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Sample Persuasive Speech Outline Topic: Factory Farming Organizational Pattern: Monroes Motivated Sequence Specific Purpose: To persuade

the audience that factory farms are dangerous and abusive and therefore need to be banned Primary !udience Outcome: " the #ant the audience to $oin or support national organizations that protest against factory farms Thesis Statement: The % S government should ban factory farms and require the meat industry to raise animals in their natural environments !ttention: &lose your eyes and step into the #orld of an individual 'ou are born into a #orld #here nights and days are never constant (attention getter) 'ou are fed three to five times a day* but no one is there to nurture you +ot even the numerous others crammed into your living space 'ou gro# frantic* scared* and sic,ly +o# open your eyes* to reality -hat " have $ust described is one of !mericas #orst ghettos 'ou ,no# this individual #ho is trapped in this environment .e is your brea,fast* lunch and dinner "t is the meat you eat Todays farms not only abuse their animals they also produce harmful diseases and environmental hazards that affect each and every one of us* regardless of #hether you consume animal products or not The % S government should ban factory farms and require the meat industry to raise animals in their natural environments (previe# of points and statement of purpose) " -hat used to be Old Mc/onalds farms have no# become factory farms that produce animal abuse* disease and ecological hazards ! !nimals are abused on factory farms (Marquadt* 0112) (3easoning: "nductive) 0 4roiler chic,ens are often debea,ed* due to fear of cannibalism (5asper* 0116) 6 &attle are often dehorned and castrated #ithout anesthetics 2 7eese are often overfed #ith grains and steroids in order to produce larger livers for pate (Singer* 0181) 4 The unhealthy environments created by factory farms promote the spread of many diseases that remain in the animal products #e consume (Fo9* 011:) 0 ;very year an increasing number of children and elderly die of food poisoning that is related to factory farm practices 6 Meats on the mar,et are often deformed or full of bad chemicals & The mass production of animals and the resulting amount of #aste creates

lasting damage to our ecosystem 0 The release of high levels of urine and fecal matter into our la,es contributes to the contamination of our #aters* #ells and topsoil 6 The release of high levels of methane into the atmosphere contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer Satisfaction: "" For better health standards the % S government should ban factory farms and require the meat industry to raise its animals in their natural environment ! Studies sho# that if animals #ere raised in better conditions* their Production #ould be greater at healthier standards 4 Many countries in ;urope adopted the !nimal Protection !ct of 01<6 (Fo9* 011:) =isualization: """ "f factory farms are banned* #e #ill able to better en$oy animal meat products in a cleaner* healthier environment ! Meat products #ill taste better and be more nutritious because animals #ill no longer be in$ected #ith steroids and other chemicals 4 Our ris, of contracting diseases from meat products #ill be decreased because animals #ill no longer be raised in crammed* unsanitary environments & &ontamination of our ecosystem #ill be decreased #hen the amount of animal #astes that are released into the environment are decreased !ction: !s you can see* the food #e eat has endured a lot from its birth to our dinner table Organizations such as P ; T ! and the .umane Society need our help to prevent cases of contamination and animal cruelty from happening "f #e dont act soon* our chances of being e9posed to ; &oli or drin,ing from infected #aters #ill be greatly increased 5oin the many celebrities and organizations that are pressuring the federal government to do something to stop factory farming 7o to the #eb site " have provided to get more information and sign>up to help the cause 'ou do not have to be a member of the organization to save lives* you can support them by signing petitions to the federal government calling for legislative action on this issue Support the right to a healthy life Today " have told you about the cruelty of factory farming and #hy the government should require the meat industry to raise animals in their natural environments (summary of points) Stop and consider the lives of the animals that provide #ith our everyday nutrients "f they cant live a healthy life* ho# can #e? (&lincher)

