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UW-Platteville Post Baccalaureate Teacher Licensure Program Personal Data Sheet

Name: Elisabeth Cej e! Content "rea: #-$% &eneral an' Choral (usic E) ecte' Stu'ent Teaching Semester: *all %+$, E'ucation: Bachelors o- .ocal Per-ormance: .ocal Pe'agog/

E'ucation Course0or!: 1ntro'uction to E'ucation E'ucational Ps/cholog/ (S23S Theor/ 1nclusion o- Stu'ents 0ith S ecial Nee's 4acial an' Ethnic 1ssues Content "rea (etho's Content Literac/ Technolog/ Enhance' Curriculum "''itional courses: (usic: 5 metho's courses PPST Scores: Pra)is 11 Score: $66 (ath7 $8+ Writing7 $68 4ea'ing (usic Content #no0le'ge $95

Teaching E) erience or E) erience Wor!ing 0ith Chil'ren: 1 am currentl/ a #-$% general an' choral music e'ucator at 1thaca Public Schools un'er an emergenc/ license: This teaching e) erience has been a 0hirl0in' 0ith man/ obstacles along the 0a/: 1;ve learne' in great 'etail the abilit/ to create lesson lans s eci-ic -or all 'i--erent gra'e levels as 0ell as ho0 to manage a classroom: (/ ersonal teaching st/le has emerge' since Se tember an' as 1 enter into m/ last month7 1 -in' that 1 am con-i'ent7 e--icient an' clear about m/ goals -or the classroom: There can be no 'oubt that 1 teach to a--ect stu'ents; lives ositivel/: 3aving m/ o0n classroom an' music rogram this ast /ear has allo0e' me to 'o so man/ things- 1 create' an' ut on a .ariet/ Sho0 this ast *all7 utili<ing m/ entire 3igh School choir as 0ell as the a''ition o- m/ #in'ergarteners an' $st gra'ers: 1 also ut on 3oli'a/ rograms =3igh an' mi''le school7 an' m/ o0n scri te' Elementar/ rogram>: 1 0as able to ta!e m/ high school choir caroling to the local nursing homes: 1n the s ring7 1 too! m/ high school choir to ?a<< Choir com etition: Nothing li!e that ha' ever been 'one at 1thaca@ We also artici ate' in District Solo an' Ensemble 0here 1 too! A mi''le school an' $+ high school stu'ents: We 0ere also able to go on a choir tri to Ne0 Bor!@ 1 too! %, high school choir stu'ents 0ith $9 o- their arents on a 9 'a/ tri b/ coach: "-ter State

Solo an' Ensemble7 1thaca hoste' large grou contest 0here m/ mi''le an' high school choirs com ete' in Class ": We en'e' the /ear 0ith a long S ring Concert =one -or the 3igh an' (i''le School an' one -or the Elementar/>: The Elementar/ 0as also able to ta!e their S ring songs to the local nursing homes 'uring the last 0ee! o- school: Be-ore this job7 1 ha' been a rivate voice teacher: 1 have ha' u to %9 stu'ents ranging -rom age C to %+: 1 have also been the music consultant -or t0o communit/ theater ro'uctions7 0hile ta!ing a lea' role in the sho0: 1n the -all o%+$%7 1 co-'irecte' a high school musical an' receive' raving revie0s: Not onl/ 'o 1 !no0 the ositive im act 1 ma'e on those stu'ents7 but 1 continue to be remin'e' othe -ul-illment o- the 0hole rocess o- teaching an' -acilitating creation 0ith an' -or all m/ stu'ents: Wor!ing 0ith chil'ren ta!es various -orms 'ue to the man/ 'i--erent levels a #-$% music e'ucator encounters7 an' on a 'ail/ basis: Be-ore teaching on m/ o0n7 1 ha' been 0or!ing 0ith a teacher o- great success: She built a music rogram in a small communit/ an' taught -or 5A /ears: 1 s ent hours an' hours 0ith her 'iscussing teaching strategies an' classroom management: 1 observe' Duite a -e0 hours o- her elementar/ general music teaching7 as 0ell as 0or!ing 0ith her in the musical 0ith the high school stu'ents: " art -rom music7 1 have been a cam counselor -or a 0ee! at time 'uring summers: 1 am in charge o- $%-$8 little girls ranging -rom ,th to Ath gra'e: "lthough ver/ tiring an' some0hat stress-ul7 these are re0ar'ing 0ee!s@ 1;ve also s ent man/ hours bab/sitting throughout m/ li-e: The im ortance o- chil'ren goes be/on' 'escri tion: the/ are the -uture an' the/ bring jo/ aboun'ing: Chil'ren ma/ be 'i--icult an' seem im ossible to reach7 but as an e'ucator7 /ou can al0a/s -in' roo- o- their 0on'erment an' en'less ossibilities- an' teachers ought to have the ca abilit/ to ta into that: Personal Bac!groun': Born an' raise' in a home o- acce tance an' love7 m/ arents urge' me to be the best 1 can be: 1 artici ate' in -our s orts7 'rama an' -orensic com etitions7 music com etitions an' -estivals7 ,-3 an' communit/ outreach7 church an' /outh grou 7 an' class lea'ershi : Being able to relate to all !in's o- m/ stu'ents; interests is a great tool -or a -uture e'ucator: 1 have al0a/s been tol' 1;' ma!e a great teacher7 es eciall/ b/ both m/ gran'mothers 0ho 0ere $st gra'e an' &erman e'ucators -or man/ /ears: 1t has never been a Duestion ho0 much 1 love' music7 but the true beaut/ o- song came alive 0hen 1 began to teach it: 1 also greatl/ enjo/ the stage: (/ un'ergra'uate 'egree is in .ocal Per-ormance7 but again7 the stage became even more e)citing 0hen 1 -oun' m/selin the 'irector;s osition: There seems to be nothing more -ul-illing that 0atching a chil' or teenager gro0 into a character an' sing a song to a level even /ou 0eren;t sure the/ 0oul'

accom lish: (/ o0n successes 'o not a'' u to the com rehension o- !no0ing /ou have touche' another erson;s li-e- an' to give them more li-e through music: "merica is a 0on'er-ul lace to raise !i's7 ho0ever7 as an e'ucator it is im ortant to hel intro'uce m/ stu'ents to the rest o- the 0orl'7 even i- it is just a glim se into their culture via music: (/ -ather 0as born in S0it<erlan'7 0hich is 0here m/ gran' arents met an' 0ere marrie': (/ gran'-ather is born an' raise' in C<echoslova!ia: 1 have a vast arra/ o- -use' cultures7 heritages7 an' tra'itions in m/ -amil/7 ma!ing it eas/ an' necessar/ -or me to be o en to the 'i--erent cultures aroun' me: This is a great asset -or an e'ucator li!e me 0ho 0ants the inclusion o- 'iverse an' uniDue stu'ents into a sa-e music classroom:

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