Social Media Final

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Jacob Blazier English 255 torify !

hetorical "nalysis ince the late #$%s social media has became a larger and larger genre each year. &ost of the brea'ing ne(s) c*rrent events and opinionated for*ms are first seen thro*gh social media (ebsites rather than local ne(s stations. +he retesting of older drivers can be vie(ed as a nation(ide iss*e by most or as lac' of respect to others. ,nstead of completely omitting this debate some states have eased into beginning la(s s*ch as re-*iring ages over .5 to rene( their license in person and pass a vision e/am) , believe that states sho*ld re-*ire an act*al road test along (ith the vision and (ritten parts too. ,n my research of retesting older drivers thro*gh torify) , learned that 0oogle (as the most *sef*l so*rce to allo( me to lin' my topic to other social media options that incl*ded opinions and ne(s articles. !etesting older drivers (asn%t the most c*rrent topic search) b*t it did have a connection to the media (ith ne(s articles) doctor s*ggestions and *ser opinions. ince some states li'e +ennessee haven%t made any type of la() this topic is j*st an opinionated debate of an on-going ca*se in +ennessee. &y topic (ithin torify directed me to the most beneficial so*rce of 0oogle that then led me to articles (ritten by1 +he 2e( 3or' +imes (here this topic (as analyzed from different perspectives and other tr*st(orthy (ebsites. &ajority of the search provided by 0oogle that helped my research incl*ded reasons (hy older drivers sho*ld be retested) statistics of driving age gro*p fatalities and accidents) and (hat some possibilities co*ld be to help this debate. ,n a logical appeal) providing the statistics and mainstream ne(s articles) it helps vie(ers *nderstand (hat type of problem that some older drivers can ca*se instead of j*st bashing the elder on their performance. ,n relation to the problem) , discovered some videos via 3o*+*be that sho(ed pict*res of elderly people%s cars after (rec'ing into grocery stores or even on to local school property) (hich represented a pathos appeal. ince a lot of incidents similar to those aren%t as heard of) *sing the pict*res in my torify can be an eye-opener to some. 4ie(ers of my torify can acco*nt for many different gro*ps. Beca*se the topic is (ell 'no(n) and can be noticed by so many) my torify (as initially so*ght o*t to be seen by state 5&4 representatives or state government officials (ho can p*sh la(s and bills into affect. +hro*gh different perspectives) articles) and many so*rces) any driver can relate to this topic. eeing my torify can help the vie(ers from any age gro*p generate their opinions and learn ne( information by giving access to different lin's that doctors) jo*rnalists) and media deliver for them. 6hen arranging the so*rces in my torify) , placed them in relevancy not only to the topic b*t (hat (ill interest the reader as they vie( the page. +he first t(o so*rces provided are tragic accidents (here an elder driver made simple mista'es as hitting the gas pedal instead of the bra'e pedal) or not being able to see (hat%s going on behind them. 7ollo(ed by the t(o entry so*rces (here doctor analyses on the older pop*lation) then ne(s articles that ac'no(ledge the topic in a variety of o*tp*ts.

7rom an a*thor%s point) , believe that , did the necessary research to provide credible information to vie( my topic as a balanced debate and not becoming one sided and offensive. , do thin' the valid points in my arg*ment do help my p*rpose in this debate. ,n a fe( different scenarios that can concl*de this debate) , believe that after more states ta'e steps into proposing ne( la(s) more states (ill phase in and provide a respectf*l and fair (ay for all driving age gro*ps. 6ith all the provided so*rces in my torify) , feel that my rhetorical p*rpose (as established and readers (ill have an easier time adj*sting to this topic (hen there are fifteen pl*s so*rces available on one page to bac' their opinions. +(itter "nalysis ,n my thoro*gh research of my topic of1 retesting older drivers) , discovered that on +(itter this topic (asn%t disc*ssed to often. +he posts related to the topic (ere mainly from ne(s anchor that had reported accidents) and then +(itter *sers responding to these posts in opinionated format. ome t(eets the ne(s reporters t(eeted (ere teasers li'e: 89ead-on crash inj*res 2) incl*ding child) on ,-5 2B north of 4anco*ver: " (rong-(ay driver has crashed headon...: from the ;ortland 2e(s (ebsite) referring to an elderly driver) driving on the (rong side of the road. +hey t(eeted this to alert the locals on (hat happened in a driving event that affected innocent people) incl*ding a child. +he post arg*ed the debate on retesting the elder drivers) and (hat co*ld be done to prevent this again. 9o(ever this t(eet received a fe( different responses) one incl*ding: 8this is (hy there sho*ld be mandatory drivers license retesting after <$. 5isg*sting.: =>hris ?inney@. , have t(eeted before on this topic) it received a lot of good feedbac' from the yo*nger cro(d. ,f , (ere to do it again) , (o*ld t(eet my opinion at +ennessee 5epartment of +ransportation =+5A+@ employee) since +5A+ doesn%t have an act*al acco*nt. ,f a local elderly driving accident happened (here it concerned anyone or myself , 'no(1 , (o*ld mention their name in my t(eet for the +5A+ people to as' him his opinion on this topic. 9o(ever) , don%t thin' +(itter (o*ld be the most effective (ay to disc*ss this topic for an act*al change. +(eeting only BC$ characters a time isn%t -*ite eno*gh (ords to get a valid point across in one message.

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