..ers .ro! a
Stig!a< .or instance< can o(t to ?build? a situation into the
ad%enture in -hich that Stig!a causes trouble .or the
character. Points earned in this !anner can then be used to
sur!ount those challenges or sa%ed u( .or !ore NseriousD
(roble!s encountered .urther do-n the line.
&ach character can tie u( to three o. their Traits into a
session< though /0s !ay li!it this to one or t-o< de(ending on
the length o. the session at hand. It is also i!(ortant that
characters -ork together to ensure the co!bined e..ects donDt
o%er-hel! the session > in other -ords< a%oid ha%ing an $lly
turn traitor< 9a!ily Ties turn sour< a 2e!esis resur.ace< and a
+unted character suddenly ha%e to deal -ith a (assel o. bounty
hunters all in the sa!e session.
Still< e%en -ith a !ini!u! o. Trait disru(tion< it !ay not be
(ossible to .it e%ery Trait e..ect into the sessionDs li!ited
running ti!e. I. it turns out that a /0 doesnDt ha%e ade7uate
o((ortunity to -ork in a tied Trait e..ect< the character?s (layer
can either gi%e back the ;ey Points earned or > i. they ha%e
already s(ent the! > treat the! as an ?debt?. In the case o. a
debt< the e..ect in 7uestion re!ains tied until it is used in (lay<
and cannot be tied again until then. Tied Trait e..ects can also
be %oluntarily ?untied? during the course o. a session by the
(layer be.ore they occur by returning the ;ey Points earned
.ro! the!.
$s this is the .inal glossary in this book< the list o. ter!s is
shorter than in (re%ious cha(ters.
Dra!atic Traits. Certain 7ualities o. a character that canDt be
re(resented through Skills< $ttributes< or $bilities.
;ey Points. NCurrencyD used to sha(e the (rogress o. a story.
;ey Traits. Positi%e and negati%e -ords used to describe a
characterDs (ersonality.
S(ontaneous. :sed to describe a Trait e..ect that can be
used at any ti!e.
Tied. :sed to describe a Trait e..ect that re7uires ad%ance
(lanning to use.
Trait Package. The N(ackageD o. (ersonality attributes e%ery
character (ossesses.
Glossary and Inde@
$bility. $ s(ecial (o-er (ossessed by a Job.
$bility $ction. $ny $ction using Slo-< 9ast< or 0agic $bilities< including S(ells.
$bility Set. $ll $bilities a%ailable to a gi%en Job or character.
$bsorbance F$H. :sed to designate a co!batantDs ability to absorb a gi%en category o. &le!ental da!age.
$ccessory. &nchanted relics used to boost a characterDs ca(abilities.
$ccessory Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used to e7ui( $ccessories.
$ction Phase. Phase during -hich the (artici(ants act.
$d%enture. 8ne=o.. 7uests or series o. e%ents -ith a .i'ed goal.
$d%antage. $ character 7uirk that a..ects the characterDs co!bat (er.or!ance in a (ositi%e -ay.
$d%erse Terrain. Terrain that reduces !o%e!ent by 10Q.
$rcane 0agic. $ny S(ell that deals da!age< but is not directly associated -ith one o. the Co!bat &le!ents.
$r!or ,ase. ,ase %alue deter!ining a !onsterDs o%erall $*0.
$ttack $ction. $ttacking an o((onent -ith an e7ui((ed 6ea(on.
$ttribute. 8ne o. a nu!ber o. stats tracking a characterDs (hysical and !ental ca(abilities.
$ttribute Ca(. 0a'i!u! %alue an $ttribute can ha%e. Deter!ined by Job and *ace.
$ttribute Point. Points that can be s(ent on de.ining and increasing the characterDs $ttributes.
$ttribute *ating. 2u!ber !easuring a characterDs ability in a gi%en $ttribute.
$rti.act. $ (iece o. e7ui(!ent -hich !ay not be bought in stores< but can be .ound !ulti(le ti!es.
$uto!atic 0iss. $ ,otch in an $ttack $ction.
$%ailability *ating. $ nu!erical re(resentation o. an ite!Ds general rarity.
$%ailability *oll. $ dQ roll !ade to see -hether an ite! is in stock. The target nu!ber is the ite!Ds $%ailability *ating.
,ody Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used to e7ui( 0ail< Suits and *obes.
,otch. $ critical .ailure on a Percentile *oll . 8ccurs on un!odi.ied rolls o. "1 to 100.
