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Grounded in the sky

Are you trying to find the true meaning of most things? Do you keep looking and wishing for a different reality? DO you believe what you see or see what you believe? Before I star to sound more mysterious, let me try and explain what I have ome to know after !uite a while"

I looked for the answers to the above !uestions in spirituality, but I didn#t find any satisfa tory answers" $hen I looked to % ien e and I didn#t find any answers there either" But then I ame a ross something I hadn#t heard of before& '($A)*+%I,%"

$he whole idea that s ien e and spirituality an be molded into one is !uite astonishing" One would think that they are poles apart one relies on only fa ts and theories being proved- the other doesn#t need fa t as it relies on pure faith and belief" %o what is metaphysi s? It is the pure study of the essen e of things" $here is more than one reality, there are many realities any of whi h may be ade!uate for you thus you live in your own world of realities"

.hat is most interesting is s ientists don#t dare ex ept that this is a bran h of physi s but is only termed as a philosophy" And spiritual gurus don#t ex ept it either, saying it is too s ientifi " But a third reality is that metaphysi s is the marriage of s ien e and spirituality"

'ost things started out as metaphysi al" $here is no differen e between a fa tual statement and a theory" $hey are /ust different models of the same reality" A 0so alled1 fa t may turn out to be a mis on eption and a theory ould well be founded, but reality is how we per eive it"

$his ontradi ts he existen e, for example, of the ele tromagneti field in nature that annot be seen but is proven true by s ien e" But the everyday things around us ould be a omplete falsity, like that ho olate ake you had for desert an be as un lear as a probability theory" $heories are made and erased all the time, in the human mind itself, so in the whole world if humans all around kept reating

theories every minute, how many realities would that be?

A little too mu h for me to deal with that is ertain" $he ore of all these ideas is in its potential and not in its supposed fa tual orre tness"

$o say that the world is entren hed in only one reality is refusing to see the amount of reativity that s ien e offers us to do what we want"

%o the next you tell someone to 0Get 2eal1, you have to ask yourself& .hi h 2eal?

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