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rW: CoIl student observers in nu classroom.

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Sent Friday, April 27, 2012 9:05 AM To: Geis, Laura [LauraGeisyotescollegeahdahoeduj; Neher, Ashley

Copple, Patti [PCopple@collegeofidaho,edu}

FW: Cofi student observers in my cIassroom

From: Deserae Kramer [maiito:deserae.kramer@sd 139,k12,id,us j Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 4:42 PM To: Copple, Patti Subject: Coff student observers in my classroom..

[Ii Ms. Copple. Mv name is I)eserae Kramer and I am a math teacher at Vallivuc Middle School in Caidwell. I have \shIc eher md I ama Geis in my room ohsering on \Vcdncsda s lhe are taking oui course and have been coming to help and observe each seek. I just wanted to let you know ho much I appreciate their help in my classroom. I teach 6th, 7th, and 8th grade math (7th grade math. Geometry and Algebra) and they provide such wonderful support every time they come. They are always so bright and cheerful as well as great in assisting the few students that I send into the hail with them periodically. It has been so nice to have them work oneonone with a few of my studen ts.

Thanks so much.

I )eserae Kramer Vallivue Middle School Ph:208-454-1426 ext. 3305

https://sn2prd07 I 0.outlook.corn/owa/?ae=ltem&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAA

AAAkrnrKCuaoOR... 5/6/2012

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