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Raquel Perez

University of Rhode Island Major: Nursing Minor: Leadership Studies +umulati,e $P# -.. Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School -.. +umulati,e $P# $raduated with 3igh 3onor North King ton! R" #nticipated $raduation% &ay '()*

North /ighton! &# 0eptember '((12&ay '()-

McCoy Stadium, Pawtuc4et! Rhode " land Merchandise Associate, &ay '())2pre ent

Pro,ide cu tomer er,ice by greeting cu tomer and re ponding to que tion and complaint . &anage tore in,entory. 0ell Paw o5 clothing merchandi e and ou,enir .

6eader hip and #cti,itie

Civic Engagement eader, University of Rhode Island 7all '()8 6ead community er,ice e5perience through the 97ein tein E5perience:

Miss !merica "rgani#ation, Miss Rhode Island Scholarship Pageant ;anuary '()82pre ent Repre enting King ton! Rhode " land in the &i Rhode " land 0cholar hip Pageant< a tate preliminary competition to the &i #merica Pageant 7all '()-20ummer '()8

Sturdy Memorial Hos$ital, Attle oro, Ma ;unior ,olunteer in tran portation unit

eadershi$ Institute, University of Rhode Island

#ugu t '()-

=ne o> the one hundred applicant cho en to learn about leader hip at the #lton ;one +amp in Rhode " land

#ward and 3onor

%hi Eta Sigma Honors Society, University of Rhode Island Dean&s ist, University of Rhode Island 'ational Collegiate Scholars Society nominee (ohn and !bigail !dams Scholarshi$ reci$ient )* Duane oc+ard Scholarshi$ reci$ient

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