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Sequestering Agents | Functions of Sequestering Agents in Dyeing | Characteristics of Sequestering Agents

Introduction: Sequestering agent is a dyeing auxiliaries which is used during dyeing f or removing hardness of water.Sequestering agents combine with calcium and magnesium ions and other heavy metal ions in hard water. T hey f orm molecules in which the ions are held so securely (sequestered) that they can no longer react. T he most undesirable impurities in Fibre, Common salt, Glauber salt, Caustic Soda and Soda ash are the di- and tri-valent cations, e.g., Ca++, Mg ++ Cu ++, Fe+++ etc. T hese ions increase hardness of the process bath and generate iron oxides in the bath. Calcium and Magnesium reacts with alkali and precipitates as a sticky substance on the textile material, which creates patchy dyeing and discoloration of the f ibre. T he f erric oxide with cellulose and creates small pinhole on the f ibres also damages the machinery by scale f ormation in the nozzles and base. To overcome these deleterious ef f ects in the scouring and bleaching bath adequate amount of sequestrant must be used. Sequestrants prevent di-and tri-valent metal ions, e.g., Cu++, Fe +++ , Mn ++, Ca++, Mg++ etc f rom interf ering with the chemical processing of the textile material. It prevents catalytic damage of cellulosic f ibres in bleaching hath during hydrogen peroxide bleaching.

Se q ue s te ring ag e nt

T hus, unwanted metal salts cause a lot of problems in processing. Now, with the f ocus on minimising costs and maximising ef f iciency, consistency and f astness are two important parameters that every dyer would like to achieve f irst time. T his reduces reprocessing costs, making him competitive. T he dyer has to use a suitable sequestering agent in the process, wherever it is required. Selection of the right sequestering agent is very important. First and f oremost, the sequestering agent should chelate of f ending metal ions under the given condition and should f orm a stable complex, which does not decompose over a prolonged processing period. Now a days many other types of sequestering agents are widely used in textile processing. T he three main stages in which sequestering agents are used are 1. Pretreatment 2. Bleaching 3. Dyeing T here are some main type of commercial sequestering agents are: 1. Aminocarboxylic acid base products

2. Phosphates and Phosphonates 3. Hydroxy carbroxylates 4. Polyacrylates 5. Sugar acrylates 1. Aminolycarboxylates In aminopolycarboxylates, it is assumed that one molecule of sequestering agent complexes with one ion of metal. Depending upon the pH of the medium, i e acidic, neutral or alkaline, the pref erential sequestering order or each product could change. Some of the characteristics of some of these sequestering agents are summarised as below: EDTA: Good sequestering agent f or calcium and magnesium at alkaline pH but no sequestering agents on Fe3+ at alkaline pH. Not stable with oxidising agents. Low solubility in acidic medium. NTA: Sequestering of Fe3+ only at acidic pH but sequestering of Cu2+ between pH 3 to 12. Low solubility in acidic medium. Not stable with oxidising agents. DT PA: Good sequestering action Fe3+ under alkaline pH but complexes with alkaline earth salts are less stable than EDTA. slightly more resistant to oxidising agents. Low solubility in acidic medium. 2. Phosphates and Phosphonates T hese sequestering agents are divided in two broad classes: Inorganic polyphosphates such as sodium hexameta phosphate (SHMP), sodium polyphosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium trimeta phosphate, sodium pyrophosphates Phosphonated aminopolycarboxylates such as EDT MP, DET MP, AT MP, HEDP, DT PMP Inorganic phosphates work under specif ic conditions and work as sequestering agents by converting troublesome metal ions into water soluble complex by a process of ion exchange. Phosphates of aminopolycarboxylic acids or phosphonates are derivatives of phosphorous acid and are characterised by a C-P bond, which has stronger hydrolytic stability than the P-O-P bond of polyphosphates. T his type of sequestering agent has emerged as a major class of sequestering agent, since these possess more f eatures than mere chelation. T hese characteristics are: T hreshold ef f ect, i e inhibition of precipitation of CaCO3, CaSo4 with sub-stiochiometric quantities of inhibitor 1. Corrosion inhibition 2. Resistance to hydrolysis 3. Def locculation i.e. stability ef f ect on colloidal suspensions Compared to popular amino polycarhoxylic acid based sequestering agents, these phosphonates based sequestering agents have a high chelation ratio. Apart f rom better chelation value or better chelation ratio, these phosphonates also have better iron chelation than EDTA and NTA. 3. Hydroxy Carboxylic Acids Organic compounds that have several hydroxylic groups of ten have the property of preventing precipitation of bi and trivalent metal cationis in an alkaline medium. Some of the well known products in this category are: Citric acid, Tartaric acid, Gluconic acid and Oxalic acid.

