Keith Haring Lesson Plan

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Unit Overview

Title: Keith Haring Grade/Class: 4th Concept: dentit! Concept "#estion: Pacing:2-3 classes

As artists, we use big ideas from life and personal experiences as inspiration to create art. The idea of _(fill in concept)______ and __(concept ideas)___ influence artists and their artmaking. In this unit, students will explore conceptual ideas, technical skills,and the artmaking process. Students will be able to work independentl to de!elop their personal "!oice# that can be expressed in their con!ersation, writing, and artmaking. Stage 1: Desired Results $esthetics: %nd#ring Understanding Art can ha!e di!erse !alues, meanings, and definitions. %ssential "#estion $hat are the big issues about art% &' nstr#ctional O()ectives $rt Criticis*: %nd#ring Understanding Artworks are ob&ects for interpretation %ssential "#estion 'ow do we respond to works of art% &' nstr#ctional O()ectives $rt Histor!: %nd#ring Understanding Art is a reflection of time, place, and culture. %ssential "#estion 'ow does art relate to histor and culture% &' nstr#ctional O()ectives $rt Prod#ction: %nd#ring Understanding (eaningful artmaking is about exploration, asking )uestions, problem*sol!ing and de!eloping a knowledge base. %ssential "#estion 'ow and wh do we make art% &' nstr#ctional O()ectives




Students will know+

Students will understand that+

Students will be able to+

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence /U22$T &% $//%//2%+T Per3or*ance Tas4s 5 Prod#cts /t#dent Proced#re (the artmaking/design problem stated) Ke! Criteria (what teacher will evaluate) $rt*a4ing -esign Prod#ct: $rt*a4ing / -esign Pro(le*: ,ontent-concept ,omposition-formal design-!isual organi.ation ,raftsmanship-technical skill /riginalit -inno!ation 0articipation-1ffort ,ritten/Oral .e3lection/Criti6#e: ,ritten/Oral .e3lection/Criti6#e: 2nderstanding of concept Interpretation-Anal sis of artwork ,ommunication of ideas 3eflection on the process
-etailed .#(rics with 1earning Plans

0O.2$T &% $//%//2%+T Other %vidence

Informal check for understanding

Sketchbook-&ournal check /ne on one teacher-student $ebbing 5roup discussion Thumbnail sketches 1xperimentation Stage 3: Learning Plan

,ollaborati!e group work 4rainstorming ,lass participation 6erbal criti)ue $ritten-oral response, reflection, etc.

7earning 0lan 8 9 Title ,oncept :uestion 5oals 4rief description 9 Students will be able to work independentl to+++.. 1tc.

U+ T T%$CH%. .%01%CT O+:

;oes the unit address enduring ideas about the human experience% ;oes the unit address enduring ideas about art% ;oes the unit address ke concepts and essential )uestions% ;oes the learning plan align with unit ob&ecti!es and assessment tasks% ;oes the unit address the knowledge and skills in a logical se)uence to achie!e unit ob&ecti!es% ;o the enduring ideas, ke concepts and essential )uestions pro!ide focus and cohesi!eness throughout unit% Are students aware of assessment expectations% Are enduring ideas, concepts and important skills assessed% Are the ke unit and lesson components included and clearl presented% Are students gi!en opportunities to pro!ide e!idence of learning% - 00%.%+T $T O+ /T.$T%G %/ <lexible grouping /pen*ended acti!ities 1xploration b interests =egotiated criteria Anchoring-1xtension acti!ities Independent Tiered acti!ities-products >ournal prompts (ultiple le!els of )uestions Scaffolding ,hoice? 7earner profile, 3eadiness, Interest 27st C%+TU.8 /K 11/ ,ritical thinking ,reati!e-Inno!ati!e thinking 0roblem sol!ing Information literac 7istening ,ollaboration ,ommunication Social responsibilit Sustainabilit Interdependence 'ealth literac

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