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April 11.2014 lo Whom It Ma Concern: 4 school year at I have had the opportumtv to work with Laura Geis during the 201 3 201 fulfilling her student Discovery Llementary. She displayed an outstanding dedication in achieve at their leaching responsibilities. Laura provides students with opportunities to higher level highest level of success by integrating technology, continuall asking thinking, and providing creative lesson activities.

where students I .aura creates an atmosphere of enthusiasm, direction. and opportunity with stall and ideas share fuel sah and comfortable. She is cager to learn and w ii ling to of technology. to students. I aura is continually integrating new ideas, with the use improve students learning. or. She displays a I have enjoyed working with Laura and seeing her grow as an educat ding team player high level of respect for those whom she works with. Laura is an outstan ing I aura. please give and is proactive in all she does. If you have any questions regard me a call at T)iseovery Elementary 855-4090 or home 859-9337.


Iroy Partin t1 4 Grade Teacher Discovery Elementary # t Meridian School Distric 2 Meridian, Idaho 83646

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