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EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT DESIGN OF STRUCTURE ASSIGNMENT 1. A standard torsion seismograph records a trace amplitude of 8.

5 mm long in N-S direction and 6.1 mm in E-W direction. The distance of the epicenter is estimated as 112 m. The station correction is !".2. #etermine the magnitude of the earth$ua e. The distance correction for 112 m. (Book : Jai Krishna / a!" No : #$%

2. %onsider a t&o store'ed structure and let the s'stem (e gi)en free )i(ration (' gi)ing an initial displacement of 1"cm to top. *(tain the complete solution of the s'stem. (Book : Jai Krishna / a!" No : &'(&)%

+. ,ist the step (' step method for seismic anal'sis of -.%. (uilding as per .S code 18/+ 01art l232""2('3 (Dr* Man+in,ra Sin!h% i. -esponse spectrum method ())()-% ii. Time 4istor' method ()-(&.%

5. What do understand (' .nfill Walls. E6plain Anal'sis of infill &alls &ith E$ui)alent diagonal strut method &ith and &ithout opening. Ra+in,ra Ga/0a1 2 Si,,ar0ha Jain ($34($3&%

5. Enumerate the step-('-step method for design of foundation for -eciprocating7.mpact t'pe machine as per lndian standard code of practice .S 32/85 01art ..2 31/66

6. #esign a column for unsupported length +m (raced against side s&a' in (oth direction9 gi)en the follo&ing data. :se ;25 and <e515. (Dr* Man+in,ra Sin!h% ($))($)&% D*5 1u ;u 11"" 6" 5*5 /"" 5" S"is1i6 5oa, 6"" 1""

8. #esign the foundation for a gas engine &ith a )ertical c'linder and )erticall' oscillating parts9 for the follo&ing data 3 i. Total &eight of engine355"" N ii. Speed or rotation = 26" rpm iii. :n(alanced )ertical load3 l" N

i). >ase dimension of the engine 3 1 m 6 2.5 m ). Ele)ation of the machine (ase a(o)e ground 3 1 m Wea silt' sand e6ist to a depth of ".5 m follo&ed (' adense sand to a depth of 6 m. The unit &eight of moist sand 18 N7m2.Assume ? = 5.6 6 1"5 m27m and @ = +.5.

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