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1) Online Forum (20%) Students will discuss TEN topics given online via MyGuru.

Guru. Each topic carries a 2% mark. For each given topic students must post ONE response and comment on at least THREE o their colleagues! responses to get the ull 2% mark. Each response and comment must "e a"out #$%&$ words in length. Enter into any o the topics "elow and start your discussion. 'ou can start with any topic that you like "ut you should have inished discussing all the topics "y the end o the deadline given (Week 10).

TOPICS: 1. How to attract tourists to Malaysia. 2. How to have a healthy mind. 3. How is English language important? 4. Which is more important- the environment or development? . !uggest ways to reduce the impact o" the rising costs o" living in Malaysia. #. What is your "avorite Malaysian cuisine and why. $. %ell a&out a holiday destination that you would love to visit. '. (oes corporal punishment wor) in instilling discipline in Malaysian schools? *. Why has the teaching pro"ession lost its prestige+ and what should &e done? 1,. !uggest ways to reduce our reliance on domestic helps.

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