3eference: Fo9* M (011:) Inhuman society +e# 'or,@ St Martins Press 5asper* 5 (0116) The animal rights crusade +e# 'or,: The Free Press Marquardt A (0112) Animal scam -ashington* / & : 3egnery 7ate#ay Singer* P (0181) /o#n on the factory farm "n P Singer and T 3egan* Anmimal rights and human obligations (6nd ed ) (pp 0B1>0C8) +e# 5ersey: Prentice .all

Sample Persuasive Speech Outline Topic: Factory Farming Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that factory farms are dangerous and abusive and therefore need to be banned Primary !udience Outcome: " the #ant the audience to $oin or support national organizations that protest against factory farms Thesis Statement: The % S government should ban factory farms and require the meat industry to raise animals in their natural environments

&lose your eyes and step into the #orld of an individual 'ou are born into a #orld #here nights and days are never constant (attention getter) 'ou are fed three to five times a day* but no one is there to nurture you +ot even the numerous others crammed into your living space 'ou gro# frantic* scared* and sic,ly +o# open your eyes* to reality -hat " have $ust described is one of !mericas #orst ghettos 'ou ,no# this individual #ho is trapped in this environment .e is your brea,fast* lunch and dinner "t is the meat you eat Todays farms not only abuse their animals they also produce harmful diseases and environmental hazards that affect each and every one of us* regardless of #hether you consume animal products or not The % S government should ban factory farms and require the meat industry to raise animals in their natural environments (opening summary) " -hat used to be Old Mc/onalds farms have no# become factory farms that produce animal abuse* disease and ecological hazards ! !nimals are abused on factory farms (Marquadt* 0112) (3easoning: "nductive) 0 4roiler chic,ens are often debea,ed* due to fear of cannibalism (5asper* 0116) 6 &attle are often dehorned and castrated #ithout anesthetics 2 7eese are often overfed #ith grains and steroids in order to produce larger livers for pate (Singer* 0181) 4 The unhealthy environments created by factory farms promote the spread of many diseases that remain in the animal products #e consume (Fo9* 011:) 0 ;very year an increasing number of children and elderly die of food poisoning that is related to factory farm practices 6 Meats on the mar,et are often deformed or full of bad chemicals & The mass production of animals and the resulting amount of #aste creates

lasting damage to our ecosystem 0 The release of high levels of urine and fecal matter into our la,es contributes to the contamination of our #aters* #ells and topsoil 6 The release of high levels of methane into the atmosphere contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer "" For better health standards the % S government should ban factory farms and require the meat industry to raise its animals in their natural environment ! Studies sho# that if animals #ere raised in better conditions* their Production #ould be greater at healthier standards 4 Many countries in ;urope adopted the !nimal Protection !ct of 01<6 (Fo9* 011:) "f factory farms are banned* #e #ill able to better en$oy animal meat products in a cleaner* healthier environment ! Meat products #ill taste better and be more nutritious because animals #ill no longer be in$ected #ith steroids and other chemicals 4 Our ris, of contracting diseases from meat products #ill be decreased because animals #ill no longer be raised in crammed* unsanitary environments & &ontamination of our ecosystem #ill be decreased #hen the amount of animal #astes that are released into the environment are decreased &onclusion !s you can see* the food #e eat has endured a lot from its birth to our dinner table Organizations such as P ; T ! and the .umane Society need our help to prevent cases of contamination and animal cruelty from happening "f #e dont act soon* our chances of being e9posed to ; &oli or drin,ing from infected #aters #ill be greatly increased 5oin the many celebrities and organizations that are pressuring the federal government to do something to stop factory farming 7o to the #eb site " have provided to get more information and sign>up to help the cause 'ou do not have to be a member of the organization to save lives* you can support them by signing petitions to the federal government calling for legislative action on this issue Support the right to a healthy life Today " have told you about the cruelty of factory farming and #hy the government should require the meat industry to raise animals in their natural environments (closing summary) Stop and consider the lives of the animals that provide #ith our everyday nutrients "f they cant live a healthy life* ho# can #e? (&lincher)


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