,ra-ling. $ttack $ctions -ithout a 6ea(on e7ui((ed.
,u... $ny e..ect that i!(ro%es a characterDs abilities or (o-er< as -ith Status Conditions like Po-er :(.
,uild. $ (re!editated design or te!(late .or a character< usually de%elo(ed around a s(eci.ic set o. $d%antages< $ttributes< and
Ca!(aign. $ continuous narrati%e built u( .ro! interlinking ad%entures.
Charge Ti!e. The delay bet-een -hen a character decides to use a Slo- $bility and its acti%ation.
Class. $ generalised (ro.ession.
Co!bat &le!ents. The &le!ents o. 9ire< 6ater< 6ind< &arth< Ice< Aightning< Poison< +oly and Shado-.
Co!bat 0o%e!ent. 0o%e!ent undertaken as (art o. an attack.
Co!(le'ity /rade. 0easure o. a cra.ting (roCectDs co!(le'ity.
Conditional 0odi.ier. 0odi.ier a((lied to Task Checks based on ho- easy > or di..icult > the task at hand is.
CoS. Short .or NChance o. SuccessD. $ target nu!ber .or !ost task resolution rolls in the 99*P/.
Cra.t Point. 0easure o. ra- !aterials. Consu!ed to create things.
Critical +it. $ Critical Success in an $ttack $ction.
Critical InCuries. InCuries se%ere enough to gi%e characters te!(orary or (er!anent Status Conditions.
Critical Success. $n unusually good result on a Percentile *oll . 8ccurs on un!odi.ied rolls o. 1 to 10.
dQ. $ die roll using t-o ten=sided dice to generate a total N(ercentageD.
Da!age Ca(. *estriction li!iting the a!ount o. da!age done by any one attack to """ +P or 0P.
Da!age Die. Die > or dice > rolled and added to an attackDs da!age.
Da!age Scale. 0ulti(lier that gi%es an attackDs basic da!age.
De.ault $ttribute. The $ttribute that has the strongest e..ect on a character?s chance o. success -ith a gi%en Skill . The De.ault
$ttribute?s *ating can substitute .or a Skill *ating in certain cases.
Debu... $ny e..ect that reduces a characterDs abilities or (o-er. The 6eaken Status Conditions are one e'a!(le o. this.
De.ense $ction. /i%ing u( all $ctions and bracing .or da!age.
Di..icult Terrain. Terrain that reduces !o%e!ent by #1Q.
Disad%antage. $ character 7uirk that a..ects the characterDs co!bat (er.or!ance in a negati%e -ay.
Dot. Deri%ed .ro! the acrony! D8T > NDa!age 8%er Ti!eD. &..ects such as Poison and Sa( .all into this category.
Durability. $ !easure o. ho- !any hits it takes to destroy an en%iron!ental .eature.
&le!ental. See Co!bat &le!ents.
&le!ental 0agic. $ny S(ell that deals da!age associated -ith one o. the Co!bat &le!ents.
&7ui(!ent $bility. S(ecial (ro(erties tied to a gi%en (iece o. e7ui(!ent.
&7ui(!ent Tier. $ nu!ber .ro! 1 to 10< !easuring an ite!?s general rarity.
&7ui((ed. Ter! used .or e7ui(!ent the character -ears or kee(s to hand.
&sca(e $ction. $ction resulting .ro! a co!batantDs atte!(ts to -ithdra- to a (osition.
&'tre!e Initiati%e. $n Initiati%e o. 31 or higher. &ntitles a co!batant to additional $ctions.
9ast $bility. $n $bility that re7uires no (re(aration ti!e.
9lat CoS. $ chance o. success that al-ays re!ains the sa!e.
9udging. Ignoring the result o. a roll and deciding -hat the outco!e should be< e%en i. it is di..erent .ro! -hat the roll -ould ha%e
nor!ally (roduced. /enerally done by the /0 i. the roll -ould cause serious (roble!s .or the ga!e at hand< though so!e -ill use it to
?cheat? the (layers.
9ull= 0o%e $ction. $n $ction s(ent entirely on !o%e!ent.
/a!e!aster F/0H. ?AeaderD o. the ga!e. Sets challenges and details the -orld.
/rognard. 2ickna!e .or older< !ore conser%ati%e ga!ers -ho tend to be dee(ly in%ol%ed in their hobby.
+ands Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used to e7ui( $r!-ear and /auntlets.
+ead Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used to e7ui( +ats and +el!ets.
+it ,ase. ,ase %alue deter!ining a !onsterDs o%erall +P.
