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All About Birds

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Unit Author

First and Last Name %uthor's E(mail %ddress Course Name Course Num!er/s0 Course 4ection/s0 5nstructor/s0 Name/s0
Unit Overview Unit Plan Title

Eli a!eth "linde, #rannin $etit, and %my &iator Eolind)* !petit,* aviato-* EL.C ,123 4ection ) 6e!!ie 7eroman

%ll %!out #irds "ur main goal is to educate the students a!out !irds. 4peci9ically: ( The origin and evolution o9 !irds ( The 7istory o9 the 4tate and National #irds ( 6i99erent species o9 !irds 4ocial 4tudies( 7ow can we help prevent !irds like the !ald eagle 9rom !ecoming an endangered species; Language %rts( <hat is the di99erent !etween 9iction and non(9iction, and what are di99erent species o9 !irds; 4cience( <hat are the di99erent ways that !irds adapt to their environment;

Curriculum-Framing Questions


Content :uestions

Unit Summary

Educate students a!out !irds.

Subject Area(s /List all su!=ects that apply0

4ocial 4tudies, Language %rts, and 4cience

!ra"e #evel >Click !ox/es0 o9 all grade level/s0 that your ?nit targets@

A(B C(D E4L 8i9ted and Talented

-(1 E()B .esource "ther: 8o to the common core

Targete" State Framewor$s%Content Stan"ar"s%&enchmar$s

5NTELF TE%C7 T" T7E F?T?.E with support 9rom Gicroso9t HB222 5ntel Corporation. %ll .ights .eserved

standards on the Louisiana 4tate 6epartment o9 Education we!site. I you don't need to list everything I =ust the ones that speci9ically pertain to your lesson. Lessone 1 Science:

1. GLE 1: Ask questions about objects and events in the environment (e.g., plants, rocks, storms (!"#E#A1 $. GLE $: %ose questions that can be ans&ered b' using students( o&n observations, scienti)ic kno&ledge, and testable scienti)ic investigations (!"#E#A1 *. GLE 11: +se a variet' o) appropriate )ormats to describe procedures and to e,press ideas about demonstrations or e,periments (e.g., dra&ings, journals, reports, presentations, e,hibitions, port)olios (!"#E#ALesson 2- Social Studies 1. CCSS# : .".$.1: Ask and ans&er such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and

how to demonstrate understanding o) ke' details in a te,t. $. CCSS#: .".$./: 0ompare and contrast the most important points presented b' t&o te,ts on the same topic. *. CCSS#: .".$.*: 1escribe the connection bet&een a series o) historical events, scienti)ic ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a te,t
Lesson 3 Language Arts http://www louisianabelie!es co"/docs/co""on-core-state-standardsresources/louisiana-state-standards-#ela-"ath$ pd%&s%!rsn'2 >got standards 9rom this we!site, under standards 9or writing !ookmark, in the grade column@

1. 2$.3 4rite in)ormative5e,planator' te,ts to e,amine a topic and conve' ideas and in)ormation clearl'. $. 2*.3 4rite narratives to develop real or imagined e,periences or events using e))ective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. *. 26.3 0onduct short research projects that build kno&ledge about a topic. 7. 218.3 4rite routinel' over e,tended time )rames (time )or research, re)lection, and revision and shorter time )rames (a single sitting or a da' or t&o )or a range o) discipline#speci)ic tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Stu"ent Objectives%#earning Outcomes

"!=ective 4cience: "!serve the di99erence !etween !irds that live in di99erent ha!itats such as the wetlands, rivers and ponds. 7ow do !irds use the di99erence in their appearance /!eaks, 9eathers, ect.0 to survive in their ha!itat; The o!=ective is that students can identi9y the parts o9 the !ird that are used to adapt to an environment a9ter they complete the activity. "!=ective 4ocial 4tudies: 4tudents should know how the !ald eagle !ecame our national !ird. They should also !e a!le to discuss di99erent environmental issues that caused the !ird to go on the endangered species list; They should !e a!le to list atleast one way to prevent the
5NTELF TE%C7 T" T7E F?T?.E with support 9rom Gicroso9t HB222 5ntel Corporation. %ll .ights .eserved

!irds 9rom !ecoming an endangered species again. "!=ective Language %rts: Learn a!out the di99erence !etween 9iction and non 9iction through the use o9 creative writing while also learning a!out the di99erence species o9 !irds. The o!=ective is that students will !e a!le to write their own short 9iction story. 4tudents will learn a!out di99erent species o9 !irds as well.

