Apollo S Gold

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Apollos Gold, by Antoinette Moses

CHAPTER 1 1. Put the events in the right order. a. Stavros was looking at an old Greek pot. b. Stavros agreed with the doctor. c. Lizs doctor told her to take a holiday. d. Liz went to see her boss, Stavros. e. Stavros told her to go to his home on the island of Sifnos. f. Liz didnt want to take time off work. g. Liz went to see her doctor. h. Liz tho ght she co ld stay at home for a few days. CHAPTER 2 1. Match the beginnings and endings. !. "n the boat to Sifnos a. Liz sat in the s n on the deck. #. $n her g idebook b. when a man on the yacht called, %&ello, bea tif l'. (. $n the past c. the people on the island gave gold to the s n god, Apollo. ). Liz hated it d. in a taverna near a shop that sold *ewellery. +. Liz had l nch e. Liz read a story she didnt know. CHAPTER 1. !oo" at the #ords in italics. $hat is it or them% a. %,he plastic chairs in the caf- are new and some of the ho ses are new, b t it feels old. b. %... .l e ntil it meets the sky. c. %... as an archaeologist, $ fo nd them very interesting. d. %. t $ didnt open them. $ * st looked at the sea and watched the fishermen. e. %&ow old is it& professor/ f. %... a few bits here and there. 0ot many people know where it is. g. %Its a good place to fish. ,here are caves nder the water. CHAPTER ' 1. (ecide #hether the )ollo#ing sentences are true *T+ or )alse *)+. a. 1iannis died in the fire. b. ,he fishermen co ldnt help 1iannis. c. 1iannis drank too m ch. d. Liz phoned Stavros from 2lenis taverna. e. 1iannis was an old friend of Stavross family. f. Liz listened to the men who killed 1iannis. CHAPTER , 1. Match the beginnings and endings o) the )ollo#ing sentences. !. Liz asked her boss Stavros a. to have l nch on the yacht the ne3t day. #. Stavros told Liz to be caref l b. he told her to go away. (. Mike invited Liz c. beca se the men on the yacht were dangero s. ). 4hen ,akis saw Liz step on the yacht d. they were going to have f n together. +. Mike told Liz that e. if there was gold in the mines.


1. Put the events in the right order. a. Liz asked Mike abo t his work. b.,akis told Mike to kill her later. c. Mike decided to kill Liz. d. Liz ran away from Mike. e. ,he yacht stopped near some high rocks. f. Liz fo nd the g n c pboard downstairs. g. Mike tried to kiss Liz. CHAPER . 1. Co/plete the su//ar0. ,akis told Liz that he worked for an ............... police force. &e also said the men on the boat were .............. who were selling ............... . 4hen Liz * mped into the sea, Mike came back on deck and ............... at her. ,hen Mike ............... ,akis. Mr 5ohn came on deck and asked what was happening. Mike told him that Liz knew abo t the g ns. Mr 5ohn had a lot of ............... to ask ,akis before he ............... him. CHAPTER 1 4hat three things does Liz always have in her pockets/ CHAPTER 2 1. Correct the su//ar0. Mike p t Liz and ,akis in the cave. ,akis looked terrible and co ldnt speak. Liz took the Swiss army knife and c t ,akis and herself free. ,akis told Liz to leave b t she stayed with him. ,akis needed a doctor b t Liz co ldnt do anything. ,hey talked and ,akis told Liz he was married and had children. After half an ho r, they heard the yacht again, and Mike came into the cave. &e said, %Mr 5ohn needs to talk to yo . 2. $hat did Ta"is and !i3 tal" about in the cave% a family b Greece c holidays d archaeology e .ritain f books g m sic h *obs i 1iannis CHAPTER 14 1. $ho said #hat% !i3 5 Ta"is 5 Mr 6ohn 5 7tavros a. %.e caref l with that g n. 1o nearly killed me too. b. %$m not leaving yo alone like this. c. %1o are beginning to make me angry. d. %4hen $ co ldnt find yo in 6o lati, $ spoke to the police, to 0ikos. e. %. t $ think $ fo nd something m ch better than gold in Aghios Sostis. f. %$m glad yo feel like that, Liz. .eca se $ feel like that, too.

Apollos Gold, by Antoinette Moses



1. g, c, d, a, f, b, h, e CHAPTER 2 1. ! a, # e, ( c, ) b, + d CHAPTER 1. a. 6o lati b. ,he sea c. ,he old paths d. Lizs books e. ,he old pot that 1iannis fo nd f. Gold g. Aghios Sostis CHAPTER ' 1. a ,, b ,, c 7, d 7, e ,, f 7 CHAPTER , 1. ! e, # c, ( a, ) b, + d CHAPTER 1. e, a, g, d, f, c, b CHAPTER . 1. ,akis told Liz that he worked for an international police force. &e also said the men on the boat were terrorists who were selling guns. 4hen Liz * mped into the sea, Mike came back on deck and shot at her. ,hen Mike hit ,akis. Mr 5ohn came on deck and asked what was happening. Mike told him that Liz knew abo t the g ns. Mr 5ohn had a lot of :uestions to ask ,akis before he "illed him. CHAPTER 1 1. A torch, a magnifying glass, a Swiss army knife. CHAPTER 2 1. Mike put Liz and Takis in the cave. Takis looked terrible and couldnt speak. Takis took the Swiss army knife and cut Liz and himself free. Takis told Liz to leave but she stayed with him. Takis needed a doctor but Liz couldnt do anything. They talked and Takis told Liz he was once married and didnt have children. After an hour or two, they heard the yacht again and Mike came into the cave. !e said "Mr #ohn doesnt need to talk to you. 2. Yes$ a, b, d, f, g, h No: c, e, i CHAPTER 14 1. a Takis b Liz c Mr #ohn d Stavros e Liz f Takis

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