Introduction Paragraph Organizer WKST 1

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Introduction Paragraph Organizer

Topic Hook: Grab the readers attention with a catchy first sentence or a ery interesting fact! 2 sentences: 1. Your hook: In the course of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Religious Genoci e! an esti"ate one "illion Bosnian #usli"s $ere re"ove %& force! so"eti"es resulting in eath! fro" areas aroun the countr&. 'his nu"%er is al"ost e(uivalent to the )o)ulation of the entire state of #ontana. 2. *rite a state"ent that tells rea ers &our to)ic: #ost are not sur)rise %& the fact that "ost genoci es occur in thir $orl ! or un er evelo)e ! countries. Ideas to Present about "our Topic +at #east $ % & sentences,: Interesting infor"ation -ver t$o "illion )eo)le $ere is)lace fro" their ho"es after the genoci e. .o"e$here %et$een 1/!/// an 220!/// lives $ere taken for" 1111-1112. Backgroun infor"ation 'he .er%s! ortho o3 4hristians! )roteste the gro$th of Bosnian #usli"s in )o)ulation an govern"ent. 'he& )rocee e $ith an ethnic cleansing focuse "ainl& on the Bosnian #usli"s %ut involving the 4roats! 4atholics.

Thesis 'tate(ent: Genoci es occur fre(uentl& in thir $orl countries not %ecause of their lack of e ucation an evelo)"ent! %ut "ainl& ue to the lo$ tolerance for religion an change.

Introductory Paragraph Organizer

)irections: 5sing the infor"ation fro" the %o3es a%ove an &our )ersuasive "in "a)! an $rite &our intro uctor& )aragra)h+s, in co")lete sentences %elo$: In the course of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Religious Genoci e! an esti"ate one "illion Bosnian #usli"s $ere re"ove %& force! so"eti"es resulting in eath! fro" areas aroun the countr&. 'his nu"%er is al"ost e(uivalent to the )o)ulation of the entire state of #ontana. 'hese nu"%ers are shocking an thought-)rovoking! %ut the fact that this "onstrosit& of an event occurre in a thir $orl countr& oes not shock an&one. 'hir $orl countries have a long

histor& of genoci es an "ost )eo)le have acce)te this as a co""on kno$le ge. 'he true causes of fre(uenc& of these events occurring in such states! ho$ever! is lost to the )u%lic. #an& )eo)le $rongl& %elieve that the counties evelo)"ent or $ealth is to %la"e for the increase of violent is)utes. 'he& also %elieve that the struggle for in e)en ence is the co""on uniting factor in "ost thir $orl genoci es. In so"e s"all $a&s the& are right. 'hese factors i contri%ute to the $i e s)rea killings in "an& countries. 'he true cause! ho$ever! is not so easil& reveale . Genoci e occurs fre(uentl& in thir $orl countries not %ecause of their lack of e ucation an evelo)"ent! %ut "ainl& ue to the lo$ tolerance for religion an change.

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