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Newtons Laws of Motion Project You are Sir Isaac Newton.

You are ready to tell the world of your discoveries about constant motion, acceleration and the forces that effect motion. Your mission is to explain Newtons Laws of Motion to a group of students using everyday real life examples of the laws at work. You will have a choice of medium to create a presentation that will explain and demonstrate all three laws. First, lets review the three laws of motion: Newtons First Law of MotionAn object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will stay at res unless acted on by an unbalanced force. List the six components of this law that you have learned throughout this unit. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Newtons Second Law of MotionThe force of an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration. List the six components of this law plus the mathematical formula. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Newtons Third Law of MotionFor every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

List the three components of this law. 1. 2. 3.

You will have one day in class to work on your project. You must complete the project on your own time. You will be assigned a day in which you will present. You MUST be ready to present at that time as it will be your only opportunity. Newtons Laws of Motion Presentation Option 1 You may use PowerPoint, Prezi , Mindmap or similar presentation program. You must have my approval of which one you choose before moving beginning your presentation. Your presentation will have a minimum of 8 slides and a maximum of 12 slides. Creativity counts! Requirements: 1. State each of the three laws accurately and their components. 2. Include 2 real life video segments or pictures that demonstrate each of the three laws. You should have one per slide. Please be aware of copyright infringement as you select your examples. The examples must be in color. They cannot be diagrams or illustrations and they must not already include force diagrams. Make sure the video segments or links are compatible with the computer you will be presenting on. If the segments are not accessible when you present, this will be reflected in your grade.

3. Write out what you will say during your presentation. Include a narrative of the highlights on each slide that briefly describe the law and how it is being applied. Use the appropriate terms in your narrative. You will turn in the narrative. 4. For Newtons Third Law, you must draw accurate force diagrams indicating action/reaction pairs on the examples you chose. 5. You must have a reference/link cited correctly for each segment used on each slide that includes cited material. You must also have a references cited slide. 6. You must have a title page that includes: Title of your project Your name Your hour Date You will save your project on the student server at school, AND on a flashdrive AND email it to yourself. This will prevent you from losing it. You will present using your flashdrive so make sure to bring it with you on the day you present.

You will have one day in class to work on your project. You must complete the project on your own time. You will be assigned a day in which you will present. You MUST be ready to present at that time as it will be your only opportunity. Newtons Laws of Motion Presentation Option 2 You will be creating a video/movie presentation on Newtons Laws of Motion using your cell phone, digital camera, Ipad or some other device and an appropriate software such as Windows Live Movie Maker. You need to make sure the software you choose is compatible with the computer you will be using to present. Your presentation must be a minimum of 4 minutes and a maximum of 8 minutes. You may recruit other people to be in your video. Creativity counts!

Requirements: 1. State each of the three laws accurately and their components. 2. Include 2 real life examples that demonstrate each of the three laws and their components. Please be aware of copyright infringement as you make your movie. The examples must be in color. They cannot be diagrams or illustrations and they must not already include force diagrams. If the video is not accessible when you present, this will be reflected in your grade. 3. Write out what you will say during your presentation that includes a narrative that briefly describes each law and how it is being applied. Your video must include this narrative. Use the appropriate terms in your narrative. You may include background music. Make sure to follow copyright laws. You will turn the narrative in. 4. For Newtons Third Law, you must draw accurate force diagrams indicating action/reaction pairs on the examples you demonstrate. 5. You must list the references/links cited correctly for each resource used. This needs to be at the end of your movie. 6. You must have a title page that includes: Title of your project Your name Your hour Date You will save your project on the student server at school, AND on a flashdrive AND email it to yourself. This will prevent you from losing it. You will present using your flashdrive so make sure to bring it with you on the day you present.

You will have one day in class to work on your project. You must complete the project on your own time. You will be assigned a day in which you will present. You MUST be ready to present at that time as it will be your only opportunity. Newtons Laws of Motion Presentation Option 3 You must have my permission before using this option. The qualification for using this option is that you do not have computer/internet access at home and/or dont have a smartphone. You will be creating a poster, tri-fold, book or flip-book illustrating Newtons Laws of Motion. You may use pictures from magazines, newspapers or your own drawings (not someone elses) that demonstrate each of the three laws. You will turn in your narrative with your project. Creativity and neatness count! Requirements: 1. State each of the three laws accurately and their components. 2. Include 2 real life examples that demonstrate each of the three laws and their components. The examples must be in color. They cannot be diagrams or illustrations and they must not already include force diagrams. 3. Write out what you will say during your presentation that includes a narrative that briefly describes each law and how it is being applied. Use the appropriate terms in your narrative. The narrative will be turned in. 4. For Newtons Third Law, you must draw accurate force diagrams indicating action/reaction pairs on the examples you have chosen. 5. You must list the references/links cited correctly for each resource used. 6. You must include: Title of your project Your name Your hour Date



Peer Evaluation

Teacher Evaluation

Total Points Earned

Poster/Video/ Slideshow

Quality of Format

1 Law


Law Stated Two examples

10 Easy to read, visually pleasing, powerful images, Logical sequencing ,exhibits creativity, no technical problems 4 Law stated accurately 8 Both examples present and illustrate law 8 No grammatical errors or spelling errors. Accurately describes how both examples relate N1. 4 Law stated accurately

7 Visually organized, all Information is presented, Fulfills expectations

5 Missing some Information, a little Unorganized, some creativity

0 Little to no Effort, missing Key information


2 Law stated, but Not accurately 6 Both examples present but 1 or both are not accurate 6 Minor or no grammatical errors or spelling errors but only describes one example accurately 2 Law stated, but Not accurately

2 Only one example present and is accurate 4 Minor inaccuracies in description OR Major spelling and/or grammatical errors

0 Law is Not stated 0 Examples not present or are not accurate 2 Examples do NOT relate to N1

0 Not present

2 Law


Law stated

0 Law is Not stated

Two examples

8 Both examples present and illustrate law 8 No grammatical errors or spelling errors. Accurately describes how both examples relate N2. Formula included.


6 Both examples present but 1 or both are not accurate 6 Minor or no grammatical errors or spelling errors but only describes one example accurately. Formula included but not accurate. 2 Law stated, but Not accurately 6 Both examples present but 1 or both are not accurate 6 Minor or no grammatical errors or spelling errors but only describes one example accurately. Force diagrams included but not accurate. 6 Most included accurately

2 Only one example present and is accurate 4 Minor inaccuracies in description OR Major spelling and/or grammatical errors.

0 Examples not present or are not accurate 2 Examples do NOT relate to N2.

0 Not present. No formula.

3 Law


Law stated Two examples

4 Law stated accurately 8 Both examples present and illustrate law 8 No grammatical errors or spelling errors. Accurately describes how both examples relate N3. Accurate force diagrams.

2 Only one example present and is accurate 4 Minor inaccuracies in description OR Major spelling and/or grammatical errors.


0 Law is Not stated 0 Examples not present or are not accurate 2 Examples do NOT relate to N3.

0 Not present. No force diagrams.


8 All included accurately

0 None included.

Total Points

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