Edu600thursdaylessonplan CN

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Thursday Lesson Plan Teaching Outrageously

Language Arts Teaching Outrageously Reading Comprehension Grade 1

45 minutes State Standards Addressed: RF4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. Unit/Content Goal: RF4b. Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings Student learning objective(s): Cognitive: 2. 2 Given a picture book, the student will re-create the story using props and receiving 4 out of three on a rubric.

Affective: Given a picture book of the fiction genre, the student will read with a partner and create a collage representing the books theme, receiving at least a 6 out of 10 on a creativity rubric. Materials/ Resources/Technology: The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister

Picture books- on various topics Word Wall- (Index cards, markers, tape) Reading Logs Dictionaries Computer Projector Internet access

Tissue paper Crayons, Paper plates Scissors Glue Sticks Double Sided tape Googly Eyes Aluminum Foil Prepare the Environment: The students will have several seating places within this one lesson. The reading rug is set up for group read aloud. The teacher will use a prezi presentation to engage the students in a broader perspective. The computer, projector, and prezi will be set up prior to the students arriving to class. The materials for the activities will be set aside, but ready for the students to use at the appropriate time. The students desks are set up to engage the students in social interactions, but also to be presentation ready. The students reading logs are in their perspective boxes and are there for them to retrieve when the time comes. Lastly, next to the reading rug is the class library. The class library consists of books from different genres and subject matters for the students to use. The teacher will add and subtract books from the class library as needed to relate to the subject matter to be taught. Before starting the lesson, the teacher must close the classroom door for fewer distractions. Prepare the Audience: When the students arrive to class the agenda will be posted on the board and during transition times, the students will be reminded of what is happening next on the agenda. Procedures: 5 mins.- Warm-Up: The students will engage in discussion about their group stories. As the students arrive and get settled on the reading rug, we will discuss and answer questions related to the book from the day before. To guide the discussion, the teacher will ask comprehension questions such as: What do you remember about the pictures in the book from yesterday? Where did the book take place? What did the rainbow fish do to feel better?

Transition: The teacher will then give the students a moment to separate into groups and continue practicing their retelling of story for the day. 25mins. Craft activity and Storytelling With everyone seated at their desks, the teacher will gather and hand out supplies to the students. With the instructions that are similar to Tuesday, the teacher will explain that they will be making fish to fit the retelling of current story. The students will receive supplies to make a fish. All students get one paper plate, a pair of scissors, googly eyes, and glue/tape, crayons and tissue paper. The teacher will explain the instructions for the activity. The students are to listen carefully and follow along with the teacher. Using the scissors, the student must cut a triangular shaped piece from the plate and glue it to the opposite side of the plate, then cut pieces of tissue paper to glue onto the plate, and finally a piece of aluminum foil to add the finishing touch. The students will then have the opportunity to color the plate and add googly eyes. Once the students finish, they will have the opportunity to use their creation as props for their retelling. The teacher will begin the retelling story circle, showing each group examples of how to use props to retell their story. The teacher will also engage in discussion with different groups on ideas for story and allow the students to talk about things that they could do to fit their story. Transition: The students will clean their surrounding areas and return to their seats and the teacher will prepare for an activity related to the reading for the day. 15 mins-Wrap Up

1. The students will fill in their reading log, by drawing a picture or writing a story what the learned today. 2. The students will choose a book of their choice from the class library to read quietly. Assessment Plan: Pre-Assessment: Verbal, during inquiry questions in Warm Up activity Formative Assessment: Verbal inquiry questions, group participation assessment. Post-Assessment: Storytelling- Rubric CATEGORY 4 3 2 Retells story in Retells story in Retells story with Sequence correct sequence sequence with 2-3 several omissions, leaving out no omissions. but maintains important parts of sequence of those story. told. The storyteller The storyteller The storyteller Accuracy of includes all major includes all major includes all major Retelling A points and several points and 1-2 points of the story Story details of the story details of the story s/he is retelling. s/he is retelling. s/he is retelling. The main The main The main Characters characters are characters are characters are named and clearly named and named. The described (through described (through audience knows words and/or words and/or very little about actions). The actions). The the main audience knows audience has a characters. and can describe fairly good idea of what the characters what the characters look like and how look like. they typically behave. The solution to the The solution to the The solution to the Solution to problem is easy-to- problem is easy-to- problem was a Problem in understand and is understand and is little hard to Story logical. There are somewhat logical. understand. no loose ends.

1 Retells story out of sequence.

The storyteller forgets major points of the story s/he is retelling. It is hard to tell who the main characters are.

No solution was attempted or it was impossible to understand.

Adaptions & Modifications: Transition time has been added to aid the students with attention issues time to adapt to change. Also a set schedule has been given to one child will autism. All of our activities are set up so that the student with spina-bifida can join in with fellow classmates.

Homework/Connection with Home: The teacher will send home additional resources including a link to the Blog for the day.

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