Skop Fizik Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2012

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CHAPTER1. INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS 1.1 Understanding Physics 1.2 Understanding Base Quantities and Derived Quantities 1.3 Understanding scalar and vector quantities 1.4 Understanding Measurements 1.5 nalysing !cienti"ic #nvestigation CHAPTER 2. FORCE AND MOTION 2.1 nalysing $inear Motion 2.2 nalysing Motion %ra&h 2.3 Understanding #nertia 2.4 nalysing Momentum 2.5 Understanding the '""ects o" a (orce 2.) nalysing #m&ulse and #m&ulsive (orce 2.* Being a+are o" the ,eed "or sa"ety "eature in -ehicles 2.. Understanding %ravity 2./ nalysing (orce in 'quili0rium 2.11 Understanding 2or34 'nergy4 Po+er and '""iciency o" devices

CHAPTER FORM 4 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS 1.1 Understanding Physics 1.2 Understanding Base Quantities and Derived Quantities 1.3 Understanding scalar and vector quantities 1.4 Understanding Measurements 1.5 nalysing !cienti"ic #nvestigation CHAPTER 2. FORCE AND MOTION 2.1 nalysing $inear Motion 2.2 nalysing Motion %ra&h 2.3 Understanding #nertia 2.4 nalysing Momentum 2.5 Understanding the '""ects o" a (orce 2.) nalysing #m&ulse and #m&ulsive (orce 2.* Being a+are o" the ,eed "or sa"ety "eature in -ehicles 2.. Understanding %ravity 2./ nalysing (orce in 'quili0rium 2.11 Understanding 2or34 'nergy4 Po+er and '""iciency o" devices 2.11 &&reciating the #m&ortance o" Ma5imising the '""iciency o" Devices 2.12 Understanding 'lasticity CHAPTER 3. FORCE AND PRESSURE 3.1 Understanding &ressure 3.2 Understanding Pressure in $iquids 3.3 Understanding %as Pressure and tmos&heric Pressure 3.4 &&lying Pascal6s Princi&le 3.5 &&lying rchimedes6 Princi&le 3.) Understanding Bernoulli6s Princi&le

CHAPTER 4. HEAT 4.1 Understanding 7hermal 'quili0rium 4.2 Understanding !&eci"ic 8eat 9a&acity 4.3 Understanding !&eci"ic $atent 8eat 4.4 Understanding %as $a+ CHAPTER 5. LIGHT 5.1 Understanding :e"lection o" $ight 5.2 Understanding :e"raction o" $ight 5.3 Understanding 7otal #nternal :e"lection 5.4 Understanding $enses

CHAPTER FORM 5 CHAPTER 6. WAVES ).1 Understanding +aves ).2 nalysing :e"lection o" +aves ).3 nalysing :e"raction o" 2aves ).4 nalysing Di""raction o" 2aves ).5 nalysing #nter"erence o" 2aves ).) nalysing !ound 2aves ).* nalysing 'lectromagnetic 2aves CHAPTER . ELECTRICITY

*.1 nalysing 'lectric (ield and 9harge (lo+ *.2 nalysing the :elationshi& 0et+een 'lectric 9urrent and Potential Di""erence *.3 nalysing !eries and Parallel 9ircuits

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