Clay Flowers Unit Overview

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Unit Overview

Grade/Class: 1st Grade Concept: Places Concept Question: Why are places important to people? As artists, we use big ideas from life and personal experiences as inspiration to create art. The idea of Places and the garden influence artists and their artmaking. In this unit, students will explore conceptual ideas, technical skills,and the artmaking process. Students will be able to work independently to develop their personal voice! that can be expressed in their conversation, writing, and artmaking. Stage 1: Desired Results Aesthetics: ndurin! Understandin! Art can have diverse values, meanings, and definitions. ssential Question "hat are the big issues about art# "# $nstructional O%&ectives
$.%& The student will explain why works of art have value.

Art Criticism: ndurin! Understandin! Artworks are ob'ects for interpretation ssential Question (ow do we respond to works of art# "# $nstructional O%&ectives
$.$) The student will describe the visual *ualities and content of works of art.

Art 'istory: ndurin! Understandin! Art is a reflection of time, place, and culture. ssential Question (ow does art relate to history and culture# "# $nstructional O%&ectives
$.$+ The student will describe how art is an integral part of one,s culture.

Art Production: ndurin! Understandin! -eaningful artmaking is about exploration, asking *uestions, problem.solving and developing a knowledge base. ssential Question (ow and why do we make art# "# $nstructional O%&ectives
$.$ The student will examine a variety of solutions to art.making problems.


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Students will know/

Students will understand that/

Students will be able to/

Garden .lower "incent "an Go!h Claude /onet +ose *a00odil 1asmine 2otus ,un0lower 2ily Pinch Pot ,lip/,core Pollen ,ti!ma

-here are di00erent types o0 !ardens and 0lowers3 Artists can %e inspired %y !ardens and 0lowers in their artwor43 .lowers and petals can have di00erent shapes3

*raw a 0lower o0 their choice3 Create pinch pots and add petals3 ,lip and ,core details and/or patterns to their 0lower Paint their 0lower with tempera paint3

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence ,U//A-$" A,, ,,/ )Per0ormance -as4s 5 Products ,tudent Procedure (the artmaking/design problem stated) (ey Criteria (what teacher will evaluate) Artma4in! *esi!n Product: Artma4in! / *esi!n Pro%lem: 0ontent1concept 0omposition1formal design1visual ,tudents will learn a%out !ardens and 0lowers3 -he organi2ation teacher will show e6amples o0 0lowers with artists 0or 0raftsmanship1technical skill inspiration3 -he student will choose a 0lower and create 3riginality1innovation clay pinch pots o0 a 0lower o0 their choice and paint it3 Participation14ffort Written/Oral +e0lection/Criti7ue: Written/Oral +e0lection/Criti7ue: 5nderstanding of concept Interpretation1Analysis of artwork 0ommunication of ideas 6eflection on the process
*etailed +u%rics with 2earnin! Plans

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Informal check for understanding

Sketchbook1'ournal check 3ne on one teacher1student "ebbing 8 Group discussion 8 -hum%nail s4etches 8 6perimentation Stage 3: Learning Plan I.

0ollaborative group work 8 #rainstormin! 8 Class participation 7erbal criti*ue "ritten1oral response, reflection, etc.

Introduction 4ssential 8earning Plan 9uestions: (ow can a place affect they way art is approached# A. Pre.assessment: The teacher will introduce gardens and assess their prior knowledge of flowers. $. The teacher will show a video on different types of flowers, and use the promethean board to discuss other types of flowers students may know. %. The teacher will assess students knowledge of the video via an in.class discussion. ;. The teacher will show students examples of artists that use flowers in their artwork. a< 7incent 7an =ogh, 0laude -onet 0. Teacher will discuss different types of flowers with a flipchart. The teacher will demonstrate how to draw different types of flowers. A slide with various flowers will be available for students usage. Students will use pencils and paper to practice drawing flowers from their seats. a< 6ose, >affodil, Sunflower, ?asmine, 8otus, 8ily, Tulip Studio Activity A. 3ngoing assessment: $. Students will be assessed on their knowledge of various flowers, the clay pinch pot process, and craftsmanship with slipping and scoring and tempura paint. %. Their rough sketches and final clay flowers will be used as a test on their knowledge of concepts and vocabulary. ;. The teacher will conduct a demonstration of making balls for pinch pots, slipping and scoring,creating petals, and adding stigma details1scrafito to clay flowers. $. Students will choose a flower from their rough sketches to use for their clay pro'ect. 0. The teacher will demonstrate how to paint their clay flowers once they,re fired.


U)$- - AC' + + .2 C-$O): >oes the unit address enduring ideas about the human experience# >oes the unit address enduring ideas about art# >oes the unit address key concepts and essential *uestions# >oes the learning plan align with unit ob'ectives and assessment tasks# >oes the unit address the knowledge and skills in a logical se*uence to achieve unit ob'ectives# >o the enduring ideas, key concepts and essential *uestions provide focus and cohesiveness throughout unit# Are students aware of assessment expectations# Are enduring ideas, concepts and important skills assessed# Are the key unit and lesson components included and clearly presented# Are students given opportunities to provide evidence of learning# *$.. + )-$A-$O) ,-+A- G$ , @lexible grouping A 3pen.ended activities 4xploration by interests Begotiated criteria Anchoring14xtension activities Independent Tiered activities1products ?ournal prompts -ultiple levels of *uestions Scaffolding 0hoice: 8earner profile, 6eadiness, Interest 91st C )-U+: ,($22, 0ritical thinking A 0reative1Innovative thinking A Problem solving Information literacy A 8istening 0ollaboration A 0ommunication

Social responsibility Sustainability Interdependence (ealth literacy

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