+it Die. Die rolled to deter!ine a characterDs +it Points.
+it Points F+PH. $ re.lection o. the character?s general (hysical condition.
+ouse *ules. T-eaks and changes !ade to a basic *P/ ruleset.
I!!unity FIH. :sed to designate a co!batantDs i!!unity to a gi%en category o. &le!ental da!age or Status Condition.
Initiati%e. Score that deter!ines -hen actions are taken.
Initiati%e Phase. Phase during -hich the order o. the (artici(antsD actions is deter!ined.
Intuiti%e 0agic. ?0inor? S(ells created on the .ly by casters.
Intuiti%e Skill. $ Skill -hose De.ault $ttribute?s *ating !ay be used in (lace o. a Skill *ating i. the character does not (ossess the Skill
in 7uestion.
In%ention Ae%el. 0easure o. an In%entionDs o%erall (o-er.
In%entory Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used .or (otions< thro-ing -ea(ons< a!!unition and other NlooseD ite!s.
Ite! $ction. $ction in%ol%ing using ite!s or changing e7ui(!ent in=battle.
Job. $ s(ecialised (ro.ession.
;ey Ite!. Ite! signi.icant to the (lot or ad%enture.
;ey Points. NCurrencyD used to sha(e the (rogress o. a story.
;ey Traits. Positi%e and negati%e -ords used to describe a characterDs (ersonality.
Aearned Skill. $ Skill -hose *ating cannot be re(laced by a De.ault $ttribute?s *ating i. the character does not (ossess it.
Aegendary. $ (iece o. e7ui(!ent that only e'ists once on any gi%en -orld.
Ae%el. $ re.lection o. a character?s e'(erience le%el. ,ased on the total nu!ber o. JP that character (ossesses.
0agic $bilities. S(ells and s(ell=like $bilities.
0agic $r!or ,ase. ,ase %alue deter!ining a !onsterDs 0. $*0.
0agic ,ase. ,ase %alue deter!ining the !onsterDs o%erall 0P.
0agic Die. Die rolled to deter!ine a characterDs 0agic Points.
0agic Points F0PH. The re(resentation o. a character?s reser%oir o. s(ellcasting energy.
0agical. 0agical da!age not associated -ith a Co!bat &le!ent .
0in=0a'ing. The (ractice o. Cuggling character $ttributes< Skills and e7ui(!ent .or !a'i!u! e..ecti%eness in co!bat.
0odi.ier. $ny additional (ro(erty attached to a basic $ttack to enhance its e..ects. Can also be used in conCunction -ith $bilities in so!e
0onster 9a!ily. $ grou(ing o. !onsters -ho share si!ilar characteristics.
0onty +aul. Derisi%e nickna!e .or ad%entures that e'ist allo- characters to ac7uire increasingly ludicrous le%els o. !oney and
o%er(o-ered e7ui(!ent .or relati%ely little e..ort.
0unchkin. 2ickna!e .or (layers (reoccu(ied -ith .inding e%er !ore elaborate !eans o. boosting their charactersD (o-er to obscene
le%els. 0unchkins !ay o.ten take ad%antage o. loo(holes in the rules to do this@ .or this reason< the !ost e..ecti%e !unchkins -ill also be
relentless *ules Aa-yers.
2on=Player Character F2PCH. $ny character -hose actions are controlled by the /0 rather than the (layers.
not *e.lectable. $ s(ell that is una..ected by the Status Condition *e.lect. Designated as 2* in Cha(ter K 0agic.
2uke. To deal a large a!ount o. da!age in a single attack. ?2ukers? usually tend to be 0age Jobs.
8((osed Task Check. Task Check in -hich t-o or !ore (artici(ants !ake a dQ roll.
8(tional *ule. *ules designed to be used at a /0Ds discretion.
Percentile *oll . $ roll !ade using a dQ.
Phase. Seg!ents o. a *ound. 0ost *ounds ha%e three (hases.
Pincer $ttack. ,attle in -hich one side co!(lete encircles the other.
Player Character FPCH. $ny character -hose actions are controlled by one o. the (layers.
Pree!(ti%e *ound. S(ecialiEed *ound resulting .ro! a!bush.
*acial 0a'i!u!. $ hard li!it on starting $ttributes de.ined by a characterDs choice o. race.
*acial 0odi.ier. $ !odi.ier i!(osed to a Task Check as a result o. a race?s uni7ue (hysiology.
*eaction $bility. $n $bility that only triggers under certain circu!stances.
