Louisiana Purchase Unit Plan

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Unit Plan Template

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Unit Author

First and Last Name &uthor's ()mail &ddress Course Name,sCourse Num!er,sCourse ection,s2nstructor,s- Name,sUnit Overview Unit Plan Title

Patricia hoen!erger, "ichael Petty, #illiam $o!al. "egan %a!ito pshoen*+tigers.lsu.edu (L%C ./01 * 3eroman

Louisiana Purchase ) ) ) ) #ho was involved in the Louisiana Purchase5 #hat areas were a66ected !y the purchase5 #hat types o6 things were discovered in the new land5 #hat were the main events o6 the Louisiana Purchase5

Curriculum-Framing Questions


Content 7uestions

cience: 8o students understand how to research on the internet the animals and plants that were 6ound in the new areas, and summari9e the in6ormation in a power point presentation5 4eography: Can students identi6y the states a66ected !y the Louisiana Purchase in a map5 3istory: 8o students understand how to create a timeline o6 ma:or historical events5 Language &rts: 8o students understand how to summari9e main events in their own opinion in the 6orm o6 a news article5

Unit Summary

tudents will learn the history o6 the Louisiana Purchase through internet resources and technological hands on activities in the su!:ects o6 cience, 4eography, 3istory, and Language &rts. tudents will learn research skills in order to understand the main events o6 the Louisiana Purchase, who was involved, and what areas o6 the country were a66ected.
Subject Area(s ,List all su!:ects that apply-

2NT(L; T(&C3 T< T3( F=T=%( with support 6rom "icroso6t >?000 2ntel Corporation. &ll %ights %eserved

cience, 4eography, 3istory, and Language &rts

!ra"e #evel @Click !ox,es- o6 all grade level,s- that your =nit targetsA

B)? C)D ( L 4i6ted and Talented

E)/ F)*? %esource <ther:

Targete" State Framewor$s%Content Stan"ar"s%&enchmar$s

cience: ,*- =se a variety o6 sources to answer Guestions , 2)")&*,?- 2denti6y pro!lems, 6actors, and Guestions that must !e considered in a scienti6ic investigation , 2)")&*4eography: ,*- 8escri!e ways in which location and physical 6eatures have in6luenced historical events in L& and the development o6 the state ,e.g., "ississippi %iverHswamp in the $attle o6 New <rleans- ,4)*$)"?,?- Construct a map !ased on given narrative in6ormation ,4)*&)"?3istory: ,*- (xplain westward movement o6 the =nited tates, the changes it created, and its e66ects on relations with Native &mericans ,3)*$)"F,?- &naly9e the causes, e66ects, or impact o6 a given historical event in Louisiana ,3)*&)"EStu"ent Objectives%#earning Outcomes

) ) ) )

tudents will !e a!le to construct an opinion news article o66 o6 past events in Pu!lisher. tudents will !e a!le to give a PowerPoint presentation on a plant or animal 6ound in exploration. tudents will !e a!le to create a timeline o6 the ma:or events in the Louisiana Purchase. tudents will !e a!le to create a map o6 the areas a66ected !y the purchase.


Lesson * ) cience PowerPoint ) "ichael Petty Lesson ? ) 4eography BidPix ) #ill $o!al Lesson E ) 3istory T2meline ) Patricia hoen!erger Lesson . ) Language &rts Newspaper &rticle ) "egan %a!ito
A''ro(imate Time )ee"e"

&pproximately E class periods per lesson plan.

Prere*uisite S$ills

$asic computer skills "ap &nalysis Paraphrasing #e! $rowsing =nderstanding o6 Chronological (vents 2nspiration
+aterials an" ,esources
2NT(L; T(&C3 T< T3( F=T=%( with support 6rom "icroso6t >?000 2ntel Corporation. &ll %ights %eserved

Technology I 3ardware ,Click !oxes o6 all eGuipment neededCamera Laser 8isk Computer,sPrinter 8igital Camera Pro:ection ystem 8J8 Player canner 2nternet Connection Television Technology I o6tware ,Click !oxes o6 all so6tware needed.8ata!aseH preadsheet 2mage Processing 8esktop Pu!lishing 2nternet #e! $rowser ()mail o6tware "ultimedia (ncyclopedia on C8)%<" Printed "aterials upplies Text!ook and 3andouts 4iven

JC% Jideo Camera Jideo Con6erencing (Guip. <ther: 2nspiration

#e! Page 8evelopment #ord Processing <ther:

2nternet, Pu!lisher, PowerPoint, Pre9i, BidPixHPaint, 2nspiration Lesson *: http:HHwww.nationalgeographic.comHlewisandclarkHresourcesKdiscoveriesKplant.html http:HHwww.nationalgeographic.comHlewisandclarkHresourcesKdiscoveriesKanimal.html Lesson E: http:HHpre9i.comHxCsp)G:9mcKaHlouisiana)purchase)interactive)timelineHL Field Trip to Ca!ildo ) "useum o6 Louisiana 3istory tudents will receive extended time and extra assistance. $ilingual &ssistance will !e availa!le. Children will !e given more di66icult assignments to enhance critical thinking skills.

2nternet %esources


Accommo"ations -or .i--erentiate" /nstruction

%esource tudent Non)Native (nglish peaker 4i6ted tudent

Stu"ent Assessment

2NT(L; T(&C3 T< T3( F=T=%( with support 6rom "icroso6t >?000 2ntel Corporation. &ll %ights %eserved


%u!ric "ade =sing: RubiStar ( http://rubistar.4teachers.org )

Multimedia Project : Unit Plan

Teacher Name: r. !eroman




Content is logically organi9ed !ut missing a num!er o6 6ields.

There was no clear or logical organi9ational structure, :ust lots o6 6acts.

%roup Unit Plan Content is well organi9ed using Template

The unit plan template is 6illed out headings or !ulleted !ut some 6ields are lists to group related not complete material. &ll 6ields o6 the template are complete. Lesson plans 6ollow the template and are detailed and meet all o6 the reGuested reGuirements. Lesson plans 6ollow the template !ut are missing several reGuirements.

&esson plans

Lesson plans do not Lesson plans are 6ollow the template missing many o6 the !ut include most o6 reGuirments the in6ormation


Presentation provides a clear overview o6 the unit and the individual lesson plans

Presentation includes the ma:ority o6 the in6ormation 6or the unit.

Presentation is Presentation lacks disorgani9ed !ut organi9ation and includes most o6 the in6ormation. reGuired in6ormation.

technolog' (cti)it'

Technology activity is presented in a clear and precise 6ormat. &ctivity enhances the lesson plan content.

Technology activity is Technology activity is no technology activity presented !ut is not not matched to the is evident. comprehensive and content clearly understood.


Clear assessments &ssessments are 6or each lesson plan provided !ut not and technology thorough activity

&ssessments are not No assessments appropriate 6or the evident content

2NT(L; T(&C3 T< T3( F=T=%( with support 6rom "icroso6t >?000 2ntel Corporation. &ll %ights %eserved

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