E-Portfolio Assignment 2

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Dawn Quibell


---Course Prefix Number--Section


Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Write a paragraph on each of the followin !
1" What #i# $ou learn about %lifelon wellness& from ta'in this (eneral )#ucation class* + ha,e ne,er ta'en a rou- fitness class before" + ha,e alwa$s been fairl$ self-conscious an# not reall$ comfortable exercisin in front of -eo-le" + ha# a lot of fun in .umba an# once + was able to et -ast m$ own insecurit$ + foun# that + reall$ en/o$e# -ushin m$ own limits" + uess to sum u- + learne# that + nee# to not let m$ own insecurit$ sto- me from #oin thin s that will ultimatel$ be oo# for me"

0" 1ow woul# $ou a--l$ this information to $our life* + thin' that + woul# sa$ that in eneral when + want to #o somethin new + am m$ own worst enem$" + nee# to sto- lettin me tal' m$self out of #oin somethin out of fear of what others mi ht thin'" + am onl$ cheatin m$self out of the ex-erience"

2" What is $our intention to continue to -ractice what $ou ha,e learne# in $our life an# wh$* + inten# to ta'e more rou- fitness classes both in an# out of the colle e classes" + ha# a lot of fun an# reall$ en/o$e# -ushin m$self in class" + am on m$ wa$ to bein a health$ ha--$ me an# + thin' that -ushin m$self out of that comfort 3one reall$ hel-s me a lot"

4" (eneral i#eas for im-ro,in this course* + reall$ li'e# this course as it is" 1a,in not #one an$thin li'e it before it ma#e it eas$ to et starte#" + woul# li'e to see ma$be a .umba 0 or somethin li'e that offere#4 where it is more challen in 4 -ossibl$ a##in in wei hts of some sort"

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