*eco%ery 0agic. S(ells that restore +P or 0P< or re!o%e har!.ul Status Conditions.
*e.lectable. $ s(ell that can be a..ected by the Status Condition *e.lect. Designated as * in Cha(ter K 0agic.
*esistance F*H. :sed to designate a co!batantDs resistance to a gi%en category o. &le!ental da!age.
*ound. ,asic unit o. ti!e in 99*P/ co!bat. $ battle -ill o.ten be !ade u( o. !ulti(le *ounds.
*ule o. 1. *ule stating that the s!allest a!ount o. da!age any one attack can in.lict is 1 +P.
*ule o. 10. *ule stating that the lo-est a CoS can be reduced to is 10 > !aking the roll under these circu!stances is not a Critical
Success< but an against=all=odds one.
*ules Aa-yer. 2ickna!e .or (layers -ith an encyclo(edic kno-ledge o. the rules and habit o. arguing their !inutiae at e%ery (ossible
Scale. $ !easure o. large an en%iron!ental .eature. This %alue is used to calculate da!age in.licted by the .eature.
Scene. ,asic unit o. ti!e in the 99*P/. $ scene ends -ith a change in location or the (assage o. ti!e.
Shield Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used to e7ui( a Shield< second 6ea(on or t-o=handed 6ea(on.
SiEe /rade. 0easure o. a cra.ting (roCectDs siEe.
Skill. $ (articular body o. kno-ledge used by a character< !easured %ia a nu!erical rating.
Skill $(titude. $ category o. Skills a character can learn at a reduced rate due to their training in that .ield.
Skill Point. Points that can be s(ent on de.ining and increasing the characterDs Skills .
Skill *ating. 2u!ber !easuring a characterDs (ro.iciency in a gi%en Skill .
Slo- $bility. $n $bility that re7uires (re(aration ti!e.
S(a!. *e(etiti%e use o. a single attack o%er and o%er.
S(ellblade 0agic. S(ells that (ri!arily a..ect a 6ea(on rather than a target.
S(ontaneous. :sed to describe a Trait e..ect that can be used at any ti!e.
Status Conditions. S(ecial conditions > (ositi%e or negati%e >that can a..ect a characterDs ca(acities and abilities.
Status 0agic. $ny S(ell -hich adds har!.ul or gain.ul Status Conditions to one or !ore targets.
Status Phase. Phase during -hich book=kee(ing .or Status Conditions takes (lace.
Su((ort $bility. $n $bility that is al-ays acti%e.
Su((ort 0agic. S(ells -hich do not directly a..ect co!batants or their o((onents< or -hich by(ass !agical &%asions by de.ault.
Synergy ,onus. $ bonus to a Task Check granted by co!(atible Skills and $ttributes.
Tank. Character or Job -hose (ri!ary role in a battle is to .ight on the .ront line and absorb the bulk o. the da!age dealt. This role is
usually .illed by 6arrior Jobs.
Task Check. $ Percentile *oll used to deter!ine the success or .ailure o. a task using one o. a characterDs Skills or $bilities.
Tied. :sed to describe a Trait e..ect that re7uires ad%ance (lanning to use.
Ti!er. &'(ression used .or the duration o. a Status Condition or s(ecial e..ect.
Trigger $ction. $n $ction in%ol%ing a Task Check.
TP;. $crony! .or NTotal Party ;illD > a disastrous e%ent in -hich e%ery PC dies. So!eti!es also kno-n as /a!e 8%er.
Trait Package. The N(ackageD o. (ersonality attributes e%ery character (ossesses.
Traits. Certain 7ualities o. a character that canDt be re(resented through Skills < $ttributes< or $bilities.
:nconscious. Condition in -hich a PC or 2PC has been reduced to 0 or .e-er +P.
6ait. Delay acting .or a certain nu!ber o. ticks.
6ainscotting. 8%er=describing tri%ial en%iron!ental details Fe.g. the -all(a(er in a roo!H.
6eakness F6H. :sed to designate a co!batantDs -eakness to a gi%en category o. &le!ental da!age.
6ea(on Slot. &7ui(!ent slot used to e7ui( a 6ea(on.
6orksho( +our. 8ne hour o. uninterru(ted -ork in a s(ace that has all the !aterials and e7ui(!ent needed .or the cra.ter to do his
JP. $ !easure o. a character?s gro-th in e'(erience and (ersonal ca(abilities< increased by certain actions and achie%e!ents -ithin the

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