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EDU 441 Curriculum and Instruction Kaitlin Vasil, Laura Geis, Ashley Neher April 10th, 2013 Water

r Cycle Art Project Subject: cience Target Grade Level: !th Gra"e -LWBAT Content Objectives -Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the water cycle through writing and visual presentation -LWBAT Procedural Objectives -Create a visual representation of the water cycle -Students will write their knowledge of the water cycle - Students will present their understanding of the water cycle through a visual representation Differentiation: -Small group projects -Individual Reflection Assessment Plan: -Informal: Anticipatory set: Article, are they working in groups and is everyone participating !uring full group visual aide of the water cycle is everyone moving and adding to their group -"ormal: #isual Aide: !oes is cover the four $asic steps in the water cycle

Materials: - %rediction Sheets from previous day -Computer -%rojector -&hite$oard and !ry erase marker -Science %roject from previous day -Art Supplies: scissors, cotton $alls, marshmallows, markers, glue, and tape Lesson Breakdo n: O!enin": 'erah classroom opener () minutes* Previous Da# Prediction: Ashley ()min+*

'he science project will $e pulled in from outside and everyone will come around the $owl and look to see if any changes have occurred+ If changes have occurred they will write down on their prediction sheet if their prediction was write or wrong+ &e will then talk a$out the process that occurred+ Antici!ator# $et: ,aitlin (-.min+* Student will $e split up into groups of four and given a /uestion that was left unanswered $y their peers on 0onday+ 1ach /uestion will have an article that goes with it+ 'hey will work as a team to e2plore the article and find an answer to the /uestion+ 'hey will then present their /uestion and answer to the classroom+ Lesson Bod#: Ashley, ,aitlin, and 3aura (appro2imately .)min+* "ollowing the anticipatory set students will $e asked to create a water cycle visual aide+ 'heir entrance tickets of a water cycle picture will help guide them as they make their poster+ 'hey will $e asked to work in four groups+ Important aspects of the poster that should $e included are: precipitation, condensation, and evaporation+ Lesson Closure: Presentin" 3aura (4min+* As a whole group the students will $e asked to present their visual aides of the water cycle to the class+ %W: Choose a role in the water cycle and come with an artifact: visual aide, definition, etc+ to class on "riday+ Classroom Closure: 'erah ()min+*

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