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Discussion Board - Psychology 2220

Teacher Name: Ms. Tenzinger

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY Critical Analysis

Exemplary Discussion posting displays an excellent understanding of the underlying concepts. Postings integrate and support important points. Discussion posting actively stimulates and sustains further discussion by building on peers responses. An example could be asking a new related question or making an oppositional statement supported by personal experience or related research. Written interactions on the discussion board show respect and sensitivity to peers gender, cultural and linguistic background.

Proficient Discussion posting displays an understanding of the underlying concepts.

Limited Discussion posting repeats and summarizes basic, correct information, but do not link readings or alternative perspectives. Discussion posting sometimes contributes to ongoing conversations as evidenced by affirming statement or references.

Participation as a Member of the Learning Community

Discussion posting contributes to the class ongoing conversations as evidence by affirming statements or references.

Unsatisfactory Discussion posting shows little or no evidence that readings were completed or understood. Postings are largely personal opinions or feelings without supporting statements with concepts from readings. Discussion posting does not contribute to ongoing conversations nor responds to peers postings. There is no evidence of replies to questions or comments.

Professional Communication and Etiquette

Written interactions on the discussion board show respect and interest in the viewpoints of others. Written responses are largely free of

Some of the written interactions on the discussion board show respect and interest in the viewpoints of others.

Written interactions on the discussion board show disrespect for the viewpoints of others. Written responses contain numerous grammatical, spelling or

Written responses are free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

Written responses include some grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors that distract the reader.

punctuation errors. The style of writing does not facilitate effective communication.

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