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Deeper Reading Assignment for ECI 540 Using R.J.

Palacios Wonder Activity 1 Pre-Reading Activity: Anticipation Guide Before Reading 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 The good kids are the ones that adults think are well behaved. The nice kids are the cool kids. When given the choice of being right or being kind, choose kind. It is okay to pick on someone else, in order to keep from getting picked on. Beautiful describes the way something or someone looks. Its okay to say something that is not nice about someone who is not there. Sometimes you have to things you wouldnt normally do in order to be a part of a group. After Reading

1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5

1= Strongly disagree, 2=somewhat disagree, 3=neutral, 4=somewhat agree, 5=strongly agree Reflection As Gallagher(2004) explains, it is important to focus students before a reading assignment in order to help them get the most out of it. An anticipation guide can be used to introduce major themes in a book. It can help students grasp the idea that there are themes that connect various pieces of literature and that are relevant to our lives. Because of their pertinence to students lives, these questions also increase student interest and motivation towards the book. I would use this anticipation guide, and the discussions spurred by the various questions to get students thinking about these sensitive topics before we begin reading the book. Activity 2 Daily Focus Questions: After pp. 15-23, Before pp.24-34 Text Dependent Questions 1. What are some key phrases in this section that help us to understand how August is feeling? 2. What does August mean when he says that Mrs. Garcia was smiling a really shiny smile? 3. What do you think about Mr. Tushman inviting students to the school to meet Auggie? Was it the right thing to do? How does August feel about it? Text Independent Questions 1. Have you ever had an experience where you felt the way August does? How did your

feelings shift throughout the experience? How do you think Augusts feelings will play out in the next section? 2.Mr. Tushman promised August that the student he is going to meet are all nice kids. Do you think that an adults definition of nice kids is the same as a kids definition? 3. August says, Whats cool about really little kids is that they dont say stuff to try to hurt your feelings, even though sometimes they do say stuff that hurts your feelings. He says that when big kids hurt your feelings, they know what they are doing. Do you think he will experience this with this group of friends? What type of things might they say or do that would hurt his feelings? Activity 3 Issues Graphic Organizer Issues People make judgements based on looks. Example(s) in Novel People were scared of Auggie and often assumed he was mentally handicapped, Auggies mom assumes Julian is a nice kid based on her first impression, Vias friends change the way they dress and merge into a different social group Auggie overhears Jack Will telling some other boys that his mom made him be friends with Auggie, he had no idea Auggie was listening. Julians treatment of Auggie in from of his friends, there is no real reason for him not to like Auggies, he is just trying to get a laugh Summer is the one person who accepts Auggie from the beginning, because of her he is able to remain at the school even though other kids are mean to him. Jack Will standing up for Auggie causes other kids to come around. Examples in the Real World students are bullied because of their clothing, looking your best at a job interview is important for getting a job

What we say can hurt others.

Anytime someone hears you say something when you didnt know they were around. Bullies repeatedly say mean things, the victim can end up believing them People who constantly make fun of or insult others are showing their own insecurities

Bullies put others down in order to make themselves look better.

One person can make a difference.

Models of peacemakers throughout history who have inspired others: Ghandi, Dr. King, etc.

Activity 4

Time Line with Questions and Predictions What Happened? Auggie finds out he is going to go to regular school How will the students react to him? Auggie has a bad experience with Julian on the tour Will that cause him to choose not to go to the school? He will decide to go because he enjoyed meeting Charlotte and Jack Will. (I wondered if he would blame Jack & Charlotte, even though it was just Julian who made me feel kind of bad.) Auggie decides to start at the school. Will Jack Will become his friend? Julian makes a comment about Darth Siddious. Is he trying to connect with Auggie or is he being mean. Julian is making a jab at Auggie and will continue to bully him. (I peeked at Julian and he was looking at me. Yeah, he knew what he was saying.) Auggie feels selfconscious and alone at lunch Will an one come sit with him?

Questions That Arise


He will be picked on. (So sending him off to middle school like a lamb to the slaughter, Dad answered angrily)

Jack Will will stick up for him and become his friend. (Jack took up for Auggie when Julian was rude to him, Auggie tells him mom he likes Jack a lot.)

No, he chose to sit alone and the other students dont seem willing to approach him, just to whisper about him and watch from the corner of their eyes.

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