T hese are less important sequestering agents, compared to aminocarboxylic acid or phosphonates. Gluconic acid/sodium gluconate has been f ound to be an ef f ective chelating agent f or iron under alkaline conditions. 4. Polyacrylates Polyacrylates are ef f ective dispersants, with mild chelation values and protective colloid properties. T he chelation values of polyacrylates have no demetallising ef f ect on metal containing dyestuf f s. T hey are completely non f oaming. T hey are very suitable as dyebath conditioners, soaping agents and washing aids. Being non surf ace active agents they are easily rinsable and thus reduce the quantity of water required f or removing their traces f rom the substrates, unlike all surf actants. T he typical chelation values of f ered by polyacrylates do not come close to the chelation values of f ered by amino polycarboxylates or the phosphonates. T his problem has been overcome by development of sugar acrylates. 5. Sugar Acrylates Sugar acrylates have sequestering values as high as amino polycarboxylates or the phosphonates. T hey are biodegradable, ef f ective components in cellulosic f abric pretreatment during desizing, scouring, bleaching and mercerising. T hese products are characteristed by good chelation values f rom the acidic to the alkaline range and f rom temperatures of 45 to 115C. T hey also exhibit no demetalising ef f ect on metal-containing dyestuf f s and are non-f oaming. T hey are ideally recommended in pretreatment f or desizing, scouring and bleaching and as dyebath conditioners during the cellulosic dyeing. Factors to be taken into consideration while selecting a sequestering agent for the process : 1. Stability Constant: As chelation is a reversible reaction, the equilibrium is dependent on the process pH and the concentration of the metal ions and chelating agent, which react together to f orm a chelate. T he stability of the metal complex is expressed in terms of its stability constant. If we represent chelation of metal ion, Mm+ with sequestering agent, An- as: Mm+ + An- MA(m-n) then the stability constant is Ks = MA (m-n) (Mm+) (An-) A high value of Ks indicates high sequestering ef f ect. For example, in the case of aminopolycarboxylates, the stability constant f or same metal iron increases in the order NTA, EDTA, DT PA. In the case of metal ions, the stability constant increases in the order. From the above inf ormation it can be deduced that the NTA-Mg2+ complex has the least stability, whereas DT PA - Fe3+ has the highest stability. T hus, in a process, if more than one metal ion is present, the metal ion having the highest stability will be chelated pref erentially. If chelating agent is present in suf f icient quantity, the metal with the highest stability constant will be chelated completely, f ollowed by the next metal ion in te order given above. Even af ter chelation is complete in this order, if additional metal impurity, with metal having a higher stability constant, is introduced, then this metal ion will displace low stability constant metal ions f rom the complex. For example, Fe3+ displaces Ca2+ f rom a Ca2+ chelating agent complex. Of course, the chelating agent should be capable of chelating Fe3+ under given conditions. 2. T he pH of the Process: T he pH of the system will inf luence the f ormation of the chelation complex. For example, NTA, EDTA cannot chelate Fe3+ under alkaline conditions, whereas DT PA can. HEDP can chelate Fe3+ up to pH 12, and so also gluconic acid. 3. Demetalisation: T his property is particularly important f or dyeing and printing with premetallised dyes - f or example, some direct, reactive and premetallised metal complex dyes. If Ni2+, Cu2+, Cr3+, Co2+ or Fe3+ is present in premetallised dyes, these could be pref erentially chelated ahead of Ca2+ and Mg2+, due to the higher

stability constant of these metal ions. T heref ore pretrials in the lab are required to establish the suitability of the chelating agent, and also to arrive at the optimum concentration f or the given process, when premetallised dyes are to be used. 4. Other Features: Stability of chelate to prolonged process periods, dispersing properties, crystal-growth inhibition, ef f ect on equipment, etc. are also to be considered when selecting a commercial sequestering agent.

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