Link your daily plan here I link in your group unit 9older.. Lesson ) I 4ciene I #rannin $etit Lesson B I 4ocial 4tudies I Eli a!eth "linde Lesson - I Language %rts I %my Claire &iator
A''ro(imate Time )ee"e"

Lesson ): "ne class period Lesson B: "ne class period Lesson -: Two class period
Prere*uisite S$ills

Lesson ) ). ?se the internet to !rowse speci9ic su!=ect area B. 7ow to use certain search engines -. 7ow to maneuver we!pages in order to get the correct in9ormation ,. 7ow to use kid pix Lesson B ). 7ow to use Gicroso9t <ord. B. 7ow to maneuver we!pages in order to get the correct in9ormation -. 7ow to type pro9iciently. Lesson ). 7ow to write and spell. B. 7ow to type. -. 7ow to maneuver we!pages in order to get in9ormation. ,. 7ow to search 9or pictures on the internet. 1. 7ow to create a :. code.

+aterials an" ,esources

5NTELF TE%C7 T" T7E F?T?.E with support 9rom Gicroso9t HB222 5ntel Corporation. %ll .ights .eserved

Technology I 7ardware /Click !oxes o9 all eJuipment needed0 Camera Laser 6isk Computer/s0 $rinter 6igital Camera $ro=ection 4ystem 6&6 $layer 4canner 5nternet Connection Television Technology I 4o9tware /Click !oxes o9 all so9tware needed.0 6ata!aseK4preadsheet 5mage $rocessing 6esktop $u!lishing 5nternet <e! #rowser E(mail 4o9tware Gultimedia Encyclopedia on C6(."G $rinted Gaterials Lesson ): None Lesson B: Lesson -: None Lesson ): ComputerKor 5pad 6ry earse !oard $enKpencil $aper

&C. &ideo Camera &ideo Con9erencing EJuip. "ther: $ro=ector+ i$ad

<e! $age 6evelopment <ord $rocessing "ther: Aid $ix


Lesson B: Computers 9or each student 5nternet access $ro=ector Computer 9or teacher Lesson -: $orta!le computer la! $ro=ector i$ads $encils Lined paper

Lesson ): http:KKwww.youtu!e.comKwatch;vL2CEuc#(n8B? 5nternet .esources Lesson B: http:55pre9i.com5nv&c:vo9om9q5the#bald#eagle5 Lesson -: http:KKwww.youtu!e.comKwatch;vL?.h=yTo4B:2

5NTELF TE%C7 T" T7E F?T?.E with support 9rom Gicroso9t HB222 5ntel Corporation. %ll .ights .eserved

Lesson ): None Lesson B: None "thers Lesson -: http://birds audubon org/species ;

Accommo"ations -or .i--erentiate" /nstruction

Lesson ): 4pecial Needs: the teacher will !e there to help those kids with special needs. The teacher will walk the student through the assignment while they per9orm the steps to complete the assignment. Lesson B: 4pecial Needs: .epeated directions and assistance will !e given to students that need it. .esource 4tudent Lesson -: Special Needs: Teacher will personally work with the student to explain the assignment. Teacher will also assist them in writing their paper. Teacher will give enough time so that the student with special needs will !e a!le to complete the assignment.

Lesson ): Non(Native: The teacher will do there !est to explain through dialogue and non ver!al communication. Non( ver!al communication may mean pointing at the computer screen and directing where the student should !rowse. The teacher may also pair the non(native student with an %merican student. Lesson B: Non(Native: 4tudent who have trou!le speaking English will !e monitored to make sure they do not need additional assistance. Lesson -: Non-native: Teacher will pair the student with an %merican student who could help the student get started on his or her own individual assignment. 59 necessary, Teacher will use 8oogle translator to explain the direction to the students and clari9y any con9usion that they may have on 9iction and non9iction.

Non(Native English 4peaker

5NTELF TE%C7 T" T7E F?T?.E with support 9rom Gicroso9t HB222 5ntel Corporation. %ll .ights .eserved

Lesson ): % gi9ted student may !e given two di99erent ha!itats and may have to present on !oth o9 them and make two kid pix pictures. 8i9ted 4tudent Lesson B: 4tudents who complete the pro=ect early will participate in independent reading. Lesson -: % gi9ted student would !e reJuired to write a longer story that could !e !etween )(B pages or B(- pages.
Stu"ent Assessment

7ow are you going to assess the whole unit; 5 am including a unit plan ru!ric 9or you to use. Lesson): 8rade Aid $ix illustration on the correct !ird in its ha!itat and the la!eling o9 the adaptive characteristic. Lesson B: 8rade 6irected #rowsing %ctivity !ased on the i9 the students answer the Juestions correctly and completely. Lesson -: 8rade :. Code %ctivity !ased on i9 the student picked a species o9 !irds, created a :. code, and included three 9acts in a short 9iction story.

5NTELF TE%C7 T" T7E F?T?.E with support 9rom Gicroso9t HB222 5ntel Corporation. %ll .ights .eserved

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