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Hannah Dartez 4600 Blackrock Drive Sacramento, CA,95835 (916)-928-5353 HannahD2018@natomascharter.

org Portfolio Judges Hannah Dartez Leading Edge Portfolio Panel Natomas Charter 4600 Blackrock Drive Sacramento, CA, 95835 May 2, 2014 Dear Portfolio Judges, Throughout my years at Leading Edge I think that I have matured greatly as a person and a student. I have started to catch onto more lessons and retain what I have read and been taught. I have collected assignments from the start of 6th grade and am glad to show you my accomplishments. In every assignment, I demonstrate the traits of the Leading Edge Pillars, by using them in projects and class assignments. The Leading Edge Pillars have affected my work greatly because I now understand concepts better. From Appreciating Cultural Diversity, to Thinking Globally, this is put into mostly all of our units. Technical Savvy and Critical Thinking is used in every single class. The teachers try to fit in technology in all the assignments that we have because our school is based on being Technological Savvy. We try to be the best and up to date school with an exceptional education for the students. The teachers try as much as possible to prepare us to the real world. In Leading Edge there are many opportunities for extra curricular activities. Many of our coaches for sports teams take time out of the day to help us and make us the best that we can be. We also have had a lot of events at school, such a field trips, culture days, and all sorts of different experiences that have been really. Leading Edge has shown my weakness and strengths, but weaknesses are nothing but words that you can defeat with a little bit of hope and motivation


Hannah Dartez

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