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David Williams

Propaganda Objective After reviewing a Power Point and discussing Propaganda and it is uses, the students will be able to determine how to identify propaganda, and what it is trying to incite with 100% accuracy. Audience 9th Grade World History Materials: Power Point, Paper, and Pencil Motivational Activity: While students are answering questions on Propaganda posters I will give out hints and advice. Explanation- Process 1. Show Power Point 2. Talk on the importance and influences of Propaganda during World War 2 3. Class activity done individually evaluating propaganda posters from World War 2 4. Go over as a class and take it up. Questions 1. Describe the text in the poster in your own words. 2. Who do the figures represent? 3. What is the message of the poster? 4. What action does the poster urge? Activity: Students will look at 5 different pieces of propaganda and identify key pieces if information about it. Assessment: Papers will be taken up and counted. Closure: Get their ideas of what they go from the posters. Have them write one sentence on what they learned on the paper.

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