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Readme Infrastructure Planning and Design Guide Series

April 14, 2010 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

New in This Release Dynamic Data Center DirectAccess version 1.2 minor edits Microsoft Application Virtualization 4. no! includes on "o! App#V supports $indo!s %
and $indo!s &erver 200' (2, includin) suc" features as *ranc"Cac"e+ support for 4# ,it clients+ and server#sizin) data

-.c"an)e /nline0-valuatin) &oft!are#plus#&ervices minor edits &"are1oint /nline0-valuatin) &oft!are#plus#&ervices minor edits
&eries 2ntroduction version 2.1 added Arc"itecture Dia)rams section

About the Infrastructure Planning and Design Series

3"e )uides in t"is series "elp clarify and streamline desi)n processes for Microsoft infrastructure tec"nolo)ies, !it" eac" )uide addressin) a uni4ue infrastructure tec"nolo)y or scenario. 3"e follo!in) additional )uides are availa,le in t"e 21D series5

Active Directory Domain &ervices DirectAccess -.c"an)e /nline0-valuatin) &oft!are#plus#&ervices 6ile &ervices 6orefront 7nified Access 8ate!ay 2nternet 2nformation &ervices Microsoft Application Virtualization 4. Microsoft -nterprise Des9top Virtualization 1rint &ervices (emote Des9top &ervices &electin) t"e (i)"t :A1 Arc"itecture &electin) t"e (i)"t Virtualization 3ec"nolo)y &eries 2ntroduction &"are1oint /nline0-valuatin) &oft!are#plus#&ervices &;< &erver 200' &ystem Center Confi)uration Mana)er 200% &11 !it" (2 &ystem Center Data 1rotection Mana)er 200% !it" &11

&ystem Center /perations Mana)er 200% &ystem Center Virtual Mac"ine Mana)er 200' 3erminal &ervices $indo!s Deployment &ervices $indo!s /ptimized Des9top &cenarios $indo!s &erver Virtualization =for $indo!s &erver 200' >yper#V and Virtual &erver
200? (2 &11@

For More Information

8et more information a,out t"e 2nfrastructure 1lannin) and Desi)n series of )uides at !!!.microsoft.comAipd.

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