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When your professor assigns a project right after you hand a paper in

Ali Wegner 04/01/14 Popular Culture Meme Explanation The popular movie, Despicable Me, was release in !010 an has become the "a aroun the #nite $tates% &rom hats, to halloween costumes, phone cases , an "inger nails minions are ever'where% Their a orable "aces an signature out"its ma(e them memorable an recogni)able% The image part o" m' meme epicts a normal minion that is o""ering a banana over to one o" the purple minions% The normal minion appears to be bracing "or impact while he shies awa' "rom the purple minion% This minion loo(s to be "rustrate , sleep eprive , an simpl' at the en o" his rope at the sight o" this banana% This meme can be viewe as a metaphor% *oo(ing at it as perspective, the tenor woul be the stu ents, the pro"essor, an the homewor( loa % The vehicles woul be both minions an the banana% The pro"essor is being change into this innocent little minion who is +ust tr'ing to get the evil minions to ta(e the banana without getting pummele % The stu ents are being represente b' these cra)' an wil minions who are unpre ictable an immoral% The assignment is compare with a banana, an given the un ertone o" ,+ust ta(e the stupi banana%- This is a ramati)e version o" what

stu ents go through on a ail' basis when the' "eel the' can not escape their homewor( loa % This meme can also be seen as ironic% The ,than(s.- at the bottom oesn/t mean the purple minion/ stu ents are reall' than("ul "or the assignment% 0t is use as sarcasm to hope"ull' conve' to the normal minion/ pro"essor that the' are in shoc( that there woul be another assignment imme iatel' "ollowing a previous one%

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