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Ludermis Suardi Rasheedah Alexander ENG 112 March 24, 2014

Rhetorical Analysis David Steindl-Rast Want to be happy? Be grateful, a TED talks speaker first appeared in June, 2013. In the TED talk, David Steindl convince the audience to give an inspiration for the reader to be gratefulness and happy. He used his power to inspire people in a sincere and honest way. He speaks to all of the people about the connection between gratefulness and happiness. The TED Talks have the objective to gentle power of gratefulness. The audience. As he approach his audience to be happy and grateful, but not sad. David Steindl starts to explain in his TED talks presentation that people can not only experience grateful by something given by others freely. Gratefulness it is becoming aware that every moment in ours life is a given moment which it is the most valuable. In addition to that, he talked about if people would not have the opportunity to life the present and to do, or experience life, yet without assuring there will be another moment, it is a gift to have the opportunity to live the present and be grateful. As David Steindl said, Opportunity is the gift within every gift, which means the opportunity is the essential part not what it is given. The opportunity can be seen only once, it is important to life and learn moment by moment because it is the key to be happy in life. As he explained, it does not mean that people need to be grateful for the problem in ours society, culture, and personal life. It is to

be grateful in the moment for the opportunity. David Staindl used his experiences in life as a cofounder of gratefulness to catch the readers emotion to make a changing in the world by suggesting that to be happy it is important to be grateful. By pointing this out, David Staindl explains that there are many things and moments we cannot be grateful because in every moment, even in the difficult ones, we have the opportunity to do something to have the opportunity to stand up because it is a challenge to learn from it. Although, he talked about his experiences in Africa the different opportunities it is given to the people in the United Stated and Africa. In Africa, he did not have drinkable water not even light. By bringing on that point, David expressed how grateful he is for the things that it is giving to people and also that people need a Stop, Look, Go, in their life to not rush life and miss the opportunity to lives. As David convinced the audience to open their heart for the opportunities and do what life have offers them in the present moment to go with it. In addition to that, people have become aware that it is important to be grateful because it can change the world in immense ways. Gratefulness can change the world to be more grateful without violent. By showing this, David explained his audience that to be grateful make people different one to another to make the change in the world. It is clear that people become aware that grateful transform the world in a happy and better place to be. David explained this to convince his audience to contribute to make the world different. Overall, the credibility of the ted talks is well described by his honesty tone. Davids way of persuasion in his ted talks may not be one of the best one, but the truth behind his point grab the audiences attention. Show how to life it is one of the most valuable thing that it is given to us with all the opportunity it contains, even the difficult ones, for people to stand

up and make something out of life. David Steindl convince the audience that it is important to be grateful because it can change the world in immensely important ways. If you are grateful, you are not fearful, and if you are fearful, you are not violent. By pointing this out, David persuade the audience that to act grateful is to share and respect one to another which make the people in the world to be joyful. David just tried to show the audience that it is important to be grateful and make the different for the world to be a better place. By explaining this to the audience David really hopes to catch the attention of the audience to contributed and make a change in the world by Stop, Look, and Go. It make the audience to feel involved in the importance of the circumstances that it is to be grateful and care about that the world need a change for people to be happy. In addition to his appeals of logics and emotions, Davids word choices . Also.., Davids tone These word are effective that Davids audience effective to convince It is clear that been grateful today days.

Overall, David Steindl

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