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Nutrients Report 04/15/14 - 04/17/14

Your plan is based on a default 2000 Calorie allowance.

Total Calories !rotein "g#$$$ !rotein "( Calories#$$$ Car)o*+ rate "g#$$$ Car)o*+ rate "( Calories#$$$ -ietar+ .i)er Total Sugars A e Sugars Total .at Saturate .at !ol+unsaturate .at 3onounsaturate .at /inolei4 A4i "g#$$$ /inolei4 A4i "( Calories#$$$ 5-/inoleni4 A4i "( Calories#$$$ 5-/inoleni4 A4i "g#$$$ &0ega 3 - E!A &0ega 3 - -7A C*olesterol

2000 Calories 4% g 10 - 35( Calories 130 g 45 - %5( Calories 25 g

Average Eaten
1347 Calories 51 g 15( Calories 1,2 g 54( Calories 11 g

Un er &' &' &' &' Un er No -ail+ Target or /i0it No -ail+ Target or /i0it &' &' No -ail+ Target or /i0it No -ail+ Target or /i0it Un er &' &' Un er No -ail+ Target or /i0it No -ail+ Target or /i0it &'

No -ail+ Target or /i0it 31 g No -ail+ Target or /i0it , g 20 - 35( Calories 1 10( Calories 31( Calories 2( Calories

No -ail+ Target or /i0it 7( Calories No -ail+ Target or /i0it 11( Calories 12 g 5 - 10( Calories 06% - 162( Calories 161 g 2g %( Calories 067( Calories 160 g

No -ail+ Target or /i0it 1 0g No -ail+ Target or /i0it 17 0g 1 300 0g 2%3 0g

Cal4iu0 !otassiu0 So iu0$$ Copper 9ron 3agnesiu0 !*osp*orus Seleniu0 :in4

1000 0g 4700 0g 1 2300 0g 200 8g 1, 0g 310 0g 700 0g 55 8g , 0g

Average Eaten
4%7 0g 1527 0g 275, 0g 141% 8g 12 0g 1,2 0g ,10 0g ,3 8g 7 0g

Un er Un er &ver &' Un er Un er &' &' Un er

;ita0in A ;ita0in <% ;ita0in <12 ;ita0in C ;ita0in ;ita0in E ;ita0in ' .olate T*ia0in Ri)o=lavin Nia4in C*oline

700 8g RAE 163 0g 264 8g 75 0g 15 8g 15 0g AT 20 8g 400 8g -.E 161 0g 161 0g 14 0g 425 0g

Average Eaten
510 8g RAE 162 0g 167 8g %2 0g 2 8g % 0g AT 3%7 8g %31 8g -.E 165 0g 161 0g 1% 0g 234 0g

Un er Un er Un er Un er Un er Un er &' &' &' &' &' Un er

9n=or0ation a)out ietar+ supple0ents6

** If you are African American, hypertensive, diabetic, or have chronic kidney disease, reduce your sodium to 1500 m a day. In addition, people who are a e 51 and older need to reduce sodium to 1500 m a day. All others need to reduce sodium to less than !"00 m a day. *** #utrients that appear twice $protein, carbohydrate, linoleic acid, and -linolenic acid% have two separate recommendations& 1% Amount eaten $in rams% compared to your minimum recommended intake. !% 'ercent of (alories eaten from that nutrient compared to the recommended ran e. You may see different messa es in the status column for these ! different recommendations.

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