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A locally compact group is a locally compact Hausdor space G which is also a group in such a way that the algebraic operations G and GG (g, h) gh G are both continuous. Here G G has the product topology, cf. p. 49 in Rudins book. Example 0.1. a) For each n N the abelian group Rn is locally compact. b) The group GLn (R) of invertible real n n-matrices is locally compact in the only decent topology it carries (e.g. dened from the metric coming from the C norm on Mn (C).) c) Let ni , i = 1, 2, . . . , be a sequence of natural numbers 2. Each of the cyclic groups Zni = Z/ni Z is a locally compact group in the discrete topology - in fact, they are all compact groups (in the obvious sense). It follows from Tychonos theorem that the product i=1 Zni is a compact group, hence also a locally compact group. The following exercise should be easy. Exercise 0.2. Show that the group in c) above is not countable. Let G be a locally compact group and X a locally compact Hausdor space. We say that G acts on X when there is a homeomorphism g of X for each g G in such a way that I) g h = gh for all g, h G, II) e = idX when e G is the neutral element, III) the map G X (g, x) g (x) is continuous. Example 0.3. a) Any locally compact group G acts on itself: For g G, dene g such that g (h) = g 1h. b) The group GLn (R) of invertible real n n-matrices acts on Rn in the canonical way: For each g GLn (R), let g be the homeomorphism of Rn such that g (x) = gx. The following theorem is true: Theorem 0.4. Let X be a locally compact Hausdor space and G a locally compact group. Assume that we have a homeomorphism g of X for each g G such that
Version: October 26, 2004.

g g 1


the algebraic conditions I) and II) hold. Assume, futhermore, that there is a closed subset F X such that g (F ) = F for all g G. Assume that the maps GF and G (X \F ) (g, y ) g (y ) (X \F ) are both continuous. It follows then that III) holds, i.e. GX is continuous. The proof of this I know is very long, technical, abstract and dicult. Hence the following Exercise 0.5. Find a simple proof of Theorem 0.4. It is safe to say (!!) that any proof you can come up with will be simple in comparison with the only one I know for the moment. (g, x) g (x) X (g, y ) g (y ) F

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