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Product Development Manual - Leaf Spring There are two types of leaf spring used on commercial vehicles:

1. Multileaf spring 2. Parabolic spring In the present manual only the multileaf spring is addressed The manual will address only the assembly leaf spring including the bush, centre bolt and clips.

Business Strategy and Marketing Requirements : The Sales have given following two requirements for the leaf springs to be used in M/HCV.
1. The life of the spring shall be three years for normal loading and average road

2. The spring should become flat only after a loading of .! times the rated load.

!. The spring should be designed "eeping in view overloading pattern . #CT$V$T$%S $& '( ) Concept *inali+ation
#ctivities in '( ) ,eaf Spring 1.1 -*' 1.2 .enchmar"ing /. #CT$V$T$%S $& '(/ ) 0ro1ect 0lan 2.1 #CT$V$T$%S $& '(/ ) ,%#* S0($&2 2.2 %stimates of costs3 investment3 devlopment time 2.3 *inancial #nalysis

! "#$I%I$I&S I' DR- - PR(D)#$ D&SI*' "'D %"LID"$I(' !+

Design of Leaf Spring

Design *uidelines #ost and ,eights

Design #alculations
Standardi-ation '*M%# 3.2 '%S$2& V#,$'#T$4& 0(4C%SS Test requirements based on regulatory requirements Design validation Plan Test Specifications of the components *eedbac" forms 3.3 0rocess %ngineering 3.4 $nitiating productionising activities 5investments3 tooling3 devlopment of boughtout parts6

"#$I%I$I&S (. DR/ - Productioni-ation

7. Completion of production tooling 8 tryouts 4.2 Machine 8 equipment 7.! 'evlopment of testing 8 approval of parts

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