Psa Analysis

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Joshua Hicks Tyler Huefner Johnny McGee Brad Millett South Sudan

South Sudan, a developing country, struggles to develop and control their countrys own politics and resources, all while dealing with current conflicts such as war. The goal of our Public Service Announcement (PSA) is to raise awareness of the Sudaneese conflict and to provide assistance without enabling further conflicts. With our PSA we hope to raise awareness of the Sudaneese crisis by setting up a website called southsudanresources.weebly. Southsudanresoures.weebly is a non-profit organization that will accept donations and raise money in order to help pay for qualified volunteers that are interested in aiding in the Sudaneese crisis. Qualified volunteers will include engineers, scientists, politicians, counselors, and teachers that will help the Sudanese people understand how to mine, refine and utilize their own resources. With the donations from our website we will be able to purchase tickets for traveling, equipment, and other necessary items that will be necessary for these qualified volunteers. None of the money received is given directly to the Sudanese government due to corruption. Experience has shown us that the Sudaneese people when given cold hard cash will use the money to buy guns, ammunitions and resources for their armies and further escalate the conflict. Our goal is to help the Sudanese people progress to becoming self reliant, to help them in the long term, and to be able to understand and control their resources. The goal of southsudanresources.weebly is to be a part of the solution in gaining independence for South Sudan.

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